CHAIM Special Holiday Edition 12.2011

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CHAIM: {Hebrew} n. life pronounced: kha|yeem or hi |eem You have chosen CHAIM because you want life and MORE LIFE: more life in your every day, more life in your relationships, and more life with your family and friends. Jesus Christ came to give you life and life more abundantly. CHAIM is a Christian magazine devoted to YOU who want the best out of life.

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2011 EDITOR IN CHIEF Volume 1 | Issue 5 Cristina Hawkins Printed in the USA ONTRIBUTING WRITERS Curt Hawkins Meghan Bailey Joy Lefforge Brandy Todd DeAnna Mundy Kathy Goodheart

ON THE COVER Hyacinth DeLos Reyes PHOTOGRAPHER Emily Hawkins

CHAIM is a bold, no-nonsense Bible approach to conquering the daily challenges we face with practical HOW-TOs based in the Word of God. You will enjoy articles, resources, and real life stories to encourage, build up, and strengthen the spirit, soul, and body. God has given us His Word to direct and restore our lives. He is keenly interested in putting paradise back into our everyday living. In CHAIM magazine, readers will find the love of God on display in every article, resource, and real life story. After all, this is the mystery of heaven: that God LOVES YOU! CHAIM will help you focus, adapt and constantly strive for improvement on your road to achieving your goals, even if you don’t know what they are right now.

To receive your subscription of CHAIM magazine, write to CHAIM, INC. PO BOX 190464, Boise, Idaho 83719-0464 or subscribe online

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CHAIM magazine is a bi-monthly publication by HAWKINS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL, a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the demonstration of love – because God’s love is real! All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.

CHAIM is here to encourage, motivate, and sometimes be tough with you. We are devoted to your success. You will reach your destination. You will be victorious. You will have paradise back in your everyday life.

Be encouraged, CHAIM is for you.

Letter from the Editor Cristina Hawkins Let Your Life Shine Brandy Todd Dedicating Our Purpose Meghan Bailey Proofs of Faith Curt Hawkins Daily Paradise 30 DAYS OF ENCOURAGEMENT Each Other REAL PEOPLE. REAL VICTORIES Cleaning with Joy TIPS TO MAKE A HOUSE YOUR HOME The Market Square RESOURCES FITNESS Exercises & Articles CULINARY Cooking, Nutrition, & Parties TRAVEL THE WORLD With Doers of the Word DIY Favorite Things & Treasures THE TREEHOUSE Loving and Training Our Children DIGITAL Podcasts, YouTube, Online Shopping, & More

Hello dear CHAIM readers. It has been a while since we interacted. Lots of reasons, but chiefly because, this amazing adventure of starting a brand new magazine, is indeed an adventure – and I am continually learning to lean wholly upon the LORD for every bit of wisdom concerning CHAIM. Curt and I are so thankful for all that the LORD is doing! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our neighbors, friends, and family. It was a house full. Even though the coconut cream pie I made was a flop, there was plenty laughing and of other tasty desserts Putting this holiday edition together has been good and has kept me aware of keeping what’s important to the LORD – important to me.

The holidays are about the relationship we have with God (first) and merciful to us. Mercy is a key element in our daily life. Mercy: That benevolence, mildness or tenderness of heart which disposes a person to overlook injuries, or to treat an offender better than he deserves; We also want to share with you our vision for 2012. In 2012, we have adjusted CHAIM magazine to be bi-monthly. As a current subscriber, you will still be receiving your 12 issues. We are also increasing the number of pages and adding a surprise for the cover. (it’s a secret ….) I’ll be sending out an email soon with some hints. If you would like to help us get the word out about CHAIM and help in our sales department, please email me directly. We are looking for help from around the USA. Our mission is that you will find strength and encouragement within the pages of CHAIM and that you will use this magazine as a diving board to jump into the Word of God for yourself. Be encouraged! God has provided all your solutions. He is your solution. If you are not born again, and you want things to improve in your life this season – call on Jesus today! His arms are open to receive you. HOW HE LOVES YOU! Happy Holidays!

Cristina Hawkins Editor-in-Chief CHAIM magazine

then each other. It’s about being FULL of mercy as our Father in heaven is

You will find a lot to like about  digital issues. Just a click away, you will find embedded video, making stories and ads come alive in a way print editions can't. You can click on links and be transported to easy online shopping with partners’ and sponsors’ web sites.  digital also enables readers to print pages and save them, or even forward them to share ideas and information with their friends on facebook and twitter.

Your interactive experience with CHAIM digital is waiting. To help you, let me introduce Little Mouse Jacob Strauss. Once upon a time, there were six little children who went to visit their beautiful Grandma. All the children gathered around Grandma as she sat knitting, and listened intently to the wonderful adventures of Little Mouse Jacob Strauss. Grandma loved to tell the children stories, especially when the weather outside was too hot or too cold and remaining indoors was a must. It was then that Little Mouse Jacob Strauss was born. In honor of those delightful stories, we have invited Little Mouse Jacob Strauss to be our digital tour guide. He is friendly and eager to show us all the wonderful places we can CLICK while reading CHAIM digital. Just start CLICKING! When something grabs your attention…just click it. The click of a mouse can take you to YouTube videos showing great how-to’s, all linked so you can shop from the convenience of your computer. Remember that Little Mouse Jacob Strauss will be there to show you the way.   

We’ve already celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, spring and summer holidays, and Thanksgiving, with more celebrating to come. It is wonderful to have so many reasons to be joyful, and to rejoice with those who rejoice. There is so much garbage, bad news, and suffering going on that it is important to rejoice at every opportunity.

This Season we’re seeking first the Lord’s kingdom – His way of doing and being right. Put your way of having the Holidays aside and let the Holy Spirit lead you. He is after all, the Lord of Joy! Your giving will be seeds of love, not obligations. Your time will be invested instead of lost.

Excerpt from Hospitality vs. Entertaining by Nancy Campbell Several years ago, a co-worker shared a profound secret with me. I'll never forget what she said. It was so simple, yet so true: "When you entertain, you bring honor and glory to yourself. Showing hospitality brings honor and glory to God." Think about it. Pride can easily sneak in when you entertain. The dinner you serve shows off your cooking abilities. Everything is clean and neat so guests are impressed with your home and homemaking skills. And, if the evening is enjoyable, everyone assumes it's because of your talents as a host or hostess. Why, all this focus on yourself can quickly lead to an inflated ego if you're not careful! Hospitality, on the other hand, is not about impressing anyone. It's about being yourself and making your guests feel comfortable to be themselves. It doesn't matter if you serve frozen pizza or if dust bunnies are scurrying across your floors. Through your warmth and humility, guests feel better about themselves and closer to God for having visited your home. Do you have a special friend you love to visit? Is it because she serves ten-course meals on her finest china or because every corner of her home would pass the white glove test? Probably not. Neither extravagance nor perfection is what makes a visit enjoyable. Warm hospitality is what turns an ordinary evening into a memorable occasion. When you feel a little of God's love extended to you through your host, you can't help but want to come again. Romans chapter 12, verse 13 tells us to practice hospitality. Most guests in your home aren't there to be impressed. They would much rather kick back, relax and be treated like family. Entertaining can be one of the biggest stressors of the holiday season. If the thought of trying to host picture-perfect social gatherings is a big worry for you this year, why not try showing hospitality instead? Forget about showing your guests what you can do. Instead, show what God can do through you when you relax, be yourself and let Him be glorified.

We can choose our attitude toward the holidays and daily meal time.

It is written, “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.“ COLOSSIANS 3:17

”Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” PHILIPPIANS 2:3 I am warmed in my heart at this picture of a wife and mother who prepares and plans to bless her precious family. It has taken extra work, extra money, extra time and planning--something she didn't feel she needed with so much other stuff going on in her marriage. What about the reward? It's so priceless it cannot be counted in a monetary sense! It is obvious this reward has eternal overtones.

It has become as much of a tradition to allow stress and anxiety to rule the holidays as the tradition of celebrating itself. Many have taken on stress and worn it like the tinsel on the tree--there for all to notice and admire. Do we really want stress levels to announce our effort level? Is it Biblically true that the more stress we exhibit, the more time, effort, and love is shown toward our guests? NO! A resounding NO.

The Lord God instituted feasts as a reminder of the goodness of God, peace and rest round about, and love because God first loved us. We have been duped, duped into thinking that feasts should be tense, exhausting, and even exasperating. Mealtime, gathering with others, and especially holidays are to be full of joy. It is a lie of the devil that joy is hard to come by. In the presence of the LORD there is fullness of JOY and pleasures evermore. PSALM 16:11 Because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world, you have the very God who loves you, made you, and We can confidently conclude that the presence of the Almighty God is with you right now! redeemed you, living in you – Jesus promised that He would NEVER LEAVE YOU nor forsake you. Therefore, joy is in your house. And the devil is the father of lies. We believe God. As children of the Most High God, you have not been given the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. II TIMOTHY 1:7

God’s Word is plain – His way is the best way and is the good fruit producer. Look at PHILIPPIANS 1:6 ”Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: “ God is doing the good work in you. You have the easy part – BELIEVE HIM. When we know what is true about God and about us in Him, the devil and circumstances don’t stand a chance. Stress and anxiety are seeds of fear and have no place in our life. Walk in the truth of God’s Word. You will have to renew your mind to this.

see page 35 for details

I highly suggest that you start right now. You are already a doer of the Word. Keep on. Resist the devil and he WILL flee from you. It is vital that before we resist the devil and all his lies, that we humble ourselves under the might hand of God. It’s easy. We choose God’s way of living This way of living a life of joy starts at home at breakfast, lunch, and dinner – Monday through Friday, weekends, and special days. We prepare our heart as we prepare the meal. We set the tone for the day in love, because GOD LOVES US FIRST. It is so easy to set aside the ugly knowing how much GOD LOVES ME JOHN 3:16, and what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: I JOHN 3:1 He loved us when we were a sinner ROMANS 5:8, He loved us so much that He gave Jesus to be our redeemer, and it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom LUKE 12:32. AND The Lord has pleasure in our prosperity PSALM 35:27. It is God’s will for us to be successful. That starts at home. Look up these scripture references for yourself. Become fully persuaded in what God has said in His Word to YOU. REJOICE AND BE GLAD.

POMEGRANATES: The ancient fruit that symbolizes long life and fights fatigue. Along with a heart attitude check, here’s a quick seasonal fix that will renew your body and mind: pomegranate juice. The word pomegranate is translated as “apple with many seeds” from Hebrew. The juice of pomegranate has around three times the amount of antioxidants as what is present in a similar quantity of green tea. It is rich in vitamin C and potassium.

If you do not know

as your Savior and Lord, Simply pray the following prayer in faith and Jesus will be your Lord! Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” and “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” ACTS 2:21, ROMANS 10:9 You said my salvation would be the result of Your Holy Spirit giving me new birth by coming to live in me JOHN 3:5-6, 15-16; ROMANS 8:9-11 and that if I would ask, You would fill me with Your Spirit and give me the ability to speak with other tongues LUKE 11:13; ACTS 2:4

This holiday super food juice you can use to boost your immunity and revive your spirit. Use this as a festive alternative to your everyday cran-water or even add pom concentrate to your smoothies, marinades, salad dressings and salsas.

Christmas Cran-Pom Beverage Makes 32 ounces 2 ounces unsweetened cranberry juice 2 ounces unsweetened pom juice 28 ounces plain water

I take You at Your Word. I confess that Jesus is Lord. And I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead. Thank You for coming into my heart, for giving me Your Holy Spirit as You have promised, and for being Lord over my life. Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer, please contact us and let us know of your decision. We have a free Salvation Package we would like to send you to help you begin your new life in Jesus! Simply write and ask for offer #001.

GOD IS NOT A RESPECTER OF PERSONS! What He has done for one person, He will do for you. There are times we may struggle with issues or circumstances and to read about others who have taken God at His Word and been victorious gives us further proof and standing power because GOD IS. We endeavor to be perfect like Jesus, but even if we fail, that’s okay because He is plenteous in mercy. He picks us up and we continue following the LORD. It’s in the getting back up that encourages others to do the same…to NEVER GIVE UP. When you share your story, you’ll touch someone, who when they read will find that they, too, can overcome their situation and be victorious.

Let us share your story. Send in your testimony of God’s goodness to you.

I will start at the beginning just like any story, of my almost 21 years of life in Boise. I was born and raised here starting December 30th, 1990. My family consisted of my parents, two sisters, and myself. Growing up we were really like a typical worldly family looking back on it now. We had strife in our life because my parents fought, we were always just getting by, and from the church standpoint we were raised into the Catholic Church. Some of you might be familiar with the Catholic Church, and from my standpoint, it was a lot of rules and rituals. We practiced what they did and what I mean is we went through the motions, got baptized, did a first communion, and attended church on Sundays. As time went on, and I got a little older, we really only attended church services on the holidays. My parents had more strife and eventually ended their marriage, unfortunately like most marriages today. All I really knew of God was that you had to say you’re sorry to Him a lot, but I would pray to God, thinking we were pretty close, etc. but I had no truth of salvation in my life. At the age of 12 something pretty tragic happened to my family and I. One night I remember laying in bed, around 2am, being aware that someone close to me had passed away. I can’t explain the feeling only that I knew it somehow. A few minutes later a man came to our door telling us my father had committed suicide. It was a pretty big shock to my family as you can imagine. It definitely shifted my family and I to the gear of confusion, especially me. That’s really the most feeling I had of the situation, was not understanding it all, I was never mad at God or blamed Him actually, but more emotionally I know this is where my soul gained some destruction that the enemy had wanted. I had no God the Father, and now I had no real father, it was quite an interesting set up the enemy was trying to give me, and tries to give others everyday. We did go on with life however, and my mom got re-married to my stepdad now, who is a great guy, and has 3 kids of his own, so we had a total of 8 of us. I technically was never without a family, just without that one father figure for some time. But this emotional stage caused confusion, and unfulfillment started hitting in my life. I didn’t have that true relationship with the Lord, but I had the worlds way instead and it was slowing eating away at me. As time went on, I entered high school, and around the middle of it really started noticing I had abnormal issues. I would be sad often or think of “the glass half empty,” and finally I thought, “Wow! I really don’t think other people are this way.” I knew I was depressed and I recognized something was wrong but didn’t know how to change it. But God was showing up in my life because I would actually have thoughts/visions in my bed at night of God and I sitting together talking and being close, and these thoughts whether mine or from God was so helpful at this time in my life when I didn’t have any knowledge of Him or His truth. This was before I was saved or Spirit filled, so I can’t explain why but I would have those visions before I knew what they were! This is an example of His goodness. I still however was a lost person, and went around life just like the world tells you to; finish school, go to college, get a good job, be a good person, marry a good person, etc.

None of these are necessarily wrong, but without the love of God first in you and His truth and guidance in you, none of these things really fill you. So I was on a path to do all those things, without the love of God filling me up first. All I knew was love was from a person, so I turned where I thought you’d find it, in relationships!

(FYI: Joel had been saved as a child, but was not rooted/built up in the Lord after that.) As Joel and I were dating and I was finishing high school I re-met Joel’s parents because I had met them in the past, Angie and Bob, and knew they went to church but didn’t know much about it. I still had depression and anxiety issues, and I noticed Joel was gaining more wrong habits such as drinking/drugs. Joel was in a stage where the enemy was working in his life pretty well and in the summer of 2009 Joel had lost his father. Joel's habits and losing his father equaled Joel overdosing twice, ending up in the hospital both times. This really was another tragic moment in life, but the good news was Angie and Bob were going to church, Life Church, and were filled with the Spirit, they prayed over Joel, in the hospital and he lived. This is where the light starting coming into our lives. After Joel came back from the hospital, Angie and Bob invited me to church, and I decided to go once by myself, but I still didn’t know what I was looking for. But unknowingly the Holy Spirit was just drawing me into goodness! The first time I came to Life Church, I sat in the back and heard the Pastor and I remember feeling a sense of freedom even though I didn’t understand everything he was saying. At the end he started explaining about salvation, and started getting an altar call then asked those who wanted to receive to raise their hand.

I just remember sitting in the back and all of a sudden my hand was raised to get saved, and receive the Lord. This was a turning point in my life for the good. I accepted the Lord Jesus into my life October 2009 at 18 years old, that was 2 years ago, and things just improved from there. I remember sitting in my room just reading my bible, and really focusing on the Lord, and I literally just started growing in Him and His truth. There were some things trying to come up against me such as my family not understanding or arguing with me about the Lord, losing friends, and also I had to renew my mind. I had some old beliefs about what love was and also had to renew my thinking that things could actually be good, without a bunch of bad. But literally I kept pushing into the Lord and by His grace overcame things. I had a bit of anxiety that lifted when I had gotten filled with the Spirit, and renewing my mind was becoming easier and easier to what God had to say about me and how much He loved me and that’s when I saw my depressing/negative thinking, turn to good. It was just allowing time for Him and giving Him space in my life.

After these beginning stages, Joel also came around and wanted more of the Lord, and I really felt privileged that the Lord was using his parents and me in his life to help see God’s goodness. I started to share the truths I was learning with my family, friends, and co-workers. I was the only saved out of my family of 8, so that was my first mission. They would argue as I mentioned and it wasn't always fast or easy but about a year and a half after sticking with it 7 out of my family of 8 came to Jesus, leaving one more that I know will happen. I feel so fortunate to share the truth with my family and have the Holy Spirit work through me to get to them. Each story of my immediate family members’ salvation has been unique. I encourage people who don’t have results of their family to really just show them the love of God that the Lord has shown you. Speak truth into the lives and hearts, and bring it up to them, but we should avoid the bickering! God's has ways above fighting about it. During all of that, there was also something on my heart God had placed to further my walk with Him, and that was to attend Life Church School of Ministry. I felt the Lord leading me to go and telling me this was just the beginning of my journey. I said okay! Life Church School of Ministry came around and thanks to the Lord’s direction it was a great growing and filling up year for me! I learned things I never would’ve learned anywhere else, truly. Also another big thing in my life was that I got proposed to by Joel in one of my School of Ministry classes. It was surprising but exciting and after some planning we had our wedding in August 2011. I am so grateful to the Lord for this because Joel and I were so different a couple years ago. Over the past few years, thanks to the Lord, I’ve gotten to share my testimony and encourage co-workers and strangers, and show that the Lord is the only one to completely fill the gaps in us, and can for them as well. I know it has planted seeds in many people. Joel and I have also gotten to join the street healing ministry and encourage others where God can take them, because if He can take us to here then He can for them as well. To wrap up my growth in the Son thus far, I believe the Lord is dealing with Joel and I for now to help share the good news with any and all people. There are so many people who simply just don’t know, and my passion is to tell the people who don’t know. There will always be the people who reject, but Jesus Himself said the harvest was plenty. Also with the past issues Joel and I had gone through individually and together, we look for opportunities in the future to help others who deal with the worlds problems addiction, disease, pain, and broken hearted to share freedom with them and all the goodness God intends for them. So I’m excited for the next steps the Lord has for us. But right now it’s been an immense 2 years, because 2 years ago I didn’t even know Jesus. That was only the beginning, and this is how I’ve grown in the Son so far. Now that I am done, this testimony isn’t really just so I can blab about myself, but to show and remind people what God has done and what He continues to do, and that is change lives. I encourage all of you to look back on your own personal testimony and where God has taken you this far, whether it was a few weeks/months ago, or years and years, just think of all the details and excitements. I can say firsthand writing this testimony and reflecting on it really just reminded me of my gratefulness towards God and His plans. It’s not meant for just us, but to give the opportunity to others who might have had the same struggles you had, or for others who might just need the Lord in their lives. We are His chosen girls; this is something that we should delight in doing, sharing, because it brings delight to our Father.

You are loved Prayer for our readers and partners is top priority at CHAIM and Hawkins Ministries. Every day we pray for one another, for the magazine, our nation, for our world. Why? Because, God first loved us. People are important and valued in God’s eyes and we agree with II Peter 1:2 that “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our LORD.” We pray for your health and healing, for your finances and for your relationships, basing all our praying on the Word of God. Then we go to work . What a blessing it is for the staff of CHAIM, Inc. to (each day in focused prayer and intercession) lift up to God our readers and partners! You can see we don’t take prayer lightly. We understand the power God makes available to us through the prayer of His people for one another. James 5:16 says “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

Always praying for you! We agree with you in prayer according to the promises of God’s Word. We stand ready to serve you in taking your needs and the desires of your heart before the LORD. There is not an issue in your life the Word of God does not address and we are equipped to lead you to the Word and help you use it in authority over every issue.

Prayer plays a major role at CHAIM and in our partnership with you. We are here for you wherever you are (whether geographically or personally) to pray the prayer of faith in agreement with God’s Word over everything that concerns you. Let us hear from you! We would love to hear how CHAIM has been a blessing in your life. Please contact us with prayer requests and testimonies of the goodness of God in your life. PO Box 190464 Boise, ID 83719


  It is a combination of moves to strengthen and tone the body as well as improve the cardiovascular system. Workouts are most effective when the moves are done with minimal breaks in between. Do this workout 3 times a week, and you’ll both see and feel positive changes in your body. Remember that water is vital to maximizing the effectiveness of your routine. Drink more water throughout the day as well as during your workout. Each move is to be performed for one minute. The first two moves are to tone and strengthen (A and B), then the third move (C) will be a cardio burst to pump up the heart rate. You can choose any cardio activity where it says “Choice Cardio.”

CHOICE CARDIO suggestions:  Jump rope  High knees  Run  Bike  Elliptical

WARMUP for 5-10 minutes. Speed walk, jog, or check the mailbox a few times.  Start the circuit when your body feels warm, which will take approximately 5-10 minutes of warming up.

OUR DISCLAIMER: Not everything we suggest here is for everyone. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercises, and listen to your body. If you feel sharp pain immediately discontinue. Stretches should be to ‘the edge of discomfort’ and will take time. Rushing through or forcing a stretch will have the opposite effect, and cause injury. Please soften your joints, never lock them, and look for the ‘stretch reflex’ a point at which you should back off a stretch…when your muscles begin to shake, engaging to protect themselves from damage. If you exercise common sense along with the muscles, you should be just fine!

A. BRIDGE WITH CRUNCH Stack ankles under toes, hip width apart. Pressing through the heels, squeeze glutes to a bridge position, keeping tummy braced. Lower slowly, and with hands light behind the ears, lift up into a basic crunch.

B. WALKING LUNGES WITH TWIST With feet hip width apart, step into a lunge while holding the small weight tightly into chest. Keep the belly braced and chest lifted. Aim for 90 degrees in both legs. Make sure the front knee tracks over the ankle. Twist 45 degrees over the bent knee, keeping tummy tight. Bring torso back to facing front, stand up, and repeat on the other leg.


SKATERS (Cardio Burst) Keeping the belly braced, push off the outside of the foot to move body laterally to the other foot. Hold the skate for 2 full seconds, and repeat to the other side. Do 10 with the pause, then 10 faster. Alternate for one minute. Keep the knees soft, and hips low to the ground.

REST BRIEFLY If this is the first workout in a while, take about 30 seconds to a minute. You want to be able to speak in short sentences by the time you move to the next round. If you can recover faster, take a shorter break—20 seconds or so. You can rest as you prepare for the next move.



SIDE STEPS Feet outside shoulders, sink into a squat with the weight in the heels. While staying in a squat position, step sideways into a deliberate, slow, shuffle. Keep feet outside hips the entire time. Move 10 steps to one side, then 10 to the other. Continue to alternate for one minute.

TRICEP PUSHUP WITH SIDE PLANK Start on your knees. You can pull your knees under your chest to take more weight from your hands. Otherwise, you can perform a standard pushup on the knees. (as pictured) Hands under shoulders, elbows inward toward the ribs, and descend while keeping elbows tight to sides. Push up, and move body into a side plank on the knee, keeping the bottom hip pulling upward. Repeat on the other side.

A. CHOICE CARDIO - choose one option below, or one of your own…just get the heart rate up so you’re breathing heavily! CHOICE CARDIO suggestions:

 Jump rope  High knees (aka march in place)  Run  Bike  Elliptical

A. DEAD LIFT WITH ROWS Stand with feet under hips, lift through the chest, and keep belly braced. Squeeze glutes and shoulder blades together, and keep the weights naturally in front of your legs. With a straight back and lifted chest, use the back of your legs (hamstrings and glutes) to slowly tip forward. Descend until the weights reach your kneecaps. From there, lift elbows and squeeze back into a row. Lift your body upward while squeezing the backs of your legs. Repeat. (*optional – you can perform the dead lift row with one leg, as see in photos 3 and 4)

B &C. SQUAT/ SQUAT JUMP COMBO Do for 2 minutes because it has strength AND a cardio burst. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Perform 10 slow squats. Push weight back into heels, and keep knees over ankles. Using a weight here is optional. After 10 slow squats, move into 5 squat jumps. Land softly and descend again before shooting upward. **If you choose not to jump, you can explode upward from your squat without catching any air, and still work a similar effect. We call those Power Squats. Alternate between 10 squats and 5 squat jumps for 2 minutes.

A. PLIE WITH PLIE JUMPS Stand with feet outside shoulders, and the knees and toes pointing naturally outward. While squeezing belly and glutes, descend into a pliĂŠ. Perform 10 slowly, keeping knees over ankles. Now perform 5 pliĂŠ jumps, landing softly and staying low in the squat. **Same non-jumping option as above. Alternate for one minute.

B. LAT RAISES Stand with feet under hips. Hold weights, arms at 90 degrees. Lift into a lat raise, while keeping knees soft and tummy braced. Lift to shoulder height, keeping arms in bent position. Stop at shoulder height, and slowly lower.





CLOCK PUSHUPS Start on knees. Hands wide, belly braced and shoulders squeezing into spine. Descend until your arms are 90 degrees. Make sure your elbows are directly over your wrists (may need to widen hands). Perform one pushup at 12 o’clock, walk your hands with belly braced to 10 o’clock, perform a pushup. Walk back to 12, perform another pushup, then walk to 2 o’clock, and perform a pushup. Continue for a minute.

B. BICEP CURLS Start with feet under hips. Hold dumbbells in hands, and palms face outward. While bracing belly and squeezing shoulders back, use your biceps to move the weights toward the shoulders. Descend slowly to start position.

C. MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS plus BURPEE Move into a plank position. Can be done on the knees, too.  Hands under shoulders, belly braced.  Tuck knees under hips, one at a time, or jump both feet in, as if you were climbing a mountain. Perform 10 tucks.  Then jump or step feet between hands (hip width apart), and jump (or power squat) upward 

 A.

After jumping or stepping feet between hands (hip width apart), jump or power squat upward. Place hands down by feet, and step or jump back to a plank to begin again. Alternate 10 tucks and one jump for one minute.

BICYCLE (not pictured) Lay on back, and lift knees above hips. Hands behind head to gently hold the neck in line, elbows wide. Alternate extending one leg and twisting upper body toward the bent knee. Move slowly enough to exhale at each twist, and inhale when moving to neutral.

B. SUPERMAN (not pictured) Lay on tummy. Bracing your belly, extend your hands overhead. Lift the upper body by squeezing the glutes and the back, and swim the hands toward the feet. As your hands near the feet, lift up your lower body. Keep your chin tucked and your big toes pressing together. Lower feet, swim hands to overhead position, and lower upper body. Repeat.

C. CHOICE CARDIO - run, bike, jump rope, march in place. Just get that heart rate up! STRETCH while cooling down! AND DRINK LOTS OF WATER!

According to Webster’s Dictionary a PARTNER is one of two or more persons engaged in the same business enterprise activity and sharing its profits and rewards. Therefore PARTNERSHIP is the relationship between people who support one another in the achievement of a common goal.

As you share your heart, prayer and resources in partnership with us, we pray and believe that you will partake of the same revelation, anointing for faith, healing, victory and prosperity that is upon this ministry. Much work remains to be done before Jesus' return, and its exciting to see what God can do when believers join their faith in partnership! We have asked God to send us Partners who will help us fulfill what our Lord Jesus has commissioned us to do in these last days. If you have been blessed, strengthened, and encouraged by the ministry teachings and messages, we ask you to prayerfully consider becoming a Partner with us. Together in faith, we can reap the harvest of the Nations! Pray about being a Partner with us, and through the spreading of the Gospel, help us bring in this end time harvest. Curt and Cristina thank you for your support and pray that God will bless you richly.

Study and diligently seek the Word of God and impart the revelation of the Word of God through media such as CHAIM magazine, HMI radio, television, the internet and speaking engagements. Pray daily for you as a Partner so that the blessings of God will overtake you. Minister to you monthly through a personal letter from Curt and Cristina Hawkins. Periodically offer special gifts for your spiritual edification and growth. Be good stewards and operate with integrity and excellence

Pray for us without ceasing and speak only fruitful words about Curt and Cristina, their family and the ministry. Be committed to supporting and attending our meetings and conferences in your area. Support us financially with a monthly pledge. "Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account" Philippians 4:17

How do you know if you have faith? Can you know for a certainty if faith is evident in your life? The bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves… So let’s obey the bible and examine ourselves to see if our faith is real. Just because someone says they have faith doesn’t mean it is so. The proofs of faith will be very apparent to all who observe our lives from the outside. Remember the phrase what you are is so loud, I can’t hear what you’re saying? This I think is very appropriate when it comes to living a faith life. Talk is cheap. It’s what we do and what atmosphere is broadcast around us that determines if we are acting in faith or not. Over the next few issues we’re going to examine several areas that will prove if we are genuinely in the faith or not.

The first proof of faith is… PATIENCE. Is the Bible kind of patience a part of your life? Hebrews 6:12 says That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. It’s faith and patience together. And notice that is says inherit the promises, not work for or be good enough for the promises. This is great encouragement in and of itself. Let’s take a look at this word patience now. Patience doesn’t just mean waiting for something. Not everyone who waits is patient. I think we’ve all experienced waiting with a great deal of anxiety, frustration, fear, and unrest. Here’s the definition of patience from the 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary. PATIENCE: 1. The suffering of afflictions, pain, toil, calamity, provocation or other evil, with a calm unruffled temper; endurance without murmuring or fretfulness. 2. A calm temper which bears evils without murmuring or discontent.

Wow! The first time I read this my jaw hung open for a long while. What a revelation. Not everyone who waits is patient! Why is this important?

Because, God is deeply interested in the development of our character. Every time we employ patience, we are showing the love of the Father, toward people and toward Him. The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. Psalm 145:8. Look at these qualities the Lord has and is. Gracious: One of the definitions of gracious is to be disposed to forgive offenses and impart unmerited blessings. Next, Compassion: Psalm 78:38 But he, (the Lord) being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not. Yea, many a time turned he is anger away, and did not stir up all his wrath. Father has showed each of us great compassion. Still Looking at Psalm 145:8, the next quality the Lord displays is being slow to anger: I’m preaching to myself now... When things don’t go your way, how long does it take for you to get angry? It takes the Lord a long, long, long time. And finally, the Lord has great mercy. Mercy is mildness or tenderness of heart which disposes a person to overlook injuries, or to treat an offender better than he deserves. For all the wrong we’ve wronged the Father with, aren’t you glad for the mercy of the Lord? Think about this. If you’re in a trial or testing that has placed you in difficult circumstances and you show anger, frustration, anxiety and more, toward whom are you having these qualities? Remember this truth: God is not the source of problems. The trouble is already here. Remember that Adam started this trouble.

G od is not schizophrenic.

He’s not putting evils on you, then telling you to overcome them by His Spirit. No! The trouble is already here. Praise God, we can be of good cheer, because Jesus has overcome the world! If you’re born of God, then we overcome the world too. 1 John 5:4 says For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. It says clearly in the Bible that God does test us and try our hearts. But He doesn’t tempt us with evil. God doesn’t tempt us, nor can He be tempted.

God can’t be your enemy and friend at the same time. God is GOOD, all the time! Since we do live in a world where there is trouble, God is interested in the development of our faith. Why? So we can overcome trouble! Our character is being shaped and molded to be more like Jesus. And guess what? Jesus is patient. He endured the worst kind of evils with a calm, unruffled temper, without murmuring and complaining. Being moved by trials, testings, and tough circumstances doesn’t say “I believe God!” It says “I don’t deserve this, why do I have to go through this, this is pointless, I don’t understand…” Let’s go back to Hebrews 6, and now verse 15: And so, after he (Abraham) had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.

Now Hebrews 10: 35-36: Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience (being able to endure evils with a calm unruffled temper), that after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. According to what

By the way, there are no deeds that are just ‘sins against ourselves.’ There’s no such thing as ‘I’m not hurting anybody else by…” Our lives are testimonies that say we believe God or not.

we just read, patience is a key ingredient for the

When we give patience an opportunity to be perfected in us, we literally become different people. What used to bother us before doesn’t bother us anymore. What used to ruin our weekend no longer has dominion over us. We’re stronger, more gracious, more compassionate, more slower to anger, more merciful, more God like. We cannot be moved out of our position of joy if we stay in the presence of the Father through His son Jesus! Psalm 16:11.

fulfillment of a promise given to us by Father. This is deep character building. Jesus’ brother, James, says to count it all joy when we fall into various trials. Knowing that the trying of our faith gives us an opportunity to employ patience. He goes on to say that we should allow patience to have her perfect work, so that we may be mature and complete, wanting nothing (my paraphrase of James 1:2-4) Let’s look at what David says of not just waiting, but waiting patiently for the Lord in Psalm 40: 1-3: I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. By employing patience, not only did David see the goodness of God, but his life became a living testimony that caused others to put their trust in God too.

Father is so good to build in us the qualities of His dear son Jesus. To build in us the qualities of an overcomer. He loves you that much. Sometime, read through the book of Revelation and find out the wonderful and exciting rewards we lay hold of when we overcome.

We’re overcoming by our testimony and by the blood of the Lamb. Glory to God! For this month, the final thing I want to impart to you is this. God loves you! No matter what things look like, God loves you! He gave you everything when He gave you Jesus! Peace in your home.

Curt Hawkins, President of HAWKINS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL gave his life to the LORD over 35 years ago. He loves his wife and children, and endeavors to walk in the love wherewith the LORD has first loved us. Whether preaching side by side with his bride, playing Frisbee with their children, or motorcycling in the mountains, Curt witnesses first hand that God’s love is real. YOU CAN TOO, because God is no respecter of persons. To find out more, go online:

Hawkins Ministries International is pleased to announce the beginning of a brand new 24/7 internet radio station: HMI RADIO Coming January 2012 programs include: Faith To Overcome LIVE Friday Night Church Women’s WordShop In Their Own Words The Word LISTEN on your computer or smart phone. Bold, laser-action Word that will give you the confidence you need to overcome everyday. HAWKINSMINISTRIES.ORG

I’d like to interject before you begin to read the next few pages, this feature: CLEANING WITH JOY is far more than cleaning your house. Let these pages encourage you in your EVERYDAY stuff. In Deuteronomy 6, the LORD graciously tells us the best method of learning. It is “as you go. ” Cleaning, loving our family, training our children, and obeying the voice of the LORD all go hand-in-hand. I am so thankful for JOY LEFFORGE and the beautiful way she encourages us to be all that we can be…starting right at home. ~Cristina Hawkins

Whew, the first time I read Proverbs 31:19 to 31, I sank deeper and deeper in my seat as my eyes rolled over each verse and thought “I am so lame”. I could never be all this. Thinking of her as an individual, she did everything. She was a wife, mother, manufacturer, importer, manager, realtor, farmer, seamstress, upholsterer, and merchant. She was a tough act to follow. Honestly, I thought, I could never do all that. TAKE HEART! In Philippians 4:13, we are encouraged “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” It is Jesus Christ who enables me to do what I need to get done each day. In Colossians 3:17 and 23 ”And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” It is that we rely on God’s might to do all our day requires of us. Remember Ephesians 6:10? “Finally, brethren (and sisters) be strong in the LORD and in the power of His might.” Ahhh, that takes the pressure off us, and allows us to rest entirely on HIM. It is Christ in me the hope of glory. COLOSSIANS 1:27 We can see this as a list of qualities a mother was instructing her son to look for in a wife. These writings in Proverbs 31, are from King Lemuel. Not much is known about him, but his mother sure gave him some great advise. This list of a woman's strong character, great wisdom, many skills and great compassion are wonderful examples for any of us. I love that we can look back in history and see working women have been around for a long time. Yes, working outside the home as well as in their home. There is so much to learn from her entrepreneurship, integrity and resourcefulness. As you read these words of wisdom, notice that her appearance is never mentioned. Her attractiveness comes entirely from her character. God is always is so much more interested in the appearance of our heart than our outward appearance.

As I read this wonderful list of God-fearing traits, I'm drawn to the theme of how wise and resourceful she was with money. I personally run on a budget of cheap to free. Cleaning supplies included. If you think about it, what you pay for cleaning supplies is quite literally being poured down the drain. The less we pour down the drain, the better we would all be off. Here are some tips on how to clean your house for a very minimal amount invested.

This list of solutions is almost all organic too! 1 part vinegar, (any type) to 3 or 4 parts water in a spray bottle will do just fine for an all purpose spray to wipe down surfaces with. The acid in the vinegar kills bacteria, viruses, germs and mold. Rub white toothpaste on wood furniture to remove water mark rings. You can use 50/50 olive oil and lemon juice to polish wood surfaces. Cheap olive oil works just as well too. Baking soda can be used to scour any surface you would use cleansing powder. It's not toxic and less abrasive. A pumice stone and a scrub brush are all it takes to make a toilet bowel look brand new. The brush for under the rim and the pumas stone to remove the water ring. A couple drops of Dawn or Joy dish soap and in a spray bottle full of water for window cleaning. Spray the glass and wipe it clean with a dry towel. Use cotton clothes not paper towels. Cut old cotton clothes or towels torn into manageable sizes. When you wash these, use regular laundry soap in the wash, just rinse with water and do not use fabric softener at all.

She looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness. PROVERBS 31:27

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. PROVERBS 22:6

If you've been around church or attended many women bible studies, you'll quickly get familiar with hearing two ladies names, Lois and Eunice. Grandmother and mother to Timothy. To find out about the dynamic duo, I started to read everywhere I could to find them in the Bible. I thought surely they must be all over. After all, it is so easy to become familiar with hearing their names. I thought I'd find all kinds of stories of how they raised Timothy, who, became extremely influential in “The Way.” (The early Christian church was often referred to as “The Way.” Acts 19:23 and 24:23, just a couple of examples). I didn't find what I had expected about Lois and Eunice. Much to my surprise, Lois and Eunice were mentioned once, by name, in all of the bible. 2 Tim 1:5 ”When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.” In some versions the word “unfeigned” is referred to as true or sincere. It means an undissembled or sincere faith. With faith like that, I think the girls were pretty committed to “The Way.” Continuing in my search, I looked at the words “Mother and Grandmother”. Depending on the version of your Bible, “Mother” is found about 300 times in all of the Bible, but the endearment “Grandmother”, is used twice in all of the Bible and only once in the New Testament. The phrase “Mother and Grandmother” is found only once in the entire Bible. You guessed it, 2 Tim. 1:5. So where do we look to find out who these women were or how they lived their lives? We have to take a look at Timothy, who is the mirror that reflects the character of these two.

In Acts 16:1-5, we do get to see a small description of Timothy's home front: …Then came he to Derbe and Lystra: and, behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timotheus, the son of a certain woman, which was a Jewess, and believed; but his father was a Greek: Which was well reported of by the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium. Him would Paul have to go forth with him; and took and circumcised him because of the Jews which were in those quarters: for they knew all that his father was a Greek. And as they went through the cities, they delivered them the decrees for to keep, that were ordained of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem. And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily….

If Eunice was a widow, we can see the support from her mother Lois coming into play. As any single mom knows, it is difficult to to be a bread winner, mother, and homemaker all on your own. I'm sure Eunice, or any of us, would be grateful for a mother’s help and influence.

I can see a mother, Eunice, a Jewess and a believer, married to a Greek. Scripture does not record that her husband ever became a believer. She was in a marriage of religious diversity. She lived in the town of Lystra which did not have a Jewish synagogue. People there worshiped the gods of the Greeks. Probably not a lot of community support, you could say. Still, Eunice kept the faith! If you are a mother who feels like she is standing in the gap for your children salvation and spiritual guidance, take hope in Eunice. She was the only believer in her marriage, and look at the results of Timothy, what an example she is for every mother.

Those women must have had unfeigned faith to let the only grandchild/child go with Paul. Even though it might have meant hardship, trial and even martyrdom, they must have been in constant prayer for Timothy's work and well-being. Timothy was great because of his grandmother and mother and their diligence toward the high calling of Christian motherhood. They kept a sacred duty to bring up their grandson/son in the fear of the Lord and Timothy became a “man of God.....” I Timothy 6:11.

It is also interesting that Timothy was not circumcised. Being a good Jewish mother, she probably wanted her son to be circumcised. I would imagine her husband may not have permitted it. Nothing is written in scripture that states she was not a submissive wife. Her character reflected in her son, I believe she was a faithful wife and heeded her husband’s wishes while continuing to pray for Timothy throughout his childhood. In Acts 16:3, we read that Timothy met with Paul and he was circumcised before they went to visit churches. Paul asked Timothy to do this to remove some of the stigma he may have had with Jewish believers. Timothy was not required to be circumcised but he voluntarily did this to overcome any barriers to his witness for Christ. It makes you wonder if this was an answer to one of Eunice's prayers for her son. It is believed that Eunice's husband died when Timothy was a young boy, and that she was already a widow when Paul visited Lystra for the first time (Acts 14:6-7). I believe this to be true in light of how credited his grandmother, Lois, was in Timothy's upbringing. Also, Paul referring to Timothy as a son (2 Tim 1:2) reflects a father/son mentoring relationship between the two of them. To see these relationships, mother/grandmother, and father type/son, establishes in my mind, that her husband must have died somewhere along the line even though we do not have a direct scripture to state this.

Lois was a good mother to Eunice, and Eunice was a good mother to Timothy. How many prayers Lois must have seen answered being the first of a third generational believing family. Paul points out how Timothy was raised in I Timothy 4:6, …. nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained...... This is a clear reflection of Lois and Eunice's influences on Timothy.

How do you really measure the power and influence of a good mother? Who is a good mother and what if your mother isn't in your life? At what point do you go from being the learning mother to the teaching mother or even a mother at all? I suppose age and circumstances may dictate this for all of us. I do know that from my own experiences, my mother passing away when I was young, I have been blessed many times over by women who saw me and knew they needed to be the ones to fill the gap. I believe with all my heart that each of us, as women, are faced with this challenge when we think of where we are in the motherhood ring. We need to be sensitive to if we are the learning mother or the teaching mother. Pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you if there is someone near you that may benefit from you encouraging them in “The Way”.

Another important thing we can train our children in the way they should go, is in the way they should of Joy 1:1....just kidding, but I'm a firm believer of children having age appropriate chores to be responsible for. Each child is different. Here are some guidelines of small tasks you can delegate to your children and, when they are teenagers, they will not depart from it. Until next month, hope you will be cleaning with Joy!

set the table for dinner and or clear the table after dinner. Put dishes in dishwasher. Taking trash out or empty all small trash baskets all over the house into one garbage bag. Doing a load of laundry...Yes, I have one child that was 5 when he learned how to measure the soap and push the buttons on the machine. (He turned out fine..... and his wife loved that the burden of laundry was not all hers). Folding clothes and put them in dresser etc. Feed and water the household pets and plants. Dust some surfaces in the house.

pick up toys after done playing with them. Put clothes in dirty clothes hamper, hang up towel after bathing. Place their shoes in a delegated spot. Make bed, just a quilt and fitted sheet on the bed for younger kids, makes it more achievable.

they need to be side by side with you able to mop, vacuum, scour, dust and the like. What you decide to have them responsible for depends on your own household.

Large is perspective. With each child God has grown us and met our needs as He saw fit. Family is what God has joined together Logistics is how we do what we do.


2 I walk in the promises of God. PSALM 91



We love him, because he first loved us. I JOHN 4:19


Today I am still thankful! My God supplies my needs according to His riches! PHILIPPIANS 4:19

Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

7 I will nourish my relationships with love, so that those in my world will believe in Jesus. JOHN 17




Chop the whole onion, use what’s needed, then freeze the rest for later use.

We walk in integrity. Our ‘Yes’ is ‘yes,’ and our ‘no’ is ‘no.’



Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Plan your meals for the upcoming week. Prepare by chopping and cooking ahead.





Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.

Study the words of Jesus, for they are life to us. JOHN 6:63

ROMANS 12:13

18 REMINDER: This week is not the food or presents, but about the bonds, memories, and the people around you.



14 Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation.


JOEL 1:3


But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE FOR GUESTS (clean sheets, towels, ect.)


LUKE 6:36


Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.


Purpose with your family to bless another family.


But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, DANIEL 2:28

ACTS 20:35

21 Set the tone for the day by turning up the volume on songs of grace, whether from your own mouth or a set of speakers.



Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.

Along with your jewelry, bind mercy and truth around your neck today.

PSALM 34:13




25 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. I JOHN 4:10

26 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. ROMANS 12:21


Set your attitude to Encourage people today.

28 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: PSALM 103:2

29 Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not. ROMANS 12:14

30 To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men. TITUS 3:2

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. REV 12:11 31 There is a freedom, a purpose, and a radiance about us. We are women of Christ filled with His fullness. Colossians 1:19

What was I made for? What’s my purpose in life? What are my goals? What kind of legacy do I want to leave? For all of us, this is a central question in our lives. The answers to these questions define who we are, what we do, and the choices we make. For some, their purpose is in their job, the size of their bank account, their status, or the house they live in. While all of these are important, God says we were made for one purpose: to bring Him glory. According to Isaiah 43:7, we were created for God’s glory. Our very purpose in life is to give glory to our Father, our creator.

The glory of God is all around us. It’s in the stars in the sky, in the colors of sunset, in flowers, oceans, and the beautiful expanse of the outdoors. It’s in the human body and its miraculous design; it’s in the newborn life. John 1:14 says, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” The ultimate glory of God is in the life of His son, Jesus Christ. God’s Word came to life when Jesus came to live as we live. He was full of grace and truth, perfect in every way, and He is our model for living a purposeful life. Jesus took time and ministered to people in need. He saw people and was moved with compassion. The life of Jesus Christ left a legacy that changed the entire world forever. This is the kind of life we’d love to emulate! All of our calendars are bursting from the seams with activity. We run from jobs to schools to grocery stores to practices, from county to county, and maybe even city to city. We wear many hats in a day, and because of this, we have many opportunities to show God’s glory to the people we encounter. It says in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” I believe this is why God made each of us so differently. We each find ourselves in a unique place in our lives, encountering different people. Whoever we encounter, wherever we are, and whatever we do, we are to do it all to the glory of God.

Anyone can go buy groceries at the store, drive through a coffee shop, chauffeur our children from school to practice, or manage our job positions. It’s easy to go about our days and just blend in. But God calls us to be set apart; He calls us to shine our lights wherever we go. It takes courage and a focused vision to make a difference in the small things.

Choose to take time to share your joy, share your hope, and ignite someone else’s path. How then, do we shine God’s glory in our everyday lives? Lift someone up. Tell them about the God who loves them. Share your own testimony. Any time we’re outdoors, we can strike up a conversation with people about the beauty in front of us. We can share our thanks for such a creative, magnificent God. Our children’s teammates may be without certain equipment for the sport, let’s say a baseball mitt. We buy the child a mitt, and tell him/her and her parents how much God loves them as we graciously give them what they need. We invite a family from church or a neighbor over to our house for dinner, and share the love of Christ with them. We go to the same cashier at the grocery store, slowly get to know him/her, share our kindness, and eventually share the hope that’s in us. (1 Peter 3:15) When we eat out, we ask our server if he/she needs prayer before we pray for our food. This opens the door for much more! I’ve heard of people who will even write a specific verse to answer the server’s need on the bill, along with a card from the church, and a short uplifting note. I read about a young student who gave her speech in her college communications class about John 3:16. She brought a Bible for everyone in her class to follow along. She completed two assignments that day: one for her teacher, the other for the Teacher. Now that is awesome! Take time to pray with people, lay hands on people, and minister hope to people. Be courageous and share with people the glorious light and freedom in Jesus. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we do it all for the glory of God. We take time to get to know the familiar faces we see each day. We know what’s behind their smile, their eyes, and we know their needs. We take time to minister, lift up, comfort, supply, attend to, and encourage the people in our path.

This is what Jesus looked like, and this is what we can look like. You see, when we die, God will ask us about our lives. We want Him to be able to see the impact we’ve made to further His kingdom. We want our lives to have ripple effects wherever we treaded. It’s not about quitting our jobs to become a missionary (maybe for some it is!); it’s about multi-tasking. Thankfully, women are master multitaskers! We go about our daily lives, our daily routines, and we find and make ways to bring God glory amidst it all. I have found once my mind has shifted to this focus, I get so blessed along the way!

We are blessed to be a blessing! Oh, there are so many people who need this hope, this encouragement, this light. We are all in unique and powerful positions right now in our lives. We are moms, sisters, grandmas, co-workers, bosses, employees, and students. We are women who spread the good news of Jesus wherever we go. Use where you are right now and what you have right now to show God’s glory to people around you. Our life must reflect the glory that’s been given to us. Psalm 96:8 says to give God the glory due His name. Much like a bicycle reflector, when light hits, it then reflects the light outward. So too, we are reflectors of His glory. The glory of God and His light illuminates us, and we in turn reflect and shine His light to others in darkness. Let our lives shout the glory of God! We are delighted in the glory of God, and we were created to shine His glory. This is our legacy, the divine purpose for our lives.

This is how we live life full of joy, peace and love. This is life abundant! When we are fulfilling our true, God-given purpose in life, we not only get life abundant, but we can help someone else receive the greatest gift of all: a life abundant through Jesus Christ.

Visit Meghan’s Blog You’ll find more daily encouragement for your spirit, mind, and body.

Meghan’s heart’s desire is to help free women from the bondage of religion and the world through the Word. She wants to help women learn how to live a victorious life through Jesus. Although Meghan got saved at the age of 11 when The Power Team came to her hometown, she did not to walk with God in the years thereafter. It’s been almost 10 years since Meghan re-dedicated her life to the Lord. Now she experiences a MUCH better life with Jesus!

Welcome to CHAIM’s brand new feature: Travel the World. Where we highlight men and women of God who give their lives to fulfill the mandate of Jesus from Mark 16:15 “To go into all the world and preach the gospel.” Each month, you will travel the world with them and hear firsthand reports of the goodness of God. Connect, communicate, pray, and even financially support their good work.

Whoever you are and from wherever you’ve come– the God of all hope is reaching out to you with His everlasting arms of love. He has folks around the world and even in your hometown who are sharing the reality of God’s love with you. We would like to introduce Steve and Gigi Murfitt, founders of GABRIEL’s FOUNDATION OF HOPE, and their family. CHAIM: Welcome, Gigi, share with us your story. GIGI: Gabriel’s Foundation of HOPE was a dream for Steve and me for a long time. In 1990, our son Gabriel was born with severe congenital birth defects affecting his arms and legs and hearing. Over the past twenty-one years, many people have come along side us providing encouragement as we journeyed into unfamiliar territory. The giving hearts of many people enabled the our family to buy Gabe’s first wheelchair when he was two years old. The fund set up for him also helped them purchase a vehicle to transport his electric wheels. Because of the amazing gifts of family, friends and strangers, Steve and I were blessed in ways we can’t begin to describe. Now our family is going to pay it forward by blessing other families who deal with the challenges of living with a disability. The Gabriel’s Foundation of HOPE organization was approved by the Internal Revenue Service in November 2007 as a 501(c)3 charity. Now we get to help the families who come to us for assistance. The letters in the word HOPE have come to mean Help, Overcome, Persevere, Encourage. Your tax deductible donations fund programs to help and encourage individuals and families with disabilities as they persevere to overcome the challenges they face

CHAIM: The Lord showed you a tangible way to bring HOPE to families in similar situations to yours; what does that looks like? GIGI: There are several ways that have taken shape and allow us to touch people in a life changing way.

CHAIM: What is the most rewarding part of your ministry? GIGI: The most rewarding is to watch the lives that change after hearing Gabe share his story. The hope shines in the eyes of the audience as Gabe encourages them to live with Courage, Leadership, Endurance, Attitude and Respect (CLEAR). When a need is met by our organization, the joy on the recipient’s face is worth the effort to find ways to raise the funds to meet their needs. CHAIM: What’s the best story you have from this ministry, so far? GIGI: Kobey was born with a variety of challenges requiring many surgeries. One of his challenges is that his arms are short, which makes it difficult for him to keep up with his school work. When Gabe presented Kobey with a new voice controlled laptop computer, his smile told the story. With a mobile computer, Kobey is now able to keep up with the rest of the students CHAIM: What else do you want us to know about you? GIGI: Gabe wrote a book with his mom, Gigi Murfitt titled My Message is C.L.E.A.R. – Hope and Strength in the face of Life’s Greatest Adversities to be released by WinePress Publishing in January 2012. Pre-release orders are currently taken on the website. This is what Joni Eareckson Tada, founder of Joni and Friends and the International Disability Center said about Gabe’s new book: “One look at my friend Gabe raises a lot of questions. Yes, about his physical limitations, but more so, about his smile. Where does this young man get his bright, upbeat attitude? What keeps him going? Answers to these questions and more are what makes Gabe’s story of faith and courage so riveting. I’m especially excited that he is lighting the fire under a whole new generation of young people. So enjoy getting to know Gabe…your outlook on the future will be a lot more clear!” – Joni Eareckson Tada, Joni and Friends International Disability Center

VISIT ONLINE: Here you can learn more about the ministry and keep up to date on Gabe’s speaking engagements. Forms required to apply for the HOPE grant and HOPE scholarship are available to download. Order an encouragement card or donate to the general fund or help fund a school assembly or hope grant. Email: Phone: 206-715-0134 Fax 425-483-0750 Write Us: Gabriel’s Foundation of HOPE PO Box 2437 Woodinville, WA 98072-2437

Just a little extra HOPE is a program helping families in need with gift cards or financial assistance to pay their bills when they are struggling. HOPE Grants help cover the cost of items such as voice activated computers, durable medical equipment, vehicle adaptation, vehicle purchase, home remodel, un-reimbursed medical expenses, and costs related to caring for the disabled individual. HOPE Scholarships are available to students dealing with disability or students desiring to work in a field that will benefit the disability community may also apply. The number of scholarships and award amount will be determined based on funds available. HOPE Workshop Program. Helpful information is taught in a workshop format with experienced teachers from the disability arena. HOPE Encouragement notes and cards are sent to our constituent families who are dealing with the hardship of a disability. Sponsor donors can request these cards to be sent for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or other special occasions. HOPE Assembly and Speaking Engagements: Gabe Murfitt shares his amazing story with all age groups. In his assembly program, students hear his C.L.E.A.R. message of HOPE. When he speaks to community groups and corporations, he encourages the audience to live in their purpose.

Yes, God still speaks today. And He speaks to you and me…not just a chosen few…and especially if you are a born again Christian, then YOU hear the voice of God.

We could say it this way, it is the “ah- ha” moment when the light bulb turns on, when the thing that was mysterious is now plain for you to understand.

That could be exciting or daunting. I choose exciting! Let’s get rid of the “Christianese” and religious talk and take a look at how we can actually HEAR the voice of God. The voice of God is the stronghold of faith. You, as a born again, blood bought, child of the Most High God have ears to hear that wonderful VOICE.

How do we really know someone? It always begins with knowing their name. That was obvious.

Over the past few weeks at WordShop, we’ve been learning about hearing that wonderful voice. I have to share with you something that was quite a revelation to Curt and he shared with us at Friday Night Church. “God is not so much interested in what we are doing for Him as He is more interested in us KNOWING Him.” When Curt spoke this to us, my own heart leapt within me and the LORD then began to explain to me the fullness of this. At that moment it was a revelation to me. COMMERCIAL BREAK… What is a revelation anyway? That word “revelation” can be over-used and under-understood. By definition, a revelation is simply something revealed. In this case it is: (from 1828 NOAH WEBSTER DICTIONARY) The act of disclosing or discovering to others what was before unknown to them; appropriately, the disclosure or communication of truth to men by God himself.

Let’s talk about this. We say that we know God. We even say that we know His name. We pray in His name. Yet, I believe that generally speaking, Christians only know God’s title and don’t truly know His name. I’ll explain it like this. Look at our relationship with people: our parents, spouse, or children. What would that relationship be like if we didn’t know names? What would my relationship with Curt look like if I didn’t know his name? Well, that would be weird, for sure. It would be odd if I merely knew him as “husband.” Knowing his name is not just a mental assent to the information that Curt has a name, but knowing his name brings to our relationship a distinction that is now very personal. Besides, God, I know more about Curt than anyone else. Because I KNOW him. Do we KNOW God like that? Back in the late 70’s and early 80’s someone received a revelation of the names of God in the Hebrew language. And those names began to “show” up in the books we read, songs we sang, and sermons preached. God was reminding us of who He is and making that known by His Name. Remember Jehovah Jireh? Jehovah Nissi? Jehovah Shalom?

Then that revelation turned into a mere fad and the body of Christ got bored and moved on. How sad. How we allowed the devil to deceive us in thinking that those names aren’t that amazing any more.

God’s name is not a fad. His name is power.

Remember what He said to Moses in Exodus….I AM that I AM.

The devil knows that once you lay hold on KNOWING God’s name, you and your life will never be the same. YOU WILL KNOW GOD IN WHOM YOU HAVE BELIEVED. The devil’s games are old and worn out. Look at Acts …. Peter and John gave a lame man the name of Jesus and that lame man WALKED, LEAPING, and PRAISING GOD. The rulers found out, were upset and told Peter and John that they were “not allowed” to preach in the name of Jesus any more. Why? ‘CAUSE THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS!! We are going to make known some of the areas that Christians have been deceived. Take no condemnation in this. We didn’t know we were deceived – else, we would not have been deceived. What about the taking God’s name in vain? Religion/church has watered down and misrepresented this command by teaching it to mean - not using the name of God in as a curse word. Or that the name of God is so holy that we, mere men, shouldn’t even utter His sacred name. Let’s look at it from God’s Biblical perspective: what does vain mean? 1.Empty; worthless; having no substance, value or importance. 2.Proud of petty things, or of trifling attainments; elated with a high opinion of one's own accomplishments, or with things more showy than valuable; conceited. To take God’s name in vain is to not use it properly. God gave us his name that we may KNOW Him and then appropriate His name to bring victory and blessing to our life and the lives of those around us. If we believe God and His name – then we use His name the way He intended. ROMANS 10:13

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.


For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

MARK 16:17

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

JOHN 14:13

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.


And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

JOEL 2:26

And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.

Cristina Hawkins, wife of Curt Hawkins, shares the treasures she finds in God’s Word with anyone who will listen. “Whosoever will” is a candidate for the mercy and goodness of God. Whether one-on-one with a cup of tea, or preaching side-by-side with Curt, Cristina’s confidence in God enables the power of God to pour forth and minister the life of God to all. Listen to the broadcast at

Something UNEXPECTED. In this issue, you’ll not find the typical cookie extravaganza or latest trend in world-traveled recipes, but rather some hearty healthy comfort foods. These recipes will definitely bring a smile to your tummy. Enjoy! Let us know how you like the recipes you tasted here. Send us your review to INFO@CHAIMINC.COM

LENTIL SOUP This one is loaded with protein, iron, Vitamin A, fiber and folic acid. 4 cups chicken broth 1 dried lentils 1 pkg of turkey sausage or chicken sausage with mozzarella cheese and artichoke hearts 1 medium onion, chopped 2-3 cloves of garlic 1 can of stewed tomatoes 1 Tbsp Worcestershire ½ tsp oregano ¼-1/2 tsp ground cumin 1 medium carrot, sliced 1 stalk of celery, sliced 1 cup of spinach, chopped ¼ tsp of ground pepper 1. Spray a pot with olive oil, and cook the garlic, onion and sausage. Cover and cook over medium heat until sausage is browned. 2. Add chicken broth, lentils, can of tomatoes, Worcestershire, and spices. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and let simmer for 15 minutes. 3. Add the veggies. Bring to a boil again, then reduce the heat. Cover it and let it simmer for 20 minutes. Enjoy! Serve with the whole wheat rolls.


SERVES 4 I like to double the recipe as it makes delicious leftovers. 1 lb lean ground turkey 1 egg ¼ c. dry bread crumbs 2 Tbsp milk 1 tsp salt 2 Tbsp corn starch 1 tsp or 1 cube of beef bouillon 1 Tbsp soy sauce 1 can (13 ½ oz) pineapple chunks in, drain and reserve the juice 1 can (11 oz) mandarin oranges ¼ c. cider vinegar 1. Combine meat, egg, bread crumbs, milk and salt. Shape into balls, heat pan with olive oil spray, brown the meatballs on all sides and remove. 2. Add cornstarch, bouillon, and soy sauce. (May need to add a splash of the pineapple juice since we didn’t cook with oil and used lean meat.) Stir 1-2 minutes. 3. Add pineapple juice and vinegar. Whisk and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer. The sauce should thicken. 4. Add meatballs, pineapples, mandarin oranges. Heat through. Serve over brown rice (or quinoa).

QUINOA STUFFED PEPPERS 5-6 sweet bell peppers, preferably red 1 cup quinoa 2 cups of water or chicken broth 1 carrot, shredded 1 zucchini, shredded or finely diced 1 flower of broccoli, cut into smaller flowers 1 onion, chopped finely ½ cup spinach 2 cloves of garlic Italian seasoning Parmesan or Asiago Cheese


This is a fun recipe because any vegetable can be added, and cooked with any cheese and seasoning. If an Oriental taste is wanted, you can make this more of a stir fry. If a Cajun, Thai, Greek, or even Chipotle flavor is wanted, adjust the seasonings and even the veggies and cheeses accordingly. It can be a personalized masterpiece! 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Cook quinoa according to package instructions. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray a pan with olive oil spray, and sauté the garlic and onion, about 2 minutes. Add the rest of the veggies. Add the Italian seasonings. Cook over medium heat for 5-8 minutes. Meanwhile, wash and cut the tops off the pepper. Hollow out. Mix together the quinoa and veggies, and add cheese. Lightly mix. Stuff the peppers with the mix. Place the peppers on a baking sheet, and bake for 15-20 minutes. It’s ready to take out of the oven when the pepper is slightly charred.

WHOLE WHEAT PARMESAN TWISTS Makes 10-12 rolls 1 ¼ cup of warm water 2 Tablespoons yeast ¼ cup honey 1/3 cup olive oil 1 tsp salt 1 egg, beaten 3 ½ cups whole wheat flour Topping: Parmesan Cheese Italian seasoning 1. Combine the first 4 ingredients. Let it rest for 15min 2. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. 3. Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well. 4. Spray a cookie sheet lightly with canola oil. 5. Take a small handful of dough, and using hands, roll into a long strip of dough. Take the dough, and tie it into a knot. Tuck the ends underneath. Place the twisted roll onto the baking sheet. 6. Cook the rolls for about 7 minutes. Sprinkle lightly with parmesan cheese and season with the Italian seasonings. Bake for 1-2 more minutes, or until cheese is melted and rolls are lightly browned.


COTTAGE CHEESE ROLLS These rolls are a family tradition. My mother would make these for every special occasion. She would make batch after batch around Christmas, and give them away as Christmas gifts. To this day, people ask about and eagerly anticipate the “Goodheart Rolls” every year. This is the first time the recipe has been made “public.” Merry Christmas!  2 pkgs of yeast ½ cup warm water 2 c. cottage cheese ¼ cup sugar 2 tsp. salt ½ tsp soda 2 eggs 4 ½ cups flour Canola oil spray Directions: 1. Sprinkle the yeast in the warm water to dissolve. Heat the cottage cheese to lukewarm. 2. Add sugar, salt, soda, egg, yeast, cottage cheese, and one cup of flour into a bowl. (Using a dough hook makes it easier, but it can be stirred by hand.) If using a mixer, turn the dough hook on low. 3. Gradually add the flour cup by cup, while stirring, until it forms into a soft dough. 4. Place in a canola-oil sprayed bowl, cover, and let rise in a warm place for 1 ½ hours. 5. Now grab some pans, and spray these. You can make two 9 x 13’s, or one 9 x 13, one square and one round, or any other combination. (I like to make the second combo so I can give a round pan and a square pan to someone as a treat!) 6. Roll the dough into buns, and place them into the pans. Cover and let rise for 45 minutes. 7. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes, or until golden brown.

This is a delicious, moist and savory stuffing I learned while spending our first Thanksgiving away from family. It gives the traditional dressing a bit of a kick. ¾ c. butter 2 large celery, chopped 1 medium onion, chopped (approx ½ cup) 8 cups of soft bread cubes (approx 15 slices) 1 ½ tsp fresh thyme (or ½ tsp of dried) 1 tsp salt ½ tsp ground sage ¼ tsp pepper 1 c. craisins 1 apple, chopped 1. Melt butter in a dutch oven or large pot over mediumhigh heat. Cook celery and onion in butter for 6-8 minutes, stirring occasionally until tender. Remove from heat. 2. Gently toss celery mix and remaining ingredients until bread crumbs are evenly coated. 3. Use this to stuff a 10-12 lb turkey. This is the most optimal for taste and consistency! 4. Another option is to bake the stuffing separately in a 13 x 9 or casserole dish. Cover it and bake @ 325 for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for 15 more minutes. (I recommend cooking it in the turkey!)

RED PRETZEL SALAD As a kid, I used to be excited this dish was actually considered a “salad!” 2 Tbsp sugar 2 C. crushed pretzels ¾ C. melted butter 8 oz of light cream cheese 8 oz of light cool whip 1 C. sugar 2 pkgs (3 oz) of strawberry jello 2 C. boiling water 2 (10 oz) bags of frozen strawberries, chopped 1. Spray a 13 x 9 with canola oil spray. Press the crushed pretzels into the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle with the 2 T. of sugar and the melted butter. Bake for 8-9 minutes @ 400. Let the crust cool completely. 2. Next, mix the cream cheese, cool whip, and one cup of sugar together and spread on the cooled crust. Chill for 1 hour. 3. Mix the boiling water, jello, and strawberries together and pour over the top of the chilled mix. Refrigerate to set the jello. 4. Cut into squares and enjoy the “salad!” 



2 cups Quinoa 4 cups of water (can use broth, too, for more flavor, unless you’re watching your sodium) 2 cans low sodium diced tomatoes 1 red and yellow bell pepper 1 cup onion 1-2 cloves of garlic salt and pepper, to taste 1 head romaine lettuce 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Cook quinoa according to the directions. Remove quinoa from heat and allow to sit covered for five minutes Fluff quinoa gently with a fork and serve. In a skillet (non-stick or sprayed with a small amount of olive oil), sauté onion, garlic, and bell peppers over medium heat until caramelized (edges turning golden brown), stirring often. Take skillet off heat and season lightly salt and pepper. Lightly toss the vegetables, quinoa, 1 cup of prepared or fresh salsa and season to taste Chop 1 head romaine lettuce into bit-size pieces and toss with quinoa and vegetables. Serve as a side dish or meal.

QUINOA (keenWAH) Quinoa is a recently rediscovered ancient "grain" native to South America. Not only is quinoa high in protein, but the protein it supplies is complete protein, meaning that it includes all nine essential amino acids. Although not a common item in most kitchens today, quinoa is an amino acid-rich (protein) seed that has a fluffy, creamy, slightly crunchy texture and a somewhat nutty flavor when cooked. Quinoa is available year round in your local grocery stores. Most commonly considered a grain, quinoa is actually a relative of leafy green vegetables like spinach and Swiss chard. It is a recently rediscovered ancient "grain" Quinoa grains contain essential amino acids like lysine and good quantities of calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Quinoa contains a staggering 12-18% protein, where meat has 19%. It is a good source of dietary fiber and phosphorus and is high in magnesium and iron. Quinoa is gluten-free and considered easy to digest.

½ box of whole wheat lasagna noodles, uncooked 2-3 jars of spaghetti sauce 2 large tomatoes chopped 4 large zucchini, sliced lengthwise 1 medium onion, chopped finely 2-3 garlic cloves 1 tub of part skim ricotta cheese Parmesan or Asiago cheese Italian seasonings, fresh or ground (oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, sage) **optional additions from the garden: eggplant, mushrooms, kale 1. 2.



Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Spray a pan with olive oil spray, and sauté the onion and garlic over medium heat, about 2 minutes. Add sliced veggies, and season with Italian seasoning. Cook until aromatic, approx 5-8 minutes. Line a 13 x 9 with spaghetti sauce. Place a layer of uncooked noodles. Add a layer of the veggie mix. Top with dollops of ricotta cheese. Sprinkle a tablespoon of parmesan cheese. Top with spaghetti sauce. Repeat the layers. Bake for 1 hour.

Is your understanding of eating raw like mine was? Sure, I eat raw- carrot sticks, salads, fruit. Recently, I have been presented with something new and it really changed the way I look at the food we eat. Eating Biblically. Welcome with me Hannah Stone. Hannah has joined our CHAIM family and will be sharing more amazing insight into healthy eating. ~Cristina Hawkins God has designed each one of our bodies with a sufficient supply of enzymes, which are used in all of our body functions. We are living organisms, with living cells that need to be supplied with living food. When our body is depleted of enzymes, because of the lack of enzymes we are eating, it is difficult for our bodies to absorb nutrition. Enzymes not only help us digest our food, but carry all of the nutrients to our cells, which build bones, repair organs, fight disease, etc..

RAW FOOD is where we find our food enzymes. After food has been cooked above 107 degrees the enzymes start to be destroyed. Choosing live, raw food is how we make healthy cells that produce life in us, or we can choose dead food, which produces wasted cells. “Enzymes are the physical difference between life and death.” How great it is that God designed us with live bodies and live food to nourish it with.


WALDORF SALAD PUMPKIN PIE From Recipes for Life Cookbook 1 pumpkin, skinned, cleaned and diced (5 cups) ½ tsp. ginger 1 cup organic raisins, soaked ½ tsp. nutmeg 2-4 Tbsp. fresh lemon or orange juice ½ cup coconut, unsweetened ½ tsp. cinnamon 1 cup almonds, soaked/drain 2 Tbsp. raw honey Run the pumpkin through a juicer, Discard juice. Add pumpkin, raisins, almonds and coconut to food processor. Stir mixture with honey and spices and remaining coconut. Pour into pie crust. Cover and chill at least 2 hrs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ALMOND PIE CRUST 1 ½ cups raw almonds, soaked overnight in 2 cups water, drained 1/3 cup soft, pitted dates 4 Tbsp. almond butter 1 ½ cups sunflower seeds ½ cup fresh coconut, grated Place almond and sunflower seed in blender for food processor until evenly ground. Add the coconut, dates and almond butter and mix well. Press into a pie plate. Refrigerate 4 hrs to set.

From Recipes for Life Cookbook 2 Large apples, cubed ½ Cup chopped celery ½ Cup walnuts, soaked in water for 30 min. /drain (this helps with digestion) ½ Cup raisins 1 Cup Vegenaise (dairy free mayo) Mix together

RAW SWEET POTATOE HUMMUS From Creating A Hallelujah Holiday Feast 11/2 Large sweet potatoes peeled, chopped in chunks 2 Tbsp. Flax oil 1 tsp. ground cumin ½ tsp. sea salt 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice 1 clove garlic ½ Cup water Directions Process all ingredients in food processor until smooth. Add water until creamy.









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After graduating from Bible school in May, I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to find a ministry or to start one. I searched and questioned God and have done this for quite some time. I started a bi-weekly Bible character study in June based on John MacArthur’s book, Twelve Extraordinary Women of the Bible. During the last 5 months of this study, fellowshipping with other mother’s and studying the lives of these phenomenal women that the Bible talks about, my ministry has really become clear to me. All this time I have been searching for a purpose that God has already given me. A ministry in motherhood. All along that small voice has been answering my prayer, saying “you’re in it.” But I was too caught up in the deception that I needed to be doing something more. In reality, this is the greatest, most challenging, yet profoundly rewarding ministry we as women will ever encounter.” Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.” Psalm 127:3

I think the way that I was feeling resonates with many mothers. We buy into the enemies lie that we are “just moms” and that we are not doing enough. A spark has been lit in me and I now have the fire and drive to make motherhood, being a wife and daughter of the King my ultimate priority. I have been seeking God for direction in this ministry and I have been shown that the most important gift we can give to our family is to pray for them.

Pray for your husband and father of your children, pray for and with your children, and pray for yourself. I have always prayed for my children, but I have started praying with them. I pray for the Lord to guide me in how to love my children, how to correct and discipline them, how to be their mother and friend. He knows them better than we do and He knows how to fulfill their unique needs.

My 3 year old daughter also says a prayer and she too asks for guidance. Ever since we started doing this, I have noticed a drastic change in our family relationship. Glory to God! I know the reason God inspired me to write this is because He wants you to know that you are doing a wonderful job. That what you are doing and that all that you are is enough. We as women need to come together in support and encouragement for our sister’s in Christ. To be transparent in our imperfections because let’s face it, we’re not perfect and no one expects us to be. Limits and expectations are only requirements that we put on ourselves. Jesus tells us, “we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us.” Philippians 4:13. This has become a constant saying in my house. We are not allowed to use the “C” (can’t) word, but instead “I can do all things!” I love to hear my children say this! I want you to make motherhood, wifehood and sisterhood your passion. Those of you who do not have children also have a very special purpose. It could be to reach out to a child that is lacking a family relationship, maybe it’s a friend’s child who is never really heard by their parents. No matter who you are, God can use you. If you are a mother, God is already using you. “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish woman tears hers down.” Proverbs 14:1.

Build your home on a foundation of Love and in all your ways acknowledge Him.


A place of adventure and imagination, the Treehouse is where CHAIM readers will discover the beauty of loving and training our children. Trees have such amazing delight: providing fruit, shelter, shade, and comfort for both animals and people moreover, our God hath made them all. And just as trees have many aspects to enjoy, so do these pages have articles, activities and helpful tools for parents and children alike. Enjoy the time under the cover of this canopy. Remembering that it is God’s doing and marvelous in our eyes. “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD:”PSALM 127:3a

Acknowledging that we, as parents, are our children's primary teacher, we wonder how we can help them learn better in the academic world. Math is often an area where parents feel unprepared to help their child. Or perhaps, math was a subject that was difficult for a parent. As we all can agree, people tend to stay away from areas that they feel are unsuccessful ones for them. Fear not! With just a few simple techniques, you can help your child build a solid math foundation. Helping your child learn math facts will give them a solid foundation. It will build their confidence and success, as well as, helping them see math in a positive light. That success is critical in building your child's future academic success. Don't panic if your child has yet to master them. Spend time with your child using some of these strategies and it will make a profound difference. One good strategy is the practicing the doubles. Help your child learn 1+1, 2+2, .....up to 9+9. If your child is a "mover and a shaker", get an excercise ball and have them sit on it. Use a nerf ball or even a rolled up sock. As the child balances on the ball, toss the nerf ball or sock to them and ask, "What is 2+2?" They catch the object and answer, "2+2 is 4" and toss back to you. Keep going for 10-15 minutes.

You can hold your child's attention much longer this way compared to sitting down with a paper and a pencil. If you don't have an exercise ball for your child to sit on, have them sit on the floor and just toss an object to them. Make sure it isn't an object that will cause a distraction from the math facts. I had the best success with a rolled up sock! Math facts can be practiced in the car while you are running errands. You have a captive audience and it helps errands go quicker. Encourage having fun with numbers, your child will enjoy learning the facts. After you feel your child knows the doubles, work on the doubles plus one. For example, "What is 4+4?" Child answers "8". Parent says, "Well if 4+4 is 8, what is 4+5?" Children catch on very quickly after a few practices. The next step is talking about the fact family. Parent asks, "What is "4+4?" Child answers "8". Parent asks, "What is the subtraction fact in that family?" Help your child see that the only members in that family are the twins of 4+4 and 8. So the subtraction is 8-4=4. This strategy will need more practice. If your child is competitive, time them. Ask, "How many can you get in 5 minutes?" Keep the practices short, so your child will enjoy the time spent with you. If your child is a third or fourth grader, the same strategies can be used to learn multiplication and division facts. Using the ball strategy, you can have them skip count by 2s, 3s, 4s..... up to 12s. Of all of the techniques I have used as a teacher, skip counting has been the most succesful in mastering multiplication. Of course, you can also jump on the internet and Google Math fact games to find some fun ways to use your computer or even print off practice sheets. Keep track of what your child is learning by charting the multiplication facts. Set a reward up with them. Help them become responsible for their own learning. Celebrate their successes. All of these strategies can be practiced in the car, on an exercise ball or even for five minutes at the dinner table. Learning can be a lot of fun, if you praise and encourage your child's success and stay involved with them. The time you spend in elementary years, will set the stage for future academic success. A positive approach, will ensure positive outcomes. Have fun learning with your child!

Ever wonder why killing yourself in the weight room, buying the latest greatest diet book, or waking up early to get your morning run in may help you feel like you're getting in better shape - but still falls short? That’s because you need the right strength, cardio and nutrition approaches all working together. Our proprietary systems work in harmony, utilizing the most current science for a complete fitness solution:

As I write this, it is the first week of December. I’ve made it through Thanksgiving without gaining any weight. This, of itself, is a great victory!

Fitness Together is national franchise businesses helping all ages get in the best shape of their lives. As their name implies, Fitness Together specializes in personal training.

The important thing is to just stick with it.


Since I began working out with Fitness Together in south east Boise, I’ve lost a total of seven pounds. Honestly, I expected the weight scale to be much more kind to me than just 7 pounds. No matter how little the fat loss though, some positive weight loss is always better than gaining. We used to say an expression regarding activity in business like this: “Something more than nothing is a good thing.” And remember, you nor I probably put on seven pounds in two or three weeks. Keep working out, keep learning about what foods to eat to promote good health and weight loss. Keep going. NEVER GIVE UP. I’ve now had many workouts with my personal trainer Brian Redfeldt of Fitness Together. His knowledge in the area of fitness is truly staggering. You can tell that Brian genuinely enjoys what he’s doing. Not only does he enjoy the process of training, but it is very clear that your success and well being is at the very top of his list. Brian accomplishes all this with a kind, gentle nature that exudes from his inner man.

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Here are some things that I’ve learned regarding fitness since the last article:

What we eat even if we’re working out at a high level is critically important. I sometimes have yielded to the myth that if I workout often enough or hard enough, I can eat anything I want. Not true… unfortunately.

Secondly, portion sizes are out of serious control. I realized that at times I was eating the equivalent of two to three small meals in one sitting. This is not conducive to weight loss. You really have to set your mind to use discipline with portions. “I’m only going to eat enough for this two to three hours and no more. There will be more food later.” What is a portion you ask? Usually, a portion consists of what will fit in the palm of your hand. The important things to portion are protein and carbohydrates and probably cooked vegetables. If eating raw vegetables, your portions can be unlimited. We’re trying to incorporate more raw food into our diets…. Slowy. It’s so much better for us and retains more of all the goodness inside. Dessert? Dessert is not figured in the normal daily portion sizes. That’s because we shouldn’t be having it every day. Once in a while, yes! Everyday, NO!

Overall, I feel so much better over the last two months.

The workouts are very, very challenging, but it’s worth it. The biggest thing I notice is how much easier every day tasks are to accomplish. Tying my shoes? Easier. Just walking down the street? Much easier! It feels good to be stronger. Having more energy to get things done in life promotes a happier, better attitude.

Something important to keep in mind is to not allow all this food stuff and working out to become a religion. Don’t allow any of this to steal your joy. Whether it’s eating with friends and family or missing a workout to do something with great eternal significance, don’t lose your joy. Remember why you’re doing what you’re doing. If it’s time to make a change in your physical life, I highly recommend giving Brian Redfeldt a call at 208.336.8348. A private workout room and personalized fitness training await you. Additional male and female trainers are available. Happy Holidays

- Curt Some things I do that may help you, too.

Water: Hands down - my favorite drink! Get fresh air every day: I get outside even if it’s for 5 minutes, just to breathe fresh air. Sleep: I get 6-8 hrs of sleep each night – sleep allows the body time to rebuild and refresh.

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Although it’s common, it’s not normal to be sick. It was God’s great design for our bodies to be healthy. But every day, toxins, free-radicals, artificial additives, pesticides and preservatives enter our body from the foods we eat.

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manual," full of tools for protecting, maintaining, and strengthening our divinely designed bodies. In the human body, God created a perfect design, equipped with all the organs, tissues, and cells necessary for health, production, and reproduction.. Our bodies are "fearfully and wonderfully made." With the help Of Body by God, readers will learn how to achieve the highest level of performance from God's handiwork.

MUSICFROMGOD.COM Music From GOD The Music from God project is the culmination of eight years of painstaking research that began with the vision of its founder, Uri Harel. The term "Music" is used only for lack of a better term. MFG is a stream of frequencies (notes) in a specific sequence (order) that is translated directly from the Hebrew text of the Bible, letter by letter, into musical notes. The translation of the Hebrew letters to notes is accomplished by applying a special method that works consistently on the entire text of the Bible.

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Watch Faith To Overcome on demand Overcome fear. Live by faith. VISIT: YouTube Channel: HAWKINSMINSTRIES

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