Spring into ac�on
Spring musical intertwines student creativity with professional talent
Pg.2 Freedom of expression Pg 4. Biggest loser: teacher’s edition Pg. 5 Synchronized swimming Pg. 7 Hip hop: it don’t stop Pg. 8 The Board
Defying stereotypes
Senior sets out to prove violin is not only restricted to playing classical music
-pg. 6
Budget increase for state schools More money in schools’ pockets for upcoming year Heaven Slye sports editor
Campus monitor Linda Hart examines the parking camera from her computer. Next year’s $10 parking fee will help pay for new parking cameras. “We are not doing this because of vandalism,” said Principal Doug Wheeler. “Cameras are to prevent things from happening. Cameras prevent more than people think.” ������� ������ �����
Be� er safe than sorry New parking policy implemented to raise money for security camera Jessica Thrane opinion editor charge up to $25,” Wheeler said. Other schools in the district require a fee for parking stickers and now Hoover will join them. Senior Corey Soulinthavong, a member of the Student Problem Identification-Resolving Issues Together (SPIRIT) committee that met with Principal Doug Wheeler to discuss the idea, thought that the fee would be beneficial as the funds would be used to install new cameras and maybe possibly a new light. “It’s better to be safe than sorry,” Soulinthavong said. “Prevention is very important.” The parking fee for next year will be $10 for all students, which according to Wheeler is a small fee to pay compared to other schools. “At other schools they charge more for parking stickers. Some schools
Wheeler said he thinks that the school’s student parking lot is accomodating and that the fee will only help improve it. “We’re lucky that here at Hoover we have enough space for all of our cars and that our parking lot is never full. At other schools they have more parking problems,” Wheeler said. “And Hoover was actually the first school in the district to have working cameras.” The school district is also giving Hoover a security grant to put in one parking camera for proactive measures. But according to Wheeler, Hoover doesn’t have enough cameras. “We are going to get one or two from the district, and we’re going to use the parking lot fee for that too,” Wheeler said. According to Wheeler there have not been many incidents involving
-Recently Des Moines gym New Image Family Fitness Center closed without no�ce; a note was placed on its door sta�ng that the gym will be closed due to financial issues. -Customers who paid in advance were told that they will not be ge�ng money back. -According to, many customers are upset. -A number of businesses in Des Moines have closed because of economic issues. -A rumor that PacSun was going to close due to economic issues proved untrue. -Many tanning salons and other small businesses have been closing simply because they don’t have money to con�nue.
vandalism. “We are not doing this because of vandalism,” Wheeler said. “Cameras are to prevent things from happening. Cameras prevent more than people think.” Wheeler said cameras “protect the safety of students and their belongings and help out with proof of claims.” Senior Amy Kopaska drives to school this year . “I think the fee is ok because a lot of people will pay it so they don’t have to walk in the rain--plus it’s just $10,” Kopaska said. Resource teacher Christopher Sellers agrees too. “$10 a year amounts to 5 cents a day! It seems like a small price to pay to have the luxury of parking steps from the front door of your future. And remember, that $10 fee (at least now)is tax deductable,” Sellers said.
Economic downfall causes businesses to close doors
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According to the Associated Press, governor Chet Culver recently signed a bill at Central Academy to allow an increase in education for schools. This is going to supply an extra $60 million to schools in the state. For teachers and students alike, some are having trouble with the falling economy. History teacher Maureen Murphy has faced changes with education budget several times in her 16 years of teaching. “We often have years where we need to adjust our thinking as the budget does not cover as much as it did the year prior. One year we had a cut mid-year,” Murphy said. Education cuts haven’t really seemed to affect her in large ways, however. “With an exception of one year, I’ve always had between 155-175 students. So, as far as class size, it probably won’t affect me as much as it does others. I will probably be at the upper end,” Murphy said. Murphy said that even if it does affect her and the way she teaches, she would adjust because she loves her students. “I think I accept what happens and try to adjust to it. If you don’t, it might affect how you relate to your students, and I love my students. They do not deserve less from me,” Murphy said. Besides how the education budget has affected Murphy and other teachers, she reacted in a positive manner to the bill signed by Culver. “I always appreciate politicians who say they love children and then actually do something to prove it. Governor Culver is a former teacher who taught at Hoover, so I think he understands the problems public schools face in times like these,” Murphy said. However, teachers aren’t the only ones who are in favor of the bill that recently was signed and passed. Senior Ben Lockin also agrees that the bill was for a good cause. “It will make for more entertaining classes and more activities for students to learn with,” Lockin said. Lockin’s education has been affected by the economy, but as a senior, he won’t be affected by next year’s budget. “For me, it’s kind of for looking toward next year. Loans for student loans will be harder to get,” Lockin said. Lockin said that besides it being harder to get money for college, he’s applying for scholarships to be able to afford the University of Iowa. “I’m applying for a lot of scholarships,” Lockin said. Murphy said she has to rely on her own money to supplement what is given to her by the government in order to pay for classroom expenses. “(I have to spend) between $500$1000 (out of my own pocket),” Murphy said.