Children & Families First Child & Adult Care Food Program
Agenda: Required Training Topics • • • • • • • • • • •
Meal Pattern Requirements Menus (Child Menu & Infant Universal Menu) Recordkeeping Procedures & Requirements Attendance & Meal Count Records Enrollment Records (Income Eligibility Forms & Enrollment Forms) Financial Requirements Monitoring Requirements Civil Rights WIC Claim Submission Training 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Additional Training Topics • Creditable Foods Review
o Milk o Whole Grain Rich o Using Ounce Equivalent for Grains o Sugar Limits • Yogurt • Cereal
• Non-Creditable Foods o For children 1+ 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Meal Pattern Requirements • Meals must meet USDA Child and Infant Meal Pattern Requirements o Breakfast must contain all three (3): milk, fruit/vegetable, grain or a meat/meat alternate (meat limit of 3x a week) o Lunch must contain all five (5): milk, meat/meat alternate, vegetable, vegetable/fruit, grain/bread o Snack must contain two (2) components: milk, meat/meat alternate, fruit, vegetable or grain 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Child Meal Pattern
(Breakfast, Lunch/Supper) 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Child Meal Pattern
(Snack) 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Menus (Child Menu) Child Menus •
Daily menus must include: o A menu date (MM/DD/YY)
o Have clear and specific food items listed (including substitutes) for each meal type served. •
• •
Identify the specific type of milk served on meal menu (circle or write/ type). Example: Ages 1 to 7 years, circle/write, whole and 1% or fat-free.
Identify whole grain-rich (WGR) bread/bread alternates served on the menu. Example: WGR Kix. Keep an ongoing list of all grains served via its ounce equivalent, serving size & age group. Your list may be requested during monitoring visits. Example: Wheat Thin Crackers (savory
squares, 1 ¼ by 1 ¼ ), ages 1-5 = 6 crackers; ages 612 = 12 crackers.
o Post for parental review.
o Do not use whiteout on menus; mark through changes. o Make sure food is creditable. o
NO 2% milk allowable in CACFP.
o Use a variety of foods. o Refer to meal pattern chart for portion sizes.
*** Helpful Hints
o Use the meal pattern on the printed menu as a guide. o Review menus for compliance o Keep notes for medical or preference substitutions on file. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Infant Meal Pattern Requirements 1Breastmilk
or formula or portions of both, must be served; however, it is recommended that breastmilk be served in place of formula from birth through 11 months. For some breastfed infants who regularly consume less than the minimum amount of breastmilk per feeding, a serving of less than the minimum amount of breastmilk may be offered, with additional breastmilk offered at a later time if the infant will consume more. 2Infant formula
and dry infant cereal must be
October 1, 2019, ounce equivalents are used to determine the quantity of creditable grains. 4Yogurt
must contain no more than 23 grams of total sugars per 6 ounces. 5A
serving of grains must be whole grain, whole-grain rich, enriched meal, or enriched flour. 6Breakfast
cereals must contain no more than 6 grams of sugar per dry ounce (no more than 21 grams of sucrose and other sugars per 100 grams of dry cereal). 7Fruit
and vegetable juices must not be served. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Menus (Infant Universal Menu) CFF special instructions for Infant Universal Menu:
If parents decline infant formula and foods, no menu needs to be written.
1. Parents are to complete Page 1 of the menu each month.
If formula only is served, a menu IS required.
Enrolled infants must be offered a complete meal.
Parents may only supply one component.
Medical Statements – A written statement is needed from a doctor/medical professional for infants who cannot follow CACFP Infant Meal Pattern Requirements.
2. Parents must sign and date Page 1. 3. Pages 2-3 of Infant Menu:
• Once an infant is developmentally ready for solid foods, a serving of the food component is REQUIRED to be served at all meals. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Recordkeeping Procedures • Paperwork needs to be kept: daily, up-to-date & readily available.
• CFF requires Centers to notify us:
Of changes in times/types of meals prior to claiming. When school-age children are present for lunch; write explanation on the menu. Of any center closings. Of school and/or emergency closures on daily records.
• For Forms:
Call us or go to the website
• Monthly send originals to CFF
Exception: Weekly PaperworkSend Scanned Copies
• Keep a copy for your records (all claim paperwork)
Exception: Weekly Paperwork Submissions – Keep Originals
• Keep records for the current + 3 past years 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Recordkeeping Requirements: •
Bi-MONTHLY Paperwork o
2x a Month
Send Original Documents • • • •
Attendance/Meal Count Sheet by class Point-of-Service* Meal Counts by class Income Eligibility Form (IEF) for each enrolled child Working Center & Infant Menu(s)
WEEKLY Scanned Paperwork
FINAL Week - Last Week of Month
Paperwork (scanned) o
Licenses (SEND A COPY)
Current license from OCCL (All Centers) - WHEN RECEIVED
OCCL Compliance Report (annually)
*Point-of-Service means the meal count is taken and recorded during the meal.
Due every Monday by 5 PM (previous week) • Attendance/Meal Count Sheet by class • Point-of Service Meal Counts by class • IEF (via child) – may be sent when received • Working Center & Infant Menu(s)
Due at the end of month by 5 PM • Last Week’s Monthly Forms: o Attendance/Meal Count Sheets by class o Working Center & Infant Menu(s) by class o Remaining IEF’s – those not received center cannot claim child
END OF MONTH – (Bi-Monthly & Monthly) o o o o o o
Receipts Time & Attendance Logs Mileage Logs Allocated Costs Purchase of Care Meal Delivery Tickets/Temperature Logs (vended meals), if applicable 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Recordkeeping Requirements
cont’ d
• CFF Paperwork Submission Policy: o Bi-Monthly (originals sent)
• Keep a copy of all paperwork on file at center. • Center copies reviewed at monitoring visits.
o Weekly (scanned copies sent)
• Scan in color • ORIGINAL paperwork must be kept on file at your center. This in the back-up for paperwork scanned to CFF weekly and monthly during the program year. o o o o
Weekly Working Child and Infant Menus Weekly Attendance / Meal Count Sheets Income Eligibility Forms (with original parent signature & date) Monthly Financial Documents (receipt copies, T&A Logs, Mileage Logs, POC Statements)
• Original paperwork may be requested at monitoring visits. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Attendance & Meal Count Records •
o Record attendance for all enrolled children and infants.
o Put center information in the top section of WEEKLY sheet.
o Record attendance each day for each meal served.
• Center name & classroom name • Date (MM/DD/YY)
o List children by first & last name (no nicknames); use the name on IEF o Record each child & infant’s attendance & point-of-service meal count by meal type (Breakfast, Lunch, Snack [am, pm, evening],
o Infant Attendance: If you are
not providing infant meals for an enrolled infant, attendance must still be recorded for the attending infant, although no menu needs to be written.
MEAL COUNT PROCEDURES o Record meal counts at pointof-service at each mealtime on weekly Attendance/Meal Count Sheets.
Supper). 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Enrollment Records: Income Eligibility Forms (IEF) 1. An IEF must be COMPLETED in ENTIRETY for all children & infants ENROLLED at Centers.
3. Areas of the IEF parents must complete: a) PART 1 – Participant information b) PART 2 – Enrollment information c)
(unless scanning). If scanning, keep the original on file at center for later review by monitors. This
does not apply to ANNUAL renewal IEFs.
2. An IEF must be COMPLETED
before a child or infant is eligible for reimbursement.
Send original IEF’s to CFF
Review IEFs for COMPLETENESS before sending to CFF.
KEEP A COPY for center file.
i. Record/circle the meals, days and times, ii. Check the ethnicity and race
PART 3 – Household income (HHI)
Centers scanning must follow CFF policy under recordkeeping requirements.
i. If HHI is listed, specify: weekly; monthly; etc. Also, the last 4 digits of SSN is required. ii. SNAP & TANF case numbers are required
i. Parent/guardian MUST sign and date IEF; if not, IEF is incomplete and will be returned for completion.
an IEF or an Enrollment Form ─ NOT BOTH!
d) PART 4 – Contact information and adult/guardian signature and date
Use CACFP Enrollment Form
ONLY when/if an IEF cannot be obtained. *IMPORTANT*: Each child enrolled needs either 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Enrollment Records: CACFP Enrollment Form Using an ENROLLMENT FORM: •
Use the CACFP Enrollment Form ONLY when/if an Income Eligibility Form (IEF) cannot be obtained. •
A child enrolled DOES NOT NEED BOTH forms (an IEF & an Enrollment Form)
• Enrollment Forms will result in an ‘automatic classification’ of PAID reimbursement; exception are our sponsored CFF Head Start Center sites. • Completed by Parent / Guardian & include: • • • •
Race and Ethnicity Date of Birth and Age Hours and Days of Care Meals Served
• Must have a Parent / Guardian Signature and Date 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Financial Requirements 1. Centers must document income (keep copies of all claims), and spending of the CACFP reimbursement by keeping records (receipts) for expenses. 2. Food service provided under the CACFP must operate in a ‘nonprofit’ manner.
A ‘nonprofit’ manner means your center must show that all CACFP reimbursement dollars received monthly IS spend on food program expenses; such as, food and nonfood costs, food service labor costs, and certain other allowable costs needed to manage the program. Centers should use a separate bank account or maintain a Chart of Accounts that clearly identifies food program costs.
3. Centers must submit monthly receipts and supportive documents to validate costs. a. b. c. d. e.
Receipts Time & Attendance Log (T&A) Mileage Logs Donation Forms Allocated Costs
Receipts and Supportive Documents a.
RECEIPTS • • • • •
Submitted monthly Include food program purchases only Must have DATE OF PURCHASE, STORE NAME & CLEARLY IDENTIFIED ITEMS/PURCHASES (e.g., food, non-food costs). ITEMS WITHOUT a description on the receipt, should be written in. Draw a line through unrelated items; NO BLACKOUTS
Document Food Service Labor (FSL) and Administrative Labor costs (Staff completes T&A Logs) Have staff member’s signature & date Have administrator/supervisor’s signature & date
• • • •
• •
Only mileage related to food service program Gas receipts required Must have a complete vehicle log (start/end mileage) Show proof of payment
Use approved CFF Donation Form (center can accept but cannot solicit)
Shared center costs (i.e., rent utilities, trash) An approved Allocation/Floor Plan Form must be on file with CFF 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Other Financial Requirements 1.
Center Budgets* o o o o
Compensation Plans* o o
Centers must provide a budget annually. Budgets show how your center plans to spend food program dollars. Budgets need only identify CACFP income and expenses; which is anticipated reimbursement and operating costs; NOT the entire facility budget, the food program only. Budgets should demonstrate operation of the meal service in a nonprofit manner. • For a SURPLUS of money, submit a plan to spend the money (Example: new kitchen appliance purchase). • FOR A SHORTAGE of money (deficient), submit other sources of funds (income) to cover the loss. Filled out annually for individuals with CACFP labor costs (staff with CACFP responsibilities). Updated if staff changes happen (during program year).
Allocation/Floor Plans* o o
Submitted at time of initial application Applicable until center additions or major renovations are made.
4. Procurement*
o Procurement is the buying of goods and services. o Federal Regulations requires all purchases made in part with child nutrition funds comply with procurement requirements to ensure: • Free and open competition; and • Results in the best product at the lowest possible price.
o Delaware purchasing thresholds* are: • • •
Micro-Purchase ($3,500 or less) Small Purchase ($3,501-$24,999) Formal Bid ($25,000+)
*Details provided upon request. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Monitoring Requirements •
Sponsor Monitoring o Monitors Conduct 3 Visits a Year (required)
Center-Level Monitoring o
• •
• Visits are UNANNOUNCED • Generally meals are seen at each visit. • Additional visits, as needed.
o Sponsor Monitoring Report is sent to center after visit.
o Center must keep a copy on file.
Helps oversee your CACFP to make sure procedures (meal service, recordkeeping, etc.) are compliant. Helps to identify problem areas, make corrections or re-train staff, to prevent loss of reimbursement during sponsor-level monitoring.
Monitor staff responsible for CACFP •
Use Center-Level Monitoring Form.*
Document training on the CACFP Training Form.* Send a copy to CFF.
Provide training/technical assistance, when necessary.
Conduct Quarterly (4 times a year). •
Centers are not required to submit copies of your monitoring form to CFF.
Sponsor may request to see documentation during center monitoring visit.
*Call CFF office for forms or request from monitor. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Civil Rights • Treat all applicants and beneficiaries equally.
• Ensure dignity and respect and access to all.
Ensure that unlawful discrimination in any form is not practiced, intentional or unintentional. Example: • •
Intentional- based on race, color, national origin; or Unintentional- availability of IEF in other languages.
• Eliminate unlawful barriers that prevent participants from receiving meals.
Ensure knowledge of rights and responsibilities.
• A written assurance of compliance with Regulations.
Provide the NonDiscrimination Statement
Provide Complaint filing procedure. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement USDA Nondiscrimination Statement In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by: mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Women, Infants & Children (WIC) • CFF provides information to centers:
• In Food Program Notebook • Disseminate WIC Poster (to be posted at center)
• Share copy of WIC information with all parents of enrolled children. • CFF monitors for compliance. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Claim Submission
(General Information)
All Center Claims: ~Due by the 3rd of each month ~After 3rd─processed as a late claim • Repeated late claims may lead to serious deficiency. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Claim Submission
Documents to Submit*
WEEKLY ◊ MAIL –originals only ◊ SCAN-in color; email to Keep originals on file at center. May be reviewed at monitoring visit. BI-MONTHLY (2 times a month) ◊ Mail – originals only
Also refer to Recordkeeping Requirements
Documents Submitted Weekly
BI-MONTHLY Documents
Bi-Monthly Option
1. 2. 1. 2.
Due each week on Monday by 5 p.m. Last week due by the 3rd of the following month. Use CFF ‘Claim Submission Chart’ for the specific due dates to submit the first half of the month. Second half of month always due by the 3rd of the following month.
*No alternating between options* Call CFF office for Claim Submission Due Dates
Working Child & Infant Menu(s) Weekly Attendance/Meal Count Sheets by classroom Income Eligibility Forms by child End of Month Submissions POC Site Statement Food Receipts and T&A Logs If applicable, donation form(s), mileage logs/ supporting payment documents, delivery slips, Time/Temp Logs ( for vended meal service)
Working Child & Infant Menu(s) Weekly Attendance/Meal Count Sheets by classroom Income Eligibility Forms by child POC Authorization Statement 2nd Half / End of Month /Submit the remaining Working Child & Infant Menu(s) Weekly Attendance/Meal Count Sheets by classroom and any additional IEF’s Receipts and T&A Logs If applicable, donation form(s), mileage logs/ supporting payment documents, delivery slips, Time/Temp Logs (vended meal service)
*Checklist is available to track submitted documents. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Training • Sponsor-Level Training o CFF provides MANDATORY training for center owners and administrative staff annually. o You must attend mandatory training to continue CACFP participation. o Make up sessions at discretion of CFF. o Additional trainings on an as-needed basis; such as: • Technical assistance training. • New Center orientation and training, as applicable. • Training for policy, regulatory and program updates, will be announced.
• Center-Level Training o Centers must provide training on an annual basis (1x a year at a minimum). o Centers must train staff in Civil Rights annually. o Centers must train new CACFP staff as hired. o All trainings must be documented on the CACFP Training Form*. *Call CFF to request center training form. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Creditable Foods Review 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Serving Milk in CACFP Newborn thru 11 Months Breastmilk Iron-Fortified Formula
2 years thru 5 years Unflavored fat-free (skim) or low-fat (1%) milk only
Breastmilk is allowed at any age in the CACFP
12 Months thru 24 Months
6 years thru 12 years
Unflavored WHOLE Milk
Unflavored fat-free (skim) or low-fat (1%) milk
Iron-fortified formula may be served to children between the ages of 12 months to 13 months to help with the transition to whole milk.
Flavored fat-free (skim) or lowfat (1%) milk 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Whole Grain-Rich •
A “Whole Grain-Rich” (WGR) food must be served once per day across all served meals. •
Identify whole grain-rich (WGR) items on the menu.
Any State’s WIC list is the best resource for creditable whole grain-rich foods, yogurt, and ready-to eat cereals that meet the sugar requirements. This requirement DOES NOT apply to infants (0 to 11 months).
Different Ways to Determine WGR 1. Foods Labels (100% whole wheat or 100% whole wheat bread)
2. Rule of Three – Using the Ingredients List (A whole grain listed as the first
ingredient (or second to water), and the next two grain ingredients are creditable (whole or enriched grains, bran, or germ), such as whole wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, whole-grain corn)
3. FDA Approved Whole-Grain Health Claims (included on product packaging) 4. Manufacturer Documentation or Standardized Recipe (proper
documentation shows whole grains are the primary grain ingredients by weight)
The grain needs to meet ONE of these methods to be whole grain-rich (WGR). It does not need to meet all the methods. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
One “ounce equivalent” = 16 grams of grain
Use the USDA handout titled to make sure children get enough grains at CACFP meals and snacks. on pages 2-4 tells you how much of a grain item you need to serve to meet meal pattern requirements.
REMEMBER to keep track of grains
served. Track by grain type, the ounce equivalent by age group and meal. We may request your list at monitoring visits. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Sugar Limits Yogurt Yogurt cannot contain more than
25 grams of sugar per 6 ounces.
To Determine: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Find serving size on nutrition label Find amount of total sugar on the label Use the Table of yogurt services sizes In grams and sugar limits.
Cereal ALL breakfast cereal Served:
No more than 6 grams sugar
3 was to determine:
1. Choose from WIC 2. Use the Table of Cereal Serving Sizes in Grams and Sugar Limits. 3. Follow the Standard Method – use the Nutrition Facts label of the breakfast cereal to calculate the sugar content. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Non-Creditable* Foods for Children (1+ Years)
Flavored Milk: 2% or Whole under 6 years 2% or Whole Milk for children 2+ years Imitation Milk/Milk Substitutes (almond, coconut, hazelnut, hemp, rice, soy – unless there is a completed medical statement on file) Cheese Products/Processed Cheese Food Cream Cheese Bacon Potato Chips, Sticks Corn or Tortilla Chips (unless made with whole corn or enriched corn flour)
Jams, Jellies, Preserves Barbeque Sauce Catsup/Mustard
Grain-Based Desserts:
Doughnuts, Sweet Rolls, Scones, Biscotti and items topped or filled with sugar, cinnamon sugar, chocolate, chocolate pieces, candy, icings or fruitfilled Cakes, Cupcakes, Bars, Sweet Pie Crusts Cookies, including vanilla wafers Cereal Bars, Breakfast Bars Granola Bars, Toaster Pastries
Ice cream / Frozen Yogurt
*This is not a complete list. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
CACFP 2022 Training Acknowledgement Form Thank you for your patience as we continue to work through changing gears to create a safe alternative for CACFP training for you. In order to make sure all childcare providers under Children & Families First (CFF) receive annual training for this program year and credit for the training, please complete, sign and date the CACFP 2022 Annual Training Acknowledgement Form that will be emailed to you, then return it to this office with your August 2022 claim. Please be sure to return the acknowledgment form as soon as possible, and no later than August 31, 2022 in order to receive your training credit. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
This training is being provided by Children & Families First Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Questions? Please contact your Monitor or the Children & Families First CACFP office. You may also submit questions by email. 302-479-1683 (NCC) 302-674-8384 (K/S)
Center Name: ______________________________
Center Administration Training Acknowledgement Form This is to acknowledge receipt and review of the 2022 Annual Center Training from Children and Families First Child & Adult Care Food Program. Name of Center: _______________________________________________________ Questions/Comments (use back if necessary): _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Name of Center Administrator (please print) __________________________________________ Signature of the Center Administrator
___________________ Date
Initial of Sponsor Date of Receipt Representative