of the
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9)
There is a better way to live than the world has yet discovered. The history of humans has been that of perpetual crime, horrible murders, cowardly suicides and constantly recurring wars. Humanity has progressively and scientifically devised better and more terrible means to obliterate the enemy. Look at the record, stones, bow and arrow, spears, swords, firearms, machine guns, increasingly large caliber guns, tanks, aircraft, rocket bombs, battleships, and finally nuclear bombs. For every offensive weapon, a new defensive implement was devised, shields, forts, heavyarmored warships, antitank guns, antiaircraft guns and radar.
The past century has witnessed
phenomenal scientific progress in the fields of mechanics, hygiene, and medicine. But little progress, if any, has been made morally and religiously. Someone has aptly suggested that we declare a scientific holiday for one hundred years until we can bring our morals abreast of our science. To retard scientific progress arbitrarily is unthinkable, but to increase moral practice and religious life is imperative if the race is to survive.
A revival of religion is not merely the cry of churchmen but should be the demand of scientists if we are to escape complete annihilation.
President Truman once said to the nation, "I do not believe there is one problem in this country, in the world today which could not be settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.
If a man is drowning, I have two necessary things to do, I must get the man out of the water and then I must get the water out of the man. In bringing to man full salvation, first I must get the man out of the ocean of sin and then I must get the
sin out of the man. If I get the man out of the water and neglect to get the water out of the man, he will expire. If I get the man out of sin but fail to get the sin out of the man, it will not be long until he is back committing sins. John puts it thus in his First Epistle: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
There we have full, complete salvation, forgiveness and cleansing, justification before God and purification of the heart. Forgiveness of our sins, for our committed acts and thank God, He will forgive and wipe out and cast them in the sea of His forgetfulness to be remembered against us no more forever.
We then stand legally before God as though we had never committed a sinful act. But John also says that God will do more than forgive us our sins, He will also "cleanse us from all unrighteousness." So, that corrupt, depraved nature, the old
Adam that which causes us to commit sinful acts can be cleansed.
Forgiveness is a forensic, judicial, legal act changing our relationship to God from a sinner and a rebel to a son. Cleansing is a work wrought in us whereby the old Adam is crucified, killed, eradicated and our innermost nature is purified.
The Wesleys taught and spread this glorious truth resulting in a sweeping revival which saved England from a revolution.
There it is a twofold deliverance, "save from wrath" by forgiving my transgressions, and "make me pure" by cleansing my innermost nature, the double cure.
You must be a Christian before you can successfully "try Christianity." You must have Christ in your heart before you can carry out His ideals. Here is the promise made by God, "If we confess our sins, He is
beautiful qualities which belong to the Christly character.
Take patience, for example. If we would grow in this grace, we must begin at once to practice patience in everything. It is a lesson, or an art, which must be learned, it is not bestowed upon us complete, as a gift.
Jesus Christ.
In our Lord's parable, it is by trading that the talents are increased. Talents are capacities. They are given to us as possibilities only, requiring to be developed. In a hand there may be the artist's or the musician's skill, but it must be brought out, and the only way to do this is by long and diligent practice. In a brain there may be the gift of the poet, the inventor, or the entrepreneur, but it must be called out, and there is no way to do this but by using the talent in its small beginnings, until it grows unto full vigor.
The same is true of spiritual talents. We are taught that we should grow in grace, that is, in all the
Take kindness. Every Christian has the capacity for kindness, but there must be long practice of this grace before it will grow into its truest and best.
Take sympathy, of which there is such need in all Christian service. There is an impression that anybody can sympathize. Almost anybody can feel sorry with one who is in distress, but this is only a small part of the sympathy which is truly helpful. To sympathize is to be able to enter deeply and intensely into the experience of others, and then to add the strength of one's own life to make them braver and stronger, to help them to be victorious. Wise sympathy is the outcome only of experience. Thus, the only way to grow in the graces and virtues of the Christian life is to exercise those graces by keeping them at work.
It is not easy at first to confess Christ before the world. The fear of ridicule is a heavy cross to bear. The atmosphere of the school or the street, or the playground, or the place of business, is so different from that of the church that what was a delight and a joy in the friendly fellowship seems almost impossible among those who are unfriendly. But here, too, the gentle grace grows strong and vigorous in patient and habitual practice, until by and by the timid young Christian is known everywhere as a quiet, but faithful, consistent friend of
In every good thing we can learn to do, we must start as a mere beginner. Everything must be learned in personal experience. We can do nothing well at first, nothing that is worthwhile. Hence it is that Christian work is the best means of grace, indeed, it is the only means of developing for much usefulness, the graces and the powers which exist in larger or smaller measure in every Christian life.
Many good people read the account of the man with the one talent, who wrapped it up in a napkin; the lesson is for everyone who does not put his talent to work so that it may grow. There are thousands of talents wrapped up and hidden away in the hearts and hands and heads of church members, gifts for usefulness and service, which never come to anything because they are never exercised.
This teaching is startling when it is remembered that we must give account of our talents and capacities, not merely returning them unused, but bringing them back developed to their full power.
We will never make anything
worthwhile of our life unless we take hold earnestly of Christian duties and activities. Devotion has its place. We are devoted to reading our Bible, we see visions of heavenly beauty, and hear promptings to services of love. We bow in prayer, and are drawn into communion with Christ, and find great joy in his love. We attend church, and our hearts are warmed into a glow as we listen to the preacher's stirring words. We sit at the Lord's Table, and as we remember the love of Christ and His devotion unto death for us.
All this is right and proper. But if we allow such feelings and emotions to fade out without ripening into action, we have received only harm and not good. For, every Christian should promptly and eagerly enter upon some line of Christian service, beginning at once to follow Christ in work for the good of others. We all owe this to our Master, and to our fellowmen, and, besides; it is in this way only that we can grow into strong and useful Christians.
Save the Nations Ministries
A growth mindset is the belief that you can learn, change, and improve with time and effort.
I always tell people (and always must remind myself), “Mind your business, because your mind is your business.” Clever, I know.
What I mean by that is true success starts with your mindset. Having a growth mindset will have a positive impact on all areas of your life—finances, relationships, career, everything.
Now I know everyone is born into different levels of opportunity, and you don’t really have control over that, but I seriously believe that having a growth mindset is the real key to taking whatever situation you’ve been handed and doing something great with it. So, let’s talk about what a growth mindset is and how to develop one.
People who have a growth mindset build up the strength to overcome challenges instead of giving up because they think they just don’t have what it takes to succeed. They aren’t scared of failure because they know failure helps them get one step closer to where they want to be.
Now, the opposite of a growth mindset is something called a fixed mindset. People who have a fixed mindset believe that success (or failure) is a result of permanent qualities, circumstances, and character traits that they don’t have the power to change. And my guess is that Eeyore is their spirit animal.
Whether they realize it or not, they believe they were born with certain characteristics—like intelligence, shyness, talent, or a hot temper—with no way to improve or
adjust. They live their life making decisions based on those beliefs, which can really hold them back in the long run. With a fixed mindset, pessimism always wins.
Here are some examples of a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset:
Fixed: “I’ll never learn how to do this. I’m not smart.”
Growth: “I might not know how to do this now, but I’m going to read up on it and figure it out.”
Fixed: “I don’t have to prep for this job interview. I’m good at marketing, so they’ll give me the job.”
Growth: “I’m going to spend time preparing and give it my all, so even if I don’t get hired, I’ll know I did my best.”
Fixed: “Being in debt is just part of adulthood. Everyone has student loans and car payments.”
Growth: “If I’m disciplined and wise with my money, I don’t have to live with debt.”
Fixed: “Everyone in my family
has gotten divorced, so I’ll probably end up divorced too.”
Growth: “Nobody’s perfect, but I’m going to work hard on this relationship and do everything I can to have a healthy marriage.”
Do you guys see the difference? This mindset thing is something we all must work on—myself included. No one’s going to get it right all the time. But now that we know what it means, let’s break down some practical steps you can take to start developing a growth mindset. How to Develop a Growth Mindset
Let’s be real: The fact that you’re reading this article tells me you’re already open to growth. Heck yes! That’s the first step. If you want to pursue a growth mindset in every aspect of your life, here are a few things you can do:
Redirect unhealthy thoughts.
See GROWTH MINDSETIf you notice yourself getting stuck in a fixed mindset about something, pause and take a second to reword that thought or statement. The word yet can really help with this. You could say, “I’m not married yet,” or “I’m not debt-free yet.”
There are a lot of brainy, sciencey facts that go along with this, like how taking control of your thoughts changes the cells in your brain and stuff like that. Ain’t nobody got time to go into all that, but the studies are out there if you want to read them. Basically, the most important thing to know is that you really can train your brain to think differently if you put in the effort, and it’ll get easier and easier as time goes on.
Fail more.
Yeah, I know. It sounds weird. Why the heck would you want to fail more?
For this simple reason: If you fail 10 times, you’ll get 10 times better. That’s the game. Because the ones who quit after they’ve failed aren’t around anymore to compete! Seth Godin sums it up perfectly: “The person who fails the most wins.”
It takes a whole lot of sucks to
get good at playing the guitar, designing, writing, cooking. And over time, you suck less and less and less . . . until one day you’re an overnight success. Try. Fail. Repeat.
The more you can try things and set goals that are so big they scare you, the more you’ll grow. And the more confidence you’ll build, because you’ll realize you really can fail without messing up your whole life, and you can overcome challenges. As the great philosopher Kelly Clarkson once said, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
Here’s some real talk: People who have a fixed mindset are afraid of failure because it makes them feel less than. But you’ll never win at anything if you keep avoiding failure like the plague—or like, I don’t know . . . a contagious pandemic-level disease. So basically, the only way to not fail is to keep embracing failure. Think about that when you’re trying to sleep tonight.
Read books.
Not only does reading help you learn more info but sitting down and reading an actual book (instead of your Instagram feed) helps keep your mind sharp. Instead of getting the instant gratification and dopa-
mine rush of social media, your brain is slowing down, learning patience, and working to imagine all kinds of things about the contents of the book. Choose topics you’re interested in and set a reading goal, even if it’s just one book every couple of months.
If books aren’t your thing, or you just want an extra way to learn, podcasts are dope. You can find a podcast about anything, and there are a ton of educational ones out there. If you’re looking for a totally unbiased recommendation, check out my new podcast, The Fine Print.
What I love about podcasts is that you can get interview skills, leadership inspiration, relationship tips, and plenty of other helpful life advice just by throwing on some headphones and hitting play.
Develop smarter relationships.
By smarter relationships, I don’t mean you need to find friends with a higher IQ (although that might be a good idea too). I’m talking about seriously considering the type of person you want to be, then taking a hard look at whether your relationships are helping you become that person or dragging you down.
And I mean all kinds of relationships too—not just romantic ones.
If you’ve realized that some relationships in your life aren’t healthy or helping you grow, that might mean those relationships need to end. I’m not saying you need to selfishly cut everyone out of your life who isn’t “serving” you, but it’s a good idea to establish boundaries with anyone who has a track record of making a negative impact on you. And while we’re on this topic, make sure you’re being a good friend too. Try to lift up and encourage the people in your life and stay away from gossiping and complaining.
Detox from social media.
I’m not about to bash social media, because that would make me a hypocrite. I like posting funny memes and pictures of my adorable French bulldog as much as the next guy. But we all know by now that social media has some unhealthy effects too, like comparison, jealousy and seeking affirmation from people you barely know.
That’s why occasionally, I take a break and stop posting on all my
social media accounts—and you guys, it brings so much clarity and energy back into my life.
If you’ve never done a detox, or even a one-day break from social media, try it out! Take that time to read, do something creative, connect with friends in person, pray, or anything else that helps your mind recharge. For me, that might look like playing guitar, having a game night with friends, or taking a hike with my wife. You never know what kind of good ideas you might produce while you’re taking a break from wishing you had a tropical vacation or huge biceps like that one person you met at a party one time. Stop this foolishness. Your biceps are fine, and that man lives at the gym. You don’t want to live at the gym, do you?
Find a mentor.
Looking up to and learning from someone is a key part of growth. Find someone who’s doing what you want to do and living how you want to live, and just ask if they’d be open to meeting up with you for coffee occasionally to hang out and talk. If you don’t have in-person access to types of people you want to learn from, remember you can always learn from their content online.
For instance, Dave Ramsey is my financial mentor, and I’m blessed to work at Ramsey Solutions where I have a direct connection with him. But he can be your
financial mentor too if you read his books, listen to him on the radio, or go through the Financial Peace University course in Ramsey+. Sometimes you must get creative!
Also, look for people around you who might need some guidance and want you to mentor them. It’s super rewarding to be able to pour into someone else and give them the tips you wish someone would’ve given you.
Seek therapy (even when you’re healthy).
If you need some help shifting your mindset from fixed to growth, or if you just want someone to check in and talk through things with you, therapy and counseling are great resources. I’m a huge fan of going to counseling even if you feel like life is good and you don’t have any “issues.” Mental health is important, you guys, and a good counselor will help uncover things you didn’t even realize you needed to work on.
My friend Dr. John Delony is our mental health expert here at Ramsey, and he has a ton of great tips for finding a therapist. You can also check out BetterHelp, which is a professional online counseling service that can match you with a counselor who’s right for you. Boom. Simple.
Have fun.
At the end of the day, one of the best things you can do to improve your mindset is just to lighten up and do something fun. For me, that’s going to watch some stand-up
comedy with great friends. For you, that might be playing a round of golf, watching Dateline with a glass of wine, or turning the volume all the way up and jamming to the new Taylor Swift (or old Taylor, either way, it’s all fire).
Truly successful people don’t take themselves too seriously. I mean, I sure don’t, and I’m—at the very least—mildly successful. Think about it: If you’re not taking time to kick back and have fun, all that hustle and grind you’re doing to become the best version of yourself could leave you feeling burned out. And you deserve better than that!
Listen you guys, breaking out of a fixed mindset and developing a growth mindset is a challenge, but I know you can do it. You can do hard things. You made it through middle school. You made it through your first breakup. You made it through 2021. And you made it through this article. Congratulations. You’re on your way. >
Kamel is a personal finance expert, certified financial coach through Ramsey Financial Coach Master Training, and nationally syndicated columnist. George has served at Ramsey Solutions since 2013, where he speaks, writes, and teaches on personal finance, investing, budgeting, insurance and how to avoid consumer traps. He co-hosts The Ramsey Show, the second-largest talk show in the nation that’s heard by 18 million weekly listeners. He also hosts The EntreLeadership Podcast and The Fine Print podcast, which has over one million downloads. You can find George’s financial expertise featured in the U.S. Sun, Daily Mail and NewsNation.
Lampo Licensing, LLC. All rights reserved. >
and yet, we’re still missing real human connection. That’s why national bestselling author Dr. John Delony wrote his latest book, Own Your Past, Change Your Future
stream effect on our bodies and our relationships. Many of these bricks are trauma, either the big cinder block or the tiny pebbles that accumulated over time.” — Dr. John Delony
If you’re reading this, you’ve lived through a global pandemic. You’ve watched people become more and more divided into their own corners. You’ve found yourself living the daily grind of life and just going through the motions. And you’ve probably collected a ton of “friends” and gathered “likes” on social media (like they’re candy)— but still don’t have anyone to call during a 3 a.m. emergency. All that impacts your mental health and wellness.
Our State of Mental Health Study shows that 56% of Americans are concerned about their mental health right now. And after the last two years we’ve all had, that makes perfect sense.
It’s safe to say the normal ways of doing life these days aren’t working. In fact, they’re draining the life right out of us. We’re connected with just a swipe on our phones,
John has been there. He’s seen all the cracks. And he wants to help you find a better way to live your one and only life. You can be well, have deep and meaningful relationships, and go forward into a full life.
John says it best in Own Your Past, Change Your Future: “I want you to begin living a strong, whole, well, resilient, and connected life . . . starting now.” It’s time for you to leave the past behind and get on the path to wellness. This book will give you the tools you need to make that happen.
What to Expect in Own Your Past, Change Your Future
In Own Your Past, Change Your Future, John will walk you through his five-step path to becoming well—truly well. Not just living in slap-a-Band-Aid-on-it survival mode. We won’t give it all away, but here are a few things you can expect from John’s new book.
There’s no way to sugarcoat it— junk happens to us in life. Sometimes it’s little setbacks, and sometimes it’s traumatic events. But the things that happened in your past don’t need to define your future. In Own Your Past, Change Your Future, you’ll learn how to unpack the bricks in your backpack (yep, that’s a Delony-ism). Bricks are all the stories we take with us throughout life.
“The bricks we carry around have a profound and lasting down-
We all have stories we carry with us from our past, and those stories can weigh us down. When we own our story (and unpack those bricks in our backpack), we can start to live a life that’s lighter in the stress and trauma department and deeper in the whole and healthy department.
In Own Your Past, Change Your Future, you’ll learn that to be well, you must change your thoughts and actions. And the great news is— you don’t have to be a powerless slave to your thoughts and let them impact your life. You can control
your thoughts! You’re in charge of what goes in your head and what gets to rattle around in there too. In his book, John will give you the helpful tools you need to take inventory of your mind, identify patterns, and see how your thoughts influence your actions.
“I can’t always choose my feelings, but I get to choose my thoughts about how I feel.” — Dr. John Delony
Let’s be real—after 2020, we all need to learn how to reconnect with people again. Not on Zoom. Not on Facebook. Not on TikTok. In real life. The truth is, we’re wired for human connection, and it’s one of the basic building blocks to being a
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(on the St. Tammany Trace in Historic Abita Springs)
healthy person. Big shocker here— people need people! But that’s easier said than done. Most people know it feels 10 times harder to make solid friendships as a 35-year-old at the office water cooler than it did as a 7-year-old on the school playground. Making friends as adults can be awkward and pretty darn scary.
In Own Your Past, Change Your Future, John fights against all those negative things we tell ourselves about building relationships and speaks one simple truth over it all: This is hard. But do it anyway—it’s worth it.
“You cannot be well alone.” —
The State of Mental Health study shows that 90% of Americans believe taking care of their mental health is important. Still, somehow, we find excuse after excuse to not make our own mental health a pri-
ority. It’s time to unload that backpack full of bricks and start walking down the path to wellness. Own Your Past, Change Your Future will show you the right steps to take on that path.
Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners.
©2022 Lampo Licensing, LLC. All rights reserved. >
Can you imagine all the things we won’t need in Heaven? Just to name a very few—we won’t need calendars, clocks, umbrellas, sympathy cards, insurance plans, vacuum cleaners, or can openers! You can easily make your own list of what constitutes necessities that are a part of life on this planet.
That’s why God says the following wonderful words for us to ponder: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for those that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9, and Isaiah 64:4)
Think of the joy you have when you see your pet or the pleasure in revisiting places you’ve enjoyed in the past. Everything in Heaven will beat all of that in whatever God has planned for us…and we’ll never get tired of it! We can’t begin to imagine bliss. The experience of falling in love or the birth of a baby are only temporary tastes of earthly bliss.
We live imperfect lives in an imperfect world that God originally created to be perfect. But in Heaven, “God shall wipe away all tears from [our] eyes; and there shall be no
more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.” (Revelation 21:4)
(John 14:2) tells us that “In My Father’s house are many mansions…I go to prepare a place for you.” But it’s not just the afterlife that God is concerned with. (Proverbs 8:17-19) says, “I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me. Riches and honor are with Me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.”
Think of what truly brings us happiness—mostly emotional, (not material things) such as kindness, love, goodness, peace, and other things of the spirit that make life worth living. God has fashioned us to know right from wrong, good from evil. (Hebrews 4:12) reminds us that God is a “discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” He wants us to know Him and be with Him eternally, so He provided His Son, Jesus, the perfect sacrifice for our sins that assures us everlasting life. (John 3:16) Fall 2022>
faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." This is personal. It is for you.
Our nation and our world need God. We need to humble ourselves and seek Him. We must come away from our sinfulness and kneel at the foot of the Cross of Calvary seeking His forgiveness. We need the purifying fire of God's Holy Spirit to burn out of our nature, the old Adam tendencies.
Will we pay the price for vital, soul-transforming, life-changing religion or will we pay the price of
complete and terrible destruction by the nuclear bomb in the hands of sinful men?
The cleansing of human nature is a personal matter. I must confess my sins. God will forgive me. I must acknowledge my need of inward cleansing. The blood of Christ is available for complete cleansing. Do you believe it?
Let us all approach Christ just now. If you need forgiveness, confess your sins to Him. If you need to have that internal, Adam nature cleansed, make your prayerful plea. His blood can avail for you.
Save The Nations Ministries>
Youth coping skills education
Linkage to recovery resources
The goal of the program is to assist individuals and communities in recovering from the effects of disasters through the provision of free community based outreach and psychoeducational services
This temporary program is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) with oversight by the Louisiana Department of Health Office of Behavioral Health. (LDH/OBH)
The goal of the program is to
idea seemed unloving, un-Jesus, and coldly professional.
Wow, was I wrong!
threaten her faith, joy, stability, and emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental health. She may be in the throes of marital infidelity, facing past sexual abuse, crushed with grief, disappointment or depression, enslaved to addictions, or in the middle of any of the various trials we face in this life. These checkpoints aren’t exhaustive, but they can help you stay on a ministry path that is focused on Jesus and fueled by the wise, discerning love Paul prayed for in (Philippians 1:9–11).
out fail.
Years ago, when I was an inexperienced ministry leader, a woman with years of counseling experience mentioned a boundary she kept in her professional life. She wanted to remain emotionally healthy, so she placed guardrails on her availability to others. I don’t recall her exact words, but I do remember that my heart immediately responded with judgment!
I assumed that counseling and caring for hurting people meant being as available as possible no matter the cost. Sure, I needed wisdom, but boundaries? No way! The
Years later, that seasoned leader’s words shape how I care for others. Like participants in endurance races need checkpoints to keep them on the right course, I benefit greatly by having ministry checkpoints.
They guide me to bear burdens wisely rather than following my feelings or letting the needs of others control me. Sisters, if you want to care wisely for hurting women, you need markers to ensure you’re on the right path!
Below are four checkpoints to keep in mind when a hurting woman seeks you out for help. Her burdens may be a combination of things that
Checkpoint One: Develop a biblical understanding of bearing burdens.
The beautiful call to bear each other’s burdens is a ministry entrusted to the household of God. We come alongside whenever “anyone is caught in any transgression” to gently restore them through bearing their burdens (Gal. 6:1)
The idea of bearing is more than just dealing with sin. It also includes helping someone bear the troubling and sorrowful consequences that accompany sin. Burden-bearing is one of the ways we faithfully live out the gospel: Christ’s life pouring through us to someone broken and bruised by the Fall. We lean into God, the only one who can daily bear our burdens (Ps. 68:19) with-
Paul goes on to say in (Galatians 6:1), “Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.” What specific temptations do you face when you’re invited into a painful situation? Perhaps pride, fear, or wanting to avoid and seek out a more comfortable ministry? Or you may wrestle with self-serving motives to help because of how it makes you feel and what kickbacks you get of praise or being needed. Perhaps like me, you fall prey to following your compassionate feelings rather than following the God of compassion’s direction!
Sisters, rather than allowing sinful motives to drive us or taking responsibility for what only Jesus can do, we need to understand that wise burden-bearing is done through Him and for His glory so that others are drawn toward Him. This means that Jesus alone, not my ministry desires, spiritual gifts, or feeble reserves of compassion, are to lead me into a burden-bearing relationship.
Checkpoint Two: Learn the difference between teachability and manipulation.
Hurting, sinful people sin against and bruise others in all kinds of ways. It’s a reality of life on this side of heaven that we can all respond sinfully to being sinned against!
I’ve written before on tangled relationships. One of the gateways for well-intentioned ministry leaders to become entangled in messy relationships is to lack discernment as to whether a woman seeking help is teachable. She may be in the agony of deep anger, grief, or emotional pain and may or may not be ready or willing to receive godly help offered in a healthy way.
How do you discern teachability versus manipulation? A teachable woman will humbly receive what you offer. Manipulation demands that a helper fix, comfort, counsel, and love on its terms. A teachable heart recognizes that you are a helper; a manipulative one schemes to entice you to be the helper. Teachability manifests itself in recognition that she’s one person among many in your life; manipulation coerces with blame and shame to obligate you to invest more time, energy, and affection upon her.
Do my words sound harsh? I hope not. They’re based on my personal experience of being manipulated and being a manipulator myself! Sometimes women aren’t aware that they’ve developed these patterns. Sadly, this may be what was modeled for them, and so it’s become a way to seek out comfort and attention. Only God knows the motives in a hurting heart, so we can’t judge. We need the Spirit’s help to discern these dynamics so that we can respond wisely to someone’s cries for help by not running away or foolishly rushing in.
Checkpoint Three: Humbly acknowledge when you’re not equipped to help.
Most of us who desire to serve others in Jesus’ name share a common weakness: it’s hard to say no because it doesn’t seem nice! However, it’s both godly and loving to recognize when someone’s troubles and needs are beyond our bandwidth of experience, knowledge, and wisdom. How can you discern if it’s best to redirect a woman to someone else for help? Consider these diagnostic questions and Scriptures.
1. Is there a check in your heart to pause and pull back? Listen
to the Holy Spirit! (John 16:13–15)
2. Does this woman’s burden trigger something in you that stirs unease, past pain, or temptations in such a way that produces the fruit of struggle or unbelief in you? (Rom. 8:5–8; Gal. 6:7–9)
3. Are you simply at a loss as to how to help her? Sisters, we all know that learning how to apply God’s wisdom to the brokenness of this world takes time. There is no embarrassment in being a leader who says, “I am so sorry for what you are facing. I’m not the best person to help you in the details of ____, but I’ll pray for you and help you find someone who is.” That’s beautiful humility! (Rom. 12:1–3; 1 Cor. 3:18–20)
One way you can do this well is to check out the Revive Our Hearts Leaders Page and develop a resource list of topics, counselors, and organizations that provide Christ-centered, biblical help for situations involving abuse, marriage struggles, addictions, sexual sin, emotional distress, and other tough issues.
Checkpoint Four: Grow in discernment regarding the schemes of the enemy.
Many of us can become unaware of our true enemy, the father of lies who is a lion seeking to devour us.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Eph. 6:12)
The devil doesn’t play fair. Spiritual warfare may arrive obviously or it may slip subtly through back doors we’d never think to lock. Ministry-based relationships with needy women are one back door through which the enemy tries to attack me. (How else did I learn these checkpoints!)
Satan’s main weapon is distorting the Word of God through lies and deceit. “I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ” (2 Cor. 11:3).
Here’s how devotion for Jesus can be hijacked when you offer to bear a burden unaware of the enemy’s schemes:
• Your times of prayer and Bible study become distracted by this woman’s needs. Jesus is effectively dethroned as Lord in your heart in the context of serving Him.
• Key relationships like family, accountability partners, or close friendships get put on the back burner because you think, she needs me and is desperate . . . I’m the only one who can help her! Wrong. You’re a helper, not her savior.
• Your thinking and involvement with this person produce confused, cloudy, heavy, life-draining fruit in your life. This is not of the Lord!
• God calls us to fulfill the law of Christ by laying down our lives as a worthy act of sacrifice for our Lord (Rom. 12:1–2), so we need to do so wisely! Consider these checkpoints and discuss them with a trusted friend.
Remember: God never asks us to compromise our spiritual, emotional, or relational health for the sake of ministry. Never. So humbly fix your heart on Jesus, seek the Spirit’s guidance, receive counsel from others, and then move out in wise, faithful burden-bearing.
© 2001–2022 Revive Our Hearts, an outreach of Life Action Ministries. ECFA Member >
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you — so you must love one another." (John 13:34)
"As I have loved you" means love which is sweet, fragrant, and gentle — to people who are rude and mean-spirited, sel sh, and full of faults, with sharp corners and only partially sancti ed lives.
If all people were angelic, and you were too — it would not be hard to love everyone; but as other people are not yet angelic, you will still have need of patience, even if you are angelic yourself, which is quite doubtful.
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." (1 Corinthians 13:4-5)
GRACE GEMS! A Treasury of Ageless Sovereign Grace Devotional Writings Our Purpose
To humble the pride of man, to exalt the grace of God in salvation and to promote real holiness in heart and life. ©GraceGems.org 2022 >
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I have the Holy Spirit. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in me, and through Christ, I have the power to overcome sin and temptation.
Word of Truth doesn’t just mean we need to speak it appropriately to others, but we need to speak it appropriately to ourselves.
What do you tell yourself when you’re worried and afraid? Do you feed yourself lies and despair?
My life is over if I don’t get this job.
thinking. (1 Samuel 27:1) says, “Then David said in his heart, “Now I shall perish one day by the hand of Saul. There is nothing better for me than that I should escape to the land of the Philistines.”
I talk to myself all the time. (Perhaps you do, too.) Sometimes I give myself pep talks.
You can do this, Stacey, calm down and focus.
Other times I chat with myself about news headlines, rehash a recent conversation with a friend, or hold a lengthy discussion about dinner options.
I’m not always nice to myself either. There are times I put myself down and call myself names, quietly saying things I’d never say to anyone else.
There you go again, you big dumb-dumb.
See, I told you that you’re a terrible mother.
But here’s the danger: every time I say those things, I’m barraging my heart with statements that do not align with the truth or the testimony of God’s Word.
I also sometimes rationalize my wrong behavior: It’s just the way you are. Don’t worry about it; you can’t help it.
But what I really should be doing is reminding myself of what’s right:
What we say to ourselves may not seem like a big deal, but the difference between telling ourselves the truth or lies (as in the previous example) is vast. To say things to myself that go against God’s will for me is to place myself on a trajectory of pain, heartache, frustration, and sin. Not to mention that I’ve believed a lie. But when I speak truth to myself, the trajectory is victory over sin, and the result is righteous fruit instead of the works of my flesh. And truth is a giant hedge of protection against the schemes of the devil.
The bottom line is this: the state of our hearts is often a direct result of what we’re saying to our hearts. Is my heart full of truth because that’s what I’ve spoken to myself, or is my heart full of lies because lies are what I’ve chosen to say instead?
Sometimes it feels like I’m a product of my emotions. There are days when stress winds me up tighter than a ballerina’s bun, and it’s my kids who pay the price. In the moment it feels like I can’t help it— I’m just so worried. But peace amid uncertainty is possible, and it begins with reminding myself of Truth.
God’s Word is Truth (John 17:17). There is nothing in the Bible that isn’t true. At any moment, on any given day, I can open my Bible and find the Truth. While it’s increasingly harder to discern truth from lies in today’s information-overloaded world, we know we can look to Scripture with confidence. (Isaiah 45:19) says, “I the LORD speak the truth; I declare what is right.”
But when we’re struggling with something, our immediate reaction is not always to remind ourselves of Scripture. Rightly handling the
This will ruin me if it doesn’t work out.
I guess it’s all up to me now.
I can’t believe God let this happen.
How can I go on like this?
Or do you comfort yourself with the Truth?
I don’t need to be afraid; God is with me.
He is my help and my salvation. (Isaiah 41:13) says, “For I, the lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, ‘Fear not, I am the one who helps you.’” Yes, that’s right, God is with me, and He is sovereign.
Scripture Is the Truth We Need the Most
King David is an excellent example of someone who spoke Truth to his heart even in hard times. David wrote many songs of praise while hiding from Saul in caves. With his life on the line (more than once), David continually reminded himself that God was with Him. Here are a few examples:
“This I know that God is for me” (Psalm 56:9).
“The lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1).
“The lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer” (Psalm 18:2).
“Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life” (Psalm 54:4).
“But for you, O lord, do I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer” (Psalm 38:15).
“The salvation of the righteous is from the lord; he is their stronghold in the time of trouble” (Psalm 37:39).
“For the word of the lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness.” (Psalm 33:4).
But after running from Saul for years, even David had a lapse in
Honestly, that doesn’t sound like David, and here’s why: what David says to his heart at that moment is contrary to both the testimony and promise of God. David did not remind himself of the Truth when fear invaded his heart, and it set him on a difficult trajectory. Though God was still with him, David spent the next sixteen months lying to the Philistines’ king, which ended with his men wanting to stone him (1 Sam. 30:6).
So what have you been saying to yourself lately? Are your thoughts according to God’s Word? Do they fit with the testimony of who God is and who we are in Christ? We cannot control what others say to us, but we can control what we say to ourselves.
Speak the Truth to yourself, friends. If you’re lonely, remind yourself that God is with you (Matt. 28:20). If you’re afraid, remind yourself that God is sovereign (Job 42:2). If you’re anxious, try rehearsing Matthew 6:25–34 every time those feelings overwhelm you. Let your heart marinate in the Truth of God’s Word instead of your own understanding.
Don’t exchange the Truth of God for lies (Rom. 1:25). It’s easy to speak false things to ourselves when we’re sad or mad or worried or afraid. If you’re not sure what’s true and what’s not, here’s my advice: start by reading your Bible at the same time every day. Listen to the words of the Lord, and let the Holy Spirit guide you (John 16:13).
Then throughout the day, remind your heart of all that you read. In doing so, you’ll speak words of everlasting Truth straight to your heart. >
Your smartphone holds every single personal detail about you. (Okay, not your DNA sequence . . . but you get the idea!) Even stuff you forgot long ago, like that online banking password that you wrote down in your Notes app. Believe it or not, there are hackers out there who know exactly which apps people use to store their passwords. Creepy? We agree!
So, if you’re wondering how to protect your phone from hackers, we hear you. Technology companies hear you too (sometimes without your permission, frankly). But seriously, phone providers are constantly ramping up their digital security to stay one step ahead of the bad guys. Here are eight things you can do today to protect your phone.
Use anti-virus software.
Use a passcode.
Install updates on your phone.
Use two-factor authentication.
Delete apps you don’t use.
Be careful about public Wi-Fi.
Don’t charge in public.
Back up your phone.
Stay aware of your phone’s location.
All smartphones come with builtin protection against hackers. If you’re an iPhone user, don’t worry about getting anti-virus software. Apple makes their phones with their own shields against viruses.
Android phones also come with built-in protection software called Google Play Protect. It’ll run safety checks on apps you’re installing, and it regularly checks apps you already have.
Because of threats like ransomware, it’s also a good idea to add a second layer of protection. (Bitdefender is consistently rated the best ransomware protection tool.) Ransomware is when hackers get access to your phone’s data and then demand money if you want your files back. Scary, right? Here’s a sobering fact: Ransomware attacks doubled in frequency in 2021 and are now 10% of all breaches. Yikes!
It sounds basic, but one of the easiest ways to protect your phone from hackers is by locking your screen. To enter a passcode on your iPhone, go to Settings, then Passcode, and tap Turn on Passcode. Enter a six-digit passcode or tap Passcode Options to switch to a four-digit numeric code, a custom numeric code, or a custom alphanumeric code.
You can also enable the Erase All Content and Settings feature. But don’t worry, that won’t erase anything for now. Setting it up just means that if you do have a passcode and it’s unsuccessfully entered 10 times, all your phone’s data will be wiped. It’s like a fail-safe in the event of a lost or stolen phone. But think about it first enabling this feature is probably not the best idea if you have a toddler who likes to play with mom or dad’s phone while it’s locked!
We’ve all been guilty of ignoring notifications asking us to install the latest phone software updates. Delaying it for just one more day can’t hurt, right?
Hold up. If you aren’t installing
your phone’s latest updates, you’re leaving yourself exposed to security threats. (Seriously!) Those updates make sure that any bugs or weaknesses found since the last update are squashed.
You can usually install software updates on older versions of smartphones just as easily as on newer versions, so reusing an old phone is a safe, budget-friendly option. But if it’s time to upgrade to a fancy new phone, plan by setting aside money every month so you can buy your phone with cash. The EveryDollar budgeting tool makes it easy to take control of your money so you can reach your money goals— whether that’s a new phone or paying off all your debt!
And don’t forget to update that smartwatch if you have one. It’s an extension of your phone, so take the same precautions.
Here’s how to install software updates on an iPhone:
1. Go to Settings, then General.
Two-factor authentication has become standard practice on the internet as another layer of phone security. It’s annoying, yes, but if you want to learn how to protect your phone from hackers, we suggest you get familiar with the system.
Here’s how it works: If you (or anyone) try to sign into your account from another device, you’ll need to pass an extra level
of security with a six-digit verification code. Once you request the code, it’s sent to one of your trusted devices via a text or a phone call. The device could be your phone itself, a Mac, PC, iPad, or even a security token or dongle (which can be bought separately to sync up with your Apple or Android products).
Why is two-factor authentication so effective? Because if this system is frustrating to you, it’s even more frustrating to a hacker when they try to access your information and must get through two security checks instead of one.
Let’s pause here and talk about biometrics (face and finger ID). Using biometrics is easier than dealing with two-factor authentication. Is it as secure, though? Time will tell, but for now, we recommend using two-factor authentication as your strongest deterrent against hackers and using biometrics as an added layer.
Here’s how to turn on two-factor authentication on an iPhone:
1. Go to Settings, then General.
2. Tap Software Update.
3. Tap Download and Install.
links sent to you in an email, text, or app—no matter what they’re promising and how urgent it sounds. When in doubt, just don’t click on it!
• Only download apps from your phone’s primary app store. (This one’s crucial. That’s why we italicized it.) Don’t jailbreak your phone. Jailbreaking is when you hack into your own phone to download or use custom software or apps that are not normally available. Just. Don’t. Do. It. It may be fun to customize your phone this way, but it’s not worth the risk.
Here’s how to remove an app from an iPhone:
1. Touch and hold the app.
2. Tap the minus sign on the app you want to remove.
3. Tap Delete App to confirm.
Whether your phone is lost, stolen or damaged beyond repair, you should take the time to back up your phone’s data. If you don’t want to back up your phone the oldfashioned way by plugging it into a computer, use a cloud storage option (Apple iCloud, Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive).
Here’s how to back up an iPhone:
1. Go to Settings, then [Your Name].
2. Tap iCloud.
3. Tap iCloud Backup.
4. Tap Back Up Now.
phone security will be a lot stronger. These tools and tips do stop or slow down hackers. As the bad guys get more and more sophisticated, it’s on us to do everything we can to protect our data.
No matter how cautious you are, you can’t completely protect your phone from hackers without the help of professionals. That’s why we recommend using a trusted security service like Zander Insurance’s identity theft protection plan.
For less than it costs to get lunch at your favorite sandwich shop, here’s what Zander will do for you:
• Monitor your information in real time and alert you of any risks
• Provide full-service identity recovery services for you if needed (They’ll clean up the entire mess for you!)
Each app on your phone contains its own batch of potential security issues. And many apps want permission to access your contacts, photos, GPS location and microphone. But app-based attacks are a common way for hackers to break cell-phone security. Here are some ways to avoid these risks:
• If you’re no longer using an app, just uninstall it. The fewer apps on your phone, the less open you are to potential attacks.
• Whatever you do, don’t click on suspicious or weird files and
We know free internet is tempting when you’re waiting in line at Starbucks. But everyone sitting around you is probably using that same unsecured network. Using public Wi-Fi networks opens your information up to hackers.
Avoid putting your cell-phone security at risk, and just use your phone’s data when you can. Or get a VPN (Virtual Private Network). These hide your IP address so it’s not traceable. And if you’re using your phone as a hot spot, make sure it’s encrypted.
While it’s not always totally realistic (we get it, you need your phone juiced for GPS once you land from a flight), avoid charging your smartphone in public places (like the airport) on a USB port. Many people don’t realize that USB ports are not just giving you an electrical charge. They actually transmit data and can leave you vulnerable to an attack.
Here’s another cell-phone security tip. Make sure you know where your phone is all the time— an unguarded phone is a hacker’s dream come true. If you’re not sure where your phone is, iPhones offer a Find My iPhone feature (Find My Device for Android). This will help you track it down if you’ve misplaced it or let you remotely wipe your data if it’s been stolen. And if you’re wondering if your identity has been stolen, never fear. There are resources that can help you get your identity back.
Be Smart About Data Security Before It’s Too Late Okay, you made it through. We know it’s a lot. But even if you act on just some of these tips, your
• Recover up to $1 million of stolen funds (including legal fees)
Check out Zander’s identity theft protection plan today!
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close friends have forgotten me.” (Job 19:14)
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend … Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.” (Proverbs 27:6, 9)
tly ask our friends to deliver paradise to us.
1. Who are your closest friends? Why are they your friends, and how did they become your friends?
Are your friendships always seeming to disappoint, frustrate, confuse, or surprise you? Do the people you consider your dearest friends can both make your day wonderful and drive you crazy at the same time?
Human friendships can be a wonderful gift from God, but they are far from perfect in a fallen world.
Consider the biblical spectrum described:
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” (Proverbs 17:17)
“Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me” (Psalm 41:9)
“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24, NIV)
“My relatives have failed me; my
“You will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and some of you they will put to death. You will be hated by all for my name’s sake.” (Luke 21:16-17)
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:12-13)
Unless we want endless disappointment, we must bring a brokenworld, eternity-focused mentality to all our friendships.
What does eternity have to do with our friendships today? Much more than I think we realize!
In one way or another, we enter our friendships as eternity amnesiacs, forgetting the life that is to come and loading all our hopes and dreams into the here and now. Day after day, we subtly and not so sub-
When we forget eternity, we look to people to give us what only God can provide. This always leads to disappointment, frustration, criticism, and conflict. But because we don’t see our eternity amnesia, we are convinced that our friends are the problem and that they need to change, not us.
We need to remember that God does not intend friendships to be an end in themselves, but a means to an end. Rather than being the container for our happiness, these beautiful yet messy relationships are a workroom for the Redeemer to do what he alone can do: sanctify us so we are progressively prepared for the paradise that is to come.
As you live through the ups and downs of friendship, rest assured: the One who is working on us is protecting us and providing for us at the same time. You can have the security of knowing that in the most challenging moments of worldly friendships, our Guardian Friend is with us and will be with us until our broken relationships are no more.
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness take it to the Lord in prayer.
Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus!
God bless, Paul David Tripp
2. How have these friends been a blessing from God? Have you encouraged and thanked them recently? Go ahead and do so, with specificity!
3. Do these same friends frustrate and disappoint you? In what ways?
4. Are you asking imperfect people to be your savior or deliver paradise to you in the here and now? Consider the unrealistic expectations you might be burdening them with.
5. How do you contribute to the conflict in your friendships? What idols and selfish demands cause strain? Do you need to confess and repent to your friend for something you recently said or did?
6. How can you be a better friend this week? Be specific and be a friend of Jesus by doing what he has commanded of you (John 15:14). >
Paul Tripp Ministries, Inc. 7214 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19135 215-338-4000 · info@paultripp.com
howl and by the time I was full, I was so sleepy I just lay down with my head in my bowl and fell asleep. When I woke up, I didn't howl anymore but I was mad, and I snapped at everyone and everything.
Father Eagle arrived early, Eddy told Ella and Spot goodbye one more time and away they flew. They only stopped to catch food then were back in the air again.
seeing a thing and the professor said "There was not a rabbit, or I would have seen it. You lose three points for lying to me."
Eddy didn't see a thing moving for three days finely he saw a rabbit. Then he saw a mouse, it ran away very quickly. Eddy found out he couldn't watch the other eagles and get any points of his own. After the eagles learned patience, they moved on to cooperation and teamwork.
learned good behavior was easier if they knew the professor was looking all the time.
The Harpy had bullied the others so long because of his size he had a difficult time. Eddy decided he needed a friend to help him. It wasn't easy, Harpy didn't know how to treat a friend, but Eddy finely got through to him by ignoring his insults. Then he taught him how friends should act.
Father Eagle came to visit Eddy and Ella. They were excited to show him around and introduce him to their friend Spot. After a while Father Eagle said, "I have news for you. My friend, Professor Wings has accepted you, Eddy, into her training school for young eagles.
Ella you will stay here until I return from taking Eddy to the Professor. I will be gone four or five days we will go to my new location I have chosen then.
Eddy was tempted to run away, but he knew his father would find him. He was very nervous about the change he would be making, so he talked to Spot about it.
Spot told him, "It's O.K. to be nervous, but you will make new friends and see new things: then you will learn so many new things you will be glad you went. I remember when I left my mama, I didn't eat, and I howled for three days. Then I was so hungry I forgot to
The next day father dropped Eddy off at the professor's school. Eddy was so nervous he could barely walk. He kept over his large wings and to make matters worse he heard someone laughing. As he looked around, he saw several kinds of eagles. There were two Golden eagles, a Wedge-tailed eagle, a Sea eagle, a Harpy eagle and then he saw another bald eagle like himself. The Harpy was the one laughing he was the largest and fiercest of all eagles.
The professor was at the very top of a very large, old tree. "Eddy I am glad to have you. Your perch will be the one just below mine and to the right. The first thing Eddy was to learn was patience. They were told to sit still and scan the territory all around, later they would tell everything they had seen. They were to receive points for each sighting. Eddy discovered he should look as for out as he could to see things. One eagle pretended to see a rabbit so as not to look bad for not
Eddy hated to wait for someone to do something. Eddy didn't like to help he wanted to do it himself. Finely he learned that help and cooperation brought better results. Just like when father eagle helped with the big fish. He learned help from a grown up, was okay. When he asked for help, he even earned secret points and it made the adults feel good to be able to help. The important thing was to learn as much as possible in the time allowed.
Eddy was graded on his attitude as much as his abilities. The professor was always watching them. Even when Eddy thought no one was looking and behaved badly, he lost points. The young eagles soon
Did you know God gives you points too? He is always watching you and he knows when you have a bad attitude or even when you mutter under your breath about something you don't like. There is a lot for you to learn and a short time to learn it in. God has a job for you to do and you will not be able to do it until you learn to have a good attitude with the people who love you and are trying to teach you. I know some lessons are hard, I also know you can do it because God made you in his image.
When you make a mistake, tell God you are sorry. He forgives our mistakes and helps us to do better.
©2022 FaithWriters.com. All Rights Reserved >
to eat a bite and go with the Ranger when he came to take them to school.
The young eagles were surprised to see all kinds of birds at the school, but no other eagles. "This must be the wrong school" Eddy said. "No all-young birds go here," they were told. Ranger took them to their room and met Teacher Brown, he left, and the teacher said "
Eddy was up early the next day. He told Ella about his adventure with Spot and the coyotes. Ella was very glad she had stayed in the cage. But when Eddy told her about Father eagle she cried.
So, Eddy told her father eagle was watching her as well. "You will see him someday too, Ella", he said. " Ella, we must go to school today. Father eagle said so." That did not make her happy, but they set to work cleaning and oiling their feathers.
Eagles have a lot of feathers, and it takes a long time to clean them all. Finely they finished just in time
Sit here in front of my desk. I want to see that you are listening." This teacher didn't seem very friendly. The young eagles were very nervous of her.
Ella began to cry a little, she was really scared. Eddy whispered to her in eagle talk to calm her down.
Teacher looked at them frowning, "you will be quiet or stand in the corner."
Finely it was recess, Ella was afraid to go outside and stood by the door watching. Eddy went out to try the swings. Then he saw a big goose boy picking on a little chicken. "You big bully. Eddy said, pick on someone your own size." Eddy squawked and flapped his wings at
the goose like he had the cat. I am getting pretty good at this he thought, until the goose ran screaming to the teacher. Here she came and when Eddy looked around the chicken had disappeared. When Eddy told her “He was picking on a little chicken" he could see the teacher didn't believe him. But the bell rang, and everyone ran for the building. The teacher hurried in saying " I'll speak to you later eagle."
Back inside, Eddy sat looking out the window, what was that up in the sky? It was Father eagle watching over them.
Eddy could not read yet and besides Teacher Brown had not given him a book. He was bored listening to the others trying to read. All at once, thump. Eddy was thumped with a ruler. "You pay attention" she said. Eddy was glad Father eagle was watching. He heard a shrill whistle and he knew his father had seen all that had happened. Ella was afraid to move at all. But the little chicken peeped from behind him, and Eddy knew he had made a friend.
Boy were the young eagles glad when the bell rang to go home. As they started out Teacher Brown handed Eddy a letter, "give this to the ranger." She told Eddy.
On the bus some big birds tried to push Chicken Little out of his seat, Eddy screeched at them and they backed up, then the eagles sat with him. Eddy and Ella were glad to get back to the ranger station. Ranger was waiting for them, & when Eddy gave him the letter, he opened it and said "what happened Eddy, the teacher says you caused trouble, she doesn't want you to come back?"
After Eddy explained, Ranger said "well school is about out for the summer, and I have been thinking of getting you a special teacher anyway. How would you like to be taught by another eagle?"
"If you don't mind, I would like to go back for a while. Chicken Little needs my help."
Eddy said. "Ella might like to stay home." "I will go with you Eddy," Ella said "I am an eagle too, I should act like one." "Well," Ranger said, "I will talk to the teacher."
Chicken Little and the young eagles became good friends. Soon the bigger birds left the small chicken alone. They had heard stories about how powerful eagles were, they didn't want to mess with Eddy and Ella, even if they were only baby eagles.
Do you know what the eagles learned? I think they learned, being an eagle means to help someone in trouble, be kind to others, even those that are different. They learned people can be unkind, no matter what their age. They learned their father was always watching over them, and they should do the things that would make him proud.
Did you know God is your heavenly Father and he watches over you? We need to do things that make him proud too. He has even given you an angel to watch over you all the time. Just think of it, your angel is right behind you all the time. He watches all you do, he listens to all you say. Sometimes he protects you and you don't even know it. You are never alone, even in new places around new people.
©2022 FaithWriters.com. All Rights Reserved >
It had been raining for days. Eddy was so tired of it he was ready to go to the Moon just to get away from it. The storm had been so bad the electricity had been out. Poles were blown over Ranger had locked the eagles up good. He was afraid Eddy would get on a hot wire and get killed.
Today was the first day Eddy had
been able to practice flying since the storm had started. It felt good to stretch his wings. "Come on Ella you have to learn to fly. I'll teach you. It is not hard at all." Ella came out of the cage and looked around. At first, they played with Spots ball, but it kept rolling in a mud puddle. So, Eddy decided it was time to fly. "Ok Ella, jump as high as you can then flap your wings until the wind catches you". Ella tried put couldn't jump high enough. "You have got to practice jumping, Ella. You have to jump high like this." As Eddy jumped the wind caught him and he soared up, calling back. "I am going to try to find the Moon, Ella."
What Eddy thought was the moon was a very bright light on top of a hill some distance away. He
began to fly in the direction he remembered seeing the light. The sky was clearing, and Eddy hoped to be able to get to the moon now. Eddy found he needed to rest after a while he had not flown that far before. He landed in a large pine tree to look around and rest. What he saw was very interesting.
A bunch of kids were chasing a ball around a field. They were playing soccer. It looked like a lot of fun to Eddy. Then he began to feel sorry for one kid. Everyone was kicking the ball at him. He would just stand there until the ball came back. Then Eddy realized what was happening; all those kids were trying to kick the ball into the kids' cage, and he didn't want it. The kid was kicking it away as fast as he could but there were too many others. It looked like to Eddy that fellow needed help. The next thing those kids knew there was an eagle joining their game. Eddy was right down there beside the kid with his wings spread out and a fierce look on his face.
I am afraid that stopped the game. Everyone ran away and Eddy flew back to the tree and finished his rest. A short time later as he flew away, he was very proud of himself for helping the kid. How was he to know he had ruined their game?
higher he heard a familiar whistle. Father Eagle was calling him. He turned and looked back, there was his father flying toward him. Eddy was happy to see him but Father didn't look so happy with Eddy. "Where are you going Eddy." "I am going to the moon."
"Eddy you can't fly to the moon. I have been very high, and I have never gotten close to it." "But I see it all the time right up on that hill over there." "That is not the moon it is just a bright light. Now we had better start back or Ella will be worried about you. I will come in the morning, and we will go fishing together. I will teach you how to catch a fish to eat." "OK" Eddy said. Then Eddy told his father about helping the kid. His father laughed. "I was watching you all the time. You really surprised those kids, Eddy. They won't forget that game."
As Eddy sat on his roost that night, the moon came up and rose higher and higher in the sky. "Boy, that must be the moon" he said to himself "it is really something." Eddy sat and looked at the moon so long Father Eagle had to call him the next morning. As he flew away, he told Ella "I will bring you a fish. Hurry and learn to fly so you can go next time."
Eddy flew for some time he began to hope he would make it back for his evening food. He could tell it was getting late. Then he remembered the teacher talking about seeing the moon better at night. So he thought I better find something to eat because I probably will be gone all night. Eddy began to fly higher and higher, boy this is fun he thought. As he was soaring
What did Eddy learn this time? I think he learned it feels good to help someone. (Even if he didn't understand, he thought he helped.) And he was reminded that Father Eagle was still watching over him.
I want to remind you that God is still watching over you. Don't forget to thank him for it.
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Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.
Wow - the fragrance of the knowledge of Him - the aroma of Christ - have you ever considered what aroma you are giving off?
Have you ever really thought about the miracle of smell? How can there possibly be enough variations in perfume smells to produce the hundreds of different brands available?
I have a favorite perfume. What I just don't understand is why dear husband believes that slick salesclerk who swears that some less expensive brand smells just like my brand, but I can tell it is not the same! No imitations accepted!
Scripture teaches us about God's favorite fragrance, and He doesn't like imitations either.
2 Corinthians 2:14-15 But thanks be to God who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For, we are the aroma of
My Great Grandmother lived in a home full of aromas. She was frequently cooking grape Jell-O or stewing down some fresh okra. As I sat down on her worn out couch, I would be surrounded with that musty-old-things smell and the ever-present mothball smell when she pulled things out of her closet.
My favorite aromas from Grandma Craig are somehow captured on the pages of her Bible. Perhaps it is because her Bible was open so much that the smells are still captured in there. It is amazing to me that today, twenty-plus years after her death, I can open that old white KJV Bible, hold it up to my nose, close my eyes and imagine Grandma sitting right next to me. The power of aroma!
As a woman today, we need to be alert as to the fragrance we leave behind. Is it one that our loved ones will cherish when they get a whiff
of it years after we are gone?
So, to have the fragrance of the knowledge of Him, what does that smell like? Just like my dear 14-year-old son gets a special fragrance after his lacrosse matches, we also get a fragrance from the activities that fill our days. Consider yourself a purveyor of fragrance, ladies, spraying it on all around. The real question is what fragrance have we been filling up with?
Ephesians 5:1 says, "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children." This is not a "who died and made you king" attitude. Instead, fill your days with love, long-suffering attitudes, merciful and gracious actions.
The next verse from Ephesians says to "live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Many of us just bounce through life, but as aroma bearers of Christ, we must choose purposefully to love. Do you speak love? Do you act love?
Think of walking through your house, past your family with the bottle of the aroma of Christ. It is up to you whether they smell it or not. That touch, that time spent together, that hug, that special note, those favorite cookies - it all smells of Christ.
The power is released when someone smells the fragrance of Christ. I love, love, love it when Christ has revealed Himself to me, especially during a crisis. I always try to address it as the fragrance of Christ and remind myself that He is on the premises. When you are aware of His aroma, the love that passes all understanding but do not see Him, be reassured that He is there.
So, picture a cute purse atomizer. It's empty until you fill it. Then, it's up to you to spray the world around you. Spray the aroma of Christ - let those around you realize that He is near.
Blog: www.GwenPlauche.com
Copyright 2022, Gwen Plauche.
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These forms of worship are detestable to God. God is alive, not dead as are these objects of worship. He calls it a sin to worship anything, or anyone, other than Himself.
suffered until He died. He freely gave His life for us so that we might be saved.
What Does it Mean to be Saved?
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by whom we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)
The separation of God and man occurred when Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God in the Garden of Eden. Their sins of disobedience caused all of humanity to be separated from God.
This means that each person born into this world is separated from God, doomed to Hell, and will not be allowed to enter Heaven. However, God in His love for us provided a way of restoration.
God has created humanity with the desire to worship Him. People from every area of the world have an inborn desire to worship. Many, in their search for God, attempt to worship 'things' such as man-made Idols, or even animals. Some fall into witchcraft or astrology.
"You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God," (Deut 5:7-9)
God wants you to worship only Him and has a plan wherein you can end this separation of God and man and be completely restored to Him. And how did He do this? He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of all mankind.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." (John 3:16-17)
Jesus paid the price for our sins when He willingly allowed Himself to be crucified (killed) by being nailed to a wooden cross, where he
To be saved, born again, or to become a Christian, all mean the same thing:
• To be delivered from the terrible separation from God
• To be restored to Him, as in the beginning
• To be delivered from Hell
• Being Saved Will Enable You to:
• Approach God in prayer and talk with Him personally
• Receive His guidance and protection
• Spend eternity in Heaven with Him
There is Only One Way to be Saved and end your Separation from God God and the things in Heaven are without sin (perfect). God demands perfection, but it is impossible for man to live a perfect life. We cannot do enough good deeds or live good enough, to earn our way into Heaven.
There is only one way to enter Heaven, and that is through Jesus.
To begin your walk with God, and receive your gift of eternal life, there is something you must do:
• In addition to believing in the existence of God, and that Jesus is the "Son of God," you must:
• 1. Believe that Jesus died for your sins and that God raised Him from the dead.
• 2. You must ask Jesus to come into your heart/being, and then you must tell others that you believe Jesus is who He proclaimed Himself to be, that "Jesus is Lord!"
"That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."(Rom 10:9-10)
Samuel Mills
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ory loss. There are different forms.
people in their 20s.”
Have you ever noticed that some people seem to escape brain-aging symptoms such as memory loss more than others? A new study focuses on these “super-agers” and how their brains are structurally different in older age.
In fact, this new study was conducted by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators to examine this phenomenon. The study was published in The Journal of Neuroscience and may be important preliminary information for brain-health recommendation moving forward.
If scientists can identify structural differences in super-agers, they may be able to unlock the mystery of what habits contribute to the structure of youthful brains.
It’s an emerging and interesting science. Here are more details about the study and our tips for healthy aging – you can put them into practice today!
While older adults experience a gradual decline in memory ability, some researchers have described older adults, termed super-agers, with unusually resilient memories.
For many people, aging means a high likelihood of developing mem-
The mildest form is called ageassociated memory impairment and it is characterized by the self-perception of memory loss. It is also characterized by a standardized memory test score with a trending decline in objective memory performance compared with younger adults. Approximately 40% of people aged 65 or older have age-associated memory impairment in the United States (about 16 million people). Thankfully, only about 1% of them will progress to dementia each year.
The next form is called mild cognitive impairment. It represents a more severe form of memory loss. It’s often defined by important memory deficits without functional impairments. Most patients with mild cognitive impairment can continue to live independently, but they often show objective memory impairments similar to those seen in people with very mild Alzheimer’s disease (4). About 10% of people aged 65 years or older have mild cognitive impairment, and unfortunately, nearly 15% of them develop Alzheimer’s disease each year.
However, these investigators were interested in a different group.
According to their statements, “Previous research on super-aging has compared people over age 85 to those who are middle-aged,” says Alexandra Touroutoglou, Ph.D., MGH Neurology, co-senior author with Dickerson and Barrett. “Our study is exciting because we focused on people around or just after typical retirement age — mostly in their 60s and 70s — and investigated those who could remember as well as
THE STUDY: (60–80 years old) based on their performance compared to young adults (18–32 years old)
Ninety-one participants (48 males, 43 females) were recruited from the greater Boston area, comprising young adults (ages 18–35; 24 males, 23 females) and elderly adults (ages 60–80; 24 males, 20 females). They were phone screened to ensure MRI scan eligibility and compensated with payment for their
completion of the study. All individuals were right-handed native English speakers and had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. No participant reported a history of neurological or psychiatric disorders. Additional exclusionary criteria included MRI safety incompatibility, substance dependence, and CNS-active medications.
The team enrolled 44 elderly
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Continued from Page 21
adults (aged 60-80, 24 males and 20 females) and 47 younger adults (ages 18-35, 24 males and 23 females) for the study. Super-agers were identified as adults in the elderly group that performed as well as those in the young-adult group.
These super-agers’ brains were then imaged.
Seventeen of the elderly participants performed as super-agers.
Imaging studies revealed that these super-agers’ brains had youthful characteristics in structure. Typically, the cortex (the outermost sheet of brain cells that is critical for many thinking abilities) and other parts of the brain shrink with aging. But in super-agers, those regions are comparable in size and structures to those of young adults.
The investigators also imaged regions of the brain known as the salience network (involved in identifying information that is important and needs attention quickly for specific situations) and found it to be similar in size and structure to younger subjects.
Further, the scientists found that the size of the brain region was correlated with memory ability. A very strong correlation was found also in the communication of the salience region and other brain networks. Function, structure, and size all mattered.
From here, the researchers know that the next steps are to understand how some older adults can preserve brain size, structure and function very well into their 70s, 80s, and even 90s.
We will continue to study and report on habits that improve brain aging. For now, here are known habits to preserve your brain’s youthfulness: