GRACE by Covenant Bernie L. Wade, Ph.D.
Leadership Marshall Shannon
Trademark Design P.O. Box 685 LaGrange, KY 40031 Contributing Editors David Tait, Lea Bates, Bernie Wade, John Rogers, Cindye Coates, Barney Phillips & Bobby Sutton
The Joy of Giving Alan Pateman
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Building Bridges Ralph E. Day, Ph.D.
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Point Me To Jesus Lea Bates
ideas. Rather, we want the simplicity of the message to help you mature. When I was an 8th Grader in West Saint Paul Minnesota at Francis M. Grass Middle School, my Economics teacher was Mr. Ligday. Robert C. Ligday was a former Navy officer and in my mind quite a formidable figure. I wasn’t quite sure what the Economics class was going to entail but that Mr. Ligday had the answers was never in doubt.
From his New Book, Grace By Covenant is this introduction on Grace By Bernie L. Wade
My hope for this book is to find that common ground offered by the “Clear Note and Certain Sound” of the Word of God. Too often we have what should be a clear and certain sound muffled or distorted by the opinion of men, the pressures of peers or the whim of society. Some strive to achieve morality which is nice but even morality is a moving target based on the dictates and values of the society from one generation to the next. Morality has been defines as, “Whatever a society agrees upon and establishes through consent, compromise and constant use defines reality.” Thus, what was immoral to our ancestors may find itself perfectly acceptable in today’s culture. Morality shifts at the speed of water boiling and like a frog placed in the water, we miss the increasing temperature until it is too late.
On the first day, Mr. Ligday issued this challenge, “There is NOTHING in the world that is not connected to Economics”. Now, Mr. Ligday did not put the emphasis on nothing, but that is what I heard. The result was that I set out to prove Mr. Ligday’s thesis to be incorrect. Every day at the beginning of class I had a new idea to offer that I was just sure Mr. Ligday could not connect to economics. Every day Mr. Ligday proved my objection incorrect. I don’t know if he enjoyed the exchange as much as I did, but I do know that he was the first teacher who really challenged me. I would prove to work harder in his class than any I was enrolled before and perhaps even after.
My desire is to write this book in a style that is easy to read, easier to understand and uncomplicated to apply to your life. There has been no effort to find larger words to explain simple
One day, I arrived at Economics class with my ultimate challenge. I was ready but so was Mr. Ligday. Mr. Ligday started the class with the usual “let’s see what Mr. Wade has thought up for 3
today”. He spoke to his students formally. In his class I was not Bernie, I was Mr. Wade. As an 8th grader few of us were used to be addressed in that manner. I am not sure what my classmates thought but I liked the approach.
that story so that you would understand that like as everything in the world is connected to economics; everything in the Word of God is connected to Grace! GODS RICHES AT CHRIST’S EXPENSE
So, class was in session and now I had to give Mr. Ligday my challenge. With all the finality of a javelin thrower competing in World Competition, I said, “A baby in the middle of the Ocean.” My classmates were impressed I could tell! Could it be that Mr. Wade has trumped Mr. Ligday!? Mr. Ligday must have been a good poker player or he was just playing along! He gave it all of a few seconds to set in on everyone and then said, “How did the baby get in the middle of the ocean? However, that happened was related to Economics.” I was done, that was my last challenge to the question. I understood clearly that everything was related to economics.
To get a your complimentary copy of Grace By Covenant email us at Bernie L. Wade, Ph.D. is member of Life Network Life Network is comprised of people from education, business, church, community (government) and media (including the arts and sports) working together to us to a greater unity in Christ. The vision of Life Network™ is to be instrumental in transforming our world through the energy of a network of like-minded people from all ages, genders, races, nationalities, and cultures whose mutual contribution extinguishes offense, hatred, bigotry, and violence; envisioning a world where war, pestilence, hunger, and poverty are distant memories.
On a personal note, my friends tell me the Mr. Ligday that I reference here was Robert C. Ligday, a respected Teacher & Coach WWII Navy Vet. He passed in 2010, but the input and impact in my life continues. Thank you Mr. Ligday! I expect you are asking, what does that story about you in 8th grade have to do with Grace? Hey, I am so glad that you asked! The answer is simple. I told you 4
Need ministerial license, credentials and/or ordination? Join hands and hearts with us! Since our inception in 1932, ICOF members have united over 50,000 ministers representing more than 25 Million constituents.
distinguishes effective executives as much as their tender loving care of time.”
John C. Maxwell: 5 Qualities of People Who Use Time Wisely
How do we maximize the precious minutes given to us each day? Learn and emulate the five characteristics of people who use time wisely: 1. They are purposeful. People who use time wisely spend it on activities that advance their overall purpose in life. By consistently channeling time and energy toward an overarching purpose, people can most fully realize their potential.
Want to tame time? Here’s how to maximize the precious minutes we get each day.
Time is precious. Ask the coach whose team is behind in the final seconds of a game. Ask the air traffic controller in charge of scheduling takeoffs and landings at a major airport. Ask the news reporter who has just received a breaking story from the AP wire. Ask the cancer patient who just learned he has only two months left to live. Time management is an oxymoron. Time is beyond our control, and the clock keeps ticking regardless of how we lead our lives.
We cannot reach peak performance without a peak purpose. Purpose enlivens all that we do. In fact, I believe the two greatest days in a person’s life are the day they are born and the day they discover why. Uncovering purpose helps to refine passion, focus efforts and sharpen commitments. The cumulative result is to amplify achievements. 2. They are committed to values. People who use time correctly underscore their values with the time they spend. By acting in accordance with their beliefs, they find fulfillment. Failure to identify values leads to a rudderless existence in which people drift through life, uncertain as to what they hold dear. Clarity of values is like a beacon of light, guiding the way through life’s twists and turns.
Priority management is the answer to maximizing the time we have. Our days are identical suitcases—all the same size—but some can pack more into them than others. No one has a magical ability to make time, but if our lives have direction, we can make the most of the moments we have been given. Time stewardship is perhaps a leader’s greatest responsibility. In the words of Peter Drucker, “Nothing else 6
When extended to an organization, values inspire a sense of broader purpose. They make work worthwhile. In an organization, if vision is the head and mission is the heart, then values are the soul. Values endow day-to-day operations and transactions with meaning.
earn is a hollow and lonely achievement. Family and friendships are two of the greatest facilitators of happiness. Prioritizing time to cultivate relationships is a hallmark of a healthy leader. Likewise, scheduling leisure combats stress and allows us to delight in the hobbies that bring us joy. In the end, happiness is an inside job. We are wise to surround ourselves with family, friends and fun, but ultimately we determine our internal response to the people and circumstances in our lives.
3. They are attuned to their strengths. People who use time correctly play to their strengths. By doing so, they are most effective. People don’t pay for average. If your skill level is a two, don’t waste substantial time trying to improve because you’ll likely never grow beyond a four. However, if you’re a seven in an area, hone that skill, because when you become a nine, you’ve reached a rare level of expertise.
5. They are equippers. People who use time properly equip others in order to compound their productivity. They realize the limitations of individual attainment, and they build teams to expand their impact. By developing an inner circle of leaders and investing in them, wise time-users multiply their influence.
As Jim Sundberg says, “Discover your uniqueness; then discipline yourself to develop it.” You are blessed with a unique set of skills and talents. Find them, refine them and let them carry you toward success.
Equippers recognize that legacies are carried on by people, not trophies. They pour themselves into the lives of others and watch the ripple effect of their leadership spread through those they have taught and mentored. Equippers seek significance over the long term, which causes them to have a vested interest in the success of their successors.
4. They are choosers of happiness. People who use time the right way choose happiness by prioritizing relationships and recreation. While choosing happiness may seem simple and obvious, far too many people are trying to prove themselves and validate their worth. These people chase after power and prestige, and along the way their friendships wither, their family is ignored and they skip vacation after vacation. In the end, any success they
As much as we would like, we can’t find more time—it’s a finite and constantly diminishing resource. But we can learn to spend time wisely. 7
shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2 KJV).
The Message Bible offers its own take on this particular verse by saying: "When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he ploughed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!"
The blessing of the Lord it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22 (KJV) I was handed a small mini book just recently called "The Joy of Giving" written by a Pastor in Holland. It focused on the joy of giving and not just the blessing of giving. A refreshing book, as many give because of instruction but not because of revelation. Both of which are significantly different. In a nutshell we must maintain a revelation of the joy-ofgiving and get serious about JOY!
Joy then is likened to "adrenaline" in our souls and yet JOY is so often times missing from our Christian walk. "The kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and JOY in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17 - KJV). It is not the sole element of God's Kingdom but let's consider "joy" for today's article.
Why does "God love a cheerful giver"? There is strength in joy. Jesus Himself endured the cross for the "joy that was set before Him." Arguably joy put Jesus on the cross, not the Roman soldiers or Jewish leaders - but JOY! What an awesome consideration! "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the
Just the word "joy" (if dwelt on long enough) starts to have influence! Willing-yourself-into-aposition-of-joy is a good result. There is simply something contagious about joy that always demands a reaction and yet it's so easy to neglect. The cares-of-thislife and the weight of responsibilities can take over, to the point we don't even notice when joy is missing. (A good daily
litmus test: "Where's the joy in my life today?")
level of maturity through their giving - or lack of it!) The divine nature of God consists of more than just love and if joy is a major part of God's Kingdom and Nature, then it must also be a major part of ours. In our last article we spoke of the spirit of generosity, which helps kindle the fires of revival. Where people begin paying for each other's grocery bills at the supermarket, or other people's meals at the restaurant, creating a wonderful culture of both giving and receiving. And certainly there can't be one without the other. Receiving without giving is impossible and vice versa. Just think about it! Generosity is part of God's perfect design. So why then do so many believers remain sterile despite their giving? Sadly it takes very little for the devil to spoil the revelation of Godly generosity. All he has to do is project a hint of "self-preservation" into our minds and we are hooked! On the contrary compulsive giving – is not synonymous with genuine generosity. Compulsive givers usually live in regret! However
Perhaps responsibilities are not joyful - but Kingdom joy is not emotional, because although it influences our emotions, it is "beyond" emotion. For example, you could not convince me for a second that Jesus "enjoyed" the cross! Rather it was the joy that was set before Him that motivated Him. Look at it this way: God the Father gave His one and only son to the world. Jesus gave Himself to the Father (in loving obedience). Both had a separate motivation for giving. Scripture is clear: the Father's motivation was love and the son's was joy, (the joy of being obedient to the Father!) Maturity looks at giving much the same way. Christ likeness involves giving that is joyful because it's happy about being obedient to the Father! (In fact I would dare say, that people reveal their true
Holy Spirit inspired giving, can be extravagant and lavish but never compulsive or emotion-driven.
influence God to bless us but that we are serving a faithful Father who always rewards faithful servants. There is a special joy in serving God with our money, love, talents, ministry and prayers."
My wife and I are determined to promote this cheerful spirit of generosity wherever we go. We have seen it flow THROUGH and TO this ministry for decades. Always giving over-and-above, we see miracles regularly because we give-out much more than what comes in (including scholarships and other incentives), with increasing opportunities daily to sow all around the world.
Maturity in giving has the sole purpose of glorifying God and Pastor Dirk adds that we must look to, "Give our lives first because no gift given to God can equate our souls." He goes onto say, "We need a REVELATION and not just an INSTRUCTION to give. We are more than just living principles."
However the reality of spiritual warfare means that we can all get hit sometimes - because the devil knows just how to attack the funds of Christian ministries (when MTV prospers excessively, in its trendy politicalcorrectness!) But when partners stand together and give by the Spirit's leading - this equals God's provision - for Christian ministries such as ours.
"God so loved that He GAVE..." (John 3:16) is all the proof that we need, to develop a giving lifestyle that mirrors God's. "Let each one give as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, "prompt to do it") giver whose heart is in his giving" (2 Corinthians 9:7 AMP).
In his book Pastor Dirk Ophalfens of Holland discusses the fact that many believers give only because they are expecting a "pay-back-package." But that God desires Kingdom ambassadors who will grow beyond basic giving-andreceiving and grow into a place of maturity.
Thus you will be enriched in all things and in every way, so that you can be generous, and your generosity as it is administered by us will bring forth thanksgiving to God. (2 Corinthians 9:11 AMP)
"To a mature standard of knowing that it is our responsibility to give all we have towards the kingdom of Our Father God who is always ready to reward faithfulness. The motive is not just because we are trying to
This is why God loves a cheerful giver - when everyone is giving everyone is receiving and the result of 10
that is "thanksgiving" unto God. When we give generous scholarships to students who aren't able to pay the full price at our LICU University, they run with an opportunity that has been given to them! They gush with thanks to God.
us as we go from strength to strength running this ministry on the currency of faith!
A lavish planter gets a lavish crop. I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and armtwisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving. God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you're ready for anything and everything... this most generous God... who is more than extravagant with you... He gives you something you can then give away, which grows into full-formed lives, robust in God, wealthy in every way, so that you can be generous in every way, producing with us great praise to God.
You are personally invited today to become a Giver of Life partner with this ministry. Your monthly financial partnership makes it possible for us to share God’s unconditional love and unending hope around the world through our, live worship events, online resources, medical and mission’s outreaches and more. Without YOU, this would not be possible.
(2 Corinthians 9:6,8 MSG) Verse 12 goes onto say,
Our desire is to continue sharing hope with millions in new ways and in new places. We are so excited about all the wonderful things that God has placed in our hearts to accomplish in His name.
It also produces abundant and bountiful thanksgivings to God... moved by the extravagance of God in your lives, they'll respond by praying for you in passionate intercession for whatever you need.
Generous giving creates a domino effect because obedience is never sterile or selfish. So in the same measure that we look to minister to others, we thank you for standing with 11
While Mission or Ministry is Vision's Values Driven!
national pride, and Kenyans have in their DNA the capacity for long distance running. It’s a grace from God, a redemptive purpose, and a divine enablement that has been proven race after race for years. The world— especially the Kenyans—knows it. Remember, this was January 2000, and the Sydney, Australia, Olympics was going to start in a few weeks.
In January 2000, I was speaking for Pastor Mark Kariuki of Nakuru, Kenya. Pastor Mark had scheduled me to speak at one of his church’s lunch hour “fellowships.” The church rents a movie theater during the week at lunchtime, and the people come to get fed “the Word of God” for lunch. I had been to Kenya many times in the past, and while I have a tremendous love and respect for the Kenyans, I had noticed a tendency of Kenyans to be full of vision, but lacking the follow-through to ever see their vision fulfilled. This tendency exists in people all over the world. But I must admit, despite my love for the Kenyans, their lack of follow-through in many cases was getting to me. I want them to get to their purpose, vision and destiny.
I started my message with a question: How many Kenyans here have a vision to win the marathon at the Olympics? The scene following this question was wildly enthusiastic and positive! Over 1,000 Kenyans stood up, screaming, dancing, going crazy. We had a revival! It took me over ten minutes to calm down the crowd! Then, after they quieted down, I asked the next question: How many people here think that Kenyans have it in their DNA to win the marathon at the Olympics? You guessed it! The theater exploded with shouting, joy, celebration, etc. It took me (as I recall) fifteen minutes to quiet the “revival.” I could have gone back to my hotel at this point and we would still have “had church.”
As I prepared for the lunch hour message, none of my old messages would “resurrect.” Finally, the Lord gave me an idea, a revelation, a principle that has changed my life as well as thousands of other lives around the globe. God showed me that there was, indeed, a problem, or “matata.”
Then I asked the last question: What if you have a Kenyan who has a vision to win the marathon at the Olympics, and he/she has it in their DNA to win the Marathon, but who never practices. Will he/she win the Olympic marathon? You
First of all, let me say that most every Kenyan’s “vision” is to win the marathon in the Olympics. Kenyans are great long distance runners. It’s a source of 14
guessed it—the theater was quiet. No revival, the celebration stopped! I was worried they would think I had quenched the Holy Spirit.
The point is that vision and values (governance) were always meant to work together. Vision is the driver. Values or governance is a vehicle for the fulfillment of vision. Vision by itself cannot and will not achieve our objective. That Kenyan who never practices will never win the Olympic marathon, even though he has it in his DNA! His lack of self-governance will undermine him every time. The fulfillment of potential requires appropriate and enabling governance resulting from a core value.
A Vision Ungoverned Leads to Frustration Here is the problem with the 'wanna -be' Kenyan I used as the example. He/she has a core value or “governance” issue that undermines their vision of winning the marathon rather than enabling their vision. You can’t win the Olympic marathon and at the same time be lazy, eat wrong, not have a coach, etc. The Kenyan’s lack of self-governance will lead him to frustration, failure and unfulfilled potential. Born to win, conditioned to lose by the disabling core value of laziness or unawareness. How does that Kenyan move from dream to done. Change his values. Replace laziness or discipline. Now he/she has an enabling values, not a disabling values. By replacing his values, he has moved from the impossibility of ever winning the Olympics to the possibility or even probability of winning the Olympics. Obviously, there are Kenyans who have a good vision as well as enabling core values or governance, or else no Kenyan would ever win the Olympic marathon.
Good Vision...Poor Governance Here’s the problem with most people, churches and organizational spheres. Generally, we’re good at vision, but lack the appropriate governance or core values to get us to the vision. Somehow we think a good vision is enough. Let me say it again. Every vision requires enabling core values for the vision to move from dream to done. What about the man who wants to have good “abs” (abdominal muscles), but never works out or exercises? Great vision, but the wrong values for the vision. What about the person who wants to graduate with honors from college but never does their homework? Or the woman who wants to weigh 125 pounds, but who loves and consumes snacks? What about the pastor who 15
wants to have a big church, but doesn’t serve the people, invest time leading or study the Bible? How about the person who wants to be a great worship leader or musician, but never practices? What about the man who wants a big savings account, but spends everything he gets and more? How about the person who wants to be a good employee and get a promotion, but comes to work late and unfocused? What about that husband who returns from a Promise Keepers meeting and wants to be a great husband, but then cheats on his wife? What about a church that wants to “take the city,” but is exclusive and ends up competing with other churches? What about the Christian who wants to be a “good neighbor,” but leaves his front yard a mess?
values govern getting a vision done. From now on in this article I will use the word core values which means governance. Here's another example of this principle. God has a vision statement. It is Habakkuk 2:14. "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." In Genesis, Chapters One and Two, we see God giving Adam and Eve everything necessary to fulfill God's vision; power, authority, intelligence, relationship and all the capacity to fulfill His vision. God gave them a vision. What happened? They ended up eating fruit from a tree on the advice of a serpent. Could they ever fulfill God's vision of filling the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord after doing that? No way. Adam and Eve were created to be a type of government to fulfill God's vision. They turned out to be a disabling government to fulfill God's vision. God's vision would never become reality with them as the government.
Will these people ever get to their vision or desire? The answer in all but a very few cases is no! Why? The core values, or governance, of these people disables their vision rather than enables their vision. They might have a good vision but incompatible core values for the vision. Envisioned to win...devalued to lose.
There are many Christians who would have said at this point, "God has a bad vision. It never got fulfilled." They would have blamed the visionary. But the problem was not the visionary. The problem was the government or ability to govern that was in Adam and Eve.
Moving from Tell-A-Vision to Do-AVision...From Dream to Done! You have probably noticed that I use the words governance and core values together. That is on purpose. Core 16
What happened then? In the fullness of time, God sent Jesus. What did Jesus come with? Government and governance resting on His shoulders! (Ish. 9:6). What Adam and Eve couldn't do because of disabling core values, Jesus did because of enabling core values. Jesus came to fulfill God's vision and fulfilled God's vision. He filled the earth with the knowledge of the glory. Principle: Right vision but wrong core values...Failure. Right vision with enabling core values...Success.
Values Drive Behavior I heard a message by Dr. John Maxwell in which he said that core values are deeply held beliefs authentically describing the soul of the leader and the organization. They provide guidelines by which all members are expected to conduct themselves. These values are not open for compromise. Core values are the deep structures in our belief systems that guide our behavior. Core values are internal; behavior is external. Core values are the roots; forms and behaviors are the fruits. Our values drive our behavior. Our core values must change in order for our behaviors to change.
Here is what I'm concerned about. Many of us may have a great vision from God but lack, in ourselves, the right core values to govern the vision. Just like the man from Kenya, we are always learning, never able. Many of the pastors, leaders or business owners reading this article might have the best vision ever but lack a team with enabling core values in them to do the vision. I believe that while there are people with ungodly visions or just wish dreams that they call visions, more often than not, the problem is not vision. The problem is disabling core values that are not congruent with fulfilling the vision. The key from moving from a prophetic vision (seeing) to an apostolic reality (doing) is a values issue. In other words, vision is a picture of where you want to go. Values are the power to get you there. Aha!
Values are constant. Values are passionate. They touch the heart. They are the essence of the organization. Values are core beliefs that drive the ministry. Remember, while ministry is vision-focused, it is values driven. Some other words we could use for values are precepts, choices, ideals, assumptions, or standards. Values affect decision making, risk taking, goal setting, conflict resolution, problem solving, priorities determination, role clarification, and resource utilization. Values communicate what is important. Values influence overall behavior. Vision inspires people to action. Values enable execution of the vision. Values can be the best friend or the worst enemy of the vision.
Dr. Norman Wakefield says a significant value is something which is important enough to find consistent expression in the choices we make. The true test of values in not in our words of agreement, but in our lifestyle and actions. We have freedom to choose our own values. We can evaluate what is important, make our own determinations, and then go on to live by principles we have chosen to be our own. However, values are not fixed. Our values have potential for growth and change. But sometimes people do not seem able or willing to change. Even when change means growth.
a recipe for failure. One may get excited with a vision change, but without a value change the vision is defeated before it gets off the ground. Many communities and cities have been captivated by the vision of community transformation, but after trying it for a short time, have failed, and failed miserably. “It does not work here,” is the rhetoric for hundreds of community transformation initiatives all over the world. What was the problem? A bad vision? No. The values. That is why in Church@Community, I explore the eight disabling values and replace them with eight enabling values. The result? It moves us from the impossibility of transforming a community to the possibility, even the probability of transforming communities.
In short, a good core value, serves the vision…engenders passion…is shared…is constant…can be expressed clearly….congruent with other values…is implementable!
Moving From a Wanna-be to an Gonna-be to an Is-a-be!
Core Values and the Vision of Transforming Society and Communities
How do you change a value? Dr. Norman Wakefield enlightens us. I discover or state what I believe to be an important value for the fulfillment of the vision. As opportunities arise I choose daily to act on what I believe is important. As I consistently make such choices over a period of time, the belief becomes part of my character and lifestyle. And then… and only then… it’s a value!
In my book, Church@Community, community transformation is the vision. However, the distinctive of the book is that I identify eight core values in church culture that most churches have adopted that disable community transformation. Casting vision for community transformation requires both a vision change and a value change. A vision change without a value change is 18
It's important to understand that a belief is not a value. A belief is where we start. A value is a belief that we act on consistently. For example, I believe I should work out. But when the fork in the road comes, do I work out or do something else? I believe that I should pray, but do I pray? I believe that I should be honest? But, am I honest when temptations come? James says the demons believe in Jesus but they don't do anything about it. In other words, the demons disabling values trump their beliefs. Just think, if you believe in something but don't do it, you are no better than a demon! Just kidding...I think. A value is something that you consistently do, not just agree with. So, there you have it. Generally, a lack of getting to your vision is generally not a vision issue, it's a values issue. Aha! Written exclusively for Dr. Bernie L. Wade and Life Network \
NATIONSTRATEGY Ed Delph has been responding to God's call to the community and to the nations since 1979. He has ministered or been in over 100 countries as well as serving as a pastor in the United States.
In truth, the Quran not only calls Muslims to submit to Allah, it also commands them to subdue people of other religions until they are in a full state of submission to Islamic rule. This has inspired the aggressive history of Islam and its success in conquering other cultures.
THE MYTHS OF ISLAM (REPRINTED BY PERMISSION) The Myth: Lesser educated Muslims sometimes claim that the root word of Islam is “al-Salaam,” which is “peace” in Arabic. The Truth: An Arabic word only has one root. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.” There is no disagreement about this among Islamic scholars. al-Silm (submission) does not mean the same thing as al-Salaam (peace), otherwise they would be the same word.
The Myth: The Quran places men and women on equal foundation before Allah. Each person is judged according to his or her own deeds. Women have equal rights under Islamic law.
Submission and peace can be very different concepts, even if a form of peace is often brought about through forcing others into submission. As the modern-day Islamic scholar, Ibrahim Sulaiman, puts it, "Jihad is not inhumane, despite its necessary violence and bloodshed, its ultimate desire is peace which is protected and enhanced by the rule of law."
The Truth: Merely stating that individuals will be judged as such by Allah does not mean that they have equal rights and roles, or that they are judged by the same standards. There is no ambiguity in the Quran, the life of Muhammad, or Islamic law as to the 23
inferiority of women to men despite the efforts of modern-day apologists to salvage Western-style feminism from scraps and fragments of verses that have historically held no such progressive interpretation.
husband may also bring other wives (and slaves) into the marriage bed. And she must be sexually available to him at any time (as a field ready to be “tilled,” according to the holy book of Islam).
After military conquests, Muhammad would dole out captured women as war prizes to his men. In at least one case, he advocated that they be raped in front of their husbands. Captured women were made into sex slaves by the very men who killed their husbands and brothers.
Muslim women do not inherit property in equal portion to males. This is somewhat ironic given that Islam owes its existence to the wealth of Muhammad's first wife, which would not otherwise have been inherited by her given that she had two brothers and her first husband had three sons.
There are four Quranic verses in which "Allah" makes clear that a Muslim master has full sexual access to his female slaves, yet there is not one that prohibits rape.
A woman's testimony in court is considered to be worth only half that of a man’s, according to the Quran. Unlike a man, she must also cover her head - and often her face.
The Quran gives Muslim men permission to beat their wives for disobedience, but nowhere does it command love in marriage. It plainly says that husbands are “a degree above” wives. The Hadith says that women are intellectually inferior, and that they comprise the majority of Hell’s occupants.
If a woman wants to prove that she was raped, then there must be four male witnesses to corroborate her account. Otherwise she can be jailed or stoned to death for confessing to “adultery.” Given all of this, it is quite a stretch to say that men and women have “equality under Islam” based on obscure theological analogies or comparisons. This is an entirely new ploy that is designed for modern tastes and disagrees sharply with the reality of Islamic law and history.
Under Islamic law, a man may divorce his wife at his choosing. If he does this twice, then wishes to remarry her, she must first have sex with another man. Men are exempt from such degradations. Muslim women are not free to marry whom they please, as are Muslim men. Their 24
selecting people to serve. A baker's dozen if you will. Please feel free to use part or all of it to help you craft your customized laundry list for screening your next team members.
By Marshall Shannon
What are the most important characteristics you look for when selecting people to serve on your ministry teams? Ministry is a team effort, often called a team sport. When you evaluate and invite people to join one of your ministry teams what are the primary things you look for in them? Whether you are building a committee to oversee a construction project or forming teams to serve in your children's ministry you will need to select the right people and place them on the right team.
The ability to put the right players in the right position is key to success in sports and in ministry. Having a well-developed set of questions can make all the difference in your selection process. I can pretty well guarantee your ministry leaders will thank you for helping them invite just the right people to be on their team. Below is a list I've compiled to help you develop your own list for
Character o What are their key Traits? o How are they Trustworthy? o How do they handle Temptation? o How do they manage life and living? o Who are they when no one else is looking? o What makes them them? Creed o What are their Beliefs? o What are their Convictions? What will they die for? o What is the Foundational Structure of their belief system? Is it Scripture and/or ….? o Where are they doctrinally? o What are their Theologies? Of Culture, Change, Church, etc.? Conduct o How do they behave? o What Patterns do you see? o How do they display consistency? o How do they best practice Self-Control?
Where do they lack selfcontrol? Coachable o How teachable are they? What are some examples? o How trainable are they? Where do they need to change? o What do they need to change? o How much do you believe they can improve with both teaching and training? Competent o How are they able to perform as you wish? o How would you describe their level of competency? o What skill sets are you looking for? Compliant o How are they flexible and/or rigid? o How will they conform to better the team and cause? Complimentary o How will they help complete the team as a whole? o How will they strengthen the team by their involvement? o How will they complement the other members of the team? Chemistry o How are they a good fit? o
How are they the right person, at the right time, in the right place, for the right purpose or task? o How are they Compatible with your team culture? o How will they get along well with the others? To what degree do others want to be around them? How do they spend time with others outside of ministry activities? How much time do they spend with them? Competition o How driven are they to win? o How would you rate their understanding of what is at stake? o How strong is the fire in their belly to win? o To what degree does ministry matter to them? o How fiercely competitive do you want them to be? Conscious o How keenly aware of others are they? o How keenly aware are they of the role and place of others on your team? o How focused are they on themselves? Causative o
What level of energy and enthusiasm do they bring to the team? o How well do they energize and stimulate others? o How much better off is the team because of them? Connector o How connected are they to the people, places and other resources you will need to be successful? o How well do they connect with others? o How well do they bring needed resources to your team? o How well will they serve as a networker that will help your cause? Congruent o How would you rate their total agreement with your team? o How would you rate their alignment with your church, congregation, culture and team? o How would you rate their willingness to be in one accord with your team and function? How will they help or hinder your team performance?
These are just a sampling of the characteristics and questions you can use to help screen potential team members. If you want to deepen your study click on the link below to learn the...
The Secret to Building High Performance Ministry Teams
Marshall Shannon Ministry Coach Pre-
Construction Navigator 864-977-1632
Dr. Barney Phillips and Bishop Derrick Day
MINISTER OF MUSIC. Life Church is seeking a minister of music for the La Grange Campus. For more information visit IF YOUR COMPANY, MINISTRY OR ORGANIZATION HAS AN JOB OPENING, MINISTRY OPENING OR VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY YOU CAN HAVE IT LISTED HERE. EMAIL: BW@ICOF.NET Seeking Spirit Filled Music leader that is knowledgeable in contemporary worship. Duties include leading music for all services and seasonal celebrations.
Executive Vice President of Business. LIFE NETWORK seeks an experienced entrepreneur / business person to serve as the key person for our business division.
Looking for an individual that leads from Keyboard or Guitar. Able to work with existing Praise Teams and develop vocals, musicians, etc. Experience with media and PowerPoint a plus. Must have strong leadership skills and be a team player. Send your resume to
For more information email
LIFE AMBASSADOR for Life Network. As a Life Ambassador you will serve your city, area, state, or nation in bringing the vision of Life Network. For more information please email:
Secretary General. International Circle of Faith (ICOF) seeks a person to serve as Secretary General for North America.
MUSICIANS. Life Church is seeking musicians for the Life Church Praise Band for the La Grange Kentucky campus. For more information visit Email:
Network. This is an Executive Vice President level position. This person will serve as a key part of the Life Network Executive Board and will lead the ‘pillar’ Government (Community) under Life Network. For more information email:
Secretary General of Life Network. Life Network seeks a person with experience in government, or with a political action committee (PAC), or similar to serve as Secretary General of the Life
Next Wave magazine is looking for an editor. The Next Wave magazine is the monthly voice of Life
Network and is published 12 times annually. This person will be responsible for all aspects of the magazine. For more information email
department budgets and expenses • Supervises all administrative personnel Administrator Job Skills • Excellent oral and written communication skills • Detail oriented and works with a high degree of accuracy • Highly organized and flexible • Ability to multitask and meet changing deadlines • Must be self directed and able to complete projects with limited supervision • Maintains confidentiality • Working knowledge of email, scheduling, spreadsheets and presentation software
Administrator Job Description for Life Network™
Administrator Job Duties • Maintaining files and databases • Prepares reports, presentations, memorandums, proposals and correspondence • Monitors office operations • Schedules appointments and meetings for executives • Serves as the go-to for office inquiries • Manages staff schedules • Assists in the preparation of
Administrator Job Requirements • 2 years or more related experience • Preferred: Associates Degree or Higher Please send Resume to
Life Network Executive Session Oct. 16, 2015 - 10 AM EST Life Church Conference
October 16, 17 & 18. LIFE FEST La Grange, KY. Life Church. 1901 Prestwick Drive. La Grange, KY 40031. Life Fest Executive Director: Dr. Barney Phillips Phone: 502.265.3795
Life College Board of Regents Friday Oct. 16th 2015 11 AM EST Life Church Conference Room April 19, 2016 Life Church Anniversary Service. 1 PM. 1901 Prestwick Drive. La Grange, KY 40031 Phone: 502.265.3795 Email:
International Circle of Faith Executive Session Friday October 16, 2015 9 AM EST All ICOF Members invited
LIFE NETWORK Social Media Coordinator Volunteer
Ability to identify threats and opportunities in user-generated content Basic SEO knowledge Ability to produce quality editorial and technical output
Position Overview Functions, Duties, & Responsibilities
Social Media Coordinators help engage the target audience via various social media channels
Degree in marketing, journalism, new media, advertising, entertainment or social media experience. Will train in lieu of experience. Digital or communications experience
Computer Skills Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite
Utilizes posts, tweets, podcasts, articles, videos, or screen casts to interact Moderate and promote communications that encourage the exchange of user-generated content Create strategies and tactics to increase participation and ensure the clarity of the message across social media channels Coordinates campaign calendars with online activity Contact: Dr. Ralph Day LIFE NETWORK VP of Social Media
Knowledge, Skills & Abilities Demonstrated, participatory expertise in various social media channels, including LinkedIn, YouTube, Foursquare, Twitter, Bookmarking sites, Flickr, Forums, Wikis, blogs, etc
Jesus used the term “whitewashed tomb” and Paul similarly used the term “whitewashed wall” to describe people pridefully hiding the fact that they were really not very religious behind a wall of religion. Jesus said, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.” (Matthew 23:27-28 NASB)
Do you Build Walls or Bridges? “Tear down this wall!” - Description: Narrow horizontal
We all struggle with issues of transparency. Prudence dictates that some things should not be hung on the clothesline for the entire world to see. All of us have done things we are not proud of. But those to whom Jesus spoke were involved in an ongoing cover-up, trying to hide their spiritual bankruptcy behind a wall of self-righteous tradition.
Those words of Ronald Reagan, uttered in a speech at the Berlin Wall in 1987, have long been remembered as a gauntlet thrown at the feet of communism. In a few years, both the Berlin Wall and a figurative wall known as the “Iron Curtain” tumbled into the ashes of history. Walls are built for many reasons. Some are built to keep things in, others for protection and still others to hide something from view. Walls can be constructed of soil, block, brick, mortar and stone. Some walls are constructed in people’s hearts and minds. These are walls built of fear, prejudice, ignorance and pride. These are the walls which are most often the most impenetrable, especially for those who have something to hide.
On the other hand, there are the overlooked walls built by those trying to protect themselves from repeated abuse of others. Sometimes that abuse has come at the hands of people claiming to be religious. I hear them sometimes 35
saying “I’m OK with God, it’s the church I have problems with.” Their walls attempt to hide the bitterness, brokenness, resentfulness and un-forgiveness as if to say nothing is wrong, God’s still working here. It’s a cover-up, hiding behind a wall.
their own hand-hewn walls of fear or pretension. The International Circle of Faith and Life Network Founded in 1932, International Circle of Faith (ICOF) is the continuation of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. The ICOF is focused on allowing the free flow of the Holy Spirit to continue and to be a conduit for such. We do not hold that we are the whole of the Body, nor do we exclude our fellow believers from participation based on religious documents. Rather we encourage those who believe that Jesus Christ is the manifestation of Almighty God to come and join hands and hearts with us as together we participate in the greatest move of the Holy Spirit the World has ever known.
Hiding behind either wall is not healthy. Jesus’ response to those “religious people” who crucified him was “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Jesus’ response to the broken is, “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Matthew 5:10-12)
Using Apostle Paul as our guide, we welcome Jews and Greeks, men and women, bond and free to participate. We envision the day when people from all kindred, tongues, tribes and nations come together in a display of the demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit
None of us are perfect save one, the one who saved us. Yet beyond him we — especially we who claim to be Christians — must tear down walls of self-righteousness, fear and pretension. We must replace them with bridges of honesty, transparency and grace.
We see this wave focusing on the restoration of the Apostolic and we are positioned to be part of that wave. Welcome to the Next Wave! Welcome to the International Circle of Faith.
Then and only then will we become the people God can use to touch those who are walking in darkness, hiding behind
International Circle of Faith Global Network has a mandate to help usher in
a new wave of the Spirit of God in this century.
And now we have launched Life Network!
From our beginning in 1932, to present the International Circle of Faith has grown from one church to a global fellowship of like-minded men and women of God. From a handful in our beginning to networking more than Today, ICOF represents some 25 million people and 50,000 ministers impacting every nation under the heavens we have become what some call the largest Apostolic movement in history. . Our vision is:
It is our expectation that what God has done in the past, He will do again. Jesus told us, “Greater things than these you WILL do!� It is evident that we are destined to see the glory of the latter house be greater than the glory of the former house.
Transforming our world through the energy of a network of like-minded people from all ages, genders, races, nationalities and cultures whose mutual contribution extinguishes offense, hatred, bigotry, and violence; envisioning a world where war, pestilence, hunger, and poverty are distant memories. Imagine a Community Where... Economic conditions improve and lead to a discernible lessening of poverty for most citizens. New laws, curricula, character development and business practices are put into effect, raising the water level of dignity for all citizens in the community.
We have television programs on LiveStream; we have opportunities for educational advancement; we have opportunities for those who need to get their high school diplomas; and we have opportunities to establish Five Fold Connections.
Restored hope, purpose and joy leads to a significant decline in divorce, bankruptcy, crime, corruption, health problems and suicide. 37
There is a marked change in social entertainment and vices that come from an inward transformation rather than outward legislation.
(including the arts and sports) together to transform communities.
Volunteerism increases as both churched and un-churched people recognize their responsibility to heal and undergird the community.
· CHRISTIAN WORLD NETWORK Marketplace – With Life Network‘s Christian World Network, business and the exchange of goods and services is the fabric of everyday society. Life Network serves others in pursuing a level of character and integrity in business that sets the standard for ethical Christian Business. Systems have a hard time changing, but people within those systems that have been changed can refocus, reshape and lead the next generation into a godly business environment. We envision the Kingdom of God continuing to bring influence and powerfully fueling that change.
Imagine this being your Community! Let me introduce you to Life Network When we think about it, life is much like a three dimensional puzzle of the globe. Each of us has a piece of the puzzle, but that piece by itself doesn’t show much of the whole. However, when we bring several pieces of that puzzle together we can begin to see a vision of the whole. That is how we see Life Network. Many people with a piece of the puzzle working in harmony to bring a vision future fulfillment.
· CITIES OF REFUGE NETWORK (C.O.R.N.) We are a network of likeminded Christians who have the foresight to see that an economic, government, terrorist, natural or other crisis could interrupt people’s lives and threaten their very survival.
We realize that it takes all the aspects of a community working together to bring a greater good. Life Network exists to initiate interaction, generate dialogue, envision the possibilities, build consensus, empower the potential and bring real and lasting change and improvement to our communities to create a better place for our families to live, work, play and raise another generation.
Life Network is a partnership bringing business, church, education, government & media 38
International Circle of Faith - ICOF members have united over 50,000 ministers representing more than 25 million constituents, hundreds of colleges, schools, orphanages & feeding programs, humanitarian aid organizations and charities. ICOF WEB:
· INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES The International Circle of Faith has a global team of talented, anointed, dedicated web designers and developers. Our IT staff comes from such widely separated locations as Cameroon, Zambia, Pakistan, India and the United States as well as many other locations across the globe.
tightening global economy. Unlimited opportunities are still present worldwide, but only for those who run their businesses with both wisdom and frugality. We can help you do both.
Many of our staff members have their own companies in their native countries and are well-established web developers there. By combining the incredible breadth and width of the professional backgrounds of our IT staff, ICOF’s IT department can offer web site development, project management, specialized email addresses, ISP support, business, software design and web design consultancy and a virtually unlimited number of services to our member ministers and ministries. We can host your web site, develop it for you, maintain it and help you to envision what it must become to accurately and adequately represent who you are and what you are called to do for Christ to the entire world.
CHURCH PARTNERS “It’s not that God has lost His power, it’s that the Church has lost its focus.” – T.D. Jakes · LIFE CHURCH NETWORK. Life Church network is focused on networking and church planting. We envision re-evangelizing America by 2019 through networking with, relaunching or planting churches in communities across the United States.
In addition, ICOF’s talented IT staff, headed up by Director William Goins, is open to doing commercial web development for not only ministryrelated web sites but also for secular, commercial sites as well. We know that if you compare our rates with those of most U.S. commercial developers you will find that we are a wonderful bargain, helping you and your company to control your business costs in an ever-
From our beginning in 1932, to present, the International Circle of Faith has grown from one church to a global fellowship of like-minded men and women of God. From a handful in our beginning to networking more than 50,000 ministers impacting every nation under the heavens we have become what some call the largest Apostolic movement in history. 39
Today, ICOF represents millions globally. The ICOF Global Network continues to offer formats for purposeful connectivity in every sphere of society. ICOF Global Network provides an environment in which significant relationships can be found, developed and enhanced
they offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract - involving payment of jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword. Many people cannot afford the payment of Jizya and have been forced to flee or face death, death by mass execution, beheadings or hanging. Those who can pay Jizya have to sit by and watch while ISIS rapes their wives and children in front of them, and they are left with nothing. Those who flee, leave everything behind. They are now stuck, in hiding, in the SInjar Mountains and various refugee camps in Erbil, unable to leave for food, water, clothes, or any supplies for fear of being found and killed.
· Five-Fold Roundtable Vision Statement: The ICOF Five-Fold Roundtable exists to restore the Church to the level of power experienced during the first-century, as chronicled in the Book of Acts. The Five-Fold Roundtable will relentlessly teach the importance of the Ministry Gifts outlined in Ephesians 4:11 to the health, power, and authority of the Church.
· CHILDREN OF AZUSA STREET Join Children of Azusa Street. Help us bring 1 million people who trace their spiritual heritage to The Azusa Street Revival together. There is no charge to be a member. As a Christian Leader join the Christian Leadership Roundtable group at:
· ICOF Chaplaincy Corps ICOFCC is a (NGO) Non- Governmental Organization, committed to serving God, the security services and the rest of humanity. · Hope for Refugees WE ARE ON THE BRINK OF CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST YAZIDI GENOCIDE! It is estimated that there are still over 70,000 Christians and Yazidi trapped in the mountains of Sinjar. They have been forced from their homes and their cities by the Islamic Statehood of Iraq and Syria. ISIS is a jihadist group. In its selfproclaimed status as a caliphate, it claims religious authority over all Muslims across the world and aspires to bring much of the Muslim-inhabited regions of the world under its direct political control. ISIS has stated that
· ICOF Ministry Credentials: The process of joining ICOF Global Union and receiving ministerial credentials is not complicated but we take it very seriously. Endorsement of an individual as an ordained minister takes serious consideration. Experience, biblical knowledge and maturity are expected of the candidate seeking this title. Not everyone is at the experience, biblical knowledge and maturity level of an ordained minister and that is why we have several levels of ministry recognition designed to help people 40
grow into full ordination status. One of these levels will fit you now and give your calling the opportunity to develop.
completed their high school requirements. The vision was to create a school where: Everyone (100%) of Americans would have a high school diploma. Meet the need of students traditionally victimized by the educational system (i.e. minorities and women). Meet the needs of students who left high school because of financial hardship, pregnancy, etc. Meet the requirements of high school in a timely manner so that the student would be able to achieve education equality with their peers.
It is important that you apply for ministerial credentials that fit your experience, biblical knowledge and maturity. This gives you the greatest possibility for successful development. ICOF is a credentialing ministry; there are three primary credentialing options granted through ICOF Global Union.
EDUCATION PARTNERS · Life College history dates back to 1932. Life College is a collaboration of Christian Colleges, Universities and Seminaries from around the world. Life College carries the embodiment of experience, knowledge, revelation, foundational truths and disciplines developed through more than 80. .
Today, thousands have benefited by the innovative approach that the academic staff of HHSI provides. . Harvard High School application may be found at: #!registrar/c1n00.
Life College application may be found at 014/admissions_form
GOVERNMENT (Community) · LIFE AMBASSADOR. The official representative to various organizations, countries, states, etc. are titled Life Ambassador. A Life Ambassador is charged with representing the Life Network and participating during plenary meetings of the Life Network Executive Session, except in the rare situation in
· Harvard High School International (HHSI) was established in 1990 with a vision to assist men and women who had not 41
which a more senior officer of the Life Network is present. More information may be found at:
· What strategies do you use accomplish to support and strengthen your plan to reach out to others?
· What do you have to overcome to build your bridge?
· ICOF TV: ICOF is pleased to have a variety of broadcast ministries and sponsors which help pay for the broadcast time of programs. We also welcome you to bring your television program to ICOF TV. For a very low cost your ministry can reach a global audience. This is affordable media for any budget! Please consider sponsoring a program today.
What problems do you face?
What concepts guide you daily?
· How do you receive strength to share the peace of Christ? All together, the problems we encounter seem overwhelming. When we allow Christ’s peace to help us, we are provided the strength to overcome those obstacles. How does Christ’s peace give us strength? Now take the sticks apart and break them, one at a time. Christ’s peace helps us see in new perspectives and shows us new ways to overcome our problems by helping us face them one by one.
· The Next Wave is published by Life Network. The Next Wave is an e-magazine dedicated to exploring and challenging the modern church through thought provoking articles. This popular e-publication covers world, national, church and ministry news in relation to modern church culture and life. Find practical advice on every aspect of Christian life from parenting and marriage resources, help with college and seminary selection, guides, and sermon aids.
Another wall people encounter is loneliness. People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. — UNKNOWN “The Lord stood with me and gave me strength so that I might preach the Good News in its entirety for all the Gentiles to hear.” (2 Timothy 2:17a NLT) When you’re lonely, you need to focus on others and not yourself. The loneliest person in the world is the guy who's self-centered and wrapped up in himself. God wired us to give our lives
Is your current plan working?
away, to help others, to think of others and not just ourselves.
gave him the strength to reach out to others and complete the work God had given him: “The Lord stood with me and gave me strength so that I might preach the Good News in its entirety for all the Gentiles to hear” (2 Timothy 2:17a NLT).
If you want to break out of loneliness, stop saying, "I don't have any friends," and start being a friend. Stop focusing on yourself and instead give yourself away. Instead of focusing on yourself, you need to emphasize others' needs.
The key to overcoming loneliness is to stop building walls and start building
Loneliness is often a fear of love. We're afraid to be open. We’re afraid to be vulnerable. We're afraid to share how we really feel. We're afraid to step out and risk a relationship because we might be rejected, and we know what that pain feels like.
bridges. Stop building walls between you and other people. Start building bridges. Take a risk. Begin to help other people. There are thousands of people in the world who need your love. Re-channel it. If you hold it in, it's going to dry up and wither away. You need to find a ministry, a place you can use your talents and gifts to help other people.
When we fear love, we don't give ourselves away, and we're guaranteeing ourselves loneliness. We set ourselves up in a self-imposed prison of solitary confinement that is absolutely unnecessary. Give your life away!
Give yourself away. When you do that, the loneliness will dissipate.
When Paul was in prison and about to be executed, he said all his friends had left him, but God was with him. That
Why is it sometimes easier to hold love in than give it away?
bricks, which take a little more effort to break down, like a friend discerning a struggle I am facing or a challenge to do something like make a public speech. Then there are those walls that are buried 100 feet below the surface, armored guards surrounding the perimeters, barbed wire from top to bottom, reinforced steel 10 feet in width, alarms ready to resound, fire-proof, gunproof, grenade-proof, nuke-proof…you get my point. Those are the walls we seldom see reached in a lifetime. BUT its not impossible with God, nothing is. What causes people to build walls?
Who are the people around you who need your love today? How can you share it with them?
Fear? Insecurity? Anger? Bitterness? Resentment? Jealousy? The list could continue…
Your heart is an intricate part of who you are. An organ that sets the pace for how you operate. Although physically it pumps rhythmically and involuntarily for your body to function properly, emotionally you have a little more control over what goes in and what comes out.
Communication and transparency are the tools, Jesus is the Keystone!!! Keystone: A central stone at the summit of an arch, locking the whole together. Something on which associated things depend for support. I love this quote because I understand what the difference is between a wall and a bridge. I’ve experienced the building of both. Walls keep people out, while a bridge joins them together. A bridge gives open access into another territory to explore. Imagine a tangible bridge between your husband’s heart and yours. Powerful! Go and build a bridge with your neighbor, explore their heart and allow them to explore yours.
Personally I can tell you I have felt the physical weight of carrying things around in my heart. From a young age I built walls; like a city would to fortify and protect itself, I too have built walls of defense to contain or retain things in my life. Walls that keep people at a distance. Some of the walls in my heart are made of sticks and mud, easily washed away with the flood of tears, a kind word, or a simple glance. Others are made of
Pope Francis reflected in his homily on the conflict between King Saul and 44
David. At one point, the Pope said, David has the chance to kill Saul, but he chooses “a different path: the path of dialogue, to make peace”.
every day, building resentment and hatred. Let us follow instead the example of David, who defeated hatred with an act of humility.
All Christians, always, should follow the path of reconciliation because that is what Jesus taught us, because Jesus showed us the way. In order to enter into dialogue it’s important to be meek, to be humble, even after an argument or a fight. It’s important to “bend”, to be flexible, so as not to reach breaking point.
Building bridges is the work of evangelization, the work of going out to the whole world to proclaim the Good News of our salvation in Jesus Christ. Building walls is what fearful, insecure people do to protect what they have and to keep others out. It’s OK if we stumble and fall. God always forgives us. He gives us the grace to get back on our feet and continue on our pilgrim journey. It’s OK to be a sinner who seeks God’s forgiveness, and who tries and fails and tries again.
However, it’s not easy to build dialogue, especially when we’re divided by resentment. It’s not written in the Bible, but we all know that to be meek, to be humble, we have to swallow a lot of pride – but we must do so, because that’s how we build peace, with humility.
What does it take to build bridges? When you look back over the day, have you communicated in a way that inspires others and listened to what others told you?
Humility may be hard but allowing resentment to swell in our hearts is much worse than attempting to build a bridge of dialogue. When we allow resentment to grow, we end up isolated in the “bitter broth” of our own rancor. To be a Christian, instead, is to always be the bridge.
Before I built a wall I’d ask to know what I was walling in or walling out, and to whom I was like to give offence.” We should build bridges. Bridges connect. Walls divide. Bridges enhance communication. Walls obstruct communication. Bridges promote friendship. Walls cause isolation. Webster defines a bridge as: “any structure—raised to afford convenient
I am afraid of these walls, if left unchecked these walls that grow taller 45
passage over river, railroad, ravine or any other obstacle. “
What could be better than to be a builder of bridges between persons and groups? What could be a better way to be remembered when we are gone? Would we not like people to say of us “He was a builder of bridges”?! Can you think of a more noble cause?
We have to build bridges of understanding. We must connect people by brotherhood. We are obligated by Christ to construct passageways of friendship between persons who may differ in Church or language or race.
For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is the hostility between us. —Ephesians 2:14 NRSV Remember the game “Red Rover” where you divide into teams and one team calls out for someone on the opposite side to run over and break their human wall. If you break the wall, you can select a hostage and return to your home side. If you fail, you became an outsider in new territory. You continue this “wall” competition until time runs out. The winner is the team that captures the most people.
People, like islands, need bridges - a way to cross over, speak, reach, and see, over all that silent water. It is the only way. Because people aren’t people, not real people, with-out that bridge; and the only action, the only REAL action, takes place on the bridge between people. So if I wait, you wait, everyone waits; when I don’t start, you don’t start. Nobody arrives. No builders, no bridges. The meaning of the world doesn’t change; it always stays the same same hopes, same challenges, same tragedies, same fears and victories. What does change is my involvement with it - my awareness, my understanding, and my growth. And growth is only a deepening of what passes between you and me - what passes on the bridge.
This game creates artificial walls. Were you the one who couldn’t wait to be captured and joined the opposing line? Were you the last one or the only one 46
never to be captured? What are some of the walls we create that separate us from others?
citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; 20And are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 21In whom all the building fitly framed together grows to an holy temple in the Lord: 22In whom you also are built together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
1. Why do we create walls? 2. What do we allow to come between us (hurt, want, fear, power, misunderstanding, pride, money, hatred, anger, mistrust, jealously, greed, prejudice, religion)? 3. Can we tear these walls down? How?
The apostle Paul was talking about the people he knew in his life. He was telling the people who had accepted Christ that as others came to know God as they did, those people would also be included in the household of God. Just as it was difficult for those around Paul to accept the socially unacceptable of that time, it is hard for us today to accept some people. What breaks down those walls (faith, trust, love, forgiveness, knowledge, education, kindness, hope, prayer, friendship, an open mind, listening, and communication)?
Ephesians 2:11–22 11Why remember, that you being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; 12That at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: 13But now in Christ Jesus you who sometimes were far off are made near by the blood of Christ. 14For he is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of partition between us; 15Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of two one new man, so making peace; 16And that he might reconcile both to God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: 17And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were near. 18For through him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. 19Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow
No one is excluded from Christ. As followers, we provide the action; we set the example. Everyone is invited into God’s household. New love and peace come through Christ. Human barriers can’t keep him out. Christ brings peace, justice, and reconciliation. Different, yet the Same Consider a package of M&M candies. Look at and count the number of different colors in their package. Compare the different colors to the diversity of people around the globe. Now close your eyes and eat a few of the M&Ms. Do the colors taste different? (No, they are all chocolate. 47
They are the same inside even though they appear different on the outside.)
thanks to His mercifulness, so my pledge is to, once I leave the clinic, only take the natural remedies He prescribed through His words of truth:
· What if you were treated like you treat others? · What are the walls in your life that keep Christ out? · What walls do you build to keep others out? · What can you do to let Christ and others into your life?
· Every morning take a full glass of gratitude. · When getting to work, take one spoonful of peace. · When getting home, take one dose of love.
I was recently sent an email from a friend in South Carolina. It tells the story of going for a checkup at the Lord’s Clinic.
· When getting to bed, take two caplets of clear conscience. · Do not give into sadness or desperation for what you are going through today. God knows how you feel. God knows exactly and with perfection what is being allowed to happen to you in your life at this precise moment.
I went to the Lord’s Clinic to have my routine checkup and I confirmed that I was ill. When He read my temperature, the thermometer registered 40ᴼ of anxiety. When Jesus took my blood pressure, He saw I was low in tenderness. He ran an electrocardiogram and found that I needed several “love bypasses” since my arteries were blocked and could not provide for an empty heart.
God’s purpose for you is simply perfect. He wants to show you things that only you can understand by living what you are living and being in the place you are now.
I went to orthopedics, because I could not walk by my brother’s side and I could not hug my friends, since I had fractured myself when tripping with envy. He also found I was short-sighted, since I could not see beyond the shortcomings of my brothers and sisters. When I complained about deafness, diagnosis was that I had stopped listening to Jesus’ voice talking to me on a daily basis. For all of that, Jesus gave me a free consultation
May God give you… For every storm, a rainbow. For every tear, a smile. For every care, a promise. And a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, A faithful friend to share. For every sigh, a sweet song. And an answer for each prayer.
Quotes you can use in Text Boxes:
bridges, not to create conflicts. - Kjell Magne Bondevik
We build too many walls and not enough bridges. - Isaac Newton Rev. Dr. Ralph E. Day, Jr.
Education is all a matter of building bridges. - Ralph Ellison
“Wisdom is the comb that life gives you after you have lost your hair!�
It's all about people. It's about networking and being nice to people and not burning any bridges.
Contact Information Address
I like to see myself as a bridge builder that is me building bridges between people, between races, between cultures, between politics, trying to find common ground.
17884 Meadow Dr Bridgeville DE 19933
Home Phone 302-337-0383 Cell Phone
- T. D. Jakes
Websites We have a long way to go before we are able to hear the voices of everyone on earth, but I believe that providing voices and building bridges is essential for the World Peace we all wish for. - Joichi Ito
Facebook: ayjr?ref=tn_tnmn Skype:
Bridges become frames for looking at the world around us. - Bruce Jackson
LinkedIn: 129912475&trk=tab_pro
Instead of building walls, we should be building bridges. - Vicente Fox
Twitter: Rick Day @rickeday ICOF Website
Knowledge of other people's beliefs and ways of thinking must be used to build
Together we are making a real and lasting difference for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
IF YOU ARE AN INTERCESSOR WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are putting a team of intercessors together to pray for our Life Network. We know that we can never accomplish the vision that God has given us without intercessors. As part of our team we need a plethora of God called intercessors. We would love for you to be part of what God is doing in our area.
If you will commit to praying for LIFE NETWORK we will commit to give you timely updates on the needs. 53
search the scriptures regarding the
discouragement in my heart. Relief swept over me as I realized that
only the truth of God’s Word will bring us to repentance and show us the power behind His ways (Romans 2:4; Titus 3:4-6). Paul stated it well in this passage in 1 Corinthians chapter two verses one through five. How easily we can be distracted and caught up in the knowledge of man transferring our faith from where it should be – in Jesus Christ alone. There has been a number of things 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in
being taught and prophesied lately that has vexed my soul. My mind was torn as to whether I might be losing my grip on hearing from the Lord. Could I be allowing myself to be wearing old wineskins as a seemingly new wine is being poured out? Thankfully a conversation with a friend led me to 54
quoting scripture that it’s right. But even the Corinthian AND the Galatian church allowed other teaching than what pointed them to Christ AND THEY NEVER SAW IT COMING!
the wisdom of men but in the power of God. Our focus seems to get out of kilter as we chase prophetic utterances that lead us anywhere except to His divine presence. When we first encounter a true passion for God we seek all we think there is to know and we desire to go as deep as we dare in His presence. We don’t realize at this time that it is only the beginning of a renewed mind. The zeal and passion that desires for spiritual awakening and revival do not reflect the end of the age – it reflects the beginning; because wisdom directs us to a closer walk with Thee; the God of our hearts who waits for our undivided love. The end of the age is one where the church cries out for only Him as their eyes are fixed upon Him.
2 Corinthians 11:4 For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it! Galatians 3:1 O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? It seems the Lord put me on a backburner for a while to sit back and observe and listen. I’ve seen people chase the prophetic, declare different new “shifts” in the atmosphere, lay claim to knowledge of a “fresh” word, spiritual warfare and I’ve seen them chase gold dust, gems, feathers, etc.; but at the end of the day I pondered: “where is Jesus?” Before I go and think that perhaps I missed something I just needed to know the answer to this question. “WHERE IS JESUS IN ALL OF THIS?”
2 Corinthians 11:2-3 For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. All teaching should point us back to Christ. Study Paul and you’ll see that he spoke of this often. It is so easy to believe whatever man tells us. It’s easy to think that just because they said it
Prophetic words should be utterances of exhortation, edification and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3). Apostles don’t go 55
around giving prophecies as if they were a prophet (although they can have the gift of prophecy. There is a difference). An Apostles role is to be a foundation layer, pioneer within the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:10). However, whichever role a person claims to have within the assention gifts (Ephesians 4:8-12) they all point back to Jesus who is the giver of the gifts not to themselves. These assention gifts were given so we all (that’s us – the church) “come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (v. 13) Once again, these five gifts all point us back to Christ.
established in the mouth of two or three witnesses (2 Corinthians 13:1; Matthew 18:16). Our minds must remain in perfect peace through all our circumstances (John 16:33). We should be staying focused on Him – the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). For we walk by faith and not by sight; right? (2 Corinthians 5:7) Without our faith we’d have nowhere to turn but to man. We would draw our conclusions on our experiences and call that fact. Instead we are to trust in faith for the facts allowing our emotions to be at perfect peace in Him. It is THEN then we have overcome the enemy of our minds. We no longer follow things that do not point us back to Him.
Another fallacy of late has been the gold dust and gems that have claimed to have “fallen” from the sky. After a little research I found out that some of these have been tested from different events and found to be nothing but glitter and the gems are fake. God doesn’t hand out fake stuff! He wants us to have what is real because He is a real God! (See Matthew 7:1) Therefore if what you are seeing or seeking doesn’t point one to Jesus then where is the witness in that? I’m afraid your witness is in witchcraft and demons. Let everything be
Lea Bates is member of International Circle o f Faith. Her ministry carries a strong prophetic anointing.