Chapter December Rhagfyr 2017

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029 2030 4400




Art / Celfyddyd

029 2030 4400

Larissa Sansour, And They Covered The Sky Until It Was Black, 2017. Image courtesy the Artist / Delwedd o’r ffilm, gyda chaniatâd yr artist.



Larissa Sansour: In the Future They Ate From the Finest Porcelain Until / Tan: 07.01.18 Larissa Sansour is an interdisciplinary artist, working in video, photography, installation and sculpture to create overtly political works that explore and approximate the realities of life in Palestine. References and details ranging from sci-fi and spaghetti westerns to horror films converge with Middle East politics and social issues to create intricate parallel worlds in which new value systems can be decoded. In the Future They Ate From the Finest Poreclain features, at its heart, a film of the same name that combines live motion and computer generated imagery to explore the role of myth in history, fact and national identity. The exhibition also features artefacts including the porcelain of the title and a new suspended sculptural installation.

Mae Larissa Sansour yn artist rhyngddisgyblaethol sydd yn gweithio â fideo, ffotograffiaeth, gosodiadau a cherflunwaith er mwyn creu gweithiau gwleidyddol sydd yn archwilio ac yn ystyried realiti bywyd ym Mhalestina. Caiff amrywiaeth o ffynonellau a dylanwadau, o’r ‘spaghetti western’ i ffilmiau arswyd, eu cyfuno â gwleidyddiaeth a materion cymdeithasol y Dwyrain Canol er mwyn creu bydoedd cyfochrog cymhleth lle gellir dadgodio systemau newydd ar gyfer ystyried gwerth. Wrth galon In the Future They Ate From the Finest Poreclain mae ffilm o’r un enw. Yn gyfuniad o ddrama fyw a CGI, mae’r ffilm honno’n archwilio rôl chwedloniaeth mewn canfyddiadau o hanes, ffaith a hunaniaeth genedlaethol. Mae’r arddangosfa hefyd yn cyflwyno arteffactau sy’n cynnwys gwaith porslen y teitl a gosodiad cerfluniol newydd.

Talks at 4

Sgyrsiau am 4

2 + 16.12 4pm

2 + 16.12 4pm

Join us for a free and informal guided tour.

Ymunwch â ni am daith dywysedig anffurfiol rad ac am ddim.

With additional support from / Gyda chefnogaeth ychwanegol Lawri Shabibi & Montoro 12

Gallery Opening Times: Tue, Wed, Sat, Sun: 12–6pm, Thu, Fri: 12–8pm, Mon: Closed

Oriau Agor yr Oriel: Maw, Mer, Sad, Sul: 12–6pm, Iau, Gwe: 12–8pm, Ar gau ar ddydd Llun

Art / Celfyddyd


Minyoung Choi, Lunchtime in Winter, 2017. Oil on linen / Olew ar liain


Minyoung Choi: On Water Under Snow Until / Tan 04.03.18 Minyoung Choi’s paintings are dominated by her memories, which create dreamlike landscapes that she keeps pursuing and longing for. At first glance, her work appears to suggest a narrative, and yet it is more inclined towards the surreal and a certain symbolism. She collects images of objects that made her feel awe and joy. These objects become symbolic images in the paintings, and they are placed in the landscape to make them exist once again and together this time, by recollecting, rebuilding and celebrating. Choi’s artistic practice involves painting, drawing, bookmaking and poetry. Biography Choi was born in Seoul, South Korea in 1989 and lives and works in London having studied for her MFA in Painting at The Slade School of Fine Art. Recent exhibitions include The Glichrist-Fisher Award, Rebecca Hossack Gallery, London (2018) Other Spaces/Slade Summer Residency, Slade School of Fine Art, London; FLOCK, GX gallery, London; Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize Exhibition, The Mall Galleries, London (2017) Forwards + Backwards, Dona Laura’s House, Lisbon, Portugal; Beep2016 Wales International Painting Prize: This must be the place I never wanted to leave, Swansea College of Art & Undegun, Wrexham (2016)

Mae paentiadau Minyoung Choi yn llawn o’i hatgofion personol — tirluniau breuddwydiol sydd fel petaent yn cymell yr artist i ddyheu amdanynt ac i ddilyn eu trywydd. Ar yr olwg gyntaf, mae ei gwaith fel petai’n awgrymu naratif; mae’n tueddu, mewn gwirionedd, tuag at ymdriniaeth swrrealaidd a symbolaidd. Mae Choi’n casglu at ei gilydd ddelweddau o wrthrychau a enynnodd deimladau o barchedig ofn a llawenydd ynddi. Mae’r gwrthrychau hyn yn magu ystyr symbolaidd yn y paentiadau ac fe’u gosodir yn y delweddau er mwyn galluogi iddynt fodoli unwaith yn rhagor – mewn cyd-destun erbyn hynny o gofio, o ailgreu ac o ddathlu. Mae gwaith artistig Choi yn ymwneud â phaentio, darlunio, llyfrau a barddoniaeth. Bywgraffiad Ganwyd Choi yn Seoul, De Korea ym 1989 ac, ar ôl astudio am radd MFA mewn Paentio yn Ysgol Celfyddyd Gain y Slade, mae hi bellach yn byw ac yn gweithio yn Llundain. Mae ei harddangosfeydd diweddar yn cynnwys Gwobr Glichrist-Fisher, Oriel Rebecca Hossack, Llundain (2018), Preswyliad Slade/Other Spaces, Ysgol Celfyddyd Gain y Slade, Llundain; FLOCK, Oriel GX, Llundain; Arddangosfa Gwobr Lynn Painter-Stainers, The Mall Galleries, Llundain (2017); Forwards + Backwards, Tŷ Dona Laura, Lisbon, Portiwgal; Gwobr Baentio Ryngwladol Cymru Beep2016: This must be the place I never wanted to leave, Coleg Celf Abertawe & Undegun, Wrecsam (2016).


Performance / Perfformiadau

029 2030 4400


The Chimes

“There’s nothing more regular in its coming round than dinner-time, and nothing less regular in its coming round than dinner. That’s the great difference between ‘em.” Inspired by the insight and satire of the second Christmas story by Charles Dickens and prompted by 21st century Britain, THE CHIMES is a dynamic new piece of music theatre, packed full of colourful characters and haunting melodies, which will touch your heart and fire your soul. “I believe I have written a tremendous book and knocked the Carol out of the field… It has a grip on the very throat of the times.” Charles Dickens Written by David Willis Composed by Conor Linehan Directed by Judith Roberts Presented by Judith Roberts, in partnership with Chapter £16/£12 Age 14+

The Chimes

07.12—16.12 (not 10.12) 7.30pm Matinee 16.12 3pm “There’s nothing more regular in its coming round than dinner-time, and nothing less regular in its coming round than dinner. That’s the great difference between ‘em.” Wedi’i ysbrydoli gan graffter a dychan ail stori Nadoligaidd Charles Dickens – ac yn ymateb i Brydain yr unfed ganrif ar hugain – mae ‘The Chimes’ yn ddarn newydd o theatr gerddorol sy’n llawn cymeriadau lliwgar ac alawon hudolus a fydd yn siŵr o gyffwrdd â’ch calon a thanio’ch enaid. “I believe I have written a tremendous book and knocked the Carol out of the field … It has a grip on the very throat of the times.” Charles Dickens Ysgrifennu gan David Willis Cyfansoddi gan Conor Linehan Cyfarwyddo gan Judith Roberts Cyflwyniad gan Judith Roberts ar y cyd â Chapter £16/£12 14+ oed

Performance / Perfformiadau




From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: Thérèse Raquin, Margaret and the Tapeworm

Thérèse Raquin by / gan Émile Zola

Adapted by / Addasiad gan Nicholas Wright 28.11—02.12 7.30pm 02.12 2.30pm

Émile Zola’s gripping psychological thriller. Stifled by an oppressive mother-in-law and a sickly husband, Thérèse falls passionately for another man. Their feverish affair drives the lovers to commit a crime that will haunt them forever. £12/£10 (concs only on Thu + Sat matinee) Age 12+

Clasur seicolegol a chyffrous Émile Zola. Wedi’i chaethiwo gan fam yng nghyfraith ormesol a gŵr sâl, mae Thérèse yn cwympo mewn cariad â dyn arall. Mae eu haffêr chwilboeth yn gyrru’r cariadon i gyflawni trosedd a fydd yn eu tormentio am byth. £12/£10 (consesiynau matinée Maw + Sad yn unig) 12+ oed

Margaret and the Tapeworm 15.12 2.30pm & 16.12 7.30pm

Following on from the success of their last production ‘Miramar’, Peilot artists Triongl have been back at Chapter creating and developing their next piece of work. Come along and support them as they share this script development stage with you. £5, includes a mince pie and a glass of sherry.

Yn dilyn llwyddiant eu cynhyrchiad diwethaf, ‘Miramar’, dychwelodd artistiaid cynllun Peilot, Triongl, i Chapter i greu a datblygu eu darn nesaf o waith. Dewch i’w cefnogi wrth iddyn nhw rannu ffrwyth eu gwaith-ar-y-gweill gyda ni. £5


Performance / Perfformiadau

029 2030 4400


The Giant Who Had No Heart in his Body Dot and Agi live on a platform in the sky that balances on very tall sticks above the clouds. Carried on the wind, a story is coming that will rock their world and might just help them re-write their own story. Though aimed at ages 7+ this is a comedy show for all ages. £5 / £17 family tickets (at least 1 child) See page 18 for special schools offer + workshop on 20.12

Mae Dot ac Agi yn byw ar lwyfan yn yr awyr sy’n pwyso ar ffyn tal iawn, fri uwchben y cymylau. Daw’r stori atom ar y gwynt, stori a fydd yn ysgwyd seiliau byd Dot ac Agi ac yn eu helpu, efallai, i newid eu hanes eu hunain. Er bod y sioe hon wedi’i bwriadu ar gyfer plant 7+ oed, mae hi’n sioe gomedi a fydd wrth fodd plant ac oedolion fel ei gilydd. £5 / £17 tocynnau teulu (o leiaf 1 plentyn)

The Giant Who Had No Heart in his Body

22.12 6pm 23.12 11.30am + 3.30pm

Performance / Perfformiadau


Cut & Run by / gan Branwen Davies 20.12—23.12 7.30pm

Cut & Run

As the invitation to come home for Christmas hangs awkwardly unanswered in the air, Caitlin does what she does best — travels a million miles in the opposite direction. Tinsel, Texan tourists and the turned up ticking of a biological clock make this a Christmas to remember! £8/£6 Age 14+

A’r gwahoddiad i fynd adre’ ar gyfer y Nadolig heb ei ateb, mae Caitlin yn gwneud yr hyn y mae hi’n ei wneud orau, sef ffoi filiwn o filltiroedd i’r cyfeiriad arall. Mae tinsel, twristiaid o Decsas a thicio’r cloc biolegol yn sicrhau y bydd hwn yn Nadolig i’w gofio! £8/£6 14+ oed


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400

Murder on the Orient Express


Murder on the Orient Express 22.12.17—04.01.18 USA/UDA/2017/114mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Kenneth Brannagh. With/Gyda: Daisy Ridley, Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer

A lavish train ride unfolds into a suspenseful and stylish mystery in Agatha Christie’s tale of thirteen strangers stranded and one man’s race to solve the puzzle.

Mae taith drên ysblennydd yn troi’n ddirgelwch, yn stori ogoneddus Agatha Christie am dri dieithryn ar ddeg ac ymgais un dyn i ddatrys yr achos.

Film / Ffilm


From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: B attle of the Sexes, Ingrid Goes West

WONDER WOMEN To celebrate the strength of women and girls on screen, this month we have some representations of wonderful women in front of and behind camera. I ddathlu grym merched a menywod ar y sgrin, mae gennym ambell gynrychioliad hyfryd y mis hwn o fenywod nodedig o flaen a’r tu ôl i'r camera.



UK/DG/2016/82mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Mercedes Grower. With/Gyda: Juliann Barratt, Julia Davis, Noel Fielding

Norway/Norwy/2017/116mins/15/subs/is-deitlau. Dir/Cyf: Joachim Trier. With/Gyda: Eili Harboe, Kaya Wilkins, Henrik Rafaelsen

08.12—09.12 A raw, dark comedy about endings and beginnings following the tumultuous stories of nine couples, plunging straight into the brutal and absurd breakups before travelling back in time to the first spark of love. + Q&A 08.12

Comedi amrwd a thywyll am ddiweddebau a dechreuadau ac am berthnasoedd naw o gyplau. Mae’r ffilm yn plymio ar ei phen i fyd creulon tor-calon cyn teithio yn ôl mewn amser i’r foment pan fydd fflam cariad yn tanio.


Thelma, a shy young student, experiences a violent sudden seizure at the library and becomes increasingly overwhelmed by feelings for fellow student Anja. She soon realises the seizures harbour inexplicable, and often dangerous, supernatural abilities.

Battle of the Sexes

Mae myfyrwraig ifanc swil o’r enw Thelma yn cael pwl sydyn a difrifol yn y llyfrgell ac yn dechrau cael ei llethu gan ei theimladau tuag at ei chyd-fyfyrwraig, Anja. Buan y daw i sylweddoli bod y pyliau anesboniadwy hyn yn rhoi iddi rymoedd goruwchnaturiol a pheryglus.

USA/UDA/2017/121mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Valerie Faris, Jonathan Dayton. With/Gyda: Emma Stone, Steve Carrell, Bill Pullman

Ingrid Goes West


The true story of the 1973 tennis match between world number one Billie Jean King and ex-champ and serial hustler Bobby Riggs. Stori wir y gêm denis ym 1973 rhwng Billie Jean King, chwaraewr gorau’r byd ar y pryd, a’r cynbencampwraig a’r ‘hustler’ nodedig, Bobby Riggs.


01.12—05.12 USA/UDA/2017/93mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Marianna Palka. With/Gyda: Caroline Aaron, Eric Edelstein, Kingston Foster

A woman snaps and assumes the psyche of a vicious dog as her checked-out, philandering husband attempts to keep the family together in this biting feminist satire and Sundance favourite. Mae menyw yn colli’i phwyll ac yn cymryd arni enaid ci dieflig wrth i’w gŵr anffyddlon geisio cadw’r teulu gyda’i gilydd. Ffilm ddychan ffeministaidd a ffefryn sicr yng ngŵyl Sundance.


USA/UDA/2017/98mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Matt Spicer. With/Gyda: Aubrey Plaza, Elizabeth Olsen, O’Shea Jackson Jr.

Ingrid, an unhinged social media stalker, becomes obsessed with “influencer” Taylor’s perfectly curated lifestyle, but their relationship quickly goes from BFF to WTF. A savagely dark comedy that proves being #perfect isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Mae Ingrid, ‘stalker’ ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, yn magu obsesiwn â ffordd o fyw ymddangosiadol berffaith y Taylor dylanwadol – ond mae eu perthynas yn newid o BFF i WTF. Comedi dywyll ffyrnig sy’n profi nad yw #perffaith wastad mor berffaith â hynny go iawn.


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400

Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool 01.12 – 07.12

UK/DG/2017/105mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Paul McGuigan. With/ Gyda: Jamie Bell, Annette Bening

In this warm, tender true story a romance sparks between a young actor and a Hollywood leading lady. Yn y stori wir dyner a chynnes hon, mae rhamant yn blaguro rhwng actor ifanc a seren Hollywood.

Chapter Moviemaker 06.11


A regular showcase for short films by independent filmmakers. To enquire about screening your film or for any other information email Sesiwn reolaidd sy’n gyfle i gyfarwyddwyr annibynnol ddangos eu ffilmiau byrion. I gael mwy o wybodaeth, e-bostiwch moviemaker@


UK/DG/2017/130mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Dominic Cooke. With/Gyda: Imelda Staunton

The Follies gather to have a few drinks, sing a few songs in this legendary Stephen Sondheim musical. Mae merched y Follies yn dod at ei gilydd am ddiod neu ddwy ac i ganu ambell gân yn sioe gerdd chwedlonol Stephen Sondheim.

NT Live: Young Marx From top / O’r brig: Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool, Follies, Young Marx


UK/DG/2017/210mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Nicholas Hytner. With/Gyda: Rory Kinnear

1850, and Europe’s most feared terrorist is hiding in Dean Street, Soho. Broke, restless and horny, the thirty-two-year-old revolutionary is a frothing combination of intellectual brilliance, invective wit and child-like emotional illiteracy.

Yn 1850 mae terfysgwr mwyaf brawychus Ewrop yn cuddio yn Dean Street, Soho. Mae e’n dlawd, yn ddiamynedd ac yn chwilio am gariad; chwyldroadwr tri deg dau oed sy’n gyfuniad rhyfedd o allu deallusol, hiwmor milain ac anllythrennedd emosiynol.

Film / Ffilm


Stalker 02.12

Russia/Rwsia/1979/162mins/PG/subs/is-deitlau. Dir/Cyf: Andrei Tarkovsky. With/Gyda: Alisa Freyndlikh

A mysterious guide leads two men through a bleak area known as the Zone to find a power that grants the deepest wishes of those strong enough to make the journey there. + Gallery Talk at 4

Yn nyfnderoedd y ‘Zone’ mae arweinydd dirgel yn mynd â dau ddyn i geisio dod o hyd i ystafell ddirgel ag ynddi’r pŵer i wireddu dyheadau dyfnaf y rheiny sy’n ddigon cryf i gwblhau’r daith beryglus. + Sgwrs yn yr Oriel am 4

Menashe 08.12 – 13.12

USA/UDA/2017/82mins/PG/subs/is-deitlau. Dir/Cyf: Joshua Z Weinstein. With/Gyda: Menashe Lustig, Yoel Falkowitz, Ruben Niborski

Within Brooklyn’s ultra-orthodox Jewish community, a widower battles for custody of his son. A tender drama performed entirely in Yiddish that intimately explores the nature of faith and the price of parenthood. Yng nghymuned Iddewig dra-uniongred Brooklyn, mae gŵr gweddw yn brwydro am yr hawl i ofalu am ei fab. Mae hon yn ddrama dyner, wedi’i pherfformio’n gyfan-gwbl mewn Iddew-Almaeneg, ac yn astudiaeth o natur ffydd a chost bod yn rhiant.

Suburbicon 08.12 – 21.12 From top / O’r brig: Stalker, Menashe, Suburbicon

USA/UDA/2017/104mins/15. Dir/Cyf: George Clooney. With/Gyda: Julianne Moore, Matt Damon, Oscar Isaac.

Suburbicon is an idyllic suburban community with affordable homes and manicured lawns. But the tranquil surface masks a disturbing reality, as husband and father Gardner must navigate the town’s underbelly of betrayal, deceit and violence. Mae Suburbicon yn gymuned faestrefol ddelfrydol yn llawn tai fforddiadwy a lawntiau cymen. Ond mae’r arwyneb tawel yn cuddio realiti aflonyddol ac mae’n rhaid i ŵr a thad o’r enw Gardner ymdopi â’r brad, y twyll a’r trais dan yr wyneb.

Something for Christmas

Anrheg Nadolig Perffaith

Looking for that ideal stocking filler or a unique xmas gift? Then Chapter has the answer! Chapter gift cards range from £5—£20 and come with a choice of decorative wallets. The gift card can be redeemed on live performances, film screenings or food and drink at the cafe bar!

Ydych chi’n edrych am roddion bach perffaith i’w rhoi yn yr hosan Nadolig neu am anrheg Nadolig ddelfrydol? Os felly, gall Chapter eich helpu. Mae cardiau rhodd Chapter yn amrywio mewn gwerth o £5 i £20 ac fe’u cyflwynir mewn detholiad o waledi hardd. Gellir defnyddio cardiau rhodd i brynu tocynnau ar gyfer perfformiadau byw a dangosiadau ffilm neu i dalu am fwyd a diod yn y caffi bar!


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400

Happy End 01.12—07.12

France/Ffrainc/2017/108mins/15/subs/ is-deitlau. Dir/Cyf: Michael Haneke. With/Gyda: Isabelle Huppert, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Mathieu Kassovitz

A well-off French family living in a bourgeois bubble in northern France are oblivious to the human misery unfolding in the migrant camps around Calais. Mae teulu Ffrengig ffyniannus yn byw mewn swigen bourgeois yng ngogledd Ffrainc — heb wybod dim am y dioddefaint dynol sydd o’u cwmpas yn y gwersylloedd i ymfudwyr ger Calais.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi 14.12—04.01

USA/UDA/2017/150mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Rian Johnson. With/Gyda: Daisy Ridley John Boyega, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill

Rey joins Luke Skywalker in an adventure with Leia, Finn, and Poe that unlocks mysteries of the force and the secrets of the past in the latest epic instalment of the world’s greatest sci-fi saga. Mae Rey yn ymuno â Luke Skywalker ar antur gyda Leia, Finn a Poe sy’n datgelu dirgelion y Force a chyfrinachau o’r gorffennol yn y rhan ddiweddaraf hon o saga gwyddonias mwyaf epig y byd.

Tawai: A Voice from the Forest 29.12 + 30.12

From top / O’r brig: Happy End, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Tawai: A Voice form the Forest

UK/DG/2017/101mins/U. Dir/Cyf: Bruce Parry, Mark Ellam

In this dreamy, philosophical and sociological look at life, explorer Bruce Parry travels the world to learn from indigenous peoples living lives very differently to ours. Yn y cipolwg breuddwydiol, athronyddol a chymdeithasegol hwn ar fywyd, mae’r anturiaethwr Bruce Parry yn teithio’r byd i ddysgu gan bobl frodorol y mae eu bywydau yn wahanol iawn i’n rhai ni.

BAFTA Film to be confirmed / Ffilm BAFTA i’w chadarnhau 13.12

Please look out for further details on our website Bydd y manylion i’w gweld ar ein gwefan,

Film / Ffilm


From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: It’s a Wonderful Life, White Christmas



USA/UDA/1946/130mins/U. Dir/Cyf: Frank Capra. With/Gyda: James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore

USA/UDA/1984/106mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Joe Dante. With/Gyda: Zach Galligan, Phoebe Cates, Hoyt Axton


In Capra’s enduring Christmas favourite, we join guardian angel Clarence Odbody as he is sent to help George Bailey in his hour of need.

Yn ffefryn Nadolig oesol Capra, dilynwn yr angel gwarcheidiol Clarence Odbody wrth iddo geisio helpu George Bailey yn ystod cyfnod o drallod ofnadwy.

Dementia Friendly / Addas i Bobl â Dementia: White Christmas 15.12

USA/UDA/1954/120mins/U. Dir/Cyf: Michael Curtiz. With/Gyda: Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney

A successful song-and-dance team become romantically involved with a sister act and team up to save the failing Vermont inn of their former commanding general with a festival musical. Mae aelodau deuawd cân-a-dawns yn dechrau perthynas gydag aelodau deuawd arall ac yn dod at ei gilydd i achub llety eu cyngadfridog yn Vermont, trwy drefnu gŵyl o ganu a dawnsio.

03.12 + 06.12

Seeking a unique gift for his son, an erstwhile inventor purchases a cute Mogwai from a Chinatown shopkeeper; cute that is until the critter mutates and unleashes an army of devilish monsters.


The Christmas Candle

USA/UDA/2003/100mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: John Stephenson. With/Gyda: Hans Matheson, Samantha Banks

+ Q&A with Zach Galligan on 06.12

All is not well in Gladbury when a new, forward thinking, Vicar comes to town. Will his candles shine brighter than Susan Boyle’s acting? To be fair that wouldn’t be difficult.

Wrth chwilio am anrheg unigryw i’w fab, mae dyfeisiwr yn prynu Mogwai ciwt gan siopwr yn Chinatown; ciwt, hynny yw, tan iddo atgenhedlu byddin o angenfilod mileinig.

Dyw trigolion Gladbury ddim yn rhyw hapus iawn pan ddaw ficer newydd i’r dref. A fydd ei ganhwyllau’n fwy disglair nag actio Susan Boyle? Fyddai hynny ddim yn rhy anodd, a bod yn onest.

+ Sesiwn holi-ac-ateb gyda Zach Galligan ar 06.12

+ Black Christmas

A Matter of Life and Death 17.12—19.12

USA/UDA/1953/104mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger. With/ Gyda: David Niven, Kim Hunter, Robert Coote

Squadron leader Peter is alone in a blazing plane. As he prepares for death he confides his secrets to a radio operator, cheats death and must argue for his life before a celestial court. Mae arweinydd sgwadron o’r enw Peter ar ei ben ei hun mewn awyren sydd ar dân. Ond ar ôl siarad â merch ifanc dros y radio a llwyddo i oroesi, rhaid iddo bledio am ei fywyd gerbron y llys nefol.

USA/UDA/1974/98mins/18. Dir/Cyf: Bob Clark. With/Gyda: Olivia Hussey, Keir Dullea

A warming Christmas tale of an escaped maniac who breaks into a sorority house and kills them off one by one. Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Stori Nadolig i gynhesu’r galon am wallgofddyn ar ffo sy’n torri i mewn i dŷ ‘sorority’ ac yn lladd y trigolion fesul un. Ffa la la la la, la la la la.

The Muppet Christmas Carol

08—09.12, 16—24.12, 27—28.12 See p14 for details.

Manylion ar dud. 14


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400

FAMILY FEATURES/FFILMIAU I’R TEULU CYFAN A selection of fabulous, family–friendly films every Saturday and Sunday. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Detholiad o ffilmiau gwych sy’n addas i’r teulu cyfan, bob dydd Sadwrn a dydd Sul. Rhaid i blant dan 12 oed fod yng nghwmni oedolyn.

My Little Pony 02.12—03.12

USA/UDA/2017/108mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Jayson Deters, Stevie Wermers Voices/Lleisiau: Kristen Bell, Alan Tudyk, Josh Gad

A dark force threatens Ponyville, so Mane 6 embark on a journey beyond Equestria to meet new friends and test their magic. Mae grym tywyll yn bygwth Ponyville, felly mae Mane 6 yn cychwyn ar daith y tu hwnt i Equestria i gwrdd â ffrindiau newydd ac i brofi eu hud a’u lledrith.

From top / O’r brig: The Muppet Christmas Carol, The Son of Bigfoot, The Muppet Christmas Carol

The Son of Bigfoot

02.12—03.12 + 09.12—10.12 Belgium/Gwlad Belg/2017/92mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Jeremy Degruson, Ben Stassen. Voices/Lleisiau: Cinda Adams

Teenage outsider Adam sets out on an epic and daring quest to uncover the mystery behind his long-lost dad, only to find out that he’s the legendary Bigfoot.

Mae’r arddegwr dioddefus Adam yn cychwyn allan ar daith epig a dewr i ddatrys dirgelwch ei dad hir-golledig – ac yn darganfod mai y ‘Bigfoot’ chwedlonol ydyw.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi 14.12 – 04.01

USA/UDA/2017/150mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Rian Johnson. With/Gyda: Daisy Ridley John Boyega, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill

Rey joins Luke Skywalker in an adventure with Leia, Finn, and Poe that unlocks mysteries of the force and the secrets of the past in the latest epic instalment of the world’s greatest sci-fi saga.

Mae Rey yn ymuno â Luke Skywalker ar antur gyda Leia, Finn a Poe sy’n datgelu dirgelion y Force a chyfrinachau o’r gorffennol yn y rhan ddiweddaraf hon o saga gwyddonias mwyaf epig y byd.

Film / Ffilm


ACCESSIBLE CINEMA / SINEMA HYGYRCH Audio Description and Soft Subtitles / Is-deitlau Meddal + Disgrifiadau Sain Information on Soft Subtitles / Audio Description is subject to change, please see website for confirmation. Mae’r wybodaeth am Is-deitlau Meddal / Disgrifiadau Sain yn rhwym o newid — ewch i’r wefan i gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf.

Soft Subtitles / Is-deitlau Meddal Paddington 2

Captioned screenings for the hearing impaired. Dangosiadau gyda chapsiynau i bobl â nam ar y clyw.

Audio description / Disgrifiadau Sain

The Muppet Christmas Carol 08—09.12, 16—24.12, 27—28.12

USA/UDA/1992/85mins/U. Dir/Cyf: Brian Henson. With/ Gyda: Michael Caine, Dave Goelz, Steve Whitmire

A retelling of the classic Dickens tale of Ebenezer Scrooge, miser extraordinaire. He is held accountable for his dastardly ways during night-time visitations by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. Fersiwn o stori glasurol Dickens am y cybydd Ebenezer Scrooge. Caiff hwnnw ei farnu am ei gamweddau yn y gorffennol yn ystod ymweliadau hwyrol gan Ysbrydion Nadolig y Gorffennol, y Presennol a’r Dyfodol.

Paddington 2 27.12 – 04.01.18

UK/DG/2017/95mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Paul King. Voices/ Lleisiau: Brendan Gleeson, Sally Hawkins, Ben Whishaw

Paddington, now happily settled with the Brown family and a popular member of the local community, picks up a series of odd jobs to buy the perfect present for his Aunt Lucy’s 100th birthday, only for the gift to be stolen.

Mae Paddington wedi ymgartrefu gyda’r teulu Brown ac yn aelod poblogaidd o’r gymuned leol. Mae e’n derbyn cyfres o fân swyddi er mwyn gallu prynu’r anrheg perffaith i’w fodryb Lucy ar ei phen-blwydd yn 100 oed – ond mae rhywun yn dwyn yr anrheg hwnnw.

Carry on Screaming

Every Friday at 11am, Carry on Screaming allows parents or carers to see a film without having to worry about their baby causing a disturbance. Check out the calendar for details of these special screenings, exclusively for people with babies under one year old. Bob dydd Gwener am 11am, mae Carry On Screaming yn gyfle i rieni neu ofalwyr weld ffilm heb orfod poeni am eu babi’n creu stŵr. Gweler y calendr am fanylion y dangosiadau arbennig hyn i bobl â babanod dan flwydd oed.

An additional audio track narration describing events on screen, designed for those with visual impairment. Sylwebaeth ychwanegol sy’n disgrifio digwyddiadau ar y sgrin, i bobl â golwg ddiffygiol.

F-Rating / Ardystiad ‘F’

Films and performances directed by women, written by women and / or with women on screen and on stage in their own right. Ffilmiau a pherfformiadau wedi’u cyfarwyddo gan ferched, wedi’u hysgrifennu gan ferched neu / ac sydd yn cynnwys rhannau canolog i ferched ar y sgrin neu ar y llwyfan.

R elaxed Screenings / Dangosiadau Hamddenol

To create a supportive environment for people with complex needs these screenings have films played with the lights raised and the volume reduced. People can feel free to move around the cinema or make a noise as they feel comfortable. Er mwyn sicrhau awyrgylch cefnogol i bobl a chanddynt anghenion cymhleth, cyflwynir y dangosiadau hyn mewn ystafell sy’n fwy golau nag arfer ac â thrac sain ychydig yn is. Bydd rhwydd hynt i bobl godi a symud o gwmpas y sinema neu wneud sŵn fel y dymunant.

Dementia Friendly Screenings / Dangosiadau Addas i Bobl â Dementia

A great opportunity for people living with dementia to enjoy a film in a relaxed friendly environment, following the film there is a chance to socialise with complimentary tea and coffee. We also welcome charity workers, medical professionals, care home staff, social workers and support staff. £4.50 including refreshments

Funded by the Rayne Foundation and the Dunhill Medical Trust

Cyfle ardderchog i bobl â dementia fwynhau dangosiad o ffilm mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hamddenol. Ar ôl y ffilm bydd yna gyfle i gymdeithasu dros baned am ddim o de neu goffi. Bydd yna groeso cynnes hefyd i weithwyr elusennol, gweithwyr meddygol proffesiynol, staff cartrefi gofal, gweithwyr cymdeithasol a staff cymorth. £4.50 yn cynnwys lluniaeth

Ariennir gan Sefydliad Rayne ac Ymddiriedolaeth Feddygol Dunhill

Festive Food Fair / Ffair Fwyd Nadoligaidd 2017 10.12 11am—6pm

Chapter is doing it again and showcasing the best local Welsh produce! Stock up on Christmas treats, stocking fillers, gorgeous chocs, tasty cheese, delicious meats and something special from the Caffi Bar. For one day only! + Discover our Green Grotto — join us for family activities and workshops throughout the day. Free entry

Mae Chapter wrthi eto, yn arddangos y cynhyrchion Cymreig gorau! Llenwch eich cypyrddau’n barod at y Nadolig — bydd yna siocledi ar gyfer yr hosan, cawsys blasus, cigoedd ardderchog a rhywbeth arbennig yn y Caffi Bar. Am un diwrnod yn unig! + Dewch i weld ein Groto Gwyrdd — ymunwch â ni ar gyfer gweithgareddau a gweithdai teuluol trwy gydol y dydd. Mynediad am ddim

Oh So Crafty Christmas Fair / Ffair Nadolig Oh So Crafty 2017 02 + 3.12 11am—6pm

Our popular craft fair is back and crammed with fabulous ceramics, textiles, jewellery and homeware. Join us for a rummage and a root through the best in local craft. Find something a little different and a little local for your friends and family this Christmas! + Make your own gifts and decorations with craft activities and workshops all weekend. (Charges may apply) Free entry

Mae ein ffair grefftau boblogaidd yn ei hôl ac mae hi’n llawn nwyddau serameg, tecstilau, gemwaith a phethau gwych i’r cartref. Ymunwch â ni i weld peth o’r crefftau lleol gorau ac i ddod o hyd i rywbeth bach gwahanol a lleol i’ch teulu a’ch ffrindiau y Nadolig hwn! + Gallwch wneud eich anrhegion a’ch addurniadau eich hun yn ein gweithgareddau a’n gweithdai crefft bob penwythnos. (Codir tâl ar gyfer rhai o’r rhain) Mynediad am ddim

The gift that gives all year long / Rhodd sy’n para blwyddyn gyfan

Looking for a Christmas gift for friends or family? If you’ve got some Chapter fans in your midst, or if you’d like to introduce someone to our lovely place, why not buy a Chapter Friend membership? For more information on gift memberships please contact Jennifer on: / 029 2035 3741. Ydych chi’n chwilio am anrheg i ffrind neu aelod o’r teulu? Os oes yna ffans o Chapter yn eich plith, neu os hoffech chi gyflwyno ein canolfan hyfryd i rywun, beth am brynu tanysgrifiad i gynllun Ffrindiau Chapter fel anrheg? I gael mwy o wybodaeth am roi aelodaeth fel rhodd, cysylltwch â Jennifer — / 029 2035 3741


Oh So Crafty Workshops / Gweithdai Oh So Crafty Animated Christmas Cards 02.12 1pm—3pm

Join Chapter’s Education Manager, learn how to use an animation app and create your own unique animated Christmas Card, which you can email to you friends and family. Recommended Age 7+ Drop in Activity (approx. 30mins per animation) Cost £2

Cardiau Nadolig wedi’u Hanimeiddio

Ymunwch â Rheolwr Addysg Chapter er mwyn dysgu sut i ddefnyddio ap animeiddio i greu Cerdyn Nadolig unigryw — gallwch ei ddanfon wedyn ar e-bost at ffrindiau a theulu. Argymhelliad oedran: 7+ Gweithdai Galw Heibio (bydd pob un yn para rhyw 30 munud) Cost £2

Reindeer Treat Bags 02.12 3pm—5pm

Join Susannah from Chapter’s Sewcials and create little reindeer bags that you can use on Christmas Eve to keep your reindeer treats in. Recommended Age 8+ Drop in Activity (approx. 30mins per treat bag) Cost £2

Bagiau Rhodd i Geirw

Ymunwch â Susannah o ‘Sewcials’ Chapter i greu bagiau bychain y gallwch chi eu defnyddio ar Noswyl y Nadolig i gadw eich rhoddion i geirw Siôn Corn ynddynt. Argymhelliad oedran: 8+ Gweithdai Galw Heibio (bydd pob un yn para rhyw 30 munud) Cost £2

Learning / Addysg

029 2030 4400

Gallery Workshop / Gweithdy’r Oriel Spaceships!

09.12 1pm—4pm

Using Larissa Sansour’s exhibition as inspiration this is a chance for your to build your very own spaceship out of a variety of different materials and paints. All spaceships that are made will be displayed in our Foyer area for the whole of the following week. Recommended Age: 5+ Drop in Activity (approx. 30mins per spaceship) Cost: £3

Llongau Gofod!

Byddwn yn defnyddio arddangosfa Larissa Sansour fel ysbrydoliaeth er mwyn adeiladu llongau gofod gyda chymorth amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau a phaentiau. Bydd yr holl longau gofod a gaiff eu hadeiladu yn cael eu harddangos yn ein Cyntedd yn ystod yr wythnos ar ôl y gweithdy. Argymhelliad oedran: 5+ Gweithdai Galw Heibio (bydd pob un yn para rhyw 30 munud) Cost: £3

School Theatre Workshop / Gweithdy Theatr i Ysgolion

The Giant Who Had No Heart In His Body (p6) 20.12 10am

*Special School Offer Perfect for a Christmas Class Reward: Tickets for 30 Children plus a 1 hour post-performance Drama Workshop. This workshop aimed at KS1 explores themes of courage, heroism and overcoming adversity, and introduces participants to the language of drama whilst developing confidence and oracy skills. Cost: £200. To book, please contact

*Cynnig Arbennig i Ysgolion Perffaith fel Gwobr Nadolig i’r Dosbarth: Tocynnau i 30 o Blant a Gweithdy awr o hyd ar ôl y perfformiad. Mae’r gweithdy hwn wedi’i fwriadu ar gyfer disgyblion CA1 ac mae’n archwilio themâu fel dewrder, arwriaeth a goresgyn adfyd. Mae’n gyflwyniad hefyd i iaith drama ac yn fodd i fagu hyder a sgiliau llafaredd. Cost: £200. To book, please contact

Chapter Mix

Cardiff Storytelling Circle / Cylch Chwedleua Caerdydd

Golden Thread Playback Theatre / Theatr Golden Thread Playback

03.12 8pm

02.12 1pm

Share and listen to a lovely collection of stories — all storytellers and listeners welcome! £4 (on the door)

Dewch i rannu ac i wrando ar gasgliad hyfryd o straeon — croeso i storïwyr a gwrandawyr fel ei gilydd! £4 (wrth y drws)

Clonc yn y Cwtsh Every Monday / Bob dydd Llun 6.30–8pm


Stories from the audience are spontaneously and magically brought to life before your eyes. £7/£5/£3 Children / Under 5s free (on the door)

Caiff straeon y gynulleidfa eu cyflwyno’n fyw o flaen eich llygaid! £7/£5/£3 Plant / Am ddim i blant dan 5 oed (wrth y drws)

Learning Cymraeg? A great chance to practice your Welsh with other learners. Croeso i bawb!

Sunday Jazz / Jazz ar y Sul


Ydych chi’n dysgu Cymraeg? Mae hwn yn gyfle ardderchog i ymarfer eich Cymraeg gyda dysgwyr eraill. Croeso i bawb!

Melodic acoustic Jazz in the Caffi Bar with the Chapter Four Jazz Quartet, featuring Glen Manby, Jim Barber, Don Sweeney and Greg Evans.



In partnership with Menter Caerdydd and Cardiff University

Ar y cyd â Menter Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Caerdydd

First Thursday New Poetry and Fiction / Dydd Iau Cyntaf y Mis — Barddoniaeth a Ffuglen Newydd 07.12 7.30pm

This month’s guest authors are Paul Deaton, with his poetry collection A Watchfull Astronomy, and Tony Curtis, with his new Selected Short Stories. Plus open mic. £3 (on the door)

Awduron gwadd y mis hwn yw Paul Deaton, a fydd yn cyflwyno’i gasgliad newydd o farddoniaeth, A Watchful Astronomy, a Tony Curtis, a fydd yn sôn am ei Selected Short Stories yntau. Ynghyd â sesiwn meic agored. £3 (wrth y drws)

Clwb Comedi The Drones Comedy Club 01 + 15.12 Doors: 8.30pm. Start: 9pm

Clint Edwards brings you the best from up-and-coming stand-ups, as seen on Rob Brydon’s ‘Identity Crisis’. £3.50 (on the door)

Drysau’n agor: 8.30pm Sioe’n dechrau: 9pm

Clint Edwards, o raglen ‘Identity Crisis’ Rob Brydon, sy’n cyflwyno’r ‘stand-ups’ addawol gorau. £3.50 (wrth y drws)

17.12 9pm

Jazz acwstig melodig yn y Caffi Bar gyda Phedwarawd Jazz Chapter — Glen Manby, Jim Barber, Don Sweeney a Greg Evans. RHAD AC AM DDIM

The Gay Men’s Book Club / Clwb Llyfrau Dynion Hoyw 18.12 7.30pm

A friendly and relaxed group who discuss a wide variety of books chosen by members, some gay-themed but not all. December’s book is Queers, monologues from BBC, curated by Mark Gatiss. FREE

Grŵp cyfeillgar a hamddenol sy’n dod at ei gilydd i drafod ystod eang o lyfrau wedi’u dewis gan aelodau. Bydd rhai o’r llyfrau, ond nid pob un, yn cynnwys themâu hoyw. Llyfr mis Rhagfyr yw Queers, monologau’r BBC, wedi’i guradu gan Mark Gatiss. RHAD AC AM DDIM

Get Involved

Cymryd Rhan

CLIC Reward Card

Cerdyn Gwobrau CLIC

Collect points when you visit the cinema/ theatre and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can build your points up to receive a free ticket. See this and double your points!

Casglwch bwyntiau wrth ymweld â’r sinema/ theatr ac fe synnwch chi ba mor gyflym y gallwch chi hawlio tocyn rhad ac am ddim. Dyblwch eich pwyntiau pan welwch y symbol hwn!

Chapter Friends

Ffrindiau Chapter

Become a friend and enjoy the many benefits on offer from discounts on tickets & at the Caffi bar to special events. Also doubles as a CLIC card. Gold £45/£40; Silver £35/£30; Bronze £25/£20.

Chapter Students

Chapter offers a free membership to students and therefore a number of benefits, including discounts on cinema/theatre tickets & Caffi bar.

Keep in Touch/Info

Our weekly e-listings Email and state “Join Listings” Workshops and classes Head to to see the range we have on offer. Home to resident companies and Artists For more information head to

Ymunwch â chynllun Ffrindiau Chapter ac fe gewch chi fuddion fel gostyngiadau ar bris tocynnau a bwyd a diod yn ein Caffi Bar a gwahoddiadau i ddigwyddiadau arbennig. Bydd eich cerdyn Ffrindiau hefyd yn gweithio fel cerdyn CL1C. Aur £45/£40; Arian £35/£30; Efydd £25/£20.

Myfyrwyr Chapter

Mae Chapter yn cynnig aelodaeth am ddim i fyfyrwyr a manteision sy’n cynnwys gostyngiadau ar docynnau sinema/theatr a phrisiau is yn y Caffi Bar.

Cadw mewn Cysylltiad/Gwybodaeth

Ein e-lythyr wythnosol: E-bostiwch a nodi “Cylchlythyr” ym mhwnc yr e-bost. Gweithdai a dosbarthiadau: Ewch i i weld yr hyn sydd ar gael. Mae Chapter yn gartref i gwmnïau ac artistiaid preswyl: Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i

Chapter Theatres are supported by the David Seligman donation in memory of Philippa Seligman Noddir Theatrau Chapter gan rodd David Seligman er cof am Philippa Seligman Chapter gratefully acknowledges the support it receives from the following: Hoffai Chapter gydnabod cefnogaeth hael y sefydliadau canlynol: Esmée Fairbairn Foundation Garfield Weston Foundation Colwinston Charitable Trust Waitrose SEWTA Tesco The Clothworkers’ Foundation Dunhill Medical Trust Google Wales Arts International Boshier-Hinton Foundation Oakdale Trust Western Power Distribution

Big Lottery Fund Foyle Foundation Admiral Group plc ScottishPower Green Energy Trust Australia Council for the Arts WRAP The Jane Hodge Foundation Simon Gibson Charitable Trust The Angel Hotel Ernest Cook Trust Dipec Plastics Nelmes Design

Moondance Foundation Biffa Award Viridor Waterloo Foundation Santander UK The Henry Moore Foundation Arts & Business Cymru Lloyds Aston Martin Austin & Hope Pilkington Trust Gibbs Charitable Trust Bruce Wake Charity

How to Book

Sut i Archebu

Phone: Box Office 029 2030 4400 (major credit cards accepted). In person: Office Hrs Mon—Sun, 10.00am–8.30pm Online: 24/7 at Concessions: Only applicable for Students, over 60’s, children, unemployed, disabled people, MAX card, Chapter’s Friends, and Card Holders. Proof must be shown. Group Bookings: Buy 8 tickets, get the 9th Free. Please note: Only one discount is applicable at one time. Tickets cannot be reserved without payment. No latecomers. Only bottled water allowed in the cinema auditoria.

Ffôn: Swyddfa Docynnau — 029 2030 4400 (derbynnir y prif gardiau credyd). Yn bersonol: Oriau Agor Llun-Sul, 10am-8.30pm Ar-lein: 24/7 yn Consesiynau: Ar gael i fyfyrwyr, pobl 60+ oed, plant, pobl ddi-waith, pobl anabl, deiliaid cerdyn MAX, Ffrindiau Chapter a Deiliaid Cardiau. Rhaid dangos prawf o’ch cymhwyster. Disgownt Grwpiau: Prynwch 8 tocyn ac fe gewch chi’r 9fed am ddim Dalier sylw: Dim ond un disgownt y gellir ei ddefnyddio ar y tro. Ni ellir cadw tocynnau heb dalu amdanynt. Dim hwyrddyfodiaid. Dwr ˆ potel yn unig yn y sinemâu.

Cinema prices

Prisiau’r sinema

Cinema Before 5pm From 5pm   Full £4.50 (£4.00) £7.90 (£7.20) Concs £3.50 (£3.00) £5.80 (£5.10) Card + Conc £3.00 (£2.50) £5.00 (£4.50) BARGAIN TUESDAY! All main screening tickets £4.40

Sinema Llawn Disg Card + Disg

(Prices in Brackets) = Any time before the day of screening / online bookings.

(Prisiau mewn cromfachau) = Unrhyw adeg cyn diwrnod y dangosiad / archebion ar-lein.

How to get to Chapter

Sut i gyrraedd Chapter

Travelling: West of the city centre, Market Road, Canton, Cardiff CF5 1QE. So from the city centre it’s a 20 minute walk. Every 5 minutes by bus, No 17 and 18. Bike racks are available on site. Parking: There is a car park to the rear of the building and there are a number of public car parks just off Cowbridge Rd East.

d Roa

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ket Roa

Teithio: I’r gorllewin o ganol y ddinas, Heol y Farchnad, Treganna, Caerdydd CF5 1QE. Mae hi’n daith gerdded o ryw 20 munud o ganol y ddinas. Bysus rhif 17 ac 18, bob 5 munud. Mae raciau beic ar gael o flaen yr adeilad. Parcio: Mae yna faes parcio yng nghefn yr adeilad ac mae nifer o feysydd parcio cyhoeddus oddi ar Cowbridge Rd East.


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Mae Chapter yn croesawu ymwelwyr anabl. Os oes gennych anghenion mynediad neu gwestiynau penodol, cysylltwch â’n swyddfa docynnau ar 029 2030 4400. Rydym yn falch o fod yn rhan o Hynt,

Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) Happy End 15 (p12)

Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool 15 (p10) 10.30am Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool 15 (p10) 6.00pm Happy End 15 (p12) 2.00pm , 8.45pm Bitch 15 (p9) 8.15pm Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) 6.15pm

Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) 10.30am Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) 6.10pm Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool 15 (p10) 2.00pm Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool 15 (p10) 8.40pm Gremlins + Q&A 12A (p13) 6.00pm Happy End 15 (p12) 8.45pm

Happy End 15 (p12) Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) NT Live: Young Marx 12A (p10)

Mon 4 Llun

Tue 5 Maw

Wed 6 Mer

Thu 7 Iau

Art / Celfyddyd

6.00pm 8.00pm

Fri 15 Gwe

COS: Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 11.00am Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) Dementia Friendly: White Christmas U (p13) 2.00pm Ingrid Goes West 15 (p9) Star Wars: The Last… adv12A (p12) 6.00pm, 9.00pm Suburbicon 15 (p11)

Thu 14 Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 11.00am , Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) Iau 2.00pm ,5.00pm , 8.00pm Thelma 15 (p9) Suburbicon 15 (p11)

, 6.00pm Menashe PG (p11) 8.15pm Thelma 15 (p9) 2.00pm

Menashe PG (p11) 10.30am Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) Relaxed: Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) 2.00pm BAFTA ctba (p12) Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) 6.10pm Menashe PG (p11) Suburbicon 15 (p11) 8.40pm

Wed 13 Mer


Suburbicon 15 (p11) Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) Thelma 15 (p9)

Tue 12 Maw

6.00pm Thelma 15 (p9) 8.30pm Menashe PG (p11)

Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) Suburbicon 15 (p11)

Mon 11 Llun

The Muppet Christmas Carol U (p15) 11.00am Menashe PG (p11) The Son of Bigfoot PG (p14) 3.00pm Bad Film Club. The Christmas Candle PG Suburbicon 15 (p11) 6.00pm Bad Film Club. Black Christmas adv18 Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) 8.20pm

Sun 10 Sul




3.00pm Triongl: Margaret & The Tapeworm (p5) 2.30pm 6.15pm Offsite St Johns Church: 7.30pm 8.25pm The Chimes (p4)

10.30am Offsite St Johns Church: 7.30pm 1.30pm, 8.15pm The Chimes (p4) 6.00pm

1.30pm Offsite St Johns Church: 6.00pm The Chimes (p4) 8.30pm

6.10pm Offsite St Johns Church: 8.10pm The Chimes (p4)

6.10pm Offsite St Johns Church: 8.35pm The Chimes (p4)

2.00pm 5.00pm 7.15pm

6.10pm Offsite St Johns Church: 7.30pm 8.10pm The Chimes (p4)

The Son of Bigfoot PG (p14) 11.00am Menashe PG (p11) The Muppet Christmas Carol U (p15) 3.00pm Brakes ctba (p9) Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) 6.00pm Suburbicon 15 (p11) 8.30pm

Sat 9 Sad


11.00am Offsite St Johns Church: 6.15pm The Chimes (p4) 8.45pm

10.30am Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool 15 (p10) 1.30pm Offsite St Johns Church: 7.30pm 2.00pm Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) 6.10pm The Chimes (p4) 7.00pm Happy End 15 (p12) 8.40pm

2.00pm, 8.30pm Chapter Moviemaker 18 6.10pm Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool 15 (p10)

11.00am The Son of Bigfoot PG (p14) 10.30am 1.30pm Film Stars Don’t Die… 15 (p10) 2.00pm, 8.00pm 6.00pm Gremlins 12A (p13) 5.00pm 8.30pm

11.00am Stalker 15 1.30pm Everyman Theatre: 2.30pm, 7.30pm 3.00pm Bitch 15 (p9) 6.15pm Therese Raquin by Emile Zola (p5) 6.00pm Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool 15 (p10) 8.30pm 8.15pm

Fri 8 Suburbicon 15 (p11) 2.00pm, 6.00pm COS: Menashe PG (p11) Gwe Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) 8.15pm Brakes ctba (p9) + Q&A Menashe PG (p11)

Relaxed: My Little Pony U (p14) NT Encore: Follies 12A (p10) Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) Happy End 15 (p12)

Sun 3 Sul

My Little Pony U (p14) The Son of Bigfoot PG (p14) Happy End 15 (p12) Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9)

Performance / Perfformiad

10.30am, 6.15pm Everyman Theatre: 7.30pm 8.40pm Therese Raquin by Emile Zola (p5)

Sat 2 Sad

Cinema 2 / Sinema 2

COS: Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9) Happy End 15 (p12) 2.00pm Battle Of The Sexes 12A (p9)

Fri 1 Gwe

11.00am Film Stars Don’t Die…15 (p10) , 8.30pm Bitch 15 (p9) 6.00pm

Cinema 1 / Sinema 1





The Drones Comedy Club (p19)

Chapter Friends: Christmas Party



Clonc yn y Cwtsh (p19) 6.30-8.30pm

Festive Food Fair (p19) 11am-6.00pm

Gallery Workshop: Spaceships (p19)

First Thursday 7.30pm New Poetry and Fiction (p19)

Clonc yn y Cwtsh (p19) 6.30-8.30pm

Oh So Crafty Xmas Fair (p19) Cardiff Storytelling Circle (p19)

Golden Thread 1.00pm Playback Theatre (p19) Oh So Crafty Workshop 1.00-3.00pm Oh So Crafty Xmas Fair 11.00-6.00pm

The Drones Comedy Club (p19)

Events / Digwyddiadau


Art in the Bar / Celfyddyd Yn Y Bar: Minyoung Choi 17.11.17–04.03.18 p3

L arissa Sansour: In the Future They Ate From the Finest Porcelain 14.10.17 — 07.01.18 p2

10.30am, 2.00pm Offsite St Johns Church: 3.00pm, 7.30pm 5.30pm The Chimes (p4) 7.45pm Triongl: Margaret & The Tapeworm (p5) 7.30pm

Star Wars: The Last… adv12A (p12) 10.30am, 5.30pm Paddington 2 PG (p15) 11.00am Paddington 2 PG (p15) 3.00pm Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 1.30pm, 7.40pm Murder On The Orient Express 12A (p8) 8.30pm Tawai: The Voice from the Forest U (12) 5.30pm

Happy New Year / Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! Happy New Year / Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Sun 31 Sul

COS: Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 11.00am Paddington 2 PG (p15) 3.00pm Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 5.30pm Tawai: The Voice from the Forest U (12) 8.30pm

Clonc yn y Cwtsh (p19) 6.30-8.30pm

School Theatre Workshop: 10.00am The Giant Who Had No.... (p18)


Sat 30 Sad

Fri 29 Star Wars: The Last Jedi PG 2.00pm, 7.30pm Gwe Murder On The Orient Express 12A (p8) 5.00pm

Tawai: The Voice from the Forest U (12) 10.30am Paddington 2 PG (p15) 2.30pm Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 5.00pm It’s a Wonderful Life U (p13) 8.00pm

10.30am 1.30pm

10.30am Likely Story: 11.30am, 3.30pm 2.00pm, 5.30pm The Giant Who Had No Heart In His Body (p6) 8.10pm Dirty Protest: Cut and Run (p7) 7.30pm


Clonc yn y Cwtsh (p19) 6.30-8.30pm The Gay Men’s Book Club 7.30pm

Sunday Jazz (p19)


Thu 28 Star Wars: The Last… adv12A 11.00am , Paddington 2 PG (p15) 10.30am Iau 2.00pm , 5.10pm It’s a Wonderful Life U (p13) 5.00pm Murder On The Orient Express 12A (p8) 8.15pm Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 7.40pm

Wed 27 Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A 11.00am , Mer 2.00pm , 5.10pm Murder On The Orient Express 12A (p8) 8.15pm

Merry Christmas / Nadolig Llawen! Merry Christmas / Nadolig Llawen!

Mon 25 Merry Christmas / Nadolig Llawen! Merry Christmas / Nadolig Llawen! Llun

Sun 24 Star Wars: The Last… adv12A (p12) 11.00am, 2.00pm The Muppet Christmas Carol U (p15) Sul It’s a Wonderful Life U (p13)

Tue 26 Maw


11.00am Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 10.30am, 5.30pm Likely Story: 6.00pm 6.15pm It’s a Wonderful Life U (p13) 8.30pm The Giant Who Had No Heart In His Body (p6) 8.40pm Dirty Protest: Cut and Run (p7) 7.30pm

Sat 23 Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 11.00am, The Muppet Christmas Carol U (p15) Sad 2.00pm, 5.00pm, 8.00pm It’s a Wonderful Life U (p13) Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12)

COS: Murder On The Orient Express 12A (p8) Murder On The Orient Express 12A (p8) Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12)

The Muppet Christmas Carol U (p15) 11.00am Dirty Protest: Cut and Run (p7) It’s a Wonderful Life U (p13) 2.00pm Ingrid Goes West 15 (p9) 6.00pm Suburbicon 15 (p11) 8.10pm

Thu 21 Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 10.30am , Iau 1.30pm , 5.00pm , 8.00pm

Fri 22 Gwe

The Muppet Christmas Carol U (p15) It’s a Wonderful Life U (p13) Suburbicon 15 (p11) Ingrid Goes West 15 (p9)

Wed 20 Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 10.30am , Mer 1.30pm , 5.00pm , 8.00pm 11.00am Likely Story: The Giant Who Had 10.00am 2.00pm No Heart In His Body (Special School Offer p18) 6.00pm Dirty Protest: Cut and Run (p7) 7.30pm 8.20pm

The Muppet Christmas Carol U (p15) 11.00am Relaxed: It’s a Wonderful Life U (p13) 2.00pm A Matter of Life and Death PG (p13) 6.00pm Suburbicon 15 (p11) 8.15pm

Tue 19 Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 10.30am , Maw 1.30pm , 5.00pm , 8.00pm

6.00pm 8.15pm

The Muppet Christmas Carol U (p15) 10.30am It’s a Wonderful Life U (p13) 2.00pm A Matter of Life and Death PG (p13) 5.00pm Suburbicon 15 (p11) 7.30pm

Mon 18 Star Wars: The Last… adv12A (p12) 10.30am, Suburbicon 15 (p11) Llun 1.30pm, 5.00pm, 8.00pm A Matter of Life and Death PG (p13)

Sun 17 Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 10.30am , Sul 1.30pm , 4.30pm , 7.00pm

Sat 16 Star Wars: The Last Jedi adv12A (p12) 11.00am, The Muppet Christmas Carol U (p15) Sad 3.00pm, 6.00pm, 9.00pm Suburbicon 15 (p11) Ingrid Goes West 15 (p9)


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