029 2030 4400
Art / Celfyddyd
029 2030 4400
Larissa Sansour: In the Future They Ate From the Finest Porcelain Preview / Rhagolwg: 13.10, 6—8pm 14.10.17 — 14.01.18
Palestinian artist Larissa Sansour comes to Chapter with a major touring exhibition from Bluecoat, Liverpool. In the Future They Ate From the Finest Porcelain resides in the cross-section between sci-fi, archaeology and politics. Combining live motion and CGI, the film of the same title explores the role of myth for history, fact and national identity. A narrative resistance group makes underground deposits of elaborate porcelain — suggested to belong to a fictional civilisation. Their aim is to influence history and support future claims to their vanishing lands. Once unearthed, this tableware will prove the existence of this counterfeit people. By implementing a myth of its own, their work becomes a historical intervention — de facto creating a nation. The exhibition also features artefacts including the porcelain of the title and a new suspended sculptural installation.
Mae’r artist o Balesteina Larissa Sansour yn dod i Chapter, o’r Bluecoat yn Lerpwl, i gyflwyno ei harddangosfa deithiol nodedig. Mae In the Future They Ate From the Finest Porcelain yn bodoli ar y ffin rhwng ffuglen wyddonol, archaeoleg a gwleidyddiaeth. Yn gyfuniad o ddrama fyw a CGI, mae’r ffilm â’r un enw yn archwilio rôl chwedloniaeth mewn canfyddiadau o hanes, ffaith a hunaniaeth genedlaethol. Mae grŵp pwyso yn cuddio porslen cain dan ddaear ac yn awgrymu ei fod yn perthyn i wareiddiad ffuglennol. Nod y grŵp yw dylanwadu ar hanes a sicrhau bod ganddynt hawl ar y tir yn y dyfodol. Ar ôl i’r crochenwaith gael ei ddarganfod, bydd yn brawf o fodolaeth y bobl ffug. Drwy roi myth ar waith, mae’r gwaith yn troi’n ymyrraeth hanesyddol — ac yn creu cenedl de facto. Mae’r arddangosfa hefyd yn cyflwyno arteffactau sydd yn cynnwys gwaith porslen y teitl ynghyd â gosodiad cerfluniol newydd.
More information about the artist www.larissasansour.com
Gallwch ddarllen mwy am yr artist yn www.larissasansour.com
With additional support from / Gyda chefnogaeth ychwanegol Lawri Shabibi & Montoro 12
Larissa Sansour. In the Future They Ate Porcelain, 2015, film still. Image courtesy the Artist / Llun o’r ffilm, gyda chaniatad yr artist.
Art / Celfyddyd
Until / Tan 29.10
Cymru yn Fenis Wales in Venice La Biennale di Venezia Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Castello, Venezia
Derived from the Written Henriette Heimdal & Leah Meredith In this exhibition both artists explore the idea of revealing a written story through their chosen medium. Using photography, Heimdal portrays figures from ancient folklore in uncanny ways; drifting through the Welsh and Norwegian landscape, she shines her flash on the traces of the natural and industrial world to tell the stories of these eerie figures. Meredith’s paintings appropriate images from press cuttings around the topic of refugees, highlighting each individual’s story. By her portrayal of these people as lone figures, she takes them away from all of the written assumptions and catastrophic imagery that we see in mass media and captures an intimate and sincere portrait of humanity. ‘Derived from the written’ has been curated by Caitlin Davies, Curatorial Volunteer at Chapter. The exhibition is part of her final assessment for her Masters Degree in Curating at University of West England. Yn yr arddangosfa hon, mae’r ddau artist yn archwilio’r syniad o ddatgelu straeon ysgrifenedig mewn cyfryngau eraill. Trwy gyfrwng ffotograffiaeth, mae Heimdal yn portreadu ffigurau o lên gwerin hynafol Cymru a Norwy a hynny mewn ffyrdd annisgwyl; mae hi’n drifftio trwy dirweddau’r ddwy wlad ac yn taflu goleuni ar olion y byd naturiol a diwydiannol er mwyn adrodd hanesion cymeriadau iasol. Mae paentiadau Meredith yn seiliedig ar ddelweddau o doriadau papur newydd a straeon am ffoaduriaid ac yn ceisio amlygu hanes pob unigolyn. Wrth bortreadu’r bobl hyn fel ffigurau ar eu pennau’u hunain, mae hi’n eu gosod ar wahân i’r rhagdybiaethau ysgrifenedig a’r ddelweddaeth drychinebus a welwn yn y cyfryngau torfol. Mae hi’n cyflwyno portreadau diffuant ac agos-atoch o ddynoliaeth yr unigolion hyn. Cafodd ‘Derived from the written’ ei churadu gan Caitlin Davies, Gwirfoddolwr Curadurol yn Chapter. Mae’r arddangosfa yn rhan o’i hasesiad terfynol am Radd Meistr mewn Curadu ym Mhrifysgol Gorllewin Lloegr.
James Richards: Music for the gift
James Richards exhibits ‘Music for the gift’, to represent Cymru yn Fenis Wales in Venice as a collateral event of the 57th Venice Biennale. The exhibition is commissioned by the Arts Council of Wales and curated by Chapter. The exhibition includes a suite of new works featuring a six-channel electro-acoustic installation, a video made with collaborator Steve Reinke, and an installation of inkjet prints mounted on to aluminium. For more information visit www.experiencewalesinvenice.org
Mae ‘Music for the gift’ gan James Richards yn gorff newydd o waith sy’n cynnwys gosodiad sain, fideo a gwaith ffotograffig. Mae’n cynrychioli Cymru yn Fenis, yn un o ddigwyddiadau cyfochrog 57fed Biennale Fenis. Cafodd yr arddangosfa ei chomisiynu gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a’i churadu gan Chapter. Mae’r arddangosfa’n cyflwyno cyfres o weithiau newydd gan Richards sy’n cynnwys gosodwaith electro-acwstig chwe sianel, fideo a wnaed ar y cyd â’i gydweithredwr Steve Reinke, a phrintiau inkjet wedi’u gosod ar alwminiwm. I gael mwy o wybodaeth, ewch i www.experiencewalesinvenice.org
Images from left to right: Leah Meredith, Untitled (Displaced), 2017; James Richards & Steve Reinke, What Weakens the Flesh is the Flesh itself, installation at the Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Venice. Photo / Llun: Jamie Woodley
Performance / Perfformiadau
029 2030 4400
From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: Evan Parker, Pajama Men
Chapter Theatres are supported by the David Seligman donation in memory of Philippa Seligman Cefnogir Theatrau Chapter gan rodd David Seligman er cof am Philippa Seligman
Evan Parker & Rhodri Davies
As part of Rhodri Davies’ time as a Chapter Peilot associate artist, he is welcoming exceptional musicians to perform with him at Chapter for a series of events. For the first concert he has invited the pioneering virtuoso saxophonist Evan Parker. Davies has performed and recorded with Parker in various groups including the London Improvisers Orchestra, Strings with Evan Parker and the Butch Morris Conduction Orchestra.
11.10 7.30pm
02.10 8pm
Yn rhan o’i gyfnod fel artist cyswllt Chapter, mae Rhodri Davies yn gwahodd cerddorion arobryn i berfformio gydag ef yn Chapter. Y sacsoffonydd arloesol, Evan Parker, fydd yn ymuno ag ef yng nghyngerdd gynta’r gyfres. Mae Rhodri ac Evan wedi recordio a chwarae gyda’i gilydd mewn nifer o grwpiau yn y gorffennol, gan gynnwys Cerddorfa Fyrfyfyr Llundain, Strings with Evan Parker a’r Butch Morris Conduction Orchestra. £12/£10
Pajama Men Drawing on their huge catalogue of classic bits, always introducing new material and lacing it all together with bizarre improvised tangents the Pajama Men create an anarchic night of jubilant and inventive comedy.
‘One of the most dazzling displays of comedy theatre I’ve ever seen. It’s weird. And it’s wonderful.’ ★★★★★ Times £14/£13/£12 Age 16+
Mae’r Pajama Men yn tynnu ar eu catalog enfawr o sgetsys gwych, yn cyflwyno deunydd newydd ac yn asio’r cyfan at ei gilydd â darnau byrfyfyr — noson o gomedi anarchaidd a dyfeisgar. £14/£13/£12 16+ oed
From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: Little Wolf, The Future Is Female: Charismatic Megafauna
Performance / Perfformiadau
The Future Is Female 07.10 3.00—11.00pm
Say When
12—14.10 7.30pm
A new play set around one man’s struggle to shed his middle age spread. Having tried numerous diets, ‘The Man’ attends Andrew’s Fat Club for Men for one last throw of the dice. £8 Age 16+
Drama newydd wedi’i gosod reit yng nghanol brwydr un dyn i gael gwared ar ei fol canol oed. Ar ôl rhoi cynnig ar sawl deiet, mae’r dyn yn mynychu Clwb Andrew i Ddynion Mawrion — er mwyn rhoi un cynnig olaf arni. £8 16+ oed
Little Wolf
20—21.10 & 23—28.10
When a young boy mysteriously disappears, Freddie and Rita confront the truth of their marriage. A present-day retelling of Ibsen’s classic Little Eyolf from award-winning writer and director Simon Harris, Little Wolf is vital, raw and blisteringly funny. £12/£10 Age 14+ Captioned performance on 26.10. Post show talk on 23.10.
Ar ôl i fachgen ifanc ddiflannu, mae Freddie a Rita yn wynebu’r gwirionedd am eu priodas. Fersiwn gyfoes o ddrama glasurol Ibsen, Little Eyolf, gan yr awdur a’r cyfarwyddwr gwobrwyol, Simon Harris. Mae Little Wolf yn egnïol, yn amrwd ac yn llawn hiwmor miniog. £12/£10 14+ oed Perfformiad gyda chapsiynau ar 26.10 Sgwrs ar ôl y sioe ar 23.10.
An afternoon and evening of future thinking music and performance from Wales and beyond, with a focus on feminism, gender and identity. Highlights include the visual spectacle feverish cake-fetishist Lone Taxidermist, feminist dance-punk band Charismatic Megafauna and a full live AV show from producer Kayla Painter. Plus Welsh language electronic producer Accü, folkish trio Adwaith and the bearded bellydancing of Shrouk El Attar’s Dancing Queer. £15/£10 students
Prynhawn a noswaith o gerddoriaeth a pherfformiadau o Gymru a thu hwnt sy’n ystyried y dyfodol o safbwynt ffeministiaeth, rhywedd a hunaniaeth. Mae’r uchafbwyntiau’n cynnwys sbectacl hynod Lone Taxidermist, y grŵp pync ffeministaidd, Charismatic Megafauna, a sioe glyweledol lawn gan y cynhyrchydd Kayla Painter. Gyda’r cynhyrchydd electronig Cymraeg, Accü, y triawd gwerinaidd, Adwaith, a bolddawnsio barfog ‘Dancing Queer’ gan Shrouk El Attar. £15/£10 myfyrwyr
Ensemble Cymru — The Anniversary Tour / Taith Ben-blwydd 02.11 7pm
Wales’s leading chamber music ensemble, Ensemble Cymru, will mark its 15-year anniversary with a very special and extended concert this autumn. Bringing together world-class musicians with a passion for sharing rare chamber music from Wales and the world. £10/£8/£3 Early bird: £8/£7 (book by 13.10)
Mae prif ensemble cerddoriaeth siambr Cymru, Ensemble Cymru, yn nodi 15 mlwyddiant y cwmni â chyngerdd estynedig arbennig yr hydref hwn. Cerddorion o’r radd flaenaf yn dod at ei gilydd i rhannu’u cariad at gerddoriaeth siambr brin o Gymru ac o’r byd. £10/£8/£3 Tocyn cynnar: £8/£7 (archebwch erbyn 13.10)
Performance / Perfformiadau
029 2030 4400 From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: Hollti, Philip Corner
gan Manon Wyn Williams 19.10 & 20.10 7.30pm
Plans are afoot to build a new nuclear power station on Anglesey. But what effect will Wylfa Newydd have on its nearest neighbours? Do we have a choice? A bold new verbatim play about a community’s right to shape its own future. Constructed from interviews with local people, a cast of familiar faces brings to life the arguments for and against this most divisive of issues. #Hollti English language access via SIBRWD — please download the app. For full details visit theatr.cymru
Mae datblygiadau ar y gweill i greu atomfa newydd ar Ynys Môn. Ond pa effaith gaiff yr Wylfa Newydd ar ei chymdogion agosaf? Oes gennym ni ddewis? Dyma ddrama air-am-air newydd a beiddgar am hawl ein cymunedau i lunio’u dyfodol eu hunain. Gyda sgript wedi’i chreu o gyfweliadau gyda thrigolion lleol, daw cast o wynebau cyfarwydd â’r dadleuon yn fyw. #Hollti Mynediad ar gyfer y di-Gymraeg drwy gyfrwng SIBRWD — lawrlwythwch yr ap. Am fanylion llawn ewch i theatr.cymru
Philip Corner & Rhodri Davies 14.10 8pm
Continuing our Peilot Salon series, Rhodri Davies welcomes American artist and composer Philip Corner to join him for an intimate concert and Q & A. Born in 1933 Corner was a founding member of the Fluxus group and has performed with many of its key figures including George Maciunas, Yoko Ono and Nam June Paik For full details please see the Chapter website £12/10
Wrth i gyfres Peilot Salon barhau, mae Rhodri Davies yn croesawu’r artist a’r cyfansoddwr Americanaidd Philip Corner i Chapter am gyngerdd agos-atoch a sesiwn holi-ac-ateb. Ganed Corner yn 1933 ac roedd yn aelod o grŵp Fluxus. Perfformiodd gyda nifer o ffigyrau canolog y grŵp hwnnw, gan gynnwys George Maciunas, Yoko Ono a Nam June Paik. Gweler y manylion yn llawn ar wefan Chapter £12/10
Of Mice and Men
18-21.10 & 25-28.10 8pm 20, 25 + 26.10 12.30pm 28.10 2pm
Lennie is strong and simple. George is short and sharp. They are migrant farm workers. It’s the Great Depression. It smells of sweat. Dogs get shot. Black people are lynched and women are whores. Lennie and George talk of living off the fat of the land, raising rabbits and auntie Clara’s blueberry pies. £12/£10 Age 14+
Mae Lennie yn gryf ac yn ddiniwed. Mae George yn fyr a deallus. Maent yn weithwyr fferm mudol. Mae hi’n gyfnod y Dirwasgiad Mawr. Mae arogl chwys ymhobman. Mae cŵn yn cael eu saethu. Mae pobl dduon yn dioddef ymosodiadau a menywod yn buteiniaid. Mae Lennie a George yn byw ar ffrwyth y ddaear ei hun — yn magu cwningod ac yn bwyta pasteiod mwyar eu modryb Clara. £12/£10 14+ oed
Tim Bromage & guests / gwesteion: The Hunter & The Bleak (a collection) 31.10 8pm
Peilot artist Tim Bromage returns to Chapter with a special Halloween presentation his unique poetry / magic show hybrid ‘The Hunter and The Bleak’. Drawing inspiration from folklore and mythology, the work explores truth, process, and FATE. It’s not all doom and gloom though, along the way there’s alternate realities, some rousing tunes, and the world famous bag and egg trick. Pay What You Decide.
Mae artist cynllun Peilot, Tim Bromage, yn dychwelyd i Chapter â chyflwyniad Calan Gaeaf arbennig - sioe farddoniaeth / hud a lledrith o’r enw ‘The Hunter and The Bleak’. Fe’i hysbrydolwyd gan lên gwerin a mytholeg ac mae’n archwilio gwirionedd, prosesau a THYNGED. Ond nid tywyllwch dudew yw popeth - bydd yna realiti amgen, ambell gân ysbrydoledig a’r tric ‘wy a bag’ byd enwog. Digwyddiad ‘Talwch be’ fynnwch chi’.
Film / Ffilm
USA/UDA/2017/184mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Sir David McVicar. With/Gyda: Sondra Radvanovsky, Joyce DiDonato
Bellini’s masterpiece set in a Druid forest where the priestess Norma is torn between loyalty to her oppressed people and love. £13/£11/£10
Lleolir campwaith Bellini yng nghoedwig y Derwyddon lle mae’r offeiriades Norma yn cael ei thynnu rhwng teyrngarwch at ei phobl ddioddefus a galwadau ei chalon ei hun. £13/£11/£10
RSC Live: Coriolanus Live: 11.10 Encore: 22.10
UK/DG/2017/180mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Angus Jackson. With/Gyda: Sope Dirisu
Coriolanus is a fearless soldier but a reluctant leader. In this new city he must decide who hereally is and where his allegiances lie. £17.50/£14/£13
Mae Coriolanus yn filwr eofn ond yn arweinydd anfoddog. Yn y ddinas newydd, rhaid iddo benderfynu pwy ydyw mewn gwirionedd ac at bwy y mae e’n wirioneddol deyrngar. £17.50/£14/£13
Met Opera: Die Zauberflöte 15.10
USA/UDA/2017/189mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: James Levine. With/Gyda: Golda Schultz, Kathryn Lewek
Will brave Prince Tamino rescue Princess Pamina from the clutches of the evil Sarastro? Experience Mozart’s irresistible fantasy. £17.50/£14/£13
A fydd y Tywysog Tamino dewr yn gallu achub y Dywysoges Pamina o grafangau’r Sarastro maleisus? Dewch i fwynhau ffantasi amheuthun Mozart. From top / O’r brig: Norma, Corialanus, Die Zauberflöte, Hamlet
NT Encore: Hamlet 29.10
UK/DG/2015/210mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Lyndsey Turner. With/Gyda: Benedict Cumberbatch.
Forced to avenge his father’s death but paralysed by the task ahead, Hamlet threatens both his sanity and the security of the state. £13/£11/£10
Wedi’i orfodi i ddial am farwolaeth ei dad ond wedi’i barlysu gan y dasg sy’n ei wynebu, mae ymddygiad Hamlet yn bygwth ei bwyll ei hun — a’r wladwriaeth gyfan. £13/£11/£10
Film / Ffilm
029 2030 4400
I Am Not A Witch
Made in Wales — Screening at Chapter / Chapter yn cyflwyno detholiad o ffilmiau Cymreig
Chapter Moviemaker
I Am Not A Witch
Wales/Cymru/2017/90mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Rungano Nyoni With/Gyda: Maggie Mulubwa, Henry BJ Phiri
A regular showcase for short films by independent filmmakers. For more information email moviemaker@chapter.org Sesiwn reolaidd sy’n gyfle i gyfarwyddwyr annibynnol ddangos eu ffilmiau byrion. I gael mwy o wybodaeth, e-bostiwch moviemaker@chapter.org.
BAFTA: In Conversation with Simon Winstone / Sgwrs gyda Simon Winstone 11.10
Simon Winstone discusses his new role as Head of Drama in Wales for BBC Studios. Simon Winstone sy’n trafod ei rôl newydd fel Pennaeth Drama Stwidios y BBC yng Nghymru.
Moon Dogs 20.10—24.10
Wales/Cymru/2016/91mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Phillip John. With/Gyda: Jack Parry-Jones, Christy O’Donnell, Tara Lee
Two teenage step brothers fall for the same girl on a musically themed, chaotic road trip from Shetland to Glasgow. + Q&A 21.10
Mae dau lys-frawd yn eu harddegau yn cwympo mewn cariad â’r un ferch ar daith gerddorol a gwyllt o Shetland i Glasgow. + Sesiwn holi-ac-ateb 21.10
8-year old Shula is accused of witchcraft in her Zambian village. A deadpan tale of dogma, prejudice and corruption. Mae’r Shula 8 mlwydd oed yn cael ei chyhuddo o fod yn wrach yn ei phentref enedigol yn Zambia. Stori’n llawn hiwmor sych am ddogma, rhagfarn a llygredd.
B&B 18.10
Wales/Cymru/2017/83mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Joe Ahearne. With/Gyda: Paul McGann, Sean Teale, Tom Bateman
A gay London couple go away for a weekend at a remote Christian B&B, complicated by the arrival of a sinister guest.
+ Q&A
Mae cwpl hoyw o Lundain yn mynd i ffwrdd am benwythnos i Wely a Brecwast Cristnogol anghysbell — ond caiff ei arhosiad ei gymhlethu ar ôl i westai sinistr gyrraedd y fan hefyd.
+ Sesiwn holi-ac-ateb
The Best of Iris / Goreuon Iris 26.10
Various/Amrywiol /2017/TBA/ I’w gad/adv18
An opportunity to see the winner of the internationally esteemed LGBT Iris Prize and a collection of highly commended shorts from the 2017 festival. Cyfle i weld enillydd Gwobr LGBT ryngwladol nodedig Iris a chasgliad o’r ffilmiau byrion gorau o ŵyl 2017.
Film / Ffilm
In Between 20.10—26.10
Israel/2016/101mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Maysaloun Hamoud. With/Gyda: Mouna Hawa, Sana Jammelieh, Shaden Kanboura
Three Palestinian women living in an apartment in Tel Aviv try to find a balance between traditional and modern culture. Mae tair menyw o Balesteina sy’n byw mewn fflat yn Tel Aviv yn ceisio dod o hyd i gydbwysedd rhwng eu diwylliant traddodiadol a’r byd modern.
Victoria and Abdul 29.09—12.10
UK/DG/2017/112mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Stephen Frears. With/Gyda: Judi Dench, Ali Fazal, Michael Gambon, Eddie Izzard
The extraordinary true story of the unexpected friendship between Queen Victoria and a young servant from India. Stori wir anhygoel am y cyfeillgarwch annisgwyl rhwng y Frenhines Victoria a gwas ifanc o India.
InSyriated 22.09—05.10
Belgium/Gwlad Belg/2017/86mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Philippe Van Leeuw. With/Gyda: Hiam Abbass, Diamand Bou Abboud
A mother confined inside her flat in Damascus attempts to keep the home a haven whilst the city is under siege. Mae mam, sydd wedi ei chaethiwo i’w fflat yn Damascus, yn ceisio sicrhau bod y cartref yn hafan i’w theulu tra bod y ddinas dan warchae.
Goodbye Christopher Robin 13.10—26.10
UK/DG/2017/107mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Simon Curtis With/Gyda: Domhnall Gleeson, Margot Robbie, Kelly Macdonald
A look at the life of A.A. Milne and creation of the Winnie the Pooh for his son C.R. Milne.
From top / O’r brig: Victoria and Abdul, InSyriated, Goodbye Christopher RObin
Golwg ar fywyd AA Milne a’r cymeriad enwog, Winnie the Pooh, a grëwyd ganddo er mwyn difyrru ei fab, CR Milne.
Tilt is Chapter’s exciting new LGBTQ+ events programme bringing queer film, performance, art and debate to the Welsh capital. Tilt seeks to offer a creative, educational and entertaining outlook on LGBTQ+ culture that may sometimes challenge and provoke, be a fun night out or simply take a look an ever-changing world from a different angle. Tilt yw rhaglen LGBTQ+ gyffrous newydd Chapter ac mae’n cyflwyno’r ffilmiau, y perfformiadau, y gelfyddyd a’r trafodaethau queer gorau ym mhrifddinas Cymru. Nod Tilt yw cynnig golwg greadigol, addysgiadol a difyr ar ddiwylliant LGBTQ+. Bydd yn herio ac yn ysgogi, yn cynnig adloniant ardderchog ac yn gyfle hefyd i edrych ar fyd newidiol o ongl wahanol.
Film / Ffilm
029 2030 4400
Wind River 6.10—12.10
USA/UDA/2017/107mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Taylor Sheridan With/Gyda: Elizabeth Olsen, Jeremy Renner, Graham Greene, Gil Birmingham
An FBI agent teams with a local tracker to investigate a murder on a Native American reservation. Mae asiant gyda’r FBI yn ymuno â thraciwr lleol i ymchwilio i lofruddiaeth ar diriogaeth Americanwyr Brodorol.
Borg / McEnroe 13.10—19.10
Sweden/2017/100mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Janus Metz With/Gyda: Shia LaBeouf, Sverrir Gudnason, Stellan Skarsgård
The fascinating story of the 1980s tennis rivalry between the placid Björn Borg and the volatile John McEnroe. Hanes rhyfeddol y gystadleuaeth rhwng sêr tenis y 1980au, y Björn Borg tawel a’r John McEnroe gwyllt.
13.10—19.10 UK/DG/2017/90mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Peter Mackie Burns With/Gyda: Emily Beecham, Geraldine James, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor
A vibrant character portrait of a brittle, troubled young woman living in London who is on the threshold of a muchneeded change. Portread bywiog o ferch ifanc gythryblus a bregus sy’n byw yn Llundain ac sydd ar drothwy newid o bwys.
Bad Film Club: Skyjacked 01.10
USA/UDA/1972/99mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: John Guillermin. With/Gyda: Charlton Heston, James Brolin
From top / O’r brig: Wind River, Borg / McEnroe, Daphne
A crazed Vietnam vet hijacks a Boeing 707 and demands to be taken to Russia. Mae cyn-filwr gwallgo’ o ryfel Fietnam yn herwgipio Boeing 707 ac yn mynnu cael ei gymryd i Rwsia.
Clockwise from top left / Gyda’r cloc o’r chwith uchaf:: Taiwai: A Voice from the FOrest, Belle de Jour, Le Doulous, Dennis Skinner: Nature of the Beast
Film / Ffilm
The Work
Journey Through French Cinema
USA/UDA/2017/89mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Jairus McLeary, Gethin Aldous
France/Ffrainc/2016/201mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Bertrand Tavernier
An intimate and powerful portrait of the transformations possible when facing the traumas of the past, as inmates of Folsom Prison go through innovative therapy.
A personal journey through French cinema, from films Bertrand Tavernier has enjoyed as a boy to his own early career, told through portraits of key creative figures.
Portread grymus o’r trawsnewidiadau sy’n bosib pan wynebir rhai o brofiadau trawmatig y gorffennol; mae carcharorion yng Ngharchar Folsom yn dilyn cwrs o therapi arloesol.
Taiwai: A Voice from the Forest 16.10+18.10
Discussion with Alliance Française de Cardiff, 07.10, 12.30pm
Taith bersonol drwy sinema Ffrainc, trwy lygaid Bertrand Tavernier: y ffilmiau a daniodd ei ddychymyg ifanc, ei ffilmiau cynnar ei hun a phortreadau o ffigyrau creadigol allweddol. Trafodaeth gyda Alliance Française de Cardiff, 07.10, 12.30pm
UK/DG/2017/101mins/U. Dir/Cyf: Bruce Parry, Mark Ellam
Belle de Jour
Explorer Bruce Parry travels the world, living with indigenous peoples, on a journey delving deep into the heart of our collective human conscience.
France/Ffrainc/1967/100mins/18. Dir/Cyf: Luis Bunuel. With/Gyda: Catherine Deneuve, Jean Sorel
+ Q&A with Bruce Parry 16.10
Mae’r darganfyddwr Bruce Parry yn teithio’r byd, yn byw gyda phobloedd brodorol, ac yn mynd ar daith i galon ddofn ein cydwybod dynol cyfun. Sesiwn holi-ac-ateb gyda Bruce Parry 16.10
Dennis Skinner: Nature of the Beast 22.10
UK/DG/2017/106mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Daniel Draper
A portrait of the socialist, trade unionist and Labour politician known as ‘The Beast of Bolsolver’. + Q&A with Dennis Skinner.
Portread o’r sosialydd, yr undebwr llafur a’r gwleidydd Llafur, a adwaenir fel ‘Bwystfil Bolsover’. + Sesiwn holi-ac-ateb gyda Dennis Skinner.
Séverine, unable to be intimate with her husband and having sadomasochistic fantasies, becomes a prostitute during the day when he is at work. Mae Severine, sy’n methu â mwynhau bywyd rhywiol gyda’i gŵr, yn cael ffantasïau sadomasocistaidd ac yn mynd yn butain yn ystod y dydd pan fydd hwnnw yn y gwaith.
Le Doulous 15.10+17.10
France/Ffrainc/1961/109mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Jean-Pierre Melville. With/Gyda: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Serge Reggiani
After his release from prison burglar Maurice re-enters the criminal world, uncertain of who to trust. Ar ôl cael ei ryddhau o’r carchar, mae’r lleidr Maurice yn ailymuno â’r byd troseddol, heb wybod pwy y gall ymddiried ynddo.
Film / Ffilm
029 2030 4400
Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami — Live with Friends
Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami Rumble: The Indians Who — Live With Friends Rocked The World 25.10
UK/DG/2017/180mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Sophie Fiennes
Canada/2017/103mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Catherine Bainbridge, Alfonso Maiorana
An intimate and electrifying journey to explore the world of this pop cultural phenomenon alongside a specially commissioned performance. £11/£10/£9
Taith bersonol a thrydanol i fyd un o berfformwyr a ffigyrau eiconig cerddoriaeth bop, ynghyd â pherfformiad comisiwn arbennig. £11/£10/£9
Revealing the little-known, but essential, part played by Native American musicians in the story of rock and roll including legendary Link Wray. Ffilm sy’n datgelu’r rôl gymharol anhysbys — ond hanfodol — a chwaraewyd gan gerddorion Americanaidd Brodorol yn hanes roc a rôl, gan gynnwys y Link Wray chwedlonol.
Meeting People Is Easy 19.10
UK/DG/1998/99mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Grant Gee
An artful documentary exploring how Radiohead were plagued by creative insecurity and uncomfortable with success, on the 1998 tour that almost destroyed them. Ffilm ddogfen gain sy’n archwilio’r cyfnod o ansicrwydd creadigol a’r amheuon am enwogrwydd a blagiodd Radiohead yn ystod taith heriol yn 1998.
American Valhalla 12.10
USA/UDA/2017/81mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Josh Homme, Andreas Neumann
The extraordinary story of how rock icons Iggy Pop and Josh Homme recorded an album, embarked on an epic tour, and played the Royal Albert Hall. Stori anhygoel dau o eiconau byd roc, Iggy Pop a Josh Homme, a’r modd yr aethant ati i recordio albwm, cwblhau taith epig a chwarae yn y Royal Albert Hall.
Film / Ffilm
CULT FILMS / FFILMIAU CWLT The Death Of Stalin 27.10—9.11
UK/DG/2017/107mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Armando Iannucci. With/Gyda: Jeffrey Tambor, Steve Buscemi
A bitingly funny retelling of the chaos after the Soviet dictator’s death from the creator of The Thick of It. Cipolwg poenus o ddoniol ar yr anhrefn a ddaeth yn sgil marwolaeth yr unben Sofietaidd gan greawdwr The Thick of It.
13.10—19.10 USA/UDA/2017/115mins/18. Dir/Cyf: Darren Aronofsky. With/Gyda: Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Michelle Pfeiffer
In this tense psychological thriller, a couple’s tranquil existence is called into question when strangers arrive in their home. Yn y ffilm gyffro seicolegol hon, caiff bywyd tawel cwpwl ei herio ar ôl i ddieithriaid ddod i’w cartref.
Kills on Wheels 07.10—11.10
Hungary/Hwgari/2016/105mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Attila Till. With/Gyda: Szabolcs Thuróczy, Zoltán Fenyvesi, Ádám Fekete
In this hyper-violent black comedy a pair of nihilist disabled teenagers team up with a hitman in a wheelchair. Yn y ffilm gomedi dywyll hyper-dreisgar hon mae pâr o blant nihilaidd anabl yn eu harddegau yn ymuno â ‘hitman’ mewn cadair olwyn.
Blade Runner 2049 From top / O’r brig: The Death of Stalin, Kills on Wheels, Blderunner 2049, Close Encounters of the Third Kind
UK/DG/2017/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Denis Villeneuve. With/Gyda: Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling, Robin Wright
The discovery of a long buried secret leads Officer K on a quest to track down former fellow blade runner, Deckard. Mae cyfrinach o’r gorffennol yn arwain y Swyddog K ar gwest i ddod o hyd i gyn-gydymaith a chyn ‘blade runner’ o’r enw Deckard.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind 22.10+24.10
USA/UDA/1977/137mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Steven Spielberg. With/Gyda: Richard Dreyfuss, Francois Truffaut, Melinda Dillon
After encounters with U.F.O.s, a man finds his world turned upside down and a scientist yearns to understand. Ar ôl cyfarfyddiadau â UFOs, mae byd un dyn yn cael ei droi ben i waered ac mae gwyddonydd yn gwneud ei orau i geisio deall.
Chapter 13: Killing Ground 23.10
Australia/Awstralia/2016/88mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Damien Power. With/Gyda: Tiarnie Coupland, Harriet Dyer
A couples’ camping trip turns into a frightening ordeal when they stumble across the scene of a horrific crime. Mae trip gwersylla cwpwl yn troi’n hunllef ar ôl iddynt gyrraedd man lle cyflawnwyd trosedd erchyll.
Film / Ffilm
029 2030 4400
ABERTOIR FESTIVAL HALLOWEEN TAKEOVER! / CYFLWYNIAD CALAN GAEAF GAN ŴYL FFILM ARSWYD ABERTOIR The team from Aberystwyth head here for a day of blood-filled fun on Saturday 29th October. Mae’r tîm o Aberystwyth yn dod i Chapter am ddiwrnod o hwyl gwaedlyd ar ddydd Sadwrn 29 Hydref.
Hotel Transylvania Bad Film Club / USA/UDA/2012/89mins/U. Clwb Ffilmiau Dir/Cyf: Genndy Tartakovsky. Voices/ Lleisiau: Adam Sandler, Gwael: The Selena Gomez Hotelier Dracula goes into Mangler overprotective mode when a boy discovers the resort and falls for the count’s teenaged daughter. Mae Dracula, sy’n rhedeg gwesty crand, yn dechrau ymddwyn mewn modd goramddiffynnol pan ddaw bachgen o hyd i’r lle a chwympo mewn cariad â’i ferch.
Psycho 29.10
USA/UDA/1960/109mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Alfred Hitchcock. With/Gyda: Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles
Secretary Marion Crane goes on the run with her employer’s money and checks into a remote motel run by a shy young man. Mae’r ysgrifennydd ifanc Marion Crane yn ffoi gydag arian a sieciau ei chyflogwr ac yn cyrraedd motel anghysbell dan ofal dyn ifanc swil.
78/52 From top / O’r brig: Hotel Transylvania, 78/52, The Mangler
USA/UDA/2017/91mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Alexandre O. Philippe
An unprecedented look at the iconic shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, the “man behind the curtain”, and the screen murder that profoundly changed the course of world cinema. Golwg ddigynsail ar yr olygfa gawod eiconig yn ‘Psycho’ Alfred Hitchcock. Cip hefyd ar y “dyn y tu ôl i’r llen” ac ar lofruddiaeth seliwloid a newidiodd gwrs sinema’r byd yn llwyr.
USA/UDA/1995/103mins/18. Dir/Cyf: Tobe Hooper. With/Gyda: Robert Englund
A laundry-folding machine becomes possessed by a demon, causing it to develop homicidal tendencies. Mae peiriant plygu golch yn cael ei feddiannu gan ddiafol ac yn dechrau lladd pobl.
Habit UK/DG/2017/90mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Simeon Halligan. With/Gyda: Jessica Barden.
In the neon drenched rain swept underbelly of Manchester, the addicted prey on the lost and the lonely. Yn is-fyd neon glawog Manceinion, mae’r rheiny sy’n gaeth i gyffuriau yn ymosod ar bobl unig a cholledig. WYRD WONDER PRESENTS / YN CYFLWYNO:
The Company Of Wolves 31.10
UK/DG/1984/95mins/18. Dir/Cyf: Neil Jordan. With/Gyda: Angela Lansbury
Wyrd Wonder and Folk Horror expert Howard Ingham present this screening of the cult classic based on Angela Carter’s re-working of Red Riding Hood. Arbenigwr arswyd-gwerin Wyrd Wonder, Howard Ingham, sy’n cyflwyno’r dangosiad hwn o glasur cwlt, sy’n seiliedig ar fersiwn Angela Carter o stori’r Hugan Fach Goch.
Film / Ffilm
OFF-CENTRE / MAN ARALL: CASTELL COCH There may be warmth to be had in these films but don’t be fooled — wrap up as this will feel like an outdoor screening. Advertised start times may vary slightly due to sunset. More information on our website. £10/£8 for earlier films / £15/£12 for late night treats
Bydd y ffilmiau’n llawn cynhesrwydd ond peidiwch â chael eich twyllo — bydd angen i chi lapio haenau trwchus amdanoch am y bydd hwn yn teimlo fel dangosiad awyragored. Fe all amseroedd y dangosiadau amrywio ryw ychydig yn ôl union amser y machlud. Mae mwy o wybodaeth ar gael ar ein gwefan. £10/£8 ffilmiau cynharach / £15/£12 ffilmiau hwyr y nos
Wallace & Gromit: Curse of The Were-Rabbit 13.10 Doors Open / Drysau’n agor 5.45pm
UK/DG/2005/85mins/U. Dir/Cyf: Steve Box. With Peter Sallis, Helena Bonham Carter
Wallace and Gromit set out to discover the mystery behind the garden sabotage that plagues their village and the giant vegetable growing contest Mae Wallace a Gromit yn ceisio dod o hyd i’r gwir am y grymoedd dirgel sydd yn difetha gerddi yn y pentref ac yn distrywio cynnyrch y gystadleuaeth tyfu llysiau.
Young Frankenstein
13.10 Doors Open / Drysau’n agor 8.15pm
From top / O’r brig: Castell Coch, Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, The Lego Batman, King Kong
USA/UDA/1974/106mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Mel Brooks. With/Gyda: Gene Wilder
Baron von Frankenstein’s American grandson travels to Transylvania to prove that he is not as insane as people believe. Mae ŵyr Americanaidd y Baron von Frankenstein yn teithio i Transylvania i brofi nad yw ei dad-cu mor wallgo’ ag y mae rhai’n credu.
The Lego Batman
14.10 Doors Open / Drysau’n agor 5.45pm USA/UDA/2017/104mins/U. Dir/Cyf: Chris McKay. Voices/ Lleisiau: Will Arnett, Michael Cera
Bruce Wayne discovers that he has accidentally adopted a teenage orphan who wishes to become his sidekick. Mae Bruce Wayne wedi mabwysiadu bachgen ifanc yn ddiarwybod iddo - ac mae hwnnw eisiau helpu Batman.
King Kong
14.10 Doors Open / Drysau’n agor 8.15pm USA/UDA/1933/100mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Merian C Cooper. With/Gyda: Fay Wray
A film crew goes to a tropical island for an exotic shoot and discovers a colossal gorilla who takes a shine to their blonde star. Mae criw ffilmio yn mynd i ynys drofannol ac egsotig ac yn dod o hyd i gorila anferthol sy’n cwympo mewn cariad â seren y ffilm.
Film / Ffilm
029 2030 4400
The Jungle Bunch FAMILY FEATURES/ 07 + 08.10 & 14 + 15.10 Dir/Cyf: David Alaux. FFILMIAU I’R TEULU CYFAN USA/UDA/2017/97mins/U. Maurice may look like a penguin — but he’s a real tiger A selection of fabulous, family–friendly films every Saturday and Sunday. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Detholiad o ffilmiau gwych sy’n addas i’r teulu cyfan, bob dydd Sadwrn a dydd Sul. Rhaid i blant dan 12 oed fod yng nghwmni oedolyn.
inside! Raised by a tigress, he’s the clumsiest Kung-Fu master ever. Mae Maurice yn edrych fel pengwin — ond teigr ydyw ar y tu mewn! Fe’i magwyd gan deigres ond ef yw’r Meistr Kung Fu mwyaf lletchwith erioed!
Goodbye Christopher Robin 13—26.10
UK/DG/2017/107mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Simon Curtis. With/Gyda: Margot Robbie
A behind the scenes look at the life of aurthor A.A.Milne and his creation, Winnie the Pooh Golwg ar fywyd yr awdur AA Milne a’i gymeriad enwog, Winnie the Pooh.
War For The Planet of The Apes 21.10 + 02.11
USA/UDA/2017/140mins/12A. Dir/Cyf: Matt Reeves. With/Gyda: Andy Serkis, Woody Harrelson
After the apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own quest for vengeance. Ar ôl i’r epaod ddioddef colledion enbyd, mae Cesar yn brwydro yn erbyn ei reddfau tywyll ei hun ac yn chwilio am gyfle i ddial.
28.10—01.11 USA/UDA/2009/100mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Henry Selick. With/Gyda: Dakota Fanning
An adventurous girl finds another world that is a strangely idealized version of her frustrating home, but it has sinister secrets. Mae merch anturus yn dod o hyd i fyd arall sydd yn debyg iawn i’w chartref, ond yn llawn cyfrinachau sinistr.
Hotel Transylvania From top / O’r brig: The Jungle Bunch, Kedi, Goodbye Christopher Robin,
USA/UDA/2012/89mins/U. Dir/Cyf: Genndy Tartakovsky. Voices/Lleisiau: Adam Sandler, Selena Gomez
Hotelier Dracula goes into overprotective mode when a boy discovers the resort and falls for the count’s teen-aged daughter. Mae Dracula, sy’n rhedeg gwesty crand, yn dechrau ymddwyn mewn modd goramddiffynnol pan ddaw bachgen o hyd i’r lle a chwympo mewn cariad â’i ferch.
Kedi 30.10
Turkey/Twrci/2017/79mins/U/subtitled/is-deitlau. Dir/Cyf: Ceyda Torun
A charming documentary about the street cats of Istanbul and their importance to the city and their human friends. Ffilm ddogfen hudolus am gathod stryd Istanbul, eu rôl yn y ddinas a’u ffrindiau dynol.
Film / Ffilm
ACCESSIBLE CINEMA / SINEMA HYGYRCH Audio Description and Soft Subtitles / Is-deitlau Meddal + Disgrifiadau Sain Information on Soft Subtitles / Audio Description is subject to change, please see website for confirmation. Mae’r wybodaeth am Is-deitlau Meddal / Disgrifiadau Sain yn rhwym o newid — ewch i’r wefan i gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf.
Soft Subtitles / Is-deitlau Meddal
Captioned screenings for the hearing impaired. Dangosiadau gyda chapsiynau i bobl â nam ar y clyw.
Audio description / Disgrifiadau Sain
An additional audio track narration describing events on screen, designed for those with visual impairment. Sylwebaeth ychwanegol sy’n disgrifio digwyddiadau ar y sgrin, i bobl â golwg ddiffygiol.
F-Rating / Ardystiad ‘F’ Films and performances directed by women, written by women and / or with women on screen and on stage in their own right. Ffilmiau a pherfformiadau wedi’u cyfarwyddo gan ferched, wedi’u hysgrifennu gan ferched neu / ac sydd yn cynnwys rhannau canolog i ferched ar y sgrin neu ar y llwyfan.
Relaxed Screenings / Dangosiadau Hamddenol To create a supportive environment for people with complex needs these screenings have films played with the lights raised and the volume reduced. People can feel free to move around the cinema or make a noise as they feel comfortable. Er mwyn sicrhau awyrgylch cefnogol i bobl a chanddynt anghenion cymhleth, cyflwynir y dangosiadau hyn mewn ystafell sy’n fwy golau nag arfer ac â thrac sain ychydig yn is. Bydd rhwydd hynt i bobl godi a symud o gwmpas y sinema neu wneud sŵn fel y dymunant.
Dementia Friendly Screenings / Dangosiadau Addas i Bobl â Dementia A great opportunity for people living with dementia to enjoy a film in a relaxed friendly environment, following the film there is a chance to socialise with complimentary tea and coffee. We also welcome charity workers, medical professionals, care home staff, social workers and support staff. £4.50 including refreshments
Cyfle ardderchog i bobl â dementia fwynhau dangosiad o ffilm mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hamddenol. Ar ôl y ffilm bydd yna gyfle i gymdeithasu dros baned am ddim o de neu goffi. Bydd yna groeso cynnes hefyd i weithwyr elusennol, gweithwyr meddygol proffesiynol, staff cartrefi gofal, gweithwyr cymdeithasol a staff cymorth. £4.50 yn cynnwys lluniaeth From top / O’r brig: Goodbye Christopher Robin, Victoria and Abdul, Kedi, Victor Victoria
Learning / Addysg
029 2030 4400
Autumn Sewcials / Sewcials yr Hydref
Discover Arts Award / Gwobr Darganfod y Celfyddydau
Lead Creative Schools / Ysgolion Creadigol Arweiniol
17.09—03.12 Suitable for ages 8–14
01.11 10am–1pm Suitable for 5–7 year olds
As a Creative Agent for the Lead Creative School Scheme Chapter is pleased to be assisting Kitchener Road and Radnor Road Primary Schools in an inspiring school-toschool creative learning project throughout the Autumn Term.
A 10 week term of cute and quirky sewing projects for youngsters to get their teeth into. Hand sewing and machine sewing techniques and skills. www.chapter.org/chapter-sewcialsautumn-term for more details
Addas i blant 8–14 oed
Tymor 10 wythnos o hyd o brosiectau gwnïo difyr i bobl ifanc. Technegau pwytho — â llaw ac â pheiriant. Gweler www.chapter.org/cy/chaptersewcials-autumn-term am fwy o fanylion
Ewart Parkinson Film Award / Gwobr Ffilm Ewart Parkinson Weekend Masterclass: 14.10 & 15.10
Suitable for ages 13–19 year olds Join Filmmaker and Tutor Tom Betts, for a fun-packed two days of practical filmmaking exercises, tips and advice. No prior experience necessary just a desire to make films, learn new skills and develop the ones you already have! Cost £35 (Please being packed lunch) Places limited to 15 participants
Penwythnos o Ddosbarthiadau Meistr: 14.10 & 15.10
Addas i bobl ifanc 13–19 oed Ymunwch â’r gwneuthurwr ffilmiau a’r tiwtor Tom Betts am ddau ddiwrnod hwyliog o ymarferion, awgrymiadau a chyngor ymarferol am wneud ffilmiau. Does dim angen unrhyw brofiad penodol ond bydd angen i chi fod eisiau gwneud ffilmiau, dysgu sgiliau newydd a datblygu’ch sgiliau presennol! Cost £35 (Dewch â phecyn cinio gyda chi os gwelwch yn dda) 15 o leoedd fydd ar gael
A morning workshop to introduce 5–7 year olds to the different art forms that are all around us like dance, drama, craft, architecture, design and more, (includes lunch and a Discover Arts Award certificate for each participant). Cost: £5 per child. Places limited to 15 participants.
Addas i blant 5–7 oed
Gweithdy bore, i blant 5–7 oed sy’n cyflwyno’r gwahanol ffurfiau celfyddydol sydd o’n cwmpas ni ymhobman. Dawns, drama, crefft, pensaernïaeth, dylunio a mwy. (Yn cynnwys cinio a thystysgrif Gwobr Darganfod y Celfyddydau i bob cyfranogwr.) Cost: £5 y plentyn. Uchafswm o 15 o leoedd fydd ar gael.
Crafty Pictures Birthday Party / Parti Pen-blwydd ‘Crafty Pictures’ Do you have a Birthday coming up? Contact us to book A Crafty Picture Party. 1 hour Craft Workshop, Party Buffet, and ticket to the Cinema! Saturdays and School Holidays only. 1.30pm–4.30pm (Film at 3pm). Minimum booking required. £15 per child. For more information contact learning@chapter.org Ydy hi bron yn ben-blwydd arnoch chi? Cysylltwch â ni i archebu Parti ‘Crafty Pictures’. Gweithdy Crefft awr o hyd, Bwffe Parti a thocyn i’r Sinema! Dyddiau Sadwrn a Gwyliau Ysgol yn unig. 1.30pm–4.30pm (Ffilm am 3pm). Mae angen bwcio isafswm o leoedd. £15 y plentyn. I gael mwy o wybodaeth, anfonwch e-bost at learning@chapter.org.
Fel Asiant Creadigol Cynllun Ysgolion Creadigol Arweiniol, mae Chapter yn falch o allu cynorthwyo Ysgolion Cynradd Heol Kitchener a Heol Radnor â phrosiect dysgu ysbrydoledig a chreadigol drwy gydol Tymor yr Hydref.
Build Your own Pavilion / Adeiladu Eich Pafiliwn Eich Hun 10.10 10am–2pm Suitable for 14–16 year olds.
In Partnership with the Serpentine Gallery, this free creative school workshop is designed specifically for Art/Design students and introuces CAD software and develops design skills. learning@chapter.org for more details
10.10 10am–2pm Addas i bobl ifanc 14–16 oed.
Ar y cyd ag Oriel y Serpentine, cafodd y gweithdy creadigol rhad ac am ddim hwn i ysgolion ei greu yn unswydd ar gyfer myfyrwyr Celfyddyd / Dylunio. Mae’n gyflwyniad i feddalwedd CAD ac yn gyfle i datblygu sgiliau dylunio. Cysylltwch â learning@chapter.org i gael mwy o fanylion
Chapter Mix
Cardiff Storytelling Circle / Cylch Chwedleua Caerdydd
Clwb Comedi The Drones Comedy Club
01.10 8pm
06.10 + 20.10, October Doors / Drysau’n agor: 8.30pm Start / Sioe’n dechrau: 9pm
South Wales Decorative & Fine Arts Society / Cymdeithas Celfyddydau Cain ac Addurnol De Cymru
Someone tells a story, it might be true or made up or traditional — and everybody else listens. It’s as simple as that. All storytellers and all story listeners welcome. £4 (on the door)
Mae un person yn adrodd stori — a all fod yn stori wir, yn stori draddodiadol neu’n greadigaeth bersonol — ac mae pawb arall yn gwrando. Mae hi mor syml â hynny. Croeso i storïwyr a gwrandawyr fel ei gilydd. £4 (wrth y drws)
Clonc yn y Cwtch Every Monday 6.30–8pm
Are you learning Cymraeg? Come and join us for a great chance to practice your Welsh with other learners. Croeso i bawb! FREE
In partnership with Menter Caerdydd and Cardiff University
Bob dydd Llun 6.30-8pm
Ydych chi’n dysgu Cymraeg? Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i ymarfer eich Cymraeg yng nghwmni dysgwyr eraill. Croeso i bawb! RHAD AC AM DDIM
Ar y cyd â Menter Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Caerdydd
First Thursday New Poetry and Fiction / Dydd Iau Cyntaf y Mis — Barddoniaeth a Ffuglen Newydd 05.10 7.30pm
Aamer Hussein will read from his illustrated collection of short stories, Love & its Seasons. Wales’ own Mab Jones will read from her most recent poetry collection, take your experience and peel it. Plus open mic. £2.50 (on the door)
Bydd Aamer Hussein yn darllen o’i gasgliad darluniadol o straeon byrion, Love & Its Seasons. A bydd Mab Jones o Gymru yn darllen o’i chasgliad ddiweddaraf o farddoniaeth, take your experience and peel it. Ynghyd â sesiwn meic agored. £2.50 (wrth y drws)
Clint Edwards brings you the best from up-and-coming stand-ups, as seen on Rob Brydon’s ‘Identity Crisis’. £3.50 (on the door)
Clint Edwards sy’n cyflwyno’r ‘stand-ups’ addawol gorau. Gwelwyd peth o ddeunydd y nosweithiau hyn ar raglen ‘Identity Crisis’ Rob Brydon. £3.50 (wrth y drws)
Golden Thread Playback Theatre / Theatr Golden Thread Playback 07.10 1pm
Powerful and unique performances in which stories from the audience are spontaneously and magically brought to life before your eyes. £7/£5/£3 Children / Under 5s free (on the door)
Perfformiadau pwerus ac unigryw lle rhoddir bywyd newydd i straeon y gynulleidfa — o flaen eich llygaid, yn y fan a’r lle! £7/£5/£3 Plant / Am ddim i blant dan 5 oed (wrth y drws)
Oktoberfest 11–14.10,Festival bar open: Wed + Thu: 5–11pm, Fri:5pm–12.30am Sat: 12pm–12am
Whatever your beery preference — whether you love schwarzbiers from Saxony, kölschs from Cologne, or Bavarian weissbiers — we’ll be offering the finest German beers all weekend. Prost! Free entry
Bar yr ŵyl ar agor: Mer + Iau: 5–11pm / Gwe: 5pm–12.30am Sad: 12pm–12am
Waeth beth fyddo’ch hoff fath o gwrw — schwarzbier o Sacsoni, kölsch o Cologne neu weissbier o Bafaria — byddwn yn cynnig detholiad o’r cwrw Almaenaidd gorau drwy gydol y penwythnos. Prost! Mynediad am ddim
12.10 The Relevance of Rome, Lecturer Sam Moorhead An outline of Roman activity in the Near East and North Africa focussing on cities which have been largely destroyed (Palmyra, Syria) or that are now too dangerous to visit such as Cyrene, Libya. Visitors £6 (on the door, space permitting)
‘Perthnasedd Rhufain’, Darlithydd: Sam Moorhead
Amlinelliad o weithgarwch Ymerodraeth Rhufain yn y Dwyrain Agos a Gogledd Affrica yn canolbwyntio ar ddinasoedd sydd naill ai wedi eu dinistrio fwy neu lai (Palmyra, Syria), neu sydd bellach yn rhy beryglus i ymweld â nhw, fel Cyrene, Libya. Ymwelwyr: £6 (wrth y drws, yn ddibynnol ar le)
Sunday Jazz / Jazz ar y Sul 22.10 9pm
Chapter Four Jazz Quartet, featuring Glen Manby, Jim Barber, Don Sweeney and Greg Evans. FREE
Pedwar Jazz Chapter — Glen Manby, Jim Barber, Don Sweeney a Greg Evans. RHAD AC AM DDIM
Cafficadabra Halloween Special / Noson Calan Gaeaf Cafficadabra 31.10 7—9pm
Join Joseff Badman in the Caffi Bar this Halloween as he amazes and entertains with magic that oscillates between exciting, strange and downright bizarre. FREE
Ymunwch â Joseff Badman yn y Caffi ar noson Calan Gaeaf am sioe yn llawn rhyfeddod a diddanwch — noson o driciau a hud a lledrith cyffrous a rhyfedd! RHAD AC AM DDIM
Get Involved
Cymryd Rhan
CLIC Reward Card
Cerdyn Gwobrwyo CLIC
Collect points when you visit the cinema/ theatre and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can build your points up to receive a free ticket. See this and double your points! www.chapter.org
Casglwch bwyntiau wrth ymweld â’r sinema/ theatr ac fe synnwch chi ba mor gyflym y gallwch chi hawlio tocyn rhad ac am ddim. Dyblwch eich pwyntiau pan welwch y symbol hwn! www.chapter.org
Chapter Friends
Ffrindiau Chapter
Become a friend and enjoy the many benefits on offer from discounts on tickets & at the Caffi bar to special events. Also doubles as a CLIC card. Gold £45/£40; Silver £35/£30; Bronze £25/£20.
Ymunwch â chynllun Ffrindiau Chapter ac fe gewch chi fuddion fel gostyngiadau ar bris tocynnau a bwyd a diod yn ein Caffi Bar a gwahoddiadau i ddigwyddiadau arbennig. Bydd eich cerdyn Ffrindiau hefyd yn gweithio fel cerdyn CL1C. Aur £45/£40; Arian £35/£30; Efydd £25/£20.
Chapter Students Chapter offers a free membership to students and therefore a number of benefits, including discounts on cinema/theatre tickets & Caffi bar. www.chapter.org/students.
Keep in Touch/Info Our weekly e-listings Email megan.price@chapter.org and state “Join Listings” Workshops and classes Head to www.chapter.org to see the range we have on offer. Home to resident companies and Artists For more information head to www.chapter.org
Myfyrwyr Chapter Mae Chapter yn cynnig aelodaeth am ddim i fyfyrwyr a manteision yn cynnwys gostyngiadau ar docynnau sinema/theatr a phrisiau is yn y Caffi Bar. www.chapter.org/cy/aelodaeth-myfyrwyr-chapter.
Cadw mewn Cysylltiad/Gwybodaeth Ein e-lythyr wythnosol: E-bostiwch megan.price@chapter.org a nodi “Cylchlythyr” ym mhwnc yr e-bost. Gweithdai a dosbarthiadau: Ewch i www.chapter.org i weld yr hyn sydd ar gael. Mae Chapter yn gartref i gwmnïau ac artistiaid preswyl: Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i www.chapter.org
Chapter Theatres are supported by the David Seligman donation in memory of Philippa Seligman Noddir Theatrau Chapter gan rodd David Seligman er cof am Philippa Seligman Chapter gratefully acknowledges the support it receives from the following: Hoffai Chapter gydnabod cefnogaeth hael y sefydliadau canlynol: Esmée Fairbairn Foundation Garfield Weston Foundation Colwinston Charitable Trust Waitrose SEWTA Tesco The Clothworkers’ Foundation Dunhill Medical Trust Google Wales Arts International Boshier-Hinton Foundation Oakdale Trust Western Power Distribution
Big Lottery Fund Foyle Foundation Admiral Group plc ScottishPower Green Energy Trust Australia Council for the Arts WRAP The Jane Hodge Foundation Simon Gibson Charitable Trust The Angel Hotel Ernest Cook Trust Dipec Plastics Nelmes Design
Moondance Foundation Biffa Award Viridor Waterloo Foundation Santander UK The Henry Moore Foundation Arts & Business Cymru Lloyds Aston Martin Austin & Hope Pilkington Trust Gibbs Charitable Trust Bruce Wake Charity
How to Book
Sut i Archebu
Phone: Box Office 029 2030 4400 (major credit cards accepted). In person: Office Hrs Mon—Sun, 10.00am–8.30pm Online: 24/7 at www.chapter.org Concessions: Only applicable for Students, over 60’s, children, unemployed, disabled people, MAX card, Chapter’s Friends, and Card Holders. Proof must be shown. Group Bookings: Buy 8 tickets, get the 9th Free. Please note: Only one discount is applicable at one time. Tickets cannot be reserved without payment. No latecomers. Only bottled water allowed in the cinema auditoria.
Ffôn: Swyddfa Docynnau — 029 2030 4400 (derbynnir y prif gardiau credyd). Yn bersonol: Oriau Agor Llun-Sul, 10am-8.30pm Ar-lein: 24/7 yn www.chapter.org Consesiynau: Ar gael i fyfyrwyr, pobl 60+ oed, plant, pobl ddi-waith, pobl anabl, deiliaid cerdyn MAX, Ffrindiau Chapter a Deiliaid Cardiau. Rhaid dangos prawf o’ch cymhwyster. Disgownt Grwpiau: Prynwch 8 tocyn ac fe gewch chi’r 9fed am ddim Dalier sylw: Dim ond un disgownt y gellir ei ddefnyddio ar y tro. Ni ellir cadw tocynnau heb dalu amdanynt. Dim hwyrddyfodiaid. Dwr ˆ potel yn unig yn y sinemâu.
Cinema prices
Prisiau’r sinema
Cinema Before 5pm From 5pm Full £4.50 (£4.00) £7.50 (£7.20) Concs £3.50 (£3.00) £5.80 (£5.10) Card + Conc £3.00 (£2.50) £5.00 (£4.50) BARGAIN TUESDAY! All main screening tickets £4.40
Sinema Llawn Disg Card + Disg
(Prices in Brackets) = Any time before the day of screening / online bookings.
(Prisiau mewn cromfachau) = Unrhyw adeg cyn diwrnod y dangosiad / archebion ar-lein.
How to get to Chapter
Sut i gyrraedd Chapter
Travelling: West of the city centre, Market Road, Canton, Cardiff CF5 1QE. So from the city centre it’s a 20 minute walk. Every 5 minutes by bus, No 17 and 18. Bike racks are available on site. www.chapter.org/maps-directions. Parking: There is a car park to the rear of the building and there are a number of public car parks just off Cowbridge Rd East.
d Roa
Teithio: I’r gorllewin o ganol y ddinas, Heol y Farchnad, Treganna, Caerdydd CF5 1QE. Mae hi’n daith gerdded o ryw 20 munud o ganol y ddinas. Bysus rhif 17 ac 18, bob 5 munud. Mae raciau beic ar gael o flaen yr adeilad. www.chapter.org/cy/mapiau-cyfarwyddiadau. Parcio: Mae yna faes parcio yng nghefn yr adeilad ac mae nifer o feysydd parcio cyhoeddus oddi ar Cowbridge Rd East.
Springfield Pl.
Chapter welcomes disabled visitors. If you have any specific access requirements or questions, please contact our box-office on 029 2030 4400. We are proud to be part of Hynt, www.hynt.co.uk
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Access for All
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P — car parks / meysydd parcio — bus stop / arhosfan bysus — cycle rack / rac feics
To Cardiff City Centre / I Ganol Dinas Caerdydd e Stre ton
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Mae Chapter yn croesawu ymwelwyr anabl. Os oes gennych anghenion mynediad neu gwestiynau penodol, cysylltwch â’n swyddfa docynnau ar 029 2030 4400. Rydym yn falch o fod yn rhan o Hynt, www.hynt.co.uk
Cinema 1 / Sinema 1
Cinema 2 / Sinema 2
Performance / Perfformiad
Art / Celfyddyd
Events / Digwyddiadau
Sun 1 Kotatsu: A Silent Voice (12A) 11.00am The Emoji Movie (U) 12.00pm Cardiff Storytelling Circle 8.00pm Sul Kotatsu: Pigtails (12A) 2.00pm The Work (15) p11 5.30pm Kotatsu: Mind Game (15) 5.30pm Bad Film Club (adv18) p10 8.00pm Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 8.00pm , 8.35pm Chapter Moviemaker (adv18) p8 6.00pm Evan Parker & Rhodri Davies p4 8.00pm Clonc yn y Cwtch 6:30pm-8:00pm Mon 2 Victoria…(PG) p9 2.00pm , 6.10pm Llun Insyriated (15) p9 8.30pm Tue 3 The Work (15) p11 10.30am Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 2.00pm Maw Relaxed: Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 p9 2.00pm Insyriated (15) p9 6.00pm Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 6.10pm, 8.30pm The Work (15) p11 8.00pm Wed 4 The Work (15) p11 10.30am The Work (15) p11 2.00pm, 6.10pm Mer Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 2.00pm, 6.10pm, 8.30pm Insyriated (15) p9 8.15pm Thu 5 Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 6.10pm, 8.30pm Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 10.30am , 8.30pm First Thursday: 7.30pm Iau Insyriated (15) p9 2.00pm, 6.30pm New Poetry & Fiction 6.00pm Carry on Screaming: Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 11.00am The Drones Comedy Club 9.00pm Fri 6 Wind River (15) p10 Gwe Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 8.20pm Wind River (15) p10 2.00pm Journey Through French Cinema (12A) p11 5.00pm Swn + Snowcat Cinema present: 8.45pm Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked The World (15) p12 11.00am, 3.00pm Journey Through French Cinema (12A) p11 1.30pm From Now On Presents 3.00-11.00pm Golden Thread 1.00pm Sat 7 The Jungle Bunch (U) p16 Sad Wind River (15) p10 6.00pm Kills on Wheels (15) p13 5.30pm The Future is Female p5 Playback Theatre Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 8.20pm Journey Through French Cinema (12A) p11 7.45pm Sun 8 The Jungle Bunch (U) p16 11.00am Wind River (15) p10 12.30pm Sul Met Opera: Norma (12A) p7 1.30pm Relaxed: The Jungle Bunch (U) p16 3.00pm Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 6.00pm Belle de Jour (18) p11 5.00pm Wind River (15) p10 8.30pm Kills on Wheels (15) p13 8.00pm Mon 9 Wind River (15) p10 6.00pm Journey Through French Cinema (12A) p11 5.00pm Clonc yn y Cwtch 6:30pm-8:00pm Llun Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 2.00pm, 8.20pm Kills on Wheels (15) p13 8.50pm Tue 10 Wind River (15) p10 10.30am , 6.00pm Kills on Wheels (15) p13 5.00pm Build Your 10.00am-2.00pm Maw Belle de Jour (18) p11 2.30pm Journey Through French Cinema (12A) p11 7.15pm Own Pavilion Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 8.15pm Wed 11 Journey Through French Cinema (12A) p11 10.30am Kills on Wheels (15) p13 2.30pm, 8.40pm Pajama Men p4 7.30pm Oktoberfest 5.00-11.00pm Mer RSC Live: Coriolanus (12A) p7 7.00pm BAFTA: In Conversation with Simon Winstone p8 6.00pm , 6.15pm Journey Through French Cinema (12A) p11 5.00pm Say When p5 7.30pm SWDFAS Lecture 2.00pm Thu 12 Victoria and Abdul (PG) p9 10.30am Iau Wind River (15) p10 8.40pm Swn + Snowcat Cinema: American Valhalla p12 8.45pm Oktoberfest 5.00-11.00pm Fri 13 Carry on Screaming: Goodbye… (PG) p9 11.00am Daphne (15) p10 6.15pm Say When p5 7.30pm Oktoberfest 5.00-12.30am Gwe Mother! (18) p13 2.30pm Mother! (18) p13 8.25pm Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 6.00pm Borg/McEnroe (ctba) p10 8.15pm 11.00am The Jungle Bunch (U) p16 3.00pm Say When p5 7.30pm Oktoberfest 12.00pm-12.00am Sat 14 The Jungle Bunch (U) p16 Sad Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 3.00pm, 8.10pm Mother! (18) p13 6.10pm Ewart Parkinson Film Borg/McEnroe (ctba) p10 6.00pm Daphne (15) p10 8.35pm Award Weekend Masterclass Sun 15 The Jungle Bunch (U) p16 11.00am Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 1.00pm Ewart Parkinson Film Sul Met Opera: Die Zauberflöte (12A) p7 1.30pm Le Doulos (12A) p11 p11 3.15pm Award Weekend Masterclass Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 6.00pm Mother! (18) p13 5.30pm Borg/McEnroe (ctba) p10 8.20pm European cinema preview: The Square (ctba) 8.00pm 2.00pm Mother! (18) p13 6.10pm Clonc yn y Cwtch 6:30pm-8:00pm Mon 16 Daphne (15) p10 Llun Taiwai: The Voice from the Forest + Q&A (U) p11 6.00pm Daphne (15) p10 8.35pm Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 8.40pm Tue 17 Borg/McEnroe (ctba) p10 10.30am Daphne (15) p10 6.10pm Maw Le Doulos (12A) p11 2.30pm Mother! (18) p13 8.10pm Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 6.00pm Borg/McEnroe (ctba) p10 8.15pm
Art in the Bar / Celfyddyd Yn Y Bar: Derived from the written until / tan 29.10.17 p3 Larissa Sansour: In the Future They Ate From
Wed 18 Relaxed: Goodbye Christopher… (PG) p9 10.30am B&B + Q&A (ctba) p8 6.10pm August 012: Of Mice and Men p6 8.00pm Mer Mother! (18) p13 2.30pm Daphne (15) p10 8.45pm Taiwai: The Voice from the Forest (U) p11 6.10pm Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 8.20pm Thu 19 Borg/McEnroe (ctba) p10 10.30am Mother! (18) p13 6.00pm OFF SITE — Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru: 7.30pm Iau Daphne (15) p10 2.30pm Snowcat + Swn: 8.30pm Hollti p6 Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 6.10pm Meeting People is Easy + recorded Q&A (15) p12 August 012: Of Mice and Men p6 8.00pm Borg/McEnroe (ctba) p10 8.30pm 11.00am In Between (15) p9 10.30am , 6.10pm August 012: Of Mice and Men p6 12.30 + 8.00pm Fri 20 Carry on Screaming: War for … (12A) Gwe Dementia Friendly: Victor Victoria (15) 2.00pm Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 2.30pm Lucid Theatre: Little Wolf p5 7.30pm Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 5.40pm Moon Dogs (15) p8 8.15pm OFF SITE — Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru: 7.30pm Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 8.50pm Hollti p6 Sat 21 War for the Planet of the Apes (12A) p16 11.00am Moon Dogs (15) p8 2.00pm Lucid Theatre: Little Wolf p5 7.30pm Sad Goodbye Christopher… (PG) 3.00pm , 6.00pm Moon Dogs + Q&A (15) 6.10pm August 012: Of Mice and Men p6 8.00pm Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 8.15pm In Between (15) p9 8.45pm Sun 22 War for the Planet of the Apes (12A) p16 11.00am Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 3.00pm Sul RSC Encore: Coriolanus (ctba) p7 1.30pm Close Encounters of the Third Kind (PG) p13 5.00pm Dennis Skinner: Nature of… + Q&A (PG) p11 6.00pm Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 7.40pm Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 8.50pm Mon 23 Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 8.00pm Chapter 13: Killing Ground (15) p13 6.10pm Lucid Theatre: Little Wolf p5 7.30pm Llun Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 2.00pm, 5.45pm In Between (15) p9 8.10pm Tue 24 Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 10.30am, 5.40pm In Between (15) p9 6.10pm Lucid Theatre: Little Wolf p5 7.30pm Maw Relaxed: Close Encounters… (PG) p13 2.30pm Moon Dogs (15) p8 8.25pm Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 8.50pm Wed 25 Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 10.30am Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 5.40pm Lucid Theatre: Little Wolf p5 7.30pm Mer Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 2.30pm Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) p9 8.50pm August 012: Of Mice and Men p6 12.30 + 8.00pm Grace Jones: Bloodlight & Bami 7.30pm - Live with Friends (12A) p12 , 5.45pm Best of Iris Prize Festival 2017 p8 6.10pm August 012: Of Mice and Men p6 12.30 + 8.00pm Thu 26 Goodbye… (PG) p9 10.30am Iau Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 2.30pm, 8.00pm In Between (15) p9 8.40pm Lucid Theatre: Little Wolf p5 7.30pm Fri 27 Carry on Screaming: Kedi (U) p16 11.00am The Death of Stalin (15) p13 12.00pm, 2.30pm, 8.00pm August 012: Of Mice and Men p6 8.00pm Gwe War for the Planet of the Apes (12A) p16 3.00pm I Am Not a Witch (ctba) p8 6.00pm Lucid Theatre: Little Wolf p5 7.30pm The Death of Stalin (15) p13 6.15pm Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 8.45pm 7.30pm Sat 28 Coraline (PG) 11.00am The Death of Stalin (15) p13 12.00pm, 2.30pm, 6.00pm Lucid Theatre: Little Wolf p5 Sad War for the Planet of the Apes (12A) p16 2.00pm I Am Not a Witch (ctba) p8 8.15pm August 012: Of Mice and Men p6 2.00 + 8.00pm Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 5.30pm The Death of Stalin (15) p13 8.45pm Sun 29 Hotel Transylvania (PG) p14 11.00am Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 10.30am Sul NT Encore: Hamlet (12A) 2.00pm Psycho (15) p14 1.30pm The Death of Stalin (15) p13 5.30pm 78/52 (15) 4.00pm Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 7.45pm Habit (ctba) p14 6.15pm Bad Film Club: The Mangler (18) p14 8.30pm , 2.30pm , 6.00pm Mon 30 Coraline (PG) 11.00am The Death of 10.30am Llun Relaxed: Kedi (U) p16 3.00pm Stalin (15) p13 Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 5.45pm I Am Not a Witch (ctba) p8 8.20pm The Death of Stalin (15) p13 8:55 pm Tue 31 Hotel Transylvania (PG) p14 11.00am The Death of 10.30am , 2.30pm , 8.45pm Tim Bromage: 8.30pm Maw War for the Planet of the Apes (12A) p16 2.00pm Stalin (15) p13 The Hunter and the Bleak p6 The Death of Stalin (15) p13 5.35pm The Company of Wolves (18) p13 6.00pm Blade Runner 2049 (ctba) p13 7:55 pm
m the Finest Porcelain 14.10.17 — 14.01.18 p2 6:30pm-8:00pm
Clonc yn y Cwtch
Cafficadabra Halloween Special
Sunday Jazz
Clonc yn y Cwtch
The Drones Comedy Club
www.sio.wales / www.sio.cymru 029 2132 1090 Sio@chapter.org @chapter_eats #chaptersio
Welcome to Afternoon Tea at Sïo…
Afternoon Tea at Sïo is indeed an experience: we serve a selection of the finest Novus loose leaf teas and it includes a variety of finger sandwiches, seasonal cakes and home baked scones; there is also the option of having a Prosecco Afternoon Tea, which also includes a glass of pink or white Prosecco
Twelve days to discover wonderful dance from Wales and the world. Deuddeg diwrnod i ddarganfod dawns fendigedig o Gymru a’r byd.
Te Prynhawn Moethus yn Sïo...
Mae Te Prynhawn Sïo yn dipyn o brofiad: rydym yn cynnig dewis eang o de dail rhydd Novus ynghyd â detholiad o frechdanau, cacennau tymhorol a sgons cartref. Ac os byddwch chi am roi sglein pellach ar yr achlysur, gallwch ddewis ein Te Prynhawn Prosecco, sy’n cynnwys glased o Prosecco gwyn neu binc.
8—19 NOVEMBER TACHWEDD 2017 Countless Yellow Chairs Laïla Diallo and Jules Maxwell Image: Jack Offord