Apostolic Faith and Pentecostal Timetable of Key Events

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Bernie L. Wade, Ph.D.

Cover Top: Apostolic Faith Church Portland Oregon circa 1910 Cover Bottom: Apostolic Faith Church of God W. 55th Street, Cleveland, Ohio circa 1931 Bishop G. B. Rowe and Bishop R.O. Cornell and their wives in the front row.


“Doctrine is truth lifted from Scripture and dedicated to purpose�


Apostolic Faith & Pentecostal Time Table of Key Events 1894-2015 5th Edition ©2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Bernie L. Wade, Ph.D.

“Some months ago, among some of the colored people in this city, reinforced after a little with some whites, there began something which was called the "gift of tongues:" The meetings were held in a large rented building on Azusa street.” Dr. Phineas R. Bresee Founder - Church of the Nazarene December 1906

Published by Truth, Liberty and Freedom Press P.O. Box 685, LaGrange KY 40031 Printed in the United States of America All Rights Reserved


The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know - Harry S. Truman


FOREWARD From the beginning of time the plan of God for His people was for them to have fellowship with Him. We see in Scripture that it was for the very purpose of praising God that mankind was created. When Jesus ascended into heaven He left His followers with the promise that He would send the Comforter. On the Day of Pentecost, the full earnest of our inheritance came in the form of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit as the disciples of Jesus Christ who had gathered in Jerusalem in an upper room, became the first group to receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. The whole would be impacted by those who were endued with this Power from on High. Centuries later, many had mistakenly adopted the idea that receiving the Holy Spirit in the manner that the disciples of Jesus Christ did on the Day of Pentecost was a thing of the past. Thankfully, some vehemently disagreed with that ideology. On January 1st 1901 that changed forever when believers received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues just like the disciples in the New Testament. This launched the greatest period of growth in the History of the Church. Today, more than 5 generations later, the posterity of those early 1900’s Christ followers number in the hundreds of millions with some 25% of the worlds Christians believing in the baptism of the Holy Spirit!1 631 Million Pentecostals in 2014! Inevitably Pentecostals will exceed 1 Billion worldwide! The flow of events are outlined in this historical timeline.


More Than 1 in 4 Christians Are Pentecostal, Charismatic. Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/more-than-1-in-4-christians-are-pentecostal-charismatic65358/#FJ028o4Eu2ceEEA1.99


Dedication To the Life and Ministry of Raymond Oscar & Ruth Cornell Pastors of Apostolic Faith Church of God (1930-1971) District Elder in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (1931-1945) Bishop in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (1955-1971) Who served faithfully, providing a church family to thousands including my Grandparents, Bishop George Arthur and Lois Wade and my parents Bishop Sanford L. and Georgia Ann Wade To the Life and Ministry of Charles & Sarah Parham who became spiritual parents to all of us who are spirit filled. To the Life and Ministry of A. J. Tomlinson who, like the Parhams, stood the test of cultural bias to offer the world a vision of the Church of God that truly represents the people of the earth just as Apostle John saw:

After this I beheld, and, see, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands. (Revelation 7:9 King James 2000)


Acknowledgements The vision for the book came out of more than a decade of study and research on the topic of Apostolic Reformation. In this 5th Edition we have added a much broader world view of the history. Special thanks to those who helped me in this process including Dr. Ralph E. Day, Dr. Cindye Coates, Dr. Gary Garrett, Bishop Sanford L. Wade, Melissa Kody and many others. To Pastors Bernie and Blanca Wade of Life Church. Thank you for modeling servant leadership. http://www.lifecommunity.us To the memories of my mother, Pastor Georgia Wade who taught me through her life so well lived that the measure of men is in how they treat others. To my paternal Grandparents Bishop George A. Lois Wade who left a life of sin to live for Jesus. To my maternal grandparents, George and Olive Gillespie who led their family to Jesus. A tip of the hat to the faculty of my Alma Mater Life College http://www.lifecollege.education To Dr. Barney Phillips for all of his help, input and dedication. To Dr. Roderick Williams for his wisdom, help and counsel. To the ministers of the International Circle of Faith – ICOF, I am honored to serve with you. http://www.icof.net



Apostolic Faith Movement 1902 - Present

Azusa Street 1906 Church of God In Christ (White) 1912

Church of God 1908

Apostolic Faith Church (UK) 1909

Apostolic Church of Wales 1916

General Association of Aposotlic Assemblies 1916 Pentecostal Assemblies (PAW) 1906 - 1918 Assemblies of God 1914

Apostoilci Church of Pentecost 1921

Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 1919

Apostolic Church of God 1922

Apostolic Faith 1909

Church of God in Christ 1907 Pentecostal Church of God 1919

Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus 1925 Pentecostal Mission 1924

Mount Sinai Holy Church of America 1924

Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) 1918



Apostolic Faith Movement 1902 - Present

Church of God 1908

Church of God of Prophecy 1923

Bible Pattern 1939

Azusa Street 1906

Four Square 1927

Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) 1918

Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ 1927 Bethel Ministerial Association 1934

Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ - PAJC (re-organized) 1955


PMA 1925 (PMI) 1932

Pentecostal Church of the Apostolic Faith (PCAF) 1957 Bible Way 1957


The Way of the Cross 1933

Apostolic Ministerial Association 1941

Pentecostal Assembly of the World (PAW ) (re-organized) 1938

Pentecostal Church of Zion 1954

Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship 1936

Elim Fellowship 1932

Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC) 1931 Apostolic Faith Church of God (AFCOG) 1932 Renamed International Circle of Faith - (ICOF ) 2001

Fire Baptize d 1926

Zion Assembly 1938

AWCF 1971

United Pentecostal Church 1945

Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ 1952

AMF / ACI 1968

Global 1986


Spiritual lineage of Charles Fox Parham (Partial listing)

William Trotter Florence Crawford Arnulfo M. Lopez

Stephen (J. J.) Frazee E.W. Doak

Agnes Osman Leberg

James Delk George Studd

Andrew D. Urshan

C. H. Mason

Daniel C. O. Opperman

William Pendleton

Howard Goss

Jeannie Moore

E. R. Driver R. R. Booker J. Bowe

Millicent McClendon Warren Faye Carothers

Lucy Farrow

Glenn Cook

Mary Moise

Frank Bartleman

Leonard P. Adams

R. E. McAlister

Robert Parham William Seymour

William Durham

Lilian Thistlewaite

Garfield Thomas Haywood

Aimee Semple (McPherson) Frank Ewart

Elmer Kirk Fisher

Anna Hall

Henry Prentiss

Henry G. Rogers

G. B. Cashwell

Mack Pinson

John F. Lake

A. J. Tomlinson

Ethel Wright

A. H. Argue Fannie Dobson Lemuel C. Hall

Arthur G. Osterberg

Mary Arthur

Luigi Franceson

F. F. Bosworth

Tom Hezmallauch

William Hamner Piper Charles and Sarah Fox Parham

Anna Reiff Lydia Piper

Minnie Draper

Rachel Sizelove Charles W. Lowe

Rilda Cole Henry G. Tuthill

George Jeffreys

Nora Byrd

Lewi Pethrus

Mary Boddy

Thomas Ball Barratt

Alexander Boddy

Stephen Jeffreys

Mable Wise

Jonathan Paul

Stanley Frodsham

Susan Duncan

Smith Wigglesworth

C. F. Atherton

Cecil Polhill

A. G. Canada



Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Apostolic Archives International Apostolic Christian Assembly of the Name of Jesus Christ Apostolic Church Apostolic Church of the Faith in Christ Jesus [Mexico] Apostolic Church of Jesus Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ [originally – Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ] Apostolic Church of Pentecost [Canada] Apostolic Faith Churches [Hawaii] Apostolic Faith Church of God Apostolic Faith Missionary Church of God Assemblies of God Assemblies of the Church Jesus Christ Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministerial Association Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God [originally – Ethiopian Overcoming Holy Church of God]


Associated Brotherhood of Christians [originally – Associated Ministers of Jesus Christ]


Associated Ministers of Jesus Christ Bethel Ministerial Association [originally – Evangelistic Ministerial Alliance] Blessed Truth, The Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Worldwide Church of God (Apostolic) Church of God in Christ Jesus (Apostolic) Christian Gospel Spiritual Church [Mexico] Church of God in Christ Church of Jesus Christ, The Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith Church of the Living God, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Christ Pentecostal Church [Yugoslavia] Center for the Study of Oneness Pentecostalism Christian Outlook, The Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements





Evangelical Church in the Spirit of the Apostles [Russia] Enumeration District Number – U.S. Census Emmanuel Tabernacle Baptist Church Apostolic Faith Emmanuel’s Church in Jesus Christ Evangelistic Ministerial Alliance Free Holiness Church of God in Jesus’ Name First Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ First United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic General Assembly of Apostolic Assemblies Glorious Church of God in Christ Apostolic Good Report, The International Bible College International Circle of Faith International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities

Indonesia Pentecostal Church Jesus Only Apostolic Church Ku Klux Klan Light of the World Church [La Luz del Mundo - Mexico] Meat in Due Season New Bethel Church of God in Christ (Pentecostal) New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements

Oneness Studies Institute Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ Pentecostal Assemblies of the World A Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches of North America [originally – Pentecostal Fellowship of North America] Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith Pentecostal Church, Incorporated Pure Holiness Church of God Pentecostal Ministerial Alliance [renamed (1932) – Pentecostal Church, Inc.] Present Truth, The Spirit of Jesus Church [Japan] Society for Pentecostal Studies True Jesus Church [China] United Pentecostal Church International [originally – United Pentecostal Church, Inc.] Voice in the Wilderness, The Witness of God, The


"It would be a great mistake to attribute the Pentecostal beginning in Los Angeles to any one man, either in prayer or in preaching... Pentecost did not drop suddenly out of heaven. God was with us in large measure for a long time before the final outpouring." 2


The Los Angeles Outpouring, 1906.


TIMETABLE OF KEY EVENTS (1884 – 2015) 1884

Near the community of Coker Creek in Monroe county, Tennessee, a Baptist preacher name Richard G Spurling led a small group of like minded friends in prayers, study of scripture and church history. His burden was for the simple faith of Jesus to be restored in the Church. 3


Thursday August 19, 1886. At Barney Creek Meeting house Spurling invited those present to unite themselves in Christian Union. He spoke persuasively and passionately on the spiritual issues that had brought them together: the need for spiritual renewal and Christian unity - his one objective was to restore primitive Christianity and bring about the union of all denominations. 3 men in the Croker Creek area: William Martin (Methodist); Joe M Tipton (Baptist) and Milton McNabb (Baptist), became interested in the “holiness” sermons and began to preach sanctification by declaring, proclaiming and urging others to seek it and live it to whoever they met wherever they were met. These 3 men’s commitment would lead to the Shearer Schoolhouse Revival. 4 This was their vision: “As many Christians as are here present that are desirous to be free from all men made [sic] creeds and traditions, and are willing to take the New Testament, or law of Christ, for your only rule of faith and practice; giving each other equal rights and privilege to read and interpret for yourselves as your conscience may dictate, and are willing to set [sic] together as the Church of God to transact business [as] the same,

3 4

http://www.ntcgharvesttemple.org.uk/history-of-the-church.html Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 23.


come forward.�5 Although they left few records, their efforts led to the growth of a denomination that approaches the end of the twentieth century with 4,648,000 members and 26,416 churches in 139 countries around the world.6 1896

Spring. Shearer School House Revival. A religious phenomenon of Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians that occurred during a series of meetings conducted in the summer of 1896 in Murphy (Cherokee County), North Carolina, United States. The revival was characterized by what participants believed to be the biblical experience of speaking in tongues. The group that hosted these worship gatherings eventually became known as the Church of God (Cleveland).7 Strong opposition to it arose almost immediately. When opponents of the revival tried to stop it violently, they had no way of knowing that the revival they protected, would bear the fruit of 15,000 churches being started around the world in the 100 years that followed. Charles W. Conn, Church Historian for the Church of God and author of "Like A Mighty Army," says that over 100 people received what is now referred to as "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit" at the Schearer Schoolhouse revival. That's a big crowd when one considers the population was very sparse (it's not too crowded in that area even today). Conn's historical account says, "They laughed (interesting), rejoiced, praised, spoke in tongues and danced for joy."8


Quoted in A. J. Tomlinson, The Last Great Conflict (Cleveland, Tenn.: Press of Walter E. Rodgers, 1913; rpt. Cleveland, Tenn.: White Wing Publishing House and Press, 1984), 207. 6 Statistics as of September 1997 from Office of Business and Records, Church of God International Offices, Cleveland, Tennessee. Actual membership was 4,648,497 7 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 26. 8 Charles W. Conn, Our First 100 Years: 1886-1986 (Cleveland: Pathway Press, 1986) 17, goes on to ascribe importance to the event because it "prepared the way for the universal outpouring that followed ten years later." This is a welcome appraisal in light of an earlier judgment often bound up in the North American church's self-perception, namely [Charles W. Conn, Like A Mighty Army (Cleveland: Pathway Press, 1977) 25]: "... this was the first general outpouring that would continue unabated until it encompassed the Christian world." Cf. Charles W. Conn, Like A Mighty Army: A History of the Church of God: Definitive Edition, 1886-1995 (Cleveland: Pathway Press, 1996) 29-31. The re-evaluation process can be followed in Charles W. Conn, Cradle of Pentecost (Cleveland: Pathway, 1981) 17, "If it was not


C.T. Davidson, author of "Upon This Rock," wrote this description. "In buggies and wagons, by horseback and walking, people came from miles around. The lives of hardhearted men and women were changed and sinners were constrained to make restitution as they sought forgiveness." Davidson continued, "While many were blessed, others rejected the revival because it conflicted with their rituals, creeds and ecclesiasticism. Many faithful members were persecuted and excommunicated. One church excommunicated 30 of them at one meeting."9 This event predated the Azusa Street Revival (1906), which is generally held to be the event that started the Pentecostal Movement in the United States. This suggests the Azusa Revival can be seen as one of several similar religious phenomena happening at the same time.

Bethel Bible College – Topeka Kansas

the beginning of the modern Pentecostal Awakening, it was certainly the greatest prelude to it." Then "Church of God" by Charles W. Conn in Encyclopedia of Religion in the South, ed. by Samuel S. Hill (Macon: Mercer University Press, 1984) 160, calls this an "extraordinary event" "without precedent in the region." On the other hand, Conn's entry in the same volume on "A.J. Tomlinson," repeats the older view espoused in Army. Conn's piece on the revival in DPCM, 161, says the group "formulated no doctrine about it. They simply thanked God for the 'blessing' ..." He opens the article by calling this "one of the earliest known outpourings of the Holy Spirit in America" in contrast to the closing statement that the "universal outpouring would begin ten years later, 1906, in far away California." cf. E.L. Simmons, History of the Church of God (Cleveland: Church of God Publishing House, 1938) 11f; Crews, The Church of God, 10. 9 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 23.



Charles Fox Parham opened Bethel Healing Home at 335 SW Jackson Street in Topeka, Kansas.10 It was Charles’ wife Sarah Parham who named the school ‘Bethel’.11


May 3rd, 1899.12 Bethel Bible School, Topeka Kansas. Today this school still exists as Apostolic Faith Bible College in Baxter Springs Kansas.13


Charles Fox Parham establishes the Apostolic Faith14 paper at a bi-monthly publication.15 Parham was the editor until his death in 1929.16 In 1929, his wife Sarah E. Parham becomes editor.17 Another paper of the same name is printed from by Florence Crawford first at Azusa Maria Woodworth-Etter Street Mission in Los Angeles California and then in 1908 in Portland, Oregon. Clara Lum is the editor of the second publication.


John Alexander Dowie announced plans for the establishment of Zion, Illinois: a city to be free from the evil influences of modern society. This community grew to around 6,000 during the following years.18 Among the visitors that year was Charles F. Parham.19


Revival in Missouri

Apostle Charles H. Mason established a Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in Memphis, and by 1904 he was pastoring four churches: St. Paul in Lexington, Saints Home and Dyson Street in Memphis, and a COGIC in Conway, Arkansas.20 At this time the COGIC was only a


http://www.apostolicarchives.com/historical-timeline.html Apostolic Faith Bible College. History. http://www.afbiblecollege.com/#/welcome-to-afbc 12 A Voice Crying in the Wilderness. Charles F. Parham. 1910. Pg. 29. 13 Apostolic Faith Bible College. History. http://www.afbiblecollege.com/#/welcome-to-afbc 14 The Life of Charles Parham. Sarah Parham. Pg. 39. "American Pentecost" by Ted Olsen, p. 12 15 African American Holiness Pentecostal Movement. Sherry S. Dupree. Page 128. 16 Ibid. Parham. Chapter I. 17 The Life of Charles Parham. Sarah Parham. Chapter XII. The Lord Confirmed the Word. Pg. 117. 18 E. L. Blumhofer art. 'International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements' 2002.; Gordon Lindsay, John Alexander Dowie,' 1980 reprint. 19 The Life of Charles Parham. Sarah Parham. Chapter 7. The Latter Rain. Pg. 67. 20 http://emanuelministries.org/new_page_19.htm 11


Holiness organization. It would become an Apostolic Faith organization after C.H. Mason’s baptism of the Holy Spirit at the Apostolic Faith mission in Los Angeles California in 1907. 1900

October 1900. Bethel Bible School moves to a new building in Topeka Kansas. The building formerly known as Stone’s Folly.21


January 3, 1901. Topeka Outpouring. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Stone’s Folly – Topeka Kansas.22 “Twelve student ministers23 and Charles Parham, received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues.”24 Of interest is the number of people present was 12, much like the 12 Apostles in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost in the New Testament.25 The meeting apparently started at a New Year’s Eve Service called ‘Watch Night’26 from the Wesleyan Tradition.27 While there were no black students at Bethel there were 3 who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit during the


http://www.kansasmemory.org/item/216406 Rev. Charles Fox Parham rented the residence for his Bethel Bible College. From October of 1900 to July of 1901, Parham and his wife Sarah used the home as a gathering place for the teachings of the Apostolic faith. When their lease on Stone's Folly was not renewed the mansion was sold, on July 20, 1901, to bootlegger Harry Croft who converted the residence into a roadhouse. A mysterious fire destroyed the gothic structure on December 6, 1901. 22 The Genesis of the Pentecostal Movement. J. Roswell Flower 23 The Life of Charles Parham. Sarah Parham. Chapter 7. The Latter Rain. Pg. 67. 24 http://www.apostolicarchives.com/historical-timeline.html 25 Fudge. Currents and Confluence in Pre-Oneness Pentecostal Theology. Pg. 18. Anderson. Vision of the Disinherited. Pg. 56-7. 26 http://www.snopes.com/holidays/newyears/watchnight.asp 27 Watch Night began with the Moravians, a small Christian denomination whose roots lie in what is the present-day Czech Republic. The first such service is believed to have been held in 1733 on the estates of Count Nicholas von Zinzendorf in Hernhut, Germany. John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, picked it up from the Moravians, incorporating a Watch Night vigil into the practices of his denomination. Methodist Watch Nights were held once a month and on full moons, with the first such service in the United States taking place in 1770 at Old St. George's Church in Philadelphia. These services survive to the present day in that denomination's worship manuals as "Covenant Renewal Services." As to what was being "watched over" in those earlier services, it was one's covenant with God. These gatherings were a time for congregants to meditate on their state of grace — were they spiritually ready to meet their maker if the call were suddenly to come? As the 13th chapter of Mark instructs, the faithful need to be ever vigilant, because the hour of the Lord's coming is not known. (Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh.). This is a tradition continued in many churches today.


February 1901 Lawrence Campaign.28 “In plush surroundings at the former Stone mansion outside of Topeka, Kansas, the first Pentecostal revival of the century began. There was no board or tuition charged to the students.29 This revival would give rise to the most dynamic force for evangelism and missions in modern times. The elegant setting, however, meant little to the band of 40 students of the Bethel Bible School that the 27-year-old Charles F. Parham had begun 3 months earlier in these rented facilities. Convinced that God had commissioned them as missionaries in the "last days," they gathered to pray for the promised "latter rain" outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:23,28,29), to acquire the same spiritual power that marked the expansion of the Early Church.”30 1901

January 14th, 1901. Topeka Capital (newspaper) has this headline, “A Queer Faith, Strange Acts of Apostolic Believers are inspired from God. The Believers speak in Strange Languages.”31


Quaker turned mountain missionary, A.J. Tomlinson published Samson's Foxes to promote his holiness ministry in Culberson, North Carolina, "in the interest of the 'Hundred Fold' Gospel and the speedy evangelization of the mountain districts of North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and the world.32


Pandita Ramabai in India begins to develop prayer circles. In the next two years thousands are converted.33 In 1904, Pandita Ramabai began translating the Bible into Marathi, her native language, from the original Hebrew and Greek; the New


Goss. Pg. 108. The Life of Charles Parham. Sarah Parham. Chapter 7. The Latter Rain. Pg. 67. 30 Tongues, The Bible Evidence. The Revival Legacy of Charles F. Parham. By Gary B. McGee 31 The Life of Charles Parham. Sarah Parham. Chapter XI. The Fame of Jesus Went Abroad. Pg. 106. 32 https://pentecostalarchives.org/collections/samsonsfoxes 33 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 23. 29


Testament was published in 1913, and the complete Bible in 1924. In 1919, the King of England, George V, awarded Pandita Ramabai the Kaiser-I-Hind34 award, the highest honor that could be given to an Indian during the colonial period. She is revered in India as a leader of women’s rights. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, she changed the culture of India especially in the area of what was called child brides.35 1901

Apostolic Faith Movement begins under the man who would be called the ‘Father of Pentecostalism’36, Charles F. Parham. Parham calls for a restoration of the Apostles doctrine. In keeping with this he calls the movement the Apostolic Faith and adherents are baptized in Jesus name just like the Apostles did in the book of Acts.

Parham (left) Galena Kansas

Here is an excerpt from Parham on the subject: "I can well remember when we sought God in this cleansing, how some of the teachings we had believed to be so Scriptural, and some we had loved so dearly were wiped from our minds. Among them was triune immersion; we could not afterward find a single argument in its favor. One day at the Bible School we were waiting upon God that we might know the Scriptural teaching on water baptism. Finally, the Spirit of God said: 'We are buried by baptism into His death'. Although we had known that for years, again the Spirit said: 'God the Father and the Holy Ghost never died." Then how quickly we recognized the fact that we could not be buried by baptism in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Holy Ghost, because it 34

The Kaiser-I-Hind Medal for Public Service in India was a medal awarded by the British monarch between 1900 and 1947, to "any person without distinction of race, occupation, position, or sex ... who shall have distinguished himself (or herself) by important and useful service in the advancement of the public interest in India. The name means Emperor of India. The London Gazette: no. 27191. p. 2996. 11 May 1900. 35 Pandita Ramabai (1858-1922). Glenn Sunshine. March 11, 2013. 36 Christian History, "The Rise of Pentecostalism," issue no. 58, vol. XVII no. 2, p.3


stood for nothing, as they never died or were resurrected. So, if you desire to witness a public confession of a clean conscience toward God, and man, faith in the divinity of Jesus Christ, you will be baptized by single immersion, signifying the death, burial, and resurrection: being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ"37. Pentecostal Historian Talmadge French says that Parham later switched to an alternate formula where Parham would say, “in the name of Jesus, into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.”38 Regardless of his change his method still invoked the name of Jesus Christ. Sarah Parham when she wrote her book in 1930 makes a point of saying that Parham baptized in the name of the father, son and Holy Ghost. There is no evidence of this position in Parham’s writing and if he altered it due some peer pressure it would certainly call into question his previous years of ministry. It seems rather that Sarah Parham was using some history revision to make the controversial topic a non issue as related to her book. Editorial cartoon by Bob Satterfield, depicting Dowie leaving Chicago with his pockets full of money

To Parham, this was simply doing things like the original Apostles of Jesus Christ. It was not a doctrinal debate like adherents of the Assemblies of God would later posture. It was revealed to Parham through reading Scripture that people should be baptized in Jesus name. It was noticed that baptisms in the book of Acts were only in the name of Jesus. With this understanding others begin to baptize simply using “in Jesus name”.39 Among those who baptized in Jesus name were William Seymour40, David Lee Floyd, E.N. Bell, and hundreds of others who


Charles F. Parham. A Voice Crying in the Wilderness. 1902. Fudge. Pg. 329. 39 The Azusa Street Revival: When the Fire Fell-an In-Depth Look at the People. Roberts Liardon Pg. 152. 40 Seymour apparently learned to baptize in Jesus name from Parham. Luiz Lopez is one eye witness that says Seymour baptized in Jesus name. Lopez was an Hispanic convert who later served with the Apostolic Assembly of Faith in Christ Jesus. He was baptized by Seymour in Jesus name in 1909. William and Maggie Bowdan were also baptized in Jesus name by Seymour. Booker, “Azusa Street” 2425. “Jesus name Baptism and the Azusa Street Revival” 30-33. Historical Committee of the Apostolic 38


baptized thousands (perhaps 10’s of thousands) in Jesus name. Strangely, even J. Roswell Flower is reported to have baptized in Jesus name until it became controversial.41 Later, others would make controversy and religion out of this simple Christocentric approach.42 1901

February. Parham begins the Lawrence Campaign. Among the notables are 3 black people who receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.43 These are the first known black people to be Holy Spirit baptized in the fledgling Apostolic Faith movement.


May – June. Pentecost comes to Japan. In the next decade the number of Christians in Japan doubles.44


June 2nd, 1901. John Alexander Dowie announces he is Elijah the Restorer. "You have to do what I tell you, because what I tell you is in accordance with that word, and because I am the Messenger of the Covenant, Elijah the Restorer. The greater portion of his people accepted this dictum and he is regarded by them as the Prophet Elijah, come in the office of Restorer."45 Thousands of good people would be deceived by Dowie and become part of his Zion City experiment. Neither Dowie nor his church were part of the Apostolic Faith or Pentecostal movement but in the demise of Dowie’s empire many at Zion came to the Apostolic Faith movement. “Though Zion Industries July 1904 his impact on Pentecostalism was very significant, it was second-hand, as he never fully accepted the Pentecostal doctrine on speaking in tongues. Moreover,

Faith in Christ Jesus. Histora la Assemblica Apostolico de La Fe Christo Jesus !919-1966.6. Espinosa. Apostolic Assembly of Faith in Jesus Christ. 321. Cf. Walsh. Latino Pentecostal Identity. 19. N. 65 41 Clanton. United We Stand. 23-24. David Lee Floyd interview with Larry Booker. 54-55. Booker. Jesus’ Name. 33-33. 42 th See 20 Century Apostolic Reformation. Volume 1, 2 & 3. Bernie L. Wade. Also, Early Interracial Oneness Pentecostalism: G. T. Haywood and the Pentecostal. Tallmadge L. French. Pg. 57. 43 Goff. Pg. 108. 44 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 26. 45 Dowie. Harlan.


beginning in about 1901, as he began to adopt more and more unorthodox views, his ministry began to decline. He also become more and more isolationist, even fulfilling his dream of building a city, Zion, outside of Chicago, in which only “born-again” Christians could live.46 1902

Dr. R. A. Torrey leads successful evangelistic campaigns in Australia and New Zealand these produced revival like scenes and spawn other revivals. Many receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.47


January. Wales. An aged, esteemed Welsh minister sent out a call for Christians to pray in the words of Isaiah 64:1. “Oh, that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down” (KJV). Within months scores were meeting on a mountainside every night to pray for revival.48


March 3, 1903. Jessie Penn-Lewis of the Wales Revival goes to India. One matter of worldwide importance I hope to write about again, and this is in connection with the remarkable Mission Press under the superintendence of Rev. A. W. Rudisill, D.D. I had the privilege of going over the works early one morning, and of addressing the large number of native workmen after they had answered the roll call for the day. The foremen and Jessie Penn-Lewis principal workers are Christians, but the majority of the men are heathen. I shall never forget their riveted attention as for twenty minutes I spoke to them on ‘The place called Calvary.’ Never did the Gospel, with its glorious message of deliverance from the burden and power of sin, and the fear of death, shine out more to me in its beauty and power, and never did I see more clearly the truth of Paul’s words that ‘the preaching of the Cross is the power of God,’ as I saw the way it laid hold of these heathen minds.49


Summer. During the summer months of 1903, the Parham's felt led to go to El Dorado Springs, Missouri, 50where people came from all over the


Edith L. Blumhofer, “The Christian Catholic Church And The Apostolic Faith: A Study In The 1906 Pentecostal Revival” (paper presented at 12th annual meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Pasadena, CA, November 19, 1982). 47 Ibid. Deuwel. 48 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 23. 49 http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/1904/mrs-penn-lewis-and-the-welsh-revival 50 http://www.apostolicarchives.com/articles/article/8801925/173182.htm


United States to try the virtue of the mineral spring water for the healing of their bodies. El Dorado Springs proved to be the biggest turning point in Parham's ministry since the Topeka, outpouring. Sarah Parham wrote, "Brother Parham along with his workers stood at the corner of the park where the steps led down to the spring. People came by the hundreds to hear his message of salvation, healing and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many were converted and healed, witnessing to the truth from many different states". Sarah continues, "Our home was continually filled with the sick and suffering, seeking healing, and God manifested His mighty power. Among the many that came to our home and was healed was a Mrs. Steps at El Dorado Springs Missouri Mary A. Arthur from Galena, where Parham ministered. 51 Kansas". 1903

Fall of 190352. Parham begins meetings in Galena Kansas in the Mary Arthur home. Soon they ran out of room so they set up a tent nearby. Then they moved to the Grand Leader Building in the fall/winter. It could seat 2000 people.53 Notable is the flexibility given by Parham to include women in the ministry. Not just his wife, Sarah Parham, but In Galena Kansas, Mary Arthur and Francene Dobson founded a permanent Apostolic Faith Mary Arthur Mission in Galena, Ethel Wright becomes Pastor. It 54 was the home assembly of Howard Goss and others. “More than 800 were converted during the Galena meetings and more than 1000 claimed Divine healing.�55


http://glorygateministriesinternational.org/history/History%202.htm The Life of Charles Parham. Sarah Parham. Chapter 7. The Fame of Jesus Went Abroad. Pg. 106. 53 African American Holiness Pentecostal Movement. Sherry S. Dupree. Page 128. 54 Fred J. Foster, Their Story: 20th Century Pentecostals, Rev. ed. (Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 1981), 121. See also Charles F. Parham, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness, Rev. ed.(Baxter Springs, KS: the author, 1910), 23-24. 55 Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parham and the Missionary Origins of ... James Goff. Pg. 102. 52



John Alexander Dowie holds a two-week evangelistic healing campaign in Madison Square Garden in New York City.56 Reports say that in spite of spending the huge sum of $300,000 on this event the people of Zion felt it did not go well. The media was very harsh, “It is creditable to the intelligence and moral sense of New York that failure complete, humiliating and, let it be hoped, smashing, has come to this preacher whose own Parham in front of the tent at Galena prominence and profit are his only Kansas - 1903 gospel. Dowie in seeking a metropolitan triumph has but pilloried himself. It is seen that he has no message to humanity; that he is a posturing and bellowing pretender, that he is without intellect, or eloquence, or wit, or zeal for anything save his own glorification as the leader of a band of human misfits that would follow any leader who cared to shout orders to them. It is true that he has business ability, which is not a rare talent, but it is combined with the cunning and effrontery of the professional fraud.57 “Put quite simply, the entire Zionist enterprise was founded by a professional con man — John Alexander Dowie — a man who perfected the dark art of “faith healing” to attract followers, after which he fleeced them for as much money as he could. His fraudulent methods were exposed by a number of


E. L. Blumhofer art. 'International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements' 2002.; Gordon Lindsay, John Alexander Dowie,' 1980 reprint. 57 New York. Examiner of October 22nd, 1903. Editorial.


investigators early in the twentieth century, and the residents of Chicago and the United States alike viewed him viewed him as a mountebank and fraud while he was alive.”58 A coarse-grained, low-minded, shame-bereft money-greedy adventurer, playing one minute the ecstatic dervish, the next the foul-mouthed, furious, blackguard that is Dowie, and all there is to Dowie. New York has wondered and laughed, and finally been overcome with a disgust in which there is, and can be, mingled no pity, except for the dupes of so gross and rapacious an impostor.59 Next, Dowie decided to change the name of his church to Christian Apostolic Church60 apparently to portray his church as part of the growing Apostolic Faith movement. The change would work as the change has historians include his church (which was just a sham based in part on the Holiness Movement) as Pentecostal. Calling Dowie a Pentecostal is like calling Joseph Smith, Founder of the Mormons, a Baptist. 1903

The Truth. The Church of God in Christ publication begins articles responding to questions about the baptism of the Holy Spirit that are obvious responses to Parham’s revivals in Kansas and Missouri.61 This begins an apparent quest that would eventually lead the


I.D. Bowman, Dowieism Exposed (Philadelphia: , 1904); J.M. Buckley, Dowie, Analyzed and Classified. The Century 64 (1902): 928-32; J. Field, Isms, Fads & Fakes: A Series of Sunday Night Discourses (Indianapolis:Hollenbeck,1904), 38-51; J. Swain, “John Alexander Dowie: the Prophet and his Profits, The Century 64 (1902):933-44. 59 New York. Examiner of October 22nd, 1903. Editorial. 60 Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parham and the Missionary Origins of … James Goff. Pg. 215. 61 Our Weekly Sermon The Truth 8.10 (September 10, 1903): 1. 316. The Holy Spirit: A Bible Reading, The Truth 9.25 (20 December 1904): 3-4 In his deposition during the Avant v. Mason case, Charles Jones testified that he read about the doctrine of speaking in tongues ―six years before Mason began preaching about it in Memphis. See Deposition of Charles P. Jones, April 27, 1908, in Calvin S. McBride, Frank Avant vs. C. H. Mason: Mason and the Holy Ghost on Trial (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2009), 45.


leaders of the group to the Apostolic Faith Revival in Los Angeles. 1903 reports of Parham‘s activities in Kansas and Missouri were reaching Memphis and Mississippi, prompting Jones and Mason to comment on the issue, at least indirectly, in their newspaper.62 It is through the influence of fellow Memphis minister Leonard P. Adams, who has learned of the impact of the Apostolic Faith movement that C. H. Mason learns about those receiving the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues. Adams testified that he was the one to introduce Mason to the doctrine of speaking in tongues. He admitted that Mason began speaking in tongues first, but that was only because he was able to travel to Los Angeles and visit Azusa Street. Adams, however, “didn‘t have the money for the trip;” so, he stayed home.63 1903

Torrey Revival in Australia. A delegation from India comes to investigate the move of the Holy Spirit in Australia.64


“Howard Goss was converted to the Apostolic Faith in Galena, Kansas, and was baptized in Jesus' Name by Charles Parham.”65 On a cold winter day Charles Parham baptized about one hundred converts from the Galena revival in the Spring Sarah and Charles Parham at Camp Meeting River. Howard Goss was among that hundred. At this juncture in his ministry, Parham was baptizing converts in Jesus’ name and Goss remembered being baptized in this manner.66 What he saw in light of the Scriptures was truly Apostolic in origin. He rejected the triune baptismal formula of dipping a person three times, once for each person of


The Holy Spirit: A Bible Reading, 9. Deposition of Leonard P. Adams in Calvin S. McBride, Frank Avant vs. C. H. Mason: Mason and the Holy Ghost on Trial (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2009). 64 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 23. 65 http://www.apostolicarchives.com/historical-timeline.html 66 Fred J. Foster, Their Story: 20th Century Pentecostals, Rev. ed. (Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 1981), 121. See also Charles F. Parham, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness, Rev. ed.(Baxter Springs, KS: the author, 1910), 23-24. 63


the Trinity. Instead, (as has been stated earlier) he taught that baptism should be done by immersion, one time in the name of Jesus Christ. 67 1903

December 31 – January 1, 1903. Joseph Jenkins a minister in New Quay Cardiganshire, who was undoubtedly a key man in the Revival, held a "Deeper Spiritual Life Convention". Joseph had been seeking an enduement of power, and shared the testimony of his experience of the Holy Spirit engulfing him as a flame of fire. This was to impact his Church. This Convention is considered the beginning of the Welsh Revival.68


January. Tomlinson inaugurated a second paper George & Stephen Jeffreys called The Way based on Jesus’ statement, “I am the way.” Tomlinson and M. S. Lemons edited this publication, which featured articles, sermons and poetry on holiness. The cost of a subscription was ten cents per year, and the four-page paper continued until September 1905.


Parham moves the center of his revival movement to Baxter Springs Kansas. Nearly a quarter of the town was converted. This became the center or base of operations for the Apostolic Faith movement. Down the road 12 miles in Melrose the first structure built for a Pentecostal congregation is erected.69


Welsh Revival. The Welsh Revival was the largest Christian Revival in Wales during the 20th century. While by no means the best known of revivals, it was one of the most dramatic in terms of its effect on the population, and triggered revivals in several other countries. The Awakening swept the rest of Britain, Scandinavia, parts of Europe, North America, the mission fields of India and the Orient, Africa and Latin America."70


http://glorygateministriesinternational.org/history/History%202.htm http://truthinhistory.org/the-welsh-revival-of-1904-1905.html 69 Goss, Winds of God, 22. 70 Orr, J. Edwin. The Flaming Tongue. Chicago: Moody, 1973. 68



January 27th, 1904. From the Cincinnati Enquirer. Galena Kansas. In a 3 month period Parham’s meeting had over 1000 confirmed healings and 800 converted to the Apostolic Faith by receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.71


February. Revival comes to Wales.72 The call to prayer is answered by many and a nationwide revival is the result. Across Wales people are being baptized by the Holy Spirit. Among those who visit the revival is a Baptist pastor from Los Angeles, California; Joseph Smale. Born in England in 1867. He was trained under the prince of preachers in Spurgeon's College in London and stepped out into public ministry in this great city as a street preacher. Joseph and Esther He then pastored a church in Britain for three years Smale - 1911 after which time he resigned from this church and immigrated to the US, becoming pastor of a Baptist church in Prescott, Arizona. Then he moved to southern California where he became pastor of the First Baptist Church in January 1898.73


Parham begins meetings in Baxter Springs, Kansas. Because of the Topeka Kansas outpouring (and subsequent meetings by Parham and his team) coupled with the Welsh Revival, Pentecostalism becomes global. Most historians credit this as happening after Azusa rather than before. Azusa is sometimes called the “fuel for the fire”, but there was definitely a fire before the events of late 1906 in Los Angeles. Azusa gave those who had been impacted or heard about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit a place to go for the experience. Los Angeles was a major city easily accessible by rail and boat.


Alexander Alfred Boddy and his wife Mary join the Welsh Revival. Boddy pastored All Saints Anglican Church in Monkwearmouth, UK. Soon, he becomes one of the founders of Pentecostalism in the Europe. Boddy made a special journey to the Rhondda to meet Evan Roberts and see things in the Welsh Revival first-hand.74


Cincinnati Enquirer. January 27 1904. Wonderful Cures in Kansas. Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 23. 73 http://www.pentecostalpioneers.org/AzusaStreet.html 74 http://www.smithwigglesworth.com/pensketches/boddya.htm 72



Fall. Parham holds a meeting in Joplin Missouri in a tent meeting at 15th and Joplin Streets.75 Many healings and miracles marked this meeting including the lame walking!76 After 4 weeks the tent was moved to the Roosevelt Flats area at 9th and Main for several more weeks. According to Parham, the Joplin meeting proved to be such a great success, that it Apostolic Faith Church – rivaled the one held the year before in Joplin Missouri 1904 Galena, Kansas. Hungry souls congregated from all points, including those traveling from the surrounding states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kansas. The move of God was greatly witnessed and felt during this meeting. Over four hundred were filled with the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and many were taken to a local creek, and were baptized i3n the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


August. Midnight prayer meeting at the second “Welsh Keswick”77 everyone together asked God “to raise up a man who would usher in the revival.”78


August. Wales. The second Convention at Llandrindod took place, when a testimony meeting revealed how deep a work had been wrought in 1903. A Minister, writing to A Welsh paper, said that many ‘Saw a door of hope for revival in Wales in the near future.’ Referring to the testimony meeting, he said: ‘It was a luxury to hear Ministers and laymen giving expression to the change that had taken place in their ministry and in their personal lives since the Convention of 1903 . . . It is manifest that better days are about to dawn, and blessed are those believers who are willing now to consecrate themselves as instruments for the Holy Ghost in the next Revival.’


The Life of Charles Parham. Sarah Parham. Chapter XII. The Lord Confirmed the Word. Pg. 117. Ibid. Parham 77 The annual Keswick in Wales Convention, held in the beautiful spa town of Llandrindod Wells, is a spiritual oasis for many believers in Jesus - the joyous delights of warm Christian fellowship combined with passionate praise and life-changing ministry from God's Word make this an event not to be missed. 78 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 23. 76


It can be seen, therefore, how all through 1903 and 1904 the underground currents were quietly deepening, and sometimes breaking out to the surface, until the time drew near when the flood-gates opened, and the Spirit of God broke out upon the land as a tidal wave, sweeping all things before it…79 Six Welsh Ministers who entered into the Spirit-filled life at the first Llandrindod Convention, agreed to meet once a month through the year for a quiet day with God, and at the 1904 Convention, held a midnight prayermeeting, when they As the result of a meeting Parham held in “consecrated themselves Melrose, Kansas, another meeting was held in afresh to God for His use, and Keelville, Kansas, located about ten miles west definitely asked the Lord to of Baxter Springs. In 1907, with the help of his converts (who donated the land and raise up someone to usher in labor) Brother Parham erected the first the Revival! “ They returned to Pentecostal Church ever built in America. The their respective churches building is still being used today as a Pentecostal church. Up to this time, revivals and burning with a new zeal and a special meetings were conducted in store-fronts, new message, and in each tents, or school houses. place the flame of revival sprang up shortly after, resulting in a great ingathering of souls, and through them and their quickened people, spreading from district to district, until it was said, “Wales is on fire.”80 1904

Elim Tabernacle is founded by the Duncan Sisters.81


September. Nightly prayer meeting begins in Wales. 120 are saved by the end of the year.82 "The bars were not the only places to be emptied. Dance halls, theatres and football matches all saw a dramatic decline in attendance. The courts and jails were deserted and the police found themselves without any work to do. Policemen closed their stations and


http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/1904/mrs-penn-lewis-and-the-welsh-revival http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/1904/mrs-penn-lew3is-and-the-welsh-revival 81 The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Edited by Stanley M. Burgess, Eduard M. van der Maas. Susan A. Duncan. 82 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 23. 80


formed choirs to sing at the Revival meetings. A new unity of purpose was felt across the denominational divides."83 1904

November 9th, 1904. There appeared a contribution from Mrs. PennLewis telling of the “cloud as a man’s hand” which had risen over Wales, quoting a letter received from a well-known Evangelist; and three weeks later another, which began: “We have prayed for Revival. Let us give thanks! The ‘cloud as a man’s hand’ about which the Rev. Seth Joshua wrote in October is now increasing. God is sweeping the southern hills and valleys of Wales with an old-time Revival.84


Friday November 11, 1904. Wales Revival.85 “Loughor, near Llanelly, is just now in the throes of a truly remarkable “revival,” the influence of which is spreading to the surrounding districts. Meetings are being held every night attended by dense crowds, and each of them is continued well into the early hours of the next, morning. The missioner is Mr. Evan Roberts, a young man who for some years worked at the Broadoak Colliery. He has spent the whole of his life in the place, and was always known as a man with strong leanings towards religion. He is now preparing for the ministry at a preparatory school at NewcastleEmlyn. Whatever the source of his power may be there can be no mistaking the fact that he has moved the whole community by his remarkable utterances, and scores of people who have never been known to attend any place of worship are now making public profession of their conversion. During my visit to Loughor I found that the “revival” was on everyone’s tongue, Colliers and tin-platers, shopkeepers and merchants— in fact, all classes of the community are to be found among the auditors of


Robi Brad, "Bending the Church to Save the World: The Welsh Revival of 1904". th Life of Faith newspaper. November 9 , 1904. Jessie Penn-Lewis. 85 The name of Jessie Penn-Lewis often occurs in works related to the Welsh revival of 1904, not surprisingly as she was a major chronicler of the movement. She wrote an article each week in the "The Life of Faith," tracing the course of the spiritual movement first throughout Wales, and then through many lands and by many individuals. She contributed to a number of periodicals and produced her own history of the revival called 'The Awakening in Wales - and Some of its Hidden Springs,' which is also in this library. She is most well known for her excessive caution against supposed demonic intrusions through the developing Pentecostal work of her day, and her later involvement with Evan Roberts. 84


this fervid young enthusiast, who declares that the message which he brings to the people is that which is revealed to him by the Holy Spirit.” 86 1904

November 13, 1904. Evan Roberts begins the first of several Revival campaign in London (UK).87


November 20, 1904 – March 1, 1905.88 George and Stephen Jeffreys become Christ followers at the Welsh Revival.89 Several churches begin nightly prayer meeting. Soon, all over Wales churches from various denominations were drawn together by the Spirit of God. Some prayer meetings lasted as long as 8 hours. Prayer meetings were so crowded that the churches could not hold them. But 1904 was the "Great" Revival. Over 100,000 people were added to church and chapel registers, increasing the percentage of the population associated with specific churches or chapels to over 50%. Contemporary accounts tell a story that nowadays seems hard to credit, in terms of change of lifestyle for tens of thousands of people, of all walks of life. 90


Tomlinson’s vision reached beyond Camp Creek, however, and he sought to establish other congregations. In December 1904, he purchased a home about fifty miles from Camp Creek in Cleveland, Tennessee, because of its location on the railroad. Along with travel by foot and by horseback, the railroad gave Tomlinson additional means to spread the gospel. Soon he had established new congregations in Union Grove and Drygo, Tennessee as well as Jones, Georgia.91


Western Mail newspaper. Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 24. 88 http://www.smithwigglesworth.com/pensketches/jeffreyss.htm 89 Edsor, Albert W (1964). George Jeffreys, man of God: The story of a phenomenal ministry. Ludgate Press. 90 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 24. 91 Tomlinson, Last Great Conflict, 206. 87



Apostolic Faith workers hold meetings in Angleton Texas (near Houston). A young Howard Goss is assigned as the leader. At first the town resisted the new movement but when a prominent Baptist deacon, Addison Mercer, became the first convert the tide turned.92 Goss shared the preaching duties with Anna Hall — in fact she preached more than he did. The revival continued throughout the spring with both Parham and Carothers occasionally stopping in to check on the progress.93 Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting group standing in front of the Brunner Tabernacle, Houston, Texas. Charles F. Parham is standing on the right in the 2nd row by a post. This is the first building owned by the Apostolic Faith Movement and was about 30 by 100 feet in dimensions. Five boys are seated in the very front. Seated in chairs in the front row (l-r): Mr. Zeigler, unidentified, Samuel N. Hall, Earnest Endercott, Artie Bowen, Mrs. Katy and Philip Stokely, Millicent McClendon (later married Howard Goss), Cora Lane, Nora Bird, W. F. and Mrs. Carothers, Mrs. Quinton and husband 'Billie,' Pearl Bowen, Mrs. Mabel Smith, Mr. Ingrahm, Mr. Hunt, and Howard Goss (standing). Second row (l-r): Mr. Oyler, unidentified, unidentified, Jennie Botter, Rosa Cadwalder, unidentified, unidentified, W. J. Jones and wife, Josephine Ball, Walter Von Heeder, Walter Jessup, George L. and Maybelle Rose, Jennie Spiers, Rev. Charles F. Parham, Hattie Allen (later married D. C. O. Opperman), Blanch Witter, and others in that row unidentified. Back row (l-r): Seven unidentified; standing in the doorway: Stanley Bennett, Alice Post, unidentified, Follen Botter, Walter Battison, and two unidentified.


March 29 – April 17, 1905. Evan Roberts begins his second revival campaign in London.94


Easter Sunday. April 23, 1905. The Apostolic Faith comes to Texas at Orchard Texas. Hundreds were baptized in water, hundreds baptized in the Holy Spirit and at least 5 ordained into the ministry.95


June 6 – July 7, 1905. Evan Roberts begins his 3rd Revival Campaign in London.96


June 29, 1905. Ramabai’s prayer circles result in Revival coming to India.97 . In the history of the church, there are times when the Holy Spirit


Goss, Winds of God, 41-42. Ibid. Goss. 94 Ibid. Duewel. Chapter 24. 95 The Life of Charles Parham. Sarah Parham. Chapter XII. The Lord Confirmed the Word. Pg. 108. 96 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 24. 93


moves with extraordinary power among God's people. They awaken to their true spiritual condition. Pandita and 550 women prayed for such a movement to come to Mukti. On June 29, 1905, a large group felt the Spirit's presence. Weeping, they confessed their sins. Women testified to a holy burning that was almost unbearable.98 1905

July 10th 190599. Parham’s hold meetings at Byran Hall in Houston Texas where William Seymour accepts Pentecostal doctrine from Parham. “The Houston Daily Post says that Parham intends to turn the city to the ‘Apostolic Faith’. The crowd at Byran Hall was so huge that people had to be turned away.”100 Thousands were healed, delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit.101


July 1905 both Carothers and Parham welcomed Sarah L. Rothrock, a nationally renowned evangelist, as a guest speaker in their meetings. 102


Lucy Farrow turns the pastorate of her Houston Texas Holiness church over to William J. Seymour103 Farrow travels with the Parhams as the governess for their children back to their native Kansas. African American Lucy Farrow receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit104in Houston and feels called to go to LA; Parham provides the train fare.105


Apostolic Faith workers hold meetings in Alvin, Texas. Hometown girl Millicent McClendon is one of a handful of Apostolic Faith workers who helps in these meetings and the key evangelist. This is noteworthy because it shows a continued willingness by Parham to recognize women


Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 23. Pandita Ramabai Reclaimed Rejects. Dan Graves, MSL. Church History Timeline 99 Parham. Pg. 129. 100 The Azusa Street Mission and Revival. By Cecil M. Robeck. Page 40. 101 Houston Chronicle. August 13, 1905. 102 “Undenominational Meetings” HC, 20 July 1905, p. 6 and ―The City in Brief‖ HC, 22 July 1905, p. 5. 103 http://godswordtowomen.blogspot.com/2011/08/lucy-farrow-forgotten-apostle-of_3928.html 104 Ibid. Goff. 105 UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY: PENTECOSTAL HISTORY IN OKLAHOMA, KANSAS, AND TEXAS. 9.17.2010. Goss, pg. 35. 98


as ministers and because Millicent McClendon later marries Howard Goss.106 This openness to women preachers was characteristic of the Apostolic Faith movement led by Parham. Like the New Testament Church there was neither male nor female, bond nor free, Jew nor Gentile in Christ Apostolic Faith Church Jesus. These women included Alvin, Texas (1905) Mary Arthur, Lucy Farrow, Fannie Dobson, Sarah Parham, Ethel Wright, Nora Byrd, Mabel Wise, Lillian Thistlewaite (Sarah Parham’s sister), Rosa Cadwater, Cattie Allen107, all key members of Charles Parham’s inner circle, as well as many other women such as Millicent McClendon who was a leader and an outstanding evangelist in her own right.108 1905

Galveston, Texas. Another band of Apostolic Faith workers hold meetings in Galveston at the same time as the Alvin, Texas meetings.109 Although money was extremely scarce, Parham insisted that his workers take no public offerings. They were permitted to mention how their work was financed but they could not make an appeal for an offering. They lived by “faith” and they felt that God provided, even if it was not exactly as they wished.110 In Goss’s words, “Galveston was a very wicked place. At the time; it was full of spiritualists and many other spirits of evil.”111 The band of workers in Galveston was meeting severe resistance so Parham dispatched a fresh group of workers to assist them. As part of this reorganization, Howard Goss was reassigned from Alvin to Galveston.


Meeting of Apostolic Faith workers at Houston Texas. A tabernacle was erected in the suburb of Brunner, and attempts were made to begin to


Grant Wacker, Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals and American Culture (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001), 19. Goss, Winds of God, 17. 107 Ibid. Undiscovered Country. Goss, pg. 41 108 Blumhofer, Pentecost in My Soul, 121-122. 34This remained the practice decades later when Howard served as pastor in Toronto, Ontario; his wife, Ethel, regularly preached the evening evangelistic service. Ruth Goss Nortje, “Ethel Elizabeth Goss” in Pioneer Pentecostal Women, Volume 3, Mary Wallace, ed. (Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 2003), 63. 109 Ibid. 110 Adapted from: Howard A. Goss: A Pentecostal Life (Word Aflame Press, 2010), by Robin Johnston. 111 Goss, Winds of God, 31.


establish some kind of an organizational structure. Parham was appointed the “Projector of the Apostolic Faith”, Carothers the General Field Director, and Howard Goss the Field Director for the State of Texas. Goss was also ordained at this camp meeting.112 1905

August 28th, 1905. Apostolic Faith Camp meeting Baxter Springs, Kansas. The Governor of Kansas Edward Wallis Hoch was among those in attendance.113


September 16, 1905. Opposition to the Apostolic Faith movement in Houston. The Houston Chronicle reported that local police officers were Governor Edward enlisted to protect the revival meetings. Apparently a Wallis Hoch “rumor spread throughout the tent that those opposed to the demonstration would "rotten egg’ the participants," but nothing happened.114


September 22, 1905. Joseph Smale pastor of 1st Baptist Church in Los Angeles, home after visiting the Welsh Revival, leads part of the congregation in starting a new work, First New Testament Church. This is a major key in what would become the Los Angeles Outpouring. Many who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit during the Azusa Street Revival were in meetings at this church when the Holy Spirit baptized them.115 The Constitutional Charter of New Testament Church is ratified.116


Apostolic Faith ministers Howard Goss holds a Pentecostal revival in Tahleqah, OK.117


September 24th, 1905 Joseph Smale’s congregation leased a theater, Burbank Hall, at 542 South Main Street for New Testament Church.118


Goss, Winds of God, 56-57. Parham. Chapter XIV. Back to the Sunflower State. Page 127. 114 News of the Churches, HP, 27 August 1905, p. 12; Sunday Church Services, HP, 30 September 1905, p. 12; and Church Notices, HC, 7 October 1905, p. 8. 132.. “Officers Guard a Camp meeting”. HC, 16 September 1905, p. 1. 115 The Azusa Street Mission and Revival. Cecil M. Robeck. Joseph Smale: God's 'Moses' for Pentecostalism. Tim Welch 116 Ibid. Welch. 117 9/7/10. UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY: PENTECOSTAL HISTORY IN OKLAHOMA, KANSAS, AND TEXAS 113


Among the notable members of this congregation is Jennie Evans Moore.119 This would begin months of the congregation praying for a move of the Holy Spirit to come to their area. The motto of all was "Pentecost has not yet come, but it is coming." Prayer and expectation marked these gatherings. Great conviction began to spread and people and preachers from various churches gathered in from across the city and elsewhere to hear the Word of the Lord and to meet with God. Smale seemed to prophesy to those gathered of things to come, of a "speedy return to the apostolic gifts of the church." Prayer not only ascended for this church but for the City, nation and for a worldwide revival. These meetings were spontaneous almost running themselves. The whole congregation moved as one just as in the Welsh Revival, testimonies, praise and prayer came forth with great liberty. Many souls were being saved and the saints prepared for an outpouring. The Burbank circa 1912 When Revival breaks out on Azusa Street in their town most see this as another answer to prayer.120 Smale and other leaders visited Azusa to see for themselves. Seymour followed Parham’s stand on living by faith both in healing and in finances.121


October 16, 1905. Brother Parham and about twenty workers said goodbye, leaving the depot at Columbus, Kansas around 1:00 a.m. Wednesday morning, about 8:30 a.m. they arrived at Orchard, and were warmly welcomed by God's children. They remained there till October


The Azusa Street Mission and Revival. By Cecil M. Robeck. Page 60. http://www.pentecostalpioneers.org/AzusaStreet.html 120 http://www.pentecostalpioneers.org/AzusaStreet.html 121 Brunhoffer. Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture . Pg. 59. 119


21, holding services day and night, and showers of blessings refreshed hungry souls. On Saturday, October 21, 1905 they left Orchard in route for Houston. They had a lay over at Alvin for about five hours. Two street meetings were held, one in the morning and one after lunch. The people of Alvin were so pleased that as the group was getting ready to leave, several citizens went to Brother Parham and requested him to return and hold some meetings in their town. The first building used as an Apostolic Faith Church in Alvin, Texas was a warehouse. 1905

Phineas F. Bresee who October 22nd, 1905. Warren Faye Carothers, a opposed the Los 122 self taught attorney from Texas and pastor of Angeles Outpouiring, particularly those Christian Witness Tabernacle (A Texas Holiness connected to Church), Brunner Texas joins forces with Parham. Seymour. He also pastored Texas Holiness Church in Beeville, Texas. Carothers would help lead the Apostolic Faith Movement as field director for Parham.123 His responsibilities would include training evangelists and pastors.124 Parham would serve as ‘Projector of the Apostolic Faith Movement’.125

By 1907 the alliance between Parham and Carothers is troubled. Carothers would begin a campaign to attempe to oust Parham. Parham would remove Carothers from his position with the Apostolic Faith. Carothers argued against allowing women to preach.126 He was a staunch segregationist. His opposition to women ministers would be transferred to the AG in their organizational meeting in 1914.127 While 122

Encyclopedia of Evangelism by Randall Herbert Balmer http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=55008507 124 Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism. Randall Herbert Balmer. Pg. 137. 125 The Azusa Street Mission and Revival. By Cecil M. Robeck. Page 46. 126 Encyclopedia of Evangelism by Randall Herbert Balmer 127 The Baptism with the Holy Spirit (1906). Warren Faye Carothers. Idem. Church Government. (1909). 123


Howard Goss seems to have generally sided with and partnered with Carothers, there is no doubt that the two did not agree in the area of women in ministry as both of Howard Goss’s wives (Millicent and Ethel) were licensed ministers. Both of these ladies were powerful evangelists in their own right.128 1905

November. Seymour leads a preaching mission in Lake Charles Louisiana.129


December. The Parhams return to Houston in “December to begin a Bible school in the New Year, Farrow returned with them and reconnected with her congregation. She also encouraged Seymour to enroll in the Bible school. Seymour followed her advice.130


December 6, 1905 – January 14, 1906. Evan Roberts begins his 4th London Revival.131


December 8, 1905. John Alexander Dowie departs for Jamaica mission trip. Just before leaving, he appointed Overseer John G. Speicher, Deacon V. V. Barnes, and Deacon Alexander Granger, as a "Triumvirate," with full power to act in all the affairs of Zion." From this time on it appears that there was an effort on the part of the business managers of Zion financial institutions to get Mr. Dowie to turn over the commercial affairs of Zion to others and give himself to the specifically religious work. He seems however to have been utterly regardless of all advice, and fully determined to keep everything absolutely in his own Control.132


Blumhofer, Pentecost in My Soul, 121-122. Ruth Goss Nortje, “Ethel Elizabeth Goss” in Pioneer Pentecostal Women, Volume 3, Mary Wallace, ed. (Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 2003), 63. 129 The Roots: Our Legacy In The History Of The Modern Church. Dr. Robert E. Johnson Sr., DRE. Pg. 150. 130 http://godswordtowomen.blogspot.com/2011/08/lucy-farrow-forgotten-apostle-of_3928.html 131 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 24. 132 E. P. Whipple, Essay, "Croakers." Vol. II, p. 86.



December 1905. “Charles Parham rented a large residence completely furnished on 503 Rusk Street in Houston, to serve as his home and the Headquarters for the Apostolic Faith Movement.”133


“Parham’s first book was titled Kol Kare Bomidbar, which is Hebrew for “A Voice Crying in the Wilderness.” He considered himself a latter days John the Baptist, announcing a new dispensation of the Spirit. He gave himself the title “Projector of the Apostolic Faith.” When one of Parham’s coevangelists, Lillian Thistlethwaite, wrote an account of the Topeka, Kansas, “revival,” she entitled it “The Wonderful History of the Latter Rain.”134


Arthur G. Osterberg starts Full Gospel Mission in Los Angeles. He had begun with a tent meeting that grew into this assembly. He joined the cottage prayer meetings on Bonnie Brae Street and later helped get the Azusa Street Mission ready for meetings; including building the altar at Azusa Street. His father would be part of the board at the Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission.135


Church of God Elders Council, Seated: A. J. Tomlinson and Blanche Koon. Standing left to right: M.S. Lemons, T. S. Payne, T. L. McLain, F. J. Lee, Sam C. Perry, George T. Brouayer, E. J. Boehmer, J. B. Ellis, S. W. Latimer, S. O. Gillaspie, and M. S. Haynes. Courtesy Hal Bernard Dixon Jr.

January 26-27, 1906. There was a desire for greater organization among the churches. Delegates from four churches met at Camp Creek in January 1906 to conduct the 1st General Assembly of the "Churches of East Tennessee, North Georgia and Western North Carolina". Though the intention was still to avoid the creation of a creed and denomination, the members' consensus on certain endeavors and standards laid the groundwork for the future denomination. The Assembly declared, "We hope and trust that no person or body of people will ever use these


http://www.apostolicarchives.com/historical-timeline.html Archive for the ‘Azusa Street’ Category. The Heavenly Anthem 10 May, 2011 135 The Beginning Story of Azusa Street. Memoir by Arthur G. Osterberg 134


minutes, or any part of them, as articles of faith upon which to establish a sect or denomination", and that it was not "a legislative or executive body, judicial only”.136 1906

January 1906. The Parham’s (Charles & Sarah) open Bible School in Houston Texas. William Seymour becomes the most notable student and apparently excelling as a student. Other noteworthy students included Millicent McClendon and Howard Goss.137 Parham and Seymour regularly ministered together in meetings in Texas. Parham was Seymour’s teacher and Carothers was his pastor.138

Parham’s Bible School and Apostolic Faith Headquarters in Houston Texas. Notice the Apostolic Faith banner on the top porch.

Some of the Classes and nightly meetings convened in Caledonia Hall. 139 On an almost daily schedule, students attended class in the morning, held services at the Southern Pacific Railroad shops at noon, held street services in the afternoon, attended perhaps another class late in the afternoon and then conducted as many as two services at Caledonia Hall in the evening. This was on top of sharing in the household chores.140 1906

Millicent McClendon fresh out of Parham’s Houston Bible School holds meetings in Snyder Texas. Many are filled with the Holy Spirit, healed, saved, delivered.141 In retrospect it could be said that she was Parham’s star pupil. Her contribution to the Apostolic Faith movement is something that we all owe a debt of gratitude. Her abilities as an evangelist and preacher so impressed the leaders of the Apostolic Faith movement that


Roebuck, David G (1999), "Restorationism and a Vision for World Harvest: A Brief History of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee)" (PDF), Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research 5, retrieved June 12, 2011. 137 Goss diary, January 12, 1906, held at The Center for the Study of Oneness Pentecostalism, Hazelwood, Missouri. In his January 12 entry Goss mentions he cooked all day. Goss diary, January 1, 1906 - June 27, 1906. 138 The Azusa Street Mission and Revival. By Cecil M. Robeck. Page 49. 139 Goss. Pg. 34. 140 Goss diary, January 12, 1906, held at The Center for the Study of Oneness Pentecostalism, Hazelwood, Missouri. In his January 12 entry Goss mentions he cooked all day. 141 Parham. Pg. 209.


she was chosen to minister on the topic of “Preaching” at the Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting in August 1906.142 Howard Goss, who was later married to McClendon, recalled that her fellow Pentecostals nicknamed her “Little David” because of her skill at preaching and because one of her best sermons focused on the story of David and Goliath.143 Even after their marriage, Goss recognized that McClendon was “the evangelist in the family." Whenever they entered a new town, McClendon opened by stating, ―I‘m no prophet, so I cannot tell illiam J. Seymour you how this meeting is going to turn out. But, there is one thing I can be sure of: All the best Christians in this town will receive our message, as well as receiving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues.144 Her confidence and selfassurance were qualities that benefited her in the ministry. Some have said that if she had not died so young she would have been one of the most celebrated ministers of her day comparing her to Aimee Simple McPherson.145 1906

February 12, 1906. Voliva was recalled from Australia where he had been sent by Dowie and appointed by Dowie as deputy general overseer at Zion City with full power to act in all business and ecclesiastical matters. This really did away with the "Triumvirate" a group of three men who had previously been empowered to take care of the business interests because of concerns of mismanagement. Voliva arrived in Zion City under definite promise to Dowie to carry out in full his instructions, and to administer the church in accord with his wishes.146


Apostolic Faith Members Gather, HC, 6 August 1906, p. 5. Of the nine lectures promoted in the Chronicle, three of them were delivered by women. Along with McClendon‘s lecture on ―Preaching, Mrs. W. R. Quinton provided a lecture on ―Healing—Visiting and Prayer for the Sick‖ and Miss Bird on ―Altar Work. 143 Goss, The Winds of God, 137. 144 Ibid., 117. 145 The Spirit in Black and White. Hamilton. Pg. 86. 146 John Alexander Dowie and the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in Zion. A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE DIVINITY SCHOOL IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. DEPARTMENT OF CHURCH HISTORY. ROLVIX HARLAN. PRESS OF R, M. ANTES EVANSVILLE, WIS. 1906



February 18, 1906. Parham helps raise money to send William Seymour, to Los Angeles California to Pastor the church organized by Julia Hutchins. Seymour plans to tell people about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Julia Hutchins had founded a church at 9th and Santa Fe and wanted Seymour to serve as pastor as she was planning to go to Liberia as a missionary. She forwarded train fare for Seymour. Julia W. Hutchins was the pastor of a Holiness church at 9th and Santa Fe Street, in Los Angeles, California. The church was affiliated with Church of the Nazarene, founded by Phineas Breese. In the Spring of 1905, after Julia and eight African-American families were asked to leave Second Baptist Church of Los Angeles, the church was formed.

William Seymour and Jennie (Moore) Seymour Wedding Photo 1908

Second Baptist was an African-American church. Julia and the families had been "excommunicated for professing holiness doctrine." Julia was the ostracized group's leader. Carothers preached the sermon in the service where they bade Seymour God speed. Parham had students at the Bible Training School lay hands on Seymour and pray for him before his was sent to Los Angeles.147 A series of events transpire that eventually will lead to the Azusa Street Revival. 1906

February 22, 1906. Seymour arrives in Los Angeles. Julia William J. Seymour in front of Azusa Street mission circa 1906 Hutchins and her husband Willis were preparing to become missionaries to Liberia. They expected to be sponsored by the Holiness Church.148


February 24th, 1906. “William Seymour preached his first sermon in Los Angeles, from Acts 2:4. He ministered multiple times, led prayer meetings and other duties a pastor would perform, between the 24th of February and

147 148

The Azusa Street Mission and Revival. By Cecil M. Robeck. Page 50. The Azusa Street Mission and Revival. By Cecil M. Robeck. Page 61.


March 4th. After the Sunday March 4th service Julia Hutchins took great exception with Seymour’s connecting the baptism of the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues. She refused to allow Seymour to minister in the evening service and called a special meeting where Seymour met with a group of Holiness preachers. The Holiness ministers instructed Seymour that he could not preach baptism of the Holy Spirit was evidenced by speaking in tongues, but also encouraged him that if he ever received the experience himself (Seymour was not yet a recipient of Spirit baptism as he preached) to let them know. However, because of their decision he could not pastor the Holiness church of Julia Hutchins.149 Hutchins locked the doors to the church and called upon J. M. Roberts, head of the Southern California Holiness Association, to come and debate Seymour. Seymour recalled, "[Roberts] came down and a good many holiness preachers with him, and they stated that sanctification was the baptism with the Holy Ghost."150 Seymour could have kowtowed to these men in order to continue as the pastor but he was Apostolic Faith and bringing transformation was in his DNA. Seymour was staying with the Lee family at the time. They began having cottage prayer meetings in their home. By March 19th their prayer meetings outgrew the Lee’s home. So Seymour began holding cottage prayer meetings, and Bible studies in the Asberry's home on Bonnie Brae Street.”151

Open air revival, Apostolic Faith Church Portland Oregon 1907


Robeck. Page 64. William Seymour, ―Bro. Seymour‘s Call‖ The Apostolic Faith [Los Angeles, CA] 1.1 (Sept 1906): 1. 151 http://www.apostolicarchives.com/historical-timeline.html 150



Early in 1906 Howard Goss left Houston to conduct an evangelistic campaign in nearby Angleton, Texas. According to Goss, he and a fellow Pentecostal were “instructed only to go south toward the Gulf of Mexico and stop anywhere [they] could find a place to preach.”152


March. New Testament Church in Los Angeles and Joseph Smale has established a number of missions in the city including a mission to Chinese led by Bessie Smith. The printed thoughts on this mission included, “Oh, for a Pentecost on our Christian Chinese, that this important part of heathendom may be moved by the power of God! There are great opportunities for this mission, and we need the power of the Holy Ghost. This would lead to substantial missions work throughout China.153


March 1906, just a month before the Azusa Azusa Street Leaders revivals began, Los Angeles‘ministers formed a church federation to increase Christian unity in the city. The head of the federation, Edwin P. Ryland, pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, South, declared,”Denominational differences have been banished”.154


Spring and Summer. The Apostolic Faith expanded their efforts to include the following locations: Caledonian Hall (later referred to as the Apostolic Hall), 1010 ½ Texas Avenue; Mission Hall, corner of Hardy and Brooks Streets; Houston Heights under an arbor off Heights Boulevard; Houston Heights on Eighth Street; and at the corner of Seventh and Arlington Streets in Houston Heights. This would put the movement into Houston neighborhoods with African American population of 30% or more.155


March. Apostolic Faith Newspaper announces additional structure for Parham’s Apostolic Faith group. Elders are ordained in every major town


Ethel E. Goss, The Winds of God: The Story of the Early Pentecostal Movement (1901-1914) in the Life of Howard A. Goss (Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 1998), 35. 153 Ibid. Welch. 154 “Local Pastors are Banqueted”, L. A. Express, 13 March 1906, p. 7. 155 See ―The City in Brief,‖ HC, 7 January 1906; ―Church Notices,‖ HC, 13 January 1906, p. 6; ―Sunday Church Services,‖ HP, 7 April 1906, p. 5; ―Sunday Church Services,‖ HP, 9 June 1906, p. 14; ―Church Notices,‖ HC, 7 July 1906, p. 5; ―Church Notices,‖ HC, 28 July 1906, p. 6.


where the movement has a presence.156 Three State Directors are appointed; W. F. Carothers – Texas, with State headquarters in Houston, Rilda Cole – Kansas, with Baxter Springs as State Headquarters and Henry G. Tuthill – Missouri, with State headquarters in Carthage. Lillian Thistlethwaite as General Secretary. Parham retained the title, “Projector of the Faith”. Beginning in May all evangelists and full time workers received credentials signed by Parham and their respective State Director. The attempt to organize meets much resistance as the movement’s leadership and rank and file was generally opposed to organized religion.157 A west coast branch is soon added with the success of William Seymour and the Apostolic Faith Mission on Azusa Street, with Florence Crawford serving as State Director for California.158 1906

Friday April 6th, 1906. William Seymour calls for a 10 day tarrying meeting.159 “There was a great deal of opposition, but they continued to fast and pray for the baptism with the Holy Spirit, till on April 9th the fire of God fell in a cottage on Bonnie Brae. Pentecost was poured out upon workers and saints. Three days after that, Bro. Seymour received his Pentecost. Two who had been working with him in Houston came to Los Angeles just before Pentecost fell. They came filled with the Holy Ghost and power. One of them had received her personal Pentecost, Sister Lucy Farrow, and said the Lord had sent her to join us in holding up this precious truth. She came with love and power, holding up the blood of Jesus Christ in all His fullness.”


This concept of Elders exists even today in some groups with roots to the Apostolic Faith movement. Goff. Pg. 118. March Apostolic Faith. 1906. 158 Pentecostalism in America By R. G. Robins. Pg. 37. 159 AZUSA BOOKS. THE AZUSA STREET MISSION TIME LINE by Amos Morgan. Copyright © 2007 by Amos Morgan 157



April 2, 1906. Telegram sent to John Alexander Dowie from Zion City leaders.160 Here is the text of the Telegram: “Chicago Chicago practically all including Cincinnati representative endorsed Voliva administration, Speichers reinstatement, Grangers retention, emphatically practically all protesting against your extravagance, hypocrisy, misrepresentations, exaggerations, misuse of investment, tyranny and injustice. You are hereby including Cincinnati suspended from office and membership for polygamous teaching and other grave charges. See letter. You must answer these satisfactorily to officers and representative people. Quietly retire. Further interference will precipitate complete exposure, rebellion, legal proceedings. Your statement of stupendously magnificent endorsed Voliva financial outlook is extremely foolish in view of thousands suffering through your shameful mismanagement. Zion and creditors will be protected at all administration, costs. Voliva, Piper, Braisefield, Excell, Speicher, Cantel Speichers reinstatement, Grangers retention, emphatically protesting against your extravagance, hypocrisy, misrepresentations, exaggerations, misuse of investment, tyranny and injustice. You are hereby suspended from office and membership for polygamous teaching and other grave charges. See letter. You must answer these satisfactorily to officers and people. Quietly retire. Further interference will precipitate complete exposure, rebellion, legal proceedings. Your statement of stupendously magnificent financial outlook is extremely foolish in view of thousands suffering through your shameful mismanagement. Zion and creditors will be protected at all costs. - Voliva, Piper, Braisefield, Excell, Speicher, Cantel."161


April 9th, 1906. The Los Angeles Outpouring. Edward Lee became the first person in Los Angeles to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and speak with tongues, when he asked Lucy Farrow to lay hands on him.


Frank W. Williams received the Holy Aimee Simple McPherson preaching Spirit at Bonnie Brae Street cottage in a tent meeting (1922) prayer meeting. He establishes several churches in the Mobile Alabama area. He founded his own organization the Apostolic Faith Mission Church of God.162


Harlan Harlan 162 Sanders, Seymour, 13. Martin. Seymour. Pg. 326. 161



April 9, 1906. Jennie Evans Moore, a member of 1st New Testament Church, who later married William Seymour, was the first to experience heavenly singing on April 9, 1906 when she became the first woman to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost at prayer meetings on Bonnie Brae Street, she testified: “I sang under the power of the Spirit in many languages . . . “163


April 12, 1906. William Seymour received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues.


April 13, 1906. A Mexican worker, name unknown, becomes the first reported Hispanic to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the Azusa Street Revival.164 Others had already received the baptism in Houston, Texas.


April 14-15. 1st Anniversary of the entrance of the Apostolic Faith movement Apostolic Faith Church Katy Texas 1905 to Texas; hundreds attended. 24 were baptized in water. Prayer began at 6 pm and continued till midnight. About 15 were baptized in the Holy Spirit. 27 were ordained. Parham divided his workers into 8 companies after the meeting. The Apostolic Faith was expanding!165


April 15, 1906. Easter Sunday. “The prayer group began holding meetings in the abandoned, Stevens A.M.E Church located on 312 Azusa Street.”166 The cost of rental was $8 a month.167 Seymour’s prayer group began sharing the space of the lower floor in the old church on Azusa with the construction materials. There was room enough somewhere in the 40 by 60 foot structure for a circle of chairs and that met the needs of a three o’clock afternoon prayer meeting. A home on Bonnie Brae Street was used for the evening prayer meetings, but was not available during the day for ‘tarrying’ meetings. Continuing from the above


Archive for the ‘Azusa Street’ Category. The Heavenly Anthem 10 May, 2011 Espinosa. William J. Seymour and the Origins of Global Pentecostalism: A Biography and Documentary History. p. 47. 165 Parham. Chapter XIV. A Bible School in Houston Texas. Page 143. 166 http://www.apostolicarchives.com/historical-timeline.html 167 Robeck. Page 70. 164


quotation in The Apostolic Faith we read, “Here [in the barn-like room] about a dozen congregated each day, holding meetings on Bonnie Brae in the evening.” Notice that “about a dozen” attended meetings in the afternoon because daytime meetings could not be held in the Asberry home. The group that met in the evening was probably larger than the afternoon group; that would be quite a normal situation for working people.168 1906

April 15, 1906. Frank Bartleman stepped into the New Testament Church and in that meeting a colored woman spoke in tongues. This is a key event as all the attention of the Azusa Street Revival is focused on Seymour’s group. However, New Testament church is Joseph Smale’s church. This shows that what is termed the Azusa Street Revival actually includes a variety of events and places in the Los Angeles area. It should rightly have been called the Los Angeles Revival.169


April 16th, 1906. Howard Goss, a miner and captain of a professional baseball team170, is baptized in the Holy Spirit. “During a train ride from Orchard to Angleton, Texas, a prayer meeting broke out amongst the band of travelling saints. Bro. Goss was overcome by the Spirit and finally began speaking in other tongues. Similar baptisms took place in other coaches, and the workers left the train in a Pentecostal stupor, which drew intrigued crowds to the nightly meetings. 171


April 17th, 1906. News of the events of the previous week caught the media attention and The Los Angeles Daily Times “sent a reporter to the revival. In his article the next day, he baffooned the meeting and the pastor, calling the worshippers "a new sect of fanatics" and Seymour "an old exhorter." He mocked their glossolalia as "weird babel of tongues." More important than the critical opinions expressed by the


AZUSA BOOKS. THE AZUSA STREET MISSION TIME LINE by Amos Morgan. Copyright © 2007 by Amos Morgan 169 The Azusa Street Mission and Revival By Cecil M. Robeck. Page. 66. 170 The Cry: the Desperate Prayer that Opens the Heart of God. Keith Hudson. Chapter 6. Repentance Brings Freedom. 171 https://oldlandmark.wordpress.com/tag/charles-parham/


reporter was the providential timing of his visit. The article was published on the same day as the great earthquake in San Francisco. Southern Californians, already gripped with fear, learned of a revival where doomsday prophecies were common.”172 1906

April 18, 1906, at 5:12 am “San Francisco, California was struck by a deadly and powerful earthquake. Most seismologists believe the quake exceeded 8.0 on the Richter Scale. Though it only lasted between 45 and 60 seconds, the earthquake and subsequent conflagration left over 3,000 people dead, destroyed over 28,000 buildings, and rendered over a quarter of a million people homeless (“San Francisco Earthquake”). The devastating disaster caused panic throughout southern California, and the saints of the newly-formed Azusa Street Mission, who viewed the convulsions as a sure sign of God’s judgment and might, used the opportunity to escalate evangelism and call men to repentance.”173 Joseph Smale called the earthquake, “God’s wakeup call.”174


Waco Texas. “The scene was indeed impressive. A beautiful and enthusiastic group of young people led a procession down Austin Avenue with a huge banner that read, “Apostolic Faith.” Millicent McClendon and a team of fiery, young Christian men and women announced the opening of evening services at 4th and Franklin, and everywhere they went the citizens of Waco took note. It amazed the city in that day that young people could be so focused and adamant about the scriptures, and their love for Jesus Christ.”175


April. Elmer Kirk Fisher resigns his pastorate at Calvary Baptist Church in Glendale California. Fisher resigns because some of his members are experiencing demonstrations of joy in the services and the other members are uncomfortable.176


Bishop William J. Seymour. Pastor of the Apostolic Faith Mission. 312 Azusa Street - Los Angeles, California 173 Earthquake Evangelism: the San Francisco Quake & the Azusa Revival 12 February, 2009 174 Joseph Smale: God's 'Moses' for Pentecostalism. Tim Welch 175 http://www.clcwaco.org/history.php 176 The Azusa Street Mission and Revival By Cecil M. Robeck. Page. 66.



Sunday, April 22, 1906, In Central Zion Tabernacle, Chicago, an Overseer publically charged Mr. Dowie with embezzling charity funds, citing the case of the money raised in 1902 for the Martinique disaster sufferers which never reached them. Dowie’s name was being systematically removed from literature and his likeness from buildings in Zion.177


April 29th, 1906. Dowie returns to Zion and addresses the people and the charges against him at Shiloh Tabernacle.178


May. Elmer Kirk Fisher joins Joseph Small and becomes part of his staff at 1st New Testament Church. Fisher’s daughter, Rev Ruth Narola Fisher Steelberg Carter, married Wesley R. Steelberg, who became general superintendent of the Assemblies of God U.S.A. Her second husband was A. Howard Carter, who was general superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Great Britain and Ireland. 179

George Studd (right) with his brothers Kynaston Studd (left) and Charles Studd (centre)


May 3, 1906. Howard Goss preaches in to an African American audience.180


May 14-15, 1906. George Studd (his brother is the well known Charles Thomas (C. T.) Studd) writes and publishes a pamphlet called “My Convictions”. 181 Ironically, Studd had previously been one of four superintendents of the Peniel Mission a group that had serious input on William Seymour and his dismissal from the Holiness church in Los Angeles previous to his success at Azusa Street. George Studd was Peniel Mission’s key financial supporter. In September of 1907 he joined the Apostolic Faith Mission known as the


Harlan. Harlan. 179 http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=67777841 180 See Warner, ―Summary of Howard Goss‘s Diary,‖ p. 1-2. 181 http://www.312azusa.com/timeline/george-studds-pamphlet 178


Upper Room. He and R. J. Scott were the organizers of the 1913 Worldwide Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting.182 Studd was the second eldest of the famous Studd brothers, who dominated English cricket in the late 19th century. He played in four Tests with the English cricket team, and played first-class cricket for Cambridge University and Middlesex County Cricket Club.183 1906

May 24, 1906. Anna Hall ministers on the baptism of the Holy Spirit in an African American congregation.184


June 5, 1906. First known Hispanics in the Los Angeles branch of the Apostolic Faith, Abundiao and Rosa Lopez, baptized in the Holy Spirit.185


June 15, 1906. Frank Bartleman, “an itinerant Holiness evangelist who joined the Pentecostal movement and chronicled the advent of the Apostolic Faith in southern California. Bartleman participated in the inspired singing while attending a service at Azusa: It [the “Heavenly Anthem”] was a spontaneous manifestation and rapture no earthly tongue can describe. In the beginning, this manifestation was wonderfully pure and powerful . . Frank Bartleman . No one could understand this “gift of song” but those who had it. It was indeed a “new song” in the Spirit.”186


Minne Tingley Draper (1858-1921) accepted the doctrine of healing in the atonement and rejected doctors and medicine. She preached and laid hands on the sick after this, and served as an associate of A.B. Simpson, who founded the Christian and Missionary Alliance in 1897. She served on the executive board of the CMA until 1912. In 1906 Minnie Draper claimed a Pentecostal experience of tongues and became associated with the Pentecostal movement. She helped found two


Alcohol and Drugs in North America: A Historical Encyclopedia: A Historical ... edited by David M. Fahey, Jon S. Miller. Pg. 601. 183 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Studd 184 See Warner, Summary of Howard Goss‘s Diary, p. 1-2. 185 Latino Pentecostals in America. Faith and Politics in Action. Harvard University Press. 2014. Pg: 22 186 Archive for the ‘Azusa Street’ Category. The Heavenly Anthem 10 May, 2011


churches, the Bethel Pentecostal Assembly in Newark, New Jersey, and the Ossining Gospel Assembly in Ossining, New York. She served as president of the Bethel Pentecostal Assembly missionary board from 1910 to her death in 1921.187 1906

Anna Hall, one of Parham’s Apostolic Faith ministers is sent to Los Angeles in response to Seymour’s appeal to Parham for assistance. Seymour was ―writing urgent letters for help, as spiritualistic manifestations, hypnotic forces and fleshly contortions as known in the colored Camp Meetings in the South had broken loose in the [Azusa] meeting.188 Hall stays at Azusa until the arrival of Parham.189 Anna Hall, a member of Parham‘s core group in Houston, encountered a group of Russians in Los Angeles, and she ―spoke to the Russians … in their own language as the Spirit gave utterance.190


July 12, 1906, William J. Seymour wrote Carothers (who Parham has appointed Texas State Director before he departed to Zion, Illinois) to inquire about credentials with the Apostolic Faith Movement. He noted the success of the Azusa Street meetings and wished for Carothers to send him 100 Apostolic Faith buttons for his growing congregation. In the corner of the letter, Carothers informed Parham that he sent Seymour credentials and Henry Aylor was forwarding Seymour some buttons.191 William J. Seymour’s credentials with the Apostolic Faith are approved and forwarded in spite of concerns about disturbing reports of the revival including wild allegations by some newsmen claiming the California sect practiced child sacrifice.192


http://www.seeking4truth.com/women_in_religion.htm Sarah E. Parham, The Life of Charles F. Parham: Founder of the Apostolic Faith Movement (New York, NY: Garland Publishing, 1985), 155. 189 Apostolic Faith Members Gather, HC, 6 August 1906, p. 5. 190 Russians Hear Their Own Tongue, The Apostolic Faith [Los Angeles, CA] 1.1 (Sept 1906): 4. 2 191 William J. Seymour, Los Angeles, CA, to Warren F. Carothers, Houston, TX, 12 July 1906, Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, Springfield, MO. 192 Goff. Pg. 128. 188



July 5, 1906. Pasadena. The Household of God, an Apostolic Faith Church was accosted by neighbors who complained about the noise and dumped water on the congregation during their services. 193


July 14, 1906. First New Testament Church. Like both the Houston and Azusa Street revivals, the participants were described as working “themselves into a wild religious frenzy culminating in many muttering an unintelligible jargon.” The initial report noted that “men and women embraced each other in the fanatical orgy.” Smale constrained the practice of speaking in tongues when congregants began to interrupt his sermons with their messages. This led to the rise of a faction within the congregation headed by Dr. Henry S. Keyes.194 Some historians attempt to show this criticism from the Press as a racial. However, this was a predominately white congregation. It seems the Press was critical of all the movement regardless of race.


THE DUNCAN SISTERS, Susan Duncan, Hattie Susan Duncan Duncan founded Rochester Bible Training School, in Rochester, New York. Many of the early Pentecostal leaders were trained at this institution.195 Over the life of the school over 400 missionaries were trained. Elizabeth, who had been the leader of the group unexpectedly died in 1915. Susan, Hattie, Mary, and Mary's daughter Olivia continued the work, with even greater success as the Pentecostal outpouring spread across the country. God had them close the school in the early 1920's and move to a smaller facility in preparation for their own home-going. In 1924 Elim Memorial Church was founded and by 1935 they had sent out over sixty missionaries and the sisters and their faith community had given over $100,000 to missions. Christ was their all for body, soul and spirit. Susan never married and died on October 1, 1935.196


July 20, 1906. The Houston Chronicle interviewed Carothers about the upcoming camp meeting. He reported that the Apostolic Faith Movement was “spreading rapidly, citing the recent revivals in Los Angeles and the


Householders‘ Gift of Tongue, L. A. Times, 5 July 1906, p. 10. 57 ―Rolling on the Floor in Smale‘s Church, L. A. Times, 14 July 1906, Sec. 2, p. 1. 195 Ibid. Women in Religion. 196 http://healingandrevival.com/BioSDuncan.htm 194


number of missionaries who were preparing to leave Los Angeles for the mission field. According to Carothers, “this movement will be the most successful of all modern efforts to evangelize the world in the present generation.”197 1906

Rachel A. Sizelove (1864-1941) was influential in early Pentecostalism. She received the "baptism in the Holy Spirit" and was commissioned to preach at the Azusa Street mission in Los Angeles in 1906. She then carried the Pentecostal message back to her home of Springfield, Missouri and began holding cottage meetings. She claimed to have had a vision that Springfield would become a center of worldwide Pentecostal influence.198 Evan Roberts of the Wales Revival


August. Lucy Farrow holds an Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting in Houston Texas at Brunner Tabernacle. She brings with her news from the Azusa Street Revival.199Her aptitude for igniting the supernatural gifts among others was evident at a 1906 camp meeting near Houston when some 25 seekers stood lined up in a row in front of her. When Farrow “laid hands upon them…many began to speak in tongues at once.”200 At the first baptism, held after the August 1906 camp meeting, the Houston Post reported that ―fully two thousand people witnessed the ceremony.201


August 10, 1906. A. band of three missionaries, Bro. Andrew Johnson and Sisters Louise Condit and Lucy M. Leatherman, who have been


Church Notices, HC, 12 May 1906, p. 8. The announcement reported, “A convention of all Apostolic Faith people in Houston is called to meet in Brunner Tabernacle, Monday night, to plan for the state camp meeting and the erection of the permanent tabernacle.” “Apostolic Faith to Go Into Camp,” HC, 30 July 1906, p. 5. “Apostolic Encampment,” HC, 2 August 1906, p. 9 and “Apostolic Faith Will Open Camp,” HC, 3 August 1906, p. 7. 397 “Encampment Opens,” HP, 4 August 1906, p. 5; “Apostolic Faith Members Gather,” HC, 6 August 1906, p. 5; and The Apostles HP, 9 August 1906, p. 5. 398 ―Thousands at Baptizing,” HP, 27 August 1906, p. 7. 198 Ibid. Women in Religion. 199 Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture Pg. 82. 200 https://thecelebration.wordpress.com/tag/lucy-farrow 201 ―Thousands at Baptizing,‖ HP, 27 August 1906, p. 7; ―The City in Brief,‖ HC, 22 July 1907, p. 9; ―The Churches,‖ HP, 25 July 1908, p. 12.


baptized with the Holy Ghost and received the gift of languages, have left for Jerusalem, going by way of Oakland.202 1906

August 12, 1906. Frank Bartleman became disenchanted with the Azusa Mission leaders and starts his own church. “According to Bartleman, the Spirit revealed a dangerous pitfall for the mission—the “party” spirit, which was Bartleman’s euphemism for denominational sectarianism. He delivered a message at Azusa, warning the saints to avoid becoming “entangled again in a yoke of (ecclesiastical) bondage.” He firmly believed that sectarianism had “been the curse and death of every revival body sooner or later.” If Azusa was to succeed where others had failed, she would have to contend for unity and resist organization and formalism. Because he was not an insider in the Apostolic Faith movement he apparently did not realize that Seymour held ministerial license with Parham’s Apostolic Faith movement and considered his work in Los Angeles as part of the Apostolic Faith movement. Putting the name on the sign was just a confirmation.203 Bartleman’s worst fears for the mission were realized when the day after he delivered his portentous sermon to the Azusa congregation, the words “Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission” were crudely painted on the building’s clapboard side. According to Bartleman, the Lord said to him: “This is what I told you.” This was enough for Bartleman to declare: “They had done it.” There is a sense of grave disappointment in Bartleman’s record of the change, which seemed so significant to him. He even declared: “The truth must be told. ‘Azusa’ began to fail the Lord also, early in her history.”

202 203

Apostolic Faith. Vol. I. No. 1 Los Angeles, Cal., September, 1906 Goff. Pg. 128.


Disillusioned by the move, Bartleman began his own Pentecostal mission in an old German Church at Eighth and Maple about a mile from Azusa in August 1906. According to Bartleman, the Lord had led him to the building back in February of 1906, two months prior to the commencement of meetings at Azusa, but it was occupied by the Pillar of Fire, a Holiness group led by Alma White, a fierce opponent of the spreading Pentecostal revival. However, by August, “The ‘Pillar of Fire’ group had gone up in smoke, not able to raise the rent.” Bro. Fred Shephard provided Bartleman with the $50.00 for the first month’s rent.204 Reportedly, “Bartleman still recognized Azusa as being the mother mission and there was no jealousy between himself and Seymour. In fact, both leaders visited either mission, back and forth. This was the beginning of a beautiful work which would flourish. God moved powerfully.”205 1906

Ivey Campbell begins attending the 8th and Maple Street Church and also visits Azusa. She is baptized in the Holy Spirit. She claimed an Rachel Sizelove experience of entire sanctification in 1901. Soon she began to preach in various churches and conferences in Ohio and Pennsylvania. She was one of the preachers at a Pentecostal camp meeting in Alliance, Ohio, in 1907, "that had a major impact on the spread of Pentecostalism in the northeastern U.S."206


August 14, 1906. Lucy Farrow, Parham‘s disciple and former governess and Seymour‘s associate in Los Angeles, visited Houston and prayed for Goss to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.207


August 16, 1906. Frank Bartleman is baptized in the Holy Spirit at a meeting at his church in Los Angeles with about 7 others present.208


The Apostolic Faith Newspaper (from Azusa Street) printed this: “Four of the Holiness preachers have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Brother William Pendleton, his congregation being turned out of their


Archive for the ‘Azusa Street’ Category. The Heavenly Anthem. 10 May, 2011 Frank Bartleman, How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles (Los Angeles: Frank Bartleman, 1925), 130. 206 Women in Religion. Tim Naab 207 Goss, Winds of God, 98. 208 Frank Bartleman, How Pentecost Came To Los Angeles (Los Angeles: Frank Bartleman, 1925), 5. 205


church, is holding meetings at Faith Newspaper 1906 Eighth Avenue at Maple Avenue. There is a heavenly atmosphere there. The altar is filled with seekers; people are slain under the power of God and rising in a life baptized with the Holy Spirit.”209 Pendleton would become one of the early leaders of the original PAW.210 He joins Parham, Seymour, Sykes and a host of others who ignore the imprimatur of the Roman Catholic Church and use the same method of baptism as the Apostles; immersion in the name of Jesus Christ. 1906

August 26, 1906. Parham signs ministerial credentials for Howard Goss that officially recognize Goss as State Director.211 Goss’ appointment as state director is important as the post was previously held by Carothers who will over the next few months begin to work to undermine Parham’s leadership over the Apostolic Faith movement.


August 27, 1906. 54 baptized at the Apostolic Faith State Encampment White Oak Bayou Texas.212


August 27, 1907. Letter to Parham from Seymour, “Dear Brother Parham, Sister Hall has arrived, and is planning out a great revival in this city, that shall take place when you come. The revival is still going on here that has been going on since we came to this city. But we are expecting a general one to start again when you come, that these little revivals will all come together and make one great union revival.” 213


September 1st, 1906. First issue of the Apostolic Faith from Azusa is published. The Editor is Clara Lum and Florence Crawford assists214


Apostolic Faith. Los Angeles. September 1906. The Holiness-Pentecostal Tradition: Charismatic Movements in the Twentieth. Vinson Synan Pg. 336. 211 From Infidel to Christ: Howard A. Goss Robin Johnston. Cover photo. 212 Parham. Chapter XVI. A Call to Zion City. Page 151. 213 Hyatt. Pg. 5. 214 There is debate about who was the editor and who was assisting with some historians claiming Lum as Editor and Crawford as assistant and other exactly the opposite. What is certain is that the two were the key people in the printing of the newsletter and when they relocated. Additionally, it seems evident that Clara Lum is the editor because she is an experienced editor and her departure from Los Angeles is the key loss to the newspaper being printed there. Originally from Wisconsin, Lum‘s family moved to Oregon while she was still a child. She later moved to Los Angeles to get relief from some chronic health problems. After a brief sojourn in the Midwest, working as an editor and writer for several holiness 210


According to Alexander, “recognizing her skills as an editor, Seymour enlisted Lum to serve as the secretary and co-editor of the newsletter that he was beginning to publish, The Apostolic Faith.” (In 1908 they would move the printing press to Portland and continue the publication from there). This inaugural issue quotes Parham as saying: “I rejoice in God over you all, my children, though I have never seen you; but since we know the Holy Spirit’s power, we are baptized by one Spirit into one body. Keep together in unity until I come, then in a grand meeting let all prepare for the outside fields I desire, unless God directs to the contrary, to meet and see all who have the full Gospel when I come.”215 The Los Angeles wing of the Apostolic Faith movement has grown to about half the size of the More than 100,000 saved during the Houston branch. The Texas branch Welsh Revival number more than 1000 spirit filled believers and 60 full time workers. In comparison Azusa was still a relatively small group.216 1906

September 1906. Elmer Kirk Fisher starts the Upper Room in Los Angeles. Fisher was an assistant minister under William Seymour. The Upper Room is an Apostolic Faith Church.217 Most of the white population from Azusa moved to the Upper Room mission.218 By 1908 this would be the largest Pentecostal church in Los Angeles.219 The core of this church was people who had become dis-fellowshipped by various

periodicals, Lum returned to Los Angeles in the spring of 1906, just as the Azusa Street revivals were beginning. Like many of her fellow Pentecostals, Lum‘s experience in the holiness movement laid the groundwork for her acceptance of Seymour‘s teachings on Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Lum began speaking in tongues and also reported to have been healed of her chronic illness. Alexander, The Women of Azusa Street, 53. 215 Apostolic Faith, September, 1906. 216 Lawrence. Pg. 66. The reference is from Howard Goss. 217 AZUSA BOOKS. THE AZUSA STREET MISSION TIME LINE by Amos Morgan. Copyright © 2007 by Amos Morgan 218 Frank Bartleman, Two Years Mission Work In Europe (Los Angeles: Frank Bartleman, 1926), 36-37. 219 Fulfilling God’s Work: Robert F. Cook—Missionary to India - See more at: http://www.faithnews.cc/?p=10993#sthash.JCtZJ3mJ.dpuf


Holiness groups; primarily Second Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene and First New Testament church.220 It appears that the leaders of Upper Room worked closely with Azusa Street and others. “On Mondays, gospel workers from Azusa and the other missions would meet together for prayer and council.”221 "There is a very sweet spirit of unity among Pentecostal missions in Los Angeles and workers in suburban towns. Every Monday morning, the ministers and workers from these different points meet together for prayer and counsel. The missions in Los Angeles are at 327 1/2 S. Spring, of which Bro. Fisher is pastor; 8th and Maple Ave., of which Bro. Pendleton is pastor; and 1321 E. 51st St., where Bro. and Sister Kent have charge. Workers from Long Beach, Pasadena, Clearwater, Anaheim, and other nearby places also come in. All are in one accord."222 Robert and Anna Cook who become missionaries to India come from this church. “Robert, come with me to a mission where the people speak in ‘other tongues,’ as they did in the early church. I tell you it is all so wonderful. Every time I go there, I am blessed.” With that brief but enthusiastic invitation from his father, Robert Cook and his wife, Anna, found themselves in the Upper Room Mission on South Spring Street in Los Angeles, California.” Robert and Anna Cook “Edward F. Smith said, "God shook the earth with their daughters and he shook religious world, all at the same Blossom and Dorothy time." Smith, himself, got saved in 1907. He in 1913—the year they had been a member of the Christian church arrived in India which he described as "dead." After his conversion, he attended the Upper Room Mission pastored by Elmer Fisher. George Studd, world famous cricket player and brother to the famous missionary C. T. Studd, was an assistant at the Upper Room. Smith received the Holy Spirit baptism at the Upper Room in 1909 after many people had left Azusa to attend there.”223 “Smith's wife was a 220

Pentecostalism in America. R. G. Robins. Pg. 33 Bartleman. Pg. 36. 222 AZUSA BOOKS. THE AZUSA STREET MISSION TIME LINE by Amos Morgan. Copyright © 2007 by Amos Morgan 223 http://www.azusastreet.org/ParticipantSmithEdwardF.htm 221


cousin of A. G. Osterburg. She received her Holy Ghost baptism in Chicago on December 31, 1906.”224 1906

September. Parham has Camp meeting in Baxter Springs Kansas. During this meeting he feels called to go to Zion City. Seymour has also written him urgent letters expressing a great need for Parham’s help. Seymour wanted him to come because of some serious concerns. A relentless media was making it even worse.225


September 1906. Apostolic Faith comes to Zion Illinois. “Dowie had been discredited and displaced and the people were in a terrible state of confusion and unrest. Hatred and malice, envy and strife reigned in this place which had been planned for a city of righteousness and peace.”226 Parham goes to Zion City Illinois.227 Zion was a Holiness movement. The baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues had not been experienced among the residents of Zion. Dowie had ruled Zion like a dictator of a small country. “It had but one church, a huge, frame, seven-thousand seat facility known as Shiloh Tabernacle and permitted no other religious Parham Family teachers within city limits.”228 All that would change as “Parham turned the city upside down inducing thousands to a belief in speaking in tongues, in nonresistance, in the doctrine that ‘the Lord will provide’ and in a missionary spirit. Dowie held tightly to the reins until financial disaster combined with rumors of Dowie’s sexual immorality and his doctrinal aberrations shattered his utopia.”229

Zion Illinois


http://www.azusastreet.org/ParticipantSmithEdwardF.htm Parham. Chapter XVI. A Call to Zion City. Page 155. 226 Parham. Chapter XVI. A Call to Zion City. Page 156. 227 African American Holiness Pentecostal Movement. Sherry S. Dupree. Page 128./ 228 Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture Pg. 72. 225


Alexander Dowie had a stroke in 1905 while on a trip to Mexico. During his absence Wilbur G. Voliva had him deposed citing financial irregularities in the ministry. The two sides agreed on a stipend for Dowie for the rest of his life if he left the ministry. Despite attempts to unseat Voliva, Dowie never regained his position and died in March 1907.230 Parham arrives at the bequest of people in Zion who had enough of the religious tyrant. To the honest people of Zion, Dowie was a huge embarrassment and the ruin of many. Because there were no other churches in Zion and Voliva would not let Parham speak at Shiloh Tabernacle, Parham held his first meeting in a hotel, Elijah Hospice. The services overflowed from the hotel’s largest rooms into the hall ways. In response, Wilbur Glen Voliva passed an edict prohibiting religious services in a hotel.231 Those who left or attempted to leave Zion had their life savings, properties and more embezzled by Voliva. Most notable of those divested in this manner was F.F. Bosworth. After embracing Pentecostalism, Bosworth went through a number of trials that helped form his character.[9] Bosworth, Lake, and other fleeing Parhamites had had all their savings embezzled by Dowie's bank, and they also vacated their property when fleeing Zion. None had any money, and they were forced into faith healing in order to make ends meet.232 Parham followers offered 5 private homes to Parham for services. Fred F. Bosworth’s home was literally converted to a meeting house. Services were held every night from 7 pm to Lillian Thistlethwaite midnight in all 5 homes. Hundreds of ministers, evangelists and workers went out from Zion after these meetings.233 Voliva would resort to various tactics to gain and retain control including


The Daily Sun. Waukengan, IL. Monday Dec. 7, 1908. Percival Serle (1949). "Dowie, John Alexander". Dictionary of Australian Biography. Angus & Robertson. Retrieved 2007-09-03. H. J. Gibbney (1972). "Dowie, John Alexander (1847– 1907)". Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 4. MUP. pp. 95–96. Retrieved 2007-09-03. The Life of John Alexander Dowie, Gordon Lindsay, Voice of Healing Publishing Co. 1951 231 Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture Pg. 72. 232 Perkins, Eunice M. (1921, 2nd Ed 1927). Fred Francis (Joybringer) Bosworth - His Life Story. Bosworth. 233 Parham. Chapter XVI. A Call to Zion City. Page 157. 230


have opponents arrested234 and bringing false charges against them.235 Despite all his attempts; Parham would continue to minister for the next 20 plus years. 1906

September 16, 1907. T. B. Barratt ministers to large crowds at All Saints in the UK with Alexander Boddy.236


September 28, 1906. Parham had enough local support in Zion to have won an election against Voliva. Voliva was intimidated by Parham.237 A victim in such an election would have ousted Voliva and installed Parham as general overseer of the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church.238 Parham had no interest preferring to continue the evangelistic style meetings he had conducted for years and would continue for the next twenty plus years.239 To show how powerful Voliva’s influence was we only have to look at the fact that schools in Zion taught that the earth was flat based on the belief of Voliva. Even globes were banned from Zion Schools. Ultimately, he bankrupted Zion City.240


Apostolic Faith workers open a mission in San Antonio. Lemuel C. Hall and D. C. O. Opperman join the Apostolic Faith movement.241


Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oyler, the family who first invited Parham to Texas, visits Azusa Street.242


Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parham and the Missionary Origins of ... James Goff. Pg. 216 235 New York Times. September 17, 1906. Pg. 7. 236 T. B. Barratt's personal diary, printed in the Redemption Tiding's Magazines of December 1933, January and February 1934. 237 Waukengan Daily Sun. September 29, 1906. Pg. 1. 238 Waukegan Daily Sun. September 21.1906. 239 Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parham and the Missionary Origins of … James Goff. Pg. 217. Also See: Former Galena Preacher May Oust Overseer Voliva. Miscellaneous clippings in PSD. Sept. 26, 1906, pg. 7. September 27, 1906 Pg. 2, 4. Prior to Parham’s success in Zion people considered Crosby (who had 60 converts) Voliva’s major opponent. Voliva becomes alarmed at the size of Parham’s Apostolic Faith meetings and sets out to defeat Parham’s influence by any means possible. Voliva was facing an internal battle as well. Philip Cook’s study of Zion noted it was not until April of 1908 that Voliva could claim to be the sole overseer of the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church. See Cook. Pg. 407. 240 http://ncse.com/blog/2014/08/voliva-0015774 241 Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture . Pg. 82. 242 The Apostolic Faith [Los Angeles, CA] 1.3 (November 1906): 1.



October. Henry McClain reported to The Apostolic Faith that while he was in jail for an unidentified offense he held bible studies for his Mexican cellmates. ―As soon as we would come in after supper, McClain remembered, ―after working on the chain gang during the day shoveling dirt, I would get my Bible and call the men into the big room and the Lord gave me their tongue, the Mexican language.243


October 23, 1906244. In response to urgent letters from William J. Seymour, Charles Parham leaves the growing meetings in Zion245 in the care of Warren Faye Carothers246 and visits Azusa in late October.247 At the Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission (Azusa Street), Seymour introduces Parham as his ‘father in this gospel of the Kingdom’.248 The long awaited arrival of the Parham to Azusa was tumultuous. Parham agreed with Seymour (Seymour had previously written to Parham) that the Azusa Street was being overrun by fanaticism.249 Then upon his arrival Seymour conveyed to Parham that “he could not stem the tide” of the fanaticism that had taken over the meetings. Parham would be the second key figure (the first being Frank Bartleman) who would point to the imminent failure of the Azusa Church if they continued uncorrected. Parham said, “I sat on the platform in Azusa Street Mission and saw manifestations of the flesh, spiritualistic controls, saw people practicing hypnotism at the altar over candidates seeking the baptism; though many were receiving the real baptism of the Holy Ghost.”250 “After preaching two or three times (meetings), I was informed by two men, one of whom was the hypnotist (I had seen him lay his hands on many who came through chattering, jabbering and sputtering speaking no language at all)


Henry McClain, In Jail for Jesus‘ Sake, The Apostolic Faith [Los Angeles, CA] 1.3 (Nov 1906): 4 Parham. Chapter XVI. A Call to Zion City. Page 160.. 245 Goff. Pg. 127. 246 Parham. Chapter XVII. Try the Spirits. Page 161. 247 THE PAST: Historical Roots of Racial Unity and Division in American Pentecostalism by Cecil M. Robeck, Jr. Pg. 21 248 Parham. Chapter XVII. Try the Spirits. Page 163. 249 Parham. Chapter XVII. Try the Spirits. Page 163. 250 Parham. Chapter XVII. Try the Spirits. Page 163. 244


that I was not wanted in that place.”251 Parham’s dismissal from Azusa was unceremonious and a tragedy for all involved. Seymour kowtows to the leadership and bars Parham from having more meetings there. Later, Seymour would bar all the white leaders from the building. Historians explain this away as related to bad experiences but it is undeniable as racism on the part of Seymour. While there is an attempt by many historians to paint Parham as the problem at Azusa Street. It was only Parham’s challenge as long as he was in a place of leadership. With Seymour’s leadership team deciding they did not need Parham they relieved him of the responsibility. For the record, the rifts in the Azusa Street meetings were evident early on and by August one of the key contributors, Frank Bartleman, had Metropolitan Hall in Los Angeles departed to start his own church and where Parham held meetings in 1906 most of the white members had already departed to attend the Upper Room. “By the end of 1906, most leaders from Azusa Street had spun off to form other congregations, such as the 51st Street Apostolic Faith Mission, the Spanish AFM, and the Italian Pentecostal Mission.”252 “According to the biography of one of Parham’s associates, Howard Goss, the original school in Houston began to hear reports of fanaticism and “fleshly manifestation,” which spurred a visit by Charles Parham. Goss reports that Parham’s advice went unheeded, however, as the leaders of the Azusa work “felt they had received a greater power in Los Angeles than had been known before.”253 What none of them knew at the time was that Florence Crawford would also leave and take Clara Lum with her and with them the Apostolic Faith newsletter they were printing. To be sure Parham was very upset with


Ibid, Parham. Archive for the ‘Azusa Street’ Category. The Heavenly Anthem. 10 May, 2011 253 Ethel E. Goss, The Winds of God: The Story of the Early Pentecostal Movement (1901-1914) in the Life of Howard A. Goss, 2nd ed., edited by Ruth Goss Nortjé, (Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 1978), 72. 252


what he saw at Azusa. “He labeled it a “counterfeit Pentecost”.254 “Parham’s falling out with Seymour has often been ascribed to racism. William Seymour never made this accusation, nor did even his enemies accuse him of racism while he was alive.”255To be sure there was racism at Azusa. Seymour would be guilty of it as would William Durham and certainly others. The decision to leave their alliance with the Parham effectively opened the door to others who would like to be part of Parham’s Apostolic Faith movement. This seemingly unconnected bit would lend to undermining Seymour as a key leader in the Apostolic Faith. Effectively, he was the leader at Azusa and a few other isolated places. While many would give credit to Azusa Street (including a plethora who were never there), few saw Seymour as the leader of the movement. 1906

November 7, 1906. Parham holds meetings in Los Angeles at Temperance Temple.256. “Charles Parham rented the W.C.T.U. (Women’s Christian Temperance Union) building on Broadway and Temple Streets, in Los Angeles, and opened a great revival of his own.”257 While historians ignore her Anna Hall, who had worked alongside Parham in the initial Houston campaigns and come to Los Angeles to help Seymour, left the Azusa meetings to assist Parham.258


Charles F. Parham, “New Years Greetings,” The Apostolic Faith [Baxter Springs, KS.] (January,1912), 6. He may well have drawn from the Reverend Burdette’s sermon of September, 1906. Parham, “New Years Greetings,” 6. See also Charles F. Parham, “The Apostolic Faith,” The Apostolic Faith [Baxter Springs, KS.] 1:8 (October, 1912), 6 where he continues to criticize the manifestations at Azusa Street as nothing more than the common practices “by the Negroes of the Southland”.2. 255 Across the Lines: Charles Parham’s Contribution to the Inter-Racial Character of Early Pentecostalism, Eddie Hyatt. December 20, 2004. Pg. 4. 256 Mr. W. R. Quinton announced that Parham's faction would “conduct dignified religious services, and have no connection with the sort which is characterized by trances, fits and spasms, jerks, shakes and contortions. We are wholly foreign to the religious anarchy, which marks the Los Angeles Azusa Street meetings, and expect to do good in Whittier along proper and profound Christian lines;” in “Apostolic Faith People Here Again,” Whittier Daily News (13 December, 1906),1. 257 http://www.apostolicarchives.com/historical-timeline.html 1906. #14. 258 Estrelda Alexander, The Women of Azusa Street (Cleveland, TN: Pilgrim Press, 2005), 130


Parham holds daily meetings at the W.C.T.U. building was known as Temperance Temple as well as Metropolitan Hall.259 Great numbers were saved, marvelous healings too place and between two and three hundred who had been possessed of awful fits and spasms and controls in the Azusa Street work were delivered and many spoke in tongues.”260 1906

November. Frank Bartleman turns the leadership of his nascent church over to William Pendleton.261 Pendleton, like Parham uses baptism in Jesus name just like the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (1907) Apostles. Bartleman served only a short time here (about a month) and Pendleton was with him from the inception so some show this as a joint venture from the beginning which is fine and reflects the spirit of Bartleman as ready blur the color line.


November. Gaston Barnabas Cashwell visits Azusa Street.262


George G. Collins, one time farmhand for the 101 Ranch in Oklahoma is ordained at Azusa Street. Reverend Cook, who had been in California at Asuza Street now comes back and goes to Lamont to conduct a Pentecostal revival. 263


Church of God in Christ Mountain Assembly established in Jellico, Tennessee.264


Relieving Parham at the Los Angeles mission was W. Faye Carothers, at this time Carothers was deemed one of his “most capable and trusted” co-laborers.265


“Hold Meetings Daily.” L. A. Herald, 7 November 1906, p. 7. Ibid. Parham. Pg. 164. 261 Frank Bartleman, How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles (Los Angeles: Frank Bartleman, 1925), 130. 262 Pentecostalism in America. R. G. Robins. Pg. 33. 263 Martin, pg.13 264 The Encyclopedia of Cults, Sects, and New Religions By James R. Lewis. Page 201 260



From the time Bosworth received his Pentecostal experience, Bosworth felt driven to share the new life he experienced. One early account says he immediately took a job selling pens so he could have an opportunity to testify to others. A group including Bosworth and Lake began preaching on streets of nearby towns such as Waukegan in late 1906 where they introduced speaking in tongues.266


December. Parham returns to Zion.267 Blocked by Wilbur Voliva and others from getting a building to hold meetings; Parham pitched a tent. On New Year’s Eve he preached to an excited crowd of thousands. Several men approached him afterward about planting a church there, but “Parham was against the idea. He said he was not there for personal gain and believed America had enough churches but what Zion needed was more spirituality in the churches that were there.”268 Parham makes it clear he wants the move of the Holy Spirit unrestrained by men and organizations. One of the Zion City Churches did respond by becoming an Apostolic Faith Church.269 This would open the doors to others who were connected to Zion such as William Hamner Piper. Parham continues by resigning from a role that he had created calling himself the “Projector of the Apostolic Faith Movement”.270 He then stated in his newsletter, Apostolic Faith, “I simply take my place among the brethren to push the Gospel of the Kingdom as a witness to all nations”.


Smith Wigglesworth

December 1906. “Bro. Glenn Cook began an effective evangelistic campaign throughout the West, Midwest and South, spreading the Pentecostal message. He arrived in Lamont, Oklahoma where “quite a number were tarrying and waiting for Pentecost.” Hungry souls traveled to


See David D. Daniels, “Charles Harrison Mason: The Interracial Impulse of Early Pentecostalism,” in Portraits of a Generation: Early Pentecostal Leaders, ed. James R. Goff, Jr. and Grant Wacker (Fayetteville, AR: The University of Arkansas Press, 2002), 264-5. 266 Waukegan Daily Gazette November 19, 1906 267 God’s Generals. Charles F. Parham. Robert Liardon. “PART HAM” 268 Ibid. Liardon. 269 Ibid. Liardon. 270 Ibid. Liardon.


his meetings from over 100 miles away. Heading eastward, he delivered the doctrine to Mother Mary Moise in St. Louis then on to Chicago. In Indianapolis, he held powerful meetings, where several members of the Christian Missionary Alliance received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, including the Flower family, defectors from Dowie’s Zion who later became influential leaders in the Assemblies of God. In an Apostolic Faith report, Cook accurately predicted that Indianapolis would become “a center of power, being an inter-urban railway center like Los Angeles.” Cook was gladly received by a number of Church of God in Christ adherents in the South, while their bishop, Charles H. Mason, was on site at Azusa receiving the Holy Ghost.”271 1906

Apostolic Faith outpouring at Hebden Mission in Toronto Canada. The Apostolic Faith Ontario District is organized. 272


December 5, 1906. Pentecostal meetings are held in Akron Ohio. The host is pastor C. A. McKinney formerly a Christian Missionary Alliance missionary to Africa. Ivey Campbell is the minister.273


December 11, 1906. Robert Edward McAlilster274 receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit at Azusa Street.275


December 25th, 1906. Missionary Daniel Berg recognized some of the languages used by the singers, including Hindustani and Gujerathi. On Christmas Day 1906, the Azusa saints experienced the phenomenon during an all-day meeting, and the singing was fittingly interpreted: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will to men.” According to Bro. Berg, “People are melted to tears in hearing this singing. It is the


Glenn Cook: Oneness Apostle 19 October, 2010 Whitt, Irving Alfred. "Developing a Pentecostal Missiology in the Canadian Context (1867-1944): The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada." Ph.D. theses, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1994. Unger, Walter. "'Earnestly Contending for the Faith': The Role of the Niagara Bible Conference in the Emergence of American Fundamentalism, 1875-1900." Ph.D. thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1981. 273 Faces of Renewal: Studies in Honor of Stanley M. Horton Pg. 197. 274 Strange Fires. The New Order Of The Latter Rain by L. Thomas Holdcroft, 1980 275 Miller. Canadian Pentecostalism. 25, 62, 65-66, 111, 117. 272


harmony of heaven and the Holy Ghost puts music in the voices that are untrained.”276 1906

December 30, 1906. Levi Lupton, a well known Quaker is baptized in the Holy Spirit at a meeting held in his school in Alliance Ohio277 where Ivey Campbell is ministering.278


Apostolic Faith newspaper of Charles Parham is printed in Zion City, Illinois. Some saw this as Parham moving his headquarters to Zion. However, it appears that he printed the newsletter there because he was ministering there. There is nothing (other than the paranoia of Voliva to indicate that Parham ever made a plan to permanently be at Zion. This issue features an article of Parham rebuking the antics of the Azusa Street leaders.279


The Pentecostal Assemblies is created as a fellowship of ministers presumably at the Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission in response to their rejection of Charles nd Parham as the Azusa 2 Annual Bible Conference. Shreveport, LA 1924 Mission leader because he attempted to bring order to the chaos. Although, the first official meeting of this group is not until October 27th, 1907.280 Reflecting the anti denominational mentality of the Apostolic Faith movement and nearly all those association with the various outpourings from Topeka to Los Angeles and beyond this group would unanimously adopt “The Bible as their charter, constitution and by-laws” at their organizing meeting in October 1907.281


Ibid. Anthem. Disfellowshipped: Pentecostal Responses to Fundamentalism in the United. Gerald King. Pg. 39. 278 Ibid. Faces of Renewal. Pg. 197. 279 Parham. Pg. 167. 280 Wade, Bernie. Original Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World from its inception in 1906 to its merger to become part of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ in 1931. 281 FBI Report #55234. Minutes. 33. 277



December 31, 1906. Gaston Barnabas Cashwell returns home to the Southeast from his pilgrimage to visit the revival in Los Angeles. Cashwell begins a series of meetings targeting the holiness groups many of the area ministers from the Fire Baptized Holiness, Pentecostal Holiness and Free Will Baptist accept the Apostolic Faith message.282 Some call him the “Apostle of Pentecost to the South”.283 After encountering an environment that was contrary the racial customs of the South that he was used to, Brother Cashwell was placed in a position of making a choice between holding on to the ways of the South and receiving what God had for him through Holy Ghost baptism. Brother Cashwell chose to relinquish those Southern ways and receive what God had for him.284


December 1906. The Apostolic Faith newspaper from Azusa Street, Parham‘s role as leader of the movement was rejected. The article reported, “Some are asking if Dr. Chas. F. Parham is the leader of this movement. We can answer, no he is not the leader of this movement of Azusa Mission. We thought of having him to be our leader and so stated in our paper.”285 This is obviously ‘damage control’ as Parham is undisputed as the founder and leader of the Apostolic Faith movement. The Azusa Mission has been touting the name Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission up to this point.


December 31, 1906. Carothers continues what would emerge as his strategy to wrest the Apostolic Faith movement away from Parham. The first step in the Texas strategy was establishing the Brunner congregation as an independent body and not simply a mission of the larger movement. Warren Faye Carothers Together with several other ministers of the Apostolic Faith, including A. J. Benson, Howard Goss, and Anna Hall, Carothers dedicated the Brunner church as an independent congregation surrendering the leadership of the church to its


Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture. Pg. 75. Fire in the Carolinas: The Revival Legacy of G. B. Cashwell and A. B. Crumpler. R. Michael Thornton. Pg. 8. 284 http://churchofdunn.blogspot.com/p/history.html 285 Apostolic Faith (Azusa Street edition). December 1906. 283


local elders instead of Parham and Carothers.286 While Carothers remained the pastor of the congregation, the church was no longer explicitly overseen by Parham. This independence would become important in the coming months as Carothers would use the threat of scandal surrounding Parham and undermined his leadership in the movement. After that point, Carothers would be looked to even more explicitly as a leader within the fledgling organization even while continuing to use Parham’s Apostolic Faith name, contacts, etc. 1907

Dr. Joshua W. Sykes establishes The Apostolic Church, in East Los Angeles California.287 Sykes is most known for his using the Apostles method of baptism in Jesus name instead of the man made doctrine propagated by the Roman Catholic Church after the 4th Century AD.


January. Dunn Revival led by Cashwell. Nightly services at the Cashwell home where many are baptized in the Holy Spirit. A month long revival that some call the Azusa of the East.288


January. Apostolic Faith. Join with us in praising Him for the outpouring of Gods' Spirit in Pentecostal power in the district of Pittsburg, Pa. We had heard of God's outpouring all over the world, so we began to seek for God's best for ourselves. I saw that power came only through heart purity, so I yielded myself up to God’s searching power and get a glimpse of "Calvary;" and then, praise God, the power fell with the signs following. Pentecost first fell in the third week of January and is still going on. Hallelujah. Almost every meeting there are some prostrated under the power and coming through. Almost every one that speaks in tongues gets the message that Jesus, is coming soon. He is just the same yesterday today and forever.—M.R.C.289


Brunner Congregation Independent,‖ HP, 31 December 1906, p. 6. Ibid. French . Pg. 57. 288 Ibid. Thornton. 289 Apostolic Faith. Vol. I. No. 7 Los Angeles, Cal., April, 1907 287



January. Apostolic Faith Newsletter from Azusa Street (only 1 of 3 newsletters that would be printed there in 1907) claimed that many had left the Azusa Street mission. Rather than admit it was related to the rift with Charles Parham they cited a policy on divorce stating that the people had left because “they thought the teaching on divorce was too straight.”290


January 1907. Apostolic Faith. “A beautiful and enthusiastic group of young people led a procession down Austin Avenue with a huge banner that read, “Apostolic Faith.” Millicent McClendon and a team of fiery, young Christian men and women announced the opening of evening services at 4th and Franklin, and everywhere they went the citizens of Waco took note. It amazed the city in that day that young people could be so focused and adamant about the scriptures, and their love for Jesus Christ. Crowds were attracted to the street services where they found enthusiastic singing, heartfelt worship, and goodwill. Many attended the Bible school during the day and evangelistic services at night. It was the beginning of Pentecostal revival in Central Texas.291


January 11, 1907. Apostolic Faith. The Pentecost has fallen in Homestead, Pa. The meeting began in the Christian and Missionary Alliance Hall. The power of the Holy Ghost was felt from the first service and a deep digging up begun among the people who were willing to go with God at any cost. Restitution, apologies and repentance was the business of the meeting for the first six days and nights. In fact the state to which some were led seemed perilous at times, but with confidence in the leading of God and with hearts desirous of going all the way, there was scarcely a halt, till everything in the past life had been fully reviewed from a Pentecostal standpoint, and every crooked or questionable act adjusted. On the seventh day the walls began to fall, and people fell under the power of God. The baptism was first received by

290 291

Roebuck, Pg. 286. http://www.clcwaco.org/history.php


Sister Robinson, who laid under the power for some time, then came through speaking in tongues. The next night the husband received his Pentecost at his home, and spoke and sang in new tongues. From this on the work has been going forward with uninterrupted sway. The hall soon became too small when we were compelled to secure a larger one in order to accommodate the increasing crowds. Many have received their personal Pentecost and speak and sing in new tongues, and have power over demons to cast them out and to pray the prayer of faith for the healing of the sick. For miles around people are coming in to investigate this work and to receive their Pentecost "The Latter Rain."292293 1907

Evan Roberts retires. Spends the next 25 years devoted to intercession.294


January. Parham goes to New England and Canada to hold meetings. His 1st stop is the Quaker Church and Cleveland Bible College (today Malone University) in Cleveland, Ohio. In his absence persecution comes against Sarah Parham and her children in Zion to the level that she would take them and return to Kansas.


January 31, 1907. In a letter to Howard Goss, Parham warned Goss that Carothers was “trying to gain the hearts of the workers and get control of Texas.” According to Parham, “Carothers had learned some rumors about him and was trying to get all the movement to follow him in revolt.”295


Christian Amelia Giblson (1879-1955), like many of the early Pentecostals, advanced from the holiness doctrine of entire sanctification to the Pentecostal Spirit Baptism-tongues experience. In 1907 she began


References to the Latter Rain are throughout early Apostolic Faith and Pentecostal history. In 1948 the term became a huge controversy because the Assemblies of God took exception to a movement by that name. 293 AF. Vol. 7. 1907. 294 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 25. 295 Charles F. Parham, Toronto, Canada to Howard A. Goss, 31 January 1907. Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, Springfield, MO.


pastoring a Pentecostal church, and in 1925 she founded the Zion Bible Institute in Providence, Rhode Island.296 1906-1909

Azusa Street Revival; Pentecostalism helps the Apostolic Faith movement to continue to expand globally. The name Pentecostal becomes to identify everyone in the global movement of which the Apostolic Faith is only a part. Azusa gives the movement something that had been lacking; “a place in a major city with easy access by rail and boat for people to come and see”. Those who receive their personal ‘Pentecost’ include, John G. Lake, Bishop Charles H. Mason, G. B. Cashwell, Glenn Cook, William H. Durham, Luigi Franceson and more. Services at the mission were conducted three times each day at 10 AM, noon and 7 PM. They often ran together until the entire day became one worship service. This schedule was continued seven days a week for more than three years.

G. B. Cashwell


Upper Room Church in Los Angeles prints its own newspaper called, The Upper Room. George Studd joins Elmer Fisher as co-editor. Studd becomes Fisher’s assistant and works closely with co-ordination and funding of Apostolic Faith missions.297


February 9, 1907. Levi Lupton is disfellowshipped by the Quakers who are unimpressed with his Pentecostal experience. Lupton forms an alliance with his new friends, McKinney, Campbell and others. Alliance Ohio is their headquarters.298


February 23, 1907. John Schaepe received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at Azusa Steet. Founded his own independent Apostolic Faith ministry in Los Angeles.299


Among the various Pentecostal pioneers in New York was Miss Maud Williams (Haycroft). In Canada, some early pioneers of the Pentecostal movement included Ellen Hebden in Toronto, Ella M. Goff in


Ibid. Women in Religion. Studd. One Baptism. Pg. 1. 298 Ibid. Faces of Renewal. Pg. 200 299 Roebeck. John G. Schaepe. 1042. 297


Winnipeg, Alice B. Garrigus in Newfoundland, the Davis sisters in the Maritime provinces, Mrs. C. E. Baker in Montreal, and Zelma Argue throughout all of the Canadian provinces. Mrs. Scott Ladd, who opened a Pentecostal mission in Des Moines in 1907 and Marie Burgess, who preached in Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, and New York City, where she founded Glad Tidings Hall, which soon became an important center for the spread of the Pentecostal revival.300 1907

“New Year, Mrs. Price of Brixton, London. She opened her home for prayer meetings that were, essentially, the first Pentecostal meetings in England. Almost simultaneously other individuals in Wales, the south coast and in the north of England also received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the sign of speaking in tongues before the great outpouring in Sunderland in September 1907.”301


Arthur G. Osterberg sends a telegram and then train fare to William H. Durham for him to come to Los Angeles. Osterberg recalled his arrival this way, “So we went into the Azusa Street Mission. We had to crowd through the back door where there was a fellow standing in the doorway. Durham shouted, “Well, what are you doing here?” He was an old friend of Durham’s from Minnesota whom he had brought to the Lord and helped get into the ministry. He said, “Durham, I guess I’m here for the same purpose you are.” Durham pushed his way in, past his friend. He was so anxious to get in and see what was happening. He just pushed his way in past everybody — they were packed in like sardines. I lost track of him and didn’t know where he was for a little while. Finally I found him sitting on the end of the altar. Seymour was speaking and Durham was listening to every word. I was watching Durham. All I could tell was that he was very interested in what Seymour was saying. 302

Stone Church - Chicago


Ibid. Women in Religion. C. F. Harford. Keswick; Its Method and its Men. 1907. p.32. 302 The Beginning Story of Azusa Street. A Memoir by Arthur G. Osterberg 301



February 6, 1907. Waco Bible School.303 The Waco school is short term. “Howard Goss, W.F. Carothers, D.C. O. Opperman and Millicent McClendon”304 and others ministered in the college. Revival fires, started that year, burned continuously throughout the century and continue to enflame youthful evangelists even today.305 Goss and Carothers recognized the need for a gathering of the leaders of the Apostolic Faith Movement to discuss points of doctrinal conflict. Although Parham was in Zion City, Goss and Carothers decided to hold a revival meeting and short-term Bible school in Waco, Texas. Since so many of the new converts to Pentecostalism were coming from other denominations and organizations, the Apostolic Faith ministers held a number of conflicting doctrinal opinions. Carothers hoped to create an environment in Waco in which a consensus could be reached about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. According to Goss, many of the new preachers claimed “that any one of the nine gifts of the Spirit could be as much an evidence of the Holy Ghost baptism as could speaking in tongues.”306 Parham had apparently written a letter to Carothers confessing some error or fault. According to Parham, Carothers was using Parham‘s letter to undermine him among the Apostolic Faith members in Texas. In a second letter, Parham reassured Goss, “I‘m sure you know me well enough to know I‘m not guilty of any sin”.307 According to Robin Johnston, Goss included several entries in his 1907 diary about “long talks with Carothers while they were in Waco”.308 Carothers would eventually wage a war with Parham for more than a decade making many thinly veiled remarks, innuendos and even getting E.N. Bell to publish a nasty article in the Word and Witness.309 Of course, all of this worked well for his plan to discredit Charles Parham by any means necessary. It is here in Waco that Carothers discusses pulling away from the Apostolic Faith movement and Parham because Carothers does not


Fields White Unto Harvest:* Charles F. Parham and the Missionary Origins of ...James Goff. Pg. 222. http://www.clcwaco.org/history.php 305 Christian Life Church. Waco Texas. Our History. 306 9 Charles F. Parham, Toronto, Canada to Howard A. Goss, 31 January 1907. Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, Springfield, MO. 307 Charles F. Parham, Chelsea, MA to Howard A. Goss, Alvin, TX, 13 February 1907. Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, Springfield, MO. 308 Robin M. Johnston, ―Howard A. Goss: A Pentecostal Life‖ (Ph.D. diss., Regent University, 2010), 93. 309 “Notice About Parham”. Word and Witness (20 October 1912): 3 304


believe that speaking in tongues are the initial evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit.310 “A faction of the Brunner Mission, undertook to organize the movement (Apostolic Faith), after the Irvingites [the name Catholic Apostolic Church referred to the entire community of Christians who follow the Nicene Creed] turning against Mr. Parham saying he ought to go to hell for teaching such doctrines as speaking in tongues. These appointed a board and attempted to take control of the Apostolic Faith movement.”311 1907

February 8, 1907. William H. Durham arrives at Azusa Street. He departs on March 6th. When he returns to his church, North Avenue Mission, in Chicago he decides to quit teaching the ‘second blessing’. This will spark a huge controversy, especially with the founder Charles F. Parham and the leader of the Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission (home of the Azusa Street Revival) William J. Seymour.312


March 2, 1907. William Durham receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the Azusa Street Revival.313 Seymour prophesied that wherever Durham preached the Holy Spirit would fall on the people.314 Many who later became prominent Pentecostal pioneers attended Durham’s meetings, including Disfellowshipped: Pentecostal Responses to Fundamentalism in the United. Gerald King. Pg. 39., a holiness preacher from Winnipeg, who later pioneered with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and pastured the largest Pentecostal church in that nation; E. N. Bell, former Baptist pastor and student at the University of Chicago and first general superintendent of the Assemblies of God; Howard Goss, former student of Charles


Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parham and the Missionary Origins. James Goff, Pg.222 The Gospel of the Kingdom. Pg. 14. December 18, 1910. Parham’s reference to the Irvingites represents his strong resolve toward Apostolic reformation. Like most of his contemporaries he is opposed to Creeds and other dogmas and doctrines of men. 312 William Durham. The Great Battle of 1911. Pentecostal Testimony. 2. No. 1. 313 Disfellowshipped: Pentecostal Responses to Fundamentalism in the United. Gerald W King. Pg. 39 314 Bibliography: F. Bartleman, How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles (2d ed., 1925) S. Frodsham, With Signs Following (1946) R. M. Riss art. William Durham, The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements 2002; Robert Owens, The Azusa Street Revival, The Century of the Holy Spirit, ed. Vinson Synan, 2001; Charles Edwin Jones, Finished Work of Calvary or Baptistic Tradition, A Guide to the Study of the Pentecostal Movement, 1983, Vol. 1, p411; Edith Blumhofer, William H. Durham: “Years of Creativity, Years of Dissent,” in Portraits of a Generation: Early Pentecostal Leaders. Ed. James R. Goff Jr. and Grant Wacker University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2002, pp123-142. 311


Parham and later superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church; Daniel Berg, founder of the Assemblies of God in Brazil; and Luigi Francescon 315, a pioneer of the Pentecostal movement in Italy. Aimee Semple, before her marriage to Harold McPherson, was instantaneously healed of a broken ankle through Durham’s ministry in Jan. 1910.316 1907

March 1907. C. H. Mason and his delegation arrive at Azusa Street. They stay five weeks.317 Like other early Pentecostals, he sought and later found a deeper experience with the Holy Spirit at the Azusa street revival. During a night of prayer at Azusa, Mason saw a vision. “When I opened my mouth to say glory, a flame touched my tongue which ran down in me. My language changed and no word could I speak in my own tongue.” Early Pentecostals recognized Mason’s special powers of discernment and saw him as supernaturally gifted. Mason said of his experience that the Holy Spirit through him “saved sanctified and baptized thousands of souls of all colors and races.”318


Glenn Cook is holding street meetings in Memphis Tennessee. and on at least one occasion conducted a service in C. H. Mason‘s church on Wellington Street. One of the young African-American men who began speaking in tongues at Cook‘s revival services was later arrested when his exuberance was mistaken for a form of Americana dementia. Cook and another Memphis minister, Leonard P. Adams, secured the young man‘s release and hoped to”make a preacher out of the Negro”. When asked about the racial mixing at his meetings, Cook replied, “I‘m from the north and do not discriminate between white and black in preaching … but I do respect the southern ideas of racial equality and am


From Chicago, Italian Pentecostals (preeminent among them Luigi Francescon) carried their message across the United States and to Argentina, Italy and Brazil. Swedish Baptists (especially Daniel Berg and Gunnar Wingmen) turned Pentecostal set their sights on a Swedish Baptist mission station in Brazil and made it the cradle for Pentecostal revival. These connections, like those evident in the ethnic press, remind us that North American ethnic constituencies were articulate early participants in the shaping of global Pentecostalism. 316 The Revival Library. William H. Durham. 1873-1912. 317 Anointed to Serve; the Story of the Assemblies of God. William W. Menzies. 1971. Gospel Publishing House. Pg. 435. 318 https://thecelebration.wordpress.com/tag/lucy-farrow


not here to settle any such questions.”319 Adam’s is one of the notable converts to the Apostolic Faith during Cook’s visit.320 Cook‘s willingness to cross the racial line paved the way for Mason‘s acceptance when he returned to Memphis. 1907

March 9, 1907. John Alexander Dowie dies. To some Dowie’s death was a clear sign that Parham was to come to Zion, but Parham there is no evidence that Parham felt so inclined. To the contrary, Parham told supporters as Zion who wanted him to start a church that they did not need another church; rather they needed the Holy Spirit in the church their existing church. The followers of Dowie would majorly impact the Pentecostal movement. Parham and his family return to their home in Kansas.


March 18, 1907. We are just holding up Jesus before this people, and God is doing the rest. We had quite a scene at the altar last night, when a demon possessed man who was kneeling at the altar was picked up by demon power, thrown over the altar rail on his head, and when we commanded them to come out of him they barked at us and said that they would not come out of him, but they were cast out in the Name of Jesus and the man was set free. A Salvation Army captain has received his Pentecost. He is a CMA meeting in New York, Dr. noble young man, and desires to Mantle speaking to men and labor with the Apostolic Faith women students (seated Movement. We are believing for a separately) in a chapel session of great work in the Islands. Jesus is the Missionary Training Institute, coming very soon. Hallelujah! —H. 1920 M. and A. E. Turney.321


March 26, 1907. Monrovia, Liberia. We opened a ten days’ meeting in a school house, and on the tenth night, the Lord came in mighty power. Two were baptized with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues. Ten here have


Negro Houseboy Makes Funny Talk at Police Station. The Commercial Appeal, ca. 1907. Celebrating 90 Years: First Assembly of God, Memphis, Tennessee (1997), 5 321 Apostolic Faith. Vol. I. No. 7 Los Angeles, Cal., April, 1907 320


received sanctification, and five are filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues. A brother and his household have been baptized with the Holy Ghost. God has called him to the ministry and he will be baptized Sunday the 30th of March. Have been holding meetings going on three months. The Lord is sending a crowd of the African natives to the meeting and He is working wonderfully with them. The house is filled with the natives every service and they are being saved and sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost and healed of all manner of diseases. The Lord surely is working with the native Africans of this land. All the saints send love.322 1907

April 10, 1907. God is having His way with many of His children in this part of the country. A great many, in the midst of much opposition, are being baptized with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, among them a number of young people and children. The work is spreading in and about Pittsburg and Allegheny, in Homestead, Braddock, McKeesport, and other places in this vicinity.—J.T. Boddy, pastor Pentecost church.323


April 13, 1907. We are in the midst of a glorious meeting in this city. Ten have received Pentecost with the Bible evidence of speaking in tongues, and a number have been saved and sanctified. God has enabled us to create a widespread interest throughout the city, and the opposition is forming in a very formidable way, we know that our God is able to deliver. We are going forward in simple faith in Him. —Daniel C. O. Opperman.324


April. F. F. Bosworth is into the ministry full-time, joining Cyrus Fockler in the meetings he began to hold in Milwaukee.325


May 3, 1907. “A dozen or so people meeting in A. H. Argue’s (who had just returned from 21 days of prayer and fasting in Chicago at William Durham’s church) home were praying and fasting before God, the Holy Spirit came upon them and they Mack M. Pinson began speaking in other tongues. When Argue's home was too small, they began meeting at an unused store at 501 Alexander Avenue. More and more people were drawn by the Holy Spirit


Apostolic Faith. Vol. I. No. 7 Los Angeles, Cal., April, 1907 Apostolic Faith. Vol. I. No. 7 Los Angeles, Cal., April, 1907 324 Apostolic Faith. Vol. I. No. 7 Los Angeles, Cal., April, 1907 325 Gordon P Gariner (1990). Out of Zion. Companion Press. 323


from all over Manitoba, other parts of Canada and still others from the U.S.A, including large numbers of Scandinavian people from North and South Dakota, and Minnesota. It has been reported that many people who did not understand English heard the good news of Jesus Christ in their own languages. There were Cree Indians who were baptized in the Spirit before going back to their reserves. A.H. Argue began a periodical, Apostolic Messenger, in 1907; in each issue, he stated what God was doing in Winnipeg. It grew to a circulation of 40,000 worldwide.�326 1907

May. G. B. Cashwell preaches in Memphis Tennessee. Henry G. Rogers and Mack M. Pinson embrace the Apostolic Faith.327


May 4, 1907. Earnest Buel Floyd leads Indianapolis meeting where many are healed, delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit. The meetings get much press coverage with the Indianapolis papers making a plethora of racial slurs against Floyd and others in the inter-racial meetings.328


May. At their Annual Convention Rosalin and Jonathan Goforth Presbyterian Leaders of the Christian and Missionaries that became spirit filled and Missionary Alliance meeting at brought the Apostolic Faith message to all of China. the Missionary Training Institute in Nyack, New York are impacted by the Apostolic Faith movement as a weeklong outpouring of the Holy Spirit penetrates the meeting. During the Summer of 1907 several Alliance Camp meetings were invaded by Apostolic Faith fervor. In Beulah Park, Cleveland Ohio and Rocky Springs Park in Pennsylvania Alliance adherents including vice president John Salmon spoke in tongues. People with strong Alliance ties in Indianapolis accepted the Apostolic Faith teaching and formed an influential Apostolic Faith congregation.329


Prayer Warrior Arise. A. H. Argue and Calvary Temple. Thursday September 5, 2013. Ibid. Goff. 328 Early Interracial Oneness Pentecostalism: G. T. Haywood and the Pentecostal ... By Talmadge L. French. Pg. 76 329 Christian Missionary Alliance. June 8, 1907. 205. A. W. Vian. Further News from Nyack NY. Household of God. November 1907. 6. 327



Summer. Glenn Cook holds a camp meeting in Lamont, Oklahoma. While Florence Crawford holds camp meeting in Portland, Oregon.330


Robert J. Scott & George Studd organize the Worldwide Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting in Los Angeles California. This would become an annual event for several years.331


“Glenn A. Cook also from the Azusa Street revival, went to Indianapolis, Indiana, and attended the Missionary Alliance church, where he gave his testimony of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost in Los Angeles.”332


John Alexander, one of the original board members of William Seymour’s Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission (Azusa Street) founds the first of two churches. Apostolic Faith Mission at 7th and Setous. The second Apostolic Faith Mission he founds on 51st Street.333


J. Roswell Flower was converted to Pentecostalism at Glenn Cook’s revival meetings in Indianapolis. Following Flower’s Pentecostal experience, he was ordained by the World’s Faith Missionary Association, with which William Durham had at one time been involved. It was at that time that he began publishing a Pentecostal newsletter, the Christian Evangel. The name of the newsletter morphed from Christian Evangel to Pentecostal Evangel to Weekly Evangel, the name the newsletter held in 1914, when it was adopted by the Assemblies of God.334


T. B. Barrett opens Pentecostal meetings in Oslo. Begins Pentecostal movements in Scandinavia, England, and Germany


AZUSA BOOKS. THE AZUSA STREET MISSION TIME LINE. Amos Morgan. Copyright © 2007 Roebuck. Pg. 317. 332 Apostolic Archives. Historical Timeline. http://www.apostolicarchives.com/historical-timeline.html 333 The Azusa Street Revival Robert R. Owens. Pg. 84. 334 Alice Flower, interview by Del Tarr, The Early Years, CD-ROM, Gospel Publishing House, 2006; Raybon Joel Newman, “Race and the Assemblies of God Church: The Journey from Azusa Street to the ‘Miracle of Memphis’” (Ph.D. diss., University of Memphis, 2005), 95. 331



“Henry Printess and Ernest Lloyd traveled from the Azusa Revival to Indianapolis, Indiana, and began holding Cottage prayer meetings. This eventually led to the formation of Christ Temple.”335 This trip appears to be in response to a previous visit to Indianapolis by Glenn Cook. Cook would be the overseer of the Mission in Indianapolis.


“Tom Hezmallauch also from the Los Angeles Outpouring traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana, where he held revival meetings in hopes of spreading the Pentecostal message.”336


A group of ministries collectively known as Elim listen as two visitors explain about the Apostolic Faith message and “almost the entire congregation became seekers at once.”337

Alfred Garr


June 1, 1907. Holiness leader A. B. Crumpler lists G. B. Cashwell under “Our Evangelists” in his last issue of his newspaper, apparently as a way of endorsement for the Apostolic Faith movement. “338


June 2, 1907. William Seymour joins Apostolic Faith workers in Indianapolis, Indiana for two weeks of an ongoing meeting. The meetings had been going on since at least April and had caught the attention of the Indianapolis Morning Star in the April 17, 1907 edition.


June 13, 1907. 1st Pentecostal Camp Meeting in the Northeast at Alliance, Ohio.339 Frank Bartleman ministers on “Jesus Christ in Worldwide Evangelism, in the Power of the Holy Ghost.” This meeting is led by Levi Lupton and becomes a significant annual meeting for the Apostolic Faith movement. Bartleman called this the first Pentecostal Camp Meeting in the Northeast and noted that there was no musical instruments and service often lasted all night. Black and whites were welcomed in the meetings equally. Speakers included A.S. Copley, W.A. Kramer, A. F. Mitchell, Joseph H. King, E. B. Walker, and J. Roswell


Apostolic Archives. Historical Timeline. http://www.apostolicarchives.com/historical-timeline.html Apostolic Archives. Historical Timeline. http://www.apostolicarchives.com/historical-timeline.html 337 Elizabeth Baker. Chronicles of Faith. Rochester NY. Dubois Press. Pg. 65, 127, 130. 338 Fire in the Carolinas: The Revival Legacy of G. B. Cashwell and A. B. Crumpler. R. Michael Thornton. Pg. 174. 339 Frank Bartleman, How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles (Los Angeles: Frank Bartleman, 1925), 336


Flower, Estimates say that more than 700 people from 21 States and Canada were in attendance.340 1907

June 25, 1907. At the 1st Pentecostal Camp Meeting in Alliance Ohio the Apostolic Evangelization Association is formed with Levi Lupton as Director. The new organization designated him as “Apostle Levi�. George E. David, I. O. Courtney, Frank Bartholomew and Lewis C. Grant join Lupton on the incorporation papers. The objective was to establish and interdenominational association and did not require one to sever his association with the church to which he belonged.341 A publication is launched called, The New Acts. Joseph H. King, General overseer of the Fire Baptized Holiness Church served as the editor.342 The group only seems to have existed for a couple of years.


Sunday, June 30, 1907. After first opposing the Apostolic Faith movement, disillusioned former Dowie disciple William Hamner Piper invites Apostolic Faith visitors to his Stone Church in Chicago to explain about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This began meetings that lasted several weeks and swept the Pipers and the Stone John G. Lake and Thomas Hezmalhach after they established Church into the Pentecostal Movement. the Apostolic Faith Mission in Piper and his talented wife, Lydia Markley South Africa. Hezmalhalch was Piper, shared public ministry and began a the first President and Lake was his successor. monthly magazine, Latter Rain Evangel. The editor, Anna Reiff, became one of the most influential lay women in the Pentecostal Movement.343


July 18, 1907. While ministering for Lemuel C. Hall, Parham is arrested in San Antonio Texas.344 Parham retained an attorney, C. A. Davis, and


Faces of Renewal: Studies in Honor of Stanley M. Horton. Edited by Paul Elbert. Pg. 201. Ibid. Faces of Renewal. 342 Ibid. Faces of Renewal. 343 Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture Pg. 80. 344 Ibid., 138-39. Goff traces the various false claims and charges published by the Zion Herald, Waukegan Daily Sun, and Burning Bush. The charges against Parham were renewed when he attempted to hold revival campaigns in Zion City around 1915 or 1916. Voliva distributed posters throughout the city, 341


announced that he had been elaborately framed by his nemesis Wilbur Voliva. The San Antonio church where Parham was ministering had previously been part of the Zion network. No charges were ever filed. No records on the arrest exist. Only rumors remain.345 The story was picked up, re-animated with rumors and speculation and false reports, and repeated widely by people opposed to Parham and the Apostolic Faith, in particular and Pentecostalism in general, respectively. Parham and his supporters responded by making it clear that the charges were false, were part of an elaborate attempt to frame Parham. The charges were dropped by the District Attorney for lack of evidence. As Goff reports, Parham was quoted as saying "I am a victim of a nervous disaster and my actions have been misunderstood." There's certainly evidence that opponents made use of the arrest notably Wilbur Voliva, who was quite willing to go to extreme measures to bring Parham down. Volivia felt his authority at Zion City, Illinois, was threatened by Parham, and put more than a little effort in publicizing the arrest, the alleged confession, and the various rumors around the incident.346 1907

While working as an evangelist in Fort Worth, Texas, James Delk (well known COGIC minister who happened to be white) was arrested along with six other evangelists for ―obstructing the sidewalks‖ on Main Street in Fort Worth. The evangelists arrested with Delk were from a variety of organizations, including the Christian Volunteer Army, the Salvation Army, and the Fifteenth Street Rescue Mission.347


July 28, 1907, the first Pentecostal camp meeting in Aimee Semple (before her marriage to North Texas was announced in the Dallas Morning McPherson) 1910. News. The camp was promoted as ―a splendid place to get spiritual good, physical rest‖ with “no salaries to pay [and] no charges made.”348

which quoted from Parham‘s supposed confession in 1907. See Denver Crandall, Doctors, Drugs and Devils, photograph, 9 September 1987, Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, Springfield, MO. 345 Liardon 82-83; Goff 140-145 346 Ibid. Goff. 347 James L. Delk, He Made Millions of People Happy (Hopkinsville, KY: Delk, 1944), 7. 376 ―Evangelists Go To Jail‖ Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 14 March 1907, p. 8. 348 ”Notices”. Dallas Morning News, 28 July 1907, p. 35.



July. Howard Goss349 and Warren Faye Carothers attempt to usurp Parham’s as leader of the Apostolic Faith movement. There are a plethora of issues. Carothers, a racist, doesn’t believe blacks and other non whites should be treated as equals. He also doesn’t want women licensed as pastors.350 There are questions about whether he believed that tongues were the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit. Parham had serious concerns about Carothers and confided such in his spiritual son, Howard Goss.351 However, Goss was working in collusion with Carothers; betraying Parham’s confidence. Goss wants to further organize like a denomination; in an effort to control the fast growing movement and would spend the rest of his life pursuing the same. In the end he would only succeed in helping to create a number of all white organizations that often claimed the name but barely resembled the original Apostolic Faith movement

. Later, some of the conspirators would claim it had to do with moral charges pending against Parham. However, no formal or informal charges were ever filed against Parham. Strangely, Goss and Carothers had begun discussing taking control before the unsubstantiated claims against Parham began. While Parham looked outside his movement for those responsible it may have been much closer to home.352 A. G. Canada is elected official leader of the Texas Apostolic Faith Movement.353 Goss and Carothers both continue to claim to be part of the Apostolic Faith movement until at least 1912.354 349

The Cry: the Desperate Prayer that Opens the Heart of God. Keith Hudson. Chapter 6. Repentance Brings Freedom. 350 Pentecostal Spirituality. Land. 13. The Baptism with the Holy Spirit (1906). Warren Faye Carothers. Idem. Church Government. (1909). 'If I did not believe God loved the blackest Negro girl': Responses to American racism among early white Pentecostals, Daniel Silliman. February 26, 2014. 351 The Diaries of Howard Goss. Entries for 30 January and April 6, 1907. Beginning at Waco in January and continuing till at least July Goss and Carothers worked their plan to separate from Parham and take control of the Apostolic Faith movement. Goss would continue to claim to be part of the Apostolic Faith all the while making back room deals to build an organization including one apparent deal with Bishop C. H. Mason and the Church of God in Christ on which he reneged. 352 Christianity Without the Cross: A History of Salvation in Oneness Pentecostalism. Thomas A. Fudge. Pg. 33 353 Ibid. Fudge



Andrew Harvey Argue holds a meeting in Winnipeg, Canada. Franklin Small is among those who received the Holy Spirit baptism.355


Summer. During the annual convention of the Church of God in Christ, Jones, who had helped Mason in the organization of the group disfellowshipped those who advocated tongues, including Mason. This began a long legal battle for control of the group. Eventually Mason emerged as the sole leader a position he held until 1961.356


Summer. William Trotter Superintendent of the Union Rescue Mission in Los Angeles is baptized in the Holy Spirit. When he told his board about his new experience he was dismissed. He then joined Florence Crawford’s team in Portland.357


August.358 “Keswick Convention in 1907, Boddy took a pamphlet he had written called ‘Pentecost for England’ and thousands were distributed. In it he claimed that 20,000 people had spoken in tongues (worldwide) but that only about six persons of these were in Great Britain.”359


General Assembly of the association of churches formed with C. P. Jones, C. H. Mason, J. A. Jeter, and W. S. Pleasant convened at Jackson, Mississippi with elder C. P. Jones presiding as General Overseer; C. P. Jones and J. A. Jeter were also averse to the new doctrine promulgated


Ibid. Fudge The Apostolic Messenger, a prominent early Pentecostal periodical, was first published in 1908 by Andrew H. Argue, a leading figure in the formation of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC), and pastor/founder of Calvary Temple (Winnipeg, Canada). 356 Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture Pg. 74. 357 Disfellowshipped: Pentecostal Responses to Fundamentalism in the United. Gerald W King. Pg. 51 358 Evangelicalism and the Church of England in the Twentieth Century: Reform ... edited by Andrew Atherstone, John Maiden. Pg. 89.. Eugene Stock. Kenswick. 1907.; A Personal Impression. Record 2, August 1907. Pg. 679. 359 C. F. Harford. Keswick Message, Its Method and Its Men. 1907. p.32. 355


by Mason. After days and nights of intensive debating over the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with initial evidence of speaking in tongues, (according to the documentation of the Centennial Edition of the book: C. H. Mason and The Roots Of The Church Of God In Christ, at one point in continuously searching and debating the Scriptures nonstop for three days and nights), the Jones faction that controlled the convocation insisted that Mason and his Pentecostal faction agree that there are other initial evidences of having received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. But Mason held firm his position; a division, subsequently, became evident within the ranks of Elder Mason's contemporaries when Elder J. A. Jeter, the General Overseer, Elder C. P. Jones, and others regarded the new Holy Ghost experience of speaking in tongues as a delusion. The General Assembly terminated by withdrawing the right hand of fellowship from C. H. Mason. When C. P. Jones and J. A. Jeter dismissed Mason from the Convocation, of the 110 COGIC churches that existed at the time, 10 left with Mason.360 1907

August 10, 1907. While his detractors (including Howard Goss, Warren Faye Carothers and many others) often claim that they withdrew from Parham history is not on their side. The history of the time period clearly shows that Parham withdrew from them. In an old newsletter, Gospel of the Kingdom (circa 1909) printed in Alvin Texas by the Gospel of the Kingdom Company; Parham is quoted from 1907 where he says, “We withdrew from those who are now trying to organize this work. Just as, years ago he (Parham) withdrew from the M. E. organization that he might serve God in a more acceptable way.�361 The note is written by Eleanor B. Parham. In a plethora of letters to both Carothers and Goss, Parham reveals as early as 1906 that he sees they are attempting to take over the Apostolic Faith movement.


August 24, 1907. Houston Chronicle listed an announcement for revival services being held by Parham at a downtown hall and a separate meeting of the Apostolic Faith congregation at the Brunner tabernacle.362


http://emanuelministries.org/new_page_19.htm The Gospel of the Kingdom. No 2. Undated. Pg. 5. Printed in Alvin Texas by members of the Apostolic Faith movement of Charles F. Parham. 362 City in Brief, HC, 24 August 1907, p. 5 and Church Notices, HC, 24 August 1907, p. 7 361



September 1, 1907. Soon after the Keswick Convention Boddy and members of All Saints Episcopal are baptized in the Holy Spirit. Many mark this as the start of Pentecost in Europe.363 In the next few months this outpouring would reach to “Jamaica, Cuba, Canada, U.S.A., India, South Africa, Switzerland, Holland, Italy, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and all parts of England.”364


September 29, 1907. A. G. Canada, who had recently been elected as head of the Apostolic Faith Movement in Texas (replacing Carothers), also held a revival campaign in North Fort Worth. Canada‘s meetings drew some interest, and by 1909 a small Apostolic Faith congregation was established in North Fort Worth. 365 Archibald P. Collins, a local Baptist preacher who had been educated at Baylor University, accepted the tenets of Pentecostalism and served as the church‘s pastor.366 Collins‘s reputation as a pastor and his educational training helped him quickly excel as a leader among the Apostolic Faith churches in Texas. During a revival in Alto, Texas, Collins was recognized as ―one of the star attractions in the services [because] he is a thoroughly well educated man, and an accomplished speaker.367 For the movement as a whole the appointment of Canada by Parham is historic because through the conversion of Collins and E. N. Bell to the Apostolic Faith history was in the making as both would eventually lead the AG.368


September. Holy Convocation of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC). Those 10 churches who agreed with Mason met in Memphis, Tennessee in September 1907 to legally organize the COGIC. Among the group of elders who responded to Mason's call for a general assembly in September of 1907, and who graciously accepted the Pentecostal message of receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues in accordance with Acts 2:4 were: E. R. Driver, J.


While Men Slept. . .: A Biblical and Historical Account of the New Universal. Kerby F. Fannin. Pg 411. Confidence. April 1908. No. 1. Pg. 5. 365 “Sect Prays in 20 Languages”. Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 29 September 1907, p. 1. 366 Collins was listed in a 1905 issue of the Star-Telegram as pastor of Riverside Baptist Church in Fort Worth. See “In the Churches.” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 26 November 1905, p. 8. For Collins‘ educational background, see A. P. Collins, “A Baptized Baptist Preacher”. Pentecostal Evangel (23 January 1915): 1. “End of World Coming Soon Belief of North Side Sect” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 28 September 1909, p. 1. 367 A. P. Collins, “Letters from the People”. Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 30 September 1909. 368 “General Convention of Pentecostal Saints and Churches of God in Christ.” Word and Witness (20 December 1913): 1 and Combined Minutes of the General Council of the Assemblies of God 1914(St. Louis, MO: The Gospel Publishing House, 1914), 8. “The Dramatic Testimony of a Baptist Pastor: E. N. Bell‘s 1908 Experience”. Assemblies of God Heritage (April 1995): 26. 364


Bowe, R. R. Booker, W. M. Roberts, R. E. Hart, D. W. Welch, A. A. Blackwell, E. M. Page, R. H. I. Clark, D. J. Young, James Brewer, Daniel Spearman, J. H. Boone. They met as a general assembly and elected C. H. Mason as general overseer or Chief Apostle and appointed D. J. Young, Mason's constant companion, as editor of the new periodical, "The Whole Truth". Dr. Hart was appointed Overseer of Tennessee; Elder J. A. Lewis was appointed Overseer of Tennessee; Elder J. Bowe was the Overseer of Arkansas; Later, Elder J. A. Lewis was appointed Overseer of Mississippi. The First National Meeting was named "Holy Convocation." The name "convocation" came from Leviticus 23:4 - "These are the feasts of the Lord, even�Holy Convocations," which ye shall proclaim in their seasons." Often during the meetings, Bishop Mason would quote the words from Psalm 50:5 - "Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice." As the Chief Apostle, Mason immediately dedicated twenty days, November 25th through December 14th annually as a meeting time for all of his followers to fellowship with each other and to transact all ecclesiastical and secular affairs pertinent to the growth of the National organization. This segment of the year was chosen because the majority of the communicants of the church lived in the farming districts of Mississippi, William Pendleton and Tennessee and Arkansas. By this time of the Sister Hopkins the two first year, they had sufficient provisions and financial Chairpersons of the Pentecostal Assemblies resources from the harvesting of their crops to (1907). enable them to attend and support a national meeting. During this time Mason also was prompted to move his headquarters to Memphis, Tennessee. 1907

September. While it would not be evident until 1908 the fallout of the separation of the Azusa Street mission from the larger Apostolic Faith movement would start a series of events that would severely undermine Seymour (just as the Azusa Street leaders had attempted to undermine Parham). Florence Crawford would be at the center of most of these. First she began her plan to move to Portland. Second she started


contacting all the Pacific Coast Apostolic Faith ministers seeking alliance. Third, she started printing her own Apostolic Faith newsletter using the list she had help developed in Los Angles and encouraging Clara Lum to join her in Portland in the same role she held in Los Angeles; Editor. By taking this action she struck a critical blow to Seymour’s undisputed leadership. Strangely, neither Crawford nor the minister she encouraged to join in alliance with her questioned the ethics of the events.369 Like Seymour’s leadership team had dismissed Parham, Crawford and virtually all the West Coast leaders dismissed Seymour. Crawford claimed that Seymour had compromised on the doctrine of Sanctification; making Seymour as a failed leader to both God and the Apostolic Faith movement. By 1908 the damage would be evident to nearly everyone and the Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission (Azusa Street) was in serious decline. 1907

October 25th, 1907. Smith Wigglesworth is baptized in the Holy Spirit after Mary Boddy lays hands on him at the rectory of All Saints Anglican Church.370 I went to the Episcopal vicarage to say good-bye. I said to Mrs. Boddy, the vicar’s wife: “I am going away, but I have not received the tongues yet.” She answered, “It is not tongues you need, but the Baptism.” “I have received the Baptism, Sister,” I protested, “but I would like to have you lay hands on me before I Mary Boddy leave. ” She laid her hands on me and then had to go out of the room. The fire fell. It was a wonderful time as I was there with God alone. He bathed me in power. I was conscious of the cleansing of the precious Blood, and I cried out: “Clean! Clean! Clean!” I was filled with the joy of the consciousness of the cleansing. I was given a vision in which I saw the Lord Jesus Christ. I beheld the empty cross, and If saw Him exalted at the right hand of God the Father. I could speak no longer in English but I began to praise Him in other tongues as the Spirit of God gave me utterance. I knew then, although I might have received anointings previously, that now, at last, I had received the real Baptism in the Holy Spirit as they received on the day of Pentecost.371


Roebuck. Pg. 300. While Men Slept. A Biblical and Historical Account of the New Universal. Kerby F. Fannin. Page 411 371 Stanly Frodsham. Apostle of Faith. Chapter 4. 370



October 27, 1907. 1st General Meeting of the Pentecostal Assemblies. Brother Pendleton serves as Chairperson pro tem; Brother Clark Secretary pro tem.372 Pendleton’s lead role is historically important as he is among those who embrace the position of Charles F. Parham and later others on baptism in the method of the Apostles “invoking Jesus name”.373


Gaston. B. Cashwell spreads Pentecostalism in the Southern United States.


Apostolic Faith type outpouring in Korea, the Korean Revival or the Korean Pentecost.374 In just a few months more than 30,000 were baptized in the Holy Spirit all over Korea. A powerful move of the Holy Spirit led by prayer (like the outpourings in other parts of the world like Topeka, Wales, Los Angeles, etc.). In 1906 Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston brought news of the awakenings in Wales and in India to the missionaries in Korea. Soon many were continually praying for a fresh work of the Spirit. Of this time William Blair and Bruce Hunt stated, "We had reached a place where we dared not go forward without God's presence. Very earnestly we poured out our hearts before Him, searching our hearts and seeking to meet the conditions. God heard us and gave us an earnest that week of what was to come. Before the meetings closed the Spirit showed us plainly that the way of victory for us would be a way of confession, of broken hearts, and bitter tears." Of this season of prayer, Jonathan Goforth said, "The Early Church did great honor to God the Holy Spirit by dropping everything and spending ten days in prayer to prepare for His coming. I have told how the missionaries spent one to several hours each day for months in preparing a way in their hearts for the Holy Spirit. . . They honored God and appreciated the gift of the Holy Spirit by meeting in the church for prayer at five o'clock - not five



Contender For the Faith Magazine. COOLJC. 90 Year Anniversary Special. Bishop Robert Clarence Lawson In The Pentecostals of the World. Alexander C. Stewart. 2009. Pg. 1. 373 Roebuck. Pg. 318. 374 Lee, Young-Hoon (2001). Korean Pentecost: The Great Revival of 1907. Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies.


o'clock every evening, but every morning through the fall and winter of 1906-7. They honored God the Holy Spirit by six months of prayer and then He came as a flood."375 "A burning zeal to make known the merits of the Savior was a special mark of the Church at Pentecost. The same is not less true of the Korean Church. It was said that the heathen complained that they could not endure the persecution of the Christians. They were evermore telling of the strong points of their Savior. Some declared they would have to sell out and move to some district where there were no Christians, in order to get rest." "Drunkards, gamblers, adulterers, murderers, thieves, self-righteous, Confucianists and others had been made into new men in Christ. In five years of rapid growth, 1906-1910, the net gain for all the churches of Korea was 79,221, which was more than the total members in Japan after half a century of Protestant effort, or twice the number of the Protestants in China in the first eighty years of mission work. By 1912, there were approximately 300,000 Korean church members in a total population of twelve million."376 Jonathan Goforth, a Presbyterian Minister in China visits the revival. Presbyterian missionaries, hearing of revival in Wales, and of a similar revival among Welsh Presbyterian work in Assam, prayed earnestly for the same in Korea. 1500 representatives gathered for the annual New Year Bible studies in which a spirit of prayer broke out. The leaders allowed everyone to pray aloud simultaneously as so many wanted to pray, and that became a characteristic of Korean prayer meetings. The meetings carried on day after day, with confessions of sins, weeping and trembling. The heathen were astounded. The delegates of the New Year gathering returned to their churches taking with them this spirit of 375

The Korean Revival - God Prepares a Nation for Adversity. Mar 17, 2014 08:11 PM EDT


The Korean Pentecost by William Blair and Bruce Hunt. When the Spirit's Fire Swept Korea by Jonathan Goforth. The Flaming Tongue by J. Edwin Orr


prayer which strongly impacted the churches of the nation with revival. Everywhere conviction of sin, confession and restitution were common. Brutal persecution at the hands of the Japanese and then the Russian and Chinese communists saw thousands killed, but still the church grew in fervent prayer. Prior to the Russian invasion thousands of North Koreans gathered every morning at 5 am Sometimes 10,000 were gathered in one place for prayer each morning. Early morning daily prayer meetings became common, as did nights of prayer especially on Friday nights, and this emphasis on prayer has continued as a feature of church life in Korea. Over a million gather every morning around 5 am for prayer in the Australian Pentecostals churches. Prayer and fasting is normal. Churches have over 100 prayer retreats in the hills called Prayer Mountains to which thousands go to pray, often with fasting. Healings and supernatural manifestations continue. Now the city of Seoul has 6,000 churches, many huge. Koreans have sent over 10,000 missionaries into other Asian countries.377 1907

The Church of God in Christ (A split within Christ’s Association of Mississippi of Baptized Believers accepts the teaching of the baptism of the Holy Ghost with evident of other tongues) – Charles H. Mason a Missionary Baptist travels to Azusa Street and has the "experience".


Ambrose J. Tomlinson meets Mack Pinson. Pinson encourages Tomlinson to meet Cashwell.


November 30, 1907. H. Mogridge from Lancashire (UK) receives baptism of the Holy Spirit.378

377 378

http://www.reival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival Confidence. April 1908. No. 1. Pg. 6.



January 12, 1908. Third Assembly of the Church of God. Cashwell arrives at Tomlinson’s church in Cleveland Tennessee. Tomlinson fully embraces Cashwell’s teaching, spoke in tongues and brought the constituency of the Church of God into Apostolic Faith movement.379 “A momentous service followed the third Assembly in 1908 that radically transformed the life and ministry of A. J. Tomlinson. Following a sermon by guest evangelist G. B. Cashwell, Tomlinson received his long-soughtfor experience of Spirit baptism. Although perhaps one hundred or more people had experienced the baptism with the Holy Spirit following the Shearer Schoolhouse revival in 1896, they apparently did not fully understand the nature and the work of the Holy Spirit at that time. Those who did receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit had not preached that this was an experience for all to seek and obtain.”380


January. Florence Crawford received a letter from Portland offering her keys to Pastor John Glassco’s church.381 The Apostolic Faith Mission (Portland, OR), founded in 1908 by Florence Crawford, emerged directly from the Apostolic Faith Mission located on Azusa Street in Los Angeles, California. A revival at the Apostolic Faith Mission in Los Angeles became a focal point of the emerging Pentecostal movement. The Los Angeles Outpouring or the Azusa Street Revival, as it became known, began in the Volume II No. 15. summer of 1906 and lasted in some measure for July/August 1908 from Portland Oregon three years. News of the revival spread through the congregation's newspaper, The Apostolic Faith, which began publication in September 1906.382 Crawford, a leader in the Azusa Street Revival, moved in 1908 to Portland, Oregon, where she established her ministry headquarters. According to the Apostolic Faith Mission (Portland, OR), Crawford was


Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture. Pg. 76. Restorationism and a Vision for World Harvest: A Brief History of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) David G. Roebuck. http://www.pctii.org/cyberj/cyberj5/roebuck1.pdf 381 Azusa. Morgan. 382 https://ifphc.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=publicationsGuide.apostolicfaithportland 380


given the Azusa Street newspaper's mailing list with the blessing to continue its publishing ministry. The Apostolic Faith Mission (Portland, OR) published The Apostolic Faith from 1908 until 1966, when the title was changed to The Light of Hope (the title was again changed in 1995 to Higher Way). The publication of gospel literature, including periodicals, tracts, books, and Sunday school curriculum, continues to be a primary focus of the Apostolic Faith Mission (Portland, OR). Over the past 100 years, the work expanded to include hundreds of churches across the world. The Apostolic Faith published theological articles, testimonies, and reports of church activity around the world. The Apostolic Faith is an important resource for those interested in better understanding the themes, beliefs, people, and events that helped to shape the Azusa Street Revival, the Apostolic Faith Mission (Portland, OR), and the broader Pentecostal movement.383 1908

January 12, 1908. Parham returns to Temperance Temple in Los Angeles for meetings.


Moody Memorial Church is impacted by the Holy Spirit baptism. Andrew David Urshan is among those baptized in the Holy Spirit in the 3rd floor of a student building at Moody that the students called the Upper Room.384


John G. Lake begins South African Apostolic Faith Mission.385


February. Manchurian Revival. Jonathan Goforth a Presbyterian Missionary returns from a visit to Korea to see the outpouring of the Holy Spirit there. He then spearheads an outpouring of the Holy Spirit throughout China.386


https://ifphc.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=publicationsGuide.apostolicfaithportland Disfellowshipped: Pentecostal Responses to Fundamentalism in the United. Gerald W King. Pg. 50. 385 Robeck, Cecil M. (2006). The Azusa Street Mission and Revival: The Birth of the Global Pentecostal Movement. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Inc. p. 274. ISBN 978-1-4185-0624-7 386 Lee, Young-Hoon (2001). Korean Pentecost: The Great Revival of 1907. Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 4. p.73-76 384


1908 1908

Spring. , "Mother" Barnes of St. Louis, Missouri, with her son-in-law, B. F. Lawrence, held tent meetings in southern Illinois.387 Spring. Mason is sued for control of the COGIC and the Church property on Wellington Street. In their court depositions, the opposing faction stated several objections to Mason‘s new faith and the worship practices he introduced after returning from Los Angeles. The complainants argued that Mason had departed from the original beliefs of the church. Although no one could produce a set of doctrines or a creed for the Church of God in Christ, C. P. Jones testified that “while the churches did not have a creed from a written point of view, they did from a verbal point of vieworally.”388 This perspective was common in Baptist theology. Many of Jones‘s contemporaries argued that speaking in tongues was an historical miracle, depicted in the second chapter of Acts, but that these miracles ceased during the first century and should not be practiced by contemporary Christians.389


March. Rev. C. F. Atherton receives the Holy Spirit at Smith Wigglesworth’s home.390


March 22nd, 1908. Stephen Jacob Jackson Frazee (J. J. Frazee) is ordained by the Pentecostal Assemblies (P.A.W.).


May 1, 1908. Frank Bartleman starts a mission in Conneaut Ohio. Sister Ivy Campbell, from “Azusa,” was there with Bartleman. God had sent her on ahead some time before. Her home was in Ohio. Brother Kennedy, a Wesleyan Methodist preacher, had been preaching for them.391


May 13, 1908. William Seymour and Jennie Moore are married.392 Strangely, even this marriage becomes a point of contention and division for the Azusa Street Revival. This came as a shock to some in the church, who saw it as a violation of sanctification and as going against the mission's message of the end-times393. Lucy Farrow returns to Texas.394


Ibid. Women in Religion. Deposition of C. P. Jones, 27 April 1908 in McBride, Frank Avant vs. C. H. Mason, 42. 389 See Benjamin B. Warfield, Counterfeit Miracles (New York, NY: C. Scribner‘s, 1918). 390 Confidence. April 1908. No. 1. Pg. 7. 391 Frank Bartleman, How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles (Los Angeles: Frank Bartleman, 1925), 392 Espinosa, Gaston. William J. Seymour and the Origins of Global Pentecostalism: A Biography and Documentary History. Print. 393 Espinosa. 114 394 Azusa. Morgan. 388



June-August 1908, Florence Crawford holds Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting near Mt. Tabor (Portland, Oregon). Frank J. Ewart is baptized in the Holy Spiirt.395


June 1908. Sunderland Conference. “That such a gathering of God’s children should be possible in so short a time, all of one accord in this outpouring of the “Latter Rain,” is to us a sign that God has “opened a door that none can shut,” and is a foretaste of what He is going on to do in preparation for that great day when Jesus comes.”396


Stanley Frodsham baptized in the Holy Spirit at All Saints Episcopal (UK).397


Church of God (Cleveland, Tn.) accepts the Apostolic Faith message of Holy Spirit baptism with the evidence of speaking in other tongues under A. J. Tomlinson


Nias, Indonesia. 2/3 of the Island becomes Christian. A 7 year revival begins that is called, “The Great Repentance”.398


Church of God in Christ is established as a Pentecostal organization by C. H. Mason in Jackson Mississippi.399


Carrie Judd Montgomery (1858-1946) experienced the "baptism in the Holy Spirit" evidenced by tongues at age 50. She shared the speaking platform at healing crusades with other popular Holiness-Pentecostal evangelists, such as Maria Woodworth-Etter and W.E. Boardman. She also developed a lifelong friendship with A.B. Simpson, the founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. In fact, she was the first recording secretary for the CMA when it was organized in 1885, and she spoke at


Ewart. Phenomonon. Pg. 72. th Confidence. June 30 , 1903. Pg. 12. 397 Revival Library. PENSKETCHES British Pentecostal Pioneers. Stanley Frodsham. 398 Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 27. 399 The Encyclopedia of Cults, Sects, and New Religions By James R. Lewis. Page 200. Church of God in Christ. 396


many CMA conventions. Through her influence, several CMA ministers sought the Pentecostal experience. It was through Montgomery's writings that A.J. Tomlinson, founder of the Church of God of Prophecy, was convinced of healing in the atonement and complete sanctification, or Christian perfection.400 Montgomery was an editor, philanthropist, woman preacher, faith healer, evangelist, radical evangelical, and writer.401 She was influential in the American Divine Healing Movement in the late 19th century. Notable in her disciples is Evangelist Francisco Olazábal.402 Montgomery was very involved in the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U.) in the Los Angeles area.403 It was at the W.C.T.U.’s Temperance Temple that Charles F. Parham held his Los Angeles meetings. 1908

“At Whitsuntide, Boddy hosted an epoch-making convention, and thenceforth the history of Boddy becomes merged with the British Pentecostal Movement. Annual Conventions were held at All Saints' until


Ibid. Women in Religion. This information was taken from the article entitled "Carrie Judd Montgomery (1858-1946)" by Jennifer Miskov found at [www.CarrieJuddMontgomery.com]. She recently finished her PhD on the Life and Theology of Carrie Judd Montgomery and there is also a book called Spirit Flood: Rebirth of Spirit Baptism for the 21st Century (In Light of the Azusa Street Revival and the Life of Carrie Judd Montgomery) that provides a brief biography of Carrie. Most of this information has been found in the following: For accounts of Carrie’s healing that happened in 1879 through her perspective, see Carrie F. Judd, The Prayer of Faith (Chicago: F.H. Revell, 1880; repr., New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc, 1985), 9-21, Carrie Judd Montgomery, Under His Wings, 48-60, various articles in Triumphs of Faith and other journals, TF 27:2 (Feb 1907), "Songs of Deliverance," TF 16:3 (March 1896), TF 32:8 (Aug 1912), TF 35:2 (Feb 1915), TF 38:3 (March 1918), TF 39:2 (Feb 1919) and Carrie Judd Montgomery, "I am the Lord that Healeth Thee," The Latter Rain Evangel 2:4 (January 1910), 22. To see secular printed accounts, "The Efficiency of Prayer," The Buffalo Courier, November 15, 1881, "Disease Cured by Prayer," The Sun (New York), October 29, 1885, p.3. Also, Faith (Montgomery) Berry, interview by Wayne Warner, April 25, 1985, recording, Home of Peace, Oakland, CA was used and to see a reprint of the complete letter from Mrs. Mix to Carrie that was dated February 24, 1879, look at Mrs. Edward Mix, Faith Cures and Answers to Prayer (Springfield: Press of Springfield Printing, 1882; repr., New York: Syracuse University Press, 2002), 38-39 (page references are to the reprint edition). 402 "Spanish-Speaking Pentecostals". Encyclopedia of American Religions. 2009. Retrieved July 2, 2015. 403 "W.C.T.U. to Hold Flower Mission Day". Berkeley Daily Gazette. June 12, 1941. Retrieved July 2, 2015. 401


1914, attended by young men destined to become leaders of the Movement in years to come.”404 “Boddy was God's man who presided over the early British Pentecostal Conventions and for a few years was the outstanding personality in the Movement. He had the prestige, the poise, the culture, and the personal participation in the Pentecostal experience that established him as the figure-head.”405 Printing press used by G. T. Haywood


March 22, 1908. Stephen Jacob Jackson Frazee (J. J. Frazee) is ordained by the Pentecostal Assemblies.406


June 6-11, 1908. Whitsuntide Conference at Sunderland.407


Summer. Apostolic Faith newsletter (the Azusa Street version) is permanently moved to Portland, Oregon. “We have moved the paper 75 which the Lord laid on us to begin at Los Angeles to Portland, Oregon, which will now be its headquarters.”408


July. Daniel Charles Owen Opperman assumed duties as the State Director of the Apostolic Faith Movement (under Charles Parham) in Texas.


July 18th, 1908. Baptist minister Eudorus Neander "E. N." Bell, a bachelor, becomes a Pentecostal.409 He is one of the better educated


'International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements' 2002. 'International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements' 2002. 406 Apostolic Heritage. Pg. 35. 407 Confidence. April 1908. No. 1. Monkwearmouth. Sunderland. England. 408 Apostolic Faith [Portland, OR], July-August, 1908, 2; qtd. in Edith L. Blumhofer, and Grant Wacker, “Who edited the Azusa Mission’s Apostolic Faith?” Assemblies of God Heritage (2001): 19. 409 Anderson, Robert Mapes. Vision of the Disinherited, the Making of American Pentecostalism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. Bell, E.N. Questions and Answers. Springfield, Mo.: Gospel Publishing House, 1923. Blumhofer, Edith L. The Assemblies of God: A Chapter in the Story of American Pentecostalism. 2 Vols. Springfield, Mo.: Gospel Publishing House, 1989. Brumback, Carl. Suddenly…From Heaven. Springfield, Mo.: Gospel Publishing House, 1961. Goss, Ethel E. The Winds of God. 2nd ed. Hazelwood, Mo.: Word Aflame Press, 1977. Lewis, Richard A. “E.N. Bell, An Early Pentecostal Spokesman” (unpublished paper), 1985. Menzies, William W. Anointed To Serve, the Story of the Assemblies of God. Springfield, Mo.: Gospel Publishing House, 1971. 405


leaders of the Apostolic Faith movement. He received higher education at Stetson University, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the University of Chicago.410 1908

Parham holds a successful tent meeting in Tulsa Oklahoma.411


Sister Hopkins elected Chair of the PAW. J.J. Frazee elected Secretary. The previous secretary (Brother J. E. and his wife Margaret Clark412) was leaving for the mission field in India.413


Pinson and Rodgers meet with Tomlinson in Cleveland, Tennessee. The discussion is on appropriate names for Apostolic Faith congregations. Rogers and Pinson like the name Church of God and Tomlinson assures them that their use of the name would imply no relationship to his own movement.414 Rodgers envisioned an association of those who spoke in tongues. Toward that goal he organized a loose regional fellowship; the Pentecostal Association of the Mississippi Valley.415 Rogers then proceeded to set in order several churches under the name Church of God.416 He was also licensing and ordaining ministers and planned to apply for membership with the Southern Clergy Bureau.417


Arnulfo M. Lopez, one of many Hispanic followers of Parham evangelizes San Antonio, Texas. Followers of Charles Parham’s Apostolic Faith movement were the catalyst to the birth of the Latino Pentecostal movement. This started in Houston, Texas.418


http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=20764276 Ibid. Sarah Parham. 412 Voice in the Wilderness. “Missionary Report” October 1916. No. 18. 2. 413 R. C. Lawson. 414 Vision of the Disinherited. The Making of American Pentecostalism. Oxford University Press. 1979. 415 Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture Pg. 75. 416 Mack M. Pinson to J. Roswell Flower. 19 December 1950. Mark M. Pinson File. AGA. 417 J. Roswell Flower to Mack M. Pinson. 4 January 1950. Mack M. Pinson File. Flower quotes minutes of a ministers meeting at the Churches of God in Slocum Alabama. February 10, 1911. 418 Latino Pentecostals in America. Faith and Politics in Action. Harvard University Press. 2014. Pages: 60–82 411



Stanley Frodsham joins an Apostolic Faith Church in Bournemouth which had a primary emphasis on prophecy and the restoration of the ministries of Apostles and Prophets.419


Tomlinson elected General Overseer of the Church of God a post he would serve till 1923.420


February 26, 1909, Frank Bartleman ministers at both Azusa Street and at Eighth and Maple with a strong sense of God’s power and anointing.421


Early in 1909 the Pentecostal Missionary Union is born in the vicarage of All Saints Episcopal.422 Boddy's great friend Cecil Polhill became the first chairman. A publication by A. A. Boddy a magazine called "CONFIDENCE" did much to spread and stabilize the young Pentecostal Movement until 1926.'423

Assembly of God Headquarters 1914. Findlay Ohio The storefront building was made available by T. K. Leonard


March. Parham family relocates back to Baxter Springs, Kansas.


April 11, 1909. Easter Sunday. Parham holds what he deems his best meeting ever in Brookshire, Texas.424


May 23, 1909 – Conference in London. It was not a congregation of fanatic and bewildered individuals that had assembled at Sion College. It was composed of sober-thinking, level-headed men and women, moved with hearts' desire to live their lives according to the will of God, and to His Glory. There was a solemn hush upon us when we entered the beautiful, church-like hall. On the low platform were seated the strong, Biblebelieving men, heading this blessed Pentecostal Movement in Europe.


W. E. Warner art. 'International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements' 2002, Richard M. Riss ‘Latter Rain’ 1987. 420 Conn, Charles W (2008) [1955], Like a Mighty Army. 421 Frank Bartleman, How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles (Los Angeles: Frank Bartleman, 1925), 422 Donald Gee, 'These Men I Knew,' 1965 and 'Wind and Flame,' 1941 and 1967; D.D.Bundy art. 'International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements' 2002. 423 Ibid. IDPCM. 424 Parham. Pg. 209.


There was the happy, energetic missionary Cecil Polhil, the Anglican minister Brother Boddy, our dear own Brother Barratt, the blessed Pastor Polman from Amsterdam, much used of God. In the first row we noticed Pastor Paul and Brother Booth-Clibborn, General Booth's son-in-law, who was, for the most part, busy interpreting. The hall was crowded with friends from England, Germany, Scandinavia, etc. The audience appeared to consist of intellectual, educated people. After singing of hymns and fervent prayer Pastor Barratt gave his substantial and instructive lecture on prophecy. He concluded in an earnest exhortation to the believer to keep close to the Word of God, and not to despise prophetic utterances; but to prove all things, keep that which is good, eschew the appearance of all evil. After a break for dinner the meeting continued at 3 p.m. Brother Polhill requested all those who might be offended at manifestations in the course of these meetings to put such things before God in earnest prayer, and continue with us in a prayerful spirit, then God could get a chance to pour out His blessings. 1909

May 29, 1909. H. M. Turney elected to take the place of J. O. Lehman as treasurer at the Apostolic Faith Mission in Pretoria, South Africa.425


Church of God with Signs Following organized as a separate religious body. Their main distinctive is a misinterpretation of Scripture which they use to encourage their members to handle snakes as part of the worship.426


June. The Church of God is organized (Dothan, Alabama) – H.G. Rogers, M.M. Pinson D.J. Dubose, and J.W. Ledbetter (merged with Church of God in Christ [White] in 1913). It appears this was a group in thought only with no official organizational documents.


The Azusa Street Mission and Revival By Cecil M. Robeck. Pg. 279. 426 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_God_with_Signs_Following



Tomlinson had extraordinary success at the Pleasant Grove Campground near Tampa, Florida. While in Florida, Tomlinson received into the Church of God several ministers who would provide leadership in the following decades. Among them were native Bahamians Edmond and Rebecca Barr, who received the baptism with the Holy Spirit during that meeting, and a retired Methodist minister, R. M. Evans.427


Stanley Frodsham began his publishing ministry when he introduced a Pentecostal paper called Victory, a monthly paper that reported on the Pentecostal revival that was sweeping the world.428


June 7, 1909. Sunderland Conference. “Yesterday I took the express at 7.23 in the morning from Sunderland, together with Bro. Beyerhaus, from Berlin. We arrived here about 6 p.m. I had the privilege of seeing several parts of this beautiful place, and the town is really like a garden of flowers. The meetings started here to-day, and the people expect great things from the Lord. Bro. Boddy will arrive here to-night, and will continue to Southampton, probably tomorrow. There he takes a liner for U.S.A. The dear Lord has already wrought great things here. Our friends have a hall of their own. Bro. Hutchinson and wife, both evangelists, have the leadership here. Young Bro. Frodsham is the editor of the Pentecostal paper in this town; its name is "Victory." I am staying at his mother's home. They have a beautiful home. To-morrow one of her sons marries a Danish nurse, who has lived in this country for about seven years. They are all in the Movement. Pray for Bournemouth these days, friends. I do marvel at the great things the Lord performs in various parts of Great Britain at the present time. Pray on! Hallelujah!�429


July 6, 1909. The Pentecostal Missionary Union is established in Alliance Ohio by Levi Lupton.430


Luigi Francescon and Giacomo Lombardi begin Italian Pentecostal movements in the U.S., Italy, Argentina, and Brazil.

427 428

http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/pentecostal/how-pentecost-came-to-britain T. B. Barratt's personal diary, printed in the Redemption Tiding's Magazines of December 1933, January and February 1934. 430 Ibid. Horton. Pg. 206. 429



German evangelicals condemn Pentecostals in the "Berlin Declaration". Jonathan Anton Alexander Paul (1853–1931) was a German Pentecostal minister, writer, theologian, and Bible scholar and translator. In 1906, Jonathan Paul visited Thomas Ball Barratt in Oslo and became Pentecostal. The German evangelical leadership condemned Pentecostalism in the Berlin Declaration in 1909.431


September 2, 1909. Parham’s Pentecostal Camp Meeting Topeka Kansas.432


Howard and Millicent Goss establish an Apostolic Faith church in Malvern Arkansas. By the end Maria Woodworth-Etter Tent Meeting circa 1910 of the year they have 152 who have received their ‘pentecost’433


October 1909. Florence Crawford leads the Apostolic Faith Church in Portland, Oregon as an independent mission. In an attempt to wrestle control of the Apostolic Faith Church from Crawford, Jennie Moore and 2 other board members go to Portland to incorporate the Apostolic Faith Mission.434 It was simply dirty politics. Seymour’s attempt to take back the Apostolic Faith mission in this way proved fruitless. Florence Crawford and Clara Lum refused to recognize Seymour (or his board’s) authority (just like Seymour had failed to lead his board to working with Parham).435


November. William Oliver Hutchinson, started a Pentecostal Church in Britain (The Emmanuel Mission Hall, Bournemouth). It soon became the headquarters of a large network of Pentecostal assemblies, known as Apostolic Faith Church.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Paul The Pentecost. Vol. 1. No. 7. Kansas City Missouri. June 1909. 433 Goss diary, December 26, 1909. 434 Azusa. Morgan. 435 Roebuck. Pg. 316. 432



November 5, 1909. “The first Pentecostal church building in Great Britain, Emmanuel Mission Hall. It owed its origins to the ministry of William Oliver Hutchinson. By 1909, Hutchinson’s influence was already such that one of the guest speakers at the opening services was no less a person than Cecil Polhill, one of the famed Cambridge Seven. Hutchinson is most definitely the father of the twentieth century apostolic-type of Pentecostal movements in Great Britain. The Apostolic Faith Church, Bournemouth, the Apostolic Church, Penygroes, and the United Apostolic Faith Church, London all owe their introduction to the apostolic ministry to this valiant pioneer preacher who believed that God would restore the New Testament ministries and offices of apostle and prophet.”436


An Anglo-American woman was probably the first person to preach the Pentecostal message in Puerto Rico in 1909, the first person to plant a lasting Pentecostal work on the island was Juan León Lugo (1890– 1984).437


E.W. Doak becomes a trustee at the Apostolic Faith Mission in Portland under Florence Crawford.


Apostolic Faith Church of God Inc. in Hansom Virginia by Elder Charles W. Lowe. Worked in unison with William Seymour. Chartered in Maryland in 1938 and in Washington DC in 1965.


January 22, 1910, the Star-Telegram reported, “Fellowship from the church has been withdrawn from Rev. E. N. Bell, former pastor of the First Baptist church of North Fort Worth, by the congregation, because of his embracing the Apostolic faith or Gift of Tongues‘ sect.”438


Who Hath Believed Our Report - 20th Century Testimonies. A brief Chronicle of the Modern Pentecostal Movement's Rejection of Kingdom and Covenantal Bible Truth. Foreword. Pastor Ronald A. Poch. 437 P E R S P E C T I V A S H I S PANIC THEOLOGICAL INITIAT I V E OCCASIONAL PAPER SERIES ISSUE SEVEN, FALL 2003 Renata Furst-Lambert, Zaida Maldonado Pérez, associate editor. Pg. 30. 438 “Finds New Faith on Eve of Losing Old One.”Fort Worth Star-Telegram (22 January 1910): 2.



January. After selling his own possessions to finance the trip, R. M. Evans joined the Barrs in the Bahama Islands. His wife and the young Carl M. Padgett accompanied him. Thus, Evans became the first Church of God missionary to take the gospel from homeland to foreign soil.439


William Howard Durham begins "Finished Work" movement in Chicago. ‘Durham was a mentor to a whole generation of Pentecostal leaders: Louis Francescon, who preached among Italians in North America, Argentina, Brazil, and Italy; F.A. Sandgren, a pioneer among Scandinavians in the Midwest, one of them Daniel Berg, a Swedish Pentecostal missionary in Brazil; Andrew Urshan, a leader W. H. Durham in the Persian and Assyrian; Andrew H. Argue, pastor in Canada; Eudorus N. Bell, a leader in the Assemblies of God; Aimee Semple McPherson, evangelist and church founder; John C. Sinclair, pastor in Chicago and church founder; and Frank Ewart and Howard A. Goss, leaders in the Oneness Pentecostalism.”440 Like most of the Apostolic Faith movement leaders Durham was a staunch Congregationalist and against denominationalism.441 E.N. Bell received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at Durham’s church in Chicago

. 1910


February 14, 1910. H. M. Turney resigned from the Apostolic Faith Mission in South Africa. He turned his church in Pretoria over to Archibald Cooper. That church would become the first of a new denomination; the Full Gospel Church.442 One congregation he has pastored will become the seed to the Full Gospel Church of South Africa. A second one will become the base church for the Assemblies of God of South Africa.443 Alice Eveline Luce (1873-1955) church planter in India when she sought and allegedly received here Pentecostal experience in 1910. Later she established the Berean Bible Institute in San Diego for the purpose of


Conn, Charles W (2008) [1955], Like a Mighty Army. Riss, R.M. "Durham, William" in The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, 2002. pp. 594-595. 441 Hollenweger, Walter. The Pentecostals 442 Roebuck. Pg. 279. 443 http://www.312azusa.com/timeline/h-m-turney-in-south-africa 440


training Hispanic preachers. She had a wide influence through her literature, including a Bible school curriculum, lessons for Sunday School quarterlies, several books, and regular contributions to the Apostolic Light magazine.444 1910

March 1, 1910 heralded the first issue of The Evening Light and Church of God Evangel, which remains the official voice of the Church of God. The masthead of that first issue included quotations of Acts 2:1, 2:4 and 10:46. The title reflected both the words of Zechariah, “But it shall come to pass that at evening time it shall be light” (14:7), and the church’s confidence that they were living in the evening of the gospel age. The Pentecostal light was that evening light sent to provide for the gathering of the final harvest.445


March 17, 1910, Bartleman left home for an eleven-month mission. During this time, his family stayed back and received support from others. Meanwhile, Bartleman travelled through England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Holland, Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland and Italy. He also visited the Holy Land, Egypt, India, Ceylon, China, Japan, and Honolulu. This journey took Bartleman 36,000 miles, 25,000 miles on the open sea.446

Racist Indianapolis Star article about G. T. Haywood meetings 1910


Church of God missionary Sam C. Perry took the Pentecostal message to Cuba in 1910.


Mother Hall of Houston Texas holds a series of Apostolic Faith meetings in Livingston, Texas.447


May 26, 1910. George Berg writes to Charles Parham from Bangalore India about the progress of the Apostolic Faith in India. He says they have


Ibid. Women in Religion. A. J. Tomlinson, “Apology for above Title,” The Evening Light and Church of God Evangel, March 1, 1910, 1. 446 Frank Bartleman, How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles (Los Angeles: Frank Bartleman, 1925), 447 The Gospel of the Kingdom. The Gospel of the Kingdom Publishing Company. No. 7 Pg. 3. 445


services every day in more than 4 different languages, hundreds are saved.448 1910

June 5th. Apostolic Faith rally in Spring River, Kansas.449


Leonard P. Adams formed another smaller white fellowship that also utilized Church of God in Christ credentials.450


July 1st. Parham begins meeting in Los Angeles at 209 East Street. They last well into August.451


With Parham in Los Angeles, leaders of Charles F. Parham’s Apostolic Faith Movement such as E. N. Bell, Howard A. Goss, D. C. Opperman, and Arch P. Collins could be found distancing themselves from Parham by signing credentials which commended their bearers to the “‘CHURCHES OF GOD IN CHRIST,’ and in unity with the Apostolic Faith Movement.”452 Turns out that the whole Churches of God in Christ idea was disingenuous as there was no real association with the Church of God in Christ (COGIC). These men make the case (repeated by many historians) that Charles Parham’s ministry ended in 1907. Yet, Parham is active in person and through his disciples till his death in 1929 and his ministry continues in a plethora of groups, ministries, organizations and fellowships both directly and indirectly.


Millicent McClendon Goss dies in childbirth.453 The world loses an amazing woman of God. Howard Goss turns the church in Malvern Arkansas over to E. N. Bell. Bell marries a widow from Fort Worth.454 Goss also turns over the publication he called the Apostolic Faith. This Apostolic Faith publication was one of Howard Goss’ not the one that Parham began. There were several of these types of newspapers all called Apostolic Faith.455 While the ‘rights’ the name were certainly


Ibid. Parham. Pg. 233. 450 David D. Daniels, “Charles Harrison Mason: The Interracial Impulse of Early Pentecostalism,” in Portraits of a Generation: Early Pentecostal Leaders, ed. James R. Goff, Jr. and Grant Wacker (Fayetteville, AR: The University of Arkansas Press, 2002), 264-5. 451 Ibid. Parham 452 Sample copies are on file with the Assemblies of God Archives in Springfield, Missouri, 1445 Boonville Ave., Springfield, MO, 65802. 453 Adapted from: Howard A. Goss: A Pentecostal Life (Word Aflame Press, 2010), by Robin Johnston. T 454 Endorus N. Bell File. AGA. 455 Ibid. Johnson. 449


Parham’s, there is no record that he took exception with those who used the name for their group or publication whether they were friendly toward him or hostile. Howard Goss apparently printed this one as part of the patricide plan he and Carothers developed to defraud Parham of his influence in the Apostolic Faith movement he founded. 1910

George Jeffreys receives his Pentecost at All Saints Episcopal Church. He begins preaching a Christocentric message that becomes known as the ‘four square’ gospel. Jesus is Saviour, Healer, Baptizer and Coming King.456


September 1, 1910. Interstate Camp Meeting of the Apostolic Faith Movement People. Hosted by Charles and Sarah Parham in Baxter Springs.457


December 25, 1910. Sunday. All day meeting with Charles Parham in Baxter Springs Kansas.458


February 10, 1911. Slocum Alabama. Rogers holds a ministers meeting under the banner of the Churches of God.459


February 14, 1911. By 1911 there were at least 11 Pentecostal congregations operating in Los Angles. William Durham arrives at Azusa Street. Upper Room is the largest Pentecostal Church in the city and Azusa has reverted to being small and predominately black.460 Elmer Fisher declines to open his pulpit to Durham. However, Seymour opens the opportunity and then takes a trip of his own to minister leaving Durham ministering at Azusa.


February 25, 1911. Durham’s ministry brings the crowds back to Azusa. Hundreds are turned

Alice B. Garrigus, , founded and nurtured the Newfoundland Pentecostal Movement until her death in 1949. This photograph was taken in 1910.


Edsor, Albert W (1964). George Jeffreys, man of God: The story of a phenomenal ministry. Ludgate Press. 457 The Kingdom of Heaven (newsletter). Pg. 3. Undated (circa 1909). 458 The Gospel of the Kingdom Newsletter. Pg. 3. December 18, 1910. 459 J. Roswell Flower to Mack M. Pinson. 4 January 1950. Mack M. Pinson File. Flower quotes minutes of a ministers meeting at the Churches of God in Slocum Alabama. February 10, 1911. 460 Roebuck. Pg. 315.


away from nightly services. Frank Bartleman commented, “The fire began to fall at old Azusa as at the beginning. I attended these meetings with great interest and joy.”461 Seymour returned in April and was less enthusiastic sensing that Durham was departing from the message of their church with his “Finished Work’ doctrine.462 1911

April 16, 1911. Easter Sunday. Bethesda Mission established in Newfoundland. This was to become the centre of Pentecostal activity in Newfoundland.463 The roots of Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle as a congregation go back to the very beginning of the Pentecostal denomination in Newfoundland. This new church movement was birthed in the province by an American – Miss Alice Garrigus – who arrived in St. John’s in 1910.464


The Evening Light and Church of God Evangel was eight pages and about 8 ½ by 11 inches. The biweekly publication sold for three cents per copy with a one-year subscription costing fifty cents. In 1911 the name was changed to The Church of God Evangel as it is today.465


Los Angeles city directory lists a Spanish Apostolic Faith Mission at 627 Alpine, pastored by Reverend G. Valenzuela.466


April 30, 1911. Sunday evening. Durham calls for a confidence vote in an attempt to oust Seymour from Azusa. The show of hands was overwhelmingly in Durham’s favor. However, the next day Seymour gathered his duly elected board members and Durham’s revival was over.467 Durham would claim it was racially motivated. This was no more racially motivated than was Parham’s response to the wild demonstrations at Azusa years earlier.


http://www.zionchristianministry.com/azusa/the-life-and-ministry-of-frank-bartleman/#sdfootnote78sym Roebuck. Pg. 317. 463 http://www.heritage.nf.ca/articles/society/pentecostal.php 464 http://www.elim.nf.ca/history 465 Minutes of the Sixth Annual Assembly, 10. 466 Migrating Faith: Pentecostalism in the United States and Mexico in the. Daniel Ramírez. Pg. 219. 467 Roebuck. Pg. 317 462



May 2, 1911. “It was time for church and the crowd came, but the doors of Azusa Mission were padlocked shut. A new era had begun. By the time the dust had settled, so to speak, Azusa had become a small, mostly black mission with mostly the same people who first met there five years earlier. The ruckus had been participated when William Durham, a Chicago area evangelist, came to Los Angeles and tried to unseat Seymour and replace him as Azusa pastor.” While Bartleman claimed that there was an attempt to unseat Seymour and others claimed Seymour was out of town. Arthur G. Osterberg [his father was on the board of the Azusa Church], claimed that Seymour allowed Durham to speak on his “Finished Work” on a Sunday and then would not allow him to minister again.468 In truth, Seymour had allowed Durham to minister for more than 2 months before deciding it was enough.


May 7, 1911. A week later Durham opened Full Gospel Assembly. A padlock kept the charismatic preacher out, but it could not keep the congregation in. Durham had stolen the heart of the congregation and took COGIC 1933 most of them to a rented th hall at 7 and Los Angeles streets. Several hundred were in attendance.469 The Upper Room closed as most of the members joined Durham’s new church and Elmer Fisher retired.470 This was a major turn of events in the affairs of Old Azusa Mission; it was never the same. Occasionally some of the well-known people who had attended there at the beginning would return to reminisce, but the former splendor had dissipated.”471 This incident would apparently lend some level of paranoia for the Azusa Street church.472


The Beginning Story of Azusa Street. A Memoir by Arthur G. Osterberg Roebuck. Pg. 317. 470 Roebuck Pg. 317 471 AZUSA BOOKS. THE AZUSA STREET MISSION TIME LINE Amos Morgan. Copyright © 2007 472 The Beginning Story of Azusa Street. A Memoir by Arthur G. Osterberg 469



May. Mason traveled to Norfolk and Newport News, Virginia. He reported, “Sinners sent letters to us asking us to come and preach the gospel to them in the streets [and] the white people ask for the same.”473


Mason appointed Mrs. Lizzie W. Robinson as head of COGIC’s Women’s Department. Robinson established the Prayer and Bible Bands and helped structure the Foreign Missions Department.474


John W. “Daddy” Welch received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He served in the AG as Chairman (1915-1920 and 1923-1925) and Secretary (1920-1923).


William Durham opens his own mission, the Kohler Street Mission475, at 7th and Los Angeles Streets in Los Angeles. Bartleman said this about the meetings, “A Thousand people attended the meetings here on Sundays. We had an ordinary congregation of four hundred week nights. Here the ‘cloud’ rested. God’s glory filled the place. “Azusa” became deserted. The Lord was with Brother Durham in great power. God sets His seal especially on present truth to be established. He preached a gospel of salvation by faith. He was used mightily to draw a new a clear line of Roster of the 1912 demarcation between salvation by works and faith, Church of God in between law and grace. This had become very Christ Apostolic Faith (White) much needed, even among the Pentecostal people.”476


Summer. Florence Crawford opens a mission at 115 E. First Street in Los Angeles. Installs Herb Green as pastor.477 Seymour came to Portland in mid-summer 1911 and said Crawford was trying to assume his leadership. He demanded that all mail addressed to The Apostolic Faith be forwarded to Los Angeles and that he be given the current mailing list (which had tripled in size during the three years in Portland.) He also rescinded Ernest William’s ministerial license while in Portland because


C. H. Mason, ―[no title]‖ The Whole Truth (October 1911): 2. https://tennesseeencyclopedia.net/entry.php?rec=1624 475 Clayton, “The Significance of William H. Durham for Pentecostal Historiography,” 31, 32. 476 http://www.zionchristianministry.com/azusa/the-life-and-ministry-of-frank-bartleman/#sdfootnote78sym 477 Azusa. Morgan. 474


Williams, when asked, indicated that he would continue to preach in the Portland church.478 It is unclear whether this license was with the Apostolic Faith (Parham) where we know that Seymour held license or if it was with the Pentecostal Assemblies or some other group. Whatever the group it is apparent that Seymour held sway there. “Earnest Williams an eye witnessed to the Seymour visit to Portland said that Seymour came there to confront Crawford and accuse her of trying to take the leadership of the group.479 1911

August 21, 1911. F. F. Bosworth was invited to Hearne, Texas by the organizers of an African-American Pentecostal camp meeting. Apparently, many of the local white citizens of Hearne had become interested in the teachings of Pentecostalism, often gathering to hear the “preaching and testimonies of the Colored people.” However, they were hesitant to “seek the Baptism at a colored altar”; so, they asked the African-American pastor to find a white Apostolic Faith minister to come and teach them about Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Bosworth agreed to come, but when he arrived, he preached to both the white and the African American congregants. After the meeting, Bosworth and his white companion “were attacked by several roughs,” who cursed Bosworth for putting “them on a level with the d_ _n niggers.” Bosworth refuted the charges, claiming that he had “no thought or desire of pushing them on a level with anyone but that it was the white people who wanted [him] to come.”480 The mob accepted Bosworth‘s insisted that he and his associate should take the next train out of town. Yet while waiting for the train, Bosworth was attacked again by an even larger mob, eventually escaping and walking nine miles to the next town to catch a train. Interpreting the attacks as an opportunity to experience the same physical persecution as Jesus, Bosworth expressed his sense of privilege at being persecuted for preaching the gospel.481


Garfield Thomas (G. T.) Haywood becomes a member of the Pentecostal Assemblies headquartered in Portland Oregon. He is the


Azusa. Morgan. Time Out. #9 Douglas Nelson, p 57 For Such a Time as This Larry Martin, p 157 The Life and Ministry of William J. Seymour 480 F. F. Bosworth, ―Beating in Texas Follows Ministry to Blacks: F. F. Bosworth’s 1911 Letter to His Mother‖ Assemblies of God Heritage (Summer 1986): 5. 481 Ibid., 14. 479


pastor of Christ Temple, Indianapolis Indiana (a mission work of Azusa Street). He prints a newsletter called, Voice in the Wilderness. He will become the most notable member of the Pentecostal Assemblies in the group’s history. This group becomes the catalyst for more than a dozen major ministerial organizations. 1911

September 29, 1911. Ethel Wright disciple of Charles Parham and pastor of the Apostolic Faith church in Galena Kansas marries Howard Goss another Parham disciple.482 The new couple took their gospel tent to Hot Springs, Arkansas, in 1912 and settled there as pastor. From there Goss would begin his lifelong quest to create an organization that would control the Apostolic Faith and/or the Pentecostal movement. He would be successful in assisting in the creation of several organizations including the Assemblies of God and the United Pentecostal Church but not one unified one.


December 10. Perris, California (Near Los Angeles). Parham holds Apostolic Faith meetings. The meetings continue till January 31st 1912.483


January 31st. Parham opens meetings in Los Angeles by calling for a 10 day fast.484


Dewar, Oklahoma. Apostolic Faith Mission founded. Was known as the "Little Green Mission". In 1919 the Mission became the Pentecostal Assembly of the World with Pastor Duca.485


July 20th, 1912. The Church of God in Christ Apostolic Faith has it First Convention ministers meeting in Malvern, Arkansas. Officers: E. N. Bell, Howard Goss, D.C.O. Opperman, and A. P. Collins.


Charles Parham calls William Durham a false prophet because of his ‘finished work’ doctrine and declares that God will kill either himself or the popular Durham. Strangely, within 6 months, Durham (age 39) dies. Parham claims vindication but it does very little to dampen Durham’s followers or his message.486


Adapted from: Howard A. Goss: A Pentecostal Life (Word Aflame Press, 2010), by Robin Johnston. T Parham. Pg. 239. 484 Ibid. Parham. 485 http://www.dewarupc.org/about-us 486 Pentecostalism in America. R. G. Robins. Pg. 483



Maria Woodworth-Etter becomes a popular Pentecostal preacher in Dallas drawing crowds as large as 25,000.


Stephen Jacob Jackson Frazee becomes Chairman of the original Pentecostal Assemblies (PAW). He would lead this nascent group until they merged with the GAAA in 1918. John Mautz becomes Secretary.


October 19, 1912. Frank Bartleman takes his 2nd Missionary Journey through Europe and beyond.487


November 13, 1912. George Jeffreys set apart for the ministry by the Independent Apostolic Church known as Emmanuel Christ Church, Maesteg UK.


January 4, 1913. Carothers multiyear mission to oust Parham was not going fast enough so he and his friends turn their attention on changing the Apostolic Faith name they had all been using. “The Apostolic Faith congregation in Fort Worth, pastored by Collins, was referred to as a “Church of God in Christ.” by the Fort Worth StarTelegram in 1913, signaling a change in the church‘s name.”488


487 488

Grand Opera House in Hot Springs Arkansas

Robert and Anna Cook and their two daughters arrive in India as missionaries. Their home church is the Upper Room in Los Angeles Calif40ornia pastored by Elmer Kirk Fisher. Although Anna died in 1917, Robert served in India until his retirement in 1947. While there he preached, planted churches, opened an orphanage, and established Mt. Zion Bible Institute to train ministers. Recognizing the tenuousness of his financial support and that he would one day be unable to care for the growing ministry, Cook began to pray for a Pentecostal group with which to align his ministry. Because of the evil oppression of the Indian caste

http://www.zionchristianministry.com/azusa/the-life-and-ministry-of-frank-bartleman/#sdfootnote78sym “Church of God in Christ”. Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 4 January 1913, p. 8.



system, he desired a church body that would treat their Indian brothers and sisters as equal partners in ministry.489 February 20. Parham returns to Perris California (Los Angeles area) for meetings.490


“Robert (R.J.) Scott visited a Maria Woodworth-Etter revival at F.F. Bosworth's mission in Dallas, Texas. He invites Woodworth-Etter to Los Angeles to preach the first world-wide Pentecostal camp meeting in Arroyo Seco, in order to help unify the movement.”491 R. J. Scott and George Studd were the organizers of the World Wide Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting.


March. Donald Gee baptized in the Holy Spirit.492


PAW moves headquarters from Los Angeles California to Portland Oregon. Garfield Thomas Haywood becomes General Secretary.493


April 15, 1913. 7th Worldwide Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting organized by R. J. Scott and George Studd and held at Arroyo Seco near Los Angeles. Even though R. J. Scott was a former aide, Seymour attended the camp meeting but he played virtually no role, while Maria Woodworth-Etter who had joined the movement the year before was the camp evangelist.494 Parham is also in the area at the


AG 1 Executive Presbytery. April 1914 Front (L to R) T. K. Leonard, E.N. Bell, and Cyrus Fockler. Back (L to R) J. W. Welch, J. Roswell Flower, D.C. O. Opperman, Howard Goss, and M. M. Pinson.


http://www.faithnews.cc/?p=10993 Church of God Historian David G. Roebuck, Ph.D., who is director of the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center and assistant professor of the history of Christianity at Lee University. This “Church of God Chronicles” was first published in the February 2006 Church of God Evangel. 490 Parham. 242. 491 Apostolic Archives. 492 Donald Gee, 'These Men I Knew' 1965; Desmond Cartwright art. 'International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements' 2002. 493 493 th Contender For the Faith Magazine. COOLJC. 90 Year Anniversary Special. Bishop Robert Clarence Lawson In The Pentecostals of the World. Alexander C. Stewart. 2009. Pg. 1. 494 “Church of God in Christ.” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 4 January 1913, p. 8.


time but it is unclear if he is in attendance. 1913

Annual Conference of the PAW is held at Christ Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana. This would become an annual event that was held from 19131916.495


July 14. Apostolic Faith Annual Camp meeting in Baxter Springs Kansas.496 A ten day fast is called. No food is served at the camp meeting.


Eudorus Neander Bell calls for an organization for Pentecostals through his magazine Word and Witness, edited by Bell at Malvern, Arkansas. Others who are with Bell in organizing a ministerial group are Howard A. Goss, Daniel C. O. Opperman, Archibald P. Collins, and Mack M. Pinson. Parham denounces these men as “a bunch of imitating, chattering, wind-sucking, holy-roller preachers�.497 The group met at Hot Springs and agreed to form a loose confederation, and made its first headquarters at a Bible school in Findlay, Ohio. In 1915, the Assemblies of God moved its operations to Saint Louis.


February 6, 1914. Parham holds a multi-week meeting in Aylor Hall, Webb City Missouri. Hundreds are baptized in the Holy Spirit and healed.498


Church of God missionaries Brinson and Jennie Rushin traveled to China in 1914.


James Logan Delk (a white minister in the predominately black organization) was ordained in the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) by Bishop Mason. Later, he would run for governor in Kentucky, Missouri and Tennessee at different times. He was a staunch advocate for civil rights. He was known as the Kentucky Cylone Preacher.



Contender For the Faith Magazine. COOLJC. 90 Year Anniversary Special. Bishop Robert Clarence Lawson In The Pentecostals of the World. Alexander C. Stewart. 2009. Pg. 1. 496 Parham. Pg. 240. 497 Parham. Apostolic Faith. June 1912. 498 Parham. Pg. 251.



Paul helped to organize the Mülheim Association of Free Churches and Evangelical Communities, the first Pentecostal body in Germany in 1914, a fellowship gathering Pentecostals within the state and free churches. 499


March. Questions were being raised about the intentions of the organizers of the impending meeting to organize the church (this would become the AG). Some Pentecostals were concerned that the planners intended to “organize the Churches of God in Christ into man-made churches or denominations”. In the end, those concerned would be correct in that the new organization would make a man made denomination and then quickly adopt a man made Creed of their own based on a Roman Catholic Creed. Since Pentecostals had often been disfellowshipped by denominations for their doctrinal positions or rallied against stagnant denominational leadership, many were weary of organization and bureaucracy. To these fears, Goss and Pinson responded, “The chartering of the Churches of God in Christ is not man-made organization, but merely recognizing in a legal way that which is already in existence.”500 Goss and Pinson apparently did not even realize the goals of those with whom they had made their alliance and named the Assemblies of God.


March 26, 1914. W. G. Johnson opens the first Church of God in Christ in Michigan.501


Leanore O. Barnes (1854-1939) was an early Pentecostal evangelist. She preached in the Midwest and promoted the Pentecostal "baptism in the Holy Spirit" experience evidenced by tongues. Present when the


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Paul “General Convention of Pentecostal Saints and Churches of God in Christ” Word and Witness (20 December 1913): 1. 471 Howard A. Goss and Mack M. Pinson, “Important Notice About the General Assembly at Hot Springs, April 2-12 1914” Word and Witness (20 March 1914): 2. 501 http://emanuelministries.org/new_page_19.htm 500


Assemblies of God organized in 1914, but soon stayed with the Jesus name movement. She was associated with "Mother" MARY GILL MOISE (1850-1930) and her Faith Home for homeless girls in St. Louis, and this became a center for the Jesus name movement in that area after a visit in 1915 from evangelist Glenn Cook.502 The home was a way station for traveling Pentecostal preachers and also served as a Bible school. The various Pentecostal doctrines were taught here, including entire sanctification, healing in the atonement, and the Baptist of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of tongues.503 1914

The Azusa Mission was limited to Seymour and just a few other families, mostly those who were part of the original Bonnie Brae prayer meetings.504


Howard Goss is leading an Apostolic Faith group in Hot Springs Arkansas even though he has been officially removed from the Apostolic Faith since the summer of 1907.505


Apostolic Faith in Mexico. Romanita Carbajal de Massive tent used by George Jeffreys Valenzuela left the Spanish Apostolic Faith Mission in Los Angeles to spread the Pentecostal message in her hometown of Villa Aldama, Chihuahua, Mexico, where she converted a Methodist pastor named Ruben Ortega to Pentecostalism and helped plant the first known Pentecostal church in Mexico. 506


April 2-12, 1914. The Assemblies of God (AG) is organized out of schism from Charles Parham’s Apostolic Faith Movement. Howard Goss and Warren Faye Carothers formed this schism using their influence from their former positions with Parham’s Apostolic Faith group.


Dictionary, pp. 49,644 Ibid. Women in Religion. 504 Larry Martin, The Life and Ministry of William J. Seymour (Joplin, MO: Christian Life Books, 1999). 505 Blumhofer, Restoring the Faith, 117. 506 P E R S P E C T I V A S H I S PANIC THEOLOGICAL INITIAT I V E OCCASIONAL PAPER SERIES ISSUE SEVEN, FALL 2003 Renata Furst-Lambert, editor Zaida Maldonado Pérez, associate editor. Pg. 30. 503


They first formed the Church of God in Christ Apostolic Faith. Historians often refer to this group as the Church of God in Christ (white) to differentiate it from the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) of Bishop Mason. Apparently, they were using both the name of Parham’s group and the name of Mason’s group without the permission of either. They latter claimed they had Mason’s permission, but Mason had been led to believe the group was going to work with his organization not form an all white group of their own. To this organizational meeting came men from the Midwest USA who were primarily influenced by John Alexander Dowie and the Christian Catholic Church507. These were often referred to as Irvingites. This would eventually lead the group toward becoming “a branch of the one holy, universal and apostolic church.”508 This direction would be challenged by many of those with an Apostolic Faith background. E.N. Bell (Apostolic Faith) is elected the Chairman. Daniel Opperman is the Assistant Chairman. J. Roswell Flower is the General Secretary and Treasurer. The effort to organize is spearheaded by Howard Goss and W. Faye Carothers who used the Finish Work controversy as an Parham baptizing at Orchard Texas opportunity. The real issues they had with Parham appear to be about organizational control, tongues as the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit and blacks and women being licensed ministers. Woman and blacks would not be licensed pastors in the AG. This would be standard operation procedure for white organizations. Goss enlists the help of E.N. Bell to get the information out for ministers to come to the meeting through the Word and Witness. The “conference opened at the Grand Opera House in Hot Springs, Arkansas. It was an unusual and somewhat informal meeting, a gathering 507

In an attempt to appeal to appeal to or compete the growing Apostolic Faith movement, Dowie changes the name of his church in 1903 to the Christian Apostolic Church. 508 The Assemblies of God: Our Heritage in Perspective. Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center.


of 300 eager delegates, all of whom believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Not many Americans then believed in tongues speaking or other visible manifestations of the Spirit, such as healing, visions, and everyday miracles. This group did--and enthusiastically so.”509 Many of the key leaders of the Apostolic Faith movement are not in attendance at this meeting. Notably missing are Charles Parham, Glenn Cook, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Florence Crawford (the latter two presumably because of being woman ministers), William Seymour, (probably because he was black) and others. Although some expect that blacks made up as much as 70% of the Apostolic Faith movement (including the Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission) none were admitted as ministers of the new Assemblies of God organization. The next two years would see the AG use a series of corporate maneuvers to continue to keep their group ‘lily white’ including creating supposed ‘doctrinal differences’ to separate themselves from black ministers especially those associated with Parham and Seymour. The AG leaders chose to identify themselves as Pentecostals placing emphasis to the experience of speaking in tongues and distancing themselves from the Apostolic Faith (and Parham, Seymour, Lake and others) which was focused on the restoration of the Apostles doctrine. “The neophyte denomination stated that they neither intended to form a ‘sect’ nor establish ‘a human organization that forms law and established article of faith’.510 They failed at both. 1914

Belgium Congo. Pentecost comes led by C. T. Studd 'The whole place was charged as if with an electric current. Men were falling, jumping, laughing, crying, singing, confessing and some shaking terribly,' he reported. 'As I led in prayer the Spirit came down in mighty power


Christianity.com. Pulling Together, Assembly of God. Blumhofer, E. L. and C. R. Armstrong. "Assemblies of God." Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Stanley M. Burgess and Gary B. McGee, editors; Patrick H. Alexander, associate editor. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Regency Reference Library, 1988. Meade, Frank S. Handbook of Denominations in the United States. Nashville: Abingdon, 1980. Synan, Vinson. The Holiness-Pentecostal tradition: Charismatic movements in the twentieth century. Grand Rapids, Michigan: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1997. Wacker, Grant. "Assemblies of God." Encyclopedia of Religion in the South. Editor, Samuel S. Hill. Macon, Georgia: Mercer, 1984. 510 Combined MGCAG. St. Louis. Gospel Publishing House. 1914. WW 9. No. 12. 1913. 1.



sweeping the congregation. My whole body trembled with the power. We saw a marvelous sight, people literally filled and drunk with the Spirit.'511 April 12-26. Apostolic Faith Texas State Convention held in Temple Texas.512


May 19, 1914. While a few whites still attended the Azusa Street mission. The members unanimously passed this decision, “All leadership roles at the mission and its daughter churches, from the Bishop to the trustees would now be filled by people of Color.”513 Some equate this to the visit by Parham. However, that visit was 8 years earlier and there is no real evidence that Parham and Seymour were enemies. It does seem that this may have been prompted by the failed takeover of Seymour’s church by William Durham even though that was in 1911.


May. Frank Bartleman travels to St. Petersburg, Russia for meetings.514


July 8 – August 9, 1914. Cazadero Camp Meeting. California. Smith Wigglesworth is invited to fill in for Boddy. Boddy, from Sunderland, England, was obliged to leave us after a very short stay as the distressing War news caused him to feel that for the sake of his family he must return at once to England. We much enjoyed his short stay however, and were glad to hear of much blessed service for the Master on his way to us. “Our brother Mr. Wigglesworth, whom we had met in England in 1909, was making a tour of this country and Canada, and he felt a clear leading to come to our Camp Meeting. Many hearts are praising God that He sent him, and made him a very great blessing to all the Camp; God used him as a channel of blessing to many who sought and received healing, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.515


http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival Parham. Pg. 253. 513 Seymour, The Doctrines and Discipline, 48. 514 http://www.zionchristianministry.com/azusa/the-life-and-ministry-of-frank-bartleman/#sdfootnote78sym 515 Ibid. 512



November. The AG holds its Second Counsel in Chicago, Illinois. E. N Bell steps down as Chairman after only a few months in the post due to pressure from those who were opposed to his being baptized in Jesus name and being a proponent of the same. Archibald P. Collins becomes Chairman.


The General Council of the AG located its headquarters and publishing wing, Gospel Publishing House, in Findlay, Ohio.516


J. Roswell Flower sent a telegraph to G. T. Haywood in Indianapolis, Indiana, warning him that Glenn Cook was coming with what he deemed the divisive doctrine of baptism in Jesus' Name.517 Of course, Flower was right about the ‘divisive’ nature of the Apostles Doctrine and would help lead the charge to adopt the Assemblies of God’s new Creed in 1916 aimed successfully at forcing those who would not kowtow to the imprimatur of the AG to leave the J. Roswell Flower group. This would become the GREAT PENTECOSTAL SCH|SM creating a wedge of offence caused by Flower and his cohorts that has never been resolved and certainly no repentance on the part of flower. Sadly, the Great Pentecostal Schism of 1916 would be called a “victory” by J. R. Flower.518


January 7, 1915. Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance is established in Monaghan Ireland. The members were Margaret Streight, R. E. (Ernest) Darragh, William Henderson, and Frederick Farlow.519 Alexander A. Boddy, Vicar of All Saints Church Monkwearmouth, Sunderland invited George Jeffreys to preach at his International Pentecostal Convention in Sunderland in May 1913. Between 1915 and 1934, Jeffreys was extremely active as a revivalist, and preached to large crowds throughout the United Kingdom. 520


https://ifphc.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=history.main Apostolic Archives. Historical Timeline 1915. 518 Weekly Evangel. October 21, 1913. Page 2. Flower said in his editorial, “Praise God for victory in the General Council which just closed. 519 Donald Gee, 'These Men I Knew' 1965; Desmond Cartwright art. 'International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements' 2002. 520 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elim_Pentecostal_Church 517


1915 1915

June 1-8. Parham holds meetings at the Opera House in Baxter Springs, Kansas.521 October 1915, Daniel Charles Owen (D.C.O.) Opperman organized the Ozark Bible and Literary School, a permanent Bible training institution under the auspices of the Assemblies of God, which he served as an executive presbyter until he was unceremoniously removed by the imprimatur of a group of AG leaders that wanted him out of the way because of his adherence to baptizing in the same manner that he New Testament Apostles baptized. Opperman is probably best remembered for his role in beginning Bible training schools for Pentecostal workers. He conducted many shortterm schools where Holy Ghost-filled saints were transformed in Gospel missionaries. Many future leaders in the Pentecostal movement attended Opperman’s schools, including Ralph M. Riggs, who later became a General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God. Daniel Charles Opperman

Originally known as Schools of the Prophets, Opperman’s training centers were run along the faith line - no tuition. Attendees prayed for what they got and got what they prayed for! He assembled schools in such diverse places as Houston, Texas, Joplin, Missouri, Anniston, Alabama, Des Moines, Iowa, and Hot Springs, Arkansas. 1915

“While riding a street-car, God spoke to G.T. Haywood, saying, "Walk in the light while you have it, lest ye walk in darkness. For he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whether he goeth". Haywood said, "Lord, I'll never be left in the dark". He de-boarded the street-car, and promptly had Bro. Glenn A. Cook re-baptize him in Jesus' Name.”522


William Seymour wrote a 95 page book, The Doctrines and Disciplines of the Azusa Street Apostolic Faith Mission of Los Angeles.523


Parham. Pg. 255. Apostolic Archives. 1915. 523 The Azusa Street Revival: When the Fire Fell-an In-Depth Look at the People. Roberts Liardon Pg. 191 522



April 4, 1915. Glenn Gook from Azusa Street visits the Azusa Mission in Indianapolis pastored by G. T. Haywood. Together they baptize the entire congregation (465 souls) of the Christ Temple Apostolic Faith Mission. Cook baptized the whites. Haywood baptized the blacks. J. Rosewell Flowers is annoyed with the whole event and vows to stop the idea of people getting baptized in Jesus name in the fledgling AG. The baptism took place at Fall Creek in Indianapolis. Among the notables that were baptized were the parents of the late Bishop Morris E. Golder.524


E.N. Bell General Superintendant of the Assemblies of God said that God spoke to him about being baptized in the Name of Jesus. The conviction was so irresistible that he called for Evangelist L.V. Roberts to baptize him. He then published an article strongly supporting Jesus name baptism and his Christocentric position. The letter would be so strong that Flower severely edit’s the content before printing the letter.


Pentecostal churches of Louisiana held their first camp meeting in 1915, at Merryville, Louisiana. At that time there were approximately seven established Pentecostal churches in the state. Brother Harvey Shearer was the camp chairman and Brother Robert LaFleur the camp evangelist. Over the next decade and a half, Pentecostal camp meetings were held around the state – notably in Kinder, Springhill, Dequincy, Oil City, Provencal, Lake Andrew D. Urshan Charles, and Oakdale – some in brush arbors, others under tents. Hundreds of ministers and workers came from sundry places and enjoyed fellowship and the Word of God together. Conditions were often primitive and necessitated sleeping on the ground, stretching tents, and sometimes even digging wells for water. The high spots of these meetings included the baptizing of converts and the ordination of ministers. Camp speakers during this time included such patriarchs as A. D. Urshan and O. F. Fauss.525


October 1-10, 1915. J. Roswell Flower, acting as the interim overseer of the Assemblies of God obtained authority to convene a Third General


"Time to Talk" Interview with Bishop Urshan and Bishop Golder. Light For Living with Dr. Rader Johnson. 525

Louisiana Camp Meeting web site.


Council to be held from October 1 through the 10th at St. Louis, Missouri specifically to address, discuss, and debate the issue of baptism. Flower is determined to make good on his vow to stamp out the Jesus name baptizers. The meeting was a witch hunt from the beginning. Newly elected Chairman John W. Welch has replaced E. N. Bell. Bell has privately stepped down because of his allegiance to Jesus name baptism and while he explains his revelation away later, his Jesus Name baptism article of 1915 has made put Counsel of Nicaea him on Flower’s black list. Therefore, Bell is not present at the meeting and Daniel Opperman who was originally elected Assistant Chairman joined Bell in being pressured out of office because of disagreement over baptismal formula. Both Bell and Opperman were at the time proponents of the Apostles baptismal method which was simply in baptism in Jesus name. They were not people that Flower wanted in the debate. G. T. Haywood who never joined the AG and others attempt to dialogue in hopes of not seeing division over baptismal formula, mode or method. However, they did not yet know that the debate was really about control [and for Haywood, his color was a factor]. The debate outcome had very little to do with doctrine as some white ministers from both sides of the argument would be comfortable with the AG’s ultimate position. Some would remain for a time and others longer. In the end the AG continues the work that Bell had begun (a work that the AG claimed in 1914 that they were against) to create a Creed for the nascent group.526




Haywood (who is not part of the AG because he is a black man)527 is there to debate for those who seek to continue the Protestant tradition of protesting or ignoring the Papacy, Papal edicts, manmade Creeds and Counsels of the Roman Church. It is notable that Haywood carried such influence that he was allowed to make his points. Yet, it also solidified the point that he was the spokesperson for black ministers even though there were more than 150 white ministers that were in agreement with him. The AG wanted to give the appearance that his point of view would be considered even though they were already drafting a position piece that would leave anyone who disagreed on the outside. They called their Creed: Statement of Fundamental Truths. There was no debate that Haywood and others who used the method of baptism in Jesus name was exactly how the Apostles baptized. The AG faction led by Flower wanted to force all ministers to embrace the triune formula added at the Counsel of Nicaea rather than the customary baptism in Jesus name as the Apostles practiced. Flower is in charge and he has already made it clear that his mind is closed on the subject.528 The easy solution would have been to allow either or both as men like Andrew Urshan proposed. However, that position is presuming that there was a desire for unity. The leaders of the AG were mostly focused on taking control. There would be no ‘come and let us reason together’. During this meeting G. T. Haywood is publicly insulted as the target of racial slurs and innuendo. This supposedly for his and others baptizing in Jesus name and not the fact that he was black. However, the slurs were racially oriented. This rebuke is led by two prominent Assemblies of God ministers: Kerr and Flower. These would claim that doctrine was the Parham family circa 1920 issue and not race. It could be argued that neither was relevant. The facts tell us that this was simply a corporate takeover.

527 528

Black ministers are not officially licensed by the Assemblies of God until 1969. https://oldlandmark.wordpress.com/category/people/trinitarian-pentecostals/joseph-rr-flower/


In any case The Great Pentecostal Schism was in full swing. Pentecostals would formally divide from the Apostolic Faith movement and over time form so many organizations [both Jesus name and Trinitarian persuasion] that it is very hard to count them 1916

January. All references to black ministers are removed from the new “Ministerial List of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.”529


On January 8, 1916, a number of the Welsh assemblies created the Apostolic Church in Wales (ACW).


The first Elim Church was opened in 1916 in Hunter Street, Belfast in a former laundry. Soon afterwards a more suitable building was found in Melbourne Street, Belfast. This would be the hub of the growing Elim work in Ireland for the next few years. They purchased a large tent to hold evangelistic campaigns, they looked for suitable buildings to gather the new converts and they sought every opportunity to reach people for Christ and pioneer new churches. By 1920 there were 15 Elim Churches in Ireland and 21 recognized Elim ministers.530


February 10. Parham holds a series of meetings in Michigan. Port Huron on the 10th.531


March 5, 1916. G. B. Cashwell dies.532


Fourth General Conference of the fledgling Assemblies of God. They adopt their new creed which they call the Statement of Fundamental Truths. Pledging to be a branch of the "one, holy, universal, and apostolic" church an obvious reference to the Roman Catholic Church.533


“Ministerial List,” Weekly Evangel, January 8, 1916, 12. http://georgejeffreysandstephenjeffreys.blogspot.com 531 Parham. 260. 532 Fire in the Carolinas: The Revival Legacy of G. B. Cashwell and A. B. Crumpler. R. Michael Thornton. Pg. 207. 533 https://ifphc.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=history.main 530


All ministers were told they had to accept the document or not join or remain a member of the nascent organization. In the end 156 ministers choose not to remain. How the vote went down is debated with neither side agreeing on what happened. What is clear is that there was a departure from the multi-cultural and non denomination focus of the Apostolic Faith movement. These new “Pentecostals” only admitted whites and men as ministers. The imprimatur of Howard Goss and W. Faye Carrothers on these points is certain. However, in the end, even Goss was not happy with what they had created. The New Issue as the AG called it was brought to the fore. Factions among the attendees championed either the Apostolic Faith position of Jesus name baptism like the Apostles baptized, or the traditional Roman Catholic position. The Jesus name group was slurred as “Oneness” by Flowers who led the charge. Offended by the slurs, the Jesus name adherents wore the designation “Oneness” like a red badge of courage. The Jesus name group countered by calling Flowers and Flowers’ group “Trinitarians”. 100 years later many are still divided because of these near sighted men. It is sad to think that the AG leaders thought baptism in Jesus name inferior to the Roman version and a Roman Catholic inspired man-made created creed superior to the Apostles of Jesus Christ. A third group tried to mediate and encourage that the issue to be sent to a committee for further study. Flowers would not allow this to happen and used his legalese and persuasion to propel the AG toward separation from those who refused to incite the Trinity in their baptismal services. At the conclusion of the 1915 debate they went to work drafting their ‘fundamentals’.


Bishop G.T. Haywood noted that these “fundamentals” were merely creeds by another name.534 Haywood realized that the AG had become a denomination. The Trinitarian faction, as they were deemed, controlled the key leadership and committee positions and like Theodosius of Rome thought they were in the stead of God. The committee that was to draft the statement of fundamental truths was solidly Trinitarian and contrary to the AG's original intention of not creating a denomination, was authorized so impose doctrinal Stanley H. limits upon the membership. The group opposed to Frodsham Jesus Name baptism had enough support to call for a decision on their New Issue. This would begin a pattern that the AG has used repeatedly to discharge those who disagree with them. 1916

At the AG Council Meeting, J. W. Welch is elected Chairman, J. R. Flower Secretary, John Goben Treasurer, and Stanley H. Frodsham elected General Secretary of the Assemblies of God.535 Executive Presbyters were E. N. Bell, R. A. Brown, Arch P. Collins, Andrew L. Fraser, A. G. Garr, S.A. Jamieson, D. W. Kerr, B. F. Lawrence, D. H. McDowell and Will C. Trotter.536


April 9. Parham begins another series of powerful meetings in Zion, IL.537 Thoro Harris is among the notable participants at the Lake Street Mission.


Francisco Olazábal, referred to as the Mexican Billy Sunday, leaves the Methodist Church to preach the full gospel as a Pentecostal.538

Juan Lugo Family


Voice in the Wilderness. G. T. Haywood. October 1916. The Weekly Evangel. October 21, 1916. Page two. 536 The Weekly Evangel. October 21, 1916. Page two. 537 Parham. 262. 538 Espinosa, Gaston (2014). Latino Pentecostals in America: faith and politics in action. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674728875. 535



Daniel Opperman changes the name of his school to the Pentecostal Bible and Literary School following the decision of the AG to force him as Assistant Chairman and others from the Apostolic Faith Movement out of the AG by adopting a man-made Creed.


August 30, 1916. Juan Lugo539 preaches in Puerto Rico. 1st known Pentecostal message to Puerto Rico.540


Unhappy with the Assemblies of God (AG) and the impending decision to force all those who hold to the Apostles doctrine of baptism in Jesus name out by creating their own Creed, Howard Goss, D.C.O. Opperman and others form the General Assembly of Apostolic Assemblies (GAAA). Opperman is the Chairman and Goss is the treasurer.541

Rev. Alexander and Margaret Howard

Like the AG this group is also white ministers and does not recognize women ministers or blacks. Opperman is the groups first and only Chairman. His renamed school becomes the groups Bible College for that short span. 1917

The (Original) Church of God shares a common origin and history with the Church of God (Cleveland) and several other Christian bodies named Church of God. The (Original) Church of God, Inc. came into being in 1917, when the Church of God, led by Joseph L. Scott, separated from the Cleveland-based church.542


Throughout 1917 and 1918 Mason and his fellow COGIC ministers were investigated by several agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for obstructing the draft, committing espionage, and possibly affiliating with German agents. The FBI agents were often contacted by local draft board


http://www.revjuanlugo.org Latino Pentecostals in America. Faith and Politics in Action. Harvard University Press. 2014. Pages: 192–232 541 https://oldlandmark.wordpress.com/tag/charles-parham/ 542 Encyclopedia of American Religions, J. Gordon Melton, editor. Handbook of Denominations in the United States (8th ed.), by Frank S. Mead and Samuel S. Hill 540


authorities who claimed that Mason‘s sermons were discouraging his male parishioners from reporting for service.543 1917

The Assemblies of God continues to use questionable methods to distance their organization from all those they deem undesirable by refusing to ordain a Chicago man named Alexander Howard as a missionary to Liberia -- on account of his race.544


Church of God missionary F. L. Ryder sailed to the Virgin Islands where he established a church before traveling on to South America.


Samuel N. Hancock is ordained and becomes assistant pastor at Christ Temple with Bishop G. T. Haywood.545


August. A clause was added to the COGIC constitution stating, “We believe that the shedding of human blood or the taking of human life to be contrary to the teachings of our Lord and Savior, and as a body we are averse to war in all its various forms.”546


October 4-17, 1917. Church of God Elders Counsel.


November. Leonard P. Adams and his church, The Grace and Truth Church of God in Christ host the annual COGIC Holy Convocation.547


January 1, 1918. The first class of the Church of God Bible Training School. The teacher was Nora Chambers, a licensed evangelist who had been working in the Publishing House as a proofreader. Chambers had attended Holmes College of the Bible in South Carolina and was one of the most educated ministers in the Church of God at that time. Twelve students began and six completed the first three-month term. They paid


FBI report of Agent Eugene Palmer; Jackson, MS: 20 June 1918, p. 4. Odie Tolbert Collection, University of Memphis; Memphis, TN. 544 'If I did not believe God loved the blackest Negro girl': Responses to American racism among early white Pentecostals, Daniel Silliman. February 26, 2014. 545 Bishop Samuel N. Hancock, Founder of the Pentecostal Church of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. https://oldlandmark.wordpress.com/2010/07/17/298/ 546 FBI Report by Agent Louie B. Henry; Texarkana, TX; 27 October 1918. Odie Tolbert Collection; University of Memphis; Memphis, TN. 547 5 Celebrating 90 Years, 5.


one dollar per week for tuition and studied the Bible, Hurlbut’s TeacherTraining Lessons, geography, spelling, English and music.548 1918

January 21-25th, 1918, J. J. Frazee chaired a business meeting in Saint Louis, Missouri for the Pentecostal Association. W. E. Kidson served as secretary to these proceedings. To this meeting came representatives of the GAAA including Opperman, Goss, Rogers and others. The vision was simple; unite the two factions that both had commonality in the Apostolic Faith Movement and represented the legitimate heirs of that legacy. In an effort toward unity on the part of both sides, the GAAA merges with the Pentecostal Assemblies at a meeting in Eureka Springs Arkansas and becomes officially the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW).


David Du Plessis was baptized in the Holy Spirit at meetings held by Charles Heatley in the storehouse of a coffin maker! The waiting was spread over two days and he realized that a long-time secret sin was restricting the Spirit’s flow. After he confessed he had a vision. He saw a book being held by two hands whose pages were totally white and clean. Then he heard a voice say, ‘There is nothing recorded against you. The blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God has cleansed you from all unrighteousness.’ His heart was filled with joy at this, and he broke forth in holy laughter which soon gave way to a flow of speaking in tongues.549

Du Plessis Family


Joleen Kurtz, “Lee College: 75 Years,” Reflections. . . upon Church of God Heritage, Summer/Fall 1994, 2-3; and Tatiana Gorbacheva, “Nora Chambers—Educational Pioneer,” Church of God History and Heritage, Fall 1997, 3-5. 549 R. P. Spittler art. 'International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements' 2002.; David du Plessis ‘A Man called Mr. Pentecost,’ 1977 and ‘The Spirit Bade Me Go’1970.



In 1918 a prayer group by the name of Precious Stone--or Diamond-Society formed in Ijebu-Ode, in the present Ogun State of Nigeria, later becoming affiliated with the Faith Tabernacle Church of America and adopting its name.550


Assemblies of God move their headquarters from Saint Louis to Springfield, Missouri.


Independent Assemblies of God International was birthed in the year 1918 as the Scandinavian Assemblies of God in the United States of America, Canada and Foreign Lands. It existed under this name from 1918 to 1935. In 1907 most of those revivedcongregations (many named Guds forsamling Assembly of God in Norsk) and individuals learned about the Pentecostal movement through William Howard Durham Mission in Chicago. One of his assistant elders, F. A. Sandgren, published the Folke-Vennena a periodical for Scandinavians, and consequently many Midwest churches joined the Pentecostal movement. This group was organized in 1918 by A. W. Rasmussen.


Edward Wesley Doak (who served as missionary to Egypt) elected Chairman of the PAW. Booth-Clibborn Elected Secretary.


The 1st Elim Evangel is published.


Mack M. Pinson and his wife are holding a tent meeting in Calexico, California. This would become the first US based Hispanic Church under Nava.551 The AG ministers in the area consider them and their followers ‘dark lost souls’.552


January 25th, 1919. PAW Incorporated in Indiana and Indianapolis becomes the headquarters under the direction of G. T. Haywood.


Dictionary of African Christian Biography. Sakpo, Isaiah Ghele. 1912 to 1993. The Apostolic Church Nigeria 551 Migrating Faith. Page 44. 552 Migrating Faith. Page 44.



Bible Standard Conference founded in Eugene, Oregon in 1919. The Bible Standard Conference was formed in 1919 after Fred Hornshuh and several other ministers withdrew from the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) led by Florence L. Crawford. Hornshuh disagreed with the AFM's isolationist stance from other full gospel groups, centralized and authoritarian leadership style, and its strict position on divorce and remarriage. 553


Andrew D. Urshan. Missionary to Persia leaves the Assemblies of God (AG). Urshan was among those that protested the use of the word persons in the AG General Assembly in 1916 and the subsequent adoption of the AG’s Creed, but had remained with the AG in spite of his disagreement. In 1919, he leaves the AG and joins the PAW.

1920 PAW office staff is pictured here. Left to right are Elder A. William Lewis, Elder G.T. Haywood, Elder William Mulford, and PAW General Superintendent Edward W. Doak.


A decision was made to form the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC), and a dominion charter was granted on May 17, 1919. The PAOC organization held to three distinctive beliefs: to William Durham's Finished Work of Calvary doctrine, to the Oneness doctrine of the Godhead, and to water baptism in Jesus' Name554


Robert C. Lawson leaves the PAW. He holds extreme view on divorce; holding that marriage before conversion counts and that believers should return to the marriage or remain single. Haywood opposes his view.


Robert C. Lawson (1883-1961). Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. New York, N.Y. C.O.O.L.J.C. A man by the name of Robert C. Lawson is


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Bible_Standard_Churches Wegner, Linda (2006). Streams of Grace. Edmonton, Alberta: New Leaf Works. p. 48. ISBN 978-09734043-5-7. 554


hospitalized with tuberculosis in Indianapolis, and has a prize fighter roommate whose mother was a Holy Ghost woman belonging to Christ Temple pastored by G.T. Haywood. Doctors tell Lawson he has but a short time to live. He remembers the testimony of the old Holy Ghost woman. He prays and God heals his body. He makes his way to Christ Temple where he is baptized, filled with the Holy Ghost and called to preach. The affliction was the Lord's "Wakeup Call" for a chosen life and vessel. 1919

. 1919

Pentecostal Church of God organizes at Joplin, Missouri (First named Pentecostal Assemblies of America then Pentecostal Church of God). This group was doctrinally similar to the Assemblies of God, but the organizers were leery of formally organizing into a denomination with articles of faith. The group was lead by John C. Sinclair January 21st, 1919. G. T. Haywood becomes secretary of the PAW. A. R. Schooler of Cleveland, Ohio becomes overseer and T. C. Davis Treasurer. Significant because these three are black and this is the first time that black ministers become key leaders in a group where blacks are not in the majority.


April 1919. The Clinton Street Bethlehem Temple Church started by a tent meeting by W. M. Gray. Elder J. W. Childs who is affiliated with the PAW assists.


June 12, 1919. Bethlehem Temple Detroit moves into a rented building. Bishop Gregory of Emmanuel Tabernacle in Cleveland Ohio is the overseer.


According to Pentecostal Historian Bishop M. E. Golder, “Bishop Charles Mason invited Bishop R.C. Lawson to preach the Church of God In Christ National Convention. His subject was, "Jehovah of the Old was Jesus of the New". When Lawson finished preaching, there were 400


people ready to be baptized in Jesus' Name. Bishop Mason himself was also baptized in Jesus' Name.�555 1920

Aimee Sample McPherson came to Winnipeg in 1920 and held a successful evangelistic campaign in the church building that had been acquired the year before. According to Argue's articles in the Pentecostal Testimony and the Pentecostal Evangel, nearly 1700 people were crowded in the church building for the service on the last night; unbelievers came to the front and stood two and three rows deep across the front, and the basement was used as the prayer room.556


PAOC merges with the Assemblies of God.557


Juan Lugo founds Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal in Puerto Rico.558


5TH General Assembly of the original PAW was held in Tomlinson Hall, Indianapolis, Indiana. The multi-cultural crowd in excess of 5000 was greater than the hall could accommodate.


5 General Assembly of the original Pentecostal Assemblies of the World


Fall 1921. Faced with the loss of Daniel Opperman, his considerable educational expertise and his bible college, the AG realizes that he is still training many of their ministers through his college. The AG establishes Central Bible Institute as an alternate.


Frank Small establishes the Apostolic Church of Pentecost, which was granted Dominion charter on 25 October 1921. Official organ: Living Waters.559


Glorious Church of God in Christ. Founder, Mother Lula Phillips.


Apostolic Archives. Gary W. Garrett, DLitt. Historical Timeline. 1919. http://prayerwarriorarise.blogspot.com/2013/09/revival-ah-argue-and-calvary-temple.html 557 Wilkinson, Michael; Peter Althouse (2010). Winds from the North: Canadian Contributions to the Pentecostal Movement. Brill. p. 281. ISBN 978-90-04-18574-6. 558 http://www.revjuanlugo.org/index.html 559 Small, Franklin (n. d.). Living Waters: A Sure Guide for Your Faith. Winnipeg. Retrieved 22 February 2011. 556



6th General Assembly of the P.A. of W. (PAW) Indianapolis, Indian


Kathryn Johanna Kuhlman was converted, when she was 14, at an evangelistic meeting held in a small Methodist church.560


December 16th, 1921. Elder Hancock moves to Detroit to Pastor Bethlehem Temple.


The Original Church of God (Chattanooga, Tennessee) incorporates.561


At the fourteenth International Convention of the Apostolic Faith Church, Bournemouth, 1922, the newspapers reported that the following speakers were present: W.O. Hutchinson, Chief Overseer, J. Hutchinson-Dennis, Deputy, A. Murdoch, Chief Overseer (Scotland), W. P. Roberts and T. Bowen (Wales), James Brooke, Chief Overseer (South Africa and Rhodesia), George Dennis, Chief Overseer (East African Territory), J. Jack (Canada), J.G. Hutchinson, Assistant and J. Hume (Scotland) and W. Bovett, (England).562


April. William A. Carson begins nightly prayer meetings in Los Angeles.


May 5, 1922, Just one month after his arrival in Los Angeles, William Carson began a dynamic tent meeting at 18th Street and Hooper Avenue. This became Apostolic Faith Home Assembly.


H V Chanter was the leader of the Apostolic Church of God (ACG); a large group of Pentecostal congregations with HQ in Bradford England. During 1921, Mr. Chanter attended the Christmas convention of the Apostolic Church of Wales (ACW) in Pen-y-groes. A prophetic word given in Bradford directed the leaders, to invite the Welsh leaders to join them for a meeting. They met 1922, with another wider meeting arranged for Easter. At the Easter convention, leaders from most of the ACW congregations and those affiliated with them met in Bradford. The 1922 Easter meeting in Bradford was the beginning of the Apostolic Church. Four main groups were present: The Apostolic Church in Wales;


http://healingandrevival.com/BioKKuhlman.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_(Original)_Church_of_God 562 Ibid. 561


The Burning Bush congregation; The Apostolic Church in Hereford; and the Apostolic Church of God. A prophetic word directed them to form administrative union: Pen-y-groes was to be the administrative center; Glasgow, the financial center; and Bradford the missionary center.


The Apostolic Church of God in Romania began in 1922 after Persida Bradin was miraculously healed and George Bradin received two brochures published by the Church of God. The Bradins established a church in their home predicated on the doctrines of the Church of God in the United States but had little contact with the Cleveland based fellowship. Despite early persecution, the church in Romania grew from its initial eight members. With the fall of communism came rapid growth resulting in 450,000 baptized believers by 1997 when they celebrated their seventy-fifth anniversary. Ties were reestablished with the Cleveland offices in 1980. In addition to 2,068 churches, the Apostolic Church of God in Romania supports two theological seminaries, two two-year colleges and four high schools.563


September 28th, 1922. William Seymour suffers 2 heart attacks and dies in his wife Jennie’s arms.564


October 3, 1922. Glad Tidings Bible Institute (GTBI) opens.565


October 26-September 6. Smith Wigglesworth holds a Revival at Glad Tidings in San Francisco.566


October 29-November 12, 1922. Chicago. For the first time in the history of the Pentecostal assemblies of Chicago, there is being held a union meeting, and the prayer upon every heart of those who love the blessings of Pentecost is for a city-wide revival. For months God has been getting us ready for this meeting. The ministers of the Pentecostal Assemblies (with but one or two exceptions) have been meeting monthly for prayer, and to foster a spirit of unity, and the Young People have had several Rallys during the last year,


Paul L. Walker, “Romanian Church Celebrates 75th Anniversary,” Ministry Now Profiles, December 1997, 1, 10. 564 Espinosa. 145. 565 http://www.smithwigglesworth.com/life/usafall1922.htm 566 http://www.smithwigglesworth.com/life/usafall1922.htm


one on the North Side and another on the South Side, both deeply spiritual meetings.567 1922

November 3-10, 1922. 1st Southern Bible Conference, Little Rock Arkansas.568


Francisco Olazábal forms Latin American Council of Christian Churches (originally called Interdenominational Mexican Council of Christian Churches), the first independent Latino Pentecostal denomination in the United States.569


Warren Faye Carothers withdraws from the AG to form an independent church in Houston Texas.570


July. Tomlinson was removed from the office of the general overseer. The Elders Council selected F. J. Lee to lead the Church of God. Tomlinson, a tireless and unstoppable leader, continued at the helm of a smaller group that he believed was the Church of God.

Bishop G. T. Haywood w/ Bishop S.N. Hancock founder of Greater Bethlehem Temple in Detroit Michigan

Courts forced them to use a different name, however. First known as the “Church of God, over which A. J. Tomlinson is General Overseer,” this denomination has since adopted the name Church of God of Prophecy. Today, both the Church of God and the Church of God of Prophecy carry on Tomlinson’s legacy—a vision for world harvest. The COGOP and the Church of God claim the same history previous to 1923.571 1923

August, 11, 1923, The Apostolic Faith Home Assembly, Inc. was officially incorporated in the State of California. 572


Ibid. Wigglesworth. Clibborn-Booth, William E. A Call to Dust and Ashes. 569 Espinosa, Gaston (2009). "Olazábal, Francisco". Hispanic American Religious Cultures. 570 The Baptism with the Holy Spirit (1906). Warren Faye Carothers. Idem. Church Government. (1909). Pg. 137. 571 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_God_of_Prophecy 572 Aposotolic Faith Home Assembly web site. 568



Howard A. Goss and T. C. Davis are empowered by the PA of W to sign ministerial credentials for white and black members. A growing rift due to segregationists attitudes was developing among whites who objected to a black minister, G. T. Haywood (who was the secretary at the time) signing their credentials. The measure was an attempt to appease the ministers. Howard A. Goss signed for the credentials for whites and T.C. Davis will sign for black ministers. Ministers began to see this as two separate groups with Howard Goss leading the white ministers. This seems like repeat of 1910-1913 when Howard Goss formed a gentleman’s agreement with Charles H. Mason and the Church of God in Christ. That ended with the white ministers forming their own group. This would end in like manner.


Aimee Semple McPherson founds Angelus Temple in Los Angeles (notable convert of McPherson, Dr. Charles S. Price).


October 2-9, 1923. 2nd Southern Bible Conference. St. Louis, Missouri.573


Wednesday, October 10th, to Sunday, October 14th, 1923.574


January 1. Parham holds first a Watchnight Service in Pasadena. Then he holds meetings for 2 weeks at Temperance Temple, Los Angeles where he had held his first meeting in 1906. Among the notables is Bishop J. H. Allen.


Bosworth published the first edition of Christ the Healer, a book that contains many of his sermons on the topic of faith healing and his responses his critics.575


Aimee Simple McPherson

Bishop J. H. Allen

June 1. Parham dedicates the Beasley Mission, Beasley Texas.


Clibborn-Booth, William E. A Call to Dust and Ashes. Ibid. Clibborn-Booth. 575 Menzies, W. W., Lessons From the Past: What Our History Teaches Us, Enrichment Journal - A Journal For Pentecostal Ministry, Fall 1999. 574



Elim Bible School opens at Clapham. They had also launched a Publishing House, a correspondence course to train up church workers and an overseas missions department which had begun sending Pentecostal missionaries across the world.


30 Sept.–Oct. 3, 1924. Texas District of the PAW. Special meeting to suggest important changes. This signaled upcoming schism in the PAW between white ministers and black ministers with Howard Goss leading the white ministers.


Sept 29–Oct. 5th. 5th General Convention of the AC of JC, Louann, Arkansas.


Christinah and her husband, Lazarus, in 1924 had been baptized into the Apostolic Faith Mission, a large Transvaal indigenous church, but after a personal and doctrinal conflict with its leader, the young woman struck out on her own as a healer. She named her church the St. John Apostolic Faith Mission, and while it began as a Pentecostal church, her powers and interest in the healing ministry soon gave it a distinctive character. AFM became one of the largest indigenous churches in South Africa, attracting over fifty thousand members. Its founder was known as "a mother with a thousand teats" whose spiritual gifts fed millions. Although the church and its founder took no overt position on political issues, both Lazarus Nku and the couple's son, Johannes, who eventually assumed the senior male leadership position, were active in the African National Congress (ANC). 576


The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (P.A.W), an interracial Pentecostal organization tracing its roots to Apostolic Faith movement in general and the Apostolic Faith Mission (Azusa Street) in particular, splits over

Elder William Mulford


Dictionary of African Christian Biography. Christinah Nku 1894 to c. 1980 St. John Apostolic Faith Mission South Africa


racial issues. Doak had announced he would not seek to be re-elected to the lead position in the PAW. Elder William A.Mulford formerly G. T. Haywood’s assistant577 is elected as General Superintendent.578 Whites ministers had purposed at the convention to made separate administrative bodies for whites and blacks, but stay under the same organizational structure. A majority of the blacks did not agree to the proposal, prompting the exodus of many whites ministers from the PA of W. 1924

October 24. Monterey Hall. 800-1000 attend nightly meetings with Charles Parham.579


The Pentecostal Mission is established, also known as Ceylon Pentecostal mission by a Hindu convert Ramankutty alias Pastor Paul.


Mount Sinai Holy Church of America, Incorporate. Founder, Senior Bishop and First President, Bishop Ida Robinson.

Elim Institute


The Elim Institute is established as a Pentecostal school funded by Ivan Q. and Minnie Spencer


January 4, 1925. Parham ministers at Bible Standard Church (Light House Temple) in Eugene Oregon.580 Fred L. Hornshuh is pastor. Fred would also serve as President of New Hope Christian College (19251930).581


January 15, 1925. Ridgedale Theological Seminary was founded as part of the Original Church of God Chattanooga Tn.582


French. 147. Bernie L. Wade. Original Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. The Pentcostal Assembiles of the World from its inception in 1906 to its merger to become part of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ in 1931. 579 Parham. Pg. 317. 580 Parham. Pg. 318. 581 http://www.newhope.edu/alumni/about/presidents 582 http://www.tennesseecorps.com/corp/102000.html 578



January 11- Feb 1. Parham holds meetings in Vancouver BC.583


February. Melbourne Australia. Sunshine Revival.584 Two young men in their twenties led the Sunshine Revival. Charles Greenwood began prayer meetings in his home in 1916 and the group completed building the Sunshine Gospel Hall in February 1925. A. C. Valdez, recently arrived from America, joined the group and became its leader that year. At first meetings were held on a Saturday and Sunday. Then they had a two week campaign. The hall was packed.Charles Greenwood reported: During this campaign the power of God was manifested in a mighty way sinners were converted; many believers were baptized in the Holy Spirit and healed. Soon the news spread that the Lord was pouring out His Spirit at Sunshine, and people came from near and far. Over 200 Christians from all denominations were baptized in the Holy Spirit in this blessed outpouring of the 'Latter Rain'.585


Pentecostal Church of Australia established out of the Sunshine Revival.586 Public meetings were then held in the Prahran Town Hall because of the crowds. Later that year they moved into Richmond Theatre which became Richmond Temple. It Apostolic Faith followers with Charles Parham circa 1902 could seat 1200 and had shops at the front which became their Bible and Tract Department. In 1926 A. C. Valdez believed his work there was completed and he returned to the States. Kelso Glover, also in his twenties, arrived from the States and led meetings for three weeks in a revival atmosphere. He was invited to stay on as pastor. Richmond Temple became the headquarters of the Pentecostal Church of Australia.587


Ibid. Parham. http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival 585 Chant 1984:9091 586 Chant 1984:9091 587 Ibid. Chant. 584



Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus (AAFCJ). This is a Hispanic ministerial group. Juan Navarro, Francisco Llorente and Antonio Navaare the founders.


The Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ, The Pentecostal Ministerial Alliance, and Emmanuel's Church in Jesus Christ forms as a result of the split from the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) over racial issues.


The Pentecostal Ministerial Alliance (PMA) organizes in Tennessee. These are primarily white ministers who have departed the PAW. The PMA will change its name to the Pentecostal Church Incorporated in 1932. Emmanuel's Church in Jesus Christ is a regional organization that covers the states of Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana for the PMA.


March 5, 1926. India. BROTHER WIGGLESWORTH IN CEYLON The campaign began March 5th in a hall capable of holding a thousand people. From the first night it was a great success, hundreds being saved. Not a night Smith in Ceylon, 2nd row, 6th from our left passed without many standing up and reaching out their hands to heaven, calling out, “Jesus save me! Jesus deliver me!� Each night the evangelist would single out people in the audience who were in pain, and would pray for them. Immediately after prayer was offered the suffering ones would testify that they were free, from pain. If it was a case of stiff limbs, they were made to exercise them by walking up and down, running, stamping their feet, or waving their arms about in order to test whether the pain had actually gone.


One night a woman came up the aisle, walking in pain, her body all doubled up, and she finally fell on the floor in front of the platform, the pain was so great. Brother Wigglesworth jumped off the platform and put his hands upon her, and said, “In the name of Jesus I bind this pain and loose this woman.” Immediately she ran up and down the aisle, free from pain, and then went and sat down to listen to the message. She was perfectly whole. This demonstration had a great effect upon the crowd. Some nights the evangelist prayed for over five hundred people, many of them coming hundreds of miles bringing their sick with them - the blind, deaf, dumb, lame, palsied, consumptive, eaten up with cancer, tumors, epilepsy, weak-minded, deranged, and crippled. God worked mighty miracles; blind eyes were opened, deaf ears unstopped, stammering tongues spoke, men on crutches put them over their shoulder and went away, stiff joints were made supple, headaches and fevers vanished, asthma was treated as an evil power and cast out in the name of Jesus. 1926

John G. Lake pens his now famous letter to Charles F. Parham seeking vision and direction for the future of the movement. Strange that even Apostolic Faith pioneers like John G. Lake still saw Parham as the Father of the movement when so many historians try to make the case that Parham was irrelevant after 1907. Lake, Daniel Berg and a plethora of others are very clear in looking to Parham as the key leader of the Apostolic Faith movement long after some of his ‘friends’ have attempted to displace him.


July 16 – August 16. Apostolic Faith National Camp Meeting Baxter Springs Kansas.588


From 1926 the Elim movement gathered every Easter at the Royal Albert Hall and held large scale Celebration meetings which they called “Demonstrations”. This showed their fervent expectancy that God was demonstrating His grace


Parham. Pg. 344.


and His love and that Elim people were caught up in something of great relevance for every man woman and child. By 1936, the 21 year old Elim family gathered at the Crystal Palace to give thanks for all that God had done in birthing and establishing the Elim Movement. They came in the thousands, testifying to lives changed and communities impacted by the life changing gospel. With choirs, orchestras, brass bands and a mighty congregation they sang, they praised, they testified and they prayed that what had been established would not simply be maintained but would mature and grow. 1926

The Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas a predominantly AfricanAmerican Pentecostal holiness denomination was founded by Benjamin Hardin Irwin and William Edward Fuller, Sr. (1875-1958). The Fire-Baptized Holiness Association originated in Iowa in 1895 under the leadership of Benjamin H. Irwin. Irwin expanded this into a national organization at Anderson, South Carolina in August of 1898. At age 23, William E. Fuller, Sr., a member of the African-American New Hope Methodist Church, attended the founding of that body in 1898. Blacks and whites were admitted with equality. Fuller returned to New Hope from the 1898 meeting, resigned his offices, turned in his license, and cast his lot with the Fire-Baptized Holiness Church. After Irwin left the church in 1900, J.H. King became the General Overseer. Bishop Fuller served as Assistant General Overseer to Overseer King in 1905. Acting on what he thought was a trend toward segregation, Fuller led about 500 members to organize the Colored Fire Baptized Holiness Church in 1908 in Greer, South Carolina. The True Witness periodical was established in 1909. On June 8, 1926 the name Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas was adopted.



July 1926. Pentecostal Church of Australia produced their first national paper the Australian Evangel.589


The Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ is organized from a merger of Emmanuel's Church in Jesus Christ and the Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ at a joint convention in Guthrie, Oklahoma.


Pastor D. O. Odubanjo becomes the missionary secretary of Faith Tabernacle Church, Nigeria.590


Four Square Gospel organized by Amiee Semple McPherson591.


The IFCA first convened as the General Council of the International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies in Niagara Falls, New York as cooperative fellowship among Italian-speaking Pentecostal people.592

Foursquare church circa 1930


Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God organized (renamed from Ethiopian Overcoming Holy Church of God)


Kathryn Kuhlman’s older sister Myrtle married an itinerant evangelist, Everett B. Parrott. They spent their time traveling and asked that Kathryn could join them for the summer. Her parents agreed and she went to Oregon to help out. She worked with them, and often gave her testimony. When the summer was over she wanted to stay, and the couple agreed. She ended up working with them for five years.


Ibid. Chant. Dictionary of African Christian Biography. Sakpo, Isaiah Ghele. 1912 to 1993. The Apostolic Church Nigeria 591 http://www.foursquare.org/about/history 592 http://www.ifcaministry.org/#/about-us/our-history 590


The evangelistic team was made up of four people, Everette, Myrtle, Kathryn, and pianists named Helen Gulliford. In 1928 Everette missed a meeting in Boise, Idaho. Myrtle and Kathryn preached to cover for Everette. The pastor of the church encouraged Kathryn to step out on her own. Helen agreed to join her. Her first sermon was in a run-down pool hall in Boise, Idaho. The team covered Idaho, Utah, and Colorado for the following five years. In 1933 they moved into Pueblo, Colorado. They set up in an abandoned Montgomery Ward warehouse. They stayed there for six months. 1928

The Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ forms from the merger of the Emmanuel's Church in Jesus Christ and The Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ.


January 29, 1929. Charles F. Parham, considered the father of ST PAW 1 Headquarters building in the 20th century Pentecostal Indianapolis movement593 dies at Baxter Springs, Kansas on January 29 (1870-1929). He was 56 years old. 25,000 attend his funeral. He is credited with over 2 million converts in his life time.594 � Those baptized in the Spirit as a result of his ministry and who played key roles in the Pentecostal movement include, F. F. Bosworth, Ethel Wright Goss, Howard A. Goss and Fred Vogler; Etta Calhoun, founder of the Women's Ministries program of the AG; and Marie Burgess [Brown], pioneering pastor of Glad Tidings Tabernacle in New York City. Some were called to missions: John G. Lake went to South Africa and Edith Baugh to India. Finally, in the early 1920s when Parham was preaching in Portland, Oregon, teenager Gordon Lindsay found Christ as Savior. Lindsay's ministry later became prominent through his Voice of Healing organization and Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas.�595


http://www.revival-library.org/pensketches/am_pentecostals/parham.html Gods Generals. Robert Liardon. The Truly Faithful. 595 Parham, Charles F. A Voice Crying in the Wilderness. Baxter Springs, Kan.: Apostolic Faith Bible College; originally published in 1902; 2d ed. in 1910. The Everlasting Gospel. Baxter Springs, Kan.: Apostolic Faith Bible College, 1911. Parham, Robert L., comp. Selected Sermons of the Late Charles F. Parham, Sarah E. Parham. Baxter Springs, Kan.: Apostolic Faith Bible College, 1941. Parham, Sarah E. The Life of Charles F. Parham, Founder of the Apostolic Faith Movement. Baxter Springs, Kan.: Apostolic Faith Bible College, 1930. 594



Parham’s wife Sarah Parham assumed much of his duties dealing with the publication Apostolic Faith, and his son Robert assumes his speaking schedule. June. H. G. Rogers has just closed a week’s meeting at Danforth Tabernacle, where God greatly blessed his ministry to the church. A rare treat indeed, and like a breath from Heaven. It was seven days of the finest of the wheat, and the best of the wine.596


August 10-25, 1929. Louisiana Camp Meeting.597


Bishop S.N. Hancock and Bethlehem Temple build a new church building to seat 1200 people.


September 22, 1929. George Jeffreys begins 51 nights of meetings attracting a total 150,000 people with over 3,000 converts. In Swansea the very next night he started a further 6 week campaign which would see over 2,000 decisions. One man, Glyn Thomas, was remarkably healed in one of the meetings. Glyn was a hunchback who sold newspapers in the city centre. His healing had a profound effect on the whole city. 598


Pat Robertson is born in Virginia, the son of Senator Absalom Willis Robertson. In the early 1960s, Robertson would begin his 700 Club and the Christian Broadcasting Network, and become an influential televangelist of the last quarter of the 20th century. Robertson is an ordained Southern Baptist minister, but holds to a Pentecostal theology, a position which puts him at odds with many of his fellow Southern Baptists.


Sakpo, Isaiah Ghele, Sakpo received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at Faith Tabernacle Church (FTC) in Nigeria West Africa. He is the first from FTC to receive the baptism.599


Myrtle Beall (1896-1979) began preaching in the 1930s and later founded and pastored the 3,000-


Apostolic Herald, Vol. 4 No. 6. June 1929. Ethel E. Goss, “Canadian Section,” 10. Vol. 4 No. 8, August 1929 598 http://georgejeffreysandstephenjeffreys.blogspot.com/ 599 Dictionary of African Christian Biography. Sakpo, Isaiah Ghele. 1912 to 1993. The Apostolic Church Nigeria 597


seat Bethesda Missionary Temple in Detroit, Michigan, which was dedicated in 1949. Like so many before her she found herself at odds with the leadership of the Assemblies of God over Apostolic doctrine. She was forced away from the Assemblies of God after accepting the Latter Rain movement which had originated at Sharon Schools in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. The latter rain miracle outpouring which was expected to precede Christ's coming. God is raising up prophets and apostles to lead this miracle outpouring, and "the prophetic word" was emphasized, whereby the secrets of men's hearts were revealed. Beall's Bethesda Missionary Temple became a very influential center for the Latter Rain.600 1930-1932

The Shantung Revival. Mary Crawford served with the North China qMission of the Southern Baptist Convention. Her book is a compilation of true miraculous stories, many authenticated by responsible and reliable missionaries that occurred during the revival in the Shantung region of North China, during the years 1930-1933. This marvelous work had a profound effect on the Southern Baptists ministry there. 601 Mary states, “For several years there had been an increasing hunger in the hearts of most of us to see more of the Power of the Holy Spirit in our work. We had been taught in our seminaries that if we ever got any souls saved it would be through the work of the Holy Spirit. We knew the doctrine of the Acts of the Apostles, but we were not experiencing it as we knew we should. After the Chinese Southern Army came in during the year 1928, and so much of our work showed up as “hay and stubble” most of us were willing to “humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God that He might exalt us in due season.”602


April 14th, 1931. Bishop Garfield Thomas Haywood dies in Indianapolis, Indiana at age 51. A son of former slaves, Haywood was


Ibid. Women in Religion. http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/the-shantung-revival 602 http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/the-shantung-revival 601


born in Greencastle, Indiana on July 15, 1880. Early leader of the Apostolic Faith and subsequent Pentecostal movement and promoter of multi-racial fellowship and worship. Haywood was chosen to be Secretary of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World in 1918, and one of five Bishops chosen to lead the P.A. of W 1925-1931. 1931

Maria Atkinson goes to Mexico as a Church of God missionary.


July. Apostolic Faith Gospel Church (Azusa Street Mission) building is demolished.


Calvary Pentecostal Church is organized in Olympia, Washington by former Assemblies of God ministers.


October 2nd, 1931. Morris Cerullo is born. Cerullo converts to Christianity from Judaism and is ordained by the Assemblies of God in 1950. Cerullo is prominent in the Voice of Healing ministry and the Full Gospel Businesses Men's Fellowship International. Cerullo will form his own ministerial organization called World Evangelism, headquartered in San Diego, California. Morris Cerullo


29 Sept – 0ct 4, – Unity Conference, Columbus Ohio – PAW, PMA, AC of JC, and Apostolic Church of Pentecost Canada. From this Unity Conference would come a merger effort.


November 1931. The Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (P.A. of J. C.) is formed by the merger of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ and The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW). This is a result of a Unity Conference which was held in Columbus, Ohio to explore ways to unify the Pentecostal groups. The Pentecostal Ministerial Vily Able Association approached the meeting with a two G tiered administration plan, whereas the Apostolic Church of Jesus u i Christ suggested an integrated system. The Pentecostal Assemblies of d r o z 156

the World accepts the merger proposal of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ. The PAW’s key leader for the previous decade, Bishop G. T. Haywood, passed away in April of 1931 and is not involved in these final conversations. However, there is no debate that this would have been well received by Haywood who dreamed of unification of the Apostolic Faith movement. 1932

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC) is incorporated in Ohio.


October. Evan Roberts writes, “My work is confined to prayer and it is to such that I have devoted my life for the last 25 years.”603


The Pentecostal Ministerial Alliance (PMA) changes its name to The Pentecostal Church, Incorporated (PCI).


Open Bible Evangelistic Association founded in Des Moines, Iowa in 1932. The Open Bible Evangelistic Association began in 1932 when thirtytwo ministers led by John R. Richey left the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. The separation grew out of the reluctance of these ministers to give ownership of local church property to the Foursquare Church denominational leadership. They were also concerned over the church's divorced leader Aimee Semple McPherson's remarriage.604


Church of The Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith (COOLJC) is organized by Bishop Sherrod Johnson, who splits from New York Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Of the Apostolic Faith Inc.


David Du Plessis ordained and made Secretary of the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) South Africa.


S. C. Johnson

January 1, 1932. Apostolic Faith Church of God (AFCOG) holds it first anniversary service in Cleveland Ohio. Bishop Ray Oscar and Ruth


Revival Fire. Wesley L. Duewel. Chapter 26. Mitchell, R. Bryant. Heritage and Harvests. – The history of Open Bible's involvement in international missions. On the Wings of a Dove: An African Missionary Saga. 2006. – The memoirs of Grant H. Moore and Wilma M. Moore, Open Bible missionaries to Guinea, West Africa, beginning in 1952. 604


Cornell are the pastors. Bishop Cornell is from Bishop G. B. Rowe’s church in Mishawaka, Indiana. Founded in the heart of the city of Cleveland, Ohio during the great depression (1930) this multi-cultural group would become one of the first mega churches in the Apostolic Faith movement with a sanctuary that would seat more than 2000. In 1955 in Cleveland Ohio, Bishop Cornell (along with C.B. Gillespie and Bishop Carl Angle) would be instrumental in reorganizing Bishop R.O. and Ruth the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ Cornell (PAJC or P.A. of J.C.) as a multi-racial organization as opposed to the all white United Pentecostal Church (UPC). In 2001 in Cleveland Ohio, Bishop Bernie L. Wade leads a group of ministers in breathing new life into the ministry. They agree to rename the group International Circle of Faith – ICOF. 1933

Associated Ministers of Jesus Christ is organized. The group would incorporate during World War Two and take the name Associated Brotherhood of Christians


William Branham receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit.605


The Elim Fellowship is formed as an international Pentecostal and ecumenical organization that serves the Christian pastor and workers worldwide. It began as an informal fellowship of graduates of Elim Bible Institute located in Lima, Ohio.


The Way Of The Cross Organization Bishop Henry Chauncey Brooks (H.C.), Founder. The Way of the Cross Movement came out of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Kathryn Kuhlman opens the Denver Revival Tabernacle, at an old warehouse.606

605 606

http://healingandrevival.com/BioWBranham.htm http://healingandrevival.com/BioKKuhlman.htm



Charles Emmitt Capps is born at Brummett, Arkansas. Capps was a follower of Kenneth Hagin and the Word of Faith (WOF) movement and Positive Confession. In 1976 he publishes The Tongue, a Creative Force which is seen as an important WOF book, along with his later book Creative Power. Capps begins a radio program Concepts of Faith in 1977 and was ordained by Kenneth Copeland as a minister of the International Convention of Faith Churches.

Kathryn Kuhlman came on an official visit to the Vatican On October 11, 1972. She visited Pope Paul.


Paul Franklin Crouch is born. Crouch will team with Jim Bakker to form the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) at Santa Ana, California in 1973.


Evangelical Missionary Alliance. Founder, Rev. Albert F. Varnell was one of the initial five Bishops of the PAW in 1925. Originally called Apostolic Bible Conference.


October. The Indiana Avenue Pentecostal Church is founded by Charles & Sister Lucille Ellis.607


Herbert W. Armstrong begins publication of The Plain Truth, a magazine that will be the official voice of the Worldwide Church of God.


Bible Standard Conference and the Open Bible Evangelistic Association merge. The two Pentecostal groups were similar in their resistance to authoritarian leadership and denominational ownership of church property, and they also thought that local churches should maintain some autonomy.608 Since 1996, the organization's public name has been simply Open Bible Churches.


http://www.indianaavepentchurch.com/static.html Patterson, Eric; Rybarczyk, Edmund (editors) (2007). The Future of Pentecostalism in the United States. New York: Lexington Books. pp. 157–158, 171. ISBN 978-0-7391-2102-3. 608



At an annual convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota the Scandinavian Assemblies of God merged with a group called the Independent Pentecostal Churches. The name of this new fellowship was, and to this day remains, the Independent Assemblies of God International (IAOGI).609


Florence Louise Crawford dies in Portland Oregon. Crawford is founder of the Apostolic Faith evangelistic organization (Portland, Oregon) a mission of the Apostolic Faith movement of Seymour and Parham. Crawford was converted in 1906 and worked closely with William J. Seymour until 1908. Her son, Raymond Robert Crawford assumes the leadership of the Apostolic Faith Mission in Portland.


Pentecostal Evangelical Church is organized at Fort Smith, Arkansas. The group is an association of churches and ministers. Melton, J. Gordon610


Herman Lauster to his home in Germany in 1936 as a Church of God missionary.


The Pentecostal Church Incorporated (PCI) formerly the Pentecostal Ministerial Alliance (PMA) attempts a merger with the PAJC. The two sides could not agree on the merger but vow to keep trying. Many black ministers saw this as a sign that the PAJC would continue the trend to keep black ministers out of key leadership roles.


Bishop A. William Lewis

Bishop Floyd I. Douglas

As is common in mergers some of the ministers did not join the merger effort. Because of unrest in the PAJC, effort begins by some ministers that did not join the merger to revive the PAW. Bishop Floyd Douglas &


IAOGI Website. The Encyclopedia of American Religions: Vol. 1. Tarrytown, NY: Triumph Books (1991); Chapter: Pentecostal Family; section: White Trinitarian Pentecostals; pg. 254. 610


Bishop William Lewis lead this reorganization effort. The official United States Census record holds that in 1936 this group consisted of 2 churches with a membership of 127 persons.611 There were churches continuing to operate under the PAW name in Virginia. These organized as the Virginia District with 5 pastors leading the effort. Working with Bishop Samuel Grimes called this the Virginia State Council (VSC). 1937

Juan Lugo Founded the Pentecostal Theological School - Mizpa Bible Institute in Santurce.612


Kenneth Copeland is born. Will develop a major televangelist ministry based on the Word of Faith theology.


Gloria and Kenneth Copeland The annual conference of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC) meets in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Since Oklahoma is segregated, black ministers are forced into racially segregated accommodations. This combined with some mistrust by some black members since the 1931 merger between the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and the Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ prompts many blacks leave the P.A. of JC.


The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) is revived as pre-dominantly separate "negro" (black) organization. However, some white ministers join the effort which helps to maintain a somewhat multi-cultural group with white ministers about a 20 percent minority. Unfortunately, over time most of the white ministers

Board of the PAW (1944)


Religious Bodies, 1936: Summary and detailed tables. Page 530. United States. Bureau of the Census, Timothy Francis Murphy 612 http://www.revjuanlugo.org/index.html


leave the PAW. Samuel Grimes is elected as the groups Presiding Bishop. The PAW claims him as the second Presider; Claiming G. T. Haywood as the first. However, Haywood was dead before any of these events took place and there is no historical evidence of such an office in the original PAW leaving Grimes as the actual 1st Presiding Bishop of the reorganized PAW. If there is a 1st before Grimes it would be William Pendleton. Re-Organizational efforts like this are common. However, claiming the dead for officials is not. “Bishop Floyd I. Douglas (California) and Bishop A. William Lewis (Ohio) were the only P.A.W. Bishops to reject the 1931 PAJC merger. Likewise, Elder Grimes, Elder R.F. Tobin, Elder Harry Barnett, Elder Akers, and a small group of churches from around the country opposed the merger. They sought to re-establish the P.A.W. under its original charter.�613 Leaders include Samuel Grimes, E.F. Akers, and A.W. Lewis. They call for a reorganizational meeting in Dayton, Ohio to revive the legal Charter of the P.A. of W. However, it is the return of Bishop Samuel N. Hancock and other black ministers in 1938 to the PAW that breathes new life into the dying organization effort. Bishop Hancock and Bishop Grimes would vie for control of the Paw until Bishop Hancock leaves in 1957 to and organize as the PCAF. The PAW would claim the departure was doctrinal. The PCAF would claim the departure was based on a power struggle. The organizers are successful is making the claim of a continuing organization from 1919 by continuing the original charter. Legal reorganization of this group does not take place until July 20, 1954 in Indiana.614 1938

Assembly of Christian Churches is organized by Puerto Rican congregations (in New York and Puerto Rico) who were influenced by Francisco


Virginia State Council Apostolic Inc. Episcopal District 28. Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc. This is the official date of the reorganization when Articles of Amendment were filed. This information th is according to the Indian Secretary of State. Verified on September 25 , 2015. 614


Olazabal, a noted Hispanic evangelist. 1938

Edmond and Pearl Stark took the Church of God to Angola in 1938. When Edmond became stricken with malaria and died, the burden for Angola was not buried with him. Pearl Stark returned to Angola in 1947 to minister the gospel alone.


Zion Assembly Churches is formed by Bishop J.P. Shields from a split from The Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith Inc (COOLJC).


The Bible-Pattern Church Fellowship founded by George Jeffreys, a Welsh minister who, together with his brother Stephen Jeffreys.


Church of God, House of Prayer, founded by Harrison W. Poteat is doctrinally similar to the Church of God (Cleveland).615


T.B. Barrett was unanimously chosen as President of the Great European Pentecostal Conference in Stockholm. He truly was a father among all the international leaders.


November. George Jeffreys left the Elim movement he founded and began the Bible-Pattern Church Fellowship based in Nottingham.616


Oral Roberts pastors a Pentecostal Holiness Church (G.B. Cashwell influence).


Demos Shakarian (Shakarian Family of the Azusa Street Revival) meets Dr. Charles S. Price (McPherson convert), a well-known healing evangelist. Demos is the founder of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International.

T. B. Barrett


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_God,_House_of_Prayer Donald Gee, 'These Men I Knew' 1965; Desmond Cartwright art. 'International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements' 2002. 616



The Apostolic Ministerial Alliance (AMA) is organized by R. L. Ooten. The organization is a result of a split from the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC).


August 7-17, 1941. Frank J. Ewart headlines a Pentecostal Camp Meeting hosted by A. D. Gurley near Corinth, Mississippi.617


D. Gurley


International Bible College (IBC). Founded by Leonard W. Coote. Coote was a tremendous Bible teacher and missionary to Japan who saw the need for Bible training in the United States. The school continued until 2010.


Louise Nankivell was one of the most famous evangelists of the Pentecostal healing revival of the 1950s. She "preached in sackcloth because of a vow made in 1941 when she reported that God had healed her of pernicious anemia".618 Nankivell was listed in the 1953 book by Gordon Lindsay, Men Who Heard from Heaven. The book sketched the ministries of 22 Pentecostal ministers. She was featured on the cover of Lindsay's Voice of Healing magazine, May 1952.619


PAJC membership is officially listed as 450 churches and 17,000 members.620


The Gurley papers include three flyers from the 1941 Camp Meeting near the Tennessee River in Tishomingo County, Mississippi. Several PCI Officials from Tennessee and Mississippi were trustees of the campground, owned by the Camp Meeting League. This 1941 Camp featured Frank. J. Ewart as main Evangelist. The proximity of the “Second Coming” message to the Camp Meeting flyers – Gurley used them for outline stationery – indicates that Ewart is the main source for information included in the Bible Lesson outline and its reference to media items from World War One up to the date of its composition. 618 David Harrell, Jr., All Things Are Possible, p. 80 619 Voice of Healing Magazine. May 1952. 620 Data were taken from the National Council of Churches' Historic Archive CD and recent editions of the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches. Denomination descriptions provided by Dr. J. Gordon



May 23, 1943. Mark Mau founds the Back to Jerusalem movement in China.


The New River, Wilmington, South Carolina, and Camp Fear Conferences of the Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church merge in general conference. In 1959 the group will formerly organize into the Pentecostal Free-Will Baptist Conference.


Ambrose J. Tomlinson founder of the Church of God of Prophecy and early leader of the 20th century Pentecostal movement dies at age 78. Tomlinson was one of the most influential men in the formation of the Pentecostal movement. In his early life, Tomlinson religious experiences was what is termed mystical Quaker, who accepted the Ambrose J. teaching on healing in the atonement taught by Tomlinson Holiness-Pentecostalism. Before the end of the 19th century, Tomlinson also accepted the holiness doctrine of entire sanctification, that the dedicated Christian can be free from sin, and claimed that he had attained this experience. Tomlinson's denomination has split into 24 or more different denominations.


The Mutual Broadcasting Company is the only network selling air time to religious groups, but puts in place policies that made it difficult for evangelicals to buy time. This is attributed to problems that were encountered with Amiee Semple McPherson and Father Coughlin in the 1930s and early 1940s.


The National Religious Broadcasters Association (NRB) is organized by 150 evangelical broadcasters. Their first official act was to hire a communications attorney in an attempt to force the networks to sell them air time. This would be a crucial decision for

Melton, Director, Institute for the Study of American Religion (ISAR). http://www.thearda.com/Denoms/D_1356.asp


televangelism, due to the rapid explosion of television ownership in the 1950s. 1944

Jack Coe, during his brief tenure [1944-1956] was an evangelist whose unfortunate death while in his 30s, cut short his ministry and it would be speculation to claim Coe’s influence was generational. After his death, A. A. Allen bought his tent and continued on with large tent meetings, as did Oral Roberts.


The United Apostolic Church is formed. The next day the name is changed to the United Pentecostal Church. This group is formed by the union of The Pentecostal Church Incorporated (PMI) and the Pentecostal Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ (PAJC). The merger meeting is held in St. Louis, Missouri. While black ministers are not officially banned, few black ministers participate.


Thelma Chaney, was a co-evangelist for awhile with the influential Pentecostal preacher Franklin Hall, author of Atomic Power with God through Prayer and Fasting. She established a moderate reputation of her own and claimed that miracles, signs and wonders followed her ministry with Hall.621


Robert Parham the leader of the Apostolic Faith organization founded by his father Charles Parham, dies. Robert's death will leave a vacuum in the Apostolic Faith organization and this lack of leadership will result in a split in 1951 over progressive issues that many feel would bring the AF churches into more fellowship with other Pentecostals groups.


The fledgling Louisiana District UPC purchased seventy-five acres of land in Tioga for $3,000 for the purpose of building a campground. The Louisiana Camp Meeting is an annual event. It is the largest camp meeting in the United Pentecostal Church and probably the largest in the United States.


Harrell, p. 81



The Belgian Congo experienced a further visitation of God. It followed much prayer and fasting. Visions were common. Multitudes repented. Witch doctors burned their charms and became Christian.622


Church of God Training School was renamed Lee College in 1947 after F. J. Lee, who served as both the second superintendent of the school and the second general overseer of the denomination.623


The Pentecostal World Conference is formed at Zurich, Switzerland with several American Pentecostal groups in attendance.


Granville Oral Roberts Resigns the pastorate of the Pentecostal Holiness Church launches first healing ministry crusade with his first city-wide campaign in Enid, Oklahoma. Roberts was ordained into full-time ministry in 1936 by the Pentecostal Holiness Church. Between 1941 and 1947 he served 4 pastorates, then begins an evangelistic ministry to pray for the healing of the whole man. One of the early pioneers of Tent revivals and television ministry, is considered the originator of "seed faith" doctrine.


October. In response to this spiritual hunger, about 70 students gathered in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, to begin the first term of the newly formed Sharon Bible College. The students worked hard by day to prepare the buildings for classes and gathered for prayer in the evenings, which included intercessory prayer, prophecy and fasting. Some fasted between three and forty days.624


The Pentecostal Fellowship of North America is founded as a means to bring about regular contact among Pentecostals.


http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival Joleen Kurtz, “Lee College: 75 Years,” Reflections. . . upon Church of God Heritage, Summer/Fall 1994, 2-3; and Tatiana Gorbacheva, “Nora Chambers—Educational Pioneer,” Church of God History and Heritage, Fall 1997, 3-5. 624 Riss, Richard (1987). Latter Rain: The Latter Rain Movement of 1948. Honeycomb Visual Productions. p. 11. 623



February 11, 1948. The Latter Reign Revival begins in Canada. It would last till 1952.625 The ministry of signs, wonders and miracles was the primary focus of the founding leaders of the Latter Rain Movement. George Hawtin, P.G. Hunt, Milford Kirkpatrick, George Warnock and Ern Hawtin were particularly impacted by the preaching of William Branham, who functioned primarily in the word of knowledge for naming diseases and casting out evil spirits.626


February 13, 1948, a prophetic utterance was given regarding 1 Timothy 4:14: "Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you, which was bestowed upon you through prophetic utterance with the laying on of hands by the presbytery" (NASB). The message said that this truth was being restored to the church at that very moment.


Easter Weekend. March 26-28, 1948. Special services were held called the "Feast of Pentecost". Many people who had heard of the revivals in North Battleford attended these services.627


July 7-14, 1948. Camp Meeting. The teachings from this revival came to be known as "Latter Rain" and quickly spread throughout Canada, the United States and around the world.628


Argentina. Edward Miller tells of revival breaking out in Argentina. After he prayed earnestly for months, God told him to call his little church of 8 people to prayer every night from 8 pm to midnight. On the fourth night as they obeyed God the Holy Spirit fell on them. They heard the sound of strong wind. The church soon filled. There was much weeping, confessing and praying. By Saturday teams were going out and ministering in the Spirit's power. Two teenage girls wept as they walked down the street and met two doctors who mocked, but listened to their testimonies, were convicted, and knelt asking for prayer. Two young people visited a lady whose mother was paralyzed and had been in bed for 5 years. They prayed for


Holdcroft, L. Thomas (1980), "The New Order of the Latter Rain", Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 2 (2): 48, 626 http://www.charismamag.com/spirit/devotionals/dailybreakthroughs?view=article&id=9494:remembering-the-latter-rain&catid=24 627 Hawtin, George R. (1948). Local Church Government, North Battleford: Sharon Star 628 Schmitt, Charles P. (2002). Floods Upon the Dry Ground, Shippensburg, PA: Revival Press.


her, and she got up and drank tea with them. Two elderly people visited man in coma, a cripple with his liver damaged from drink. They prayed for him and he was healed. A young rebel, Alexander and his band came to mock at one of the services aiming to disrupt it. God convicted him and he repented, so the other rebels rose to leave but fell under the Spirit's power on the way out. All were converted. Two went to the Bible Training Institute. Later, when Edward Miller was teaching at the Bible Training Institute in the small town of City Bell near Buenos Aires, he was led to cancel teaching there and call the school to prayer.629 1948

December 5, 1948. Revival breaks out at Bethesda Missionary Temple in Detroit, MI.630


January. Stanley Frodsham visits Bethesda Missionary Temple in Detroit where the ‘Latter Rain’ movement is happening. He approves of what he observes. according to Richard Riss, "Mrs. Beall wrote a letter to Stanley Sharon Orphanage and Schools, North Battleford, Saskatchewan Frodsham, a pioneer of the early Pentecostal movement at the turn of the century, a leader of the Assemblies of God denomination, and the editor of the Pentecostal Evangel for twenty-eight years. In her letter, Mrs. Beall described what was happening in her church, and Frodsham decided to leave Springfield, Missouri to visit the church in Detroit. He arrived in January of 1949, and 'he was swept away by the revival taking place in Detroit.... He was moved deeply by scenes of people under great conviction of sin, making confession and finding peace' This sets the stage for his exit from the AG after more than 30 years of service. The


http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival According to Bethesda's website, "December 5, 1948 was a turning point in the [life] of every Bethesdan. That Sunday morning everyone was gathered for church in the basement building. Opening the service, James Beall asked everyone to stand, and suddenly everyone in the building started singing praises to God in the Spirit .... this continued for about an hour. People were saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and healed in their bodies during this time. As the praise subsided a new song was born. 630


AG would censure Frodsham and draft a ‘papal edict’ on the Latter Rain Movement.631 1949

February 13, 1949. Bethesda Missionary Temple builds new building. The main sanctuary [seating 2,200] was dedicated. When the doors opened, it was immediately filled and at least 1,700 people were turned away. Services were held night and day for the next three and one half years.632


August 24, 1949, Bethesda Missionary Temple in Detroit, Michigan resigned from the Assemblies of God denomination becoming an independent, non-denominational church."


Denominations intimidated by the Latter Rain movement respond. Following the pattern of legalistic authoritarianism they have used since their inception the General Council of the Assemblies of God meeting in Seattle, Washington, a resolution was adopted disapproving of the practices of the "latter rain" movement.633 Key points of the resolution include the AG’s assertion “that the church is built upon the foundation of present day apostles and prophets,” and “The overemphasis relative to imparting, identifying, bestowing or confirming gifts by the laying on of hands and prophesy” are erroneous.634


October 1949, The Free Church Presbytery of Lewis met in the town of Stornoway, to consider the terrible drift away from the ordinances of the church, especially by the young people of the island, and the dearth of conversions in their congregations. While the haunts of sin were crowded, churches were almost empty. In many places youth had almost disappeared from the House of God and it seemed only a matter of time

House where the Barvas Revival started


http://lrm1948.blogspot.com Richard Riss quotes Mom Beall as having written, "The day of the dedication of the Temple will be a day never to be forgotten. Not only was the Temple filled to capacity with people but it was also filled with the presence of God. Such singing, such worshipping of God, such prophecies, such supernatural utterances will always remain the greatest wonderment of our lives" Latter Rain: The Latter Rain Movement of 1948 and the Mid-Twentieth Century Evangelical Awakening 633 Minutes of the General Counsel of the Assemblies of God. 1949. 634 Robert Crabtree, " New Wave Theology," (privately printed paper, 1987), pp. 19-20. 632


before many churches would have to close their doors. A resolution was passed, calling upon all their faithful people to take these matters to heart, to view with deep concern the inroads made by the prevailing spirit of the day, to examine their lives in the light of their responsibility, to repent and return again to the Lord, whom they had so grieved with their iniquities and waywardness. Especially did they warn their young people, of the devil’s man traps, the cinema, and the public house. This declaration from the presbytery was read in all the congregations, and published in the local press.635 1949

November. Duncan Campbell leads a revival in Scotland. In 1949 one of the most outstanding revivals of the 20th century broke out in the tiny village of Barvas636 in the Outer Hebrides on the Island of Lewis off the North West coast of Scotland.637 This became known as The Hebrides Revival and Awakening 1949-1953.638


Churches of God in Christ Jesus. The founder was Bishop Peter Bridges


November 15, 1950. The first national Latter Rain convention in St. Louis, MO.639


June 4, 1951. Alexander, now in Bible School, was still in prayer outside in fields long after midnight when he sensed a strange feeling of something pressing down upon him, a great light surrounding him and a heavenly being enfolding him. The boy was terrified and fled back to the Institute.640 The heavenly visitor entered the Institute with him, and in a few moments all the students were awake with the fear of God upon them. They began to cry out in repentance as God by his Spirit dealt with them. The next day the Spirit of God came again upon Alexander as he was given prophecies of God's moving in far off countries. The following day Alexander again


http://www.calltoprayer.org.uk/encourager37.html A Community At Prayer For Revival. Preceding The Isle of Lewis Revival (1949-1952). Colin and Mary Peckham 637 http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=DDDLYPNX 638 http://www.calltoprayer.org.uk/encourager37.html 639 According to William Faupel, "Thomas Wyatt brought the climaxing message at the first 'National Latter Rain Convention' in St. Louis on 15 November 1950" Winds from the North: Canadian Contributions to the Pentecostal Movement 640 http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival 636


saw the Lord in the Spirit, but this time he began to speak slowly and distinctly the words he heard from the angel of God. No one could understand what he was saying, however, until another lad named Celsio (with even less education than Alexander), overcome with the Spirit of God markedly upon him, began to interpret. These communications (written because he choked up when he tried to talk) were a challenge from God to pray and indeed the Institute became a centre of prayer till the vacation time, when teams went out to preach the kingdom. It was the beginning of new stirrings of the Spirit across the land. The Bible Institute continued in prayer for 4 months, 8-10 hours a day, weeping. Bricks became saturated; one young man prayed against the wall daily, weeping. After 6 hours the tear stains reached the floor, and after 8 hours had formed a puddle on floor. The Lord gave them prophecies of revival in Argentina and around the world. They were told the largest auditoriums would be filled, and this happened with the visit of Tommy Hicks to Argentina.641 1951

July. 1st issue of the Latter Rain Evangel. this publication marked the fulfillment of a prophecy delivered on January 28, 1949 that a paper called the Latter Rain Evangel would go out from the Bethesda Missionary Temple in Detroit.642


Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International forms. Meets struggling Evangelist Oral Roberts and finances Oral Roberts along with a group of business men. They MARKET the "experience". They helped to organize Oral Robert's Los Angeles campaign which had over two hundred thousand people attending over sixteen days. F.G.B.M.F.I. Boasts They Were The Force Behind Charismatics.643

641 642



According to the testimony of Demos Shakarian, the International President of the F.G.B.M.F.I., in the Denver Post of Sept. 3rd, 72, "He believes his organization was the force behind the charismatic renewal movement. . ." And according to the introduction leaflet of the organization they say of him, "As surely as God endued Moses with divine direction to deliver Israel, He empowered Demos Shakarian, a California dairyman."



Bethel Ministerial Association is created from a name change of the Evangelical Ministerial Alliance.


The Apostolic Faith Alliance (founded by Charles Parham) meets in Spearman Texas to discuss challenges primarily dealing with the growing Latter Rain Movement with ministers like William Branham and Oral Roberts.

Bishop A. F. (Doc) Varnell ministering

The older Apostolic Faith members are not receptive of the methods of these new Pentecostal healers. The rift ends with younger ministers including Robert Parham’s widow Pauline leaving. The group of 136 ministers and 83 churches divided nearly in half.644 Today, they remain headquartered in Baxter Springs with 109 ministers and about 50 churches.645 1951

July 3, 1951. The faction that withdrawals at Spearman, Texas form “Ministerial and Missionary Alliance of the Original Trinity Apostolic Faith, Inc. (MMAOTAF).


Rex Humbard in Akron, Ohio, begins his televangelist program which will continue until 1983. At one time Humbard will have the largest network of television stations that carry a religious broadcast in the United States. His success in the new medium of television helps to build a "Cathedral of Tomorrow" at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Humbard recounts that he was inspired to go onto television while standing outside of O’Neil’s Department Store in Akron, Ohio. People were huddled around a television, marveling at a Cleveland Indian’s game. Humbard, an Arkansas evangelist passing through town, felt called to become the evangelist to spread the Gospel via television. Humbard

644 645

Goff. Pg. 162. Goff. Pg. 163.


purchased an old movie theatre in Akron, christened it Calvary Temple, and began broadcasting. 1952

Chile / Argentina. Tommy Hicks was involved in revival in Latin America. In 1952 he was conducting a series of meetings in California when God showed him a vision. While he was praying he saw a map of South America covered with a vast field of golden wheat ripe for harvesting. The wheat turned into human beings calling him to come and help them. He wrote in his Bible a prophecy he received about going by air to that land before two summers passed. Three months later, after an evangelistic crusade, a pastor's wife in California gave that same prophecy to him that he had written down. Cash began to arrive till he had enough to buy a one way air ticket to Buenos Aires. On his way there after meetings in Chile, the word Peron came to his mind. He asked the air stewardess if she knew what it meant. She told him Peron was the President of Argentina. After he made an appointment with the Minister of Religion, wanting to see the President, he prayed for the Minister's secretary who was limping. He was healed. So the Minister made an appointment for Hicks to see the President. Through prayer the President was healed of an ugly eczema and gave Hicks the use of a stadium and free access to the state radio and press. The crusade was a spiritual breakthrough.646



Church of God, founded by A. J. Tomlinson in 1923 after he was removed as General Overseer from an organization of the same name that he began in 1906, is renamed the Church of God of Prophecy after civil action in court over who owned the rights to the name Church of God.




Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ (ALJC) is organized when three Pentecostal groups merge; The Assemblies of Jesus Christ, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Jesus Only Apostolic Church of God.


Original Glorious Church of God in Christ - Founded.


Brazil also had revival. Edwin Orr visited each of the 25 states and territories in Brazil in 1952 seeing powerful moves of the spirit in his meetings which were supported by all denominations. The evangelical church council declared that the year of 1952 saw the first of such a general spiritual awakening in the country's history. Many meetings had to be moved into soccer stadiums, some churches increased in numbers by 50% in one week, and the revival movement continued in local churches in Brazil.647


June. MMAOTAF was changed to “Full Gospel Evangelistic Association” at a meeting in Wichita, KS. The Full Gospel Evangelistic Association (FGEA) incorporated in Texas. Ralph A. Durham is President, A “Hap” Watkins, Vice-President, and Glayron K. Rees – Secretary.648 Today the group has about 134 ministers and 31 churches.649


The Emmanuel Holiness Church forms from a split within the FireBaptized Holiness Church. The organizational meeting takes place at Whiteville, North Carolina.


http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival http://fgeaonline.org/fgea-history 649 Goff. Pg. 163. 648



Tofik Benedictus "Benny" Hinn Born. A Pentecostal pastor and televangelist. He is the host of This Is Your Day, a 30-minute television show on various religious networks, including Trinity Broadcasting Network, Daystar Television Network, Revelation TV, and The God Channel.


Oral Robert’s first television program was broadcast on sixteen stations. It was filmed in a studio, but in 1955 the program switched to his tent meetings. For a time his sermons were done in a studio, healing lines in the tent. Roberts dropped his program in 1967, when his tent came down for the last time. Gene Scott assisted Oral Roberts in establishing Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Gene Scott eventually joined the Pentecostal Assemblies of God denomination and for several years served in a variety of countries as an evangelist.


George Randle Bollinger elected President of FGEA (Full Gospel Evangelical Association). He was considered a co-evangelist with T.L. Osborn and traveled to Latin America as often as finances allowed doing mission work in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Puerto Rico. 650


MILDRED WICKS, LOUISE NANKIEVELL, and FERN HUFFSTUTLER. Mildred Wicks was one of the editors of Jack Coe's Herald of Healing magazine, which was founded in 1950, and she preached at the opening celebration for Coe's Dallas Revival Center in 1954.651


"Pentecostal Church of Zion... French Lick, IN... As a youth in Kentucky, Luther S. Howard was converted by an independent Pentecostal minister and, in 1920,

650 651

Full Gospel News. July 2014. Ibid. Women in Religion.


was ordained a minister of the Holy Bible Mission at Louisville... Upon the death of its founder, Mrs. C. L. Pennington, the Mission was dissolved. Its ministers felt the need to continue their work and, in 1954, formed a new organization, the Pentecostal Church of Zion, Inc. 1955

Apostolic Church Primary School established by the Apostolic Church of Nigeria.652


George W. Hensley who is credited with introducing snake handling among Pentecostals died due to an untreated snake bite.


The Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC or P.A. of J.C.) is reorganized as a multi-cultural ministerial organization by Bishop Ray Cornell Chairman, Bishop C.B. Gillespie and Bishop Carl Angle. Bishop George A. Wade is the General Secretary. Black ministers and women ministers are encouraged to join as ministers. The effort to re-organize began as early as 1947.


February 17, 1957. The Church of God (Jerusalem Acres) (Also called The Church of God of All Nations) is formed out of schism in the Church of God of Prophecy.653

Bishop Ray Cornell and Bishop George A. Wade


November 20, 1957, Bishop Hancock along with Bishops Heardie Leaston, Willie Lee, and Elder David Collins, officially incorporated the Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith (PCAF).


Bible Way Churches of Our Lord Jesus Christ World Wide is organized by Bishop Smallwood E. Williams.


Dictionary of African Christian Biography. Sakpo, Isaiah Ghele. 1912 to 1993. The Apostolic Church Nigeria 653 Encyclopedia of American Religions, J. Gordon Melton, editor. Handbook of Denominations in the United States, by Frank S. Mead. Profiles in Belief: the Religious Bodies of the United States and Canada (Vol. III), by Arthur Carl Piepkorn.



Richard W. Culpepper, David Nunn, W.V. Grant, and Morris Cerullo organize the World Convention of Deliverance Evangelists. It will function from 1958 to 1965, when it ceases meeting.654


May 10, 1959 (Mothers Day) John & Dodie Osteen found Lakewood Church in Houston Texas.


November 14, 1959. John Sherrill, an Episcopal priest Dennis Bennett "prayed for and received the baptism [in the Holy Spirit]" on November 14, 1959. On April 3, 1960 he told his 2600-member St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Van Nuys, California about his tongues-speaking experience. Sherrill writes, "Newspapers carried the story the next day. The wire services picked it up. Overnight the story swept the country: speaking in tongues had appeared in a decent, ordinary church and had caused strife, division and dissension. Time carried the story. So did Newsweek" They Speak with Other Tongues.


Fall. Midwest Bible Institute was opened in Webb City, MO under the direction of Rev. Pauline Parham as a short-term school with a one-year ministry preparation curriculum. That expanded to a two-year curriculum in 1967. Rev. Pauline Parham, daughter-in-law of Charles F. Parham, was the first MBI Superintendent. The school moved to northwest Houston, TX in 1971, continuing and growing on a remodeled elementary school campus. FGEA added dorms and developed the campus with housing for staff. By the time MBI’s Houston campus was closed in 1992 with the plan to relocate the school, MBI had trained over 600 students in its 32 years of operation.655


Church of God (Black Jews) "Prophet F. S. Cherry established the Church of God (Black Jews) in Philadelphia. Cherry taught that the true Jews are black and that Jesus was black."656


All Things are Possible: The Healing & Charismatic Revivals in Modern America. David Edwin Harrell The Full Gospel News. Special Edition. July 2014. Pg. 2. 656 Crim, Keith (ed.). The Perennial Dictionary of World Religions. San Francisco: Harper Collins (1989). Reprint; originally pub. as Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions, 1981; pg. 108. 655



Pentecostal Evangelical Church of God, National and International. Riddle, OR [H.Q.]


Dennis Bennett, an American Episcopalian. Bennett was the Rector at St Mark's Episcopal Church in Van Nuys California announces to the congregation that he had received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Soon after this he was ministering in Vancouver where he ran many workshops and seminars about the work of the Holy Spirit. This influenced tens of thousands of Anglicans, Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches.


Pat Robertson founds the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN).


Bible Way Pentecostal Apostolic Church formed by Bishop Curtis Jones.


People's Temple Christian Church Full Gospel becomes an affiliated church of the Disciples of Christ (Jim Jones would later become ordained by this Christian Church)


The American Lutheran Church (ALC) During his seminary training, Larry Christenson questioned how and where the power of God for ministry was to be found. He studied the Bible and wondered as many do, why the descriptions of the early Christians were so different from what he saw in the church, and was also very curious about healing ministry through Agnes Sanford's book The Healing Light. In August 1961, during Christenson's second year of ministry he was invited by an elderly Norwegian woman to hear evangelist Mary Westberg. Christenson was asked that evening by Westberg if he wanted to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and he received the gift of tongues soon thereafter.


Free Gospel Church Of Christ, Inc. Bishop Ralph Green Came out of The Way of the

Bishop Ralph Green


Cross Organization. 1962

The Holy Temple Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ Of The Apostolic Faith is formed. Bishop Randolph Goodwin is its founder.


August 15, 1962. Vanuatu. Over a period of about 12 weeks the power of God moved upon young people. There were many instances of glossolalia, healings, prophetic utterances, excitation, loud acclamations to God in public services, incidents of deep conviction of sin, conversions, restitutions, and other manifestations of holiness of life. This visitation resulted in a liveliness not known before. Initially it was mainly among young people. In later months and years it spread among all age groups and to my present knowledge was the first such visitation in the history of the Christian Church in Vanuatu.657


An outpouring of charismatic renewal took place in the Bel Air Presbyterian Church near Los Angeles. The pastor, Louis Evans, Jr., led the people into a "...program based on commitment to Jesus Christ, the discipline of studying and obeying the Word of God and training lay leadership for group study and prayer."658


Apostolic Church Grammar School Orishigun Nigeria established by the Apostolic Church of Nigeria.659


July 12, 1964. Howard Goss dies at the age of 80.660


Pat Robertson begins the "700 Club" on television.


The Spirit of God brought revival to Indonesia during the troubled and politically uncertain times there in the sixties. Much of it happened outside the established church, with a later acceptance of it in some churches. Thousands of Moslems were converted, the biggest Christian impact on Islam in history.


Paul Grant 1986:710. (Hummel p. 46) This led first to effective ministries of evangelism and healing. Later they began to discover that as they were obedient to God, spiritual gifts of 1 Cor. 12 would manifest. http://www.prmi.org/history.html 659 Dictionary of African Christian Biography. Sakpo, Isaiah Ghele. 1912 to 1993. The Apostolic Church Nigeria 660 Howard A. Goss Called Home,� Pentecostal Evangel, August 23, 1964, 31. 658


A Bible School in East Java experienced revival with deep repentance, confession, renunciation of occult practices, burnings of fetishes and amulets and a new humility and unity among staff and students. The Lord led individual students and teams in powerful evangelism in many islands. A team visited Timor and saw evidences of revival beginning which burst into unprecedented power.661 1965

Pat Robertson hires Jim and Tammy Bakker to create a small Jesus-based puppet show for kids. The result, a show called Come on Over, is an instant hit and was the beginning of the televangelical networks. Jim is instrumental in launching and hosting the 700 Club (November, 1966).

Jim and Tammy Bakker

Over time Pat started putting himself on television instead of Jim and Tammy and began easing them out of the network. Jim and Tammy relocated to California and were staying with their friends Paul and Jan Crouch when the idea of launching their own Christian network was born. 1965

Oral Roberts University opens in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


Raymond Robert Crawford dies in Portland Oregon. Crawford is the leader of the Apostolic Faith Mission (Portland, Oregon), a work started by his mother, Florence Louise Crawford in 1908. His mother was converted at the Azusa Street Mission in 1906 and worked closely with William J. Seymour until 1908.


William Branham, a leader in the Pentecostal movement and inspiration to the "Latter Rain" movement dies on December 24th, six days after a car accident (December 18th). Branham's life was influenced by numerous visions and angelic visits. He was one of many who like Charles Parham returned to the method practiced by the Apostles of the New Testament Church of baptism in Jesus name.




Branham was probably the leading individual in the Second Wave of Pentecostalism in the 20th Century. In May, 1946 Braham began his first revival crusade that would launch him into the vocabulary of Pentecostalism. 1966

A group of Presbyterian pastors who had been touched by the Holy Spirit gathered together at Camp Furthest Out at Lake Murray, Oklahoma and founded the Presbyterian Pastors Charismatic Communion. This group was dedicated to promoting an experience of the Holy Spirit but in terms that were consistent with their Presbyterian theology and style.

William Branham


The Church of God, House of Prayer founded by Harrison W. Poteat, is incorporated in 1966, and is doctrinally similar to the Church of God (Cleveland).


The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LC-MS) Rodney Lensch was an LC-MS pastor in Thousand Oaks, California. He had also recognized the discrepancy between the power of God in the Bible and what he had experienced in his pastoral ministry, when he heard the testimony of three clergy from different denominations speak on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. One of them, Rev. Ray Bringham went to the home of the Lensch's, where he prayed for Lensch and his wife to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They received it that evening, and his life was transformed completely.


The Roman Catholic Church continues Vatican II from which they go forward with a plan to return their “Protestant Daughters” to the “Mother Church”. Part of the plan is to embrace ‘speaking in tongues’ which has become popular among the people with everyone from pornography publishers to movie stars claiming to speak in tongues. The Pope approves the activity but adding that you don’t have to speak in tongues.



The Charismatic phenomenon became accepted by the Roman Catholic Church. It broke out in 1966 as a result of a weekend retreat at Duquesne University led by theology professors Ralph Keiffer and Bill Soty. One of the largest tongues speaking groups today is within the Catholic Church. "By 1973, the movement had spread so rapidly that thirty thousand Catholic Pentecostals gathered at Notre Dame for a national conference."662


Kenneth Copeland Ministries founded by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.663


The Wesleyan Church is formed when the Wesleyan Methodist Church and the Pilgrim Holiness Church merge. The issues are primarily retirement and other benefits for the ministers.


Apostolic Ministerial Fellowship (AMF) organized at Baker, Louisiana primarily from UPC ministers who are disgruntled about various issues within the organization. Foremost seems to be the local sovereignty of the Church. Like the UPC,, the AMF is an all white organization.


New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. St. Louis, Missouri, as a schism from the Pentecostal Church of God (PCG) of Joplin, Missouri. NTCC was founded by a former PCG missionary, R.W. Davis.


Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC) meets at Apostolic Temple (a daughter work of AFGOG in Cleveland) in Columbia Station Ohio (Suburb of Cleveland) for a meeting. Bishop Hughes chairs the meeting. The subject is leadership of the organization after the illness of Bishop Ray Cornell and death of Bishop C. B. Gillespie.


July. Solomon Islands. Muri Thompson, a Maori A evangelist from New Zealand, visited the Solomons in July and August n g 1970 where the church had already experienced significant renewal and l e was praying for revival. Many of these Christians were former warriors and

662 663

Bishop Carl

"Seminar on Pentecostalism" by Wilson Ewin - page 22 http://www.kcm.org/about-us#top


cannibals gradually won to Christ in spite of initial hostility and the martyrdom of early missionaries and indigenous evangelists. Beginning at Honiara, the capital, Muri spent two months visiting churches and centres on the islands. Initially the national leaders and missionaries experienced deep conviction and repentance, publicly acknowledging their wrong attitudes. It was very humbling. A new unity and harmony transformed their relationships, and little things which destroyed that unity were openly confessed with forgiveness sought and given. Then in the last two weeks of these meetings the Spirit of God moved even more powerfully in the meetings with more deep repentance and weeping, sometimes even before the visiting team arrived. At one meeting the Spirit of God came upon everyone after the message in a time of silent prayer when the sound of a gale came above the gathering of 2000 people. Multitudes were broken, melted and cleansed, including people who had been strongly opposed to the Lord. Weeping turned to joyful singing. Everywhere people were talking about what the Lord had done to them. Many received healings and deliverance from bondage to evil spirits. Marriages were restored and young rebels transformed. Everywhere people were praying together every day. They had a new hunger for God's Word. People were sensitive to the Spirit and wanted to be transparently honest and open with God and one another. Normal lectures in the South Seas Evangelical Church Bible School were constantly abandoned as the Spirit took over the whole school with times of confession, prayer and praise. Teams from these areas visited other islands, and the revival caught fire there also. Eventually pastors from the Solomons were visiting other Pacific countries and seeing similar moves of God there.664 1970

Apostolic Churches of the Lord Jesus Christ, Inc. (ACLJC). Founded by Bishop Carl Angle.


Holy Temple Church of Christ, Inc. by Bishop Joseph Weathers





Apostolic Assemblies of Christ founded by Bishop G. M. Boone


The Lutheran Church in America (LCA) While there were a few forerunners such as Paul Swedeberg and Glen Pearson, the charismatic renewal as a movement did not occur in the LCA until the 1970's. According to Charles Miller, a charismatic Lutheran pastor and consultant, who worked with bishops in the 1970's and 1980's, the LCA bishops saw charismatic renewal as a move of God the same way as the Catholic bishops.

Bishop G.M. Boone

Also, the teaching and practice of the gifts of the Spirit were addressed similarly, i.e., boundaries were given in theological statements but the use of gifts was tolerated and even encouraged. Charismatic renewal was not addressed by the LCA until 1972 when a resolution was passed at their convention. 1971

April 1, 1971. Bishop Ray Oscar Cornell dies.665 He is buried in West Park Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio.666 Bishop Milton Valentine Green becomes pastor of AFCOG.


June. The Jesus People, revival movements had spilled over into the society with thousands of young people gathering in halls and theatres to sing, witness and repent, quitting drugs and immorality. The pendulum had swung from the permissive hippie dropouts of the sixties to a new wave of conversion and cleansing in the seventies. Time magazine carried a cover article on the Jesus Movement.667


Bishop Worthy G. Rowe of South Bend, Indiana calls for key Apostolic Pentecostal ministers to come together to study the feasibility of a world-wide fellowship. Soon the Apostolic World Christian Fellowship (AWCF) is founded and Bishop Rowe is the first chairman.

Bishop Worthy G. Rowe


http://www.apostolicarchives.com/historical-timeline.html http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=128918052 667 http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival 666



October 13, 1971. Wednesday. Wilbert (Bill) McLeod, a Baptist minister in his mid-fifties, had seen many people healed in answer to prayer, often praying with a group of deacons. Bill invited the twin evangelists Ralph and Lou Sutera to speak at his church in Saskatoon. Revival broke out. By the weekend an amazing spirit gripped the people. Many confessed their sins publicly. The first to do so were the twelve counselors chosen to pray with inquirers. Numbers grew rapidly till the meetings had to be moved to a larger church building and then to the Civic Auditorium seating 2000. The movement spread to other churches. The meetings lasted many hours. People did not want to leave. Some stayed on for a later meeting called the Afterglow. Here people received prayer and counsel from the group as they continued to worship God and pray together. Humble confession of sin and reconciliations were common. Many were converted. Taxi drivers became amazed that people were getting cabs home from church late into the night or early into the morning. Others were calling for taxis to take them to church late into the night as they were convicted by the Lord. Young people featured prominently. Almost half those converted were young. They gave testimonies of lives that had been cleaned up by God and how relationships with their families were restored. The atmosphere in schools and colleges changed from rebellion and cheating to cooperation with many Bible study and prayer groups forming in the schools and universities. Criminals were also confessing their sins and giving themselves up to the police. Restitution was common. People paid long overdue bills. Some businesses opened new accounts to account for the conscience money being paid to them. Those who cheated at restaurants or hotels returned to pay their full bill. Stolen goods were returned.668



December 15, 1971. Winnipeg Canada. Revival continues. Sherwood Wirt reported on Bill McLeod preaching at Winnipeg. “I confess that what I saw amazed me. This man preached for only fifteen minutes, and he didn't even give an invitation! He announced the closing hymn, whereupon a hundred people came out of their seats and knelt at the front of the



church. All he said was, that’s right, keep coming! Many were young. Many were in tears. All were from the Canadian Midwest, which is not known for its euphoria. It could be said that what I was witnessing was revival.�669 1972

Sunday May 5, 1972 Canada. Revival broke out in the Ebenezer Baptist Church with 2,000 attending that first Sunday. The next Sunday 3,000 people attended in two churches. After a few weeks five churches were filled. The revival spread in many churches across Canada and into northern USA especially in Oregon. Everywhere the marks of the revival included honesty before God and others, with confession of sin and an outpouring of the love of God in those who repented.670


United Pentecostal Church adds International to its name.


Jim and Tammy Bakker form Trinity Broadcasting in partnership with Jan and Paul Crouch.


September 16, 1973. Western Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Prayer meetings began among pastors, missionaries and Bible College students in the Baptist mission area among Engas of the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea in the early 1970s owing to the low spiritual state in the churches. This prayer movement spread to the villages. In some villages people agreed to pray together every day until God sent new life to the church. During September 1973 pastors from the Solomon Islands and Enga students who were studying at the Christian Leaders Training College visited the Enga churches. Revival broke out in many villages on Sunday 16 September. Many hundreds of people, deeply convicted of sin, repented and were reconciled to God and others with great joy. Pastors in one area held a retreat from Monday to Wednesday in a forest which previously had been sacred for animistic spirit worship. Others joined the pastors there. Healings reported included a lame man able to walk, a deaf mute who spoke and heard, and a mentally deranged girl

669 670

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restored. Normal work stopped as people in their thousands hurried to special meetings. Prayer groups met daily, morning and evening. In the following months thousands of Christians were restored and thousands of pagans converted. The church grew in size and maturity.671 1973

Believers Voice of Victory newsletter begins.672


One of Charles Parham’s most notable disciples Gordon Lindsay dies. FREDA LINDSAY (1916- ), wife of the famous healing revival historian Gordon Lindsay (1906-1973), became president of Christ for the Nations ministry at the death of her husband. "The real growth of that institution came under her leadership"673


September. Cambodia. Todd Burke arrived in Cambodia on a one week visitor's visa. Just 23 years old, he felt a strong call from God to minister there, the only charismatic missionary in the country. Beginning with two English classes a day, conducted through an interpreter, he taught from the Good News Bible. Those interested in knowing more about Jesus stayed after class and he saw daily conversions and people filled with the Spirit and healed. Revival broke out in the war torn capital of Phnom Penh and rapidly spread to surrounding areas. During that September Todd's wife DeAnn joined him, they received permission to stay in the country, and mounted a three day crusade in a stadium where thousands attended and hundreds were saved and healed supernaturally. A powerful church spread through a network of small house churches. Todd met with the leaders of these groups at early morning prayer meetings every day at 6 am Most pastors were voluntary workers holding normal jobs. Some cycled in from the country and returned for work each morning. Healings, miracles and deliverance from demonic powers were regular events, attracting new converts who in turn were filled with the power of the Spirit and soon began witnessing and praying for others.


Evangelist Jim Bakker begins his Praise the Lord network (PTL). At the height of their ministry, Jim and Tammy Bakker were watched by about 13.5 million viewers across the country. They also


Vision magazine, 1973:46 http://www.kcm.org/about-us#top 673 Ibid. Women in Religion. 672


owned Heritage USA, a Christian-themed retreat and gospel park of 2,300 acres. 1974

Evangelistic Churches of Christ Bishop Lymus Johnson, Founder


May 19, 1975. Pope Paul VI: Speaking to the International Conference on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, encouraged the attendees in their renewal efforts and especially to remain anchored in the Roman Catholic Church. 1975 marks the year of the Renewal's "coming of age" in the Catholic Church.


August 26th, 1976. Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) founded.


Burma. The largest known baptismal service in the world happened at the Kachin Baptist Centennial Convention with 6,000 baptized in one day.674


March 10, 1977..Papua New Guinea. Thursday afternoon at Duranmin in the rugged western highlands, where Diyos was the principal of the Sepik Baptist Bible College, while he spoke to about 50 people they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and great joy. Revival had begun. It spread through the area with vibrant new enthusiasm. Conversions, Bible studies, prayer and healings of many kinds were common. 3,000 were added to the church in 3 years. The church grew and was strengthened. This revival movement spread to other areas as Diyos and others told of what God was doing.675


John Wimber began pastoring the fellowship of about 40 people which had been commenced by his wife, Carol. It later became the headquarters of the Vineyard Christian Fellowships. John preached from Luke's gospel and began to pray for healings with no visible results for nine months although the worship and evangelism attracted many people. Then healings began to happen and became a regular part of Vineyard ministry.

674 675

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1978 Apostolic Church Student Fellowship of Nigeria established by the Apostolic Church of Nigeria.676 1979

March. Australia. Aboriginal revival beginning in Galiwinku (Elcho Island). Djiniyini Gondarra ministered there where half the island became involved in the church and the whole community was affected. The pattern is similar to other revivals prayer and expectation, the Spirit of God moving in new and powerful ways, repentance and confession on a wide scale, restitution of stolen goods and money, forgiveness and reconciliation between people, crime and drunkenness greatly diminished, renewed concern for justice and righteousness in the community, churches filled with Christians alive in the Spirit. Here too, teams have travelled to other areas bringing some of the fire of revival to ignite churches and communities with a vital Christian commitment and a strong impact on society.677


Jim Kaseman organizes Upper Midwest Faith Churches and Ministries. The group will change its name to the Association of Faith Churches and Ministries


Vineyard Church. The congregation had an experience of corporate renewal. On the evening of Mothers' Day a young man who had been attending the church gave a testimony and asked those under twenty five to come forward. He then invoked the Holy Spirit and the young people about 400 of them fell to the floor, weeping, wailing and speaking in tongues.678


August 1, 1982. The inauguration of the Apostolic Church LAWNA Evangelical Defense Force (TACLEDEF), a movement in the Apostolic Church of Nigeria whose task was to promote and mobilize members for evangelism, prayer, and other spiritual activities.679


John Wimber began teaching "Signs, Wonders and Church Growth" at Fuller Theological Seminary, an institution regarded by some as


Dictionary of African Christian Biography. Sakpo, Isaiah Ghele. 1912 to 1993. The Apostolic Church Nigeria 677 Ibid. Revival Library. 678 http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival 679 Dictionary of African Christian Biography. Sakpo, Isaiah Ghele. 1912 to 1993. The Apostolic Church Nigeria


representative of the very inner circle of traditional evangelicalism. In the next four months they baptized 700 new converts. They began ministering in the Spirit's power in new ways and healings became a regular part of their church's life and their international teaching ministry. The church grew to 6,000 in a decade and commenced many other Vineyard fellowships.680 1982

Clarence Robinson organizes The Full Gospel Evangelistic Association.


Evangel Fellowship International founded by Bishop Houston Miles. Bishop Miles was driven by a vision that The Church is called not only to serve the local community, but to share God’s word and God’s love on a global level.681


April 22, 1984. Easter. Sepik, Papua New Guinea, 1984. In the Sepik lowlands of northern Papua New Guinea a new visitation of God burst on the churches at Sparked by Solomon Island pastors. It too was characterized by repentance, confession, weeping and great joy. Stolen goods were returned or replaced, and wrongs made right. Ray Overend reports: I was preaching to an Easter convention at a place called Walahuta during the recent Sepik revival in Papua New Guinea. The words the Lord gave us were from Isaiah 6. After the last word of the message the whole church rose to its feet and clapped loudly something completely new to me! I knew they were not applauding me. They were acknowledging to God in praise the truth of his Word.. Then I sat down in the only spare little space in the overcrowded church and the whole congregation began to sing one song after another.. Many faces were lifted to Heaven and many hands raised in humble adoration. The faces looked like the faces of angels. They were radiating light and joy. And then I noticed something. Right beside me was a man who had heard the Word and now he just watched those radiant faces lost in praise. Then he hung his head and began to sob like a child. He was ministered to. Demons were cast out. And he received the Lord Jesus right into his heart. Then he too began to clap in gentle joy. But who was he? A pastor came over to tell me that he


pg. 16 Forward by Peter Wagner The Kingdom and The Power edited by Gary S. Greig and Kevin N. Springer 681 http://www.efiglobal.org/w/p/index.php/about-us/


had been until this moment the leader of the Tambaran cult in the Walahuta area that Satanic cult of which the whole village lived in mortal fear and traditionally the whole of the Sepik The man who was second in charge of the Tambaran cult in that area was also converted that day while he was listening to the worship from a distance as God's love and power overcame him.682 1984

June 14, 1984. Revival had broken out in many churches around but Brugam itself [the headquarters], with many station staff and many Bible College and Secondary School students, was untouched. .. Then early on Thursday night, the 14th, Judah Akesi, the Church Superintendent, invited some of us to his office for prayer. During that prayer time God gave him a vision. In the vision he saw many people bowed down in the front of the church building in the midst of a big light falling down from above just like rain. So after the ministry of the Word that night Judah invited those who wanted to bring their whole heart and mind and life under the authority of Christ to come forward so that hands might be laid on them for prayer. About 200 people surged forward. Many fell flat on their faces on the ground sobbing aloud. Some were shaking as spiritual battles raged within. There was quite some noise.683 The spiritual battles and cries of contrition continued for a long time. Then one after another in a space of about 3 minutes everybody rose to their feet, singing spontaneously as they rose. They were free. The battle was won. Satan was bound. They had made Christ their King! Their faces looked to Heaven as they sang. They were like the faces of angels. The singing was like the singing of Heaven. Deafening, but sweet and reverent.684


Voice of God periodical began to be published by the Apostolic Church of Nigeria.685


Carpenters Home Church is dedicated. Pastor Karl D. Strader.686


http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival Overend 1986:3637 684 http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival 685 Dictionary of African Christian Biography. Sakpo, Isaiah Ghele. 1912 to 1993. The Apostolic Church Nigeria 683



Cuba. The Pentecostals, Baptists, independent evangelical churches and some Methodist and Nazarene churches experienced powerful revival. One Assemblies of God church had around 100,000 visit it in six months, many coming in bus loads. One weekend they had 8,000 visitors, and on one day the four pastors (including two youth pastors) prayed with over 300 people. In central Cuba, a miraculous healing took place at a 150 seat chapel at the beginning of a nine day mission. The repercussions were so astounding that at one time 5,000 people crowded into the chapel. During those nine days, 1,200 people became Christians, and there were further healings. The two pastors were put in prison, but Cuban believers commented, 'Although the authorities stopped this crusade, they cannot stop the Holy Spirit.' Revival spread to the rest of Cuba.687


Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) is a Christian church and religious organization in Etobicoke, part of the city of Toronto, Canada. It is a member of the Partners in Harvest group of churches and is directly affiliated with Catch the Fire Ministries. The church is famous for the Toronto blessing, an experiential religious activity which spread amongst the Charismatic church world-wide. by Pastors John & Carol Arnott.


August 4, 1988. New Guinea. The Spirit fell on a group of students and staff, with individuals receiving the baptism of the Holy spirit on several occasions later on in the year. The school has never been the same again. As direct results we noticed a desire for holiness, a hunger for God's Word which was insatiable right up till the end of the school year, and also a tremendous urge to go out and witness. Whenever they had a chance many of our students were in the villages with studies and to lead Sunday services. Prayer life deepened, and during worship services we really felt ourselves to be on holy ground.688


August 1-4, 1989. Take it by Force Conference. Phoenix, Arizona.


Cary McMullen (2002-07-27). "Without Walls Pastor Discusses Arrangement With Carenter's Church". The Ledger. 687 http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival 688 http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival



New Guinea. 35 new students were fascinated by the new life they discovered among the second year students. The Word of God did the rest. During the month of March real repentance took place. One week before Easter the Holy Spirit moved mightily among the students and staff. There was a lot of crying during that week. Each night the students met in small prayer groups. The aim was to get them prepared to go out to seven small Easter camps that were planned for the Gazup area our area here around the school. God's Spirit really prepared them well! I have never seen and heard so much crying. Many students had listed all their sins. I must confess that some of these lists really shook me. There was witchcraft, magic, adultery, stealing, and drunkenness. It once again showed me how deep and far the world has invaded the church today. There was tremendous relief as students were assured of forgiveness and were filled with the Holy Spirit.' An example of how God used these students is the account of a young man, David, Markham Valley of the Eastern Highlands in Papua New Guinea who was studying at the Training School. He had a growing burden for his village of Waritzian which was known and feared as the centre of pagan occult practices. During his studies he was concerned for his people who were not ready for the Lord's return. He prayed much. As part of an outreach team he visited nearby villages and then went to his own people in May, 1989. They had already written to the Training School asking for him to come to teach them. He was concerned about the low spiritual life of the church. He spent a couple of days alone praying for them. Then as he was teaching them they heard the sound of an approaching wind which filled the place. Many were weeping, confessing their sins. They burnt their fetishes used in sorcery. This had been a stronghold of those sanguma practices. Many people received various spiritual gifts including unusual abilities such as speaking English in tongues and being able to read the Bible. People met for prayer, worship and study every day and at night. These daily meetings continued.689



Peter Wagner's research describes Latin American Protestants growing from 50,000 in 1900 to over 5 million in the 1950s, over 10 million in the 1960s, over 20 million in the 1970s, around 50 million by the end of the



eighties and a projected 137 million by 2000. Over 100 new churches begin every week. Pentecostals are the biggest proportion of this growth. One quarter of the Protestants were Pentecostal by the 1950s; three quarters by the 1980s. By then 90% of Protestants in Chile were Pentecostal.690 1991

Russia. The earnest prayers of suffering Christians through most of this century has been a significant part in more recent freedom to worship God experienced in Russia and its neighbors. Reports from Russia have included huge numbers turning to Christ recently. For example, 70,000 out of 90,000 made commitments to Christ in an evangelism rally in Leningrad. Churches are packed. All available Bibles are sold.691


May/June 1991. David Wang (Asian Report) tells of a former Lama priest, illiterate, who has been a pastor for 13 years and pastors 43 fellowships with total of 32,000 people. Another pastor oversees 40,000 people. Most conversions in Nepal involve casting out demons.692


Vanuatu. A significantly developed interest in the quickening power of the Spirit among west Ambai church members and leaders through teaching of the Scriptures and news of revival and the power works of the Spirit in other parts of the world, e.g. a series of talks on the East Africa revival, the Welsh revival, signs and wonders and healings as reported from the Apostolic Church in Papua New Guinea, and inspiring records in other magazines. An emphasis on prayer meetings, both between missionaries and in local churches. Regular and frequent prayers for a visitation of God's Spirit by Apostolic Churches around the world. The first Monday night of each month was observed as a prayer night for worldwide


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missions. Concentrated, sustained Scripture teaching in the classrooms of the primary school where students later would experience the power of God.693 1992

Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship A spiritual gifts movement, led by National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. pastor Paul S. Morton.


The Church of God (Charleston, Tennessee) is founded from a schism in the Church of God of Prophecy.694


Rodney Howard-Browne became well known in a meeting at Carpenter's Home Church in Lakeland, Florida.


January. The Toronto Blessing, a term coined by British newspapers, describes the revival and resulting phenomena that began in January 1994 at the Toronto Airport Vineyard church, now the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF), a neocharismatic evangelical Christian church located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.695


World Assemblies of Restoration (WAR) founded by Bishop James Nelson


Pentecostal Free Will Baptist formed.696


International Bible Way Church of Jesus Christ founded by Bishop Lawrence Campbell.


January 3rd, 1999. Pastor John Osteen dies. His son Pastor Joel Osteen would go on to become pastor and lead the church. Soon they would experience amazing growth and over to a


http://www.revival-library.org/index.php/catalogues-menu/20th-century/20th-century-revival https://www.thechurchofgod.org/index.php 695 Bowker, John (1997). "Toronto Blessing". The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. 694




new location in a former NBA Area with seating capacity of 16,800. The church will become the largest in the nation by the year 2007 with weekend attendance more than 40,000. 1999

Pastor Ron Phillips and the Central Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This SBC congregation had a "Fresh Oil & New Wine" conference that was attended by more than 500 SBC pastors. These are part of a new wave of Spirit filled ministers.


The International Circle of Faith (ICOF) is launched in a reorganization of the Apostolic Faith Church of God (AFCOG). AFCOG traces its roots to the Topeka Outpouring of Charles and Sarah Parham.697 ICOF is led by a diverse international group of ministers with backgrounds in a variety of groups tracing their roots to the Apostolic Faith movement including the Assemblies of God, Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC), Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW), Assemblies of God (AG), Bible Way, United Pentecostal Church, Church of God, and others.698 Notables who have been part of this Apostolic restoration or transformation movement are Bishop Larry T. Smith, Dr. Bernie L. Wade, Bishop Harold McFarlane, Dr. Jerome Campher, Bishop Daniel Joseph Ubonabasi, Dr. David Ngwa, Bishop Alfred Tembi, Bishop Marcus Benson, Ralph E. Day, Stan & Cindye Coates and Bishop Barney Phillips. The multi-cultural, international group focuses on unity and the restoration of the original New Testament church particularly the five-fold ministry, the operation of the gifts and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. http://www.icof.net

697 698

http://www.conservapedia.com/ICOF http://www.worldlibrary.org/articles/international_circle_of_faith



New Destiny Fellowship International. Founder Thomas W. Weeks.


FGEA voted overwhelmingly to adopt Victory Bible Institute in Tulsa, OK as the “school of choice” for FGEA students. Rather than investing huge sums of money to rebuild a whole campus, FGEA simply joined forces with Victory Christian Center and Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty in a “win-win” agreement that allows FGEA to send This historic Webb City, MO home became the first “dorm” for MBI in the early 1960’s. After moving to northwest Houston in 1971, the campus (below) grew to include dorms, staff housing, an auditorium, and an Office for FGEA. students there and consider it FGEA’s school, in exchange for providing a fulltime teacher at VBI.699


Gathering of Eagles. At a meeting hosted by Bishop Eugene Ward at Greater Love Full Gospel Missionary Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio representatives of more than 400 churches from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceana, Central, North & South America voted to officially rename AFCOG. The new name is International Circle of Faith (ICOF). The conference theme was Psalm 50:5 - "Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice."


Church Without Walls, Pastors Randy and Paula White begins meeting in the former Carpenter’s Home Church in Lakeland, Florida.700 Paula White is among the notable alumni of Life College (formerly ICOF CSU).


International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities (ICOF CSU) is formed. This is a global effort to bring an Ivy League quality of education to the global Pentecostal movement in general and ICOF in particular through networking educators and schools of learning. Notables who hold degrees with ICOF CSU schools include; Bishop Noel Jones, Paula White, Dr. Gary Garrett, Dr. Joan Hunter,


Full Gospel Evangelical Association web site. Cary McMullen (2002-07-27). "Without Walls Pastor Discusses Arrangement With Carenter's Church". The Ledger. 700


Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, Julian McPhillips, Bernie L. Wade, Dr’s Frank and Hurdis Bozeman, Dr. E.J. McKenzie, Leslie McPhilips, Dr. Cindye Coates, A. Akbar Mohammed, John Atta Mills, Dr. John Alford, Dottie Peoples, Dr. Stan Coates, and Apostle Garnet Budge. In 2014 ICOF CSU merged to become Life College701 Life College is headquarted in Crestwood, Kentucky. 2005

Pentecostal Assembly of Believers. Founded by Bishop Carl Holland


Centennial of Azusa Street Revival.


Pneuma Life Fellowship. Founded by Bishop Ronald Logan


April 2, 2008. The Lakeland Revival or Florida Healing Outpouring was a Christian revival. Evangelist Todd Bentley of Fresh Fire Ministries was invited to Ignited Church in Lakeland, Florida, by Pastor Stephen Strader. Bentley was originally invited to be in Lakeland for only five days but remained there for over six months.702


Apostolic Faith Fellowship. Founded by Bishop Charles Johnson


ICOF CSU merges to become Life College.703


Life Church, LaGrange Kentucky holds its Grand Opening on Easter Sunday at the Presbyterian Ministry Center. Bishop Bernie L. Wade leads a team of leaders. Life Church is part of Joel Osteen’s Champions Network.704


International Christian Apostolic Faith (ICAF). Founded by Bishop William Harris as an African American organization.


http://www.lifecollege.education Lake, Thomas (June 30, 2008). "Todd Bentley's revival in Lakeland draws 400,000 and counting". St. Petersburg Times. Retrieved 2008-07-05. 703 http://www.lifecollege.education 704 http://www.JoelOsteen.com; Life Church web site: http://www.lifecommunity.us 702



International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities (ICOF CSU) merges to become Life College.705


Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) celebrates 100th annual convention.

Bishop Haywood, Bishop Lawson, Bishop Schooler and others


http://www.lifecollege.education. Life College Manual 2015.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR Bernie L. Wade, Ph.D. is a noted Pentecostal and Apostolic historian. He serves on the Executive Board of Apostolic Archives. “The Apostolic Archives International is a well articulated preservation society for Pentecostal history. We are proud to represent the global activity of the Apostolic Faith Movement from the cradle to the present condition. Our purpose is to preserve historical information at large concerning the movement in order to benefit every individual that has an interest in the Apostolic perspective.”706 Bernie L. Wade is a third generation Apostolic Faith minister who traces his roots through the PAJC to the Apostolic Faith Movement. He serves on the International Presbytery of the ICOF – International Circle of Faith. http://www.icof.net Dr. Wade has written extensively about the Apostolic Faith movement and several key organizations. See: The Original Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) The History of Apostolic Reformation in the 20th Century The History of the Apostolic Fith Church of God (AFCOG) The History of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC) For more information write: P.O. Box 685, LaGrange, KY 40031 or email: Bernie.wade1212@gmail.com




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