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Title:Extinct Animals (2009-10) Founding Schools 7th

Primary School of Agii Anargyri, Greece (Ms Thalia Hadzigiannoglou) Zkoła Podstawowa nr 33 im. I.J. Paderewskiego w Kielcach, Kielce, Poland (Ms Elżbieta Nieściur)

Partner Schools Kapukargin

Ilkogretim Okulu, Dalaman, Turkey (Ms Ayseguk Erdur) 3rd Primary School of Chaidari, Greece (Ms eleni Pappa) Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3, Leżajsk, Poland (Ms Joanna Mazurek)  Miejski Zespół Szkół z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Polskich Olimpijczyków w Krośnie, Krosno, Poland (Ms Matylda Gronicka)  Matei basarab, Ploiesti, Romania (Ms Nicoleta Barac)

Aim:To design worksheets of extinct animals, working collaboratively with other teachers and teach them to students to develop their skills in EFL, Geography, ICT, Ecological Awareness.

Objectives: (Following Bloom’s taxonomy) Cognitive: Students will develop their academic knowledge on EFL, ICT use, Geography. Affective: Students will develop their ecological awareness (perceiving the reasons animals become extinct) and acquire a positive attitude towards EFL, geography, ICT. Psycho-motor: Students will develop their artistic skills (painting the pictures of extinct animals) Subject: Foreign Language Class: 4th Grade (D1) Duration: 3-5 months (examination of 8-10 extinct animals)

•Methodology Teachers

collaborate to design worksheets on extinct animals (The format is: Picture of the extinct animal, general information, anatomy, diet, fossils, Quiz). They teach the material. Students paint the picture of the extinct animal. They stick the picture of the extinct animal on a global map (where its fossils were found). A glossary is developed with basic terminology. Students play the on-line puzzle designed by the teachers to review their knowledge on the extinct animals.

Tools Computer Camera Worksheets

Plan of Activities

Time Plan Week Activity



Project discussion/work procedure

Project Presentation


Extinct Animals worksheets (Allosaurus/Kentrosaurus/Ramphorynchus/ Plesiosaurus/Ichthyosaurus/Eoraptor/ Stegosaurus/Tyrannosaurus Rex)

Reading/Painting/Global Map/Glossary/on line puzzle



Questionnaire/ Photographs/Book Exhibition

Products    

A multilingual glossary on extinct animals. Extinct animals worksheets *Available in the STAFF ROOM). On line specially designed puzzle. Scrap book with the students’ material and E-book with students’ photos working on the material.

Evaluation (The evaluation will be based on Kirpatrick’s model) Student Questionnaire

Dissemination  

Poster Presentation Scrap Book exhibition

Our Activities

Our Introductory Activity

Working on the project

Working on the project

Working on the project

Working on the project

Working on the project

Working on the project

Working on the project

Working on the project

Working on the project

Working on the project

Working on the project

Working on the project

Our Multilingual Glossary

Our Questionnaire

Our Questionnaire

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