Children&FamiliesFirstisoneof Delaware'soldestandmosttrusted non-profits,providingthesupportsand serviceschildrenandtheirfamilies needtothrive.
Our statewide services include:
Pregnancy Supports
Child Care Connections
Early Childhood Education
School-Based Therapy & Trauma Groups
Teen Counseling
Parenting Supports
Family Therapy
Foster Care & Adoption
Brain Science Training
BoardMembersat Children&FamiliesFirst (CFF)areresponsiblefor providingeffective governance,strategic direction,andsupportto theorganization.
Committed to the mission and vision of CFF.
Prepared and able to dedicate their time to volunteer board service.
Ready to act as a key supporter and accessible advisor to the CEO and executive team.
Willing to build support for CFF through their own networks, relationships, and personal giving.
Able to communicate, listen, and collaborate.
Experienced in non-profit governance, finance, risk management, IT, or legal.
A person with lived experience or expertise related to the work of CFF.
Connected to key philanthropic, community, or corporate resources.
Retired or supported by a company, supervisor, or family to dedicate time to a non-profit board.
Located in or near Delaware and familiar with the local landscape.
Attend and actively participate in the majority of regular and special Board meetings.
Serve on at least one committee and actively participate in its activities.
Make a personally meaningful financial gift to CFF's annual campaign each year
Support all CFF events and fundraisers by attending, inviting others, and/or making financial or in-kind contributions.
Share resources and talents with the organization, including expertise, contacts for financial support, and contacts for in-kind contributions.
Serve as an advocate for the organization within personal, business, faith, civic, and other circles of influence.
Maintain and promote high ethical standards, including good-faith Board decision making and avoiding conflicts of interest.
Maintain the confidentiality of the private information of the organization, staff, clients, and other Board members.
Understand and approve CFF policies.
Be familiar with and approve CFF's budget, ensuring fiscal responsibility for the organization.
Agree to a criminal background check as part of the Board membership requirements.
Serve for a three-year term, beginning in March
Joining a non-profit board can be a rewarding experience!
Contributing to a cause you care about and impacting your community positively
Developing valuable skills, such as leadership, financial management, and strategic planning
Connecting with like-minded individuals and professionals, expanding your network and opening doors for future opportunities
Engaging with diverse perspectives and challenges, enhancing your understanding of social issues and broadening your worldview.
Taking on leadership roles, which can be beneficial for your career and personal development.
Helping shape the direction of the organization and its mission and having a say in its priorities and strategies.
WebelieveCFFwillbestrongerandmoresuccessfulwhen governedbyadiverseBoardwhoarebothguidedbyandalso driveprinciplesofequity,diversity,andinclusionatalllevelsofthe organization. Diversitymayincludeandwillnotbelimitedto:
Culture, ethnicity, age, and race
Community (LGBTQ+, Gender Identity, persons who are differently
abled, minority groups or communities)
Skills, life, and work or personal expertise in varying areas or fields
Statewide geography and demographics