Jtselinga etwining draft 4

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Project title: TO CHILL OR TO PLOD.

PROJECT COORDINATOR: Dr. Thalia Chadzigiannoglou (Greek School Advisor),

Introduction ‌ Project Summary Due to industrialization and technological development the way of working changed in many professions.

The scientific-technical progress shows its traces also in all areas of daily life. Develop an idea of your future everyday life.

Age Group

13 years old 1st Grade of Junior High School

Level of Students



5 months Oct 2013 – Feb 2014

Joanna Tselinga

The Project Partners

Joanna Tselinga

The Actors Joanna Tselinga


Pina di Ponte

"G.A. Colozza“ Campobasso Plesso Secondaria di I Grado Campobasso - ITALY

Heidi Ahlers

Morikeschule Backnagn GRWS

Backgand - Germany

Joanna Tselinga

Why did I decide to involve my students in an eTwinning project?  To bring innovation into classroom.

 To help students develop 21st century skills, ICT skills, collaboration and negotiation skills  To raise students’ awareness of European citizenship and involve students in authentic communication with their European peers.  To transfer knowledge that students’ have acquired to a new context

Joanna Tselinga

Aims of the Project

 To develop Students’ ICT skills and discover the possibilities of Web 2.0 tools

 To increase student’s foreign language skills  To develop their social skills  To create opportunities for my students to develop their creativity and artistic skills.

Joanna Tselinga

But WHAT makes a Good eTwinning Project ?

 Creativity  Innovation  Curricular integration  Collaboration among partner schools  Use of Technology

Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 1 : Get to know each other Process :

Students make a drawing or find a photo that represents what they would like to become in the future. They upload their photo or drawing in the form of a puzzle by using jigsawplanet.

Students exchange comments on the partners' puzzles

Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 1 : Get to know each other

Tools : www.jigsawplanet.com Joanna Tselinga


Objectives: To develop students’ listening and writing skills. To develop communication skills through discussion with their partners .


Students watch an 8 minute video on “Shift happens. Did you know? ” and record the main points. They discuss their views in lino. They create a wordcloud, using wordle.net Activity evaluation.

Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 2 : Video viewing

Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 2 : Collaborative Work (brainstorming)

Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 2 : Interaction Among Students

MODULE 2 Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 2 : Activity Evaluation

TOOLS USED: http;//linoit.com www.wordle.net

Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 3 : Objectives: To discuss the future of learning To develop their communicative skills

Process :

 Students visit this blog: http://blog.ted.com/2013/03/06/4-inspiring-kids-imagine-thefuture-of-learning/ (4 inspiring kids imagine the future of learning)  Students select one talk and discuss the ideas presented, using lino.

Joanna Tselinga


Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 4 : Objectives: ďƒ˜ Create a piece of news about life in the future that might be important tomorrow, using a newspaper creation tool. ďƒ˜ Evaluate the pieces of news created by their partners, following specific criteria.

Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 4 : Process :  Students watch the 3 minute TED talks video "Real News" (http://www.ted.com/talks/kirk_citron_and_now_the_real_news.html)

 They discuss what impressed them most, using Lino.

 In groups, they develop a piece of news that might be important tomorrow, in relation to LIFE IN THE FUTURE (http://www.fodey.com/generators/newspaper/snippet.asp)

 Each class votes for the best piece of news, which is posted below.

 A voting process for the most innovative and useful piece of news follows.  Activity evaluation Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 4 : Video Viewing

Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 4 : Students ‘ comments on the video

Joanna Tselinga

REAL NEWS Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 4 : Which is the best piece of news ?

Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 5 Objectives :  To create a song about life in the future  To construct a digital story about life in the future

Joanna Tselinga

MODULE 5 Process  Each school creates a song about life in the future (one stanza with 5-8 verses),  The song should start with the verse "in the year ......". The following website helps students generate rhyming words in English:http://writerhymes.com/  Each school gives a title to the song and a voting process follows here (each school gives one vote).  Each school creates a digital story about life in the future, using www.utellstory.com, which allows students to upload drawings and record or type the narration  Students write about an invention to make life in the future better, using linoit. They can draw the invention and add a short description. Joanna Tselinga

Joanna Tselinga

Our Collaborative song

Our collaborative song

Joanna Tselinga

Our Collaborative story :

Joanna Tselinga

Joanna Tselinga


ďƒź Students draw/write ON the piece of luggage the positive things/feelings they shared throughout the project.

ďƒź All drawings are collected, made a poster and photographed by the teacher.

Joanna Tselinga

Joanna Tselinga

Joanna Tselinga


Joanna Tselinga


What did students get out of this project ?  They improved their ICT skills and discovered the possibilities of Web 2.0 tools.

 They explored real world questions.  They had the chance to collaborate with European peers in other countries , share with them and discover similarities and differences.

 They were motivated as they had an audience for their work.  They learnt to work together rather than in parallel  They worked in an interactive way towards a common goal.  They developed their negotiation and critical thinking skills  They became more creative  They learnt to stick to deadlines  It increased Students’ self-esteem

Joanna Tselinga

How did the teacher benefit from the project ?      

Stimulation Satisfaction/ sense of achievement Professional development Improved relationship between teacher and students Exchange of ideas with European partners Development of intercultural communication skills

Joanna Tselinga


“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN

Joanna Tselinga

This eTwinning project has been awarded the following prizes

Joanna Tselinga

The award

Joanna Tselinga

Thank You ! The above project can be found on http://chillorplod.pbworks. Contact details : tselinga@otenet.gr

Joanna Tselinga

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