CFSC基督教家庭服務中心年報 Christian Family Service Centre Annual Report 2020-2021

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基督教家庭服務中心於1954年由美國長老 會宣教士文美莉女士(Miss Muriel Boone) 創立。主旨在提供物資、經濟援助及輔導 服務予當時從中國大陸來港之北方難民。本 會原址位於旺角洗衣街221號,1965年遷至 現址觀塘翠屏道3號。 隨著社會需要,本會工作逐步拓展,迄今已 演變為一所多元化服務機構。 本會早期倚賴海外教會捐款支持,自1969 年起,香港政府及公益金按年撥款資助各類 服務開支,工作得以穩步發展。 Christian Family Service Centre was established in 1954 by Miss Muriel Boone, a United Presbyterian missionary, to help Mandarin speaking refugees. Material aid, financial support and guidance in finding jobs were provided to needy families. The Agency was first located in 221 Sai Yee Street, Mongkok and moved to 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong in 1965. Over the years, the Agency’s work gradually extended and it has now developed into a multi-service agency. In the early years, it was necessary to depend on gifts from churches overseas to finance the programme. However, the Hong Kong Government and The Community Chest have started to provide financial support as well since 1969.

目錄 1 4

機構簡史 History


使命宣言、願景、 信念和價值觀 Mission, Vision and Values

服務顧問 / 管理委員會及 關係團體 Service Advisory/ Governing Committees and Affiliated Organisation


主席的話 Chairman’s Foreword



總幹事報告 Chief Executive’s Report


機構管治 Corporate Governance


大事紀要 Highlights of the Year




策略領導委員會 Strategic Leadership Committee

服務成效 CFSC in Numbers


組織圖表 Organisation Chart


服務新常態 The “New Normal” of Our Services


董事會 Board of Directors


兒童及家庭服務 Children and Family Services


委員會 Committees


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

青年及教育服務 Youth and Education Services


長者照顧服務 Elderly Care Services


全人發展及專業培訓 Whole Person Development and Professional Training


殘疾人士綜合服務 Services for People with Disabilities



精神健康服務 Mental Health Services



悅齡服務 Active Ageing Services


員工關係與發展 Staff Relations and Development


醫療健康服務 Medical and Health Services


審核財務報告 Audited Financial Statements

80 86 92

殘疾人士發展及共融 Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities 環保及綠色生活 Environmental Protection and Green Living 社區發展服務 Community Development Services

128 139

僱員服務顧問 Employee Service Consultancy

企業社會責任 Corporate Social Responsibility

辦事處及 服務單位一覽表 Address of Service Units 職員名單 Staff List


鳴謝 Acknowledgement


捐款表格 Donation Form

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021



基督教家庭服務中心本著基督的愛服 務有需要之人士,致力支持及促進家 庭功能,並創造一個可供人們成長及改 進的環境。我們提倡社會公義及重視 個人尊嚴,並努力在香港建立一個富同 情心及關懷的社會。 Founded to manifest the love of God through serving people in n e e d, C h r i s ti a n Fa m i l y S e r v i c e C e n tr e s tr i ve s to s u p p o r t a n d enhance family func tioning, and foster an environment in which growth and change can take place. We believe in social justice, respect for human dignity, and endeavour to contribute to the building of a humane and caring society in Hong Kong.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


VISION 基督教家庭服務中心的願景是成為一間具高度熱誠及重視機構價值的綜合 服務機構,期望在顧客服務、照顧質素、服務創意、為服務對象解難、支援 家庭及建設社區各方面達至卓越表現。 Christian Family Service Centre strives to become a value-driven, passionate and integrated organisation which will be recognised for its excellent performance in Customer Service, Quality Care, Innovation, Solutions to Customers’ Problems, Strengthening Families, Making Positive Changes and Building Community Capacity.

信念和價值觀 VALUES

我們本著基督的愛,以關懷、尊重、公平、公義、以人為本、助人自助及 追求卓越的信念和精神,為有需要的人提供優質服務和支援有需要的家庭。 此外,我們抱持下列原則和價值觀發展服務:重視家庭、專業服務、完善 管理、力求創新。 To manifest the love of God, Christian Family Service Centre holds the following corporate values: care, respect, fairness, justice, commitment to people, enabling people to help themselves and searching for excellence in service. In developing services, we hold the following principles: Family First; Professional Service; Excellent Management; and Innovation. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


主席的話 Chairman’s Foreword 基督教家庭服務中心在1954年創立,至今服務香港已有67年。機構的使命是本著基督 的愛服務有需要之人士,致力支持及促進家庭功能,同時協力創造一個可供人們成長 及改進的環境。本會透過多元化服務,致力建設一個更美好的香港。 Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC) was established in 1954 and has been serving Hong Kong for 67 years. The mission of CFSC is to manifest the love of God through serving people in need and strives to support and enhance family functioning, and foster an environment in which growth and change can take place. We are committed to serve and to build a better city of Hong Kong through multi-services.


2020-2021年,像其他大城市一樣,香港經濟 無可避免受到新冠肺炎疫情的打擊,基層市民 的生活保障備受威脅。但也是在這種艱難的處 境下,更顯得香港社會的互助精神難能可貴。 自從疫情在2020年1月爆發後,我們收到來自 不同團體和善長的捐助,讓我們購買防疫物資 給員工和服務使用者,同時為社區提供支援, 以協助社會應對疫情的挑戰。這些團體包括社 會福利署、香港賽馬會慈善信託基金、香港公 益金、及其他慈善基金和社區團體。在20202021年,我們繼續與其他機構攜手支援社區, 包括協助香港公益金批核「公益金及時抗疫基 金」的申請,以紓緩市民面對突如其來的經濟 壓力;以及協助香港社會服務聯會在觀塘區批 核250個失業家庭個案,為每個家庭提供港幣 八仟至一萬元的援助。去年五月,與香港中華 煤氣有限公司合辦「家餸愛 • 添溫馨」計劃, 為1,000戶受疫情影響的基層家庭提供共三萬 個鮮肉餸菜包;在2021年1月,與宏利香港合 作推出「宏利『券』顧您健康」計劃,為2,000 位低收入士提供免費健康檢查和自選健康服 務;本會Home Cafe亦動用本會「緊急慈善基 金」,提供4,000張免費餐券,派發與由社工轉 介的家庭。此外,我們十分感謝社會福利署持 續為本會員工提供防疫口罩,亦感謝香港賽馬 會慈善信託基金資助本會轄下14間住宿院舍購 買物資,改善院舍環境及加強防疫控制。 受疫情影響,去年自負盈虧服務的收入大幅減 少,幸得政府「保就業計劃」的津貼,使實際 的虧損得以大幅紓緩。另一方面,整筆撥款服 務和其他慈善基金資助服務的撥款沒有受疫情 影響,對此,本會十分感激資助機構的支持。 6

基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

In the year 2020-2021, like most of the cities worldwide, Hong Kong’s economy was heavily hit by the COVID-19 outbreak and the livelihood of the grassroots was particularly threatened. It was under tough conditions that the mutual help spirit of Hong Kong prevailed. Since the outbreak in January 2020, we received donations of personal protective equipment and grants from multiple sources including Social Welfare Department (SWD), The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, The Community Chest of Hong Kong and other charities to support our service users and staff. In 2020-2021, we continued to join-hand with different organisations to provide assistance to people in need. To name a few, we assisted the Community Chest to assess and release “Anti-NCP Rainbow Fund” to help people to overcome financial difficulties. We also assisted The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in the assessment and district coordination for releasing a cash assistance of HK$8,000 to HK$10,000 to 250 Kwun Tong families facing sudden unemployment. In May 2020, we partnered with The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited to launch a project to provide 30,000 fresh food packs to 1,000 underprivileged families at four districts. In January 2021, we partnered with Manulife Hong Kong to launch a Health Voucher Programme to provide free health check-up and consultation service for 2,000 underprivileged family members who need health support under the epidemic. The CFSC Home Café also provided 4,000 free meals coupons to families referred by social workers with the support from the “CFSC Emergency Fund”. For the whole year, we were thankful that CFSC received face masks supply from SWD for our staff, and in March 2021, we received funding from The HKJC Charities Trust to purchase equipment for our 14 residential care homes to enhance infection control.

在服務發展方面,復康服務在2020年綻放光 芒。啟能綜合康復服務大樓內的4項新服務和 2項重置服務順利完成裝修工程,並在2020年 7月前先後投入服務;蘇屋邨的2項新服務, 亦於2020年9月前投入服務;然後在2021年1 月,我們再接再厲,投得位於深水埗海達邨的 3項新服務項目,包括開辦一間中度智障人士 宿舍、一間肢體傷殘人士輔助宿舍及一所綜合 職業復康服務中心。裝置工程預算在2022年首 季完成並陸續投入服務。

Regarding service development, the Rehabilitation Service blossomed in 2020. The fitting-out work of the Kai Nang Integrated Rehabilitation Services Complex (KNIRSC) was duly completed and all six new service units in the KNIRSC commenced services by July 2020. At the other hand, the two new rehabilitation service units in So Uk Estate also commenced operation in September 2020. Furthermore, in January 2021, a new bundle of three rehabilitation services located at Sham Shui Po Hoi Tat Estate was awarded to CFSC. This new bundle allocated to CFSC a Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped Persons (HMMH), a Supported Hostel for Mentally / Physically Handicapped Persons [SHOS (MPH)] and an Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centre (IVRS).

Chairman’s Foreword

2020-2021年,本會的環保服務方面也獲得 長足發展。在2020年5月,我們投得環保署3 個「回收便利點」營運合約,並在同年12月順利 開設了「綠在大圍」、「綠在裕民坊」、及「綠在 寨城」。在2021年3月,繼續投得位於將軍澳 寶林里的「綠在西貢」社區回收站營運合約。 新單位加上營運多年的「綠在沙田」、「綠在觀 塘」,及香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助的「回 收轆轆」流動環保計劃,有助於本會在九龍 東部推動源頭減廢及乾淨回收的環保工作。

In 2020-2021, the service provision was interrupted and the income for self-financed services was unavoidably affected. We are thankful that the deficit can be largely compensated by the Government’s Employment Support Scheme. On the other hand, benefited from the stable subvention from SWD and the generosity of most funding bodies, the income from Lump Sum Grant (LSG) service and from project fundings could remain unaffected.

In 2020-2021, the Environmental Protection and Green Living Core Service also experienced rapid growth. In May 2020, we successfully bid three Community Recycling Stores, namely the GREEN@WALLED CITY Recycling Store in Kowloon City, GREEN@YUE MAN SQUARE Recycling Store at Kwun Tong and the GREEN@TAI WAI Recycling Store at Sha Tin respectively. The three new recycling stores commenced operation in December 2020. In March 2021, we were further awarded the contract to operate the Sai Kung Community Green Station (SKCGS) located at Po Lam Lane of Tseung Kwan O. The Community Development Services in CFSC was established to serve the underprivileged community and its services are mostly related to housing problems including a service project to support families living in sub-divided units. In responding to the Government’s commitment to develop transitional housing, CFSC submitted a proposal to bid a project located at Cheung Sha Wan Cheung Shun Street. The proposal was approved by the Transport and Housing Bureau in March 2021 for CFSC to build a transitional housing with 132 units which targeted to complete in early 2023. Staff is our assets and we are sensitive to staff’s need and morale. In October 2020, Family Leave was introduced as a new type of family-friendly initiatives to support staff to fulfill their carer duty as they CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


本會設立社區發展服務的目的,是為貧困社區 提供支援服務。現時社區發展所提供的服務項 目中,很多都和不適切居所有關,包括一項支 援觀塘區劏房居民互助計劃。在2020年的施政 報告中,政府明確落實發展過渡性房屋計劃, 因此本會亦提交建議書,申請在長沙灣長順街 的一幅空置土地發展過渡性房屋。有關申請在 2021年3月獲得運輸及房屋局批准,並批出款 項,在長順街以組合建築方式興建132個居住 單位。目標在2023年首季落成。


員工是機構的資產,本會亦持續關注員工的 士氣和需要。有見於香港人口老化和小家庭 結構,漸漸多員工需要臨時請假照顧家中長 者和幼兒,本會遂於2020年10月增設家庭友 善 措 施「 家 事 假 」, 以 體 察 員 工 的 需 要 。 此 外,在會內推行一項為期三個月的「新經理課 程」,讓新晉升及新到任的經理順利掌握新崗 位的挑戰,及早適應領導的工作。第一期的課 程在2021年1月展開。同時,又舉辦「優秀服 務項目嘉許計劃」,獎勵在過去兩年表現突出 的服務項目。我們很高興參與的團隊十分踴 躍,參賽的26個項目中有15項被評為優秀,而 在14個參與「最具潛質服務計劃」的項目中, 則有8項服務獲得嘉許。 現任總幹事將於年內退休,董事會在2020年7 月成立「招聘委員會」,跟進繼任事宜。2021 年3月,董事會通過擢升助理總幹事梁少玲女 士為副總幹事及提升服務總監陳鳳雯女士為助 理總幹事。

were found having the need to take care of their parents or young children from time to time. In addition, a 3-month management course was designed for new managers who were hired or promoted to the leadership position and the course started in January 2021. To recognise staff’s effort and to encourage outstanding performance, an “Outstanding Service Projects Award” (2020) was organised to recognise outstanding projects implemented in 2018 and 2019. We were glad to see there were 15 projects selected as outstanding among 26 entries and 8 projects selected as potentially outstanding among 14 entries. To implement the succession plan for the Chief Executive who is going to retire in one year’s time, a Recruitment Panel under the Board was formed in July 2020 to search for suitable successor. In March 2021, the Assistant Chief Executive Ms. Ivy Leung Siu-ling was promoted to Deputy Chief Executive position and the Programme Director Ms. Angel Chan Fungman promoted to Assistant Chief Executive to facilitate handing over of duties. Lastly, I felt grateful to many who have contributed a lot to the work of CFSC especially at times of pandemic. I would like to thank the government departments, various charities trusts and foundations, generous donors, sponsoring organisations, volunteer organisations, auxiliary workers and volunteers. I would also like to thank my colleagues in the Board for their trust and support, and all the staff for their devotion which has enabled CFSC to continue to move forward.

最後,本人謹代表基督教家庭服務中心感謝各 政府部門、各慈善基金、諸位善長、贊助團 體、各輔助專業人員和義工等在過去一年的支 持,亦衷心感謝各董事、諮詢委員會委員、服 務顧問、及各同工的參與和付出,使本會服務 在疫情中仍能穩步向前,持續為社會提供優質 和適切服務。

關銳煊教授 主席 Professor Alex Kwan Yui-huen Chairman


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

總幹事報告 Chief Executive’s Report 基督教家庭服務中心的使命是服務有需要人士,並致力促進家庭功能。本會透過十 個核心服務及二項特別服務和多個創新服務計劃,為社會大眾提供多元優質服務, 實踐機構使命。 The mission of Christian Family Service Centre is to serve the people in need and to support family functioning. Through ten core services and two special services, together with various innovative projects, we strive to achieve our mission with a wide spectrum of quality services.

雖然服務的提供受到影響,但整體來說,本會 2020-2021年的服務仍有大幅增長。 在長者照顧服務方面,由於政府在去年大幅改 善家居照顧服務,本會獲批額外資源,分兩階 段增加綜合家居照顧服務體弱個案名額。先在 2020年10月增加80個名額,然後在2021年4月 再增加85個名額,連同原本的70個名額,體弱 個案的總名額將增加至235個。此外,由2020 年9月開始,本會改善家居及社區照顧服務的 935個服務名額亦會轉為以整筆撥款模式資助。 去年,本會多項護老者服務得到不同基金的支 持。現時在觀塘區推行的「想你有支援─緊急 護老服務」在2020年10月再次獲得The Ronald and Rita McAulay Foundation的資助,把服務 擴展到黃大仙區,為期三年;香港交易所慈 善基金支持一項兩年期「樂 • 同行─照顧者支 援計劃」,為中風及跌倒後骨折剛出院長者提 供無縫銜接的社區復康過渡計劃;社會福利 署觀塘地區辦事處資助「護老同行─『疫』有 轉『肌』計劃」,鼓勵169名留家防疫的護老者 和長者多做運動,以強化肌肉;此外在2021 年2月開展由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助 為期兩年的「賽馬會友『伴』同盟護老者支援 計劃」,為東九龍區300個護老者家庭提供支 援。上述各項計劃嘗試以不同模式支援護老

In the year 2020-2021, the operation was overwhelmingly interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the group services and mass activities have to be cut down while some services could be delivered alternatively through online mode or using other innovative means. In whatever ways, the service users under our care were well taken care of.

Chief Executive’s Report

2020-2021年,新冠肺炎疫情打亂了服務的節 奏,團體活動及社區大型活動都需要暫停,部 分服務改為以網上形式或以其他創新方式推 行。無論如何,有需要我們照顧的服務使用 者,都能得到適切的照顧。

Despite the interruptions caused by COVID-19, our services continued to grow substantially in 2020-2021. For Elderly Care Service, we experienced a drastic increase of number of frail cases in the home and community care service in 2020-2021. Under the Government initiative to improve the elderly community care, an additional 165 services quota under the Integrated Home Care Service (Frail Cases) was allocated to CFSC in two phases, with 80 new cases added from October 2020 and 85 cases added from April 2021, making CFSC’s total IHC frail case service quota to 235. In addition, the Enhanced Home and Community Care Services (EHCCS) subvention mode was changed from contractual basis to Lump Sum Grant (LSG) basis starting from September 2020 which brought about a transfer of 935 frail cases to LSG with stable subvention. During the year, we obtained fruitful resources to strengthen support for carers in elderly care. In particular, the Ronald and Rita McAulay Foundation supported a three-year “Emergency Assistance and Bridging Services” for extending the current Kwun Tong emergency carer support service to Wong Tai Sin from October 2020; the HKEX Foundation supported a two-year Community Transitional Care Project “Walking With You” from February 2021 for helping elderly and caregivers who suffered from strokes and were discharged early from hospitals; the District Social Welfare Department CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


者,稍後我們將整合各項計劃的推行經驗,希 望可優化護老者服務模式。 我們要特別感謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金為 本會的長者服務作多方面的支援。除了上述 的護老者支援服務,基金也支持本會在2020 年1月推出為期4年的「樂齡同行」計劃;一項 為期18個月,支援1,600名獨居及雙居長者 的「抗疫同行」計劃;與及一項在2020年9月 開展的「耆待破隔」長者計劃,為240名有社交 疏離的長者提供支援及適切網上社交活動。 在推動積極樂頤年方面,本會兩間長者地區中 心去年致力運用社交媒體,推行網上小組及直 播活動,協助超過900名長者掌握資訊科技的 應用,讓他們在疫情下仍能與社區保持聯繫。


在疫情期間,本會的醫療健康服務發揮著基層 醫療服務單位的角色。本會診所參與政府疫苗 注射計劃,為公眾人士提供免費疫苗注射;中 醫診所暨教研中心(觀塘區)由2020年4月開始 提供特別診療服務,為2019冠狀病毒康復出 院病人提供免費中醫內科診療服務;此外,本 會獲社會福利署委派,在2020年12月至2021 年12月期間,為九龍東及九龍西(1)內135間 私營院舍免費提供「改善院舍感染控制及通風 設備計劃」,除了實地檢查院舍的感染控制措 施,也為員工提供防疫知識及改善建議。 在殘疾人士服務方面,啟能綜合康復服務大 樓內的六項服務和蘇屋邨的二項服務已在 2020年中全面投入運作。特別感到欣慰的, 是 本 會 的「 和 悅 軒 ─ 精 神 健 康 綜 合 社 區 中 心」,在運作了十年後,終於在將軍澳覓得 永久服務會址。新中心在2020年7月開始裝 修,在2021年7月完成工程並開放予公眾使 用。過去一年,和悅軒獲得多個基金資助, 在不同範疇推動關注精神健康的工作,包括 支援家長的「家 • 添晴─家長支援計劃」、推 動實踐健康生活的「賽馬會康寧『身』世紀計 劃」、減輕學生焦慮的「藝術『保抗』力技能解 鎖計劃」、關注婦女健康的「姊妹跑、躍動心 靈計劃」、及推行第二期關注長者精神健康 的「樂齡同行」計劃。 在支援家庭方面,活力家庭坊(綜合家庭服務) 在疫情期間扮演着支援中樞,包括接聽求助 查詢、評估援助資格、恰當轉介、及尋找資源 等等前線工作。在2020-2021年,單單在求助 10

基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Office supported a 6-month resilience training programme for 169 carers to fight against muscle loss; and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust subsidised a two-year Caregivers Community Support Project “Stand-by U” to support 300 families across Kowloon East from February 2021. With different service models piloted for carer support, we see the need to share and integrate our practice wisdom to enhance the carer service planning. In addition, We were so thankful to have the backup from The HKJC Charities Trust to support the delivery of many meaningful projects for elderly people which include the continuation of the JoyAge Project from January 2020, an 18-month “Special Project for Elderly Under COVID-19” from December 2020 to support 1,600 elders who live alone or as an elderly couple during the pandemic, and the “JC EngAged Elderly Project” from September 2020 to engage socially isolated elders with online social activities. In promoting active ageing, the DECC made the best and full use of social media to organise online group activities and live events. Taking the opportunity provided by the epidemics, 900 elderly members were taught the basics of information communication technology for them to keep in touch with community. For the Medical and Health Services, we played the important role of a primary health care unit. We joined the Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme and provided vaccination service to the public. Our Kwun Tong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre offered specialised Chinese medicine services to patients recovering from COVID-19. We were appointed by SWD as the service operator of the “Time-limited Programme on Enhancing Infection Control and Ventilation” for Kowloon East and Kowloon West (I) between December 2020 to December 2021 through which we assessed the infection control measures at private residential care homes in the two districts and to give training and advice to the operators as needed. For Services for People with Disabilities, a total of eight new and re-located service units were fully commenced in the mid-year of 2020, including six units in Kai Nang Integrated Rehabilitation Services Complex (KNIRSC) and two units in So Uk Estate. We are particularly grateful that a permanent service centre for the Wellness Zone - Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness was finally set up in Tseung Kwan O after 10 years of operation with scattered service sites. The fitting out works started in July 2020 and the Centre opened to public in July 2021. In terms of service focus, the Wellness Zone received various

查詢方面便增加了42%。此外,中心持續推 行支援家長的工作,去年推出「一起走過逆風 的日子」家長學堂,協助家長面對孩子青春期 反叛的衝擊;同時積極利用「賽馬會智家樂計 劃」的資訊科技平台,推出各類線上活動,保 持對家庭的支援。 賽馬會跳躍青年坊因疫情原因暫停了不少實體 服務,但發展了多項網上支援模式,開拓更多 接觸青年人的途徑和空間。去年透過和九龍樂 善堂合作,成功參與「學前單位提供社工服務 先導計劃」,並在去年九月開始為本會三間幼 稚園提供社工服務。

In supporting families, our Family Energizer - Integrated Family Service served as a central hub in receiving help enquires during the pandemic, assessing eligibility for various resources and providing urgent support and referral. For instance, the number of help enquires had increased 42% in 2020-2021. In supporting parents, we launched the “Walking through the Stormy Days Parents Learning Platform” to help parents getting along with their grown up kids. And with the timely developed SMART Family-link technology, a range of activities were organised online to support individuals and families. For Youth and Education Services, we were able to join the Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-Primary Institution with The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon. And from August 2020, we started the social worker services for three kindergartens under CFSC. The year 2020-2021 was a hectic year for the organisation. Circumstances changed swiftly. The community needs and demands changed rapidly as well. Coupled with spectacular growth of service types and volume in the last two years, we faced both challenges, uncertainties and possibilities. I am full of gratitude that I have a team of co-workers who stick to the mission of CFSC and work collaboratively and diligently that keep us as a whole to work for the benefit of our city. Probably this is the last service report I wrote for the Annual Report, I would like to once again thank our Board members for their support, trust and guidance that gives me an enjoyable eighteen and a half years working journey in CFSC.

Chief Executive’s Report

2020-2021年是忙亂的一年。外在環境瞬息萬 變,社會對服務的需求和期望有增無減,加上 過去兩年機構的服務有大幅發展,同事們每天 忙於面對接踵而來的新挑戰,充分感受到各種 不確定性及可能性。我感恩與我共事的團隊, 在壓力的環境下仍然秉持機構的使命和信念, 衷誠合作,努力不懈,為社會服務。今年的報 告,將是本人最後的一份總幹事報告,我再 次感謝董事會多年來給我的支持和指導,讓 我能夠在基督教家庭服務中心愉快地服務了 18年半。

special funding support for parents support, health awareness, student anxiety, women’s mental health and elderly mental health.

郭烈東 JP 總幹事 Kwok Lit-tung, JP Chief Executive

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021




Corporate Governance

董事會成員與主禮嘉賓香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系榮休教授 周永新教授GBS, JP於66周年大會上合照留念。 The board members and the officiating guest, Professor Nelson Chow Wing-sun, GBS, JP, Emeritus Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong, took a photo together at the 66th Annual General Meeting.


Governing Structure

董事會是本會的最高決策機關。透過董事的服 務任期及連任次數等更替機制,保持董事會的 開放性,而職員會亦有代表列席於董事會會議 上,強化董事會與員工之間的溝通。

The Board of Directors is the highest decision-maker of the Agency. With the succession mechanism for the governing board members, including the term of office and number of consecutive terms, etc., our Board of Directors maintain its transparency to the society. The regular participation of representatives from the Staff Association in our Board meetings also enhances communications between board members and our staffs.

董事會之下設立拓展工作委員會、財務及人事 委員會、機構管治及管理審核委員會、裝修及 工務委員會、過渡性房屋督導委員會及其他管 理委員會以討論和推動機構各項工作的發展, 並為有關工作提供方向及指引。


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Our Board of Directors has established the Development Committee, Finance and Personnel Committee, Committee on Reviewing Corporate Governance and Management Audit, Renovations and Works Committee, Steering Committee on Transitional Housing Projects and other management committees to promote the development of the Agency, and to provide direction and guidance in the related work.


Effective Communication

本會向來重視管理層與員工之間的溝通,除了 透過建構內聯網,善用資訊科技加強內部資 訊溝通外,同時於去年12月通過「內部溝通政 策文件」,致力建構開放、坦誠及包容的溝通 文化,協助員工善用不同渠道表達意見。而總 幹事和管理層亦會透過各類會議諮詢員工對 機構的策略計劃及各項政策的意見,達至有效 溝通。

The Agency has always attached great importance to maintaining good communication between management and staff members. In addition to making good use of the intranet and information technology to strengthen internal communications, an Internal Communication Policy was adopted in December last year, with the aim to create an open, candid and inclusive communication culture that enable our staff members to express their opinions through different channels. The Chief Executive and other executive members will continuously communicate with our staffs through various meetings and consultation platforms, in order to understand their views on strategic plans and other policies, while establishing effective communication between the Agency’s management and staff.


Quality Management

本會持續透過質素改善委員會和表現管理組監 察機構整體服務水平、監控關鍵績效指標及 符合各項服務質素標準。除了推動顧客服務 外,表現管理組更加強內部審核制度,包括 進行6次服務質素標準審核,以及進行11次 職安健審核以確保機構環境安全及強化職員 安全意識。

The role of the Quality Improvement Committee and the Performance Management Unit is to monitor the Agency’s overall corporate service quality, key performance indicators and ensure the adherence to various SQS. In addition to promoting customer service, our Performance Management Unit has also strengthened our internal audit system by conducting six SQS audits and eleven Occupational Safety and Health audits, thereby ensuring a safe working environment and enhancing safety awareness among staff members.

Corporate Governance

管理層定期舉行不同的會議與員工保持緊密溝通。 The management communicated with staffs through different internal meetings.

安全第一 Safety First

職安健資訊 2 月號 2021 顯示屏幕設備

顯示屏幕設備風險評估 辦公室內有各類設備,最常使用之一就是顯示屏幕設備。長時間不良使用顯示屏幕,可能 會產生各類健康問題:例如眼睛疲勞、上肢疼痛、身體疲倦和精神壓力等。我們可以透過 定期進行顯示屏幕風險評估,找出改善措施,讓同工健康及安全地使用顯示屏幕。 顯示屏幕設備風險評估 按法例要求,如同工毎天連續四小時或累積六小時使用顯示屏幕設 備(包括手提電腦),單位必需為他們進行顯示屏幕設備風險評估。 相關文件可於 機構職安健管理制度手冊及操作指引


風險評估內容 風險評估內容,除了顯示屏幕本身之外,還包括其他設備,例如:照明、工作枱面和座椅、鍵盤和 滑鼠等。

CFSC內聯網 CFSC portal

充足照明 根據勞工處的指引,辦公室桌面照明光度宜在 300 至 500Lux 之間, 而最高照明度亦不應超過 750Lux。而桌面以外的其他工作範圍,例如 接待處、走廊、走火通道或者製造工場、廚房等的理想照明度亦各有不 同。單位可參考職業環境衞生指引 – 照明


供合適的照明標準。 表現管理組備有測光機供單位測量工作環境的照明度之用,歡迎聯絡 企業健康及安全主任安排借用。 圖片來源:網上圖片

定期出版職安健資訊 Published OSH Newsletter regularly CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021



Policies And Guidelines

在2020-2021年度,本會繼續嚴謹遵守《公司 條例》、《教育條例》、《整筆撥款手冊》、《整 筆撥款津助制度最佳執行指引》第一組指引及 《服務質素標準》內各項法定規則、條例及規 定。此外, 機構「策略 領導委員 會 」和「 質 素改善委員 會」亦繼續 優化本會的 1 政策,包括 更新《保障個人資料及私隱政策》;就《策略 計劃2018-2020》進行中期檢討,透過焦點小 組及討論,整合意見及作出修訂,以加強機構 管治的工作。

In 2020-2021, the Agency committed to complying with the statutory rules and regulations set out under the Companies Ordinance, Education Ordinance, Lump Sum Grant (LSG) Manual, LSG Best Practice Manual (Level One) Guidelines and the Service Quality Standards (SQS). In addition, the Strategic Leadership Committee and the Quality Improvement Committee will continue to enhance our corporate governance measures, which include an update to our Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy, a mid-term review of the Strategic Plan for 2018-2022, as well as consolidating the opinions from focus groups and discussions to optimise our plans and policies accordingly, in order to strengthen our corporate governance.


機構一直著重推行員工的「嘉許政策」,希望 透過政策有系統地嘉許表現優秀的服務計劃、 員工和團隊。繼2019年首辦的「優秀員工嘉 許禮」後,我們亦首次舉辧「優秀服務項目嘉 許計劃」,並於2020年9月公佈結果。評審團在 來自不同單位的特別計劃中分別選出15個「優 秀服務項目」及8個「具潛質優秀服務項目」, 計劃項目多元化,充份體現我們的團隊對服務 的熱誠、創意和關愛精神,為服務使用者提供 最適切的服務。我們期望員工能繼續彰顯機構 的文化和核心價值,共同推動機構成長。

Our Agency has been keen on implementing the “Recognition Policy” for our employees, with the purpose to systematically recognise outstanding service projects, staff members and project teams. Following the “Outstanding Staff Award” organised in 2019, we also held the “Outstanding Service Projects Award” for the first time and announced the results in September 2020. A panel of judges selected 15 “Outstanding Service Projects“ and 8 potential projects from various service units. The diversification of these projects fully demonstrate the commitment and innovation of our staff with their caring spirit towards the needy one. We expect our staff members to continue demonstrating our corporate culture and our core values, while jointly promoting the growth of the Agency.

1. 管理層透過會議諮詢員工對機構的策略計 劃及各項政策的意見。 Our staffs share their views on the strategic plan and other policies of CFSC. 2. 優秀服務項目嘉許計劃得獎名單 Awardees list of the “Outstanding Service Projects Award”


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報



Strengthening Our Leadership

因應機構服務發展迅速,董事會在2021年檢 討管理層的架構和資源,增設一位副總幹事職 位,加強機構的領導效能。

With the rapid expansion of the Agency, the Board of Directors carried out a review of the management structure and resources in 2021. To strengthen the leadership of the Agency, a new Deputy Chief Executive position was introduced to our senior management team.

Corporate Governance



1,2. 為得獎單位舉辦不同的優秀服務項目嘉許計劃培訓日。 Different training days of “The Outstanding Service Projects Award” were held for the awarded service units. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


組織圖表 (截至2021年10月1日)



Organisation Chart

Children & Family Services

Family Energizer (Integrated Family Service)




School Social Work Unit

Jockey Club Tsui Ping Youth Leap




Yang Chen House

True Light Villa Day Care Centre for the Elderly



(AS AT 1st OCTOBER, 2021)

Youth & Education Services

Elderly Care Services

Yam Pak Charitable Foundation King Lam Home for the Elderly


Kwun Tong Day Care Centre for the Elderly



Assistant Chief Executive

Services for People with Disabilities


Community Rehabilitation Day Centre

欣悅坊—地區支援中心(觀塘東) Cheerful Place – District Support Centre (Kwun Tong East)


Mental Health Services


Tsui Lam Half-way House




Board of Directors


Chief Executive

拓展工作委員會 Development Committee


Finance & Personnel Committee

機構管治及 管理審核委員會

Committee on Reviewing Corporate Governance & Management Audit

裝修及工務委員會 Renovations & Works Committee

過渡性房屋督導 委員會

Steering Committee on Transitional Housing Projects


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

On Yue Hostel and On Yee Hostel


Deputy Chief Executive

助理總幹事 (管治及服務) Assistant Chief Executive (Governance & Services)





Serene Court – Refuge Centre for Women

Clinical Psychological Service



YOU CAN—潛能發展中心

Cherish House

YOU CAN – potential exploration unit






Jockey Club Shun Tin Youth Leap

Tsui Lam Day Care Centre for the Elderly

Choi Ying Day Care Centre for the Elderly

Kwun Tong Integrated Home Care Services



Wang Tau Hom Day Care Centre for the Elderly

Lam Tin Integrated Home Care Services

悅安心—嚴重殘疾人士家居照顧服務 Everjoy – Home Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities




Shing Mong Supported Hostel


Wellness Zone – Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness


Store of Happiness – The Mobile Van for Publicity Service On Mental Wellness


Shun On District Elderly Community Centre

Chinese Medical Clinic

Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Kwun Tong District)




Serene Oasis – Horticultural Therapy Garden



Community Development Services


Whole Person Development & Professional Training


Lei Yue Mun Neighbourhood Level Community Development Project


Jackie Chan Whole Person Development Centre

Urban Oasis

Tsui Ngai Co-production Centre


Sha Tin Community Green Station


Tsui Ping Community Centre



Tokwawan Dental Clinic


Supported Employment Service

Kwun Tong Community Green Station


Tin Shui Wai Community Service Centre


Sai Kung Community Green Station


Locality Development Team


School Projects


Employee Service Consultancy

Vital Employee Service Consultancy



Corporate Services


The Hong Kong Jockey Club Early Intervention and Community Support Project for Parents

Corporate Affairs Department


Human Resources Department


Finance Department


Partnership & Resources Development Department


Outreach Dental Care Programme for the Elderly


“Healthy Teeth Collaboration” Project on Dental Services for Persons with Intellectual Disability Home Café


GREEN@TAI WAI (Recycling Store)


Neighbourhood Mutual Help Project for New Arrivals


Yeoh Choy Wai Haan Memorial Kindergarten

足頤專業足部護理服務 Comfy Foot Quality Footcare Service

Integrated Education

「想你心敞開—體弱長者家居服 務補充計劃


Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly

適樂服務—腎病腹膜透析及骨質 疏鬆護理 D & O Service – CAPD & Osteoporosis Care

「支援身體機能有輕度缺損的長者」 試驗計劃

Wish U Well – Supplementary Support Service for Frail Elderly and their Caregivers


Carers Support Services

Pilot Scheme on Home Care and Support for Elderly Persons with Mild Impairment

健康侍腹—腹膜透析(洗肚)服務 Blessing Belly – Renal Care (CAPD) Service (KSD)

私營殘疾人士院舍專業外展服務試驗計劃 (港島及九龍區)




Tak Tin Kindergarten / Tak Tin Day Nursery

The Specific Home Care Support Service for people with Dementia



德田幼稚園 / 德田幼兒園

智專綜合支援服務 (專為認知障礙患者提供家居支援)

Sheung Mei House

Jockey Club “Get, Set, Go” for a Healthier Life

Kwun Tong Dental Clinic

Cheerland Kindergarten / Cheerland Child Care Centre

Sheung Chun House





Sheung Seen House

Jockey Club Golden Age Journey Project – Hong Kong Auxiliary Professional Scheme


Environmental Protection & Green Living

Dick Chi Day Activity Centre cum Hostel




Dementia Friendly Community in Southern District

InnovAGE Team

Healthy Chinese Medical Centre

Tsui Yip Co-production Centre





Mind Delight Memory & Cognitive Training Centre (Kwun Tong /HK Island / Tseung Kwan O)


ACT with your HeART – Anxiety Relief Project for Students

Health Centre

Tsui Lam Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service

智活記憶及認知訓練中心 (觀塘/港島區/將軍澳)

Shing Oi Small Group Home



Opportunities & Inclusion for People with Disabilities

Lively Elderly Day Training Centre


Centre for Adolescent Mental Health Prevention and Intervention



Wong Tai Sin Enhanced Home and Community Care Services



Integrated Family Medical & Health Centre


Shing Him Small Group Home

Active Ageing Services

Medical Clinic

Kwun Tong Enhanced Home and Community Care Services

Shing Shun Small Group Home

True Light Villa District Elderly Community Centre

Medical & Health Services

Wong Tai Sin Integrated Home Care Services

趣樂幼稚園 / 趣樂幼兒中心

Pilot Scheme on Professional Outreaching Team for Private Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities (Hong Kong and Kowloon Regions)

Sheung Yan House


Carer Network & Service Development

幸福家友站 – 推廣及支援將軍澳 家庭精神幸福計劃

Happiness in Family and Community


Jockey Club JoyAge (Tseung Kwan O)



Jockey Club 50+ Startup Incubator Project

Jockey Club JoyAge (Kwun Tong)





Physiotherapy Service

Podiatry Service Clinical Psychological Service (self-financing)

Dietetic Service


Sunnyway – On-the-job Training Programme for Young People with Disabilities


GREEN@YUE MAN SQUARE (Recycling Store)


Social Service Team in Buildings Department


GREEN@WALLED CITY (Recycling Store)

賽馬會新屋邨支援計劃(深水埗) Jockey Club New Estate Support Programme (Sham Shui Po)

「護您天地」健康支援站 Nurse Care Service

香港防癌會-賽馬會「攜手 同行」癌症家庭支援計劃- 觀塘中心


Visiting Medical Practitioner Service for Residential Care Homes

HKACS – Jockey Club “Walking Hand-in-Hand” Cancer Family Support Project – Kwun Tong Centre



A – Soulroom

賽馬會「回收轆轆」流動環保計劃 Jockey Club “Look For Green” Mobile Recycling Programme


Support Service for Enhancing Mutual Help Among Residents Living in Sub-divided Units in Kwun Tong

&care Products Corner


Green Project Team


Urban Renewal Social Service Team

組織圖表 (截至2021年10月1日)



Organisation Chart

Children & Family Services

Family Energizer (Integrated Family Service)




School Social Work Unit

Jockey Club Tsui Ping Youth Leap




Yang Chen House

True Light Villa Day Care Centre for the Elderly



(AS AT 1st OCTOBER, 2021)

Youth & Education Services

Elderly Care Services

Yam Pak Charitable Foundation King Lam Home for the Elderly


Kwun Tong Day Care Centre for the Elderly



Assistant Chief Executive

Services for People with Disabilities


Community Rehabilitation Day Centre

欣悅坊—地區支援中心(觀塘東) Cheerful Place – District Support Centre (Kwun Tong East)


Mental Health Services


Tsui Lam Half-way House




Board of Directors


Chief Executive

拓展工作委員會 Development Committee


Finance & Personnel Committee

機構管治及 管理審核委員會

Committee on Reviewing Corporate Governance & Management Audit

裝修及工務委員會 Renovations & Works Committee

過渡性房屋督導 委員會

Steering Committee on Transitional Housing Projects


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

On Yue Hostel and On Yee Hostel


Deputy Chief Executive

助理總幹事 (管治及服務) Assistant Chief Executive (Governance & Services)





Serene Court – Refuge Centre for Women

Clinical Psychological Service



YOU CAN—潛能發展中心

Cherish House

YOU CAN – potential exploration unit






Jockey Club Shun Tin Youth Leap

Tsui Lam Day Care Centre for the Elderly

Choi Ying Day Care Centre for the Elderly

Kwun Tong Integrated Home Care Services



Wang Tau Hom Day Care Centre for the Elderly

Lam Tin Integrated Home Care Services

悅安心—嚴重殘疾人士家居照顧服務 Everjoy – Home Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities




Shing Mong Supported Hostel


Wellness Zone – Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness


Store of Happiness – The Mobile Van for Publicity Service On Mental Wellness


Shun On District Elderly Community Centre

Chinese Medical Clinic

Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Kwun Tong District)




Serene Oasis – Horticultural Therapy Garden



Community Development Services


Whole Person Development & Professional Training


Lei Yue Mun Neighbourhood Level Community Development Project


Jackie Chan Whole Person Development Centre

Urban Oasis

Tsui Ngai Co-production Centre


Sha Tin Community Green Station


Tsui Ping Community Centre



Tokwawan Dental Clinic


Supported Employment Service

Kwun Tong Community Green Station


Tin Shui Wai Community Service Centre


Sai Kung Community Green Station


Locality Development Team


School Projects


Employee Service Consultancy

Vital Employee Service Consultancy



Corporate Services


The Hong Kong Jockey Club Early Intervention and Community Support Project for Parents

Corporate Affairs Department


Human Resources Department


Finance Department


Partnership & Resources Development Department


Outreach Dental Care Programme for the Elderly


“Healthy Teeth Collaboration” Project on Dental Services for Persons with Intellectual Disability Home Café


GREEN@TAI WAI (Recycling Store)


Neighbourhood Mutual Help Project for New Arrivals


Yeoh Choy Wai Haan Memorial Kindergarten

足頤專業足部護理服務 Comfy Foot Quality Footcare Service

Integrated Education

「想你心敞開—體弱長者家居服 務補充計劃


Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly

適樂服務—腎病腹膜透析及骨質 疏鬆護理 D & O Service – CAPD & Osteoporosis Care

「支援身體機能有輕度缺損的長者」 試驗計劃

Wish U Well – Supplementary Support Service for Frail Elderly and their Caregivers


Carers Support Services

Pilot Scheme on Home Care and Support for Elderly Persons with Mild Impairment

健康侍腹—腹膜透析(洗肚)服務 Blessing Belly – Renal Care (CAPD) Service (KSD)

私營殘疾人士院舍專業外展服務試驗計劃 (港島及九龍區)




Tak Tin Kindergarten / Tak Tin Day Nursery

The Specific Home Care Support Service for people with Dementia



德田幼稚園 / 德田幼兒園

智專綜合支援服務 (專為認知障礙患者提供家居支援)

Sheung Mei House

Jockey Club “Get, Set, Go” for a Healthier Life

Kwun Tong Dental Clinic

Cheerland Kindergarten / Cheerland Child Care Centre

Sheung Chun House





Sheung Seen House

Jockey Club Golden Age Journey Project – Hong Kong Auxiliary Professional Scheme


Environmental Protection & Green Living

Dick Chi Day Activity Centre cum Hostel




Dementia Friendly Community in Southern District

InnovAGE Team

Healthy Chinese Medical Centre

Tsui Yip Co-production Centre





Mind Delight Memory & Cognitive Training Centre (Kwun Tong /HK Island / Tseung Kwan O)


ACT with your HeART – Anxiety Relief Project for Students

Health Centre

Tsui Lam Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service

智活記憶及認知訓練中心 (觀塘/港島區/將軍澳)

Shing Oi Small Group Home



Opportunities & Inclusion for People with Disabilities

Lively Elderly Day Training Centre


Centre for Adolescent Mental Health Prevention and Intervention



Wong Tai Sin Enhanced Home and Community Care Services



Integrated Family Medical & Health Centre


Shing Him Small Group Home

Active Ageing Services

Medical Clinic

Kwun Tong Enhanced Home and Community Care Services

Shing Shun Small Group Home

True Light Villa District Elderly Community Centre

Medical & Health Services

Wong Tai Sin Integrated Home Care Services

趣樂幼稚園 / 趣樂幼兒中心

Pilot Scheme on Professional Outreaching Team for Private Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities (Hong Kong and Kowloon Regions)

Sheung Yan House


Carer Network & Service Development

幸福家友站 – 推廣及支援將軍澳 家庭精神幸福計劃

Happiness in Family and Community


Jockey Club JoyAge (Tseung Kwan O)



Jockey Club 50+ Startup Incubator Project

Jockey Club JoyAge (Kwun Tong)





Physiotherapy Service

Podiatry Service Clinical Psychological Service (self-financing)

Dietetic Service


Sunnyway – On-the-job Training Programme for Young People with Disabilities


GREEN@YUE MAN SQUARE (Recycling Store)


Social Service Team in Buildings Department


GREEN@WALLED CITY (Recycling Store)

賽馬會新屋邨支援計劃(深水埗) Jockey Club New Estate Support Programme (Sham Shui Po)

「護您天地」健康支援站 Nurse Care Service

香港防癌會-賽馬會「攜手 同行」癌症家庭支援計劃- 觀塘中心


Visiting Medical Practitioner Service for Residential Care Homes

HKACS – Jockey Club “Walking Hand-in-Hand” Cancer Family Support Project – Kwun Tong Centre



A – Soulroom

賽馬會「回收轆轆」流動環保計劃 Jockey Club “Look For Green” Mobile Recycling Programme


Support Service for Enhancing Mutual Help Among Residents Living in Sub-divided Units in Kwun Tong

&care Products Corner


Green Project Team


Urban Renewal Social Service Team



Board of Directors (2021) 主席 Chairman 關銳煊教授 Professor Alex Kwan Yui-huen

副主席 Vice-chairman 李日誠牧師 Rev. Daniel Li Yat-shing

義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer 鄺祖盛先生MH Mr. Antonio Kwong Cho-shing, MH

董事會委員 Board Members


Hon. Legal Advisor



Rev. Chan Kwok-keung

Ms. Dorothy Cheng Tai-ngar



Rev. Chau Kwok-cheong

Ms. Cherry Wong Wai-man

鄭榮科先生 Mr. Cheng Wing-for

鄒小岳先生 Mr. Chow Siu-ngor

高國雄牧師 Rev. Ko Kwok-hung

郭偉強先生 Mr. Kwok Wai-keung

梁紹安先生MH Mr. Clifford Leung Siu-on, MH

杜敏玲牧師 Rev. To Man-ling

曾福全先生 Mr. Thomas Tsang Fuk-chuen

曾慶敏上校 Lt.-Col. Alfred Tsang Hing-man

黃永智牧師 Rev. Wong Wing-chi

邱可珍女士MH, JP Miss Nora Yau Ho-chun, MH, JP


Chief Executive


Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP







Mr. Cheng Wing-for


Rev. Chau Kwok-cheong








邱可珍女士MH, JP

Professor Alex Kwan Yui-huen

Rev. Chan Kwok-keung

Rev. Ko Kwok-hung

Mr. Thomas Tsang Fuk-chuen

( 由左至右,上至下,以英文姓氏排序

Mr. Kwok Wai-keung

Lt.-Col. Alfred Tsang Hing-man

Rev. Daniel Li Yat-shing

Mr. Clifford Leung Siu-on, MH

Rev. Wong Wing-chi

Mr. Antonio Kwong Cho-shing, MH

Mr. Chow Siu-ngor

Rev. To Man-ling

Miss Nora Yau Ho-chun, MH, JP

From left to right, top to bottom in alphabetical order of the last name)

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021




委員會、 服務顧問及管理委員會

Committee (2021) 拓展工作委員會 李日誠牧師(主席) 鄭榮科先生 鄒小岳先生 關銳煊教授 郭偉強先生 郭烈東先生JP(總幹事)

Development Committee

財務及人事委員會 鄺祖盛先生MH(主席) 鄒小岳先生 關銳煊教授 李日誠牧師 曾福全先生 郭烈東先生JP(總幹事)

Finance & Personnel Committee


Committee on Reviewing Corporate Governance & Management Audit

關銳煊教授(主席) 李日誠牧師 邱可珍女士MH, JP 郭烈東先生JP(總幹事)

裝修及工務委員會 鄭榮科先生(主席) 莫漢傑先生 郭烈東先生JP(總幹事) 梁少玲女士(助理總幹事[營運]) (於2021年5月1日晉升為副總幹事) 莫啟華先生(管業經理) 過渡性房屋督導委員會 鄭榮科先生(主席) 曾福全先生 邱可珍女士MH, JP 鄭加文先生 莫漢傑先生 黃健偉先生(顧問) 郭烈東先生JP(總幹事) 周淑琼女士(助理總幹事-管治及服務) 謝素虹女士(服務總監-家庭及社區) 陳敬嬋女士(項目經理) 20

基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Rev. Daniel Li Yat-shing (Chairman) Mr. Cheng Wing-for Mr. Chow Siu-ngor Professor Alex Kwan Yui-huen Mr. Kwok Wai-keung Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (Chief Executive)

Mr. Antonio Kwong Cho-shing, MH (Chairman) Mr. Chow Siu-ngor Professor Alex Kwan Yui-huen Rev. Daniel Li Yat-shing Mr. Thomas Tsang Fuk-chuen Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (Chief Executive)

Professor Alex Kwan Yui-huen (Chairman) Rev. Daniel Li Yat-shing Miss Nora Yau Ho-chun, MH, JP Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (Chief Executive)

Renovation & Works Committee Mr. Cheng Wing-for (Chairman) Mr. Andrew Mok Hon-kit Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (Chief Executive) Ms. Ivy Leung Siu-ling (Assistant Chief Executive [Operation]) (Promoted to Deputy Chief Executive on 1st May, 2021) Mr. Mok Kai-wa (Estate Manager)

Steering Committee on Transitional Housing Projects Mr. Cheng Wing-for (Chairman) Mr. Thomas Tsang Fuk-chuen Miss Nora Yau Ho-chun, MH, JP Mr. Clement Cheng Ka-man Mr. Andrew Mok Hon-kit Mr. Anthony Wong Kin-wai (Advisor) Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (Chief Executive) Ms. Kitty Chau Shuk-king (Assistant Chief Executive – Governance & Services) Ms. Joyce Tse So-hung (Programme Director – Family & Community) Ms. Jackie Chan King-sim (Project Manager)

服務顧問 / 管理委員會 (截至2021年3月31日)

Service Advisory / Governing Committees (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021) 日間社區康復中心協調委員會

Community Rehabilitation Day Centre

Coordination Committee 主席 郭烈東先生JP(總幹事)


Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (Chief Executive)


Ms. Grace Chan Yuen-ching Dr. Rosanna Chau Mei-wa Dr. Serena Cheng Ng Sin-wah Dr. Hobby Cheung Kwong-yu Mr. Leung Kwok-fai Dr. Ng Ping-wing Mr. Rudolf Tsea Yiu-kwan Ms. Ivy Leung Siu-ling (Assistant Chief Executive [Operation]) (Promoted to Deputy Chief Executive on 1st May, 2021) Ms. Pandora Wang Chao-ming (Programme Director [Services for Persons with Disabilities - Community]) Ms. Toby Lam Pui-yi (Senior Manager [Rehabilitation & Community Support])

School Board of Tak Tin Kindergarten

郭烈東先生JP(校監及主席) 鄺秀芝女士(副主席) 王惠梅女士(司庫) 彭淑玲女士(秘書) 黃榮添先生 邱可珍女士MH, JP(董事會委員) 黃婉玲女士(校長)

Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (Supervisor and Chairman)


School Board of Cheerland Kindergarten

郭烈東先生JP(校監及主席) 鄺秀芝女士(副主席) 王惠梅女士(司庫) 彭淑玲女士(秘書) 黃榮添先生 邱可珍女士MH, JP(董事會委員) 陳麗群女士(校長)

Committee, Service Advisory and Governing Committees

委員 陳婉貞女士 周美華博士 鄭吳倩華博士 張光宇醫生 梁國輝先生 吳炳榮醫生 謝耀君先生 梁少玲女士(助理總幹事[營運]) (於2021年5月1日晉升為副總幹事) 王超敏女士 (服務總監[殘疾人士綜合服務-社區]) 林佩儀女士 (高級經理[康復及社區支援])


Ms. Kwong Sau-chee (Vice-chairman) Ms. Nancy Wong Wai-mui (Treasurer) Ms. Sally Pang Shuk-ling (Secretary) Mr. Wong Wing-tim Miss Nora Yau Ho-chun, MH, JP (Member of Board of Directors) Ms. Wong Yuen-ling (Principal)

Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (Supervisor and Chairman) Ms. Kwong Sau-chee (Vice-chairman) Ms. Nancy Wong Wai-mui (Treasurer) Ms. Sally Pang Shuk-ling (Secretary) Mr. Wong Wing-tim

Miss Nora Yau Ho-chun, MH, JP (Member of Board of Directors) Ms. Emily Chan Lai-kwan (Principal) CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021



School Board of Yeoh Choy Wai Haan Memorial Kindergarten

郭烈東先生JP(校監及主席) 鄺秀芝女士(副主席) 王惠梅女士(司庫) 彭淑玲女士(秘書) 黃榮添先生 邱可珍女士MH, JP(董事會委員) ( 顧問) 楊蔡慧嫻基金會(顧問) 譚佩玲女士(校長)

Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (Supervisor and Chairman)

智活記憶及認知訓練中心 顧問委員會

Mind Delight Memory & Cognitive Training Centre Advisory Committee

主席 梁少玲女士(助理總幹事[營運]) (於2021年5月1日晉升為副總幹事)

Ms. Kwong Sau-chee (Vice-chairman) Ms. Nancy Wong Wai-mui (Treasurer) Ms. Sally Pang Shuk-ling (Secretary) Mr. Wong Wing-tim Miss Nora Yau Ho-chun, MH, JP (Member of Board of Directors)(Consultant) Yeoh Choy Wai Haan Trust (Consultant) Ms. Tam Pui-ling (Principal)


Ms. Ivy Leung Siu-ling (Assistant Chief Executive [Operation]) (Promoted to Deputy Chief Executive on 1st May, 2021)


Members 委員 Dr. Ray Chan Chun-chung 陳鎮中醫生 Dr. Serena Cheng Ng Sin-wah 鄭吳倩華博士 Dr. David Dai Lok-kwan 戴樂群醫生 Dr. Kenneth Fong Nai-kuen 方乃權博士 Mrs. Gwen Kao 高黃美芸女士 Ms. Peggy Hui Ngor 許戈女士 林一星博士 Dr. Terry Lum Yat-sing 邱慧慧醫生 Dr. Jennifer Myint 唐彩瑩女士 Ms. Tong Choi-ying (服務總監[長者照顧-家居及社區照顧])(Programme Director [Elderly Care – Home & Community Care]) Ms. Stephenie Man Tsz-ying (Occupational Therapist I) 文紫瑩女士(一級職業治療師) Mr. Ng Ming-wai (Manager) 吳銘偉先生(經理) Ms. Yolanda Yau Shuk-man (Manager) 游淑敏女士(經理)

悅安心-嚴重殘疾人士家居照顧服務 Everjoy – Home Care Service for Persons with Severe 諮詢委員會 Disabilities Advisory Committee


主席 梁少玲女士 (助理總幹事[營運]) (於2021年5月1日晉升為副總幹事)


委員 陳倫梅女士 張林秋律師 盧照宇先生 安馬順娜女士 蘇麗珍女士MH, JP 屈結玲女士 王超敏女士 (服務總監[殘疾人士綜合服務-社區])


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Ms. Ivy Leung Siu-ling (Assistant Chief Executive [Operation]) (Promoted to Deputy Chief Executive on 1st May, 2021) Ms. Chan Lun-mui Mr. Raymond Cheung Lam-chau Mr. Lo Chiu-yu Ms. On Rattana Ms. So Lai-chun, MH, JP Ms. Wat Kit-ling Ms. Pandora Wang Chao-ming (Programme Director [Services for Persons with Disabilities – Community])

基督教家庭服務中心-香港中文大學 Centre Management Committee of Christian Family Service Centre – The Chinese University 中醫診所暨教研中心(觀塘區) of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and 中心管理委員會 Research Centre (Kwun Tong District)

聯席主席 黃巧雲女士(醫院管理局中醫部主管)


Ms. Rowena Wong (Chief [Chinese Medicine Department] of Hospital Authority)



Rev. Chan Kwok-keung (Member of Board of Directors) Dr. Sarah Chan Sze-nga Dr. Hua Heyu Dr. Martin Lau Chiu-king Ms. Lilian Lo Ka-yin Ms. Ma Chor-hung

Service Advisory, Governing Committees and Affiliated Organisation

委員 陳國強牧師(董事會委員) 陳詩雅博士 華何與博士 劉昭勁博士 盧嘉言女士 馬楚紅女士 謝萬里醫生 翁子豪先生 陳鳳雯女士 (服務總監[長者社區服務及健康服務]) (於2021年6月1日晉升為助理總幹事)

Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (Chief Executive)

Dr. Tse Man-li Mr. Timothy Yung Tsz-ho Ms. Angel Chan Fung-man (Programme Director [Active Ageing & Health Services]) (Promoted to Assistant Chief Executive on 1st June, 2021)

關係團體 (截至2021年3月31日)

Affiliated Organisation (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021) 基督教家庭服務中心 牙科服務有限公司

Christian Family Service Centre Dental Services Limited


Board of Governors (2021)

主席 盧展民教授


董事會成員 蘇平翬牙醫 邱可珍女士MH, JP(董事會委員)

Board Members

Professor Edward Lo Chin-man Dr. Alfred So Ping-fai Miss Nora Yau Ho-chun, MH, JP (Member of Board of Directors)

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


策略領導委員會 Strategic Leadership Committee (2021)


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報




1 郭烈東先生JP(總幹事) Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (Chief Executive)



2 梁少玲女士(副總幹事) Ms. Ivy Leung Siu-ling (Deputy Chief Executive)

9 彭淑玲女士(服務總監[青年及教育]) Ms. Sally Pang Shuk-ling (Programme Director [Youth & Education])

3 周淑琼女士(助理總幹事[管治及服務])

10 楊靄珊女士(服務總監[長者院舍及悅齡服務])

Ms. Kitty Chau Shuk-king (Assistant Chief Executive [Governance & Services])

Ms. Edna Yeung Oi-shan (Programme Director [Elderly Residential and Active Ageing])

4 陳鳳雯女士(助理總幹事) Ms. Angel Chan Fung-man (Assistant Chief Executive)

5 陳玉英女士(人力資源總監) Ms. Gloria Chan Yuk-ying (Human Resources Director)

6 吳美娟女士 (服務總監[殘疾人士綜合服務—院舍]) Ms. Anna Ng Mei-kuen (Programme Director [Services for Persons with Disabilities - Residential])

11 謝素虹女士(服務總監[家庭及社區]) Ms. Joyce Tse So-hung (Programme Director [Family & Community])

12 陳本禮先生(企業事務總監) Mr. Benny Chan Pun-lai (Corporate Affairs Director)

13 王超敏女士 (服務總監[殘疾人士綜合服務—社區]) Ms. Pandora Wang Chao-ming (Programme Director [Services for Persons with Disabilities - Community])

14 何振熙先生(服務總監[精神健康]) Mr. Alex Ho Chun-hei (Programme Director [Mental Health])

7 帥鳳蓮女士(財務總監) Ms. Edna Sui Fung-lin (Finance Director)

8 唐彩瑩女士 (服務總監[長者照顧—家居及社區照顧]) Ms. Tong Choi-ying (Programme Director [Elderly Care - Home & Community Care])

12 11 5





4 3



7 2


CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


服務成效 CFSC in Numbers


個服務單位和計劃, 涵蓋全港多個服務範疇


service units and projects, providing multi-service throughout the territory


Total number of beneficiaries over

1,080,000 people during the year

榮獲外界獎項及嘉許 個

13 26

基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

awards / recognitions received during the year


顧客對服務單位表現感到滿意* satisfactory rate of service units performance*


名員工 全力提供優質服務 employees providing quality services

CFSC in Numbers


Liaising with various stakeholders to organise volunteering services benefiting


人次受惠 people

* 根據本機構2020-2021年度顧客服務關鍵績效指標調查結果;「感到滿意」包括大部分/完全滿意。 * Based on the result of 2020-2021 Customer Service KPI survey;“Satisfaction” included mostly satisfied / fully satisfied. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


5月 MAY


‧位於啟能綜合康復服務大樓(啟能)的尚真家舍 投 入 服 務,合 共提供51個宿 位,家舍強調樂 活共享,讓舍友 開心投入家舍 生活。 L o c a te d a t t h e K a i N a n g I n te g r a te d Rehabilitation Services Complex (KNIRSC), our Sheung Chun House commenced operations with 51 residential places. With an emphasis on joyful co-sharing in daily life, we are striving to ensure our service users can enjoy happy lives in our residence.

‧同樣位於啟能的尚美家舍投入服務,提供40個 長期宿位及4個臨時宿位,以推動自主生活為 目標,提供生活技能訓練,以提升他們的自主性 及自信心。




‧青年及教育服務再次得到「香港賽馬會社區資助 計劃」的支持及贊助,開展了為期三年的新計劃─ 「聚寶‧凝家同行計劃」。

Located at KNIRSC, Sheung Mei House commenced operations with 40 long-term residential and 4 designated respite places, where we are striving to ensure the residents can live independently. By providing life skills training for our service users, we are hoping to nurture their autonomy and self-confidence in everyday life.

‧位 於深 水 埗 蘇屋邨 茶花 樓 的翠藝中心已於2020年5月 4日投 入 服務,為 殘 疾人士 提 供 綜 合 職 業 康 復 服 務, 共有124個服務名額。 A three-year Project named “Walk with YOU – Family Cohesion Project” from our Youth and Education Services was launched, thanks to the continuing support and sponsorship from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Tsui Ngai Co-production Centre is located at Camellia House in the So Uk Estate of Sham Shui Po Dis tric t. It commenced operations on 4 t h May, 2020 and provides integrated vocational rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. The current service capacity is 124 people.

6月 JUNE ‧位 於 啟 能 的尚 善 家舍 合共 提 供 5 0 個 宿 位, 強調啟發潛能。透過多元的訓練模式,啟發舍友 的潛能。 Sheung Seen House which is located at KNIRSC, entered into operations and provides 50 residential places. With a focus on potential inspiring, diversified trainings are provided to realise the capabilities of the service users.


Located at Camellia House of So Uk Estate in Sham Shui Po District, our services at Sheung Yan House were launched on 18th August, 2020, providing residential care for 51 persons with moderate intellectual disabilities.

‧翠 林 綜 合職 業 復 康 服 務 已完 成 原 址 擴 充 計 劃,2020年8月3日起增收25個服務名額,學員 樂於在新增的處所接受手作皮革訓練。

‧長者因身體機能衰 退減少社交活動或心理因 素影響,容易在社區中孤立自己,對他們造成負 面的影響。香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助本會 港幣$479萬元, 於2 0 2 0年9月開 展 賽 馬會「耆 待 破隔」長者計劃, 首年度將會服務 24 0 位有社 交 疏 離的長者。 Elderly people with reduced social activities due to a decline in their physical functions, as well as those suffering from psychological factors, can easily become isolated from the community, which will have a negative impact on themselves. To tackle this problem, the Jockey Club Charities Trust provided the Agency with a HK$4.79 million sponsorship to commence the “Jockey Club EngAGED Elderly Project” in September 2020, with the aim of serving 240 socially isolated elders in the first service year.

Highlights of the Year

‧位於深水埗蘇屋邨茶花 樓的尚恩家舍已於2020 年8月18日投入服務,為 51名中度智障人士提 供 家居式住宿照顧。


10月 OCTOBER ‧順安長者地區中心的「愛‧同行」計劃獲社會 福利署頒予2019 -2020年度觀塘區最佳老有 所為活動計劃,並於2021年2月觀塘福利研討會 上接受頒獎。 The “Walk with Love” project of the Shun On District Elderly Community Centre was awarded as the Best District Opportunities for the Elderly Project by the Social Welfare Department at the Kwun Tong Welfare Forum in February 2021.

With the completion of the in-situ expansion work of the Tsui Lam Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service, 25 service places have been added since 3rd August, 2020. Service users were especially delighted to receive trainings in doing hand-made leather at the new workshop.

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021





‧真 光 苑 長 者 地 區中心及 順 安 長 者 地 區中心 獲香 港 賽馬會慈善信 託 基金 資助,推出為期 18個月的「抗疫同行」長者支援計劃,為觀塘 區1, 6 0 0 名獨居及 雙 居長者提 供生 活支援及 健康關顧。

‧為了回應有需要人士的房屋需要,政府新房屋 措 施包括 採 用「組裝合成 法 」興 建 過 渡 性 房 屋。2021年1月開始,本會著力與運輸及房屋局合 作發展過渡性房屋項目,本會首個過渡性房屋項 目位於深水埗區。

To address the housing demand of the people in need, the new housing initiatives of the government is to increase the supply of transitional housing by using “Modular Integrated Construction” method. Since January 2021, CFSC has collaborated with the Transport and Housing Bureau on the Transitional Housing (TH) Projects. The first TH Project of CFSC located in Sham Shui Po district. With the sponsorship of the The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Shun On and True Light Villa District Elderly Community Centres launched an 18-month project named “The Special Project for the Elderly under COVID-19”, with the aim to support the day-to-day and health needs of 1,600 elderly singletons and doubletons in Kwun Tong District during the pandemic.

‧本會負責營運的 「綠在裕民坊」、 「綠在大圍」以 及「綠在寨城」 於12月全面投入 服務,以支援市 民實踐減廢回 收,讓綠色生活 紮根社區。 The recycling stores operated by the Agency, including GREEN@YUE MAN SQUARE, GREEN@TAI WAI and GREEN@WALLED CITY, were officially opened to the public in December 2020 to support the public in the areas of waste reduction and recycling, while letting the concept of a green lifestyle take root in the community.



基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

2月 FEBRUARY ‧疫情持續不下,令不少基層市民生活大受影響, 在香港社會服務聯會的統籌下,本會連結觀塘區 內不同社福機構,組成「觀塘抗疫社福聯盟」,為 基層家庭提供疫情下 及疫情後的支援,並推 出「觀塘抗疫社福幫到 你」facebook一站式 資訊平台,提供觀塘區 最新最適時的資源及 相關服務。

‧獲 香 港 交易 所慈善基金 資助約 港幣 $ 2 3 3 萬元, 長者照 顧服 務開展為期2 年的「樂‧同行」中風患者及跌倒後骨折患者社 區復康過渡計劃,為觀塘、黃大仙及九龍城將離 院及剛出院的長者提供無縫銜接的日間照顧及 復康服務,計劃將會為2,319名長者提供復康訓 練及照顧者支援服務。 With a donation of HK$2.33 million from the HKEX Foundation, a two-year community rehabilitation transitional project named “Walking with You” has been launched by the Lively Elderly Day Training Centre to provide seamless day care and rehabilitation services for elderly people across Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City, who have suffered from strokes, falls or fractures and are just discharged from hospital. The project will provide 2,319 elderly people with rehabilitation training and caregiver support services.

Highlights of the Year

The continuing pandemic has greatly affected the lives of many grassroots citizens. Under the coordination of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, we joined hands with various social welfare organisations in Kwun Tong District to form the “Kwun Tong Anti-Pandemic Social Welfare Alliance”, in an effort to support grassroots families during and after the pandemic. We also launched the “Kwun Tong Anti-Pandemic Social Welfare is Ready to Help You” Facebook page as a one-stop platform to provide the latest information on resources and the related services in Kwun Tong District.

3月 MARCH ‧幸福雜貨舖─精神健康流動宣傳車正式完成 組裝投入服務,車身設計成「雜貨舖」走進社 區,為九龍 東 區的居民在 疫 情 中送 上幸 福 和 關心。同時,我們更透過網上媒體分享110則 抗疫幸福資訊及影片,接觸人數近40,650。 With “Store of Happiness – The Mobile Van For Publicity Service On Mental Wellness” being officially launched, the mobile “grocery store” is allowing us to promote mental wellness and deliver “happiness” and “care” to the community in East Kowloon District during the pandemic. We also shared 110 videos and posts on mental wellness through various online platforms, reaching nearly 40,650 users.

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


服務新常態 The “New Normal” of Our Services 突如其來的新冠肺炎持續逾年,本會服務亦因應反覆的疫情而作出改變及轉型。 我們的同工善用資訊科技及運用靈活的工作手法,發展出新的服務方式,繼續與 社會各界攜手支援長者、殘疾人士、基層家庭、長期病患等有需要人士。 Affected by the unforeseen outbreak of COVID-19 for more than a year, our services have remained resilient to the fluctuating situation and adjustments were made to meet the new challenges. We have developed various new service methods by taking advantage of information technology and flexibility in our approaches, and we will continue to work with various sectors of the community to support and care for the elderly, persons with disabilities, disadvantaged families, patients with chronic illnesses and people in need.

香港社會服務聯會行政總裁蔡海偉先生,與香 港大學社會工作及社會行政學系林一星教授一 起與香港、台灣、日本及澳門的嘉賓探討自立 支援的推行及發展。 Pioneers of the “Re-enablememt Care” model in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Macau, together with the Executive of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Mr. Chua Hoi-wai and Professor Terry Lum in Social Work and Social Administration Department, The University of Hong Kong, joined the forum to discuss the implementation and development of the model.


跨地域界限 首辦線上「自立支援亞太區研討會」

Breaking Geographical Boundaries – The First Online “Re-Enablement Asia-Pacific Seminar”

本會長者照顧服務自2017年開始由台灣引入 「自立支援」照顧模式,透過不同的活動及復 康訓練,提升長者的日常活動能力,成效顯 著。為了推動「自立支援」照顧模式在港發 展,我們在2021年3月19日與台灣自立支援照 顧專業發展協會及基督教香港信義會社會服務 部舉行全港首辦的線上亞太區研討會。

In 2017, CFSC introduced the “Re-enablememt Care” model from Taiwan to our elderly services. By organising a variety of activities and rehabilitation training sessions, we have identified a remarkable improvement in the ability of the elderly to engage in daily activities. In order to promote the development of the model in Hong Kong, we hosted the first Asia-Pacific seminar on 19 th March, 2021, together with the Taiwan Self-Supporting Care Professional Development Association and the Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong.

基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

高錕慈善基金主席高黃美芸女士(中),連同本會總幹事郭烈東先生JP(左)及 基督教香港信義會社會服務部總幹事陳麗群女士(右)親臨出席「自立支援亞 太區研討會」作主禮嘉賓 。 Chairman of the Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease, Mrs. Gwen Kao (middle), our Chief Executive, Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP (left) and the Director of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong, Ms. Chan Lai-kwan (right), officiated at our “Re-Enablement Asia-Pacific Seminar”.

來自各地的專家聚首於線上,分享「自立支援」 照顧服務的推展經驗 。 Experts from different countries and regions gathered online to share their experiences in implementing the “Re-enablememt Care” model.

Experts from Taiwan, Japan, Macau and Hong Kong overcame their geographical boundaries and gathered together online to share with more than 630 practioners in the industry from Hong Kong, Macau and the Mainland about their experiences in promoting the model for the elderly and its application on dementia cases. The sharing session deepen participants' understanding about the “Re-enablememt Care” model. We hope that the industry and the public have increased their awareness of the model and could join hands to build a caring community that respects the elderly.

遙距醫療 關注身心健康

Telehealth Consultations for Public Health and Well-Being

本會醫療健康服務為服務使用者提供更多 選擇,在診症上以視像形式面見及提供諮詢。 「遙距醫療」能於疫情影響期間,讓病人安心 地定期接受服務。

Our Medical and Health Service offered service users convenience by providing online telehealth and consultation services. This can prevent our service users from being infected in clinics, and also allowed them to continue to receive regular medical services during local outbreaks.

The “New Normal” of Our Services

研討會邀請來自台灣、日本、澳門及香港的專 家突破地域界限,聚首於線上,向超過630位 來自香港、澳門及內地的業界同工分享長者 「自立支援」照顧服務的推展經驗及於認知障 礙症上的運用。與會嘉賓的分享令出席的業界 同工對於「自立支援」照顧模式有更深的了 解,我們期望透過今次的研討會,讓業界及社 會大眾增加對「自立支援」照顧模式的認識, 攜手建立一個尊重長者的關懷社區。

疫情下的網上營養諮詢及講座服 務,利用遙距醫療減低感染風險, 為使用者帶來更多新生活體驗。 Our dietitian provided telehealth consultations and held online talks, which reduced the service users’ risk of infection while offering a better user experience in the “new normal”.

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021



Promoting Online Information Channels

過去一年,有部分服務因應防疫措施而暫停, 因此我們開展新的服務模式,加設網上平台發 放服務資訊,與服務使用者保持連繫。本會去 年繼續透過 CFSC Channel 綜合資訊頻道,結 集服務單位製作的網上直播及短片,頻道內容 也愈來愈多元化,服務使用者安坐家中也可接 收實用資訊及參與活動,包括居家運動教學、 精神健康工作坊及醫學講座等。

In the past year, part of our services had to be suspended according to disease prevention measures. To stay connected with our service users, the CFSC Channel – a comprehensive information channel has been launched to broadcast various online videos created by our services units which presented to the public during their stay-at-home against COVID-19. By providing diversified content, our services users were able to make use of practical information and participate in various activities at home, such as home exercises, mental wellness workshops and health seminars and stay tuned with CFSC.

內容豐富的CFSC Channel讓服務使用 者安在家中接收資訊及參與線上活動。 Our comprehensive online channel – CFSC Channel – allowed our service users to receive useful information and participate in various online activities.

欣悅坊-地區支援中心(觀塘東)開設網上學習頻道「KN8 Channel」,提供多元化技能與興趣發展節目,讓殘疾人 士無障礙參與學習。


Cheerful Place – District Support Centre (Kwun Tong East) launched an e-learning channel named “KN8 Channel” to provide a variety of online programmes on interest development and skill training, allowing people with disabilities to learn with great accessibility.

青年及教育服務設有「Y Concept」頻道為 轄下的本地獨立樂隊提供線上演出平台。 The “Y Concept” Channel of our Youth and Education Services provides an online performance platform for local indie bands.

精神健康服務設有「CFSC MVPS Mobile Van Channel」,分享精神健康資訊及活動。 The “CFSC MVPS Mobile Van Channel” of our Mental Health Services shares information on our online mental health information and activities.

長者照顧服務以長者和照顧者為對象,設立「一耆一會 Silver Live Episodes」頻道。 Our Elderly Care Services set up a new channel named “Sliver Live Episodes” for elders and their carers.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


Online Social Activities

因應社交措施限制,很多人群聚集的大型活動 難以舉行。有見及此,本會首次舉行線上義工 嘉許禮,透過網絡平台與一眾義工相聚,一起 感謝義工的無私付出,在疫情間仍與我們攜手 支援社會上有需要的人士。

Due to the social distancing measures amid COVID-19, major events involving significant social gatherings were not allowed. Hence, the Agency organised the first Volunteer Recognition Ceremony online. By leveraging the power of the internet, we were able to meet our volunteers online and express our sincere appreciation, especially to those who joined with us to support people in need during the pandemic.

此外,本會亦透過網絡舉行新年慶祝活動。真 光苑長者地區中心及順安長者地區中心在農 曆新年前,以創新的網上直播方式合辦團年 活動,現場職員與網上觀眾互動頻繁,氣氛熱 鬧喜慶,共錄得超過1,500人次觀看及520個讚 賞留言。

Furthermore, social media was used to host an innovative Lunar New Year Celebration Party online. Before the Lunar New Year, our Shun On and True Light Villa DECCs had organised a gathering on Facebook Live with more than 1,500 viewers and 520 online messages. Our staff members interacted with the audience and shared the festive joy online.

The “New Normal” of Our Services

本會長者地區中心舉辦網上團年活動。 Our two DECCs organised an online Lunar New Year Celebration Party.

本會首次舉行線上義工嘉許禮,並在活動後向得 獎義工送上獎項。 We organised our first Volunteer Recognition Ceremony online and delivered trophies to the award recipients.

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021



Our Community Rehabilitation Day Centre and Everjoy – Home Care Service, for Persons with Severe Disabilities launched a series of online remote training modules, which featured with home training kits, real time training using apps, as well as the introduction of an Augmented Reality (AR) system for home-based training. The AR system was launched in collaboration with the Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, allowing service users to continue their rehabilitation training at home at any time, without risking infection in public areas. Our team of therapists can also keep track of the progress of service users and make modifications to the training when needed, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness of the rehabilitation training.


本會轄下的日間社區康復中心及悅安心─嚴重 殘疾人士家居照顧服務開展了一系列線上及遙 距訓練模式,包括製作家居訓練包、透過應用 程式作實時網上訓練。以及與香港中文大學生 物醫學工程學系合作,引入「家居擴增實境」 復康訓練系統,令服務使用者可於家中隨時進 行復康訓練,減低外出感染風險。而治療師團 隊亦可透過系統掌握服務使用者在家之訓練進 度,適時作出調整,提升整體復康效果。

Introducing an Augmented Reality (AR) System for Rehabilitation Training

服務使用者在家中利用「家居擴增實境」進行復康訓練。 Our services users received the rehabilitation training at home using the AR system.

線上視像認知訓練及「智活百寶袋」 疫情肆虐下,不少患認知障礙症的長者留在家 中避疫,未能到中心接受訓練,認知能力與體 能都逐漸退步。智活記憶及認知訓練中心推行 網上視像認知訓練小組及認知訓練素材「智活 百寶袋」,讓長者在家中都能夠保持與外界接 觸,齊齊動腦筋、做運動、玩遊戲。


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Online Video Cognitive Training and the “Mind-Delight Smart Bag” Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many elderly persons suffering from dementia had to stay at home every day without engaging in any meaningful activities, which resulted in the deterioration of their physical condition and cognitive functions. Considering this, the Mind Delight Memory and Cognitive Training Centre has launched online video group cognitive training sessions with the use of “Mind-Delight Smart Bags” to enable the elderly to maintain social connections, while engaging in brain stimulation, physical exercises and other daily activities.

「智活百寶袋」由職業治療師及社工共同設 計,以認知刺激療法CST為基礎。我們的變 動不但讓長者可安心在家維持認知訓練,緩 和腦退化的速度,更有助他們改變情緒。照 顧者亦表示,使用新服務模式的長者有明顯 轉變,能及時紓緩他們的照顧壓力。

The “Mind-Delight Smart Bag” is designed by occupational therapists and social workers based on cognitive stimulation therapy (CST). The transition to online learning has allowed the elderly to continue their cognitive training at home and reduce the rate of brain degeneration, which is especially helpful in improving their mood. Caregivers have indicated that the new service model is not only beneficial for the elderly, but can also help reducing their stress levels as the carers.


The “New Normal” of Our Services


1. 認知訓練素材「智活百寶袋」由職業治療師及 社工共同設計。 The “Mind-Delight Smart Bag” is designed by occupational therapists and social workers. 2. 透過網上認知訓練小組,讓長者可以安心在家 接受認知訓練。 The online cognitive training programme enable the elderly to receive training at home.

展望未來,本會將繼續因應服務需要及疫情帶 來的新挑戰,持續調整服務,作出創新嘗試, 並連繫各界,為服務使用者提供適切的支援。

In future, we will continue to respond to the service needs and new challenges posed by the pandemic, while adjusting our services, driving innovations and staying connected with the community and to provide appropriate support to the service users.

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


兒童及 家庭服務 Children and Family Services 服務方向

SERVICE ORIENTATION 疫情打擊經濟,亦改變了生活模式,對家庭關係也難免帶來衝擊。兒童及家庭服務透 過綜合家庭服務、婦女庇護中心、臨床心理服務及幼兒教育,致力在強化家庭功能、 促進兒童福祉及防止家庭暴力的工作上努力,與基層家庭一起渡過艱難時刻。 The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the economy and our way of living, which inevitably affected family relationships. Through these trying times, our Children and Family Services supported economically underprivileged families with our integrated family services, refuge centre for women and clinical psychological services. We endeavoured to strengthen family functioning, promote the well-being of children and put an end to domestic violence.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報




SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS Supporting Families Affected by COVID-19

自2020年初,新冠肺炎疫情嚴重影響香港經 濟,令許多家庭深受困擾。活力家庭坊(綜合 家庭服務)收到求助的諮詢及個案數量比去年 增加了42%,而需要跟進的個案中,有28%是 因經濟困難而求助,故我們去年為216個家庭 及人士申請共150萬「公益金及時抗逆基金」 或「及時雨基金」,以紓緩其經濟壓力。而突 如其來的經濟問題為許多人的精神健康、情 緒,以及家庭關係帶來重大衝擊,社工需要及 時提供輔導及支援,以協助他們提升解決問題 及面對逆境的能力。

Since early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated Hong Kong’s economy and threatened the livelihoods of many families. Family Energizer (Integrated Family Service) received 42% more service requests for help and related enquiries than those in the previous year. Among the confirmed cases, 28% sought help for financial difficulties. Last year, we helped 216 families and individuals apply for a total grant of HK$1.5 million from the Community Chest Anti-NCP Rainbow Fund or Rainbow Fund to relieve their financial burden. Apart from financial assistance, we also arranged social workers to provide immediate counselling services to individuals and households suffering from emotional distress and family rifts caused by unexpected financial hardship, in hopes of improving their problem-solving skills and resilience.


1. 家庭指導員在活動中教授參加者製作甜糉。 Our family instructors taught participants how to make sweet glutinous rice dumplings at a workshop. 2. 兒童參加者透過遊戲學習情緒管理。 Children learnt how to manage their emotions through games.

Children and Family Services


3. 「有贍爸媽同愛家」2020-2021有關贍養費的社區參與計劃─《陪著 你》繪本發佈會。 “Love from Both Parents” 2020-2021 Community Involvement Project on Maintenance - launch of the picture book “Staying With You”. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


“Love from Both Parents” 2020-2021 Community Involvement Project on Maintenance



本港離婚率持續高企,觀塘區的單親家庭及未 成年子女更達11%,不少孩童需要面對父母離 異後的生活。活力家庭坊獲得民政事務局資助 舉辦「有贍爸媽同愛家」2020-2021有關贍養 費的社區參與計劃,透過一系列講座及活動, 協助離異家庭子女和家長處理彼此關係,並加 強家長對贍養費的認識,參與人次達3,200之 多。本計劃更出版了《陪著你》繪本,輯錄孩 子面對父母離婚和適應單親家庭生活的心聲, 除向公眾派發外,亦可在公共圖書館借閱,達 致廣泛宣傳和教育的效果。

Hong Kong continues to record a high divorce rate, especially in Kwun Tong, where single-parent families with children aged under 18 account for 11% of all households. This means many children have to face the separation of their parents from a young age. With a subvention from the Home Affairs Bureau, Family Energizer launched the “Love from Both Parents” 2020-2021 Community Involvement Project on Maintenance, designed to help members of singleparent households cope with family estrangement and familiarise themselves with the concept of maintenance through a series of workshops and activities. Last year, the activities attracted as many as 3,200 participants. We also published a picture book titled “Staying with You”, lending a voice to children going through a divorce and coming to terms with their new reality. Free copies are distributed to the public and made available in public libraries to raise awareness and educate the wider community.

“Together Walking through the Stormy Days – Parents’ Learning Platform” 1

為子女正值青春期的家長 提供親職學習平台 子女踏入青春期行為反叛,往往令親子關係 緊張。因此,在民政事務局及家庭議會贊助 之下,活力家庭坊及恬寧居─婦女庇護中心 (恬寧居)推出「一起走過逆風的日子」之家 長學堂,以人本存在主義為架構,協助家長 重新認識和探索自我,引導他們找出適合與 子女相處的模式,提升能力面對孩子青春期 反叛的衝擊。本計劃委託香港理工大學應用 社會科學系進行成效評估,以深入探討本計 劃的服務成效。

Though a natural part of puberty, teenage defiance can lead to a build-up of tension between teenagers and their parents. Hence, Family Energizer and Serene Court – Refuge Centre for Women (Serene Court) launched a campaign named “Together Walking through the Stormy Days – Parents’ Learning Platform” under the auspices of the Home Affairs Bureau and Family Council. The centre adopted an existentialhumanistic approach and helped parents rediscover themselves, find a way to get along with their children and conquer the shock of being confronted with their troubled teens. Moreover, the Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University was commissioned to evaluate the project outcomes.

1.「一起走過逆風的日子」家長小組組員心聲 Testimonials from members of “Together Walking through the Stormy Days” parental groups 2. 家長參與「一起走過逆風的日子」小組分享與子女相處 的經驗。 Members shared their parenting experiences in the “Together Walking through the Stormy Days” parental groups.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報



Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence

過去一年疫情持續,恬寧居共收到635個與家 庭暴力和家庭衝突相關的熱線求助電話,較前 年同期高出15%,反映疫情下不少家庭關係 變得緊張。然而,入住率雖然曾一度攀升至 93%,但整體入住率也相較疫情前為低。從熱 線中得知不少求助者基於防疫考慮,即使面對 家庭衝突也不願意離家。有見及此,恬寧居在 疫情期間透過電台、報章訪問及舉辦教育講座 等,加強公眾人士對家庭暴力及其處理方法的 認識,鼓勵有需要人士在疫情期間也要及早求 助,為當前困局另覓出路。

The lingering impact of the pandemic has intensified family tensions. Last year, Serene Court received a total of 635 calls related to domestic violence and family conflicts, 15% increase compared to the same period in the previous year. Although the occupancy rate surged to 93% at one point, the overall occupancy retreated compared to the pre-pandemic level. Many hotline callers dealing with family conflicts felt compelled to stay home because of the pandemic. In view of this, we actively informed the public about domestic violence and its coping strategies through radio and press interviews, educational talks and other events, urging victims of domestic violence to seek help immediately to get out of their plight.

在疫情期間加強社區聯繫 共「里」一起2020-2021年觀塘區 精神健康活動(觀塘中)


Children and Family Services

本活動由社會福利署觀塘區福利辦事處 資助,活力家庭坊擔當統籌角色,聯合 區內另外四個社會服務團體合辦,透過 不同的藝術表達形式,包括和諧粉彩、 沙畫、音樂等,以提升區內居民對精神 健康的關注;更與服務使用者合力製作音樂影 片,於網上播放向公眾人士宣揚抗逆正向的訊 息。整項計劃為期兩個月,以聖誕節線上嘉年 華作結,受惠人次共200多人。


Enhancing Community Cohesiveness amid COVID-19 2020-2021 Kwun Tong Mental Wellness Programme (Kwun Tong Central) Family Energizer coordinated a two-month mental wellness programme supported by the Kwun Tong District Social Welfare Office of Social Welfare Department in conjunction with four other social service organisations in Kwun Tong. The purpose was to raise mental health awareness through Pastel Nagomi Art, sand drawing, music, crafting and other expressive art forms. The team also produced a music video with our service users and posted it online to spread messages of positivity and resilience. The programme ended on a high note with a virtual Christmas fair and had benefitted more than 200 participants in total.

1. 親子和「孩」粉彩體驗小組 Family-friendly Pastel Nagomi Art workshop 2. 共「里」一起2020-2021年觀塘區精神健康活動(觀塘 中)舉辦一系列活動宣揚抗逆正向的訊息。 2020-2021 Kwun Tong Mental Wellness Programme (Kwun Tong Central) organised various events to promote positivity and resilience. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


「賽馬會智家樂計劃」 在疫情期間,活力家庭坊發揮本計劃運用資訊 科技的優勢,推出各類線上活動,在個人、家 庭及社區三個層面提供支援,包括持續向參加 者發送正向心理訊息以提升個人的精神狀態、 舉辦一家人電子畫創作活動以增進家人互動, 以及善用義工設計的新年電子賀咭以增強社區 的連結等。本計劃全年共舉辦了18個活動, 照顧參加者留家抗疫「身、心、社、靈」的需 要。同工及服務使用者更被邀出席本計劃的 「新型冠狀病毒疫情下資訊分享與家庭幸福的 關係」新聞發佈會,分享疫情下舉辦活動的經 驗及參與活動的收穫。



Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project


During the pandemic, Family Energizer tapped into the existing information technology resources of "The Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project" and staged a range of online activities supporting individuals, families and the community. For instance, we sent an ongoing stream of positive messages to participants to uplift their spirit, held a digital painting contest to strengthen family bonds and distributed a beautiful collection of digital Chinese New Year greeting cards designed by our volunteers to create a more close-knit community. Throughout the year, 18 activities were organised to meet the physical, mental, social and spiritual needs of participants who were homebound during the pandemic. Our social workers and service users were invited to a press conference themed on “Relationship between Information Sharing and Family Well-being during the COVID-19 Outbreak”, where they shared their experience in organising events amid the pandemic and what they had learnt from taking part themselves.

1. 社工及義工出席賽馬會智家樂計劃之「新型冠狀病毒疫情 下資訊分享與家庭幸福的關係」新聞發佈會。 Our social workers and service users attended a press conference themed on “Relationship between Information Sharing and Family Well-being during the COVID-19 Outbreak” as part of "The Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project." 2. 新興運動「芬蘭木棋」新體驗。 Participants tried playing a new Finnish throwing game callede “MölkkyMolkky”. 3. 智家樂義工自製電子賀年咭向大家拜年。 Volunteers of “The Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project” designed their own festive e-cards in celebration of Chinese New Year.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報



OUTLOOK 兒童及家庭服務會繼續秉持著「愛家」的核心價值,與服務使用者共建和 諧家庭;面對社會急劇轉變為家庭帶來不少挑戰,我們會加強兒童發展、 家長教育及防止家暴等範疇的工作,以強化家庭的功能。 Our Children and Family Services will continue to uphold the core value of “Love Your Family” while promoting family harmony among our service users. As the rapid societal changes present many challenges to families, we are looking to reinforce family functioning by stepping up efforts in areas such as child development, parental education and prevention of domestic violence.

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) SERVICE STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021) Children and Family Services




Programme sessions of children development encouragement


推動和諧家庭的活動節數 Programme sessions of harmonious family promotion


No. of cases of domestic violence support


促進家庭功能的個案數目 No. of cases of family function encouragement


臨床心理輔導個案數目 No. of cases of Clinical Psychological Services CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021




青年及 教育服務 Youth and Education Services


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

疫情促使了線上下混合的生活模式成為社會 的新常態,社會大眾既要適應生活模式的轉 變,青年及教育服務的使命與運作方式亦要 與時俱進。我們在各服務的平台上,尤其青 少年綜合服務中心及學校社工服務,與一眾 青年和學生同心面對改變,作出了很多新嘗 試,開展一系列創新的計劃。青年在社會環 境轉變下,更需要社會各界的支持,給他們 迎接未來的勇氣。我們繼續服務的信念:「與 青年同行,培育青年的發展及潛能」,鼓勵青 年朋友多關心社區、關愛弱勢社群,共建和 諧社會;亦同時培養青少年以助人自助的精 神,時刻保持樂觀積極的態度,面對挑戰和 機遇。 The pandemic has ushered in a new norm of hybrid lifestyle consisting of online and offline routines. While members of the public have to keep up with the changes in their daily lives, our Youth and Education Services must also align our mission and practices closely with the changing times. Across various service platforms, especially our integrated youth services centres and school social work services, we stand in solidarity with young people and students who are embracing these changes while launching many new programmes, including a series of innovative projects. Under the changes in the social environment, young people are more than ever in need of support from all sectors of society, which gives them the courage to take on future challenges. We hold on to our belief in walking with young people and nurturing their development and potentials, and we also encourage young people to be more engaged in the community, care for the disadvantaged and contribute to a harmonious society. At the same time, we are committed to cultivating the spirit of self-empowerment and helping the young generation stay optimistic through challenges and opportunities.



YOU CAN ─ 潛能發展中心去年一項由凱瑟克 基金合辦贊助的「開放藝術工作室」計劃喜獲 機構優秀服務項目獎;同時,更獲嘉道理基金 會贊助擴展3年服務,服務8所中學,於校園舉 行藝術活動,藉著創作的平台認識及了解有情 緒支援需要的同學,鼓勵他們求助。雖然因疫 情令活動受影響,但計劃由9月至今,已接觸 了2,500位學生。參與的學校對計劃的評價非 常正面,計劃能給予學生在疫情的不穩定氣氛 下,運用創意表達自己,有助他們發洩鬱悶, 重建校園原本充滿活力的氣氛。此外亦舉辦了 5個治療性小組,服務了30位學生,而老師及 社工亦見證到他們的改變。

Operated by YOU CAN − Potential Exploration Unit, the “Open Studio Project” sponsored by The Keswick Foundation last 1 year won recognition as one of CFSC’s best service projects. We also received a grant from The Kadoorie Charitable Foundation to extend the project for three more years. The project aims at getting to know students with emotional support needs and encouraging them to express their feelings and seek help through creative and art activities. Although our service was affected due to COVID-19, the project has reached about 2,500 students since its launch in September. We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the participating schools about how the activities allowed students to vent their frustration creatively amid the uncertainties of the pandemic and brought energy back to the campus. Moreover, 5 therapeutic groups have been organised and serving 30 students in total. Both teachers and school social workers reported seeing a positive change in their behaviours.

Youth and Education Services




Walk with YOU – Family Cohesion Project

本年度臻善軒繼續得到「香港賽馬會社區資助 計劃」的支持及贊助,開展了為期3年的新計 劃─「聚寶‧凝家同行計劃」。計劃繼續向隔 代照顧家庭及特殊需要家庭提供全面及多元化 的支援服務,補足區內服務斷層。70個參與家 庭主要來自寶達邨、秀茂坪邨、安達邨及安泰 邨的家庭。計劃目的提升子女的個人能力、增 强照顧者的能力、減低親職壓力及建立親密家 庭關係。

This year, Cherish House launched a new three-year project called the “Walk with YOU – Family Cohesion Project” with the extended support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant. The project continues to provide multi-generational and special-needs families with comprehensive support services and fill the existing gap in district services. The 70 participating families are mostly from Po Tat Estate, Sau Mau Ping Estate, On Tat Estate and On Tai Estate. The goal is to empower the children and carers in the families, ease parental pressure and establish closer family ties.

1. 學生們於「開放藝術工作室」的作品─從黑暗中發掘 色彩。 An artwork created by students at “The Open Studio”, titled “Rainbow in the Dark”. 2. 學童在導師的教導下製作紮染作品。 Our instructor guided students in creating tie-dye art. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


Tablet Laboratory


In October 2020, the Rotary Club of Soho Hong Kong donated 30 tablets and printers to Cherish House and established a new project named “Tablet Laboratory”, which aims to provide online services to students in need in the vicinity. As a three years project, the Rotary Club of Soho Hong Kong offers support to Cherish House and school children in 4 aspects. (1) A network enhancement project is launched to create a smoother online learning experience for project participants; (2) training courses are organised to educate children and their carers on how to use a tablet computer, in order to reduce household conflicts and improve the overall quality of online learning; (3) all tablets can be borrowed home for free to meet the learning needs; (4) the Rotary Club of Soho Hong Kong provides regular technical support to the “Tablet Laboratory” project. As of March 2021, the laboratory has recorded 172 visits in total.


蘇豪香港扶輪社於去年10月捐助了30部平板 電腦及打印機予臻善軒,並成立了「平板電腦 實驗室」,為中心鄰近有需要的學童提供適切 的網上服務。實驗室計劃為期3年,蘇豪香港 扶輪社亦為中心及學童提供了四方面的支援, 包括:(1)提升中心的網絡工程,讓平板電腦實 驗室的參加者能夠有更順暢的網上學習體驗: (2)開辦培訓課程,為學童及照顧者裝備好使 用平板電腦的知識,以減低學童及家長之間 的磨擦及改善學童的學習質素;(3)所有平板 電腦外借回家學習,以應付不同的學習需要: (4)為中心提供定期的技術支援工作,讓實驗 室的運行更順暢。截至2021年3月,「平板電 腦實驗室」共服務172人次。


「風青」青少年劇場 賽馬會跳躍青年坊於本年度創立「風青」青少 年劇場,並由觀塘區議會撥款,於2021年上 演首齣劇目「謊言」。故事劇本由負責社工創 作,台前幕後演員及工作人員則由劇團23位成 員合力擔任。透過故事主角之成長和經歷,引 發演員和觀眾對個人成長時所面對的「謊言」 和「真相」的反思,從而增加對自我和身邊處 境的理解。團員經歷12星期排練後因應疫情的 限制,話劇最終以錄播方式於網上發佈,至今 累計近1,000瀏覽人次,反應良好。「風青」青 少年劇場將於未來作出多方面嘗試,令更多對 戲劇活動有興趣之青少年發展所長。 1. 平板電腦實驗室正式啟動。 Tablet Laboratory was officially launched into operation. 2. 「風青」─青少年劇場招募了23位青少年擔任台前幕後的 工作,並完成首次演出。 Youth Theatre recruited 23 young performers and backstage crew members and delivered its debut performance.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


Youth Theatre This year, Jockey Club Youth Leap established the “Youth Theatre” with a subsidy from the Kwun Tong District Council. In 2021, the theatre delivered its debut performance – “Lies”, a play written by our social workers and orchestrated by a crew of 23 performers and backstage members. The story unfolds around the personal growth and experiences of the protagonist and guides the audience and performers to reflect on the “lies” and “truths” that shape adolescence, helping them come to terms with themselves and the circumstances that they are in. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the performance was eventually pre-recorded and broadcast online after 12 weeks of rehearsals. The video has attracted about 1,000 views and has been encouragingly well-received. The Youth Theatre will venture into more uncharted territories in the future to enable more young people to develop their passion for drama.


Online Support Services

賽馬會跳躍青年坊本年度因疫情暫停了不少實 體服務,但同時造就機會讓單位嘗試發展網上 支援模式,讓服務使用者能持續與單位保持溝 通。期間先後製作了兩季「順天Online」網上 節目,時數超過150小時,每星期5集提供豐富 青少年相關題材內容,節目由單位同工主持, 並邀請服務使用者為節目嘉賓,每天緊密地與 會員於社交平台接觸。

While the pandemic forced to suspend many of our services, it also gave us an opportunity to develop an online approach to connect with our service users. During the reporting period, two seasons of the “Shun Tin Online” webcast programme were hosted by staff to provide a wide array of youth-related information. The programme was aired for more than 150 hours, 5 episodes a week. Service users were invited to be the guest speakers and joined our interaction on social media.

至2020年12月,單位更把節目質素進一步提 升,建立了「講‧青」IG專頁,以專題影片形 式報導青年關注的文化、職涯等議題,讓社會 更理解青年人想法,共錄得1,771瀏覽人次。另 外,單位建立了心事投稿IG專頁「Post Eat」, 目的讓有需要尋求傾訴的青少年,以不公開身 份情況下,安心地向社工表達內心所想,同時 藉以識別有需要人士,提供進一步情緒支援。

Youth and Education Services

In December 2020, the centre ramped up the production quality and set up an Instagram account named “HKYOUTHTALK”, where videos dealing with cultural issues, career development and other topics of interest to youths are posted to amplify the voices of young people in the society. The account has recorded 1,771 views since then. Another Instagram account “Post Eat” was also set up for young people to submit messages and confess their feelings to social workers anonymously. This allows us to identify youth in need and provide them emotional support.

「順天Online」 節目分享少女資訊 。 We shared information with teenage girls through our webcast programme, “Shun Tin Online”.


Redefining Campus Life amid COVID-19

過去一年,相信對學生及老師們來說,在疫情 下所過的校園生活可算特別難忘。在疫情下, 人與人之間帶來距離、冷漠,為了能夠讓師生 們在苦悶的日子添上色彩,學校社工花了不少 心思,制作不同形式的活動,為師生發放暖意 的「打氣站」,為他們送上一些窩心的禮物如 潤手膏、暖貼、潤喉糖等;「友動情」以動物 治療的方式為一群學生拉近隔膜,學習「施與 受」的精神;學校社工更將「流動小把戲」帶 到各班房,為鬱悶的上課氣氛添上色彩;活動 得到各學校師生的支持,共4,980人次參與。

Navigating through campus life amid a global pandemic has been an experience unlike any other to teachers and students alike. Over the past year, many have experienced feelings of isolation and loneliness due to the increased interpersonal distance. To inject colours into the dullness of everyday lives, our school social workers meticulously designed a variety of engaging activities for students and teachers. For example, a “Recharge Station” was set up to hand out heart-warming gifts such as hand cream, heat patches and throat lozenges, “Animal-Assisted Therapy” was held to help students bond with one another and learn the art of giving and receiving, while “Movable Game Stations” were introduced by school social workers into the classrooms to lighten up the atmosphere through fun-filled games. These activities were widely supported by teachers and students across various schools and attracted 4,980 attendances in total. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


Our school social workers also invested more time and effort into case services in providing emotional support and exploring of community resources to help students and their parents grapple with the impacts of the pandemic.

此外,在疫情下學校社工不忘花更多時間及心 力於個案服務,始終學生及其家長面對疫情的 影響需要不同的適應,情緒支援及搜羅社區資 源確實為他們帶來很大的意義。




透過家校合作 培養幼兒良好品德及正面價值觀

Character and Value Education through Parent-School Cooperation

基督教家庭服務中心楊蔡慧嫻紀念幼稚園於 2020學年推行「好德小孩計劃」,透過與家長 合作,共同培養幼兒正確行為和價值觀。本計 劃由楊蔡慧嫻基金會贊助,對象為全校教師、 學生及家長。學校邀得「希戲劇團」配合主 題編排劇目,並配合互動遊戲及小手工,讓幼 兒體驗五種良好品德:友愛、勇敢、分享、關 懷、盡責。學校亦與其他服務單位合作為家長 舉辦與主題相配的親職講座,讓家長明白培養 良好品德的重要性。

CFSC Yeoh Choy Wai Haan Memorial Kindergarten commenced the “Good Character Show Programme” in the academic year of 2020-2021, hoping to instil good conduct and values in young children in cooperation with their parents. Sponsored by the Yeoh Choy Wai Haan Foundation, this project targeted all teachers, students and parents across the kindergarten. With original plays written by courtesy of “Joyful Theatre”, a line - up of interac tive games and craft activities, children were exposed to the five virtues of friendship, bravery, sharing, caring and conscientiousness. The school also co-organised similarly themed parenting seminars with other social welfare institutions to teach parents the importance of developing good character in childhood.

1. 「友動情」活動透過動物治療的方式與學生互動。 “Animal-Assisted Therapy” was held to interact with students. 3

2. 考試都要鬆一鬆,「打氣站」為同學加添生活的正能量。 Our “Recharge Station” allowed students preparing for examinations to relax and recharge themselves with positive energy. 3. 幼兒專心地欣賞話劇「雞蛋哥哥」,學習做一個勇於表達自己的孩子。 Children were watching a play called “Brother Egg” attentively and learnt to express themselves bravely.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


OUTLOOK 疫情為服務帶來了許多挑戰,亦帶來不少機遇,我們的持份者及服務使用者都因應不同的轉變而提供大 量反饋。青年及教育服務將繼續發展和推廣「潛能發展」和「未來技能」的理念,以支持年青人提升技 能和競爭力;推廣健康理念,幫助年青人建立積極的價值觀和生活方式;及發掘更多機會讓年青人追求 夢想和發展職志為目標。 Amid the many challenges and opportunities brought about by the pandemic, our stakeholders and service users have given us a lot of feedback on the changes in our practices. Looking forward, our Youth and Education Services will continue to build on the concepts of “potential development” and “skills of the future”. It is our goal to support young people to upskill and enhance their competitiveness; promote health awareness and help young people develop a positive outlook and lifestyle; and explore more opportunities for young people to pursue their dreams and career aspirations.

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) SERVICE STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021)


Youth and Education Services


接受輔導的青少年個案數目 No. of youths counselled


No. of attendance of consultation services



激勵青少年成長的活動節數 No. of youth development programme sessions


No. of serving community programme sessions



發展人際社交能力、體藝能力的活動節數 No. of developing social, sports and art skills programme sessions


No. of students receiving child education CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


長者照顧服務 Elderly Care Services


SERVICE ORIENTATION 長者照顧服務旨在協助長者定立生活目標,提升生活能力,重拾動力和發掘生活 趣味,自主生活。配合本會以全方位照顧長者及照顧者的身心需要,我們將進一步 在服務實踐支援長者獨立在社區或院舍生活的照顧模式,讓更多長者參與,並在 本地安老服務業界積極推展這種照顧模式。 Our Elderly Care Services have endeavoured to help the elderly regain a sense of purpose by improving their life skills and rekindling their motivation and passion for life, thus allowing them to live autonomously. In order to provide holistic physical and mental care to our users and their carers, the Agency aims to further implement our care model to support more elderly people living independently in the community or at home, while encouraging other local elderly care institutions to carry out this model in local practice.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS 智活十周年紀念書刊─「上門!」 留在家中 到戶認知障礙訓練

Mind-Delight 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet

踏入2020年11月,智活記憶及認知訓練中心 便成立十周年,我們特別結集過去上門服務的 實務經驗,出版《「上門!」留在家中 到戶認 知障礙訓練》紀念書刊,分享認知障礙症行為 症狀的應對方法和服務中的點滴感受,為照 顧者提供「照顧指南」,希望他們對病症能多 一分諒解,照顧上少一分壓力。同時,我們 希望與大家互相交流勉勵,展望在下一個十 年,能夠與大眾攜手做得更多,讓每位患者均 能得到尊重,有權利接受適 當的照顧,開心地生活。

November 2020 marked the 10th anniversary of the Mind Delight Memory and Cognitive Training Centre. In honour of this tremendous milestone, we compiled our own experiences in home-based services into a special commemorative publication. The booklet sheds light on how to manage some of the behavioural symptoms of dementia and features our staff’s personal stories in caring for dementia patients, which can serve as a practical guide that empowers carers to treat patients with more empathy and less stress. We also seek to spark more conversations and inspire everyone to work together and do more in the next decade to ensure that every patient can enjoy the respect, proper care and happiness they deserve.

Elderly Care Services

智活十周年紀念書刊 Mind-Delight 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet 觀塘改善家居及社區照顧服務位於彩 霞邨彩日樓地下的新辦公室。 Our Kwun Tong Enhanced Home and Community Care Services relocated to a new office on the ground floor of Choi Yat House, Choi Ha Estate.


Upgrading Our Home Care Services

本會轄下的觀塘及黃大仙綜合家居照顧服務單 位均獲批額外資源,於2020年10月及2021年4 月分兩期於觀塘區及黃大仙區分別增加105個 及60個體弱個案服務名額。每年獲額外撥款約 港幣$1,800萬,以滿足長者對服務持續增加的 需求。

With the ever-growing demand for elderly services, our Integrated Home Care Services in Kwun Tong and Wong Tai Sin were allocated additional resources, which allowed the service capacities for frail elderly care to increase by 105 and 60 places respectively in two phases (October 2020 and April 2021). An additional subvention of around HK$18 million is also earmarked annually to support the increasing needs of frail elders.

由關愛基金資助的「支援身體機能有輕度缺損 的長者試驗計劃」於2017年12月開始在觀塘 及黃大仙區為綜合家居照顧服務輪候名單中的 輕度受損長者提供家居支援服務。直至2020 年11月底的三年間,我們的服務團隊成功支援 454名有需要的長者於社區中的日常生活。由 於服務成效良好,關愛基金在2020年12月將 試驗計劃延長了25個月,直至2022年12月。

Funded by the Community Care Fund (CCF), a three-year pilot scheme was launched in December 2017 to provide home support services to mildly impaired elders in Kwun Tong and Wong Tai Sin districts, who were on the waiting list for Integrated Home Care Services. By the end of November 2020, our service team had served 454 cases in need and supported their daily needs in the community in three years. Seeing the promising results, in December 2020, CCF decided to extend the pilot scheme by 25 months to December 2022. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


觀塘改善家居及社區照顧服務團隊承蒙社會福 利署的協助,在2020年10月轉為一筆過撥款 資助模式,並於2021年2月遷往牛頭角彩霞邨 彩日樓2號地下的新服務會址。期望服務使用 者在疫情紓緩下,能夠在較寬敞的地方,參與 小組或接受復康訓練活動。

With support from the Social Welfare Department, our Kwun Tong Enhanced Home and Community Care Service Team switched to the Lump Sum Grant Subvention System in October 2020 and relocated to its new ground-level site at Choi Yat House, Choi Ha Estates in Ngau Tau Kok in February 2021. The relocation is expected to create a more spacious environment for service users to attend group activities and rehabilitation training once the pandemic subsides.


疫情下,單位職員透過視像活動,與長 者及其家人一起做手工,慶祝農曆新年 的來臨。 Amid the pandemic, our staff members stayed in touch with our service users and their carers and celebrated the Chinese New Year together through a virtual craft workshop.

Enhancing Our Carer Support Services

強化護老者支援服務 「一耆一會 Silver Live Episodes」 照顧頻道啟播 專為長者和照顧者而設的Youtube頻道「一耆 一會Silver Live Episodes」於本年1月6日正 式啟播,內容包括養生保健、防跌運動、輔助 工具開箱、認知障礙症照顧技巧等。「一耆一 會」取其「一期一會」的諧音,意思是重視人 與人之間每次相知相遇的時刻,盡其誠意去好 好細味過程。同樣的,我們希望珍惜每次與長 者和照顧者在頻道相遇的機會,傳遞正向訊息 及鼓勵公眾珍惜和體諒身邊的長者,一起在逆 境下享受當下生活。

The debut of our YouTube channel “Silver Live Episodes” Our YouTube channel “Silver Live Episodes”, which provides tailor-made content for elders and their carers, was launched on 6th January, 2021. The videos cover a range of topics from health and wellness, fall prevention exercises, introduction of assistive tools and dementia care skills. The channel name draws inspiration from the famous Japanese saying “ichigo ichie”, meaning every encounters with another person is a once-in-a-lifetime moment that should be treasured. Similarly, we hope to cherish every moment of interaction with elders and their carers on this channel and seize every opportunity to spread messages of positivity. We also encourage the public to appreciate and empathise with their elders and overcome adversity through togetherness.

以長者和照顧者為對象,設立 「一耆一會Silver Live Episodes」 頻道。 We set up a new channel called “Sliver Live Episodes” for elders and their carers.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

護老者緊急支援服務延伸至黃大仙區 及東九龍區 護老者緊急支援服務於2020年10月再獲 The Ronald and Rita McAulay Foundation 資助港幣$500萬元擴展服務,除了現有服務地 區觀塘外,另增設服務黃大仙區─「想你有支 援」 (黃大仙),計劃為500個家庭提供為期三 年之護老者緊急支援服務及基本家居支援。另 外2021年2月我們開展了由香港賽馬會慈善信 託基金資助,為期兩年的「賽馬會友『伴』同 盟護老者支援計劃」,計劃獲資助港幣$407萬 元,為東九龍300個有不同程度需要的護老者 家庭提供以「護老者為本」的支援服務;透過 網上平台、個案、身心靈小組活動及訓練,為 照顧者提供情緒支援及協助,紓緩照顧者之壓 力;同時亦提升「前」護老者之輔導及照顧技 巧,協助他們參與義工活動,以自身經驗協助 有需要之護老者家庭。

Extending Our Emergency Carer Support Services to Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon East In October 2020, the Agency was granted an additional HK$5 million from the Ronald and Rita Mc Aulay Foundation to extend our emergency carer support services from the Kwun Tong district to the Wong Tai Sin district with a three-year programme named “Emergency Assistance and Comprehensive Bridging Services to Elderly Carers to Support Frail Elderly at Home”, designed to serve 500 families with emergency carer support services and basic home support. In February 2021, we launched the two-year “Standby U” Caregivers Community Support Project with a generous grant of HK$4.07 million from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to provide “carer-oriented” support services to 300 families with various needs across Kowloon East. Carers are also given emotional support and assistance through online platforms, case management, group activities on physical, mental and spiritual well-being, as well as training to relieve them of the stress from their daily duties. Meanwhile, former carers are provided with counselling 3 and care skills training, which would allow them to serve as volunteer counsellors to share their experience and expertise with other carers in need.

Elderly Care Services



1. 由物理治療師計劃的「樂‧同行」照顧者工作坊於疫情中 為照顧者提供網上照顧資訊。 The “Walking with You” caregiver online workshop organised by our physiotherapist provided carers with essential online information during the pandemic. 2. 「痛症管理及家居運動小貼士」講座,物理治療師正在帶 領參加者做紓緩肩膊痛的伸展運動。 Our physiotherapist demonstrated stretching exercises for shoulder pain relief during the “Educational Talk on Pain Management and Introduction of Home Exercise”.

3. 「健康侍腹」腹膜透析(洗肚)服務舉辦健康講座,護士透過生動的 講解,向參加者介紹腎病的成因、治療及預防方法。 During a health talk of “Blessing Belly” – Renal Care service a registered nurse gave an engaging introduction to the causes, treatments and prevention of kidney disease. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


Promoting the “Re-enablememt Care” model

我們自2017年開始由台灣引入「自立支援」 照顧模式並在本會長者照顧服務中推行。計劃 大受長者歡迎,提升了他們的自理能力和生活 質素,於服務檢討調查中更顯示超過90%計劃 參加者支持計劃實行,接近80%參加者的活動 能力有所改善;受訪家屬中更有98%支持計劃 實行,90%受訪家屬表示照顧壓力得以減輕, 而絕大部分受訪家屬認同讓長者參加「自立支 援」計劃是個正確的決定。而為了推動「自立 支援」照顧模式在港的發展,我們內部培訓了 212名各職級同工,並自2019年10月開始為業界 提供「自立支援」的體驗培訓課程,數年來共 訓練100名外間前線照顧及專業同工相關的應 用技巧,希望能夠推動業界及社會大眾增加對 「自立支援」照顧模式的認識,攜手建立一個 尊重長者的關懷社區。

Since we have borrowed the “Re-enablememt Care” model from Taiwan and introduced it to our Elderly Care Services in 2017, the new programme gained lots of support from our users and has notably improved their self-care ability and quality of life. An evaluation study showed that more than 90% of the participants and 98% of their family members approved of this model. Close to 80% of the participants reported improvement in their mobility, and 90% of the family members experienced a reduced level of carer stress. Most of the surveyed family members believed they made the right decision signing up for the programme. To promote the development of the model in Hong Kong, we provided internal training to 212 staff members at all ranks and began to offer experiential and training courses to other practitioners in the industry from October 2019. Since then, we have equipped up to 100 frontline care workers and professionals from other institutions with hands-on skills, hoping to educate the industry and the public on the “Re-enablememt Care” model and rally a concerted effort to build a caring community that respects the elderly.



Project of “Embracing Life”


「擁抱生命」計劃 由華人永遠墳場管理委員會(2019) 「生命教 育」計劃撥款贊助,五間長者日間護理中心推 出「擁抱生命」計劃,向長者會員、其家屬及 公眾,宣揚「擁抱生命、欣賞生命」的訊息。 透過舉行「擁抱生命表達藝術治療小組」,以 不同的藝術媒介,與長者一同回顧人生,細味 生活故事。此外,計劃亦關顧護老者的心靈需 要,讓他們暫時放下日常護老工作,參與不同 的活動,尋回自己,享受人生。計劃已於2020 年12月完結,共410人次參與,而精彩的活動 過程亦輯錄成片段,上載於 CFSC Channel與 公眾分享。 1. 加強院友復健運動,令他們更享自主。 Having more rehabilitation exercises, our residents enjoy more autonomy in the daily living. 2. 長者透過「擁抱生命」計劃以和諧粉彩繪出生活感受 。 Elderly of the Project of “Embracing Life” painted how they felt about their lives using Pastel Nagomi Art.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Funded by The Board of Management of The Chinese Permanent C e m e te r i e s ( 2 019 ) Annual Donation – “Life Education Project”, a series of programmes 2 with the running theme of “Embracing life, Appreciating life” were organised for the elderly, their family members and other members of the public across our five day care centres for the elderly. Expressive art therapy groups were held to give elders a chance to revisit memorable life experiences and stories through a variety of art media. We also highlighted the psychological needs of their carers and invited them to take a step back from their duties, rediscover themselves through our activities and enjoy the simple moments of life. The project came to a successful conclusion in December 2020, with a total of 410 participants. The highlights were compiled into videos and uploaded to our YouTube Channel, CFSC Channel, for public viewing.


OUTLOOK 延續優質照顧服務,為長者提供安享晚年的環境,提供足夠的支援予照顧者依然是我們的願景;我 們將努力陪伴長者跨過疫情,重拾與社區的連繫,並繼續於各照顧服務深入實踐支援長者獨立生活 能力的照顧模式,以及進一步推廣至業界,分享導入經驗,提升同工、長者及照顧者對服務模式的 認識,攜手面對高齡化帶來的挑戰。 Our priorities remain to provide quality elderly care service, create an environment in which the elderly can spend their silver years at ease and extend adequate support to their carers. While supporting the elderly through the pandemic and reconnecting them with the community, we will also expand the use of the care model in supporting the elderly to live independently in our services, promote the model in the industry and drive public awareness by sharing our experiences in incorporating the model with other practitioners, elders and their carers, in a bid to ride on the challenges brought about by an advanced ageing society.

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) SERVICE STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021)

Elderly Care Services



安老住宿照顧個案數目 No. of cases of residential services for elderlies



No. of home delivery meals


長者社區照顧個案數目 No. of cases of community care services for elderlies

提供照顧、護理服務時數 No. of hours of care and nursing services



No. of community connection programmes for elderlies

47,148 提供復康訓練節數

No. of rehabilitation training sessions CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


殘疾人士 綜合服務 Services for People with Disabilities


SERVICE ORIENTATION 殘疾人士綜合服務的主要對象包括智障人 士、其他殘障類別人士及其照顧者。我們的 團隊成員皆持守著關愛的核心價值,採取跨 專業協作和全人照顧的個案管理模式,致 力回應不同復康人士和照顧者的需要。 Our Services for People with Disabilities target those with intellectual or other disabilities and their carers. To cater to the diverse rehabilitation needs of our service users and support their carers, our team is committed to upholding the core value of Care through holistic case management and interdisciplinary collaboration.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報



SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS Using Technology to Stay Connected and Support Learning amid COVID-19

雖然受著疫情的影響,仍然無阻我們與居住在 社區的服務使用者及照顧者保持聯繫,透過 運用資訊科技,繼續他們的社交互動及復康訓 練學習。欣悅坊─地區支援中心(觀塘東)開 設了網上學習頻道─ KN8 Channel,由跨專 業同事提供多元化技能與興趣發展目,如運動 健身、烹煮小食、手作仔創作、生活常識及培

While the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly posed challenges for our services, it did not deter us from staying connected with our service users and their carers across the community. With the aid of information technology, we continued to maintain close ties with our service users and provided them with uninterrupted rehabilitation training. To help our users stay socially active and learn without barriers from the comfort of their homes, Cheerful Place – District Support Centre (Kwun Tong East) rolled out an e-learning channel named KN8 Channel, which features online classes and skill training hosted by our multidisciplinary staff covering a range of topics from exercise and fitness, cooking and crafting to common knowledge in everyday life and starter tips for aspiring influencers. To spread the joy and warmth of the festive season amid the pandemic, the Centre also prepared three special short videos, titled “Let’s go and see the Christmas Displays”, “Happy Renri – Celebrating CNY with Golden Lion” and “Happy Renri – 7 tips for staying healthy”, in the spirit of Christmas and Chinese New Year.


訓智障人士成為KOL等,讓留在家中的服務使 用者都能無障礙地參與學習及保持社交互動。 單位亦為服務使用者及照顧者製作了聖誕節及 農曆新年之節日特備短片,包括「帶你睇燈 飾」、「人日快樂!金獅賀新春」、「人日快樂~ 新年7件事」,為疫情下的使用者及照顧者送上 暖心的節日歡愉。

Services for People with Disabilities

疫情下善用資訊科技 保持社交互動及學習

1. KN8 Channel提供多元化技能與興趣發展節目。 KN8 Channel features online classes and skill training with a wide range of topics. 2. 誠愛及誠謙兒童之家的學員藉著中秋節一起製作燈籠。 Service users from Shing Oi Small Group Home and Shing Him Small Group Home celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival by making lanterns together. 3. 學員們一起穿著傳統中國特式服裝迎接新一年。 Service users were dressed in traditional Chinese clothing in celebration of Chinese New Year.

3 CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


「私營殘疾人士院舍專業外展服務試驗計劃」 在疫情期間,透過借出平板電腦及上網系統, 並教導院舍職員學習資訊科技,使26間院舍的 舍友及職員,都可以獲得遠程服務。此外,單 位亦獲得社會福利署深水埗區福利辦事處資助 並聯繫了區內3間機構共同推行一個為期4星期 的「一網情深」網上活動,舉辦慶祝聖誕唱遊 活動、舍友才藝表演、治療師教導健體運動及 點唱活動等,讓深水埗區7間私營殘疾院舍的 舍友在疫 情下仍可 以保持社 交互動及 促進身心 靈健康。



During the pandemic, “The Pilot Scheme on Professional Outreaching Team for Private Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities” continued to support the residents and staff of 26 hostels by offering remote services and on-the-job IT training enabled by online systems and a tablet-lending scheme. With the funding support from the Sham Shui Po District Social Welfare Office, a four-week online programme named “Love on the net” was organised in conjunction with three other social welfare agencies in the district. The line-up of engaging activities included Christmas carol singing, a residential talent show, workout classes led by therapists, song request sessions and many more. The goal was to help residents from seven of our private residential care homes in Sham Shui Po stay socially active and promote the holistic wellness of their mind, body and soul amid the pandemic.

正念支援照顧者身心靈健康 「殘疾人士照顧者生命故事教育計劃」聯絡了共 10個社福團體及家長互助組織,成功招募了41位 殘疾人士照顧者參與,為他們撰寫獨一無二的生 命故事冊,以他們正面經驗去激勵更多同路人。


Nourishing the Mind, Body and Soul of Carers through Mindfulness


1. 「私營殘疾人士院舍專業外展服務試驗計劃」舍友透過相 機拍下她眼中的社區。 A resident captured her vision of the community through photography by “The Pilot Scheme on Professtional Outreaching Team for Private Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities”. 2. 欣悅坊─地區支援中心(觀塘東)舉辦班組訓練。 Cheerful Place – District Support Centre (Kwun Tong East) organised small group training.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

In a programme named “Life Story Project and Developing Carers of Persons with Disabilities as Positive Life Ambassadors”, we invited 41 carers of persons with disabilities from 10 social welfare organisations and parent support groups to have their unique life stories turned into an inspiring book that motivates and empowers fellow carers.

3. 「殘疾人士照顧者生命故事教育計劃」邀請殘疾人士及照顧者一同參 與和諧粉彩繪畫,表達內心的感受。 “Life Story Project and Developing Carers of Persons with Disabilities as Positive Life Ambassadors” invited persons with disabilities and their carers to participate in “Pastel Nagomi Art” to express their feelings.

With support from the Kwun Tong District Social Welfare Office, Cheerful Place – District Support Centre (Kwun Tong East) also launched a project named “Peer Support – Carer Support Project”. Fitness instructors, Chinese medicine practitioners, physiotherapists, nurses, dieticians and laughter yoga teachers were invited to conduct a series of workshops for 320 carers to impove their well-being through mindfulness activities.


New Milestones In Residential Services

本會於2020年度新增了四間家舍,分別為位於 啟能綜合康復服務大樓的尚真家舍(中度智障 人士宿舍)、尚善家舍(嚴重肢體傷殘人士宿 舍)、尚美家舍(輔助宿舍)及位於深水埗的 尚恩家舍(中度智障人士宿舍),合共提供192 個宿位;透過跨專業的服務團體、資訊科技的 運用,照顧不同舍友的需要,提供更完善及優 質的住宿生活。

In 2020, the Agency launched four new residential homes into operation, including Sheung Chun House (Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped Persons), Sheung Seen House (Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons), Sheung Mei House (Supported Hostel) as parts of Kai Nang Integrated Rehabilitation Services Complex (KNIRSC) and Sheung Yan House (Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped Persons) in Sham Shui Po, offering 192 residential places in total. With a multidisciplinary team and the use of information technology, the new residential units are committed to addressing the diverse needs of our service users and providing them with more comprehensive and quality accommodation.

Services for People with Disabilities

欣悅坊─地區支援中心(觀塘東)獲得社會福利 署觀塘區福利辦事處資助舉辦「友伴同行─照 顧者支援計劃」,透過邀請健身教練、中醫師、 護士、物理治療師、營養師及愛笑瑜伽導師舉辦 多元化工作坊,以正念手法協助共320位照顧者 紓緩身心靈健康的需要。

尚真家舍 強調樂活共享,設有虛擬現實技能訓練 系統、玩樂專區等,讓舍友開心投入家 舍生活。 Centred on the concept of joyful living and sharing, Sheung Chun House features a Virtual Reality (VR) skill training system, a play zone and other facilities to keep residents engaged and entertained.

尚善家舍 透過多元的訓練模式,如運動、藝術及科技應用等, 啟發舍友的潛能。 Sheung Seen House adopts a multi-pronged training model consisting of physical activity, arts and the application of technology to help residents explore their possibility.

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


尚美家舍 以自主生活為服務目標,著重為舍友提供生活技能訓 練,鼓勵他們參與家舍事務。 Dedicated to promoting independent living, Sheung Mei House offers life skill training and encourages active participation in residential affairs.

尚恩家舍 善用家居環境和生活流程豐富舍友的生活,安排 舍友照顧寵物、佈置家居、參與電競活動等,增 進家的感覺。


Sheung Yan House enriches the life of residents by elevating the housing environment and everyday routines and helps them feel at home with activities such as pet sitting, home decoration and e-sports events.


Communal Living In Times Of Pandemic

為保障學員的健康,宿舍特別引入防病毒塗層 技術,在學員經常接觸的環境中使用,減少病 毒在環境中感染學員的機會;亦添置了消毒噴 霧機讓職員上班時噴灑全身,以減少職員從社 區環境帶入病毒的風險;飯堂亦設置獨立隔板 減少飲食時交叉感染的機會。而在衛生管理方 面,訪客及宿舍職員均需申報身體狀況,以便 當有需要時作出協調。

To ensure the safety of our service users and prevent the spread of the coronavirus, anti-viral coatings are put on frequently touched surfaces throughout the hostel areas. Our hostels are also equipped with disinfectant sprayers for our staff to disinfect themselves and protect residents from any external source of infection. Meanwhile, tables in the dining hall are fitted with partitions to minimise the risk of infection among diners. In terms of hygiene management, both visitors and staff are required to declare their physical conditions to facilitate any follow-up measures if necessary.

我們會以網上視像的方式,每天定時協助學員與照顧者透過屏 幕見面。 We help service users stay in touch with their carers through daily video calls.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


OUTLOOK 疫情既帶來挑戰,亦創造嶄新機遇。我們會持續發揮創新服務精神,應用嶄新的資訊科技去發展遠 程服務,冀能無間斷支援服務使用者的不同需要。此外本核心服務在來年會採用綠化、資源調動、 運動、藝術及科技 (G.R.E.A.T.) 五個主題,發展殘疾人士的潛能,齊建一個共融社會。 The pandemic has brought with it not only challenges but also new opportunities. In the spirit of delivering innovative services, we will continue to expand our remote services with the use of cutting-edge information technology in a relentless effort to serve the diverse needs of our service users. In the coming year, our core services will be driven by the five main themes of G.R.E.A.T. (green living, resource mobilisation, E-sports, arts and technology), aiming to help people with disabilities realise their full potential and work towards a truly inclusive community.

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) SERVICE STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021) Services for People with Disabilities



殘疾人士住宿個案數目 No. of cases of residential services for People With Disabilities


No. of cases of Integration of People With Disabilities into the community



照顧者會員數目 No. of carer members


Programme hours of potential development and life enrichment




提供照顧、護理及關懷健康的服務時數 Service hours of nursing care and health concern

Programme hours of self-help and mutual-help encouragement among families of service users CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


精神健康服務 Mental Health Services


SERVICE ORIENTATION 我們一直為本地社群提供多元化的服務,專業團隊的服務熱誠,一直以來都讓我們感到 驕傲。在這穩健的基礎上,精神健康服務不斷創新,為服務使用者和社會大眾推出更 多具質素及富成效的服務。今年,我們繼續獲得不同資金支持,為服務注入不少創新的 元素,服務範圍擴展至照顧兒童和中年人士的心理及精神健康,工作涵蓋亦從研究擴濶 到實踐,及從個人層面至整個社會層面。 The past year has been a dynamic and productive year for our Mental Health Services. Our service unit has been serving the local community with a multitude of versatile services and passion. Building on this solid foundation, our Mental Health Services continued to develop our workforce and innovate our service portfolio for the betterment of mental health among our service users and the society at large. With the funding support from various sources, we capitalised on new resources to fuel innovation. We have extended our scope of services to include evidence-based interventions for the mental wellness of children and middle-aged adults, while expanding our work focus from research to practice as well as from individuals to the wider society.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報



Collaborating with Stakeholders to Create a “Happiness Map” in Kowloon East With the Store of Happiness – The Mobile Van For Publicity Service On Mental Wellness of ficially launched in March 2021, we drew on the concept of “Grocery store of Happiness” to promote mental health in the community and bring happiness 1 and care to Kowloon East citizens. We collaborated with different stakeholders to distribute personal care and hygiene supplies and provide citizens with the “key ingredients” to mental wellbeing. We also shared around 110 mental health videos and COVID-19-related information through various online platforms and reached close to 40,650 people. Despite the pandemic, we spared no effort in spreading love and happiness to every family and cultivating a caring community.


Jockey Club “Get, Set, Go for a Healthier Life”

每個人都希望自己有著健康的身體。然而精神 病康復者的健康狀況較一般人提早退化。和悅 軒─精神健康綜合社區中心在2020年10月開 始,獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助一項為期 三年的「賽馬會康齡身世紀」計劃,目的是促 進精神病康復者身體健康,幫助45歲或以上 的會員,透過健康推廣、疾病預防與及早介入 等,推動他們提升自我管理及預防疾病的能 力,實踐健康人生。在這半年間,計劃已服 務了91位會員,團隊提供了34節推廣健康活 動,68節健康狀況評估和11節專業支援服務。 參加者注重健康和控制飲食的意識較以往進 步,除體重問題有明顯改善之外,他們的身心 健康都有顯著的躍進。

Everyone longs for a healthy life. However, people in recovery (PIR) of mental illnesses are more prone to early degeneration than everyone else. Hence, the Wellness Zone – Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (Wellness Zone) kick-started a threeyear project named “Get, Set, Go for a Healthier Life”, sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, to advocate physical health promotion among members of the Wellness Zone aged 45 or above. With an emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention and early intervention, the project aims to make healthy living accessible by helping our members manage their health and prevent diseases more effectively. Over the last six months, we have served 91 members with 34 health promotion sessions, 68 health assessments and 11 sessions of professional support services. The participants became more conscious than ever about their health and dietary management, and we saw a remarkable improvement not only in their weight struggles but also in their physical and mental health.

1. 我 們 的 幸 福 雜 貨 舖 ─ 精 神 健 康 流 動 宣 傳 車 正 式 投 入 服務了。 Our mobile van for mental wellness was officially launched into service. 2. 車廂內設置了「熊熊投射遊戲」讓大眾透過互動方式 認識常見的情緒,灌注幸福力量。 Visitors in the mobile van got to learn more about the four most common emotions through an interactive projection game.

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021

Mental Health Services

幸福雜貨舖─精神健康流 動宣傳車於本年度3月正式 完成組裝投入服務,車身 設計以親民的「雜貨舖」 走進社區,為九龍東區的 居民在疫情中送上幸福和 關心。同時,本服務亦連 結不同的合作單位,不單 為市民送上所需的防疫物資,更送上重要的 「精神健康食糧」。另外,我們更透過網上媒 體分享了110則抗疫幸福資訊及影片,接觸 人數近40,650。 在疫情中,我們 仍以不同方式將 幸福放送到每一 個家庭,共建關 愛、幸福社區。 2


Happy Parents, Happy Families


關注家長精神健康 為家庭加添「晴」 賽馬會「家•添晴」家長支援計劃於2020年 6月獲得香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助正式開 始為期三年的服務,支援東九龍區的家長,促 進其精神健康及家庭和諧。計劃以「接納與承 諾治療」為藍本推展服務,並配合社交平台向 家長推廣精神健康,提升求助動機,及早介入 以支援有需要的家長,改善整體的家庭精神健 康,截至2021年3月,已服務6,248人次。

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Early Intervention and Community Support Project for Parents, a three-year project sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and launched in June 2020, aims to support parents’ mental health and enhance family harmony in the Kowloon East district. Our team built on the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) framework to develop targeted services and raise parents’ mental health awareness through social media platforms, hoping to inspire those in need to seek help while offering early intervention to struggling parents. As of March 2021, our service has reached 6,248 attendance.




Raising Awareness about Anxiety in Students

兒童及青少年精神健康服務得到「滙豐香港社 區夥伴計劃2020」撥款資助進行「藝術保抗力 技能解鎖計劃」,在校園及社區舉辦一系列活 動,為學生提供預防及支援服務,減輕疫情帶 來的焦慮情緒。計劃透過「接納與承諾治療」 的六個意念並揉合不同藝術媒介,運用保持抗 逆的六大力量:藝力、舞力、音力、戲力、寫 力及協力,宣揚「保抗力六式」,協助學生表 達及紓緩焦慮情緒,提升抗逆力。我們更於 2020年11月期間舉辦一系列的「全城起動藝 術抗逆齊發力」社區節活動,成功透過網上平 台進行6次活動,藉以宣揚抗疫下情緒健康的 重要性,紓緩區 內人士因疫情帶 來的焦慮情緒, 吸引約800名兒 童及青少年、家 長及社區人士一 3 同參與。

With the generous support from the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme 2020, our Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services launched the “ReACT with Arts Project” across schools and communities. A series of preventive and supportive activities were held to improve student’s ability to cope with anxiety through the power of arts. The project combines the six core processes of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with six forms of expressive arts therapy including drawing, dancing, singing, drama, writing and collaboration to give students an outlet for their anxiety and build their resilience. We also organised six online events as part of our “Resilience Enhancement Arts Programme” in November 2020. With the use of an online platform, we promoted the importance of emotional health and the “6 Ways of Resilience Building” to alleviate feelings of anxiety caused by the pandemic. The events attracted around 800 children, adolescents, parents and members of the community in total.

1. 計劃透過「同途有心人」的電台節目,在大氣電波中與家 長分享教養心得及有關的精神健康資訊,共同關注家長的 精神健康需要。 We raised awareness about parents’ mental health through the radio programme “The Way We Are”, in which we shared useful information related to mental health and positive parenting.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

2. 由表達藝術治療師帶領家長透過舞動表達及紓緩壓力及情緒,並創作 屬於自己舒服的空間,享受屬於自己的時間。 Guided by our expressive arts therapist, parents learnt how to release their stress through dancing and to create a relaxing space for themselves while enjoying some "me-time”. 3. 學生透過攤位活動,認識「保抗力六式」及處理焦慮的方法。 Students learnt the “6 Ways of Resilience Building” and coping strategies for anxiety at an educational booth set up in the campus.

Running Our Way to Better Mental Health in Women

關注女性身心健康 一起躍動心靈

Nowadays, women are under a lot of stress from their family and workplace responsibilities. Juggling multiple roles is not a easy task. In October 2020, we organised “CFSC Virtual Run for Women 2020”, a virtual running event that encouraged mindful running in everyday life, inspired women to be more open and mindful of their inner and outer worlds and highlighted the importance of holistic wellbeing to a fruitful and meaningful life. The event was met with popular demand and attracted 250 participants. We then offered a series of workshops including “Mindful Calligraphy”, “Creative Art on Self-Image”, “Circle Painting” and “Board Game Time”, where women could take a moment to relax and recharge their spirit.

Mental Health Services

現代的女性,經常要面對家庭和工作等多方面 的壓力,殊不簡單。在2020年10月,我們舉 辦了「CFSC姊妹跑‧躍動心靈2020」網上虛 擬跑活動,鼓勵女性將「靜觀」的元素融入跑 步當中,以開放的心留意周圍的事物和覺察 內心的聲音,同時照顧身、心、靈的健康, 活出幸福的人生。是次虛擬跑活動共有250人 參加,反應熱烈。隨後,我們更舉辦了「我 的美麗開始」系 列工作坊,透過 「 靜 觀 書 法 」、 「花 之 自 畫 像 藝 術創作」、「圓形 畫創作」、「桌上 遊 活 動 」,為 她 們提供放鬆的 空間及為心靈 1 「充充電」。



Promoting Mental Health in Later Life

承接第一期「賽馬會樂齡同行」計劃的成功, 本會繼續受到香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款, 協助推展第二期計劃,於2020年1月至2023年 12月期間,透過與區內的長者地區中心協作, 以外展服務為將軍澳區的高危長者提供輔導 服務,並聘長者擔任「樂齡之友」,協助個案 重建社交連結,培養興趣,從而促進長者精神 健康。

With Phase One being a resounding success and the extended support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, we moved into Phase Two of the “Jockey Club Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness”, which is expected to span from January 2020 to December 2023. Through crosssectoral collaboration with other elderly services, our outreach team provided counselling services for elders at risk of depression across the Tseng Kwan O District. We also recruited the elderly as “peer supporters” to help our service users rebuild social connections and develop hobbies, as part of our ongoing effort to promote mental health in later life.

1. 透過不同的「我的美麗開始」工作坊,與你共享「ME TIME」,齊齊 「SELF CARE」。 Women enjoyed “me-time” and learnt the essence of self-care during a variety of workshops. 2. 「CFSC 姊妹跑‧躍動心靈 2020」網上虛擬跑,關注你的身心健康, 與你一起躍動心靈。 “CFSC Virtual Run for Women 2020” was a virtual running event that raised awareness about women’s mental health and holistic health care.


3. 「樂齡之友」精心製作身心健康工具箱,改善身心欠佳的情況 。 Our peer supporters crafted a Physical and Mental Health Toolbox for improving physical and mental health. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


在過去一年,同工共接觸了接近1,200人次有 抑鬱風險或抑鬱徵狀的長者,並根據他們的抑 鬱徵狀提供治療方案。在介入後,大部分受助 長者抑鬱徵狀有所改善;另外,我們共舉辦了 9場社區講座及1次大型社區活動,吸引超過 570名社區人士參與,促進大眾對長者精神健 康的關注;同時亦聘請了10位「樂齡之友」及 培訓了16名「樂齡友里」,在他們的協助下, 共進行了822次的 關懷電話或外展探 訪服務,以回應長 者的情緒需要。

Over the last year, 1,200 contacts were made with elders identified as at-risk or symptomatic. After tailor-made casework and psychoeducation inventions were offered, most of the elders showed notable improvement in their depressive symptoms. Moreover, we also organised 9 community talks and a large-scale community event, which attracted 570 members of the public to attend and raised public awareness about elderly mental health. We also employed 10 peer supporters and trained 16 ambassadors. With their assistance, 882 supportive phone calls and outreach visits were made to address the needs of emotionally vulnerable elders in the community. 學習身心健康行動計劃,改善「樂齡之友」的身心健康, 並加以運用。 Peer supporters were introduced to the Wellness Recovery Action Plan to improve their wellbeing and applied the skills they learnt to help others.

院舍服務 Residential Service 精神健康服務

中途宿舍於去年完成裝修工程,透過群體的生活模式和專業的介 入手法,協助服務使用者提升解決問題的能力及技巧。 Last year, Tsui Lam Halfway House completed renovation works which is committed to enhancing service users problem-solving skills through communal living and professional interventions.

疫情肆虐的限制下,院舍嘗試運用多元的介入方法,如 LEGO®積木遊戲治療,為舍友增添不同復康元素的色彩。 In response to the challenges brought by the pandemic, our hostel service explored a variety of alternative inventions such as LEGO®-based therapy to make rehabilitation more engaging and enriching for our residents.


OUTLOOK 在未來一年,我們與相關持份者繼續攜手共渡 艱難,在此起伏不定的時期,繼續提供服務, 以確保有需要的服務使用者得到適切的照顧; 同時致力與業界協作,以應付社會對精神健康 服務不斷飊升的需求。我們會從以下三方面發 展以鞏固上述的服務方向:


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

In the coming year, we will continue to work closely with other stakeholders to navigate the turbulent times and maintain the continuity of our care services to ensure that all our service users are well taken care of. Another priority will be to collaborate with other mental health organisations to meet the surging demand for mental health care. We will also consolidate our existing services with three focuses:

1. 重視誇界別溝通,凝聚伙伴合作精神,與服 務使用者同行共勉,同時建立不同渠道,聆 聽服務使用者及社區持份者之意見; 2. 勇於創新,突破框架,以敏銳觸覺革新服務 模式,及以照顧者的需要為題,鼓勵團隊以 創新及多樣的手法關懷照顧者的需要; 3. 建 立高效能 專業團隊,發展強項為 本 和具 實証成效的服務,並將先後與香港理工大學 及香 港浸會 大學共同研 究不同介入手法 之 成效。

1. Promoting cross-sectoral communication, the spirit of partnership and fellowship with our service users by building different communication channels and listening to our service users and community stakeholders; 2. Embracing innovation, out-of-the-box thinking and a visionary overhaul of our service model, while encouraging a diversified, creative and carer-oriented approach to addressing carers’ needs; 3. Building a high-performing multi-disciplinary team committed to developing strength-based and triedand-tested services while researching the efficacy of various interventions in conjunction with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Hong Kong Baptist University.

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) SERVICE STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021)

精神病康復者住宿照顧個案數目 No. of cases of residential services for ex-mentally ill persons

Mental Health Services






No. of cases supporting community inclusion for ex-mentally ill persons

No. of cases of children and adolescent mental health intervention

ion Educat mmes Progra




提供復元活動的服務時數 Service hours of recovery programmes

No. of attendance of mental health education programmes



Counselling hours of recovery encouragement CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


悅齡服務 Active Ageing Services


SERVICE ORIENTATION 悅齡服務致力為退休人士及長者提供多元化服務,讓他們展現精彩的人生下半場; 兩間長者地區中心提供社區支援服務予觀塘區長者及照顧者,並與不同團體合 作,造就長者友善社區,同時讓長者保持健康活躍、持續參與及貢獻社區;而創老 工作室旨在與不同團體和人士跨界別合作,共同創造具創意及支持健康高齡化的 方案。 Our Active Ageing Services strive to enhance the well-being of retirees and elders aged 50+ with a diversified service portfolio designed to enrich the second half of their lives. On a mission to create an age-friendly community in which elderly can stay physically active, socially engaged and committed to community affairs, our two District Elderly Community Centres (DECCs) continued to provide elders and their carers in the Kwun Tong district with community support services and forged multiple partnerships with other institutions. Meanwhile, InnoAge aimed to extend interdisciplinary collaboration to the development of innovative solutions in support of healthy ageing.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報



Rallying Communities against COVID-19

過去一年,新冠肺炎疫情持續,順安及真光苑 兩間長者地區中心在社會福利署觀塘福利辦事 處推動下,分別與區內不同社福單位合辦「共 里一起@觀塘」,宣揚疫情期間鄰里守望相助 的精神,推行了一系列活動,包括網上聖誕派 對、和諧粉彩工作坊、打氣歌製作、市區巴士 車身宣傳等,為觀塘區內超過400個家庭帶來 正能量。

As the COVID-19 pandemic dragged on last year, Shun On and True Light Villa DECCs joined forces with other social welfare institutions in the local district and launched a campaign called “Neighbour Together @ Kwun Tong, Fight For Pandemic” with support from the Social Welfare Department Kwun Tong Office. To build a caring and supportive neighbourhood and spread messages of positivity to over 400 families in the Kwun Tong district, a series of activities were organised, including a virtual Christmas party, Pastel Nagomi Art workshops, motivational songwriting and bus advertisement.

Active Ageing Services



1. 「共里一起@觀塘」之巴士車身宣傳。 A bus advertising campaign under the “Neighbour Together@Kwun Tong” project 2. 網上影片製作 Online video production 2

3. 網上小組 Online group session

善用資訊科技 推動線上活動

Seeking Digital Alternatives to Traditional Events

因應社交措施限制,兩間長者地區中心去年致 力運用社交媒體,推行網上視像小組及直播活 動,並協助超過900名長者及照顧者掌握資訊 科技的應用,讓他們即使留在家中,仍能與社 區保持聯繫,並獲取最新資訊。

Due to social distancing measures in place, our DECCs used social media to organise online group activities and live events. More than 900 elders and carers were introduced to the basics of information technology, so they could stay in the know and keep in touch with the rest of the community from the comfort of their own homes.

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021



關注身心健康 支援獨居雙老


疫情期間,長者的身心健康備受關注。由香港 賽馬會慈善信託基金資助的兩個計劃─賽馬會 「樂齡同行」計劃及賽馬會「抗疫同行」長者 支援計劃於2020年1月及2020年12月先後推 出。前者為期4年,主要為有抑鬱風險或輕度 抑鬱徵狀的長者提供輔導服務及義工同行支 援;後者為期18個月,主要為1,600名獨居及 雙居長者於疫情下提供生活支援及健康關顧, 減少他們的孤獨感,提升身心健康。截至3月 底,兩個計劃共訓練了104名關懷大使,並為 超過1,000名長者提供不同方面的支援,包括 超過3,000次電話關顧、900次健康檢查、300 次家訪及派發生活物資,並轉介38名有特殊需 要的長者接受其他適切服務,以及為11名抑鬱 長者提供深入輔導服務。

Caring for Elders Living Alone Mentally and Physically The physical and mental vulnerabilities of elderly have become a public health priority amid the pandemic. Therefore, CFSC kick-started two projects in January and December 2020, namely “JC JoyAge: Jockey Club Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness” and “Special Project to support Elderly Singletons and Doubletons under COVID-19”, both of which were funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The former is a four-year programme intended to provide clinical interventions and peer support to elders with mild to moderate depression. The latter is a 18 month project which aims to support 1,600 singleton elders or elderly couples in Kwun Tong, in order to reduce their sense of loneliness and improve their physical and mental well-being during the pandemic. As of March, a total of 104 Care Ambassadors were trained and offered a full suite of support to more than 1,000 elders, included over 3,000 over-the-phone check-ups, 900 health checks, 300 home visits and care package delivery. In addition, 38 cases with special needs were identified and referred for follow-up services, and 11 elders with depression were given intensive counselling.

1. 「抗疫同行」之健康檢查。 Health checks arranged by the “Special Project for the Elderly under COVID-19”. 2. 「樂齡同行」之樂齡之友。 Peer supporters of the “JoyAge Project”.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報



Walk With Carers, Let Them Stronger

疫情也令不少長者及護老者久困家中缺乏運 動,增加患上肌少症的風險,故此兩間長者地 區中心獲社會福利署觀塘福利辦事處資助,於 2020年10月至2021年3月期間,推行「護老同 行─快樂不倒翁『疫』有轉肌計劃」,幫助留 家防疫的長者做運動強化肌肉,預防肌少症, 同時亦推行護老者抗逆管理課程,增強護老者 面對困境的「抵抗力」,計劃共有169名長者及 護老者參與,讓他們成為快樂「不倒翁」。

Elderly and elderly carers being homebound and inactive during the COVID-19 pandemic has increased their risk of sarcopenia. Hence, our two DECCs organised a programme named “Walk with Carers – Muscle Strengthening” from October 2020 to March 2021 with a subvention from the Social Welfare Department Kwun Tong Office. The programme encouraged self-isolating elders to obtain more activities and train their muscle strength at home as a means to prevent sarcopenia, while offering a resilience training course for carers to reconcile themselves better to adversities. A total of 169 elders and carers took part and joined the fight against muscle loss in elders.

Active Ageing Services


Say Bye to Virus – Household Disinfectant Project

「疫」要遠走—家居消毒計劃 2020全球都在疫症的陰霾下,創老工作室在 去年6月至8月期間,於香港賽馬會慈善信託 基金的捐助下,推行「疫要遠走─家居消毒 計畫」,為300戶九龍東區的長期病患家庭,提 供緊急家居消毒、抗疫物資、防疫教育及義工 探訪。

People with chronic illnesses are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19. With a generous donation from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, our InnoAge team initiated the “Say Bye to Virus – Household Disinfectant Project” from June to August 2020. The project was proven successful and benefitted 300 households with chronically ill patients in Kowloon East district. Home disinfecting services, hygiene supplies, information on preventative measures and home visits by volunteers were provided.

1. 「護老同行」之頌缽療癒齊體驗。 Participants experienced singing bowl therapy during the “Walk with Carers” programme.


2. 「疫要遠走─家居消毒計畫」進行家居探訪及需要評估,了解長期病 患者的服務需要。 Brief home visits and quick wellbeing screenings for chronically ill patients helped us identify hidden health concerns and service needs. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


「香港輔助專業人員計劃」定期舉辦退休講座。 Retirement talks were regularly held as part of the “Hong Kong Auxiliary Professional Scheme”.

香港輔助專業人員計劃: 延展專業至跨機構


香港輔助專業人員計劃在2020年擴展服務至各 社福機構,包括與香港失明人協進會及香港傷 健協會合作,配對23名退休專業人士參與體育 口述影像服務、翻譯點字樂譜,及支援有特殊 學習需要青年的生涯規劃及就業需要。

Extending aP Service to New Partners Supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, “Jockey Club Golden Age Journey Project – Hong Kong Auxiliary Professional Scheme” was extended to involve other non-profit organisations including Hong Kong Blind Union and Hong Kong PHAB Association in 2020. A total of 23 retirees were recruited as auxiliary professionals and took up roles in providing audio-description services for sporting events, braille music translation, as well as life coaching and career planning for adolescents with special educational needs.


OUTLOOK 要達致豐盛的人生下半場,積極的人生觀和良好的健康是重要的元素。我們將 為此致力協助退休人士及長者尋找人生新意義並建立下半場的事業;我們亦會 致力創造長者與科技的共融,協助他們改善獲取資訊的能力和效率;也會進一 步深化醫社合作,以提升長者的身心健康。 Active participation and good health are some of the key components of a flourishing second half of life. We will continue to help retirees and elders find new meaning in life and embark on a second career. We will also dedicate ourselves to helping elders integrate information technology into their daily lives and access information independently and efficiently, while working more closely with the medical sector to improve their physical and mental well-being.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) SERVICE STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021)



「香港輔助專業人員計劃」定期舉辦退休講座。 Retirement talks were regularly held as part of the “Hong Kong Auxiliary Professional Scheme”.

香港輔助專業人員計劃: 延展專業至跨機構


Supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, “Jockey Club Golden Age Journey Project – Hong Kong Auxiliary Professional Scheme” was extended to involve other non-profit organisations including Hong Kong Blind Union and Hong Kong PHAB Association in 2020. A total of 23 retirees were recruited as auxiliary professionals and took up roles in providing audio-description services for sporting events, braille music translation, as well as life coaching and career planning for adolescents with special educational needs.



No. of carer members




No. of members of Prime Link


Active Ageing Services

香港輔助專業人員計劃在2020年擴展服務至各 社福機構,包括與香港失明人協進會及香港傷 健協會合作,配對23名退休專業人士參與體育 口述影像服務、翻譯點字樂譜,及支援有特殊 學習需要青年的生涯規劃及就業需要。

Extending aP Service to New Partners

No. of members of District Elderly Community Centre

創老工作室會員數目 No. of members of InnovAGE Team

接受輔導的長者個案數目 No. of elderlies receiving counselling services

53,985 悅齡活動的服務人次


OUTLOOK 要達致豐盛的人生下半場,積極的人生觀和良好的健康是重要的元素。我們將 為此致力協助退休人士及長者尋找人生新意義並建立下半場的事業;我們亦會 致力創造長者與科技的共融,協助他們改善獲取資訊的能力和效率;也會進一 步深化醫社合作,以提升長者的身心健康。 Active participation and good health are some of the key components of a flourishing second half of life. We will continue to help retirees and elders find new meaning in life and embark on a second career. We will also dedicate ourselves to helping elders integrate information technology into their daily lives and access information independently and efficiently, while working more closely with the medical sector to improve their physical and mental well-being.



No. of collaborating partners


接受認知障礙服務的長者數目 No. of elderlies receiving dementia services


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

No. of attendance of Active Ageing Programmes



No. of attendance of networking support services rendered by volunteers

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


醫療健康服務 Medical and Health Services


SERVICE ORIENTATION 醫療健康服務在社區提供方便、收費相宜及全面的基 層醫療服務,團隊由專業的醫護人員組成,為社區人 士提供疾病預防、治療及慢性疾病管理,並積極聯繫 公私營機構及社區人士,攜手共同建立健康的城市。 Medical and Health Services are dedicated to providing accessible, affordable and comprehensive primary healthcare at the community level. Our team of healthcare professionals provide community services relating to disease prevention, medical treatment and chronic care, and work closely with the public and private sectors and stakeholders of the community in building a healthy city.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS 中醫門診為冠狀病毒康復者 提供復康治療

Specialised Chinese Medicine Services to Support COVID-19 Recovery

為配合中醫藥專業參與香港齊心抗疫,基督教 家庭服務中心─香港中文大學中醫診所暨教研 中心(觀塘區)展開「2020年中醫門診特別診 療服務」,為2019冠狀病毒病康復出院病人於 出院後6個月內免費提供最多10次的中醫內科 門診診療服務。服務於2020年4月開始,我們 已為超過50名康復者提供治療。康復者經註冊 中醫師的內科診症及中藥治療,改善康復後之 各種後遺症狀,例如改善肺功能及易累情況、 壓力紓緩及調理身心。

To incorporate traditional Chinese medicine into the fight against COVID-19, Christian Family Service Centre – The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Kwun Tong District) is offering specialised Chinese medicine services to patients recovering from COVID-19. Within six months after their hospital discharge, eligible individuals can enjoy up to 10 times of free outpatient consultations with registered Chinese medicine practitioners and traditional Chinese medicine treatments. Since its launch in April 2020, this service has benefitted more than 50 patients, who reported improved lung function, less fatigue, lower stress levels and physical and mental restoration, among other improvements in post-COVID-19 symptoms. Medical and Health Services


政府資助中醫門診服務 基督教家庭服務中心─香港中文大學中醫診所 暨教研中心(觀塘區)於地區層面為合資格的 香港居民提供政府資助中醫服務,每次診症收 費港幣$120;綜合社會保障援助/高額長者生 活津貼受助人可獲豁免費用。在疫情期間,我 們於2020-2021年度資助及非資助總中醫服務 超過66,600人次。中醫服務將繼續增長,並惠 及更廣泛的社區。 1. 定期舉行「防疫資訊站」活動,為社區提供正確的健康 資訊。 A health booth is set up regularly to educate the community on proper health and infection control practices. 2. 定期於社區推行健康教育,介紹區內健體設施及遊玩 地圖。 You can discover so many fitness facilities and recreational resources in the local community at our regular health exhibitions.


Subsidised Chinese Medicine Services Christian Family Service Centre – The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Kwun Tong District) has been providing subsidised Chinese medicine services to eligible Hong Kong residents at a charge of HK$120 per consultation. The fee is waived for recipients of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance / Higher Old Age Living Allowance. During the service period of 2020-2021, we recorded over 66,600 attendances to our subsidised and non-subsidised Chinese medicine services. We expect our Chinese Medicine services to keep growing in the coming years and to benefit the broader community. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


Time-limited Programme on Enhancing Infection Control and Ventilation of Residential Care Homes

改善院舍感染控制及 通風設備限時性計劃


為加強院舍感染控制的措施及改善通風情況, 減低病毒在院舍內散播的風險,本會獲社會福 利署委派,於2020年12月22日至2021年12月 21日期間,負責為九龍東(觀塘、黃大仙及西 貢區)及九龍西1(深水埗區)內135間合約、 私營及自負盈虧安老院和殘疾人士院舍免費提 供「改善院舍感染控制及通風設備限時性計 劃」,包括安排註冊護士最少4次實地檢視感染 控制措施及教授員工有關防疫知識和技巧,並 就院舍的實際情況提供改善建議;安排相關指 定的技術工程隊伍於院舍進行實地通風情況評 估及提供改善建議;協助院舍申請香港賽馬會 慈善信託基金的「賽馬會院舍防疫設施資助計 劃」資助購置改善通風設備等。

To enhance infection control and ventilation of the residential care homes and minimise the risks of COVID-19 transmission, the Agency was appointed by the Social Welfare Department as the service operator of the “Time-limited Programme on Enhancing Infection Control and Ventilation” for Kowloon East (Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Sai Kung) and Kowloon West 1 (Sham Shui Po) between 22nd December, 2020 and 21st December, 2021. During this period, services are delivered at free of charge to 135 contracted, private and self-financing Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs) and Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities (RCHDs) in the Kowloon East (Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Sai Kung) and Kowloon West 1 (Sham Shui Po). At least four on-site visits by registered nurses are arranged to assess infection control measures at the residential care homes, provide staff training on infection control and offer some advices for improvement. Other services include assigning a team of qualified technicians and engineers to conduct on-site ventilation assessments and give professional advice and assisting residential care homes in applying for subsidies from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust’s Jockey Club Facilities Enhancement Scheme for Pandemic Preparedness at Residential Care Homes, which can be used to upgrade their ventilation systems.


全方位癌症支援 與病友攜手同行 在疫情期間,本會繼續透過香港防癌會─賽馬 會「攜手同行」癌症家庭支援計劃,免費支援 不同階段的癌症病人及其照顧者。過去一年, 除了派發口罩及防疫用品外,為了減少感染風 險,很多活動已轉為網上形式進行,例如癌症 病人可以在網上參與八段錦班,既可安在家中 也能做運動。 1. 疫情期間與癌症病友攜手同行,除了繼續派發防疫物資亦 提供身心支援。 We continued to walk hand in hand with cancer patients during the pandemic by distributing more anti-epidemic supplies and offering physical and mental support. 2. 物理治療師透過視像進行伸展動作示範,鼓勵癌症病人在 家強健體魄以紓緩肌肉痠痛。 Our physiotherapists demonstrated at-home stretching and pain relief exercises virtually, so that cancer patients can stay active and strong at home.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

“Walking Hand-in-Hand” Cancer Family Support Project Our team at the HKACS-Jockey Club “Walking Handin-Hand” Cancer Family Support Project continued to support cancer patients and their carers during the pandemic. Over the past year, we distributed free surgical masks and hygiene supplies and moved many of our events online to reduce the risk of infection. With our online classes, cancer patients were able to practise traditional Chinese Baduanjin exercises with the safety and comfort of their own homes.


另外我們亦為病人安排了網上工作坊,由營 養師講解癌症飲食的謬誤,並利用視像提供 一對一的諮詢服務。我們在服務中亦加入藝 術治療的元素,讓年青癌症患者能在網上平 台上彼此支持、讓癌症家庭的小朋友能透 過美術及繪本表達情感,並為逝者家人舉辦 「遺物轉化」以作紀念。此外,我們亦積極關 懷晚期患者及家屬,在同路人小組中分享預設 醫療指示計劃及晚期身心社靈的照顧,讓患者 早作預備。

Our dietitians also delivered online workshops debunking nutrition myths about cancer and offered virtual one-on-one consultations. Meanwhile, we integrated art therapy into our services for young cancer patients to encourage peer support, help the children of families struggling with cancer express themselves through visual arts and picture books and introduce “Reweaving Grief” as an approach to bereavement care. To support patients with advanced cancer and their families and help them prepare for the end of life, peer support groups were formed to s h a re i n f o r m a t i o n o n advanced care planning and address their physical, mental, societal and spiritual needs.

支援基層家庭 齊齊健康抗疫 本會與宏利香港合作推出「宏利『券』顧您 健康」計劃,為低收入家庭提供支援,以助 他們改善健康和生活。計劃將讓多達2,000位 基層人士獲得免費健康檢查和諮詢服務,受 助人在進行有關健康習慣、膽固醇、血壓、 血糖、心臟監測、情緒健康評估和身高體重 指數(BMI)的評估後,便由註冊護士或營養師 根據檢查結果提供諮詢及建議,並向受助人 派發由宏利贊助的醫療券,憑券可從7個醫療 項目中,選擇最適合自己的項目,包括西醫門 診、物理治療、身體檢查、營養諮詢、中醫內 科治療、中醫針灸、牙科檢查及治療等。本計 劃於2021年3月已經在觀塘展開,其後會與其 他社福機構合作,將服務推展至荃葵青、港島 東、深水埗及天水圍。

Medical and Health Services


「宏利『券』顧您健康」計劃, 為低收入家庭提供支援,以助他 們改善健康和生活。 The Manulife Health Voucher Programme helps low-income families improve their health and quality of life.

Supporting Low-Income Families Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic The Agency entered into collaboration with Manulife Hong Kong to launch “Manulife Health Voucher Programme”, which aims to improve the health and quality of life of low-income families. It is estimated that up to 2,000 beneficiaries will receive free health checks and consultation services under the scheme. Based on the results of the health checks, which assess one’s lifestyle, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, heart activity, emotional health and BMI, registered nurses or dietitians will offer advice and give out the Manulife-sponsored health vouchers to individuals. With these vouchers, they can create a tailormade plan that best fits their health concerns by choosing from seven medical services including GP consultation, physiotherapy, body checks, nutritional consultation, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and dental care. The programme was kick-started in Kwun Tong in March 2021. Through collaborating with other non-governmental organisations, the programme will be expanded to Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing, Eastern District, Sham Shui Po and Tin Shui Wai. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021



承蒙「滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃2020」 資助,由跨專業團隊免費提供「一覺 好眠」及「痛症管理」之網上直播健 康講座。 With support from the HSBC Community Partnership Programme 2020, our multidisciplinary medical professionals delivered live online seminars on sleep improvement and pain management.


Healthy Together – Family Support Programme

由「滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃2020」資助的 「身心抗疫家庭健康支援計劃」自2020 年8月開始於觀塘區舉行。計劃主要為低 收入家庭及長期病患者提供免費醫療健康 服 務 , 以 減 少 疫 情 對 其 身 心 健 康 的 影 響 。 註冊營養師透過「紓壓飲食」計劃提供營 養飲食治療,改善身體狀況;「正向心理」 計 劃 由 臨 床 心 理 學 家 為 有 情 緒 困 擾 的 人 士 提供輔導教導、提升情緒及壓力管理技巧; 「情志養生」計劃提供中醫診症及治療,調理 身心,改善睡眠、痛症及長期病患情況,計劃 至今已服務了超過1,060人次。

Since the “Healthy Together – Family Support Programme” sponsored by HSBC Community Partnership Programme 2020 was launched in Kwun Tong District in August 2020, our multidisciplinary team has been working tirelessly to relieve the mental and physical strain of the pandemic by providing low-income families and people with chronic conditions with free medical and healthcare services. The scope of services includes a programme on mindful eating in which registered dietitians offer nutrition therapy to improve service users’ health, a positive psychology programme in which emotionally distressed individuals are counselled by clinical psychologists and taught skills in emotion and stress management, and a wellness programme in which individuals struggling with sleep, pain or chronic illnesses are offered Traditional Chinese Medicine consultations and treatments. As of present, the programmes have served more than 1,060 participants altogether.

「紓壓飲食」計劃為低收入家庭提供營養諮詢及運動指導, 分享身心健康技巧。 During a programme on nutrition and stress management, our health professionals offered nutritional advice and workout tips to low-income families.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


OUTLOOK 透過公私營機構伙伴合作,我們繼續提供預防疾病及慢性疾病管理的服務,並提供社區人士更公平 的機會獲取使用適合不同年齡階層及實證為本的醫療健康服務。同時,我們將會建立有利人們健康 成長的社會環境及增加社區資源,使他們可以互相支援,以達致最佳健康效果的功能。 Looking forward, we will continue to offer services in disease prevention and chronic disease management and strive for equal access to age-inclusive and evidence-based healthcare by partnering with various public and private organisations. We are also looking to build an environment that promotes health and be mutually supportive, in order to optimise the health benefits.

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) SERVICE STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021)

Medical and Health Services

18,447 新症人次


No. of attendance of new cases


No. of service attendance in the year

ion Educat mmes Progra



參與健康教育活動的人次 No. of attendance of health education programmes

舉行健康教育活動的次數 No. of health education programmes


接受健康檢測及諮詢的人次 No. of attendance of health check-ups CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021




殘疾人士 發展 及共融 Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

服務一向致力滿足殘疾人士在職業訓練和就業支 援的需要,同時激勵社會參與,促進不同生活範疇 的平等和尊重。2020年是充滿挑戰的一年,職業復 康服務在疫情下嘗試了種種新常態,同時見證服務 由觀塘延伸至將軍澳和深水埗區,為殘疾人士的學 習、就業和共融創造更多機會和可能。 It has always been at the heart of our services to address the needs of people with disabilities in vocational training and employment support, while motivating social participation and promoting equality and respect in all aspects of life. 2020 was a year full of challenges. With our vocational rehabilitation services, we have ventured into new areas in an effort to navigate the new normal amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The year also recorded the expansion of our services from Kwun Tong to Tseung Kwan O and Sham Shui Po, creating more opportunities and possibilities for people with disabilities to learn, work, and engage in an inclusive community.


SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS The Joy of Innovation

過去一年,多個新單位陸續落成啟用,包括: 翠業坊與啟能綜合康復服務之宿舍、翠藝中心 及尚恩家舍、翠林綜合職業復康服務完成原址 擴充計劃。感謝社會福利署、地區持份者、合 作夥伴和職員的信任和同行,大大理順了新服 務的籌組過程。團隊將借鑒新服務的開展經驗 和智慧,迎接下一個新發展、新機遇。

Over the last year, several new units were completed and commenced operations, including Tsui Yip Co-production Centre cum Kai Nang Integrated Rehabilitation services, Tsui Ngai Co-production Centre and Sheung Yan House, along with the completion of the in-situ expansion work of Tsui Lam Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service. Thanks to the trust and support from the Social Welfare Department, community stakeholders, our partners and staff members, we have significantly streamlined the process involved in developing new services. Our team will carry the lessons and insights gained from this experience to any new development and opportunity coming our way.

Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities



3 2

1. 翠業坊創造互動和共融的空間。 An area promoting interactions and inclusion inside Tsui Yip Co-production Centre. 2. 翠 林 綜 合 職 業 復 康 服 務 的 新 處 所 : 專 職 提 供 皮 革 製作訓練。 A new workshop of Tsui Lam Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service specialised in providing leather crafting training. 3. 學員於翠藝中心接受生產訓練。 Service users received production training at the Tsui Ngai Co-production Centre. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021






Live Positively

翠林綜合職業復康服務(翠林)夥拍「西貢區 快樂人生社區健康推廣計劃2020」,舉辦一系 列推廣「快樂七式」的活動,鼓勵感恩的態度 和正向的思維。活動促使殘疾人士及其家庭抱 持正能量、發揮抗逆力,在新生活常態下擁有 放鬆和自在的心態。

Tsui Lam Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service (Tsui Lam) has partnered with “Sai Kung District Happy Life Community Health Promotion Project 2020” to organise a series of activities to promote the “7 Happy Habits” and advocate the significance of gratitude and positive thinking. People with disabilities and their families are inspired to stay positive, practise resilience and embrace the new normal with ease and confidence.

翠業坊選用運動為媒介,強健學員身心以應對 疫情下的改變。導師每個早晨帶領30分鐘的群 體運動,增加學員的精神和活力。此外,團隊 增聘體適能導師指導學員進行個人化的運動練 習,從而滿足身心和社交的需要。

At Tsui Yip Co-production Centre, sports are offered as a means to strengthen the body and mind of our service users and help them cope with the changes brought on by the pandemic. Every morning, our instructors guide them through a 30-minute group workout session with reinvigorating and revitalising benefits. We have also added new fitness instructors to train our users through personalised workout routines designed to meet their physical, mental and social needs.

1. 齊運動,健身心! Active body, healthy mind. 2. 翠林家屬在工場的新增處所學習插花, 祝福新一年大家身體健康。 Carers of Tsui Lam Service joined a learning class for floriculture, wish all having good health in new year. 3. 規劃運動專區,令學員喜歡運動! Planning an area for organising workout sessions, which helps encouraging our service users to do exercises. 4. 專心致志是製作精美皮革品的必要態度。 Being focused is crucial in making exquisite leather products. 5. 學員製作的&care車袋,優雅時尚。 The elegant and stylish &care bike bags made by our service users.



基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報



網絡不同力量 打開無限可能

Opening up Networking

翠林皮革隊與香港的大型單車專門店合作,由 學員製作單車掛袋,經單車公司推出零售市場 銷售。&care單車掛袋的訂單穩步上揚,令工場 可以提供進階的皮革品製作訓練,亦使不同地 區的學員有更多參與的機會。這次合作促使商 界夥伴更樂於採購殘疾人士提供的服務,而個 人客戶透過精緻的皮革品更能認識到殘疾人士 的工作熱誠、手藝與潛力。

Tsui Lam’s “Leathercraft Team” has joined hands with a large-scale bike company in Hong Kong, and bike bags specially made by our service users have been put up for sale. Orders for our &care bike bags have been increasing steadily, allowing our workshop to offer advanced leatherwork training and involve more service users from various districts in the leather crafting process. This successful partnership has encouraged our business partners to patronise the services provided by people with disabilities more actively. The exquisite leather products have also shown individual customers the enthusiasm, craftsmanship and potentials of people with disabilities.

翠業坊與香港建造學院合作「共融全接觸」計 劃,由中心社工分享殘疾人士的需要及如何建 立友善溝通。活動讓同學反思個人如何促進社 會共融,期待他們在往後的生活、學習和工作 環境中,身體力行實踐共融。



Tsui Ngai Co-production Centre and UNIQLO coorganised a “retail-work experience day” at a UNIQLO store, where staff members taught our service users hands-on skills required for work in retail and customer service. It was a valuable learning opportunity for the participants as they received training from the current staff members in a brick-and-mortar store, which helped boost their confidence towards job seeking in the future.

Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities

翠藝中心與大型連鎖服裝店UNIQLO協作提 供工作體驗日,安排學員親臨其店舖,由 UNIQLO職員教授零售工作及顧客服務等技 巧。參加者能夠在實體店受訓,加上現職從業 員的指導,實在是一次珍貴的學習機會,亦加 強了個人日後公開就業的信心。


Tsui Yip Co-production Centre also co-organised a programme called “Inclusive and Full Contact” with the Hong Kong Institute of Construction, in which CFSC’s social workers educated students on the needs of people with disabilities and shared ways to communicate respectfully with them. The activity allowed students to reflect on how they, as individuals, can contribute to social inclusion. It is our hope that they will go on to practise true inclusion in their personal, academic and professional lives in the future.

6. 學員專心聆聽指導,期待自己 更進一步。 Service users were learning attentively for maximising self- abilities. 6


7. 美好的工作體驗日。 An eventful work experience day. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


同學到訪庇護工場,感受翠業坊學員的日常訓練流程。 Students visited a sheltered workshop and got to know the daily training routine of our service users at Tsui Yip Co-production centre.

未來發展 殘疾人士發展及共融

OUTLOOK 來年,殘疾人士發展及共融服務有以下工作 重點: 1. 促 進 機 構 內 的 協 作 , 開 展 「 海 達 邨 服 務 計劃一」包括一間綜合職業康復服務中心 及兩間殘疾人士院舍)的籌建,新服務期待 於2022年第一季陸續與大家會面。 2. 理順職業復康服務暨院舍服務之組合模式 的管理方案,建立服務的優勢,提升綜合 管理的效能。 3. 建立各組別服務的地區特色,發揮區域服務 之間的協同效應。 4. 應用藝術、運動、科技、出行和共融義工等 元素貫穿各區服務,滿足殘疾人士在工作、 學習、健康和社交等方面的需要,同步建立 共融社會。


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

The Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities will prioritise the following aspects: 1. To promote internal and external collaboration for the preparation of “Hoi Tat Estate Project I” (which includes an Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service Centre and two hostels for the disabled). The service is expected to launch on a rolling basis starting from the first quarter of 2022. 2. To overhaul the management plan of the Bundle Service Model for our vocational rehabilitation services and residential services, establish the advantages of our services and enhance the effectiveness of integrated management. 3. To establish the regional characteristics of our services for each target group and fully realise the synergy among our regional services. 4. To permeate the themes of arts, sports, technology, travelling and inclusive volunteering throughout our regional services, in order to meet the vocational, academic, physical and social needs of people with disabilities and build an inclusive society through solidarity.

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) SERVICE STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021)


接受模擬工作訓練及 就業支援服務的個案數目


No. of hours of pre-job training

Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities


No. of cases of practical job training and employment support services


參與促進個人及社交發展活動的人次 No. of attendance of encouraging personal and social development programmes



No. of employment hours created for People with Disabilities




No. of attendance of community inclusion programmes

支持殘疾人士發展及共融的伙伴數目 No. of collaborative partners supporting Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


環保及 綠色生活 Environmental Protection and Green Living 服務方向

SERVICE ORIENTATION 我們以提升市民的環保意識、促進行為改變及環保工作生活化為目標,致力推動香港的 環境保護和綠色生活工作。我們透過為社區提供回收減廢支援、推動社區農耕和綠化 發展,達致提高城市的可宜居性。 We strive to promote environmental protection and green living in Hong Kong by raising public awareness, encouraging behavioural changes and advocating green practices in everyday life. We are committed to making Hong Kong a more livable city through supporting recycling and waste reduction efforts within communities, as well as promoting urban agriculture and greening.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報





Recycling Stores at Kwun Tong, Shatin and Kowloon City

觀塘、沙田及九龍城「回收便利點」 環境保護署向本會批出三項「回收便利點」的 營運合約,包括「綠在裕民坊」、「綠在大圍」 以及「綠在寨城」,並已於2020年12月全部投 入服務。新服務選址於便利居民的地點,以支 援市民實踐減廢回收,讓綠色生活紮根社區。 「回收便利點」以嶄新品牌及簡約設計融入社 區,以「綠」字為概念,取諧音數字「6」為標 誌,寓意綠色生活在區區,帶給市民回收新體 驗。「回收便利點」主要回收塑膠,以及其他至 少7種回收物,並提供夜間自助回收服務。

Environmental Protection and Green Living

The Environmental Protec tion Depar tment has awarded the Agency to operate 3 Recycling Stores include GREEN@ YUE MAN SQUARE, GREEN@ TAI WAI and GREEN@WALLED CITY. The new Recycling Stores were set up at accessible locations and commenced operations in December 2020 with the aim of supporting local residents in waste reduction and recycling, thereby integrating the concept of green living into our communities. The Recycling Stores have been rebranded as a new community recycling network with a minimalist design. The number “6”, a homonym for “green” in Cantonese, is incorporated into a new logo that symbolises going green in an endless cycle. 3

1. 環境局局長黃錦星先生GBS, JP到訪「綠在寨城」與市民 交流。 The Secretary for the Environment, Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP interacted with the public at GREEN@ WALLED CITY. 2. 環境局局長黃錦星先生GBS,JP在總幹事郭烈東先生JP 陪同下參觀「綠在寨城」。 The Secretary for the Environment, Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP visited GREEN@ WALLED CITY in the company of Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP, Chief Executive of CFSC. 3. 綠在寨城 GREEN@ WALLED CITY


The Recycling Stores focus on collecting plastics and at least seven other common types of recyclables and support night-time selfservice recycling.


4. 綠在大圍 GREEN@ TAI WAI 5. 綠在裕民坊 GREEN@ YUE MAN SQUARE CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


「回收轆轆」流動環保計劃 「轆到樓下」做環保 本會獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,於東九 龍區開展賽馬會「回收轆轆」流動環保計劃, 透過改裝後的流動環保宣傳車及二手慈善義 賣,將「分類回收」、「舊物共享」及「環保教 育」三大環保服務直送屋苑,進入社區;配合 並補足政府現時的環保服務,推廣減廢、重用 和回收。

“Look For Green” Mobile Recycling Programme To tie in with the government’s current environmental services and further promote the idea of green living, we launched the “Look For Green” Mobile Recycling Programme with the thanks to the generous donation from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Through a mobile vehicle repurposed for promoting environmental awareness and a charity sale of second-hand goods, we began to provide services in recycling, sharing of reusables and green education, while sending the messages of waste reduction and “Recycle and Reuse” directly into the heart of the local community.





於「回收轆轆」的開幕典禮上,我們有幸邀 請到環境局局長黃錦星先生 GBS, JP 及香港 賽馬會慈善事務部主管王兼揚先生擔任主禮 嘉賓,與在場的社區持份者,包括區議員、 回收商、合作屋苑等代表,共同將「回收轆 轆」─「綠色環保,轆到樓下」的服務理念帶 動至社區。

At the opening ceremony of “Look For Green”, the Secretary for the Environment, Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP and Head of Charities, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mr. Bryan Wong were among the officiating guests, alongside community stakeholders including the district councillors and representatives from the recycling companies and partnering housing estates. A joint effort was made to promote the concept of “Look For Green” to community.

1. (左起)香港賽馬會慈善事務部主管王兼揚先生、環境局 局長黃錦星先生GBS,JP及本會總幹事郭烈東先生JP擔任 賽馬會「回收轆轆」流動環保計劃開幕典禮主禮嘉賓。 (From the left) Head of Charities, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mr. Bryan Wong; The Secretary for the Environment, Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP; and Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP, Chief Executive of CFSC were officiating guests at the opening ceremony of the Jockey Club “Look For Green” Moblie Recycling Programme.

2. 賽馬會「回收轆轆」流動環保計劃的宣傳車穿梭於社區。 A promotional vehicle toured the community as part of the Jockey Club “Look For Green” Mobile Recycling Programme.

基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

為向市民推動重用文化,以及能夠讓有用的物 品回歸社區,本計劃每月會於本機構總部大樓 「愛心廣場」舉行名為「二賣」的慈善義賣活 動,主要以義賣舊衣及二手電器為主,深受區 內市民歡迎。

In order to promote the message of reuse and make the usable items return to the community for use, the second-hand charity sales will be organised monthly at the Love Square at headquarter and which focuses on reselling the electrical appliances and clothes. The charity sales is widely welcome by the public.

Environmental Protection and Green Living

「二賣」活動讓市民以廉價選購合適的舊衣及二手電器,並 可建立物品重用的習慣。 The public could purchase the secondhand clothes at a low prices and encourage them to build “reuse” habits into their daily life.

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


義工們以膠樽拼砌天鵝,打造成為社區 「打氣」的Banner Rose Garden。 The volunteers were putting used plastic bottles into a swan installation to be featured in the Banner Rose Garden, creating positive community impact.

心靈放閃 喜樂傳社區 香港市民於過去一年生活於疫情的陰霾下,難 免情緒受到影響。為提升居民身心靈健康,都 市綠洲獲「滙豐社區夥伴計劃」贊助,於觀塘 區內推行為期一年的「心靈放閃 喜樂傳社區」 計劃。


我 們 招 募 3 0 名 退 休 人 士 擔 任 「 喜 樂 抗 逆 大 使」,透 過 舉 辦 一 系 列 活 動 向 社 區 傳 遞 正 能 量。當中,我們回收了大量舊宣傳橫額及膠 樽,並由超過130名中、小學學生及義工共同 製作近3,000朵橫額玫瑰,他們以膠樽拼砌天 鵝,打造 Banner Rose Garden,為社區「打 氣」,並得到傳媒廣泛報導。


Creating a Joyful Community of Soulful Wellbeing A full year of grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic has inevitably taken a toll on people’s mental wellbeing. To enhance their physical and mental wellness, Urban Oasis launched a one-year programme to boost positivity in Kwun Tong. The programme was supported by a generous donation from the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme. 30 retirees were recruited and trained to become our Project Ambassadors to host a series of programme, spreading positivity in the community. An upcycling exhibition which featured 3,000 roses and a swan made from the used banners and collected plastic bottles. Wasted materials were transformed into artistic banner rose garden by 130 primary and secondary students and volunteers. The events has brought positive impact to the community and gained widespread media coverage.

Banner Rose Garden 獲得傳媒廣泛報道。 The Banner Rose Garden gained widespread media coverage.

OUTLOOK 我們以推動城市的可宜居性為目標,繼續拓展服務,鞏固「環保及綠色生活」核心服務;並 整合環保教育和回收服務,加強地區滲透,讓市民建立綠色的生活習慣。 The mission of Core Service “Environmental Protection and Green Living” is to promote the livability of the city. We will continue to expand and consolidate the services by integrating the green education and recycling services. We will deepen the community penetration of the services in the community and develop a green living habit of the citizens. 90

基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) SERVICE STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021)

1,608 都市農夫會員數目

No. of Urban Farmers




No. of members of recycling programme



Environmental Protection and Green Living

No. of attendance of horticultural therapy services


參與環保及綠色生活活動人次 No. of attendance of environmental protection and green living activities

提供綠色教育活動的時數 Programme hours of green education




處理都市固體廢物量(公噸) Weight of municipal solid waste being handled (Tonnes)

No. of collaborating partners of environmental protection and green living activities


建立減廢回收點數目 No. of waste collection points setup CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


社區發展服務 Community Development Services


SERVICE ORIENTATION 面對持續的疫情影響香港經濟,社區發展服務致力為基層家庭網絡社區資源,以紓緩 他們的經濟壓力。同時,我們集結服務使用者一同針對不同的社區問題尋求解決方法, 共建互助社群。 In view of the ongoing impact brought by COVID-19 to the economy of Hong Kong, the Community Development Services are committed to network community resources for the grass-roots families in order to alleviate financial pressures, while collectively working with our service users to tackle different community problems and establish a caring environment in the spirit of mutual assistance.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS “Love On Delivery” Project


Collaborated with The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas), “Love on Delivery” Project is organised to release the financial burden of the grassroot families during the pandemic period. The Project aimed to distribute fresh food pack twice per week to the deprived families with school aged children for 15 weeks and support their livelihoods. Over 30,000 food packs have been distributed.

本會與香港中華煤氣有限公司(煤氣公司)合作 「家餸愛‧添溫馨」計劃,旨在紓緩基層家庭 在面對疫情期間的生活壓力。此項計劃向育有 學童的家庭提供15個星期,每星期兩次鮮肉餸 菜包,在經濟困難下以食物支援基層家庭的需 要,活動共派發超過30,000個鮮肉餸菜包。

Community Development Services


在疫情期間,家庭成員困在家中,大部分都缺 乏社交活動和聯繫社會服務的機會,此項計劃 推動煤氣公司員工成為網上義工,更特設面書 Facebook專頁提供一系列網上活動與基層家庭 在網上維持聯繫,例如舉辦網上問答比賽及親 子填色比賽。隨着疫情緩和便舉辦參觀農莊活 動和探訪長者活動,關顧基層家庭的社交康樂 和健康的需要,至今惠及1,830個家庭。

During the pandemic period, most families remained at home who lack of social activities and contact with social services. This Project has mobilised the Towngas staff becoming online volunteers. A Facebook page has been set up to organise online activities such as on-line colouring and quiz competition, so as to keep active but virtual contact with these families. Soon after the epidemic appears to have improved, social programmes such as farm visit and elderly visits were held. The Project served 1,830 families in total.

1. 基層家庭領取新鮮餸菜包。 Fresh food distributed to families. 2. 義工們與計劃的家庭一起參觀農莊。 An enjoyable farm visit programme.

2 CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021



Providing Comprehensive Support to Grassroot Citizens during the Pandemic


Processing Applications for In-Kind Support and Financial Assistance

為能紓緩基層家庭的經濟壓力,社區發展服務 網絡不同的物資,包括口罩、清潔用品、超級 市場券和小型傢俱等。此外,我們亦為居住 在劏房及寮屋區的居民處理了2,283宗「非公 屋、非綜援的低收入住戶一次過生活津貼」及 370宗「為低收入劏房住戶改善家居計劃」的 關愛基金申請。

To relieve the economic pressures on grassroot families, the Community Development Services used its resource network to provide face masks, cleaning supplies, supermarket vouchers and small furniture. Moreover, we processed 2,283 Community Care Fund (CCF) applications for the “One-off Living Subsidy for Low-income Households Not Living in Public Housing and Not Receiving CSSA” and 370 CCF applications for the “Assistance Programme to Improve the Living Environment of Low-income Subdivided Unit Households” respectively for individuals and families living in squatter huts and subdivided units.




支援基層學童網上學習 為支援基層學童在停課期間網上學習,我們獲 商界支持,為281個家庭提供數據卡及88個家 庭提供手提或平板電腦。此外,部分學童因不 適應網課而未能跟上學習進度;「外展支援及 網絡劏房住戶計劃」招募了一批大學生義工, 為35名居住在劏房的小學生進行為期十星期一 對一的補習服務。 1. 派發防疫物資予基層家庭。 Anti-epidemic materials were distributed to families in need. 2. 為基層學童舉辦不同類型網上活動。 Various online programme were organised for grassroot students.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Supporting Online Learning for Grassroot Students To support grassroot students who required to study online during the suspension of classes, we received support from corporate to provide 281 families with data SIM cards and 88 families with laptops/tablets. Given that some of the students could not cope with online lessons and failed to keep up their learning progress, the "Outreach Support Service for Networking People Living in Sub-divided Units" recruited a group of university students volunteers to provide one-to-one tutorials over a period of ten weeks for 35 primary school students living in sub-divided units.


Assisting Grassroot Families to Relocate and Adapt to a New Life


The Community Service Team on Clearance of Mei Tung Estate Since 2018, the Community Service Team on Clearance of Mei Tung Estate had been funded by the Hong Kong Housing Authority to provide services for the elderly households affected by the Mei Tung Estate redevelopment project. By organising “Elderly Community Journalists” project, a mutual help group, residents’ meetings and show flats visits at Wui Chi House (Tung Wui Estate), 134 elders were assisted to relocate to Tung Wui Estate in late 2020. Our survey revealed that 97% of the elderly households were satisfied with their new homes and 77% of them had adapted well in a new community. 1

美東邨重建社工隊自2018年起獲香港房屋委 員會資助,為受美東邨重建影響的長者戶提 供支援服務。透過舉辦長者社區記者、互助小 組、搬遷居民大會、參觀東匯邨匯智樓示範單 位等,協助共134名長者於2020年下旬順利 搬遷至東匯邨。我 們的問卷調查結果顯 示,97%的長者戶表 示滿意他們的新居及 7 7 % 表 示 已 適 應 新 社區。

Community Development Services

Jockey Club New Estate Support Programme (Sham Shui Po)


Followed the Project in Lai Tsui Court and Shek Kip Mei Estate, the third social services team at Hoi Tat Estate established in November 2020 and served 852 households. Through an intake orientation briefing, we successfully contacted 92% of the total households and identified those in need. Immediate assistance was provided to facilitate their adjustment in the new community.

繼麗翠苑及石硤尾邨後,本計劃於2020年11 月於共852戶的海達邨開展第三隊服務隊,並 透過入伙簡介會,已成功接觸92%的新住戶, 及早識別有需要家庭,並提供適切支援,讓他 們盡快投入新社區生活。


1. 美東邨重建社工隊定期探訪美東邨長者戶。 The Community Service Team visited the elderly households regularly in Mei Tung Estate.


2. 社工隊向受影響的長者戶講解重建相關資訊。 Briefing sessions were held to provide redevelopment information to the affected elderly households. 3. 與不同團體合作,提供適切服務予基層住戶。 We collaborated with different parties to provide services to the grassroot households. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


Environmental Improvement in the Lei Yue Mun Squatter Area

鯉魚門寮屋區環境改善 鯉魚門寮屋區內一直是以舊式銅線上網,速度 緩慢又不穩定。故自2018年起,鯉魚門社區服 務處動員寮屋區居民組成「優化鯉魚門寬頻上 網質素關注組」。經過多年的努力,網絡供應 商最終在2020年落實舖設光纖線工程,區內的 網絡問題有望逐步得到改善。

The internet network system in Lei Yue Mun has long been using old version copper cables which were slow and unstable. Lei Yue Mun Neighbourhood Level Community Development Project (NLCDP) mobilised residents living in the squatter area to form a “Concern Group on Broadband Service in Lei Yue Mun” since 2018. After years of effort, the internet service provider finally updated the network with fibre optic cables in 2020 and improved the internet connection in the squatter areas.




Turning the Squatter Area into an Art Village

鯉魚門社區服務處繼去年再獲市區重建局資助 舉辦「鯉魚門壁畫藝術村」活動,80多名義工 於疫情期間花了4個月時間, 在9戶寮屋的外牆上完成了 十幅以觀塘區為題的壁畫, 將壁畫藝術帶入民居,成為 社區一大特色。透過問卷調 查,362名受訪者中有93% 認同壁畫能美化社區,更有

With funding support from the Urban Renewal Authority, Lei Yue Mun NLCDP launched another programme named “Lei Yue Mun – Art Village”. Over a period of four months during the pandemic, more than 80 volunteers painted 10 works on the walls of 9 squatter huts, brought art to the residents’ daily lives. The mural also became a defining icon of Lei Yue Mun. 2 A community survey with 362 respondents revealed that 93% of the residents were of the opinion that the mural beautified the community, while 96% expected the mural programme could be expanded to other squatter area.

96%的受 訪者希望 壁畫活動 能繼續在 寮屋區內 伸延。


1, 2 鯉魚門壁畫作品。 Wall paints at Lei Yue Mun. 3 義工在鯉魚門繪畫壁畫。 Volunteers painted murals in Lei Yue Mun. 4. 舉辦鯉魚門壁畫導賞團暨展覽日。 Lei Yue Mun Art Village Tour and Exhibition.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報



OUTLOOK 支援弱勢社群繼續是社區發展服務的工作重點,透過開拓新資源及發展新服務計劃,以回應不斷變化的社 區問題及填補服務縫隙,共建互助社區。有鑑於現時有很多貧困人士居住在不適切的住房,本會將會在未 來積極參與過渡性房屋計劃以回應社會所需,首個項目位於深水埗區,預計會在2022-2023年完成。 Caring for vulnerable groups will all along be the focus of our Community Development Services. By exploring new resources and developing new service projects, we will continue to respond to the community needs and fill up the service gaps so as to build a caring community. In regard of the low income households currently living in dismal and inadequate housing conditions, CFSC will actively participate in provision of transitional accommodation and support services in future to respond to social need. The first transitional housing project situates in Sham Shui Po district which will be expected to be completed in year 2022-2023.

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) SERVICE STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021) Community Development Services



No. of attendance of neighbourhood network enhancement programmes




No. of attendance of grass-root families caring programmes

參與社區教育活動的人次 No. of attendance of community education programmes





參與提升服務對象能力活動的人次 No. of attendance of increasing service users’ abilities programmes

參與關注社會議題 / 社區問題活動的人次

No. of attendance of programmes concerning social topics and community problems CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021


全人發展及 專業培訓 Whole Person Development and Professional Training 服務方向

SERVICE ORIENTATION 我們以靈活及創新的手法,提供優質、專業、與時並進的培訓服務,推廣「全人發展,終 身學習」。服務包括:為幼兒及兒童提供學術及技術藝能提升課程、為機構及團體舉辦 專業課程、亦為學校提供課後支援服務和舉辦家長講座及工作坊,以應付知識型社會 複雜多變的需要,並達至追求卓越。 We believe that a tailor-made and innovative approach is the key to providing quality, professional and up-to-date training. To address the changing and complex needs of today’s knowledge-driven society, we uphold the philosophy of “LifeLong Learning in Whole Person Development” in our pursuit of excellence. Our scope of services includes academic and skill enhancement classes for toddlers and young children, professional courses for institutions and organisations, afterschool support programmes for primary and secondary schools and seminars and workshops for parents and teachers.


基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS 學習成果的肯定 2020-2021年度學員表現不論在繪畫 藝術或語文學術均獲得不少的獎項, 包括於「第九屆世界兒童繪畫大獎賽 2020─地球破壞王」及「2020第二十 五屆聖誕兒童繪畫比賽」中分別取得幼兒組金 獎與金星獎;另外,在國際考試上,學員於不 同級別之「劍橋英語基礎考試」中,考獲最高 成績的15個盾,又於「KPCC兒童普通話水平 測試中」屢獲佳績,成績令人鼓舞。



Recognising Academic Excellence In 2020–2021, our students have won many awards in drawing and language learning, including the Golden Award for the Toddler Category in the “9th World Children Art Awards 2020” and the Gold Star Award in the “2020 25th Christmas Children Art Competition”. Our students also came out on top in internationallyrecognised examinations. For example, some of them scored 15 shields in the Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) examinations – the highest accolade possible, while some achieved exceptional results in “KPCC Children’s Putonghua Proficiency Test”. These results are extremely encouraging.

Whole Person Development and Professional Training



推廣線上學習 因應社會的疫情發展,中心除製作一系列網 上教學短片,如英語拼音、STEM實驗及享受親 子快樂時光系列外;同時,亦舉辦「All is Well! 幼兒及兒童網上課程Online Course」,教授英 語會話、數學增潤等課程,除希望幫助家長及 小朋友「停課不停學」外,更希望透過視像軟 件與服務使用者增強互動,了解其學習需要與 困難,增加服務成效。 1. 兒童創意藝術至多FUN證書班 Creative Arts and Crafts Programme 2. 兒童趣味藝術班 Art Play Fun 3. 英語趣味故事班 English Storyland Fun 4. 「2020第二十五屆聖誕兒童繪畫比賽」得獎作品 Winning entries in the “2020 25th Christmas Children Art Competition” 5. 網上STEM自助教室之教學短片 An online instructional video for at-home STEM learning 6. 自己動手做STEM小實驗! A hands-on STEM experiment for children



Promoting Online Learning As the pandemic continued, we produced a series of online teaching videos spanning a number of topics including phonics, STEM-themed experiments and various fun activities for parents and children to enjoy together. Meanwhile, we also began to offer the “All is Well Online Course”, a collection of courses on conversational English and mathematics enhancement, among other content. The purpose is to not only achieve the goal of “continuing learning despite class suspension”, but also facilitate interactions with our service users through video conferencing software. This allows us to better understand their needs and difficulties in learning and deliver more effective services. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021



Engaging in Community Services

因受停課影響,部分幼兒對學習服務需求增 加,故中心特別開辦「All is Well! 幼稚園校園 『特別企劃』」,主要為學員提供模擬幼稚園 上課模式及時間表,訓練其自理能力、溝通能 力及社交能力,使幼兒能愉快地體驗校園生 活,於復課後能輕鬆跟上校園進度。

Due to school closures, the demand for educational services has increased among younger learners. Therefore, we launched the “All is well! Kindergarten Special Programme”, which serves to offer a stimulated experience of the teaching model and classroom schedule typical of kindergartens. The aim is to teach kindergarten children skills in looking after themselves as well as communicating and socialising with other students, so that they can get a taste of school life and keep up easily once schools reopen.





去年,我們的學校服務為超過31間學校提供 家長講座。因抗疫期間,學校停課時間較長, 故涉獵的範疇多與親子遊戲、管教、相處、學 習等有關,如:「玩出大變身:情境遊戲+桌 遊,玩出發展大能力」、「正向家長管教、正向 家長情緒」、「自理與自律」、「化解孩子的對立 反抗」等講座,透過視像軟件進行,希望可持 續做到家、校、社區互相合作與支援。


Organising Seminars for Parents Last year, our School Services organised seminars for parents from more than 31 schools. Due to the prolonged school closures as part of the anti-epidemic measures, the seminars mostly focused on parent-child play, discipline, parent-child relationship and learning. Examples of the topics included “Developing Abilities through Scenarios and Board Games”, “Positive Parenting, Positive Emotions”, “Independence and Self-Discipline” and “Raising a Defiant Child”. The seminars were delivered online with the use of video conferencing software, in hopes of establishing a sustained network of cooperation and mutual support among the family, the school and the community.

1. 「All is Well! 幼稚園校園『特別企劃』」 “All is well! Kindergarten Special Programme” 2. SuperB 學前親子 Playgroup SuperB Preschool Playgroup 3. 網上家長講座 Our online seminar for parents

100 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


OUTLOOK 全人發展及專業培訓服務的未來發展仍以兒童學習為主軸,輔以專業發展服 務,嘗試以不同的模式推廣優質的課程及活動;發展不同的合作模式,開拓與 不同類型的團體合作,增加合作機會。 Children’s education will remain the mainstay of our Whole Person Development and Professional Training Services alongside our professional development services. We will continue to explore different models for promoting high-quality courses and activities, while exploring new opportunities for further collaboration with various parties.

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) Whole Person Development and Professional Training




No. of attendance in continuing study programmes for children and youth


在職成人參與持續學習課程的人次 No. of attendance in continuing study programmes for employed adults


為學校提供支援活動的人次 No. of supporting programmes for schools



No. of cooperated schools CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 101

僱員服務顧問 Employee Service Consultancy 服務方向

SERVICE ORIENTATION 盈力僱員服務顧問(盈力)為企業提供多元化的專業服務,目的是為職場注入健康、 活力的色彩,從而增加企業生產力及提升僱員的生活質素。核心服務包括僱員輔助計 劃(EAP - Employee Assistance Programme) 、在職培訓、危機介入、管理顧問等。 Vital Employee Service Consultancy (Vital) is committed to providing diversified professional services to various enterprises with the goal of promoting a healthy and vibrant workplace, thus improving their productivity and their employees’ quality of life. Our core services include the EAP - Employee Assistance Programme, on-the-job training, crisis interventions and management consultancy, among others.

102 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS 企業引入僱員輔助計劃 關懷僱員身心

More Enterprises Introducing EAP to Take Care of their Employees

在去年疫情籠罩下,社會更重視僱員的身心健 康,有更多企業委托盈力提供僱員輔助計劃, 讓其僱員使用輔導熱線和參與身心健康活動, 表達對僱員的關懷。我們的新客戶遍及不同行 業,包括長者安居協會、扶康會、仁濟醫院社 會服務部、香港麥當奴、雀巢香港有限公司、 上海浦發銀行、馮氏集團、香港旅遊發展局、 保險業監管局等。

Due to heightened concerns for their employees’ physical and mental well-being amid the pandemic last year, more enterprises have appointed Vital to provide employee counselling and wellness programmes as part of EAP. We have gained new customers from various sectors, including the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association, Fu Hong Society, Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department, McDonald’s Hong Kong, Nestle Hong Kong Ltd., SPD Bank, Fung Group, Hong Kong Tourism Board, Insurance Authority and many more.

A New Paradigm for Corporate Training to Enable Continuous Learning

改變培訓模式 停聚不停學

In 2020-2021, people in Hong Kong underwent a year of working from home, and most enterprises turned to remote work and virtual meetings in order to avoid gatherings. Many training workshops were called off or rescheduled. Vital overcame this unprecedented challenge by moving

1. 大部分員工活動都改以網絡形式進行,靜思繪圖是其中最 受歡迎的題目之一。 Zentangle was one of the most popular corporate activities that took place online. 2. 疫情緩和期間,有機構立即復辦培訓課程,即使戴著口罩 去上課,亦無礙參加者的投入感。 As the local outbreak subsided, some organisations resumed offline training immediately and managed to keep participants engaged with the face-covering mandate still in place.


its training activities online and managed to keep both instructors and employees engaged despite the physical distance. Interactive workshops on Zentangle, DIY Chinese herb packs, DIY pressed flower calendars and other themes received encouraging feedback. Last year, nearly 280 sessions of online training were conducted and the success had indicated that online learning has become the “new normal” of corporate training. 2 CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 103

Employee Service Consultancy

去年香港經歷了「在家工作」之年。大部分企 業採用「在家工作」及「遙距會議」模式來減 少人群聚集,原定的培訓活動也被迫取消或延 期。面對這個挑戰,盈力把培訓活動改以網上 形式舉辦,即使隔著顯示屏授課,也不減導師 及員工的參與度。部分大型互動活動,例如靜 思繪圖(Zentangle)、自製中藥抗疫包、花藝月 曆DIY等,也成功轉以網上形式進行。去年盈力 為客戶舉辦了近280場網上活動,可見網上學 習形式已經成為企業培訓新常態。


調查疫情期間企業政策 及僱員感受

Survey on Corporate Policy and Employees’ Emotions amid COVID-19

不少企業在新冠疫情影響下,為保障員工推出 不同的「抗疫」措施。盈力與Recruit合作進行 「疫流而上─ 疫情中的僱員 感受」網上問 卷調查,訪問 了627名打工 仔,探討「疫 市」期間的企 業政策及員工 1 滿意度。調查 發現超過95%的僱員因疫情出現了負面情緒, 包括擔心疫症、經濟前景、社交等,打工仔情 緒健康問題亦值得關注;而企業推出不少「抗 疫」措施支援員工,我們並就調查結果給僱員 及管理者作出建議,以助解決問題。

Many enterprises have implemented different precautionary measures to protect their employees from the COVID-19 pandemic. In view of this, Vital conducted an online survey named “Corporate Policy and Employees’ Emotion under Coronavirus outbreak” in collaboration with Recruit, asking 627 respondents about their views on corporate policy and workplace satisfaction during the pandemic. Over 95% of the respondents reported negative emotions ranging from the fear of getting infected, apprehension about the economic outlook to social issues, which suggested that employees’ emotional health raised an alarming concern. As the enterprises were trying to establish various measures to support their employees, Vital offered a series of recommendations based on these findings to the employers and management in hopes of helping them tackle the problem.


Emotion Management Skills for Retail Workers

新冠疫情對香港不少行業造成打擊,零售業首 當其衝。為協助零售業從業員管理個人及顧客 的負面情緒,樂觀跨過逆境,盈力與香港零 售業管理協會於去年6月合辦網上講座「管好 逆情─個人及顧客情緒管理」。是次講座除分享 前線員工面對的困難和解決方法外,參加者亦 可透過聊天室分享情緒管理方法,達致互勵互 勉的效果。

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on different industries, with the retail sector being one of the worst hits. Hence, Vital partnered with the Hong Kong Retail Management Association in hosting a webinar titled “Stay Connected: Self-management of Your and Customer’s Emotion” in June 2020, which shed light on the challenges faced by frontline retail workers and the potential solutions. Apart from getting handy tips on how to handle negativity from themselves and customers and stay optimistic in the face of adversity, participants were also invited to share personal tips on how they managed their emotions and exchange words of encouragement in an interactive chat room.


1. 「疫流而上─疫情中的僱員感受」網上問卷調查發布會。 Press conference on “Survey on Corporate Policy and Employees’ Emotion under Coronavirus Outbreak”. 2. 高級培訓顧問黃錦翔先生分別獲邀到香港零售業管理協會 及人力資源管理學會分享疫情中管理情緒技巧。 Mr. Tommy Wong, Senior Training Consultant of Vital, was invited by HKRMA and IHRM respectively to share tips on emotional management amid the pandemic.

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向管理者分享員工身心健康政策 2021年1月,社聯學院舉辦的「NGO人力資源 研討會」,以工作間的員工身心健康為題,探 討在危機及持續轉變下對員工精神健康影響及 機構可幫助的角色。盈力獲邀作為嘉賓講者 之一,分享企業如何處理突發事件,並建議人 力資源的同事向僱員輔助計劃的顧問商議介入 方法,例如盡快舉辦危機解說小組、安排輔導 員駐場面見受影響同工、設立輔導熱線等。同 時,呼籲疫情下作出工作模式轉變的機構,要 注意「在家工作」後的團隊建設,讓員工重拾 工作動力。

Sharing on Employee Well-Being Policy with Management In January 2021, HKCSS Institute hosted the “HR Forum for NGOs”, which was themed around employees’ physical and mental well-being at work. The goal of the forum was to examine how employees’ mental health can be affected by periods of crisis and change and what HR and management can do to reverse that impact. Vital as guest speaker shared insights on corporate emergency management and advised HR practitioners to discuss the available interventions with our EAP consultants, such as setting up an ad-hoc crisis debriefing team, arranging face-to-face meetings with on-site counsellors and launching a counselling hotline. Participants were also recommended to invest more in team building activities after epidemic which keep up staff morale in the long run.


來年,香港的經濟前景不明朗,市場競爭越見激烈,將會是極具挑戰性的一年。我們已作好準備,與時並進, 提供更多元化的服務模式。我們相信,以同工的豐富經驗及委身精神,盈力在未來必定能夠創出更好的成績。 Given Hong Kong’s uncertain economic outlook and the ever-growing competition, Vital is expecting a challenging year ahead. We are well-positioned to keep up with the changing times and diversify our service offerings. With our experienced and dedicated staff, we have every confidence that we will achieve much more in the coming year.

2020 - 2021服務統計(截至2021年3月31日) SERVICE STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021)


參與訓練及發展活動的人次 No. of attendance of training and development activities


5,200 參與僱員健康活動的人次 No. of attendance of staff wellness activities

接受危機事件介入服務的人次 No. of attendance of critical incident management service CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 105

Employee Service Consultancy


企業社會責任 Corporate Social Responsibility

本會除為有需要的人士提供優質社會服務及 幫助弱勢社群外,我們亦承擔企業社會責任, 致力在保護環境、照顧員工需要及推動家庭 友善措施方面盡一分力。 In addition to providing quality services to people in need and empowering the disadvantaged, the Agency is also committed to fulfilling corporate social responsibilities. We strive to protect the environment, care for our staff and promote a more familyfriendly workplace.

106 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

BEAM Plus Accreditation and Enhancement Project

綠建環評認證及優化工程 在香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的撥款及支持下, 本會持續推行「基督教家庭服務中心賽馬會大 樓綠建環評認證及優化工程」項目,於大樓 進行改善工程以提升能源效益、優化日常管理 及營運措施,目標是令大樓達致綠建環評既有 建築2.0版綜合評估計劃下金級的整體評級, 成為綠色建築。到目前為止,本會已獲綠建 環評全部共7個範疇中的4個,包括場地、用 材及廢物管理、營運管理及用水均被評定為 鉑金級。

As we continued to implement various sustainability policies and management frameworks, including the Energy Management Policy, Water Conservation Policy, Green Purchasing Policy, Waste Management Policy and Agency Occupational Safety and Health Management System Manual and Operation Procedures, a significant reduction in the energy and water consumption of the Headquarters Building was recorded last year. We are looking to incorporate more environmental schemes to enhance the environmental awareness of our staff and encourage a more minimal and low-waste lifestyle.


ġ 政組 部行 事務 企業 !

!! !!!!




4 月號





每!天 示aa 據顯 年數 置於 ijıIJĺ 需要棄 顯示, 體廢物, 廚餘。 資料 ĴĦ)為 市固 į 保署 ı 都 工 Ĵ 環 據 公噸 來自 公噸( 公噸 ĭıĶĸ ĴĭĴĶĴ 及 IJĭıķĸ 有 IJIJ 中約 製造 餘,有 市、食品 區,當 廚 俱 的 堆填 街 與日 填區 酒店、 生 的 廚 餘 ! 至 往堆 、 肆 被送 食 產 ,上升 包括 商業 ı 公噸 年工 ı 商業, ĵ 近 。 足 業等 每日不 ġ 年 加工 。 ij 噸 ķĸ ijıı 過 IJĭı 增,由 日超 年每 ijıIJĺ

收 餘回

2年 !313








1. 配合環保減廢政策,總部大樓特別加強廢物管理及配套設施。 To cope with the waste reduction policy, the Agency has strengthened the waste management measures and the ancillary facilities at our Headquarters Building.


事使 供同 收桶, 餘 餘回 把廚 有廚 避免 層設 併 剩食, 樓各 回收 於大 賽,比! 加強 機構 收比 同事 以 餘回 鼓勵 層可 辦廚 的樓 會舉 用,為 出 將 勝 構 得將 量, 圾,機 事記 ! 廚餘 當垃 ,同 收的 費 回 ""! 浪 位 箱啦 食不 樓單 廚餘 各大 ""!剩 入 品 放 獎 廚餘 豐富 收;! 收的 獲得 以回 以回 可 可 食物 哂又 邊啲 食唔 意返 ! 留 可以 以下



! !

! 頭! 理? 型骨 ! 點處 ! 、小 餘物 :! 回收 魚鱗 、殘 包括 廚餘 臟、 內臟 廚餘 和腸 菜! 禽畜 收的 器官 和配 肪、 可回 類的 種子 類脂 ! 核、 、肉 ! 魚 皮、 肉類 魚類 品! 蔬果 屑的 類食 菜、 ! 切 、豆 果蔬 肉類 乾 生 餅 ! 爛的 包、 ! 腐 、麵 麥! 。! 蔬果 蛋糕 和燕 收桶 渣、 、麵 進回 、湯 ! 米 才放 啡渣 , 穀類 咖 乾 葉、 分瀝 的水 ! 茶 當中 其他 量將 ,盡 類後 分 ! 餘 將廚 !




2. 善用大樓的廚餘機以回收廚餘並減少廢物。 Reduce waste by using the Food Decomposer. 3. 定期發放內部通訊以提升員工的環保意識。 Enhance the environmental awareness of our staff by internal newsletter. CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 107

Corporate Social Responsibility

本會持續推行不同的可持續發展政策及管理措 施,包括能源管理政策、節約用水政策、環保 採購政策、廢物管理政策及職安健管理制度手 冊及操作指引 等。去年,總 部大樓在用電 及用水量都有 明顯減少,我 們會繼續透過 不同的環保計 劃,提升員工 的環保意識及 建立節約減廢 的習慣。

With the generous support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Agency continued to implement the “Christian Family Service Centre Jockey Club Building BEAM Plus Accreditation and Enhancement Project”, which aims to improve energy efficiency through various types of facility enhancement works and optimise our building management practices and operational measures. Our goal is to achieve an overall Gold rating under the BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 Comprehensive Scheme and qualify as a “Green Building”. At present, we have achieved Platinum ratings in 4 out of 7 aspects, including Site Aspects, Materials and Waste Aspects, Management and Water Use.


Environmental Protection Initiatives

本會推行多項環保項目,參與政府及社會上不 同的計劃,以提升員工及持份者的環保意識及 促進節約及減廢,包括:

To increase the environmental awareness of our staff and stakeholders and promote momentums of conservation and waste reduction, the Agency has launched and participated in a variety of Governmental or social initiatives. They include:

1. 參 與 環 境 局 及 機 電 工 程 署 的 「 全 民 節 約 運動」,簽署《節能約章2020》、《4Ts約章》 及「不要鎢絲燈泡」 節能約章; 2. 簽署環境局《戶外燈光約章》;

1. Signing up to the “Energy Saving Charter 2020”, “4Ts Charter” and “Energy Saving Charter on No ILB” implemented by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and Environmental Bureau;

3. 參加環境運動委員會及環保署的「香港環境 卓越大獎」及「香港綠色機構認證」;

2. Signing up to the “Charter on External Lighting” implemented by the Environmental Bureau;

4. 簽署環保署的「惜食約章」; 5. 參與中華電力有限公司的「全心傳電」計劃。

3. Taking part in the “Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence” and “Hong Kong Green Organisation Certificate” organised by the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) and Environmental Protection Department (EPD); 4. Signing up to the “Food Wise Charter” of EPD; 5. Participating in the “Power Connect” Programme of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited.


《節能約章2020》 “Energy Saving Charter 2020”

「惜食約章」 Food Wise Charter


Creating an Inclusive Workplace

本會一向致力扶助殘疾人士融入社會。過去一 年,Home Café 為殘疾人士提供超過 3,180 餐 飲 訓 練 時 數 及 超 過 5 , 7 8 2 小 時 的 餐 飲 工 作 機會。

Helping people with disabilities assimilate into the society has always been one of our key missions. Last year, our Home Café provided more than 3,180 hours of vocational training and more than 5,782 hours of employment opportunities in the catering industry to people with disabilities.

108 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報



本會的各項環保、家庭友善及其他不同社會責 任措施得到社會各界肯定。去年,榮獲環境運 動委員會及環保署頒發的香港綠色機構認證 「卓越級別」減廢證書、環保署及室內空氣質 素資訊中心頒發的室內空氣質素檢定證書、 環保署頒發的工商業廢物源頭分類獎勵計劃 2019/20之銀獎、水務署頒發的大廈優質供水 認可計劃食水(管理系統)之金獎及簽署「好 僱主約章2020」,並獲勞工處授權使用「友」 「家」好僱主標誌,這些認同鼓勵我們持續追 求卓越。

Our environmental protection initiatives, family-friendly policies and other corporate social responsibility measures have been well recognised by various sectors of the community. Last year, we were awarded the “Hong Kong Green Organisation Certificate ‘Class of Excellence’ Wastewi$e Certificate” by the ECC and EPD, “Indoor Air Quality Certificate – Good Class” by the EPD and Indoor Air Quality Information Centre, Silver Award under the “Commendation Scheme on Source Separation of Commercial and Industrial Waste” by the EPD and the “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Management System) (Gold)” by the Water Supplies Department. We also became a signatory of the “Good Employer Charter 2020” and are authorised to display the “Family-friendly Good Employer” logo by the Labour Department. These accolades are part of what drives us onwards in our relentless pursuit of excellence.

Corporate Social Responsibility

本會餐廳提供工作機會予有熱誠和工作能力的服 務使用者。 Our café provides job opportunities to passionate and capable service users.

好僱主約章2020 Good Employer Charter 2020

室內空氣質素檢定證書 Indoor Air Quality Certificate

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 109

員工關係與發展 Staff Relations and Development 本會深明員工在機構成長和發展中所擔當的重要角色,我們著力規劃及推 行員工培訓及發展,亦考慮員工之個人及家庭需要。人力資源部積極為員 工提供多元化之培訓項目、關愛活動,以及在可行範圍內提升福利,努力構 建和諧及家庭友善之工作間。 The Agency fully acknowledges the important role that our employees play in organisational growth and development. Hence, we focus on designing and implementing training programmes for them, while tending to their personal and family needs. The Human Resources Department organised a variety of training programmes, staff engagement activities and endeavoured to enhance employee benefits as much as possible, in order to build a harmonious and family-friendly workplace.

110 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

員工培訓 秉承持續進修的理念及為配合本會策略計劃 之推行,培訓對各級人員是非常重要的,特 別是管理及專業人員。培訓組年內籌辦「New Managers Training」,提高新入職或新晉升管 理人員認識機構的財務管治、人力資源及質素 管理之理念,政策及各運作系統和了解中央各 部門之功能與角色,從而促進本會的服務單位 與各中央部門的溝通與協作。 就管理議題,我們舉辦了「Engaging Team by using LEGO Serious Play」工作坊,讓管理 人員突破盲點並思考問題的框框,最終加強團 隊協作和協調。另外,透過安排「高效工作績 效評估面談課程」,提升管理及專業人員評估 面談的技巧,培養一個雙贏的心態。


1. 總幹事郭烈東先生JP分享「人才與領導力發展」,透過探 索領導的角色,從而分享領導者的新思維。 Mr. Kwok Lit-tung, JP, our Chief Executive, shared valuable insights on people and leadership development and discussed new ways of thinking while defining the role of leadership.

Staff Training To reflect our philosophy of lifelong learning and support the implementation of our strategic plan, it is crucial to train our staff at all levels, especially those in managerial and professional roles. Throughout the year, the Training Unit organised a programme called “New Managers Training” to familiarise newly recruited or newly promoted managers with the Agency’s beliefs, policies and operating systems in financial governance, human resources and quality management as well as the varying functions and roles of our central departments. This served to facilitate the collaboration and communication between the service units and central departments.


In terms of management, we organised a workshop titled “Engaging Team by using LEGO Serious Play” to help managers overcome their blind spots and think outside the box, in turn strengthening team collaboration and coordination through problem-solving. A course on “Conducting Appraisal Skills” was also held to enhance our managerial and professional staff essential skills in holding a face-to-face performance appraisal and the mentality required to transform the process into a win-win outcome.

In addition, the Agency organised the “Workshop on Fundamental Cognitive Behavioural Therapy” to strengthen our professional staff on the various approaches to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

2. 舉辦「手機拍攝及剪片工作坊」。 We organised a workshop on mobile phone shooting and editing. 3. 新同工迎新活動讓新入職員工認識機構。 The new staff orientation gave our newly joined staffs a chance to get to know the Agency. 4. 和諧粉彩療癒課程讓同事透過藝術減壓。 Pastel Nagomi Art allowed staff members to release the stress of their everyday lives.

4 CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 111

Staff Relations and Development

此外,本會為專業同工舉辦「Workshop on Fundamental Cognitive Behavioural Therapy」 , 加強同工對認知行為治療手法的認識。


本會亦十分關注員工的身心靈素質,年內培訓 組安排「和諧粉彩療癒課程」,讓同工學習釋 放情緒,令心靈產生平靜、和諧的感覺。 總結2020-2021年度,共有755人次參與各類 別的培訓活動,當中服務及支援同工和管理及 專業同工分別各佔45.7%和54.3%。

因受疫情影響,本部今年未 能舉辦「午間資訊站」及「生 活與工作平衡週」等活動, 但我們仍然透過派發防疫 禮品包,與全會員工保持聯 繫,一起抗疫。


Throughout 2020-2021, we recorded a total of 755 attendances across all of our training activities. Among the attendees, 45.7% were servicing and supportive staff members, while 54.3% were in managerial and professional roles.

Staff Engagement Activities


而面對疫情的衝擊及工作上的不同挑戰,員工 難免會遇到不少困難;今年會方繼續委託專業 機構,由專業的輔導員為員工及其家人提供僱 員支援服務,透過電話熱線及面談輔導,希望 能夠在此艱難時段提供適切協助。 本年度,為讓員工能處理近親家人的家庭事務 及照顧家庭需要,我們新增「家事假」,合資 格員工在每年最多可享有4節有薪假期,讓員 工可以紓緩照顧家人之壓力。 本會一直支持職員會舉辦各項的員工活動。 本年度,職員會舉辦了土耳其馬賽克燈工作 坊、CFSC開心自己友─短片分享、玻璃球吊 環盆景工作坊、訂購運動風褸及口罩等活動, 部分活動更歡迎員工家屬參加。


1. 舉辦預防及處理性騷擾工作坊。 A workshop on the prevention and handling of sexual harassment was held. 2. 舉辦伸展拉筋班,一起強健體魄。 We held stretching exercises classes for our employees, so that everybody at the Agency can stay physically healthy.

112 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

The Agency also prioritises the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of our employees. In 2020-2021, the Training Unit ran a workshop called “Harmony Pastel Healing Course” to teach our staff calming and harmonising ways to release their pent-up emotions.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the “Lunchtime Information Station” and “Work-Life Balance Week” activities were cancelled this year. Instead, we distributed free hygiene 1 kits to all our staff members to support and keep in close touch with them during the fight against the pandemic. The pandemic and challenges at work have inevitably put our employees under a lot of strain. This year, the Agency continued to deliver the Employee Assistance Programme, in which a professional organisation was commissioned to provide our staff and their families with timely counselling services through telephone hotlines and face-to-face consultations, in order to help them go through the difficult time. This year, the Board of Directors endorsed the new “Family Leave” policy recommended by the Strategic Leadership Committee, giving eligible employees up to 4 sessions of paid leave annually to handle urgent affairs related to their immediate family members and tend to their family’s needs. The policy expects to relieve our staff of the stress of caring for their families. The Agency extended its continued support for the Staff Association to host a range of fun and engaging staff activities, including the Turkish Mosaic Lamp Workshop, CFSC Sharing of Video Clips, Plant Jamming Workshop and other group classes. We also organised the procurement of custom-made windbreakers and face masks for our employees. Some of these activities were open to both our employees and their family members.

2020 - 2021培訓統計(截至2021年3月31日) TRAINING STATISTICS (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021) 為大專學生提供實習機會的人數

Internship opportunities for students of tertiary institutions



社會工作系 Student of Social Work


Student of Environmental Sciences, Resource and Environmental Management



中醫學系 Student of Chinese Medicine

職員訓練(人次) Staff Training Activities (Attendance)


醫院、社會福利署及其他政府部門舉辦之 訓練課程及研討會

Courses, workshops organised by hospitals, Social Welfare Department and other government departments



各大專學院及社會服務團體舉辦之 培訓課程、講座及研討會 Training courses, seminars and workshops organised by tertiary institutions and other social service organisations


本會舉辦之講座及研討會 Lectures and workshops organised by the Agency


Others CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 113

Staff Relations and Development



審核財務報告 Audited Financial Statements

114 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報









第118至123頁的財務資料乃節錄自本會截至2021年3月31日年度之指明財務報表。本年報 未有刊載財務報表附註,而該附註為指明財務報表之一部分,應聯同財務報表一起閱讀。 根據‘公司條例’第436(2)段,本年報附上獨立核數師報告刊載於115至117頁。 The financial statements as presented on page 118 to 123 are extracted from the specified financial statements of the Centre for the year ended 31 March, 2021, and should be read in conjunction with notes of the financial statements which are not presented here. In accordance with the Companies Ordinance Section 436(2), the auditor’s report on the financial statements are accompanied here on page 115 to 117. 123



Chart On Income Resources 2020–2021全年總收入 Annual Income




Social Welfare Department subvention



Government subvention (Non-Social Welfare Department)



The Community Chest of Hong Kong allocation



The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust subvention



Other Project Grants



Fee income




Programme income



Donations and Fundraising



Investment and Bank interest




Other income

Chart On Expenditure 2020–2021全年總開支 Annual Expenditure

HK$750,671,811.08 薪金及福利


Personal Emoluments & Staff Benefits



Staff Training & Development



Administrative & Facilities Expenses



Service Operation

租金、差餉及其他支出 Rent, Rates & Others

124 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報



Chart On Expenditure For Core Services 2020–2021全年總開支 Annual Expenditure




Children & Family Services



Youth Services



Elderly Care Services



Services for People with Disabilities



Mental Health Services



Active Ageing Services



Medical and Health Services





Environmental Protection and Green Living



Community Development Services



Corporate Services




詳細週年財務報告及整筆撥款之週年財務報告 請於本會網頁查閱 Annual Financial Report and Annual Financial Report of Lump Sum Grant can be downloaded from CFSC’s website

整筆撥款之 週年財務報告 The Annual Financial Report (Lump Sum Grant)

週年財務報告 The Annual Financial Report

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 125

Financial Report

Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities

2020-2021年 整筆撥款儲備的運用及未來運用計劃:


MANAGEMENT OF LSG RESERVE AND FUTURE PLAN: 根據本會政策,整筆撥款儲備主要用於履行 對員工的合約承諾、支付整筆撥款服務營運 虧損、及推行策略性發展工作。本會20202021年度整筆撥款服務營運錄得盈餘港幣 $59,162,168,盈餘撥歸整筆撥款儲備。截至 2021年3月底,整筆撥款累積儲備(不計算公 積金儲備、租金差餉及中央項目儲備)為港幣 $106,222,597,相當於整筆撥款2020-2021年 度總營運開支的24.79%。

According to the Agency policy, the Lump Sum Grant (LSG) reserve will be used for honouring the contractual commitment to snapshot staff, as a reserve for possible deficit of LSG operation, and to support the strategic development of services. At the end of March 2021, it recorded a surplus of HK$59,162,168 for the LSG service operation in 2020-2021. The accumulated LSG reserve (excluding Provident Fund reserve, Rent and rates, and Central Item reserve) was HK$106,222,597 which is 24.79% of the 2020-2021 LSG operating expenses.

在2020-2021年度,本會於整筆撥款儲備中撥 出了港幣$544,991推行策略性發展工作,包括 加強專業核心能力培訓、進行資訊科技應用的 前期顧問研究、及更新現有機構網頁等。

In 2020-2021, HK$544,991 has been drawn from LSG reserve to support the strategic development of services, including professional training for staff under LSG, conducting feasibility study on shared users database, and enhancing the corporate website.

未來兩年,即2021-2022年及2022-2023年, 本會預算動用約港幣$9,800,000儲備,繼續推 行策略性發展工作。其中一百五拾萬用於持續 員工專業培訓、一百二拾萬用於改善單位網 頁、二百七拾萬用於研究開發服務使用者資訊 科技應用系統、一百萬用於推廣服務、九拾萬 用於鼓勵優秀團隊發展創作服務、二百萬用於 多項小型維修工程、及五拾萬用於進行服務效 益研究。

For the coming two years, that is, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, HK$9,800,000 has been budgeted from LSG reserve to support various strategic initiatives. With this budget, one and a half million will be used for the professional development of core service staff; one point two million will be used to enhance the unit websites, two million and seven hundred thousand is budgeted for exploring the use of new ICT technology to improve user communication, one million will be used to promote service image, nine hundred thousand will be used to reward the outstanding teams in piloting new services, two million is reserved for carrying out various minor improvement works, and half a million will be spent on social impact studies.

2020-2021年 整筆撥款週年財務報告: The Annual Financial Report (Lump Sum Grant):

本會2020-2021年的整筆撥款週年財務報告已在本會網頁發佈。公眾 人士可透過下列連結到網頁查閱。 The Annual Financial Report (Lump Sum Grant) 2020-2021 has been uploaded to CFSC web page. Interested reader are welcome to visit our Home Page and view the Annual Financial Report via the following link: 126 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

2020-2021年 非定影員工公積金儲備的運用及未來運用計劃: MANAGEMENT OF PROVIDENT FUND RESERVE FOR NON-SNAPSHOT STAFF: 本會由2017年1月起調整強積金僱主供款比 率。員工在入職時,僱主供款為僱員全數薪金 的5%,當僱員工作滿六年,僱主供款會增加 至6%,工作滿七年增加至7%,如此類推,直 至工作滿十年,僱主供款會增至最高的10%。 截至2020年3月底,本會的非定影員工公積金 累積儲備為港幣$29,833,619。 在2020-2021年度,本會向工作滿六個月的非 定影員工公積金戶口額外一次過供款伍千元, 工作滿三年的員工則獲額外供款一萬元。截至 2021年3月底,本會的非定影員工公積金累積 儲備下降至港幣$27,573,115。非整筆撥款服 務的員工也獲同樣安排。

In January 2017, the employer contribution percentage for staff under MPF Scheme was enhanced. For new staff, employer contribution for MPF will be 5% of the total salary. For staff who completed six years of service, employer contribution will increase to 6%, and increase to 7% after completing seven years of service, etc. until the maximum of 10% for staff who has completed ten years of service. At end of March 2020, the accumulated Provident Fund reserve for non-snapshot staff was HK$29,833,619.

非定影員工公積金累積儲備 (非定影員工部分 ) Provident Fund for non-snapshot staff (6.8% portion) 截至2020年3月底(非定影員工部分) Accumulation at end of year 2019-2020 (6.8% portion)


2020-2021年度收入(非定影員工部分) PF Subvention Received (6.8% portion)


2020-2021年度支出(非定影員工部分) Paid out to staff MPF accounts in 2020-2021 (6.8% portion )


額外一次性僱主供款 ($10,000或$5,000) (非定影員工) One-time Injection of $10,000 / $5,000 to staff MPF accounts (6.8% portion )


調整 Adjustment


截至2021年3月底累積儲備(非定影員工部分) (Accumulation at end of year 2020-2021)

$27,573,115 CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 127

Financial Report

In the year 2020-2021, the Agency improves staff retirement benefit by providing a one-time employer contribution to staff’s MPF accounts, $5,000 for staff completing six months of service and $10,000 for staff completing three years of service. At end of March 2021, the accumulated Provident Fund reserve for non-snapshot staff was then lowered to HK$27,573,115. Staff in non-LSG service also enjoyed the same arrangement with resources supported by Agency reserve.


ADDRESS OF SERVICE UNITS (2021) 總辦事處 Head Office

人力資源部 Human Resources Department

九龍觀塘翠屏道3號10樓 10/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2861 0283 傳真 Fax:2520 0438 網頁 電郵

電話 Tel:2861 0283 傳真 Fax:2111 2785 電郵

企業事務部 Corporate Affairs Department


電話 Tel:2861 0283 傳真 Fax:2520 0438 電郵

兒童及 家庭服務

Children and Family Services

財務部 Finance Department 電話 Tel:2861 0283 傳真 Fax:2758 0630 電郵


Partnership & Resources Development Department 電話 Tel:2950 5871 傳真 Fax:3188 5026 電郵



九龍觀塘翠屏道3號9樓 9/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2318 0028 傳真 Fax:2753 6627 電郵

九龍觀塘翠屏道3號9樓 9/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2318 0028 傳真 Fax:2753 6627 電郵



九龍觀塘翠屏道3號9樓(通訊處) 9/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon (Mailing address) 電話 Tel:2381 3311 傳真 Fax:2396 8109 電郵

九龍觀塘翠屏道3號8樓 8/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2318 0398 傳真 Fax:2796 6790 電郵

學校社會工作部 School Social Work Unit

賽馬會順天跳躍青年坊 Jockey Club Shun Tin Youth Leap

九龍觀塘翠屏道3號8樓 8/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2750 2337 傳真 Fax:2796 6790 電郵

九龍觀塘順天邨天柱樓地下4-9及11-17號 Unit 4-9 & 11-17, G/F, Tin Chu House, Shun Tin Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2952 2192 / 2952 2116 傳真 Fax:2952 2293 電郵

Family Energizer (Integrated Family Service)

Serene Court − Refuge Centre For Women

青年及 教育服務

Youth and Education Services


Jockey Club Tsui Ping Youth Leap 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號8樓 8/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2750 5582 傳真 Fax:2796 6790 電郵

128 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Family Aide Service

Clinical Psychological Service


Cherish House 九龍秀茂坪寶達邨達翠樓地下C翼 G/F, Wing C, Tat Chui House, Po Tat Estate, Sau Mau Ping, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2344 4252 傳真 Fax:2344 4253 電郵

YOU CAN─潛能發展中心

YOU CAN − potential exploration unit 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號8樓 8/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2750 2269 傳真 Fax:2796 6790 電郵

趣樂幼稚園 / 趣樂幼兒中心

Cheerland Kindergarten / Cheerland Child Care Centre 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號3樓 3/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2389 3363 傳真 Fax:2389 7213 電郵

德田幼稚園 / 德田幼兒園

Tak Tin Kindergarten / Tak Tin Day Nursery

長者 照顧服務

Elderly Care Services

Yeoh Choy Wai Haan Memorial Kindergarten 九龍觀塘安達邨謙達樓與正達樓之間地下 G/F, between Him Tat House and Ching Tat House, On Tat Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2507 4811 傳真 Fax:3913 7120 電郵

為輪候資助學前康復服務的兒童提供 學習訓練津貼項目

Training Subsidy Programme for Children on the waiting list for Subvented Pre-school Rehabilitation Service 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號3樓 / 九龍藍田康雅苑停車場頂樓 3/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon / Roof of Car Park Blocks, Tak Tin Estate, 223 Pik Wan Road, Kowloon 電話 Tel:5571 6514 / 2775 2881 傳真 Fax:2389 7213 / 2348 3124 電郵 /



新界將軍澳厚德邨德康樓及德志樓地下及1樓 G/F and 1/F, Tak Hong and Tak Chi House, Hau Tak Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:2706 3018 傳真 Fax:2706 3161 電郵

九龍順天邨天池樓地庫二樓L202至L209號 Unit No. L202-L209, LG 2/F, Tin Chi House, Shun Tin Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3598 9268 傳真 Fax:2345 9362 電郵

Yang Chen House


Yam Pak Charitable Foundation King Lam Home for the Elderly 新界將軍澳景林邨景棉樓地下及1樓 G/F and 1/F, King Min House, King Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:2701 8655 傳真 Fax:2706 1922 電郵

True Light Villa Day Care Centre for the Elderly


Choi Ying Day Care Centre for the Elderly 九龍觀塘彩盈邨盈安樓地下 G/F, Ying On House, Choi Ying Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2350 2333 傳真 Fax:2320 1114 電郵


Kwun Tong Day Care Centre for the Elderly

Wang Tau Hom Day Care Centre for the Elderly

九龍觀塘藍田啟田邨啟信樓地下B翼2號 Unit No. 2, G/F, Wing B, Kai Shun House, Kai Tin Estate, Lam Tin, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2952 6710 傳真 Fax:2346 4680 電郵

九龍橫頭磡邨宏頌樓地下6-17號單位 Unit Nos. 6-17, G/F, Wang Chung House, Wang Tau Hom Estate, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2338 3738 傳真 Fax:2336 9272 電郵


CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 129

Address of Service Units

九龍藍田康雅苑停車場頂樓 Roof of Car Park Blocks, Tak Tin Estate, 223 Pik Wan Road, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2775 2881 傳真 Fax:2348 3124 電郵



Tsui Lam Day Care Centre for the Elderly 新界將軍澳翠林邨彩林樓地下101及108-116室 Unit 101 & 108-116, G/F, Choi Lam House, Tsui Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:2191 0321 傳真 Fax:2191 0602 電郵


Kwun Tong Integrated Home Care Services 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號7樓 7/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2758 8023 傳真 Fax:2357 4208 電郵


Lam Tin Integrated Home Care Services


九龍藍田啟田邨啟旺樓地下 G/F, Kai Wong House, Kai Tin Estate, Lam Tin, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2727 5315 傳真 Fax:2379 9854 電郵


Wong Tai Sin Integrated Home Care Services 九龍黃大仙東頭(二)邨興東樓地下23-26號 Unit 23-26, G/F, Hing Tung House, Tung Tau (II) Estate, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2706 6732 傳真 Fax:2716 9670 電郵


Kwun Tong Enhanced Home & Community Care Services 九龍牛頭角彩霞邨彩日樓地下2號 No. 2, G/F, Choi Yat House, Choi Ha Estate, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2357 5399 傳真 Fax:3586 1436 電郵

黃大仙改善家居及社區照顧服務 Wong Tai Sin Enhanced Home & Community Care Services

九龍新蒲崗五芳街10號新寶中心10樓 1006-1007室 Unit 1006-1007, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2997 8028 傳真 Fax:2997 8082 電郵


Emergency Carer Support Service 九龍觀塘鴻圖道80號華懋鴻圖工業大廈903室 Unit 03, 9/F, Hung To Industrial Building, 80 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3613 0752 傳真 Fax:2648 7955 電郵 130 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報


Mind Delight Memory & Cognitive Training Centre 九龍觀塘彩霞邨彩星樓地下4號鋪 Unit No. 4, G/F, Choi Sing House, Choi Ha Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2793 2138 傳真 Fax:3572 0634 電郵

維拉荻茜 – 智活記憶及認知訓練中心

Vera R. Desai − Mind Delight Memory & Cognitive Training Centre 香港仔湖北街12號裕景中心18樓01室 香港仔海傍道3號逸港居2座地下4號鋪 Room 1801, 18/F., Goodview Centre, 12 Wu Pak Street, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Shop No. 4, G/F, Ocean Court, No.3 Aberdeen Praya Road, Hong Kong 電話 Tel:3460 4520 / 2130 3390 傳真 Fax:3011 5169 電郵


Lively Elderly Day Training Centre 九龍黃大仙彩虹道121號啟德花園第2期1樓B室 Unit B, 1/F, Kai Tak Garden Phase II, 121 Choi Hung Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2705 2333 傳真 Fax:2705 2330 電郵


Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly 九龍觀塘彩霞邨彩星樓地下4號鋪 / 九龍黃大仙彩虹道121號啟德花園第2期1樓B室 Unit No. 4, G/F, Choi Sing House, Choi Ha Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon / Unit B, 1/F, Kai Tak Garden Phase II, 121 Choi Hung Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2793 2138 / 2705 2333 傳真 Fax:3572 0634 / 2705 2330 電郵 /


Dementia Friendly Community in Southern District 香港仔湖北街12號裕景中心18樓01室 Room 1801, 18/F, Goodview Centre, 12 Wu Pak Street, Aberdeen, Hong Kong 電話 Tel:2130 3390 / 3460 4520 傳真 Fax:3011 5169 電郵


賽馬會樂齡同行計劃 (觀塘)

九龍牛頭角彩霞邨彩日樓地下2號 No. 2, G/F, Choi Yat House, Choi Ha Estate, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2357 5399 / 6119 1696 傳真 Fax:3586 1436 電郵

九龍觀塘順安邨安逸樓地下G13-G14號 Unit Nos. 13-14, G/F, On Yat House, Shun On Estate, Kwun Tong 電話 Tel:2727 1234 傳真 Fax:2709 5704 電郵

D & O Service − CAPD & Osteoporosis Care

Pilot Scheme on Home Care and Support for Elderly Persons with Mild Impairment

九龍新蒲崗五芳街10號新寶中心27樓03室 Unit 03, 27/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2997 8028 傳真 Fax:2997 8082 電郵

九龍觀塘成業街19-21號成業工業大廈1413室 Unit 13, 14/F, Shing Yip Industrial Building, No.19-21 Shing Yip Street, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3618 7041 傳真 Fax:3997 3409 電郵



九龍觀塘翠屏道3號5樓及6樓 5-6/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2951 9322 傳真 Fax:2304 4708 電郵

九龍觀塘福塘道4號啟能綜合康復服務大樓8樓 8/F, Kai Nang Intergrated Rehabilitation Services Complex, No, 4 Fuk Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2793 2218 傳真 Fax:2342 0338 電郵

Dick Chi Day Activity Centre cum Hostel


Shing Shun Small Group Home 新界將軍澳貿泰路8號茵怡花園 第1層平台5座 (通訊處) Podium Level 1, Block 5, Verbena Heights, 8 Mau Tai Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories (Mailing Address) 電話 Tel:2997 0390 傳真 Fax:2997 0126 電郵


Shing Oi and Shing Him Small Group Homes 九龍彩輝邨彩華樓地下1-9號 Unit 1-9, G/F, Choi Wah House, Choi Fai Estate, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2515 0400 / 2515 0227 傳真 Fax:2515 0428 電郵


Shing Mong Supported Hostel 新界將軍澳貿泰路8號茵怡花園第1層平台5座 Podium Level 1, Block 5, Verbena Heights, 8 Mau Tai Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:2997 0390 傳真 Fax:2997 0126 電郵

Community Rehabilitation Day Centre

欣悅坊─殘疾人士地區支援中心(觀塘東) Cheerful Place − District Support Centre (Kwun Tong East)

九龍觀塘福塘道4號啟能綜合康復服務大樓8樓 8/F, Kai Nang Intergrated Rehabilitation Services Complex, No, 4 Fuk Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2191 3138 傳真 Fax:2304 4029 電郵


Everjoy − Home Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities 九龍觀塘利安道15號順利邨利富樓2樓113-115 室/ 九龍新蒲崗五芳街10號新寶中心7樓703室 Unit Nos. 113-115, F2 Floor, Lee Foo House, Shun Lee Estate, 15 Lee On Road, Kowloon/ Unit 703, 7/F, New Treasure Centre, No. 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3996 8515 / 2950 5809 傳真 Fax:3996 8514 / 2191 9879 電郵

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 131

Address of Service Units

Services for People with Disabilities


Comfy Foot Quality Footcare Service


殘疾人士 綜合服務

Jockey Club JoyAge (Kwun Tong)

私營殘疾人士院舍專業外展服務試驗計劃 (港島及九龍區) The Pilot Scheme on Professional Outreaching Team for Private Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities (Hong Kong and Kowloon Regions)

九龍新蒲崗大有街3號萬迪廣場28樓A / 九龍旺角彌敦道707-713號銀高國際大廈21樓 Flat A, 28/F, Maxgrand Plaza, No. 3 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon / 21/F, Silvercorp International Tower, 707-713 Nathan Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 5888 / 3992 1422 傳真 Fax:2703 9070 / 3596 3674 電郵



Sheung Mei House

精神健康服務 Mental Health Services


Sheung Seen House 九龍觀塘福塘道4號啟能綜合康復服務大樓5樓 5/F, Kai Nang Intergrated Rehabilitation Services Complex, No, 4 Fuk Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2905 5350 傳真 Fax:2435 3393 電郵


Sheung Chun House 九龍觀塘福塘道4號啟能綜合康復服務大樓6樓 6/F, Kai Nang Intergrated Rehabilitation Services Complex, No, 4 Fuk Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2905 5360 傳真 Fax:2435 3393 電郵

九龍觀塘福塘道4號啟能綜合康復服務大樓4樓 4/F, Kai Nang Intergrated Rehabilitation Services Complex, No, 4 Fuk Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2905 5340 傳真 Fax:2435 3393 電郵




Tsui Lam Half-way House 新界將軍澳翠林邨康林樓105及204-210號 Unit 105 & 204-210 Hong Lam House, Tsui Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:2703 6242 / 2703 6249 傳真 Fax:2706 3114 電郵


On Yue Hostel and On Yee Hostel 香港柴灣樂民道3號東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 當值職員宿舍地庫3樓及4樓 Lower Ground 3-4/F, Barrack Block, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, 3 Lok Man Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong 電話 Tel:2558 8768 傳真 Fax:2505 7556 電郵 /


Sheung Yan House 九龍深水埗蘇屋邨14座(茶花樓)二樓 2/F, Block 14 (Camellia House), So Uk Estate, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 5461 傳真 Fax:2456 4302 電郵

Centre for Adolescent Mental Health Prevention and Intervention 新界將軍澳景林邨鄰里社區中心2樓201室 (通訊處) Unit 201, 2/F, Neighbourhood Community Centre, King Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories (Mailing Address) 電話 Tel:2706 5262 傳真 Fax:2706 5776 電郵


JC JoyAge: Jockey Club Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness 新界將軍澳景林邨鄰里社區中心2樓201室 (臨時辦公室) Room 201, 2/F, Neighbourhood Community Centre, King Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories (Temporary Office) 電話 Tel:2706 7198 傳真 Fax:2706 1223

Wellness Zone − Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness


新界將軍澳翠嶺路48號翠嶺峰2樓 2/F, Mount Verdant, 48 Chui Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:3521 1611 傳真 Fax:2706 1223 電郵

新界將軍澳景林邨鄰里社區中心2樓201室 (臨時辦公室) Room 201, 2/F, Neighbourhood Community Centre, King Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories (Temporary Office) 電話 Tel:3521 1611 傳真 Fax:2706 1223 電郵

132 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Peer Support Service



新界將軍澳景林邨鄰里社區中心2樓201室 (通訊處) Unit 201, 2/F, Neighbourhood Community Centre, King Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories (Mailing Address) 電話 Tel: 2706 5262 傳真 Fax:2706 5776 電郵

九龍觀塘成業街19-21號成業工業大廈7樓24室 Unit 24, 7/F, Shing Yip Industrial Building, No. 19-21 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2580 8351 傳真 Fax:2580 8355 電郵

Store of Happiness − The Mobile Van For Publicity Service On Mental Wellness

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Early Intervention and Community Support Project

幸福家友站─推廣及支援將軍澳家庭 精神幸福計劃

Happiness in Family and Community − Collaborative Care and Support Approach in Promoting Family’s Mental Wellness in Tseung Kwan O 新界將軍澳景林邨鄰里社區中心2樓201室 (通訊處) Unit 201, 2/F, Neighbourhood Community Centre, King Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories (Mailing Address) 電話 Tel:2706 5262 傳真 Fax:2706 5776 電郵

Active Ageing Services


True Light Villa District Elderly Community Centre 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號4樓 4/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2357 9963 傳真 Fax:2345 6018 電郵


Shun On District Elderly Community Centre 九龍觀塘順安邨安逸樓地下G13-G14號 Units Nos. 13-14, G/F, On Yat House, Shun On Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2727 1234 傳真 Fax:2709 5704 電郵


Jockey Club 50+ Startup Incubator Project


InnovAGE Team 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號10樓1003室 Room 1003, 10/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 5801 / 2950 5804 電郵

賽馬會躍動啟航計劃─ 香港輔助專業人員計劃

Jockey Club Golden Age Journey Project − Hong Kong Auxiliary Professional Scheme 九龍觀塘偉業街118號6樓611室 Room 611, 6/F, 118 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3543 1277 傳真 Fax:3914 9350 電郵

九龍牛頭角觀塘道378號創紀之城2期18樓 1809室 Room 1809, 18/F, Millennium City 2, 378 Kwun Tong Road, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3706 8437 傳真 Fax:3616 3490 電郵

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 133

Address of Service Units



Medical and Health Services



九龍觀塘翠屏道3號地下A Room A, G/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8105 傳真 Fax:2191 2210 電郵

九龍觀塘翠屏道3號9樓 9/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel: 2950 8101 傳真 Fax:2951 9013 電郵

Medical Clinic

「護您天地」健康支援站 Nurse Care Service


Podiatry Services

九龍觀塘翠屏道3號地下A Room A, G/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8105 傳真 Fax:2191 2210 電郵

九龍觀塘翠屏道3號地下C Room C, G/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8105 / 2950 8101 傳真 Fax:2951 9013 電郵



九龍觀塘翠屏道3號9樓 9/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8101 傳真 Fax:2951 9013 電郵

九龍觀塘翠屏道3號9樓 9/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8101 傳真 Fax:2951 9013 電郵


香港防癌會─賽馬會「攜手同行」癌症 家庭支援計劃─觀塘中心

Integrated Family Medical & Health Centre


Clinical Psychological Service

Dental Clinic 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號9樓 9/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8101 傳真 Fax:2951 9013 電郵


Outreach Dental Care Programme for the Elderly 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號9樓 9/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8101 傳真 Fax:2951 9013 電郵


Physiotherapy Service 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號9樓 9/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8101 傳真 Fax:2951 9013 電郵


Dietetic Service 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號9樓 9/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8101 傳真 Fax:2951 9013 電郵

134 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Health Centre

HKACS − Jockey Club “Walking Hand-inHand” Cancer Family Support Project − Kwun Tong Centre 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號7樓 7/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8326 傳真 Fax:2951 9013 電郵


Chinese Medical Clinic 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號地下B Room B, G/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8105 傳真 Fax:2191 2210 電郵


Healthy Chinese Medical Centre 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號地下C Room C, G/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8119 傳真 Fax:2191 2210 電郵

基督教家庭服務中心牙科服務 土瓜灣牙科診所

Christian Family Service Centre Dental Services Tokwawan Dental Clinic 九龍土瓜灣樂民新村G座地下144號舖 Shop No. G144, Lok Man Sun Chuen, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3590 9449 傳真 Fax:35909445 電郵


Visiting Medical Practitioner Service 九龍觀塘敬業街55號皇廷廣場11樓E室 Office E, 11/F, King Palace Plaza, 55 King Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 5879 傳真 Fax:2602 3910 電郵


九能土瓜灣樂民新村G座地下144號舖 Shop No. G144, Lok Man Sun Chuen, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3590 9449 傳真 Fax:3590 9445 電郵

殘疾人士發展及 共融 Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities


Tsui Lam Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service 新界將軍澳翠林邨康林樓106-114室及安林樓 116-125室及327-329室 Room 106-114, Hong Lam House and Room 116-125 & Room 327-329, On Lam House, Tsui Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:2703 6670 傳真 Fax:2703 6767 電郵

Christian Family Service Centre Dental Services Tokwawan Dental Clinic / Kwun Tong Dental Clinic 九龍土瓜灣樂民新村G座144號舖 / 觀塘翠屏道3號9樓 Shop No. G144, Lok Man Sun Chuen, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon / 9/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong 電話 Tel:3590 9449 / 2950 8101 傳真 Fax:3590 9445 / 2951 9013 電郵

基督教家庭服務中心— 香港中文大學中醫診所暨教研中心(觀塘區) Christian Family Service Centre − The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Kwun Tong District)

九龍牛頭角定安街60號牛頭角賽馬會診所4樓 4/F, NTK Jockey Club Clinic, 60 Ting On Street, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3107 4113 傳真 Fax:3583 4681 電郵


Supported Employment Service 新界將軍澳翠林邨安林樓116-125室 Room 116-125, On Lam House, Tsui Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:2623 5671 傳真 Fax:2703 6767 電郵

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 135

Address of Service Units

”Health Teeth Collaboration” Project on Dental Services for Persons with Intellectual Disability

健齒行動(低收入家庭牙科服務) 基督教家庭服務中心牙科服務土瓜灣 牙科診所 / 觀塘牙科診所


Sunnyway − On-the-job Training Programme for Young People with Disabilities 九龍深水埗蘇屋邨14座茶花樓1樓 1/F, Block 14 (Camellia House), So Uk Estate, Shum Shui Po, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2905 5460 傳真 Fax:2456 4301 電郵

九龍觀塘福塘道4號啟能綜合康復服務大樓7樓 7/F, Kai Nang Intergrated Rehabilitation Services Complex, No. 4 Fuk Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2905 5333 傳真 Fax: 2435 3398 電郵

Home Café


九龍觀塘翠屏道3號1樓 1/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3586 1313 傳真 Fax:3586 1323 電郵


&Care Products Corner 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號地下 G/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2703 6670 傳真 Fax:2703 6767 電郵



A-Soulroom 九龍深水埗蘇屋邨14座(茶花樓)1樓 1/F, Block 14 (Camellia House), So Uk Estate, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon 電話 Tel:5545 9934 傳真 Fax:3013 8760 電郵

環保及綠色生活 Environmental Protection and Green Living


Tsui Yip Co-production Centre

Tsui Ngai Co-production Centre 九龍深水埗蘇屋邨14座(茶花樓)1樓 1/F, Block 14 (Camellia House), So Uk Estate, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 5460 傳真 Fax:2456 4301 電郵


Work Extension Programme 新界將軍澳翠林邨安林樓116至125室及 327-329室及康林樓106至114室 Room 116-125 & Room 327-329, On Lam House and Room 106-114, Hong Lam House, Tsui Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:2703 6670 傳真 Fax:2703 6767 電郵



九龍觀塘觀塘道2號A No. 2A, Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2718 3008 傳真 Fax:2718 3939 電郵

新界沙田區石門安平街10號 No. 10 On Ping Street, Shek Mun, Shatin, New Territories 電話 Tel:2285 9433 傳真 Fax:2453 7960 電郵



九龍觀塘觀塘道2號A No. 2A, Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2718 3008 傳真 Fax:2718 3939 電郵

九龍九龍灣常怡道27號 27 Sheung Yee Road and Kai Fuk Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2776 5700 傳真 Fax:2217 8006 電郵

Serene Oasis − Horticultural Therapy Garden

Urban Oasis

136 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Sha Tin Community Green Station

Kwun Tong Community Green Station



新界將軍澳寶琳里3號 3 Po Lam Lane, near Po Hong Road and Po Lam Road North, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:2727 7330 電郵

九龍九龍城獅子石道48號地下及1樓 G/F & 1/F, 48 Lion Rock Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2302 1829 電郵

Sai Kung Community Green Station


GREEN@TAI WAI Recycling Store 新界沙田大圍天寶樓地下1號舖 Shop 1, G/F, Tin Po Building, Tai Wai, Shatin, New Territories 電話 Tel:2653 3216 電郵




Jockey Club “Look For Green” Mobile Recycling Programme 九龍九龍灣宏冠道6號鴻力工業中心 A座7樓15室 Room 15, 7/F, Block A, Proficient Industrial Centre, 6 Wang Kwun Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3706 7817 傳真 Fax:3590 5442 電郵


社區發展服務 Community Development Services


Lei Yue Mun Neighbourhood Level Community Development Project 九龍觀塘鯉魚門安里西村99號 No. 99 On Lei Sai Chuen, Lei Yue Mun, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2346 3680 傳真 Fax:2346 3684 電郵


Kwun Tong Urban Renewal Social Service Team 九龍觀塘觀塘道410號觀點中心11樓1105室 Room 1105, 11/F, Kwun Tong View, 410 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3580 8841 傳真 Fax:2110 8625 電郵


Support Service for Enhancing Mutual Help Among Residents Living in Sub-divided Units in Kwun Tong


Social Service Team In Buildings Department 九龍油麻地海庭道11號西九龍政府合署北座 屋宇署總部 G/F, Buildings Department Headquarters, North Tower, West Kowloon Government Offices, 11 Hoi Ting Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon 電話 Tel:3842 3999 傳真 Fax:3105 9582 電郵


Tin Shui Wai Community Service Centre 新界天水圍天晴邨晴碧樓地下5號 Unit 5, G/F, Ching Pik House, Tin Ching Estate, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories 電話 Tel:3401 1117 傳真 Fax:3401 1626 電郵

九龍觀塘觀塘道410號觀點中心11樓1105室 Room 1105, 11/F, Kwun Tong View, 410 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:6800 3006 傳真 Fax:2110 8625 電郵

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 137

Address of Service Units

九龍觀塘物華街19-29號地下H號舖 Shop H, G/F, 19-29 Mut Wah Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2345 8510 電郵


Tsui Ping Community Centre 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號7樓 7/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2701 5592 傳真 Fax:2950 9433 電郵



Locality Development Team

全人發展及 專業培訓

Whole Person Development and Professional Training

僱員服務顧問 Employee Service Consultancy


Neighbourhood Mutual Help Project for New Arrivals 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號7樓 7/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8355 傳真 Fax:2950 9433 電郵

基督教家庭服務中心賽馬會新屋邨支援計劃 (深水埗)

九龍觀塘翠屏道3號7樓 7/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2950 8355 傳真 Fax:2950 9433 電郵

CFSC Jockey Club New Estate Support Programme(Sham Shui Po)



Jackie Chan Whole Person Development Centre 新界將軍澳景林邨鄰里社區中心 1樓、2樓及4樓 1/F, 2/F & 4/F Neighbourhood Community Centre, King Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:2704 0020 / 2357 1722 傳真 Fax:2703 7979 電郵


Vital Employee Service Consultancy 九龍觀塘成業街10號電訊一代廣場22樓F室 Office F, 22/F, T G Place, 10 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2757 6732 傳真 Fax:3421 2425 電郵

138 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

九龍石硤尾美柏樓互助委員會辦事處 MAC Office, Mei Pak House, Shek Kip Mei Estate, Kowloon 電話 Tel:9166 9494 電郵

School Projects 新界將軍澳景林邨鄰里社區中心 1樓、2樓及4樓 1/F, 2/F & 4/F Neighbourhood Community Centre, King Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 電話 Tel:2704 0020 / 2357 1722 傳真 Fax:2703 7979 電郵

職員名單(截至2021年3月31日) STAFF LIST (AS AT 31st MARCH, 2021) CHIEF EXECUTIVE Kwok Lit Tung

助理總幹事(營運) 梁少玲 (於 1.5.2021 晉升為副總幹事)

ASSISTANT CHIEF EXECUTIVE (OPERATION) Leung Siu Ling (Promoted to Deputy Chief Executive on 1.5.2021)

助理總幹事 (管治及服務) * 周淑琼


行政人員 陳鳳雯 (於 1.6.2021 晉升為助理總幹事) 陳本禮 * 陳玉英 賴婉潔 吳美娟 彭淑玲 帥鳳蓮 唐彩瑩 謝素虹 王超敏 楊靄珊

EXECUTIVE STAFF Chan Fung Man Angel (Promoted to Assistant Chief Executive on 1.6.2021) Chan Pun Lai Chan Yuk Ying Gloria Lai Yuen Kit Ng Mei Kuen Pang Shuk Ling Sui Fung Lin Tong Choi Ying Tse So Hung Wang Chao Ming Yeung Oi Shan

高級管理人員 * 陳麗梅 陳毅勤 張家寶 蔣蓮 張婉霞 周倩儀 郭思捷 郭慧心 林麗鈿 林佩儀 李淑玲 吳慧琪 蘇慧儀 譚秋賢 * 譚領律 唐曉紅 * 曾靜德 温潔莉 黃家華 王𣾏𣾏 黃菊靜 黃麗華 黃佩儀 黃淑芳 黃華純

SENIOR MANAGERIAL STAFF Chan Lai Mui Chan Ngai Kan Cheung Kar Po Elaine Cheung Lin Mary Cheung Yuen Ha Sally Chow Sin Yee Kwok Sze Chit Kenny Kwok Wai Sum Lam Lai Tin Lam Pui Yi Lee Suk Ling Ng Wai Ki Wicky So Wai Yee Tam Chau Yin Tam Lanny Tang Xiao Hong Tsang Ching Tak Wan Kit Lee Wong Ka Wah Kitty Wong Ki Ki Wong Kuk Ching Wong Lai Wah Wong Pui Yi Regina Wong Shuk Fong Wong Wah Shun

高級專業人員 * 陳淑欣 陳慧高 陳銳恆 鄭紫霞 卓詠儀 曹嘉嘉 符福海 馮曉筠 向宇 * 何潔明 何詠恩 許世豪 許崇正 孔施健 甘晞文 鄺力沛 黎展鵬 賴競昌 賴素亭 賴欣棋 黎艷芳 黎耀明 林漢先 林文娟 林愛珩 劉可欣 * 劉小慧 劉芷盈 李業基 李賢健 黎婉媚 梁靜茵 梁曉晴 李卓敏 李家英 李健希 李翠姸 羅婉蘭 馬念華 麥瑞華 * 文紫瑩 吳燕霞 彭馨兒 施雅芳 岑榮邦 陳宜維 鄧麗琪 鄧惠玲 * 杜佩梨 唐加名 湯子殷 謝潔翠 謝兆翔

SENIOR PROFESSIONAL STAFF Chan Shuk Yan Chan Wai Ko Chan Yui Hang Cheng Tsz Ha Cheuk Wing Yi Cho Ka Ka Jessica Fu Fuk Hoi Fung Hiu Kwan Heung Yu Darwin Ho Kit Ming Ho Wing Yan Hsu Sai Ho Hsu Shung Ching Hung Sze Kin Terri Kam Hei Man Kwong Lik Pui Lai Chin Pang Lai King Cheong Lai So Ting Lai Yan Ki Carmen Lai Yim Fong Lai Yiu Ming Lam Hon Sin Lam Man Kuen Lam Oi Hang Lau Ho Yan Lau Siu Wai Lau Tsz Ying Gian Lee Ip Ki Ricky Lee Yin Kin Lei Yuen Mei Leung Ching Yan Leung Hiu Ching Li Cheuk Man Li Ka Ying Li Kin Hei Li Tsui Yin Jade Lo Yuen Lan Celia Ma Nian Hua Yvonne Mak Sui Wa Man Tsz Ying Ng Yin Ha Pang Hing Yi See Ngar Fong Shum Wing Pong Tan Hubert Wong Tang Lai Kee Viggie Tang Wai Ling To Pui Lei Tong Ka Ming John Kevin Tong Tze Yan Tse Kit Chui Tse Siu Cheung CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 139

Staff List

總幹事 郭烈東


曹偉棠 蔡曉紅 蔡麗苹 蔡善欣 * 黃慈萍 黃卓宇 黃杰誠 王愷琪 黃潤斌 黃美儀 黃曉晴 黃琛璐 胡東海 邱詩瑩 姚安怡 鄭英慧

Tso Wai Tong Tsoi Hiu Hung Tsoi Lai Ping Apple Tsoi Sin Yan Wong Chee Ping Wong Cheuk Yu Wong Chieh Cheng Wong Hoi Ki Wong Ion Pan Wong Mei Yee Bonnie Wong Nurun Nuha Wong Sum Lo Lois Wu Tung Hoi Yau Sze Ying Yiu On Yee Annie Zheng Ying Hui

管理人員 陳麗群 陳婉芬 * 張秋燕 蔡栢茵 崔保寧 符文安 何穎熹 紀雪瑛 江政宇 官文浩 古家韻 * 郭泳怡 賴麗麗 林靜雯 劉建宇 * 劉慧琪 羅康域 * 羅敬文 * 李浩鑫 李啟光 李國基 李美珊 * 李新 李燕嫺 梁家智 梁敏樺 梁思華 勞倩鈴 * 馬曉君 莫啓華 吳凱欣 吳銘偉 吳小珍 蘇倩敏 * 譚佩玲 鄧麗貞 杜俊文 陶麗開 曾志娟 黃頌賢 * 黃可君 黃娟華 王坤榮

MANAGERIAL STAFF Chan Lai Kwan Chan Yuen Fun Tonia Cheung Chau Yin Choi Pak Yan Chui Po Ling Fu Man On Ho Wing Hei Perdy Kay Suet Ying Kong Ching Yue Gary Koon Man Ho Ku Ka Wan Kwok Wing Yee Lai Lai Lai Lily Lam Ching Man Lau Kin Yu Lau Wai Ki Law Hong Wik Law King Man Lee Ho Yam Lee Kai Kwong Dennis Lee Kwok Kee Lee Mei Shan Lee San Lee Yin Han Leung Ka Chi Leung Man Wah Leung Sze Wa Lo Sin Ling Kim Ma Hiu Kwan Mok Kai Wa Ng Hoi Yan Ng Ming Wai Ng Siu Chun So Sin Man Tam Pui Ling Tang Lai Ching To Chun Man To Lai Hoi Tsang Chi Kuen Wong Chung Yin Wong Ho Kwan Wong Kun Wa Wong Kwan Wing Paul

140 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

黃婉玲 胡潤儀 任青駿 游淑敏 楊淑芳 專業人員 歐綠荷 區文浩 歐陽志威 陳才駿 陳發鴻 * 陳鳳芝 陳杏芬 陳曉晴 陳浩殷 * 陳嘉寶 陳嘉慧 陳錦欣 陳嘉敏 陳美齡 陳媚媚 陳美雲 陳鵬 陳沛慜 陳佩儀 陳秀蓮 陳淑淇 陳少冰 陳淑嫻 陳詩韻 陳婷欣 陳穎姿 陳詠琴 陳泳妍 陳綺珊 * 陳宇軒 陳鈺成 陳旭霆 張家輝 周美怡 鄭曉富 鄭佩莉 鄭詩薇 鄭慧心 鄭玉珍 張玉玲 張鳳英 張巧瑩 張家偉 張景揚 張美儀 張雅琴 張詩詠 張惠雯 張惠賢 張詠茵 張詠賢 趙文廸 趙羨婷 趙素珊

Wong Yuen Ling Wu Yun Yee Yam Tsing Chun Yau Shuk Man Yeung Suk Fong PROFESSIONAL STAFF Au Luk Ho Au Man Ho Au-yeung Chi Wai Chan Choi Chun Tony Chan Faat Hung Chan Fung Chi Chan Hang Fan Chan Hiu Ching Chan Ho Yan Alvin Chan Ka Po Chan Ka Wai Chan Kam Yan Chan Kar Man Chan May Ling Chan Mei Mei Chan Mei Wan Chan Pang Chan Pui Man Gladys Chan Pui Yee Chan Sau Lin Grava Chan Shuk Ki Chan Siu Bing Chan Suk Han Chan Sze Wan Chan Ting Yan Chan Wing Chi Chan Wing Kam Chan Wing Yin Phoebe Chan Yee Shan Chan Yu Hin Chan Yuk Shing Chan Yuk Ting Chang Ka Fai Chau Mei Yi Cheng Hiu Fu Cheng Pui Lee Cheng Sze Mei Cheng Wai Sum Cheng Yuk Chun Cheong Yuk Ling Cheung Fung Ying Cheung Hau Ying Cheung Ka Wai Cheung King Yeung Cheung Mei Yi Cheung Nga Kam Cheung Sze Wing Cheung Wai Man Cheung Wai Yin Rebecca Cheung Wing Yan Cheung Wing Yin Chiu Man Tik Chiu Sin Ting Chiu Su San

Chow Ching Man Chow Kin Shan Frances Chow Ming Sang Michelle Chow Pui Yee Chow Wing Sze Chu Po Yan Chung Ching Cheung Rocky Chung Chun Chiu Chung Hoi Yan Chung Pui Lam Chung Siu Lau Fong Wai Kit Fong Yin Lan Fung Ho Ching Fung Ka Yan Fung Kwok Chi Fung Miu Chi Fung Pei Tai Betty Fung Yuen Yee Fung Yuet Mei Ho Chun Yin Ho Fung Kuen Ho Ka Ki Ho Kai Pong Ho Tsz Yan Ho Yuk Yee Hon Ka Yan Hui Chung Yan Hui Man Kit Hui Ngo Ming Hui Shuk Yee Gloria Hui Sze Man Hung Heung Lin Hung Po Wa Iu Ho Tat Albert Kam Hoi Ling Kam Wing Yin Ko Sin Man Kong Ka Wai Kong Kit Man Ku Man Kwan Kwok Kar Kin George Kwok Lai Yee Kwok Po Yan Kwok Shue Tze Rachel Kwok Yiu Joe Kwong Chui Yi Lai Ah Fong Lai Ching Man Lai Ka Yin Lai Kin Keung Lai Mei Ling Lai Yin Wan Lam Choi Yin Lam Heung Sui Lam Hiu Hung Lam Ka Yi Lam Kwan Ho Lam Lai Ying Lam Man Fung Lam Sin Yu

* 林子欣 林綺雯 林玉霞 劉佐傑 劉嘉麗 劉莉汶 劉亮宜 劉佩怡 劉耀斌 劉耀湘 劉婉媚 劉玉珊 羅希敏 羅桂畹 羅淑敏 羅心怡 李澤寧 李致衡 李行健 李浩鐮 李嘉文 李啟斌 李潔忻 李麗嫦 李藹欣 李淑婷 李綽姿 李雲婷 李永健 李永健 李月恩 * 李玉嬋 梁浩政 梁芷霞 李志中 李頌華 李海琦 李嘉聆 李綿綿 李詩敏 李叠恩 李子臻 李梓豐 李偉恒 李詠思 凌愛雯 列國能 廖安儀 廖子勤 羅家琰 盧麗琼 盧沛而 盧雙玲 勞婉雯 陸美玲 陸謝潔貞 陸偉明 羅穗明 馬苑畦 麥凱淇 麥啟賢

Lam Tsz Yan Lam Yee Man Lam Yuk Ha Lau Cho Kit Lau Ka Lai Lau Lee Man Lau Leung Yee Lau Pui Yee Lau Yiu Pan Lau Yiu Sheung Lau Yuen Mei Lau Yuk Shan Peony Law Hei Man Law Kwai Yuen Mendy Law Shuk Man Law Sum Yi Joyce Lee Chak Ling Lee Chi Hang Lee Hang Kin Desmond Lee Ho Lim Lee Ka Man Lee Kai Bun Lee Kit Yan Lee Lai Sheung Alsa Lee Oi Yan Lee Shuk Ting Lee Twiggy Lee Wan Ting Lee Wing Kin Lee Wing Kin Lee Yuet Yan Lee Yuk Sim Leung Ho Ching Leung Tsz Ha Li Chi Chung Li Chung Wah Li Hoi Kei Li Ka Ling Li Mianmian Li Sze Man Li Tip Yan Li Tsz Chun Rossana Li Tsz Fung Li Wai Hang Li Wing Sze Maggie Ling Oi Man Lit Kwok Nang Liu Anne Liu Chi Kan Lo Ka Yim Karen Lo Lai King Lo Pui Yi Karen Lo Sheung Ling Lo Yuen Man Luk Mei Ling Catherine Luk Tse Kit Ching Luk Wai Ming Luo Suiming Ma Yuen Kwai Mak Hoi Ki Mak Kai Yin CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 141

Staff List

鄒靜雯 周建珊 周明笙 周佩儀 周穎詩 朱寶欣 鍾靖翔 鍾振超 鍾海恩 鍾佩琳 鍾小柳 方偉傑 方燕蘭 馮可晴 馮嘉欣 馮國治 * 馮妙芝 馮比蒂 馮婉儀 馮月媚 * 何春燕 何鳳娟 何家祺 何啟邦 何芷茵 何玉儀 韓嘉欣 許頌恩 許文傑 許傲明 許淑儀 許詩敏 洪香蓮 * 洪寶華 姚可達 甘愷羚 * 甘詠然 高倩文 江嘉慧 江潔雯 古雯君 郭嘉健 郭澧儀 郭保茵 郭舒遲 郭耀祖 鄺翠儀 黎亞芳 黎靜文 黎家燕 黎建强 黎美玲 賴燕雲 林彩燕 林香穗 林曉紅 林嘉沂 林君豪 林麗瑩 林文峰 林倩如


麥又文 文珈貽 * 文妙蘭 莫梓尉 莫英麗 吳卓騏 吳國維 吳諾思 伍淑貞 吳兆麟 吳恩儀 吳玉蓮 柯欣燕 柯少娜 白玉慧 彭祖儀 彭嘉敏 彭倩盈 * 潘婕鋆 潘瑞文 * 邱嘉琪 壽伊雯 岑妙珍 冼沛玉 蕭進強 蕭紫萍 蕭懿雅 * 蘇承恩 蘇欣悅 蘇鈺琳 蘇玉明 孫承恩 孫天恩 施雅娜 戴頌鈞 譚嘉妍 譚民彥 丁芊蕙 唐家欣 湯靄晴 曾麗萍 曾滿淦 謝小敏 蔡啟康 徐嘉玲 徐詠欣 温梓峰 * 魏妍婷 王鳳儀 黃曉欣 黃海晴 王嘉莉 黃嘉盈 黃錦翔 黃洛敏 黃樂恩 * 黃美芝 王銘軒 黃藹珊 黃佩芬 黃佩君

Mak Yau Man Angel Man Ka Yee Eunice Man Miu Lan Mok Tsz Wai Mok Ying Lai Ng Cheuk Kei Ng Kwok Wai Ng Nok Si Ng Shuk Ching Ng Siu Lun Ng Yan Yee Ng Yuk Lin Abby O Yan Yin Or Siu Na Pak Yuk Wai Pang Cho Yi Pang Ka Man Pang Sin Ying Poon Chit Kwan Poon Shui Man Qiu Jiaqi Sau Yi Man Shum Miu Chun Sin Pui Yuk Siu Chun Keung Siu Tsz Ping Siu Yi Nga So Shing Yan So Yan Yuet So Yuk Lam So Yuk Ming Suen Nathania Shing Yan Suen Samuela Tin Yan Sze Yah Na Tai Chung Kwan Tam Ka Yin Tam Man Yin Ting Chin Wai Olive Tong Ka Yan Tong Oi Ching Tsang Lai Ping Tsang Mun Kam Gilbert Tse Siu Man Tsoi Kai Hong Tsui Ka Ling Tsui Wing Yan Wan Tsz Fung Wei Yanting Wong Fung Yee Loretta Wong Hiu Yan Wong Hoi Ching Wong Ka Lee Wong Ka Ying Wong Kam Cheung Wong Lok Man Wong Lok Yan Wong Mei Chi Alice Wong Ming Hin Robert Wong Oi Shan Wong Pui Fan Wong Pui Kwan

142 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

王秀連 王德敬 黃慧林 * 黃慧妍 黃婉怡 黃鈺珊 胡健新 胡慕潔 胡紫堃 胡玉婷 甄愛慧 楊云慧 丘志中 邱蒔茗 楊行宜 楊嘉欣 楊麗貞 楊靈 楊盈盈 易娟 應盈盈 葉凱琳 葉珮而 姚正浩 姚曼婷 余紫媚 阮志基 容璧瑜 容新培

Wong Sau Lin Wong Tak King Wong Wai Lam Wong Wai Yin Wong Yuen Yi Wong Yuk Shan Wu Kin Sun Wu Mo Kit Wu Tsz Kwan Wu Yuk Ting Yan Oi Wai Yang Yunhui Yau Chi Chung Yau Sze Ming Yeung Hang Yi Yeung Ka Yan Yeung Lai Ching Yeung Ling Yeung Ying Ying Yik Kuen Ying Ying Ying Yip Hoi Lam Yip Pui Yi Yiu Ching Ho Yiu Man Ting Yu Tsz Mei Yuen Chi Kei Yung Pik Yu Yung Sun Pui

初級管理人員 陳金堃 陳紀欣 陳堅生 陳依琪 鄭康翹 鄭容娜 張志楊 張智妍 趙裕芳 蔡家駿 * 周詩慧 * 周穎芝 鍾敬美 鍾宛螢 何景麗 何麗仙 * 何惠銀 許偉玲 許虹 林春花 林慧妮 劉秋瑩 * 梁國基 李志豪 李靜怡 呂貴珍 馬艷蓮 莫安妮 潘麗斯 曾嘉欣

JUNIOR MANAGERIAL STAFF Chan Kam Kwan Chan Kei Yan Janet Chan Kin Sang Chan Yee Kei Cheng Hong Kiu Cheng Yung Na Cheung Chi Yeung Cheung Chi Yin Chiu Yu Fong Choi Ka Chun Chow Sze Wai Chow Wing Chi Chung King Mei Chung Uen Ying Ho King Lai Ho Lai Sin Ho Wai Ngan Hsu Wei Ling Rayling Hui Hung Clare Lam Chun Fa Rosa Lam Wai Ni Lau Chau Ying Leung Kwok Kei Li Chi Hao Li Ching Yi Lui Kwai Chun Mickey Ma Yam Lin Elaine Mok On Ni Pun Lai Sze Tsang Ka Yan

Tsang Wai San Wong Hoi Man Wong Po Yin Wong Sin Ting Wong Tze Ming Yim Wai Man Yip Po Yee

初級專業人員 * 歐士原 歐佩㼆 區子游 陳珠明 陳子匡 陳香瑜 * 陳曉嵐 陳浩兒 陳家權 陳嘉敏 陳錦鏈 陳景昆 陳美莎 陳碧敏 陳姍姍 陳子麟 陳惠卿 陳善愉 蔣玲芝 周家暉 周允中 鄭勵盈 鄭雅賢 鄭婷婷 卓碧珊 卓祉盈 張芍藍 張桂梅 張桂瑩 張麗莎 張寶珊 張瑞英 章慧琛 張恩碩 戰詠彤 趙敏鳳 趙寶華 蔡艷媚 莊可喬 莊達偉 * 鄒鳳芝 周文思 周柏輝 周少寶 周偉源 * 朱嘉玲 朱朗希 鍾彩花 鍾燕芬 鄧銘豪 范潔汶 霍瑋儀

JUNIOR PROFESSIONAL STAFF Ao Shi Yuen Au Pui Ying Au Tsz Yau Chan Chu Ming Roda Chan Herman Chi Hong Chan Heung Yu Chan Hiu Laam Chan Ho Yee Chan Ka Kuen Chan Ka Man Chan Kam Lin Chan King Kwan Chan Mei Sa Chan Pik Man Chan Shan Shan Chan Tsz Lun Chan Wai Hing Cherry Chan Zin Yue Chang Ling Chi Chau Ka Fai Chau Wan Chung Cheng Lai Ying Cheng Nga Yin Cheng Ting Ting Cheuk Pik Shan Cheuk Tsz Ying Cheung Cheuk Nam Cheung Kwai Mui Cheung Kwai Ying Cheung Lai Sho Cheung Po Shan Cheung Sui Ying Cheung Wai Sum Cheung Yan Shek Chin Wing Tung Chiu Man Fung Chiu Po Wah Choi Yim Mei Kathy Chong Ho Kiu Chong Tat Wai Chow Fung Chi Chow Man Sze Chow Pak Fai Chow Siu Po Christabel Chow Wai Yuen Chu Ka Ling Chu Long Hei Chung Choi Fa Chung Yin Fan Deng Minghao Fan Kit Man Fok Wai Yee Grace

方嘉珩 方嘉美 符茵茵 馮婥媱 馮賀龍 香志銘 何曉晴 何敏楠 何小泉 何詠珊 黃愛念 黃婉琪 許令筠 許先深 許子聰 洪向欣 孔佩英 洪仕東 洪櫻 詹水旺 姜懿媚 高樂仁 江美琳 江婉霞 古淑怡 郭達昇 鄺雪芬 賴翠雲 賴玲玲 黎美婷 黎明浩 林卓敏 林典麗 林建誠 林冠達 林明慧 林淑貞 林舜玲 林筱妍 林祉君 林維怡 林英泓 林裕泉 * 劉可迎 劉嘉麗 劉家瑛 劉潔迎 劉麗貞 劉韻梅 羅展桁 羅景韶 羅芷晴 李維樂 梁家茵 梁麗雯 梁美嫻 梁安怡 梁寶麟 梁笑芬 梁煒豪 梁悅君

Fong Ka Hang Fong Ka Mei Fu Yin Yin Fung Cheuk Yiu Fung Ho Long Heung Chi Ming Ho Hiu Ching Ho Man Nam Ho Siu Chuen Ho Wing Shan Huang Ainian Huang Yuen Ki Hui Ling Kwan Hui Sin Sum Hui Tsz Chung Hung Heung Yan Hung Pui Ying Hung Shi Tung Dennis Hung Ying Jim Shui Wong Keung Yee Mei Ko Lok Yan Kong Mei Lam Kong Yuen Ha Ku Shuk Yi Kwok Tat Sing Kwong Suet Fan Lai Chui Wan Lai Ling Ling Lai Mei Ting Lai Ming Ho Lam Cheuk Man Lam Din Lai Lam Kin Shing Lam Kwun Tat Lam Ming Wai Lam Shuk Ching Lam Shun Ling Lam Siu Yin Scarlett Lam Tze Kwan Lam Wai Yi Lam Ying Wang Lam Yu Chuen Lau Ho Ying Lau Ka Lai Lau Ka Ying Lau Kit Ying Lau Lai Ching Lau Wan Mui Law Chin Hang Law King Siu Law Tsz Ching Lee Wai Lok Leung Ka Yan Leung Lai Man Leung Mei Han Leung On Yi Leung Po Lun Leung Siu Fan Leung Wai Ho Leung Yuet Kwan Serena CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 143

Staff List

曾偉新 黃凱敏 黃寶妍 黃倩婷 黃子明 嚴慧敏 * 葉寶儀


李翠翠 李嘉欣 李雅詩 李藝軒 李寶琪 李梓蕙 李逸霞 聶芷晴 廖廣亮 羅學華 盧嘉敏 駱俊樺 樂彥麟 呂明恩 陸永祥 倫碧玲 麥柱樑 麥穎琦 萬詩婷 蒙巧儀 吳祖瑤 吳林漳 吳子傑 吳苑婷 魏正為 倪芷恩 黃貞嚴 布芷晴 龎學謙 龐穎思 潘懿德 邵銀秀 石美琪 石穎淇 冼錫坤 蘇倩伶 孫家怡 孫建華 戴宛俞 譚鑫怡 譚文娟 譚妙芬 譚珮清 鄧愷淇 鄧允慈 譚因婷 杜潔森 * 唐嘉慧 曾小玲 謝曉渝 温金月 温學研 王金土 黃慈愛 王焯杰 黃智盈 黃富榮 黃卿蘋 黃嘉鍵 黃麗芬 王栢恒

Li Chui Chui Li Ka Yan Li Nga Sze Li Ngai Hin Li Po Ki Li Tsz Wai Li Yat Ha Lip Tsz Ching Liu Kwong Leong Lo Hok Wa Lo Ka Man Lok Chun Wah Lok Yin Lun Nixon Lui Ming Yan Luk Wing Cheung Lun Pik Ling Mak Chu Leung Mak Wing Kei Winky Man Sze Ting Mong Hau Yee Ng Joe Yiu Ng Lam Cheung Ng Tsz Kit Ng Yun Ting Ngai Ching Wai Jezreel Ngai Tsz Yan Oei Ching Yim Po Tsz Ching Pong Hok Him Victor Pong Wing Sze Poon Yi Tak Shao Yinxiu Shek Mei Ki Shek Wing Ki Sin Sik Kwan So Sin Ling Suen Ka Yee Stella Suen Kin Wa Tai Yuen Yu Tam Hing Yi Tam Man Kuen Tam Miu Fan Tam Pui Ching Tang Hoi Ki Tang Wan Chi Tham Yan Ting Gladys To Kit Sum Tong Ka Wai Tsang Siu Ling Tse Hiu Yu Wan Kam Yuet Wan Wilfred Hok-yin Wang Jintu Wong Chei Oi Wong Cheuk Kit Wong Chi Ying Wong Fu Wing Wong Hing Ping Carman Wong Ka Kin Wong Lai Fan Fidelia Wong Pak Hang

144 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

黃惜敏 王惠貞 黃慧欣 王詠詩 黃潤鴻 * 黃靜姸 胡柏鴻 甄達康 甄偉寧 楊桂芳 楊妹 楊玉文 余曉惠 余連英 余婉慈 容樂敏 張述程 諸風華 高級服務及支援人員 區智東 歐陽加晉 陳展鴻 陳泉霖 陳愷淇 陳家傑 陳琴 陳錦耀 陳建慧 陳麗珊 陳靄鈴 * 陳愛儀 陳百堅 陳佩蘭 陳芷銅 陳日晌 陳婉彤 周高凱 卓凌俊 張秀怡 張瑞清 張淑文 張兆強 詹浩麟 詹文鈴 趙鳳儀 蔡文春 蔡偉樑 周雯麗 周燕 蔡鐘香 朱敏嫻 朱雪盈 范琇喻 * 方樂培 方暖慧 方子聰 馮志容 馮祖蕙 馮艷如

Wong Sik Man Wong Wai Ching Wong Wai Yan Wong Wing Sze Wong Yun Hung Wong Zhing Yin Wu Pak Hung Yan Tat Hong Yan Wai Ning Yeung Kwai Fong Kitty Yeung Mui Yeung Yuk Man Yu Hiu Wai Yu Lin Ying Yu Yuen Chi Yung Lok Man Zhang Shucheng Zhu Feng Hua SERVICING & SUPPORTIVE STAFF (RANK 1) Au Chi Tung Au-Yeung Ka Chun Chan Chin Hung Chan Herman Cheuk Lam Chan Hoi Ki Chan Ka Kit Chan Kam Teresa Chan Kam Yiu Chan Kin Wai Chan Lai Shan Chan Oi Ling Chan Oi Yee Chan Pak Kin Chan Pui Lan Chan Tsz Tung Chan Yat Heung Noon Chan Yuen Tung Chau Ko Hoi Cheuk Ling Chun Cheung Sau Yi Cheung Shui Ching Cheung Shuk Man Cheung Siu Keung Chim Ho Lun Chim Man Ling Chiu Fung Yee Choi Man Chun Choi Wai Leung Chow Man Lai Chow Yin Choy Chung Heung Chu Man Han Chu Suet Ying Fan Sau Ue Fong Lok Pui Alex Fong Nuen Wai Fong Tsz Chung Fung Chi Yung Fung Cho Wai Fung Yim Yu

Ha Tsan Ming Ho Choi Ha Ho Wa Ho Wai Kin Ho Wing Sze Ho Yuk Yin Hsu Ka Chun Hu Rong Hui Lai Fu Hung Mui Yin Ip Chi Chung Kam Hei Shun Kanagawa Hotinpo Koo Sui Yan Kor Wing Yiu Kwan Kam Ha Kwok Chun Hei Kwok Kwong King Kwok Sin Man Kwok Ting Cheung Lam Kin Chung Lam Kin Kwan Lam Kin Wan Lam Siu Yin Raphil Lam Suk Yee Lam Wai Ying Lam Yan Yee Lam Yee Fan Eva Lam Yin Wing Lau Cho Kiu Lau Chun Kit Lau Kam Sau Holly Lau Pak Ching Lau Wai Lau Wing Mui Law Tsz Kin Law Yan Ki Lee Kai Po Boris Lee Wai Ming Lee Wai Shan Lee Yin Ting Lee Yuen Wing Leung Kin Sum Leung Oi Man Leung Siu Mei Li Kam Pang Li Ming Fai Li Shuk Yin Li Sin Ting Li Wai Chi Liang Xiaoqin Liang Yongxian Lin Hau Yee Ling Chun Yan Ling Ho Yan Bowie Lit Tsz Ki Liu Chung Man Luk Ka Sin Luk Mei Yee Ma Siu Yan Ma Sze Man

馬偉基 馬維彥 * 馬穎欣 馬婉華 麥振剛 吳鳳琴 吳文吉 吳美恩 伍永如 吳日聲 魏麗蓉 顏志偉 安月美 潘秋霞 彭佐政 彭綺芳 潘萃寧 孫達新 * 司徒勤 戴彤恩 鄧美琪 鄧惠芳 丁淑嫻 杜惠儀 杜景斌 曾朗殷 曾文亮 * 曾寶儀 曾慧慈 謝曉婷 謝家駒 謝芷欣 蔡琅為 徐靜兒 温愛儀 尹子洋 王柳容 黃碧玲 王志雯 黃鳳玲 黃晞瑜 黃嘉儀 王冠雄 王琳琳 黃美菁 黃慕賢 黃培熹 黃瑞娥 黃善真 * 黃定珍 黃宛婷 黃綺薇 黃應斌 王耀南 黃婉瑩 胡之民 胡頌謙 胡珊林 任詩 任煒南 * 楊啟錚

Ma Wai Kei Ma Wai Yin Ma Wing Yan Ma Yuen Wa Mak Chun Kong Ng Fung Kam Ng Man Kat Ng Mei Yan Michelle Ng Wing Yu Ng Yat Sing Ngai Lai Yung Ngan Chi Wai On Yuet Mei Pan Qiuxia Pang Cho Ching Pang Yee Fong Pun Sui Ning Bibiana Sun Tat Sun Szto Kan Tai Tung Yan Tang Mee Kee Maggie Tang Wai Fong Winky Ting Shuk Han To Wai Yee Tou King Pan Tsang Long Yan Tsang Man Leung Tsang Po Yee Tsang Wai Tsz Tse Hiu Ting Tse Ka Kui Tse Tsz Yan Tsoi Brighton Long Wai Tsui Ching Yi Wan Oi Yee Wan Tsz Yeung Wang Liurong Wong Bik Ling Wong Chi Man Stephanie Wong Fung Ling Wong Hei Yu Wong Ka Yee Wong Kwun Hung Wong Lam Lam Wong Mei Ching Wong Mo Yin Wong Pui Hei Wong Shui Ngor Wong Sin Chun Wong Ting Chun Wong Uen Ting Wong Yee Mei Wong Ying Bun Wong Yiu Nam Wong Yuen Ying Woo Chi Man Wu Chung Him Wu Shan Lam Yam Sze Yam Wai Nam Yang Qizheng CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 145

Staff List

夏贊明 何彩霞 何華 何蔚健 何頴思 * 何玉燕 許家俊 胡蓉 許禮富 孔妹燕 葉志聰 甘希舜 金川何天保 古瑞欣 柯泳瑤 關錦霞 郭振熙 郭廣敬 郭倩雯 郭廷章 林健聰 林建群 林健韻 林兆賢 林淑儀 林偉英 林欣儀 林倚芬 林彥熲 劉楚翹 * 劉俊傑 劉錦綉 劉柏呈 劉慧 * 劉咏梅 羅子健 羅欣琪 李佳玻 李蕙明 李慧珊 李彥廷 李遠榮 梁健深 梁藹文 梁小微 李錦鵬 李明暉 * 李淑賢 李倩婷 李慧芝 梁小琴 梁泳賢 練巧兒 凌俊欣 凌可殷 列芷琪 廖頌雯 陸嘉善 陸美儀 * 馬笑恩 馬詩敏

游嘉明 邱惠恩 * 邱燕群 楊愷麗 楊德釗 易永權 姚鳳盈 姚寶珍 余雪盈 袁國儀 袁子宗 芮嘉欣 趙婷婷 周晶


中級服務及支援人員 歐杏英 區家寶 區雁冰 蔡少艷 蔡淑怡 陳志珠 陳芝榆 陳超祥 陳肖嬋 陳頌明 陳芳 陳凱恩 陳漢華 陳家傑 陳嘉欣 陳啟泰 陳錦美 陳錦榮 陳建華 陳潔珍 陳潔好 陳桂金 陳國華 * 陳麗 陳麗有 陳麗英 陳莉玲 陳美玲 陳薇明 陳美欣 陳美英 陳美玉 陳雅儀 陳八妹 陳碧音 陳平 陳寶貞 * 陳佩珊 陳秀菁 陳山 陳瑞芳 陳淑儀 陳淑儀 陳嬋卿 陳笑娟 陳小華 陳笑英 陳素茵 陳淑芳 陳詩慧 陳詩韻

Yau Ka Ming Yau Wai Yan Johanna Maria Yau Yin Kwan Yeung Hoi Lai Yeung Tak Chiu Yick Wing Kuen Yiu Fung Ying Phoebe Yiu Po Chun Kiko Yu Suet Ying Yuen Kwok Yee Yuen Tsz Chung Yui Ka Yan Zhao Tingting Zhou Jing SERVICING & SUPPORTIVE STAFF (RANK 2) Au Hang Ying Au Ka Po Au Ngan Ping Cai Shao Yan Cai Shuyi Chan Chi Chu Chan Chi Yu Chan Chiu Cheung Chan Chiu Sim Chan Chung Ming Jomie Chan Fong Chan Hoi Yan Wendy Chan Hon Wah Chan Ka Kit Chan Ka Yan Chan Kai Tai Chan Kam Mei Chan Kam Wing Chan Kin Wa Chan Kit Chun Chan Kit Ho Chan Kwai Kam Chan Kwok Wah Chan Lai Chan Lai Yau Chan Lai Ying Chan Lee Ling Chan Mei Ling Chan Mei Ming Chan Mei Yan Chan Mei Ying Lily Chan Mei Yuk Chan Nga Yee Chan Pak Mui Chan Pik Yam Chan Ping Chan Po Ching Chan Pui Shan Anita Chan Sau Ching Chan Shan Chan Shui Fong Chan Shuk Yee Chan Shuk Yee Chan Sim Hing Chan Siu Kuen Chan Siu Wah Chan Siu Ying Chan So Yan Chan Suk Fong Chan Sze Wai Chan Sze Wan

146 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

陳大川 陳達平 陳詠漁 陳艷琼 陳燕卿 陳燕娟 陳如珠 陳遠琳 陳玉芳 陳玉芳 張幸芳 * 張美寶 鄒翠明 鄭順維 陳惠 陳婧婧 陳美華 陳明 陳秋影 鄭翠婷 鄭鳳珍 鄭可欣 鄭梅瑛 鄭碧瑜 鄭斯玲 鄭偉明 張靜怡 張彩云 張慶英 張曉豪 張漢全 * 張家勁 張林 張蘭 張淑凈 張少芳 張淑儀 張詩琴 張思敏 張芷茵 張偉健 張洋銘 張耀添 張鈺金 張玉蘭 張容 錢紹剛 趙豐慧 趙麗珍 趙文芳 肖木蘭 趙秀惠 趙淑儀 趙子辛 趙珈瑩 趙偉平 蔡主玲 蔡瑪莉 蔡光華 蔡廣基 蔡亮光 蔡昕倩 蔡雨玲 張嘉惠 周倬寧 周志華 周鳳萍 周鴻義 周瑞玲 周帶蓮 周偉榮

Chan Tai Chuen Chan Tat Ping Chan Wing Yu Chan Yim King Chan Yin Hing Chan Yin Kuen Chan Yu Chu Chan Yuen Lam Chan Yuk Fong Chan Yuk Fong Chang Hang Fong Chang Mei Po Catherine Chau Chui Ming Cheang Son Wai Chen Hui Chen Jingjing Chen Mei Wah Chen Ming Chen Qiu Ying De Mui Cheng Chui Ting Cheng Fung Chun Kitty Cheng Ho Yan Cheng Mui Ying Cheng Pik Yu Kitty Cheng Sze Ling Cheng Wai Ming Cheung Ching Yi Cheung Choi Wan Cheung Hing Ying Cheung Hiu Ho Cheung Hon Chuen Cheung Ka King Cheung Lam Cheung Lan Cheung Shuk Ching Cheung Siu Fong Cheung Suk Yee Monica Cheung Sze Kam Cheung Sze Man Cheung Tsz Yan Cheung Wai Kin Cheung Yeung Ming Cheung Yiu Tim Cheung Yuk Kam Cheung Yuk Lan Biddy Carman Cheung Yung Chin Siu Kong Chiu Fung Wai Chiu Lai Chun Chiu Man Fong Chiu Muk Lan Chiu Sau Wai Chiu Suk Yi Kitty Chiu Tsz San Chiu Vivian Chiu Wai Ping Choi Chu Ling Choi Joanna Marie Choi Kong Wah Choi Kwong Kei Choi Leung Kwong Choi Yan Sin Choi Yu Ling Elaine Chong Ka Wai Chow Cheuk Ling Chow Chi Wa Chow Fung Ping Chow Hung Yee Chow Shui Ling Chow Tai Lin Chow Wai Wing

Chow Yim Shan Chu Kim Wah Chu Siu Yuk Chua Ka Ho Chui Chiu Keung Chui Kwok Ho Timmy Chung Mei Ngan Chung Mui Ying Chung Shun Lan Chung Ying Kit Chung Yuk Kiu Dai Yuen Fan Noel Deng Chaoli Deng Weier Deng Wenying Du Liting Fan Chui Yuk Fan Siu Hing Fok Chi Yuen Fong Hiu Hung Fong Lee Kuen Fu Kin Ching Fung Chi Cheong Fung Chiu Ha Fung Chun Sau Fung Ka Po Fung Kwok Hong Fung Kwok Shing Fung Siu Lun Fung Suet Fung Tsui Shan Fung Yuk Ping Hau Chun Fung Joe He Jieling He Min Yi He Yalin He Yilan Heung Kam Ping Ho Chi Wah Ho Chung Wa Ho Ka Man Ho Kam Mei May Ho Kan Oi Ho Kit Lin Ho Kwai Chun Ho Kwai Yung Ho Lai Shan Ho Lai Ying Ho Man Ho Oi Ling Ivy Ho Tsz Yan Hon Yee Man Hor Chun Hin Hsu Shan Ha Huang Huiying Huang Shaorong Huang Yimei Huang Zhaoqiong Hui Chung Pak Hui Hok Leung Hui Siu To Hui Wai Sze Hui Yi Yan Hung Miu Ling Hung Sau Har Hung Wing Chung Ip Chiu Kwan Ip Ka Wai Iu Kit Foon Iu Lai Sze Kan Chui Man

紀鴻美 姜國琴 喬美華 * 高衞華 江美玲 江愛群 江惠貞 顧玉霞 龔愛珍 關彩蓮 關家寧 關港豪 關群興 關務笑 郭志強 郭其生 郭念恩 郭秀芬 郭迎春 郭耀明 郭予偉 郭玉梅 * 郭玉環 鄺潔冰 鄺寶珍 鄺淑儀 鄺頴賢 黎亞連 黎紫薇 黎炎勝 * 黎家祥 黎六妹 黎美慧 黎雅麗 黎雅瑩 賴安琪 賴秀麗 賴思雯 黎淑芬 黎偉強 賴偉明 賴偉耀 黎旺弟 黎婉媚 黎玉鳳 藍志強 林志永 藍珈螢 * 林國平 林炳強 林淑玲 林雪鶯 林瑞琼 林芯閱 林德華 林爭榮 林煒倫 林慧賢 林玉雲 劉碧霞 劉志明 劉志圓 劉鳳卿 劉金蓮 劉劍貞 劉國強 * 劉國明 劉文廷 劉銘騏 劉愛萍 劉秀英

Kee Hung Mei Wendy Keung Kwok Kam Chaste Kiu Mei Wa Lydia Ko Wai Wa Kong Mei Ling Kong Oi Kwan Kong Wai Ching Marie Ku Yuk Ha Kung Oi Chun Kwan Choi Lin Kwan Ka Ling Steven Kwan Kong Ho Sunny Kwan Kwan Hing Kwan Mo Siu Kwok Chi Keong Kwok Ki Sang Kwok Lim Yan Evea Kwok Sau Fan Candy Kwok Ying Chun Kwok Yiu Ming Kwok Yu Wai Kwok Yuk Mui Kwok Yuk Wan Kwong Kit Ping Kwong Po Chun Kwong Shuk Yee Kwong Wing Yin Lai Ah Lin Lai Chi Mee Lai Im Shing Lai Kar Cheung Lai Luk Mui Lai Mei Wai Lai Nga Lai Lai Nga Ying Lai On Kei Angel Lai Sau Lai Lai Siwen Lai Suk Fan Lai Wai Keung Lai Wai Ming Lai Wai Yiu Lai Wong Tai Lai Yuen Mei Lai Yuk Fung Lam Chi Keung Carman Lam Chi Wing Lam Ka Ying Lam Kwok Ping Lam Ping Keung Lam Shuk Ling Lam Suet Ang Lam Sui King Lam Sum Yuet Lam Tak Wah Andy Lam Tsang Wing Lam Wai Lun Jacob Lam Wai Yin Lam Yuk Wan Lau Bik Ha Lau Chi Ming Lau Chi Yuen Lau Fung Hing Lau Kam Lin Lau Kim Cheng Lau Kwok Keung Lau Kwok Ming Lau Man Ting Lau Ming Kay Lau Oi Ping Lau Sau Ying CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 147

Staff List

周艷珊 朱劍華 朱小玉 蔡嘉豪 徐釗強 徐國豪 鍾美銀 鍾梅英 鍾順蘭 鍾應傑 鍾玉嬌 戴婉芬 鄧超利 鄧偉儿 鄧文映 杜麗婷 范翠玉 樊少卿 霍志圓 方曉紅 方利娟 符建清 馮志昌 馮肖霞 馮春秀 * 馮嘉寶 馮國康 馮國勝 馮小麟 馮雪 馮翠珊 馮玉萍 侯俊鳳 何潔玲 何敏儀 何雅琳 賀一蘭 向金萍 何熾華 何仲華 何嘉雯 何金美 何巾愛 何潔蓮 何桂珍 何桂容 何麗珊 何麗英 何文 何靄齡 何芷欣 韓綺文 賀晉衍 許珊霞 黃惠英 黃少容 黃一妹 黃招琼 許松柏 許學良 許笑桃 許慧思 許以鍁 孔妙玲 洪秀霞 洪永聰 葉俏君 葉嘉蕙 姚潔歡 姚麗絲 * 簡翠文


劉思琴 劉小靜 劉惠冰 劉銳良 劉玉芳 劉付俊秀 羅曉敏 羅蘭英 * 羅明偉 李智聰 李俊瑩 李紅梅 李國超 李麗蓉 李滿光 李寶珍 李寶英 李穎彤 李思敏 李詩亭 李煒祖 李月明 李玉蘭 李玉環 李潤玲 李潤明 梁卓華 梁靜雯 梁鳳然 梁海文 梁嘉玲 * 梁家欣 梁桂芳 梁桂仙 梁桂蓮 梁麗桓 梁笑芳 梁紹榮 梁庭康 梁芷翹 梁偉權 梁燕霞 梁玉綺 梁玉儀 李冰 李超霞 李仲紋 李戴輝 李鳳連 李海霞 * 李興友 李浩海 黎惠彩 李加洪 李金秀 黎娟 李嘉恒 李廣斌 李麗梅 * 李麗嫦 李文華 李美華 李美玲 李梅珍 李蓉 李秀雲 * 李雪嬌 李少芬 李瑞優 李榮恩 黎小燕

Lau See Kam Lau Siu Ching Lau Wei Bing Angela Lau Yui Leung Lau Yuk Fong Lau-Foo Chun Sau Law Hiu Man Law Lan Ying Law Ming Wai Lee Chi Chung Lee Chun Ying Lee Hung Mui Lee Kwok Chiu Celica Lee Lai Yung Vanessa Lee Moon Kwong Lee Po Chun Lee Po Ying Lee Sophia Lee Sze Man Lee Sze Ting Lee Wai Cho Joe Lee Yuet Ming Lee Yuk Lan Lee Yuk Wan Lee Yun Ling Lee Yun Ming Leung Cheuk Wah Leung Ching Man Natalie Leung Fung Yin Leung Hoi Man Leung Ka Ling Leung Ka Yan Bobo Leung Kwai Fong Leung Kwai Sin Leung Kwei Lin Leung Lai Wun Leung Siu Fong Leung Siu Wing Leung Ting Hong Leung Tsz Kiu Leung Wai Kuen Leung Yin Ha Leung Yuk Yee Leung Yuk Yee Li Bing Li Chaoxia Li Chung Man Li Daihui Li Fung Lin Li Hai Xia Li Hing Yau Li Ho Hoi Li Huicai Li Jiahong Li Jinxiu Li Juan Li Ka Hang Li Kwong Pan Li Lai Mui Li Lai Sheung Li Man Wah Li Mei Wah Li Meiling Li Mui Chun Li Rong Li Sau Wan Li Shuet Kiu Cindy Li Siu Fan Li Sui Yau Li Wing Yan Li Xiaoyan

148 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

李綺紋 李亦歡 李燕清 李燕玲 李燕媚 李永群 李智剛 梁枚桂 梁霞珍 廖雪芬 林楓 林麗苗 林添恩 林秀月 林宇宁 廖慶祥 劉惠玲 劉潔貞 廖嘉雯 廖健婷 劉小群 劉勇 廖苑彤 * 盧焯輝 * 盧桂潮 羅國榮 盧蘭英 羅琛 盧燕霞 盧悅欣 * 駱善欣 駱瑩彤 盧宜 呂嘉澄 呂銘姍 呂德雄 呂柔柔 陸佩珊 陸小燕 羅秀蓮 馬麗茵 馬德蘭 馬欣宜 米月琴 麥明昌 麥紹明 繆美君 巫清蓮 莫玲 莫勤鳳 莫京愉 莫文蔚 莫樹明 莫燕鳴 吳志強 吳志偉 吳青 伍靜嫺 吳清波 吳楚英 吳曉琳 吳海濱 * 吳家輝 吳潔雯 吳國滿 伍麗賢 伍麗燕 吳美賢 吳秀芳 吳倩雯 吳淑華

Li Yee Man Li Yihuan Li Yin Ching Li Yin Ling Li Yin Mei Li Yongqun Li Zhigang Liang Meigui Liang Xiazhen Liao Xuefen Lin Feng Lin Limiao Lin Tianen Lin Xiuyue Lin Yuning Liu Hing Cheung Liu Hui Ling Liu Jiezhen Liu Ka Man Liu Kin Ting Liu Xiaoqun Liu Yong Liu Yuen Tung Lo Cheuk Fai Lo Kwai Chiu Lo Kwok Wing Lo Lan Ying Lo Sum Sam Lo Yin Ha Lo Yuet Yan Lok Sin Yan Lok Ying Tung Lu Yi Lui Ka Ching Lui Ming Shan Gloria Lui Tak Hung Lui Yau Yau Luk Pui Shan Luk Siu Yin Luo Xiulian Ma Liyin Ma Tak Lan Ma Yan Yi Mai Yuet Kum Mak Ming Cheong Mak Siu Ming Mau Mei Kwan May Mo Ching Lin Mo Ling Mok Kan Fung Mok King Yu Mok Man Wai Mok Shu Ming Mok Yin Ming Ng Chi Keung Ng Chi Wai Ng Ching Ng Ching Han Ng Ching Po Ng Chor Ying Ng Hiu Lam Ng Hoi Bun Ng Ka Fai Ng Kit Man Ng Kwok Mun Ng Lai Yin Ng Lai Yin Ng Mei Yin Ng Sau Fong Ng Shin Man Ng Shuk Wah

Ng Siu Ha Ng Tsz Fun Ng Tsz Yan Ng Yee Ling Elaine Ng Yuen Yi Ng Yuet Cheong Ngan Pui Chi Nie Jun Or Cheuk Ping Pang Chi Ha Alice Pang Lai King Pang Nga Kit Pang Yin Ping Poon Fung Yee Poon Kam Yuk Poon Wai Kin Raymond Poon Yuk Ching Qiu Cailian Ruan Lijiao Sae-Ku Somnuk Shek Hiu Tung Shen Meihe Shiu Suet Lai Shum Kwan Shum Yuet Fong Sin Kai Yin Sin Lai Ching Sin Tai Mui Sin Tsz Kwan Siu Ka Nok Siu Kam Chun So Fu Lam So Kin Wa So Tuen Ching So Wai Man So Yuk Ching Soo Ngan Wan Su Yumei Suen Ka Wing Suen Sau Ying Szeto Yuen Ling Tam Hoi Fun Michelle Tam Kwok Keung Tam Siu Wun Tam Yuk Kei Tam Yuk Lun Tan Huanhuan Tang Kit Mei Tang Pui Har Jennifier Tang Tsui Fan Fit Tang Tze Lan Tang Wai Chun Tang Ying Hung Tang Yuen Heung Tsang Hau Sum Tsang Sin Yin Tsang Siu Mei Tsang Yeuk Nam Michelle Tsang Yiu Pong Tse Hoi Sin Tse Ka Po Tse Mo Yin Tse Pui Yu Tse Shuk Mei Tsoi Choi Hung Iris Tsui Kweng Wa Tsui Nam Wah Tsui Wing Ho Wa Siu Fan Wan Chun Hin Wan Lan Ping

王梅 王明宪 王萍蘭 屈國雄 文月琼 黃翠寧 黃俊清 黃鳳明 黃鳳英 黃巧芳 王海霞 王海淇 黃漢鴻 黃淦文 黃祺富 黃國誠 黃麗芳 * 黃麗珊 黃邁磁 黃敏儀 黃佩霞 黃秀琴 黃淑霞 黃淑媚 黃順喜 黃善珩 黃少鳳 黃肇康 黃少娟 黃少華 王雪桃 黃淑賢 黃詩敏 王濤 黃天生 黃韻衡 黃永良 黃詠詩 黃垣歡 黃婉婷 黃蕊詩 黃玉霞 黃玉娜 黃容帶 吳愛田 巫春霖 吳惠琼 胡喬鳳 胡少琼 胡雪峰 吳挺艷 * 吳婉儀 吳秀蓮 吳亦轉 謝如平 熊小霞 任彥芳 甄耀榮 邱瀅伊 丘國威 丘玉芬 楊智剛 楊貞芬 楊青霞 楊賀柱 楊愷倫 楊家文 楊敏秋 楊媚琪 楊美蓮 楊淑嫻

Wang Mei Wang Mingxian Wang Pinglan Watt Kwok Hung Wen Yueqiong Wong Chui Ning Wong Chun Ching Nelson Wong Fung Ming Wong Fung Ying Wong Hau Fong Wong Hoi Ha Wong Hoi Kei Wong Hon Hung Viven Wong Kam Man Wong Ki Fu Wong Kwok Shing Wong Lai Fong Wong Lai Shan Wong Mai Chee Wong Man Yee Wong Pui Har Brenda Wong Sau Kum Wong Shuk Ha Wong Shuk Mei Wong Shun Hei Wong Sin Hang Wong Siu Fung Wong Siu Hong Wong Siu Kuen Wong Siu Wa Wong Suet To Wong Suk Yin Wong Sze Man Wong Tao Wong Tin Sang Wong Wan Hang Wong Wing Leung Wong Wing Sze Wong Wun Fun Wong Yuen Ting Wong Yui Sze Wong Yuk Ha Wong Yuk Lan Wong Yung Tai Wu Aitian Wu Chunlin Wu Huiqiong Wu Kiu Fung Wu Siu King Wu Suet Fung Wu Tingyan Wu Wanyi Wu Xiulian Wu Yizhuan Xie Ruping Xiong Xiaoxia Yam Yin Fong Yan Yiu Wing Yau Joey Yau Kwok Wai Yau Yuk Fan Yeung Chi Kong Foster Yeung Ching Fun Yeung Ching Ha Yeung Ho Chu Yeung Hoi Lun Yeung Ka Man Yeung Man Chau Yeung Mei Ki Yeung Mei Lin Yeung Shuk Han CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 149

Staff List

吳小霞 吳紫芬 吳芷茵 吳綺玲 吳婉儀 吳越昌 * 顏佩慈 * 聶軍 * 柯雀屏 * 彭志霞 彭麗琼 彭雅杰 彭燕萍 潘鳳儀 潘金玉 潘瑋建 潘玉清 邱彩蓮 阮麗嬌 古國來 石曉東 沈美合 邵雪麗 覃坤 沈月芳 冼啟賢 冼麗貞 * 冼帶妹 冼芷筠 蕭嘉諾 邵錦珍 蘇敷林 蘇建華 蘇端正 蘇慧敏 蘇玉清 蘇雁云 蘇玉梅 孫嘉詠 孫秀英 司徒婉玲 譚鎧薰 譚國強 譚小媛 談玉琪 * 譚玉麟 譚環歡 鄧潔媚 鄧佩霞 鄧翠芬 鄧芷蘭 鄧惠珍 鄧映紅 滕遠香 曾巧深 曾善賢 曾少媚 曾若楠 曾耀邦 謝海倩 謝家寶 謝慕然 謝佩如 謝淑微 蔡彩紅 崔景華 徐南華 徐永豪 華小芬 温駿軒 温蘭萍


楊艷間 楊影晴 楊玉嬋 楊潤齊 嚴月嫦 葉彩顏 叶桂嬌 葉美玉 葉佩華 葉水強 葉惠寶 叶英華 姚沚君 余靖雯 余家俊 余麗貞 余妙珠 余狄江 阮笑英 云蕊 容志恩 張金慶 張仕娟 張學蘭 張震 趙娟 鍾麗平 鍾松佳 周金玲 朱慶麗

Yeung Yim Kan Yeung Ying Ching Yeung Yuk Sim Yeung Yun Chai Yim Yuet Sheung Yip Choi Ngan Yip Kwai Kiu Yip Mei Yuk Christina Yip Pui Wah Jessie Yip Shui Keung Yip Wai Po Yip Ying Wa Yiu Tsz Kwan Polly Yu Ching Man Yu Ka Chun Mickey Yu Lai Ching Yu Miu Chu Yu Tik Kong Yuen Siu Ying Yun Rui Yung Chi Yan Zhang Jinqing Zhang Shijuan Zhang Xuelan Zhang Zhen Zhao Juan Zhong Liping Zhong Song Jia Zhou Jinling Zhu Qingli


SERVICING & SUPPORTIVE STAFF (RANK 3) Au-Yeung Wing Shan Bong Su Sian Chak Kwok Kei Antofagasta Chan Chi Ling Chan Chuen Ho Chan Chun Yin Chan Chung Yin Andrew Chan Fung Ping Chan Hau Chung Chan Ka Po Chan Lai Hang Chan Lan Fong Chan Long Ki Michelle Chan Oi Shan Chan Pui Yu Chan Rainy Chan Sau Lin Candy Chan Sau Ying Chan Shuk Kuen Chan Siu Ngo Chan Siu Wai Chan Sui Ling Chan Suk Yin Chan Wai Yi Chan Yin Hing Chan Yu Ting Chau Chui Chun Chen Qiuqun Chen Yuerong Cheng Fung Lan Cheng Lai Mei Cheng Pui Wai Cheng Shui Pik Cheng Siu Lai Cheng Siu Ying Cheng Siu Yung Cheng Sze Chun Cheng Wai Kiu

歐陽詠珊 黃淑旋 * 翟國基 陳芷鈴 陳轉好 陳春燕 陳仲賢 陳鳳萍 陳巧聰 陳嘉寶 陳勵行 陳蘭芳 陳朗琪 陳凱珊 陳佩茹 陳詠霖 陳秀蓮 陳秀瑛 陳淑娟 陳兆鰲 陳小慧 陳瑞玲 * 陳淑賢 陳慧儀 陳燕卿 陳于庭 周翠珍 陳秋群 陳月容 鄭鳳蘭 鄭麗微 鄭佩慧 鄭瑞碧 鄭少麗 鄭兆英 鄭笑容 鄭思津 鄭慧喬

150 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

鄭偉文 鄭旭軒 張尊平 張曉翎 張凱琪 * 張美樂 張少珍 張紫欣 張惠珍 張綺蘭 張耀進 蔡素芳 蔡素燕 蔡尹開 蔡穎恩 朱忠勇 朱家謙 朱藝萍 朱細嬌 朱燕霞 鍾啟廸 鍾木喜 鄧金珍 丁小寧 方婉萍 馮少霞 馮偉文 侯海燕 何韶玲 何志斌 何杏莊 何潔心 何明雄 何笑微 何偉光 徐朗昕 黃立標 * 許秀俐 洪美玉 孔仁傑 楊燕萍 * 葉慕賢 高頌儀 江俊欣 江月媚 關雪霞 * 鄺穎賢 黎錦卿 黎璟螢 賴文琦 黎永笙 林阡晴 林富强 林漢洲 林錦芳 林潔雲 林麗婷 林淑美 林少群 林瑞薇 林紫楓 林艷 藍美玲 劉志紅 柳志明 劉海欣 劉鴻心 劉家欣 劉景霞 劉景萍 劉嚳薇

Cheng Wai Man Cheng Yuk Hin Cheung Chuen Ping Cheung Hiu Ling Cheung Hoi Ki Cheung Mei Lok Cheung Siu Chun Cheung Tsz Yan Cheung Wai Chun Anthea Cheung Yee Lan Cheung Yiu Chun Choi So Fong Choi So Yin Choi Wan Hoi Choi Wing Yan Nikki Chu Chung Yung Chu Ka Him Chu Ngai Ping Chu Sai Kiu Chu Yin Har Chung Kai Tik Chung Muk Hi Deng Jinzhen Ding Xiaoning Fong Yuen Ping Fung Siu Ha Fung Wai Man Hau Hoi Yin He Shaoling Ho Chi Pan Ho Hang Chong Ho Kit Sum Ho Minh Hung Ho Siu Mei Ho Wai Kong Hsu Long Yan Huang Li Biao Hui Sau Lee Hung Mei Yuk Hung Yan Kit Ieong In Peng Ip Mo Yin Ko Chung Yee Kong Chun Yan Kong Yuet Mei Kwan Suet Ha Kwong Wing Yin Lai Kam Hing Lai King Ying Lai Man Ki Lai Tim Wing Sang Lam Chin Ching Lam Fu Keung Lam Hang Chow Lam Kam Fong Lam Kit Wan Kitty Lam Lai Ting Lam Shuk Mei Lam Siu Kwan Lam Sui Mei Lam Tsz Fung Lam Yim Lan Meiling Lau Chi Hung Lau Chi Ming William Lau Hoi Yan Lau Hung Sum Lau Ka Yan Lau King Ha Lau King Ping Lau Kuk Mei

Lau Man Kwong Lau Yuen Fong Law Ka Wai Lee Chung Hei Lee Hei Man Lee Miu Kin Lee So Kwan Lee Yim Ping Lee Yin Wah Flora Lee Yun Man Leung Fung Wan Leung Ho Yan Leung Hoi Ling Leung Kit Fong Leung Lo Wa Leung On Yee Edith Leung Sam Mui Sammy Leung Siu Lai Leung Yuk Ying Li Fung Ling Li Sau Wan Li Wai Sum Li Yin Ping Liang Caiyou Liang Fang Liang Miaolan Liang Peixia Lin Bie Lin Jinghong Lin Siu Hung Lin Xiaoying Liu Chui Pik Lo Ka Kei Lo Mo Wa Lo Sau Yung Lo Wai Ying Lui Hang Na Lui Lai Wah Ma Ho Hin Mak Lai Kam Man Yin King Mok Pui Yu Mok Yan Fung Ng Kit Ling Ng Wai Kiu Ng Wai Yi Sandy Ng Wing Shan Nip Wai Lan Pang Lai Mei Pang Sze Ki Poon Suk Yee Poon Wai Ming Poon Yau Yu Qin Jieyu Ru Lianzhu Sek Kiu Ching Shek Chung Kau Shen Meifeng Sin Pok Him So Lai Chun So Man Ping So Yee Ching Sze Hiu Yan Tam Oi Ping Tam Sau Ying

譚帶好 * 譚玉琼 鄧浩昇 * 鄧國華 鄧麗芳 鄧文安 鄧妙怡 鄧燕玲 蔡莉芳 湯麗梅 曾翰恩 曾麗璇 曾麗容 曾安琪 曾淳謙 謝娟紅 謝木婷 曹迪屏 徐炳強 温月燕 王嫦梅 黃志伍 黃清霞 黃珠清 黃頌恩 王巧旖 王曉蕙 王康文 黃嘉樂 黃金鳳 黃君玉 王麗菁 黃碧蘭 黃秀珍 黃秀娟 黃秀鳴 黃常娣 黃笑英 黃婉玲 王苑桐 黃玉卿 吳東彩 胡丹媚 伍雁燕 任麗霞 姚有玲 楊麗珍 * 楊美鸞 楊碧書 楊素文 楊慧晶 楊友惠 葉倬男 葉曉濤 葉佩慧 姚鑽英 余卓恩 余艷芬 源浩賢 袁見明 阮慧兒 張綺輝 鄭麗坤 周燕萍

Tam Tai Ho Tam Yuk King Tang Ho Sing Tang Kwok Wa Tang Lai Fong Tang Man On Tang Miu Yi Tang Yin Ling Tjai Li Fong Tong Lai Mui Tsang Hon Yan Matthew Tsang Lai Shuen Tsang Lai Yung Tsang On Kei Tsang Shun Him Tse Kuen Hung Tse Muk Ting Tso Tik Ping Tsui Ping Keung Wan Yuet Yin Wang Changmei Wong Chi Ng Ronald Wong Ching Ha Wong Chu Ching Wong Chung Yan Joanne Wong Hau Yee Wong Hiu Wai Wong Hong Man Wong Ka Lok Wong Kam Fung Wong Kwan Yuk Wong Lai Ching Wong Pik Lan Wong Sau Chun Wong Sau Kuen Wong Sau Ming Wong Sheung Tai Wong Siu Ying Wong Yuen Ling Wong Yuen Tung Wong Yuk Hing Wu Dongcai Wu Tan Mei Wu Yanyan Yan Lai Ha Yao Youling Yeung Lai Chun Yeung Mei Luen Yeung Pik Shu Yeung So Man Yeung Wai Ching Yeung Yau Wai Yip Cheuk Nam Yip Hiu To Yip Pui Wai Yiu Chuen Ying Yu Cheuk Yan Yu Yim Fan Yuen Ho Yin Yuen Kin Ming Yuen Wai Yi Zhang Qihui Zheng Likun Zhou Yanping

* 在最近之年度工作評估中獲「優異」評級 Attained“Outstanding”performance rating in the latest annual appraisal CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 151

Staff List

劉民光 劉潤芳 羅家偉 李頌希 李僖雯 李妙健 李素君 李艷萍 李燕華 李潤民 梁鳳雲 梁可欣 梁凱齡 梁潔芳 梁璐華 梁安怡 梁三妹 梁少麗 梁玉英 李鳳玲 李秀雲 李葦琛 李燕萍 梁彩有 梁芳 梁妙蘭 梁佩霞 林碧娥 林景紅 林小紅 林晓英 廖翠碧 盧嘉琪 羅慕華 羅秀容 羅惠英 雷杏娜 呂麗華 馬浩軒 麥麗金 文燕琼 莫配如 莫引鳳 吳潔玲 伍惠嬌 吳慧儀 吳穎珊 * 聶惠蘭 彭麗媚 彭詩淇 潘淑儀 潘慧明 潘幼如 覃結玉 茹連珠 石僑靖 石仲球 申美鳳 冼博謙 蘇麗珍 * 蘇曼萍 蘇旖靖 施曉茵 譚愛萍 譚秀英

鳴謝 Acknowledgement 本會衷心感謝以下各政府部門、社團、商號及個別善長之支持及貢獻:


Christian Family Service Centre wishes to express its grateful thanks to the following whose assistance and support have made its work possible:

勞工及福利局 獎券基金 攜手扶弱基金 伊利沙伯女皇弱智人士基金 社會福利署 運輸及房屋局 市區更新基金

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Buildings Department Community Care Fund Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau Department of Health District Council Environment and Conservation Fund Environment Bureau Environmental Protection Department Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Home Affairs Bureau Home Affairs Department Hong Kong Housing Authority Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care Labour and Welfare Bureau Lotteries Fund Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged Queen Elizabeth Foundation for the Mentally Handicapped Social Welfare Department Transport and Housing Bureau Urban Renewal Fund

薪火相傳基金會有限公司 高錕慈善基金 e青基金 香港交易所慈善基金 明歌知欽慈善基金有限公司 李國賢基金會有限公司 賀理士嘉道理爵士青年發展基金會 東亞銀行慈善基金有限公司 香港公益金 陳廷驊基金會 滙豐銀行慈善基金 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 凱瑟克基金 何東爵士慈善基金 維拉律敦治‧荻茜基金 晴朗的心基金會有限公司 楊蔡慧嫻基金會

Bright Flame Foundation Company Limited Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease EMBRACELIFE Foundation Limited HKEX Foundation MGCY Charity Fund Limited Ronald and Rita McAulay Foundation Simon K. Y. Lee Foundation Limited Sir Horace Kadoorie International Foundation The Bank of East Asia Charitable Foundation The Community Chest of Hong Kong The D. H. Chen Foundation The Hongkong Bank Foundation The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust The Keswick Foundation The Sir Robert Ho Tung Charitable Fund Vera Ruttonjee Desai Charitable Fund Y-LOT Foundation Limited YCWH Trust

香港特別行政區政府 屋宇署 關愛基金 社區投資共享基金 政制及內地事務局 衞生署 區議會 環境及自然保育基金 環境局 環境保護署 食物環境衛生署 民政事務局 民政事務總署 香港房屋委員會 樂齡及康復創科應用基金

152 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

Care for the Elderly Association Limited Hong Kong Association of Lady Horse Lovers Rotary Club of SoHo Hong Kong The Applied Science Discipline, HKIVE (Kwai Chung) The Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society The Hong Kong Council of Social Service The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong United Christian Hospital Yan Mei (Miss Asia) Charity Organization Zonta Club of Hong Kong East

而久醫療香港有限公司 親子王國有限公司 多元思維國際有限公司 城巴有限公司及 新世界第一巴士服務有限公司 招商永隆銀行有限公司 中華電力有限公司 商業電台馬路的士義工隊 費森尤斯卡比亞太有限公司 費森尤斯卡比香港有限公司 智叻網集團有限公司 國信證券(香港)金融控股有限公司 恒隆(行政)有限公司 香港地 香港經濟日報集團有限公司 香港人壽保險有限公司 我愛廚房有限公司 香港德迅貨運代理有限公司 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司 雀巢香港有限公司 新世界發展(中國)有限公司 新世界第一渡輪服務有限公司 華僑永亨銀行有限公司 大舞臺製作及顧問有限公司 寵物幹線有限公司 保迪機械裝飾工程公司 盛華服務有限公司 領先思維集團有限公司 豐達牙科器材(香港)有限公司 特斯拉汽車香港有限公司 華人永遠墳場管理委員會 清水灣鄉村俱樂部 香港中華煤氣有限公司 天星小輪有限公司 維健生香港有限公司 維特健靈健康產品有限公司 昌盛科技方案有限公司 慧科訊業 佳同有限公司

Arjo Hong Kong Limited Baby-Kingdom.Com Limited Basic Concept International Limited Citybus Limited & New World First Bus Services Limited CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited CLP Power Hong Kong Limited Commercial Radio Road Co-op Volunteer Team Far East Sourcing Limited Fresenius Kabi Asia Pacific Limited Fresenius Kabi Hong Kong Limited GNET GROUP LTD Guosen Securities (HK) Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. Hang Lung Properties Limited HKDay Hong Kong Econmics Limited Hong Kong Life Insurance Limited I Love Kitchen Limited Kuehne & Nagel Limited Manulife (International) Limited Nestlé Hong Kong Ltd New World Development (China) Company Limited New World First Ferry Services Limited OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited On Stage Production & Consultant Limited Pet-Link Company Limited Prodigy Engineering and Decorating Co. RNC Beauty Limited Shing Wah Services Ltd Smart Concept Group Limited Tesco Dental (Hong Kong) Ltd Tesla Motors HK Limited The Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited The “Star” Ferry Company, Limited Vital Care Hong Kong Limited Vita Green Health Products Company Limited Webz Design Company Limited Wisers information Limited -

CFSC Annual Report 2020-2021 153


敬老護老愛心會有限公司 香港愛馬女士協會 蘇豪香港扶輪社 香港專業教育學院(葵涌)應用科學系 香港展能藝術會 香港防癌會 香港社會服務聯會 香港中文大學那打素護理學院 基督教聯合醫院 仁美清叙慈善機構有限公司 香港東區崇德社

Abraham Chan 陳秀英家人 Chu Hiu Man Fung So Ka Wah 高寶愛 Lau Wai To Emily Alan Li

李麗蘭 李日昌 Lok Yee Hing Elaine Joanne Ma Man Cheuk Wing Vera Tan Zi Lin Wong Choi Shan

Wong Ka Wing Caran Wong Kwai Huen Wong Wing Tuen Yip Ka Lok Yu Chia Ying Karen 翁秀妍

各傳播媒介 The local newspapers, televisions and radio broadcasting stations 各善長及義工 All our benefactors and voluntary workers



Christian Family Service Centre wishes to express its grateful thanks to the following government departments, organisations and donors for their assistance and support to grassroot families and individuals affected by the pandemic: 社會福利署

Social Welfare Department

抗疫失業慈善基金 霸菱亞洲新冠疫情紓困基金 馮百福基金有限公司 公益金及時抗逆基金 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 饒兩儀堂慈善基金有限公司

Anti-Pandemic Charity Fund for the Unemployed Baring Private Equity Asia COVID-19 Relief Fund FPF Foundation Limited The Community Chest Anti-NCP Rainbow Find The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Yiu Leung Yee Tong Charitable Fung Limited

香港浸會大學創新服務學習中心 香港紅十字會 賽馬會長洲鮑思高青年中心 裳樂匯坊 逸夫書院校友會義工隊 苗圃行動 香港社會服務聯會

HKBU Centre for Innovative Service-Learning Hong Kong Red Cross Jockey Club Cheung Chau Don Bosco Youth Center Sew On Studio Shaw College Alumni Association Volunteer Team Sowers Action The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

置富Malls 志豐工程有限公司 長江生命科技集團有限公司 香港南星國際投資有限公司 香港電訊 鴻福堂集團有限公司 啟德體育園有限公司 塑科(中國)有限公司 東亞銀行有限公司 嘉頓有限公司 香港中華煤氣有限公司 威馬資本合規顧問有限公司 永基資產管理有限公司 屈臣氏蒸餾水 蘇麗鐘錶

Fortune Malls Chi Fung Engineering Company Ltd CK Life Sciences Int’I., (Holdings) Inc CXA Insurance Brokers Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong South Star International Investment Limited Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited Hung Fook Tong Holdings Limited Kai Tak Sports Park Limited Plastech (China) Company Limited The Bank of East Asia, Limited The Garden Company Limited The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited VAM Advisory Limited WK Capital Management Limited Watsons Water Zurich Watch

154 基督教家庭服務中心 2020-2021年報

捐款回條 Donation Reply Slip


Your kind contributions will enable us to deliver quality services and improve the lives of the needy continuously. 捐款支持 Donation □ 本人 / □ 公司願意支持基督教家庭服務中心 □ I / □ Our Company would like to support the services of CFSC. □ 每月捐款 Monthly Donation 金額 Amount: □ HK$1,000 □ HK$500 □ HK$300 □ HK$200 □ 其他 Other HK$ □ 單次捐款 One-off Donation 金額 Amount: □ HK$5,000 □ HK$2,000 □ HK$1,000 □ HK$500 □ HK$300 □ 其他 Other HK$ 捐款者資料 Donor’s Information


姓名 Name( □ 先生 Mr. / □ 女士 Mrs. / □ 小姐 Ms.) 團體 / 公司名稱 Organisation/Company: 地址 Address: 聯絡電話 Contact Phone No.:

傳真 Fax No.:

電郵 Email:

捐款方法 Donation Methods □ 信用卡 Credit Card □ VISA □ Master Card 持卡人姓名 Cardholder’s Name: 信用卡號碼 Card No.: 有效日期 Expiry Date: 月 Month ( 有效期不少於兩個月 Minimum valid for 2 months) 持卡人簽署 Cardholder’s Signature:

年 Year

** 本人授權基督教家庭服務中心由本人之信用卡賬戶內定期扣除上述之款項,直至另行通知 ( 適用於每月捐款者 )。 I / We hereby authorise Christian Family Service Centre to charge my/our card account for the relevant amounts specified above. This authorisation shall have effect until further notice (Applicable to monthly donor only.)

□ 銀行自動轉賬 Autopay ( 只適用於每月捐款者 Applicable to monthly donor only) 請掃瞄右方 QR code 下載直接付款授權書,填妥後連同此回條,郵寄、電郵或傳真至本會。 Please scan the QR code to download Direct Debit Authorisation Form and return the completed form along with this Donation Reply Slip to us via mail, e-mail or fax.

□ 劃線支票 Crossed Cheque ( 只適用於單次捐款,支票抬頭請填寫「基督教家庭服務中心」。 For one-off donation only. Please make cheque payable to ‘Christian Family Service Centre’.)

支票號碼 Cheque No.: 發票銀行 Issued Bank:

□ 網上銀行轉帳 / 直接存款 e-Banking / Direct Transfer ( 請將網上捐款記錄 / 銀行存款收據正本連同此回條寄回本會。 Please mail the record of e-banking confirmation/original bank pay-in slip along with this form to us.)

滙豐銀行 HSBC:030-001580-001 東亞銀行 Bank of East Asia:531-40-06926-5 恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank:291-117851-001 渣打銀行 Standard Chartered Bank:407-0-062511-9

□ 網上捐款 Online Donation 請掃瞄右方 QR code 或登入本會網頁 填寫網上捐款表格。 Please scan the QR code or visit to fill in the Online Donation Form.

受惠對象 Beneficiaries □ CFSC 緊急援助基金 CFSC Emergency Assistance Fund □ 青年及教育服務 Youth & Education Services □ 悅齡服務 Active Ageing Services □ 殘疾人士發展及共融 Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities □ 醫療健康服務 Medical & Health Services □ 環保及綠色生活 Environmental Protection & Green Living □ 其他 Others ( 請註明 Please specify):

□ 兒童及家庭服務 Children & Family Services □ 長者照顧服務 Elderly Care Services □ 殘疾人士綜合服務 Services for People with Disabilities □ 精神健康服務 Mental Health Services □ 社區發展服務 Community Development Services □ 一般捐款 General Donation

請將此回條連同劃線支票 / 網上銀行轉賬紀錄 / 存款收據正本郵寄至 九龍觀塘翠屏道 3 號基督教家庭服務中心 10 樓 / 簡便回郵 61 KEA Please mail the crossed cheque / record of e-banking confirmation / original bank pay-in slip along with this completed form to Christian Family Service Centre, 10/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 61 KEA Freepost 捐款港幣 $100 或以上者可獲發出捐款收據,以供申請扣稅之用。基督教家庭服務中心尊重及保護 閣下的個人私隱,本會將按需要運用 閣下的個人資料作開立收據、籌募、通訊、 活動推廣、義工招募及收集意見之用途。所有個人資料會絕對保密,並妥善處理。如 閣下反對本會用作上述用途,請致電 2950 5871 或電郵至 聯絡本會伙伴及 資源拓展部。 Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with official receipt. Your personal data will be used by Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC) for the purpose of issuing receipts, fundraising, communications, activities promotion, volunteer recruitment and conducting surveys for CFSC. Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and saved in our encrypted database. If you object your personal data being utilised for the above purposes, please contact our Partnership and Resources Development Department at 2950 5871 or email to □ 本人不同意基督教家庭服務中心運用本人的個人資料作上述用途。

查詢 Enquiry:伙伴及資源拓展部 Partnership and Resources Development Department

電話 Tel:2950 5871

傳真 Fax:3188 5026



I object to the proposed use of my personal data for the above purposes.

備註 Remarks:請在適合的空格內加上「✓」 Please put a tick in the appropriate box.

免貼 郵票

No Stamp Required

如貼郵票,將為 本會節省行政費


Christian Family Service Centre 九龍觀塘翠屏道 3 號 10 樓 10/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 簡便回郵 61 KEA 61 KEA Freepost

九龍觀塘翠屏道3號 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel

: 2861 0283

傳真 Fax

: 2520 0438

電郵 Email : hkCFSC |


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