ISSUE N o 05
封面人物 胡孟青 ─ 家庭和諧之道:三不政策
專題故事 以愛築家
專題故事 茶香送暖
編者序 Editor’s Preface
編輯委員會:(以英文姓氏排序) Editorial Board: (sorted by last name in English) 陳淑嫻 Vicki Chan
「 家 庭 」 是 社 會 的 基 本 支 柱, 儘 管 世 界 各 地 對
賴婉潔 Carol Lai
「 家 庭 」 有 不 同 詮 釋, 但 從 廣 義 來 看,「 家 庭 」
林香穗 Hazel Lam
都 是 每 個 人 與 生 俱 來 的 本 能 與 需 求。 無 論 你 是
李業基 Ricky Lee
單 身 或 已 婚 人 士、 在 職 場 拼 搏 還 是 全 職 照 顧 家
梁少玲 Ivy Leung
麥凱淇 Eva Mak
期 CFSC Magazine 的封面人物胡孟青女士是一
蘇健欣 Yan So
謝曉渝 Nicole Tse
的分析力和判斷力,令她工作上無往而不利;但 回歸家庭,她卻有一套獨特的心得,平衡母親和 妻子的責任,促進家庭和諧。即使面對繁重的工
記者 Reporter 莊明恩 Alison Chong
作,她仍然關顧基層家庭的需要,更多次支持本 會的活動,希望幫助更多有需要的人。 為 服 務 使 用 者 建 立「 更 美 好 家 庭 」 一 直 都 是
翻譯 Translator Aulina Chan
CFSC 服 務 宗 旨 之 一, 自 2017 年 起, 我 們 將 「愛家」列入十項核心價值之一,以兒童及家庭 為本,提倡以愛經營家庭。「愛家」的字面意思
攝影師 Photographer
人 人 看 得 懂, 如 何 將 服 務 做 得 貼 心、 貼 地 又 實
曾子永 Tommy Tsang
陳偉國 Desmond Chan
基督教家庭服務中心 Christian Family Service Centre 九龍觀塘翠屏道 3 號 10 樓 10/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話 Tel:2861 0283 傳真 Fax:2520 0438 電郵 網址 出版日期:2019 年 3 月 March 2019, Printing ©2019 Christian Family Service Centre
本書圖片和文字均由基督教家庭服務中心提供。版權所有,未經有關之版權所有人書面批准,一概不得以任何形式或方法轉載或使用,達者必究。 All text and pictures are provided by Christian Family Service Centre. No text or pictures may be reprinted or utilised in any form or by any means without written permission from the relevant copyrights owners. All rights reserved.
| CFSC Magazine
目錄 Contents 11-18 封面人物 Cover Story
胡孟青─ 家庭和諧之道:三不政策
19-20 專題故事 Theme Story 以愛築家
專題故事 Theme Story 茶香送暖
CFSC Magazine |
家庭和諧之道: The key to family harmony –
三不政策 a three don’ts strategy 03
| CFSC Magazine
獨立股評人胡孟青言辭辛辣,一針見血,素有股壇烈女之稱。看盡金錢世界的興衰百 態,回歸家庭,胡孟青有份笑看風雲淡的輕鬆自在,不強求、不壓逼、不放縱 ─ 三不政策就是她的家庭和諧之道。 Famed for her vigour and sharp-witted insights, independent stocks market commentator Agnes Wu is well exposed to the ups and downs of the money world. At home, she is laid back and at peace with the family. She shares the key to achieving family harmony: don’t be demanding; don’t create pressure; don’t spoil. 胡孟青為英國列斯特大學經濟學士,香港城市大學財
Agnes Wu has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from
the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom and
a Master’s Degree in Finance from the City University
of Hong Kong. She has held various senior positions
放棄事業可能是犧牲,胡孟青卻笑言從不追求事業成 就,也 不 以 母 親 身 份 為 光 環,「 孩 子 年 紀 小 需 要 照 顧,我便抽多點時間陪伴,工作後早一點回家,這是 自然不過的事。我一向都黐家,回家的感覺最舒服, 是否享受家庭生活,要看你是否懂得發掘家庭生活的
at different banks and financial and investment institutes. Accepted as a powerful woman by many, Agnes decided to become a full-time stocks market commentator so that she could spend more quality time with her son when he was attending K3. Although many people consider it a sacrifice to give up career
for the family, Agnes commented with a smile that she
has neither pursued career success nor considered her
人吃飯不會『扶箕』,我偶然覆 WhatsApp,丈夫也
maternal role as something sacred. ‘My kid was young
and needed to be taken care of. That’s why I set aside more time to be with him. I returned home as soon as possible after work. That was only the most natural thing to do. I have always loved to stay at home. I feel most at ease at home. To enjoy family life, one must know how to uncover the joy within. If family members only gather around the table to stare at their own mobile phone screens, then they are only enjoying time with their digital gadgets. We don’t do that at the dinner table. My husband does remind me when I occasionally reply WhatsApp messages during dinner.’
◄ 胡孟青笑言兒子資質平庸,又不時在學校闖禍見家長, 她卻以開放的態度去面對,讓孩子在成長中學習。 Agnes Wu smilingly said that her son is only an average student. From time to time, she is asked to talk to teachers about the troubles he makes at school. Despite all that, she keeps an open mind in parenting so that her son can learn and grow.
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嚴母≠虎媽 去年一個有關「2017/18 學年香港學童快樂指數」的調查顯示,學 生面對的學業壓力及課外活動壓力接近歷年高位,家長催谷的風氣 大盛,大大減低學童的快樂感,亦蘊釀不少的家庭問題。胡孟青在 工作上擁有極強的分析力、判斷力和工作效率,但面對就讀中一的 兒子,剛剛捱過呈分試和升中壓力,又要應付艱深的中學課程,胡 孟青卻表示兩夫婦對兒子的學業成績抱着順其自然的態度,合格升 班已足夠。「根本不能逼,每個小朋友性格不同,只能因材施教。 我知道有很多家長會陪讀,但讀書的是他而不是我,很多家長搞亂 或將責任外判,結果只會導致小朋友和家長產生更多溝通問題。」
A strict mom ≠ a tiger mom A s re v e a l e d i n t h e s u r v e y e n t i t l e d ‘ H o n g K o n g C h i l d re n Happiness Index 2017/18’ published last year, the pressure of students has approached the historic high. The findings indicate that students are stressed by academic studies and extra-curricular activities. Under the prevalent trend of pushy and demanding parenting style, children are not as happy as they used to be. Many family problems have emerged as a result. Although Agnes Wu is reputed for her analytical skills, judgement, and remarkable efficiency at work, she and her husband keep a relaxing, go-with-the-flow attitude as parents. They do understand the pressure from examinations and a more advanced curriculum faced by their Form 1 son, who has only recently transitioned into secondary school. To the couple, passing exams and progressing into the next form is enough. ‘Pushy simply doesn’t work. Every child has different personalities. Teaching must be tailored to varied abilities. I know many parents are also their children’s studying companions. Yet, I consider study is his responsibilities, not mine. Many parents are confused with this concept, or they just outsource the responsibilities. That may at the end emerge communication issues between children and parents.’
◄ 在教育兒子方面,胡孟青和丈夫均屬自由派,二人對兒子的 學業成績要求不高,不欲功課和考試為家庭帶來壓力。 In terms of parenting style, Agnes and her husband give much freedom to their son. The couple is not demanding on academic achievements. They do not want homework and exam to become a source of pressure for the family.
| CFSC Magazine
兒子踏入青春期,經常挑戰父母底線,胡孟青指自己和丈夫都是 惡人,一個問題不會說兩次,一個指示不會說三次。「他升中後喜 歡打機,我們也沒有阻止,完全禁止打機。如何訓練他的自制能 力?上月他就因上網睇片而用盡我十多 GB 數據,我們便向他解 釋,睇片會用很多數據,在沒有 Wi-Fi 的情況下不要看,否則我們 會限制他的數據使用量。」
Adolescence is also a time that children frequently challenge their parents’ bottom line. Agnes admitted that both herself and her husband are very strict – they do not ask the same question twice, nor give the same instruction thrice. ‘He has been an avid gamer since entering secondary school, but we don’t ban gaming. How do we train his self-discipline then? Last month, he used up some 10GBs of my mobile data just to watch videos. We explained to him that watching online videos consumes much data and should not be done without a wi-fi connection, otherwise, we would limit his data usage.’
◄ 夫 妻 相 處 在 乎 了 解 和 溝 通,胡 孟 青 和 丈 夫 的 日 常 喜 好 和 生活圈子截然不同,但雙方能互相尊重和協調。 Understanding and communication are the pillars to a good marriage. Agnes and her husband have very different hobbies and social networks, but they are coordinated and treat each other with respect.
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夫妻關係盡在不言中 胡孟青和丈夫在英國讀書時相識,拍拖連結婚加起來相處數十年,兩人工作範疇、 生活圈子大相逕庭,卻隨年月培養出毋須多言的默契。「丈夫從事 I.T. 業,工作時間 相對穩定,因此跟功課、煮飯的責任都落在他身上,但遇上他返夜班,我會盡量提 早回家,第二天負責叫囝囝起牀上學。我們習慣自動自覺分擔責任,好像我最近剛 與朋友去東京六日食玩買,家裏一切正常,沒有冧檔!」 她戲稱丈夫為宅男,喜歡打機、動漫、電影,愛看演唱會,一有時間,胡孟青就會 陪同丈夫入場,看他喜歡的偶像。「我們像老朋友,很了解對方,但各自有空間。我 和朋友吃飯,不會要求他一起出席,如果吃到好吃的,例如牛肉,因他和囝囝都是 牛魔王,我一定會同他們去試。」 夫妻相處是學問,也是維繫和諧家庭的重要一環,胡孟青的心得是多溝通,「溝通 要有技巧,需要從對方角度出發來打開話題,不論丈夫或孩子,一見面只管問你自 己想知的事,誰也沒有興趣繼續談下去。」
| CFSC Magazine
More than words: harmony in marital relationship Agnes Wu met her husband when they were both studying in the U.K. They have spent decades together since they began dating. Despite working in very different areas and having very different circles of friends, the couple has developed tacit understanding of each other. They share a relationship in spelling out everything is unnecessary. ‘My husband works in I.T. His working hours are relatively stable, so homework tutoring and cooking duties fall on his shoulders. When he works the night shift, I would try to get home as early as possible and take charge of getting my son ready for school in the morning. We are used to splitting family chores without being reminded. I just spent six days enjoying myself in Tokyo with my friends. Everything at home was just fine when I returned. Nothing fell apart!’ Agnes jokingly calls her husband a geek because he likes gaming, comics, animation, films and pop concerts. Whenever she has time to spare, she would join her husband on these events to see his idols’ performance. ‘We are very much like old friends. We understand each other, but we have our own personal space. I don’t ask for his presence when I go to dinner parties. But when I come across some delicacies, such as some nice beef dishes (their favourite food), I would definitely take them out and enjoy the experience together.’ There is much to learn about keeping a healthy marriage, and a good marital relationship is also the key to maintain family harmony. Agnes Wu noted the importance of good communication. ‘Communication is a skilful act. We need to break the ice from the other person’s perspective. If I only ask about things that I’m interested in when I ▲ 一家人平日各有各忙,胡孟青盡量爭取星期日 為家庭日,閒逛、喝咖啡、回家煮飯,享受簡 簡單單的家庭樂。 Family members are each busy in their own areas. Agnes makes an effort to set Sundays as their family day. They walk about, drink coffees, cook homemade meals and enjoy simple quality time together on family days.
see my son or my husband, no one would be interested to continue with the conversation.’
CFSC Magazine |
「急急跑全城」CFSC 緊急援助基金環保定 向 籌 款 以 定 向 和 環 保 為 題,支 持 CFSC 緊 急 援 助 基 金 的 成 立,為 遭 逢 不 幸 事 故、 意 外或災難等突發事件而出現經濟困難的家 庭 或 個 人,提 供 適 時 的 經 濟 援 助,解 決 燃 眉之急。 CFSC Emergency Assistance Fund Fund Raising Orienteering event is an en v i ron m e n t a l e ff o r t t o s up p o rt the establishment of the CFSC Emergency Assistance Fund. Families o r i n d i v i d u a l s w h o a re a ff e c t e d b y unfortunate accidents, disasters or other contingencies can receive timely assistance for alleviating their imminent financial hardships.
◄ 胡孟青重視社會責任,不但自己身體力行參與義務 活動,更希望將關愛、互助等信息傳給下一代。 Agnes attaches much importance to social responsibilities. She does not only volunteer but also hopes to pass on the spirit of caring and helping others to her son.
Cultivating social responsibilities
身 教 永 遠 比 說 教 重 要, 作 為 金 融 界 的 一 份
Teaching by examples is always more effective than by words. Agnes
Wu is not always money oriented even though she is a finance
person. In fact, she often attend in community and volunteering
中心(CFSC)的活動,特別關心基層家庭的 需 要,過 往 就 曾 經 擔 任 本 會「 急 急 跑 全 城 」 CFSC 緊 急 援 助 基 金 環 保 定 向 籌 款 的 起 步 禮 嘉 賓; 又 為 50+(50 歲 以 上 )人 士 主 講 經 濟 投資講座,分享退休後的財務管理心得,為家
events. Agnes is also a long-term supporter to CFSC events. She is particularly concerned with the needs of underprivileged families. In addition to officiating for the CFSC Emergency Assistance Fund Fund Raising Orienteering event, Agnes also held financial and investment seminars for 50+ (people age 50 or above), sharing her insights into post-retirement money management, as well as how to
make plans for family and retirement life. ‘Living in a world of money,
世 界,更 明 白 錢 不 是 萬 能,只 要 有 能 力、 有
we know money is not almighty. I give back to society whenever
時 間,我 都 會 去 做。 除 了 自 己,我 也 想 囝 囝
I have the time and the ability to do so. I also hope my son could
join me. His generation is truly blessed. They know nothing about
hardships in other people. I hope that these activities can help him
nurture a certain sense of responsibilities.’
| CFSC Magazine
As a frank and candid person, Agnes Wu is
unforgiving when she comments on the stock
market. Work aside, she is a loving, warm-hearted
叮嚀 CFSC 的同事,若有義工活動務必通知她帶兒子
p e r s o n t o h e r f a m i l y a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y. T h e
interview was scheduled for two to three hours, but she stayed behind to chat after the photoshoot.
Before saying good bye, Agnes reminded CFSC
colleagues to keep her posted of any meaningful
盡心 盡力經營,多溝通,多為對方著
volunteering opportunities. She will join with her son.
想,維繫家庭和諧,家中每個成員 都有責任。
Building a family and having children is a longterm investment with uncertain prospects and return. Once chosen, it is a life-long commitment that requires 100% dedication. By making an effort to communicate and to think in the other person’s shoes, family harmony can be maintained by family members who are eager to share the responsibilities.
◄ 專 為 50+ 人 士 而 設 的 經 濟 投 資 講 座, 請來胡孟青擔任主講嘉賓,分享適合退 休人士的理財策略。 Speaking at financial investment seminars tailored for 50+, Agnes shared practical money management strategies for retirees.
50+ 悅齡服務致力為退休人士及長者提供多元化社區支援服務,讓他們保持健 康、活躍及持續參與,展現精彩的人生下半場;服務單位亦積極與不同團體及界 別合作,以提升服務果效及創新思維。 Active Ageing Services strive to enhance the well-being of retirees and elderly people by providing diversified community support services to help them stay healthy, active and participate sustainably during the second half of their lives. Through active collaboration with diverse sectors, we aim to enhance service effectiveness by applying innovative measures.
50+ 悅齡服務詳情 To learn more about Active Ageing Services
鳴謝:八一 0 四生活盒子(訪問場地提供)。 CFSC Magazine |
以愛築家 Building a family with love 家家有本難唸的經,家庭問題從來都有理說不清,每日瀏覽新聞,家暴、虐兒、婚姻糾 紛、學童自殺等引發的家庭慘劇無日無之,不但觸目驚心,也令人婉惜痛心。國際知名的 家庭治療師 Virginia Satir 說過,懂得治癒家庭,足以治癒世界。要建立美好的將來,與 其讓孩子贏在起跑線,不如給他們建立一個溫暖的安樂窩。 Every family has its own problems. Indeed, family issues are always muddled and difficult to offer an explanation to. If you flip through the newspapers, family tragedies triggered by domestic violence, child abuse, marital disputes, student suicides, etc. are taking place every single day. They are not only shocking, but heart-breaking and regrettable. As world-renowned family therapist Virginia Satir once said, if we can heal families, we can heal the world. The more effective path to create a better future is to build a loving family for children, rather than helping them gain early success on the starting point of life.
| CFSC Magazine
Rooted in Kwun Tong, the Christian Family Service
直 以 為 社 區 建 立「 更 美 好 生 活、 更 美 好 家 庭 」
Centre (CFSC) has always included building
為 其 中 一 個 服 務 宗 旨。 家 庭 問 題 錯 綜 複 雜,要
‘Better Life, Better Families’ for the community
正中目標,CFSC 服務總監(家庭及社區)吳家
a s o ne o f i ts o bj e c ti v e s. M r. C ha rl e s N g K a - k ui ,
駒 概 括 成 十 二 個 字「 快 樂 兒 童、 溫 暖 家 庭、 自
Programme Director - Family & Community of
主人生」。說起來似乎簡單易明,但現今社會複 雜,轉 變 太 快,家 庭 服 務 需 要 與 時 並 進,透 過 不同手法捕捉時代脈搏。
發展家庭基建 觀塘人口六十五萬,誰是 CFSC 的家庭服務對象?
CFSC, concisely summarised that as family issues are always complicated, supporting happiness a m o n g s t c h i l d re n , n u r t u r i n g l o v e w i t h i n f a m i l i e s and advocating individual autonomy are essential to a c tua l i se the g o a l . W hi l e hi s sum m a ry se e m s to be easy to understand, the complexity of and accelerated changes in today’s society means that family service must progress with time and keep up
with the changing circumstances through different
妻關係良好;三是子女乖巧,夫妻關係卻欠佳; 四是粵語長片式的悲劇家庭,子女及夫妻關係惡
Developing family infrastructure
劣。我們根據以上分類,將『愛家』變成多種活 動,放置於不同版塊中,例如親子旅行適合一般
Amongst the 650,000 people in Kwun Tong, who
are users of the family service of CFSC? Charles
N g b ro a d l y c l a s s i f i e d C F S C ’s s e r v i c e u s e r s i n t o
今日和諧共處,他日的事亦難以預料,可能是子 女情緒出現問題,也可能是夫妻關係轉差,因此 CFSC 從家庭基建工作着手,預先鋪設土壤。
four categories. ‘Type one are happy families with harmonious parent-child and marital relations; type two are families with good marital relations b u t c h i l d re n w i t h i s s u e s ; t y p e t h re e a re f a m i l i e s with obedient children but bad marital relations, while type four are families depicted in old tragic C a n t o n e s e f i l m s - b o t h p a re n t - c h i l d a n d m a r i t a l relations are bad. Based on the above classification, w e t u r n e d “ L o v e Yo u r F a m i l y ” i n t o a v a r i e t y o f activities for different categories. For example, a family outing would be suitable for ordinary families. Support for parents of children with learning disabilities, on the other hand, is tailored for type two families. Changes can occur at any moment in family relations – a family may be living in harmony today, but no one can predict what will happen in future. For example, children may have emotional problems, or a couple’s relation may go downhill. Therefore, CFSC shapes its infrastructure of family
▲ 基督教家庭服務中心服務總監(家庭及社區)吳家駒指 CFSC 的活 力家庭坊提供綜合家庭服務,每年處理的個案超過 1,000 宗。 According to Charles Ng Ka-kui, Programme Director - Family & Community of CFSC, the Family Energizer (Integrated Family Service) handles more than 1,000 cases every year.
service from the ground up. The first step to do is to set the soil right.
CFSC Magazine |
▲「共養 愛家」社區參與計劃回應離婚帶來的法律、經濟、心理問題,從不同角度照顧離婚家庭的需要。 'Raising Together and Loving Your Family Community Project' responded to the legal, economic and psychological issues arising from divorce and to take care of the needs of divorced families from different directions.
多元化活動 鋪土工程以社區為起點,為預防學童自殺 問題而推出的「草頭寶寶走落區」,適合 所 有 類 型 的 家 庭 參 與。 活 動 透 過 種 植 獨 一無二的草頭寶寶盆栽,讓家長認識和尊 重子女的獨特性,提醒父母生活不止於學 業。「 活 動 從 2017 年 推 行,最 初 由 擺 街 站開始,再走入幼稚園、小學,持續發展 延伸,並與企業合作,擴大活動規模。」 ▲「草頭寶寶走落區」活動 The 'Grassy Bo-bo Going into the Community' project
| CFSC Magazine
◄「窮有點 不一樣的衣、食、住、 行、玩」計劃 'Poor, with different fullness' programme
The diverse array of activities The groundwork begins with the community. The ‘Grassy Bo-bo Going into the Community’ project for preventing student suicides, for example, is suitable for all families. Through the activity of planting ‘Grassy Bo-bo’ (a unique pot plant), families understand and learn to respect the uniqueness of their children. The programme reminds parents that life is much more than studying. ‘Since the launch of the programme in 2017, it has grown from street-side booths in the beginning and is now extended to kindergartens and primary schools. The programme has continued to develop and expand. The scale of the programme has also grown by collaborating with companies.’
吳 家 駒 認 為 社 區 服 務 也 要 與 時 並 進,現 時 CFSC 推廣活動也會使用 WhatsApp 招募街坊參與。 Charles Ng reckoned community service must progress with time. CFSC will also promote the Centre’s activities to Kwun Tong residents through WhatsApp.
◄「共養 愛家」社區 參與計劃 'Raising Together and Loving Your Family Community Project'
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◄ 香港東區崇德社挑選合作夥伴的準則非 常嚴謹,尤其著重資助計劃的深入程度, 以及會員的參與空間。 Zonta Club of Hong Kong East sets out stringent criteria for selecting its partners. They are particularly concerned with the depth of assistance, and the room for members’ participation in the projects they fund.
CFSC 以觀塘為基地,針 對區內低收入家庭而舉辦 的「窮有點 • 不一樣的衣、 食、行、玩」計劃,協助第三、 四類基層家庭發揮生活智慧,藉着學習各種手作 工藝,將舊物升級再造成實用品,提升個人自信 心及抗逆力。而另一活動「共養 • 愛家」社區參 與計劃同樣為第三、四類家庭而設的,回應離婚 帶 來 的法律、 經濟、 心理問題,透過攝影和文字 讓家庭成員抒發感受,並設微電影欣賞、資訊站、 法律諮詢服務等多元化活動,從不同角度照顧離 婚家庭的需要。
Based in Kwun Tong, CFSC rolled out the ‘Poor, with different fullness’ programme to target low-income families in the district and to help underprivileged (types three and four) families to incorporate smart ideas into day-today living. Participants learned to upcycle old items with handicraft techniques - a process that helped improve confidence and resilience. Similarly, the ‘Raising Together and Loving Your Family Community Project’ was also designed for types three and four families. The programme responded to the legal, economic and psychological issues arising from divorce and allowed family members express their feelings through photography and texts. A diverse array of activities, such as micro-film screening, information station, legal consultation service, was also made available to take care of the needs of divorced families from different directions.
| CFSC Magazine
藝術治療計劃 觀塘大部分居民為公屋、劏房住戶,區內的離婚率達百 分 之 二 十 以 上, 同 時 有 學 童 情 緒 問 題 …… 一 連 串 的 問 題,非一兩次的活動日或工作坊所能觸及核心,要做到 持續、深入的效果,資源與觸覺同樣重要。CFSC 轄下 恬寧居婦女庇護中心,早前獲香港東區崇德社資助,舉 辦為期十個月的《心寧觸織》藝術治療計劃,透過藝術 創作、互動分享、作品展覽等,協助受家暴困擾的婦女 及兒童撫平傷痛、釋放情緒,重建信心及自我價值。
◄▲ 為期十個月的《心寧觸織》藝術治療計劃,由藝術治療 師梁以瑚擔任婦女治療小組導師,幫助受虐婦女重建信 心和自我價值。 The women’s therapy group of the ten-month ‘Art Together Project’ was facilitated by art therapist Ms Evelyna Liang Yee-woo, who helped abused women rebuild their confidence and self-esteem.
Art therapy programme Many Kwun Tong residents live in public housing or subdivided units. The divorce rate in the district is over 20%. There were also emotional issues amongst school children…… The core to these issues could never be uncovered through a day or two of activities or workshops. To sustain any effect, resources and a sense to note where service is needed are equally important. Serene Court Refuge Centre for Woman of CFSC received funding from Zonta Club of Hong Kong East earlier on for organising a ten-month programme known as the ‘Art Together Project’. Through art creation, interactive sharing and exhibition, the programme helped women and children who are distressed by domestic violence to soothe their pain, to release their emotions and to rebuild confidence and selfesteem.
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▲ 藝術治療計劃的總結分享會以一針一線的力量為主題,邀請資助機構的會員參與活動,共享藝術創作的樂趣。 The concluding sharing session of the ‘Art Together Project’ was themed around the power of needles and thread. Members of the funding organisation attended the event to share the joy of creating art.
CFSC 與香港東區崇德社合作無間,該會
CFSC has been seamlessly collaborating with Zonta Club of
主 席 王 凌 紫 卿 笑 言:「 我 們 很 挑 剔,挑 選
Hong Kong East. Mrs. Dannie Hongchoy, Chairlady of the club,
smilingly said, ‘We are very serious and have very stringent criteria
for selecting projects to work with. The number of beneficiaries
is never the most important aspect. Instead, we hope to commit
初我們落實資助這項計劃前亦經過多番考 慮,因為今次的資助金額並非少數目,但 考慮到對象是受家暴影響的婦女及小朋 友,我們希望藝術治療能為他們紓解內心 的負面情緒和壓力,重拾自信。」
to a programme that can offer in-depth assistance. At the same time, we should also be able to play a part in it. We took time to consider before confirming our decision on funding this project because it is not a small money. Knowing that the programme’s service users are women and young children affected by domestic violence, we hope that art therapy can help them to mitigate their negative emotions and stress, as well as to regain confidence.’
一針一線的力量 計劃讓參與的婦女透過縫紉創作抱枕和花
The power of needles and thread
束,將 內 心 的 感 受 以 布 藝 作 品 呈 現 出 來。
Under the programme, participating women expressed their feelings
整 項 計劃 以藝術治療小組分享會作總結,
through the sewing and creation of pillows and fabric flowers.
It was concluded with an art therapy group sharing session, in
會 員 共同 製作布藝花。「我們有不少會員
which women participants would play the role of the instructor
and create fabric flowers with members of Zonta Club of Hong
過 程,在 一 針 一 線 之 間,彼 此 坦 誠 交 流,
Kong East. ‘Many of our members took part in the event and we all
enjoyed the creation and sharing processes. Participants opened up themselves as they moved their needles and thread. We are not only helping others but are much inspired by the programme.’
| CFSC Magazine
◄ ( 右 ) 香 港 東 區 崇 德 社 主 席 王 凌 紫 卿 表 示 與 CFSC 理念相近,雙方緊密合作,去年攜手 推行《心寧觸織》藝術治療計劃,協助曾受 家暴影響的婦女及孩子走出陰霾。 (Right) Mrs. Dannie Hongchoy, Chairlady of Zonta Club of Hong Kong East, noted similarity in the philosophies of the Club and CFSC. The two parties have been working closely together and joined hands to roll out the ‘Art Together Project’ last year, helping women and children affected by domestic violence to step out from darkness.
作 為 現 場 唯 一 的 男 士,吳 家 駒 指 分 享 會
As the only male participant at the event, Charles Ng
thought that the atmosphere of the sharing session was very
藝 術 創 作 的 前 提 下, 沒 有 階 級 高 低 之
welcoming, which demonstrated the power of art therapy.
分,恬 寧 居 的 婦 女 與 香 港 東 區 崇 德 社 的
‘There were no ranks under art creation. Women from Serene
會 員 平 等 和 諧,無 分 你 我。」 不 求 回 報
Court and members of Zonta Club of Hong Kong East treated
的 付 出,反 而 帶 來 意 料 之 外 的 得 着,在 資 助 的 過 程 中 助 人 自 助,絕 對 有 更 深 層 的意義。今次合作為 CFSC 和香港東區 崇 德 社 帶 來 圓 滿 的 成 果,相 信 在 不 久 的 將 來,雙 方 又 會 展 開 另 一 次 嶄 新 的 合 作 計劃。
e a c h o t h e r a s e q u a l s . ’ U n e x p e c t e d re w a rd s c o m e a f t e r unconditional giving - an intensive meaning was surely added when recipients become self-sufficient through the funding process. The collaboration between CFSC and Zonta Club of Hong Kong East is very fruitful. We believe the two parties will be kicking off yet another novel collaborative project in the near future.
兒童及家庭服務透過綜合家庭服務中心、婦女庇護中心、臨床心理服務及幼兒 教育,為促進兒童的福祉和建立和諧家庭而努力。 Through the operation of an integrated family service centre, a refuge centre for women, a clinical psychological service, and kindergartens, Children and Family Services endeavoured to promote the well-being of children and to establish harmonious family relationships.
了解更多兒童及家庭服務 To learn more about Children & Family Services
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茶香送暖 ▲ 每次探訪,義工都會帶備茶葉、茶具和水果,此概念來自昔日農夫藉着小休來歇息充電。
泡一壼茶,需時不過三數分鐘,然而這份閒情並非人人可 享。香港人口老化問題嚴重,居家安老日趨普遍,護老者 ▲ 星展銀行集團推廣策略與傳訊部助理副總裁鄺鈺茜 ( 左 ) 和 CFSC 社 工 胡 杏 煖 透 過「 一 刻。 飲 茶 」 共同為護老者送暖。
每日面對沉重的心理和生理壓力,又如何紓壓解鬱?喝杯 茶、吃水果,看似平常不過的生活日常,對護老者來說, 卻是難能可貴的偷閒時光。
CFSC 去 年 推 出 的「 一 刻。 飲 茶 」 活 動,就 特 別 將 焦 點 放在長期照顧長者起居的護老者身上,每次出動,義工 團隊都會帶備盛載着茶葉、茶具和水果的竹籃,登門探 訪護老者和長者。
品一盞清茶 活 動 由 2017 年 12 月 展 開,至 今 已 進 行 6 次 探 訪,負 責 籌 劃「 一 刻。 飲 茶 」 的 社 工 胡 杏 煖 解 釋:「 護 老 者 一 星 期 7 日,每日 24 小時照顧長者,但他們的需要卻一直被 忽略,我們希望動員義工上門探訪,為他們沖茶及送上 親筆的心意咭,藉着片刻的歇息和交流,讓護老者感受 到社區對他們的關愛。」
| CFSC Magazine
星展義工隊曾參與其中 兩 次 探 訪 活 動, 集 團 推 廣策略與傳訊部助理副 總 裁 鄺 鈺 茜 表 示, 星 展 義 工 隊 成 立 超 過 10 年, 一 直 以 推 動 活 齡、 教 育 和 環 保 為 大 前 提, 上 年 度公司內超過三成的員 工 都 曾 參 加 義 工 服 務。
▲ 活動至今已舉辦了 6 次大型探訪活動,當中共接近 600 名義工參與, 探訪約 500 戶護老者家庭。
「探訪護老者對我們來 說是新體驗,剛好當時有部門欲物色團隊活動,
事 帶 同 小 朋 友 一 起 參 與,將 助 人 的 訊 息 傳 承 至
因 此 雙 方 一 拍 即 合。 義 工 事 後 讚 揚 活 動 意 念 創
新、準備充足,探訪過程由一壺茶、一個橙帶出 話 題, 有 助 打 破 義 工 和 護 老 者 之 間 的 隔 膜。」
踏入新一年,「一刻。飲茶」計劃進行 5 次探訪, 現 時 招 募 義 工 的 進 程 正 如 火 如 荼,星 展 義 工 隊 已 率 先 報 名 參 加。 鄺 鈺 茜 表 示, 星 展 以「Live
more 活出大意義」為企業社會責任的方針,希
探 訪 結 束 後,每 位 義 工 均 獲 贈 茶 包 套 裝 及 護 老
從 而 建 立 更 強 的 團 隊 精 神 及 凝 聚 力,這 都 是 企
未 必 有 足 夠 溝 通,經 過 是 次 探 訪,有 助 提 升 同
業成功的關鍵要素。「再次感謝 CFSC 的邀請,
理 心,改 善 與 家 中 長 者 的 溝 通 狀 況,更 鼓 勵 同
▲ CFSC 舉辦的「一刻。飲茶」透過義工直接上門探訪觀塘及黃大仙區的護老者。
▲ 義工為護老者沖茶,服侍一直默默為家庭付出的護老者, 亦有助打開彼此的話題。
◄ 星展義工隊讚揚探訪 意念創新,透過與護 老 者 及 長 者 的 交 流, 不但為義工帶來不一 樣體驗,更讓他們了 解自己家中護老者的 處境及需要。
「一刻。飲茶」 活動詳情
CFSC Magazine |
1. 舊 衣 一 件( 初 學 者 可
選 沒 有 彈 性 的 布 料,
2. 手挽帶兩條 3. 針、線
製作方法: 在舊衣上量度所需的尺寸, 剪裁出一塊長方型的 先起稿,繪製手挽袋的尺寸及形狀。
布。 把 長 方 型 對 摺, 表 布 向 外,
在兩邊手縫兩條 直線。
35cm 70cm 35cm
二的 手挽袋
翻 轉, 表 布 向 內,
獨 一
再在兩邊 ( 即早前縫製的 直線附近 ) 手縫兩條直線,利用藏骨縫 法,藉已縫製的直線把多餘的縫份(即 紙 口 位 ) 收 藏 起 來。 翻 轉 已 縫 好 的 袋 子, 把 袋 頂 的 布 向 內 摺 一 厘 米, 手 縫 一條直線。
資料來源:Sewing Angel The Healing Garden
| CFSC Magazine
平食有煮意,只要花點心思,即可變出無窮創 意。 今 次 教 大 家「平 食」,自 製 健 康 美 味 的 荷 香糯米飯。 以 下 食 譜 由 為「 平 食 煮 意•創 意 無 限 」 食 譜 創 作 及 烹 飪 比 賽 冠 軍 得 獎 者 ─ 文 希 媽 媽 提 供。 該 比 賽 為 觀 塘 區 議 會 贊 助 「窮有點•不一樣的衣、食、行、玩」計劃其中一項重點活 動,藉 個 人 或 親 子 組 合 的 烹 飪 比 賽,向 社 會 人 士 宣 揚「 平 食」概念。
1. 糯米 ........................... 400g
1. 糯米洗淨泡水至少 3 小時,隔去水份瀝乾,備用。
2. 乾冬菇 ( 泡軟切粒 ) ......... 適量
2. 乾荷葉泡暖水至軟身,瀝乾備用。
3. 甘筍 ( 切粒 ) .................. 適量
3. 在金屬筲箕裏放入一條乾淨布,再將糯米倒入,
4. 什菌 ( 切粒 ) .................. 適量
連筲箕隔水蒸約 45 分鐘至米熟透,保溫備用。
5. 金菇 ( 切段,炸至金黃 ) .... 1 包
4. 金菇切絲,以油炸至金黃色,撈起瀝油備用。
6. 素火腿 ( 切粒 ) ............... 適量
5. 以 油 炸 香 花 生, 如 油 溫 太 高 可 先 熄 火, 浸 一 會 後 才 開 大 火
7. 唐芹,芫茜 ( 切碎 ) ......... 適量
8. 炸花生 ......................... 適量
9. 乾荷葉 .......................... 2 片
6. 熱鍋下油,先加入冬菇及素火腿炒香後再加入什菌及甘筍。 炒軟後熄火,加入熱糯米飯、所有調味料、炸金菇、唐芹芫 荽拌勻後,開中大火略炒。
1. 生抽 .......................... 1 湯匙
7. 用荷葉將已炒好的糯米飯包好,再蒸約 15 分鐘。
2. 老抽 ......................... 半湯匙
8. 最後加入炸香花生及唐芹芫茜碎,即可享用。
3. 素蠔油 ....................... 2 湯匙 4. 糖 ............................. 半湯匙 5. 香菇粉 ....................... 2 茶匙 6. 麻油 .......................... 1 湯匙
CFSC Magazine |
新屋邨驗樓貼士 新屋入伙,驗樓學問多多。CFSC 的輔助 專 業 人 員 梁 悅 唐(Joseph) ,本身是退休 工程師,免費為觀塘新屋邨安達邨及安泰 邨一班有需要的新住戶驗樓,解決奇難雜 症,經驗豐富。他分享驗樓貼士,有四大 錦囊:風、火、水、電。
▲ 新屋邨安達邨 ▲ 退休工程師梁悅唐 (Joseph)分享 驗樓小貼士。
水 火
爐具及煤氣位置 要檢查 抽氣扇位置 要留神
檢 查 全 屋 煮 食 爐、 煤 氣 爐、 熱 水 爐 及 總 煤 氣 開
注意去水、漏水 及外牆滲水
電 電掣開關 逐一試 用燈泡逐一測試全屋電掣
測試各出水位開關是否 暢 順, 並 用 紙 巾 輕 抹 水 喉,檢查是否有漏水。同
是否正常通電,可用膠管 連接燈泡,自製「驗樓神 器」方便測試天花燈位。
時要測試座廁的沖水量及 速度是否足夠,並觀察地 台是否有積水,去水是否 正常。
安泰邨義工 ► 隊正接受驗 樓訓練。
亦要觀察外牆身是否有修 補過的痕跡,如質地及顏 色與其他位置不同及有水 痕,反映牆身的防水工程 或有缺陷。
▲ Joseph 自製驗樓神器測試 天花燈位。
▲ 測試牆身燈掣,並以紙巾輕抹牆身 檢查有否漏水。
本會獲得陳登社會服務基金有限公司支持,推行輔助專業人員計劃,招募退休的專 業人士成為輔助專業人員,善用他們的專長為服務單位提供增值服務,令更多人受 惠。另外,Joseph 為服務本會賽馬會新屋邨支援計劃的輔助專業人員。
| CFSC Magazine
了解更多 賽馬會新屋邨支援計劃
周末商場鬧市人頭湧湧,不如帶同一家大小健步行,市區漫 遊,遠離人群。早前一班「賽馬會齡活城市計劃─躍動觀塘 健步行計劃」的長者,遊走觀塘,製定三條老少咸宜的健步 行路線,既適合長者健步行,又是周末家庭遊的好去處。
九龍麵粉廠 自 1966 年 2 月 起 營 運 至 今,是 香 港 碩 果 僅 存 的 麵 粉 廠。 西 面 設 有 多條樓高六層的大圓柱, 其中一條向 海的圓柱寫 有「九龍麵粉 廠」五個大 字,成為區內 的標誌性建 築物。
觀塘後巷藝術走廊 起動九龍東辦事處舉辦「後巷計劃 @ 九龍 東 」,以 色 彩 繽 紛 的 街 頭 藝 術 美 化 後 巷,更 以 昔 日傳統工業的 18 個工種命名,藉以保存對觀塘工 業全盛期的回憶。
「賽馬會齡活城市計劃─躍動觀塘健步行計劃」與漫步遊 iDiscover 合作,以智能 手 機 應用程式及手繪地圖提供適合長者健步行的路線,並 記 述 相 關 歷 史 及 特 色, 以保育文化。計劃早前參與 Ageing Asia 舉辦的「9th International Ageing Asia Innovation Forum」,獲「Best Active Ageing Programme - Community」獎項。
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活動回顧 I
不 少 長 者 結 婚 超 過 60 載 卻 未 有 一 張 結 婚 照 片,本 會 透 過「 三 菱 電 機 」(香 港)的 贊 助, 舉 辦「 長 者 婚 紗 拍攝」活動,不單令雙老長者重拾意義重大的結婚照 片,義工們更與長者一同分享拍攝的喜悅。
義工嘉許禮 2018 ─ 感謝企業及團體義工無私貢獻
CFSC 的服務多元化,有賴各界義工團隊與我們攜手合力。去年, 我 們 共 有 2,440 個 義 工 及 單 位,全 年 服 務 受 惠 人 次 高 達 112,811 人。CFSC 早 前 特 別 舉 行 義 工 嘉 許 禮,表 揚 個 人 義 工 及 逾 100 個 企業及團體義工團隊,並與義工們聚首一堂。
好歌好生活 ─ 全港 50+ 大合唱比賽
50+ 生 活 豐 盛 依 然,CFSC 50+ 悅 齡 服 務 早 前 舉 辦「 全 港 50+ 大 合 唱比賽」,當日邀得多名嘉賓出席,並獲蘇麗鐘錶副總裁商瑞龍先生 贊助及支持。是次比賽共 27 個來自不同界別的機構參與,各隊施展 混身解數,展現了新一代長者的魅力。
一起踢出逆轉力 ─ 共融 X 運動
承蒙滙豐社區伙伴計劃 2018 的贊助,本會殘疾人士發展及 共融服務展開為期一年的「躍動身心逆風行」計劃,更創新 地 以 共 融 cross over 拳 擊 運 動,早 前 舉 辦 了「 一 起 踢 出 逆 轉力」活動。感謝黃德斌先生擔任「躍動大使」,逾 400 名 傷 健 人 士 齊 齊 體 驗 kickboxing, 凝 聚 正 能 量, 共 享 快 樂, 於社區推廣共融訊息。
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協作支持 Partnership 舉辦企業社會責任活動 Organise Corporate Social Responsibility Activity 參與義務工作 Participate in Voluntary Work 商討其他協作機會 Other Collaboration Opportunity ( 稍後與您聯絡詳談 We will contact you for more details later)
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劃線支票 Crossed Cheque ( 支票抬頭請填寫「基督教家庭服務中心」Payable to ‘Christian Family Service Centre’) 支票號碼 Cheque No.:__________________________________ 發票銀行 Issued Bank:_________________________________________ 網上銀行轉帳 / 直接存款 e-Banking / Direct Transfer ( 請將網上捐款紀錄 / 銀行存款收據正本連同此回條寄回本會Please mail the copy of e-banking confirmation/original bank pay-in slip along with this form to us for an official receipt.)
滙豐銀行 HSBC:030-001580-001 恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank:291-117851-001
東亞銀行 Bank of East Asia:531-40-06926-5 渣打銀行 Standard Chartered Bank:407-0-062511-9
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捐款者資料 Donor’s Information 捐款人姓名 Name ( 先生 Mr. / 女士 Mrs. / 小姐 Ms.):___________________________________________________________________ 團體 / 公司名稱 Organisation/Company: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 聯絡人 Contact Person: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 聯絡電話 Contact Phone No.:_________________________________________ 電郵 Email: _______________________________________ 通訊地址 Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 請將此回條連同劃線支票 / 網上銀行轉賬紀錄 / 存款收據正本郵寄至 九龍觀塘翠屏道 3 號基督教家庭服務中心 10 樓 / 簡便回郵 61 KEA Please mail the crossed cheque / record of e-banking confirmation / original bank pay-in slip along with this completed form to Christian Family Service Centre, 10/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 61 KEA Freepost 捐款港幣 $100 或以上者可獲發出捐款收據,以供申請扣稅之用。基督教家庭服務中心尊重及保護 閣下的個人私隱,本會將按需要運用 閣下的個人資料作開立收據、行 政、基本通訊及收集意見之用途。如 閣下反對本會用作上述用途,請致電 2950 5871 或電郵至 聯絡本會伙伴及資源拓展部。 Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with official receipt. Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used by Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC) for the purpose of issuing receipts, administration, communications and conducting surveys for CFSC. If you object your personal data being utilised for the above purposes, please contact our Partnership and Resources Development Department at 2950 5871 or email the request to
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