DVC Trio | Walking on Sunshine Magazine | Upward Bound 10:30 a.m. Class | SU22

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A World Cup of Controversies | Pg 5 Summer Zodiac | Pg 8 Life Away From Earth | Pg 10

DVC TRIO | Upward Bound SU22






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Evelyn DVC TRIO | SU22



Natalie 3

In This Issue

A World Cup of Controversies | Pg. 5 People's Greatest Accomplishments | Pg. 6 Random Fun Facts | Pg.7 Zodiac Summer | Pg. 8 Movies To Binge Watch | Pg. 9 Life Away from Earth | Pg. 10 Coffee tea Insomnia | Pg. 12 How I Paint with Acrylics | Pg. 14 The Not So Sunshine about High school Life | Pg. 15 Benefits of Setting Goals After High school | Pg. 17 Sophomore Year of High School | Pg. 18 School After the Pandemic Hit | Pg. 19 Summer Activities That Bring Joy | Pg. 20 What's a True Friend | Pg. 22 4



Photo by Canva.com

Kickoff for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar is less than five months away, and the excitement that surrounds it continues to grow. According to https://vault.si.com/vault/2011/05/23/sorrysoccer, "The tournament was not brought about without it's fair share of controversies. Qatar's bid for the 2022 World Cup was met with trouble, as claims of corruption and cheating surfaced. Allegations of bribery in order to secure FIFA Executive Committee votes for the Qatari bid were brought to light in 2011, but without full proof that Qatar cheated to get rights to host the 2022 World Cup, a revote cannot be held."

Photo by Joshua Choate | Pixabay.com

According to https://www.britannica.com/place/Qatar http://www.worldfootballinsider.com/Story. aspx?id=33206, "Qatar's climate was also a cause of debate when it was announced that they'd host the 2022 World Cup. Qatar has a desert climate, which poses challenges to a tournament that is traditionally held in a northern hemisphere summer. Qatar averages 90 degree weather in June, posing uncomfortable conditions for the players. While Qatar has said that they have the technology to cool stadiums to make it comfortable for the players and fans alike, they ultimately decided to move the World Cup to November, causing backlash from fans."

Photo by Canva.com




Background by Canva.com When people accomplish something, they feel powerful, happy and relieved. People have their struggles along the way, knowing they accomplished something difficult, they know they can accomplish anything. Finding love is not easy, especially going into high school. Finding the true meaning of love is difficult when you never really know the true meaning. Having someone by your side during your toughest and greatest moments is better than being alone. "Finding the meaning of love and finding a person to be by my side is my greatest accomplishment," said Adrian. Accomplishing straight A's after being taught online, talking to a teacher through a screen can be tough. It's also not easy to stay focused knowing your phone is by your side, it is actually very difficult. Struggling to understand the subject and not being able to ask questions in person is hard. Fatima, one of my good friends, talked about her achievement. "Being able to get straight A's at the end of the semester is my greatest accomplishment," she said.


My brother Oscar lived in another state, far from our family for three and a half years and it was difficult for him to be away from everyone. Having to provide for his own family, his wife and kid was difficult when he couldn't find a job. Having people who we thought supported him and leaving him at his worst moment - was also hard for him. After having all the support of his siblings and parents, he was able to see them again, and be with them. "Coming back to the U.S and being together with my entire family is my greatest accomplishment," said Oscar. Accomplishing anything - even the smallest things- are great, whether it's passing a level on a video game or getting into you're dream college - it's an accomplishment. Being able to live my life and share it with wonderful people that support me is everything to me. I have tiny accomplishments that I'm proud of, my small accomplishments are my starting point that turn into my greatest accomplishments. Although my greatest accomplishments are different, having the struggles that come with life and being able to overcome them is one of my greatest achievements. DVC TRIO | SU22

Photo by RichVintage | Pixabay


D id y ou kn C OO ow... LEST ? FACT FUN S! By Ju a n

Information found https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/malaria


Photo by Егор Камелев | Unslpash


Did you know that the giant pacific octopus has ... 3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood? Isn't that crazy! Octopuses also have many other abilities that the giant pacific octopus doesn't have solely, like the ability to change their skin color and texture, regenerate limbs, squirt ink and they also posses the highest IQ for an invertebrate. Information found on


Photo by Linda20july | Unsplash



Did you know that the black howler monkey is actually the loudest land animal and it can be heard up to three miles away? With a voice like that, they should be singers. Information found on https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/black-howler-monkey



Photo by lisacks | Pixabay

Did you know hippos don't actually swim, in fact they can't even float at all! Instead, they just walk on the river or lake floor and waddle their way through. Another cool fact is that hippos can also sleep underwater with a reflex that bobs their head up above the water to take a breath and sink back down without ever waking up. Information found on https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/hippo DVC TRIO | SU22

Photo by sharkolot | Pixabay


Did you know that the deadliest animal isn't what you expect it to be? Normally, when the phrase deadliest animal pops-up, you would normally think of animals like a bear, lion, tiger or even a shark, but instead the real deadliest animal is in fact ... the mosquito! According to the World Health Organization, mosquitos are the cause of 725,000 deaths yearly, making them "the worlds deadliest animal."


summer zodiac



ts summer Y'ALL and its time to see theses summer zodiac signs! Summer is the months of Gemini, Cancer and Leo. Gemini, the Twins, May 21 to June 20, is the sign of positive air. They are mostly extroverted and flexible with their environment. Gemini is spontaneous, curious, quick-witted, restless, sociable and capricious. Some good things about them are: daring and bold adaptability intelligent creative thinkers Geminis are compatible friends or lovers with libras, Aquarius and Gemini.

Cancer, the Crab, June 21 to July 22, the sign of cardinal water. Cancer is known for its emotional acuity, sympathetic nature, and love of all things domestic. Cancers are one of the most hyper people you will meet. They are a little temperamental, so try not getting on there bad side. Cancers are great loyal companion, but the only bad thing is that they can get to attached in a unhealthy way. They are the most compatible with Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo and even their polar opposite, Capricorn.

Leo, the sign of fire and pride - they burn like a fierce lion. These fierce fellows are born in July 23 to August 22. They are very vivacious, theatrical and passionate. Leos love to be the center of attention; they love getting praised since pride is something they hold greatly to themselves. Leos also love leading others and make fantastic leaders with they're fierce confidence and passion. The compatible signs for Leo friendships and romantic relationships are fire signs such as, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, and they also have a great compatibility rate with air signs.



Great movies to bingewatch this summer By Stephanie

"Instructions not Included" is about a man who changed his entire life when his former lover left him and their baby for him to raise all by himself. This film is one of my favorite movies, because it's so adorable and heartwarming to watch. It also shows the many stories and struggles a parent goes through to give their child happiness and a better life. 2013 Comedy | Drama

If you're into horror/suspense movies, you will really like "Get Out." This thriller is about a man named Chris who is finally meeting his girlfriend's parents and will be spending the weekend with them in their home upstate. At first, Chris thinks the family is acting a little too nice, friendly and polite because of their nervousness and supportive of their interracial relationship. But he starts to notice the weird behavior from the people around him. Later he finds very disturbing discoveries that tell him the truth about his girlfriend and her family he would have never thought. 2017 | Thriller |Mystery |Suspence

2004 |Comedy |Crime Film


"White Chicks" is about two FBI agents (Marcus and Kevin) who are assigned to escort and watch the Wilson sisters as a punishment for messing up a drug bust. The Wilson sisters are also being used as bait to catch a kidnapper on the lose. On the way to the Hamptons, one of the sisters hit her nose on the car seat after the driver was breaking too hard, leaving a little scratch on her nose. Once they get to the Hamptons, the Wilson sisters refused to go out in public and hide from the embarrassment. Marcus and Kevin left with no other option, decide to dress up and pose as the Wilson sisters, all while still trying to find and catch the kidnapper.


life AWAY from Earth By Evelyn

Photo by Joel Filipe | Unsplash.com



Space. Space is a place outside of Earth and is an opening to a much bigger world. Many people believe Earth is the only planet we will ever live on, but what if that wasn't the case? What if there were places we could live on outside of Earth? The interesting thing is that there is life outside of Earth. A lot of scientists even believe that one day, us humans will get to live on a different planet. If we were to ever live on a different planet, we would need water and food to survive. We would also need many resources.

Photo by The New York Public Library Unsplash.com

Many people think that space is dangerous and many people don't. But, do we really know the benefits of having space? Space gives many of people jobs and it gives them an opportunity to explore the outer world. Space has also mainly given people the chance to make and discover many new tools. Overtime, humans have made and improved telescopes so that they can take closer look at the sky and planets. Telescopes even help see the moon at night. But, overall the telescope is really useful too.


Scientists and astronauts have even discovered that there is life on other planets. This means that Earth isn't the only planet that has living things on it, which I believe is super cool. If we have already discovered so much about planets that aren't ours, can you imagine how much we can discover in the future. Maybe there is even is a planet with aliens somewhere on it. Even so, there are also many planets we have yet to discover, which is also super cool. I also feel like it is a little scary though, knowing that you're smaller than a tiny speck of dirt compared to the whole galaxy. Though we have also discovered so much about the world outside of earth, space has also helped us make tools to discover stuff on Earth. In reality, though we may not realize it, space has made such an impact on Earth and even on humans.

Photo by Chen Lui | Unsplash.com

Life outside of space may also look boring to us, but it's actually very important for us to realize what is and isn't on Earth. For example, there could be some deadly stuff out there that we again, have yet to discover. But, who knows what we'll discover later on about space and other planets. Maybe we'll discover some new things about our planet too. I still think it's so cool how each planet has their different designs and textures to it. I also believe that it's cool that there are different temperatures on each planet. Even though some of the temperatures could potentially kill us because our body is only adjusted to the temperatures on Earth. But, overall is my little summary on life away from Earth.

Photo by Aldebran S.| Unsplash.com


Background photo by Cottonbro | pexels.com

insomniac By Hugo

I want to clarify before I start everything else. I am not diagnosed with insomnia, while I have trouble sleeping and can feel certain I have it, I am not clinically diagnosed. I would recommend going to your doctor to know for certain. Have you ever laid awake at night, staring at the ceiling, thinking past regrets? Or have you ever been unable to sleep because you worry about what horrors of the night drag you into the depths of despair, and it turns out to just be your laundry you haven't folded? Well, are you not in luck, because I don't have a solution! But if you have medication for this stuff, I'd recommend taking that. In this article, I'm gonna talk about how I manage to go to sleep. I know, super exciting to learn about another person's opinion and sleep schedule? I will also be reviewing some sleep sounds on the next page. For the longest time since I was a teenager, sleep wasn't as regular as most people in my family. I couldn't just pass out as soon as my head hit the pillow. I was always getting to bed at 10 p.m., staying awake for the next two hours, finally going to sleep, and then waking up an hour or so later, only to have trouble going BACK TO SLEEP. After a while, I just accepted that "This is how it is, I might as well do something with this time," and I now just do what I can while trying not to wake anyone else up.


I don't have much advice to help get to sleep faster. Only a couple of things. It's easier to do something that tires yourself out, like swimming, or going on a run. It doesn't have to be physically exhausting either, things that are mentally exhausting work as well. If I go to a party, which I'm not a party person, so by the time I get home, I'm tired enough because of being around and talking to people. Another thing that's helped is over the counter medication like ZzzQuil or melatonin, but they sometimes don't kick in very well and I just end up still going to sleep late and feeling drowsy in the morning. Again I'm not a doctor, just a student trying to figure out how to sleep better, so this is not clinical advice, if nothing I say works for you I would recommend talking to your doctor.

"When I can't get any sleep...I just draw, I don't know, the cats run around too and it scares the crap outta me." -Made up quote by me because lots of quotes about sleep would be weird to put in this article about NOT sleeping. DVC TRIO | SU22

Now for the fun stuff. Over the course of a week, I listened to sleep sounds from my Google home system, and one that I found on YouTube (the last one). The reviews are, of course, to my liking, so don't tell me how I discouraged you or made you feel like you have to defend how you feel about what you listen to while you sleep. Whatever helps you, great, everybody has their own opinion and I just decided to share mine in a magazine.




Easy to fall asleep to. 8/10

Country Night

As expected, for the crickets, it's repetitive to me so it's kind of annoying to try to fall asleep to. 2/10

Babbling Brook

Might have to be in the mood for it. Sort of sounds like someone going to the bathroom while I'm trying to sleep. 3.5/10


A classic, always nice to sleep to. 10/10

White Noise

When left on for too long, it starts to hurt my head and I start to get a little panicked because it makes me feel like a hand is gonna pull me into the TV, and I don't even have a TV in my room. 4/10

Deep Layered Brown Noise

Sounds like somewhat hard wind, it's nice. 10/10



HOW I PAINT WITH ACRYLICS STORY AND PHOTOS BY EMILY C. Background images by Linus Nylund and Wesley Tingey | Unsplash.com

The first time I decided to paint with acrylics, it opened a new world to me. Painting with acrylics is fun and relaxing. It's easy to use and it dries fast, making it great to paint with. Something that should be noted about acrylics is that they dry a little darker than the color from the bottle. I usually buy my acrylic paint at Target, but any acrylic paint is great. It's also a good idea to buy primary-colored paint, such as yellow, red and blue. These colors are great to have because they can be used to create other colors, such as orange, green and purple, also known as secondary colors. It's also helpful to have black and white paint to darken or lighten any color. I often paint flowers, animals and portraits. Flowers are a little easier to paint, because it's not as complex as a person's face. Before I paint anything, I like to graph my references, because it makes my paintings accurate. After I graph, I mix my acrylics, and then the fun begins!


Arcylic paintings by Emily TOP: This painting I did, is a bold painting of Kali Uchis. BOTTOM: This painting is a painting of a sea turtle. Both paintings were made with warm and cool colored acrylics.


The Not So Sunshine About High School Life Story and photo by Nayeli



When you're in middle school, you hear a lot about how high school is going to be fun. Once you head into the grades past freshman year, you start to realize, it isn't like what others have said. These past three yrs, COVID-19 has affected many kids' school years. It interrupted my last months of eighth grade and I did online school during my entire freshman year. I didn't get to experience the actual high school experience, due to the pandemic going on. Being online was hard for many kids around the world. You wake up, turn on your computer, log into Zoom or Google duo and login to your class with a meeting code link. That's how all classes would begin. I went back in person starting my sophomore year and it felt unfamiliar being back to school around people. With everyone wearing masks, you weren't familiar with the people surrounding you. What was stressful this year was finals. For my math final, we were given a packet of 35 pages and it was work we were unfamiliar with due to our teacher leaving through the school year before school ended. A substitute was assigned to our class and he would assign packets of homework daily. It was too much and piles of work would pile up. It was so much to do, along with the other classes, especially with an honors class and AP class. Photo by Canva.com

Something I thought was unnecessary this year was getting tardy passes. It was basically the same thing as just walking in class and taking a tardy. I think having to wait in a huge line just to get a tardy pass by the office was a huge waste of time. Photo by a student at YV




By Lorraine Photos by Canva.com We all may have noticed that huge amount of high school students haven't set any goals after high school. For that reason, many have said "I don't really know what to do after high school." But in all honesty, as a high school student myself, it is important to start thinking about goals before graduating. Once you have a goal in mind, you'll be thanking yourself years from now. Personally, I've set my goals even before going into high school, which gave me more reason to work hard towards my goals. Let's talk about personal benefits! Setting goals allows us to develop new behaviors, redirect your attention and maintain your momentum in life. A sense of self-mastery and concentration alignment are two additional benefits of goals. There are numerous advantages to successfully setting and achieving your own personal goals. Having goals can improve your life in a variety of ways, even if you do not achieve them all.


Key to remember throughout your journey! It is true, college is not for everyone. But setting a goal after high school would surely come in handy along the way. You either go to college or not, those goals will somehow guide you with your future. One day you'll notice how far this goal will take you.


My Sophomore Year of High School Story and photos by Nathan

This year was a quite a ride, full of excitement and joy. Although it had to come to an end and seeing people that's close to me, leave, everything I experienced will become a memory I'll cherish and carry on. These are only four of MANY photos, but these photos are what I think explains my year. May 20 - Three days before graduation, the two girls you see in the photo was the last photo we took together before they moved to their colleges and WOW, now thinking about it, we didn't even realize this was our last photo together. We made plans over the summer, but some things came up and we weren't able to say a proper goodbye. The look they gave me when I left to go home is a picture in my head I'll never forgot. This photo hits me hard and I get emotional looking at it. May 24 - Man, this is another photo I look at and get quite emotional, knowing my senior friends are leaving, not knowing if I'm ever going to see them again. This night that we had, will always be a memory I'll have, being able to yell out their names one last time before we said goodbye. But as people say, "All good things must come to an end." They really change my high school year or maybe even my life. Because of them, I met my closest friends through them. March 25 - One of my favorite photos I've taken this year. I met my bestfriend and my soulmate. Her name is Dylan and the way we met was VERY interesting, but that's a story for another magazine. She made my sophomore year 200 times better and I owe her everything. May 23 - WOW WOW WOW - what a volleyball season we had! It was full of excitement and frustration, but it's okay, since its our first year playing, we'll take it as a learning experience. Next year we'll definitely be ready and work harder than ever getting further than our old varsity team did and maybe even bring home a title - who knows, but we still have a long way. Besides this is only Photo by Nelson the beginning. 18



We were in quarantine for two years. Being inside was boring, but over time it became addicting. I got used to being in my room all day. My parents would go out, but I would stay inside - I didn't want to go out anymore. Many friendships faded, many family members weren't here anymore and depression rates kept growing. The switch from online school to in-person school was a big change for me, because there was a lot I wasn't ready for. The pandemic started when I was in eighth grade and ended my sophomore year, so I went into high school not knowing much about the work. Over time, we all became antisocial, being at home for over two years and not socializing really affected communication. I felt like my expectations about how high school would be, were too high. I thought it would be different from what I had heard. Many students were alone in the halls, they would pass by each other and not talk.


Photo by Jeswin Thomas | Pexels.com

Many friendships faded, many family members weren't here anymore and depression rates kept growing.

Making friends became hard. Not being able to talk to people for a long time made it difficult to be social with everyone. Masks were mandatory in school. Wearing masks all day in class for over eight hours a day was exhausting. We eventually got comfortable with them. A little bit too much. Over time, we all became comfortable with our masks and didn't like to take them off. A new thing called "mask fishing" became a thing at the time and people became even more insecure over their faces. Many students felt unattractive underneath the mask, but felt better with the masks on.


Summer Activities That Bring Joy By Natalie Photo by Nubia Navarro | pexels.com



Summer can be boring for some people, but these activities might help people have the best time. Going out to different places with family and friends is a really enjoyable thing to do. Another fun thing to do is to go to a friend's house or have them over. Photo by Scott Webb | pexel.com

Photo by Askar Abayev | pexels.com


Going over to a friend's house is also a very fun experience. You could binge watch a movie series together. Baking with everyone could also be fun. Playing board games or card games is also something enjoyable. I really enjoy just spending time together. Going out with family and friends is a great way to spend your summer. You could go to an amusement park and try to go on all the rides. Bumper cars are a great thing to do, especially if you are competitive. Another fun idea is going to a fair and play the games they have.


What's a True Friend Story and photos by Sofia





A true friend is someone who will always be with you in good and bad times and when you talk to them about your problems, they will understand your position and not highlight your mistakes. A true friend will not hide things from you, because they are sincere and honest. You won't hesitate to talk to them about your insecurities, because you know they won't judge you. A true friend knows that you are human and accepts that you make mistakes and they will have no hesitation in forgiving you. That true friendship involves apologizing for certain mistakes, forgiving from the heart, prioritizing a good relationship and sharing time together. A true friend will give their honest opinions on things you worry about. They will be with you in you're greatest achievements, they'll treat you and your loved ones with respect and kindness and they will always stick by your side - even when they know you are wrong.


A true friend will make you happy when you are not happy. They'll hug you and remind you that everything is or will be okay, even when they know it's going to be a hard process. That is why true friends are there ... to make your problems their problems, so you don't have to go through them alone. A true friendship is not based on age. It may be that you are older than them or younger, in the same way they will always see you as a mature and responsible person. They will never make you feel guilty about any mistakes you make, but they will help you solve it. A true friend will make you laugh. And it doesn't matter how they make you laugh, but they will make you laugh so hard you will want to pee your pants or even cry - but happy tears! A true friend is someone you want to be with for the rest of your life, because being with them will make you so so happy that you will never want to lose this person. Make sure you are a true friend to this person too. True friendship is also not based on distance, so it shouldn't matter if you live far far away from each other - as long as you have good communication. Also try your hardest to reply to each other as fast as possible, so your friendship will stay intact. Always remember that your friends will have other friends and you shouldn't get jealous about it. DVC TRIO | SU22

If you have a true friend, you probably have inside jokes with them and I'll share one of mine ... every time my friends feel sad about a boy whether it is because they broke up or simply because they don't like them - we say we will put them in the "black bag" - which technically means we will stop talking to them, ignoring them and being mean to them. If they mess with one of us, they mess with ALL OF US! Being a true friend means giving advice. In my case, I consider myself a good advisor, but for some strange reason, I can't follow my own advice! My friends are also what I call a "support system," because they remind me of my worth and that I am a strong, independent woman and that is what true friends do. Lastly, I want to encourage you - that if you don't have true friends yet, make a list of the qualities you want in a good friend and become that friend to everyone else - because that is how true friends are found.

My friends and I went to Panda Express to celebrate the last day of school.

Me and three new friends were having fun at DVC campus.


Photo by Elle Hughes | Pexels.com

Walking On


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