The Christian Journey Discerning These Times By Pastor Doug Gilford
Changing Times
dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” Marx together with his friend Friedrich Engals are responsible for the Communist Manifesto which theorizes that Socialism and ultimately Communism is far better than a Capitalist system. In this book they project that Christianity must end so that religion will disappear. Marx is quoted, “Communism begins where atheism begins.” This Marxist theory of government is what motivated Stalin and Hitler to murder millions of people to lead their respective countries into the Socialist systems. Obviously, I am leaving out a lot of detail so I can get to my ultimate point quickly. Marx and Engels touted the destruction of all things must take place before their change to socialism can happen. This destruction of things is happening today in our present time. Consider the destruction of traditional families. The destruction of biological genders. The defunding of, and the disrespect for law enforcement. The destruction and confusion of sexual orientation. The destruction of parental rights over their children. The destruction of historical figures and statues. The rewriting and destruction of American history. The destruction of our financial systems. The destruction of and faith in the integrity of voting systems. The dividing of humans today by class, race, political leanings, vaccinated, non-vaccinated, pro masks and anti-maskers is
today it is more important to recognize who the antichrist spirits are that are already working. First, what is an antichrist spirit? Well…anti Jesus. Anti-Christianity. Anti-Salvation by mercy and grace from the cross. Anti-church. Antireligious institutions altogether. My belief it is the goal of the antichrist If I were to author this essay in spirits is to coerce the human to 1991, people would have scoffed. deny and denounce Jesus as Lord. But, today in 2021, I am confident These spirits are in action today. to find those who would agree with Universalism, Relativism, Mateme. The Christian church is experi- rialism and Religionism have all encing a large-scale attack from worked together to coerce and condiabolic, societal, and political vince humans that Jesus is not Lord. sources. The ultimate attack is from That absolute truth does not exist, the enemy of our soul that Christ and salvation of works is all one talks about and described through- needs for entrance into eternal life. out the scripture. The devil. These have pulled at the minds and John, in his first epistle addresses hearts of countless people and have him this way: “Little children, it is successfully waged a campaign to the last hour; and as you have heard take our eyes of simple faith off the that the Antichrist is coming, even Christ of the Bible and onto human now many antichrists have come.” opinions derived from out of the (1 John 2:18) rebellious author’s life. John calls the last day enemy to There is one antichrist spirit that the Church, the Antichrist, yet then has permeated the landscape of declares “even now many anti- America almost unnoticed. The christs have come.” He continues in antichrist spirit of Marxism. Karl chapter four to say, “the spirit of the Marx who lived from 1818 to 1883 Antichrist, which you have heard was a philosopher, historian, sociwas coming, and is now already in ologist and political theorist from MARCH the world.” (1 John 4:3) Trier, Germany. Continued from Page 3 Many have labored for hours, Marx hated two things, capitaland calculated and opined who the ism, and Christianity. He is quoted culed and excluded because they Antichrist is, or will be to come. Yet as saying, “My object in life is to are different. But some are out of step because they are marching to the beat of a different drummer. Fellow Christians, we believe that there is a trumpet call going on right now to Christians who want to make a more unified stand for Jesus ers t s y O Christ in these End Times. As you m on Ja c a B n read this article, are you feeling the o Bourb Holy Spirit stirring in you? If so, I suggest you do not delay in seeking His will for your life now. You may have been called for a time such as r e g n i this. G Citrus almon I think it comes down to a quesS Glazed tion of focus. We are called to be single-minded, set apart for one Please present this to your server to redeem for one complimentary purpose, God’s purpose for our Cinnamon Roll Bread Pudding. lives. It rules us and is on-call 24 hours a day, even as we sleep. 70367 HWY 21 Suite 100 @halfshelloysterhouse It is the Christian's duty to follow Covington, LA 70433 @halfshelloysterhousecovington Christ, to listen for the beat of the (985) 276-4500 different drum, to follow God wherever you are. And for those who 32 Back to School 2021
destroying us from within. With Covid there has been a destruction in the trust and integrity of our national doctors, science, and the like. My point, as rudimentary as it seems is Karl Marx is succeeding in 2021. His antichrist, anti-capitalism – “destroy everything” philosophy is happening right before our eyes. When one tears at the fabric of God’s Word and causes a young man to doubt God or His Word, it is antichrist. Adam and Eve listened to the serpent of Genesis ask, “Did God really say you must not eat…?” (Genesis 3:1) Adam and Eve fell for the trap, doubted God, and believed the serpent. We must realize the systems that are working against us so that we can know how to stop them from affecting us. Knowledge is the key to anything. Never let go of the simple foundation of God’s Word. Do not be a loaner during these times, find a good church family to be a part of. Most of all reestablish and make strong your relationship with Christ.>
Doug Gilford, Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Church -23051 Hwy 1088, Mandeville, La 70448. 985-624-8652,>
have waited for the Lord, they shall have their strength renewed, they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. (Isa 40:31) What we seek determines the direction we will look and ultimately the direction we will go. Those who desire to be rich fall into harmful snares and are lead astray. Do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them. There are those who seek His hands and His blessing, and there are those who seek His face. What we seek, will determine what drummer we listen to, and set the course of our eternal destiny. "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit." (John 15:16) Save The Nations Ministries >