Web Master Application
NST Web Master 1o 11
General Questions Name Date and Place of Birth Permanent Address Telephone / Mobile Skype Personal e-mail Secondary e-mail
Alexandre Benavides Silva April 22 1985, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Panama City, Panama (507) 391-15-67 / (507) 6139-4066 chandexxx alexandre.benavides@aiesec.net benavides.silva@gmail.com
Studies and Work Experience Details of your highest Academic level achieved, studies completed and other relevant academic backgrounds. Dates 2003-2010 2008-2009
Position Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering Student Assistant Professor
Country/ Location Panama / UTP (Technological University off Panama) Panama / UTP (Technological University off Panama)
Details of all relevant practical and professional experience in chronological order Dates
Work / Employer
Assistant Professor / UTP
Electronic and communication laboratory teacher.
Responsibilities/ Experience and knowledge gained Understand the way a student think and improve the way I teach them.
Foreign Languages Language Spanish Portuguese English German
Level (Native, A,B,C,) Native Native A C
AIESEC EXPERIENCE Positions and Seminars National and International Meetings (Conferences) you have attended. Year 2009 2009 2009 2010
Meeting SI (Introduction seminar) JUMP (SDL-TTT-OPS) M@X (Managing the @ XP) CoCAS (Central America South Congress) 2010 ILC (Iberoamerican Leadership Congress) eXpro
Location Panama Panama Costa Rica Panama
Role Delegate Delegate OCVP Comm OCP
List all positions held and which year Dates 2009 2010
Position Exchange member OGX Image and Promotion Coordinator
Country / Location Panama Panama
Experience 1. Rank the one area where you had the most experience and mention your top achievement supported by numeric results, in your AIESEC experience. OCVP Comm M@X 2009
Promotional Wiki in myaiesec.net views http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewwiki.do?contentid=10095602
Promotional videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/max09cas
I promoted the event in facebook, youtube, myaiesec.net and twitter. It called the attention of a new committee in Atlanta (USA), resulting in their application to M@X 2009.
Even though the event was in Costa Rica, surprisingly there were more delegates from Panama than the host country, a great achievement since this rarely happens.
2. Refer to the personal development that you gained through your AIESEC Experience. What is the development that the Web Master position can provide you? As a Web Master in a foreign country, I can learn a lot in others cultures perspective in what they like to see in a website, wiki, newsletter, etc. It will give me an understanding in the way AIESEC member would like the information to be delivered to them, what they like and dislike. I had a lot of experience in that and now I would like to improve my knowledge by receiving constant feedbacks so I can create an amazing product.
MOTIVATION 1. Why have you decided to apply for the Web Master of AIESEC in Greece and what are you expecting? This could be the only opportunity I would have in my AIESEC career to show all my skills to develop a region or country. I’ve been a person that always wanted to help to improve the place I work, and my personal goal right now in AIESEC is to do that: find a weakness and develop that and turn this into a strength. I’ve seen that AIESEC in Greece have some issues in their aiesec.org and myaiesec.net websites, not only in Greece but almost in every country. So this could be a chance to develop AIESEC in Greece so much, that we could be the role model to the whole world. 2. Which is your biggest ambition for the next term? Develop my area to the highest level so it could be a role model. With this, I hope to apply for a higher position in my AIESEC career generating a real impact in society.
AIESEC UNDERSTANDING 1. Define the way that you perceive leadership that AIESEC can provide to its members in NST and more specifically on Web Master position. A NST would be an AIESECer that help to develop a whole nation in order to growth their abilities. I must be a leader to all the AIESEC Greece members, be a model to them, a guide in their tasks. As a Web Master, I must teach every LC to improve their local websites, wikis and newsletters. Show them how to create their own identity in order to create something to all their members.
2. Define the JD of Web Masterand rank the areas where you can contribute the most. Which are your main characteristics that you can take advantage of in order to contribute even more in the specific position? Support and educate LCs on how to build, update and manage their AIESEC website. Since I’ve been teacher for 2 years, and coach for many AIESEC needs in my country, I can show the easiest way to help LCs create and manage their websites. Responsible for the positioning of AIESEC Hellas in Web 2.0. People use Web 2.0 every day and it’s the best way to send all kinds of message to people. Since I know how to attract people to something, this would be awesome to AIESEC in Greece to growth in the world. Support LCs to use myaiesec.net efficiently. It is a platform that I love to use and would like to everyone to do so. I would like to help LCs order their wikis and create a standard for the whole Greece (without affecting their culture), so everyone can find the information they are looking for easily. Responsible for administration and design of the national AIESEC websites. I’ve done many websites and know how to effectively use the many resources you could use in them. Support MCVP COMM to create Promo materials. I have vast knowledge in many design programs, so I can support the MCVP in creating a better Promo everytime.
3. In which way do you believe that Web Master can contribute to the overall goals of AIESEC in Greece. In many ways. In fact, I believe the job of a Web master is crucial in this matter. To inspire a team, the leader must show them the goal and the reward when it’s reached. If a member it’s not concern of that will be easily demotivated. When you see that things are working out well, you get inspired and work better, so I think the effective communication is crucial. A webmaster must show the progress of the nation to inspire the leaders and members of each committee. A webmaster shows the face of the country to the others AIESEC nations. It’s a giant responsibility.
Knowledge-Skills 1. Please create a flier promoting “The world needs you” campaign
2. Evaluate the myAIESEC.net functionalities and propose ways to use it in local and national level. mYaiesec.net is the main communication platform between the whole AIESEC nations. Its function is to connect members from all countries, upload and download valuable information. We must show all the members the ways to use all the tools myaiesec.net has to offer, their advantages, the rules and proper use. It could be used to promote a local or national event, offer LC or MC contact information, and promote exchanges. 3. Please create a newsletter template for members (in HTML). http://www.exchangeutp.netne.net/Greece/webmater.html