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Highlights CHAPEL HILL COUNTRY CLUB January/February 2014 Volume 44, No. 1

.......................................... Staff Directory 2

President’s Message Don Hunter General Manager 919.945.0419 dhunter@chapelhill-cc.com Jeff Earley Assistant Manager, Membership Director 919.945.0410 jearley@chapelhill-cc.com Jean O’Daniel Controller 919.932.2848 jodaniel@chapelhill-cc.com Pat Clark Accounting 919.932.2851 pclark@chapelhill-cc.com Bernadette Degnan Accounting 919.945.0420 bdegnan@chapelhill-cc.com Jimmy Reale Executive Chef 919.945.0422 jreale@chapelhill-cc.com Fitsum Baye Food and Beverage Manager 919.932.2861 fbaye@chapelhill-cc.com Rick Brannon Head Golf Professional 919.932.2857 rbrannon@chapelhill-cc.com Craig Thompson Course Superintendent 919.932.2854 chccturf@gmail.com Lindsay Benton Head Tennis Professional 919.932.2855 lbenton@chapelhill-cc.com Julie Aridas Communications Director 919.967.8201 jaridas@chapelhill-cc.com Alisa Rawls Minshall Activities Director 919.945.0411 aminshall@chapelhill-cc.com Jesse Mendes Aquatics Director 919.932.2852 jmendes@chapelhill-cc.com Walt Pierce Locker Room Manager 919.945.0413 lockerroom@chapelhill-cc.com

My fellow members, I am honored to serve as your Club President for the next two years and look forward to the opportunities and challenges that the Club has in store for us. I feel that the Club has provided so much to my family, and I am not just talking about the dozens of golf balls in the backyard of my house on 16. As members, we all want to see the Club provide increasingly better service and ever improving facilities, and I know your Board desires these things as well. I cannot impress upon you enough the importance of increased membership to these shared goals. The Club is better if we surround ourselves with your growing circle of friends who share similar interests. Our goal this year is to add over 60 new families to our membership. Any future projects and Club improvements require that this goal be reached. Jay Kennihan has accepted the Membership Chairman’s position on our Board. We are pleased to have someone that understands marketing so well leading the membership charge, but as always, we need your help to grow the Club. With our four newest Board members Kate Eifrig, Lance Baker, Jay Kennihan, and Terry Barker, I believe that we will have some great new perspectives on the Club. Thankfully, our outgoing President, Kendrick Vinar, did a stellar job running the Board last year. His term brought a renewed fiscal responsibility to the Board. During his tenure, we were able to refinance our mortgage and renegotiate our property taxes. As the Board begins meeting this year, we intend to focus on the future needs of the Club, which include our long term asset plan. The 2013 survey showed us many areas of the Club that the majority of you would like to see us focus on, such as golf course bunker improvements, our playground structure and a future fitness facility. Our financial picture is pretty good, but still requires a modest dues and CIP increase beginning this month. Our hope is to continue our debt reduction plan, as well as to replenish our cash reserves to provide a strong safety net going forward. As a Board, we hope you share in the vision and passion for our Club. It is so much more than a place where we have a drink, play a round of golf, or enjoy a game of tennis. When speaking with the leaders of other clubs, I am usually asked how our Club stays so strong, especially during such difficult economic times. My answer is that we have a special membership, who all have a shared interest in our Club. My fellow Board members and I are eager to continue to give back to our Club and ask for your help to keep us moving forward. Respectfully, Michael Brogren

In This Issue...

In This Issue...

President’s Message


About the House




Upcoming Club Events


WGA News


Nifty Niners News







8 - 10 11

Club Activities Activities for Kids

12 - 13

Club Calendar

14 - 15




About the House It was a roaring, packed house holiday season for the kids at the Club. They took over the main floor on a Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday before Christmas and General Manager Don Hunter said that everyone had such a good time with Santa, he might have to stretch the festivities to four days next year. This was welcome news to someone (me) who was feeling a bit down after learning he’d been born on John Wilkes Booth’s birthday. And that he (me again, not John Wilkes Booth) and Lee Harvey Oswald, the other famous presidential assassin, both qualified as sharpshooters during their military training. (At least I hung up my rifle when I hung up my uniform. Oswald didn’t.) It’s always cheery to know that a significant portion of our Club population is enjoying itself. I include the parents, and especially the one young mother who I overheard telling her child as they were leaving the Club, “Look at the moon! What a wonderful night for Santa to fly!’’ Well, I know it wasn’t Christmas Eve, but the rotund one had to get to CHCC some way, didn’t he? It was a peaceful year for the House Committee. Complaints were few and minor. Members by and large chose to behave themselves, taking off their caps indoors (men), going outside to use their cell phones, wearing jeans without holes and not running in the Clubhouse. A good time was, I hope, had by all and your committee looks forward to more of the same in 2014. One change for the better that is coming (it may already be here by the time you read this) is improved lighting in the Columbia Room, which is one of the two rooms downstairs used for spillover and special events. Lighting in the Columbia has been dim since the new Clubhouse was built. Additional fixtures have been obtained for a very reasonable price, and Don Hunter has promised me that they will be installed before the end of January, if not sooner. Right, Don? We’ll be working in the new year to spruce up the Clubhouse where it needs sprucing and doing whatever else we can to make 2014 a happy time for all our members. And remember, the whole point of belonging to CHCC is simple: to have fun. And so we shall. Larry Cheek, House Committee Chairman

Congratulations! We would like to extend a round of applause to our own Sally Austin, who recently received the Gladys Palmer Meritorious Service Award! This award is given in recognition of outstanding service above and beyond the call of duty, and honors individuals who have made a substantial contribution to the evolution and growth of women’s collegiate golf. Recipients of this prestigious award have influenced women’s golf in a manner that has changed the complexion of the sport and as such, the award is meant to honor a pioneering spirirt. We here at Chapel Hill Country Club are proud to have such an outstanding person in our midst, and hope that you will take the time to congratulate Sally on this great accomplishment! 4

Upcoming Events at Chapel Hill Country Club

2nd Annual Snow Ball

Valentine’s Day

Come out in your finest black tie attire for this exciting night after the holiday rush!

Treat your sweetheart to a special evening at the Club!

6:00 pm cocktails 7:00 pm dinner Passed Hors D’Oeuvres Gougères with Apples and Blue Cheese Mousse Lobster Risotto Arancini Chicken Liver Pate with Brandy Mushrooms Shrimp Cakes with Sesame Cucumber Relish First Course Wild Mushroom Soup, Duck Confit, Black Truffle Second Course Red Watercress Salad, Shaved Kohlrabi, Chapel Hill Creamery New Moon Cheese, Toasted Pistachios, Pomegranate Verjus Choice of Entree Braised Heritage Pork Osso Buco, Sweet Potatoes, Pancetta, Turnips, Fig Glazed Cipollini Onions, Fried Parsnips -orPan Seared Scallops, Crab and Smoked Corn Risotto, Green and White Asparagus, Spinach, Roasted Pepper Puree -orCoffee Rubbed Beef Tenderloin, Chestnut Gremolata, Three Potato Gratin, Bacon Wrapped Endive, Braised Red Cabbage, Veal Demi Glace

6:00 pm cocktails 7:00 pm dinner Amuse Bouche Smoked Salmon on Potato Cake with Crème Fraiche and American Caviar First Course Shrimp Bisque with Butter Poached Lobster and Julienne Vegetables Second Course Grilled Lamb Loin, Greek Style Basmati Rice with Lemon and Oregano, Fava Bean Apple Salad, Saffron Vinaigrette Entree Ancho Honey Marinated Beef Tenderloin, Wild Mushroom and Smoked Gouda Bread Pudding, Broccolini, Roasted Red Peppers, Romesco Sauce Dessert Chocolate Pot de Crème with Chocolate Brandy Snaps and Chocolate Dipped Strawberry $52 per person

Dessert Display of Assorted Desserts to include Chocolates, Pies, Cakes and Petit Fours $75 per person includes the above and wine with dinner

Super Bowl Take Out Menu

Mark your calendar for these other events!

Let Chef Jimmy and his staff make hosting your Super Bowl party easier by preparing all of your Game Day snacks! Pick up a menu at the front desk or print one off of the Club website and submit it by 3:00 pm on Friday, January 31st.

Breakfast for Dinner: Thursday, January 16 Oyster Festival: Thursday, January 30 Sushi Night: Thursday, February 6 Wings and Beer Dinner: Thursday, February 20 Wine Society Dinner: Thursday, March 6 Breakfast for Dinner: Thursday, March 20 Bubba Gump Shrimp Festival: Saturday, March 22

You may sign up for these events by calling 919.967.8201 or emailing reservations@chapelhill-cc.com. Please be aware that space is limited and that your reservations are not guaranteed until they have been confirmed by a member of our staff.


Nifty Niners News

Greetings from the WGA

The Nifty Niners’ closing day was well attended and, as it was Halloween, there were several costumed players. Mary Guckes and Susan Gibson organized a wonderful luncheon for us to celebrate the end of another golf season.

Happy New Year to all, and I hope 2014 finds us all with good health and great golf games! As your new President for 2014, I would like to invite everyone to make suggestions on how to improve the WGA and obtain greater participation in our play days and events. I have already received some very thought-provoking ideas and look forward to hearing more.

On December 6, we gathered in a transformed Lawson’s Bar for our Christmas party. The room was beautifully arranged and decorated and the food was great!! Thanks to all the staff that helped put the room together. Thanks to Diane Staton, who spearheaded the planning of the Christmas party. Thanks also to Susan Dennis for the invitations and to Karen Lazarus, Susan Weidener and Jann Stiven for getting everything done. The party was a great success!! We continue to play on Thursdays as weather permits. From now until the 2014 season begins on April 3, we will start play at 10:28 am. There will be a NNGA Board meeting on January 30 at 1:00 pm. This meeting is open to any Nifty Niner who wants to attend. We will be able to play golf and then have our meeting. Kate Eifrig

Senior Men’s Golf Association With winter officially upon us and 2013 coming to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing president Dick Ellgen, and Board members Bob Dalton, Paul Richardson and Stan Eskridge for all their hard work and efforts. It was a fun year of golf and the SMGA remains solvent with membership just under 100. Changes to our Board for 2014 include Andy Mayer as Vice President and new Board members Mark Attwood, John Battle, John Pyecha, Tim Smelzer and Al Vickers. Our spring season starts in mid March with our opening day breakfast, followed by a superball tournament. The event is free and all members are invited for breakfast whether you play in the tournament or not. On behalf of the SMGA - “Happy New Year” to everyone. Terry Flynn SMGA President


Your 2014 Board includes: Carolyn Hightower - Vice President, JoAnn Mayer - Treasurer and Mary McCoy - Secretary. I am very excited to work with these ladies and hope you will thank them for stepping up and serving in these positions. As NC is infamous for its yo-yo weather, I hope you will take advantage when you can and get out to play over the winter. I will remind everyone that the WGA has standing tee times from January through March on our normal Tuesdays starting at 11:00 am, and you can still sign up through the Google docs or call the Pro Shop. These are informal play days. I would like to recognize our 2013 TIP team, captained by Lin Wright. CHCC was the TIP champion, beating Treyburn at the Prestonwood Country Club in a very tight match. Kudos to all who played this year, it was definitely a team effort. We will be claiming our trophy at a luncheon held at Prestonwood Country Club on January 14, 2014. And don’t forget our Winter Party will be held January 10! BJ Attwood has graciously offered her home for this grand event. Shere Stone is handling the preparations, thank you Shere! Please consider how you will help the WGA this coming year. We have numerous opportunities such as Play Day Chairs, Camaraderie Day Chair, Winter Party chair, etc., so please sign up and help out. I am very excited to be your fearless leader. Cheers to a great golf season! Diane Koenigshofer WGA President


Golf Shop Message

As we look forward to 2014, we would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe new year. We plan on having a very busy and productive golf schedule this year that will be finalized by March 1, 2014. We also plan on having all new members, as well as current members attend a required 30 minute golf presentation on aspects of golf that the Golf Committee deems to be important to the day to day operation of Chapel Hill Country Club. Our topics will include: how to repair a ball mark, golf etiquette, golf attire, speed of play and other topics that are important to make all members golf experience better at Chapel Hill Country Club. The details on this program will be finalized soon and sent out to the membership so that you can attend one of the scheduled presentations.

Save The Date

We have finalized a few important dates that you can put on your calendar. The Tradition The 2014 Men’s Member-Guest will be held the weekend of June 26 - 28. Sign-up information regarding the tournament will come out at a later time. This information will be included in your March Newsletter. The Carolina Classic The Ladies’ Carolina Classic (Member-Guest) will be held on June 5 - 6, 2014.

Golf Shop Spotlight

Alan Bandy, my assistant for 24 years has decided that it is time to retire so tht he can spend more time with his wife Wanda and family. He will be retiring on January 31, 2014. We plan on having a “Alan Bandy Appreciation Roast Dinner” at the Club on Saturday, February 1. We would like to invite all of you to come and show your appreciation for Alan. He has been a very valuable asset to the golf program over the years and his work ethic and dedication will be hard to replace. I will start the process of finding a replacement by early spring. We wish Alan the very best, and I know that he is looking forward to being on the other side of the “penalty box,” having weekends and holidays off and playing a lot more golf. Look out Twister!

Golf Pro Shop Phone: 919.932.2857 Pro Shop Hours Monday - CLOSED Tuesday - Sunday - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Range Hours Monday - CLOSED Tuesday - Sunday - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Rules of Play

Winter Rules are in effect. You may lift, clean and place the ball one club length no closer to the hole in the fairway only. This rule will be in effect until we start playing the ball down again in the spring of 2014. In an effort to keep the course in the best condition as possible, please remember to repair your ball marks, fill your divots with sand in the fairways and rake the bunkers after you finish.

Winter Clearance Sale

We will be starting our winter clearance sale on January 2, 2014. Stop by the Golf Pro Shop and take advantage of these incredible deals!

Club Repair

January and February is the perfect time to get your clubs ready for the spring by having new grips installed on them. If you would like for Miles to check your clubs and make a time to have them installed, please stop by the Golf Pro Shop at your convenience.

Annual Bag & Cart Storage

If you would like to store your golf bag and push cart in our bag storage, please contact the Golf Pro Shop. We currently have a few spaces open.

Winter Guest Special: January through March, 2014 In an effort to produce some needed cash flow during the months of January, February and March, we will be offering a great special if you bring a guest! During the week, Tuesdays through Thursdays, the guest fee will drop from $50 to $40 and the cart will be included. On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, the fee will drop from $60 to $50 and include the cart. In addition, if you bring 3 guests, your cart will be complimentary. This is a great way to entertain some clients or possible potential members at a great discount. 7


Tennis Pro Shop Phone: 919.932.2855 Court Conditions Hotline ext. #1 Pro Shop Hours Monday - CLOSED Tuesday - Sunday - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Tennis Court Hours 8:30 am – 7:30 pm daily (weather permitting)

2014 Tennis Calendar of Events

Feb. 19 - 20: Ladies USTA 3.0 Team Camp Feb. 27 - 28: Ladies USTA 3.5/4.0 Team Camp **Apr. 4: JUNIOR LOCK-IN Apr. 12: Adult Spring Team Challenge ** Apr. 18 - 20: USTA CHCC Junior L4 Championships May, TBD: Charles House Benefit May 17: Adult Singles Championships May 26: Memorial Day Parent/Child Round Robin Jul. 4: Adult Round Robin Aug. 29 - 30: CHCC Junior Club Championships Sept. 1: Labor Day Round Robin Sept. 6: CHCC Men’s/Women’s Member Guest Oct. 5: Adult Golf/Tennis Biathlon Nov. 1: Adult Doubles Championships ** Some dates could change throughout the year. We will keep you informed with ALL changes **

Winter Clay Court Conditions

For the winter months, the court conditions phone message will be posted by 7:30 am (or later in the event of inclement weather – rain, snow, sleet, or temperatures in the teens or 20s). If the temperature drops below 32 degrees, the soft courts will freeze and will be unplayable in the morning until after 12:00 pm. If we have a hard freeze (mid to low 20s or below), the courts will be unplayable until mid-afternoon and possibly all day.

Tennis Court Lights

We have recessed lighting on the clay courts which will light up the court you are playing on just fine, with no need to light up the adjacent court as well. So to help reduce our power bill, please be sure to only turn on the lights for your court and turn them off when you leave. The court lights will be turned off when not in use at night. There is a timer that will also turn them off at night to help. The court light box is outside of court #7. (Turn the handle up to open the door and flip the necessary court lights on or off.)

Spring Clay Court Resurfacing

The clay courts will be resurfaced at the end of February to get them ready for our busy spring USTA season here at CHCC. All 10 clay courts will have the lines ripped up, and the old material will be raked off the court and hauled off. Once that is complete, new material will be evenly dispersed and rolled perfectly to get them ready for the brand new lines to be nailed to the ground. We will block off courts 1-6 or 7-10 to allow members the chance to still play on either side during this time. Please check with the Tennis Pro Shop for further details as this time approaches.

Adult Spring Team Challenge: Saturday, April 12: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

This team event, our most popular for years now, can make you, an ordinary tennis player, feel like one of the members of the Davis Cup team! Every game you and your partner win is good for the team, and the fate of the team can rely on your final doubles match! The uniqueness of the format is the reason for the popularity of this event. There are six teams, 3 men and 3 women per team. On each team there are 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 players. Each round will consist of all doubles (men’s, women’s and mixed) and you will play with each of your teammates before the event is over. The most consistent team each year ends up in victory lane. What makes this weekend so special is that all different levels of players are represented on each team. The teams will be assigned by Lindsay, Derek, Jarrod and Jaime, with the utmost attention paid to equality. Tennis from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm with lunch and the award presentation to follow from 12:00pm - 1:00 pm. The cost is $35 for each player (includes lunch, snacks, awards, and balls). 8

Please sign up in the Tennis Pro Shop or email Lindsay at lbenton@chapelhill-cc.com or Jaime at jmontalvo@chapelhill-cc.com.

Men’s/Women’s USTA Leagues It’s that time of the year again!!

The 2014 USTA season is just around the corner, so I’m sure you have all started emailing and getting your list going for the upcoming season which will begin in early March, with team registration beginning January 1. (Team Registration ends February 5 – team must have minimum # of players registered.) *** Please be sure to pick up a captain’s packet in the Tennis Pro Shop BEFORE YOU BEGIN THE ONLINE TEAM REGISTRATION. *** This allows us to add your name and team to our list so that we are aware of which teams will be represented here at CHCC, how many courts will be needed during the season and gives us an opportunity to assist in getting extra players for your team with those members looking to play. This was set by the Tennis Committee, so please be sure to do check in with the Tennis Pro Shop. Communication with the Tennis Pro Shop is key! Rosters are here in the Tennis Pro Shop if needed. Anyone needing more information must contact the Pro Shop at 919.932.2855 or via email to lbenton@chapelhill-cc.com or jmontalvo@chapelhill-cc.com. Overall team registration is closed May 5, 2014. USTA Sectional Championships Information: Adult 18+: June 12 - 15 in Lake Norman, NC Adult 40+ 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 & 4.5+: June 26 - 29 in Winston Salem, NC Adult 55+ 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0: May 29 - June 1 in Asheville, NC ALL USTA Day League matches will begin at 9:15 am, with Night League matches beginning at either 6:30 pm or 7:00 pm, depending on the day of the week. The USTA Leagues offer a variety of ability levels with both day and night leagues. Listed below are possible Spring USTA Teams that could be formed at CHCC this upcoming season: Women USTA Women USTA Women USTA Women USTA Women USTA Women USTA Women USTA Women USTA Women USTA Women USTA Men USTA Men USTA Men USTA Men USTA Men USTA

3.0 Day 3.5 Day 4.0 Day 4.5Day 3.0 40+ Day 3.5 40+ Day 4.0 40+ Day 3.0 55+ Day 3.5 55+ Day 4.0 55+ Day 3.5 Night 4.0 Night 4.0 40+ Day 4.5 Night 5.0 Night

15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players

Thursdays Tuesdays Mondays Wednesdays Mondays Thursdays Tuesdays Tuesdays Fridays Fridays Tues./Thurs. Mon./Wed. Fridays Mon./Thurs. Tuesdays

9:15 am - 11:15 am 9:15 am - 11:15 am 9:15 am - 11:15 am 9:15 am - 11:15 am 9:15 am - 11:15 am 9:15 am - 11:15 am 9:15 am - 11:15 am 9:15 am - 11:15 am 9:15 am - 11:15 am 9:15 am - 11:15 am 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm 9:15 am - 11:15 am 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Ladies’ Team Camp Dates

Due to the high turnout for ladies playing in our annual Spring Tennis Teams (USTA and Triangle Tennis), it is almost impossible to hold a separate clinic for each registered team out of CHCC. Therefore, each spring we offer two day camps for 3.0-4.0 USTA levels and hope those participating on the teams can make at least one day. 3.0 Team Camp - Wednesday, February 19 and Thursday, February 20: 9:00 am - 12:00pm 3.5/4.0 Team Camp - Thursday, February 27 and Friday, February 27: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Camps will consist of stroke production and conditioning, as well as strategy and tactics. The first day of each camp will focus on singles and the second on doubles. Drinks and refreshments will be provided. The cost for two days is $90.00 or $50.00 for one day. Camps will be limited to the first 18 players to sign up. 9

2014 Junior USTA Team Tennis Leagues

Online registration for teams will begin January 6 for the Durham Parks and Recreation League. The minimum number of kids needed is 3 boys and 3 girls by February 2. Maximum number of kids on a team is 12. If your child is not a member of the USTA, the year enrollment is only $19, and for those 10 & under who are new to tennis, the USTA is offering the first year free to juniors! Please contact the Tennis Pro Shop at 919.932.2855 with any questions. The start date, times and fees will all be finalized once the local league schedule is confirmed. State Championships: June 19 – 22 in Fayetteville, NC. Mark your calendars for this weekend if your child plans to play in the Local USTA League. If their team wins the locals, we hope to field a full team of juniors and represent CHCC in the State Championships. Quickstart Tennis: Ages 10 & under. In 2013 we had our 8 & under team WIN the state championships with our 10 & under teams winning their local league. We are hoping to add teams in the 8 & under and 10 & under leagues. Check with the Pro Shop for more information. Matches will begin in March. The exact start date will be determined once registration ends and the season schedule is provided. Junior USTA Team Tennis: Ages 10 +. We have had this league for the past 4 years at the Club with great success each season. We are hoping for another great year from our Junior Teams. We are hoping to add junior teams to compete in the 12 & under and 14 & under divisions once again this year. Matches will begin in March. The exact start date will be determined once registration ends and the season schedule is provided.

2014 Junior Tennis Clinics

We will do our best to keep our junior program going through the cold winter months here at CHCC. If the weather gets to be too cold (below 35) and cancels a day or two of clinics, we will pro rate your child’s attendance for the session. Session 1: Tuesday January 7 – Thursday February 27

Registration Deadline: January 3

3:15 pm – 4:00 pm Pee Wees (ages 4 - 7): $120 for 8 clinics, $240 for 16 clinics 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Future Stars (ages 8 - 10): $145 for 8 clinics, $265 for 16 clinics 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Player Dev./Tournament Training (ages 10 +): $165 for 8 clinics, $320 for 16 clinics Spring Junior Tennis Clinics Session 1: Tuesday, March 4 – Thursday, April 10 Rain Days: Tuesday April 15 and Thursday April 17

Registration Deadline: February 28

3:15 pm – 4:00 pm Pee Wees (ages 4 - 7): $90 for 6 clinics, $180 for 12 clinics 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Future Stars (ages 8 - 10): $105 for 6 clinics, $210 for 12 clinics 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Player Dev./Tournament Training (ages 10 +): $135 for 6 clinics, $270 for 12 clinics Session 2: Tuesday, April 22 – Thursday, May 29 Rain Days: Tuesday June 3 and Thursday June 4

Registration Deadline: April 18

3:15 pm – 4:00 pm Pee Wees (ages 4 - 7): $90 for 6 clinics, $180 for 12 clinics 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Future Stars (ages 8 - 10): $105 for 6 clinics, $210 for 12 clinics 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Player Dev./Tournament Training (ages 10 +): $135 for 6 clinics, $270 for 12 clinics You may register for Tuesdays, Thursdays or both. For more information and to sign up, please contact the Tennis Pro Shop at 919.932.2855. 10

Activities Friday, April 11, 8:00 pm

The Wizard of Oz

$90 www.wizardofozthemusical.com

We really ARE off to see the Wizard! Come with us and see one of the greatest stories of all time LIVE on stage at DPAC! If you love the movie, don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the live performance! (20 seats currently reserved) * Children must be 5 years of age to attend.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Friday, May 16, 8:00 pm



One of the most enduring shows of all time, Tim Rice & Andrew Lloyd Webber’s JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT is the irresistible family musical about the trials and triumphs of Joseph, Israel’s favorite son. Retelling the Biblical story of Joseph, his eleven brothers and the coat of many colors, this magical musical is full of unforgettable songs including “Those Canaan Days,” “Any Dream Will Do” and “Close Every Door To Me.” Starring Diana DeGarmo as “The Narrator” and Ace Young as “Joseph.” (30

seats currently reserved)

CHCC Bridge

Bridge will resume on January 7! Everyone is welcome to come and play each Tuesday from 7:00 Bridge pm until 9:00 pm in the Tennis Terrace Room. You do not need to have a partner to play, just come out, join the fun and make some new friends along the way!

CHCC Book Club

Wednesday, January 15, 12:30 pm (lunch 11:30 am) Jane Lamm will lead a discussion of The Madonnas of Leningrad by Debra Dean. Please call 919.967.8201 for reservations. Wednesday, February 19 will be a special event. We will meet at 7:00 pm. Author James Dodson will be here to discuss American Triumvirate, Sam Snead, Byron Nelson, Ben Hogan, and the Modern Age of Golf. James is an entertaining speaker, so even if golf isn’t your game, you will enjoy the discussion. Please call 919.967.8201 to make reservations.

Special Event for Golfers Wednesday, February 19 at 7:00 pm Gather in the Rosemary Room to hear golf writer James Dodson discuss his book American Triumvirate: Sam Snead, Byron Nelson, Ben Hogan and the Modern Age of Golf. He will also recount stories from his friendship with many of the golf greats. This book won the 2012 USGA Herbert Warren Wind Award. The New York Times selected it as one of the top 100 books of 2012. The Golf Channel made a documentary inspired by this book. James’ books A Son of the Game and Final Rounds were both named Top Golf Book of the Year by the International Network of Golf. Ben Hogan asked James to write his biography Ben Hogan – An American Life, which won the Herbert Warren Wind/ USGA International Book Award in 2004 Other bestsellers by James are A Golfer’s Life (with Arnold Palmer), Final Rounds, Faithful Travelers, The Dewsweepers, The Road to Somewhere and Beautiful Madness. During James’ writing career he has won numerous prestigious awards and appeared in over 50 publications worldwide. James Dodson currently lives in Southern Pines, North Carolina. This will be an enjoyable evening and seating will be limited, so please make your reservation now.


Activities for Young Members Tuesday Art Classes for Kids

Every Tuesday from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, kids can come learn skills for visual arts. We work on drawing, painting, collage and other visual art mediums. Alisa loves sharing her knowledge of art and teaching kids how to be creative. We learn how to turn “mistakes” into something new and that there are no real mistakes in art. Learning to draw teaches hand-eye coordination and how to think outside the box. $8 per child per session. Please let Alisa know in advance if your child will attend!

Thursday Night and Friday Night Kids’ Club Every Thursday and Friday from 5:30 pm until 9:00 pm, kids can come play games, have dinner, make crafts and watch movies while parents enjoy a quiet evening in the Clubhouse! We even have a round of children’s trivia on Trivia Night Thursdays. Children are returned to parents by 9:00 pm. Check E-News and the weekly evites for details on planned activities each week! Contact Alisa to be added to the evite mailing list! Price depends on the number of children attending: if we have a large group, we’ll charge $12.50, which includes a buffet dinner. If we have a small group, we’ll charge $10 for the first child, $8 for each additional child and dinner will be ordered from the menus and charged separately.

Contact Alisa Minshall to preregister for all Kids’ Activities: 919.945.0411 or aminshall@chapelhill-cc.com ____________________

Dance Classes with Summer Renner! Summer Renner has performed as a Rockette with the Radio City Christmas Spectacular for the past 5 seasons and holds BFA in Dance from Florida State University. She’s been teaching children the art of dance for the past 5 years and looks forward to sharing her passion for dance with our young members in the Clubhouse! (These classes are for members only.) 3 levels are available - each series is $250 for 12 weeks of classes beginning January 13 and ending April 7. (There will not be classes on January 20 for MLK Day.) The first class is free! Mondays 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm Mondays 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Mondays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Ages 3-4 Ages 4-5 Ages 5-7

12Contact Alisa to sign up for classes with Summer!

Ballet/Creative Movement Ballet/Pre-Jazz Ballet/Jazz 919.945.0411 or aminshall@chapelhill-cc.com

Summer Camp 2014! This summer, the Chapel Hill Country Club invites our young members to an exciting 8 week series of activities and fun at the Club! In addition to our tennis, golf and Course and Courts Camps, we’re planning all sorts of additional fun! Check the website and the reception desk for brochures and forms available in January!

Tennis Camps June 9 - 13, Monday - Friday June 16 - 19, Monday - Thursday July 7 - 11, Monday - Friday July 21 - 24, Monday - Thursday August 4 - 7, Monday - Thursday

9:00 am - 12:00 pm 9:00 am - 11:00 am 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 9:00 am - 11:00 am 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

for ages 8 + for ages 4 - 7 for ages 8 + for ages 4 - 7 advanced players 10 +

$200 $155 $200 $155 $160

Course and Courts Camps June 23 - 26, July 14 - 17 and July 28 - 31 Mondays - Thursdays 8:30 am - 2:30 pm

for ages 5 - 10


Golf camps Golf camp dates and times will be set soon!

SUPER SUMMER Camps Mondays - Fridays: Sign up for any of the camps above and extend the days until 4:30 pm and add Fridays for camps that end on Thursdays with these additional Super Summer Camps! The last week is a full week of theater oriented activities, play time and pool time! In addition to theme activities, children will enjoy games and time at the pool! June 9 - 13

Action Camp: all sorts of active activities

for ages 8 +


June 16 - 20

North Carolina Camp: all about NC!

for ages 4 - 7


June 23 - 27

Ecology Camp: plants, animals and the environment

for ages 5 - 10


July 7 - 11

Engineering Camp: construction and physics

for ages 8 +


July 14 - 18

Visual Arts Camp: for our young artists

for ages 5 - 10


July 21 - 25

Field Day Camp: field games and sports

for ages 4 - 7


July 28 - August 1

Culinary Camp: all about cooking and food

for ages 5 - 10


August 4 - 8

Theater Camp: creating sets, putting on a play, outdoor play and pool

for ages 5 - 12


for ages 3 - 4


time *9:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday*

little members camps Same dates as Super Summer Camp above

9:00 am - 12:00 pm, Mondays - Fridays

Crafts, snack time, outdoor play time, music and other activities

More information and details coming soon! Contact Alisa for camp brochures and forms!


Social Golf Tennis Kids




Weekday Lunch Buffet

In addition to the soup and salad bar, the Club has added chef-attended stations, where you can have a quick and delicious lunch prepared right in front of you! Our lunch buffet is available Tuesday through Friday, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. $8 soup & salad, $10 action station only $12 all-inclusive.

Family Night Wednesdays

The Family Night Buffet features great comfort food for all ages, including a special buffet just for kids! $16 per adult, $8 for children 11-12, children 10 and under are free!

Date Night Thursdays & Child Care

Every Thursday evening, child care is available so that parents have an opportunity each week for a quiet dinner together or time with friends at the Club. Contact Alisa to sign up for child care.

Trivia Night Thursdays

Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, adults play in Lawson’s Bar, and children have their very own trivia session in another location. Both sessions begin at 7:30 pm. You many sign your team up in advance for adult trivia by emailing chcc.trivia@gmail.com.


Sunday Brunch Buffet



Every Friday beginning at 6:00 pm, come out for an amazing stir fry station, where our culinary team will prepare a combination of vegetables, proteins and house-made sauces of your choosing! There will also be a soup of the day available to go with your meal, all for only $13 per person.


Featuring a children’s buffet and fun activities for our younger members while parents enjoy dinner and friends! $12.50 per child. Contact Alisa for Kids’ Club information.

Sunday Brunch

Our Sunday Brunch buffet features waffles, an omelette station, a selection of salads, breakfast and lunch items, and a variety of desserts. Sunday brunch is available from 10:00 am until 1:30 pm. $15 per person.


919.967.8201 or reservations@chapelhill-cc.com 14









Art Class Junior Spring Clinic (Session 1)



Art Class Junior Spring Clinic (Session 1)


Sunday Brunch Buffet


Art Class Junior Spring Clinic (Session 1)


Sunday Brunch Buffet

Sunday Brunch Buffet


Art Class Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1)

Sunday Brunch Buffet



Art Class Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1)

Sunday Brunch Buffet



Art Class Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1)

Sunday Brunch Buffet



Art Class Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1)

Sunday Brunch Buffet



Art Class Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1)

Sunday Brunch Buffet



Art Class Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1)

Sunday Brunch Buffet



Art Class Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1)

Sunday Brunch Buffet


Kids’ Club


Sunday Brunch Buffet



Art Class Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1)

Sunday Brunch Buffet





Art Class Junior Spring Clinic (Session 1) 31










Mah Jongg Date Night Child Care






Family Night

Mah Jongg Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1) Date Night Child Care Trivia

Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis WGA Post-Holiday Party StirFriday Kids’ Club

Snow Ball





Book Club Family Night

Mah Jongg Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1) Breakfast for Dinner Date Night Child Care

Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis StirFriday Kids’ Club




Family Night

Mah Jongg Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1) Date Night Child Care Trivia

Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis StirFriday Kids’ Club




Family Night

Mah Jongg Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1) Oyster Festival Date Night Child Care

Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis StirFriday Kids’ Club




Family Night

Mah Jongg Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1) Sushi Night Date Night Child Care

Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis StirFriday Kids’ Club




Family Night

Mah Jongg Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1) Date Night Child Care Trivia

Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis Valentine’s Day Dinner Kids’ Club




USTA Ladies 3.0 Team Camp Family Night Book Club

USTA Ladies 3.0 Team Camp Mah Jongg Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1) Wings and Beer Dinner Date Night Child Care

Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis StirFriday Kids’ Club




Family Night

USTA Ladies 3.5/4.0 Team Camp Mah Jongg Junior Winter Clinic (Session 1) Date Night Child Care Trivia

USTA Ladies 3.5/4.0 Team Camp Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis StirFriday Kids’ Club




Family Night

Mah Jongg Junior Spring Clinic (Session 1) Wine Society Dinner Date Night Child Care

Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis StirFriday Kids’ Club




Family Night

Mah Jongg Junior Spring Clinic (Session 1) Date Night Child Care Trivia

Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis StirFriday Kids’ Club





Book Club Family Night

Mah Jongg Junior Spring Clinic (Session 1) Breakfast for Dinner Date Night Child Care

Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis StirFriday Kids’ Club

Bubba Gump Shrimp Festival





Family Night

Mah Jongg Junior Spring Clinic (Session 1) Date Night Child Care Trivia

Women’s 3.0 Clinic Cardio Tennis StirFriday Kids’ Club

Kids’ Club













CLUBHOUSE 919.967.8201

GOLF 919.932.2857

TENNIS 919.932.2855

103 Lancaster Drive Chapel Hill, NC 27517


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