《中國好聲音》是由浙江衛視聯合星空旗下燦星製作強力打造的大型專業音樂真人 秀,2016《中國好聲音》攜全世界人的音樂夢想重磅來襲。浙江衛視2016《中國好聲音》節目 承諾,以振興中國樂壇、培養未來巨星為己任,以真聲音、真音樂為唯一的宗旨,力爭讓四位明 星導師找到值得培養的樂壇新人,為中國樂壇的發展提供一批怀揣夢想、具有天賦才華的音樂 人。 2016 《中國好聲音》導師陣容已經正式確定, 那英、周杰倫、汪峰、庾澄慶四位明星將繼續坐 鎮《好聲音》組成“四位元老齊聚”的搭配。 加拿大總決賽設在溫哥華。作為全加五大賽區之一的加拿大東部賽區,由世紀經典文化交流有限 公司主承辦,華緣傳媒和幻想琴行聯合承辦,比賽地點設在新斯高沙省美麗的省會哈利法克斯。 在全體組委會成員的共同努力下,經過專業評委的反覆斟酌討論,終於從70餘位來自加拿大東 部不同省份的選手中遴選出15位最優秀的選手,進入《中國好聲音》加拿大東部賽區的決賽。 “China Super Vocal” is a Chinese reality singing competition which is produced by a group of professionals and Chinese television production leaders: Zhejiang Satellite Channel and Shanghai Canxing Culture & Broadcast Co. under the banner of Star China Media Limited. The objective of “China Super Vocal” is to find singers, who have singing talent and dreams, and provide them a platform to enhance their singing skills as well as bringing some new blood and ideas to recent Chinese music culture. “China Super Vocal” also aims to produce highquality music and present remarkable performances to every audience all over the world. The judges for the upcoming season of “2016 China Super Vocal” will be Na Ying, Jay Chou, Wang Feng and Harlem Yu, who have been the coaches since the last season already. The final singing competition in Canada will be held in Vancouver, and it is our honor that Halifax is one of the five main regions to hold this large-scale singing reality show. The atlantic Canada audiotion is organized by Century Classic Cultural Exchange Inc. and co-organized with Chanadian Media Ltd. and Fantasie Music Instruments. In collaboration with all members of the organizing committee and consultation with experts, we proudly present to you our best 15 contestants who have eligibility to enter the final contest in Atlantic Canada.
中國好聲音第五賽季(2016年)第一次來到加拿大招募選手,我們有幸承辦加東大西洋賽 區的海選賽事。這是我們加東華語音樂歌手的夢想舞台,也是社區華人的一次音樂盛宴!這次活 動不僅豐富了我們華人的社區多元文化生活,也展示了我們加東華人的凝聚力和年輕人的精神面 貌。 經過一個多月的緊張籌辦,組委會成員加班加點、精心籌劃,廣大音樂愛好者踴躍參與, 專業評委公正、公平、認真遴選選手;更有了眾多商家解囊相助,全體華人社團獻計獻策、傾力 支持!今晚,夢想舞台上的花蕾終將激情綻放! 感謝所有選手的積極參與,感謝專業評委的敬業奉獻,感謝各商家、 社團的鼎力支持,更感謝組委會成員及志願者們的辛苦工作! 預祝中國好聲音2016賽季加東(大西洋)賽區決賽圓滿成功! 更期待明年的賽事活動再續激情! 世紀經典文化交流公司 總裁 趙洋 2016年5月13日 This is the first time that China Super Vocal comes to Canada recruiting contestants, and we are honored to organize the Atlantic Canada auditions for the fifth season of China Super Vocal (2016). This is a dream stage for Chinese music singers, and it is a great opportunity for our community to participate in such a large-scale music activity! The event not only enriches our community’s multicultural life, but also shows the cohesion of Atlantic Canada Chinese communities and spirit of young people. After a month of intense preparations, every member of our organizing committee had strived their best to work on this project and discussed the whole planning together carefully. We have seen many music lovers in the audition, and the judges and professionals have put so much effort into selecting the contestants, who are eligible to enter the finals, to ensure that the whole process is fair and equitable. We have also received many business sponsorship and the support from all Chinese communities, and so finally, the dream stage can eventually be presented to all of you. Thank you for the active participation of all contestants and the dedication of our professional judges. Thank you for the full support of all business companies and community sponsors. At last, thank you for the hard work of all the committee members and volunteers! Wish 2016 China Super Vocal Atlantic Canada Audition Final a great success! We look forward to seeing you all in the next year! CENTURY CLASSIC CULTURE EXCHANGE INC. PRESIDENT: ELLA ZHAO May13, 2016
CHINA SUPER VOCAL GREETINGS 中国好声音加拿大海選賀詞 Vancouver
6406 Victoria Drive Vancouver, British Columbia V5P 3X7 604-775-5323
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Confederation Building, Suite 607 613-995-7052
Harjit S. Sajjan Member of Parliament Vancouver South
April 22, 2016 Stage One Academy 170, 5731 Minoru Blvd Richmond, B.C. V6X 2B1 I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to the staff, volunteers, organizers, participants and attendees on the exciting talent show the China Super Vocal happening on May 29, 2016 at the River Roch Show Theatre. While I am unable to attend this year and watch the amazing performances live, I would like to take a moment to recognize the amazing efforts of the student’s, including their hard work and training involved in preparing for this grand milestone. Keep pursuing your passions and brightening up our community with your talents!
Hon. Harjit S. Sajjan Member of Parliament Vancouver South
JOE PESCHISOLIDO Member of Parliament Steveston – Richmond East
March 2016
Greetings It is a great pleasure for me to extend my warmest greetings to all those attending the 2016 China Super Vocal auditions hosted by Stage One Academy China Super Vocal is a Chinese reality talent show that premiered back in 2012 on Zhejiang Television. The series aims to revive the China music scene and train potential superstars. China Super Vocal wants to find talented musicians with big dreams by following the format of True Music Tue Voice. I extend my best wishes for successful event and continued prosperity for the years to come.
Joe Peschisolido Member of Parliament for Steveston - Richmond East
BRITISH COLUMBIA March 29, 2016 I would like to extend my sincerest greetings to all participating in the Canadian auditions for “2016 China Super Vocal” hosted by Stage One Academy. This popular show in China is a wonderful opportunity to foster musicians. It is also a remarkable experience for the professional and amateur musicians to connect with the local audience and other music professionals. I offer my sincere thanks to Stage One Academy for encouraging talented musicians to reach elite levels and pursue sustained success. It is my hope that this year’s auditions will be even more enjoyable and successful. To the dedicated staff and volunteers, I offer my sincere thanks for making the auditions a great success. Warm Regards,
Teresa Wat, M.L.A. Richmond-Centre Richmond-Centre Constituency Office 300-8120 Granville Avenue Richmond, BC V6Y 1P3 Tel. : 604-775-0754 Fax : 604-775-0898
ORGANIZING COMMITEE 中国好声音加拿大海選組委會 申 楊 阮 卜 葉 楊
錦 力 志 志 龍
瑜 維 宏 雨 森 濤
Jinyu Sheng Eric Yeung Michael Ruan Bill Bu Longsen Ye Tao Yang
楊 佳 寧 Johnny Yang 陳 錦 波 Jinbo Chen 俞 漢 傑 David Yu 張 靜 Jing Zhang
主 席 名譽主席 高級顧問 高級顧問 高級顧問 高級顧問
Chairman Honourary Chairman Senior Advisor Senior Advisor Senior Advisor Senior Advisor
執行主席 總 策 劃 藝術指導 舞台總監
Executive Chairman Executive Director Art Director Stage Director
其他組委會成員 | Other Commitee Members 孫根樓 Genlou Sun, 姚明, Ming Yao, 王梅 Mei Wang, 王紅 Hone Wang, 鹿有餘 Youyu Lu, 顧建軍 Jianjun Gu, 王磊 Lei Wang, 陳萌青 Mengqing Chen, 張瑞潔 Ruijie Zhang, 畢傲男 Vimmo Bi
COMMUNITY SUPPORT 中国好声音加東海選支持單位 夏城華語學校 新斯高沙省中華會館 港加商會 拿省華人協會 華藝俱樂部 加拿大華人教授協會-大西洋分會 新斯科舍省華人教育促進會 加東乒乓球協會 人類文明健康交流發展促進會
Halifax Chinese Language School The Chinese Benevolent Society of Nova Scotia The Hong Kong-Canada Business Association The Chinese Society of Nova Scotia Chinese Culture & Art Club of Nova Scotia Canadian Academy of Chinese Professors - Atlantic Association Nova Scotia Education Promotion Association Atlantic Canada Ping-Pong Association Human Civilization Health Communication Development Association
Diamond Sponsor
Sushi Jet / In Spring
Gold Sponsors
Long Lake Village BMO 銀行 - Lily Wang 美園餐館 永明金融 中國城餐館
Long Lake Village BMO - Lily Wang May Garden Chinese Restaurant Sun Life Financial China Town Restaurant
Silver Sponsors
聚點KTV 奇香麵包 百味燒烤 RTR車行 Seasons Motor Inn Su Nails & Spa 上海小館 星桃屋 Burnside Law Group 朋友餐廳 新榮華餐館
Natural Karaoke Kee Heong Cantonese Bakery Bai Wei Grill Bar Ready to Race Auto Seasons Motor Inn Su Nails & Spa Modern Shanghai Bistro Nova Momoya Burnside Law Group Friends Chinese Restaurant New Wing Wah Chinese Restaurant
Recutment & Media Support
聖瑪麗大學中國學生會 戴爾豪思中國學生學者聯誼會
Saint Mary’s University Chinese Student Association Dalhousie University Chinese Students and Scholars Association Mount Saint Vincent University International Student Association Acadia Chinese Students & Scholars Association UPEI Chinese knot Enjoy PEI Memorial University of Newfoundland Chinese Students and Scholars Association
聖文森特山大學國際學生會 阿卡迪亞中國學生學者聯誼會 中國結社團 樂活PEI 紐芬蘭紀念大學中國學生學者聯誼會
ATLANTIC FINAL AUDITION 加東海選決賽 製作團隊 | Production Team 統 籌:趙 洋 總 導 演:陳錦波 舞台總監:張 靜 藝術總監:俞漢傑 場地佈置:蔚明奇 音響總監:章浩洋 燈光助理:林 喆 主 持 人:王 儲 曹宏博 人員協調:畢傲男 攝 像:周 全 攝 影:孫旻舟
Producer: Ella Zhao Director: Jinbo Chen Stage Director: Jing Zhang Musical Director: David Yu House Manager: Peter Yu Sound Director: Allen Zhang Assistant Lighting: Zhe Lin
其他工作人員:金儷璇、胡思玥、章文 一、 凌茵、 付一丹、李焮 、 張震強、 劉雅芳、 劉怡恬、宋勝男、趙金楠、 劉海英、李麗梅
Other Staff: Lindsay Jin, Diana Hu, Winnie Zhang, Nikki Lin, Yidan Fu, Yentl Lee, Eric Zhang, Sunny Liu, Stephanie Liu, Shennan Song, Jinnan Zhao, Haiying Liu, Limei Li
現場伴奏:幻想樂隊 (鼓 Alex Cook、 吉他Neven Prostran、 貝斯 Karen Lizotte、 鍵盤 Brandon Mott)
Live Music: Fantasie Studio Band (Drums: Alex Cook, Guitar: Neven Prostran, Bass: Karen Lizotte, Keyboard: Brandon Mott)
M C: Katherina Wang, Hongbo Cao Assistant Coordinator: Vimmo Bi Videography: Quan Zhou Photography: Minzhou Sun
賽程 | Program 6:25 PM 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 8:20 PM 8:30 PM 9:15 PM 9:25 PM
嘉賓致辭 | Guest Speaking 開場舞團表演 | Opening Performance by Maritime Dance Academy 選手第一輪演唱 | First Round Contestants Performance 中場評委獻藝 | Judges Performance with Band Music by Fantasie Studio Band 選手第二輪演唱 | Second Round Contestants Performance 青春熱舞表演 | Closing Performance by SMU Chinese Dancing Team 合唱《我愛你中國》| Chorus “I love you China” by all contestants
我的名字叫李婉欣,我今年上高中, 我是一個喜歡唱歌和 表演的女孩子。我非常開心中國好聲音能來加拿大,也非 常開心能有這樣的機會可以展現自我。所以請大家能夠支 持我! 謝謝!
李婉欣 Esther Li
I am Ester Li who like singing and performing, and I am a high school student from Prince Edward Island. I am so glad that “China Super Vocal” has expanded from China to Atlantic Canada, and so I have this opportunity to join this competition and perform on the stage.Thank you and please support me in the future.
自幼喜愛音樂,師從中國交響樂團少年及女子合唱團楊鴻年老 師,後與同團姐妹組成“春之翼”女聲合唱團,數次登上合唱 舞台並取得國際金獎。自從三年前懷孕生子後開始淡出合唱, 專心照顧家庭。此次“好聲音”加拿大站使我重燃對音樂舞台 的渴望,並有機會從集體聲音中突顯出來,單獨挑戰自己、重 塑自我! I love music since childhood. I had learnt vocal music from the teacher of The Children and Young Women’s Choir of China National Symphony Orchestra, and then I was a member of a famous Chinese Women Choir. After I had children, I gradually left the career that I love. But this Super Vocal raises my hope and my passion again. I hope that this opportunity can reshape myself and challenge myself!
王婉雯 Brisa Wang
大家好我叫李爽,自幼喜愛音樂,小提琴達到十級水平, 唱歌更是多年來的愛好。此次中國好聲音加拿大站給了我 一個圓夢的舞台,希望能把歌聲裡的快樂和你們一同分 享。參加好聲音是我的榮幸,請大家多多支持!謝謝!
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李爽 Anita Li
Hello, my name is Shuang Li. I love music for a long time, and playing violin and singing are my hobbies for more than 10 years. This time, China Super Vocal offered me a stage for completing my dream. Wish I could share every moment in my life with each of you through this contest. Thanks for all the supports from my family and friends.
, (
NEXT DOOR TO LONG LAKE 15 longlakevillage.ca
我是一個愛唱歌的人,從小到現在,這個愛好一直都沒有 變過,可能一個人的某些愛好真的是與生俱來的吧。在前 幾個月的時候得知中國好聲音海選要在加東地區增加賽 點,我有些按捺不住,後經朋友們的鼓勵決定來試一試, 希望登上更大的舞台,不斷磨練自己的自信心的同時,唱 更多的歌給更多的人聽。
貢海釗 Alex Gong
I have always loved singing since I was young, and this hobby haven’t changed until now. When I know that “China Super Vocal” is going to held in Atlantic Canada, I decide to give a try and hope to perform singing on a bigger stage. I hope that I can build up my self-confidence and have more opportunities to sing on the stage.
大家好,我是邱銘童,從小接受音樂胎教,已走過二十年的 青蔥歲月,音樂已經成為我生活中很重要的部分。每當觸及 音樂,就讓我覺得自己與眾不同。或聆聽,或應和,或歌 唱,在音樂的世界裡,我會幻化為另一個"我",喜怒哀 樂,用心感受,各種情緒盡情釋放。我摯愛音樂,他是我生 命中永不休止的旋律。希望我對音樂的細膩與真誠,你們都 能聽得到。 I am Crystal Qiu, who received prenatal music education before birth, and now music has become a part of my life. Every time I am in touch with music, it makes me feeling special and unique. Listening or singing along the rhythm, I become the other side of me. Happiness or sadness, I can express my emotion with all the heart. I love music, for me, it is the endless tunes. Wish all my truth and feelings can be delivered to you.
邱銘童 Crystal Qiu
我叫吳曉東,是一名留學生,今年24歲,廣東江門人。音樂 不是我的全部,卻貫穿我的生活,它是我對生活的一種表達 方式,就像詩歌,散文,作為一種情感抒發。我想通過這個 舞台把對家鄉的思念,把最溫暖,最真摯的感情通過聲音傳 遞下去。
吳曉東 William Wu
I am William Wu, and I am from Guangdong, China. Music is not my whole life, but music exists everywhere in my world. I express my life through music like what poets do through poetry. In this competition, I want to express my feeling towards my home country and let everyone feel the warmth from my performance.
哈嘍,大家好!我是吳超偉。唱歌是我從小就一直非常熱 愛的事情,音樂就像是一個親密的朋友,他是有靈魂的, 能觸動我們的內心深處,讓我們釋放出自己的情緒,做最 真實的自己。我會用最誠摯的聲音唱給你們聽。加油!
胡超偉 Ryan Hu
Hello everyone, I am Ryan Hu. To me, music has become my best friend since I was young, and I always feel that music has its own soul. I think that music can heal our heart and help us to express our emotional feelings. In the final competition of “China Super Vocal” in Atlantic Canada, I will deliver my sincerity through singing to all of you.
我叫胡冀東,來自中國河北。今年是我大學生涯的最後一 年,也很幸運在畢業的最後一年中國好聲音的舞台走進了加 拿大,走進了加東,更走進了哈法。對於音樂,它是人生中 重要的組成部分,我也只會更愛音樂。關於夢想,唱給喜歡 聽我唱歌的人就夠了 I am Nathan Hu, and I come from Hebei, China. This is my final year in the university, and I am so lucky that I can be one of the contestants in “China Super Vocal” in Atlantic Canada region. Music is important to my life, and I believe that I will love music more and more in the future. My dream is to sing for those people who love listening my songs.
胡冀東 Nathan Hu
大家好,我叫孫若淋,來自中國山西省臨汾市,今年 23歲,現於哈利法克斯一家金融服務公司工作。我喜 歡唱情歌,尤其對老歌情有獨鍾。希望大家能通過我的 歌聲,隨我一同感受老歌的魅力,感受時代所造就的經 典。謝謝。
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孫若淋 Jack Sun
Hello, I am Jack Sun, from Shanxi, 23 years old. I am currently working for a financial institution here in Halifax. I love romantic songs, especially the classic ones. I hope people can get touch into the classic song through my voice, because I am the only Super Vocal! Thanks.
大家好,我叫羅芷琦,我來自江西南昌。我是一個性格開 朗的人,從小就喜歡音樂喜歡舞蹈,每次聽到音樂我都會 不由自主的跟著哼起來。從小我夢想著能站在一個大的舞 台上唱歌給大家聽,因為家人和朋友的支持和鼓勵,所以 我決定來到了中國好聲音這個舞台......
羅芷琦 Rita Luo
Hello, my name is Rita, from Jiangxi. I am very outgoing, and I have become a fan of dancing since I was very young. I always sing along when the music is playing. My dream is to standing on a big stage one day and spread out my voice for the support and motivation from my friends and family. That’s why I came here, to the stage I belong!
大家好,我叫尹雅琦,今年十八歲。音樂總能讓我找到真實 的自己,我很享受音樂給我帶來的快樂,也希望我能把音樂 中的快樂和激情傳遞給更多的人。 Hello, my name is Iris Yin, I am 18 years old. Music is something that wakes me up everyday and encourages me to explore myself. I enjoy the happiness that the music brings in to me, and I wish to deliver the energy and the passion to more people.
尹雅琦 Iris Yin
我叫李昀翰,來自陝西西安,20歲,現在在NSCAD唸 書,來參加好聲音比賽,是因為通過支持這樣大型的活動 來豐富本地的娛樂活動,吸引更多有意思的活動來到哈 法,從而增加我們留學生的課餘生活。同時也希望聽眾可 以透過我的歌聲,讀懂我的故事。
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李昀翰 Ben Li
Hi, this is Ben Li. I am a student in NSCAD right now, 20 years old from Shanxi. By participating in China Super Vocal, I hope that I can give support to this kind of event, and so more events like this can take place in Halifax or other region in Atlan- tic Canada in the future. It can benefit our lives outside school and enrich our experiences at university years. Other than this, I wish to express my feelings, share my stories from my song, and reach all the way down to your heart.
我叫陳思彤,一名dal的學生平時喜歡打遊戲和做飯,很高 興有機會登上好聲音的舞台,也希望能夠展現自己,所以 開心就好!
I am Jason Chen, a student from DAL who is proud of gaming and cooking. It is my great pleasure to get on the stage of China Super Vocal to show my talent. Yes, I will definitely enjoy the stage and win it! 陳思彤 Jason Chen
大家好,我的名字叫雷文鈞,來自中國大西北甘肅蘭州,今 年有幸能參加好聲音,對我來說也是一種歷練。首先可以對 於自己的音樂修養進一步提高,其次還能交到很多好朋友。 總之音樂對自己而言就像是激勵自己的一件事兒,不論將來 會有什麼樣的改變,我都不會放棄。 Hello, I am Dillon Lei, who come from Gansu. It is my great honour to participate in the China Super Vocal and it is a challenge as well. For me, music shapes my personality, and helps me to make great friends. Music is a motivation to me that leads me to the future. No matter how the world changes, I am not giving up for my music dreams.
雷文鈞 Dillon Lei
我叫呂楚王瑤,生長在七彩的雲南。家人說我從小聽見音樂 會跟著扭,上小學前就會自己編歌唱,樂感不錯,記憶也很 好,很多旋律聽一遍就能記住。只是從沒機會接受聲樂方面 的訓練,希望通過中國好聲音這個機會磨練自己,結識新的 伙伴,接觸更多的音樂風格,能榮幸地聽到老師的專業指點 就太幸運了!
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呂楚王瑤 Anita Lv
My name is Anita Lv, and I was born in Yunnan, China. My family told me that when I was young, I always followed the rhythm to sing and dance. I can memorize the melody of a song quickly and even compose a song by myself . However, I have not received any vocal training before, so I hope that I can have more chance to learn and enhance my skills in “China Super Vocal” competition. It will be so lucky if I can listen some advice and suggestion from the judges, and I also hope to know more friends who love singing too.
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祝《中國好聲音》加東海選 決賽選手衝出加拿大!
HKCBA Atlantic promotes and fosters economic, cultural and educational ties between Atlantic Canada and China! HKCBA-The Smart Link to China www.hkcbaatlantic.org
Canadian Academy of Chinese Professors – Atlantic Association
熱烈祝賀2016年 《中國好聲音》加東海選 總決賽演出成功! 36
为六岁到十岁的小朋友提供一个专业的启蒙训练 给在哈法的移民、留学生一个以球会友的俱乐部
联系电话:902 489 5088
評委Lil Thomas是一位擁有超過30年音樂行業經 驗的音樂家,錄音師和音響設計師,他更是贏過 不少獎項的The Sonic Temple的擁有者和負責 人。他還曾經獲得兩次加拿大Gemini Awards的 音頻後期製作的提名。 Lil Thomas has been working in the Music Industry for over 30 yrs. Musician, Recording Engineer, Sound Designer, and Owner/ Manager of MultiAward winning Recording studio the Sonic Temple. He is also nominated for 2 Gemini awards for Audio post production.
Lil Thomas
評委Leanne Hoffman 是一位專業的歌者和音樂作 者。她2011年畢業於NSCC 音樂藝術專業,有非 常完善的專業音樂背景,曾與許多歌唱家同台演 出。 Leanne Hoffman is a professional singer, composer, and songwriter. She graduated from the NSCC Music Arts program in 2011 and equipped herself with excellent music knowledge, and she had performed with many artists and bands too. Leanne Hoffman
評委楊天傑從七歲開始學鋼琴並且是樂隊Edge的 鍵盤手,曾參加過第一屆加拿大倫敦好聲音和第 一屆哈利法克斯好聲音並取得第二名的好成績。 Tianjie Yang started to learn piano since she was seven, and now she is the keyboarder of the band “Edge”. She had participated both the first year of The Voice of London (ON) and The Voice of Halifax, and she received the second place in these two contests.
楊天傑 Tianjie Yang
評委王偉博從 6 歲開始學習鋼琴,12 歲通過中國國 家鋼琴十級測試。他參加過許多歌唱比賽並多次 獲得亞軍等優異成績。 Weibo Wang learnt to play piano since he was 6 and obtained level 10 (the highest level) of the Chinese national piano playing certificate when he was 12. He participated many singing contests and had received second prize before. 王偉博 Weibo Wang