Chandler School Gratitude Report 21-22

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The 2021-2022 school year was a tremendous success. As a school and as a community, we accomplished great things. We are thankful to our faculty, staff and administrators for their leadership and to the entire Chandler community – parents, grandparents, friends, alumni, trustees and especially, our students!

This is my last year as Board President after serving three years during the challenging years of the pandemic. It was also the year my oldest child, William, a Chandler lifer, graduated from Chandler School and my youngest child, Eleanor, started her Chandler journey in Kindergarten as a member of the Class of 2030. This year, I was closing one chapter with my son’s graduation from Chandler and starting a new chapter with my daughter’s entry into Chandler.

The Chandler School story is somewhat similar to mine as we approach a significant milestone in the school’s history. We are closing a chapter with Head of School John Finch’s retirement and starting anew with Emily Brown’s appointment as the fifth Head of School.

I want to highlight that one of the most important accomplishments this year was the successful involvement of the whole Chandler community during the Head of School search process, culminating in Emily Brown’s selection. After 22 years of service, John’s leadership and strong legacy has positioned Chandler well for the future. And as the new Head of School, Emily's genuine connection to Chandler's traditions and her commitment to academic excellence, belongingness, and a child-centered focus, will lead Chandler in the years ahead. I would like to thank trustee Khalilah El-Amin ’91 for chairing the process and the Head of School Search Committee for their time and dedication.

This year, we also spent a great deal of effort on Chandler School’s strategic vision to help support the upcoming leadership transition. The effort behind this went far beyond the Board as administration, faculty, staff, parents, past parents and alumni all came together to provide their voice to the process. This collaborative work produced, Leading Together, a strategic plan that will serve as our guidepost for an ambitious future for the school. In the plan, we have identified our interconnected core priorities as Academic Excellence, Belongingness and Well-Being. Leading Together, we will continue to advance our mission and prepare our students to imagine the possibilities, collaborate effectively and take creative actions to bring about

a more joyful, resilient, and equitable world. I want to acknowledge trustee Erin Baker for her role in leading this charge and bringing this Strategic Plan to fruition.

On the heels of the pandemic, we finally came together as the Chandler Family Associates hosted the first in-person community gathering in over two years at the 2022 Gala held at the Pasadena’s Langham Hotel. It was a wonderful celebration and a great reminder of one of Chandler’s greatest strengths – our community.

Through the Chandler community’s time, talent and financial support, together we raised over $1,300,000 in the Annual Fund for our school. An additional $1 million was raised to support the WE ARE campaign. These funds allowed us to prioritize resources to support our students, faculty and community this year and in years ahead.

I am grateful to everyone for their commitment to Chandler. This report shows that we are in a position of strength and the credit goes to those of you on the pages within. As always, we are committed to our mission of providing all our students with the highest quality educational program in a nurturing, balanced and diverse environment.

Our success is built on the continued involvement of our families and your loyal financial support. I am excited to see where we all go from here. On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees, please accept my sincere thanks for your generosity.


Khalilah El-Amin ’91, Dr. Wendy Setiawan, Douglas Stalgren, Stephanie Dencik, Steve Wilson, Erin Baker, Tirza Castellanos, Debbie Snyder, Matt Lawler ’95, Rick Madden, Debbie Reed, Allison Morgan, Dr. Joseph Lin; President, Dr. Ram Kumar Subramanyan, Mariko Hsu, NOT PICTURED: Dr. Paveljit Bindra, Shelan Joseph, Dr. Irvin Kaw, Kevin Kohorst ’99, Chelsea Dickerson, Jared Franz, Jeanette Lomboy, Zahirah Mann


SHARON CUSEO is the Upper School Dean and College Counselor at Harvard-Westlake School. Sharon has served the Harvard Westlake community for more than 27 years.




is the Senior Vice President and Director, Wealth Management Marketing at Capital Group. She is a senior sales and marketing strategy professional with more than 20 years of experience in financial services.


CHRISTOPHER LEE ’92 is an investment analyst at Capital Group with research responsibilities for U.S. pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. He holds a doctor of medicine degree from Columbia University and a bachelor’s degree in molecular biophysics from Yale University.

TOTAL EXPENSES $14,590,000

Salaries & Benefits $9,240,000 4.74% 4.87% 11.92% Program & Operations
Financial Aid $1,549,000 Capital Expenditures/ Technology Spending $287,000 Depreciation $1,251,000 77.25% 1.22%
Other Programs $710,171 Dividend/Interest Income $691,851 Fees $178,108 1.97% 8.57% 10.62% 15.51% 63.33%


Thank you to the dedicated community of leadership donors who have generously provided the resources needed to continue to build our campus and build our children’s future through every milestone in Chandler’s history. These early campaign donors help to secure a bright future for our students through their support of faculty enrichment, financial aid, programs and capital improvements. Your support has made it possible to advance Chandler’s mission. Together, WE ARE Chandler School!

LEADERSHIP GIFTS $100,000 AND ABOVE (AS OF 10-24-2022)

The Andrews Family Foundation

Anonymous (3)

Jeremy and Erin Baker

Ashley and Brad Barrett

The Bindra Family

CEIA Education in Action Foundation

Jason and Patty Chen

Mr. Martin Ding and Ms. Jasmine Chen

The Ding Family Fitzberg Foundation

Wende and Jon Headley

Andrew and Mariko Hsu

Hongmei Tang and Yong Jin

S. Allan Johnson ’51† and Marguerite L. Johnson

Joseph and Kristie Lin

The Luan Family

Rick and Jennifer Madden

Joe and Samira Mallinger

Shannon, Doug, Patrick, and Kathleen McGuire

Chloe Yan and Lingku Meng

Shon and Alli Morgan

John and Shannon Quinn

Sarah and Dan Rothenberg

Ted and Lori Samuels

Hubert and Lea Shen

Qixin Shi and Yan Yuan

Dr. Victor Shi and Ms. Lili Sang

Zack and Debbie Snyder

Karl and Kathy Swaidan

Nick Tao

The Waldheim Family

Rick and Xuhong Fiona Wang

Willa and Chloe Wang

John Wilcox and Joanne Sy

Steven Wilson and Georgina Fernando

The Xia Family

Shanshan Michelle, Hongsheng Tim, Hou Alyssa and Jayden Xie

Dr. Edward and Mrs. Annie Xu

James Ding and Janet Xu

The Yang Family

Qiongsheng Zhuang and Changni Zhong & Chong Family



Anonymous (2)

Bonnie Anthony

Asian Pacific Community Fund

Jeremy and Erin Baker

Ashley and Brad Barrett

The William Bingham Foundation

Blossom Family

CEIA Education in Action Foundation

Jason and Patty Chen

Rebecca Hu and Robert Cheng

Crossroads Foundation

James Ding and Janet Xu

Mr. Martin Ding and Ms. Jasmine Chen

The Ding Family

The Falk Family

Vince and Betsy Farhat

Fitzberg Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fohrer

Jim and Claire Fonteno

Andrew and Mariko Hsu

Hongmei Tang and Yong Jin

The Luan Family

Rick and Jennifer Madden

Shannon, Doug, Patrick, and Kathleen McGuire

Chloe Yan and Lingku Meng

Fred Mueller and Claire Glidden

Deborah E. Reed

Kelly and John Rouse

Mark Schmidt

Hubert and Lea Shen

Qixin Shi and Yan Yuan

Dr. Victor Shi and Ms. Lili Sang

Dr. Matthew Smith and Tirza Castellanos

Zack and Debbie Snyder

Nick Tao

Rick and Xuhong Fiona Wang

Willa and Chloe Wang

John Wilcox and Joanne Sy

Steven Wilson and Georgina Fernando

Mr. Nywood Wu and Dr. Meriel L. Wu

The Xia Family

Dr. Robert Xiao and Ms. Yvonne Xie

Dr. Edward and Mrs. Annie Xu

Qiongsheng Zhuang and Changni Zhong & Chong Family




The Bindra Family

V. Wendy Setiawan and Alfred Chan

Betty Cotte

Kristen and Austin DeArman

Wende and Jon Headley

Leon Liao and Lily Wu

Michelle Wu and Ryan McDonell

Jan T. Sakonju and Joyce Wang Sakonju ’87

Zack and Debbie Snyder

Mike Tatsugawa and Joyce Mitamura ’80

The Waldheim Family


Rick and Xuhong Fiona Wang

Shanshan Michelle, Hongsheng Tim, Hou Alyssa and Jayden Xie

The Yang Family



Joseph and Kristie Lin



Kristen and Austin DeArman

Drs. Maurice and Dawn Hale

S. Allan Johnson† and Marguerite L. Johnson

Peter and Olivia Moore

Shon and Alli Morgan

Vernon Patterson, Esq. and Shelan Joseph, Esq.

John and Shannon Quinn


The Andrews Family


The Bindra Family


Andrew and Mariko Hsu


Marc-Andrew Aguilera ’79

Sarah Horton Anderson ’72 CHS ’75

Anonymous (2)

Eric Ashton ’79

Jessica Austin ’06

Margaret Rose Badger

Earl Barr ’72 CHS ’76

Catherine Bayer ’66

James Boswell ’66

Aimee Bahng Boyer ’89

Laura Brown ’74

Melinda Burns

Whitney Chandler ’66

Paul and Joy Chiu

David Crane ’77

Charles Crowe ’69

Louise Rose Curcio ’79

Henry R. Curwen ’64

William Cushman ’66

Debra Danner ’74

James Demetriades ’77

Cameron L. Dewey ’04

Paige C. Dewey ’06

Carey E. Jones Eskesen ’71

Katie Kelley Frederick ’00

The Haskett Family

Kathleen Shea High ’80

Tehmina Jaffer ’88

Jennifer ’94 and Ryan Johnson

Jonah M. Lee ’20

Grace Pak and Kenneth Lee

Sayre Macneil ’68

Christine Matsuda-Rios

Zachary H. May ’18

James McInerny ’69

Kate McInerny ’67

Melina Montoya ’75 and Phillip Montoya ’06

Allison A. Paddock ’68

Anna Pehoushek ’80

Bruce Riffenburgh ’68

Stephen Riffenburgh ’65

Joseph Rios ’04

Laura Rios ’06

Mimi Rios ’09

Cathy Rose

Halaine and Joseph Rose

Rebecca S. Rose ’76

Andrew M. Rosenfeld ’15

Michael and Bettina Rosenfeld

Theodore Rosenfeld ’12

Katherine Horton Safford ’74 CHS ’78

Reverend Timothy Safford ’73 CHS ’77

Gerald Salseda

Laurel Feland Schuster ’74 CHS ’78


Joe and Samira Mallinger



Sarah and Dan Rothenberg


Karl and Kathy Swaidan


Fitzberg Foundation

Sarah and Dan Rothenberg

Edmund and Mary Shea Family Foundation

Tim Shea ’79

Cass Stimson ’73 CHS ’77

Ted Sullivan ’69

Monie Wheatcroft Tenbroeck ’74

Bradford Thiel ’69

Brent C. Tufeld ’74 CHS ’78

Sidney Tyler ’74 CHS ’78

Heather Bohr Unterseher ’81 and Thomas Unterseher

Van Buren Family

Carmen and Noe Villanueva

Virginia Bergman Wailes ’72

The Waldheim Family

Sandra Weller ’66

Kathleen Wheaton ’71

Matt and Marianne Wright

Ashley Wu ’14

Raleigh Renick Young ’77




Jeremy and Erin Baker

Gordon Crawford

Wendy and James Drasdo

Deborah and Richard Fagen

Aileen and John Finch

Fitzberg Foundation

Carl Martignetti

Tom '92 and Caroline Rose

Sarah and Dan Rothenberg

Ben Samuels '05

Robert Samuels

Ted and Lori Samuels

Roger W. Stephens

Trevessa and James Terrile

Karen Skinner-Twomey and Scott Twomey

Katie Rothenberg Wei and Alex Wei

Mr. Martin Ding and Ms. Jasmine Chen Ishmael and Khalilah El-Amin ’91 Charanya Ram Kumar and Ram Kumar Subramanyan



Arcadia High School

Clark Magnet High School

Dunn School

Flintridge Preparatory School

Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy

Harvard-Westlake School

La Salle High School

Loyola High School of Los Angeles

Maranatha High School

Marlborough School

Mayfield Senior School

Milton Academy

Notre Dame High School

Polytechnic School

San Marino High School

Sequoyah School

St. Francis High School

The Thacher School

The Webb Schools

presented to members of the Class of 2022

Arthur L. P. Brown Award for Scholastic Progress

Kristina Ann Potter

Catherine S. Chandler Award for Best All-Around Girl

Penelope Sophia Smith

HONORABLE MENTION: Madeleine Elisha Kim Delbridge


Clyde E. MacQuoid Award for Best Girl Athlete

Penelope Sophia Smith

Fine Arts Award

Bianca Dove Jaramillo

Penelope Sophia Smith

Jefferson C. Stephens, Jr. Award for Scholarship

Madeleine Elisha Kim Delbridge

Allison J Zhang

Performing Arts Award

Jack Michael Livingston

Addison Campbell Thomas

Robert T. McInerny Award for Outstanding School Service

Jake Stephen Chung

HONORABLE MENTION: Grady James Van Buren

Thomas A. Chandler Award for Best All-Around Boy

Jake Stephen Chung

Connor Ayan Mallinger

Vernon L. Hill Citizenship Award

Liam Frank Chatham

William Wilson, Jr. Award for Best Boy Athlete

Holden Scott Smyser


Liam Chatham

Miki Chan

Maddie Delbridge

Dylan Docter

Jackson Headley

Mason Hong

Bianca Jaramillo

Ellis Kopcho

Hunter Madden

Declan Mansbridge

Sofia Shah

Penny Smith

Holden Smyser


The Class of 2025 celebrated the end of Lower School with a special ceremony among their teachers and families. During promotion, each student expressed their gratitude and shared cherished memories. We are so proud of the Class of 2025 for their achievement.





Ahmanson Foundation

Barrett Family Foundation

Chong Family

Kate and Kevin Kohorst

Sarah and Dan Rothenberg

Zack and Debbie Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. James Terrile

Rick and Xuhong Fiona Wang


GIFTS OF $15,000 TO $19,999

Jeremy and Erin Baker

Christine and Chris Lee

Kristie and Joseph Lin

Jing and Song Liu

David Park and Windsong Conlon

Shanshan Michelle, Hongsheng Tim, Hou Alyssa and Jayden Xie


GIFTS OF $10,000 TO $14,999

Cheryl and Isaac Chen

Ding's Family Trust

Ding Family

Patrick Dougherty '62

Dr. Nadia Fakoory '93 and Daniel Liffmann

Ingrid and Jared Franz

Michele and Eliot Hayes

Rick and Jennifer Madden

Joe and Samira Mallinger

Shon and Alli Morgan

Kristine and Joe Narens

Edward and Jennifer Pak

Luon Peng and Hannah Kim

The Rivas Family

Lori and Theodore Samuels

Hubert and Lea Shen

Poyu Su and Alice Wang

Christine Muller and John Swanson

Nick Tao

We are pleased to acknowledge the Chandler community who helped make the 2021-2022 Annual Fund a success. Every year, your generosity and commitment advances Chandler’s mission and has an immediate and lasting impact on the lives of Chandler students. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Nicky and Tina Wadiwala

Nianyong Wang and Patty Liu

WHH Foundation

John and Joanne Wilcox

Mr. Nywood and Dr. Meriel L. Wu

Max Yang and Vivian Wang


GIFTS OF $5,000 TO $9,999

Ambrose Family Anonymous

Apothecary and Barber Consulting

Asian Pacific Community Fund

Rebecca and Benju Basba

Jonathan and Marie Boggs

Jessica and Gregory Cavic

Susan and Stephen Chandler

Casey and Gary Chen

Patty and Jason Chen

Allfa Chen '28, Iwankee Chen, The K Chen, Kffa Chen

Jason Chung and JiJi Park

Aaron and Blanca Cohen

Nick and Jenny Conrad

Kristen and Austin DeArman

Stephanie and Leo Dencik

Brandon '96 and Chelsea Dickerson

James Ding and Janet Xu

Senthil and Novialie Durairaj

Aaron J. Epstein MD and Ritu Kumar MD

Julia and Alex Falk

Jean and Alan Fohrer

Sean and Cindy Gao

Violette and Zachary Gray

Douglas C. Gregg, Jr. '62

Cassidy Harrison

Raquel and Jaime Henriquez

Handy Hioe and Anita Handojo

The William H. & Mattie Wattis Harris Foundation

Andrew and Mari Hsu

Linda and Bill Hughes

Tsutayo Ichioka and Satsuki Nakao Charitable Foundation

Ingraham Memorial Fund

Naveen and Amy Jeereddi

Hongmei Tang and Yong Jin

Kaw Family

Dr. Steve Kim and Gerianne Sarte

Jane and Douglas Krech

John Lee and Michelle Kim

Lily Wu and Leon Liao

Claudia Lin

Lucia, Ben, Benji and DeeDee Logan

Wen Qi and Yong Lu

Eddie and Julie Ma

Corrina McNevin

Ted and Betsy Merchant

The Molinelli Family

Beth and Keith Monda

Sean and Andrea Moriarty

Shannon and John Quinn

The Richart Family

Heather and Ryan Rivera

Samantha and Marc Sandman

John, Alyson and Liam Schreiber

Nicole and Steve Shapiro

Annsley and George Strong

Ken and Cristina Stupak

Karl and Kathy Swaidan and Family

Rob and Christina Trauber

Chris '81 and Lena Waldheim

Willa and Chloe Wang

The Weintraub Family

Steven Wilson and Georgina Fernando

Jason Wolenik and Heather Lord

Drs. Kin and Michelle Wong

Jing Liu and Xiaomin Xia

Dr. Edward and Mrs. Annie Xu

Guoliang, Haiwen and Annie Xu

Mr. Zhirong Xu and Ms. Kitty Lo

Roger and Jessica Yeh

David Yeremian and Sylvie Khayat

Erin Kaneko and Travis TJ Young

Jessica and Jimmy Zhang



The Abourjeili Family

Aakash and Richa Agarwala

Lauren '85 and Michael Albrecht

Brenda Dieck and Payam Ardestani

The Armillei Family

Darren and Amanda Baker

Blossom Family

Ramit Mizrahi and Justin Bois

Lisa Shapiro and Barry Borowitz

Bob and Tamara Bowne Family

Joan and Walter Bravo

Ben and Jacqueline Buchanan

Greg Burns, Jasmine England, Chloe Burns

The Cannizzo Family

Sean and Kelly Cauvel

David Chao and Connie Chang

Clarice Chan Family

Wendy Setiawan and Alfred Chan

Simon and Ling Chen

Sandy and Ching Chiao

Dr. Daniel Chung and Mrs. Jasmine Peo

The Cotte Family

Bill Cushman

Drs. Dale Daniel and Sharon Yee

John and Gena Delbridge

Karle and Rick Dickerson

Dan Dietz and Amritha Vaz

Diane Docter

Matthew Docter

Kay and Alex Durairaj

Catarina Lam and Matthew Ediger

Ishmael and Khalilah El-Amin

Escudero Family

John and Aileen Finch

Kyle Francis and Shigemi Pang

The Fung Family, Eric Fung, Class of 2010

Kelly and Sam Garrison

Eleanor Gerst

Hakop and Audrey Gevorkyan

Joann Lee and Donald Giang

William and Li Gong, Daniel Gong, Carole Gong

Katharine and Kristopher Good

Gutierrez Family

Peter Ha and Jenny Shen Ha

John and Young-Gi Harabedian

Dan and Melissa Harper

Andrew and Gita Harris

The Hawkey Family

Wende and Jon Headley

Joya Margolin and Dave Hoffman

Winn Hong and May Chan

Patrick and Sonya Hsieh

Tun Huang and Yanling Ma

Yeun Park and Robert Huh

Dr. Jennifer Huang and Dr. Andrew Hung

Shelan Joseph and Vernon Patterson

Teri and Elbert Kim

Gene and MinHee Kim

Tammy and Markus Koller

Kopcho Family

Phillip and Susie Lau

Matthew and Hannah Lawler

Joanne and Eddie Lee

Rafael and Lauren Lee

Joyce Wong and Reginald Lee

Allan and Joyce Liao

Matt and Amy Liao

The Liao Family

Stanley Liu and Yuen Fang

Mei Ling Ying and Charlie Lu

Wenting Zeng and Logan Lu

The Luan Family

Frederik Luhur

Anthony and Nancy Ma

William Ma and Amy Tran

Zahirah, Greg, and Greyson Mann

Roger and Susie McKee

Chloe and Lingku Meng

Daniel and Jane Moon

Olivia and Peter Moore

The Nabhani Family

Kaylah Park

Jeanette, Elliott and Francis Park

Pasadena Children's Dentistry & Orthodontist

The Perez Family, Ally Perez '23

Hong Yoon and David Plurad

Henry Posada and Rodin Rooyani

Aidan Quan and Ayla Quan

Deborah E. Reed

Michael and Zoe Regan

Randy and Andrea Repp

Eva Kanso and Nicolas Rumigny

Jan T. Sakonju and Joyce Wang Sakonju '87

Andrew and Carin Salter

Parag and Nina Shah

Po-Wen Shaw and Angela Killoren

Elise and Nathan Shen and Family

Dr. Victor Shi and Ms. Lili Sang

The Shin Family

Dr. Matthew Smith and Tirza Castellanos

Orit and Steven Srour

Douglas and Sasha Stalgren

Peg and Jeff Stephens

Roger W. Stephens

Charanya Ram Kumar and Ram Kumar Subramanyan

Daniel Tang and Nadia Chan

Mr. and Mrs. Bo and Vivian Thoreen

Kirk and Brooke Thorell

Drs. Dhaval and Manisha Trivedi

Amy and Bryce Tsai

Van Buren Family

The Walley Family

Don and Betsy Weigandt

Amy and Darren Wong

Wilfred and Elaine Wong

Sarah Soifer and Cameron Yamaguchi

Fred and Saori Yue

Felix and Mildred Yip

Betty Wang and Jack Yiu

Kim Young

William Young

Leon Yu and Tiffany Feng

Mason Zhu, Ker Zhu, Michelle Wu

to each and every donor, volunteer and family who is listed in this 2021-2022 Gratitude Report. This report of giving shows the immense generosity of the Chandler community. Your contributions in both time and resources have an immediate and lasting impact on our students.

The success of Chandler’s fundraising programs such as the Annual Fund, CFA, Endowment, PFS!, WE ARE Campaign and more are a testament to the loyal commitment of the entire community.

This Gratitude Report covers the fiscal year starting August 1, 2021 and ending July 31, 2022. Gifts received after July 31, 2022 will be acknowledged in next year’s Gratitude Report. The Advancement Office has made every effort to ensure that all information is correct. If any errors or omissions are noted, we offer our apologies and ask that you notify the Advancement Office at (626) 795-9990.


Following a national search, Robert Evans was appointed as Middle School Director in July 2022. For the past five years, Rob has been the Executive Director of the Independent School Alliance for Minority Affairs, an organization that Chandler has worked with for more than thirty years. The Alliance empowers children of exceptional talent and potential from racially underrepresented and economically underserved communities to transform independent schools and society.

Prior to joining the Alliance, Rob worked for seven years at Chadwick School as a humanities teacher and as a professional learning leader. During his time at Chadwick Rob also served as a Los Angeles site director for the John Hopkins

University Center for Talented Youth Program, and he was Co-Chair of the National Diversity Sub-Committee of the Jesuit Secondary Education Association.

In his letter of introduction, Rob wrote, “I believe a middle school education should aim to foster student growth to facilitate rational understanding and encourage students to become critical thinkers of our world.” One Middle School parent who met with Rob noted, “He was extremely open and warm. He will uphold the core values and mission of Chandler.” Chandler School is grateful to the faculty search committee, and to the panels of parents and students for helping in the process of searching for the next leader of the Middle School.


Ecybermission Team Places 2nd in California

"Green roofs are a natural way to help combat climate change," says student Hudson, "they are vital in densely concentrated areas like Los Angeles, where development and other surfaces absorb and retain heat." The team consisting of all sixth-graders Anais Escudero '24, Ashley Sakonju '24, and Hudson Shen '24 placed second in California in this year's eCYBERMISSION. This organization is a web-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) competition for students in grades six through nine. Students are challenged to work in teams to identify a problem in their community to explore using scientific practices and/or solve with engineering design.

As the sixth graders explain, the green roof is a layer of vegetation placed on top of a flat-surfaced roof. These extensive green roofs contain plants that go no more than four inches off the ground (intensive green roofs can have shrubbery and trees!). The components


they designed feature root barriers, a drainage system, a growing medium to supply nutrients to the plants, and a membrane used to make a green roof waterproof.

There were 1,893 submissions in the nation, making this Chandler team one of the standout projects in the competition. Impressed with the project, the judges shared that their ideas "should be used nationwide on any school with a flat roof."

I believe a middle school education should aim to foster student growth to facilitate rational understanding and encourage students to become critical thinkers of our world.”


Earlier this year, Chandler students performed Moana JR. - a thrilling and heartwarming coming-of-age musical that follows Moana as she sets sail across the Pacific to save her village and discover the truth about her heritage. With two casts, students were able to play Moana and the legendary demigod Maui, characters who embark on an epic journey of self-discovery and camaraderie as both learned to harness the power that lies within.

Students performed the beloved songs from the film written by Tony®, GRAMMY, Emmy, and Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Lin-Manuel Miranda, Opetaia Foa’i, and Mark Mancina. They also learned to sing in a new language and learn all about Samoan and Hawaiian culture.

Performing Arts Chair Brandi Williams-Moore said, “Putting together this musical gave students a challenging experience and inspired them to work hard and collaborate as a team.” With empowering messages of bravery and selflessness, Moana JR. brought out the hero within each performer.



89% Parent Participation



Anonymous (3)

Aakash and Richa Agarwala

Jonathan, Emily and Eloise Brown

Ben and Jacqueline Buchanan

Jessica and Gregory Cavic

Cheryl and Isaac Chen

Kristen and Austin DeArman

Ding’s Family Trust

Sean and Cindy Gao

Joann Lee and Donald Giang

Kevin, Karen and Ethan Gordon

Gutierrez Family

The Hawkey Family

Catherine and Ryan Holmes

Yeun Park and Robert Huh

Jennifer ’94 and Ryan Johnson

Kate and Kevin Kohorst

Erica Yen ’97 and Phuong Le

Kristie and Joseph Lin

Jing and Song Liu

Cheryl and Kevin Mang

Dana Sarbeck and Michael Marshall

Michelle Wu and Ryan McDonell

Sharleen and James McLaughlin

Olivia and Peter Moore

Mikayla Moore Class of 2030

The Nabhani Family

Gia and John Norian

Nia Robert ’27, Lester Robert Jr. ’24, Selah Robert ’30

John, Alyson and Liam Schreiber

Amy and Darren Wong

Qiongsheng Zhuang and Changni Zhong & Chong Family



Darren and Amanda Baker

Barrett Family Foundation

Kyle and Julie Beswick

Blossom Family

Joan and Walter Bravo

Clarice Chan Family

Brandon ’96 and Chelsea Dickerson

Dan Dietz and Amritha Vaz

Hakop and Audrey Gevorkyan

Katharine and Kristopher Good

The Graves Family

Peter Ha and Jenny Shen Ha

Raquel and Jaime Henriquez

Naveen and Amy Jeereddi

Pallavi and Jaidev Kavety

Alex and Kezia Knights

Tammy and Markus Koller

Matthew and Hannah Lawler

David Lee and Fang Hou

Joanna Chan and William Lee

Dr. Nadia Fakoory ’93 and Daniel Liffmann

Mei Ling Ying and Charlie Lu

Frederik Luhur

William Ma and Amy Tran

The Martens Family

Daniel and Jane Moon

Kristine and Joe Narens

Mackenzie Pinckney

Aidan Quan and Ayla Quan

Ben and Kathryn Queen

Michael and Zoe Regan

Chika and Peter Roulet

Shupper Family

Douglas and Sasha Stalgren

Ken and Cristina Stupak

Poyu Su and Alice Wang

Dave and Kelsey Szamet

Daniel Tang and Nadia Chan

Mr. and Mrs. Bo and Vivian Thoreen

Carmen and Noe Villanueva

Nicky and Tina Wadiwala

Mason Zhu, Ker Zhu, Michelle Wu



Anonymous (2)

Jeremy and Erin Baker

Alycia Brown and Lennon Doscher

Ben and Jacqueline Buchanan

Allfa Chen ’28, Iwankee Chen, The K Chen and Kffa Chen

Cheryl and Isaac Chen

Patty and Jason Chen

The Chiang Family

Derrick and Jhinezka Dancer

Aaron J. Epstein MD and Ritu Kumar MD

Melissa Wu and Andrew Firchau and Family

Tara and Tyron Hampton

John & Young-Gi Harabedian

Dan and Melissa Harper

Handy Hioe and Anita Handojo

Kaw Family

Phillip and Susie Lau

Joanne and Eddie Lee

Toni Chen and Jamey Levin

Allan and Joyce Liao

Anthony and Nancy Ma

Eddie and Julie Ma

Zahirah, Greg, and Greyson Mann

Roger and Susie McKee

Edward and Jennifer Pak

David Park and Windsong Conlon

Luon Peng and Hannah Kim

Sarah and Dan Rothenberg

Parag and Nina Shah

Elise and Nathan Shen and Family

Hubert and Lea Shen

The Svihovec Family

Nick Tao

Karrie Wei

Madeline, Mackenzie and Harper Weideman

John and Joanne Wilcox

Dr. Edward and Mrs. Annie Xu

Max Yang and Vivian Wang

Roger and Jessica Yeh



Heather Tom and James Achor


Brenda Dieck and Payam Ardestani

Barrett Family Foundation

Kyle and Julie Beswick

Blossom Family

Ramit Mizrahi and Justin Bois

Joan and Walter Bravo

Greg Burns, Jasmine England, Chloe Burns

Peter Carlson and Jill Bergeron

Jessica and Gregory Cavic

Patty and Jason Chen

Sandy and Ching Chiao

Kristen and Austin DeArman

Escudero Family

Andrew and Gita Harris

Dr. Jennifer Huang and Dr. Andrew Hung

Babak and Sammie Jafarnia

Naveen and Amy Jeereddi

Hongmei Tang and Yong Jin

Gene and MinHee Kim

Kate and Kevin Kohorst

Christine and Chris Lee

Lily Wu and Leon Liao

The Luan Family


Daniel and Jane Moon

Olivia and Peter Moore

Shon and Alli Morgan

Kristine and Joe Narens

Matt and Danielle Perrigue

Matt Polen and Karen Fukushima

Henry Posada and Rodin Rooyani

Aidan Quan and Ayla Quan

Heather and Ryan Rivera

Nia Robert ’27, Lester Robert Jr. ’24, Selah Robert ’30

Dr. Victor Shi and Ms. Lili Sang

Shupper Family

Zack and Debbie Snyder

Sowers Family

Douglas and Sasha Stalgren

Christine Muller and John Swanson

The Weintraub Family

Dr. Edward and Mrs. Annie Xu


The Abourjeili Family

Ambrose Family


The Armillei Family

Jeremy and Erin Baker

The Cannizzo Family

Robert and Sibyl Chavis

Simon and Ling Chen

Brandon ’96 and Chelsea Dickerson

Todd and Cameron Edwards

Kyle Francis and Shigemi Pang

Ingrid and Jared Franz

Michele and Eliot Hayes

Jim and Julie Heine

Andrew and Mari Hsu

Naveen and Amy Jeereddi

Phillip and Susie Lau

Joanne and Eddie Lee

Allan and Joyce Liao

Sharleen and James McLaughlin

The Molinelli Family

Beth and Keith Monda

Edward and Jennifer Pak

The Richart Family

The Shamsi Family

Elise and Nathan Shen and Family

Charanya Ram Kumar and Ram Kumar Subramanyan

Drs. Dhaval and Manisha Trivedi

Villanueva Family

Willa and Chloe Wang

Steven Wilson and Georgina Fernando

Jason Wolenik and Heather Lord

Drs. Kin and Michelle Wong

Wilfred and Elaine Wong

Guoliang, Haiwen and Annie Xu

Roger and Jessica Yeh



Yolanda Barker

Diane Chavez

Patty and Jason Chen

Yawen Cheng & KC Chen

The Chiang Family

Destin Cleveland

Aaron and Blanca Cohen

Nick and Jenny Conrad

Ding Family

James Ding and Janet Xu

Catarina Lam and Matthew Ediger

David Fischer and Amy Robinson

Violette and Zachary Gray

Gutierrez Family

Dan and Melissa Harper

Andrew and Gita Harris

Cassidy Harrison

Handy Hioe and Anita Handojo

Patrick and Sonya Hsieh

Kaw Family

Rand and Ashley Laird

John Lee and Michelle Kim

Joyce Wong and Reginald Lee

Kristie and Joseph Lin

Eddie and Julie Ma

Tiffany Marshall

Adelle Osorio

David Park and Windsong Conlon

Shelan Joseph and Vernon Patterson

Penman Family

Sarah and Dan Rothenberg

Zack and Debbie Snyder

Sowers Family

Christine Muller and John Swanson

Wilfred and Elaine Wong

Jing Liu and Xiaomin Xia

Shanshan Michelle, Hongsheng Tim, Hou Alyssa and Jayden Xie


The Abourjeili Family

Miles and Dylan Adashek

Anonymous (2)

Brecken Armstrong ’91, Gwyneth Armstrong Kelsey ’24

Jonathan and Marie Boggs

Natasha and Paul Bowser

The Cannizzo Family

Wendy Setiawan and Alfred Chan

Jason Chung and JiJi Park

The Cotte Family

Derrick and Jhinezka Dancer

Escudero Family

Milann Gholar

Eric Glover

Michele and Eliot Hayes

Andrew and Mari Hsu

Dr. Steve Kim and Gerianne Sarte

Kopcho Family

Claudia Lin

Liu Family

Wenting Zeng and Logan Lu

Wen Qi and Yong Lu

Joe and Samira Mallinger

Roger and Susie McKee

Sean and Andrea Moriarty

Emily and Finnian Murray

Galidan and Maria Nauber

Sarah and David Newhall

The Nwankwo Family

Deena Otto and John Eilers

The Paladino Family

Kaylah Park

Nia Robert ’27, Lester Robert Jr. ’24, Selah Robert ’30

Eva Kanso and Nicolas Rumigny

Jan T. Sakonju and Joyce Wang Sakonju ’87

Shweta and Nirav Shah

The Shamsi Family

Nicole and Steve Shapiro

Hubert and Lea Shen

Trevor Spicer

Orit and Steven Srour

Charanya Ram Kumar and Ram Kumar Subramanyan

The Svihovec Family

Kirk and Brooke Thorell

Amy and Bryce Tsai

Steven Wilson and Georgina Fernando

Mr. Zhirong Xu and Ms. Kitty Lo

Sarah Soifer and Cameron Yamaguchi

Betty Wang and Jack Yiu

Qiongsheng Zhuang and Changni Zhong & Chong Family

25+ YEARS 20-24 YEARS 15-19 YEARS 10-14 YEARS 5-9 YEARS † DECEASED


Miles and Dylan Adashek

Anonymous (4)

David and Stefanie Bennett

Jimmy and Isabel Chan

Heidi Hamilton and Clay Christensen

Dr. Daniel Chung and Mrs. Jasmine Peo

Aaron and Blanca Cohen

Trina and Rusty Cundieff

Stephanie and Leo Dencik

Ishmael and Khalilah El-Amin

Aaron J. Epstein MD and Ritu Kumar MD

Julia and Alex Falk

Kyle Francis and Shigemi Pang

Jennifer Giancola

The Grabias Family

Todd and Liz Hughes

Jennifer ’94 and Ryan Johnson

Huda Khaleel

Teri and Elbert Kim

Rand and Ashley Laird

Lee-Doulis Family

Matt and Amy Liao

Derek Lin and Min Min Khaing

Qing Zhang and Bengang Liu

Mark and Jaime McMahon

Chloe Yan and Lingku Meng

Beth and Keith Monda

Emily and Finnian Murray

The O’Rafferty Family

Penman Family

The Perez Family, Ally Perez ’23

Hong Yoon and David Plurad

Samantha and Marc Sandman

Po-Wen Shaw and Angela Killoren

The Shin Family

Dr. Matthew Smith and Tirza Castellanos


Members of the Class of 2022, along with their families and friends, raised funds for an annual Chandler School tradition - the eighth-grade class gift. Chandler is grateful to the Class of 2022 for their contribution of $15,831.35 to support the following initiatives: NEW basketball hoops for the Sports Court and enhancements to the Softball Field.

Tyler B. Tasanont

Brandee A. Tilman

Rob and Christina Trauber

Ali and Patricia Vahdat

Villanueva Family

The Walley Family

Rick and Xuhong Fiona Wang

Nianyong Wang and Patty Liu

Matthew Waxman MD

The Weintraub Family

Abby and Thomas White

Jing Liu and Xiaomin Xia




Nicole and Edward Arranaga

Rebecca and Benju Basba

Lisa Shapiro and Barry Borowitz

Bob and Tamara Bowne Family

DeAndre and Annie Bradford

Sean and Kelly Cauvel

Wendy Setiawan and Alfred Chan

Diane Chavez

Casey and Gary Chen

Dr. Daniel Chung and Mrs. Jasmine Peo

Jason Chung and JiJi Park

John and Gena Delbridge

Ding Family

Tessa Dixon

Matthew Docter

Diane Docter

Roy V. Freeman, Monique Orranita, Morgan

V. Freeman

Kelly and Sam Garrison

Mark and Melinda Gustafson

Douglas Harvey and Mary Grant

Zayna Ahmed

Patrick Arranaga

Padma Basba

Tanner Borowitz

Grace Bowne

Lauren Bradford

Christian Cauvel

Mikayla Chan

Liam Chatham

Elise Chen

Jake Chung

David Chung

Vaughn Cross

Maddie Delbridge

Camellia Ding

Dylan Docter

Wende and Jon Headley

Joya Margolin and Dave Hoffman

Winn Hong and May Chan

Brian and Mae Hsu

Tun Huang and Yanling Ma

Bianca Dove Jaramillo

John Kastanas, Frederic Farina, Luc & Max Farina-Kastanas

Kopcho Family

John Lee and Michelle Kim

Rafael and Lauren Lee

Kristie and Joseph Lin

Jon Livingston and Jennifer Quan

Howard and Nicole Lorey

Rick and Jennifer Madden

Joe and Samira Mallinger

Todd and Cynthia Mansbridge

Cross Markle Family

Corrina McNevin

Chloe Yan and Lingku Meng

Jeanette, Elliott and Francis Park

Meenakshi and Rakesh Patel

Randy and Andrea Repp

Eva Kanso and Nicolas Rumigny

Parag and Nina Shah

Dr. Matthew Smith and Tirza Castellanos

Sharick Smyser-O’Keefe

Family of Keegan Walsh

Poyu Su and Alice Wang

Van Buren Family

Roger and Rebecca Yang

David Yeremian and Sylvie Khayat

Fred and Saori Yue

Jessica and Jimmy Zhang

Luc Farina-Kastanas

Morgan Freeman

Forrest Garrison

Luke Gustafson

Harris Harper

Lula Harvey

Jackson Headley

Maximillian Hoffman

Mason Hong

Brandon Hsu

Lily Huang

Bianca Jaramillo

Ellis Kopcho

Jake Lee

Elia Lee

Jacob Lee

Isabel Li

William Lin

Jack Livingston

Graham Lorey

Hunter Madden

Connor Mallinger

Jack Mandeville

Declan Mansbridge

Corrina McNevin

Anne Meng

Alex Meyers

Tommy Ortiz

Caden Ouh

Andre Palmer

Elliott Park

Shlok Patel

Kristina Potter

Ryan Repp

Stephan Rumigny-Kanso

Sofia Shah

Ryan Shoop

Penny Smith

Holden Smyser

Mia Su

Addison Thomas

Grady Van Buren

Keegan Walsh

Zoey Yang

Andre Yeremian

Christian Yue

Allison Zhang

Kelly Zhang



Myrian Aguilar

Leonardo Henriquez ’29

Robert and Kristine Beswick

Pierce Beswick ’27

Owen Beswick ’29

Roberta and Willard Block

Tess Stewart ’13

Karen and Garth Chan

Katherine Chang ’25

Steven Chang ’25

Dr. Philip Chan and Pheabe Chan

Milo Tang ’29

Susan and Stephen Chandler

Emilia Dencik ’21

Alexander Dencik ’23

Yong Chau

Vivian Peng ’28

Yuh-Wey and I-Hung Chiang

Jayne Chiang ’25

Jordan Paige Chiang ’28

Mr. and Mrs. Gus A. Christopoulos

Tommy Christopoulos ’12

Alyssa Christopoulos ’17

Vanessa Christopoulos ’18

Niko Christopoulos ’21

Mary Cosgrove

James Garrison ’22

Betty Cotte

Marissa Cotte ’20

Alison Cotte ’24

Karle and Rick Dickerson

Barrett Dickerson ’26

Reid Dickerson ’29

Paul and Jan Dietz

Iris Vaz-Dietz ’29

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Docter

Dylan Docter ’22

Roger and Michele Engemann

Mia Pippert ’17

Callie Pippert ’19

W. Ruth Ficklin

Matt Lawler ’95

Gregory Lawler ’03

Penelope Lawler ’29

Jean and Alan Fohrer

Isabelle DeArman ’27

Harrison DeArman ’30

Eleanor Gerst

Daniel Gerst ’17

Michael Gerst ’21

Samuel Heine ’26

Jabel and Abdol Gharavi

Amelia Gray ’21

Colin Gray ’25

Susan R. Harper

Henry Harper ’25

James Harper ’28

Michelle and Frank Harris

Nia Robert ’24

Lester Robert ’27

Selah Robert ’30

Bill and Roberta Headley

Matthew Headley ’17

Christopher Headley ’20

Jackson Headley ’22

Susan Heine

Samuel Heine ’26

Staajabu Heshimu

Sabreen El-Amin ’23

Linda and Bill Hughes

Charles Hayes ’24

Catherine Hayes ’26

Suedabeh Yazdi and Majia Jafarnia

Cyrus Jafarnia ’27

Roy and Georgie Johnson

Henry Weintraub ’23

Alice Weintraub ’27

Vicky Joseph

Leilani Patterson ’25

Bill and Priscilla Kennedy

Roan Murray ’23

Sibeal Murray ’24

Mr. and Mrs. Hong Kim

Annalise Moon ’27

Julianne Moon ’29

Frederick Lam

Sophia Ediger ’25

Rick Law

Milann Gholar ’24

Hong Chu Lee

Kendrick Lee ’29

Lily and Thomas Liao

Cooper Conrad ’25

Stanley and Dorothy Liffman

Henry Liffman ’29

Thomas and Li-Chuan Lin

William T. Lin ’22

Richard Louie

William Lin ’22

Caroline Lin ’25

Eleanor Lin ’30

Jeff and Sandra Ma

Paige Ma ’25

Austin Ma ’28

Peggy and John Madden

Andrew Falk ’21

Benjamin Falk ’23

Ann and James Mattson

Matthew Headley ’17

Christopher Headley ’20

Jackson Headley ’22

Charlotte and George McLaughlin

Madeline McLaughlin ’26

Talie McLaughlin ’30

Young and Ai Moon

Annalise Moon ’27

Julianne Moon ’29

Sylvia Newhall

Emma Newhall ’19

Charlotte Newhall ’24

Tom and Joan O’Keefe

Holden Smyser ’22

Virginia L. Patterson

Leilani Patterson ’25

Nancy and Joseph Peters

Nathan Grabias ’20

Kelley and Mark Purnell

Sheridan Good ’29

Shannon and John Quinn

Halen Morgan ’27

Carol Richart

Camille Richart ’26

Donn and Louise Sells †

Michael Johnson ’23

Lily Johnson ’30

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Shapiro

Tanner Borowitz ’22

Claudine Smith

Chloe Burns ’27

Robyn Smyser

Holden Smyser ’22

Peg and Jeff Stephens

Eric Korn ’95

Evan Korn ’96

Brian Korn ’98

Sara Jane Stephens ’10

Charlotte Stephens ’12

Annsley and George Strong

Noah Thomas ’19

Addison Thomas ’22

Jamen Thomas ’25

Karen and Davis Thompson

Mackenzie Pinckney ’29

Bob and Shari Thorell

Kaiden Thorell ’24

Lorelai Thorell ’24

Eddie and Eileen Wong

Abbey Wong ’25

Sophia Wong ’26

Mr. Nywood and Dr. Meriel L. Wu

Matthew Firchau ’28

Manoosh and Harmik Yeremian

Andre Yeremian ’22

Felix and Mildred Yip

Hudson Shen ’24

Ella Shen ’28

25+ YEARS 20-24 YEARS 15-19 YEARS 10-14 YEARS 5-9 YEARS † DECEASED

Lift WHILE YOU Climb


“With the great privilege and responsibility of being Chandler alumni, I hope you can all lift while you climb,” Mana Nakagawa concludes her speech at the Class of 2022 Commencement this past June. Mana, a Chandler School alumna of the Class of 1999 and current Director of Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Meta, received the Distinguished Alumni Award at the ceremony. She graduated with honors from the University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor's degree in sociology, then received a master of arts in sociology and a Ph.D. in International Education Policy from Stanford University.

As accomplished a career trajectory as any distinguished alumni before her, that path was not one without its challenges. Mana had a difficult start as a Japanese-speaking student at Chandler School. While she worked harder to learn with the rest of her classmates, her teachers profoundly shaped her life from the beginning. During these critical formative years, teachers supported her. It was her first-grade teacher, Mrs. Barry, who inspired her the most. Mrs. Barry treated each student with respect regardless of color or ethnicity, as each came from a different background. Despite Mana's language barrier, teachers like Mrs. Barry also provided her with extra help so all students were lifted up to the same level of excellence.

A Japanese immigrant, Mana's mother struggled to communicate in English, but she loved volunteering whenever possible. Because the school community embraced Mana's mother with open arms, despite the language barrier, it was a transformative experience for Mana. Mana says, “I was motivated to believe in myself not only by my teachers but also by the school community, especially my classmates' parents. They became my substitute parents.”

Feeling connected to the school, Mana laid the foundation of what would be her life's work before the concept of “appreciation for diversity” was taught to her. As global director of diversity, equity and inclusion, she talks about diversity as cognitive diversity meaning all the ways humans think differently about the world. In a globally connected world, Mana states, “when solving complex problems, we need different ways of thinking to innovate.”

A major inspiration for Mana is working with Meta to connect people, and women especially, around the world and provide them an opportunity to build for themselves. Her office at Meta has a saying - “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Mana expresses, “Pushing oneself beyond comfort zones in these uncomfortable moments is when we have some of our biggest breakthroughs.”

Receiving the 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award was surreal for Mana. Her inspiring words spurred a spark not only in the women of color in the audience, but the entire graduating class. The quintessence of an alumna supporting future alumni of Chandler School, Mana is the perfect example of lifting as she climbs.

“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. ”


George and Sara Abdo

J. Kevin and Esmeralda Akins

Lauren ’85 and Michael Albrecht

Ryan Almond Family

Jack and Katherine Anastasia

Lawford Anderson and Jean Morrison

Christina Angeles

Anonymous (2)

Anthony Family

John Arcia and Leann Kruse-Arcia

Dan, Jane and Cristy Armel

Nicole and Edward Arranaga

The Ascher Children

Ontresicia Averette and Jaydon Faal

Brian and Barbara Baker

Gayle and John Ball

Yolanda Barker

Geoffrey Baum and Lisa Gallaway

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bennett

Christine Benter

Bindra Family Foundation

Saenah Boch

Bob and Tamara Bowne Family

Barbara and Gerald Bowns

Mark and Carole Boyles

DeAndre and Annie Bradford

Scott, Denise, Madeline ’09 and Jillian ’13 Brady

Carl Bruce and Akiko Hayashi

Brandon Burns and Genevieve Beauvais

Cadena Family

Caragozian-Schulman Family

Dr. Philip Chan and Pheabe Chan

The Chan Family

The Chang Family

David Chao and Connie Chang

Diane Chavez

Robert and Sibyl Chavis

Jennifer and Kevin Chen

Nora and Esme Chiara

Paul and Joy Chiu

Heidi Hamilton and Clay Christensen

Tony and Lynnette Christopoulos

Mr. and Mrs. Gus A. Christopoulos

Drs. Paul Chu and Judy Liao

Victoria Guagliardo and Gary Clark

The Cleaves Family

The Cotte Family

Mr. and Mrs. David Cruce

Trina and Rusty Cundieff

Drs. Dale Daniel and Sharon Yee

Stephanie and Leo Dencik

Karle and Rick Dickerson

Tessa Dixon

Kay and Alex Durairaj

Michael and Audrey Egan

Roger and Michele Engemann

Aaron J. Epstein MD and Ritu Kumar MD

Marita Estell-Hancock

Julia and Alex Falk

Vince and Betsy Farhat

Michelle and Scott Fellows

John and Aileen Finch

David Fischer and Amy Robinson

Marion and Nelson Fong

Roy, Lucina, and Marina Francis

Louis and Suzanne Fulps

The Fung Family, Eric Fung, Class of 2010

Marc and Christy Futernick

Yasmin and Gabriel Gamboa

The Garnett Family

The Gerst Family

Eleanor Gerst

Jennifer Giancola

Christine Weir, Michael and Cormac Gilvary

Charles and Stephanie Ginn

The Gong Family

William and Li Gong, Daniel Gong, Carole Gong

Dr. and Mrs. Cary H. Gota

Barbara and Roy Goto

The Grabias Family

Violette and Zachary Gray

Margie and Paul Grossman

Loring and Amal Guessous

Terrie Judkins Guevara

Maurice and Dawn Hale

Sameer and Kelly Hansen

Joanna and Wayne Hartigan

Haskett Family

Philip and Dena Hawkey

Wende and Jon Headley

Michael and LeAnn Healy

Mr. and Mrs. John Heil

Staajabu Heshimu

Stephen and Lynette Heydorff

Handy Hioe and Anita Handojo

Sandee and Paul Hiyake

The Ho Family

Bob Hoffman

Joya Margolin and Dave Hoffman

Shiru Hong and Elly Hong

Dr. Ray Hsiao and Dr. Jenny Wu

Patrick and Sonya Hsieh

Brian and Mae Hsu

Burt and Roni Iwata

Conrad Jensen

Charles W. Johnson

Lynda Johnson

Sam and Kate Kaneko

Mrs. Margaret Kaufman

Teri and Elbert Kim

Dr. Steve Kim and Gerianne Sarte

Dr. and Mrs. David V. Kon

Jane and Douglas Krech

Allan and Heather Labrador

Chiman and Jashu Lad

Pranav and Gaurav Law

Chuck and Sandra Law

Grace Pak and Kenneth Lee

Robert and Jane Leese

Kimmie and Hok Y. Leung

Beatrice and Kenneth Li

Ken and Laura Liang

The Liao Family

Liu Family

Stanley Liu and Yuen Fang

Lucia, Ben, Benji and DeeDee Logan

Peter and Patsy Ly

Anthony and Nancy Ma

Rick and Jennifer Madden

Dr. Steve and Kathy Kaiser Magel

Joe and Samira Mallinger

Todd and Cynthia Mansbridge

Dr. and Mrs. Charles March and Izzy

Mr. Robert D. May

Stacey and Matthew May

James E. McInerny

Steve Mermis and Catherine Pearman

Barbara Michaels

Jasvant , Meera, Rushabh and Shruti Modi

Moira and Julio Moline

Sean and Andrea Moriarty

Steve and Meg Morrison

Sarah and David Newhall

Melinda Stahl and Matthew Nix

Sara and Edward Nowak

The Nwankwo Family

Leigh and Harry Olivar

Joan Aarestad and David Oswalt

Gregory and Carole Paddock

The Pai Family

Susie and David Parry

Fred and Mary Pearce

Penny Plotkin

Kasey and Cyrus Rangan

Candy and Randy Renick

Randy and Andrea Repp

The Rivas Family

Robson Family

Tom ’92 and Caroline Rose

Kelly and John Rouse

Rob Roy and Kazue McGregor

Eva Kanso and Nicolas Rumigny

Robert and Sandra Ryan

Bradley and Allyson Sakai

Raul and Maria Salinas

Will and Vicki Salmon


Gerald C. Salseda

Andrew and Carin Salter

Lori and Theodore Samuels

Samantha and Marc Sandman

The Schionning Family

Ms. Tomoko Schmidt, Ivan Schmidt ’14, Reagan Schmidt ’16, Sonia Schmidt ’19

Janice Schumacher

Donn and Louise Sells†

Helen Shyn

Jennifer and Eric Smith

Sharick Smyser-O’Keefe

Zack and Debbie Snyder

Mr. Guy Souther and Dr. Angela Dykstra

The Sparks Family

Carol Standing

Teri and Jim Stein

Roger W. Stephens

Riley, Karen and Ron Stetler

Phillip and Leslie Stewart

Annsley and George Strong



Ned W. Loos ’54

Harry Andrews ’56

F. Steve Nash ’57

R. Bruce Pruitt ’58

Dianne R. Sullivan ’58

Lorance D. Lisle ’59


Cort Farmer ’61

Patrick Dougherty ’62

Douglas C. Gregg, Jr. ’62

Eric Winter ’62

Edward Merchant ’63

Gail Morgan-Rockwell Farmer ’63

Roger Riffenburgh ’63

Catherine Bayer ’66

William Cushman ’66

Kate McInerny ’67

Allison A. Paddock ’68

Marshall Seaborn ’68

James McInerny ’69


Carey E. Jones Eskesen ’71

Gregory Paddock ’71

Laura M. Brown ’74

Allen and Alise Stutin

Karl and Kathy Swaidan and Family

Chuck and Robyn Tapert

Joyce Mitamura and Mike Tatsugawa

Mr. and Mrs. James Terrile

David and Nora Thompson

Karen and Davis Thompson

Alison and Harlan Thompson

Bob and Shari Thorell

Carol and Vicente Timiraos

Hailey and Jacob Ting

Susan, Lexi, and John Tuddenham

Rob and Christina Trauber

Lian Dolan and J. Berick Treidler

Carol and Bud Tufeld

John B. Ulmer

Van Buren Family

A.D. and Alice Vasquez

Chris ’81 and Lena Waldheim

Victor and Paula Waluch

Doug and Amy Webb

Don and Betsy Weigandt

Charles and Ann-Marie Weinstein

Bill and Lynne Westphal

David, Frances and Hayden Wheatley

Kevin Wheeler and Yunling Lou

Carie Wickers

Jennifer Williams

Matt and Marianne Wright

Mr. Nywood and Dr. Meriel L. Wu

Roger and Rebecca Yang

Felix and Mildred Yip

Kim Young

William Young

Ellen and Kwang-I Yu

Leon Yu and Tiffany Feng

Fred and Saori Yue

Shan Zhang and Lianchun Zhou

Maureen Madsen Short ’84

Lauren Craig Albrecht ’85

Anthony Christopoulos ’85

Lindell Dotts Brownsberger ’85

John Gota ’85

Debra Danner ’74

Jon M. Haskett ’74 CHS ’78

Monie Wheatcroft Tenbroeck ’74

Brent C. Tufeld ’74 CHS ’78

Matthew G. Wright ’74 CHS ’78

Rebecca S. Rose ’76

Randall Renick ’78

Brian Tufeld ’78

Marc-Andrew Aguilera ’79

John Ramsay ’79


Joyce Mitamura ’80

Anna Pehoushek ’80

Robert G. Burrows ’81

Mary G. Herms ’81

Heather Bohr Unterseher ’81

Christopher Waldheim ’81

Duane Zobrist ’81

Trevor F. Anthony ’82

Alex Durairaj ’82

Elaine Poser Huene ’82

Anonymous ’83

Julianne Gerst ’83

Maya Alvarez-Galvan ’84

Thomas Brown ’84

David Gerst ’86

Justin Chang ’87

Eugenia Kim Delbridge ’87

Joseph Mathews ’87

Joyce Wang Sakonju ’87

Giancarlo DiMassa ’88

Amy Hathaway ’88

Naveen Jeereddi ’88

Kirk Thorell ’88

Anonymous ’89

Noel D’Angelo ’89

Melissa Jones Harper ’89

Joe Kunkaew ’89


Sarah Soifer ’90

David Abdo ’91

Brecken J. Armstrong ’91

Khalilah Heshimu El-Amin ’91

Senthil Durairaj ’92

Rachel Foullon ’92

Frederick R. Gotha ’92

Christopher Jay Lee ’92

Michael B. Ortiz ’92

Sally Reynolds ’92

Thomas Rose ’92

Sarah Bartlett Wilson ’92

Nadia Fakoory ’93

Blakley Coe Graham ’93

Cary Harder Hueser ’93

Carson Moss ’93

Jeannette Park ’93

Anonymous ’94

David Bradley ’94

Adam Copeland ’94

Michael Dempsey ’94

Jennifer Sells Johnson ’94

Claire P. Marco ’94

Susan Tuddenham ’94

Justin Waluch ’94

Anonymous ’95

Sameer Hansen ’95

Brian Huskey ’95

Matthew K. Joy ’95

Sunjay Lad ’95

Matthew Lawler ’95

Emily Parry ’95

Michelle Wu ’95

Christopher Chien ’96

Brandon Dickerson ’96

Jay Harder ’96

Farrell Heydorff ’96

Erin Kaneko ’96

Brandice Thompson Lane ’96

Richard Lang ’96

Kevin Mang ’96

Rushabh Modi ’96

2021-2022 GRATITUDE REPORT 19 25+ YEARS 20-24 YEARS 15-19 YEARS 10-14 YEARS 5-9 YEARS † DECEASED

Keisuke Nakagawa ’96

Eszter Lengyel Neuman ’96

Evan Otero ’96

Daniel Rothenberg ’96

Amit Sura ’96

Kelsey Peterson-More Szamet ’96

Travis J. Young ’96

Laura Waluch Solomon ’97

Erica Yen ’97

Tori Thompson Pinckney ’98

Matthew Sclafani ’98

Cristy Armel ’99

Jennifer Kaye Brisco ’99

Kevin Kohorst ’99

Tyler Stutin ’99

Nadia Chang Tang ’99


Anonymous ’00

Katie Kelley Frederick ’00

Jennifer Iwata ’00

Joe Leese ’00

Casey Zuber Solomon ’00

Laura Stone-Reardon ’00

Andrew Westphal ’00

Alex Engemann ’01

Jennifer Seto ’01

Whitney N. Westphal ’01

Shruti Modi ’02

Anonymous ’03

Ann Leese ’03

Cameron L. Dewey ’04

Kathryn A. Iwata ’04

Ben H. Logan ’04

Hayden Wheatley ’04

Lauren W. Ascher ’05

George M. Hakimeh ’05

Justin T. Liu ’05

Ben Samuels ’05

Andrew Davis ’06

Paige C. Dewey ’06

Emily A. Law ’06

Stephen Ascher, III ’07

W. Richard Chan ’07

Daniel Gong ’07

John F. Haskett ’07

John F. Tuddenham ’07

Conner Ascher ’08

Jeffrey Bu ’08

Sarah Jackson ’08

Michael Anastasia ’09

Sarah Anderson ’09

Madeline Brady ’09

Chelsea Burke-Gomez ’09

Carole A. Gong ’09

Catherine E. Pearson ’09

Jenny H. Ascher ’10

Eric Fung ’10

Derek Iwata ’10

Kyle M. Law ’10

Victoria Peng ’10

Spencer Rogers ’10



Kaley M. Liang ’11

DeeDee Logan ’11

Carter Alvarez ’12

Tyler Anastasia ’12

James Anderson ’12

Dylan Gomez ’12

Hunter Harper ’12

William Pai ’12

Riley Stetler ’12

Jillian Brady ’13

Elly Hong ’13

Alejandro Salinas ’13

Nicholas A. Salinas ’13

Saenah Boch ’14

Thelonious J. Cundieff ’14

Marina K. Francis ’14

Anna Gong ’14

Halston E. Harper ’14

Conrad T. Jensen ’14

Pranav Law ’14

Ethan Liu ’14

Ivan Y. Schmidt ’14

Ashley Wu ’14

Caitlin Jessica Fong ’15

Kenneth Hiyake ’15

Preston Ho ’15

Carson Michael Yu ’15

Yumi A. Balthazar ’16

Emma S. Cadena ’16

Sean Liu ’16

Kaito A. Robson ’16

Francisco R. Salinas ’16

Gabriel I. Salinas ’16

Reagan S. Schmidt ’16

Harrisan V. Smyser ’16

Ryan C. Waldheim ’16

Caitlin Wu ’16

Alexander M. Albrecht ’17

Esme M. Chiara ’17

Simone C. Cundieff ’17

Will Farhat ’17

Andrew Gong ’17

Charles W. Johnson ’17

Gaurav Law ’17

Marcos E. Moline ’17

Amy I. Baum ’18

Colin E. Cruce ’18

Tyler Dorlarque ’18

Jaydon A. Faal ’18

Colin Ho ’18

Isabella R. March ’18

Zachary H. May ’18

Camille-Marie Pai ’18

Takaji R. Robson ’18

Samuel L. I. Salseda ’18

Emma L. Newhall ’19

Carson Schionning ’19

Sonia R. Schmidt ’19

Luis S. Cadena ’20

Ryan J. Chu ’20

Madeleine E. Garnett ’20

Cormac W. Gilvary ’20

Alexandra L. Ho ’20

Jonah M. Lee ’20

Margaret V. Albrecht ’21

Ryan A. Almond ’21

Dashiell C. Anthony ’21

Brandon H. Cheng ’21

William R. Cleaves ’21

Andrew C. Falk ’21

Emily Hsiao ’21

Anya May ’21

Lars Schionning ’21

Chase A. Waldheim ’21

Xiaozhou Zhou ’21


On this annual giving day, alumni and parents of alumni raised more than $54,000 to support Chandler students. With matching gift opportunities courtesy of Doug Gregg ’62, Chris Waldheim ’81, Travis “TJ” Young ’96 and Erin Kaneko ’96 and the support of a dedicated group of alumni and parents of alumni volunteers, nearly 135 gifts were received to support Chandler’s financial aid

programs through the Thomas A. Chandler Scholarship Fund, the Catherine M. Rose Endowed Scholarship Fund and the Paul Korn Memorial Scholarship Fund. THANK YOU to our generous donors and committed volunteers for making the Big Green Giveback a huge success and for making possible the gift of a Chandler education to deserving students each year.




Katherine Anastasia

Jill Bergeron

Joan Bravo

Alycia Brown

Emily Brown

Peter Carlson

Monica Deaner

Cameron Edwards

John Finch

Eric Glover

Simon Guerrero

Stephanie Ho

Nancy Hutton

Adriana Jimenez

Jennifer Sells Johnson ’94

Donald Kincey

Ashley Laird

Gretchen Lurie


Buzz Adams

Angelica Aguilar

Anonymous (4)

Anita Aslanian

Molly and Peter Bachmann

Christine Barry †

Carol Bowman

Sarah Campsen

Rosena Chan

Andrew Davis ’06

Stephen Dito

Marita Estell-Hancock

Yuen Fang

Katie Kelley Frederick ’00

Toni Fuentes

Evelyn and Bill Gustafson

Natalie and Robert Headley

Lynette Heydorff

Jim Johnesee

John Jourdane

Kirsten Khayat

Mary Khayat

Jane Leese

Phil Lin

Angela Louie

Christopher Lowry

Stacey May

Diana Moore

Scott Nancarrow

Sarah Newhall

Jihyun Oh

Kelly Orellana

Catherine Pearson

Maureen Madsen Short ’84

Trevor Spicer

Carol Standing

Amanda Vasquez-Alcazar

Carmen Villanueva

Katie Villanueva

Ashley Weideman

Lynne Westphal

Karen Mayeda

John McCarty

James E. McInerny

Jim and Caroline McManus

Steve Morrison

Lisa O’Neil

Brian Osorio

David Parry

Will Salmon

Diane Saunders

Courtney Schaberg

Sara Claster Skrip


Ahmanson Foundation

Andrews Family Foundation


Apothecary and Barber Consulting

Asian Pacific Community Fund

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Capital Group Companies

Charitable Foundation

CEIA Education in Action Foundation


Toni Chen DDS


The Clorox Company

Criterion Collection

Crossroads Foundation

Digital Realty

The Walt Disney Company Foundation


Ethli Partners LLC


Fitzberg Foundation

The Jean and Al Fohrer

Charitable Foundation


Hamilton Family Fund

The William H. and Mattie Wattis

Harris Foundation

Linda Adler Hughes & William W. Hughes Jr. Charitable Fund

Tsutayo Ichioka and Satsuki Nakao

Charitable Foundation

Ingraham Memorial Fund

Johnson & Johnson

JP Morgan Chase

King Spring Inc

Lu Motel Holdings LLC

Mariposa Real Estate Advisors



Morgan Stanley


NY Life Insurance

Oath Inc.

Olivar Charitable Fund

Jennifer Smith

Jeff Stephens

Martin and Briana Voss

Patti Wagniere Mizrahi

Yulan Wang

Grace Wehrle

Whitney N. Westphal ’01

Arpineh Yeremian

Kimmy Yu

Margarita Zavala



Pasadena Children's Dentistry & Orthodontist

Pasadena Community Foundation


John Ramsay Insurance Agency LLC

Rivas Sports Inc.

Stone Tapert Insurance Company

Strong Family Foundation




United Way of Greater Los Angeles

US Bank

Veeva Systems

Western Asset Management

WHH Foundation

2021-2022 GRATITUDE REPORT 21 25+ YEARS 20-24 YEARS 15-19 YEARS 10-14 YEARS 5-9 YEARS † DECEASED

On June 18, the Chandler community reunited on campus for an Alumni Reunion and Family BBQ to connect with families, alumni, faculty and friends as we honored Jill Bergeron, Donna Dretzka, Sandy Hume and Bob Kondrath for their years of service to the students, families and colleagues of Chandler School. Alumni and colleagues shared remarks of fond memories and gratitude as we wished them well on their retirement and future endeavors.


On May 6, alumni and parents of alumni of the Class of 2018 reunited on campus for their Off to College Reunion, enjoying a chance to reconnect with classmates, parents, faculty and administrators. We congratulate the Chandler School Class of 2018 as they head off to the following colleges.

Amherst College

Arizona State University

Boston University

Bowdoin College

Cornell University

Denison University

Harvard University

Indiana University Bloomington

Ithaca College

Lawrence University

Middlebury College

Oberlin College

San Francisco State University

Santa Clara University

Southern Methodist University

Texas Christian University

The University of Arizona

The University of Chicago

The University of St Andrews (in Scotland)

Tufts University

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Irvine

University of California, Santa Barbara

University of California, Santa Cruz

University of Colorado Boulder

University of Michigan

University of Missouri

University of Portland

University of Southern California

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Westmont College

Yale University

After two years, we were thrilled to host the Class of 2020 for their Time Capsule Launch and to welcome back alumni in high school on March 12 for a special luncheon to reconnect with classmates and earn community service hours to benefit CFA’s Big Service Week and support local organizations.




Peg and Jeff Stephens

Allen and Alise Stutin


Michael Anastasia ’09


John Arcia and Leann Kruse-Arcia

Brecken Armstrong ’91, Gwyneth Armstrong Kelsey ’24

Yumi A. Balthazar ’16

Christine Barry

David Bradley ’94

Robert G. Burrows ’81

Cadena Family

The Chan Family

Justin Chang ’87

Brandon H. Cheng ’21

Nora and Esme Chiara

Paul and Joy Chiu

Tony and Lynnette Christopoulos

Sara Claster Skrip

Criterion Collection

Colin E. Cruce ’18

Mr. and Mrs. David Cruce

Trina and Rusty Cundieff

Thelonious J. Cundieff ’14

Simone C. Cundieff ’17

Drs. Dale Daniel and Sharon Yee

Andrew Davis ’06

Michael Dempsey ’94

Brandon ’96 and Chelsea Dickerson

Mr. Stephen Dito

Ishmael and Khalilah El-Amin

Michelle and Scott Fellows

Caitlin Fong ’15

Ms. Kate Kelley Frederick ’00

Marc and Christy Futernick

The Gong Family

Haskett Family

Philip and Dena Hawkey

The Ho Family

Brian Huskey ’95

Sarah Jackson ’08

Conrad Jensen ’14

Charles W. Johnson ’17

Sam and Kate Kaneko

Richard Lang ’96

Joe Leese ’00

Ann Leese ’03

Robert and Jane Leese

Justin Liu ’05

Ethan Liu ’14

Sean Liu ’16

Stanley Liu and Yuen Fang

John McCarty

Moira and Julio Moline

Marcos E. Moline ’17

Emma L. Newhall ’19

Sarah and David Newhall

The Pai Family

Jeannette Park ’93

Susie and David Parry

Sally Reynolds ’92

Will and Vicki Salmon

Ms. Tomoko Schmidt, Ivan Schmidt ’14, Reagan Schmidt ’16, Sonia Schmidt ’19

Jennifer and Eric Smith

Casey Zuber Solomon ’00

Riley, Karen and Ron Stetler

Tyler A. Stutin ’99

Amit Sura ’96

Carol and Vicente Timiraos

Chris ’81 and Lena Waldheim

Justin Waluch ’94

Andrew Westphal ’00

Whitney N. Westphal ’01

David, Frances and Hayden Wheatley

Erica Yen ’97 and Phuong Le

Erin Kaneko and Travis TJ Young

Carson Michael Yu ’15


Lori and Theodore Samuels


Stacey and Matthew May

The Rivas family

Chris ’81 and Lena Waldhiem


pledge payments received (8/1/2021-7/31/2022)

V. Wendy Setiawan and Alfred H. Chan

James Ding and Janet Xu

Diane Docter

Matthew Docter

Sean and Andrea Moriarty

Tom and Caroline Rose

Dr. Matthew Smith and Tirza Castellanos


Chris ’81 and Lena Waldheim


Anthony Family

Bill Cushman

Jennifer ’94 and Ryan Johnson

Jan T. Sakonju and Joyce Wang Sakonju ’87

Chris ’81 and Lena Waldheim


Bill Cushman


Lucia, Ben, Benji and DeeDee Logan


Yolanda Barker


Todd Hutton and Paige Seidel

Lily Wu and Leon Liao

Allison McGuire ’01

Olivia and Peter Moore

Shweta and Nirav Shah


We are grateful to the following families for hosting the Lunar New Year Lunch:

Fortino Castaneda and Nga Hy

Wendy Setiawan and Alfred Chan

Nick and Jenny Conrad

Ingrid and Jared Franz

Andrew and Mari Hsu

Kaw Family

Phillip Lau and Susie Choi

Allan and Joyce Liao

Lily Wu and Leon Liao

Kristie and Joseph Lin

Olivia and Peter Moore

Jan T. Sakonju and Joyce Wang Sakonju ’87


ENSURE THAT Chandler REMAINS Strong TODAY AND for GenerationsFuture TO COME

Establish an ENDOWMENT FUND Today!

An Endowment Fund provides a permanent source of income to Chandler School and is designed to function in perpetuity, making it possible for you to ensure long-term financial support and sustainability. Once established, anyone can make additional contributions to the fund. You may choose to support an existing endowment fund, start your own named fund, or establish a fund to honor or memorialize friends, family or other loved ones.

Leading the way, thank you to the donors who recently established endowment funds through the WE ARE campaign:

Andrews Family Foundation Scholarship Endowment

In Memory of Thomas A. Chandler

Bindra Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Endowment Fund

Andrew and Mariko Hsu Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Joseph & Kristie Lin Endowed Faculty Fund

pasadena unified chandler mayfield junior polytechnic westridge



The Ahmanson Foundation

Mike Babcock

The H.N. & Francis C. Berger Foundation

John Bracker and Rachel Countryman

The Capital Group Charitable Foundation

Chandler School

The Fredrick Gardner Cottrell Foundation

To support Chandler’s endowment please contact the Advancement Office at (626) 795-9990.

Mallinger Family Endowed Professional Development Fund

Catherine M. Rose Endowed Scholarship Fund

James F. Rothenberg Endowed Scholarship Fund

Sarah & Dan Rothenberg Endowed Faculty Award

Karl & Kathy Swaidan Family Endowed Faculty Award

Ann Diederich

John Finch

Fitzberg Foundation

The Florence Foundation

Beth Gertmenian

Marcie Gilbert and Joe Sciuto

Beverly Goldin

Julietta Grane

The Green Foundation

Daisy Ha and Sam Kim

Tiffany and Marc Harris

Kendis Heffley

Andrea Kassar and Tim McKenna

Nadeem Khan

The Kohorst Allen Family Foundation

Steven Li

Steven Madison

Michaela Mares-Tamayo

Mayfield Junior School

Elizabeth and Ian McGregor

José Melgoza

Wendy Munger and Leonard Gumport

The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation

The Pasadena Community Foundation

The Pasadena Tournament of the Roses Foundation

Pasadena Unified School District

Laura Pendorf

The Ann Peppers Foundation

Jessica Pérez del Toro

Polytechnic School

Julianne Reynoso

Carmie and Rod Rodriguez

The Rose Hills Foundation

Lori and Ted Samuels

Margaret and Emanuel Scrofani

The Edmund & Mary Shea Family Foundation

James and Trevessa Terrile

The Helen & Wilton Webster Foundation

Katie Wei

Dindy Weinstein

Westridge School

Westridge School Parent Association

Richard White



The primary mission of the Chandler Family Associates (CFA) is to build strong relationships among students, parents, faculty and staff, fostering a vibrant and connected community at Chandler. This dedicated group of parents organized community events such as Book Fair, Sports-A-Thon, Art Works and Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day, Gala and more. We enjoyed beloved traditions which included Friday’s Hot Lunch Program, Scrip, Shamrock Shoppe pop-ups and service opportunities that benefitted not only our school but the local community. We are grateful for their commitment to our community.


Donation to School $180,000


$125,000 Sportscourt Shade

$33,000 CFA Endowed Faculty Enrichment Fund

$15,000 Parent Ed Series

$7,000 Filtered Water Fountain Station


Debbie Nesbit Volunteer Excellence Award

It is our pleasure to announce the 2022 Debbie Nesbit Volunteer Excellence Award

Recipient Jennifer Madden.

Congratulations, Jennifer! Thank you for your outstanding volunteerism, leadership, dedication and service to the Chandler School community.

This award is given annually to a departing eighth grade parent who over the years has demonstrated a true volunteer commitment, a person who gives selflessly of themselves to benefit the Chandler community. The award was established to honor Debbie Nesbit for her countless hours of volunteer work during her time at Chandler.


Chris Waldheim ’81 2021

Claire Glidden 2020

Jeehyun Lee 2019

Candy Renick 2018

Jennifer Walston Johnson 2017

Daisy Rivas 2016

Yuen Fang 2016

Marion Fong 2015

Amanda McCarthy 2014

Maggie Chang 2013

Marianne Wright 2012

Lucia Logan 2011

Kate Jacobs 2010

Karen Deacy-Russell 2009

Kelly Rouse 2008

Barbara Goto 2007

Elise Chow 2006

Stephanie Magsarili 2005

Leslie Comras Aiken 2004

Shelley Allen 2003

Dan Harper, Lily Wu, Kristen Cannizzo, Susie Lau, Joyce Liao, Olivia Moore, Jason Wolenik, Manisha Trivedi, Julie Ambrose, Ingrid Franz, Jhinezka Dancer; President, Kate Kohorst, Christine Muller, Nina Shah NOT PICTURED: Crystal Amezcua, Stacey Armillei, Jenny Conrad, Nga Hy, Jenny Kaw, Joyce Sakonju ’87

After a two-year hiatus, the CFA hosted the first in-person all-community gathering - the Gala 2022 Masquerade Ball. The Chandler community donned a different mask for a change and enjoyed an evening under the stars at the historic Langham Hotel outdoor garden. Thank you to the 2022 Gala Chairs and all the volunteers who dedicated their time to put on a wonderful event. And thank you to the Chandler community who attended, participated and contributed to the success of this year’s Gala. It was a much needed and welcomed celebration for the Chandler community.

After a two-year hiatus, the CFA hosted the first in-person all-community gathering - the Gala 2022 Masquerade Ball. The Chandler community donned a different mask for a change and enjoyed an evening under the stars at the historic Langham Hotel outdoor garden. Thank you to the 2022 Gala Chairs and all the volunteers who dedicated their time to put on a wonderful event. And thank you to the Chandler community who attended, participated and contributed to the success of this year’s Gala. It was a much needed and welcomed celebration for the Chandler community.


Thank you to the following parents, alumni and parents of alumni for their time and dedication in making the Annual Fund a success; and to the alumni and parents of alumni for their meaningful contributions to the school and students during Admissions Open House, College Connection, Chandler and Beyond, Alumni Speaker Series, Big Service CARE Week, Middle School Debate and more.

Irvin Kaw, Chair

Erin Baker

Tirza Castellanos

Jhinezka Dancer

Jared Franz

Mari Hsu

Sarah Johnson


Kevin Kohorst ’99

Matt Lawler

Joe Lin

Zahirah Mann

Allison Morgan

Casey Solomon ’00

Casey Zuber Solomon ’00, President

Lauren Craig Albrecht ’85

John Berger ’88

David Gerst ’86

Blakley Coe Graham ’93

Sameer Hansen ’95

Bev Jacobson, Past Faculty Liaison

Erin Kaneko ’96

Ashley Laird, Faculty Liaison

Matt Lawler ’95

Chris Lee ’92

Catherine Pearson ’09

Victoria Peng ’10

Candy Renick, Past Parent Liaison

Dan Rothenberg ’96

Joyce Wang Sakonju ’87

Will Salmon, Past Faculty Liaison

Chris Waldheim ’81

Travis Young ’96


Celina Alvarez-Rojo

Guinevere Andrews ’20

Kim Austin ’13

Nelida Ayala

Hanna Barakat ’13

Lee Ann Bechthold

Dustin Bell ’20

Farah Bhatti

David Chao

Aidan Chao ’20

Aaron Chao ’20

Jordan Chavis ’20

Brandon Cheng ’21

Niko Christopoulos ’21

Adam Copeland ’94

Tessa Dixon

Susan Dutra ’94

Yuen Fang

Aileen Finch

Alex Forman ’19

Mohona Ganguly ’17

Madeleine Garnett ’20

Bhupali Gerst

Charles Ginn

Stephanie Ginn

Felicity Goldstone

Nathan Grabias ’20

Doug Gregg ’62

Aidan Guzman ’21

Annie Han ’20

Annabelle Hsieh ’20

Jon Headley

Chris Headley ’20

Therese Herzog

Emily Hsiao ’21

Sonya Hsieh

Karim Jaime

Terrie Judkins

Kelsey Kim ’20

Judy Ku ’21

Heather Labrador

Julia Lai ’21

Lauren Lee ’20

Chloe Leong ’20

Cole Mallinger ’20

Lilly Maxfield ’13

Zach May ’18

Allison McGuire ’01

Dan McInerny ’73 CHS ’77

Joyce Mitamura ’80

Reza Mohammed ’21

Claire Mueller

Ford Mueller ’18

Camille-Marie Pai ’18

Chloe Palmer ’20

Elaine Pan

Natalia Pradhan ’21

Callum Rangan ’19

Cameron Rangan ’21

Heidi Repp ’20

Bettina Rosenfeld

Mou Roy

Emily Sam ’17

Katie Sam ’21

Mark Schmidt

Charlie Simonian ’21

John Szijjarto ’17

Grace Towner

Chase Waldheim ’21

Nathan Wang ’21

Carie Wickers

Dianna Wong

Maggie Wu ’21

Jamie Yue ’20

Aliya Zhou ’21



Jennifer ’85 and John ’88 Berger

Robert G. Burrows ’81

John and Pamela Craig

Marita Estell-Hancock

R. Christian B. Evensen

Joyce and Allen Greif †

LeAnn and Michael Healy

Vernon L. and Jan Hill †

Mr. and Mrs. F. Stephen Nash ’57

Nathaniel and Katherine Paschall †

Jan and Joyce Sakonju ’87

Trevessa and James Terrile

Lena and Christopher Waldheim ’81 † deceased

The Mariposa Society was established to recognize individuals who have included Chandler School in their estate plans or through other deferred gift arrangements such as charitable remainder trusts, life insurance policies, retirement plan assets and real estate. Thank you to these members of our community who are honoring the vision set forth by Tom and Katie Chandler.

Chandler School

1005 Armada Drive Pasadena, CA 91103-2802


Inspired by our community’s commitment to excellence, and in alignment with Chandler’s Strategic Plan, we have embarked on a campaign to provide the financial resources that will help to enhance our programs, create innovative approaches to learning and prepare Chandler students to thrive as scholars, citizens and empathetic leaders in our global and interconnected world.

As we serve the greater community, we recognize that as much is given to us, much is expected from us. Join the Chandler community with an investment in our school’s future, honor the legacy of past leaders and celebrate a history of excellence as Chandler approaches its 75th anniversary in 2025.


Your ongoing commitment strengthens our School and demonstrates who we are as a community: united, excellent and committed to making a mark on our beloved school so that our students can make their mark on the world.



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