Click the links below and read on in this issue to learn more about the upcoming school year and ways to get invovled

Log in to Family Portal to access the daily schedule, special events and holiday breaks

Click the links below and read on in this issue to learn more about the upcoming school year and ways to get invovled
Log in to Family Portal to access the daily schedule, special events and holiday breaks
Log in for all campus resources and links
Pre-orders are due by July 31
School policies and procedures- Available August 1
Menu and Access to Load Eagle Card Funds
Friday, August 11, 8:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
Students must come dressed in full uniform, ready for their first day as a Chaminade student. Students will be introduced to technology programs, meet classmates and teachers, and learn general information that will help make their transition easier. Locker assignments with also be distributed. New 7th and 8th grade students may set-up their lockers at any of the locker set-up times afterwards.
Parent Orientation, 7th and 8th grade parents only
8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
We ask that at least one parent/guardian of each incoming 7th/8th grade student attend the parent component of 7th and 8th Grade Orientation. At this event, you will accumulate information and gather tools and resources that will help you support your child as they acclimate to Chaminade.
*More information to come regarding what students should bring on their orientation days.
Monday, August 14, 4:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
New 6th grade families only
Join us as we officially welcome you to the Chaminade Family. At this event, students will enjoy their much-anticipated House Reveal, and begin to make connections at their new school. Parents of 6th graders, this event is also open to you! In fact, we encourage you to attend. There will be more information sent later in the summer, which will include more information and a link to RSVP. Please plan for at least one parent/guardian to attend with your child.
Tuesday, August 15, 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Students must come dressed in full uniform, ready for their first day as a new Chaminade student. Students will have an opportunity to get connected, meet teachers and classmates, and learn about some important school-related topics.
*More information to follow in July from the Admissions Office
New 6th graders will receive locker assignments and combinations during the New Family Welcome Event. Students may set up lockers on Tuesday, August 15 after their orientation from 12:30pm- 6:00pm.
Wednesday, August 23, 6:00 p.m.-7:15 p.m.
We know the beginning of the school year is both exciting and can be challenging. Please join us for our Virtual New Family Information Night, to help ease your transition and make it as seamless as possible.
At this event, you will learn how to support your child in how to:
• Upload Apostolic Works hours into Naviance
• Access school information and navigate Schoology, our learning management system
• Utilize the counseling service and get tips and strategies to help with a smooth middle school transition
• Navigate the athletic program regarding tryout processes, online registration for sports, and program philosophy
• Get involved in leadership opportunities and student activities, such as clubs and the House System
*Link and more information to follow from Admissions Office
If you have any questions about the first days of school or how to prepare your child for August, please feel free to direct questions to Mary Guerra at
Campus will be open for returning students for locker set-up at the following times:
Friday, August 11: 7:30am- 6:00pm
Saturday, August 12: 7:30am- 4:00pm
Sunday, August 13: 7:30am– 12:00pm
Monday, August 14: 7:30am– 12:00pm
Tuesday, August 15: 12:30pm-6:00pm
Wednesday, August 16 from 8:30am-3:00pm
First Full Day of Classes will be a Day 0. Students will go to each of their classes on this day. See class times to the right.
If you have not yet registered for the bus for the upcoming school year, please be sure to send an email to to request the link to register. Registration closes on Friday, June 23rd so be sure to reserve your seat. If you have any questions, please contact Roxy Todd at
A– 8:30am-9:08am
B- 9:13am- 9:51am
C- 9:56am- 10:34am
D- 10:39am- 11:17am
LUNCH- 11:17am- 12:08pm
E- 12:13pm- 12:51pm
F- 12:56pm- 1:34pm
G- 1:39pm- 2:17pm
H- 2:22pm- 3:00pm
House Meeting/Advisory- 8:30am-9:07am A/E–
C/G- 12:33pm-1:43pm
D/H- 1:50pm-3:00pm
A/E- 8:30am- 9:42am
B/F- 9:49am- 10:59am
C/G- 11:06am- 12:16pm
LUNCH- 12:16pm– 1:04pm
D/H- 1:09pm- 2:19pm
X Block- 2:26pm- 3:00pm
*Schedules are posted on the master calendar and at the top of each weekly CTW.
The State of California requires all schools to confirm student immunizations records to meet minimum State requirements for school attendance. As such, Parents must provide their student’s Immunization Record as proof of required immunizations upon a student’s initial enrollment at Chaminade and for any student advancing to the 7th grade. If your student is new to Chaminade or advancing to 7th grade, please provide their immunization record on the required 2023-24 Student Medical Information Form.
The 2023-24 Student Medical and Emergency Contact forms are available in the Family Portal found at
Please use your parent login to complete the required forms.
Chaminade uses MBS Direct as the official online bookstore for purchasing all course textbooks. The MBS Online Bookstore will open on July 12th. You may purchase summer reading books through MBS Online; however, due to time constraints, you may want to purchase summer reading books elsewhere. See below for information about summer reading.
Returning families should log in as an existing customer. New families can find information for creating an MBS Direct at this link: clicking this link. Please purchase textbooks prior to the first day of school and once you have received your child’s schedule. See below for information about class schedules. Most courses REQUIRE the one-year online digital textbook for use at school. In addition to the one-year online digital textbook, you may purchase OPTIONAL hard copy textbooks for those who want to use print versions at home. Please read the instructor’s notes at the top of each course to see what is required for each course.
MBS Direct guarantees free shipping on all orders over $99 ordered between July 12 and August 8. If you have questions while creating or accessing your account, contact MBS Direct at (844) 603-9960. If you have questions regarding textbooks, contact Instructional Technology Specialist Mr. Anthony Ploesch at or Vice Principal of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology Mrs. Carolina Gunter at
An email from Chaminade News will notify you when student schedules are available on BlackBaud by July 12. Directions for accessing the schedule will be sent at this time as well. Please be advised that schedules cannot be changed to accommodate individual preferences. Changes to schedules will only be made in the case of an error or to balance class sizes. If you have difficulty accessing BlackBaud please contact the front office at (818) 363-8127.
In addition to textbooks, students will need school supplies and summer reading books. All students are REQUIRED to read during the summer and upon returning in August, participate in learning activities that correspond to the summer reading. You may purchase summer reading books at your local independent bookstore,, Amazon, or for 6th grade, at MBS Direct Online Bookstore.
Summer Reading Information (All Grade Levels)
Supply list information for all grade levels can be found HERE
Office hours are 7:30am to 3:00pm, Office: 818-363-9531
It is the parent’s obligation to inform the Health/Attendance office of an absence between 7:45am and 9:00am each day the student is absent. This is mandatory. (Emailing a teacher is NOT considered notifying the Health/ Attendance office). Students who have been absent from school must have a note from a parent upon their return. Student’s absences due to illness lasting 5 or more consecutive days will need a doctor’s note of clearance to be admitted back to school.
All students arriving late to school must check into Health/Attendance office with their school ID to sign in and receive a late slip. All tardies are unexcused unless a student brings in a note from a medical or dental office.
Students needing to leave school early must bring a note to the Health/Attendance office before 8:00am to receive an EARLY-OUT slip, which is needed to leave a classroom. It is advised that parents not just “show-up” to pick up their children, but instead notify the Health/Attendance office as soon as possible to give time to find your student. Students leaving early will meet their parent in the Health/Attendance office to be signed out for the day. It is also important to notify the Health/Attendance office if parents leave the student in someone else’s care while they are away.
**Only those people who are on the student’s emergency contact list can pick up a student. Parents please make sure you are listed as your student’s emergency contacts as well as anyone you give permission to pick up your child. Additions to a student’s contact list can be made by contacting the Registrar’s office. If in an emergency, someone other than a parent needs to pick up a student, the attendance office will need the request in writing stating who is picking up and their contact number.
All medication must be submitted in the original container with the student’s name clearly written on it. Medication sent to school in plastic bags, envelopes, etc., will not be accepted. Students may not carry any medication, inhaler, epi-pen, etc., unless authorized by the Dean’s office. Written authorization from a parent must accompany medication. Request for Medication to be taken During School available in the Health/ Attendance office. This policy applies to “over-the counter” as well as prescription medications. The Heath Room attendant does not administer medicine, all medication must be self-administered by the student. Further information about Chaminade’s Health/Attendance Policy and Procedure can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook.
Nickname Mr. Ryan Halverson Mr. H
Favorite Sport
Favorite Food Baseball
Street Tacos
Best Restaurant in the Valley Lum Ka Naad (Thai Food)
Favorite TV Show Seinfeld/The Last Kingdom
Favorite Place I Have Visited Iceland
Traits of a Good Leader
Attentive, compassionate, honest and trustworthy
"Use mistakes and problems as opportunities to get better- not reasons to quit."
The Los Angeles Archdiocese administers STAR Assessments in reading and math at all K-8 Catholic schools during three test windows throughout the year. Each STAR Assessment is approximately 30 minutes long. The school uses standardized test data, along with other data (e.g. grades and observations of student work), to make curricular and instructional decisions that support student learning. As with any test, many factors can affect a student’s scores. Therefore, it is important to remind students to do their best. After each assessment window, we will provide a Google form link in the Chaminade This Week (CTW) weekly newsletter for you to request your child’s scores, which will be emailed to you. In June, parents will be mailed a comprehensive report of their student’s results on all three rounds of tests. English and math teachers will administer tests in class during the test windows listed below. If students are absent on the day teachers administer the tests, counselors will contact students for make-ups during X block within the testing window.
Window 1: August 21 – September 8, 2023
Window 2: January 16 – February 2, 2024
Window 3: April 29– May 20, 2024
The ALEKS pie will be available to all current Chaminade students this summer. Rising 6th and 7th graders will have a new summer pie to work on, while 8th graders will work on their existing pie. Research shows that practicing math over the summer will help students’ math performance in the next school year.
All students in grades 6-11 will receive an email from the email address of This email is directing you to convert your current login in the Family Portal (for schedules, grades, etc.) to a new BlackBaud ID (BBID). This is a required change to add another layer of security to our school database. Please follow the directions in that email to complete this process. If you do not currently have your password autosaved for the Family Portal, it is recommended that you do so prior to starting this process. Please complete this process as soon as you receive the abovementioned email to ensure that you will be able to login and receive your grades and 2023-24 student schedules this summer. After July 20th, your current login will no longer access the portal. If you need assistance during the conversion, please email .
Chaminade’s Eagle Readers are the largest club on the Middle School campus. It consists of dedicated readers and those who are interested in Reading for pleasure. Students can become Eagle Readers simply by reading five Accelerated Reader books, at the appropriate point level (4.0 or above) and then taking quizzes achieving a score of 80% or more.
To recognize their commitment to reading, students who complete five quizzes are awarded House points and receive a small reward at the end of the month. They are also invited to breakout workshops with our Guest Author’s. At the end of the year, all Eagle Readers are celebrated with a Pizza Patch Party. The student with the most AR points at the end of eighth grade receives the coveted Library Reading Award at graduation.
Please mark your calendars now, so you will not miss out on the return of our Annual Holiday Book Fair which is scheduled for December 4th – December 8th in our Library during Lunch and after school 3:00 pm –4:00 pm daily! Everyone at Chaminade Middle School joins me in inviting you to this celebration of the written word. Not only will this event benefit our school, it also encourages reading enjoyment among our students. It is a fact that being a reader is more predictive of success than intelligence, economic background, or gender.
6th Grade students will choose ONE of the following books to read for summer.
Amari and the Night Brothers, by B.B. Alston Crossover, by Kwame Alexander New Kid, by Jerry Craft
7th and 8th Grade students will be making their own choice for summer reading. Click HERE for a further explanation of the expectations and objectives and some book recommendation lists.
Every year our Middle School Library invites an award-winning Author to share with our students their love of Reading and the experience of being a professional writer. The Author conducts 2 large assemblies with a question-and-answer segment, and grade level workshops. Also, a Book signing event is scheduled after school for students who wish to purchase copies of their work.
The following items of uniform are the only acceptable uniform options that may be worn:
•Dennis Uniforms (pants/skorts/shorts/ shirts/PE shirts & shorts)
• Dennis Uniforms (navy sweaters, navy sweatshirts, and navy sweatpants)
• Chaminade navy polo shirts and navy sweatshirts for Chaminade athletic teams or extracurricular activities are also permitted.
• House shirts may be worn on Mondays and spirit shirts may be worn on Fridays. You can purchase from the Student Activities Ofice using the link above.
In regards to skorts, here is the breakdown of what students can wear by grade level:
• 6th & 7th grade: Navy skorts with logo
• 8th grade: Choice of navy skort with logo, or khaki skorts
Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook for further details about our uniform.
Boosters Spirit Wear merchandise is available through our online Boosters store. The store will be closed until July 17th. During the school year, orders can be picked up in person at the Chatsworth campus on Mondays and Wednesdays, and at the West Hills campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays for one hour immediately afer school lets out. Please contact the boosters store at with any questions.
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All online purchases 15% off + free shipping over $50 (excluding tax and shipping) with discount code 15SH00C50FS. Cannot be applied to items previously purchased nor to items not in the Chaminade College Preparatory uniform program. Marked down items excluded. Cannot be combined with other offers. Valid 12 a.m. PDT – 11:59 p.m. PDT Monday 07/10/2023.
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Chaminade and The Caterer, Inc. are excited to offer new meal service technology for our students and faculty! The new enhancements will improve the safety and efficiency of our meal service, with added convenience, flexibility, as well as nutritional and allergen information for our Chaminade families.
Both cafeterias will institute a new “no touch” cashless point of sale system offering safe and convenient meal services for our students and faculty. In addition to improvements within the cafeteria, Chaminade and The Caterer, Inc. are introducing a new food service system utilizing the free online and mobile applications, MySchoolBucks and MealViewer.
With the MySchoolBucks App, parents, students and faculty can securely add money to their meal accounts at their convenience. To help ensure the health and safety of all our students and staff, MySchoolBucks will minimize contact via cashless payments and expedite the delivery of our meal service, therefore, allowing us to focus on keeping our students safe. More information and details can be found at
• Add funds using your credit/debit card or e-check
• Easily track purchases and card balances by setting up reminders or auto-pay
• Cashless payments by scanning student ID cards at the cafeteria
With the MealViewer App, parents, students and faculty will have the opportunity to view daily menus, as well as important nutritional and allergen information for student meals. More information and details can be found at
• View daily menus and nutritional information
• Add special dietary needs or allergies to your student profile
• Rate and provide feedback on favorite meal items
Download both Mobile Apps for iPhone or Android and create your free MySchoolBucks and MealViewer account using the school name and student ID.
Thank you and we look forward to serving you!
The Caterer Inc.
Chaminade College Preparatory
Would you like to have your locker blessed by our school chaplain, Fr. Mike during the first week of school? This is such a great way to start the year of together and bring some extra blessings your way for the school year. Please sign up using the link HERE.
School Liturgy
August 18, 2023 at 9:45am Fr. Allen DeLong
Arts and Athletics Center –All families are invited to attend our opening school Mass to kick of the school year. A small reception will be held immediately aferwards for all parents in attendance.
Blessed William Joseph Chaminade said, “We are all missionaries and we consider ourselves on a permanent mission” witnessing the Good News of Jesus Christ. We carry out this mission not only in the classroom, but equally in our Apostolic Works. The word Apostolic is derived from the root word Apostle, meaning “to be commissioned”. We continue the works of the Apostles by bringing the “good news to the poor and marginalized” as our missionary spirit leads us to give a direct service to them through various methods of outreach. The service projects to both the local and global community will provide our students with the opportunity to reflect upon their call to service through the utilization of their own gifts and talents.
6th grade requires 10 hours
7th grade requires 15 hours
8th grade requires 20 hours
All 7th and 8th graders for the 2023-2024 school year may complete 1/2 of their hours during the Summer months. Students who complete hours must follow the guidelines stated on our Apostolic Works information page found HERE All hours should be done at a non-profit organization under supervision. After completing the service, students should complete the form HERE to verify the hours, students will NOT enter the hours into X2VOL until returning to school; rather students will turn in their Summer verification form to their Religion teacher during the first week of school. New students to Chaminade (any grade) cannot begin their hours until the start of the school year.
Be sure to have your family follow us to get up to date information about Campus Ministry.
September 23
Students will sign up to work at various non-profit locations in the Valley. A parent must attend with the student. 3 hours of Apostolic Work credit will be given to those who attend.
October 14
A 1.5 mile walk around Warner Center Park to bring awareness and fundraise for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Students who attend will receive 1 hour of Apostolic Works, if a parent walks as well, they will receive an additional hour of service.
All hours must be submitted by May 10, 2024
The goal of our campus-wide activities program is provide opportunities for students to embrace leadership roles and develop positive character traits, explore their gifts and talents, and create lasting memories and friendships. Whether it be an all-student assembly or a specific club, there is something for everyone to enjoy. We offer more than 40 different clubs in the areas of leadership, special interest, and performing arts. Students will be introduced to a variety of program on September 9 at our annual Club Fair.
Marianist Family Spirit is alive within our eight houses as part of our House System. Each student will be a part of a mixed-grade house working towards a common goal throughout the school year, to win the house cup! Students participate in friendly competitions, spirit assemblies, and a spring semester Field Day event. For more information, click on the Student Activities quick-link in the CTW or contact Director of Student Activities, Mrs. Annette Damien at .
@nadesquad @nadepositivity
Practices begin August 2. Information for tackle football will be available on the new Chaminade Middle School Athletics Web-page via the Parent Portal with links to the 2023 Tackle Football Calendar, Tackle Football General Information and the Tackle Football Release and Medical Information & Physical Exam Certification Form. Additional registration information will be provided mid-August. A Medical Physical Exam, dated no earlier than November 15, 2022 is required to play Tackle Football at Chaminade Middle School. Physical Exams are not required for any other sport at Chaminade Middle School.
All other Fall and Year-Round Sport Tryouts and Practices will not begin until after August 16. The Tryouts Schedule will be posted on the Middle School Athletics Web-page and the Middle School Athletic Calendar during the summer and will be updated as needed. All students interested in playing a sport each season will need to signup and submit a Middle School Athletics Consent form prior to the tryout. A link to signup and to the consent form will be posted on the Tryouts Schedule and will be available on the Middle School Athletics Web-page in August, prior to the start of the tryouts. Students may not participate in tryouts without submission of the Athletic Consent Form. Registration and information will be provided once teams have been selected. Tryouts for Winter Season Sports will take place in November and tryouts for Spring Season Sports will begin in late February. There are no pre-season practices or trainings for any sports until after school starts.
August 21, 22, and 23 from 3:15pm to 5:00pm
Squad list is posted on August 23 at 5:00pm
Parent meeting and uniform fitting on August 24at 3:15pm
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Coach Beskid at
Cheerleading 6-7-8 grade
Equestrian 6-7-8 grade
Fencing 6-7-8 grade
Tackle Football– 7-8 grade
Cross Country 6-7-8 grade Boys and Girls
Flag Football 6-7-8 grade
Swimming 6-7-8 grade Boys and Girls
Tennis 6-7-8 grade Girls
Volleyball 6-7-8 grade Girls
Basketball 6-7-8 grade Boys and Girls
Soccer 6-7-8 grade Boys and Girls
Wrestling 6-7-8 grade
Baseball 6-7-8 grade
Field Hockey 6-7-8 grade Girls
Golf 6-7-8 grade Boys and Girls
Lacrosse 6-7-8 grade Boys and Girls
Softball 6-7-8 grade Girls
Tennis 6-7-8 grade Boys
Track & Field 6-7-8 grade Boys and Girls
Volleyball 6-7-8 grade Boys
Beach Volleyball– 6-7-8 grade Girls
Questions? Contact Athletic Director Walt Stewart–
Fall Drama Production
November 16, 17, 18
Winter Band Concert
December 2
Winter C-Notes Concert
December 9 (Tutor Center)
Spring Drama Production
May 2, 3, 4
Spring Band Concert
May 11
Spring C-Notes Concert
May 16
Band– Ms. Cynthia Snyder
Drama (Fall)– Ms. Emily Piper
Drama (Spring)– Mr. Michael Russ
Tech Crew– Mr. Robert Jones
Dance– Ms. Heather Eaton
It’s almost audition time for the Eagle Dance Team! All 6th, 7th or 8th grade boys or girls with Intermediate to Advanced level dance experience are welcome to audition for the team. We will be learning the routine on Tuesday, August 22 and Thursday, August 24 from 3:15pm-5:00pm in the Gym.
Auditions will take place on Friday, August 25 starting at 3:15pm. Audition packets will be available in Ms. Eaton’s office and in the fall CTW. Contact Ms. Eaton at with any additional questions.
"Asanincomingsixth grader, bandwasareally goodwaytomeet people... Imadefriendsin bandwhoIknowwillbe myfriendsforlife."-
Formerstudent "Bandtaughtmyson discipline, self-confidence andanappreciationof music."-Parent "Itwasalife-changing experience."-College Student, Music CompositionMajor
This Concert Choir is open to all sixth, seventh and eighth grade boys and girls who wish to learn and perform all genres of Choral music. NO AUDITION NECESSARY. All singers do a “vocal check” with Mrs. Rohrs to assess correct vocal placement. All members will strengthen existing sight-reading skills and learn proper vocal technique, which will enable students to meet the demands of accelerated ensembles in high school. This ensemble rehearses on Mondays and Wednesdays after school at the Student Center from 3:15-4:30pm. Students are expected to maintain good attendance and have a positive attitude. C-Notes share their joy for singing and serve as representatives of our school as well as its choir program.
The C-Notes’ performances include the Chaminade Middle School Open House, Christmas Concert in the High School Tutor Center for the Performing Arts, Community Concert at Mt. St. Mary’s College for the Carondelet Sisters, Spring Concert, and 8th Grade Graduation. Each year, the C-Notes also attend a Vocal Soundtrack Session at Disneyland. This choir competes annually in an “adjudicated Choral Festival” and has consistently earned a “Gold” Ranking. In March 2023, the C-Notes will be traveling to New York to attend a choral festival in Queens College and perform at the prestigious Carnegie Hall. Students are given opportunities to audition for solos throughout the year and may choose to audition to be a select member of the following ensembles:
C7 (7-member a cappella group)
Chaminotes (Barbershop Boys Quartet)
Chaminets (Barbershop Girls Quartet)
For more information, please visit
Our weekly newsletter, CTW (Chaminade This Week), will be emailed to the primary contact address providing at the time of enrollment. Students will also receive a copy of the CTW to their email address every Friday at 3:00pm.
In the CTW, students and families can read Mr. Halverson’s weekly message, view schedule updates and obtain information regarding administrative announcements, academics, counseling, athletics, campus ministry, cafeteria, student activities, and volunteering by viewing the landing page.
Our Family Portal is located through the main page Click above for the one-stop shop for all links to master calendars, school info, grades, and more.
Students and parents have access to our learning management system, Schoology. Students can access all class information, assignments, class calendars and club/house groups. Live gradebooks are also visible in Schoology.
At the start of each week, students meet in their X block room with their grade level house advisory teachers. During the first 40 minutes of the school week, students review important announcements and events with their advisory. Advisors meet with small groups of students to address academics, social concerns, and current events. Google slides from the house meetings are also shared to house schoology pages.
Volunteering is an excellent way to get involved on campus and meet other parents. Attend a Volunteer Mixer, Click HERE to register as a school volunteer or contact Arianna Danova, Volunteer Manager at
Parents may choose to attend either mixer:
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
6:00pm – 8:00pm Location: West Hills Campus
Thursday, August 24, 2022
8:30am – 10:30am
Location: Chatsworth Campus