Murder's In The Heir

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Good evening, and welcome to Murder’s in the Heir! I’ve been wanting to do a murder mysteryforalongtime,andI’mthrilledtobringyouthisshow.Myfatherwasahugefan of Agatha Christie, and he passed that love along to my older sister and me. One of my all timefavoritefilmsisNeilSimon’sMurderByDeath,aparodyofChristie’snovels,andit isn’t an understatement to say that film shaped my comedic sensibilities. For better or worse.Andmurdermysteriesarehotrightnow!Hey,I’mnotabovetryingtocashinonthe currentzeitgeist.Thisshowismoreofaparodythananactualmystery,butyougetit. It’s been such a pleasure to work on this show. The cast and crew have done a tremendousjob!It’sbeenatruepleasuretoworkwiththemoverthepastseveralweeks, butmostimportantly,Ihopetheyrecognizethegreatworkthattheyhavedone.Towatch thiscast/crewstepupandhelpeachotherouthasbeenatrueblessing,andIamsovery, veryproudofthem.Theyareagenuinelysweet,funnygroupofkids.

The longer I do this, the more it becomes clear that I would be nothing without the significanteffortofseveralpeoplewhoarekindenoughtolendtheirconsiderabletalents to this program One of the main reasons I enjoy doing this is because of the excellent, imaginative, and resourceful group of people I have surrounded myself with: Nikki Russ, BobbyJones,OscarPerez,andHeatherEaton Ittrulyisacollaborativeendeavor,andthe ideas you all bring to the table make these productions so much better than anything I coulddoonmyown Thankyouforallthatyou’vedoneformeandfortheprogram Your helpandyourfriendshiphavebeeninvaluable So sit back and enjoy watching your kid/student/friend, etc, and be sure to buy tasty, delicious snacks at intermission Mmmm Snacks Thank you all for your continued supportofourprogram! “Acheaplaughisbetterthannolaugh” MikeRuss,11/17/22

Allofthecast&crewparents SpecialthankstoMrs RachelDworkinforallofherhard workonourbeautifulprogram



Joana Eleid, Patricia Fernandez, Annette Damien, Jason Alvarez, Yesi Rivera, Brenda Zeyrek,andLindaAnderson



Thankstoalloftheparentsandteacherswhohave madethisproductionpossible!
MichaelRuss BobbyJones
Director TechnicalDirector Producer Hair,Make upand Costume Coordinator House Manager/Physical Plant
NikkiRuss HeatherEaton
C A S T O F C H A R A C T E R S SIMONSTARKWEATHER...........................................LukeRyan FIONASTARKWEATHER.................................................KikiCallis JORDANSTARKWEATHER...............................LaszloDworkin PAULATHOMPSON....................................HadleyGannaway Family BENSONHURST...........................................................JustinWhite MRS.TRENT..............................................................LeahNewman MINERVAWALKER.............................................EmiDominguez NANCYPOLLARD OliviaLemmonds RUFUSJONES...................................................DylanGrossman Staff LOISVANZANDT..............................................OliviaHoneycutt MISSWITHERS OliviaVanek KATHYCOLLINS....................................................CharlieDichter MIKEDAVIS CameronJamehdor GENECULPEPPER...............................................NicholasBotros ANUSHER..................JordanBoutte,MannySassounian, JacksonMoney,MiaMorgan TheProfessionals JORDANBOUTTE MANNYSASSOUNIAN JACKSONMONEY MIAMORGAN Understudies
C R E W AbigailLeonhardt LylaMoss StageManagers BrodieVehling...........................................................PropMaster JoshBorck.............................................................................Props BrianBorck............................................................................Props Props CamilleBayreuther................................CostumeManager MikaylahCollier........................Hair&Makeup,Costumes DevinKoresh..............................Hair&Makeup,Costumes IsabellaSimmons...................Hair&Makeup,Costumes Costumes/Hair&Makeup AnyaVaswani......................................................LightingChief NathanielHou..............................................LightingAssistant MaggieVehling.................................2ndLightingAssistant Lighting AnthonyBangayan...............................................SoundChief ChaseYocum..................................................SoundAssistant JosephRuss......................................................SoundAssistant LucasKarls.........................................................................SoundFX Sound OliviaSperedelozzi BaniKumar CassidyWalters BrightonGannaway AvatDarakeh StageCrew









Nicholas Botros is a 7th grade student who is overjoyed to be a part of Murder's in the Heir, playing Gene Culpepper This is is second production, his first being Matilda the Musical, being a part of the ensemblethenbecomingBruceBogtrotter Heplansto be a part of the Fall Production again in eighth grade, aswellasjoiningthetennisteaminthespring

Jordan is very excited to be a part of her first play, Murder'sintheHeir Jordanisin6thgradeandreallyis enjoying her first year in Chaminade Other than the playJordanisinvolvedintheDelphic6Agirlsvolleyball team and various clubs Jordan wants to thank her Mom and Dad for helping me with lines and being so supportive

KikiCallisisaneighthgraderandisplayingtheroleof "Fiona Starkweather" She has been in every Chaminade production since her sixth grade zoom year,andshecherishesallofthememoriesthathave beenmadesofar,andcannotwaittomakemore!Kiki would like to thank her parents, brothers, and the whole cast for always supporting her, as well as Mr andMrs Russforgivingherthesegreatopportunities

NicholasBotros GeneCulpepper JordanBoutte Understudy KikiCallis FionaStarkweather

CharlieDichter KathyCollins

Charlie is a 7th grade singer who loves improv, acting, andallthingstheatrical!Thisistheirfirstplaythatisn'ta musical Theyrecentlyplayedtheleadin"MarryPoppins" over the summer They thank everyone for supporting themthroughouttheirjourneythroughdrama

EmiDominguez MinervaWalker

Emiisveryhappytobeapartofthethisproduction She has the role of "Minerva Walker" in the play "Murder's in the Heir" Emi has never been in a play before, this is her firstoneandshehashadanamazingtimeworkingwith hercastmates Shewouldlikeherparentstoknowsheis grateful for all the times they had to bring her back to school just to be at rehearsal and always encouraging her She would also like to thank her best friend Katie for always being there for her and being the best person ever

LaszloDworkin JordanStarkweather

LaszloisveryexcitedtobeintheMurder'sInTheHeir,and he is playing the role of Jordan Starkweather This is his firstshowatChaminade,thoughhewasinthetechcrew for Matilda last year He has performed in many shows outside of Chaminade though, such as playing Kurt Von Trapp in The Sound Of Music, and Daddy Warbucks in Annie He has been encouraged by his family and friends, and they are always "there to support him" Laszlo's main sport is tennis, and he also enjoys working withhishands,inmanydifferentways

HadleyGannaway PaulaThompson

HadleyGannawayisbeyondexcitedtobeplayingthe role of southern belle Paula Thompson in Murder's in the Heir. Why, that is just peachy, darling! At Chaminade last year, Hadley performed the title role of Matilda in Matilda Jr. and was one of the protagonists in the Improv show, Luck of the Draw. Hadley has loved acting since she was 7 years old and has appeared in the Disney movies Frozen 2 and Turning Red and in the animated TV series T.O.T.S and Lego City Adventures. Hadley would like to thank Mr. Russ for being an amazing director and teacher and her family for always supporting her. Finally, she encourageseveryonetovoteforPaulaasthekiller.

DylanGrossman RufusJones

DylanGrossmanisinseventhgradeandisexitedtoplay the role of Rufus Jones in the fall production "Murder's in TheHeir" ThisisthefirstProductionhehasbeenapartof andisexitedtohavefunmakepeoplelaugh


Olivia is in the eighth grade and playing the role of Lois VanZandt.Sheisveryexcitedtobeapartof"Murder'sin theHeir".ThisisherfourthshowhereatChaminade.She hasbeeninover13showssuchasBeautyandtheBeast (Mrs. Potts), Marry Poppins (Jane), and Bye Bye Birdie (Margie). Olivia would like to thank her family, friends, andcastforalltheirloveandsupport.

Cameroncan'twaittogetuponstageandperformsuch an amazing show for everyone He had so much fun during the making of the show, and thanks the entire cast and crew for making it such an enjoyable process Cameron is in 8th grade and is playing the role of Mike Davis a part from drama, Cameron loves playing sports andhangingoutwithfriends Hisfavoritesporttoplayis soccer,wherehetakesonthepositionofleftD Cameron isdeterminedtoputonagreatshow,andhopesyouall enjoy Olivia Lemmonds is an 8th grader and is playing the role"Nancy".AssheparticipatesinherfirstChaminade production, she is very excited to work and perform with her friends and cast mates. Performing arts is one of Olivia's great passions and hopes to continue with Drama, as well as Dance. She would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Russ for this amazing opportunity, along withherfriendsandfamilyforthesupport.

OliviaLemmonds NancyPollard

LoisVanZandt CameronJamehdor MikeDavis

JacksonMoney Understudy

Jackson is very happy to be in his first show at Chaminade understudying Rufus Jones, Mike Davis, and Simon Starkweather lll in "Murder's in the Heir". Jackson's previoustheatercreditsincludeMichaelinMaryPoppins, Fredrich in Sound of Music, Motel in Fiddler on The Roof, Scar in The Lion King, and Aladdin in Aladdin. Jackson is also a member of the C Notes choir and eagle council He wants to thank his family for introducing performing artstohimandalwayssupportinghim.

MiaMorgan Understudy

Miaisin8thgrade.Sheisveryexcitedtobeapartofthis production. Especially because this is the first real production she's done. Although she is an understudy, she still gets an equal opportunity and gets to participate and contribute to the production. Outside of the show, Mia is on the Eagle Dance Team here at Chaminade! Mia would like to thank her family for being so supportive of her contribution to the show and encouraginghertofollowherpassioninmusicaltheater

Mrs Trent

Leah Newman is in 7th grade and is playing the role of "Mrs Trent" LeahissoexcitedtobedoingMurder'sInThe Heir with such an amazing cast, crew and director Leah hasbeeninmultipleplays,suchasAnnie,FrogandToad, FlatStanley,LionKingandmore Outsideoftheatre,Leah does voice acting and bakes for her friends and family LeahthanksMr Russforbeingsuchanamazingdirector, andhergrandparentsforflyingouttobehere



Finn Ryan, 8th Grade, otherwise known as Luke, is playing the role of the old, tyrannical billionaire, "Simon Starkweather," as well as his grandson, "Simon StarkweatherIII"YoumayknowFinnfromhispreviousrole as, "The Escapologist," in Matilda, as well as his role in the drama production, "Luck of the Draw," last year He is ecstatictoplaythisnewcharacterintheshow,"Murder'sin the Heir," as well as being excited for all of his colleagues He participates in cooking, music, and tech alongside theatre His thanks go out to his Mom and Dad, as well as hisbrother,JakeRyan,forbeingextremelysupportiveand helpful in everything he does Will he possibly be the murderer or the murdered? Guess you'll have to find out, enjoytheshow!

LeahNewman Simon StarkWeather / SimonStarkweatherIII

MannySoussunian Understudy

MannyisveryexcitedtobeapartofMurder'sintheHeir He is the understudy for the roles Jordan and Bensonhurst He has played the role of Bruce in Matilda andamemberoftheLuckoftheDrawcastlastyearand isreadytotakeontherolethisyearifnecessary Manny has been in multiple musicals in elementary school like Alice in Wonderland and 101 Dalmatians Manny would like to thank his friends and family for supporting him throughhisjourneyofactinginChaminade

Olivia is in seventh grade and is delighted to be playing MissWithersinMurder'sintheHeir Thoughthisisonlyher thirdshowwiththemiddleschoolplayers,Murdersinthe Heir will mark her seventeenth overall show Olivia would like to thank her parents and her best friends Haylie and Leah, who have helped her every step of the way Thank youandenjoy!

JustinWhite Bensonhurst

Justin,6thgrade,lovesdramaandcan'twaittoplaythe role of Bensonhurst. This is his first production, so he is especiallyexcited.Hewouldliketothankhisparentsand hisfriendsforbeingsosupportive.

OliviaVanek MissWithers


Abby Leonhardt is in Eighth Grade and is the Stage Crew Manager for the play Murder's in the Heir Last year she was also prop manager and assistant stage crew manager. Abby would like to thank her friends, family, and teachers for believing in her and always guidinghertodotherightthing.Mostimportantlyshe would like to thank herself for accepting this position andtoalwaysbeopenmindedandbeingherself.

ofMurder'sInTheHair.Thisisher3rdplayonthetech crew at Chaminade and she can't wait to do more. In herfreetime,Lylalovestocheer,playsoccer,andbea WEB leader. Lyla is very thankful for everything her family, especially her sister, Camille does for her and supports her with whatever she wants to do. Lyla is also incredibly grateful for the friends she made who have always been there for her through tough times. Shelovesyou!

Lylaissuperexcitedtobeoneofthestagemanagers AbbyLeonhardt StageManager LylaMoss StageManager

AnthonyBangayan SoundChief

Anthony is in 8th grade and this is his 4th play of theater and 3rd as a tech crew member He was in charge of sound in Matilda and Luck of the Draw and was even an actor once in 6th grade He is also in fencing, orchestra, boy scouts, and is a black belt in Hapkido Anthony would like to thank his family, friends,andteachersforsupportinghimintheater

CamilleBayreuther CostumeManager

Camille Bayreuther is very happy and exited to be in Tech Crew again this year in 8th Grade This is her second year being in tech crew and she is looking forwardtoplaystocomeinHighSchool

JoshBorck Props

Josh is in 8th grade and is ecstatic to be doing Tech Crew for the fall drama production, Murder's in the Heir. This is his first time doing Tech Crew, but he has been interested since elementary school. Josh would like to thank his parents, grandparents, and friends for always being so kind, understanding, and helpful throughout all ofhislifeandespeciallyhisChaminadecareer.

BrianBorck Props

Brian is an 8th Grader who joined Tech Crew this year This is his first production, and he is also a part of the Broadcast Media Team He thanks his parents, grandparents,friends,andcatsforneverfailingtocheer himuponabadday,andforeveryoneelsethat'shelped himgettowhereheisnow Thankyoueveryone!

Brighton Gannaway
the scenes
robotics and
wishesthebesttohisfellowtechmembers. BrightonGannaway StageCrew AvatDarakeh,8thgrade Verygratefulformyspotintech crew A little anxious but whatever, I'm excited to see my friend Emi perform in the play : )) I want to thank everyone that has worked with me and my advisors Go Chaminade! AvatDarakeh StageCrew NathanielHou LightingAssistant FinnRyan Mikaylah Collier is in 6th grade I have never been more excitedtoseewhathappens! MikaylahCollier Hair&Makeup,Costumes
is an eighth grader who decided to joinTechCrewafterhesawhowmuchhisfriendenjoyed working behind
on last year’s play, Matilda. This is Brighton’s first year on tech, and he is excited to apply his
engineering to contribute to
success of Murder’s In The Heir. He would like to thankMr.Jonesforgivinghimthisgreatopportunityand
Natty is a 6th Grader that is doing the lights as the assistant manager This is the first show that Natty has beeninasatechcrewmemberthoughhehasbeenina coupleofrolesinhisoldschool Thisisthefirstdayofhim actually being in the lights He thanks the cast and the restofthecrewfortheirsupportandforthenewskillshe hasacquired.

LucasKarls SoundFX

LucasKarlsisinthe8thgrade.Heisexcitedtobepartof techcrewthissemester.Thisishisfirsttimeintechcrew and he is really enjoying it. He is looking forward to a successfulplay.

DevinKoresh Hair&Makeup,Costumes


Devinisaneweighthgrader Sheisapartofthetechcrew this year and excited to be a part of Chaminade She would like to thank her family and friends for supporting her

BaniKumar StageCrew

BaniKumarisveryexcitedtobeapartofTechCrewthis year!Banihasbeeninmanyshows,andwasalsoinboth of last year ' s shows: Matilda and Luck of the Draw, and she had an amazing experience in both. Bani is involved in Mock Trial and C notes here at Chaminade. Bani would like to thank her parents and her close friends for constantlysupportingher!

IsabellaSimmons Hair&Makeup,Costumes

Isabella is very happy to be a part of the tech crew. This isherfirsttimeontechcrewatChaminade.Sheisreally happy to help with the backstage equipment and cleaningfortheplay.



Joeyisaseventhgraderwhoisthesoundassistantand happy to work on the Murder's in the Heir play. Last year he was too nervous to join the crew because he was afraidtomessup.Thisyearhegotthecouragetofinally jointhecrewandheactuallyreallyenjoysit.He'smadea lot of new friends whilst in Tech Crew and is really enjoying it. He also is definitely joining it next semester andthenextyearin8th.



Anya Vaswani is a 7th grader in tech crew She is super excited about this show! This is her second year doing tech crew Last year she was part of lights and also helped with sound Anya wants to thank her family and friendsforalwayssupportingherandencouragingherto trynewthings

BrodieVehling PropMaster

Brodie is an eighth grader and is so excited to be a part of Tech Crew for this production He is especially thrilled that it is a suspenseful theme because he is obsessed with crime shows! Brodie hopes to learn a lot about the magicbehindthescenesandparticipateinTechCrewin highschool!

Olivia Speredelozzi is extremely happy to be part of the play She is in the 6th grade and would like to thank her familyandfriendsforsupportingher OliviaSperedelozzi StageCrew

CassidyWalters StageCrew

Cassidy is very excited to be in the tech crew for Murder's in The Heir This is her first time being in a drama production at Chaminade She is so proud of all of the cast, and is supporting them all behind the sense She thanksyouallforcoming

ChaseYocum SoundAssistant

Chase Yocum is in the eighth grade and is thrilled to be onthesoundteam.HeispassionateabouteverythingIT and enjoys gaming and coding in his spare time. Chase is also an avid baseball player and is hoping to join the Chaminade team this spring. Chase is responsible for the audio and making sure things run smoothly with the sound.

FinnRyan MaggieMaeisin6thgrade,itisherfirsttimeontechcrew! SheissoexcitedforMurder'sInTheHeirandtobehelping too!Maggiethanksallofthecastandherfamilymembers forsupportingher!Thankyou! MaggieMaeVehling 2ndLightingAssistant

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