hoover high school publications. 4800 aurora avenue .des moines. ia. 50310. 515.242.7313. 10.26.07 v41.i3
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of
Inside: Going green p.2
Environmental club strives to beautify the school through tree planting
Rise and shine p.3
Marching band early birds want respect
School violence p.4
Staff members speak out on youth violence
Volley ‘ballin’ p.5
The senior-less Huskies are nearing the end of their twowin season. The team is led by the underclassmen
Psychedelic radio waves p.6 Radio Moscow mixture of rock blues and a taste of punk make for a refreshing music recipe
Don’t shush me p.7
Free speech is essential for an informed public
You have theRIGHTto remainsilent Payton Quinn features editor
Twelve members of Students Beyond War (SBW) held a political sit-in at Senator Charles Grassley’s office Sept. 21. The students wanted Grassley to promise to stop funding the war. The outcome of the sit-in resulted in the arrest of two Hoover students, seniors Aaron Glynn and Amanda Hicks along with Dowling senior Abby Olson and Roosevelt freshman Reetzi Hughes. SBW is made up of many people and not limited to high school students. The group meets every Thursday and discusses world issues such as war and peace. “We plan activities and talk about issues in the world and how we as students and citizens can make the world a better place and get our voices heard,” Glynn said. “The sit-in was our first major event.” Glynn and Hicks said that their goal for the sit-in was to convince Grassley to stop funding the war in Iraq. “Grassley needs to represent Iowa better, he shouldn’t just favor his party affiliations,” Glynn said. “We wanted publicity. We wanted him to talk to us.” “Our goal for the sit in was to talk to Grassley and see if we could come up with a conclusion with the whole issue. Our goal was not to get arrested but if we had to stay to be heard we were going to stay,” Hicks said. “Security threatened to arrest us first but we refused to leave. The police then came and arrested
Seniors Aaron Glynn and Amanda Hicks participated in a sit-in at Senator Charles Grassley’s office
me and Aaron along with other high school students,” Hicks said. “I was put in a paddy wagon with the other girls; it was disgusting. Both Glynn and Hicks said that despite the arrest, they were treated kindly by the officers. “When we got there, the police officers were really nice to us. They had lots of jokes and laughed with us a lot,” Hicks said. “The police were really nice and funny,” Glynn said. “One told me he was proud of us because we took a stand in what we believed in.” The students were proud they stuck up for what they believed in and took a stand. “We ended up having a press conference with Grassley. I was not able to attend the meeting so I am not quite sure what was said or done about the whole issue,” Glynn said. Hicks suffered consequences at home in addition to getting arrested. “My parents were upset and I am not aloud to talk to some of the group members, such as Frank Calderon who organized the silent protest,” Hicks said. Glynn said that although his parents weren’t happy with the arrest, they were proud of him for sticking up for his beliefs. “My mom was worried, but both my mom and dad were very proud of me for taking a stand. They also said I could’ve avoided getting arrested by
leaving with the other members the first time they asked us to leave,” Glynn said. “I’m glad I stayed though.” Glynn had a message for Grassley. “The only thing I have to say to Grassley is that you need to promise us that you will stop funding the war. It was wrong for U.S. soldiers to go there in the first place. We are just targets now, its wrong for us to stay there,” Glynn said. Neither Glynn nor Hicks have regrets, and neither would change a thing about the whole ordeal. The only thing that disappointed them was that they didn’t get a chance to speak to Grassley. The students went to court Oct. 5 to discuss the punishment of the sit in. “The group just got a series of fines, but none of us are paying because it’s a group thing and we were representing the group,” Glynn said. The students are not mad about the group being arrested, but they are disappointed they weren’t heard and didn’t get the chance to voice out. “Stand up for what you believe in and don’t be afraid to take risks,” Glynn said. “What we did is becoming more uncommon in the United States. People get bullied, they don’t say anything back, they don’t stand up and take risks. I did and I am proud of myself and what I did.”