New lunch period gives students more time
Case of the missing python
After two years of new lunch schedule, students and staff reflect on changes
Science teacher Murieum Huerman’s pet python leaves its home to prowl on school mice
[ PG. 3 ]
Turmoil tears team to tatters
The dance team is going to the orange bowl to dance at halftime
[ PG. 3 ]
[ PG. 6 ] Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press or of the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances
Welcome to the safe zone New safe center for community members opens downtown BY PAYTON QUINN NEWS EDITOR
State-wide cuts cause schools to do more with less $17.5 million in budget cuts force administrators, teachers to make due BY ALEKSANDRA VUJICIC SPORTS EDITOR
he state is faced with a 10 percent across-the-board budget cut, which translates to $17.5 million being cut from Des Moines Public Schools. The district has already cut outof-district travel, department budgets will be cut and unnecessary spending will be avoided. All certified staff under contract cannot be laid off mid-year, but next year job cuts will be determined according to how hard the budget cut hits. English teacher Jon Rubino feels he can’t get too comfortable with his job. “I have no control over it. I can’t dwell on it, or worry. It’s a scary time right now for students and teachers,” Rubino said. Principal Doug Wheeler feels that teachers can’t be replaced by technology, and is worried to think about possible cuts next year. “I’m left to make decisions about teachers. Making cuts are one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in my life, we’re talking about insurance
and feeding their families. There are no “I don’t think you should cut easy cuts,” Wheeler said. everything the same amount. Both Wheeler and Rubino agree that Some departments are padded students will be affected most by the more than others,” Griffith said. shortage of money, with larger class Wheeler thinks the budget sizes, less technology and less money cut goes back to the economic for new materials. downturn and people not putting “Larger class sizes means less money back into the economy. individualized attention for students,” Along with low taxes, the state is Rubino said. in a tight money situation. Superintendent Nancy Sebring “Everyone expects superior believes that a service if taxes are low. We cut this size is need to be realistic, costs My biggest concern is devastating to any will be higher,” Wheeler we have to ask more of school district. said. people. Hard working Since 2005, this is Athletically, needs will teachers to take on be prioritized. Only the the fifth across-themore work. board cut, totaling most crucial needs are -Superintendent Nancy tapped for new purchases. to $55 million in total cuts. Sebring Rubino feels that the “My biggest future of Iowa is at stake, concern is we have to ask more of but that education won’t be people. Hard working teachers to take sacrificed. on more work. Next year’s classes will “The uncertainty is kind of get larger and we may not offer as many scary for everyone but we’ve got electives,” Sebring said. a strong staff, and we’ll continue All state departments get the same to do the best for our students,” percentage cut from their budget. Math Rubino said. teacher Josh Griffith feels that each “No fat on the bones anymore, department has certain needs and that we’re now removing vital organs. there shouldn’t be one set percentage of We have to do more with less,” cuts. Sebring said.
A new safe center for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students opened downtown June 1. The center is considered a safe zone because anyone can come, not just the LGBT community. Administrator at the center Sandy Vopalka quit her job to run the center. “I felt like I had this nagging sensation to start something and figure out who’s voices aren’t being heard in the community and what I can do about it,” Vopalka said. Vopalka has been an “out” lesbian for 30 years and is proud of it. She doesn’t expect people that come to the center to be on the same level as her. “The goal of the center is to help people find stuff they can do and feel comfortable in the environment, we have many programs available including youth group which meets Thursday nights, various holiday events and many more groups for all ages,” Vopalka said. The center recently lost the funding due to the superior form of income ran into legal issues. “We are in fundraising mode and are asking for any donation anyone is willing to give, I plan on keeping this center open no matter how much it takes,” Vopalka said. “We have helped too many people in the community including talking between seven and ten people out of suicide.” The center hours are Monday through Saturday 12-6 and anyone is welcome to go. The center has wi-fi and many activities to do such as watch movies read and visit with people of the community. “ I just want people to come and see what we have to offer, if there is something we don’t have that they need we will do what it takes to provide that for them,” Vopalka said. “All they have to do is ask.”
6 things found at The Center A safe place to be yourself Old friends and new friends Library of books and games Meeting Spaces Place to hang out LGBTQ community resources Legal and social research resources
1300 Locust Ave Des Moines, IA 50309
Prac ticum students: who they are and what they do THE BASICS A practicum student is a step below student teaching. All a practicum student really does is observe how a teacher teaches a class. Being a practicum student is a requirement before student teaching.
THE DIFFERENCE There are different requirements from different universities about the hours required for observation.
There are different requirements from different universities about the hours required for observation.
You must be recommended by the teacher you are observing to move on to student teaching
You must be recommended by the teacher you are observing to move on to student teaching
The difference between practicum students and student teachers is that student teachers are given a specified curriculum to teach classes and practicum students only observe the classes.