Collaboration is Key: 2021 Annual Report

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Collaboration is Key


Collaborative Grantmaking

Amplifies Federal Funding

Strengthening a Culture of Community Art

Leaving a Legacy of Care

The Ellen Lacey Endowment Fund

Legacy Society

A Targeted Approach to Giving Mike and Jackie Johnston

We’re Part of a Healthy, Well-supported, Sustainable Nonprofit Sector


NonproFIT Support Network

Putting Together the Pieces of a Partnership


Maxon Foundation Fund


Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund

2021 Donors

Honors and Memorials

Foundation Board and Staff and Committees

2021 Financial Reports

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Kelly K. Shrock, President, and Trent Dowling, Chair, Board of Directors
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Dear Friends,

Relationships take time. They take energy. They take thoughtfulness. The Community Foundation invests time and energy to build relationships for the benefit of the people of Muncie and Delaware County. Over time, we build upon our experiences, learn new ways to accomplish our mission and work to meet the best practices of today’s world. We build relationships with donors, directors of nonprofit organizations, community leaders, and neighbors. Through these relationships, we create partnerships and collaborations that allow us to do more to benefit the community.

In this 2021 annual report, we highlight stories of those collaborations. We share the story of a relationship with one donor that extended more than two decades and across staff and Board changes. Through the relationship and trust developed, that donor’s legacy lives on through a fund dedicated to animals,

a cause dear to her heart. You’ll also read about how one organization worked with The Community Foundation to find the funding needed to install new flooring. The Foundation helped them piece together just what they needed from multiple funds and referrals to other community funders. We also share stories of partnerships with nonprofit organizations and fellow funders and how those partnerships will have led to opportunities with large and lasting impacts on our community.

Through these stories, you’ll see that the work of the Foundation – grantmaking, fundraising, and endowment building – is more art than science. The Community Foundation takes time to look toward the big picture desires for the community. Then, we thoughtfully consider what partnerships are needed to create that picture.

The members of our Board of Directors are one set of partners. In 2021, board members Gary Thomas and Kathy White completed their service. In addition to his service on the Board, Gary was a dedicated committee member on the Competitive

Grants Committee. Kathy continues to serve as Chair of the Foundation’s Finance Committee. Derron Bishop and Mia Johnson joined the Board. Both Derron and Mia have served on the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee and will continue working together on that committee while serving on the Board.

More can be accomplished when we are working together. We are thankful for the many volunteers who lead and serve the Foundation, the nonprofit organizations who serve as partners in enhancing the quality of life in our community, and the donors who share their vision of a better community. We are honored by the trust given to The Community Foundation to help paint a brighter future for Muncie and Delaware County today, tomorrow, and always.

Thank you for being a partner toward a better community, Kelly

Collaborative Grantmaking Amplifies Federal Funding

“We see a lot of collaboration in Muncie,” said Mayor Dan Ridenour. “Time and again, I have seen the nonprofit organizations, businesses, and community philanthropy step up and work together to accomplish big things for our community.”

Community grantmakers are no exception. Once each quarter, local funders are invited to gather as part of the Funders Forum Collaborative. The Community Foundation serves as the group’s convener to set the meeting schedule, invite participants, and set the meeting agendas. During their meetings, funders of all sizes from across Delaware County learn about the community’s needs and participate in collaborative grantmaking.

The City of Muncie, through their Office of Community Development, is one member. Seventeen other funding organizations participate in the Collaborative, including private foundations, service clubs, and corporate foundations.

In addition to convening the group, The Community Foundation also manages the Funders Forum Fund. In this donor-advised fund, members of the Funders Forum Collaborative annually pool resources to participate in collaborative grantmaking.

At the beginning of each year, the Funders Forum Collaborative collectively determines an area of focus. This area of focus sets the tone for both the education and collective grantmaking of the group. In 2020, their focus was on COVID-related issues in the community. They participated in collaborative grantmaking that included grants to all K-12 Delaware County schools for technology resilience, support to pre-K centers related to much-needed safety protocols, and establishing an eviction mediation program for the Delaware County Circuit

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Court – all timely needs that arose due to the pandemic. In 2021, the Funders Forum Collaborative continued its focus on the impact of COVID in our community.

To understand the community needs in early 2021, members of the Funders Forum Collaborative expressed a desire to hear from the local health officials directly about the most pressing needs related to the pandemic. Workgroups of members gathered information

from United Way from Emergency Relief Funding provided through Lilly Endowment Inc. and Indiana United Ways. The Funders Forum Collaborative quickly awarded $90,000 in grants total to the Delaware County Health Department, IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital, and Open Door Health Services to support vaccination efforts, testing vouchers, and a local stockpile of needed supplies.

“We have yet to see the end of the impact of the COVID-19

and recommended collaborative funding. First up, the Delaware County Health Department made a presentation, followed by invitations for applications from Open Door Health Services and IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital. The health department and local health care agencies shared a common message –vaccines and testing were priorities.

The Funders Forum Collaborative pooled more than $100,000 during the first half of 2021, with an especially large contribution

pandemic,” said Jenni Marsh, president, and CEO of the Heart of Indiana United Way. “Being part of the Funders Forum Collaborative has allowed us to share information, target our own funding, and collaborate with the other funders to address the community’s needs.”

Beginning in 2020, the large funders in Delaware County began tracking COVID response grantmaking in a shared spreadsheet. Over 2020 and 2021, (continued on pg 7)

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“We have yet to see the end of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
- JENNI MARSH, CEO of the Heart of Indiana United Way

Strengthening a Culture of Community Art

MuncieArts plays a vital role in Muncie’s overall cultural, social, and economic development. MuncieArts, otherwise known as Muncie Arts and Culture Council, is the designated Arts Partner for the City of Muncie. They provide backbone support to the arts community and arts organizations across Muncie through wide-ranging opportunities, programs, and services that focus on arts experiences, community engagement, professional development, and public art.

Since 2009 The Community Foundation has provided support to the organization, and since 2015 annual grants supported capacity building and general operations.

MuncieArts also established a designated fund, the Muncie Arts and Culture Council Fund, in 2013 to provide longterm, sustainable support to the organization.

You may recognize the painted traffic signal control boxes around the community. MuncieArts manages Box! Box!, a program that engages local artists to design traffic control boxes, adding public art across the city. In alternating years, they also host the biennial Mayor’s Arts Awards and That One Film Festival. PlySpace is MuncieArts’ immersive Artist-in-Residence program that attracts artists from around the world to investigate and pursue their work and collaborate with community organizations around the city.

Since 2009, MuncieArts has also pursued the establishment of the Muncie Arts and Culture Trail to connect the city’s premier arts and culture destinations, including Ball

State University, downtown Muncie, Minnetrista, and Heekin Park. As part of that work, MuncieArts supported the development of the first Public Art Plan for the City of Muncie in 2018 and a Public Art Committee. The plan’s implementation will be strengthened by the funds designated to MuncieArts by the city through the federal American Rescue Plan Act. MuncieArts will use this funding to initiate new public art infrastructure.

In late 2021, MuncieArts was awarded a $20,000 grant from the Funder Forum Collaborative to offset capacity and operating costs related to executing the ARP funding opportunity.

“Through 2024, MuncieArts will be deeply involved in implementing and executing compelling public artworks, sculptures, and murals,” said Erin Williams, executive director of MuncieArts. “We look forward to seeing more art across the community, especially in neighborhoods currently without public art.”

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(continued from page 5) The Community Foundation, Heart of Indiana United Way, Ball Brothers Foundation, and George and Frances Ball Foundation collectively awarded nearly $3 million to respond to pandemic-related needs in the community.

As the impact of the pandemic continued in 2021, the Funders Forum Collaborative discussed the best use for the remaining Funders Forum Fund balance and additional contributions from partner members. On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was signed into law by President Biden. ARP is a $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue package designed to help states recover from the devastating economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The city partnered with nonprofit organizations with expertise or interest to establish appropriate committees, processes, and in some cases, to distribute the funding for restaurants, small businesses and hotels, nonprofit organizations, neighborhood associations, and to assure an increase in public art projects over the next several years.

“The impact of the pandemic reached everyone, every home and every business in some way,” said Ted Baker, CEO and executive director of the Innovation Connector, one partner in the ARP fund distribution process.

Locally, the City of Muncie received $31,700,000 in ARP Funds to distribute in 2021 and 2022. Muncie took a unique approach: swiftly get funds out into the community alongside partners who understand the need instead of focusing only on municipal needs. The philosophy - what the community needs is what the city needs. The $31.7 million would support the city’s shortfall and support organizations and businesses affected by COVID-19.

“The process of deciding who would receive these ARP dollars was entrusted to many local volunteers who spent countless hours setting guidelines for applications and funding, reviewing applications, and awarding the funds.”

The Community Foundation knows first-hand the time and energy needed to manage application processes, distribute funds, and practice good grantmaking. From advising

applicants, practicing due diligence, communicating with selection committees, and distributing the funding, each step in the process takes staff knowledge, time, and energy. With so many nonprofit organizations understaffed in their operations, supporting the partners administering these funds seemed like a way that funders across the community could enhance this process for the entire city.

This time, the members of the (continued on pg 8)

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“The impact of the pandemic reached everyone, every home and every business in some way.”

(continued from pg 7) Funders Forum Collaborative asked participating representatives from The Community Foundation - president Kelly K. Shrock and senior program officer Marcy Minton to research the needs of the organizations partnering with the city to distribute portions of the ARP funds. The research was shared with all members of the Funders Forum Collaborative. The group awarded funding to four organizations: Heart of Indiana United Way, Innovation Connector, Muncie Arts and

Culture Council, and Muncie Action Plan. These organizations collectively received $34,000 in 2021 and an additional $7,000 in early 2022 to support efforts to put the federal ARP dollars to work in our community.

For many years, Delaware County was the only community in Indiana convening funders for collective education, and later, collaborative funding. Today many communities across the state look at the Funders Forum Collaborative as a model

for building their own funder collaboratives.

“Muncie and Delaware County are fortunate to have such a large philanthropic community and a philanthropic community that works well together,” said Foundation president Kelly K. Shrock.

“Individually, funders can support important programs and projects in our community, but we continue to see that together we can amplify the results of opportunities in our community.”

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“...we continue to see that together we can amplify the results of opportunities in our community”

Leaving a Legacy of Care

Ellen Lacey took care. As a professor of home economics at Ball State University, Ellen took care of her students. She oversaw the planning and construction of the Home Management Complex. When construction was complete, Ellen watched over the students living and working in the residence program. At home, she cared for her mother and an aunt, who both lived to be more than 100 years old. She also cared for a variety of animals. After her retirement and after the deaths of her mother and aunt, Ellen continued to rescue and care for animals.

“I always liked animals, even as a young child. My parents told me my first word was ‘dog,’” said Ellen in a late-90s article published in the Communique, a newsletter for the Family and Consumer Science Department at Ball State University.

Throughout her life, Ellen had more pets than one could track. She kept cats and dogs in her

Muncie home. She was especially fond of Shelties. She was even known to have a miniature horse and donkey, which she cared for at a friend’s farm in Gaston.

“If you ever drove any place with her and there was an animal running loose, she had to stop and chase it down,” said Jackie Johnston about Ellen. Jackie was a student of Ellen’s at Ball State before joining the faculty herself and building a lifelong professional and personal friendship. Jackie laughed as she continued, “Ellen was a little-bitty lady, and sometimes they were angry animals, but they were her love.”

Jackie continued, “She took care of students, people, and animals.”

Ellen was a founder of Action For Animals and served as president and secretary. She helped organize Sheltie Rescue of Central Indiana in Muncie and worked with Sheltie Rescue of Lafayette. She also established a program to train animals and owners to bring those (continued on pg 11)

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“She took care of students, people, and animals.”
- JACKIE JOHNSTON, Friend and former student

Legacy Society

Gary W. Addison

Russ & Judy Anderson

Anonymous (4)

David & Joan Bahlmann

Kathy A. & Gary W. Bartlett

Robert & Tommye Beavers

Norman E. & Joyce M. Beck

Mr. & Mrs. R. Donald Bell

Jean R. Blake

Rob & Mary Brodhead

Michael W. & Lisa M. Brown*

Jack & Jane Buckles

Donald G. & Donna Sue Conner

Gary Dodson & Jill Jereb

Ron & Cheryl Fauquher

Chris French

Connie R. Gregory

Linda S. Gregory

Mr. Julian & Dr. Suzanne Gresham

Charles & Charlotte Hetrick

Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Hiltz

Aileen Howard

Donors who build a relationship with The Community Foundation see the impact of the work that we do for Muncie and Delaware County, not just today, but over time. Donors can choose to extend this relationship by joining our Legacy Society. Members of our Legacy Society have shared with us that the Foundation has been included in their estate plans.

Gregory A. Huffman

Richard D. Hughes

Julianna Jarabak Johnson

Ms. Roni Johnson

Tim L. & Sharon H. Kuzma

Jeff & Beth Lang

Florence “Flo” Lapin

John & Katherine Littler

Dick & Liz Marshall

Dick & Joan McKee

Howard & Erma McVicker

Gary & Lana Merritt

Dr. Fred A. Meyer

Vivian L. Milheim

Dr. Albert O. Miller III

Kenneth R. & Glenda D. Miller

William V. Miller & Annemarie Voss

Jon & Barbara Moll

Bruce & Pat Moore

Erwin C. & Barbara D. Mueller

The Oesterle Family

Jack & Thelma Ann Peckinpaugh

William & Betsy Peckinpaugh

John & Angeline Pruis

Jim & Mary Rosema

Kelly & Joel Shrock

Smith Family Fund

Bill & Julie Skinner

Jeanne & John Smith

Nancy J. Smith

Marilyn & Bob Smitson

Kelly & Donna Stanley

David & Sandra Stocker

Charles V. & Claudia B. Sursa

Scott M. Terhune

Helen & Leon Towne

Jim & Marilyn Vincent

Terry & Cheryl Walker

Ted & Sarah Wanthal

Douglas & Katherine White

Marilyn & Earl R. Williams

*new member

Italics -Deceased in 2021

(continued from pg 9) animals into hospitals, nursing homes, and schools to support patients. She also created programs to provide pet-care education to young children.

With her love of animals in mind, Ellen desired to leave a legacy that would provide continued support for furry friends. In the late 1990s, Ellen sat down to talk with her friend and then Foundation president, Roni Johnson. At that time, the Foundation didn’t have any funds specifically established to benefit animal causes. Ellen and Roni worked together to draft a future fund agreement. Ellen and Roni signed the agreement in 1998, and the fund would be established with a gift from Ellen’s estate sometime in the future after her death.

Ellen’s partnership with The Community Foundation began with the first conversation about her charitable goals in 1998 and continued until her death in early 2021.

Later, Ellen wanted to revisit her plans for her fund. Jackie, who also served as a personal representative for Ellen, invited current Foundation president Kelly K. Shrock for a visit with Ellen.

“When Ellen moved to assisted living, she was working to get her personal and financial things organized,” said Jackie. “I called Kelly, and she came to the house for tea and cookies. Kelly reviewed Ellen’s fund and explained to her that the fund wasn’t endowed and wouldn’t be active until after her passing.”

In January, after Ellen Lacey passed away. The Ellen Lacey Endowment Fund for Companion Animals was established immediately in the Community Foundation’s Acorn Program so that friends could send memorial gifts. In the spring of 2021, the fund was fully endowed from Ellen’s estate.

In 2021, the first grant was awarded to Ambassadors for God’s Creatures for a spay and neuter program. Currently, the fund has the potential to award significant grants to support animal causes, especially those related to pet needs and education.

Caring for animals was a major part of Ellen’s life. It is fitting that her legacy continues that goal. The Ellen Lacey Endowment Fund for Companion Animals will be here today, tomorrow, and always to ensure animals in our community and throughout the state have the care they need.

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A Targeted Approach to Giving

When it comes to giving back to their community, Mike and Jackie Johnston take a targeted approach. Their target – education.

“We both came from bluecollar families,” said Mike. “We were the first to go to college. We made it. Education made it possible. We had the motivation, but we gained knowledge.”

Mike and Jackie established the Michael L and Jacqueline J Johnston Fund at The Community Foundation, a field of interest fund dedicated to education programs. Today, the fund supports Robert P. Bell Education Grants, a grants program dedicated to providing educators with funding for creative and innovative classroom projects.

“We tend to support teachers and children, and business students,” explained Mike about the couple’s philanthropy. “It’s based on our own world, passions, interests, and experiences.”

Jackie graduated from Ball State University with a degree in home economics. Mike spent his career in logistics and took time to earn his degree from Ball State University. Mike spent 17 years working toward his bachelor’s degree – taking just one class a semester while working full-time. Both Mike and Jackie attributed their successful careers to their time at Ball State.

Their success led them to create The Johnston Family Scholarship through the Ball State Foundation to benefit current students. They also regularly support Ball State women’s softball and basketball.

And their gifts go beyond writing checks. Mike and Jackie look for opportunities to help the students who receive their scholarships and the athletes they support. On one visit to university athletic facilities, Mike and Jackie took note of the discrepancy in the men’s and women’s locker rooms. Coaches explained that better facilities would lead to better recruitment. Mike and Jackie stepped up with financial support, but their targeted approach didn’t stop there.

“We helped them equip and dress up the locker room,”

said Jackie. “I’ve never seen a chandelier in another locker room. It adds class.” Jackie made the unbreakable chandelier herself from clear plastic Christmas ornament balls. Jackie also provided inspirational quotes to display around the locker room.

Mike and Jackie see the value of The Community Foundation as a partner in their philanthropy. The Community Foundation has a broad comprehension of community needs and receives a wide range of grant requests from the community.

“It’s easy as far as how you apply for grants and how those grants are handled,” said Jackie. “We feel that if the Foundation is going through those kinds of processes, they are good stewards of the money we give.”

Mike and Jackie also encourage others to consider partnerships with the Foundation.

“You don’t have to have lots of money to start a fund. You can reach a lot of people when you put in a little bit,” said Mike. “Everybody ought to give back. If you get something, give it back twice.”

We’re Part of a Healthy, Well-supported, Sustainable Nonprofit Sector

“Nonprofit organizations operate for the social benefit of our community, often on shoestring budgets and with limited resources,” said Mitch Isaacs, executive director of Shafer Leadership Academy. “Quality resources for nonprofit organizations are essential, but they aren’t always easy to find.”

The Community Foundation was uniquely positioned to help solve this community challenge. A planning grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. in 2019 allowed the Foundation to deepen its understanding of challenges and opportunities in the community and identify its role as a community leader. Through research, conversations, and lived experiences, it quickly became apparent that a lack of quality resources was a challenge across the local nonprofit community.

Nonprofit leaders shared that they experienced a lack of time and resources to plan. Because they spend so much time on day-today interactions, they struggle to find time to be strategic. The lack of strategy causes frustration for the organizations and the community’s funders alike. Local foundations and nonprofit

organizations are accustomed to working together to improve our community’s quality of life. A dedicated resource to supporting nonprofit organizations would boost that improvement.

“Nonprofits are vital to the overall wellbeing of the community and are often looked to as partners on many of the community’s larger goals,” said Ashley Surpas, director of finance and human resources for Delaware Advancement Corporation and the MuncieDelaware County Economic Development Alliance. “The services and expertise that they provide make a difference as we look to move our community forward. No one organization can do it alone but having strong nonprofits working alongside the public and private sector will make lasting impacts.”

In 2020, The Community Foundation was awarded a subsequent implementation grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. The grant would allow the Foundation and community partners to develop and launch a program dubbed the Institutional Strengthening Program to encourage and help organizations to become high-functioning.

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“Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in developing and enriching our community and enhancing our quality of life.”
- DELAINA BOYD, Associate Vice President, Community Engagement at Ball State University

Announcing NonproFIT Support Network

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On the afternoon of April 26, eleven partners came together to kick off developing a program that will serve the nonprofit organizations in our community. This unique collaboration included representatives from Muncie-Delaware Economic Development Alliance, Heart of Indiana United Way, Shafer Leadership Academy, Innovation Connector, and Ball State University Office of Community Engagement. These partner organizations make up a steering committee. Consultants from Community Solutions, a community development consulting firm, guided the process.

The steering committee came together for ten two-hour sessions over eight months to support the program development. They each brought expertise and insight to the table and contributed by doing homework between sessions, including researching ideas and meeting with nonprofit leaders for feedback.

We are excited to announce the launch of the NonproFIT Support Network, the home of the Institutional Strengthening Program. The mission of the NonproFIT Support Network is to provide support to other nonprofits in Delaware County to ensure a healthy, well-supported, and sustainable nonprofit sector from which all will

Following the results-based accountability method, with a desire to contribute to larger community goals, the consultants led the group to develop a “what works” statement. What works to ensure that Muncie and Delaware County residents are welleducated and highly employable? What works to make Muncie and Delaware County a community of economic opportunity for individuals and businesses alike? What works to create vibrant neighborhoods? What works to ensure residents are healthy? What works to make Delaware County a community where people want to live, work, and play? What works? A healthy, well-supported, sustainable nonprofit sector.

“Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in developing and enriching our community and enhancing our quality of life,” said Delaina Boyd, Associate Vice President, community engagement at Ball State University. “These organizations often shine a light on our greatest challenges and provide

benefit. The NonproFIT Support Network was incorporated on January 1, 2022, as a Type I supporting organization for The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. Services and programming from the NonproFIT Support Network will benefit nonprofit organizations in Delaware County beginning in 2022.

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the structure through which community members can lend their time, talent, and treasure in support of tackling unmet needs.”

With the desire to create a healthy, well-supported, sustainable nonprofit sector in mind, the steering committee worked to identify what type of organization would lead this charge. They identified existing resources in the community, what resources could be accessed from outside the community, and how organizations might engage with the services available.

At the end of the planning process, Community Solutions provided The Community Foundation with a toolkit

that summarized the program development process, decisions made by the steering committee, and recommendations for the best next steps.

“Our community needs our nonprofits to be strong and functioning at their best,” said Jim Flatford, director of community investments for the Heart of Indiana United Way.

“The Institutional Strengthening Program will help organizations identify and improve key areas so they can meet the community’s needs for years to come.”

The Institutional Strengthening Program will be housed by a supporting organization of The Community Foundation and led

by a grant-funded Relationship and Resource Director with support and guidance from the steering committee, those community partners engaged in the planning process. Programming will launch to benefit nonprofit organizations in Muncie and Delaware County in 2022.

“The Community Foundation understands the crucial role these under-resourced organizations play,” said Isaacs. “This initiative will help nonprofit organizations get the resources they need to serve the community better. When our nonprofits are stronger, our community is stronger.”

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Access to training Access to shared services Help creating collaboration and partnerships Help developing relationships Access to funding
Pillars of a Healthy,
Sustainable Nonprofit Sector

Putting Together the Pieces of a Partnership

Each morning, Aria’s mom and dad head for work. Aria is four years old and needs a safe place to spend her days. Aria’s participation in a quality early childhood program would help her thrive today and increase her likelihood of high school graduation, college attendance, and earning potential as an adult. Aria is set up for success. She spends her day playing and learning at United Day Care Center with 80 friends ages six weeks to six years old.

United Day Care Center of Delaware County’s mission is to provide quality, holistic, affordable childcare, and early childhood education without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. Childcare is available to families of all income levels with lowincome families as the target population. The State of Indiana licenses United Day Care Center. They are a Paths to Quality Level 4 Provider. United Day Care Center also complies with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation standards.

NAEYC accreditation is important because it verifies that the program quality meets the highest standards for child care and early childhood education.

Maintaining accreditation is also important because it is a requirement for United Day Care Center to contract with the State of Indiana, which provides childcare funding for low-income families. United Day Care Center will go through an in-person inspection in 2022.

The in-person inspection would evaluate both program quality and building condition. While United Day Care Center had maintained high-quality programming at the center, the building itself needed maintenance and repair.

In 2021, United Day Care Center had plans to refresh its building with updated flooring, fresh paint, ceiling and lighting upgrades, and new fencing. They were confident The Community Foundation could be a potential partner to support the flooring update.

“We hope to create an atmosphere where children can learn and grow, meet their full potential, be ready to enter kindergarten, and be successful,” said Carol Johnson, United Day Care Center Director. “Over time, carpet has frayed, and tile has chipped. New flooring creates a safer environment for the children and assists the Center in meeting licensing and accreditation standards.”

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United Day Care Center planned to replace frayed carpeting and unsafe and broken tiles with hardwood laminate in all classrooms, the entry area, and offices. The flooring project came with a price tag of nearly $60,000.

Because of the timing of the request, no single grants process could fund the entire project; however, Foundation staff shared the request across programs with the hope that by putting the funds to work for the community, this entire request could be fulfilled.

In June, Carol Johnson started the application process on behalf of United Day Care Center. It began with a phone call to senior program officer Marcy Minton to explain the situation and the needs of the center.

As a program officer, Marcy’s role

New Funds

The Community Foundation is a philanthropic partner for both donors and nonprofit organizations, alike. Nonprofits may come to the Foundation for grant funding, but they also may partner as a donor. In addition to receiving grant funding this year, United Day Care Center established the United Day Care Center Fund, a designated fund that will support the center’s needs for years to come.

includes guiding nonprofits as they craft their grant applications.

“The Community Foundation is broad on purpose,” said Marcy. “We are home to many funds and programs with various purposes, which is great for the community but can be a challenge for nonprofit organizations to know what’s best. Staff can help them find the right partner path and navigate the various processes. Carol and I connected, and her project was a good fit for several of the programs at the Foundation.”

In June, Carol submitted a letter of intent to apply for funding for the quarterly competitive grants program. (continued on pg 18)

Donors work with the staff of The Community Foundation every day to meet their charitable goals. This year, nine new funds were established to benefit the community.


• Indiana University Health Community Impact Investment Fund*

• Richard L. and Regina B. Peck Fund

• United Day Care Center Fund


• Ray Family Fund

• Dylan T. Stafford Memorial Fund


• Ellen Lacey Endowment Fund for Companion Animals

• Howard and Erma McVicker Endowment Fund


• Dylan T. Stafford We Before Me Scholarship

*Temporary Fund for grant administration in 2021

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Community engagement officer

Kallie Sulanke reviewed the letter from United Day Care Center and the other letters that arrived during that cycle. She works closely with advisors of donor-advised funds at The Community Foundation. As grant requests come to The Community Foundation, she shares concepts and ideas with donors whose interests align with the projects or organizations. She shared the request from United Day Care Center with a

In July, Carol applied for the quarterly competitive grants process. Between LOI and application, she had received additional support for the project from Endowment Fund from Psi Iota Xi, Alpha Chapter that enabled her to bring her request down even further. The application from United Day Care was one of many that quarter reviewed by the committee. Ultimately after research and discussion, the grants committee recommended, and the board of directors of

resulting in grants of $9,375 and $21,125.

The Community Foundation awarded United Day Care Center $50,900 in total from three grant programs and a donor advised fund to support the flooring upgrade. With the funding from Psi Iota Xi also in place, United Day Care Center successfully secured the funding needed to install new floors to keep their accreditation and, most importantly, a safe environment for the children.

few donor advisors for funding consideration. A donor was interested, and United Day Care Center received $5,000 in donor-advised grants to support its flooring project immediately reducing the amount needed from other programs of the Foundation.

The Community Foundation approved $15,400 for the flooring project at United Day Care, the entire request through this process. However, that would only cover about a quarter of the needed funding.

Later that summer, Carol prepared and submitted two additional applications for funding, still confident the Foundation was the right partner for the request. One application was for the Maxon Foundation Fund and the second for the Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund. Each of those committees reviewed and evaluated the request, leaning on staff to make them aware of the intent or decisions of the other committees. Each application was successful,

“The flooring installation was complete in December,” said Carol. “The problems under the old flooring were corrected. There are no more bumps, cracks, or tripping hazards. It makes the center look very clean and modern.”

The work was accomplished without closing the center, ensuring Aria and her friends always had a place to go during the day. United Day Care Center will remain accredited with the new floor and other facility upgrades. It will be able to provide children just like Aria a safe place to learn and grow and ensure that Aria can meet her full potential and be ready to enter kindergarten next year.

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“We hope to create an atmosphere where children can learn and grow, meet their full potential.”

Maxon Foundation Fund

Harry Maxon, a Muncie industrialist, founded Maxon Corporation in 1916. For more than 80 years, the company was an international player in the heating industry headquartered in Delaware County.

Following a rich history of community-giving, the Maxon Corporation established the Maxon Foundation in 1986. Until 2009, the Maxon Foundation served as the charitable arm of the Maxon Corporation.

“Like many family-owned businesses, Maxon Corporation was very community-minded,” said Charlie Hetrick in a 2012 interview with The Community Foundation. Charlie joined Maxon Corporation in 1964 as an engineer. He continued his career with the company

until retirement in 2008 as president. He continued to explain that the company not only distributed funds to local organizations through its foundation but also encouraged its employees to be actively involved in civic groups. This tradition of service, said Charlie, “was simply Maxon’s way of doing business.”

Charlie’s retirement coincided with the acquisition of Maxon Corporation by Honeywell. It was around the same time that Charlie and past Maxon Foundation chairman Bob Smitson began to explore the option of transferring the Maxon Foundation to The Community Foundation. The Community Foundation can partner with corporate and private foundations by offering a variety of fund options to meet the needs of those involved. Today, the Maxon Foundation Fund at The Community Foundation awards grants in the community. Grants from the fund generally benefit organizations and programs that support atrisk children and families.

The Community Foundation works closely with a committee of community members representing the manufacturing industry –some with close ties to the Maxon Corporation and the Maxon Foundation, including Jeff Lang, current committee chair.

“The Maxon Foundation Fund keeps the Maxon name alive in the community,” said Jeff, who moved to Muncie when he joined the team at Maxon Corporation. “For those who spent much of our careers at Maxon Corporation, community service was tradition. It’s important to see that tradition continue.”

Since its establishment at The Community Foundation, the Maxon Foundation Fund has awarded 87 grants totaling more than $650,000 - and the legacy continues. Each year, former Maxon employees and Maxon family members continue the tradition of giving. The fund continues to grow, which will allow the Maxon legacy to live on in Muncie and Delaware County forever.

The Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund

Harry and Janet Kitselman were residents and civic leaders in the Muncie community, where they lived until the 1960s, when they moved to Minnesota. With a generational and industrial family history in East Central Indiana, Harry and Janet wanted to leave their own legacy in this

community. In the 1980s, they established a trust that would benefit their hometown of Muncie and their final community of Minneapolis.

In 2001, local attorney and Community Foundation champion Jon Moll crafted an agreement with the Minneapolis trust to send annual payments to a pass-thru fund at the Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County to award grants in the Kitselman’s name. In 2016, motivated by the Kitselmans’ desire to have a philanthropic impact on the two communities they called home, Jon continued

this work to endow the fund permanently. He negotiated the transfer of $1.5 million from the Minneapolis trust on behalf of the Delaware County community.

Today the Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund is a permanently endowed fund that supports grantmaking for fine arts, recreation, children, and the history of East Central Indiana. Harry and Janet’s legacy continues in Muncie and Delaware County. Since 2001, The Community Foundation has awarded more than $1.3 million dollars through the Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund.

PG 20

2021 Donors

Sophia Maxon Ackerly

Carly Acree-King

Jane Adams

Robert and Jana Adams

Peggy Adams

Shawn Adams

Gary Addison

Advanced Biological Marketing, Inc.

Cathy Buckles Alexander

Brian and Jane Allardt

Joe and Maraby Allardt

AEP Foundation

American Electric Power Foundation

Katharine Ammon

Hazel A. Amos

Julius Anderson

Stefan and Joan Anderson

Mr. David Annis


Ed Armantrout and Bonita Ramirez

John and Janet Arnold

Ron and Patty Arnold

Joe and Susan Ashcraft

Steve and Mary Avila

Charles and Joyce Baer

David and Joan Bahlmann

James and Nancy Bailey

Nancy A. Baker

Ted and Gail Baker

Douglas and Jacquelyn Bakken

Ball Brothers Foundation

Rudy and Candy Ballard

Deborah Bandzerewicz

Michael and Patricia Barlow

WaTasha Barnes Griffin

J. Neal Barnum

Matt and Carrie Barrett

Gary and Kathy Bartlett

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bassett

Chase Batt

Dan and Carolyn Beard

Mary Ann Beard

Norman and Joyce Beck

Tara Bell

David and Mary Benbow

James Benefiel

Annette Benell

Judy Benken

Katharyn Betts

Vicki Bicket

Ken and Patti Biller

Derron and Charity Bishop

Tom and Lauren Bishop-Weidner

Dawn Black

Derek and Laurie Black

Dennis and Tanya Blair

Jean Blake

Michael Blake

Megan Blake Weinman

Chloe Blythe

Sandra Bottoms-Seals

Jane Botts

Forrest and Mary Bowers

Chris Bowles

Scott and Sally Bowman

Scot and Jo Boyce

William Bracken

Gina Bradburn

Tim Brady

Ken and Peggy Briner

Cathy and Mark Brinker

Brian and Tina Brinkman

Rob and Mary Brodhead

Sally Brodhead

Kim Brown Mays and Kyle Brown Rahn

Randy and Babs Brown

Donna Browne

Nancy K. Browning

Patricia Brunette

Juanita Bruns

Sherrell Bryant

Schuyler and Mary Louise Buck

Jack Buckles

Jeff and Karen Bullock

Cathy Burkett

Jon and Karen Burkhardt

Robert and Lydia Burton CSKern

Dr. Ruby Cain

Martha and Jon Calloway

Alyssa, DJ and Penny Campbell

Chris and Julie Campbell

John and Nancy Carlson

Ann Carney

Shawn and Acacia Carney

Dave and Jama Carter

Larry and Jane Carter

Center Alumni Graduate

Steve Chalk

Marjorie Cheesman

Clara Chi

Christian Student Foundation

Clancy’s Car Wash

Thomas Clark, D.D.S.

Richard and Raquel Clasby

Pat and Marilyn Cleary

Susan Cline

Becki and Larry Clock

Mike and Susie Cloyd


Rosemary Conklin

Linda Conner

Jeanette Cook

Carolyn Cooley

Donald W. and Janis Cooper

Dave and Judy Costill

Brian and Michelle Cox

Gordon and Pam Cox

Sharon Cox

Larry and Connie Crabtree

John and Pam Craddock

James and Janice Craig

Jeff and Nancy Craig

Laura Crampton

Sheryl Crawford

Allie and Juanita Craycraft

PG 21

Marlin and Mary Ann Creasy

Linn and Susan Crull

Carol Cunard

Ted Cunliffe

Douglas Cunningham

Loyal and Floramae Cutforth

Gerard Cyanowski

Carol Dadian

Daleville Athletic Boosters

Gregory and Connie Dalton

Kathy F. Daly

Dick and Jenny Daniel

JoAnna Darda

Wil and Cindy Davis

Christopher Day

Jim and Cheryl Decker

Michael and Lucinda Delaney

Delaware County Historical Society

Jason and Melissa Delk

Mr. Jack and Patty Demaree


Myron W. and Nancy L. Dickerson

Cherilynn Dollison

Cornelius and Mary Dollison

Phil and Judy Donahue

David M. Donovan

Deborah Donovan

Anthony Dowell

Dowling Family

Trent and Dr. Karen A. Dowling

Michael and Teresa Dunlavy

Larry and Gloria Durham

Joy Dvorak, DVM

Earlham College

Early Learning Indiana

Rick and Lila Edmundson

Peg Edwards

Bill and Barb Eidson

Max and Sidney Elder

Tony and Carol Elliot

Mark and Molly Ervin

Estep Burkey Simmons, LLC

Lance and Mary Jo Estep

Craig and Jane Hansen

Exchange Club of Muncie

Jana Brighton

Ned and Pamela Rigsbee

Retia Hollowell and Dawn Johnson

Kyle Fahrner

Chris and Melanie Fancher

Farmington Meadows Association

Ed and Ermalene Faulkner

Ronald and Cheryl Fauquher

Susan and Jeff Felton

Kimberly Howe Ferguson

Jim Finan

Employees, Officers and Directors of First Merchants Bank

Entire Staff of First Merchants Private Wealth and First Merchants Bank

James and Elizabeth Fisher

Jud, Carey, Colton and Carter Fisher

FlatLand Resources LLC

Mark Flodder

Sherry Flowers

Larry and Donna Fouch

Joe C. Fouse

The Fowler Family

Frank Brinkman

Floyd Freer

Friends of NHS: Kathy, Heather, Kristi, Melanie, Tiffiney, Susanne, Charlotte, Tracie and Shelly

Ken and Barb Frost

TLF Wealth Advisors

David Frutkoff

Jean Gadziola

Alex Martin

David and Nancy Galliher

Michael and Catherine Galliher

Tom and Carol Gardiner

Pat and Gary Garofolo

Keith and Debbi Gary

Ms. Donna Gatzke

George and Frances Ball Foundation

Jennifer Gibson

Robert and Lynn Gibson

Bill & Nancy Gillespie, Joe & Sara Gillespie, Jeff & Julie Greiner, and Kate Gillespie

Nancy Gilliland

Joe and Niki Gillis

Richard and Renee Gillis

Marlene Girton

Denise Glenna

Marianne Glick and Mike Woods

Margaret Goen

Mr. James Gooden

Ajanta Goswami and Gautam Phookan

Julia and Aubrey Gouveia

Vicki Grafflin

Doug and Judy Grasso

Judy Gray

Wayne and Linda Gray

Greenberg Family

Merrill and Linda Greene

Keith D. Greenwalt

Terrie Greenwalt

Connie Gregory

Della D. Gregory

Linda Gregory

Suzanne Gresham

Carolyn and Michael Grieves

Ron and Mary Groves

Patricia Guize

An Animal Lover

David Haggard

Halteman Villas Association

Hamer D. and Phyllis C. Shafer


David and Carol Hamilton

Frederick M. Hamilton

David J. Haney

Jacquie Hanoman

Aimee Hansan Parker

Linda K. Hanson

Mark and Cathy Hardwick

Bill Harris

Del Harris

Jeannine and Gayle Harrold

Dan Phillips

Holly Haskell and kids

Jack Maxwell

Ashley Hastings and Barbara Wheatley

John and Jo Ann Hathcock

Beth Hawke and Jim Connolly

The Hawks Family

Randy and Karen Hayden

Hazelwood Christian Church

PG 22

Heart of Indiana United Way

United Way of Delaware, Henry and Randolph Counties

Kelly and Jeffrey Heavilon

Tom and Debbie Heck

Dave and Deb Heeter

Kathleen Helton

Jon and Janis Hendrix

Charles and Charlotte Hetrick

Bonnie Hill

Diane E. Hill

Rick and Carrie Hill

William and Jacqueline Hill

Brad Hoffman

Timothy and Jennifer Hollems

Carla Holly

Ms. Earlene Stewart

Ms. Gale Stewart

Douglas and Karen Holtzclaw

Home Savers of Delaware County

Mark Hood

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hood

Lindsey Horan

Gary Hosking

Josih Hostetler

Dan and Mary House

Aileen Howard

Jeff and Julie Huff

Gregory Huffman

William and Roseanne Hughes

Jeremy and Linda Hunt Family

Independent Colleges of Indiana

Indiana CPA Society

Indiana Philanthropy Alliance

Indiana Youth Institute

Mitch Isaacs

Jim and Joan McKinley

Jane B. Robertson Revocable Trust

Laura Janney

Tom and Joanie Jarvis

Dr. Susan Johnson

Jennifer Johnson

Julianna Johnson

Mary Johnson

Roni Johnson

Wayne Johnson

Jackie Johnston

Jonathan Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Judy

KAKATU Foundation

Tri Kappa

Stanley Keil

Eric and Sandra Kelly

Allen and Connie Kemper

Betty Kendall

Martha Kendrick

Pat Kennedy

Saira Kennedy

Mr. Robert Kersey

Jeff and Ruth Kiger

Jack A. King

Jim and Shirley King

Tom and Nancee Kinghorn

Kirby Avenue Church of God

Mary Kirtley

Marty and Kristien Klubeck

Thomas and Alexandra Kocoshis

Jill Gauker and Robert Koester

Kirby and Kristi Koriath

Carol Koss

Dr. John A. Koumoulides

Betty Kremer

Robert and Barbara Kvam

L.J. Stone Co, Inc.

Robert La France

Estate of Ellen Lacey

David Land

Jan Largent

Ms. Janice Largent

Terry Lark Anonymous

Doris Lawhead

Jim and Martha Laws

Phil and Kathy Lawson

Susan Leffler

Marlene Lesko

David Lewis

Janice Prosser Liehr

Life Skateboards

Debbie and Norman Light

Matilda Ligon

Dale and Teresa Lindley

John and Kathy Littler

Kevin and Georgetta Livengood

Jeff Lohlein

Terry Lothamer

Connie J. Loveless

Mary Bess Lunsford

Mike and Nikki Lunsford

Irene Magallanez

Steve, Kelli and Nick Maines

Gabe and Kerri Manis

Meryl Mantione

Mark and Linda Kemmerer

David and Jan Markel

Amy Marsh

Jenni and John Marsh

J. Richard and Elizabeth P. Marshall

Jay and Mary Ann Matchett

Micah Maxwell

Jill McCarthy

Elizabeth McClinchie

Mike McClinchie

Allen McCormick

Bill and Jan McCune

Jane McDowell

Shirley McIntire

Joan McKinley

Joann McKinney

McRae Club

MEKS Gymnastics Academy

Todd Merickel

Bea Mertens

Malcolm and Ann Metzler

Fred Meyer Jr.

Hank and Terri Milius

Nancy Millard

Cindy Miller

John and Grace Miller

Beverly and Kenneth Miller

Kevin and Sherri Miller

Norman Miller


Jason and Marcy Minton

James E. Mitchell

Lisabeth Mitchell

Jon and Nancy Moll

Monday Afternoon Club

PG 23

Ralph and Patricia Montgomery

Marta Moody

E. Bruce Moore

Steve and Shawn Moore

Mark and Mary Mordue

Pam and Norm Morford

Al and Becky Moss, Susan and Steve Tharp, and Joan Barnes

Judson and Nancy Motsenbocker

Muncie Altrusa Foundation, Inc

Muncie Central Alumni Association

H. Wayne Standerford Trust

The Munson Family

Steve and Lisa Murphy

Jennifer Murray

Todd and Jane Murray

Murray’s Jewelers

MutualBank Charitable Foundation

Rick and Eva Muzzy

Allen and Leslie Myers

Jerry and Nancy Myers

Lisa Nagle

National Financial Services

Jim and Linda Needham

Donna Niesen

Normandy Flower Shop

Akilah Nosakhere

Gale Odion

John and Margo Oesterle

Keith and Betty Orebaugh

Larry and Barbara Ottinger

Andrea Owens

Don and Claire Park

Paul and Stacia Partezana

Charles Payne

Ruth and Wayne Payne

David Perkins

Dr. P. Neil Perrel

Sandra Peterson

William L. Peterson

Frank and Angela Petty

Daneeta Phelps

Mike and Gloria Davis

Phi Upsilon Omicron

Luke and Dianne Philippsen

Tamara S. Phillips

Ana Pichardo

Karen Pickering

John Pingry

Donna Polcz

Julie H. Powers

Ramona Price

Pridemark Construction Inc.

Dwayne and Vicki Prior

Psi Iota Xi, Alpha Chapter

Wilma Purtlebaugh

Judi Putt

Jennifer Pyatt

James L. Pyle

Darren and Jodi Radde

Marisa Rainey

Melinda Ray

RBSK Partners, PC

Mr. and Mrs. David J Readle Sr.

Steve and Amy Reed

Rea and Janice Reeder

Jason Rees

Fred Reese

Gabriel and Susanne Reising

Family of Robert Reynard

William Rhodehamel

Dave and Polly Richman

Robert and Terri Rickel

Daniel Ridenour

Sherry Riggin

Kevin Riggs

Sara Rivers Kundenreich

Allison Robbins

Robert A. Terhune Charitable Lead Trust

R. Donn and Freida Roberts

Alan Robinson

Judith B. Roepke

Joe and Irene Rogers

Marissa Rose

Mary Rose

David and Ann Marie Ross

Rusty and Trula Ross

Jerall and Joan Ross

The Rossi Family

Rotary Club of Muncie

Tim Rothwell

Max and Barb Rudicel

Jerry Rushton Family - Zionsville

Jerry and Nanette Rushton

Barbara Ryder

S.A. Boyce Corporation

Charles E. and Sarah A. Sanders, Jr.

Lisa Sarjeant

Ms. Marilyn Scales

George and Connie Schad

Patricia Schaefer

Molly and Soren Schaller

Judith Schell

Michael and Stacey Schmaltz

Jane and Neil Schmottlach

Julie Schrank

Richard and Cynthia Schrier

Andrew and Sharon Seager

Carol Seals

Peggy Selvey

Ron and Beth Sendre

Brandon and Sara Shade Hamilton

Kerry and Donna Shaw

Robin and Mary Shear

Sheltie Rescue of Central Indiana

Sherman and Marjorie Zeigler Foundation

Harry Shrieve

Kelly and Joel Shrock

Kent Shuff and Steve Fennimore

George and Carol Lee Shumar

Sigma Phi Epsilon, Indiana Gamma Chapter

Jeffrey and Margaret Sikora

Kyle Simmerman

Mindi Sitar

Jim and Carol Skillman

Eric and Suzanne Small

Janet Smith Holmes

Allan Smith

Barbara Smith

Brad Smith

Diana Smith

Nancy J. Smith

Greg and Sandie Smith

Jeffery Smith

John W. Smith

Kevin and Jennifer Smith

Lela Smith

Leslie Smith

PG 24

Steven M. Smith

Tom and Pam Smith

Bob and Marilyn Smitson

Tom and Judi Snobarger

Doug and Cindy Snyder

Randy and Cindy Sollars

Larry and Jeanine Souders

Soup Kitchen of Muncie

Ruth South

Will and Isabelle Sowers

Ron and Alice Spangler

Tim and Carol Spangler

Spanky’s Spray and Spread Solutions, LLC

Cindy Spears

Joe Speece

Rich and Sheila Spisak

Sprague Company LLC

Greg and Pam Spratt

John Stafford

Katrina Stafford

Michael and Susan Stafford

Gordon and Suzy Stagge

Daniel and Lynne Stallings

Daniel Stanley

Kelly and Donna Stanley

Don and Ramona Stetson

Mr. Donald R. Stetson

Cathy Stewart

James and Gail Stewart

Katherine Stoss

Robert and Janet Stratton

Tom and Sue Stults

Kallie and Alex Sulanke

Charlie and Claudia Sursa

Joe and Jolena Sutherland

R.W. Swartz

Marcia and Joe Takacs

Max and Barbara Talbott

Raymond R. Taylor

Robert Terhune

Terry and Joyce Terrell

Patricia Van Metre Thiers

Allan and Carolyn Thomas

Dennis and Melinda Thompson

Sara Thresher

Titan Electric Company

The Torrentz Family

Helen L. Towne

Ellen Trapani

Cindy and Jeff Turner

Tiffany Turner

Amy Tuttle and Eric Cornett

Steve and Lisa Tuttle

Rob and Julie Tyler

U.S. Charitable Gift Trust

United Day Care Center

James Updike and Munjot Sahu

Dr. Ross Van Ness

Joy and Warren Vanderhill

Russ Vernon and Anita Martin

Susan Volbrecht

Leah Voors

Marianne Vorhees

Annemarie Voss

Melissa Voss

Noah Waechter

Brian and Beth Wagner

Eric and Tiffany Waldo

Rex and Rhonda Waldo

Steven and Marilyn Waldo

Chris Walker

Terry and Cheryl Walker

Jeffrey Wallin

Ainsley Walters

Mr. Daniel Wantz

Carrie Waterson

Carol Watkins

Brent Webster

Larry and Lona Wesley

Westerville Community United Church of Christ

Westminister Village

Don and Sue Whitaker

Doug and Kathy White

Susan Whitehair

Whitinger & Company, LLC

Kenneth and JoAnn Wiegand

Charean Williams

Rock and Judi Williams

Brenda Williamson

April Wilson

Edward Wilson

Bob Wilson

James Wingate Jr.

Betty Wingrove

Dan Wolfert

Bonita Worley

John and Sandra Worthen

Jean C. Wright

Mark and Mary Ann Wright

John and Susan Wulff

YMCA of Muncie

Luann and Robin Yoder

Yorktown XC and Track Booster Club

Yorktown Lions Club

PG 25


Tiny Adams

Britney Bass

Mary Ann Beard

Dr. Betty and Col. John Beeson

Jean R. Blake

Matt Blake

The Community Foundation Staff

Cornerstone Staff

Cornelius and Mary Dollison

Tony and Carol Elliott

Ro-Anne Royer Engle

Jim Finan

Patty Finan

Molly Flodder

John and Debbie Foster

Bill and Vicki Gaddis

David and Nancy Galliher

Donna Gilkison

James Gooden

Maci Goodpaster

Genny and Brian Gordy

Keith Greenwalt

Connie Gregory

Suzanne Gresham

Ned Griner

Pat Guize

Charlie and Charlotte Hetrick

Michelle Hockwalt

Jeff and Anne Hunter

Steve and Kim Hunter

Betty Johnson

Roni Johnson

Jonathan Jones

Betty Kendall

John Kitty

Caroline Elizabeth Koontz

Susan Leffler

Dale Lindley

Mary Bess Lunsford

Mike and Nicole Lunsford

Masterworks Chorale - Valentine’s Day Streaming Concert

Micah Maxwell

Jim McClain

Carson McCoy

Linda and David McGalliard

Hannah McKinney

Fred A. Meyer Jr.

Mid-West Metal Products for 100 years of Business

Nancy H. Millard

Bev and Ken Miller

Cathy Miller

Bill and Linda Morton

Edna Mullinax

The Muncie Action Plan Leadership Team

Staff of Muncie Animal Shelter

Muncie Arts and Culture Council Board of Directors

Muncie Civic Theatre

James Rouch

The Rushton Family

Carol E. Seals

Sarah Shaffer

Boone Wingate Shear

Nicholas Peter Shear

Kelly Shrock

Kent Shuff and Steve Fennimore

Staci and Steve Slavin

John Smith

Van and Margaret Smith

Daniel Stallings

Catharine P. Stewart

Peter Stratton

Kallie Sulanke and The Community Foundation Staff

Russ Vernon

Erin Williams


Millie Abram

Sarah E. Adams

Gary Alexander

Leonard Atherton

Honorable Robert Barnet Jr.

Gary Barteau

Esther Bartlett

Joanne Baur

Kenneth Oren Beard

John B. Beasley

Mary Anna Beasley

Warren Beebe

Robert P. Bell

Oran (Bud) Birt

John Blackburn

Marianne Bock

Patrick Botts

Stephen and Beatrice Brademas

Ray Brassart

Alyxandra Brinkman

Patricia and Franklyn Brinkman

Michael Brodhead

William Bruns

Ashley Burgauer

Richard and Dorothy Burkhardt

Elizabeth “Betsy” Cartwright

Toni Cecil

Reed Cheesman

Beatrice Westbrook Cherry

Ruth Chin

Dr. Jay K. Church

Kim Lehman Church

Barbara Clark

Janet N. Cook

Dr. P. Phillip Cooley

Michael L. Cox

Pamela Jo Craddock

Mike Dague

Kathy Dawson

Molly Day

Jim Dickerson

Earl Dillon

Larry Dollison Sr.

Patsy Donn

Ruth Estella Beard Drown

Jana Duncan

Dick Edwards

Joe Evans

Jim and Eleanor Faulkner

Nancy Finan

Jackie Findley

Shirley Thornburg Freer

Barbara Gephardt

Roger Gilcrest

Ann Gishler

Rex Goen

Hurley and Fredine Goodall

Muggs Gooden

Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Erma Green

Zach Greenwalt

Julian Gresham

Carolyn Grieves Sister

William H. Gruppe

Clarence W. Gullion

John Haack

Kathy Hammer

Sue Harris

John Hartmeyer

James (Jim) Hedge

Mary Jo Hickman

Gregory Hill

Bob and Ellie Holt

Jon Hunter

Kathy Inamdar

Jack Isenbarger

Wanda Quinn Isenbarger

Lucy Jarvis

Dorothy S. Johnson

John and Sally Johnson

Norman (Larry) Johnson

Reba Maxine Jones

Kathleen Keil

Laura Stanley Keppler

Ray Kinder

James and Violet King

Mary Ann King

James J. Kirkwood

Anastasios and Sophia Koumoulides

Ellen Lacey

PG 26

Brad LaMar

Carl Lambert

John Lambert, Jr.

Susan Land

Ray Lanum

Kip Laws

Jim Leffler

Judy Lewellen

Timothy E. Linegar

John B. Lotz

Harry R. Maxon Jr.

Marilyn McDaniel

Charles McPeek

Erma McVicker

Gary Lee Miller

Pat Mills

Shirley Myers

Harold and Jean Nation

Hoyt Neal

Ellen Payne Osborn

Jack Peckinpaugh

Frances Petty Sargent and Edmund F. Petty

Jill Pickart

Carol Pinckney

Bill and Kate Pingry

Stefanie L. (Smoot) Pitman

Gary S. Prater

Christina Louise Puckett

Bill Putt

Mary Melva Ratchford

Charles E. Rector

Oscar, Mae, and Rose Rector

Clif Reichard

Nancy Remington

Dr. John Reno

Alayne Retherford

Jerry Richman

Charles Richmond

Sandra Kay Roberson

Steve Robert Judge Robert Robinson

Dr. Roch

Jerry Rushton

Donald Schaaf

Verna Kiser Schaaf

Bill and Diddy Schede

Dale E. Schell

Cathy Schrecongost

Dianne Shafer

Harold Shaw

Pamella (Ramsey) Shay

Ed Siler

Donna Slater

Bob Smith

Dixie Smith

Jeanne Smith

Ruth Smith

Barbara Sparenberg

Joanne K. Spurgeon

Dylan Stafford

Mary K. and John R. Stanley

Charlene Stonebraker

Mrs. Peggy Strauch

Jack Surface

David and Mary Jane Sursa

Danny Taylor

Joan Taylor

Charles W. Thomas

Mikel Thornburg

George and Kaye Valos

Fredrick Vester

Jody Snyder Wagner

Bill Wakeland

Rex Waldo II

Eileen Walters

Rollin E. Ward

Jim Warrner

Bobby Watters

Gilbert John Weden

Fred Wenger

Kaye Whitehead

Ben Grady Williams

Carol Wire

Ivan Wright Sr.

Elaine Bartlett Wulff

Robert Wyne

David E. Yoos

Marjorie Zeigler


Stella Nation Brinkman

Sammy Bell

Maggie Nation



PG 27

The Community Foundation Board of Directors


PG 28
Kallie Sulanke, Carly Acree-King, Marcy Minton, Kelly K. Shrock, Amy Tuttle, JoAnna Darda, and Trina Bowling (left to right) Trent Dowling, Chair (Financial Services) Casey Stanley, Secretary (At-Large Representative) Ermalene Faulkner, Treasurer (Education) Magi Kirkpatrick Sikora, Vice Chair (Arts, Culture, Recreation) David W. Heeter (At-Large Representative) Sara Shade Hamilton (Professional) Carol E. Seals (Business) Mia Johnson (At-Large Representative) Derron Bishop (Health/Human Services)



Trent Dowling

Ermalene Faulkner

Magi Kirkpatrick Sikora

Casey Stanley


Ronald K. Fauquher

Tom Heck

Thomas J. Kinghorn

Jeffrey R. Lang

Carol E. Seals

Daniel Stallings

Rob Tyler


Judy Benken

Trent Dowling

Mark A. Ervin

Michael B. Galliher

David W. Heeter

John D. Littler

Chris Miller

Casey Stanley

Kathy White


John W. Anderson Jr.

Chris Day

Ermalene Faulkner

Jaime Faulkner

Olivia Fellows

Molly Flodder

Keith Gary

Linda Gregory

Sara Shade Hamilton

Lathay Pegues

Marianne Vorhees

Leland Wilhoite


Trent Dowling

Sara Shade Hamilton

Magi Kirkpatrick Sikora

Carol E. Seals


Lisa Brand

Bonnie Coffman

Courtney Crabtree

Mason Fulton

Joan McKinley

Stefanie Onieal

Jeri Owens

Kiki Pavlechko

Evan Ward


Delaina Boyd

Trent Dowling

Dick Johnson

Brandon Petro

James Wormer


Jay Allardt

John Craddock

Sue Errington

Sara Shade Hamilton

Paul Russell

Les Smith

John Taylor


Jim Ballenger

Kim Conner

Larry Crabtree

Heath Dudley

Rebekah Ireland

Theresa Johnson

Brandon Morvilius



Edward Armantrout

Patti Decker

Marta Guinn

Sarah McCord

Nanci Perry

Samantha Taylor


Derron Bishop

Rateira Dodds-Simmons

Keith Doudt

Connie Gregory

Aileen Howard

Marchal Hudson

Ryan Hunter

Mia Johnson

Magi Kirkpatrick Sikora

Fred Meyer


Stefan S. Anderson

Jack E. Buckles

Wilbur R. Davis

Mark A. Ervin

Ronald K. Fauquher

Suzanne Gresham

Jeffrey R. Lang

John D. Littler

Carol E. Seals

Steven M. Smith

Charles V. Sursa

Marianne Vorhees


Roni Johnson


Edmund F. Ball

Oliver C. Bumb

David Sursa

Earl R. Williams

2021 Financials


December 31, 2021 and 2020

Cash and cash equivalents

Prepaid expenses

Pledges receivable

Cash surrender value of life insurance

Property, building and equipment, net Investments

Grants payable

Administrative expenses payable

Annuity obligations payable

Funds held for the benefit of others

Investments managed for others

Without donor restrictions

With donor restrictions

*The Community Foundation of Muncie & Delaware County, Inc., uses Fund Evaluation Group, LLC (FEG) as its investment consultant. FEG provides a complete range of traditional institutional consulting services including investment policy development, portfolio design, asset allocation, manager search and selection, investment manager monitoring, plan monitoring and education for board members and staff.

**represents the total grant distribution from all funds of the Foundation

The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. and Related Entity

The audited financial statements are available on our website at CFMDIN.ORG

PG 30
$4,085,866 1,675 1,200,000 628,789 34,679 83,491,890 $89,442,899 $3,167,697 1,525620,107 51,958 72,071,992 $75,913,279 ASSETS 2021 2020 $251,720 10,407 3,558 7,812,308 862,713 8,940,706 $423,771 8,039 3,999 6,850,349 745,412 8,031,570
2021 2020 LIABILITIES 153,201 80,348,992 80,502,193 $89,442,899 204,865 67,676,844 67,881,709 $75,913,279
Total liabilities
2021 2020 NET


PG 31 204,865 $153,201 67,676,844 $80,348,992 67,881,709 $80,502,193 (51,664) 12,672,148 12,620,484 Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year CHANGE IN NET ASSETS
Contributions Contributions and grants - BY5 Investment return (loss), net Administrative fee revenue Total operating support and revenue $4,639,697 6,512 11,953,847 753,124 17,353,180 $4,622,207 11,953,847 16,576,054 $17,490 6,512 753,124 777,126 OPERATING SUPPORT AND REVENUE 2021 2020 TOTAL TOTAL With Donor Restrictions Without Donor Restrictions 862,535 3,041,371 (862,535) (3,041,371) Satisfaction of purpose restrictions Net assets released from restriction pursuant to spending policy NET ASSETS RELEASED FROM RESTRICTIONS 3,292,553 184,880 983,495 102,079 146,344 23,345 4,732,696 3,292,553 184,880 983,495 102,079 146,344 23,345 4,732,696 Program services Program services - BY5 Management and general expenses Management and general expenses - BY5 Fundraising expenses Fundraising expenses - BY5 Total operating expenses OPERATING EXPENSES SCHEDULE OF ASSET AND STYLE ALLOCATION* Diversifying Strategies 10.1% Master Limited Partnerships 0.0% Private Real Assets 4.2% Fixed Income 14.5% Private Equity 6.9% Hedge Funds 9.2% Emerging Markets 4.4% International Equity 11.3% US Small Cap 4.9% US Mid Cap 2.9% US Large Cap 31.6% Unrestricted Funds $2,854,934 6,512 9,216,558 617,782 12,698,413 3,180,354 138,040 827,235 102,079 131,373 23,345 4,402,426 59,585,722 $67,881,709 8,295,987 $89,442,899 $3,770,953


The Community Foundation values the ability of all citizens in Muncie and Delaware County to give and serve for the common good of the community.



The Community Foundation values the understanding of, importance of, and inVolvement in charitable giving to the people of Muncie and Delaware County.


The Community Foundation values its ability to serve as a community convener around issues and needs of Delaware County.

P.O. Box 807 Muncie, Indiana 47308


Confirmed in compliance with the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.


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