CFSC Magazine #4 善心傳承 童心護老

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CONTENTS 傳承 善心傳承‧童心護老






在今期CFSC Magazine內,我們可以看到城市中多 個美麗的傳承故事。粵劇名伶陳寶珠小姐及梅雪 詩小姐,不但傳承師傅白雪仙女士的粵劇造詣, 行善的心亦受感染,聯同一班小演員,同心守護




口耳相傳,為的是要將最好的服務帶給服務使用 者;從小接觸茶品,一杯茶既傳遞濃厚的親情, 亦蘊藏無限的創意,將茶文化以另一種方式傳承 下去。傳承的故事可以源遠流長,亦在我們的日 常身邊發生。願城市中「真‧善‧美」的事物都 得以傳流,誠邀你們一起同心守護。

衣食住行 發掘觀塘的另一面






善心傳承 童心護老 A Legacy of Benevolence: the Young for the Old 3.



傳承梨園的行善精神 「任白」在近代粵劇文化佔著舉足輕重的地位, 她們的曲藝縈繞萬千歌迷的心上,而她們的善心 亦造福不少社群,特別心繫長者的福祉。基督教 家庭服務中心任白慈善基金景林安老院為任白慈 善基金第一個資助開辦的安老項目,並已為長者 服務逾27載,多年來陳寶珠小姐及梅雪詩小姐多 次伴隨白雪仙女士前來探望院友,最近二人再探 訪安老院,直言感覺親切,梅雪詩更憶起當年情 陳寶珠小姐及梅雪詩小姐伴同白雪仙 女士探訪基督教家庭服務中心任白慈 善基金景林安老院

Ms Connie Chan Po Chu and Ms Mui Suet See accompanied Madam Pak Suet Sin to Christian Family Service Centre’s Yam Pak

況:「記得以前常跟仙姐來派利是,目睹長者可 與偶像近距離接觸的開心模樣,就為他們感到高 興,亦對安老院的服務很有信心。」陳寶珠亦為 今次探訪感到安慰:「事隔多年看到長者們仍然 健康又開心,就知道一切全靠安老院各部門的悉 心照顧,期待翻新後能有更舒適的環境。」

Charitable Foundation King Lam Home for the Elderly.

Carry on Liyuan’s Benevolent Spirit ‘Yam Pak (Yam Kim Fai and Pak Suet Sin)’ are the icons of Cantonese opera culture. Their songs are unforgettable classics to countless fans, and their act of kindness have made a difference in communities over decades. Wellbeing of the elderly have always been their top-on-mind priority. Funded by Yam Kim Fai & Pak Suet Sin Charitable Foundation as its very first funding project, Christian Family Service Centre’s Yam Pak Charitable Foundation King Lam Home for the Elderly has been providing elderly residential services for over 27 years. Throughout the years, Ms Connie Chan Po Chu and Ms Mui Suet See have accompanied Madam Pak to King Lam Home to visit the residents for many times. Recently, Ms Chan and Ms Mui returned and rediscovered the special connection with this place. Ms Mui recalled, ‘I always come with Madam Pak to give out red packets. I felt happy to see the elderly being so thrilled to see their idol up close. I am confident to the service of King Lam Home.’ The visit is also comforting for Ms Chan, ‘it is encouraging to see that, thanks to the efforts from different disciplines in King Lam Home. The residents here are all happy and healthy. I look forward to seeing an even better environment here after renovation.’


景林安老院長者致送手製紀念 品答謝白雪仙女士師徒善心

Resident of King Lam Home presented handmade souvenirs

兩人不但是仙姐的粵劇後輩,傳承了她的粵劇造詣, 亦印證著仙姐的行善之路,陳寶珠一直欣賞仙姐的善 心精神:「仙姐在幫助他人時不遺餘力,不望回報,

to Madam Pak, Ms Chan and Ms


Mui as a token of gratitude.

更多善款改善環境。」梅雪詩亦視仙姐為榜樣:「不 論演戲還是對待他人,仙姐都一貫的認真,面對任何人都 懇切誠心,去愛所有的人。我亦自己起過戲班,不論在 藝術、演出、待人處事都效法仙姐,以『真‧善‧美』 三個字作標準。」

Following in Madam Pak’s footsteps, Ms Chan and Ms Mui do not only learn the art of Cantonese opera from the master, also her act of benevolence. Ms Chan always admires Madam Pak’s kindness, ‘when she helps others, she does not hold back. She does not expect anything in return. That makes me want to be like her - try my best to do good deeds and to raise more funds to help improve the condition of the elderly.’ Ms Mui regards Madam Pak as her role model, ‘Madam Pak takes acting and treating everyone she meets very seriously. She is sincere, kind and she loves everyone. I set up an opera crew before, and I tried to act in the way she does - as an artist, as a performer and as a person, to uphold the standard of sincerity, kindness and goodness.’


眾人希望《童心護老任白緣》 今次二人為《童心護老任白緣》粵劇籌款擔任慈善 愛心大使,是次籌款晚會將由兒童演員演出任白經 典作品,為安老院籌募翻新工程經費,兩位前輩亦 十分期待:「仙姐對粵劇的貢獻良多,身為當中的一份 子,自然希望這個中國國粹繼續有發展空間,亦期待 有更多有才華的年輕人加入,薪火相傳。」陳寶珠

兒童粵劇籌款晚會能幫助長者 籌得更多善款

Everyone wished The Young for the Old – An Affinity with Yam Pak’ a great success in raising funds for the elderly.

道出心聲,梅雪詩亦將希望放在一眾新世代身上: 「聲輝粵劇推廣協會的年輕演員都很有天分,希望 有志者將來繼續把粵劇發揚光大,傳承並帶粵劇走 向光明。」

Ms Chan and Ms Mui are going to be the Charity Ambassadors of ‘The Young for the Old - An Affinity with Yam Pak’. Tasked to raise funds for King Lam Home’s renovation. The event is going to feature Yam Pak’s classics, which will be performed by children. As veterans of Cantonese opera, Ms Chan and Ms Mui really look forward to the event, ‘Madam Pak has contributed a lot to the development of Cantonese opera. As part of the cultural community, sure I want this gem in Chinese culture to continue to shine, with more aspiring talents joining our community.’ Ms Mui also has high hopes for the next generation, ‘the young actors and actresses of Sing Fai Cantonese Opera Promotion Association Limited are very talented. I hope that these rising stars can continue to embrace and promote the beauty of this invaluable art and lead Cantonese opera into a bright future.’



The Classic Continues


A sky full of falling petals, overshadowing the moon…’ -


capturing the essence of Cantonese, after all these years


Cantonese opera is still a treasure to many youngsters,


historical folk art originated in Yuan Ming Dynasty.

多是千禧年後出生,他們所屬的聲輝粵劇推廣協會積 極培育下一代梨園子弟,創辦人兼會長芳雪瑩在機緣

who aspire to be the next torchbearers to promote this

Performing in ‘The Young for the Old – An Affinity with Yam Pak’ are mainly little artists born after 2000. They


are from Sing Fai Cantonese Opera Promotion Associa-


tion Limited, an organisation dedicated in nurturing the


next generation of Liyuan. Ms Fong Suet Ying, Founder


and Chairlady of Sing Fai, said that organising Cantonese


opera class for children was not part of her plan at the


beginning but found them surprisingly fully engaged, ‘we explained the storyline during rehearsals, and found that even children aged 6 or 7 could be moved by the story and started to whimper.’ Mr. Yeung Kim Wah, a Cantonese opera tutor, returned to Hong Kong for these young students, ‘they are different from students 20 years ago who saw Cantonese opera as their lifelong career. But these children are taking it seriously. Being with them makes me feel younger.’


排練期間,年僅8歲的余梓安特別投入:「4歲時在電視上 看到《帝女花》,便主動跟媽咪提出想學粵劇!」這經歷 與較年長的黃安晴和譚晴大同小異,兩人均在粵劇的陪伴 下成長,小生譚晴更透露年青人怎樣看粵劇:「其實並不 覺老套,朋友反而會說我學粵劇很厲害!粵劇也成為我們 與公公婆婆的共同話題,不覺有代溝。」中四的安晴則慨 嘆出生得太遲,沒機會看到白雪仙的現場演出:「仙姐不 單在舞台上活靈活現,更佩服她對粵劇的熱忱,為業界及 下一輩作出很多貢獻。」

Aged 8, Anson Yu was exceptionally engaged during the rehearsal, ‘when I was 4, I saw “Princess Zhang Ping” on TV. I told mommy that I want to learn Cantonese opera then.’ A similar story also happens on two older students, Zoe Wong and Tam Ching, who grew up in an environment fostering Cantonese opera culture. Tam Ching revealed how his generation sees Cantonese opera, ‘we do not regard it as something old and outdated. My friends know that I learn Cantonese opera and think that it is awesome! Cantonese opera also becomes the bridge between the young and the elderly, closing the gap between us.’ Zoe, a Form 4 student, even thought that she was born too late to watch Madam Pak’s live performance, ‘Madam Pak was amazing on stage. I truly admire her for her passion to Cantonese opera and her contribution to the industry and the younger generation.’


Chairlady Ms Fong Suet Ying and tutor Mr Yeung Kim Wah endeavoured to train their students for ‘The Young for the Old – An Affinity with Yam Pak’.


Aged 8, Anson Yu was exceptionally engaged during the rehearsal.


黃安晴(左)和譚晴(右)為 一眾長者落力演出

Zoe Wong (left) and Tam Ching (right) strived to deliver their best

performance for the



Sing Fai has been rehearsing for ‘The Young for the Old -


An Affinity with Yam Pak’ to be held on 20th August. A


brand new excerpt performance - ‘Parting with Great

芳女士為此落力十足:「日前參觀安老院時,看 到寶珠姐及嗲姐對長者充滿尊重及愛護,覺得很

Regret in a Dream from Dream of the Red Chamber’ is arranged as the show’s highlight to raise funds for Yam Pak Charitable Foundation King Lam Home for the


Elderly. Ms Fong has worked really hard for this, ‘I was so


moved by how Ms Chan and Ms Mui treated the elderly


during the visit to King Lam Home - so respectful and


caring.’ In addition to promoting Cantonese opera, the


way these opera veterans taking care of the elderly has an


the performers of this upcoming event, Zoe and Tam

粵劇文化,護老的善心亦得以推廣。所以陳寶珠 及梅雪詩亦特別作出呼籲:「這麼有意義的演出大 家怎可以錯過,請大家慷慨解囊,多多支持。」

enormous impact on the younger generation. As one of Ching want to help the elderly in their own way. ‘We will do our best on stage. This performance will be much meaningful if we can help those elderly in need, by enabling them to live a more comfortable life,’ they said. Besides fundraising, this event is meaningful in two ways - to promote the inheritance of Cantonese opera culture, and to promote the act of kindness towards the elderly. Ms Chan and Ms Mui call upon members of the public to support the event, ‘do not miss this meaningful event. Your generosity will be much appreciated. Please come and support us!’


《童心護老任白緣》公演詳情: ̔The Young for the Old – An Affinity with Yam Pak’ Event Details: 日期︰2018年8月20日(星期一) 時間:晚上7時30分 地點︰香港大會堂音樂廳 慈善愛心大使︰陳寶珠小姐及梅雪詩小姐 主辦:基督教家庭服務中心 主演︰聲輝粵劇推廣協會 票務查詢:3761 6661 活動查詢:2950 5871

Date: 20th August, 2018 (Monday) Time: 7:30pm Venue: Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall Charity Ambassadors: Ms Connie Chan Po Chu, Ms Mui Suet See Organiser: Christian Family Service Centre Performer: Sing Fai Cantonese Opera Promotion Association Limited

主辦 機構:

演出 單位:

贊助 單位:

Ticketing Hotline: 3761 6661 Event Hotline: 2950 5871

折子戲曲目︰ 帝女花之樹盟 帝女花之香夭 紫釵記之劍合釵圓 再世紅梅記之裝瘋鬧府 再世紅梅記之脫阱救裴 紅樓夢之幻覺離恨天

Excerpt Performance 門票現正於各城市售票網發售

Tickets are now available at URBTIX outlets 特別鳴謝贊助單位:

Special thanks to sponsors:

• Oath under the Twin Tree from Princess Zhang Ping • The Death of Zhang Ping from Princess Zhang Ping • A Union from the Legend of Purple Hairpin • Feigning Madness from the Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blosom • Rescuing Pui from the Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blossom • Parting with Great Regret in a Dream from Dream of the Red Chamber


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