JUNE 2020
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Church Under Assault – Pastor Daniel Berry “America’s Church” – Bishop Bernie Wade, PhD I Stand with Pastor Spell – Bishop Samuel Smith Health & Wellness – Melissa Kody The Ministry of Jesus Christ – Bishop Barney Phillips, PhD
THE NEXT WAVE www.icof.net PUBLISHER Interna onal Circle of Faith C/O Life Church 1901 Prestwick Drive LaGrange, KY 40031 Contribu ng Editors David Tait, Bernie Wade, Cindye Coates, Melissa Kody, Barney Phillips.
Church Under Assault
Daniel Berry
Pastors Tony & Shaye Spell
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Editorial Submissions We welcome submissions and editorials. We assume no responsibility for the
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Ministry of Jesus Christ Barney Phillips
Samuel Smith
documents to Life Church 1901
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Electronic submissions to:
David & Kathy Tait
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Prestwick Drive LaGrange KY 40031
Inquiries bernie.wade1212@gmail.com
34 Health
Wellness Melissa Kody 2
50 RELIGITICS: With Charlie Kirk
elcome to the Next Wave! We are excited to bring to you this new issue of Next . Wave Magazine.
The dream of a county where the citizens elected those who made the laws became their vision. One of those founders was Samuel Adams. He cousins John and John Quincy would both one day become Presidents of the United States. Liberty was paramount to the Adams family prompting Samuel to say this:
Our focus remains on dealing with issues that are relevant to ministering to the Body of Christ at this crucial time in the maturation process. What is Bernie L. Wade, painfully obvious is that the Senior Editor Church (for the most part) is not ready to manifest in the earth. Just this tiniest bit of persecution and the people are making excuses for why they don't really need to be at church, railing on those who are still going and a myriad of other challenges that make it clear the Church needs to nd its way back to Jesus Christ the one who is actually in control. Every year we participate in the sponsorship of Life Fest. Let me encourage you to come to Life Fest 2020. www.lifefestus.com. I will promise you that is will be life changing. God, in His innite wisdom, allowed me to have the unique opportunity to be born naturally in the United States of America. As a Citizen of the United States I think often of the parallel of being a Citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven and a Citizen of the United States. In both cases there are rights and privileges. In both cases there are also responsibilities. I pray that I shirk none of the things for which I am responsible. I pray that I never take the easy road. I pray that I never sacrice Liberty for temporary safety! The Founding Fathers of the United States we very well acquainted with abuse of power by a Government. Their lives were controlled by a king who lives thousands of miles away. A king that they had no vote in how he ruled.
“The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artices of designing men.” ~Samuel Adams
Earlier this year I wrote, “2020 is going to be a tremendous year for the Body of Christ. We have focused for several years on this Next Wave of the Spirit of God. The Next Wave is here!”
While we realize that everyone does not believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, they need to realize, whether they believe or not, God is still in Control! While leaders in the Church have been fasting and praying for God to manifest His Glory by turning back this illness (regardless of its origin) politicians like New York Governor, Coumo would like to claim the credit. Now, that it is apparent that “2.2 million will not die in America like was originally prognosticated the politicians want to take the credit.
Our message has not changed. For several years we have been expectant of a NEXT WAVE of the Holy Spirit! I am more convinced than ever that 2020 is our year! I see a great awakening of people who are learning that without God we are in real trouble. There is a renewed focus on prayer for the people of God. The call to prayer around the world has rallied the people of God to pray and fast for God to stay the threat of a virus killing unprecedented numbers.
To this end New York State Governor, Mario Coumo took God out of the equation and pretended that he and his team deserve all the credit. From the Governor's viewpoint God is irrelevant in this circumstance. This is what Mario Coumo said,
“The number is down because we brought the number down. God did not do that. Faith did not do that. Destiny did not do that. A lot of pain and suffering did that… That's how it works. It's math.”
It is a concern that in all our attention to the current challenges we seem to have not consulted God. In practicality it seems that they have purposely ignored the leadership of the Church.
New York State Governor, Mario Coumo One certainly should wonder why the Church is on the outside looking in on what the 'experts' are claiming is a global pandemic! Tasked with solving this challenge are a plethora of medical people, virologists, and politicians of every stripe. However, there are no people of God are being consulted.
So, it is just math according to the Governor who claims to be a Catholic. If It is just Math as the Governor postulates, then why did we shut down our Country? It is apparent that he sees God as irrelevant. This is NOT a Christian position. Apparently for liberals and others who hate God the concept of separation of Church and State only works when they want Godly 4
One thing is certain. Long after Governor Cuomo has gone to face his Creator, God's Word will continue. God will still be in control but the fate of Governor Coumo will be forever settled. It is clear, the Governor speaks to that which he does not know. If He believes in God, then he had better give Him due credit. If he does not believe then the Scripture has already answered, “… the fool has said in his heart that there is no God.”
people or God out of Government. They seem quite comfortable dictating to God (and His followers) all sorts of their own personal edicts, thoughts, and ideas. They are mistaken to expect they are in control. Make no mistake, Only God is in control! When all is said and done, God will still be in control. With due respect to the Governor (the elected representative of the people), he cannot have it both ways! Either there was no real threat (which brings us to a plethora of unanswerable questions) or there was a real threat and the prayers of the saints of the Most High God stayed the Death Angel from killing way less than predicted! The words of the Governor trying to take credit for the work of God's hands reminded me of a when King Herod thought too highly of himself.
I have been talking to those who have prayed for years that a revival or move of the Holy Spirit would come to their area. I explain to them that a move of the Holy Spirit is happening right now! The challenge is that this move of the Holy Spirit does not look anything like what we have been looking for or expecting. Yet, I am sure that we are witnessing an awakening of the Church to the reality that God is working in His Kingdom.
“So, on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. And the people kept shouting, "The voice of a god and not of a man!" Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. But the word of God grew and multiplied.” (Acts 12:20-22)
know Jesus would be afraid. In fact, if you do not know Jesus Christ and He is not Lord of your life, you should be very afraid! Eternity is way too long to be wrong! While I understand fear driving those who do not know Jesus, I am perplexed at those who claim to know Jesus but live in fear. I am appalled at their behavior. A friend of mine sent this to me. I think it is the writing or Mark Levin: “ We a r e s e e i n g t h e m o s t draconian measures enforced at all levels of government that Pastor Tony Spell (Right) of Life Tabernacle Church in Central City Louisiana being we've ever seen in our lifetimes, harassed and served papers by the local sheriff and his deputies (in the very sanctuary of his church) for the crime of holding in person church services. This is exactly what and yet rather than being alarmed by the things going on, the SA did in Nazi Germany to the Jewish people. many of you applaud. People are being arrested for spending Recently, I remarked, that from a My faith is in Christ alone! Since I too much time outside, and you personal standpoint, the current was a child, men of God have rightly applaud. Pastors are being situation has not changed how preached that there would come a arrested for daring to hold we live our lives or how we look day when we would see a great c h u r c h s e r v i c e s , a n d y o u at God or Scripture. We are more falling away. I expect that no time (in applaud. A child's birthday party conď€ dent than ever that the my lifetime) has better represented is raided by police, and you message that we preach (a that message than today. applaud. A young woman is message handed down to us ticketed for going on a leisurely from generations of those who I understand that people who do not d r i v e a l o n e b e c a u s e i t ' s hazarded their lives, their deemed "nonessential travel", fortunes and their sacred honor and you applaud. to bring to us an opportunity to live for Jesus Christ!) is more A parade of school teachers and relevant than ever before. It has administrators who wanted to been my life pursuit to live a life of drive through neighborhoods faith. My faith is in Jesus Christ. It and wave at children is busted is not in the things that I see, up by cops because they were touch, feel, etc. I am not moved "nonessential,"and you by those who are living in fear. applaud. A lone paddleboarder Yes, I have had them rail against in the ocean on a beach without me because I have not joined any other people around is them cowering in fear, but there arrested because he's violating is just nothing in me that allows quarantine orders, and you me to cower in fear because of applaud. things that are beyond my control.
which no one has ever seen before.
People are being denied life-saving medical treatments because they're not a priority right now (not "essential" as deemed by the government) as the entirety of our medical system is focused on one thing, and you applaud.
At what point will you start QUESTIONING what's going on? How far does the government have to push before you're jolted awake from your slumber? How far are you willing to go with this? If they told you to load your families onto train cars so that you could be taken to Virus Protection Facilities for your own safety, would you do it? YES. Yes, you would. That much has become painfully obvious to me. And the whole time, you'd be shaking your nger and yelling at those of us who refused, accusing us of being "a danger to society" and "not caring if people die." But they don't have to load you onto train cars and take you to Virus Protection Facilities, or force you to comply, because you do that voluntarily. They control your mind. They control you through fear. They control you by convincing you that the world is a scary dangerous place, but they're here to protect you, care for you, and keep you safe, just as long as you OBEY.
Businesses are beings forcibly closed and padlocked and owners arrested for refusing to shut down, and you applaud. Dairy farmers (and soon, other farmers) are being incentivized to stop dairy farming and to sell their herds, and you don't seem to understand the implications.
They know that as long as you're locked inside your comfortable home with Netix, Hulu, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a cell phone, while dangling a $1200 check in front of you like a carrot on a stick, you'll comply. No force is necessary for most of the herd. YOU ARE IMPRISONED, willingly, and you're too blind to see it. Keep Being Sheep.”
You're being told to use hotlines and online forms provided by your local governments to report your neighbors who don't obey, and you comply. You scold people day after day for not obeying government edicts, and if any of us dare to question what's happening, you lecture about how we're a danger to society and we just don't care about people dying.
For those who are truly 'woke' I give this word of caution. There was a King of Israel, Asa by name. He consulted all the medical professionals. He put his but he found their advice more relevant than he did the voice of God. Because he trusted in medicine instead of God, he died.
You've somehow managed to convince yourselves that the people whose lives are affected by a virus are MUCH more important than the people whose lives are being destroyed (and in many cases, leading to death) by the effects of a worldwide economic shutdown and impending worldwide depression the likes of
spake to him, saying, Behold, the words of the prophets declare good to the king with one assent; let thy word therefore, I pray thee, be like one of theirs, and speak thou good. 13And Micaiah said, As the LORD liveth, even what my God saith, that will I speak.
By Daniel Berry ll my life the church has been warned of the antichrist, the false prophet, one world government, and 666 the mark of the beast. To resist at all cost, even giving our lives, would be required to deliver our souls from the same fate of the lake of fire, I was told, should I be living when it happened.
Here's what is happening with surrendering to the COVID-19 scare. The government says it's for our good. The medical community says it's for our good. The media says it's for our good. Church leadership says it's for our good. I am standing as a lone voice being coerced to say the same thing. I won't. I have never, in my lifetime, seen all churches in lockdown threatened with punishment if they disobey and remain open. Never. Not for any cause. Not in America. In fact, during past dilemmas the church was encouraged to stay open and offer help. President Bush gathered all of Washington at the National Cathedral to pray following 9/11. We've been through the Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Vietnam war, Korean War, Gulf War, hurricanes, tornados, polio, measles, chickenpox, HIV, Zika, swine flu, hoof and mouth disease, bird flu, Spanish flu, Ebola, Great Depression, recessions, dust bowl, September 11th, presidential assassinations – and the churches stayed open. Why are they closed now? Let's compare what we're facing with what past generations of Christians endured.
Yet, when confronted with it staring us in our faces, the church is now told to stand down, submit, yield to the government, and be a good citizen to please Christ. The generation that preached to resist at all cost is gone. A new generation has arisen that is more receptive to compliance than our predecessors were. I feel like the shepherd saw the wolf coming and fled having no thought for the sheep. That leaves the body of believers in a quandary. Who do we believe? Who do we obey? Who do we follow? When Jehoshaphat joined Ahab to go to battle, they called for Micaiah to give his opinion. Here's what he was told to say. 2 Chronicles 18:12-13 12And the messenger that went to call Micaiah
times received I forty stripes save one. 25Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep; 26In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren; 27In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.
Hebrews 11:32-38 32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: 33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to fight the armies of the aliens. 35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance;
Our government, using fear of the flu, took control of every church in America. I have been warned all my life that this day was coming. I'm watching as leaders use the fear of COVID-19 to push for a one world citizenship usurping the rights of individual nations. I had hoped that America would resist the one world alliance, yet I find our politicians and billionaires being the very ones promoting it the strongest. Without the revelation of One God, Jesus' name, and the Holy Ghost.
that they might obtain a better resurrection: 36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: 37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; 38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. These faithful saints of God never backed down in the face of adversity. To them, death was a promotion, a reward, a demonstration of their faith. Is this generation really that afraid? Paul's road was not easy either. 2 Corinthians 11:24-27 24 Of the Jews five
Our apostolic church leaders are good men. But God is testing his church.
I knew the trinitarian churches would not have the knowledge nor the strength to stand up to a government that took away the right to buy and sell without having an identifying mark. The last thing I ever expected to see was the church founded in the Book of Acts agreeing with the world and encouraging compliance, using scripture to back it up.
We're being told to do what we know is wrong. Why are they telling us that? God sent a lying spirit into 400 prophets to accomplish his purpose. It took a prophet with discernment to know right from wrong. We're told to try the spirits whether they are of God. If what you're told does not align with the Word of God, then go with the Bible. It never fails.
Church, we need to push back. This is what we have been warned about. Entire ministries are devoted to warning of end time events. Books have been written and movies made. The spirit of antichrist is here. Micaiah refused to say what the 400 other prophets said. When asked why, he replied.
Daniel Berry is Pastor at River of Life United Pentecostal Church in Birmingham, Alabama (USA).
2 Chronicles 18:22 22 Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil against thee.
If you burn down the church building and drive away all the people, you have not disturbed Christian worship at all. Keep a Christian from entering the church sanctuary and you have not in the least bit hindered his worship. We carry our sanctuary with us. we never leave it.
This order to bow down and acquiesce and surrender the church's God-given mandates of worship and ministry is not of God and will have consequences. Regardless of how many voices say otherwise, the Word of God gives clear direction on what we should do. Let God's word be true and every man a liar. What we're witnessing is being told to disobey God by people we like. That's the conundrum. Trump is one of the greatest presidents ever.
hile most of America's church leaders have been satis ed teaching their weekly message online, some have continued having in person services. It is a sincerely held belief that the people of God should not forsake the assembling of themselves together. Despite threats from Governors, police, and other officials some churches have trusted God to protect them during the Covid-19 crisis. The Apostolics of Baton Rouge (AKA America's Church) are one of those churches. In spite of being located in a predominately white community the Church is known for being a multi-cultural congregation, While persecution has come to the members and the leaders of their church Life Tabernacle Church has persevered and is having a move of the Holy Spirit. When I look at the title of this article, “Revival at America's Church.” I can only imagine what our old friend, the late Elder Bill Bowman would say. The critic is saying, “Don't look like any revival I have ever seen.” To which I hear Elder Bowman say,
“Maybe you have never seen a real revival!” Men are so sure that they know everything about God it is evident that we often miss what is most obvious. Outside the church there are white supremacists. Like Balaam they are cursing the people of God and calling the black folks (many of which come by to Life Tabernacle Church on one of the 27 buses that
Pastors Shaye and Tony Spell belong to the church) Corona Virus Incubators and other racial slurs. The local police are busy looking the other way because of both pressure from their predominately white community and their own racial hatred. Inside Life Tabernacle Church the altars are full of people crying out to their God! Thousands are praising God and a number have been divinely healed of terminal diseases like cancer. At the same time thousands have been kept free from the forecasted “death by the Corona Virus” that all the detractors of the Church falsely prophesied. Since the prophecies that everyone at the Church would get the Corona Virus and die have failed the false prophets have moved on to more false predictions. As the Spirit of God moves dozens have been baptized in the precious name of Jesus Christ and lled with the Holy Spirit. While Men are arguing about the right to assemble and the right to worship. God is taking the opportunity to add to His Bride! It is evident that God is not confused about what He is doing! 13
L to R Elder Frank Febus, Bishop Bernie L. Wade, Sr., Daisy R. Wade, PhD, Bishop B. A. Spell and Pastor Gary W. Garrett, PhD. later. Bishop and Dorothy Spell not only built Life Tabernacle Church, but they contributed to helping churches all over the world spread the message of Jesus Christ. There were many things to like at Life Tabernacle. The massive facility is home to thousands of followers of Jesus Christ in the greater Baton Rouge area. The sanctuary which seats over people is often full for church services. The building is beautiful. Last year, Dr. Daisy Wade and I were When I spoke, I remarked, You would privileged to visit Life Tabernacle in not be embarrassed to invite the Baton Rouge Louisiana, pastored by Governor to this church. Of course, I Tony and Shaye Spell. We were there for a Night to Remember. The Night to Remember was in honor of Bishop B. A. Spell and was sponsored by The Apostolic Archives Apostolic Hall of Fame. www.apostolicarchive.com Like in the New Testament, where the Apostles were threatened not to preach in the name of Jesus, Pastor To n y S p e l l h a s b e e n a r r e s t e d released on bail and told by the Judge not to preach in his pulpit in lieu of jail time. Sadly, most church people, instead of standing up for the people of God have dedicated their time to raling on them for trusting God.
Life Tabernacle Church was founded over years ago by the late Dorothy Spell and her husband Bishop B. A. Spell. The church is well known as a beacon of hope three generations
was talking about how nice the church property is kept, not the brand of partisan politics recently employed by the Governor of Louisiana to harass, intimidate, and persecute the people of God. Unfortunately, there are other people of God who have been threatened by tyrannical public officials in Kentucky, Michigan, Florida, Mississippi, Kansas and more. It is sad when, without consultation with those who lead the church, officials decide they alone are lord and master. What is sadder is that many of those who claim Christ kowtowed to the whims of some local official. As people of God there are only responses that seem plausible. .Ignore everything the Government tells us.
This response is totally unbiblical. Scripture makes it clear that there are in the purview of the Government and those things they should handle. . Do everything the Government tells you.
There are many errors with this position, and it is also unbiblical. To
adapt this response would be simply to bow to all dictates regardless of the validity. Some have said, well it is the law; therefore, we must comply. Thankfully, history is full of people who stood on Godly principles despite the law at that time. Examples are numerous but we will only look at a few. A. Moses went to Egypt where the people of his birth were enslaved. He could have just left them to the demands of the Pharaoh, but he dared to say, Let my people go B. The Colonist in the New World felt grossly misrepresented by a plethora of laws. They could have remained in that condition, but they rebelled against the set law and the resulting American Revolution gave us the foundation of the United States of America. C. The whole world gladly embraced slavery. People were sold to masters with no hope of ever being released. Abolitionist began standing up to the laws that protected slave owners and eventually though it embroiled the United States in a great Civil War the slaves were all set free.
embroiled in an old fashioned shakedown as liberal politicians in their state use every trick in the book to harass these good people of God. No consultation of local or State authorities has been proffered. Instead, local and State authorities have used horrible judgement in deciding to simply abuse their power to shut down the church through whatever means necessary. The Civil Government has gone so far as to tell Pastor Tony Spell through a judge that if he preaches in his pulpit he will be arrested. When I read the previous sentence, it seems like a bad dream. It can t be true that men of God are being arrested for holding church services Not in the United States of America Sadly, it is all true. Pastors and church members alike have been harassed, intimidated, threatened, arrested and more all by local anti-Christ authorities. While many people of god rallied to support the people of Life Tabernacle Church, others made haste to spit on them and cast all manner or aspersions on them.
. The third position is that as followers of Jesus Christ we listen to both Civil and Church authorities. The balance here is that the church must recognize that the Civil Government has certain levels of authority. Likewise, the Civil Government must recognize that the Church has certain levels of authority. Unless there is mutual respect this will never work. It is without doubt what Jesus Christ was referencing when he said, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar s and to God the things that are Gods. Usually, there is give and take between Civil and Church authorities. When there is not there is strife. At this writing, the Life Tabernacle Church family ďŹ nds itself
Pastor Dorothy and Bishop B. A. Spell
HISTORY So, how did they get here Life Tabernacle was founded by Bishop B. A. Spell and Sister Dorothy Spell in with people. Throughout the last seven decades the church and the leadership of the church have been a friend to many. Bishop Spell is well known in the Baton Rouge area and around the world. The current Pastor of Life Tabernacle Church, Tony Spell is the grandson of Dorothy and B.A. Pastor Tony Spell s father is the renowned itinerate Gospel singer, Rev. Timothy Spell best known for his singing with his two sisters Belinda Spell Deborah Spell Garrett as the Spell Trio. In November , , Bishop B. A. Spell moved his family to West Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and started the First Pentecostal Church in Port Allen. He began services in an old store-front building on Rosedale, and th Street. In a tremendous revival broke out as a young evangelist named Verbal Bean came to Port Allen with a burden for souls on his heart. Brother Bean felt like God was going to give him a one hundred soul revival, but he had no confirmation as to where it would take place. When the confirmation came that Port Allen was the place, God began to move. It was a mighty revival that lasted for fourteen weeks, and during this time people received the Holy Ghost. In the church purchased ten acres on Plank Road, and built a new sanctuary, and Sunday School department. The same year
Brother Spell star ted the Rober t Livingston Academy, with grades - . The school enrolled students and remained open until . From until , the church experienced a series of revivals, and the congregation doubled in size. In , a new spacious seat sanctuary was built. In another sanctuary was built. When you think about Apostolic-Pentecost, you must think about B.A. Spell. He is a Living Legend . In , Bishop B. A. Spell took as stand against the abuse of denominational control of church congregations and b e c a m e a c h a r te r m e m b e r i n t h e formation of the Apostolic Minister s Fellowship AMF . He would serve as Chairman and Missions Director as various times during the s and s. As such he was instrumental in the establishment and support of both home and foreign missions. In the Baton Rouge area, Bishop Spell and Life Tabernacle are well known. They are heavily involved in the community feeding families, healing the sick, and more. Bishop B. A. Spell was one of the key people in creating Operation Christmas Child which today helps millions of children at Christmas time.
In , Bishop B. A. Spell turned the pastoral duties to grandson Pastor Tony Spell. Pastor Tony Spell continued where the Life Tabernacle vision began, reaching out to the downtrodden. The Rev. Cornelius Williams, Tony Spell s assistant pastor drives a bus in the Florida Boulevard area of Baton Rouge.
Church for us starts when the first kid puts his foot on the first step of the bus, Williams said. Before we even get here,we re singing on the bus, we re praying on the bus. Pastor Williams said.
Pastor Tony Spell with Bishop B. A. Spell
When the children arrive at Life Tabernacle Church, the younger ones go to a large meeting room in one wing of the sanctuary building, and the junior high and high school students go to school classrooms at the other wing.
near the church s new home in Central City, Louisiana. In recent election, the predominately white populous elected a new sheriff. He campaigned that he would change things in Central City. Like many of the residents the new sheriff does not appreciate people from the roughest Baton Rouge neighborhoods being brought to church at Life Tabernacle not just on Sunday . Life Tabernacle runs their buses for every service. The sheriff vowed that he would crack down. Apparently, the Covid- scare was too good an opportunity to pass.
The church offers help that many cannot find elsewhere. The government has failed them. The school system has put many of them out because they re considered out of control. The parents are not there for them, Spell said. There are fewer fathers in the home today than there were during World War II when America s fathers were overseas. So, the men of our church have taken on these children and helped them financially and In November Bishop B. A. Spell, PhD was honored for his lifetime of service years in the ministry with a special Night to Remember at Life Tabernacle. CENTRAL CITY All the good being done by Life Tabernacle is not appreciated by some of the comfortable people who live
He sent his officers not to protect the good citizens that make Life Tabernacle their home church, but rather to harass and threaten them
Pastor Tony Spell, following a script that has been the earmark of the Church ever since the days of the New Testament, vowed to keep on having Church services right through the corona virus scare. Like the notorious Sheriff of Nottingham, the Central City Sheriff was not pleased that Pastor Tony Spell would continue bringing these people he considers undesirable to their suburban neighborhood.
were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to ght the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again. Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. Still others had trial of mockings and scourgings, yes, and of chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, [k]were tempted, were slain with the sword.
When white supremacists began assaulting the black people who attend Life Tabernacle calling them “Coronavirus incubators” and other horrible things, the Sheriff failed the oath he took to protect the citizens opting instead to protect his Christophobic friends. Now, let us not overstate. We are not saying that the Sheriff is bosom buddies with these haters of God, rather it is more like, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, aficted, tormented— of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us. And all who dwell on the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written from the foundation of the world in the Book of Life belonging to the Lamb who was slain.
And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of re, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness
PASTOR SPELL By Bishop Samuel Smith
irst, a few weeks ago, when I expressed support for our President, with the caveat and explanation, that I did not justify his moral failings, but, noting that all have sinned, and his accusers are sinners too. The premise for my support for this sinner (Trump) as opposed to the sinners of the other party, is President Trump's support for the values that Evangelical Christians cherish. The other side is anti-Israel, for abortion up until and after birth, same-sex marriage, and on and on, (just take time and research the facts). There was a time when Apostolics could be Democrat and Republicans and discuss their political dierences amicably; but I was called a racist, a white supremacist, demonic, a clown, and just like Trump.
Recently, I placed a prayer request for an Apostolic pastor, Tony Spell, being harassed for continuing to hold church services, in line with the U.S. Constitution, that permits the lawful assembling, and forbids the prohibiting of the free exercise of religion. Again, I received hateful comments, from Apostolics calling me "intellectually incontinent, absurd, and surely
there are more intelligent men in authority in the AWCF." Now, I will tell you why I support Pastor Spell. I have carefully researched this phenomenon called Covid-19. I have not taken the propaganda that is being forced-fed to us by a liberal news media, driven by an antichrist bias. I have studied the alternate viewpoint of this virus by eminent credentialed medical experts, Dr. Rashid Buttar, an acclaimed immunologist, and author. Dr. V.A. Ayyadurai, a Ph.D. at the prestigious M.I.T, and a U.S. Senate candidate, and Dr. Scott Atlas, Senior Fellow at the prestigious Hoover Institute. These, along with a host of other medical experts, all agree that Covid-19 is a very serious virus strain, BUT, it could have been contained by protecting the vulnerable, (the elderly, and those with underlying health issues), and sensible health precautions among healthy citizens, thus, developing "herd immunity", 20
without placing the nation in house-arrest, and ruining the economy. The nation of Sweden has done exactly that, and their death rate is only a fraction of England, Italy, and Germany, nations who locked down everything. Thousands of chickens, pigs, and cattle are being euthanized because the markets are closed. Crops are being plowed under because they cannot be harvested. 26 million people are out of work. There is talk that the lockdown will last throughout the summer, and some say to the end of the year. Somebody think!!! The over-reaching politicians who have placed us in needless house arrest, and they are printing billions of dollars to sustain us, causing crippling ination; money that must be repaid, and higher taxes. Common sense will tell you that the system will break under this pressure. It is not farfetched to think that the only solution for a starving, hopeless world, desperate to survive, is for a world system to rescue them. Dr. Fauci, President Trump's advisor, is bought and paid for by Bill Gates, reputed by many to be the richest man in the world. Both, Fauci and Gates, four years ago predicted a pandemic. They are not biblical prophets, from where did their information come? None other than Robert Kennedy Jr. outed Bill Gates plan for a worldwide mandatory vaccination, and Dr. Fauci is on record, saying that he favors an I.D. system to be developed that one must have to prove that he is vaccinated before he can travel or work. (See the informative news posts on my Facebook timeline). Kennedy revealed that Gates has played "god" before, creating
vaccines in Asia that paralyzed and killed hundreds of thousands of people. A moratorium was placed 5 years ago, against continuing laboratory experimentation with dangerous viruses. One man had the authority to overrule that moratorium, Dr. Fauci. Dr. Rashid Buttar says that no one other than Dr. Fauci is responsible for the continued experimentation in the Chinese Wuhan laboratory, where this monster-virus was released upon the world. And now, Dr. Fauci recommends the same vaccine that Bill Gates holds the patent on? I will take my chances under the blood Jesus rather than another Bill Gates vaccine. Yes, there have been terrible outbreaks of Covid-19 with tragic loss of life in many areas, but not the whole nation. In our metropolitan area of Evansville, 250,000 people, only one person has died of Covid-19, yet the whole area is shut-down, except for Walmart, Target, the liquor stores, the abortion clinics, the banks, post oďŹƒces, the pharmacies, even the Western boot store. In New York, some hospitals were sadly overrun with Covid-19 patients, but that happens with every epidemic. The emergency hospital ship brought to New York harbor, with 1,000 beds had only 80 occupied.
The emergency field hospital in Central Park, was never used. Across the nation hospitals were closed to only Covid-19 cases resulting in less than 20% of their beds occupied. All the while other health crisis are delayed and/or ignored. Cancer chemotherapy treatment, even brain surgeries have been postponed. Doctors and nurses in many areas were laid off, and hospitals incurred great financial loss. This panic has exceeded common sense. I wonder why?
affecting the state is not founded in facts.
The CDC gives these statistics for the past 60 days, the average daily deaths, worldwide, per major disease. Covid-19, 3,373, Tuberculosis, 3,014, Hepatitis B, 2,430, Pneumonia, 2,216, HIV/AIDS, 2,210, and Malaria, 2002. Why such an extreme lockdown for only Covid-19?
If John witnessed the beginning of antichrist 2,000 years ago, where do you suppose it is today? What better way to cause a freedom loving nation, full of Bible believers, and powerful preachers to concede to unbelievable restrictions; close their church doors without barely a whimper, other than "fear"?
In fact, recent surveys taken in California, New York, and Florida, has revealed that 50 to 85 times more people have been exposed to Covid-19, than earlier thought; many with little or no effects; thus, the mortality rate against the larger number, means that fewer have died with the virus compared to those infected.
The legendary Smith Wigglesworth, a powerful preacher in the early 20th century, known for faith and miracles, (credited with 21 documented raised from the dead) said he, "Some read the Bible in Greek, some read the Bible in Latin, I read my Bible
It does not take a genius to see something else at work in this pandemic. Consider, the mayor of New York City, saying if churches did not close voluntarily, he would close them permanently. Consider a governor of Kentucky, having state troopers taking down the license plate numbers of worshipers in the church parking lot and threatening them with 14 days home confinement. Consider, that in one state, worshipers were not permitted to live-stream singing. Consider, in another state, worshipers sitting in their cars were ticketed during their church holding an outdoor parking lot service. Even, the U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr has said that many governors have overreached their authority. Note, how quickly the antichrist spirit took advantage of the situation to target and restrict worship in defiance of the U.S. Constitution.
Just today in California, a prominent physician, Dr. Dan Erickson, questioned the wisdom of destroying the economy and shutting down a state of over 39.5 million people with 1,227 Covid-19 deaths, meaning a Californian has a 0.03 per cent chance of dying with Covid-19, the same chance of dying with the flu. Fact, the virus is not as deadly as first described, thus, the panic and extreme fear so negatively
in the Holy Ghost." Pastor Spell said the Lord told him to keep his church open to preach the Gospel, and to give the people the opportunity to 22
assemble, to worship and praise. (Sorry to those who disagree, there is nothing that takes the place of the atmosphere and anointing of God's people meeting in the holy sanctuary, it has always been that way, and it always will be).
It is time for Apostolic churches, to practice the faith we have preached, and to "open for business," the Father's Business. We say we have inherited the same "Keys" given to Peter by our Lord, and we say we are the people of the "name" who Daniel prophesied that in the last days would be strong and do exploits. God doesn't have a Bteam; nothing other than the Church is the hope of mankind in the end-time. We are the "Watchmen on the Wall." Thank you, Pastor Spell, for standing and putting the trumpet to your mouth. God bless you and your faithful church.
Pastor Spell said the Holy Ghost told him to continue, and when I consider all the data and facts that are in, I agree with him. The day I saw the handcus put on him and then the ankle monitor, for the ďŹ rst time in my life I was ashamed of my country, at the same time, I was proud to be an Apostolic.
Bishop Sam Smith Bishop Samuel Smith is the Chairman of the Apostolic World Christian Fellowship (AWCF). www.awcf.org
We are in the "Beginning of sorrows" even the unsaved recognize that the world will never be the same. The Church is the last stronghold against antichrist. We must be at our best! We render both unto Caesar and to God, but we do not wait for Caesar to give us permission to do God's work!
Editor's Note: Pastor Tony Spell is the Pastor of Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. While many who claim to be Apostolic have railed against this man of God for merely having church services, he has found wide support among proponents of Civil Liberties and other like-minded organizations.
he House of Worship represents God's presence. It's more than just a building. It is the representation to the community that God is near. The tabernacle in the wilderness, the temples in Jerusalem, the great cathedrals of Europe, the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, or the little white church sitting in a pastoral setting in the vale. A city with numerous churches brings a calming presence, even when the doors are locked between services. It reminds us that this nation was founded by Pilgrims seeking religious liberty. It's an abomination when abortion clinics are open, liquor stores are open, WallMart is open, yet the church is closed. It's at church that we gather to hear the word. We gather to sing. We gather at the altar. We gather to eat. We gather to pray. It's our home. If the strongman takes our home, where do we go for refuge? When the sinner seeks God, they go to church.
over sin, sickness, disease, and no longer fear death. Allowing churches to be closed without a fight, gives strength to the argument that the First Amendment is no big deal. No guns were fired, yet every church is closed. There was no battle because the Christians surrendered. All because of fear. Fear of disease. Fear of losing that coveted 501c. Fear of arrest. Fear of threats that if we continue having church that we will be shut down permanently. And most of all, fear of losing our buildings. The excuse for using the internet is that a building is not necessary, and yet it's fear of losing all the work and money that the building represents that has m e n h i d i n g at h o m e m i n i s te r i n g . Fe a r immobilizes. Fear hath torment. With fear comes control.
When the doors of every church in America are closed, it sends the impression that God is absent. It elevates the institutions that are allowed to remain open as if they are superior and that anything related to God is of lesser importance. It is obvious to the unchurched world that we're being punished. And that we are weak. And that a flu virus is sufficient to shut down houses of worship. All the while, we claim to be apostolic and have power 25
By Pastor Daniel Berry
Yes, we trust Trump but remember that there arose a Pharaoh that did not know Joseph. Once rights are given up, they must be retaken with bloodshed. Ministry is a hands-on profession. It's more than standing behind a pulpit collecting tithes. It is hand shaking, hugging, arms around shoulders, laying hands on the sick, anointing with oil, visiting the sick, fellowshipping, foot washing, baptizing, praying through to the Holy Ghost, and oneon-one interaction.
What if this virus had a mortality rate of 40% or higher rather than 1.5%? Churches would be more important than the medical centers. Not all professions can work from home. Nurses can't. Plumbers can't. And preachers can't. Televangelism is inadequate to provide all that is needed. People are sheep and sheep need care and they need the shepherd close to them. Jesus was never far from his disciples. He was never far from the outcast, the downtrodden, the weak, the hurting, or the needy. Social distancing is man's idea and it is ineffective. Viruses are passed regardless of masks and gloves and keeping six feet apart. Jesus ministered to multitudes and fed thousands with many hands touching the food. Jesus touched children and rebuked the disciples for requiring social distancing. He touched a leper, the ultimate social outcast. We were ordained to congregate together and were commanded to not forsake the assembly. Social distancing isolates us and leads to despondency. Teens join gangs to belong to something, forsaking their fragmented family. One of the first things God noticed about the man he had created was the need for companionship saying that it was not good for the man to be alone. Sports stadiums that seat 100,000 attests to the value of gathering. Race tracks that seat 300,000. Concert venues with thousands. Restaurants that seat a hundred.
The Biblical heroes were the rebels who disobeyed authorities who infringed upon their rights to worship and their command to preach. This right is God-given. Moses did not negotiate with Pharaoh. Daniel and the Three Hebrews disobeyed laws passed specifically targeting them. The Hebrew midwives disobeyed and spared the male babies. Jesus was the ultimate rebel, and the apostles were all martyred for preaching when and where they were commanded not to. Unless we resist unto death, we have not resisted at all. There is a spiritual battle against unseen forces as much as there is a medical battle against an invisible virus.
Why do we flock to these places? We can watch the big game or the race or the movie from home, yet we prefer to gather among our fellow man, just the way that God designed it. To allow restrictions, regardless of how well intentioned, to disrupt how we worship is not of God.
The medical dilemma is being politicized for devious purposes. There is no medical need for distancing from one another. The same amount of people will die either way. Sweden rejected distancing and is experiencing no more deaths than other nations. For the church to empty their houses is no different than a family emptying their house.
Most of us would probably empty our houses only at gunpoint. The church should be willing to take a stand. If not this pandemic, it will be the next one. This battle is not going away. God is passionate about his house. Jesus' greatest show of displeasure was when he walked into the temple in Jerusalem and saw it being made a mockery of. Haggai 1:4” Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your ceiled houses, and this house lie waste?” What house was he talking about? The house of God. Yes, it's just a building to many, but it's a special place to God. It should be to us as well. If we don't value our freedoms and rise to defend them, then we have no right to expect them to continue. And who knows whether God is testing us and preparing us for what lies ahead? The church is being silenced. First by closing our doors. Next by closing our mouths. Some view what's happening as no big deal and are trusting the internet to spread the gospel. Closing the houses of worship will soon be followed by more stringent measures. Government officials at all levels are showing their true colors. Compliance is coerced through fear.
The apostles prayed for boldness and God answered in dramatic fashion. The result was that ignorant and unlearned men turned their world upside down, but not without a fight and not without paying a price. They trusted nothing but God and relied on the reward awaiting them to justify their sacrifice. It's time we do the same. Salvation is free but it came at a great cost. I was a soldier. I wore a uniform. I carried a weapon. I've been in global hotspots. I've been inside the DMZ. I stood where President Trump stood when he met Chairman Kim. And I stepped into North Korea, the ultimate totalitarian, tyrant state. I was in uniform and I was unarmed. I was warned not to do it, but when I received the Holy Ghost something wonderful and almost magical happened – fear left. God promised me that I could walk up to the very gates of hell itself with the dominion he had given me. I have walked into ICU's with the staff chasing me down handing me a gown, mask, and gloves. I put them on for their sake. I would have been more comfortable without them to show the person I was praying for that I had no fear. And, to lay my hands on them and let my flesh touch their flesh as God intended. Jesus touched a leper intentionally. It's hard to convey faith when you're projecting fear. A mask automatically triggers fear, fear in those wearing it and fear in those you encounter. And it's hard to please God with fear because a fearful soldier is of little value. When called to fight, an army needs a soldier that does not run from danger.
A Christian armed with a Bible is the ultimate soldier. I am very patriotic. I get chill bumps when I see Old Glory. I stand for the national anthem, place my hand over my heart, and usually shed a tear or two, as most ex-military do.
complying, but by being a child of another King. Daniel proved his loyalty by not changing who he was. That's what we are called to do. Be the same in all circumstances. The unchanging nature of God is the only stability in an ever-changing world. Laws come and laws go, but we are to never waiver but to remain steadfast and unmovable. A similar thing has happened to our president. He allowed those around him, proponents of a New World Order, medical experts pushing worldwide vaccines, the World Health Organization, Gates, Soros, the Chinese pushing 5G, and others to coerce him into social distancing which looked innocent enough on the surface, but had an underlying agenda. That agenda is pushed by the spirit of antichrist with the goal being of a one world government.
Those who have never served have no real understanding of how precious and expensive our freedoms are. That flag represents a lot of bloodshed, and it easily could have been mine. The oath of enlistment includes two pledges, to defend the Constitution and to support the President. Right now, both needs defending. Donald Trump needs some soldiers, not in uniform – he's already got that – but Christians who will do what Christians have historically done – show no fear when facing danger. Daniel served a king who was coerced by his top people to issue a declaration against prayer, which the king was not inclined to sign. He signed it anyway and later regretted it once he knew they were targeting Daniel, whom he l ove d . D a n i e l s u p p o r t e d h i s k i n g , n o t by
To support President Trump by bowing down isnot being faithful to him, because this was never his idea. Bowing is undermining Trump in the worst way possible because it empowers his enemies. The repository for the freedoms of the world is the US Constitution. It was tested during impeachment and it narrowly survived. It's being tested again. What Trump needs is an unwavering church to support his initial presumption that this virus can be overcome without much fanfare. Only when those counsellors around him pressured him into locking down the country did he acquiesce. They are after you just like they,
were after Daniel. You, the church, stands in the way of their agenda. Closed church doors give everyone the green light that the church will not be in the way.
standing up for anything. You're hiding behind the sick and elderly, the weakest among us, in your justification to not engage the battle. The weak and fearful have never been expected to fight but have always been sent home. Only the brave soldiers are required to fight. God told Gideon to send everyone home that wanted to go.
Trump needs every church door in America to open and help him push back the forces of darkness. When he needed you the most, you let him down and ran and hid behind the virus, and behind the sick and elderly, and behind scriptures to justify obeying the laws of the land. Those words were written by Peter and others who were real men and stood up and disobeyed the laws of the land and gave their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ. And you say you're apostolic.
The sick should always stay home and let the ministry come to them. We're in the fight of our lives. Hiding behind women and children is what the terrorists do. It's what the soldiers in Vietnam confronted when forced to either shoot a child with explosives taped on them by their parents or risk being blown up. Other countries hide their secret facilities in densely populated areas not caring how much collateral damage is done if they're bombed. That's exactly what you've done with your ministry. You've retreated to your safe space and overnight you became televangelists. All the while, you're saying that the church was never about a building anyway. Then why did you browbeat your hard-working saints to give every penny they make into the “building” fund? You're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.
President Trump is in the battle for, not just his political life (remember he was a billionaire before he gave it all up for this country's benefit) but he's in the battle for your life as well. His battle is also your battle. If he goes down, America will fall and there will be a domino effect. You pastors think you're all big and brave and doing the right thing but you're inflicting the ultimate damage to Trump by not
They paid for the building but you're acting like only you can open or close the doors. You're blaming the government for keeping your people home when you're holding the keys. Be
it be known that you have no faith whatsoever. That whatever you're told to do, you'll do it. Whatever you're told to preach you'll preach it. That there is no separation of church and state. Your actions are reinforcing an existing stereotype of preachers that you're only in it for the money and that you preach one thing and practice another. You're no different than the Pharisees that Jesus condemned, requiring one thing of your people, but doing something different yourself. Pastors are complying for one reason, fear. Fear of what will happen if you don't comply. And worst of all, you're condemning the few brethren that have been fined, arrested, and jailed for keeping their doors open. When those brothers were jailed, you should have done what the church in the book of Acts did. They held a prayer meeting until Peter was released. What did you do?
a man and open those doors. Stay home yourself if you're scared but let your people back into the house of worship. The church was a city set on a hill and you're trying to put the candle under a basket in hopes that they won't find you. They will.
You went to Facebook to call them irresponsible for risking lives and being bad shepherds for not caring for their flock. You said they were only thinking of themselves. No, that is what you're doing from your safe space.
You think you're all big and bad “showing defiance” conducting services in your parking lots, when in fact, you're a spectacle to the world that was expecting you to at least put up the semblance of a fight. At least open your doors and conduct one service. At least get a warning ticket. At least go to jail one time. Do you think that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be as revered had he not gone to jail? He was jailed right here in Birmingham. Never again can you preach with any credibility the 11th Chapter of Hebrews about true heroes being sawn asunder for their faith. How can you ever again preach about Paul and Silas worshiping at midnight from jail? Those were real apostles with real faith. You're not even willing to get a slap on the wrist in the most free and tolerant country in the world. How would you fare in a co m m u n i s t co u nt r y ? Yo u ' re o n ly b r ave because of those willing to fight that gave you that freedom known as the First Amendment.
Pastors (including me) have stood boldly behind pulpits raking the poor saints over the coals for lipstick, makeup, hair coloring, nail polish, men having mustaches and beards, TV, laying out of church, not paying their tithes so you can go on a cruise. Wow, that really took courage.
You're not showing defiance in your parking lots, you're showing compliance. You're letting
How brave you (we) are. You just picked a fight with people filled with the Holy Ghost. How about picking a fight with those trying to take down our president, take down our country, take down our world? How about picking a fight with the spirit of antichrist? You're hiding behind the internet. How long will that last? The same billionaires who want to control the world also control the internet. They want to track your every movement. Control your every action. Millions are watching mega churches preach to empty buildings and are wondering what in the world is going on? What has happened to the church? People are not dumb. They, except for diehards, know that this pandemic is being politicized. They see the foolishness of WalMart being open and churches closed. Contact is contact. People are not deceived but they are fearful. Without a leader, they have no cohesion and can easily be intimidated. Divide and conquer. If we bind together, there's no way that millions of believers can be arrested and jailed.
How long can you preach against sodomy and adultery and drunkenness and fornication and the trinity and abortion once they impose censorship? If you can't keep your church doors open now, how will you do when hate speech laws come your way? You're not being a good citizen by obeying laws that contradict the Bible and shred the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You're being a coward. Real soldiers don't run from the draft, rather they rush to sign up when war breaks out. They love their country and they are willing to die to defend their families, their values, and their way of life. And make no mistake about it we are at war. War is won by soldiers willing to fight, not by finding an excuse to stay home hunkered down. The best thing that could happen would be if every church house door in America was flung wide open and this message put on the marquee: “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”
We are still a Christian nation, but we're controlled by a small ruling elitist majority with billions of dollars at their disposal. What we needed to turn America around was a patriotic 31
leader and God sent us Donald Trump. You've seen what he's accomplished and how packed out his MAGA rallies have been. All it took was the right leader.
to deny yourself and take up the cross and follow him. He said our reward was in heaven. He said to love the world was to hate God. He said we cannot serve God and Mammon. Basically, he said we all must make a choice. And it looks like we have reached a point that being a passive Christian has come to an end. From here on out it's take the mark and offend God or refuse the mark and offend man. But then again that's been the choice all along. It's just that now the stakes are higher. Church, it's not time for soft words and pulling punches. God's people are starving for the Word. That word needs to align with the Bible that we were taught all our lives, not the easy believe-ism so popular now. It's time to wake up. This is the real deal. The days of playing church are over. God is issuing a call to his people. I'm just a watchman on the wall.
The church is desperate for leadership right now. Someone not afraid to take a stand. A man who is fearless and sees the big picture. We need the five-fold ministry functioning. We need divisions and organizational boundaries to come down. We need the church to be the church and let Jesus Christ be the head. We need every member connected to every other member. What we don't need are politicians, within or without, telling the church how to evangelize the world.
Daniel Berry is Pastor at River of Life United Pentecostal Church in Birmingham, Alabama (USA).
We already have a leader. He said that those who seek to save their life would lose it. He said to take no thought for tomorrow. He said
ICOF members have united over 50,000 ministers represen ng more than 25 Million cons tuents, several hundred colleges, universi es and other Chris an schools, orphanages & feeding programs, humanitarian aid organiza ons, chaplains and other chari es.
My Journey: Taking Charge of My Health Melissa Kody
chest. Once the situation or danger passes, things should return to “normal”, but some people live in a constant state of fear and therefore, never return to a normal state. If not addressed, this can have serious adverse effects on a person's physical, mental, and spiritual health. Before going any further, it is important to understand I am not a doctor; I am not a medical professional and I have no formal medical training or certication. The information I present here should not be construed as medical advice. I am simply an individual who, through my own journey and research, has gained knowledge and understanding about my health. You should always seek the advice of a properly trained medical professional to deal with any of your medical conditions. Now that we have that out of the way . . . As a child of God, you should know what the Word has to say about fear: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and selfdiscipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT) “So, don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.” Matthew 6:34 (NLT) Have you ever thought about how fear affects your health?
Healthier, Greener Living Fear: The Enemy of Your Health
e live in a time of uncertainty and while that uncertainty may not have a noticeable effect on some, for others, it can incite fear, panic, and terror. What is fear? The dictionary denes fear as, “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined, the feeling or condition of being afraid.”
When we are faced with a situation and our natural bodily response kicks in, that sudden rush of adrenaline causes our bodies to shut down what it deems “non-essential”. It does this to devote more resources to the immediate danger. As mentioned earlier, once the danger has passed, things should return to a normal state because our bodies were never designed to be in a constant state of ght or ight. It should be momentary and temporary. The problem with living in fear, long-term, is that it will eventually affect your health in a negative way.
Most of us understand fear is a natural human response. Some might call it the “ght-or-ight” response and it is something that happens to all of us when faced with uncertainty. We are designed with this natural defense system and when we get that sudden rush of adrenaline, we may experience tingling or a “jittery” feeling, the hair on the back of our neck may stand up or we may even start to feel (and literally hear) our heart beating rapidly inside our
Several health issues are associated with living in fear and the longer we allow fear to rule, the more damage it can cause. These issues include, but are not limited to, a weakened/compromised immune system and digestive issues such as ulcers and IBS. Fear can also cause fatigue, high blood pressure, headaches, difculty breathing and memory problems. If left unaddressed, more serious conditions can develop like decreased fertility, cardiovascular damage, premature aging and even death.
10:10). We simply need to trust in Him, and His perfect love will cast out all fear (1 John 4:18). His Word also says He will never leave us nor forsake us (Deut. 31:6; Josh. 1:5; Heb. 13:5) so even when we feel alone, we are not! Jesus is the answer. I pray that each person reading this will seek after the peace that only comes through Jesus Christ. Trust Him and take comfort in knowing that He is in control. In Christ's Name,
Melissa Kody
In addition to the physical effects, there are some mental/psychological implications as well. These include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety, panic-attacks and even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Certainly, this is not the way God intended for us to live! As bad as some of these conditions are, the greater concern should be the affect fear has on our spiritual well-being. Remember, God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7) so when you allow fear to rule your life, it affects how you see God and how you feel about Him. Fear is the enemy of faith; it steals your peace and gives room to doubt. When we are faced with stressful situations, we sometimes struggle with knowing what to do or how to respond. The Bible says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5 (NKJV). If we do not know what to do, we simply need to ask our Heavenly Father for the answer.
Melissa Kody lives near Cleveland with her husband, James. She works as an Administrative Assistant for a Christian non-profit organization and runs a lifestyle Blog with her sister called “Green Livin' Girls” (www.greenlivingirls.com). In her spare time, she enjoys decorating and design.https://www.greenlivingirls.com/tag/gree n-living/
Are you fearful? It is God's intention and will for us to live a life free from fear. His promise to us is life. In fact, His Word tell us He sent His Son, Jesus, into the world so that we may have life and have it more abundantly (John
Ministry was difcult for many years as Christians generally, were focused on the church and not the kingdom. In more recent years, the kingdom is talked about a lot more, but few still have a full understanding of what it really is about. The kingdom of God 'upon earth as it is in heaven' is both spiritual and physical and is in the NOW.
avid (and Kathy) Tait have been sharing about God's kingdom for round 25 years now, primarily through the medium of Walking with Jesus Ministries, (wwj.org.nz) from revelation given while weeding owers on their ower farm in Tauranga, New Zealand.
THE CALL TO KENYA In 2015 the call from God came to David. He and Kathy were to prove their obedience to God's will, by shifting to Malaha Village, Webuye, Kenya. After 2 trips, plus the death of Kathy's mother, they arrived in Kenya in July 2017 in a step of faith, having lived primarily that way for 15 years. THE HO SPITALADVE N TU RE BE G IN S KINGDOM FAITH BASED HOSPITAL KINGDOM EYE REFERRAL HOSPITAL Of course, things never work out as we plan in God, for He is the boss! However, after 3 months, a block of 1 acre of land was purchased, thanks to generous New Zealand donors, upon which to build a hospital, in line with Kathy's eld of expertise for many years, as an Operating Theatre Nurse, having specialized in recent years in eyes.
It is based on they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) and by the word of their testimony (through the Holy Spirit); They loved not their lives so much as to shrink from death. (obedience to the Father's will) (Revelation 12:11).
An Outpatients Clinic was constructed rst, opening in March 2018. In November, a temporary Ward was added in an area designated to become an Operating Theatre Block in future. In early 2019 the Christian Blind Mission (CBM) in New Zealand came on board, providing funding for the construction of the Kingdom Eye Referral Hospital that will serve most of Western Kenya and up into Uganda, a population approaching 10 million people. Weekly Eye Clinics are being run in the current facility, and recently, Eye Outreaches commenced. The Eye Hospital itself, will open in late October.
The Western, Kiwi culture, and African Kenyan cultures, are as far apart as the east from the west! While things can be done in Kenya that would not be possible in the West, there are a different set of challenges that rstly must be learned, and then overcome. But thanks to the help of hugely supportive donors and the guidance of their hosts, David and Selina Walukhu, success is slowly being obtained.
PROJECT CURE in America, the world's largest supplier of donated medical equipment, is providing a fully equipped Operating Theatre plus much equipment and consumables. Funding is now being received for a permanent Ward.
KINGDOM MINISTRY Kenyans and Africans generally are far more open to the message of the kingdom than are Westerners, for many must rely upon God completely in their day to day lives for provision. In the West independence and humanism is predominant. Currently, ministry opportunities are taken as they arise, but the emphasis so far has been on getting the Hospitals operating effectively. However, next year, at God's doing, huge opportunities are opening to share the revelation of the kingdom country wide. All is in His timing.
As the project matures a little other NGO's are showing interest in becoming involved. Set down like this in black and white it looks so simple and easy, but it has been anything but! For Kathy and David adapting to a new country (David and Kathy are in their 70's) is naturally a huge challenge1
Shukrani (Thank You)
was totally submi ed to the Father, and this helped forth His great understanding.
JesuS ChrisT
“And saith unto them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt ed, whereon never man sit; loose him, and bring him” (Mk. 11:2). Jesus had prepared even the seemingly insignificant details so that His ministry might be made complete.
By Barney Phillips, PhD.
“And He must needs go through Samaria” (Jn. 4:4). Nothing was le to chance in his ministry. He understood what he needed to do and how to do it.
any people in ministry today seek to emulate Jesus 'power, fame, and miracles, but few want to imitate His selfless service to His Father and His servant hood toward mankind.” Jesus' ministry displayed both great understanding and great spiritual implementa on. Jesus had a plan for everything he did. It was not a haphazard ministry deciding at the dawn of each day what should come next. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). And it came to pass, when the me was come that he should be received up, he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51). He entertained no distrac ons. He was totality dedicated and ordered his ministry to complete the vision given from his father.
Jesus used wisdom and prepared Himself. At 12 years of age, He knew His iden ty and purpose because He was submi ed to His Father. The Fact that these characteris cs increased in Jesus speaks of prepara on. There was a me when Jesus had more wisdom than He had previously. Yes, even Jesus was prepared and grew in maturity.
One of the chief ways Jesus ordered his ministry was in the call and appointment of his apostles. Jesus ordered His ministry according to the pa ern given by God through Moses. He didn't look for a new plan or a more effec ve plan; but because he had understanding, he followed a plan given by the Father, for it was a perfect plan and a type of that which His Father would do through Him in the spirit.
“As his custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read” (Lk. 4:16, emphasis added). Jesus had a custom, a rou ne or plan he followed in how he ministered. “He humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross” (Phil. 2:8) Jesus
Yet today, what appears to be a great ministry of God will end at the gravesite or be perverted by those who come a er because ministry fails to bring forth genuine ministry sons in proper order. Many people in ministry today seek to emulate Jesus 'power, fame, and miracles, but few want to imitate His selfless service to His Father and His servant hood toward mankind. They desire to eat of his flesh, but they are unwilling to drink of his blood. If we are willing to eat and live off the revela ons and word given by the spirit, we also need to be willing to become partakers of His suffering and sacrifice.
And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names wri en thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel (Rev 21:12). And the wall of the city had twelve founda ons, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb (Rev 21:14). And the Lord said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congrega on, that they may stand there with thee ( Num 11:16) A er these things, the Lord appointed other seventy also and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. (Luke 10:1) Jesus chose 12 (signifying founda ons and government) apostles. He chose 70 (7x10, perfec on mes order) and sent them out two by two. These 70 are like the eldership of the Church (see Num. 11:25). He also had many other disciples (servants—by implica on, the deacons). Likewise, the Jewish religion in Jesus' day was organized a er the Old Testament pa erns. He followed the pa ern of the high priest office, the Sanhedrin----or the council of elders, and the temple ministry.
And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostle (Luke 6:13).
The apostles were ministry sons of Jesus. They gave Him rela onship and provided service, and He entrusted the care of His ministry into their hands. In fact, were it not for the training and rela onship they received from Jesus, Jesus' ministry would not have survived beyond his death? Jesus was totally dependent on these ministry sons to carry the message and order of His ministry to the world.
The apostles were first disciples. There was some qualifica on and prepara on necessary for this calling. They were disciples first. There is also a plan for those the Father would bring into our ministries. He certainly chooses some we would discard. He also chooses some who may not be genuine but fulfill His greater purpose. Paul had Demas and of course Jesus had Judas. God knows what we do not and brings His will to pass. 41
In ordering His ministry with the 12, Jesus chose at least four sets of brothers. (It is worthy to note that Jesus did not choose any of the young priests of the temple or the religious community but chose them from the community at large). He chose fishermen, married and single men, tax collectors, a poli cal insurrec onist, and even a thief. He also did not seek the prominent or prosperous or even the socially acceptable, but for those given Him by the father. It was not His will but the Father's he sought.
prepara on so that they could be about their father's business. Jesus trained them in many ways and set them to foster His ministry Just as the tribes of Israel were ordered according their func ons, so Jesus set the apostles to serve His ministry. Jesus broke their func ons in his ministry down into three areas corresponding to the three dimensions of service. He grouped the apostles into three groups of four as indicated by the four lis ngs of the apostles in scripture. The names of each apostle, through in different order, always fall within their par cular group. Heading each group of four and always in the same posi on are: Posi on number one---Peter; posi on number five----Phillip; and posi on number nine----James, the son of Alphaeus. Judas as the betrayer is always listed last in each account. The first group of Peter, James, John, and Andrew is separated from the other two by their closeness to Jesus. The first three of these disciples form what is called by some, Jesus' inner circle. These seem to have the highest connec on in the spirit. The second group, headed by Phillip, seems to be a liaison between the people and Jesus, while the third group seems to minster to the material needs of Jesus and His entourage.
Because the Lord looks at the heart, He sees value in people that our prejudices and fears o en overlook. He sees in His sons not only what they are, but more importantly, what they can become. His is not afraid to bring into his ministry those who are less than perfect, knowing that it is part of His job to mold imperfect men into vessels fit for use. Even with Judas, knowing from the beginning that he would betray him, he never ceased to reach out towards him to the very end. He knew the Father's will and was predisposed to not only what was desirable but also what was necessary to fulfill purpose. In a visual survey of Jesus' ministry, it would appear He walked around Judea and Samaria doing good things with 12 companions who were along for the ride. But as we look more closely, we see that Jesus had a purpose for the apostles far beyond the fulfillment of a bible type. They were first and foremost to become the founda on for the propaga on of Jesus ministry beyond his death. This three-and-a-half-year period of training and
\Whatever significance we may want to assign to each group or each apostle, it does seem evident that Jesus ordered His followers according the same func on or were privy to all the same events of Jesus' ministry. They all varied in glory one from
another. While considering this informa on about the order of Jesus' and his disciples, we must determine proper qualifica on of our own ministries.
perhaps we can gain some helpful insight in opera ng ours? Perhaps we will see how to break our ministries down according to required func on.
Every ministry is qualified by its development in four areas.
Maybe we will understand in more enlightened way those the Lord is bringing to us. We must see the need to properly raise ministry sons and establish genera onal order. A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a genera on (Ps 22:30).
1. First, is the area of leadership requiring vision, integrity, and direc on. Jesus filled this posi on in His ministry.
Hopefully, we will see that Jesus was not just living for Himself or for His present posi on, but for future genera ons. We should come to understand that His ministry was entrusted into the hands of a few individuals; and it was their training, maturity, and success in the Spirit that would decide whether the entrustment given Him of the Father would be completed.
2. Second, it is qualified by its message— doctrine and purpose. 3. Third, it is qualified by its organiza on. Every ministry must be organized to address the needs of those it ministers to and to handle the issues of ministry in an ordered way. His group of Jesus apostles was uniquely qualified. Ma hew gave a wri en account of Jesus ministry with the preciseness of a tax collector, (It is also worthy to note the Jesus chose the disciples accordingly with their natural talent and skills in fulfilling their ministry purpose as well), ledgering his accounts. Nathaniel was not afraid to ask if the ministry of Jesus could amount to any good. Thomas thought seeing was believing, and Phillip, who led his group, acted as an intermediary between the public and Jesus.
Wise men of God know their ministry is not about themselves but about future genera ons. They see themselves not as the ministry, but as the part of a greater ministry leading to the coming of God's Kingdom.
4. Finally, a ministry is qualified by its provision in the materiel world. Every ministry needs money and materials to supply the needs of the natural world. Much less it is wri en about the du es of this group because dimensionally it is the lowest. This is not to say that Jesus valued the worth of any of the apostles greater than the others. It was their nature and prepara on and his purpose that decided their posi on in His ministry. What Can We Learn from The Organiza on of Jesus' Ministry?
Barney Phillips, PhD is the Execu ve Vice President of Interna onal Circle of Faith and Life College
If we understand He was an ordered ministry, then
The Death of Adam
t is in the Garden where we form the primary assumptions that influence our worship, lifestyle, and our world view. The balance of all f u t u re l a b o r, s c h o l a r s h i p , a n d testimony hinge upon the conclusions formed from the drama that unfolds in the first three chapters of Genesis. With this in mind, we should take a c l o s e r e x a m i n a t i o n o f A d a m 's judgment and the ramifications of his fall on covenant people throughout the ages. The judgment of Adam began with disobedience of this command of God: Genesis 2:16-17 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
By Francis Febus
Our assessment in formulating a position on the nature of Adam's death is interdependent upon choosing which view we embrace on the resurrection. This is because the nature of Adam's death inevitably determines the nature of man's restoration. In other words, whatever we discover lost in the Garden, Jesus would restore within the context of His death, burial, and resurrection.
Three vital questions: 1.What were the tangible consequences of Adam's sin? 2. Did Adam die the day he partook of the forbidden fruit? 3. What was the nature of his death? The answer is clearly yes; Adam died the day that he sinned. The bible is observable on that matter. Adam had to die according to God's warning of impending judgment due to his sin.
What is problematic is how Bible students interpret the event. The nature of that judgment sets the stage for a painstaking remedy that God prepared for the redemption of covenant man. Unfortunately, many believe that the sin of Adam conveyed death to all living organisms. The underlying assumption is that God created man and all living organisms to live forever, The Bible does not teach such a principle. This confused notion is a misinterpretation of Romans 5:12. This is symptomatic of a universal view applied to virtually every major event of holy writ. Romans 5:12 12 Wherefore, as by one-man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned If we define death in this passage to be the termination of all living organisms, we inadvertently create
more problems down the road for ourselves as we determine the nature of the resurrection. If we are to assess the nature of the resurrection correctly, we must first determine what died in the garden. Adam did not biologically die the day (a twenty-four-hour interval) that he partook of the forbidden fruit. Most Christians would readily agree with that, but some say that Adam died much later because of his disobedience to God (where Adam lived to the ripe old age of 930 years and then he died). The biblical definition of the word death in this case is essentially fashioned through its narrative as opposed to its assumed etymology. Death for Adam was simply his forfeiture of the presence of God. This poses a huge problem for those who support the view that the sin of Adam introduced physical death to the
human race. I have heard the reasoning that death was set in motion on the day of his transgression, therefore Adam eventually died. The Bible does not express such a sentiment. Ultimately, we must allow the Bible to define the nature of Adam's judgment, which should lead us to the true nature of man's redemption. Again, we must answer the question of what died in the Garden. The narrative clearly records that Adam walked with God in the cool of the day. The Hebraic rendering of the word cool is ruwach breath or Spirit. Adam walked with God in the Spirit or breath of the day; this is seemingly equivalent to what covenant believers experience in the Holy Ghost today. The pain of judgment immediately terminated the spiritual intimacy that Adam enjoyed with God the day he partook of the forbidden fruit. As a result, God disenfranchised Adam and his 46
posterity from covenantal intimacy by driving them from His presence. Thus, Adam ceased to live before his God. Sin permanently shattered that relationship when disobedience induced the rendering of his judgment
The Bible consistently depicts this pattern of disenfranchisement toward believers who break covenant with him. The destruction of two Temples and a seventy-year exile to Babylon are examples of this principle. Access to God is deemed to be life, separation from God death. The Bible defines covenant life for those who reside with Him in the Holy Ghost. Those who have
gives us the privilege to rule our lives through Jesus Christ. The phrase “hath made us” places the statement in the first century but a kingdom reality for all covenant believers.
attempted to define man's final restoration as a bodily resuscitation by way of a “Glorified Body” have misconstrued the nature of Adam's judgment. The loss of his life was not biological in nature therefore the remedy to the curse cannot be in a restored body. As the scripture states, flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (1Corinthians 15:50)
Revelation 5:9-10 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
Romans 8:9-10 9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. 10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. In the following passage, those in Christ are alive through fellowship with Him. Conversely, those who do not possess that intimacy are dead or cut off from fellowship. Many fail to remember that when Paul discussed the subject of life it is evident that He usually referred almost exclusively to spiritual life.
Some would perhaps counter that this imagery refers to the afterlife or some future millennial existence with Christ and the Church. We should bear in mind that we obtain Gods' Grace through faith on this side of eternity, not after physical death. We rule with Christ while we live in this temple made without hands. Our will and our fleshly desires are made subject to the dictates of the King of kings and the Lord of lords through the power of his grace and the surrender of his people. Furthermore, this scripture functions as a time statement depicting the activity of rendering Kingdom service in covenant life as it was in the time of Adam.
1 Corinthians 15:22 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Christ the Purveyor of Life The attainment of Spiritual fellowship with God functions through living spirits in cohabitation with God. The next scripture makes a clear statement that the grace of God
John equated the resurrected status of a born-again believer to be contingent upon our love of the brethren. Conversely, the portrayal of a hateful brother yields spiritual death or alienation from covenantal fellowship from God and our brother.
restore man; it only served to accuse him and to remind him of his failure. When an individual is born again his spirit is reborn not his flesh. God is not in the business of perfecting the flesh, but he is concerned about governing its appetites through covenant relationship. Thus, we now rule and reign with him on the throne of our hearts.
1 John 3:14-15 14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. 15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. In 1Timothy 1:10 Paul declares that Christ abolished death 2000 yrs. ago
Excerpt from “Appearing with Him in Glory Aspects of the Resurrection in Covenant Creation” Amazon books.
Ephesians 2:1 In the past you were spiritually dead because of your disobedience and sins. TEV.
FRANK FEBUS is a seasoned minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has been a pastor, church planter, and more. As a teacher he is an accomplished writer with several books to his credit. He is currently working on his Doctoral Degree through Life Seminary www.lifecollege.education
The regeneration or resurrection of man's spirit is essential to his redemption. It is quite apparent Jesus did not die on the cross to provide our flesh eternal life. To reinstate that relationship, man needed a new birth (Acts 2:38). Therefore, the Mosaic Law failed. The Law could never
The governor turned dictator did not specify if the house arrested members will be forced to wear ankle monitors.
What I am wondering is, both in the Kentucky case and around the country in general, where is the protest and opposition to this government lockdown of Christian places of worship In a country where religious freedom is literally part of our founding and codiďŹ ed in our Constitution, why do people seem more likely to insist that a local remain open than that the corner Presbyterian Church has a Sunday service
We do have some heroes out there who are making a stand.
n Friday, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear announced that on Easter Sunday police will be ordered to visit any church where the parish has decided to hold services and photograph the license plates of the cars in the parking lots. The registered addresses of those cars will then be sent to the health department. Those workers will then go door to door and place the residents of that home under house arrest for the next days.
They deser ve to be recognized. Last week in Thousand Oaks, California, Councilman Rob McCoy, also the Pa s t o r a t G o d s p e a k Calvary Chapel, resigned Rob McCoy
They are calling this a quarantine and not house arrest because quarantine sounds better than house arrest. It is also designed to get the public to buy into the idea because calling it what it is, religious persecution and a police state terms generally frightening to sensible folks , is alarming. Calling it a quarantine sounds like something that promotes the public good and the general will; two terms collectivists can rally around.
from his elected position so that he could defy the State s shutdown order and administer communion to his parish members on Palm Sunday. While the church did conform to social distancing guidelines I can t wait for that PC term to disappear from our vocabulary
by allowing only parish members in at a time, they refused to be denied the right to worship. Rob McCoy is a hero.
waste of word count to list any of them. The First Amendment to our Constitution guarantees us our religious liberty and we have been fighting to keep it ever since. We need some of that fight now.
Last Saturday, pro-life Christian activist David Benhan was arrested outside a Nor th Carolina abortion mill for the sin of providing counseling to women contemplating ending their child s life. An exercise of faith confronted by an exercise of a police state. David Benham is a hero. My friend, Jerry Falwell, Jr. has reopened part of Liberty University, a private, Christianbased school. Despite being relentlessly attacked and threatened, he has stood firm against abandoning his, and his students, Constitutional rights. Jerry Falwell, Jr. is a hero.
Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Our battle for religious freedom goes back to our very beginning. America was settled early by groups who were seeking freedom from religious persecution. Both the Pilgrims of the early s wanted to break
Pastor Tony Spell Life Tabernacle Allow me to be blunt about what is taking place. There is a movement in this country almost exclusively within the left s dominion to wipe out organized religion, especially Christianity. Liberalism is, from its very origins Rousseau and Marx , hostile to the idea of God. They embrace
f ro m t h e C h u rc h o f E n g l a n d a n d t h e Puritans a decade later wanted to reform the same Church risked their lives to make a perilous cross-ocean voyage so that they could freely practice their faith. There were other drivers, but faith was at the forefront. Since our birth years ago in religious liberty, our nation s history has been so filled with incidents of religious protest and Christians standing together that it is a
The eight days of Christ's life and death which begin on Palm Sunday and culminate with His Resurrection the following Sunday are the most momentous eight days in all human history. As Christians, we are literally nothing without them. Joining to celebrate is fundamental and essential to the full expression of our faith in the community. Yet, we seem to have just surrendered. Worse still, our church leaders have surrendered. Across the country they seem more interested in appeasing Caesar than they do in serving God. Christ stood up to the Pharisees. He stood up to Herod. He stood up to Pilate. He sacriď€ ced everything. Where is our willingness to embrace His strength?
the idea of a civil state being the divine authority that everyone citizen needs to worship and obey. This China Flu event has given state and local secularists in positions of authority the opportunity they have been waiting for. They are using their powers under state of emergency declarations to deprive us Christians of our chance to worship during the most Holy Week of the year; that of Easter.
I am tired of seeing the American Christian serving themselves up like paschal lambs. I much prefer that we channel our inner Daniel who, after being sentenced to death by King Darius for worshipping a god other than the king, was thrown into the lion's den. When the stone was rolled away, Daniel emerged, unscathed, because he had refused to renounce his belief in God, our God. Daniel stood against the ferocious teeth of savage beasts and allowed his faith to protect him.
They cannot stop us from silently worshipping but they want to stop us from doing it publicly, from drawing strength from one another. We are surrendering easily to them. Shame on us. The beauty of springtime and the children's tale of a bunny hiding colored eggs can easily lead us away from the very solemn and spiritually celebratory nature of Holy Week.
Surely, as Christians in st Century America we can stand against feckless, godless governors and demand a free and public expression of our faith.
unwarranted attacks by vile men who hide behind computer screens. Like Satan they have exalted themselves above all that is holy. Mendocino County in Northern California is restricting churches from streaming worship singing and the playing of wind instruments in online church services unless the worship originates from individual residences. In California Churches are not only closed their worship praise teams are being threatened with imprisonment. The order issued by the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors states, No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVIDthrough projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one s residence, and involving only the members of one s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID- .
May God bless you and keep you. Charlie Kirk is the author of the New York Times bestseller The MAGA Doctrine: The Only Ideas That Will Win the Future and host of The Charlie Kirk Show.
County Board warns, Violation of or failure to comply with this Order is a misdemeanor punishable by ďŹ ne, imprisonment, or both.
Editor s Note: In a day that those who claim Christ seem afraid to stand for anything or make a plethora of excuses , thank God that some are pushing back against fear. Churches and schools are closed while beaches, abortion mills, liquor stores and other non-essential places remain open. These edicts come from ungodly men who feign to be followers of Christ. Most Christians have supported those in other countries that have face d p erse cution, imprisonment, etc., for attending public services, but in the face of the same from their own government were quick to kowtow Even worse is many of these same people have brutally attacked people of God with whom they disagree. I have witnessed a plethora of 53
The Dynamic Worship Team of Tyler Coates and Dr. Stan Coates from Atlanta Georgia! Available to minister in your mee ng, church or ministry.