European Perceptions of Human Values (Our joint word cloud)
The Greek Multilingual Human Values Glossary
Project Title: European Perceptions of Human Values Ιδρυτικά Σχολεία (Founding Schools): •7th Primary School of Agii Anargiri, Greece (Ms Thalia Hadzigiannoglou) •Osnovna sola Horiul, Slovenia (Ms Tadeja Drašler) Συμμετέχοντα Σχολεία (Partner Schools): •ICA FRANCESCHI, Trezzano Sul Naviglio, Italy (Ms Anna Palumbo Vargas) Scuola Primaria Statale Rionero in Vulture, Rionero in Vulture, Italy (Ms Maria Teresa Carrieri) ••Battonyai Szent István Általános Iskola, Battonya, Hungary (Ms Orsolya Lengyel) ••Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Nr.4 Nr.5 Gheorghe Magheru, Caracal, Romania (Mr Dan Nicolaita) ••“George Cosbuc" School , Baia Mare, Romania (Ms Gedut Otilia) ••"Avram Iancu" School Dej, Dej, Romania (Ms Hosu Iulia Corina) ••Sērmūkšu pamatskola, Sērmūkši, Latvia (Ms Ilze Smate) •Ojāra Vācieša Gaujienas vidusskola, Gaujiena, Latvia (Ms Ingrida TāraudeŠakova) Zespół Szkół nr 3 Dąbrowa Górnicza, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland (Magdalena
Γλώσσες Εργασίας(Working Languages): Ελληνική & Αγγλική (Greek & English) Τάξη (Class): 6th grade (ΣΤ2) Εκπαιδευτικός (Educator): Θάλεια Χατζηγιάννογλου (T. Hadzigiannoglou) Διάρκεια (Duration ): 4-7 μήνες (4-7 months) Σχολική χρονιά (School Year): 2009-10 AIM Considering the important role of human values in student personality development, we will attempt to use language, ICT and art as a medium for developing our students´ affective, artistic, as well as ICT skills. Our end product will be a presentation of the human values, as perceived of the students of the participating countries, a multilingual value glossary, as well as a book containing students’ worksheets and drawings.
OBJECTIVES Following Bloom´s taxonomy, the project´s objectives can be classified in: Cognitive:Students will be able to develop their native language and foreign language skills. Affective:a) Students will be able to value the importance of human values, b) Students will acquire a positive stance towards the introduction of the European dimension within the school setting, c) Students will develop their affective skills, d) Students will increase their motivation towards native as well as foreign language learning. e) Students will understand how human values are expressed and perceived by other Europeans. Psycho-motor: Students will be able to: a) Draw and paint pictures reflecting specific human values (Artistic skills), b) learn how to use the PC to find information, draw and paint pictures of human values and make presentations (ICT skills).
Methodology Our methodology focuses on activities that develop students’ affective, ICT and linguistic skills. In more detail: • We create a beautiful word cloud with the human values in our language. • Using audio/visual prompts (photos/songs/videos) or linguistic material (eg. short stories) students work cooperatively attempting to recognise a specific human value (MATERIAL AVAILABLE IN THE STAFF ROOM). • A discussion follows as how students perceive the vakue and how they would describe it to an alien. • All opinions are collected by the group secretary and recorded on a piece of paper. Students search the Internet to find photos, definitions, quotes and proverbs that are related to the value under investigation. Definitions are written in both mother tongue and English. • On a worksheet, students write the value both in Greek and in English. Then, they complete a specially developed worsheet (see twinspace-staffroom). • Finally, students paint a picture of how they perceive the value. All he material is bound in a book, constructed by the students. The book material is photographed, put in beautiful e-frames and published in the twinblog/twinspace/school’s website. The values we work on are: FRIENDSHIP/BEAUTY/EQUALITY/COLLABORATION/DEMOCRACY/ JUSTICE/WISDOM/OPENESS/RESPECT FOR OTHERS/CONCERN FOR OTHERS
European Perceptions of Human Values Sample Worksheet
Name of the Value:Friendship /Filia/ Photos of Friendship Dictionary Definition:....... My Definition:..... Quotes for Friendship: 1. 2. 3. Proverbs 1. 2. My Friendship Drawing
Tools • • • • •
Computer Camera Worksheet Cd Player Short Stories
Product • • • •
Human Values Book Human Values presentation Our joint Human Values Word Cloud Our joint Human Values Glossary
Project Evaluation The project’s evaluation will be made via a questionnaire, developed on Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model. Students will try to answer the following questions, among others: • • • • •
Did they like the project? (Reactions) What did they learn? (Learning) Will they use what they learnt? (Transfer of knowledge) Will they change? What is the impact to the school setting? (Result) ROI (Return on Investment). How will the school benefit from the students’ involvement in the project?
The Evaluation Quiz A MULTILINGUAL POSITIVE EMOTIONS GLOSSARY Student Evaluation Quiz A. In this project I improved (Tick as many as you like): My mother tongue skills. My foreign language (English) skills. My computer skills. My artistic skills. My communication skills. Other____________________________ B. Number the values we worked with in order of difficulty to describe, starting from the most difficult (1) and finishing with the easiest one (10). FRIENDSHIP BEAUTY EQUALITY COLLABORATION DEMOCRACY JUSTICE WISDOM OPENESS RESPECT FOR OTHERS CONCERN FOR OTHERS
The Evaluation Quiz C. Our partners worked with the same positive emotions. Choose one country and one value and descibe it to us. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ D. Look at the multilingual glossary. What did you learn? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ E. Which other values would you like to work with? _____________________________________________________________________ F. Answer the following questions: 1. What did you learn from the project?_____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. What will you change in your way of thinking?_____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. How will you use what you have learnt?__________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your cooperation
Our Activities Here is a presentation of our activities. First, we present our completed worksheets, then the students’ photos with their own material. The following HUMAN VALUES are examined: • • • • • • • • • •
FRIENDSHIP BEAUTY EQUALITY COLLABORATION DEMOCRACY JUSTICE WISDOM OPENESS RESPECT FOR OTHERS CONCERN FOR OTHERS *However, we had an introductory activity on “values” to teach children the way of work (eg. how to search photos, definitions, quotes and proverbs)
Our Book Cover
Our Introductory Activities
Our Introductory Activities
Students’ Material
Friendship Our Prompt: Excerpt from Paolo Coehlo’s book “The Devil and Miss Prym”
Beauty Our Prompt: “The Beauty and the Beast”
Students’ Material
Collaboration Our Prompt: A short story and a glossary (AVAILABLE IN THE STAFF ROOM)
Equality Our Prompt: A funny story on equality (AVAILABLE IN THE STAFF ROOM)
Students’ Material
Democracy Our Prompt: Informative text on the history of Democracy (AVAILABLE IN THE STAFF ROOM)
Justice Our Prompt: A short story about king Solomon (AVAILABLE IN THE STAFF ROOM)
Wisdom Our Prompt: A short story on King Solomon and his wisdom (AVAILABLE IN THE STAFF ROOM)
Openess Our Prompt: “Peter and the Wolf”
Respect for Others Our Prompt: “The Mysterious Juggling Clown” (AVAILABLE IN THE STAFF ROOM)
Concern for Others Our Prompt: Short Story on Concern (AVAILABLE IN THE STAFF ROOM)
Project Snapshots
Project Snapshots
Project Snapshots
Project Snapshots
Project Snapshots
Project Snapshots
Project Snapshots
Our Multilingual Human Values Glossary