Eastside Community Schools

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Elbert-Palmer, Bancroft & Stubbs Elementary Schools


Bancroft Bancroft Elementary School Address: 700 North Lombard Street Wilmington, DE 19801

Contact: 302-429-4102 www.christina.k12.de.us/Bancroft/

Site Coordinator: Angela Ringgold

Children & Families First partners with an array of organizations to enhance cultural, arts, science, and math education for the students of our three Eastside Community Schools. We coordinate afterschool and summer enrichment programs for children at the schools. Site Coordinators work with community partners to coordinate services and programs. Parents and community members are encouraged to become engaged in daytime, evening, and weekend workshops and activities at the schools.

Elbert-Palmer Elbert-Palmer Elementary School Address: 1210 Lobdell Street Wilmington, DE 19801

Contact: 302-429-4122 www.christina.k12.de.us/ElbertPalmer/

Site Coordinator: Marilyn Gwaltney

Our Eastside Community Schools activities include: • Health, wellness and nutrition activities including workshops for parents and community members, physical fitness classes, food programs (such as community food closets), and weekend backpacks for children. • Workshops and classes for parents and community members on a variety of informative topics: self help, financial, parenting, and more!

Stubbs Stubbs Elementary School Address: 1100 North Pine Street Wilmington, DE 19801

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302-429-4175 www.christina.k12.de.us/Stubbs/

Site Coordinator: Ken Livingston

• Career fairs, classes and workshops to promote employment opportunities. • Family and community events including bingo, movie nights, special speakers, and more!

What is a... Community


A community school is a place, but it is also a partnership of the school, community-based organizations, and other resources. Schools become centers of the community -open to children, parents, and community members before, during, after the school day, and even on evenings and weekends. Community schools do not follow a specific program; they represent a shared strategy among partners and stakeholders to achieve common goals for the children of the school and their community.

What are the Eastside Community Schools? Children & Families First is the lead partner in three Eastside Wilmington community schools: Bancroft, ElbertPamer, and Stubbs Elementary Schools. Together, we work with the schools, community partners, and others to improve and enhance student learning, strengthen parents and families, and build a healthier, more engaged community


Eastside Community School is a partnership between Children & Families First and Bancroft, Elbert-Palmer, and Stubbs Elementary Schools in the Christina School District. Current funders include United Way of Delaware, and the U.S. Department of Education.

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