Calligraphy Cat Magazine | College 4 Kids | Charleen Earley

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Calligraphy Cat Magazine Kids on Young ideas from the Bay


Broadway PG 13 & 14

Japanese Art Chibi PG 4 & 5

DVC student Ruqayah Ghaus

Summer 2017

College for Kids


FRONT COVER photo by Anna Gusak. DVC student Ruqayah Ghaus, studies in the shade.

(L-R, top to bottom) Kaitlyn To, Anna Gusak, Rohan Gandhi, Joshua Perryman, James Baird-Kerr, Lucienne Kimmel-Miner, Maxim Grigoriev and Teacher/Advisor Charleen Earley.

Summer 2017

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


Calligraphy Cat Magazine College for Kids I Calligraphy Cat Magazine | Summer 2017

Editor in Chief Lucienne Kimmel-Miner Managing Editor James Baird-Kerr Director of Photography Maxim Grigoriev Writers Lucienne Kimmel-Miner, Kaitlyn To, James Baird-Kerr, Joshua Perryman, Maxim Grigoriev, Rohan Gandhi, Anna Gusak Photographers Anna Gusak, Joshua Perryman, Lucienne KimmelMiner, James Baird-Kerr, Maxim Grigoriev, Rohan Gandhi, Charleen Earley Graphic Designers Maxim Grigoriev, Kaitlyn To, Rohan Gandhi, Anna Gusak, Lucienne Kimmel-Miner

Photo by Charleen Earley The Calligraphy Cat News Team used The Inquirer’s newsroom to produce their own magazine. (L-R) Anna Gusak, Kaitlyn To, Lucienne Kimmel-Miner, Rohan Gandhi, Maxim Grigoriev, Joshua Perryman and James Baird-Kerr in front.

Teacher/Advisor Charleen Earley

Calligraphy Cat Magazine Mission Statement Our Mission is to be the best news magazine we can be, and for our readers to be intrigued and updated about topics worldwide. “Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of your mind.” – Virginia Woolf (A Room of One’s Own)

Summer 2017

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


Japanese art style: Chibi By Kaitlyn To

Japanese art is widely known. Some of the more famous styles are anime, manga, folding fans and Shodo. But here, I’m going to tell you about another art style called Chibi ( or ). It comes from the term (chibiru). The term that means “to wear out and become shorter.” It has gained more attention and popularity from manga and anime fans. The term Chibi was first introduced in the popular anime and manga series Sailor Moon in 1992. Through the character Chibiusa or chibi moon, who is sailor moon’s daughter. The word Chibi can be translated into “little,” but not in the same way as chiisana, which means little or tiny. Chibi is little and cute. One of my favorite Japanese art styles is the chibi art style, because the art people make is cute and kawaii, which is what the art style is and the meaning of the word chibi. Although in a conversation, calling someone chibi may be offensive, since it means small and short. It is the equivalent to calling someone “shorty.”

Illustration by Kaitlyn To This chibi character’s hair style was inspired off of a drawing on The drawing, which was done in pencil, took me about an hour to draw.

I came across the Chibi art style through a really great fanfiction with an author note and image stating that the character looked super cute as a chibi character. I decided to look into it. It’s also the reason why I have recently started drawing chibi characters. I’ve only recently started drawing chibi characters and it’s really fun designing and drawing them.

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You get to draw and design the characters that you can use for cards, decorations or just put on the Internet to show people your skills. You can also send to your friends either just for fun or to encourage them to draw chibi characters and art as well. Here is a list of tips on how to make chibi art from Plus some things that make chibi art, chibi art. 1. Chibi characters are usually out of proportions. Such as their heads are too large for their bodies. 2. When drawing a chibi character, the highlights and shadows of the characters are often intensified. 3. Chibi characters tend to contain a lot of detail. 4. Chibi characters figures are unrealistically skinny. 5. When drawing a chibi character, there is almost no blending. 6. Chibi characters are drawn with cleaner lines. I hope that you will consider drawing your own chibi characters, or check out the art style.

Illustration by Kaitlyn To This is an illustration I drew of a Chibi character. The dress was inspired by another character on

Summer 2017 Calligraphy Cat Magazine 5

Photo by Viktoria Gusak This is the oldest temple in the Ukraine. The temple is called Keyvo-Pecherska Lavra.

When you decide to travel the world, visiting such places as Paris, London and Rome are a must. But, not many know about the great and ancient history of Kiev, the city I am from. I might be biased, after all I was born and raised there. Nevertheless, this is the place that has deep historical roots and traditions that are still valued today. It was founded more than 2500 years ago on the banks of the Dnieper River. Then, it was a major part of the Silk Road, an ancient trade route, which for centuries, connected Asia and Europe, stretching from the Korean peninsula and Japan to the Mediterranean Summer 2017

Sea. Now Kiev is a capital of Ukraine; it’s the largest and most vibrant city with more than three million people, making it the seventh largest city in Europe. As ancient legend states, Kiev was founded by three brothers, Kyi, Schek and Khoryv, and their sister Lybed, at the end of the fifth-beginning of the sixth centuries. The city was named after the eldest brother Kyi. Kyiv means the city of Kyi. Many ancient tribes gathered around Kiev, and at the end of the ninth century, the city became the political center of the Eastern

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Slavs. In the year 988, Christianity was introduced by Great Prince Vladimir and became the official religion of the Kiev Rus. This helped to establish political and cultural relations with such states as the Byzantine Empire and Bulgaria. At that time, almost 50,000 people lived in the city; there were about 400 churches and 8 markets. When Vladimir Monomakh, a prominent prince of Kiev, died in the year 1152, the mighty Kiev Rus began to decay. In 1240, Kiev was demolished by Mongol Horde and for almost three hundred years, was a part of the Mongol Empire. Only in the fourteenth century, Kiev began to revive. But in 1362, Great Duke of Lithuania captured the city. For more than 100 years, it was under the command of Lithuanian and Polish dukes. People's liberation war of 16481654 against the Lithuanian-Polish Yoke, led to liberation. But Cossack armies, headed by Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky, couldn't manage to conquer the enemy without help from Russia.

Photo by Victor Kevlyuk The woman on the right is Iryna Kevliuk and the other woman is unknown. This photo was taken at Sophia’s Cathedral, then Saint, Kiev.

As a result, Ukraine plunged under a long period of domination by the Russian Empire. Since that time, the history of Ukraine and Kiev was closely connected with Russian history. Kiev suffered severely during the World War II, when many unique architectural and historical treasures were lost. Despite all the historical turmoil’s, Kiev managed to keep its unique architecture that can still be

Summer 2017

enjoyed today. Extensive restoration of the after-war days has revived much of Kiev's historical and cultural heritage. One can still see an old Kiev Pechersk Lavra Monastery and caves dated back to 1051 and St. Sophia Cathedral founded in 1031, walk ancient streets of Kiev, visit art markets and enjoy the history and beauty of this unique city.

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


The music industry today By Joshua Perryman

Back in the day, music was better, the television shows were better, and people weren’t on their phones all day. It appears that our parents were right about one thing, the music! The music nowadays is really terrible and most of the time you can't understand the words. Take 21st Century “rappers” for instance. They mumble and make up languages while “rapping.” You can't look up the lyrics because no one knows what they’re saying!

Photo by TeroVesalainen, This picture shows a pop artist in a silhouette. Great editing is shown in this photograph.

It’s not just rappers, it’s also singers with a genre called hip-hop.

People listen to the music because the music sounds good, not the person themself. The “rappers” don’t teach a lesson or say anything that makes sense unlike the old music.

The surprising thing is that the music is selling so well. You’d think music that has words you can't understand, bad singing picked up by autotune, and only two words ‘aye’ and ‘yuh’ wouldn’t be selling so well. It’s probably the younger generation having no taste in music. After 2015, music went from okay to straight dog poop, excuse my language. I think the old rappers and singers need to come out of retirement and save the music industry. If they don't, the new trendy music will be just mumbling an auto tune.

Summer 2017

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


Ice baths versus your health By Maxim Grigoriev

I play volleyball and know that ice baths are used to recover from exhausting practices. Our coaches say that ice baths are good for you. All professional sports coaches believe that ice baths are good for short recoveries, but I think if you want your muscles to build quickly, then stay away from ice baths. Some tests were made to see if ice baths really helped with recovery after physical activities. Scientists from a BBC article entitled, Do Ice Baths Have Benefits, it states “Immersion in cold water is known to reduce blood flow and this could slow down muscle protein synthesis, where the muscle rebuilds itself after injury or strain.” This is just one piece of evidence that ice baths are bad for you. Later scientists found out that if you take ice baths constantly, it slows down the development of muscles. Piers Edwards from CNN, who published an article about the risks of taking an ice bath, wrote “additional risks to ice baths include hyperventilation,

Summer 2017

Syncope (fainting), anaphylactic shock, arrhythmias, and other fatal and nonfatal risks.”

Photo by Kristina Olkhovskaya After a hard practice, Max (pictured above on left) and his teammates take ice baths. The coach says it’s for a quick recovery, but ice baths aren’t as good as he thinks.

The idea of ice baths scares me. Every day after practice my team and my team and I would sit in a tub of ice for 10 minutes and hope that our legs would not fall off. “I can feel the ice wrap me, I start to feel the pain coming from my legs rushing down to my toes, 2 minutes pass… maybe 3 and my legs go numb,” said by a fellow teammate. I want to say “no” to ice baths, but there is no real authority that says if you can or cannot take an ice bath. However there should be some common sense about this topic. People should at least be aware that ice baths may not be good for your kidneys, heart, etc. Many famous athletes take ice baths after or before a harsh physical workout. These people may vary from people like

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“Some tests were made to see if ice baths really helped with recovery …” Michael Phelps, Andy Murray (British tennis champion), and Derek Mason. I have found a few good things about ice baths, but mostly doctors and scientists are against it, especially if their kids are forced to take it. Many adults who took the ice bath said it helps, but ask yourself this: Does it affect your body in any bad way? I believe the answer is yes.


Save water to save our future By Rohan Gandhi Water is something that most people take for granted. We pay almost nothing for it, so people use a lot of it. People use 80-100 gallons of water per day on average. That’s a lot of water! That amount is only the amount of water we use directly.

saving toilets and sinks, as well as efficient dishwashers and washing machines to save water. Using a carwash or self-service carwash is another great way to help the effort to save water. These are all ways to help decrease our water usage.

There is another kind of water. This is called virtual water. Virtual water is the amount of water it took to create the products that you use in your everyday lives, like food, for example.

The state of California has recently come out of a drought. From October 2016 to February 2017, California received 27.81 inches of rain. This record-breaking year brought California out of its drought.

According to a UC Davis study, it takes about 441 gallons of water to make one pound of boneless beef. Almost everything you buy from a store, used water to make it! When you buy clothes from the mall, you are using virtual water. So how can we reduce the amount of water we are using? One way you can directly save water is by doing the simple stuff, such as taking shorter showers and not leaving the water on. Additionally, you can use new technologies such as water

Summer 2017

According to James Famiglietti, the senior water scientist at NASA’s jet propulsion lab in Pasadena, CA, “California will still be losing water [because the] state simply does not have enough water to do all the things it wants to do.” Water in California is still less abundant than in other states like Michigan and New York. Countries overseas are also having problems with water scarcity.

with this problem by recycling Photo by Rohan Gandhi a lot of their water. Water saving sinks like this one use up to 40% less water than a normal sink. Water saving Australia makes water more toilets and low-flow. showerheads are also sold.

expensive and valuable to reduce water usage. A way you can recycle water is by installing a greywater system at your in the house. This takes extra water from sinks, showers and sprinklers, cleans the water, then puts the water back into use. Any way you can help save water sends a good message to the world about water usage. Hopefully you now understand the value of water and will help conserve water.

Some countries are handling it better than others. Israel copes

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


The past and the present: movies By Lucienne Kimmel Miner Classic movies such as Casablanca, Rear Window, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, How to Catch a thief, Dial M for Murder, Some Like It Hot, Top Hat, and many more are timeless movies that should be watched by our generation.

A movie such as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes has quality singing and dancing numbers, with the famous Marilyn Monroe. Monroe also has a starring role in Some Like It Hot, a Romantic comedy about two musicians who dress up as girls to escape their pursuers.

These movies have meaning in a way that most of today’s films do not. Take Shakespeare. Even though they are hundreds of years old, they still apply to life as we know it and provide wisdom and humor for everyone. In fact, many movies and tv shows today are based on these classics. Such as the 50’s show I Love Lucy, about a Cuban bandleader and his wife’s crazy coincidences and adventures that she always cooks up accidentally.

Photo by Pixabay Ginger Rogers, dancing partner to Fred Astaire.

Another, Top Hat, will have masterful dancing and choreography by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Alfred Hitchcock, the director of many suspense movies and classic ones, is still known today. His movies with Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, and many more are still watched and appreciated today.

Photo by Pixabay Marilyn Monroe

Summer 2017

“We’ll always have Paris” - Casablanca

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


We must make room for new things, but keep the classics as well, like this line from a poem by Joseph Perry about friends. “Make new friends, but keep the old, those are silver, these are gold.” Most people-not all-devalue older movies because they are not new, shiny, or action packed.

Photo by Pixabay Cary Grant, successful actor from To Catch a thief, His Girl Friday, and many more.

Photos by Pixabay Alfred Hitchcock and Grace Kelly, an actress and an English American film director.

Some people might claim that some old movies send the wrong message or have bad morals. This is true, to a certain level. Most of these classics were made when not all people had equal rights, thus mixing messages about life. If anyone who watches them understands the importance of laws we have today, these old movies should not go underappreciated. As mentioned before, new movies are often ideas from old ones, and are better appreciated even though the original is better quality. Although this is not in all cases, most classic movies are superior in content quality and messages than new action-packed ones. It is better to see the classics and learn from them, even if they do not have color or special effects.

“A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, but diamonds are a girl’s best friend!” - Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Summer 2017

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


Kids on Broadway at Arena Theatre

Photo by Lucienne Kimmel-Miner

By Lucienne Kimmel-Miner We went to the Arena Theatre (pictured above), where we interviewed students in the Kids on Broadway class. As I walk in, the class is singing together in center stage. On one of the sides of the bowl-shaped theater, rows of chairs for the audience sit. On the other sides, stairs lead to the stage, and exits lead off. We are introduced to the teacher Jo Nash, and the students that are to be Summer 2017

Photo by Maxim Grigoriev Students practice a play in Arena Theatre.

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


interviewed. I led Emma Jacobs to sit on one of the stairs as we begin the interview.

wrap up our interview. “In the next five years I hope to audition for small extra parts and commercials,”

The first question I ask is if this class is just a hobby, or if she wants to have an acting career. “I’m hoping that I can delve into the craft of acting, yes,” said Emma. “This is about my fourth time, maybe fifth going to DVC College for Kids.” She also has many other talents like writing and singing. Photo by Charleen Earley Emma Jacobs is interviewed by a reporter Lucienne Kimmel-Miner.

said Emma. “Although I know those are kind of high expectations.” As the rest of the class starts practicing a play, Emma talks about her influence on the audience. Photo by Charleen Earley Instructor Jo Nash teaches Kids on Broadway at DVC’s College for Kids.

“Lots of artistic-y things,” Emma laughs. This is a favorite class of hers. “Yes every single time I’ve been to DVC, I’ve taken this class,” she said. She’s learned a lot of skills and has lots of experience. “Right now I’m kind of just doing it for fun,” she said. But I previously have learned lots of different things, and made lots of new friends.”

“Acting is just something I’ve always wanted to do, because acting is not just about being someone else ... its about getting a reaction out of somebody, being able to convey a story to somebody else...being able to give someone else passion and inspiration,” she said.

“It’s about getting a reaction out of somebody.”

The class is still singing strongly as we Summer 2017

Calligraphy Cat Magazine



Antonio Santini (pictured right in a green shirt and yellow shoes) took Kids on Broadway, his first year at College for Kids. He chose this class because it’s fun, entertaining, gives him some exercise, and stops his stage fright. Antonio gave us some of his time to answer some of our questions.

Q | What is your favorite part of this class?

A | Everything, because it’s fun, there’s exercise and mental exercise. I used to be shy on stage, but now I’m not because of this class!

Photo by Charleen Earley Antonio Santini is the singer wearing green T-shirt and yellow shoes.

Q | If you can switch places with anybody in the world, who would it be?

Q | What is your goal in life? A | My goal in life is to be what I can.

A | I would switch places with my mom, because she is a great cook.

Q | When you look in the mirror, what do

Q | Do you like this class, and why? A | I do like this class, because the people who do it with me are so kind to me.

you see?

A | I see a shy boy whose future is nowhere to be seen by any fortuneteller.

Q | What did you learn from Kids on Broadway.

A | How not to be shy and act. Summer 2017

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


The dark side of chocolate By Lucienne Kimmel-Miner

Photo by Lucienne Kimmel-Miner Dry cacao pods from Tanzania. Much like wine, the flavor of good dark chocolate depends on where you get the cacao beans.

Chocolate comes from a cacao tree in the jungle. Pods around the size of footballs are harvested, and the beans inside are what is used to make chocolate.

which might involve child labor, unfair cacao trade with farmers, and/or rainforest destruction. Another point is raw cacao is one of the healthiest foods for you. Most big companies add soy lecithin or other chemicals and process the chocolate too much, which means no raw cacao benefits. These benefits are good for your heart, energy, and hormones.

The nibs inside the beans are put through the chocolate, making the process to produce the smooth chocolate bars we know.

Unfortunately, mass produced chocolate is unfair Lastly, sugar is the not only to the Photo by Lucienne Kimmel-Miner main ingredient in most Treats made with Dandelion Chocolate bars. environment, but big businesses. If you to many people as want the ethically well. Most mass chocolate brands source it sourced, tasty, health benefitting chocolate, from Africa, either go for dark

Summer 2017

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


chocolate and choose the slightly more expensive, Fairtrade certified brand.


Basically, the Fairtrade label means that 100% of the main ingredient must be certified, and it prohibits child labor and other violations. Certain farmers receive fair prices for their cacao. The Rainforest Alliance label prohibits child labor also, but farmers must earn a higher price for their beans by using sustainably sourced cacao. A couple others make sure working conditions are fair, just with lower standards.

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Summer 2017 Summer 2017


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The Fairtrade organization has made a lasting impact on many cocoa farmers in Ghana and the Ivory Coast. The organization helps Fair trade farmers have a share in their company, earn money to improve their business, and educate their country, along with many other benefits. Over 1,400 brands are Fairtrade, this includes organic and rainforest protection brands.

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Businesses, bakeries, and bubble baths By Lucienne Kimmel-Miner When I grow up I want to be the owner of a small business, of a cosmetics shop, a bakery or a chocolate shop.

I have always been interested in chocolate. I did a big presentation on it in sixth grade for the whole year.

My cosmetics shop will be Fairtrade, handmade, vegan, organic and non-animal tested. I was inspired by Lush Cosmetics, a shop at Broadway Plaza.

I am a firm believer in Fairtrade and I absolutely love chocolate! And I mean real chocolate, not Hershey’s or white ‘chocolate.’ I want to raise awareness about where chocolate comes from and why you need to buy Fairtrade chocolate.

Photo by Lucienne Kimmel-Miner Dashiel holds up a signature Dandelion cookie in the busy shop in San Francisco.

I like the idea of a bakery because of the schedule. You get up early, really early, like 3:00 a.m., but close down after noon (I’m a morning person!). Plus, I love to bake.

Photo by Lucienne Kimmel-Miner A warm cup of European drinking chocolate, a rich, velvety drink.

Photo by Lucienne Kimmel-Miner Samples of Dandelion chocolate.

Summer 2017

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


Funk Mode: DVC’s sassy hip-hop class By Lucienne Kimmel-Miner and Kaitlyn To

Photo by Anna Gusak Fourth, fifth and sixth graders participate in a group dance at Funk Mode Hip Hop, taught by Cara Young at College for Kids at Diablo Valley College.

The Hip Hop class seems very excited to have an audience. They are practicing a dance as we walk in. The teacher, Cara Young, sends us outside the room to interview.

Kate likes a lot of things. “I like art and I’m very athletic too,” she added. She’s learned a lot from this class so far.

“It is going to get loud in here!” Cara said. This is not Kate Isherwood’s first time at DVC. “This is my second time,” Kate said cheerily. It’s not a career choice for her, though. “It is definitely a hobby,” she said.

Summer 2017

“I learned freestyle and how to have fun dancing! Kate said. “I also want to learn more moves, popping and fast motion dancing.” The first time Kate was here, she also took this class, with the same teacher, whom she really likes. “The teacher is really fun and really nice,” said Kate.

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


“I’m also taking drawing and glee (singing) at DVC,” she added.

This is Jenna’s first year and first session here at DVC and her inspiration to take this class was her love for dancing and singing.

Kate has a role model. “My brother, my oldest brother, he’s 21 now,” she said. Kate plans to take this class again next year. “Yes, and I’m going to join the group dance that the class is practicing too,” she said.

“My mom told me about DVC and college for kids,” she said. “I thought it would be pretty cool so my mom said I could take one educational class and two other classes that I wanted to do, so I picked Hip Hop and Glee Club.” Jenna has learned a lot in Hip Hop. “How to dance with partners and how to use props and stuff,” she said. “I learned that in Hip Hop there are a lot of surprises and twist and turns.” If you like dancing, moving around and have lower body strength, we at Calligraphy Cat Magazine encourage you to take this class or one of the many varieties of class College for Kids has to offer.

“It’s going to get loud in here!” Photo by Max Grigoriev Instructor Cara Young leads students in a warm-up session.

Jenna Orill, a 9-year-old fourth grader, is also taking Hip Hop. “I really like to dance, and I dance a lot,” said Jenna. “Dancing is one of my favorite things to do. So this was something to help me work on my dancing.” Jenna is one of the 16 kids in the College 4 Kids Hip Hop class. Jenna’s favorite thing about the class is the movement. “I like all the moving around and falling and getting back up!” she said. “Not actually falling, but leaning and bending, then using your body’s muscles to push you back up.”

Summer 2017

Photo by Charleen Earley Hip Hop students copy the sequence of dance moves.

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


Life @ DVC Photo essay by Anna Gusak

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Calligraphy Cat Magazine


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Life at Diablo Valley College

Photo essay by Maxim Grigoriev

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Summer 2017

Calligraphy Cat Magazine

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Photos by Rohan Gandhi and Lucienne Kimmel-Miner

By Joshua Perryman, James Baird-Kerr and Rohan Gandhi

Can you give advice to future college students such as myself?

How is college life for you? “A lot of fun and freedom to really decide on what I can do. Try a lot of classes to get to know yourself.” -Ashley Swan

“Focus really hard on the classes you are taking now and start college early.” -Rose Desmond

How is college life for you?

Can you give advice to future college students such as myself? “Apply early, know what classes you will take ahead of time and make sure you are aware of what services and resources are available to students – there is more help than you might realize. -Taz Rashid

“An experience where you learn how to live on your own.” -Xyan Wei

Can you give advice to future college students, such as myself? “I would say developing good study habits and time management is important.”

Why are you on this planet? “I’ll go with, to make it better. Life is random and you’ve got to make the most of it.” -Chris Canarli

-Marcello Salas

Summer 2017

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


The magic of 3D printing By Kaitlyn To Q - What have you learned so far in computer modeling? A - In computer modeling, we learned how to make it 3D of course; how 3D printing becomes bigger; how they’re made simpler and how they build the machines easier and how they are a lot more complicated. We also learned how 3D modeling could be used as food and it can also be used as organs for the human body. Q - You can make lungs from 3D modeling? A - Yes. Q – What’s your favorite part of this class?

Photo by Maxim Grigoriev This car was designed by the smart students that take this class. Q - What is your first name and your last name? A - Josephina Carreon.

A - My favorite part is modeling on the website we use. Q – What’s your favorite thing to 3D model? A - Making ninja stars, because they’re really simple and when they get 3D printed, they came out really cool. Q - What else have you learned so far in this class?

Q - Why did you want to take computer modeling? A - I wanted to see what cool things I could make on the computer and what things I could do at home. Q - How many years have you been doing College for kids? A - This is my first year.

A - We learned that first we have to get the model and we use something called extruded boss base, which extrudes your sketch and makes it 3-dimensional. You can make anything of course, but if you want to make something like the batman symbol, you have to use a certain setting and you have to put it on sketch mode. Q - Is there anything you want to add?

Q - What school do you go to?

A - No not really.

A - I’m going to Calvin Christian Baptist academy.

Q - Do you have a best friend here in this class?

Q - How old are you?

A - My cousin!

A - I’m 10.

Summer 2017

Calligraphy Cat Magazine


College for Kids offered a 3D Modeling class. It was three hours long, and costed $150 dollars, taught every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for three weeks. The class had two age groups. 4th, 5th, and 6th graders in one class and 7th, 8th, and 9th graders in another. The Diablo Valley College’s College for Kids 3D Computer Modeling and 3D Printing might be a class you are interested in if you are interested in computers, 3D printers, and how 3D modeling works! In photo, Joshua Perryman (left) interviews an 11-year-old student from teacher, Summer 2017 Calligraphy Cat Magazine Chris Bateman’s 3D Computer Printing class at College for Kids.


College 4 Kids 2018

Subscribe to for a brochure about College 4 Kids 2018 and new classes such as robotics, underwater robotics, digital animation, sculpture, comic book creation, stop-motion animation, TV broadcasting, astronomy, graphic design and printmaking.

Photo by Anna Gusak Funk Mode Hip Hop Dance, taught by physical education teacher Cara Young, students build their confidence while learning various Hip Hop dance styles in a positive, encouraging atmosphere. This empowering dance style is great for girls and boys because Hip Hop is for everyone!

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