Summer 2012 Newsletter

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CFNCW Friends,

Grantee Highlight: Methow Arts Alliance

Who knows if summer is here or not, but the CFNCW is feeling the office heat! We received a record 1,076 scholarship applications this year - and we still have a few more with late-June deadlines.

Record Breaking Applications for Grants and Scholarships Sympony in the Park July 3rd, Wenatchee NPI Updates

Silver Linings

Donor Profile: Earl and Barbara Tilly

Earl Tilly's family moved to Dryden, Washington in 1944. It's a small town along Highway 2, and when they arrived, Earl attended Dryden Elementary School. "I was in the top 6 of my class!" he proudly states, which I dutifully write down until his wife, Barbara, looks at me and kindly reveals, "there were only 6 in his class!" and we all laugh. This is how my interview with the Tillys begins. Continued on back page...

We awarded over $126,000 in Regional Impact Grants spring cycle to 41 nonprofit organizations and over $46,000 in Methow Valley Fund grants to agencies in the Methow Valley. We are busy planning 25th Anniversary events, including a very special Symphony in the Park on July 3rd at Lincoln Park in Wenatchee. And we just finished our 4th Annual NPI Summit in Chelan, with a fundraising class on July 12 on deck. We hope you enjoy this summer issue, and that it gives you an inside look at how our generous donors and hard-working nonprofits are shaping your communities!

Grantee Highlight: Methow Arts Alliance Keeps Arts Education Alive in Okanogan County In April 2012, over 65 students and parents in Okanogan County received free tickets to see Obbo Addy & Okropong, a West African music and dance performance brought to the Omak PAC by the Methow Arts Alliance and the Omak Performing Arts Center. As part of our 25th Anniversary celebration, the Community Foundation sponsored the event, which provided a pre-event reception as well as free tickets for students and families that needed them, including 25 students from Paschal Sherman Indian School were also provided with transpiration to the event. The gift provided an opportunity for these students to experience art and music that may otherwise not be exposed to.

Methow Arts Alliance Executive Director Amanda Jackson and CFNCW Executive Director Beth Stipe with students from the Paschal Sherman Indian School.

Methow Arts Alliance provides Art Education programs to ensure that the arts are an integral and dynamic aspect of education and a positive force in grades K-12, contributing to overall student success and community health. For the first time in over 10 years, Methow Arts received no funding from the state for the first half of the school year. Methow Arts received a $5,000 Regional Impact Grant last Spring that provided arts education for five Okanogan County school districts or 5,350 students and their teachers in the Pateros, Brewster, Okanogan, Omak and Paschal Sherman Indian School districts. This Spring, the Alliance received a $4,000 grant from the Methow Valley Fund for classroom residencies with professional teaching artists in the Methow Valley School District.

9 S Wenatchee, Wenatchee WA | 509-663-7716 |

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