CFSC Magazine – 「敢」.CFSC x 揚眉慈善家趙式芝

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Collaborate for a Better City

Theme Person


揚眉慈善家趙式芝 An interview with Philanthropist Ms. Gigi Chao by Mr. Kwok Lit Tung, Chief Executive of CFSC

Theme story

敢•唯一 心靈綠洲 敢•挑戰 青少年精神健康 敢•向前 人生下半場 CFSC MAGAZINE *




專題訪問 I Theme Person

CFSC總幹事郭烈東訪談: 揚眉慈善家趙式芝 An interview with Philanthropist Ms. Gigi Chao by Mr. Kwok Lit Tung, Chief Executive of CFSC

CFSC 是一間非牟利社會服務機構,紮根香港 63 年。 CFSC 情繫香港,敢於創新,服務與時並進,範疇遍及社會服務、 醫療健康及環境保護。 今日的香港,已是一個國際大都會,有著國際城市共通的光芒與 困局,也有香港獨特的歷史處境。人在城市中,面對不同的機遇與挑 戰,難免需要各方各面的支援和服務。 CFSC 的存在意義,在於提供適切的服務,協助市民改善生活, 為追求美好的生活和健康的家庭而努力。我們了解到個人的生活質素 離不開整體城市的文明和進步,所以 CFSC 的服務面向,也同時指向 建立一個友善的社區、公平的社會、和一個可持續的環境,這是我們


敢•唯一 I Theme Story I

加諸自己的努力方向。要有效提供以人為本的服務,就要敢於創新, 和相信群策群力的力量。 CFSC Magazine 的誕生,是要展現 CFSC 的創意,以及創造協作的 契機;而創新與協作,就是為了參與建設一個我們願意留下來的城市。

自塑心靈綠洲 Serene Oasis for our Hearts

CFSC 總幹事 郭烈東


敢•挑戰 I Theme Story II 為青春紓困 為成長解惑 A Charter to Smart Young

CFSC is a nonprofit organisation which has been rooted in Hong Kong for 63 years. CFSC is deeply connected with this city, dares to innovate and provides up-todate social service, health care and environmental protection. Today’s Hong Kong has the common brilliance and dilemma like other cosmopolitan metropolis, yet with its unique historical background. People in cities


敢•向前 I Theme Story III 五十後的不惑智者 Active Ageing

face different opportunities and challenges, and are sometimes inevitable to ask for all-round support. The existence of CFSC is to provide appropriate services to improve the public’s lives, strive for better lives and healthy families. We understand that individual’s quality of life and the civilisation and progress of the city are inseparable. Therefore, the services of CFSC also try to help building a friendly community, a fair society, and a sustainable environment. We will keep working hard on these aspects, continue to provide people-oriented services, innovate and believe in the power of


敢•行動 I Let’s Action 尋常的一天,不尋常的新家 ! An Usual Day, An Unusual Home!

teamwork. The birth of CFSC Magazine is to showcase CFSC’s creativity and provide an opportunity to facilitate different collaborations, as innovation and collaboration are crucial elements to construct a liveable city.

Chief Executive of CFSC Mr. Kwok Lit Tung





? 2016 年 3 月某天,電視台來電問我可否在節目中解釋粗口,我答應 了,於是節目爆紅了,我多添了名氣,今天,獲邀為基督教家庭服務中 心撰寫文章。你們有膽識邀請一個講解粗口的講師寫專欄,本雜誌的編 輯先生也許可以另寫一篇‘敢’。 敢,背後有沒有計算?要計算社會的接受程度,要計算大學對我的 反應,要計算不同年齡的觀眾的喜惡程度,要計算自己有否講解粗口的 能力等等。敢,不是魯莽的向前衝;敢,是有理念、有原則、有自信、 有計劃。 衝完之後需要緩衝,一集粗口爆紅了,之後乘勝追擊,還是細水長 流?敢衝,亦需要敢緩衝,要做到一收一放,恰到好處,絕不簡單。《荀 子》說:「剛毅勇敢,不以傷人。」因敢而傷人傷己,都是不好的,在商 場上敢於殺敵,同時也敢於尊重敵人。 One day in March 2016, I received a call from a broadcaster of TV Station asking me to explain coarse language in their programme. After appearing in the TV show, my fame escalated quickly thanks to its overnight success, and now I am invited to write articles here for CFSC. By inviting a lecturer that talks about bad words as a columnist, I dare to say that the editor of the magazine is also a man full of daring spirits. Did I make calculations before my daring move in front of a TV camera? Yes, I did, and the math behind it includes calculating how great our society can accept this topic, the reactions from colleges and universities, the various feelings of audience of different ages as well as my ability to explain vulgarity. Having the guts doesn’t mean taking reckless actions; it is about acting with philosophy, principles, confidence and plans. After the TV sensation, should I make an immediate follow-up about the foul topic or go about it little by little? Sometimes you need to stride forward at full speed while other times you need to take everything nice and slow, but balancing these two sides is never easy to practise. Xun Zi, an ancient Chinese Confucian philosopher, has said that we should be “resolute and courageous without hurting people.” This is particularly true in the business world, where you dare to fight enemies and also dare to show them your respect.





An interview with Philanthropist Ms. Gigi Chao by Mr. Kwok Lit Tung, Chief Executive of CFSC


揚眉慈善家趙式芝 文:小草


大多數人都是透過社交版上衣香鬢影的照片認識趙式芝(Gigi),以為她是含着銀匙出 生的富二代,很少人聽過她細說小時候原來也有在屋邨流連的日子,Gigi 笑談到童年 時代其中一段最快樂的記憶是探望屯門的阿姨,在屋邨樓下吃茶餐廳、在屋前空地追 逐、在士多玩乒乓球彈珠機。「因為童年時代我已經接觸屋邨的家庭,正是我今天如此 喜歡幫助這些家庭的孩子的遠因,而且我喜歡親身去聽聽他們的故事;有一次跟社區 的婦女傾偈,我問一位單親家庭的母親有何理想,她說她的理想就是帶孩子去一趟淺 水灣,她真的從未去過,她覺得那裏已經是一個天堂。很多這些東西,我們習以為常 的事,他們卻很難得到。」 When we talk about Gigi Chao, most of us will instantly think of her as the fabulously-dressed socialite featured on magazines, or a lady was born with a silver spoon in her mouth; however, very few have heard about her stories in pubic estates when she was a little girl. According to Gigi, one of her happiest childhood memories was the days she made a visit to her aunt in Tuen Mun, where she dined at tea restaurants, frolicked in the open space of the estate and played ping pong Pachinko at grocery stores. “My fondness for helping grassroots kids is mainly due to my experience with families in pubic estates when I was a girl. I like to have a face-to-face conversation with them and listen to their stories. I remember there was a time I chatted with a mum in the community and asked her about her dream. The mum’s biggest dream was to spend a day with her kids in Repulse Bay, a place she never had a chance to visit and looked like heaven to her. For many of us, things like this are so easily achieved that we just take them for granted, but for someone, they are indeed a dream that is too far to reach.”




圖左起趙式芝及郭烈東。From left: Ms. Gigi Chao and Mr. Kwok Lit Tung.



郭烈東(郭) ——基督教家庭服務中心(CFSC)總幹事 趙式芝(GIGI) ——卓能(集團)有限公司執行董事、 慈善機構「相信愛基金」創辦人 梁少玲(IVY)——基督教家庭服務中心(CFSC) 高級服務總監(協作)

童年回憶推動行善 郭: 據說妳小時候對基層家庭生活已經有所認識? G : 小時候,我的公公住在觀塘板間房,母親的七個兄弟姊 妹擠在一張床,我對基層家庭生活的認識其實是從觀塘 開始,我覺得有一個聯繫,有一種巧合。香港獅子山下 很多家庭都是在此情況下生活,才建成今天的香港,我 現在受惠到香港的繁榮,也有責任作出回饋。我覺得需 要有心人去做社企、做慈善機構、做義工。 郭: 2008 年 CFSC 初次在天水圍做服務,那時資源十分缺 乏,「相信愛基金」是怎樣開始支持天水圍社區服務 處,幫助天水圍的家庭? G : 2008 年我們的「相信愛基金」正式成立,十年前香港 的社會服務很多都是在國內開學校,或者贊助小朋友 讀書,初時我們都有幫助在寧廈的山區學校,但參與 兩個項目以後,那個問責的問題很大,其實要在國內 做好一個民間組織,放下去的心機不會少於一個地產 項目。我跟朋友傾不如將焦點放回到香港,況且我的 工作也不能時常去山區。 於是我們開始找香港有什麼值得我們參與及投放資 源,透過傳媒朋友認識到基督教家庭服務中心天水圍 社區服務處,一開始就做洗樓,上樓探訪老人家及長 期病患者,當中有很多故事教我感受深刻。我看到你 們社工跟社區的關係十分緊扣,我一講到哪一個單 位,社工們已知道是哪一位伯伯,給了我們很大信 心,我們知道香港做社工很辛苦,但他們有很正面的 想法,也很熱心,我也被你們的同事所感動。


趙式芝、郭烈東及梁少玲三人言談甚歡,交流服務社會的心得。 Ms. Gigi Chao, Mr. Kwok Lit Tung and Ms. Ivy Leung had a nice conversation and exchanged insights about social services.

Practising Charity with Childhood Influences K: It is said that you got familiar with grassroots families since you were a kid. G: When I was a child, my grandpa lived in a partitioned flat in Kwun Tong where my mother’s seven brothers and sisters had to share a bed. My bond with grassroots families started there. There were many families living with the same condition, who worked diligently and contributed a lot to the success of Hong Kong today. Having benefited from the city’s prosperity, I feel obliged to give back to the society and call on more people to participate in charity and support social enterprises. K: CFSC started its service in Tin Shui Wai in 2008 with very limited resources. How did Faith In Love Foundation turn its eyes on Tin Shui Wai Community Service Centre and begin to support the community in the beginning? G: Founded in 2008, Faith In Love Foundation’s initial service was to help dropouts in the Mainland to return to classrooms, which was also the main charity work most charitable organisations in HK were doing ten years ago. After two projects about supporting schools in the mountain areas in Ningxia, we found out you had to take a great amount of accountability when doing charity in the Mainland and the time consumed was not less than that we spend on a real estate project. Also considering that i cannot travel to the Mainland frequently, I decided to shift our focus back to the place we grew up in. So we started looking for organisations in HK in need of charitable support, and via the press, we finally laid our attention on the Tin Shui Wai Community Service Centre. In the beginning, we made frequent visits to the elderly and people with chronic illnesses. Having witnessed the close relationship between your colleagues and the community, I knew CFSC was the place we should lend a helping hand to with full confidence. It is never easy to practise social service in HK but I was so moved by your colleagues with their positive attitude and enthusiasm.


I : 作為名人,成立「相信愛基金」有九年時間,妳的人 生價值觀會否有很大的改變? G : 我覺得不是由這九年才開始,由於我自己背景關係, 很小時候就體驗到貧富懸殊,到長大了去世界不同國 家,去英國讀書,也有去非洲及國內做義工,見到不 同國家的貧富。我覺得香港很多人很熱心,不介意去 幫人,問題是怎樣製造一個可靠的平台,讓大家付出 都會覺得很有價值,我覺得基督教家庭服務中心是一 個很好的平台,很信得過很可靠,去到落區跟同事一 傾就知 !


I : As a celebrity, have your life values significantly changed during the nine years you run the Faith In Love Foundation? G: Actually, I think the changes happened much earlier. Due to my family background, in my childhood I already had opportunities to travel to different countries, such as studying in the UK and volunteering in Africa and the Mainland, and the disparity between the rich and the poor was already imprinted in my brain when I was little. I think a lot of people in Hong Kong are very kindhearted and ready to help others, but the problem is how to find a reliable platform where they can expect true results. To me, CFSC has been a very trustworthy and well-organised platform. If you hesitate about this, just have a chat with their colleagues in the community and you’ll know what I am talking about!

I : Gigi 妳很喜歡參與服務社區的工作,特別是一些服務 小朋友的工作,其實妳自己透過這些工作是否希望改 變一個社區、以至社會的現行狀況? G :我不敢說我們能夠改變到什麼,但始終我們每個人身處 社會都有着社會責任,我們作為非牟利自資的慈善機構 有一種靈活性,始終很多時都是我們自己找朋友捐助, 這樣對公眾要交代的範圍就少些,靈活性就大些,我們 就要運用這優勢。有時急起來沒時間填那麼多文件,我 們既然有這個資源,就要善用此靈活性。

商業思維有助社會企業 郭: 妳認為商界與社福界籌劃的 NGO在本質上有何不同? G : 我覺得大家有個很好的互補作用,商界籌劃的 NGO 落到社區未必了解到當地需要,但他們在籌錢方面 就容易一些。怎樣最有效幫到受惠者,本身就是一 個十分複雜的問題,很多東西不只是金錢,講到天 水圍的獨居長者,金錢幫到的其實十分有限,這就 要靠義工,我覺得社福界及商界就是努力填滿這個 真空,所以我覺得跟基督教家庭服務中心合作學到 很多東西。

I : You are very passionate about community services, especially those related to children. Do you expect your actions to bring some changes to the community and society? G: I cannot say I can make any changes, but as a citizen, we all have the responsibility to serve our society. The best part about being a nonprofit, self-financed charity is its flexibility. For instance, the people we seek donation from are usually friends of mine and we don’t need to reveal everything to the public.With this advantage, we can carry out fairly elastic plans and skip all the paperwork if we are in a rush!

Business thinking benefits social enterprises K: In your view, what is the fundamental difference between NGOs in business and social welfare sectors? G: I think they are complementary to each other. The NGOs run by a business community may be strong in raising money but not experienced enough to understand the needs of the locals. In practice, it is very complicated to carry out the most effective support to people in need and it is an issue far beyond just giving out cash. When it comes to helping the elderly living alone in 趙式芝、梁少玲及郭烈東期望將來有更多合作空間。 Ms. Gigi Chao, Ms. Ivy Leung and Mr. Kwok Lit Tung look forward to have further collaborations in future.

郭: 有時跟商界的朋友見面,談到需要資助會遇到很多的 拒絕,往往就像撞到一道磚牆。Gigi 對我們就比較尊 重,給社福界很大的幫助,其實我們傳統 NGO 做事 的方法是否也有改變的需要? G : 我覺得香港比較大型的慈善機構,他們營運的東西都 是十分穩定,什麼都上了軌道。不過不是什麼都要依 靠香港三大善團去做,有時候要分拆一個個細小的行 動小組才行。我覺得透過一個小型社企的模式可以容 易轉型,令服務社會變成一種很 cool 很型的東西,而 不是很沉悶的東西。



Tin Shui Wai, money actually plays a very limited role as it heavily depends on the intensive care from the volunteers. I feel that community service should engage the involvement from the business world as well as the social welfare sector; and this is what I've been learning from my collaboration with CFSC all these years. K: There were many times we faced rejections and felt like we ran into a brick wall when seeking funding in the business community, while you always show us respect and have been offering tremendous support to the social welfare sector. Should we also change the traditional way of doing things in NGOs? G: I think those big charitable organisations in HK already have a very steady operation with everything on track. But this doesn’t mean we should completely depend on them, it is more ideal for them to divide into smaller, more mobile units in actual practice. Small social enterprises have more flexibility and are able to breathe new life into the social service, creating something that is fresh and cool instead of the same old stuff we have been seeing.

趙式芝和郭烈東互相欣賞,合作無間。 Ms. Gigi Chao and Mr. Kwok Lit Tung appreciate each other and have been tightly working together.

I : Gigi 有一班志同道合的朋友,其實你有何魅力令他們 持續地來幫手呢?怎樣打動到他們? G : 其實我覺得只靠金錢不是一個足夠的推動,純粹以金錢 方式行善,叫得一次叫唔到第二次。 「相信愛基金」的 宗旨就是不希望人們只用金錢來作貢獻,而是要真正體 驗到彼此那種連繫,我們跟投資銀行朋友,以至商業機 構都是如此,你們對什麼有關心?對破碎家庭、青少 年、長者、傷健人士、精神病患者?根據你的關懷方向 一起去參與活動,令人們的投入度大一些。朋友們未必 會長久來做義工,總之叫得一次得一次,你有了那個連 繫,就自自然然會做這義務工作。現在香港普遍公司的 層面,已開始明白什麼叫CSR(企業社會責任) 。 I : 我覺得 Gigi 好像愈做愈多,有時會否變成一種壓力, 以致影響了自己日常的工作? G : 剛好相反,我覺得這是一種動力,做牟利的生意都很 累人,還有很多對人性的失望等等,做慈善機構可以 平衡這一方面的心理,個人覺得很開心。而賺錢背後 又多了一重動力,慳錢都有多一股動力,慳到這些錢 可以幫一些人返到學、幫一些人有一個飯盒。我改變 了日常的財務支出,不買這個手袋就可以幫一個女孩 子讀一個月書,於是多了一種動力去慳錢及善用金 錢,哈哈!


I : Apart from contributing your actual efforts, you also have the ability to call for your like-minded friends to continuously support charity work. How do you manage to do this? G: Actually I believe that charity cannot be driven by money alone, and it is not sustainable to just ask people for money over and over again. The purpose of Faith In Love Foundation is not only to look for financial donation but also to cultivate a connection between benefactors and beneficiaries. Just like our friends working in the commercial sectors, we will ask which area they most concerned about, from broken families, adolescents and the elderly, to the physically or mentally disabled. By holding events targeting a specific group, we can attract greater involvement from people and get the best out of it. Perhaps it is difficult for my friends to be long-term volunteers, but everyone and every time counts, and once the connection has been built, charity will eventually become nature to them. It is good to see that companies in HK start to be aware of what CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is today. I : It seems to me that your involvement in charity is getting much heavier today. Does this become stress for you and even affect your daily life and work? G: On the contrary, I see it as a motivation. Doing business is really exhausting and sometimes even makes you lose faith in humanity, while charity can balance out these negative moods and bring me back to happiness. It also motivates me to make and save more money. Just thinking about the saved cash can help more kids go back to school or buy more people a healthy lunch box, all these extra efforts become rewarding. Charity also changes the way I spend money in daily life and enables me to spend more wisely. Now if I can help a girl out with her monthly tuition by buying one less handbag, I will definitely go for it without a second thought!


Touching Voices from the Frontline

郭:Gigi 跟基督教家庭服務中心合作有很多火花,因為妳

K: Apparently a lot of sparks were ignited dur ing your collaboration with CFSC. CFSC is an organisation that never shies away from challenges, and you are also such a courageous person that always brings so much creativity and excitement to the activities for the kids. I am just wondering how you came up with all these fabulous ideas in the first place? G: My inspirations are mainly from frontline colleagues. For instance, they suggested the kids to leave the house and have more outdoor activities, then we had a fervent brainstorm about it. Working in Tin Shui Wai is flexible, and we were so happy to invite the kids to a helicopter ride over Victoria Harbour, with Michael Wong as the pilot, I would like to spread the same joy that we share with our friends and relatives to the community. I also remember that there was a time when we held a basketball class in Tin Shui Wai, which was conducted by the coach from the Hong Kong basketball team. After the class, all the kids were entertained from the drinking boxes we handed out to them, except one boy who just kept the beverage in his hand. When asked why he didn’t open his drink, the kid simply replied that he wanted to keep it for his mum! When doing frontline service, you will often encounter little stories like this that touch your heart.

是個很有勇氣的人,CFSC 也是很喜歡挑戰的團體, 妳構思出很多上天下海的活動給小朋友,中間是怎樣 磨合這些創新創意的想法? G : 主要是問一下前線同事,例如,他們想讓小朋友在暑 假有些活動,不是屈在家中,我們就真的想到天花龍 鳳。在天水圍服務很有彈性,我們邀請小朋友坐直昇 機遊維港上空真的很開心,更難得有王敏德駕直昇機 服務。未來都是將心比己,日常想親朋分享到些什麼 喜悅,也想社區人士可以同樣分享得到。 我記得有一次,天水圍有個籃球班,我們找了香港代 表隊的籃球教練去教籃球。練習完以後,我們有紙包 飲品,有個小朋友沒喝,義工就問他為什麼不喝,他 回答說:想拿回去給媽媽喝!有很多如此感動我的小 故事。 郭: 我們很感激 Gigi,2008 年本來因為資源不夠幾乎要 關閉天水圍社區服務處,然而這個社區真的很需要幫 手,幸好我們有 Gigi 及嶺南大學的支持,這是一個很 美好的合作。 G : 一些很簡單的支援可以帶來很大的喜悅,我們見義工 團隊做完一個服務,笑容真是四萬一樣,過年前我們

K: We really thanks Gigi's help, as Tin Shui Wai has long been a community in need, but we almost closed the community 潑,我也感到很開心,我們出少少資源,他們會爆出 service centre there due to the lack of resources. Fortunately 燦爛笑容,像一臉彩虹光散射出來的開心,真的很值 we got the help from you and Lingnan University, which was a truly wonderful collaboration. 得啊!上次我們一起合作為小朋友安排外展活動,你 G: Sometimes a small act can bring a lot of joy – just look at those 們的義工設計行魔鬼山,十分切合小朋友需要,看到 smiling faces of the volunteers when they finish a service! This 小朋友如此開心投入,已經是最大的成功。我希望以 year right before CNY, we took a group of elderly people to a 身作則,鼓勵商界有更多人出來支持社區慈善工作, new shopping mall in Tin Shui Wai to enjoy dim sum. The deed 要以長跑式長期合作才有用,要有三年以上彼此長線 itself didn’t cost us much but the happiness it created was significant, and we all felt so rewarded after seeing the beaming 關係,這樣我們的社會才會 WIN WIN。 smiles on their faces! 趙式芝親身投入服務,看到不少感動的社區小故事。 Last time CFSC and I worked together to provide the kids Ms. Gigi Chao actively gets involved in social services and is often with an outdoor adventure – a breathtaking hike up Devil’s touched by those little stories in the community. Peak – which showed how well your volunteers understood the needs of children; and seeing the kids fully engaged in the event gave me a strong sense of accomplishment. I really hope my experience can serve as an example for the business sector and encourage them to put more effort into charitable work in the community. It is really essential for the business and charity sectors to maintain a long-term partnership, at least three years or more in my 趙式芝正細閱介紹基督教家庭服務中心的專書。 opinion, to achieve a win-win outcome in our Gigi isZhao style of persZhao style of personal service, see a lot of moving stories of society.


the community..



T 唯一

In an open space underneath the Kwun Tong Bypass, several elderly people were busily growing plants. Madam Chong, a 94-year-

Serene Oasis for our Hearts

old old lady with a crutch who has already forgot the breakfast she


she has grown plants for weeks: after sprinkling ginger water and

文: Man


ate that morning due to ageing and dementia, still remembered that pouring rice water, the palm-sized lettuces and radishes started to grow sturdily.“Last year my memory began to degrade as I am getting old. But since I have planted different vegetables here and watched them growing from seeds to seedlings gradually, I feel like I am as


healthy as them also”, said Madam Chong.

一叢叢綠葉之間,撐着拐杖 94 歲的莊婆婆已經記不起今

Madam Chong is so into horticulture and has many horticultural


masterpieces. She has been living in the public estate for many years


and has witnessed many green belt areas in city becoming concrete


jungles. Her interest started when she was a 18-year-old teenager,


“I am a Chinese Filipino and moved to Xia-men when I was 18.


Our house had a huge garden and hence I always helped planting


chrysanthemums. Later on there were civil wars in mainland and


hence I haven’t had the chance to grow plants anymore for years. The


social workers at CFSC are really nice and they brought me here to

沒有,講起拿手的園藝就如數家珍,從 18 歲少女時代講

plant vegetables.The air here is fresh and it is comfortable for my eyes

起: 「我是菲律賓華僑,長大後移居到廈門,有自己的大

to see more green objects.” Dementia does not lessen Madam Chong’s


passion for horticulture. She remembered the instructor’s advice well


and prepared the rice water and ginger water for growing vegetables


at night. She told us now her wish is to plant vegetables every day.





Mrs. Mui, a volunteer who has obtained the certificate


of studying the horticultural therapy courses, witnessed the


transformation from a wasteland to the present Serene Oasis, the


only garden of horticultural therapy open to public in Hong Kong’s


urban area. She said horticultural therapy is useful to counsel the


elderly with memory impairment and people with emotional


problems. “Green therapy is solely the nature’s credit. Only the


nature is powerful enough to heal people’s hearts.”


“I have seen people with serious emotional problems started


laughing when they saw the seedlings of the plants they grew on


their own. Horticultural therapy makes them believe that they can


recreate a new life. Even if the plants withered, we could teach them


the truth of life and death,” said Mrs. Mui. She also told us that there


are different ways of horticultural therapy, for instance, teaching


autistic children to use fallen dry leaves to create stunning paintings;


asking unhappy people to look at the botanical garden and meditate;


teaching people with intellectual disabilities to touch the leaves and


smell the flowers so as to stimulate the five senses; and asking people


with depression to appreciate the breaking process of cocoons in


order to feel the hope of life.


Looking at the verdant plants at Serene Oasis, Mrs. Mui said



relievedly, “I remember we have once taught an old lady with


dementia to grow a potted plant, she then gave the plant to her


grandson and he was really surprised and glad as his grandmother


was so talented.”

義工療治也自療 城市人往往與大自然愈來愈疏離,而綠色的植物本身已令人充滿正能量,予人充滿信心與盼望。現時基督教家庭 服務中心只獲得政府撥出觀塘這片天橋底用地作為市區內唯一開放予公眾的園藝治療花園-心靈綠洲,把這片荒地變 成市區一塊糅合大自然力量與潔淨心靈的靜謐之地,服務有需要人士,亦供大眾市民使用。曾經來參與的企業義工或 市民,無論是直接參與園藝治療活動或是協助打理園藝治療花園,都感受到與大自然連繫的寧謐和滿足。心靈綠洲的 園藝治療師阿邦表示:「很多曾經參與導賞的企業義工,帶領病患者享受過園藝樂趣後,自己亦會被大自然抒解了心 懷。若然有更多企業支持,未來這片心靈綠洲將可讓更多輪椅病人或患病的孩子到來,感受這大自然療癒的力量,迎向 生命的奇妙轉變。」

Volunteering as a Self-healing Urban people tend to be more alienated from nature, whereas green plants can provide positive energy, confidence and hope. At present, CFSC is the only organisation in Hong Kong which has got the space granted by the Government for building a garden of horticultural therapy – Serene Oasis. The Agency transformed the wasteland into a cosy garden for public, blending with the power of nature and soul purification. The corporate volunteers or citizens can all be satisfied and feel the connection with the nature through joining the horticultural therapy programmes or taking care of the garden. Pong, the horticultural therapist of Serene Oasis suggested, “Many participated corporate volunteers who accompanied the patients to join the horticultural therapy programmes were also healed by the nature. If there are more support from different businesses, Serene Oasis will definitely be able to let more people with disabilities and sick children feel the healing power of the nature and embrace the wonderful changes in life.”



T 挑戰

A Charter to Smart Young

為青春紓困 為成長解惑 文:小草



Exper iencing numerous dif ficulties are common in


adolescence. Dr. Yeung Pui Shan Rita, the Principal of Yan Chai


Hospital Law Chan Chor Si College, has also gone through the


ups and downs of growth, therefore she deeply concerns about


the mental health of students. In recent years, there is a marked


deterioration in the mental health of the city’s young people, and

13 間簽訂約章的學校之一,透過及早預防、及早辨識、

a spate of suicides among schoolchildren. Facing these problems,


Yeung has tried to take preventive measures by joining the “Mental


Wellness School Charter for Children and Adolescent in HK” scheme


organised by CFSC as one of the 13 participating schools. Through


early prevention, identification and intervention, the Charter assists


students to regain positive lives. Yeung also talked about the motto


in her life, “Mentality determines your realm. As long as you don’t

社會有許多轉變與挑戰,迷茫與疑惑;讀書要面對 DSE

give up and keep moving forward, the difficulties are indeed good


opportunities to make you progress.”

人心中會累積愈來愈多負能量。」楊校長語重深長說: 「維

Yeung particularly likes students to visit the lush plant


nurseries in school. She has also posted various phrases on different


floors of the school in order to encourage students overcoming


difficulties. “I know there are many changes and challenges in


today’s society, thus students will be confused and lost. In face


of the pressure of DSE, parents will have less communication


with their children due to busyness, as a result young people


will accumulate more negative energy,” She said earnestly, “I need


to maintain the close communication of teachers, parents and





well. During the Campus Charter’s parents’ day, they even asked


our teachers whether their children’s abnormal behaviours, like


speaking less or playing less with friends, are caused by studying,


family or love issues. After joining the scheme, we successfully


identified several students with preliminary emotional problems


and immediately referred the cases to social workers for further




The talks organised by the Charter allow teachers to realise


student’s symptoms of pressures and emotional problems, as regards


the parents’ day allows parents to notice whether their children’s


emotional changes are temporary or last for some time. If their kids


have problems like insomnia, they need to seek help from social


workers. In some worse cases like mental instability, doctor referrals


are mandatory. Yeung was satisfied when she talked about the parents’


day, “I have never seen any activities before with such enthusiastic

讓同學們在一個正向的環境下成長。 「我很高興學校成為

participation. After this event, many parents care for their children's


emotional problems, but do not know how to seek professional help,


but they did not know who can help them; some of them did not pay


attention to their children for a long period of time, and only figured out that they need assistance after the parents’ day.” She opined that teachers, parents and school social workers

students. Fortunately, we have joined the Charter to deal with

need to weave a layer of protection network for students. The three

students’ mental problems.”

parties can prospectively interact with and support each other

In most cases, every school has only one school social worker,

through the Charter, hence students can grow up with a positive

which is hard for he or she to observe the psychological changes

attitude. “I am pleased that our school has become one of the

of all students. The Charter organised talks for teachers and

participating schools of this Charter. I hope more schools in Hong

activities for parents, teaching them different ways to figure out the

Kong will join the Charter, so more teachers and parents can pay

melancholy thoughts and mental problems of youngsters. Yeung

attention to students’ emotional states, and let the students in need

was shocked, “Nowadays many parents do not know their kids

receive prompt support,” said the Principal.

「全港兒童及青少年精神健康校園約章」的未來 負責推動此校園約章的社工 Petsy 說:「青少年的心理問題愈遲發現就愈難復元,現時較多面對的是家人關係問題, 我們會透過帶領家人子女共同參與多些社會活動,以磨合家人的糾紛;其實家長也承受很大壓力,他們無形中會將壓力 轉嫁於孩子,我們約章的責任就是要及早開解與幫助學生。我們希望全港有更多學校參與約章,可以有更多商界及社會 企業成為我們的協辦機構,共同為青少年朋友而努力。學生是社會的未來,整個社會各個持份者都應有責任去支援我們 孩子的未來,各個部分 co-work 在一起才能令我們社會的未來更健康更和諧。」

The Future of “Mental Wellness School Charter for Children and Adolescent in HK” Petsy, the social worker who is responsible for promoting the Charter suggested, “The psychological problems of adolescents will be more difficult to recover if we discover them late. Right now most of them are facing the problem of family relationships. We will try to settle family disputes through asking the family to join more social activities together. In fact, some parents bear huge pressure and they may then put the pressure on their children. The Charter aims at supporting the students in need at an earlier stage. We hope more schools in Hong Kong can join the Charter and more business firms and social enterprises can collaborate with us and become our coorganisers, so as to strive for youngsters collectively. Students are the future pillars of society. The stakeholders of the entire society are obliged to work jointly and support our children, in order to create a healthier and more harmonious society in future.”



T 向前

“When physical eyesight declines, spiritual eyesight increases.” Upon reading this quotation by Plato at the moment of his retirement, Professor Ma Wai Kit Eric from the Chinese University of Hong Kong felt largely consoled. “After I officially retired at the beginning of the year, I was suddenly plagued by nightmares and a sense of anxiety. In fact, I was exhibiting the early symptoms of

Active Ageing

五十後的 不惑智者 文:Cho


depression! The more socially reputable people are, the greater their retirement crisis is. I feel that I successfully walked out from the darkness by repositioning myself among family and friends, and also by learning oil painting and cooking which are new to me.” From the son of a fresh market vendor to becoming a professor of CUHK; from an unknown nobody to becoming a renowned writer of the cultural circle with more than 30 publications, Eric continued to emanate stamina and a gleam of wisdom flashed in his eyes. He cheerily joked, “I already achieved my dreams during the first part

“When physical eyesight declines, spiritual eyesight

of my life. That’s why I can say I’m ready to die!” According to the

increases.” 「 當 身 體 的 眼 力 衰 減, 靈 魂 的 目 力 卻 在 增

latest figures, Hong Kong has the highest life expectancy among all

長。」當中文大學教授馬傑偉(馬 Sir)在退休之際看到柏

cities in the world. The average lifespan for men is 81 while it is 87


for women. To the accomplished Eric who devoted half of his life


to essays and education, what shall he do in the remaining 40 years


after retiring at the age of 50?


“On my retirement day, I left some stuff and name cards in


the office and planned to retrieve them the next day. I returned


the following day only to discover that the room was completely


emptied. I instantly thought about how I should introduce myself

無名到寫下 30 多部著作成為文化界名人,眼前仍然一身

in the future without my name cards.” A few months before his

精力眼光閃着睿智的馬 Sir 笑說:「我的前半生夢想真的已

retirement, Eric has started to experience anxiety and agitation,


As there were very few written records about changes in the state

已成為全球最長壽城市,平均男性壽命達 81 女性達 87,

of mind concerning retirement in Hong Kong, Eric felt even more

那麼對於事業有成、半生投入論文與教育的馬 Sir,在 50

helpless. Fortunately, he had a group of retired hiking friends who


shared their experience with him and supported him. Eventually, he





could rise from the emotional low point and reorganise his life.


Soon after that, Eric came across the “50+ Life Planning


Service” offered by CFSC. As he remembered his confusion when


facing retirement, he decided to become a volunteer. By sharing


his own experience, he hoped to assist others in planning their


post-50 lives.


“Students used to think that I was cool, but now I’ve regained

其後,偶然接觸到基督教家庭服務中心「50+ 人生規

my warm and friendly nature and I feel comfortable about it. After


some investigation, I discovered that in Japan and Germany, retired


people are treated with most respect as they are honoured for


their deep knowledge. These people have reached the age to be


willing to share for no rewards. I think we should learn from such

「以前學生會覺得我很 cool,現在我回復熱情親切

examples. Humans are social animals and it is of great importance


to build a social network, with family, friends and like-minded


people who share the same interests. Now my week is always well-


planned and packed with calligraphy and painting classes, group


hiking trips, volunteer work, gatherings with old friends, etc.” On


this day, Eric shared with dozens of retired people the books he


recently read. He referenced Lin Yutang’s comparison of life to


the four seasons. In our teenage years, we should be vibrant like

Sir 就與數十位退休人士分享最近看的書,當中包括林語

spring. Winter is young adulthood when we persevere to achieve


our goals. Summer comes in middle age when we enjoy our career


success. Autumn is the retired years when we can finally share our


rich life experience and accomplishments.


Eric enjoyed making fun of himself as he shared,“I’m not afraid

馬 Sir 現在愛開自己玩笑:「我現在不怕老土,我鍾

of being corny now. I like to be hugged, like to show affection for my


wife and daughter, and like to be a volunteer. Seeing other people


smile also makes me smile from the inside out.”

50+ 人生規劃服務 一人要有一個人生教練 香港人均壽命延長,意味脫離工作崗位後,更多機會去學習及享受生活,同時亦意味更多空餘的時間。50+ 為人生 的中場,既了解自己的價值、喜好、才華及重視的人和事,同時不受經濟壓力的束縛,在更大的自由度下真正做回自 己,而關鍵在於如何運用這些額外的時間!「50+ 人生規劃服務」就是透過人生規劃教練,提供機會去想像、探索可能性 及定下目標,一同規劃 50+ 的人生方向,縮短退休後的迷茫期,協助 50+ 更早訂定方向,實踐年青時未完的理想,又或 是發揮才幹貢獻社會等。從人生的中場再次起步,取得人生的滿足!

50+ Life Planning Service: Everyone needs a life planner With the prolonged life expectancy, Hong Kong people have more free time and chances to learn and enjoy life after retiring from work. 50+ is the middle stage of life in which we have good understanding of our values, interests, talents, as well as whom and what we concern. At the same time, we are free from economic burden and have greater freedom to be our true selves. The key is how to make use of our extra time! The “50+ Life Planning Service” offers you a chance to imagine, explore and set goals for your post-50 life. A life planner will assist you in finding your direction and thereby shortening the confusion period after retirement. As a 50+, you can continue to pursue your unfinished goals, or contribute your talents to society. Set sail again and lead a rewarding life!



L 行動

An Usual Day, An Unusual Home!

尋常的一天,不尋常的新家 ! 文:小草



To Uncle Hung, this was just a normal day like any other


day. Waking up early in the morning, he took a long view of his


surroundings. The soft cotton quilt tenderly spread on his bed;


sunlight passed through windows and enveloped the house with


its gentle warmth; a television was tidily set on the table, matched


well with the sofa that always gave him a sense of comfort; and there


was the kitchen fully equipped with a set of appliances including a

這 些 年 來, 鴻 叔 從 未 嘗 過 一 日 安 穩 的 日 子, 他 租

rice cooker and a refrigerator. It took Uncle Hung a few minutes to


realise this was the flat he just moved into a few months ago in On

味。好不容易,他終於搬到屯門的中轉屋,但那裡狹小 又陌生,真的只可以在屋子中間轉個身,他不幸在那裏 中過風。當終於輪候到他上樓的時候,他歡天喜地來到 觀塘山上井然有序的安達邨,卻發覺百來呎的新單位家 徒四壁,一直靠着綜援過活,自己僅有一千元的積蓄怎 辦 ? 這時鄰居就介紹他到屋邨樓下基督教家庭服務中心開 設的「賽馬會新屋邨支援計劃」求助。 中心的社工 Vicky 給他解釋 : 這個全新的支援計劃包 括舖膠地板、二手傢俱、捐助電器等,才一兩個星期就 由義工為他原來空盪盪的房子,粉飾一新舖上舒服的地


基督教家庭服務中心駐屋邨社工會經常聆聽鴻叔的需要,大家有 商有量解決李的住宿問題。 The social workers in CFSC have been listening to the needs of Uncle Hung and provide him with constant support on his accommodation issue.




Tat Estate, Kwun Tong. With memories of his vagrant days in the past


few years imprinted in his brain, sometimes a sweet, lovely place like


this still seems unreal to him, a place that he can finally call “home”.


Over the years, Uncle Hung endured many hardships and led a


difficult life. He had lived in a partitioned flat in Shenzhen and even


became homeless and slept out on the streets. Then he moved to an interim housing flat in Tuen Mun, a place so small that anyone could barely move around and Uncle Hung even had a stroke there. After years of waiting, he finally got the chance to start a new life in On Tat Estate, a newly built public housing estate in Kwun Tong. However, there was another challenge. Having been aided by CSSA and with limited savings, Uncle Hung found it almost impossible to get his empty flat fully equipped like a real home. In despair, he was told by a neighbour to seek help from CFSC, which has initiated the “CFSC Jockey Club New Estate Support Programme” to assist new residents. After listening to the explanation of Vicky, the social worker of CFSC, Uncle Hung had learnt that this programme can provide new residents with a series of flat in-take support from flooring and arranging second-hand furniture to donations of electronic equipment. It only took the volunteers two weeks to complete a makeover of Uncle Hung’s flat, turning it from a cold and empty place to a sweet home full of life and vitality.“After years of drifting without a real home, I feel like winning a lottery to finally settle down in this new place in my 70s. I am so grateful that the social workers in CFSC helped me out with everything during flat in-take and now I can really enjoy my life


here.” Uncle Hung added that he also want to expand his social circles

Uncle Hung has never been living a peaceful life like this for years.

by doing volunteer work and helping other elderly people in future.

「賽馬會新屋邨支援計劃」 未來觀塘這新區安達邨和安泰邨將會合共有18,000多戶新家庭搬進來,其中有不少是單身獨居的老人家,或者經濟緊絀 的單親家庭,基督教家庭服務中心有見及此,於是與賽馬會合作成立新屋邨支援計劃,駐屋邨社工會幫助新入伙家庭搬 遷入伙、適應新區、認識社區建設等。迄今,經已幫助400多個家庭安頓下來,而鴻叔正是其中一個典型的故事。計劃社 工亦會積極探訪邨內家庭,發掘他們的需要,從而迅速安排食物銀行、租金援助、陪診服務等協助。基督教家庭服務中 心希望這個計劃將來能夠推廣到所有新建成的屋邨,連繫更多有心的企業義工,令新居所不再只是提供「一間屋、四道 牆」,更是幫助有需要的家庭建立一個真正的「家」。

“CFSC Jockey Club New Estate Support Programme” It is expected that about 18,000 new households will be moving in to the new district of On Tat Estate and On Tai Estate in Kwun Tong. A large number of them are singleton elderly or single-parent families with a tight situation in household finance. Targeting these people, CFSC and the Jockey Club have co-launched the New Estate Support Programme. Estate-based social workers help new households with relocation, adaptation, establishment of new communities and so on. To this day, the programme has helped more than 400 families in settling down and Uncle Hung is one of the many typical beneficiaries. The programme social workers are also proactive in visiting families to identify their needs.This enables them to efficiently arrange the needed assistance such as food banks, rent assistance, and out-patient escort services. CFSC hopes to expand the programme to all newly-established estates and connect more corporate volunteers, in order to help families in need turn their new residence into something more than a room with four walls, a real “home sweet home”.




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編輯委員會:(以英文姓氏排序) Editorial Board: (sorted by last name in English) 陳淑嫻 Vi c k i C h a n 蔡智茵 J e n n i f e r C h o y 賴婉潔 C a r o l L a i 李業基 R i c k y L e e 梁少玲 I v y L e u n g 柯詠妍 E r i c a O r 蘇健欣 Ya n S o

記者 R e p o r t e r

曹民偉 G r a s s C h o 設計師 D e s i g n e r

陳景文 D i c k C h a n 攝影師 P h o t o g r a p h e r

李建冲 K e n n y L i

基督教家庭服務中心 Christ ia n F a mily Serv ice Centr e 九龍觀塘翠屏道 3 號 10 樓 10/F, 3 Tsu i P i n g Road, Kw un Tong, Kow loon 電話 Tel :2861 0283 傳真 F ax :2520 0438 電郵 E mai l 網址 Web si te :w w w k 出版日期:2017 年 4 月 April 2017, Printing © 2017 Christian Family Service Centre 本書圖片和文字均由基督教家庭服務中心提供。版權所有, 未經有關之版權所有人書面批准,一概不得以任何形式或方 法轉載或使用,違者必究。 All text and pictures are provided by Christian Family Service Centre. No text or pictures may be reprinted or utilised in any form or by any means without written permission from the relevant copyrights owners. All rights reserved.




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