“Doctrine is truth lifted from Scripture and dedicated to purpose.�
Apostolic & Pentecostal Time Table of Key Events 1900-2015 ©2012, 2013. 2014, 2015 Bernie L. Wade, Ph.D.
“Some months ago, among some of the colored people in this city, reinforced after a little with some whites, there began something which was called the "gift of tongues:" The meetings were held in a large rented building on Azusa street.” Dr. Phineas R. Bresee Founder - Church of the Nazarene December 1906
Published by Truth, Liberty and Freedom Press P.O. Box 685, LaGrange KY 40031 Printed in the United States of America All Rights Reserved
From the beginning of time the plan of God for His people was for them to have fellowship with Him. We see in Scripture that it was for the very purpose of praising God that mankind was created. When Jesus ascended into heaven He left His followers with the promise that He would send the Comforter. On the Day of Pentecost, the full earnest of our inheritance came in the form of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit as the disciples of Jesus Christ who had gathered in Jerusalem in an upper room, became the first group to receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. The whole would be impacted by those who were endued with this Power from on High. Centuries later, many had mistakenly adopted the idea that receiving the Holy Spirit in the manner that the disciples of Jesus Christ did on the Day of Pentecost was a thing of the past. Thankfully, some vehemently disagreed with that ideology. On January 1st 1901 that changed forever when believers received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues just like the disciples in the New Testament. This launched the greatest period of growth in the History of the Church. Today, more than 5 generations later, the posterity of those early 1900’s Christ followers number in the hundreds of millions with some 25% of the worlds Christians believing in the baptism of the Holy Spirit!1 631 Million Pentecostals in 2014! Inevitably Pentecostals will exceed 1 Billion worldwide by about 2020!
We welcome information about other key events. Please contact us with the details. 1
More Than 1 in 4 Christians Are Pentecostal, Charismatic Read more at
Apostolic Faith Movement 1902 - Present
Azusa Street 1906 Church of God In Christ (White) 1912
Church of God 1908
Apostolic Faith Church (UK) 1909
Apostolic Church of Wales 1916
General Association of Aposotlic Assemblies 1916 Pentecostal Assemblies (PAW) 1906 - 1918 Assemblies of God 1914
Apostoilci Church of Pentecost 1921
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 1919
Apostolic Church of God 1922
Apostolic Faith 1909
Church of God in Christ 1907 Pentecostal Church of God 1919
Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus 1925 Pentecostal Mission 1924
Mount Sinai Holy Church of America 1924
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) 1918
Apostolic Faith Movement 1902 - Present
Church of God 1908
Church of God of Prophecy 1923
Bible Pattern 1939
Azusa Street 1906
Four Square 1927
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) 1918
Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ 1927 Bethel Ministerial Association 1934
Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ - PAJC (re-organized) 1955
PMA 1925 (PMI) 1932
Pentecostal Church of the Apostolic Faith (PCAF) 1957 Bible Way 1957
The Way of the Cross 1933
Apostolic Ministerial Association 1941
Pentecostal Assembly of the World (PAW ) (re-organized) 1938
Pentecostal Church of Zion 1954
Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship 1936
Elim Fellowship 1932
Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC) 1931 Apostolic Faith Church of God (AFCOG) 1932 Renamed International Circle of Faith - (ICOF ) 2001
Fire Baptize d 1926
Zion Assembly 1938
AWCF 1971
United Pentecostal Church 1945
Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ 1952
AMF / ACI 1968
Global 1986
TIMETABLE OF KEY EVENTS (1900 – 2015) 1901
January 3, 1901. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Stone’s Folly – Topeka Kansas.2
Apostolic Faith Movement begins under the ‘Father of Pentecostalism’, Charles F. Parham. Parham calls for a restoration of the Apostles doctrine. Bethel Bible College – Topeka Kansas
William Seymour accepts Pentecostal doctrine from Parham in Houston, Texas.
First General Assembly of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tenn.) a pre-Pentecostal organization.
The Pentecostal Assemblies is established as a fellowship of ministers.
Azusa Street Revival; Pentecostalism becomes global under Seymour's leadership. Those who receive their personal ‘Pentecost’ include, John G. Lake, Bishop Charles H. Mason, C. B. Cashwell, Glenn Cook, A.H. Argue, William H. Durham, Luigi Franceson and more.
T. B. Barrett opens Pentecostal meetings in Oslo. Begins Pentecostal movements in Scandinavia, England, and Germany
G. B. Cashwell spreads Pentecostalism in the South
The Church of God in Christ (A split within Christ’s Association of Mississippi of Baptized Believers accepts the teaching of the baptism of the Holy Ghost with evident of other tongues) – Charles H. Mason a Missionary Baptist travels to Azusa Street and has the "experience".
The Genesis of the Pentecostal Movement. J. Roswell Flower
John G. Lake begins South African Apostolic Faith Mission
Church of God (Cleveland, Tn.) accepts Pentecostalism under A. J. Tomlinson
July. Daniel Charles Owen Opperman assumed duties as the State Director of the Apostolic Faith Movement in Texas.
March 22nd, 1908. Stephen Jacob Jackson Frazee (J. J. Frazee) is ordained by the Pentecostal Assemblies (P.A.W.).
Stephen Jacob Jackson Frazee (J. J. Frazee) is ordained by the Pentecostal Assemblies.
The Church of God (Dothan, Alabama) – H.G. Rogers, M.M. Pinson D.J. Dubose, and J.W. Ledbetter (merged with Church of God in Christ [White] in 1913)
Luigi Francescon and Giacomo Lombardi begin Italian Pentecostal movements in the U.S., Italy, Argentina, and Brazil
German evangelicals condemn Pentecostals in the "Berlin Declaration"
Florence Crawford leads the Apostolic Faith Church in Portland, Oregon as a mission of Azusa Street.
On 5 November 1909, William Oliver Hutchinson, started a Pentecostal Church in Britain (The Emmanuel Mission Hall, Bournemouth). It soon became the headquarters of a large network of Pentecostal assemblies, known as Apostolic Faith Church.
W. H. Durham begins "Finished Work" movement in Chicago
G. T. Haywood becomes a member of the Pentecostal Assemblies. He is the pastor of Christ Temple, Indianapolis Indiana (a mission work of Azusa Street). He prints a newsletter called, Voice in the Wilderness. He will become the most notable member of the Pentecostal Assemblies in the group’s history. This group becomes the catalyst for more than a dozen major ministerial organizations.
Printing press used by G. T. Haywood
The Church of God in Christ Apostolic Faith (White) is organized at a meeting in Meridian Mississippi. Absorbed when the Assemblies of God organized in 1914.
Maria Woodworth-Etter becomes a popular Pentecostal preacher in Dallas drawing crowds as large as 25,000.
Stephen Jacob Jackson Frazee becomes Chairman of the original Pentecostal Assemblies (PAW). He would lead this nascent group until they merged with the GAAA in 1918.
April 15, 1913. Worldwide Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting organized by R. J. Scott and George Studd and held at Arroyo Seco near Los Angeles, on a campground used by the Azusa Street Mission. Maria Woodworth-Etter was the camp evangelist.
Eudorus N. Bell calls for an organization for Pentecostals through his magazine Word and Witness, edited by Bell at Malvern, Arkansas. Others who are with Bell in organizing a ministerial group are Howard A. Goss, Daniel C. O. Opperman, Archibald P. Collins, and Mack M. Pinson. The group met at Hot Springs and agreed to form a loose confederation, and made its first headquarters at a Bible school in Findlay, Ohio. In 1915, this loose group moved its operations to Saint Louis.
Mack M. Pinson
Assembly of God Headquarters 1914 Findlay Ohio
April 2nd, 1914. The Assemblies of God (AG) is organized out of schism from the Apostolic Faith movement that had been operating as the Church of God in Christ Apostolic Faith. Historians often refer to this group as the Church of God in Christ (white) to differentiate it from the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) of Bishop Mason.
Apostolic Faith – Portland, Oregon
E.N. Bell is elected the Chairman. Daniel Opperman is the Assistant Chairman. The effort to organize is spearheaded by Howard Goss and W. Faye Carrothers who disagree with Parham about blacks and women being licensed ministers. This would be standard operation procedure for white organizations. Goss enlists the help of E.N. Bell to get the information out for ministers to come to the meeting through the Word and Witness. The “conference opened at the Grand Opera House in Hot Springs, Arkansas. It was an unusual and somewhat informal meeting, a gathering of 300 eager delegates, all of whom believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Not many Americans then believed in tongues speaking or other visible manifestations of the Spirit, such as healing, visions, and everyday miracles. This group did-and enthusiastically so.”3 3 Pulling Together, Assembly of God Bibliography: 1. Blumhofer, E. L. and C. R. Armstrong. "Assemblies of God." Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Stanley M. Burgess and Gary B. McGee, editors; Patrick H. Alexander, associate editor. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Regency Reference Library, 1988. 2. Meade, Frank S. Handbook of Denominations in the United States. Nashville: Abingdon, 1980. 3. Synan, Vinson. The Holiness-Pentecostal tradition: Charismatic movements in the twentieth century. Grand Rapids, Michigan: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1997. 4. Wacker, Grant. "Assemblies of God." Encyclopedia of Religion in the South. Editor, Samuel S. Hill. Macon, Georgia: Mercer, 1984.
Most of the key leaders of the Apostolic Faith movement are not in attendance at this meeting. Notably missing are Charles Parham, Glenn Cook, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Florence Crawford (the latter two presumably because of being woman ministers), William Seymour (probably because he was black) and others. Although blacks made up at least 70% of the Apostolic Faith movement (including the Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission) none were admitted as ministers of the new Assemblies of God organization. The next two years would see the AG use a series of maneuvers to continue to keep their group ‘lily white’ including creating supposed ‘doctrinal differences’ to separate themselves from black ministers especially those associated with Parham and Seymour. The AG leaders chose to identify themselves as Pentecostals placing emphasis to the experience of speaking in tongues and distancing themselves from the Apostolic Faith (and Parham, Seymour, Lake and others) which was focused on the restoration of the Apostles doctrine. 1915
October 1915, Bro. Opperman organized the Ozark Bible and Literary School, a permanent Bible training institution under the auspices of the Assemblies of God, which he served as an executive presbyter. Opperman is probably best remembered for his role in beginning Bible training schools for Pentecostal workers. He conducted many short-term schools where Holy Ghost-filled saints were transformed in Daniel Charles Gospel missionaries. Many future leaders in the Opperman Pentecostal movement attended Opperman’s schools, including Ralph M. Riggs, who later became a General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God. Originally known as Schools of the Prophets, Opperman’s training centers were run along the faith line - no tuition. Attendees prayed for what they got and got what they prayed for! He assembled schools in
such diverse places as Houston, Texas, Joplin, Missouri, Anniston, Alabama, Des Moines, Iowa, and Hot Springs, Arkansas. 1915
April 4, 1915. Glenn Gook from Azusa Street visits the Azusa Mission in Indianapolis pastored by G. T. Haywood. Together they baptize the entire congregation (465 souls) of the Christ Temple Apostolic Faith Mission. Cook baptized the whites. Haywood baptized the blacks. J. Rosewell Flowers is annoyed with the whole event and vows to stop the idea of people getting baptized in Jesus name in the fledgling AG.
October 1-10, 1915. J. Roswell Flowers, acting as the interim overseer of the Assemblies of God (in Bell's absence) obtained authority to convene a Third General Council to be held from October 1 through the 10th at St. Louis, Missouri specifically to address, discuss, and debate the issue of baptism.
Counsel of Nicaea
This was a witch hunt from the beginning. Chairman E. N. Bell is not present and Daniel Opperman who Assistant Chairman seems to have been ignored. Both Bell and Opperman were of the Jesus name baptism persuasion and certainly not the people that Flowers wants in the debate. G. T. Haywood and others attempt to dialogue in hopes of not seeing division over baptismal formula, mode or method. However, they did not yet know that the debate was really about control [and for Haywood, his color was a factor]. The debate outcome had very little to do with doctrine as some white ministers from both sides of the argument would be comfortable with the AG’s ultimate position. Some would remain for a time and others longer. Haywood (who is not part of the AG because he is a black man)4 is there to debate for the opposition. It is notable that he carried such influence 4
Black ministers are not officially licensed by the Assemblies of God until 1969.
that he was allowed to make his points. Yet, it also solidified the point that he was the spokesperson for black ministers even though there were more than 100 white ministers that were in agreement with him.
Parham baptizing at Orchard Texas
There was no debate that Haywood and others who used the method of baptism in Jesus name was exactly how the Apostles baptized. The AG faction led by Flower wanted to force all ministers to embrace the triune formula added at the Counsel of Nicaea rather than the customary baptism in Jesus name as the Apostles practiced.
Bell, the Chairman, who was baptized in Jesus name the same year [1915], is opportunely not present. Flowers is in charge and he has already made it clear that his mind is closed on the subject. The easy solution would have been to allow either or both as men like Andrew Urshan proposed. However, that position is presuming that there was a desire for unity. The leaders of the AG were mostly focused on taking control. There would be no ‘come and let us reason together’. During this meeting G. T. Haywood is publicly insulted Andrew D. Urshan as the target of racial slurs and innuendo. This supposedly for his and others baptizing in Jesus name and not the fact that he was black. However, the slurs were racially oriented. This rebuke is led by two prominent Assemblies of God ministers: Kerr and Flower. These would claim that doctrine was the issue and not race. It could be argued that neither was relevant. The facts tell us that this was simply a corporate takeover. In any case The Great Pentecostal Schism is in full swing. Pentecostals would formally divide from the Apostolic Faith movement and over time form so many organizations [both Jesus name and Trinitarian persuasion] that it is very hard to count them. 1916
On January 8, 1916, a number of the Welsh assemblies created the Apostolic Church in Wales (ACW).
Fourth General Conference of the fledgling Assemblies of God. They adopt their new creed which they call the Statement of Fundamental Truths.
All ministers were told they had to accept the document or not join or remain a member of the nascent organization. In the end 156 ministers choose not to remain. How the vote went down is debated with neither side agreeing on what happened. What is clear is that there was a departure from the multi-cultural and non denomination focus of the Apostolic Faith movement. These new “Pentecostals” only admitted whites and men as ministers. The imprimatur of Howard Goss and W. Faye Carrothers on these points is certain. However, in the end, even Goss was not happy with what they had created. The New Issue as the AG called it was brought to the fore. Factions among the attendees championed either the Apostolic Faith position of Jesus name baptism like the Apostles baptized, or the traditional Roman Catholic position. The Jesus name group was slurred as “Oneness” by Flowers who led the charge. The Jesus wore the designation “Oneness” like a red badge of courage. The Jesus name group countered by calling Flowers and Flowers’ group “Trinitarians”. 100 years later many are still divided because of these near sighted men. It is sad to think that the AG leaders thought baptism in Jesus name inferior to the Roman version. A third group tried to mediate and encourage that the issue to be sent to a committee for further study. Flowers would not allow this to happen and used his legalese and persuasion to propel the AG toward separation from those who refused to incite the Trinity in their baptismal services. At the conclusion of the 1915 debate they went to work drafting their ‘fundamentals’. Bishop G.T. Haywood noted that these
“fundamentals� were merely creeds by another name.5 He realized that the AG had become a denomination. The Trinitarian faction, as they were deemed, controlled the key leadership and committee positions. The committee that was to draft the statement of fundamental truths was solidly Trinitarian and contrary to the AG's original intention of not creating a denomination, was authorized so impose doctrinal limits upon the membership. The group opposed to Jesus Name baptism had enough support to call for a decision on their New Issue. 1916
Daniel Opperman changes the name of his school to the Pentecostal Bible and Literary School following the decision of the AG to force him as Assistant Chairman and others from the Apostolic Faith Movement out of the AG.
Unhappy with the Assemblies of God (AG) and the impending decision to force all those who hold to the Apostles doctrine of baptism in Jesus name out, Howard Goss, D.C.O. Opperman and others form the General Assembly of Apostolic Assemblies (GAAA). Like the AG this group is also white ministers and does not recognize women ministers. Opperman is the groups first and only Chairman. His renamed school becomes the groups Bible college.
January 21-25th, 1918, J. J. Frazee chaired a business meeting in Saint Louis, Missouri for the Pentecostal Association. W. E. Kidson served as secretary to these proceedings. To this meeting came representatives of the GAAA including Opperman, Goss, Rogers and others. The vision was simple, reunite the two factions that both had commonality in the Apostolic Faith Movement and represented the legitimate heirs of that legacy. In an effort toward unity on
Voice in the Wilderness. G. T. Haywood. October 1916.
the part of both sides, the GAAA merges with the Pentecostal Assemblies at a meeting in Eureka Springs Arkansas and becomes officially the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW). 1918
Assemblies of God move their headquarters from Saint Louis to Springfield, Missouri.
A decision was made to form the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC), and a dominion charter was granted on May 17, 1919. The PAOC organization held to three distinctive beliefs: to William Durham's Finished Work of Calvary doctrine, to the Oneness doctrine of the Godhead, and to water baptism in Jesus' Name6
Robert C. Lawson (1883-1961). Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. New York, N.Y. C.O.O.L.J.C. A man by the name of Robert C. Lawson is hospitalized with tuberculosis in Indianapolis, and has a prize fighter roommate whose mother was a Holy Ghost woman belonging to Christ Temple pastored by G.T. Haywood. Doctors tell Lawson he has but a short time to live. He remembers the testimony of the old Holy Ghost woman. He prays and God heals his body. He makes his way to Christ Temple where he is baptized, filled with the Holy Ghost and called to preach. The affliction was the Lord's "Wake-up Call" for a chosen life and vessel.
Pentecostal Church of God organizes at Joplin, Missouri (First named Pentecostal Assemblies of America then Pentecostal Church of God). This group was doctrinally similar to the Assemblies of God, but the organizers were leery of formally organizing into a denomination with articles of faith. The group was lead by John C. Sinclair.
PAOC merges with the Assemblies of God.7
Wegner, Linda (2006). Streams of Grace. Edmonton, Alberta: New Leaf Works. p. 48. ISBN 978-0-9734043-5-7. Wilkinson, Michael; Peter Althouse (2010). Winds from the North: Canadian Contributions to the Pentecostal Movement. Brill. p. 281. ISBN 978-90-04-18574-6. 7
5TH General Assembly of the original PAW was held in Tomlinson Hall, Indianapolis, Indiana. The multi-cultural crowd in excess of 5000 was greater than the hall could accommodate.
5 General Assembly of the original Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
Fall 1921. Faced with replacing Daniel Opperman, his considerable educational expertise and his bible college, the AG establishes Central Bible Institute.
Frank Small establishes the Apostolic Church of Pentecost, which was granted Dominion charter on 25 October 1921. Official organ: Living Waters.8
Glorious Church of God in Christ. Founder, Mother Lula Phillips.
6th General Assembly of the P.A. of W. (PAW) Indianapolis, Indiana
H V Chanter was the leader of the Apostolic Church of God (ACG); a large group of Pentecostal congregations with HQ in Bradford England. During 1921, Mr. Chanter attended the Christmas convention of the ACW in Pen-ygroes. A prophetic word given in Bradford directed the leaders, to invite the Welsh leaders to join them for a meeting. They met 1922, with another wider meeting arranged for Easter. At the Easter convention, leaders from most of the ACW congregations and those affiliated with them met in Bradford.
Small, Franklin (n. d.). Living Waters: A Sure Guide for Your Faith. Winnipeg. Retrieved 22 February 2011.
The 1922 Easter meeting in Bradford was the beginning of the Apostolic Church. Four main groups were present: The Apostolic Church in Wales; The Burning Bush congregation; The Apostolic Church in Hereford; and the Apostolic Church of God. A prophetic word directed them to form administrative union: Pen-y-groes was to be the administrative center; Glasgow, the financial center; and Bradford the missionary center. 1923
Howard A. Goss and T. C. Davis are empowered by the PA of W to sign ministerial credentials for white and black members. A growing rift due to segregationists attitudes was developing among whites who objected to a black minister, G. T. Haywood (who was the secretary at the time) signing their credentials. The measure was an attempt to appease the ministers. Howard A. Goss signed for the credentials for whites and T.C. Davis will sign for black ministers. Unfortunately, ministers began to see this as two separate groups with Howard Goss leading the white ministers.
Amiee Semple McPherson founds Angelus Temple in Los Angeles (notable convert of McPherson, Dr. Charles S. Price).
30 Sept.–Oct. 3, 1924. Texas District of the PAW. Special meeting to suggest important changes. This signaled upcoming schism in the PAW between white ministers and black ministers with Howard Goss leading the white ministers.
Sept 29–Oct. 5th. 5th General Convention of the AC of JC – Louann, Arkansas.
The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (P.A.W), an interracial Pentecostal organization tracing its roots to Apostolic Faith movement in general and the Apostolic Faith Mission (Azusa Street) in particular, splits over racial issues.
Bishop G. T. Haywood w/ Bishop S.N. Hancock founder of Greater Bethlehem Temple in Detroit Michigan
Whites ministers had purposed at the convention to made separate administrative bodies for whites and blacks, but stay under the same organizational structure. A majority of the blacks did not agree to the proposal, prompting the exodus of many whites ministers from the PA of W.
The Pentecostal Mission is established, also known as Ceylon Pentecostal mission by a Hindu convert Ramankutty alias Pastor Paul.
Mount Sinai Holy Church of America, Incorporate. Founder, Senior Bishop and First President, Bishop Ida Robinson.
The Elim Institute is established as a Pentecostal school funded by Ivan Q. and Minnie Spencer
Elim Institute
Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus (AAFCJ). This is a Hispanic ministerial group. Juan Navarro, Francisco Llorente and Antonio Navaare the founders.
The Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ, The Pentecostal Ministerial Alliance, and Emmanuel's Church in Jesus Christ forms as a result of the split from the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) over racial issues.
The Pentecostal Ministerial Alliance (PMA) organizes in Tennessee. These are primarily white ministers who have departed the PAW. The PMA will change its name to the Pentecostal Church Incorporated in 1932. Emmanuel's Church in Jesus Christ is a regional organization that covers the states of Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana for the PMA.
John G. Lake pens his now famous letter to Charles F. Parham seeking vision and direction for the future of the movement.
The Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas a predominantly African-American Pentecostal holiness denomination was founded by Benjamin Hardin Irwin and William Edward Fuller, Sr. (18751958). Apostolic Faith followers with Charles Parham The Fire-Baptized Holiness circa 1902 Association originated in Iowa in 1895 under the leadership of Benjamin H. Irwin. Irwin expanded this into a national organization at Anderson, South Carolina in August of 1898. At age 23, William E. Fuller, Sr., a member of the African-American New Hope Methodist Church, attended the founding of that body in 1898. Blacks and whites were admitted with equality.
Fuller returned to New Hope from the 1898 meeting, resigned his offices, turned in his license, and cast his lot with the Fire-Baptized Holiness Church. After Irwin left the church in 1900, J.H. King became the General Overseer. Bishop Fuller served as Assistant General Overseer to Overseer King in 1905. Acting on what he thought was a trend toward segregation, Fuller led about 500 members to organize the Colored Fire Baptized Holiness Church in 1908 in Greer, South Carolina. The True Witness periodical was established in 1909. On June 8, 1926 the name Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas was adopted. 1927
The Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ is organized from a merger of Emmanuel's Church in Jesus Christ and the Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ at a joint convention in Guthrie, Oklahoma.
Foursquare church circa 1930
Four Square Gospel organized by Amiee Semple McPherson9.
Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God organized (renamed from Ethiopian Overcoming Holy Church of God)
The Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ forms from the merger of the Emmanuel's Church in Jesus Christ and The Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ.
Charles F. Parham, considered the father of the 20th century Pentecostal movement10 dies at Baxter Springs, Kansas on January 29 (1870-1929). His wife Sarah Parham assumes much of his duties dealing with the publication Apostolic Faith, and his son Robert assumes his speaking schedule.
Pat Robertson is born in Virginia, the son of Senator Absalom Willis Robertson. In the early 1960s, Robertson would begin his 700 Club and the Christian Broadcasting Network, and become an influential televangelist of the last quarter of the 20th century. Robertson is an ordained Southern Baptist minister, but holds to a Pentecostal theology, a position which puts him at odds with many of his fellow Southern Baptists.
Calvary Pentecostal Church is organized in Olympia, Washington by former Assemblies of God ministers.
Morris Cerullo is born. Cerullo converts to Christianity from Judaism and is ordained by the Assemblies of God in 1950. Cerullo is prominent in the Voice of Healing ministry and the Full Gospel Businesses Men's Fellowship International. Cerullo will form his own ministerial organization called World Evangelism, headquartered in San Diego, California.
29 Sept – 0ct 4, – Unity Conference, Columbus Ohio – PAW, PMA, AC of JC, and Apostolic Church of Pentecost Canada. From this Unity Conference would come a merger effort.
Bishop Garfield Thomas Haywood dies in Indianapolis, Indiana at age 51. A son of former slaves, Haywood was born in Greencastle, Indiana on July 15, 1880. Early leader of the Pentecostal movement and promoter of multi-racial fellowship and worship. Haywood was chosen to be Secretary of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World in 1918, and one of five Bishops chosen to lead the P.A. of W. 1925-1931 when the PAW merged with others to become the PA of JC or PAJC.
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (P.A. of J. C.) is formed by the merger of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ and The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. This is a result of a Unity Conference which was held in Columbus, Ohio to explore ways to unify the Pentecostal groups. The Pentecostal Ministerial Association approached the meeting with a two Vily Able Guidroz tiered administration plan, whereas the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ suggested an integrated system. The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World accepts the merger proposal of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ.
July. Azusa Street Mission building is demolished.
The Pentecostal Ministerial Alliance (PMA) changes its name to The Pentecostal Church, Incorporated (PCI).
Church of The Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith (COOLJC) is organized by Bishop Sherrod Johnson, who splits from New
York Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Of the Apostolic Faith Inc.
January 1, 1932. Apostolic Faith Church of God (AFCOG) is officially organized in Cleveland Ohio. Bishop Ray Oscar and Ruth Cornell are the pastors. Bishop Cornell is from Bishop G. B. Rowe’s church in Mishawaka, Indiana. Founded in the heart of the city during the great depression (1930) this multi-cultural group would become one of the first mega churches in the Apostolic Faith movement with a sanctuary that would seat more than 2000. Bishop R.O. and Ruth Cornell In 1955 in Cleveland Ohio, Bishop Cornell (along with C.B. Gillespie and Bishop Carl Angle) would be instrumental in reorganizing the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC or P.A. of J.C.) as a multi-racial organization as opposed to the all white United Pentecostal Church (UPC).
In 2001 in Cleveland Ohio, Bishop Bernie L. Wade leads a group of ministers in breathing new life into the ministry. They agree to rename the group International Circle of Faith – ICOF. 1933
Associated Ministers of Jesus Christ is organized. The group would incorporate during World War Two and take the name Associated Brotherhood of Christians
The Elim Fellowship is formed as an international Pentecostal and ecumenical organization that serves the Christian pastor and workers worldwide. It began as an informal fellowship of graduates of Elim Bible Institute located in Lima, Ohio.
The Way Of The Cross Organization Bishop Henry Chauncey Brooks (H.C.), Founder. The Way of the Cross Movement came out of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kathryn Kuhlman opens the Denver Revival Tabernacle, at an old warehouse.
Kathryn Kuhlman came on an official visit to the Vatican On October 11, 1972. She visited Pope Paul.
Charles Emmitt Capps is born at Brummett, Arkansas. Capps was a follower of Kenneth Hagin and the Word of Faith movement and Positive Confession. In 1976 he publishes The Tongue, a Creative Force which is seen as an important WOF book, along with his later book Creative Power. Capps begins a radio program Concepts of Faith in 1977 and was ordained by Kenneth Copeland as a minister of the International Convention of Faith Churches.
Paul Franklin Crouch is born. Crouch will team with Jim Bakker to form the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) at Santa Ana, California in 1973.
Bethel Ministerial Association. Founder, Rev. Albert F. Varnell was one of the initial five Bishops of the PAW in 1925.
Herbert W. Armstrong begins publication of The Plain Truth, a magazine that will be the official voice of the Worldwide Church of God.
Florence Louise Crawford dies in Portland Oregon. Crawford is founder of the Apostolic Faith evangelistic organization (Portland, Oregon) a mission of the Apostolic Faith movement of Seymour and Parham. Crawford was converted in 1906 and worked closely with William J. Seymour until 1908. Her son Raymond Robert Crawford assumes the leadership of the Apostolic Faith Mission.
Pentecostal Evangelical Church is organized at Fort Smith, Arkansas. The group is an association of churches and ministers. Melton, J. Gordon11
Kenneth Copeland is born. Will develop a major televangelist ministry based on the Word of Faith theology.
The annual conference of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC) meets in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Since Oklahoma is segregated, black ministers are forced Gloria and Kenneth Copeland
The Encyclopedia of American Religions: Vol. 1. Tarrytown, NY: Triumph Books (1991); Chapter: Pentecostal Family; section: White Trinitarian Pentecostals; pg. 254.
into racially segregated accommodations. This combined with some mistrust by some black members since the 1931 merger between the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and the Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ prompts many blacks leave the P.A. of JC. 1938
The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) is revived as pre-dominantly separate "negro" organization. However, some white ministers join the effort which helps to maintain a multicultural group. Unfortunately, in time most of the white ministers leave. Board of the PAW (1944)
Leaders include Samuel Grimes, E.F. Akers, and A.W. Lewis. They call for a reorganizational meeting in Dayton, Ohio to revive the legal Charter of the P.A. of W. Legal reorganization of this group does not take place until July 20, 1954 in Indiana.12 1938
Assembly of Christian Churches is organized by Puerto Rican congregations (in New York and Puerto Rico) who were influenced by Francisco Olazabal, a noted Hispanic evangelist.
Zion Assembly Churches is formed by Bishop J.P. Shields from a split from The Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith Inc (COOLJC).
The Bible-Pattern Church Fellowship founded by George Jeffreys, a Welsh minister who, together with his brother Stephen Jeffreys.
Oral Roberts pastors a Pentecostal Holiness Church (G.B. Cashwell influence).
This is the official date of the reorganization when Articles of Amendment were filed. This information is th according to the Indian Secretary of State. Verified on September 25 , 2015.
Demos Shakarian (Shakarian Family of the Azusa Street Revival) meets Dr. Charles S. Price (McPherson convert), a wellknown healing evangelist. Demos is the founder of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International.
The Apostolic Ministerial Alliance (AMA) is organized by R. L. Ooten. The organization is a result of a split from the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC).
International Bible College. Founded by Leonard W. Coote
The New River, Wilmington, South Carolina, and Camp Fear Conferences of the Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church merge in general conference. In 1959 the group will formerly organize into the Pentecostal Free-Will Baptist Conference.
Ambrose J. Tomlinson founder of the Church of God of Prophecy and early leader of the 20th century Pentecostal movement, dies at age 78. Tomlinson was one of the most influential men in the formation of the Pentecostal movement. In his early life, Tomlinson religious experiences was what is termed mystical Quaker, who accepted the teaching on healing in the atonement taught by Holiness-Pentecostalism. Before the end of the 19th century, Tomlinson also accepted the holiness Ambrose J. Tomlinson doctrine of entire sanctification, that the dedicated Christian can be free from sin, and claimed that he had attained this experience. Tomlinson's denomination splits into 24 or more different denominations.
The Mutual Broadcasting Company is the only network selling air time to religious groups, but puts in place policies that made it difficult for evangelicals to buy time. This is attributed to problems that were encountered with Amiee Semple McPherson and Father Coughlin in the 1930s and early 1940s.
Robert Parham the leader of the Apostolic Faith organization founded by his father Charles Parham, dies. Robert's death will leave a vacuum in the Apostolic Faith organization and this lack of leadership will result in a split in 1951 over progressive issues that many feel would bring the AF churches into more fellowship with other Pentecostals groups.
The National Religious Broadcasters Association (NRB) is organized by 150 evangelical broadcasters. Their first official act was to hire a communications attorney in an attempt to force the networks to sell them air time. This would be a crucial decision for televangelism, due to the rapid explosion of television ownership in the 1950s.
Jack Coe, during his brief tenure [1944-1956] was an evangelist whose unfortunate death while in his 30s, cut short his ministry and it would be speculation to claim Coe’s influence was generational. After his death, A. A. Allen bought his tent and continued on with large tent meetings, as did Oral Roberts.
The United Apostolic Church is formed. The next day the name is changed to the United Pentecostal Church. This group is formed by the union of The Pentecostal Church Incorporated and the Pentecostal Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ. The merger meeting is held in St. Louis, Missouri.
The Pentecostal World Conference is formed at Zurich, Switzerland with several American Pentecostal groups in attendance.
Granville Oral Roberts Resigns the pastorate of the Pentecostal Holiness Church launches first healing ministry crusade with his first city-wide campaign in Enid, Oklahoma. Roberts was ordained into full-time ministry in 1936 by the Pentecostal Holiness Church. Between 1941 and 1947 he served 4 pastorates, then begins an evangelistic ministry to pray for the healing of the whole man. One of the early pioneers of Tent revivals and television ministry, is considered the originator of "seed faith" doctrine.
The Pentecostal Fellowship of North America is founded as a means to bring about regular contact among Pentecostals.
Churches of God in Christ Jesus. The founder was Bishop Peter Bridges
Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International forms. Meets struggling Evangelist Oral Roberts and finances Oral Roberts along with a group of business men. They MARKET the "experience". They helped to organize Oral Robert's Los Angeles campaign which had over two hundred thousand people attending over sixteen days. F.G.B.M.F.I. Boasts They Were The Force Behind Charismatics.13
The Apostolic Faith Alliance (founded by Charles Parham) splits over issues dealing with organizational structure. The faction that withdrawals and at Spearman, Texas they form the Full Gospel Evangelistic Association (FGEA).
According to the testimony of Demos Shakarian, the International President of the F.G.B.M.F.I., in the Denver Post of Sept. 3rd, 72, "He believes his organization was the force behind the charismatic renewal movement. . ." And according to the introduction leaflet of the organization they say of him, "As surely as God endued Moses with divine direction to deliver Israel, He empowered Demos Shakarian, a California dairyman."
Rex Humbard in Akron, Ohio, begins his televangelist program which will continue until 1983. At one time Humbard will have the largest network of television stations that carry a religious broadcast in the United States. His success in the new medium of television helps to build a "Cathedral of Tomorrow" at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Humbard recounts that he was inspired to go onto television while standing outside of O’Neil’s Department Store in Akron, Ohio. People were huddled around a television, marveling at a Cleveland Indian’s game. Humbard, an Arkansas evangelist passing through town, felt called to become the evangelist to spread the Gospel via television. Humbard purchased an old movie theatre in Akron, christened it Calvary Temple, and began broadcasting.
Church of God, founded by A. J. Tomlinson in 1923 after he was removed as General Overseer from an organization of the same name that he began in 1906, is renamed the Church of God of Prophecy after civil action in court over who owned the rights to the name Church of God.
Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ (ALJC) is organized when three Pentecostal groups merge; The Assemblies of Jesus Christ, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Jesus Only Apostolic Church of God.
Original Glorious Church of God in Christ - Founded.
The Emmanuel Holiness Church forms from a split within the FireBaptized Holiness Church. The organizational meeting takes place at Whiteville, North Carolina.
Tofik Benedictus "Benny" Hinn Born. A Pentecostal pastor and televangelist. He is the host of This Is Your Day, a 30minute television show on various religious networks, including Trinity Broadcasting Network, Daystar Television Network, Revelation TV, and The God Channel.
Oral Robert’s first television program was broadcast on sixteen stations. It was filmed in a studio, but in 1955 the program switched to his tent meetings. For a time his sermons were done in a studio, healing lines in the tent. Roberts dropped his program in 1967, when his tent came down for the last time. Gene Scott assisted Oral Roberts in establishing Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Gene Scott eventually joined the Pentecostal Assemblies of God denomination and for several years served in a variety of countries as an evangelist.
"Pentecostal Church of Zion... French Lick, IN... As a youth in Kentucky, Luther S. Howard was converted by an independent Pentecostal minister and, in 1920, was ordained a minister of the Holy Bible Mission at Louisville... Upon the death of its founder, Mrs. C. L. Pennington, the Mission was dissolved. Its ministers felt the need to continue their work and, in 1954, formed a new organization, the Pentecostal Church of Zion, Inc.
George W. Hensley who is credited with introducing snake handling among Pentecostals died due to an untreated snake bite.
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC or P.A. of J.C.) are reorganized as a multi-cultural ministerial organization by Bishop Ray Cornell Chairman, Bishop C.B. Gillespie and Bishop Carl Angle. Bishop George A. Wade is the General Secretary. Black ministers and women ministers are encouraged to join as ministers. The effort to re-
Bishop Ray Cornell and Bishop George A. Wade
organize began as early as 1947. 1957
On 20 November 1957, Bishop Hancock along with Bishops Heardie Leaston, Willie Lee, and Elder David Collins, officially incorporated the Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith (PCAF).
Bible Way Churches of Our Lord Jesus Christ World Wide is organized by Bishop Smallwood E. Williams.
Richard W. Culpepper, David Nunn, W.V. Grant, and Morris Cerullo organize the World Convention of Deliverance Evangelists. It will function from 1958 to 1965, when it ceases meeting.
May 10, 1959 (Mothers Day) John & Dodie Osteen found Lakewood Church in Houston Texas.
Church of God (Black Jews) "Prophet F. S. Cherry established the Church of God (Black Jews) in Philadelphia. Cherry taught that the true Jews are black and that Jesus was black."14
Pentecostal Evangelical Church of God, National and International. Riddle, OR [H.Q.]
Dennis Bennett, an American Episcopalian. Bennett was the Rector at St Mark's Episcopal Church in Van Nuys California announces to the congregation that he had received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Soon after this he was ministering in Vancouver where he ran many workshops and seminars about the work of the Holy Spirit. This influenced tens of thousands of Anglicans, Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches.
Pat Robertson founds the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN).
Crim, Keith (ed.). The Perennial Dictionary of World Religions. San Francisco: Harper Collins (1989). Reprint; originally pub. as Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions, 1981; pg. 108.
Bible Way Pentecostal Apostolic Church is formed by Bishop Curtis Jones.
People's Temple Christian Church Full Gospel becomes an affiliated church of the Disciples of Christ (Jim Jones would later become ordained by this Christian Church)
The American Lutheran Church (ALC) During his seminary training, Larry Christenson questioned how and where the power of God for ministry was to be found. He studied the Bible and wondered as many do, why the descriptions of the early Christians were so different from what he saw in the church, and was also very curious about healing ministry through Agnes Sanford's book The Healing Light. In August 1961, during Christenson's second year of ministry he was invited by an elderly Norwegian woman to hear evangelist Mary Westberg. Christenson was asked that evening by Westberg if he wanted to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and he received the gift of tongues soon thereafter.
Free Gospel Church Of Christ, Inc. Bishop Ralph Green Came out of The Way of the Cross Organization.
The Holy Temple Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ Of The Apostolic Faith is formed. Bishop Randolph Goodwin is its founder.
An outpouring of charismatic renewal took place in the Bel Air Presbyterian Church near Los Angeles. The pastor, Louis Evans, Jr., led the people into a "...program based on commitment to Jesus Christ, the discipline of studying and obeying the Word of God and training lay leadership for group study and prayer."15
Bishop Ralph Green
(Hummel p. 46) This led first to effective ministries of evangelism and healing. Later they began to discover that as they were obedient to God, spiritual gifts of 1 Cor. 12 would manifest.
Pat Robertson begins the "700 Club" on television.
Pat Robertson hires Jim and Tammy Bakker to create a small Jesus-based puppet show for kids. The result, a show called Come on Over, is an instant hit and was the beginning of the televangelical networks. Jim is instrumental in launching and hosting the 700 Club (November, 1966).
Jim and Tammy Bakker
Over time Pat started putting himself on television instead of Jim and Tammy and began easing them out of the network. Jim and Tammy relocated to California and were staying with their friends Paul and Jan Crouch when the idea of launching their own Christian network was born. 1965
Oral Roberts University opens in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Raymond Robert Crawford dies in Portland Oregon. Crawford is the leader of the Apostolic Faith Mission (Portland, Oregon), a work started by his mother, Florence Louise Crawford in 1908. His mother was converted at the Azusa Street Mission in 1906 and worked closely with William J. Seymour until 1908.
William Branham, a leader in the Pentecostal and "Latter Rain" movement dies on December 24th, six days after a car accident (December 18th). Branham's life was influenced by numerous visions and angelic visits. Branham was probably the leading individual in the Second Wave of Pentecostalism in the 20th Century. In May, 1946 Braham began his first revival crusade that would launch him into the vocabulary of Pentecostalism.
A group of Presbyterian pastors who had been touched by the Holy Spirit gathered together at Camp Furthest Out at Lake Murray, Oklahoma and founded the Presbyterian Pastors Charismatic Communion.
William Branham
This group was dedicated to promoting an experience of the Holy Spirit but in terms that were consistent with their Presbyterian theology and style. 1966
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LC-MS) Rodney Lensch was an LC-MS pastor in Thousand Oaks, California. He had also recognized the discrepancy between the power of God in the Bible and what he had experienced in his pastoral ministry, when he heard the testimony of three clergy from different denominations speak on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. One of them, Rev. Ray Bringham went to the home of the Lensch's, where he prayed for Lensch and his wife to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They received it that evening, and his life was transformed completely.
The Roman Catholic Church continues Vatican II from which they go forward with a plan to return their “Protestant Daughters” to the “Mother Church”. Part of the plan is to embrace ‘speaking in tongues’ which has become popular among the people with everyone from pornography publishers to movie stars claiming to speak in tongues. The Pope approves the activity but adding that you don’t have to speak in tongues.
The Charismatic phenomenon became accepted by the Roman Catholic Church. It broke out in 1966 as a result of a weekend retreat at Duquesne University led by theology professors Ralph Keiffer and Bill Soty. One of the largest tongues speaking groups today is within the Catholic Church. "By 1973, the movement had spread so rapidly that thirty thousand Catholic Pentecostals gathered at Notre Dame for a national conference."16
The Wesleyan Church is formed when the Wesleyan Methodist Church and the Pilgrim Holiness Church merge. The issues are primarily retirement and other benefits for the ministers. Bishop Carl Angle
"Seminar on Pentecostalism" by Wilson Ewin - page 22
Apostolic Ministerial Fellowship (AMF) organized at Baker, Louisiana primarily from UPC ministers. In 1984 in Cincinnati, Ohio they changed the name to Apostolic Churches International (ACI).
New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. was incorporated in 1969 in St. Louis, Missouri, as a schism from the Pentecostal Church of God (PCG) of Joplin, Missouri. NTCC was founded by a former PCG missionary, R.W. Davis
Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC) meets in Columbia Station Ohio (Suburb of Cleveland) for a meeting. Bishop Hughes chairs the meeting. The subject is leadership of the organization after the death and illness of Bishop Ray Cornell and Bishop C. B. Gillespie.
Apostolic Churches of the Lord Jesus Christ, Inc. (ACLJC). Founded by Bishop Carl Angle.
Holy Temple Church of Christ, Inc. by Bishop Joseph Weathers
Apostolic Assemblies of Christ founded by Bishop G. M. Boone
The Lutheran Church in America (LCA) While there were a few forerunners such as Paul Swedeberg and Glen Pearson, the charismatic renewal as a movement did not occur in the LCA until the 1970's. According to Charles Miller, a charismatic Lutheran pastor and consultant, who worked with bishops in the 1970's and 1980's, the LCA bishops saw charismatic renewal as a move of God the same way as the Catholic bishops.
Bishop G.M. Boone
Also, the teaching and practice of the gifts of the Spirit were addressed similarly, i.e., boundaries were given in theological statements but the use of gifts was tolerated and even encouraged. Charismatic renewal was not addressed by the LCA until 1972 when a resolution was passed at their convention.
Bishop Worthy G. Rowe of South Bend, Indiana calls for key Apostolic Pentecostal ministers to come together to study the feasibility of a world-wide fellowship. Soon the Apostolic World Christian Fellowship (AWCF) is founded and Bishop Rowe is the first chairman.
United Pentecostal Church adds International to it’s name.
Jim and Tammy Bakker form Trinity Broadcasting in partnership with Jan and Paul Crouch.
Evangelist Jim Bakker begins his Praise the Lord network (PTL). At the height of their ministry, Jim and Tammy Bakker were watched by about 13.5 million viewers across the country. They also owned Heritage USA, a Christian-themed retreat and gospel park of 2,300 acres.
Evangelistic Churches of Christ Bishop Lymus Johnson, Founder
Pope Paul VI: Speaking to the International Conference on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal on May 19, 1975, encouraged the attendees in their renewal efforts and especially to remain anchored in the Roman Catholic Church. 1975 marks the year of the Renewal's "coming of age" in the Catholic Church.
Jim Kaseman organizes Upper Midwest Faith Churches and Ministries. The group will change its name to the Association of Faith Churches and Ministries
John Wimber began teaching MC510 "Signs, Wonders and Church Growth" at Fuller Theological Seminary, an institution regarded by some as representative of the very inner circle of traditional evangelicalism.17
pg. 16 Forward by Peter Wagner The Kingdom and The Power edited by Gary S. Greig and Kevin N. Springer
Clarence Robinson organizes The Full Gospel Evangelistic Association.
Evangel Fellowship International was founded in 1983 by Bishop Houston Miles. Bishop Miles was driven by a vision that The Church is called not only to serve the local community, but to share God’s word and God’s love on a global level.18
Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) is a Christian church and religious organization in Etobicoke, part of the city of Toronto, Canada. It is a member of the Partners in Harvest group of churches and is directly affiliated with Catch the Fire Ministries. The church is famous for the Toronto blessing, an experiential religious activity which spread amongst the Charismatic church world-wide. by Pastors John & Carol Arnott.
Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship A spiritual gifts movement, led by National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. pastor Paul S. Morton.
Rodney HowardBrowne became well known in a meeting at Carpenter's Home Church in Lakeland, Florida.
World Assemblies of Restoration (WAR) founded by Bishop James Nelson
Pentecostal Free Will Baptist formed.
International Bible Way Church of Jesus Christ founded by Bishop Lawrence Campbell.
January 3rd, 1999. Pastor John Osteen dies. His son Pastor Joel Osteen would go on to become pastor and lead the church. Soon they would experience amazing growth and over to a new location in a former NBA Area with seating capacity of 16,800. The church will become the largest in the nation by the year 2007 with weekend attendance more than 40,000.
Pastor Ron Phillips and the Central Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This SBC congregation had a "Fresh Oil & New Wine" conference that was attended by more than 500 SBC pastors. These are part of a new wave of Spirit filled ministers.
The International Circle of Faith (ICOF) is launched in a reorganization of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC or P.A. of J.C.) as recharted by the Bishop Ray Cornell in 1955. ICOF is led by a diverse international group of ministers with backgrounds in a variety of groups tracing their roots to the Apostolic Faith movement including the Assemblies of God, Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ, Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Assemblies of God, Bible Way, United Pentecostal Church, Church of God, and others. Notables who have been part of this Apostolic restoration are Bishop Larry T. Smith, Dr. Bernie L. Wade, Bishop Harold McFarlane, Dr. Jerome Campher, Bishop Daniel Joseph Ubonabasi, Dr. David Ngwa, Bishop Alfred Tembi, Bishop Marcus Benson, Ralph E. Day, Stan & Cindye Coates and Bishop Barney Phillips.
The multi-cultural, international group focuses on unity and the restoration of the original New Testament church particularly the five-fold ministry, the operation of the gifts and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. 2000
New Destiny Fellowship International. Founder Thomas W. Weeks.
International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities (ICOF CSU) launches. This is a global effort to bring an Ivy League quality of education to the global Pentecostal movement in general and ICOF in particular through networking educators and schools of learning. Notables who hold degrees with ICOF CSU schools include; Bishop Noel Jones, Paula White, Dr. Gary Garrett, Dr. Joan Hunter, Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, Dr’s Frank and Hurdis Bozeman, Dr. E.J. McKenzie, Dr. Joel Church, Dr. Cindye Coates, A. Akbar Mohammed, John Atta Mills, Dr. John Alford, Dottie Peoples, Dr. Stan Coates, and Apostle Garnet Budge. In 2014 ICOF CSU merged to become Life College19
Pentecostal Assembly of Believers. Founded by Bishop Carl Holland
Centennial of Azusa Street Revival.
Pneuma Life Fellowship. Founded by Bishop Ronald Logan
Apostolic Faith Fellowship. Founded by Bishop Charles Johnson
ICOF CSU merges to become Life College.
International Christian Apostolic Faith (ICAF). Founded by Bishop William Harris
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) celebrates 100th annual convention.
Bishop Haywood, Bishop Lawson, Bishop Schooler and others
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Bernie L. Wade, Ph.D. is a noted Pentecostal and Apostolic historian. He serves on the Executive Board of Apostolic Archives. “The Apostolic Archives International is a well articulated preservation society for Pentecostal history. We are proud to represent the global activity of the Apostolic Faith Movement from the cradle to the present condition. Our purpose is to preserve historical information at large concerning the movement in order to benefit every individual that has an interest in the Apostolic perspective.”20 Bernie L. Wade is a third generation Apostolic minister who traces his roots through the PAJC to the Apostolic Faith movement. He also serves on the International Presbytery of the ICOF – International Circle of Faith. Dr. Wade has written extensively about the Apostolic Faith movement and several key organizations. See: The Original Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) The History of Apostolic Reformation in the 20th Century The History of the Apostolic Faith Church of God (AFCOG) The History of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC) For more information write: P.O. Box 685, LaGrange, KY 40031 or email: