Changing Times
Education "The Old Testament Law" Ceremonial, Civil, Moral By Samuel Mills
The Old Testament Law was to point out the people's sins and to show them it is impossible to please God by trying to obey all His laws. The beginning of the New Testament, (New Covenant) brought over six hundred Old Testament Ceremonial Laws to an end; Leaving the civil to guide man’s conduct, and moral laws (including the Ten Commandments) to identify what God considers to be a sin. There has been much debate over these laws, and how they apply. For the Christian, the civil and moral laws reveal the nature and will of God, and how people are to live. “For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abra-
ham by a promise, why then the law? It was added because of transgressions until the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made, and it was put in place through angels by an intermediary,” (The Apostle Paul, Gal 3:18-19, ESV). The Covenant with Abraham shows that faith is the only way to enter into Heaven. God's promise to Abraham was through faith, while the Old Law focuses on actions. Faith does not do away with the law; but the more we know God, the more obvious our sins become. Christians are to depend on their faith in Christ alone for salvation. In fact, Christ is the only way given for mankind to enter into Heaven. (1 Tim 2:5) "The Old Testament Law" The Old Testament Law, identifies sin and teaches the need for salvation; God's grace gives us that salvation through Jesus Christ. There are over 600 Jewish Ceremonial Laws and Rituals listed in the Old Testament. These are the
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laws that Paul said no longer apply. Ceremonial Law: This type of law related to Israel's worship. (Lev 1:1-13) The laws pointed forward to Jesus Christ and were no longer necessary after Jesus' death and resurrection. Though we are no longer bound to them, the principles behind the ceremonial laws, to worship and love God, still apply. Civil Law: This law dictated Israel's daily living (Deut 24:1011); but modern society and culture are so radically different that some of these guidelines cannot be followed specifically. The principles behind the commands are to guide our conduct. Moral Law: The moral laws are
direct commands of God. A good example is the Ten Commandments (Ex 20:1-17). The moral laws reveal the nature and will of God, and still apply to us today. We do not obey this moral law as a way to obtain salvation, but to live in ways pleasing to God. (segments from, "Life Application Study Bible") The Old Testament Law is where God reveals His nature, His will/ lifestyle for humanity, His moral laws, and guidelines for living. But we cannot go to Heaven by keeping that Law; we must be born again and trust in Jesus. Samuel Mills © Copyright 2006-2021>
LOST CHILDREN Continued from Page 15 ness." "Please tell us all about it, mother?" "Yes, if you will listen very attentively. I do not mean that all men were lost in just such a forest as Edward and Ellen were lost in; nor, that they were in danger of being eaten up by such wolves as threatened to eat up this dear little boy and girl." "What kind of wolves were they?" asked the children. "They were just such things in their hearts, which corresponded to wolves and every evil and hurtful beast — wicked thoughts and acts. But let me tell you all about it." "The Lord made men innocent and good. All things around them were as beautiful as the loveliest garden you have ever seen. In their hearts dwelt only those good feelings, to which the lambs and doves and all good animals correspond. They were very happy, and God was their companions. "But, after a while, they began to forget the good Lord who made them, and gave them every blessing they enjoyed. At the same time that they forgot God, they forgot to love one another. The innocent lambs
began to die in their hearts — and evil beasts of prey to take their place. They hated, instead of loving one another. Then war, dreadful war, first appeared on the earth. Men not only hated, but sought to kill each other. Wicked spirits possessed them, soul and body. They were as if lost in a great wilderness, and about to be destroyed by the wild beasts which were in their hearts! "It was then that the Lord came and saved them. He drove out the evil spirits and cruel beasts, and led the lost men out of this dark and fearful wilderness. It was Jesus Christ, of whom you read in the New Testament, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, who did this. When you are older, and can understand better, I will tell you more about the lost men, and the good Lord who saved them." GRACE GEMS! A Treasury of Ageless Sovereign Grace Devotional Writings Our Purpose To humble the pride of man, to exalt the grace of God in salvation and to promote real holiness in heart and life. © 2021 >