Teacher cuts cause reaction Teacher reactions to upcoming 8.5 job cuts
[ PG. 2 ]
Brother 2 Brother
New group aims to ensure that significantly more African Americans and Latino males graduate from high school and college
[ PG. 3 ]
Swimming to state Boys swimmers prepare for districts and possibly state
[ PG. 5 ] Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press or of the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances
Block scheduling goes district wide All high schools in district go to 85 minute classes BY ERIK HOFFMAN FEATURES EDITOR
Passing on a race to the top School district passes on a Race to the Top Federal Grant aimed to change
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persistently low achieving schools into charter schools BY JASON REICHENBACHER ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR
It’s a competition for school funding. States across the country are applying for federal grants for public education, but the majority of them will not be awarded the federal money. According to Superintendent Nancy Sebring Iowa is changing legislation in order to be more appealing to the Federal Department of Education, who ultimately decides whether Iowa gets awarded funding or not. The bill aimed to lift the cap on charter schools in Iowa, making it possible to change persistently low achieving schools into charter schools. This happens to be one of the models suggested by the government to transform low achieving schools. The change in legislation did not come without its roadblocks. According to Sebring there was language in the bill requiring what is called collective bargaining between the teacher’s union and the school board on the matter of school transformation. “The Collective Bargaining process is a formal negotiation between the school board and the teacher’s union typically used to establish salary and benefits. Our school board felt that the requirement to collectively bargain was unnecessarily restrictive to the conversation of improving schools,” Sebring said. According to Sebring this would be one of the main reasons that 140 school
Closure Model
Close the school and enroll students in a higher performing school within the district.
New Governance Model Restart the school as a charter school or place under the control of an educational management organization.
districts in Iowa opted to not submit their memorandums of understanding (MOUs) or agreements to the application. According to the President of the Des Moines Education Association Alan Young the DMPS board was “confused.” It was Young’s understanding that the school board opted out of the application because they were afraid of the reform models. “In my opinion the district’s decision to not apply for the Race To The Top (RTTT) grant was stupid. The district was confused at the time of signing on the requirements. They thought that the four reform models were attached to the RTTT grant, and were against collective bargaining on the subject of school transformations,” Young said. As the president of the teacher’s union Young is in support of collective bargaining. “It’s not about excluding anyone from the discussion about school transformation, we (the teachers union) just want to be included,” Young said. Sebring disagrees with Young on the fact that collective bargaining does not exclude the public. Sebring feels it important that students, parents, public residents and teachers are all included in the discussion regarding school transformations, something that she believes will not be possible with the new collective bargaining agreement. But, according to Sebring the MOU deadline for the RTTT grant has passed and DMPS had chosen not to submit. However another option under the same umbrella of Race To The Top is still on the table.
FourSchool Reform Models
ptions for turning around lowest performance schools are outlined into four reform models in both the Race To The Top funds and federal school improvement guidance
DMPS is considering signing on to what is called a School Improvement Grant (SIG) which is federal money for persistently low achieving schools. This money, however, does not come without strings attached. Those “strings” attached to the SIG would be complying to one of the four basic reform models (see sidebar). With the possibility of his job, along with fifty percent of the school’s staffs jobs on the chopping block, Principal Doug Wheeler does not support the application for SIG. According to Wheeler, the government is treating school transformations in the same regard they would corporation bailouts. “If you look at the reform models they are not much different than corporations; they are very business intensive. Sure, there are benefits to being a bank and being bailed out, but if you look, many of the banks are trying to pay the money back so they don’t have to live under the government rules,” Wheeler said. According to Wheeler the government regulations on this money are unrealistic. However, Superintendent Sebring disagrees. Aside from the requirement of collective bargaining on school transformations, Sebring thinks that it would benefit Iowa to apply for the SIG, which could mean big changes, especially in the Des Moines Public School District.
Staff Replacement Model Replace principal and at least 50 percent of the staff while providing some operational flexibilty.
Transformation Model Comprehensively improve teaching, instruction and local flexibility.
Starting in the fall block scheduling will be instilled in every Des Moines Public School. Roosevelt Principal Kathy Danielson is optimistic about the change. “The Roosevelt staff is up to the challenge,” Danielson said. Danielson says that it is a positive change and that she likes the idea of longer periods. There are some disadvantages but Danielson doesn’t seem to mind. “I love to call disadvantages challenges,” Danielson said. Danielson thinks that for the most part this is a good thing for schools. “It’s a work in progress,” Danielson said. Principal Doug Wheeler agrees that block scheduling is a good schedule to install in other schools. “I think that it’s a wonderful system,” Wheeler said. Wheeler said he likes block because it gives students more time to learn what is being taught, and it also shortens the amount of students in the class so you can get help easier. “I’m excited that the other schools are going to block and will have the same schedule,” Wheeler said. Studies have shown that shorter periods benefit students more than longer ones. Des Moines public schools have decided to make this change in order to try to improve grades, decrease discipline issues and save money. East High junior Alyssa Denning finds some positive things about block. She said block scheduling will cause the greatest shift in her grades. “I think it will improve them (my grades),” Denning said.
What YOU need to know The disrtrict decided to standardize block scheduling in all high schools to save money. The change was instilled to help improve discipline issues and help improve grades.
REQUIREMENTS Develop teacher and school leader effectiveness Develop comprehensive instructional reform strategies Extend learning time and createcomunity oriented schools Provide operating flexibility and support S�����: ����������� �������’� ������ ���������� ������� �������
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2.12.10 v.43 i7
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Science teachers Miriam Heuermann, student teacher James Sleep, Greg Wildman, Billy Proctor, Julie Goldman and Eric Hall a�end a staff development mee�ng Feb. 3. 8.5 teachers are said to be cut in the upcoming year. “They usually don’t cut all those jobs, some people leave, we get some more money, things like that, it’s just the worst case scenario,” vocal director Anna Wolf said.
GSA group celebrates GayStraight Alliance Day BY JASON REICHENBACHER
On Jan.27, the Hoover-Meredith Gay-Straight Alliance held a party in Sco� Rieker’s room a�er school in celebra�on of Iowa Gay-Straight Alliance Day, which was recently cer�fied by Lt. Governor Pa�y Judge. They watched WalleE, ate ice cream and decorated an interac�ve mural which now hangs outside the office in the student center.
Mock Trial team prepares for regionals Mar. 1 BY TANNER BUCKLEY
Students in Mock Trial are given a criminal case, in which they must reenact in front of judges. Staff members Billy Kirby and David Adams have helped students in the club throughout the year. Head of the club, Sarah Hamilton, hopes that the team can make it to State compe��on this year. “If we pass regionals, that will put us in posi�on to go to state,” Hamilton said. Regional compe��on will take place March 1st at the Polk County Conven�on Center.
School board looks to hear from community at upcoming forums BY MICHAEL ROBY
In recent mee�ngs, the school board has been discussing the 2010 budget crisis and how they hope to solve it. The board hopes to hear from the community at one of their five forums (see DMPS website). Vice chair Pa�y Links is hoping to get some answers to these issues soon. “The Des Moines school board is reaching out to the public for input and discussion on the 2011 fiscal year,” Links said
8.5 teacher jobs on the cut
���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� BY MICHAEL ROBY OPINION EDITOR
Governor Chet Culver announced Oct. 8, 2009 that as part of his plan to keep taxes down he would cut 10 percent of 2010’s school budget. Every school is expecting 8.5 jobs being cut to stabilize the budget. Vice principal Mel Green has been through shares of budget crisis before, and knows it can be rough. “A lower budget introduces problems like fewer teachers, less technology and fewer programs, it’s really too bad,” Green said. Music teacher Anna Wolf has also felt the struggle of a lower budget. Two years ago she was almost put on half time pay, just as, if this cut goes through, another teacher will face. “The school just can’t afford to keep up with us,” Wolf said. Most of the money granted from the government goes to paying teacher’s salaries. The rest goes to buying new supplies, equipment and other funds.
Despite the struggle for money, things aren’t always as bad as they seem. “They usually don’t cut all those jobs, some people leave, we get some more money, things like that, it’s just the worst case scenario,” Wolf said. If taxes were raised some money may be able to return to the schools, but in the poor economy many adults are unwilling to fight that battle. “Taxes are just an important thing nobody likes to deal with,” Green said. There is also an issue of seniority in budget cuts. Older teachers are shown to stay when younger and less experienced teachers have to be let go. “Because of seniority in teachers, we could lose some really talented, young teachers just because they’re low on the totem pole,” Wolf said. Despite all of the struggles with money, members of the staff manage to remain confident that the faculty will keep up their work through everything. “We’ll always find a way to get through budget cuts, there’s some strong teachers and staff to keep things going,” Wolf said.
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Drama department advances six acts to All-State BY EDWARD RODRIGUEZ
Iowa High School Speech Associa�on (IHSSA) par�cipants competed at State last Saturday at Ankeny High School. 10 out of 14 acts received straight I ra�ngs, the perfect ra�ng. Six of the acts received All-State recogni�on and three of these acts will be performing at All-State Feb. 26 at Iowa State University. The acts that will be performing include a solo mime, a group mime and an improv group. The three non-performing group include two ensemble ac�ng groups and a reader’s theater act.
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Brother 2 Brother �������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ����������� establishing a similar program called Boys to Men, and talked to the ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR superintendant about establishing Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB) but the program was only for ife experiences, guest speakers African Americans. and activities geared toward “I wanted to give the opportunity to personal growth are all tools other minorities,” Proctor said. used to motivate the Brother to Brother The Brother to Brother Program has participants to be leaders among their done conventions at Drake University communities. and Downtown Brother to at the district Brother is a office. They just If I surround myself with program for participated in people who are successful, minorities to the I’ll Make network and Me a World In then I will become successful. hold each other motivational If I have a problem my brothers Iowa accountable to conference. On higher standards. will help me with anything I Sundays the group These standards volunteers at need. include a Creative Visions minimum 2.0 by feeding the grade point homeless. -Sophomore Osha Whitaker average (G.P.A), “The kids no more than two involved in this behavior office referrals and 10 hours of program want an alternative from community service. being in gangs or following the normal Brothers that fall short of these crowd,” Proctor said. requirements are either put on Junior Lester Mwirichia is a brother probation or excluded from the in the fraternity who fits the profile of fraternity. someone looking for a different avenue. Science teacher Bill Proctor is “I like the togetherness and the the adviser of the Brother to Brother diversity,” Mwirichia said. program and has made it his goal to see Brother to Brother has helped every participant graduate high school Mwirichia be a better student. He is and pursue furthering their education. afraid of falling behind the requirements “I enjoy that I can share my time so Mwirichia always makes sure he gets and efforts toward developing each of his work done. our members into successful leaders,” “Brother to Brother gives me a Proctor said. purpose and a motivation; it makes me Two years ago Proctor approached want to be somebody,” Mwirichia said. Principal Doug Wheeler about The program aims to surround the BY JASON REICHENBACHER
Brother to Brother par�cipants volunteer at Crea�ve Visions Sunday, Jan. 31. Brother to Brother is a group geared to mo�vate par�cipants to be leaders among their communi�es. “Brother to Brother gives me a purpose and a mo�va�on; it makes me want to be somebody,” junior Lester Mwirichia said. ��� ����� �����
participants with individuals who are motivated and who will hold each other accountable. Sophomore Osha Whitaker simply states that he is in the program to be successful. “If I surround myself with people who are successful, then I will become successful. If I have a problem my brothers will help me with anything I need,” Whitaker said. The sense of brotherhood is important to Whitaker “It gives them a sense of purpose, it gives them a chance to give to something,” Whitaker said.
during �������������� � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � �
Ella Fitzgerald Fitzgerald debuted as a singer in the Apollo Theater at 17. Fitzgerald was discovered in a contest in Harlem and went on to record hit songs in a band.
Robinson faced intense racism from strangers as well as his own teammates from the very beginning. Robinson stuck out the racism and broke racial barriers through his athle�c skills.
Fitzgerald began soloing in the mid-50’s and her career boomed. She was the most famous American female jazz singer for nearly 50 years. Throughout her career she sold over 40 million albums and received 13 Grammy awards.
Robinson lobbied for greater integra�on in sports un�l his death in 1972.
Fitzgerald’s last performance was in 1991 at New York’s Carnegie Hall.
**Save $25 when
youregister between February
2010** and may
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Behavior Performance
Expecta�ons Maintain a 2.0 Referrals: 2 or less GPA Inac�ve Status
Fall below 2.0 More than 2 referrals (SEM) GPA
Nelson Mandela
In 1944, a�er serving in World War II, Robinson began playing professional baseball. At the �me, however, baseball was segregated and he played in the Negro Leagues. Soon a�er this he was chosen by vicepresident of the Brooklyn Dodgers Branch Rickey to help integrate major league baseball.
Academic Performance
Born in Cairo, Georgia, Robinson became the first African-American to play in baseball’s major leagues.
Brother to Brother is a program for minorities to network and hold each other accountable to higher standards. A few of those requirements are included in the chart below.
Jackie Robinson
Brother to Brother QUICK INFO
Mandela was born in a South African village. He was able to receive a western educa�on and was inspired to become a lawyer. Mandela became a well sought out lawyer in Johannesburg where he defended black South Africans against unfair treatment. Mandela organized protests and par�cipated in boyco�s. He was disbarred for this and sentenced to life in prison. He served 27 years in prison and was released a�er his arrest brought interna�onal a�en�on to the injus�ce. He was then elected the first black president of South Africa. ������ ��������� ������� ��� ���
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Preparing for a win BY
As the basketball season closes, players keep in mind that the State tournament is just around the corner. Junior Kelly Madison has confidence that the team will finish out the season just as strong as they started it. “If we can put up more points, we should win out,” Madison said. The boys will close out the season in Ames, whose basketball team has been on top of the rankings all season. “Ames doesn’t in�midate us, we just need to defend,” Madison said.
Wrapping it up BY
Swimming to state ���������������������������������������������������� BY MELISSA HOLLISTER STAFF WRITER
As the boys swim team season comes to an end with much improvement and dropped times, matured swimmers are starting to prepare for state held Feb. 13. With decreased intensity practices. Senior Nick Hestbech is a captain and feels that as small as the team is, they have improved. He has seen a big difference in how hard the team works. “We have improved greatly since this season has started. A lot of swimmers have matured and worked harder. I didn’t think we would make it through the season,” Hestbech said. Coach Eric Thorsen likes to focus on technique and not just speed because in the long run technique will make a swimmer faster. “We do a lot of different things than just swim back and forth. We concentrate on breathing and other techniques,” Thorsen said.
These are four of the eleven events that could qualify for state.
Freshman Josiah Burriola did not expect to make varsity his freshman year. He was also surprised by how difficult varsity would be, although he feels he has improved a lot. “Swimming varsity is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I didn’t expect the other swimmers to be as fast as they are,” Burriola said. With such a small team, Hestbech feels it is much harder to a be a leader. He says to be more aggressive, the team needs more people. “We are a small team that lost a lot of guys last year. To be really competitive we need more people and we need to improve. I found being a leader is harder than it seemed,” Hestbech said. Now that state is around the corner, the team changes their workout method. “We are tapering which is where we want to be at our maximum level of fitness. To be in shape as possible. So we lighten practices,” Thorsen said. Burriola thinks it is important to go to state, although this year he says his chances are not very high. However Next
200 yard Freestyle State cut-off �me: 1:50.48
200 Medley Relay State cut-off �me: 1:46.14
year he feels he has a good chance of making it. “If I went to state it would be important because only the best of best go to state. To make it to state my top times would have to be better,” Burriola said. Hestbech, who has not yet made it to state, hopes that the 200 freestyle relay he is in will make it. “If I make it to state I just want to swim the fastest I ever have. One of our goals is for a relay to make state. I would swim a 50 in the 200 free relay. (Senior) James Kent will make it in the 200 IM and the 100 breaststroke,” Hestbech said. As Thorsen reflects on the season, he feels strongly about commitment and hard work ethic. “Our swimmers that have never been in competition before are learning very quick, which usually takes years to get good at. Swimming is a sport with no way of cheating. The harder you work, the better you get,” Thorsen said.
100 yard Breaststroke State cut:off �me: 1:04.52
100 yard Bu�erfly State cut-off �me: 0:56.07
With the season coming to its end, there are a few things the girls basketball team is looking forward to. With the season record of 214, senior Alayna Bailey is looking forward to a great ending with senior night and semifinals. A�er her fourth year of playing varsity, Bailey says she is ready for senior night. “It’s being a senior and ge�ng recogni�on for everything you’ve done,” Bailey said. Senior night will be held tonight at 6:15. The girls’ next big game will also be star�ng off the semifinals against Urbandale with the chance for a win. “We have the poten�al to do great,” Bailey said.
Soccer condi�oning off to a good start BY
Ta y l o r S u l l i v a n
Age:14 Height: 50’0” Sport: Cheerleader Year:Freshman
Freshman Taylor Sullivan started cheering over the summer. She wanted to get involved with an ac�vity early on in her high school career. One of her friends opened up her mind to cheerleading. She also enjoys team bonding with ac�vi�es such as training camp, sleepovers and a carwash. “We argue some�mes, but we are pre�y close,” Sullivan said.
With boys and girls soccer condi�oning star�ng to prepare for the upcoming soccer season, their goals, like every year, are for both teams to be conference champions and to go to state. They start early so they are ready for the first game. Girls soccer coach Jon Rubino feels that girls that condi�oned for the season will be more excited. He says this year will be a good year for the girls, with them being strong everywhere on the field. “It is going to be a good turnout, people are more enthusias�c because how well we did last year,” Rubino said.
Bowling finishes strong BY
Athlete of the issue
ents Accomplishm
The bowling season is almost finished and the bowlers have finished strong. For them, it keeps ge�ng harder as they have substate Feb. 20. Bowling coach Steve Lundholm thinks that they have done well so far and plan on ge�ng be�er. Lundholm says that they are looking to improve in the future. “We are finishing real well, we started slow but we have won our last 3 of 4 games,” Lundholm said.
Varsity Boys & Girls Basketball Feb. 12 against Roosevelt @ Hoover Feb. 16 against @Urbandale Feb. 19 against @Ames
Sullivan felt accomplished when her stunt group succeeded in carrying out an extension. “It was a challenge before, and when we accomplished it, about two months ago, it felt great,” Sullivan said.
Sullivan hopes the team will be able to craddle from an extension. For personal goals, she wants to be able to do a toe touch and stay on the team all four years. ���������� ������� �������
Game dates
Wrestling Feb. 13 TBA Varsity Boys Swimming Feb. 13 @Marshalltown
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2.12.10 v.43 i7
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Jersey Shore cast: Jenni “J-WOW” Farley (23), Mike “The Situa�on” Sorren�no (27), Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi (22), Sammy “Sweetheart” (22), DJ Ronnie D (28), Ronnie (23) and Vinnie (21). Jersey Shore is a reality show featuring the previous seven Italians. The show will be returning for a second season on MTV. TOP 3 MTV REALITY TV SHOWS: The Real World, True Life and I wanna be Made.
MTV’s most recent reality show includes six fist pumping, over- tanned Italians that are thrown in the same house with little responsibilities leaving time for everything they’ll regret later in their life. Jersey Shore has become a topic of talk as viewers experience firsthand the life of 20 year- olds with names such as ‘The Situation’ and ‘Snooki’. The whole plot of the show revolves around club-hopping, fights they repeatedly engage in, who they bring home, and the unforgettable hot tub. This show is pointless and it reflects how a young adult shouldn’t live their life. The women dance half covered on barstools at nightclubs. A normal night is one in which they engage in a few punches with other pathetic people who have nothing better to do with their lives. The men obsess over their chiseled chest and “gelled up blow” hairstyle.
����������������������������������� ������������������������������ They prowl the nightclubs looking for the easiest girl to bring home. Their lack of respect for women is sleazy. I really won’t feel bad for them when they’re 50 and their l ooks are gone, and they’re living alone. What surprised me was the lack of secrecy the gang had. They hid nothing including their goal of bringing as many people of the opposite sex home. I personally think they are desperate for attention, even if it means not being taken seriously all across the nation. In just a few episodes the partygoers were able to accomplish more than many people do for all their years in high school or college. I find it amazing how these people don’t learn from their mistakes, or how they don’t regret their actions enough to leave the party scene and actually make something of their lives. After getting arrested or getting pounded by someone else, they insist on living the same life. Do they have a conscience?
edward rodriguez page design
staff editorial
Allowing students to opt out of finals would make classrooms go from looking like this....
Opt out to decrease drop out
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personal column
Figh�ng the fat By Michael Roby opinion editor
Ever since I was seven years old I have been overweight, lazy and unhealthy. Only since New Years did I finally, with a little push from my friends and family, decide it was finally time to get in shape. I think most kids eat too much, if they’re the kind that eat anything at all at least. I came home from school every day for years and rummaged for whatever I could find to eat. Leftovers, candy bars-anything. I’ve been a martial artist since I was seven, but those 45 minutes were all I usually got every other day. I played video games the rest of the time. I lost some of the weight once in my freshman year. I started going to Weight Watchers meetings, pushing my workouts harder and eating less. I lost 12 pounds at the height of this process.
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The option for students to opt out of two of their finals if they meet the criteria is 100 percent flawless. Students need to be rewarded and encouraged for their hard work, not severely punished for a few small faults. Not only would this easy incentive work wonders in the decline of tardies and absences, it would also increase student morale—a huge win for both the administration and students. Students might even start to show less hostility toward the ridiculous tardy policies. If the administration is smart, it will allow this school to rejoin the thousands of schools across the country with this valuable privilege.
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Student sound off
Four years ago the school offered students the opportunity to opt out of two of their semester finals. This meant that each student could choose to pass over two of their finals depending on a few factors including grades and attendance. Since then this fine privilege has been evoked, reducing the level of incentives for students to do well in their classes or attend absences. class regularly and on time. Schools across the country and even within The new tardy and attendance policies the district are currently using this system or were set in place to one that’s similar to this as try to train students an incentive for students to The Challenger staff and improve their do well in their classes. The overall performance. big shocker is that it actually voted 6-1 Instead these policies works. for this editorial have forced teachers to It doesn’t take a brainiac punish their students by to realize that students Students should be allowed respond better assigning detentions, into incentives to opt out of finals as an school suspensions and rather than punishments. calling parents. Punishments take time and incen�ve As an alternative paperwork to carry out while to such strict policies incentives are quick and that waste the time of students, teachers and painless. parents, the administration should bring back The substantial number of students in the the privilege of opting out of two finals. school who don’t care about their education The conditions of this privilege are simple. will benefit the greatest. They’ll finally see Students can only choose two finals to opt some reason to pay attention, be on time or out of. Students must have either an A or B in come to class. They’ll also learn more by the the class. And finally students must have no end of the semester from trying to keep their more than three tardies and two unexcused grades up.
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Derogatory language should stop being thrown around by teens BY EDWARD RODRIGUEZ EDITOR IN CHIEF
Last semester in gym class the gymnasium was booming with terms such as “that’s so gay” and “you’re retarded”. Consistently hearing these words in gym allowed me to open my ears to the rest of the school and realize that the majority of the student body has adapted this kind of verbatim as a part of every day language. The realization is disgusting. Similar language has unfortunately been tossed around and adapted into today’s culture. Teenagers are using these words and applying derogatory meanings to them. The use of these words makes our school appear to be filled with dim-witted individuals. We as a student body should not accept this kind of language or contribute to its misuse. There are students willing to fight the use of these derogatory terms, but the fight can’t be won without total support from the student body. Help out by stopping yourself the next time you think about using this kind of language or remind a friend of its derogatory meaning when they use it. We are not dim-witted individuals and it’s time to prove it.
CHALLENGER ������������������������������� ������������������� ��������������������� ������������
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Ad rates for 2009-2010: 1/16 page (2.5” x 2.75”) $25 1/8 page (5” x 2.75”) $45 1/4 page (5” x 5.75”) $80 1/2 page (10” x 5.75”) $130 full page (10” x 11.75”) $230 banner (10” x 1.75”) $80 (across bo�om of page) The CHALLENGER is published by the newspaper staff of Herbert Hoover High School, and exists to serve as an open forum for the students, faculty, staff, administration and community. All state and federal laws regarding the publication of student materials shall apply, and the CHALLENGER will not publish materials which also fall under the guidelines established by the Des Moines Public School system, and are deemed libelous, obscene or a material and substantial disruption to normal classroom activities. The views expressed are not those of Des Moines Public Schools, faculty, staff or administration. All articles are researched, written, edited and designed by the staff, and are the result of editorial decisions made by the entire staff. Any student, faculty, staff, or community member wishing to contribute materials will need to submit copy within deadline restrictions; however, final publication is at the discretion of staff. Letters to the editor are encouraged, and must be 250 words or less in length and signed; letters may be edited for length, grammar, spelling, etc. Every attempt will be made to verify the authenticity of the author, and no anonymous letters will be published. Advertising will be accepted for all products or services that are legal for minors to possess or utilize. Advertisers wishing to reserve publication space should call 242-7313 and leave a message.
8 the board
edward rodriguez page design
{THE CHALLENGER BOARD} } Events Calendar }
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 18 19 20 15 16 21 17 No Classes- Vocal Boosters V G BB Regional Staff 6pm Quarter development 9/10/ V B BB V Wr State 1st B/G Tr @ Urbandale ISU Hoover Choir @ Ames
Spring play audi�ons
Band Concert 7:30 pm
V B BB Sub State Quarter final
V G BB Regional Final
24 Spring play audi�ons
Student council
3 places to go Johnny’s Italian Steakhouse The steakhou
se is located at 6075 s Civic Parkway in West Des Moines.Mill the perfect roman�c spot for Valen�It’s nes day with private sea�ng divided by drapery. Italian special�es, charbroi led steaks and chops are all great choices at Johnny’s.
Womd Ensmeble @ DMPS Art Exhibit
Student of all Seasons assembly Tallcorn Jazz Fest @ UNI
V Wr State
9/10 V B BB @ Ames
All State La rge Group The Iow
a Group All-HStigh Speech Associa� Iowa State ate event will be on Large acts from scUniversity Feb. 20.hTeld at Iowa will hools across the a he best te of and compbee performing at thst Award. �ng for a Cri�c’s Chisoevent ice
anicfsBarticks TheoM the H usewillobe playing
nd e House of The Manics ba uary 18 at th $5 Thursday Feetbrs can be purchased fo. Dr oors Bricks. Tick r or through the band me at the orde30 with special guest Co open at 5: Unity.
Wanted: le�ers to the editor
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25 Spring play call backs
IHSSA Large Fine Arts Group All State Gala @ ISU V G BB Reg Semifinal V Wr State
Orchestra SWCC Vocal Jazz @ Creston Solo
ISU Honor Choir @Ames
V B BB Substate ISHHA IE Dist @ Earlham Semi final Woodward/ Granger Jazz Fest
The student council is the student government organiza�on in charge of leadership ac�vi�es and organizing numerous student ac�vi�es and events, including Entertainment Tonight, school dances and pep assemblies. Seniors Ka�e King and Marisol Meza (le�) discuss a paper. Sophomores Michelle Tran, Sierra Goodson and Connor Cunningham (below) sit in during leadership class.
1 game to play sudoku