Up TheChampion
CFF was a familiar visitor to Legislative Hall last week! On Tuesday, April 23 CFF took a small team of staff and Board to Legislative Hall for a Children & Families First Advocacy Day. Staff and board connected with many of our legislators, offering a glimpse into the many services that we offer across the state. Staff and Board were appreciate of the time and interest legislators shared with us and wanted to specially thank Governor Carney and Senator Lockman for hosting them in their offices!
On Thursday, April 25, NFP nurses visited Legislative Hall for Women’s Caucus and ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology) Lobby Day to support the following initiatives: address maternal mortality and racial disparities; to support reproductive health care; and to preserve access to Ob/Gyn Work Force
CFFs Communications & Engagement Team was proud to win the 2024 Best Marketing and 2024 Best Community Involvement in Delaware Awards at the Delaware Small Business Chamber Annual Blue Ribbon Awards
Every day, in every way, our commitment to champion children and families makes us proud to say, our name is our promise!
Red Clay Health & Wellness Fair
Members of our Community Schools team participated in the the 1st Annual Red Clay Health & Wellness Fair Nearly 200 attendees enjoyed a day filled with food, fun, and health screenings From exciting raffles to engaging activities, there was something for everyone to enjoy
Seaford Community Health Fair
Together with several community partners, Seaford Community of Hope hosted the Seaford Community Health Fair at West Seaford Elementary School Families were treated to an amazing event on a beautiful spring day where they got to take advantage of fun activities for children, free wellness screenings, free veterinary services, free tacos and ice cream (!!) and so much more! Many thanks to everyone involved for hosting such a fun event!
CFF Head Start partners with Food Bank of Delaware
CFF Head Start staff and Food Bank of Delaware partnered to host a mobile pantry at the Milford Head Start site A small army of volunteers – administrative staff and a few parents – completed registration, sorting, and loading Many of the children enrolled in CFF Head Start programs receive Backpacks – or weekend meals – through the Food Bank! At the Milford site, 31 of the 33 children receive a Backpack each week.
Top Workplaces Survey
Employees working 30 or more hours per week should have received a link to complete this year’s TOP WORKPLACES survey Please take a moment to complete this year’s survey (it should take less than 5 minutes) CFF has been the proud recipient of this honor for the past 13 years and we would love to continue the tradition for year 14! Please check your junk folder if you think you should have received the survey and did not The sender is ENERGAGE.
Digital Equity Community Survey
TheDelawareBroadbandOfficeattheDepartmentof TechnologyandInformationhaspostedanewsurveyaimedat identifyingtheinterests,opinions,andneedsofDelawareans frompopulationswho,statisticallyorhistorically,havehadless accesstointernetserviceorconnecteddevicesortodigital skillsdevelopment.Those“coveredpopulations”underthe federalDigitalEquityActincludelow-incomehouseholds, seniorcitizens,racialandethnicminorities,veterans,rural residents,incarceratedandreturningindividuals,peoplewith disabilities,andthosewithlanguageorliteracybarriers.That coversover80%ofDelawareans!
Theyare requestinghelpinsharingthesurveyviaemail, newsletter,etc withyourmembers,clients,orothercontacts! Itisavailablenowathttps://degov/digitalequityinEnglish, Spanish,andHaitianCreole ApersonDOESNOThaveto belongtoacoveredpopulationnorpersonallyexperienceda lackofdigitalequitytocompletethesurvey Thesurveymay becompletedwithassistancefromanotherpersonandthere isaquestionontherethatletstherespondentexplainthe assistancetheyusedtocompleteit
Ifyouhaveapopulationthatrequiresorprefersaprintsurvey, pleasecontactdigitalequity@delaware.govtoexplaintheneed andtheywillbehappytoprovidethose.
Get Out the Vote Zoom Session
On Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Delawareans will be headed to the polls to elect folks to our local school boards
Please join us via zoom for a short presentation on May 8th at 3pm to find out what school boards are responsible for, what you can do to increase voter turnout and where you get information about all the candidates running for a seat on your local school board.
The presenter, Yvonne Johnson from First State Educate and the National PTA is excited to share this information with us and invites each of you and our clients to join in! Civic Engagement starts at the local level Why not start with finding out more about the school district you live in, who will be leading it and how they will lead it? This impacts all of us!
Edgard will be sending out a calendar invite for the Zoom session Please accept the calendar invite if you are able to join!
CFF Insurance Plan Enhancement | AssuredExcellence
CFFs insurance broker, Assured Partners, wanted to remind us of exclusive resources called AssuredExcellence that may help you and your family members covered under the CFF medical plan navigate your healthcare journey These resources are an extension of the CFF health benefits program, and meant to be a little more personal for members for their specific situations See the attached AssuredExcellence flyer, specifically highlighting the PriceMDs program where you have an opportunity to fill your prescriptions at NO COST TO YOU The AssuredExcellence Program ultimately aims to help you navigate getting the best care for you and your family members covered under the CFF medical plan at the best price Please reach out to the AssuredExcellence case managers with questions emails and phone numbers on the flyer
4C’s: From Awareness to Action! Increasing Gun Safety in DE
Brought to you by CFF‘s EDI Committee, the next 4C’s webinar will take place on Wednesday, June 26th from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. 4Cs are caring, courageous, collaborative conversations focused on varying topics that help all of us increase our awareness and engagement in equity, diversity, and inclusion The upcoming program,
Anyone can request a response: individual response (one-on-one), group response (team or program-wide), or comfort response (inperson, mobile, resource area). To request a response, please email Theresa Vial - theresa.vial@cffde.org
MIS to the Rescue!!
Having trouble with your laptop, accessing something in your files, hopefully you don’t have the blue screen of death... but for these and any other IT/MIS related struggle? Have no fear! The MIS Team is here!
egister at ez, EDI
Monday through Thursday, our MIS Team is on-call to help you after hours from 5 to 7pm Register here!
Submit content for next month!
uality Excellence Starts with You!
minder of important Q1 Record Review Dates!
April 29th - May 17th: Aggregation/Review of your Team’s data
May 20th - 21st : ratives and Aggregated Data will be sent to programs managers
• May 22nd - 29th: Program Manager to complete their assessments in Survey Monkey.
Quick! Take a Pic!
Whenyouengageinawellnessactivityatyouroffice,in oneofouroasisspaces,oranywherereally,pleasesnap apic!ThenshareittoourCFFWellnessPadlet*
Everybodylovesagoodselfie!Sohere’syourchanceto putyourpicturesnappingprowesstogoodusebecauseyoujustneverknowwhenwhatyouthinkis somethingsimple,becomesapowerfulsourceof inspirationforsomeoneelse!
*FYInopictureswilleverbeshared outsideofCFFwithoutyourpermission
View the padlet and upload your pics here