West Normandy marine energy

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le raz blanchard

Cherbourg Courseulles sur-Mer Caen


a region of sustainable projects


Région Basse-Normandie Place Reine Mathilde - Abbaye-aux-Dames BP 523 14035 CAEN CEDEX Tel. +33 (0)2 31 06 06 98 Conseil général de la Manche 50050 SAINT-LÔ CEDEX Tel. +33 (0)2 33 055 550 / Fax +33 (0)2 33 05 96 90 Communauté urbaine de Cherbourg 10, Place Napoléon - BP 808 50108 CHERBOURG-OCTEVILLE CEDEX Tel. +33 (0)2 33 08 26 00 / Fax +33 (0)2 33 93 82 04

ecom-epub.fr RCS 439 940 545 / 1916 - 03.12 - Crédit photos : La Miriade, Shutterstock, Fotolia, DR



An initiative of

An initiative of

“All nature’s forces in the Basse-Normandie area are harnessed to develop sources of renewable energy. Our geographical situation, our industrial fabric and our R&D centres contribute to a dynamic and structured industry around this major ecological and economic challenge. Those who know how can harness the power of nature in order to maximise energy and sustainably transform it.”

Laurent Beauvais

President of the Basse-Normandie Region

Jean-François Le Grand

President of the General Council of Manche

Bernard Cazeneuve

President of the Urban Community of Cherbourg

Basse-Normandie, an en dless source of energy In 2020, 4% of European electricity production will come from renewable marine energy. Strategically positioned at the heart of France’s first offshore wind power programme, Basse-Normandie has natural, structural and technological strengths which put it at the forefront of this forward looking industry. Land of the conquerors, Basse-Normandie has always looked to the sea to develop its future. Today, with this strong tradition of maritime expertise, Basse-Normandie’s organisations, companies and laboratories are responding to the world’s energy challenges.

Cherbourg Courseulles sur-Mer

le raz blanchard



FIGURES 470 km of coastline 2 major ports: Cherbourg and Caen-Ouistreham 5 competitive clusters, plus a nautical industry 11 international level education and research centres 150 SMEs and SMIs dedicated to Renewable Marine Energy (RME)



of the European hydrokinetic potential



national wind power potential


In Basse-Norman die, the coastlin e takes advantage of the wind and the tide Wind turbine energy  With an immense coastline, Basse-Normandie experiences strong, regular winds, making it one of the regions with the biggest wind power potential in Europe. Dedicated industrial sites, distributed across the ports of Cherbourg and Caen-Ouistreham, are located right in the heart of these dynamic winds. A few thousand nautical miles away, major French and British offshore wind farms are already operating, are being built or are planned.

Hydrokinetic energy The Raz Blanchard tidal current alone represents half of France’s potential hydrokinetic power capacity. The strongest current in Europe, it follows the coast from The Hague, ten nautical miles from Cherbourg.

› The Raz Blanchard,

maximum speed exceeding 6 m/s, or more than 10 knots = electricity potential from 4 to 6 GW.


In close proximity to the main Europea n renewable marine e nergy sites DENMARK




I n th e h eart of t he Englis h Ch a n n e l Equidistant from the Atlantic and the North Sea, Basse-Normandie is situated centrally on the English Channel coast and can thus easily supply the five leading wind turbine sites in France, as well as England and Ireland.




ESPAGNE At t he centre of t he firs t PORTUGAL French offs hore wind turbine field programme

France has demonstrated its commitment to offshore wind energy by installing 600 wind turbines with a total power of 3 GW, on five sites off the coast in the English Channel and the Atlantic. • Courseulles-sur-Mer (500MW/100 wind turbines) • Fécamp (500 MW/100 wind turbines) • Le Tréport (750 MW/150 wind turbines) • Baie de Saint-Brieuc (500 MW/100 wind turbines) • Saint-Nazaire (750 MW/150 wind turbines) The Basse-Normandie renewable marine energy area is part of the French Government’s approach to renewable energy and Courseulles-sur-Mer was among the five sites selected. The confidence which has already been shown in the Basse-Normandie renewable marine energy industry bodes well for its future development.



In Basse-Normandie, port infrastructures are perfectly adapted to RME Two sites, one organisation

“The barycentric position of our ports is a real advantage in terms of the roll-out of the French offshore wind power programme. This advantage is reinforced by our port companies expertise, particularly in terms of handling heavy loads. The ports of Cherbourg and Caen-Ouistreham are already able to respond to all RME issues in terms of the industry, the logistics of assembly before installation at sea and maintenance. In addition there is significant land development potential, particularly in Cherbourg which has 120 ha dedicated to RME and a major plan for extending this in response to demand. Add to this the fact that our port soils have very low compressibility and there are no nautical constraints in our waters.” Jean-Michel Sévin Managing Director of the Ports of Normandy Authority



The Basse-Normandie region, the Departments of Manche and Calvados, the Urban Community of Cherbourg and the Caen-la-Mer Agglomeration Community head up the RME project in partnership with the Ports of Normandy Authority. These regional economic stakeholders are committed to finalising development of the Cherbourg and Caen-Ouistreham ports which will welcome RMEs. These sites today offer cutting edge solutions for RME installations.


all the strengths Of a region and of a major industrial and logistical RME centre Port identity • With the biggest artificial harbour in Europe • Complete accessibility to the quays 24 hours a day • 13m draft guaranteed year round • Soil with low compressibility • Multimodality (served by 2x2 roads and railway line)

Huge potential • 120 ha dedicated to RME › 44 ha of landholdings immediately available › Possibility of extend this land to 75 ha, half of which is adjacent to the existing land • Plan to extend the quays from 380m to 620m

Expertise directed towards the sea • Proven expertise in handling heavy loads (wind turbines, riprap, «cargo projects»...) • Involvement in the construction of oil rig platforms in the North Sea • Industrial skills in civil and military naval construction



has the intrinsic qualities required for a site dedicated to installation, operation and maintenance Situated in the heart of the Baie de Seine, the multi-purpose port in Caen-Ouistreham has a large hinterland, notably the Parisian region. In the context of organising RME sites, the Caen-Ouistreham port meets all the requirements of a residential base during the construction phase of offshore wind turbine fields, and maintenance when the turbines are in use.

A geostrategic position • Close to the future offshore wind site at Courseulles (15 nautical miles) • Numerous motorways, air and maritime connections • Situated only 200km from Paris. • Infrastructures of a major agglomeration community

Characteristics of the ports • 24 hour accessibility to the outer harbour • 14 ha of buildings • 153 ha of landholdings awarded • Possibility of parking along the canal

maritime services • Port security and safety • Towing • Naval maintenance and repair


Basse-Normandie has a complete chain of huma n, technical a nd scientific skills...

A r e g i o n that capitalise S u p o n t r a i ning, r e s e a r ch and development

* ENSICAEN : Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Caen ; ESITC : Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs et des Travaux de la Construction de Caen ; ISPA : Institut Supérieur de Plasturgie d’Alençon ; INTECHMER : Institut National des Sciences et techniques de la Mer.

The region also hosts a wealth of laboratories and research organisations involved in RME in partnership with IRD2*: ERCP*, at the University of Caen Basse-Normandie, the IFREMER*, the CNRS*, the CORRODYS*, the LCS*, the LUSAC*, the CIMAP*, the CRISMAT*, and the LCMT*. *IRD2 : Institut Régional du Développement Durable de Basse-Normandie ; ERCP : l’équipe de recherche en physico-chimie et biotechnologie ; IFREMER : Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer ; CNRS : Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique ; CORRODYS : Centre d’expertise de corrosion marine et biologique ; LCS : Laboratoire Catalyse et Spectrochimie ; LUSAC : Laboratoire Universitaire des Sciences Appliquées de Cherbourg ; CIMAP : Centre de Recherche sur les Ions, les Matériaux et la Photonique ; CRISMAT : Laboratoire de Cristallographie et Sciences des Matériaux ; LCMT : Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire et Thio-organique.


In terms of major stakeholders in the local area (EDF, AREVA, DCNS), Basse-Normandie has substantial experience in implementing very large undertakings. The region is thus capable of offering continuous education and training courses to complement a wide range of initial training (from school leavers to university graduates). These training courses are directly transferable to the Renewable Marine Energy fields (qualifications in technology, electrical engineering, industrial production engineering, oceanography-prospecting, etc.). Basse-Normandie effectively combines internationallevel training centres, in particular: the University of Caen Basse-Normandie, the ENSICAEN*, the ESITC*, which has a Masters specialising in the creation of large scale maritime and port projects, the ISPA* and the INTECHMER*.

“The Basse-Normandie laboratories have the skills required for implementing offshore wind turbines, in terms of currentology, hydrology, sedimentology, the protection of equipment, environmental impact and energy systems. These laboratories undertake preliminary and monitoring studies and have an important role to play in terms of reducing the costs of RME structures. They study the impact of the marine environment on how structures age and their objective is to ensure that equipment needs less maintenance, thus increasing productivity. The partnership programmes between companies and academic centres contribute to innovation and high-performance. Our experience in the offshore gas and oil sector is a great asset in terms of providing research for future project sponsors.” Jean-Marie Mouchel Director of CORRODYS


An i n d u s t rial f r a m e w o rk oriented towards innovation

The political and economic stakeholders in BasseNormandie drive investment into marine innovation and sustainable development. With extensive experience of very large undertakings operated by stakeholders in the area, the region also benefits from the skills of a network of sub-contracting companies (SOTRABAN).

• Preliminary studies (engineering, cartography, meteorology, controls, measurements…) • Construction (parts for cradles, blades, masts, sub-stations, foundations...) • Logistics (assembly, installation, storage, towing, elevation...) • Operation and maintenance (video-monitoring, navigation, work at sea...)


More than 150 Basse-Normandie SMEs and SMIs contribute their expertise to the renewable marine energy industry in the four following fields:

“This region is home to all the activities required to develop renewable marine energies. Whether this be metallurgy, soldering, painting, electricity, inspections, civil engineering, etc. our sub-contracting companies have all the skills required to meet clients’ needs. Through their experience of the complex projects which are regularly undertaken in Basse-Normandie, these sub-contractors have developed technological expertise and knowledge in project management, quality assurance and traceability. They have also demonstrated a great capacity to adapt. Project sponsors can obtain a directory of all these companies on the Miriade site.” Gilles Lecomte President of Sotraban


Basse-Normandie can help develop your RME project “So, you have a project and are tempted by what our region has to offer? Rest assured that here, you will meet the ideal partners to achieve your objectives and roll out your activity under the best possible conditions. Our support is based on a number of fundamental pillars: the natural advantages of our ports, major R&D activities and economic and political stakeholders who are fully supportive of the RME industry. Support also comes from the work of MIRIADE* and its which is ready to provide assistance throughout your project.” Information: West Normandy Marine Energy Jean-Pierre Laflaquière Delegate-General for Renewable Marine Energies jp.laflaquiere@crbn.fr Tel. +33 (0)2 31 06 96 97

Regional mec hanisms supporting t he industry Leading the RME industry in the area is the MIRIADE* which participates in the national WINDUSTRY programme led by the Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables (SER). This programme aims at developing a national industry. The Basse-Normandie local authority departments, the Government, the Ports of Normandy Authority (PNA), development agencies, the network of chambers of commerce, job centres and training bodies are all involved in this regional activity; they can provide you with information and support you in this new market.

Information: MIRIADE - Alexia Lemoine lemoine@miriade-innovation.fr www.miriade-innovation.fr Tel. +33 (0)2 31 53 34 45

A REGION W ITH PROVEN ATTRACTIVENESS . Basse-Normandie is competitive. • It has created several development programmes through its four clusters, entitled: the “Secure Electronic Transactions” cluster, the “Mov’éo” automobile cluster, the “Equine Industry” competitiveness cluster and the partnership with the foodprocessing “Valorial” cluster. Basse-Normandie is accessible. • Two and a half hours from Paris by road and two hours from Paris by train. • 3 airports: Cherbourg-Maupertus, Caen-Carpiquet and DeauvilleNormandie. • Maritime links from Caen-Ouistreham and from Cherbourg to England and Ireland. Basse-Normandie knows how to welcome businesses. • It makes it easy for companies to get established in the region. • It has a network of local companies. • It offers solutions which are adapted to the different stages of a company life: incubators, nurseries, business premises and land for development.


Basse-Normandie knows how to make the most of life. • The regional environment combines the charm of rural farmland with the beauty of its coastline, which is admired around the world. The region offers a wide range of leisure activities: cultural and sports infrastructures, gastronomic specialities, a rich natural heritage… and so much more. * Regional Mission for Innovation and Economic Development Activities

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