Chapter - December | Rhagfyr 2018

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Art / Celfyddyd

029 2030 4400


RACHEL MACLEAN: SPITE YOUR FACE Until / Tan: 20.01.19 Referencing the Italian folk-tale The Adventures of Pinocchio, ‘Spite Your Face’ (2017) advances a powerful social critique, exploring underlying fears and desires that characterise the contemporary zeitgeist. Set across two worlds — with a glittering, materialistic and celebrity-obsessed upper world, and a dark, dank and impoverished lower world — the lure of wealth and adoration entices a destitute young boy into the shimmering riches of the kingdom above. Shown as a perpetual 37-minute loop with no definitive beginning or end, ‘Spite Your Face’ raises issues including the abuse of patriarchal power, capitalist deception, exploitation and the destructive trappings of wealth and fame, all in Maclean’s typically direct and acerbic style. Maclean has also created a large-scale artwork for Chapter’s lightbox, announcing the arrival of central character, Pic, to visitors and passers-by alike. ABOUT THE EXHIBITION ‘Spite Your Face’ (2017) was commissioned and curated for Scotland + Venice by Alchemy Film and Arts, in partnership with Talbot Rice Gallery and the University of Edinburgh. Additional support provided by Edinburgh College of Art, Outset and the Saltire Society of Scotland. The exhibition at Chapter is made possible with support from the Art Fund and Hope Scott Trust.

Gallery Opening Times: Tue, Wed, Sat, Sun: 12–6pm, Thu, Fri: 12–8pm, Mon: Closed

Gan gyfeirio at y chwedl Eidalaidd Anturiaethau Pinocchio, mae ‘Spite Your Face’ (2017) yn ddadansoddiad cymdeithasol grymus, sy’n archwilio ofnau a dyheadau o dan yr wyneb sy’n nodweddu’r zeitgeist cyfoes. Mewn arddangosfa sydd wedi’i gosod mewn dau fyd — uwch-fyd disglair a materol sy’n obsesu ag enwogion, ac is-fyd tywyll, llaith a thlawd — mae cyfoeth a dyhead yn hudo bachgen ifanc amddifad i olud llachar y deyrnas uwchben. Caiff ei dangos mewn cylchred barhaus 37 munud o hyd, heb ddechrau na diwedd amlwg. Mae ‘Spite Your Face’ yn trin materion gan gynnwys cam-driniaeth o rym patriarchaeth, twyll cyfalafol, ecsbloetio, ac addurniadau dinistriol cyfoeth ac enwogrwydd, y cyfan yn arddull uniongyrchol a chwerw nodweddiadol Maclean. Mae Maclean hefyd wedi creu gwaith celf ar raddfa fawr ar gyfer blwch golau Chapter, gan gyhoeddi i ymwelwyr a’r rhai sy’n cerdded heibio fel ei gilydd bod y cymeriad canolog, Pic, wedi cyrraedd. YNGLŶN Â’R ARDDANGOSFA Cafodd ‘Spite Your Face’ (2017) ei chomisiynu a’i churadu ar gyfer prosiect yr Alban a Fenis gan Ffilmiau a Chelfyddydau Alchemy, mewn partneriaeth ag Oriel Talbot Rice a Phrifysgol Caeredin. Darparwyd cymorth ychwanegol gan Goleg Celf Caeredin, Outset, a Chymdeithas Saltire yr Alban. Diolch am gefnogaeth gan Art Fund ac Ymddiriedolaeth Hope Scott a wnaeth yr arddangosfa yn Chapter yn bosib.

Oriau Agor yr Oriel: Maw, Mer, Sad, Sul: 12–6pm, Iau, Gwe: 12–8pm, Ar gau ar ddydd Llun

Art / Celfyddyd

Talks At 4 / Sgyrsiau Am 4



Rachel Maclean, Spite Your Face, 2017, digital video (still) / fideo digidol (delwedd) Courtesy the artist. Commissioned by Scotland + Venice / Gyda chaniatâd yr artist. Comisiwn gan Scotland + Venice.

01.12 + 15.12 4pm Interested in finding out a little bit more about our latest exhibition? Then why not join us for a free and informal guided tour! Our ‘Talks at 4’ are led by our wonderful gallery assistants and are a great way to delve a little deeper into our current exhibition and the artist’s approach to their work. No two talks are the same so come along and be a part of the conversation. No booking required. Oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn clywed ychydig mwy am ein harddangosfa ddiweddaraf? Os felly, ymunwch â ni ar daith dywys anffurfiol am ddim! Caiff ein ‘Sgyrsiau am 4’ eu harwain gan gynorthwywyr hyfryd yr oriel, ac maent yn ffordd wych o fynd o dan wyneb ein harddangosfeydd presennol a dull gweithio’r artist. Does dim dwy sgwrs yr un fath, felly dewch i fod yn rhan o’r drafodaeth. Does dim angen archebu. FREE / AM DDIM


Until/Tan 24.03.19 Cornelia Baltes’ brightly coloured paintings combine simplicity with humour and playfulness. Real-world observations are stripped back to their simplest form; creating new abstract patterns and rhythms. Their bold graphic qualities often spill out over the surface and on to the walls and surrounding architecture in which they inhabit. For Chapter, Baltes has created a new site-specific work in the bustling Caffi Bar – two giant cartoon hands dangle down from the glass skylights above, their fingers stretching towards the floor whilst another hand protrudes around the smaller wall, claiming the space as their own. Mae paentiadau llachar a lliwgar Cornelia Baltes yn cyfuno symlrwydd â hiwmor a chwarëusrwydd. Caiff arsylwadau’r byd go iawn eu datgelu yn eu ffurf symlaf; gan greu patrymau a rhythmau haniaethol newydd. Mae eu nodweddion bras a graffig yn aml yn goferu o arwyneb y gwaith ar y waliau a’r bensaernïaeth sydd o’u cwmpas. Mae Baltes wedi creu gwaith newydd penodol i’r safle ar gyfer ein Caffi Bar bywiog – dwy law enfawr gartŵn yn hongian o ffenestri’r to uchod, eu bysedd yn estyn tuag at y llawr wrth i law arall ymwthio o gwmpas y wal fach, gan hawlio’r gofod iddyn nhw’u hunain.



CANTON AT CHRISTMAS / NADOLIG TREGANNA Canton is a thriving area for creative independents, and this Christmas, we have decided to celebrate what’s on offer by getting together with our closest neighbours and throwing open our doors for the weekend! Several of Canton’s finest workshops, galleries, studios, pubs and shops are pulling together to celebrate the best the neighbourhood has to offer. Canton at Christmas is a collaborative event, organised by The Boneyard, Chapter and The Printhaus and will include The Apothecary, The Christmas Makers Market, Crafty Devil, Fair Do’s, St Canna’s Ale House and The Lansdowne. Each venue will have their own unique offers as well as great entertainment and activities! Mae Treganna’n ardal ffyniannus i fusnesau annibynnol creadigol, a’r Nadolig yma, rydyn ni wedi penderfynu dathlu’r hyn sydd i’w gynnig drwy gydweithio â’n cymdogion ac agor ein drysau am y penwythnos! Mae rhai o weithdai, orielau, stiwdios, tafarndai a siopau gwych Treganna yn dod ynghyd i ddathlu’r gorau sydd gan yr ardal i’w gynnig. Mae Nadolig Treganna yn ddigwyddiad ar y cyd, a drefnir gan y Boneyard, Chapter a’r Printhaus, a bydd yr Apothecary, Marchnad Gwneuthurwyr y Nadolig, Crafty Devil, Fair Do’s, St Canna’s Ale House a’r Lansdowne yn cymryd rhan. Bydd gan bob safle eu cynigion unigryw eu hunain, ynghyd ag adloniant a gweithgareddau gwych!

Oh So Festive Market

08.12 + 09.12 11am–6pm As part of Canton at Christmas Chapter will be holding its very own Festive Market, packed to the rafters with everything from vintage homewares and jewellery to foodie treats and top quality craft! Come, browse the stalls, and support small, independent makers and artists. We’ll also have a whole line-up of workshops, pop up choirs, brass bands and more – check the website for more information Fel rhan o Nadolig Treganna, bydd Chapter yn cynnal ei Marchnad Nadolig ei hun, yn llawn gemwaith a nwyddau vintage i’r cartref, danteithion a chrefft o’r ansawdd gorau! Dewch i ymlwybro o gwmpas y stondinau, a chefnogi gwneuthurwyr ac artistiaid bach ac annibynnol. Bydd cyfres lawn o weithdai, corau, bandiau pres a mwy – cymerwch gip ar y wefan i gael rhagor o wybodaeth

Canton Passport / Pasbort Treganna

Don’t forget to pick up a Canton passport from your first venue and get it stamped when you make a purchase at each festival venue. Collect all of the stamps, fill in your details, and hand in your passport for a chance to win a goody bag stuffed with vouchers and treats from each of the festival venues! Cofiwch gasglu pasbort Treganna yn eich safle cyntaf, a chael stamp bob tro byddwch chi’n prynu rhywbeth ym mhob safle sy’n rhan o’r ŵyl. Ar ôl casglu’r stampiau i gyd, nodwch eich manylion a chyflwyno eich pasbort am gyfle i ennill bag yn llawn o dalebau a rhoddion gan bob un o safleoedd yr ŵyl!

Performance / Perfformiadau

029 2030 4400

Hen Ogledd. Photo by / Llun gan Rosie Morris


Hen Ogledd Mogic album launch / Lansio albwm Mogic + support by / cefnogaeth gan Accü 02.12 7.30pm

Founded by Peilot artist Rhodri Davies and Richard Dawson, Hen Ogledd return to Chapter with the addition of Bothwell and Sally Pilkington to present their most surprising and accessible album to date. Each hailing from historically different tribal regions of the Old North, the musicians on Mogic challenge the idea that the ancient world was rife with magic, while the new is infiltrated by cold logic. The tracks on Mogic create new phantasmal blends of images and ideas that draw upon the mystical and technological. This dynamic record of eddies and swirls, ravishing melodies, hallucinatory textures and bonkers rhythms is pinned down by some deft performances: Pilkinton’s picture-perfect pop and earthy singing, Davies’ blazing harp splutterations and guitar moans, Bothwell’s twisted telephone techno and bamboozling lyric-bombs and Dawson’s utter bass.

Mae Hen Ogledd, a sefydlwyd gan yr artist Peilot Rhodri Davies a Richard Dawson, yn dychwelyd i Chapter gyda Bothwell a Sally Pilkington y tro hwn, i gyflwyno’r albwm mwyaf syfrdanol a hygyrch iddynt ei rhyddhau hyd yma. Mae cerddorion Mogic yn hanu o wahanol ranbarthau llwythol hanesyddol yr Hen Ogledd, ac yn herio’r syniad bod y byd hynafol yn drwch o hud a lledrith, a bod y newydd yn llawn rhesymeg oeraidd. Mae traciau Mogic yn creu cymysgedd rhithiol o ddarluniau a syniadau sy’n defnyddio’r cyfriniol a’r technolegol. Mae’r record ddeinamig hon, sy’n llawn chwyrliadau, melodïau hudolus, gweadau rhithiol a rhythmau gwallgof, yn cael ei chyflwyno drwy berfformiadau medrus: pop perffaith a chanu daearol Pilkinton, poeriadau chwilboeth y delyn ac ochneidiau’r gitâr gan Davies, tecno teleffôn troellog a thelynegion twyllodrus Bothwell, a sŵn bas dwfn Dawson.

£12 (£10 in advance)

£12 (£10 ymlaen llaw)

From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: Frankenstein, Phantom Rides Again

Performance / Perfformiadau



Phantom Rides Again!

Cascade Dance Theatre in coproduction with Taliesin Arts Centre / Theatr Dawns Cascade mewn cydgynhyrchiad gyda Chanolfan Gelfyddydau Taliesin


01.12 8pm We all know Frankenstein; the tale of the monster made of and by man. A cautionary tale, a creation story, an outsider story…a love story. Visceral and engaging, Cascade’s production brings to the stage all the potency, drama and tragic inevitability that has made the original novel beloved of generation after generation. A company of five performers and two musicians bring to life Artistic Director Phil Williams’ compelling new adaptation of the ultimate gothic fantasy, marking its 200th anniversary. Mae pob un ohonom yn gyfarwydd gyda Frankenstein; stori’r anghenfil a wnaethpwyd o ddyn a chan ddyn. Chwedl â rhybudd, stori greu, stori’r un ar y tu allan… stori gariad. Mae cynhyrchiad dwys a swynol Cascade yn cyflwyno ar y llwyfan yr holl ddrama, y grym a’r anocheledd trasig sydd wedi denu cenhedlaeth ar ôl cenhedlaeth at y nofel wreiddiol. Mae cwmni o bump o berfformwyr a dau gerddor yn dod ag addasiad newydd grymus y Cyfarwyddwr Artistig Phil Williams o’r ffantasi gothig gorau erioed yn fyw, i nodi ei benblwydd yn 200 oed. £12/£10

01.12 + 05.12—08.12 8pm In the first of a series of radical retrospectives good cop bad cop and Wendy Houstoun jump back on board the Phantom Ride, with some new collaborators, to rake over the embers of things that time forgot... Rowley and Morgan have been making experimental work together, and with others (Brith Gof, Forced Entertainment, Pearson/Brookes, National Theatre Wales) since 1990. Much of that work exists only in traces and memories. In 2008 they made Phantom Ride, a performance based on traces of the lost works of pioneering south Wales based film-maker William Hagger. In 2017, with choreographer and performance writer Wendy Houstoun, they began to examine a contemporary re-presentation of their own lost works. In 2018 Phantom Rides Again delves deeper into the telling and retelling of stories, languages, reliability and credibility...fake news.

“Phantom Ride elevates the art of the unreliable narrator to a new level. It’s very unreliability is unreliable. clever, funny and filled with deadpan charm” Andrzej Lukowski, Metro 2008 Yn y gyntaf o gyfres o blismon da plismon drwg radical ôl-dremiol a Wendy Houstoun neidiwch yn ôl ar fwrdd y Phantom Ride, gyda rhywfaint o gydweithredwyr, i gofio rhai o’r pethau anghofiedig ... Mae Rowley a Morgan wedi bod yn gwneud gwaith arbrofol gyda’i gilydd, a gydag eraill (Brith Gof, Forced Entertainment, Pearson/Brookes, National Theatre Wales) ers 1990. Dim ond mewn atgofion y mae llawer o’r gwaith yna yn bodoli erbyn hyn. Yn 2008 fe wnaethon nhw greu Phantom Ride, perfformiad yn seiliedig ar olion gwaith coll y gwneuthurwr ffilm arloesol o dde Cymru, William Hagger. Yn 2017, gyda’r coreograffydd a’r lluniwr perfformiadau Wendy Houstoun, fe ddechreuon nhw archwilio ailgyflwyniad cyfoes o’u gweithiau coll eu hunain. Yn 2018 mae Phantom Rides Again yn treiddio’n ddyfnach i adrodd ac ailadrodd straeon, ieithoedd, dibynadwyedd a hygrededd… newyddion ffug. £12 /£10 14+


Performance / Perfformiadau

029 2030 4400




A Blast for the Bleak Midwinter!

09.12 7pm Join us for an eclectic evening of melodious and magical music featuring nominees for this years Welsh Music Prize, Smudges, who offer up smoky psychedelia with a poetic punch. Bina Williamson, A true and hauntingly sweet singer who performs traditional songs, will be accompanied by Robin Williamson on harp and guitar. From somewhere near Newport, the legendary Shelley Duvalls invite you to invoke your primal howl with their feisty punk pop ditties and engaging performance. Imagine the Smiths having a brawl with Dylan Thomas and you’re close to the wit and guitars of Shop Girls. The mysterious Starlings Planet will showcase their electronic art pop excursions. Ymunwch â ni am noson eclectig o gerddoriaeth bersain a hudolus, yn cynnwys SMUDGES, a enwebwyd am Wobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig eleni, sy’n cynnig cerddoriaeth seicadelig gymylog gyda brathiad barddonol. Bina Williamson, Cantores onest ac atgofus yw Bina, fydd yn perfformio caneuon o’i halbwm nesaf, gyda chyfeiliant ar y delyn a’r gitâr gan Robin Williamson. Mae’r enwog Shelley Duvalls o ardal Casnewydd yn eich gwahodd i yngan eich gwaedd gyntefig gyda’u perfformiad cyffrous o ganeuon pop pync tanllyd. Os dychmygwch chi’r Smiths mewn brwydr gyda Dylan Thomas, dylai hynny fod rhywbeth yn debyg i ffraethineb a gitârs Shop Girls. Bydd y dirgel Starlings Planet yn arddangos eu gwibdeithiau pop celf electronig. £8 / £6

13.12-14.12 8pm 15.12 2.30pm + 8pm Clarissa has been a celebrity for as long as she can remember. A wild, modern woman, her story blurs the boundaries between theatre and cinema to show the extraordinary life and glamorous times of the woman who was a celebrity long before it was fashionable. Inspired by the power of Picasso’s Guernica the funny, shocking and tragic Clarissa! is an intimate study of an unreliable 20th Century icon; a woman we all remember but who nobody really knows. Clarissa! is a love story that goes from the 2011 riots to the first night of the talking-pictures. BAFTA-CYMRU nominated film-maker Christian Britten conjures a visual mindscape for this new script by Terry Victor and performance by the remarkable Angharad Berrow. Blending theatrical and cinematic styles this is a very personal history of ambition, war, marriage, art, crime, age and corrosive celebrity. Mae Clarissa wedi bod yn enwog ers cyn co’. Yn fenyw wyllt a modern, mae ei stori’n cymylu’r ffiniau rhwng theatr a sinema i ddangos bywyd eithriadol a gosgeiddig menyw a oedd yn enwog ymhell cyn i hynny fod yn ffasiynol. Gwaith sydd wedi’i ysbrydoli gan rym Guernica gan Picasso yw Clarissa!, sy’n ddoniol, yn syfrdanol ac yn drasig ar yr un pryd. Dyma astudiaeth fanwl o eicon annibynadwy o’r 20fed Ganrif; menyw rydyn ni i gyd yn ei chofio, ond nad oes neb wir yn ei hadnabod. Mae Clarissa! yn stori serch sy’n arwain o derfysgoedd 2011 at noson gyntaf y ffilmiau sain. Mae Christian Britten, gwneuthurwr ffilm sydd wedi’i enwebu am wobr BAFTA Cymru, yn creu darluniau gweledol i’r meddwl ar gyfer y sgript newydd yma gan Terry Victor, a’r perfformiad gan yr anhygoel Angharad Berrow. Gan gyfuno arddulliau theatraidd a sinematig, dyma hanes personol iawn am uchelgais, rhyfel, priodas, celf, trosedd, oedran a chyrydiad enwogrwydd. 16+ £12/£10

Performance / Perfformiadau

Flossy & Boo’s The Alternativity


18.12 + 19.12 8pm Twas the bit before Christmas, which gets longer each year, And Flossy and Boo were trying to find ‘festive cheer’. Their stockings were flung on the back of a chair, With tinsel and crackers shoved in pink and blue hair. But what on earth is ‘a Christmas’? We just don’t understand!’ Exclaimed the two, drinking eggnog (supermarket own brand) ‘We’ll have to explore further!’ they finally shout, So come along this December, to see what ‘Christmas’ is all about… In this cabaret-style theatre show, Flossy and Boo delve into the festive season in all its messy glory, hangovers and all... Roedd hi bron yn Nadolig, a phawb yn llawn hwyl, Roedd Flossy a Boo eisiau blas ‘hwyl yr ŵyl’ Eu sanau wedi’u gosod yn dwt ar y stôl, A’r tinsel a’r cracers wedi dod yn eu hôl. Ond beth yw ‘Nadolig’? Ac ydy e’n Llawen?’ Oedd cwestiwn y ddwy wrth yfed gwin ‘sgawen, ‘Rhaid gwneud ymchwil pellach!’ meddai’r ddwy yn chwil-frydig, Felly dewch ym mis Rhagfyr i gael hanes y ‘Dolig! Yn y sioe theatr hon ar steil cabaret, mae Flossy a Boo yn dathlu’r cyfnod Nadoligaidd yn ei holl ogoniant anniben, o’r hwyl i’r hangofyrs... 15+ £12


Margaret and the Tapeworm

19.12 7.30pm 20.12 2pm 21.12—22.12 7.30pm Join Triongl for a glass of sherry, a mince pie and a heart-warming tale of tinsel and tapeworms. An uninvited guest lurking at the office buffet brings surprising consequences for love-lorn Margaret and determinedly festive Amber. As this trio collides we discover that, person or parasite, no-one wants to be alone at Christmas. Triongl, a company of 3 women dedicated to producing original theatre with humour and social relevance. Triongl are associate artists on the Peilot Programme at Chapter Arts Centre. Mince pies and sherry generously supported by Castle Howell foods and the Blakemore Foundation

Ymunwch â Triongl am wydraid o sieri, mins pei a stori dwymgalon o dinsel a llyngyr. Mae gwestai heb ei wahodd mewn bwffe swyddfa yn creu canlyniadau rhyfeddol i Margaret di-gariad ac Amber sydd yn benderfynol o fod mewn hwyliau da. Wrth i’r triawd gyfarfod rydyn ni’n darganfod nad oes neb, person na pharaseit eisau bod yn unig dros y Nadolig. Mae Triongl yn gwmni o 3 o fenywod wedi ymrwymo i gynhyrchu theatr gwreiddiol gyda hiwmor a pherthnasedd cymdeithasol. Mae Triongl yn artistiaid cyswllt ar y Rhaglen Peilot yng Nghanolfan Gelfyddydau Chapter, Caerdydd. Darparwyd y mins peis a’r sieri drwy haelioni Bwyd Castell Hywel a Sefydliad Blakemore

£12/£10 BSL interpretation / Dehongliad BSL: 19.12.18


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400

WONDER WOMEN / GENOD GRYMUS Disobedience 30.11—06.12

UK/DU/2017/114mins/mun/15. Dir/Cyf: Sebastián Lelio. With/Gyda: Rachel Weisz, Rachel McAdams

A woman returns to the religious community that shunned her, reigniting a friend’s passions as they explore the boundaries of their faith. Mae menyw yn dychwelyd i’r gymuned grefyddol a’i gwrthododd, gan aildanio angerdd ffrind wrth iddyn nhw archwilio ffiniau eu ffydd.


30.11—06.12 USA/UDA/2018/104mins/mun/12A. Dir/Cyf: Paul Dano. With/Gyda: Carey Mulligan, Jake Gyllanhaal, Ed Oxenbould

A boy witnesses his parents’ marriage failing in this moving portrait of a marriage in 1960s America. Mae bachgen yn gweld priodas ei rieni yn torri yn y portread teimladwy yma o briodas yn America yn y chwedegau.

The Girl in the Spider’s Web 07.12—13.12

UK/DU/2018/117mins/mun/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: Fede Alvarez. With/Gyda: Claire Foy

The adventures of punk-goth vigilante Lisbeth Salander continues as our heroine is thrust into a dangerous underworld to confront her abusive father. Mae anturiaethau’r vigilante pync-goth, Lisbeth Salander, yn parhau, wrth i’n harwres gael ei thaflu i isfyd peryglus i wynebu ei thad fu’n ei cham-drin.

Nancy From top/O’r brig: Lizzie, Disobedience, Wildlife, The Girl in the Spider’s Web, Nancy

11.12—13.12 USA/UDA/2018/87mins/mun/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: Christina Choe. With/Gyda: Andrea Riseborough, Steve Buscemi

Craving connection with others, Nancy becomes convinced that she is the kidnapped daughter of a couple lost long ago. Mae Nancy’n dyheu am gysylltiad gydag eraill, ac mae wedi’i hargyhoeddi ei bod hi’n ferch i gwpl a gollodd eu plentyn nhw mewn herwgipiad amser maith yn ôl.


14.12—20.12 USA/UDA/2018/105mins/mun/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: Craig William Macneill. With/Gyda: Kristen Stewart, Chloë Sevigny

In this dark tale of repression and thwarted dreams, Lizzie Borden finds a kindred spirit in housemaid Bridget but their intimacy sparks an unthinkable act. Yn y chwedl dywyll hon am ormes a breuddwydion yn cael eu chwalu, mae Lizzie Borden yn canfod enaid hoff cytûn yn Bridget, y forwyn, ond mae eu hagosrwydd yn arwain at weithred sydd y tu hwnt i amgyffred.

Film / Ffilm


BAFTA: Short Sighted

01.12 BAFTA and British Council Film present Short Sighted, an annual all-day event dedicated to maximising the impact of your short film. BAFTA and British Council Film present Short Sighted, an annual all-day event dedicated to maximising the impact of your short film.

Chapter Moviemaker: Beacons Shorts / Ffilmiau Byrion Beacons 03.12


Join us for special selection of shorts from the Ffilm Cymru Wales Beacons Shorts scheme Join us for special selection of shorts from the Ffilm Cymru Wales Beacons Shorts scheme

Three Identical Strangers 07.12—13.12

USA/UDA/2018/96mins/mun/12A. Dir/Cyf: Tim Wardle

Three strangers are reunited after being separated at birth. Their jaw-dropping story instantly becomes a sensation but unearths an unimaginable secret. Mae tri dieithryn yn cwrdd ar ôl cael eu gwahanu adeg eu geni. Mae eu stori syfrdanol yn cynhyrfu o’r dechrau, ond mae’n datgelu cyfrinach sydd y tu hwnt i amgyffred.

Sorry to Bother You 14.12—20.12

From top/O’r brig: Three Identical Strangers, Sorry To Bother You, Won’t You Be My Neighbour, The Old Man & The Gun

USA/UDA/2018/114mins/mun/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: Boots Riley. With/Gyda: Lakeith Stanfield, Tessa Thompson

Call-centre worker Cassius discovers he has a unique ability and sees his career take off, but risks alienating colleagues and activist girlfriend. Mae Cassius, sy’n gweithio mewn canolfan alwadau, yn canfod bod ganddo allu unigryw ac mae’n gweld gobaith i’w yrfa, ond mae perygl y bydd yn dieithrio ei gydweithwyr a’i gariad sy’n ymgyrchydd.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor 18.12—20.12

USA/UDA/2018/94mins/mun/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: Morgan Neville

An intimate look at America’s favourite neighbour: children’s television host Mister Fred Rogers, whose compassion and creative genius inspired generations of children. Golwg agos ar hoff gymydog America: y cyflwynydd teledu i blant, Mister Fred Rogers, sydd wedi ysbrydoli cenedlaethau o blant gyda’i empathi a’i allu creadigol.

The Old Man & The Gun 28.12—06.01

USA/UDA/2018/93mins/mun/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: David Lowery. With/Gyda: Robert Redford, Sissy Spacek

Aged 70, Forrest Tucker escaped from San Quentin to commit an unprecedented string of heists that enchanted the public. Yn 70 oed, dihangodd Forrest Tucker o San Quentin i gyflawni cyfres o ladradau fel nas gwelwyd o’r blaen, gan swyno’r cyhoedd.


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400

Shoplifters 30.11—06.12

Japan/Siapan/2018/122mins/mun/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: Hirokazu Kore-eda. With/Gyda: Lily Franky, Kirin Kiki

A family of small-time crooks take in a child they find on the street in this moving new drama from Japanese master Kore-eda. Mae teulu o droseddwyr di-nod yn rhoi cartref i blentyn a ganfuwyd ar y stryd yn y ddrama newydd deimladwy hon gan y meistr Siapaneaidd Kore-eda.

Tompopo 02.12+04.12

Japan/Siapan/1984/114mins/mun/18. Dir/Cyf: Juzo Itami. With/Gyda: Nobuko Miyamoto, Ken Watanabe

Tampopo is on a quest for the most perfect ramen aided by scrappy truckers Gun and Gorō in this sweet Japanese culinary comedy. Mae Tampopo yn chwilio am y ramen perffaith gyda chymorth dau yrrwr lori carpiog, Gun a Gorō, yn y ffilm fwyd gomedi Siapaneaidd hon.

Juliet, Naked 07.12—13.12

USA/UDA/2018/97mins/mun/15. Dir/Cyf: Jesse Peretz. With/Gyda: Ethan Hawke, Rose Byrne, Chris O’Dowd

After splitting with her boyfriend, who is obsessed with singer-songwriter Tucker Crowe, Annie has a chance encounter with the musician himself, to the annoyance of her former flame. Ar ôl rhoi diwedd ar ei pherthynas gyda’i chariad, sydd wrth ei fodd â’r cerddor a’r canwr Tucker Crowe, mae Annie yn digwydd cwrdd â’r cerddor ei hun, er anfodlonrwydd ei chyn-gariad.

The Wild Pear Tree 07.12—10.12

Turkey/Twrci/2018/183mins/mun/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: Nuri Bilge Ceylan. With/Gyda: Aydın Doğu Demirkol, Dogu Demirkol, Murat Cemcir, Bennu Yildirimlar

An aspiring writer returns to his native village, where his father’s debts catch up to him.

From top/O’r brig: Shoplifters, Tompopo, Juliet, Naked, Duck Soup

Mae dyn ifanc sydd am fod yn awdur yn dychwelyd i’w bentref genedigol, lle mae dyledion ei dad yn dod yn ormod iddo.

Duck Soup 09.12+11.12

USA/UDA/1933/69mins/mun/U. Dir/Cyf: Leo McCarey. With/Gyda: Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx, Chico Marx

Topping the lists of best comedies of all time is this anti-war, anti-nationalist satire from the Marx brothers bursting with gags. Yn cyrraedd brig rhestrau’r ffilmiau comedi gorau erioed mae’r ffilm ddychanol gwrth-ryfel a gwrthgenedlaetholgar hon gan y brodyr Marx, sy’n gyfoeth o gellwair.

Film / Ffilm


NT Live: Anthony & Cleopatra 06.12

UK/DU/2018/210mins/mun. Dir/Cyf: Simon Godwin. With/Gyda: Ralph Fiennes, Sophie Okonedo

At the fringes of a war-torn empire the Egyptian Queen and the Roman General have fallen in love. Ar gyrion ymerodraeth sydd wedi’i dinistrio gan ryfel, mae Brenhines yr Aifft a Chadfridog Rhufain yn cwympo mewn cariad.

Met Opera: La Traviata 16.12

USA/UDA/2018/212mins/mun. Dir/Cyf: Yannick Nézet-Séguin. With/Gyda: Diana Damrau, Juan Diego Flórez

Violetta and Alfredo fall in love, but will her past be a barrier? A dazzling production of Verdi’s tragedy. Mae Violetta ac Alfredo yn cwympo mewn cariad, ond a fydd ei gorffennol hi’n rhwystr? Cynhyrchiad disglair o drasiedi Verdi.

CINEPHONIC / SINEFFONIG A Star Is Born 22.12—27.12

USA/UDA/2018/136mins/mun/15. Dir/Cyf: Bradley Cooper. With/Gyda: Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper, Sam Elliot

A musician helps a young singer and actress find fame, even as age and alcoholism send his own career into a downward spiral. Mae cerddor yn helpu cantores ac actores ifanc i ddod o hyd i enwogrwydd, wrth i oedran ac alcoholiaeth ddinistrio ei yrfa ei hun.

Mary Poppins Returns 21.12—03.01

USA/UDA/2018/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: Rob Marshall. With/Gyda: Emily Blunt, Ben Whishaw, Lin-Manuel Miranda

The magical nanny returns to help the Banks siblings and Michael’s children through a difficult time in their lives.

From top/O’r brig: NT Live: Antony & Cleopatra, A Star Is Born, Mary Poppins Returns, Cold War

Mae’r nani hudol yn dychwelyd i helpu’r Bankiaid a phlant Michael drwy gyfnod anodd yn eu bywydau.

Singalong: The Greatest Showman 22.12+23.12

USA/UDA/2017/102mins/mun.PG. Dir/Cyf: Michael Gracey. With/Gyda: Hugh Jackman, Zendaya, Zac Efron

A musical celebration of P. T. Barnum and his travels from poverty to the creation of a worldwide spectacle. Dathliad cerddorol o P. T. Barnum a’i daith o fywyd tlawd i greu gwledd i lygaid y byd.

Cold War 02.01+03.01

Poland/Gwlad Pwyl/2018/88mins/mun/15. Dir/Cyf: Paweł Pawlikowski. With/Gyda: Joanna Kulig, Tomasz Kot

A passionate love story between two musicians, set against the background of the Cold War in the 1950s. Stori serch angerddol rhwng dau gerddor, wedi’i gosod yn ystod y Rhyfel Oer yn y pumdegau.


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400


Christmas Double Bill / Dwy Ffilm Nadoligaidd

02.12 Get ready for the season of indulgence with a duo of treats scraped from the bottom of Santa’s Sack. Paratowch am dymor o ymbleseru gyda dau drît o sach Siôn Corn.

It’s a Wonderful Life 14.12, 23.12+24.12

USA/UDA/1946/130mins/mun/U. Dir/Cyf: Frank Capra. With/Gyda: James Stewart, Donna Reed

An angel is sent to help a man by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed. Caiff angel ei hanfon i helpu dyn drwy ddangos iddo sut beth fyddai bywyd pe ne bai’n bodoli.

From top/O’r brig: Trading Places, It’s a Wonderful Life, Anna and the Apocalypse

Trading Places 16.12—18.12

USA/UDA/1983/116mins/mun/15. Dir/Cyf: John Landis. With/Gyda: Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd

A snobbish investor and a wily street con artist find their positions reversed as part of a bet by two callous millionaires. Mae buddsoddwr snobyddlyd a thwyllwr stryd cyfrwys yn cyfnewid lle mewn bet rhwng dau filiwnydd croengaled.

Anna and the Apocalypse 21.12—27.12

UK/2018/92mins/mun/ctba/TiCH Dir/Cyf: John McPhail. With/Gyda: Ella Hunt

When a zombie outbreak takes over her town, Anna and her friends slash and sing their way to survival in this fun yuletide treat. Pan fo gwrthryfel o sombïod yn lledaenu ar hyd ei thref, mae Anna a’i ffrindiau yn cwffio ac yn canu eu ffordd er mwyn goroesi yn y ffilm Nadoligaidd hwyliog hon.

Film / Ffilm


Nutcracker and the Four Realms 01.12+02.12, 08.12+09.12

USA/UDA/2018/99mins/mun/PG. Dir/Cyf: Lasse Hallström, Joe Johnston. With/Gyda: Mackenzie Foy, Helen Mirren

A young girl is transported into a magical world of gingerbread soldiers and an army of mice. Caiff merch ifanc ei thrawsgludo i fyd hudolus yn llawn milwyr o fisgedi sinsir a byddin o lygod.

The Grinch 15.12+16.12

USA/UDA/2018/90mins/mun/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: Yarrow Cheney, Scott Mosier. With/Gyda: Angela Lansbury, Benedict Cumberbatch, Rashida Jones

A fresh animated look at Dr Seuss’ traditional tale of a grumpy Grinch discovering Christmas in Whoville. Golwg ffres a bywiog ar chwedl draddodiadol Dr Seuss am y Grinch grwgnachlyd yn canfod Nadolig yn Whoville.

CBeebies Christmas Show / Sioe Nadolig CBeebies: Thumbelina 15.12


Join us for a special family get-together in cinemas with the Christmas show from CBeebies and a special film starring Justin Fletcher. Ymunwch â ni mewn digwyddiad arbennig i’r teulu yn y sinema gyda sioe Nadolig CBeebies a ffilm arbennig yn serennu Justin Fletcher. £10/£8

The Muppets Christmas Carol From top/O’r brig: Nutcracker and the Four Realms, The Grinch, The Muppets Christmas Carol, The Apartment

08.12+09.12 / 21.12—24.12

USA/UDA/1992/85mins/mun/U. Dir/Cyf: Brian Henson. With/Gyda: Michael Caine, Frank Oz, Dave Goelz

The Muppet characters tell their version of the classic tale of an old and bitter miser’s redemption on Christmas Eve. Cymeriadau’r Muppets sy’n adrodd eu fersiwn nhw o’r chwedl glasurol am dröedigaeth hen gybydd chwerw ar Noswyl Nadolig.

The Apartment 28.12—30.12

USA/UDA/1960/125mins/mun/ctba/TiCH Dir/Cyf: Billy Wilder. With/Gyda: Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine

C.C. Baxter lends his flat to his philandering bosses, but is torn when one mistress is a girl he has a crush on. Mae C.C. Baxter yn benthyg ei fflat i’w fosys a’u meistresi, ond caiff ei frifo pan mae’n deall mai’r ferch mae’n ei hoffi yw un ohonynt.


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400


For your festive get together why not choose Caffi Chapter? Here you can indulge your taste buds, relax and enjoy with family or friends, as you choose from our traditional Xmas menu with all your favourite Xmas trimmings. If you’re looking for something a little different however, then why not partake in our festive sharing table, all food prepared using seasonal, local ingredients and served communally with plenty to go around. Share the love this Christmas at Chapter! For further details on menu, just visit or email your enquiry to

Pam na ddewiswch chi Chapter ar gyfer eich parti Nadolig? Boddhewch eich blasbwyntiau, ymlaciwch a mwynhewch gyda ffrindiau a theulu wrth i chi ddewis o’n bwydlen Nadolig draddodiadol gyda’r holl drimins Nadolig. Os ydych chi’n chwilio am rywbeth ychydig yn wahanol, beth am roi cynnig ar fwrdd rhannu’r Nadolig, a’r bwyd i gyd wedi ei baratoi gan ddefnyddio cynhwysion tymhorol, lleol ac yn cael ei weini rhyngoch gyda digon i bawb. Rhannwch gariad yn Chapter y Nadolig hwn. Am fwy o fanylion neu i weld y bwydlenni, ewch i neu ebostiwch eich cwestiwn i


Chapter Mix


Clonc yn y Cwtch

Every Monday / Bob dydd Llun 6.30–8pm Are you learning Cymraeg? Come and join us for a great chance to practice your Welsh with other learners. Croeso i bawb! In partnership with Menter Caerdydd and Cardiff University

Ydych chi’n dysgu Cymraeg? Ymunwch â ni am gyfle gwych i ymarfer eich Cymraeg gyda dysgwyr eraill. Croeso i bawb! Ar y cyd â Menter Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Caerdydd


Cardiff Storytelling Circle /Cylch Chwedleua Caerdydd

04.12 7pm Someone tells a story, it might be true or made up or traditional — and everybody else listens. All storytellers and all story listeners welcome. Mae un person yn adrodd stori – a all fod yn stori wir, yn stori draddodiadol neu’n greadigaeth bersonol – ac mae pawb arall yn gwrando. Croeso i storïwyr a gwrandawyr fel ei gilydd. £4 (on the door / wrth y drws)

First Thursday / Dydd Iau Cyntaf y Mis 06.12 7.30pm

Comedy Club Clwb Comedi The Drones

11.12 Doors / Drysau’n agor: 8.30pm Start / Sioe’n dechrau: 9pm Clint Edwards brings you the best from up-and-coming stand-ups, as seen on Rob Brydon’s ‘Identity Crisis’. One of The Big Issue’s ‘Top Ten Things to Do in Cardiff.’ Clint Edwards yn cyflwyno comedïwyr mwyaf addawol y cyfnod, fel y gwelwyd yn ‘Identity Crisis’ gan Rob Brydon. Un o’r ‘Deg Peth i’w gwneud yng Nghaerdydd’ yn ôl y Big Issue. £3.50 (on the door / wrth y drws)

Mothers Who Make

14.12 10-12pm A monthly peer support group for mothers who are artists & makers, in any discipline and at any stage on their creative paths. Every kind of maker is welcome, professional and/or passionate. Every kind of mother is welcome. Children are encouraged to attend too and are integrated into the meeting, for the dual roles of mother and artist are recognised and given equal value within all MWM events. A monthly peer support group for mothers who are artists & makers, in any discipline and at any stage on their creative paths. Every kind of maker is welcome, professional and/or passionate. Every kind of mother is welcome. Children are encouraged to attend too and are integrated into the meeting, for the dual roles of mother and artist are recognised and given equal value within all MWM events.


15.12 8–10pm Close—up capers in the Caffi Bar from magician, snappy dresser and moustache enthusiast Joseff Badman. If you’d like him to join you for a few moments, just holler. Noson o driciau a hud a lledrith gan Noson o driciau a hud a lledrith yn y Caffi Bar gan y dewin ac artist cyswllt Peilot, Tim Bromage. Os hoffech chi iddo ymuno â chi am funud neu ddwy, rhowch waedd. FREE / AM DDIM

Sunday Jazz / Jazz ar y Sul

16.12 9pm Our monthly evening of melodic acoustic Jazz in the Caffi Bar with the Chapter Four Jazz Quartet, featuring Glen Manby, Jim Barber, Don Sweeney and Greg Evans. Ein noson fisol o jazz acwstig melodig yn y Caffi Bar, gyda Phedwarawd Jazz Chapter, sef Glen Manby, Jim Barber, Don Sweeney a Greg Evans. FREE / AM DDIM

The Gay Men’s Book Club / Clwb Llyfrau Dynion Hoyw

17.12 7.30pm A friendly and relaxed group who discuss a wide variety of books chosen by members, some gay-themed but not all. December’s book is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Grŵp cyfeillgar a hamddenol sy’n trafod ystod eang o lyfrau wedi’u dewis gan yr aelodau. Bydd rhai o’r llyfrau yn cynnwys themâu hoyw, ond nid pob un. Mae llyfr mis Rhagfyr i’w The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. FREE / AM DDIM


Learning / Addysg

029 2030 4400

LEARNING/ADDYSG Chapter Sewcial / Gwnïo gyda Chapter: Sew Christmas 8+ / Gwnïo’r Nadolig 8+

09.12 10.30am–2.30pm A 4 hour Christmas special. The session will get you making pom-poms in a riot of festive colours to be used on your own sewn stocking and Christmas accessories...Christmas never looked this colourful! No previous sewing experience necessary; the emphasis is on building your creative skills and gaining confidence in craft. Sesiwn Nadolig bedair awr o hyd. Yn y sesiwn yma byddwch chi’n creu pom-poms pob lliw i’w defnyddio ar eich hosan a’ch darnau wedi’u gwnïo Nadolig eich hunain... Bydd y Nadolig yn fwy lliwgar nag erioed! Does dim angen profiad gwnïo blaenorol; mae’r pwyslais ar feithrin eich sgiliau creadigol ac ennyn hyder mewn gwneud gwaith crefft. £22.50 Light refreshments and all materials provided. Packed lunch required. Suitable for boys and girls aged 8–14. / Darperir lluniaeth ysgafan a’r holl ddeunyddiau. Bydd angen pecyn bwyd. Addas ar gyfer bechgyn a merched oedran 8–14.

Christmas Craft Workshop 5+ / Gweithdy Crefft y Nadolig 5+

09.12 1pm–5pm As part of our Oh So Festive! celebrations, Chapter Learning will be running a Christmas Crafting Table, where children and their grownups can create a variety of their own decorations to hang their Christmas Tree. Fel rhan o’n dathliadau Oh So Festive!, bydd Addysg Chapter yn cynnal Bwrdd Crefft y Nadolig, lle gall plant ac oedolion greu eu haddurniadau eu hunain i’w hongian ar eu coeden Nadolig. Cost £1.50 per item crafted / Cost £1.50 pob eitem caiff ei wneud.

Film Activity Day 8+ / Diwrnodau Gweithgareddau Ffilm 8+

The Greatest Showman (Sing-a-long / Cyd-ganu) PG 22.12 10am–3.30pm Sing-a-long to the film, and then get your paintbrushes out. Join Beth Morris for another inspirational full-day art workshop based around the themes and colours of the The Greatest Showman. Circus art has never been so exciting! Cyd-ganwch gyda’r ffilm, cyn mynd ati i baentio. Ymunwch â Beth Morris mewn gweithdy celf ysbrydoledig diwrnod o hyd yn seiliedig ar themâu a lliwiau’r Greatest Showman. Fuodd celf y syrcas erioed mor gyffrous! £22.50 Includes Ticket to 11.30am Screening, please bring packed lunch / Cynnwys tocyn i’r dangosiad 11.30yb, dewch a phecyn bwyd os gwelwch yn dda. ALL DECEMBER / DRWY GYDOL MIS RHAGFYR

Countdown to Christmas: Chapter Advent Calender 5+ / Cyfri’r diwrnodau tan y Nadolig: Calendar Adfent Chapter 5+

Pop in to Chapter each weekend throughout December and search for our Christmas windows, hidden around the ground floor of Chapter. They could be on a pillar, hidden near the box office, (or somewhere harder to find). Pick up a countdown sheet from the Box Office and keep track of your items throughout December. Once you have found them all, return your sheet to the Box Office in exchange for a gift to put under your tree. Galwch i mewn i Chapter bob penwythnos drwy gydol fis Rhagfyr i chwilio am ein ffenestri Nadolig, sydd wedi’u cuddio ar lawr gwaelod Chapter. Gallan nhw fod ar un o’r pileri, wedi’u cuddio yn y swyddfa docynnau (neu rhywle ychydig yn anoddach!). Gallwch gasglu taflen cyfri’r diwrnodau o’r Swyddfa Docynnau, a chadw cofnod o’ch eitemau drwy gydol fis Rhagfyr. Unwaith i chi ddod o hyd i bob un, dewch â’r daflen yn ôl i’r Swyddfa Docynnau er mwyn cael anrheg i’w roi dan eich coeden. For more information, or to book a place on any of the workshops contact Box Office on 02920 304400 or email / Am ragor o wybodaeth, neu i archebu lle ar unrhyw un o’r gweithdai cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 02920 304400 neu e-bostiwch

Chapter Mix


ACCESSIBLE CINEMA / SINEMA HYGYRCH Audio Description and Soft Subtitles / Is-deitlau Meddal + Disgrifiadau Sain Information on Soft Subtitles / Audio Description is subject to change, please see website for confirmation. Gallai’r wybodaeth am Is-deitlau Meddal / Disgrifiadau Sain newid — ewch i’r wefan i weld y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf. Soft Subtitles / Is-deitlau Meddal Captioned screenings for the hearing impaired. Dangosiadau gyda chapsiynau i bobl â nam ar y clyw.

FAMILY FEATURES / FFILMIAU I’R TEULU CYFAN A selection of fabulous, family–friendly films every Saturday and Sunday. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Detholiad o ffilmiau gwych sy’n addas i’r teulu cyfan, bob dydd Sadwrn a dydd Sul. Rhaid i blant dan 12 oed fod yng nghwmni oedolyn.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindlewald UK/DU/2018/134mins/mun/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: David Yates. With/Gyda: Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston

The dark wizard Grindlewald has escaped so Dumbledore enlists Newt to stop him, but loyalties are tested.

Audio description / Disgrifiadau Sain An additional audio track narration describing events on screen, designed for those with visual impairment. Sylwebaeth ychwanegol sy’n disgrifio digwyddiadau ar y sgrin, i bobl â golwg ddiffygiol.

F-Rating / Ardystiad ‘F’

Films and performances directed and/or written by women. Ffilmiau a pherfformiadau wedi’u cyfarwyddo gan ferched a / neu wedi’u hysgrifennu gan ferched.

R elaxed Screenings / Dangosiadau Hamddenol

To create a supportive environment for people with complex needs these screenings have films played with the lights raised and the volume reduced. People can feel free to move around the cinema or make a noise as they feel comfortable.

Mae Grindlewald, y dewin tywyll, wedi dianc. Mae Dumbledore yn anfon Newt i’w rwystro, ond rhoddir prawf ar deyrngarwch.

Er mwyn sicrhau awyrgylch cefnogol i bobl a chanddynt anghenion cymhleth, cyflwynir y dangosiadau hyn mewn ystafell sy’n fwy golau nag arfer ac â thrac sain ychydig yn is. Bydd rhwydd hynt i bobl godi a symud o gwmpas y sinema neu wneud sŵn fel y dymunant.

Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet

Dementia Friendly Screenings / Dangosiadau Addas i Bobl â Dementia

USA/UDA/2018/ctba/TiCH. Dir/Cyf: Phil Johnston, Rich Moore. With/Gyda: John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman

Ralph and Vanellope discover a wi-fi router that leads them into a new adventure.

Mae Ralph a Vanellope yn dod o hyd i declyn gwe di-wifr sy’n eu harwain nhw at antur newydd.

Carry on Screaming

Check the calendar for special screenings every Friday at 11am, exclusively for people with babies under one year old. Cymerwch gip ar y calendr am ddangosiadau arbennig bob bore Gwener am 11yb, yn arbennig ar gyfer pobl gyda babanod o dan flwydd oed.

A great opportunity for people living with dementia to enjoy a film in a relaxed friendly environment, following the film there is a chance to socialise with complimentary tea and coffee. We also welcome charity workers, medical professionals, care home staff, social workers and support staff. £4.50 including refreshments Funded by the Rayne Foundation and the Dunhill Medical Trust

Cyfle ardderchog i bobl â dementia fwynhau dangosiad o ffilm mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hamddenol. Ar ôl y ffilm bydd yna gyfle i gymdeithasu dros baned am ddim o de neu goffi. Bydd yna groeso cynnes hefyd i weithwyr elusennol, gweithwyr meddygol proffesiynol, staff cartrefi gofal, gweithwyr cymdeithasol a staff cymorth. £4.50 yn cynnwys lluniaeth Ariennir gan Sefydliad Rayne ac Ymddiriedolaeth Feddygol Dunhill


Get Involved

Cymryd Rhan

CLIC Reward Card

Cerdyn Gwobrau CLIC

Collect points when you visit the cinema/ theatre and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can build your points up to receive a free ticket. See this and double your points!

Casglwch bwyntiau wrth ymweld â’r sinema/ theatr ac fe synnwch chi ba mor gyflym y gallwch chi hawlio tocyn rhad ac am ddim. Dyblwch eich pwyntiau pan welwch y symbol hwn!

Chapter Friends

Ffrindiau Chapter

Become a friend and enjoy the many benefits on offer from discounts on tickets & at the Caffi bar to special events. Also doubles as a CLIC card. Gold £60/£45; Silver £50/£35; Bronze £25/£20.

Chapter Students

Chapter offers a free membership to students and therefore a number of benefits, including discounts on cinema/theatre tickets & Caffi bar.

Keep in Touch/Info

Our weekly e-listings Sign up online at Workshops and classes Head to to see the range we have on offer. Home to resident companies and Artists For more information head to

Ymunwch â chynllun Ffrindiau Chapter ac fe gewch chi fuddion fel gostyngiadau ar bris tocynnau a bwyd a diod yn ein Caffi Bar a gwahoddiadau i ddigwyddiadau arbennig. Bydd eich cerdyn Ffrindiau hefyd yn gweithio fel cerdyn CL1C. Aur £60/£45; Arian £50/£35; Efydd £25/£20.

Myfyrwyr Chapter

Mae Chapter yn cynnig aelodaeth am ddim i fyfyrwyr a manteision sy’n cynnwys gostyngiadau ar docynnau sinema/theatr a phrisiau is yn y Caffi Bar.

Cadw mewn Cysylltiad/Gwybodaeth

Ein e-lythyr wythnosol Cofrestrwch ar-lein yn Gweithdai a dosbarthiadau Ewch i i weld yr hyn sydd ar gael. Cartref i gwmnïau ac artistiaid preswyl Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i

Chapter Theatres are supported by the David Seligman donation in memory of Philippa Seligman Noddir Theatrau Chapter gan rodd David Seligman er cof am Philippa Seligman Chapter gratefully acknowledges the support it receives from the following: Hoffai Chapter gydnabod cefnogaeth hael y sefydliadau canlynol: Esmée Fairbairn Foundation Garfield Weston Foundation Colwinston Charitable Trust Waitrose SEWTA Tesco The Clothworkers’ Foundation Dunhill Medical Trust Google Wales Arts International Boshier—Hinton Foundation Oakdale Trust Western Power Distribution

Big Lottery Fund Foyle Foundation Admiral Group plc ScottishPower Green Energy Trust Australia Council for the Arts WRAP The Jane Hodge Foundation Simon Gibson Charitable Trust The Angel Hotel Ernest Cook Trust Dipec Plastics Nelmes Design

Moondance Foundation Biffa Award Viridor Waterloo Foundation Santander UK The Henry Moore Foundation Arts & Business Cymru Lloyds Aston Martin Austin & Hope Pilkington Trust Gibbs Charitable Trust Bruce Wake Charity


How to Book

Sut i Archebu

Phone: Box Office 029 2030 4400 (major credit cards accepted). In person: Office Hrs Mon—Sun, 10.00am–8.30pm Online: 24/7 at Concessions: Only applicable for Students, over 60’s, children, unemployed, disabled people, MAX card, Chapter’s Friends, and Card Holders. Proof must be shown. Group Bookings: Buy 8 tickets, get the 9th Free. Please note: Only one discount is applicable at one time. Tickets cannot be reserved without payment. No latecomers. Only bottled water allowed in the cinema auditoria.

Ffôn: Swyddfa Docynnau — 029 2030 4400 (derbynnir y prif gardiau credyd). Yn bersonol: Oriau Agor Llun–Sul, 10am–8.30pm Ar-lein: 24/7 yn Consesiynau: Ar gael i fyfyrwyr, pobl 60+ oed, plant, pobl ddi-waith, pobl anabl, deiliaid cerdyn MAX, Ffrindiau Chapter a Deiliaid Cardiau. Rhaid dangos prawf o’ch cymhwyster. Archebion grŵp: Prynwch 8 tocyn ac fe gewch chi’r 9fed am ddim Dalier sylw: Dim ond un disgownt y gellir ei ddefnyddio ar y tro. Ni ellir cadw tocynnau heb dalu amdanynt. Dim hwyrddyfodiaid. Dŵr potel yn unig yn y sinemâu.

Cinema prices

Prisiau’r sinema

Cinema Before 5pm From 5pm Full £4.50 (£4.00) £7.90 (£7.20)   Concs £3.50 (£3.00) £5.80 (£5.10) Card + Conc £3.00 (£2.50) £5.00 (£4.50) BARGAIN TUESDAY! All main screening tickets £4.40

Sinema Llawn Consesiwn Carden a Chon

(Prices in Brackets) = Any time before the day of screening / online bookings.

(Prisiau mewn cromfachau) = Unrhyw adeg cyn diwrnod y dangosiad / archebion ar-lein.

How to get to Chapter

Sut i gyrraedd Chapter

Travelling: West of the city centre, Market Road, Canton, Cardiff CF5 1QE. So from the city centre it’s a 20 minute walk. Every 5 minutes by bus, No 17 and 18. Bike racks are available on site. Parking: There is a car park to the rear of the building and there are a number of public car parks just off Cowbridge Rd East.

d Roa

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Teithio: I’r gorllewin o ganol y ddinas, Heol y Farchnad, Treganna, Caerdydd CF5 1QE. Mae hi’n daith gerdded o ryw 20 munud o ganol y ddinas. Bysus rhif 17 ac 18, bob 5 munud. Mae raciau beic ar gael o flaen yr adeilad. Parcio: Mae yna faes parcio yng nghefn yr adeilad ac mae nifer o feysydd parcio cyhoeddus oddi ar Cowbridge Rd East.


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Chapter welcomes disabled visitors. If you have any specific access requirements or questions, please contact our box-office on 029 2030 4400. We are proud to be part of Hynt,


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Mae Chapter yn croesawu ymwelwyr anabl. Os oes gennych anghenion mynediad neu gwestiynau penodol, cysylltwch â’n swyddfa docynnau ar 029 2030 4400. Rydym yn falch o fod yn rhan o Hynt,

Art / Celfyddyd Events / Digwyddiadau Cornelia Baltes: Art in the Bar Until/Tan 24.03.19

Rachel Maclean: Spite Your Face Until/Tan 20.01.19

18:00 The Wild Pear Tree p12 20:20 Three Identical Strangers p11

The Girl in the Spider’s Web p10 Juliet, Naked p12 The Girl in the Spider’s Web p10

13:30 Clarissa! p8 18:40 20:40


Cafficadabra p17

18:20 Clarissa! p8 20:00 Mothers Who Make p17 Carry on Screaming: Fantastic Beasts… p17 11:00 Sorry to Bother You p11 14:30, 20:30 Lizzie p10 20:45 Sorry to Bother You p11 17:45 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes… p17

Clonc yn y Cwtch p17

Chapter Sewcial: Sew Christmas 8+ p18 Christmas Craft Workshop 5+ p18









, 20:40 The Drones Comedy Club p17 15:30 18:30

11:00, 17:40 Sorry to Bother You p11 12:30 , 18:20 Clarissa! p8 14:30, 20:00 Sat 15 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes… p17 20:30 The Grinch p15 15:00 Sad Sorry to Bother You p11 Lizzie p10 20:45

Fri 14 Gwe


17:00 20:30

14:00 Three Identical Strangers p11 13:30 18:15 Nancy 20:40 20:30

14:00, 18:00 Juliet, Naked p12 Thu 13 The Girl in the Spider’s Web p10 20:30 Nancy Iau Juliet, Naked p12 Three Identical Strangers p11

Wed 12 Mer

11:00 The Wild Pear Tree p12 13:00, 18:40 A Blast for the Bleak Midwinter p8 19:00 15:00 Duck Soup 17:00 18:00 20:30

14:00, 20:30 Nancy Tue 11 Juliet, Naked p12 18:00 Dementia Friendly: Duck Soup Maw The Girl in the Spider’s Web p10 Three Identical Strangers p11

Juliet, Naked p12 The Girl in the Spider’s Web p10

Mon 10 Llun

Clonc yn y Cwtch p17

The Muppets Christmas Carol p15 Nutcracker & the Four Realms p15 The Girl in the Spider’s Web p10 Juliet, Naked p12


Sun 9 Sul

11:00 Three Identical Strangers p11 14:00 , 20:40 Phantom Rides Again p7 15:00 The Wild Pear Tree p12 17:00 18:20 20:30

Nutcracker & the Four Realms p15 The Muppets Christmas Carol p15 Juliet, Naked p12 The Girl in the Spider’s Web p10

First Thursday p17

Sat 8 Sad


17:30 Phantom Rides Again p7 20:00 Carry on Screaming: Three Identical…p11 11:00 Three Identical Strangers p11 14:00, 18:10 The Wild Pear Tree p12 19:35 The Girl in the Spider’s Web p10 20:40 Juliet, Naked p12

13:30, 18:10 Phantom Rides Again p7 20:45

Fri 7 Gwe

14:00, 16:30 Shoplifters p12 19:00 Wildlife p10


Disobedience p10 NT Live: Anthony and Cleopatra p13

, 18:20 Phantom Rides Again p7 20:35



Cardiff Storytelling Circle p17

Clonc yn y Cwtch p17

Thu 6 Iau


13:30 18:00 20:35

, 18:15 , 20:45 Tampopo p12 Tue 4 Disobedience p10 14:00 Maw Shoplifters p12 Wildlife p10

14:00, 18:15, 20:45 Wildlife p10 Wed 5 Disobedience p10 Mer Shoplifters p12

14:00 18:00 20:00

11:00 Tampopo p12 14:00 Hen Ogledd Mogic Album Launch Nutcracker & the Four Realms p15 15:00 Bad Film Club Double Bill p14 17:15 + support by Accü p6 Relaxed: Nutcracker & the Four Realms p15 17:50, 20:20 Disobedience p10

11:00, 16:00 Frankenstein p7 20:00 13:30, 20:30 Phantom Rides Again p7 20:00 18:15

Performance / Perfformiad

15:00 Wildlife p10 Mon 3 Nutcracker & the Four Realms p15 18:15, 20:45 Chapter Moviemaker Llun Disobedience p10 Shoplifters p12

Sun 2 Sul

Cinema 2 / Sinema 2

Sat 1 BAFTA: Short Sighted p11 10:00 Nutcracker & the Four Realms p15 , 20:45 Shoplifters p12 Sad Disobedience p10 18:15 Wildlife p10

Cinema 1 / Sinema 1


Relaxed: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes… p17 Sorry to Bother You p11 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes… p17

Tue 18 Maw

14:00 Trading Places p14 17:00 Won’t You Be My Neighbour p11 20:00 Lizzie p10

17:45 Sorry to Bother You p11 20:30 Lizzie p10

11:00 16:50

, 14:00 , Anna and the Apocalypse p14 , 19:40 A Star Is Born p13

p9 19:30 20:00






Chapter Friends Party

Clonc yn y Cwtch p17

14:30 17:30 19:35

13:30, 19:45 17:00

11:30 13:30

11:30 15:00 18:00 20:40

11:30 14:15, 17.15 19:50


11:30 Margaret and the Tapeworm p9 19:30 Film Activity Day 8+ 10:00-15:30 14:00 The Greatest Showman p13 , 20:45 (Sing-a-Long) p18 18:00


For up-to-date information on our Audio Description and Soft Subtitles for our film programme, please go to our website at I gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Ddisgrifiadau Sain ac Is-deitlau Meddal yn ein rhaglen ffilm, ewch i’n gwefan,

Mon 31 CLOSED - Blywddyn Newydd Dda CLOSED - Blywddyn Newydd Dda Llun

11:00, 17:00, 19:45 Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the… p17 Sun 30 Mary Poppins Returns p13 14:00 The Apartment p15 Sul Relaxed: Mary Poppins Returns p13 The Old Man & The Gun p11


Clonc yn y Cwtch p17 18:30-20:00 The Gay Men’s Book Club p17 19:30

15:00 Margaret and the Tapeworm p9 19:30 17:00 20:30

13:30 Margaret and the Tapeworm p9 18:00 20:30

13:30 18:30 20:45

13:30 Margaret and the Tapeworm 18:30 Flossy & Boo’s 20:45 The Alternativity p9

18:00 20:45

, 20:00 Sunday Jazz p17 15:00 17:30

11:30 Sat 29 Mary Poppins Returns p13 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 19:45 Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the… p17 , 19:50 Sad The Old Man & The Gun p11 14:30 The Apartment p15 17:10



, 14:00 , Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the… p17 Fri 28 Mary Poppins Returns p13 11:00 Gwe 17:00 , 19:45 The Old Man & The Gun p11 The Apartment p15

Thu 27 Mary Poppins Returns p13 Iau

Wed 26 CLOSED - Nadolig Llawen CLOSED - Nadolig Llawen Mer v

11:00 The Muppet’s Christmas Carol 14:00 Mary Poppins Returns p13

Tue 25 CLOSED - Nadolig Llawen CLOSED - Nadolig Llawen Maw

Mary Poppins Returns p13 Relaxed: It’s a Wonderful Life p14

The Greatest Showman p13 It’s a Wonderful Life p14 A Star Is Born p13 Anna and the Apocalypse p14

, 14:00 , Sun 23 Mary Poppins Returns p13 11:00 Sul 17:00 , 20:00

Mon 24 Llun

The Greatest Showman p13 The Muppet’s Christmas Carol Anna and the Apocalypse p14 A Star Is Born p13

Sat 22 Mary Poppins Returns p13 11:00 , 14:30 , , 20:20 Sad 17:35

11:00 The Muppet’s Christmas Carol Fri 21 Carry on Screaming: Mary Poppins… p13 14:30, 17:35, 20:20 A Star Is Born p13 Gwe Mary Poppins Returns p13 Anna and the Apocalypse p14

Sorry to Bother You p11 Thu 20 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes… p17 14:00, 17:30 20:15 Won’t You Be My Neighbour p11 Iau Sorry to Bother You p11 Lizzie p10

Sorry to Bother You p11 Wed 19 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes… p17 14:00 , 17:45 20:30 Lizzie p10 Mer Sorry to Bother You p11 Won’t You Be My Neighbour p11

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes… p17 Sorry to Bother You p11

Mon 17 Llun

Sun 16 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes… p17 11:00, 17:00 Lizzie p10 20:00 The Grinch p15 Sul Sorry to Bother You p11 Trading Places p14

#SaveOurSculpture In 1972 influential British artist Garth Evans created a large-scale work that was placed in Cardiff City Centre for six months as part of a unique survey of British sculpture, beyond gallery walls. After the project, the sculpture was relocated to Leicestershire where it has remained neglected and unseen by the public for more than four decades. We now want to rescue the sculpture and bring it back home to Wales but it’s in desperate need of restoration!

Yn 1972 creodd yr artist dylanwadol o Brydain, Garth Evans, waith graddfa fawr a osodwyd yng nghanol Dinas Caerdydd am chwe mis fel rhan o arolwg unigryw o gerfluniau Prydain y tu hwnt i orielau cyffredin. Ar ôl y prosiect, symudwyd y cerflun i Swydd Gaerlˆyr, ac nid yw’r cyhoedd wedi’i weld ers dros bedwar degawd. Rydyn ni nawr eisiau achub y cerflun a’i ddod yn ôl adref i Gymru, ond mae angen gwaith atgyweirio difrifol arno.

Please can you help us raise £18,000 to save and restore this historic and iconic work.

A allwch chi ein helpu ni i godi £18,000 i achub y gwaith eiconig hwn?

As a thank you for your support you’ll be able to choose from a range of fantastic rewards. The rewards are dependent on how much you can donate, and include a tote bag, an original limited edition print (framed or unframed), dinner with the artist; or a tour of the exhibition with the artist and curator.

To make your donation and choose your reward please go to: Why not gift your reward to a friend or loved one for a truly original present! Please Note: Receipt of your reward will not be available before the campaign finishes on the 10th January 2019 .

I ddiolch am eich cefnogaeth, gallwch ddewis o blith gwobrau gwych. Mae’r gwobrau’n ddibynnol ar faint yr ydych yn medru cyfrannu, ac yn cynnwys bag tote (gyda dyluniad egsliwsif), print gwreiddiol (wedi ei fframio neu heb ffrâm), swper gyda’r artist neu daith o arddangosfa gysylltiedig Garth Evans gyda’r artist a’r curadur.

I gyfrannu a dewis eich gwobr, ewch i Pam na rowch eich gwobr yn anrheg unigryw i ffrind neu’r sawl sy’n annwyl i chi! Nodwch os gwelwch yn dda: Ni fydd derbynneb o’ch gwobr ar gael hyd nes diwedd yr ymgyrch ar y 10fed o Ionawr. This project has been funded through Art Happens, Art Fund’s crowd-funding platform. Ariannwyd y prosiect hwn drwy Art Happens, platfform cyllido torfol Art Fund.

Cover image / Delwedd y clawr: Margaret and the Tapeworm p9 (photo/llun: Kirsten McTernan)

Design / Dylunio: Nelmes Design

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