DVC TRIO Magazine | Summer 2021 | Diablo Valley College | Prof. Charleen Earley

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Book Review: "I've Got You Under My Skin"

Landscape at Diablo Valley College

How To Get Back Into Fitness

Summer 2021

Educational Talent Search Upward Bound




meet the


Pandemic Affecting Student Life By Joel Montano

COVID-19 has affected every one of us in different ways and we've all coped with it in unique ways during the pandemic. For some, they have learned a new skill, picked up new or old hobbies or found themselves reconnecting with old friends and nature. But the pandemic has been the hardest for students for a number of reasons. Before the pandemic, students were used to doing work and socializing at school, since it was a big part of their lives, but the pandemic took away that part of their lives.

Photo by Kojo Kwarteng|Unsplash Students would sit in front of their computers for hours just attending school.

Students would wake up and immediately connect to Zoom and sit in front of a computer for more than six hours. When they were done with their six-hour classes, they then had to work on a tremendous amount of assignments the teachers gave them. Students would usually stay up late at night on their computers to do assignments, and wake up the next morning just go on their computers and log into class. Students got into a cycle, repeating over and over. Students lost motivation, friends and interests with many of them struggling through the year. We can only hope for the best this next scholastic year.

"Hard to engage on online classes and lots of distractions." - Chris Chin

"Covid has made me distant from close friends." - Nathan

Photo by Engin Akyurt | Unsplash Students found themselves studying late at night during the pandemic.

"Life is like a hurricane." - Isai

Book Re ie on "I' e got you under my skin" Story and photo by Jetzamany Narcizo

If you are bored and want something exciting and fun to read, well you should read, “I’ve Got You Under My Skin.” This book is written by Mary Higgins Clark and it's about a TV show producer who revisits cold cases to bring them to the current time to investigate more information. However, the TV producer, Laurie, has a killer, named Blue Eyes, running after her, getting revenge on her father and her family. This mystery book is also about the death of a mother after her daughter's graduation gala. It's a novel that could keep you up at night from the suspense. I really enjoyed this book because of the twists and perspectives of the people in the story. This story is from a third-person point of view and it gives you more background information about the characters including the protagonist, Laurie, where we see her background before producing her TV show called, Under Suspicion. The twists and clues in this mystery novel create more suspense and make you intrigued to continue reading the novel. That is why I believe this is a great book if you want to keep yourself busy or just have nothing to do, because trust me, “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” is going to keep you thinking. If I could rate this book, I would give it five out of five stars, because it gives you everything you need to keep reading more of Mary Higgins’ books, an author who has made an entire series of the Under Suspicion novels.

The book author Mary Higgins Clark has over 50 best seller novels! She has sold more than 100 million copies of her books in the United States.

Story and photos by Cristian De Rosas Diablo Valley College (DVC) is a community college located in Pleasant Hill, CA. When first arriving at the campus, the lush landscape grabs your attention. DVC hosts a wide variety of plants and trees. The trees provide cool shade all year long, which is beneficial during the hot summer days. This campus hosts over 2,000 trees. Director of Maintenance and Operations, James Buchanan, talks about how the landscape is classified. "The arborist considers our campus to be an urban forest, consisting of evergreens and deciduous woodlands," said Buchanan. Some of DVC's prominent trees are California coastal redwoods, a variety of elm and oak species and a variety of exotic "nonnative" trees that do well in our climate.

Buchanan's department receives $190,000 annually, which must be used appropriately to pay for labor and equipment. California has recently been undergoing many droughts. A concern that may arise for a landscape such as DVC's may be the water consumption. Fortunately, the water consumption on campus is reclaimed water from Contra Costa Central Sanitation. This water supply is exempt from drought restrictions. Lots of work is put into making DVC's campus look beautiful. Workers are seen consistently mowing the lawns and caring for shrubs and trees, which requires constant care for aesthetics and safety - per the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Trees, shrubs and ground covering must be trimmed to prevent them from covering walkways, parking lots and buildings.

One quick stroll around campus and you'll find this to be true.

Buchanan said proper coordination is also important.

These trees also attract many chirping birds sitting on the branches or flying throughout the greenery.

"All of which requires proper time management, proper irrigation, irrigation maintenance and the scheduling around the campus operating hours (to not intrude upon the learning environment)," he said.

Try not to feed the birds, or they will become dependent on food from people, potentially harming the campus ecosystem. Budgeting is important in order to maintain the landscape.

So next time you visit campus. admire the vivid landscape and appreciate the effort that went into keeping it that way.

Rats: A Change in Perspective By Archi Guerrero Rats. They have a ... questionable reputation. They're seen as dirty, filthy animals. They're actually pretty fun and full of personality. In this article, I'll list some striking and amusing things about these rodents. It could maybe change your mind. Let's start with their history. The first ever rats made their first appearance 54 million years ago. It is said that they originated in Asia. They descended from another rodent that is similar to rats, named Anagalids. The black rat (Rattus Rattus) originated in Asia, in the Indo-Malayan region in the south. Most black rats are kept as pets. During the 18th and 19th Centuries in Europe, rats were used as food when supplies were low. Around that time, they were also domesticated. They were most commonly caught for rat fights or rat baiting.

Next, let’s talk about some common rat behaviors. Rats love to hoard stuff and scavenge for anything they can get their little hands on. They hoard food most commonly, or they take certain objects to add to their nest. When a rat wants to show affection to you, they groom you by nibbling or licking your hand, quite like a dog. Most rats live from two to three and a half years. One rat month is equal to two and a half human years. Rats reach puberty at one and one half months, and reach social maturity at six months. Since rats are nocturnal, they sleep around 13-15 hours a day. According to RatBehavior.Org, rats like to sleep in enclosed areas, such as a nest or a pocket. I think that rats are really fascinating; they’re super fun and adorable. They are one of my favorite animals, they remind me so much of myself. It is understandable if one does not like them, after all, they are just smelly rodents.

How to Get Back into Fitness By Nathan Tran

Fitness could be a pain to get into. This article can help you get back into fitness and get a good body like all these social media influencers. First, start by trying to find motivation, which is key to getting back into fitness. You can find motivation by looking at your weight with a scale or looking in the mirror and imagine how you want to look during your journey. After you feel fired up and motivated, make an appointment with your doctor and see if you can do a physical check-up. Doing a physical check-up isn't needed, but could be helpful. It will let you know where you're at, like your body fat percentage or your heart rate. After your check-up, look at each day and see what days you want to work-out. If you're just going into the gym without a plan, you're going to burn yourself out the next day, which isn't good because you might lose motivation. Next, figure out how many sets and reps you want to do per day. After you find out your sets and reps, see what major body muscle you want to work on; for example, your arms or core muscles.

Photo by Logan Weaver | Unsplash This women just broke her personal record for deadlifts. As she lifted up the bar, the camera man caught a perfect moment.

When you're finish setting-up your plan, create goals for yourself. Make short term goals and long term goals. What are short term goals and long term goals? Short term goals are goals you want to accomplish in a matter of two weeks to a month or a goal you want to finish by the end of the week. Long term goals are goals you want to finish in two to five months. Accomplishing these goals will give you motivation and make you work harder. Once you start going to the gym, take your time. Get used to the equipment around you. Work on your posture and the way you lift the equipment. After you know how to use the equipment, monitor your progress every two to three weeks. Check your weight; look at your body in the mirror and see if you see any muscles forming. Afterwards, make a diet plan that suits you. I recommend putting up a plate into fourths and put grains, vegetables, protein and fruits in each section. Finally, start checking in with a physical therapist and a muscular therapist at the end of every month so your muscles don't always feel tighten or stiff. Follow these steps and I guarantee your physique will change.

Photo by Aikomo Opeyemi | Unsplash After a long work-out, this man feels refreshed and proud of himself for getting through another day.

Motivation is Power by Oriana castro Motivation is the thing that keeps you going and the reason you don't want to give up. Athletics need a lot of motivation, because it is really easy to just give up and stop trying. Michael Jordan is one of the best basketball players in the NBA (National Basketball Association). He's an athletic who really motivates other people. Some of his motivating quotes are, "If you quit ONCE, it becomes a habit. Never quit!!!," "Never say never, because limits like tears, are often just an illusion."

Photo by Fitsum Admasu| Unsplash "To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don't isolate." - Michael Jordan

Athletics have different motivations. I asked my dad what his motivation was for playing basketball. He told me that his motivation when he was younger was his dad, because his dad was a really good basketball player and he wanted to be like him. But since his dad passed away a long time ago, now his motivation is his family, which includes me, my mom and my brother. As an athletic, my motivation to always do my best and not give up is my dad. My dad is like my idol, I love practicing with him and he says he's really proud of me for all of my improvements. Sometimes I hate every minute of practice, but what motivates me to always go to practice is that my hard work will pay off on the basketball court.

Photo by Vince Fleming| Unsplash Every shot counts just keep trying until you make it!

The History of Soccer By Camila Bermudez Soccer is an amazing sport. I love this sport because it's really easy to learn. When I was five, my mom decided to sign me up for soccer, but due to family problems I stopped playing when I was around seven.

The first international tournament took place in 1883. It included four national teams, which were England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Soccer is one of the most popular sports.

Let me tell you about the history of soccer.

My favorite is the Mexico National Football team.

Soccer was invented by Johan Cruyff in the year of 1863 in London.

The sport itself has about 3.5 billion fans around the world.

That same year there was a match between England and Scotland. Originally the ball they used was made out of rock.

When I used to play soccer, it was really fun going against people. I really miss playing soccer but maybe in the future I can go back to playing it.

Photo by Jonathon Ward | Unsplash Soccer was invented by Johan Cruyff in the year of 1863 in London.

The Evolution of Skateboards By Jorge Vazquez

Photo by Linpaul Rodney | Unsplash These skateboards look different from one another, but they are exactly the same.

Photo by Josh Hild|Unsplash This is a representation of being in the spotlight, having people around you anticipating if you'll land the trick or not.

The first skateboard or who invented it, is hard to know, but the theory is that it came from board surfers and was then adapted to the modern skateboard. Its first adaptation was a board with roller skates attached to the bottom. It was used by surfers when there were no waves to ride, and it was first manufactured in California. The idea and the build was credited to the heritage of surf boards and land sleds of Native Hawaiians. Going through the 1950s to now, is when we start to see the skateboard slowly evolve to what it is today. In the early 1950s, skateboards started getting some attention in California. Native surfers started off by using shorter surfboards and wheels made out of metal with no bearings. However in the late 1950s, during the post war period, the economy boomed and this affected many businesses in particular. The businesses saw the rising popularity of the

skateboards and in 1959, Roller Derby released the first official skateboard with certain improvements. Those improvements were for better handling and because of this, skateboarders were able to develop new tricks and maneuvers. Products made specifically for the skateboarding industry began to rise between the 60s and 80s, products such as Vans shoes, a new variety of wheels (various colors and styles) and Thrasher Magazine. Skateboarding has been around for years and skaters have developed new tricks along the way. The designs of the deck today are more modern and consists of many varieties. The ones that came before the others were an oval-like shaped boards with metal trucks and wheels with bearings and grip tape to help with the risk off falling of the board. I'm passionate about this topic because skateboarding has always been interesting to me when I was younger and it still is to this day, because it was new to me and its been something I've wanted to get better at as the years go by.

Curiosity Killed the Cat The Dangers of the Dark Web


By Aileen

he dark web is known as a myth to many. The dark web is a dangerous place. To access it, you need to use specific software, configurations or authorization.

People stumble upon the dark web and they don’t know it because of the five different levels. These five levels are: Surface web, Bergie web, Deep web, Charter web and Marianas web.

Private computer networks allow people to buy, sell or communicate anonymously. The web conceals personal information like the user’s location.

Though going on the dark web may sound fun or interesting, it is bad to access. Browsers like The Tor browser are slow and sites can infect your device with viruses.

You cannot access the dark web in any ordinary browser. The Tor Browser, “The Onion Router” are the most powerful web browsers, and it has the highest level of security. Since it is so secure, it is the most commonly used browser to access the dark web. Originally created for the U.S. Army for secure communication, it’s now free for everyone with a Mac, Windows, Linux machine or even an Android mobile device.

Always remember to never download anything from websites you don’t know or trust. The dark web promises privacy to its users, but that isn’t always true. Financial information, medical records and private photos have been stolen and shared on the dark web. Login passwords, Social Security numbers and personal information, have also been stolen.

If you get your personal information stolen on the Internet, you could be blackmailed, especially if you are young. Scams and government monitoring are also dangers of accessing the dark web. Your safety is more important than risking your information. Afterall, curiosity killed the cat.

Gaming Direct

And the top three best selling video games By Romello Banducci

I’ve been playing computer games for the last seven years and I’ve played so many. I have so many favorites, but I’m going to talk about the top three best sellers of all time. Number 1 is Minecraft. This game is a fun sandbox game where you can build and do whatever you want. It’s one of those games everyone has and likes. Just last year it sold up to 200 million copies and made $142 million, which is way more than their past average of $50 million a year. I think the increase has to do with the pandemic.

Thanks Chris!

Number 2 is Grand Theft Auto 5, with it selling $800 million the first week, by selling up to 140 million copies. They also made over $6 billion in game copies and microtransactions. That’s a lot of money, especially for a game about robbery! Number 3 is Tetris. This game made a total of $100 million in sales, even though it was made in a time when the Russians didn’t like capitalism. Created by Russian designer, Alexey Pajitnov in 1985, the Russians sold so many copies of Tetris from 1960 all the way to today, and they are still making that game with different versions and gameplay.

Pokémon Cards Then and Now By Albert

Photo by Thimo Pederson | Unsplash

Pokémon cards are relics from the past, but are still up-to-date.

From there, the franchise thought of making a TV show for the manga.

They are still very popular.

The TV show came before the manga, which makes no sense, and the show came out on April 1, 1997 in Japan.

The first time Pokémon ever came out was in Japan on Feb. 27, 1996 in a video game called Pocket Monsters Pokémon Green and Red. The game become popular in the United States, so the franchise thought of making a manga for Pokémon in August 8, 1997 called Pokémon Adventures.

In the United States, it came out on Sept. 8, 1998. The very first Pokémon cards came out on Dec. 18, 1998. Pokémon cards are very expensive, but can cost a lot when wanting to sell back only if it is a rare card.

My Recommendations for Roblox Horror Games By Citlalli Delgado

Horror games are exhilarating to play, and it gives me that adrenaline that you get from riding roller coasters at theme parks. I have been playing them for about a year now and I love the effort that game developers put into each game. I also love the amazing graphics in these games and below are my top recommendations on the top three games on my list. These horror games can be played by anyone who has Roblox on their phone

or downloaded on their laptop, desktop computer or iPad. Roblox is a free game that has a bunch of other games on it too. When getting the Roblox app or the download, make sure to put in your exact birthday, so if you're under age 13, safe chat will be turned on and will tag anything inappropriate in the chat boxes in the game. Just as a warning, all three of these games contain flashing lights, loud noises and jump scares!

The Mimic

The storyline of The Mimic is: you revisit your high school, hopefully to find your friends, then you encounter a mysterious entity that starts following you. You then find out that the thing that follows you is called the Mimic. There are three chapters to the game and the fourth chapter is in the making. This game was created by a user named MUCDICH on roblox.com.

The Forest

The Storyline is: you end up in a forest, but don't know how. You see a strange figure follow you everywhere you go. This has two chapters in the game, and it was created by developers cactushasdied and justyourkarma on roblox.com.


The storyline is: you are a detective for the police in 1921. You are given puzzles to finish the story and try to figure out what happened to Evelyn. This game also has two chapters and was created by developer Alluzive, with additional development by syYnNcEd and Scheminnx. The graphic effects were created by dxlorean on roblox.com.

The Infamous Murder Home in LA By Daylee Mejia

Photo by Nathan Wright | Unsplash The murder that took place in Dr. Harold Perelson's home in 1959, made his LA home famous.

Murders take place in houses all the time, and that fascinates me. I'd like to talk about one in particular, a murder that took place in a home located in Los Feliz Hills in Los Angeles. I found the information about this house at www.dirt.com. The murder took place in the early morning on Dec. 6, 1959, when Doctor Harold Perelson, a medicine professor, picked up a ball-peen hammer and killed his wife. He then went into his older daughter Judye's room and struck her in the head with the hammer. Judye began to scream and it woke the neighbors and also her younger siblings, Debbie and Joel. Judye and her brother and sister managed to escape from the house, because if not, they would have been murdered too. Judye then rushed to one of the neighbors,

named Marshall Ross, who called the police. She then went back to house and faced her dad Dr. Perelson and told Ross to go home. Dr. Perelson entered one of the bathrooms in the house and swallowed pills. From there he went to lay down on the floor next to Judye's bed and passed away minutes later. To this day, people don't know why Dr. Perelson went crazy, but police discovered that the family was having financial difficulties. It is not clear what happen to the children, but Judye was treated for her injuries. After the murder, a couple by the name of Emily and Julian Enriquez bought the home, but they never moved in and used the house for storage, In fact, no one ever lived in the house again and trespassers have seen a Christmas tree in the living room and a 1950s television covered in dust.

Why I want to Become a General Surgeon and How to Become One By Sajad Amiri I would like to become a general surgeon because I want to save people's lives. I want to change their life for the better. Becoming a general surgeon can take a long time. It could take up to 13 years to become a fully licensed surgeon. To become a surgeon, you first need to earn a Bachelor’s Degree. Then you have to pass the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and then apply for medical school. During the final year of medical school, one must submit an application for residency and the residency program can take between three to seven years .

Photo by Jafar Ahmed | Unsplash

To qualify for a license, each person must graduate from medical school and the appropriate residency training in their desired specialty. All surgeons must pass a standardized national licensing exam. Residents that meet all the training requirements can apply to take the American Board of Surgery exam, Qualifying Examination exam and Consultative exam, to become boardcertified in general surgery. I know that it would take a long time, but I'm passionate about it.

Photo by Olga Guryanova | Unsplash

About My Fave K-POP Group By Yaretzi Varela

ITZY ITZY ITZY is a South Korean girl K-pop group, that has five members.

They are my favorite because in their album IT'Z ME, they have songs that talk about how you should love yourself.

They debuted on Feb. 12, 2019 and will disband in 2026 due to their contract . The names of the members are Ruyjin, Yeji, Chaeryoung, Lia and Yuna. The leader of the group is Hwang Ye-ji.

I also like the member's styles, music and personalities. They also record their dance practices so you can watch them practice their dances for their songs.

They are managed by a company named JYP Entertainment.

ITZY has a fandom name called MIDZY. I also like how they made a song about MIDZY'S, called Trust Me (MIDZY).

They have released five albums. Their first album released was ICY in 2019. Their recent album released is GUESS WHO in 2021.

Their first tour started Nov. 2, 2019 and ended in Jan. 26, 2020

They also won 21 awards and were nominated 63 times.

They also have a light ring that people take to every concert they have. They have had three concerts so far.

I listen to a lot of K-pop music and I would say ITZY is my favorite girl K-pop group.

I also like how in some of their albums, they make an English version.

By Ikramullah Niazmand

Men's traditional clothing in Afghanistan includes khet partug, perahan tunban, the turban and local styles of coats. Men also wear Shalwar Kameez as their casual and also formal clothing. Shalwar Kameez is normally worn during the winter season and this dress is normally made with cotton and polyester, but it can be made with woolly fabric. Some Afghan men wear simple clothing, especially on the country roads, but in the cities, men wear the new trends of decorating the dress with embroidery on the chest and the collar.

This style is commonly worn. Wearing hats are also part of traditional clothing in Afghanistan. For example, kufi (kind of hat), Peshawari cap, lungee (turban) pakul as traditional headgear. Pashtun leaders sometimes wear a karakul hat, like former President Hamid Karzai and former monarchs of Afghanistan. The most common form of head wear is a lungee (turban). There are numerous variations on how the turban is wrapped, each region has its own style. Tribal leaders will wear turbans from fancier cloths and tie them differently in order to signify their status in the community.

Facts You Did Not Know About Ballet Folklorico By Suzett Perez

Ballet Folklorico was founded by Amalia Hernandez in 1952. People have been presenting this dance for 60 years all around Mexico. This dance is a way to show happiness, partying and a perfect way to show culture. Ballet Folklorico has different types of dances, depending on which state of Mexico. The "vestuario" or dresses are mostly colorful, vibrant and exiting. The dress depends on what state you are dancing in, according to how that state dresses. I have been dancing Ballet Folklorico for almost 11 years. I started when I was 4years-old, my Mom put me in a class with a dance coach. Some vestuarios I own are from Jalisco, Sinaloa, Michoacán, Norte, Chiapas and Veracruz. Like the dresses, the head piece or the hairstyle, also depends a lot on what vestuario you have. I really love Folklorico because I feel connected even more than how I am with my beautiful culture.

By Elizabeth Barragan

About Mexico Introduction

Mexico is a country in North America. Mexico’s population, now in 2021, is 130,227,594. Mexico has a lot of traditions that are celebrated every year, and I celebrate most of them with my family. But since I live in the United States, my family and I celebrate on different days than Mexico does. I also just love Mexico’s traditions, like all the colors, designs and so on.

Mexico has a lot of traditions and a beautiful culture. What makes them special and popular, I believe, is their food, clothes, jobs, celebrations and maybe even because of how different they work with things in Mexico. I would like to show you some traditions that I, as a Mexican-American, celebrate!

Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) is a HispanicMexican holiday celebrated by some of the people from Mexico and all over the world.

Photo by Elizabeth Barragan

On Nov. 1, however, is called Angel’s Day, which means we celebrate the babies or young people that have passed away. Then, on Nov. 2 is when we celebrate those who are older. Day of the Dead is pretty much like Memorial Day in America, and it's just for Hispanic people. Day of the Dead is when friends and families gather and remember relatives who have passed away. This holiday usually has parades. My family and I celebrate this holiday in Oakland every year and not in Mexico, because we don't live there. In Oakley, they have dances, art and more creative things. There are so many reasons why people love celebrating the Day of the Dead, because it is a celebration of life, not death! One of the things my family does on this holiday is we put up "ofrendas," which means offerings and it's where you set up a table and put pictures of your relatives who passed away. We also set their favorite food or drink on the table so that our loved ones come for a visit. We also add marigold flowers, because those are the traditional flowers to use for Day of the Dead.

This is the shirt my mom wears on Dia de los Muertos.

Marigold flowers

Another thing my family does on this holiday is we wear Mexican shirts that have flowers on top!

This is something that you would see people painted as, on the Day of the Dead.

Photo by J K |Unsplash Photo by Joackim Weiler |Unsplash

Another tradition my family celebrates is called Las Posadas, which is a Novenario. In English, Novenario means a nine-day celebration. Las Posadas starts on Dec. 16 and ends on Dec. 24. It is a novenario because that is how long it took Joseph and Mary to find a place where Jesus could be born. During this holiday, people create a really big parade by knocking on doors and asking people if they can stay at their house, because that is what Joseph and Mary did, but people rejected them. The big parade of knocking on doors, is what my grandma and mom told me that they do in Mexico.

Since we don’t go to Mexico in December, my family and I celebrate it at church. At the church, a group of Hispanic people host a play where kids who volunteer, play a show about Joseph and Mary struggling to find a place for Jesus to be born. They also have little parades and parties. When Las Posadas is over, which is Dec. 24, the people that celebrated Las Posadas have a Christmas Eve party. At my house, after we finish Las Posadas, my family always gathers and has a party and we eat our traditional Mexican food, which is tamales, pozole and a Mexican drink called ponche.

Photo by Filip Gielda | Unsplash These are some decorations we hang up for Las Posadas.

Photo by Hello I'm Nik | Unsplash This is a piñata and it is used in Las Posadas to celebrate the Novenario.

Photo by Walter Chavez |Unsplash This is Joseph and Mary with baby Jesus.

DVC TRIO Magazine | SU21


DVC TRI O Join DVC TRIO Summer 2022! Journalism class taught by journalist, editor and college professor Charleen Earley

Mon/Tue or Wed/Thurs Other subjects include: Art, Math, English, Robotics, Coding, and many more!

Email Jackqueline Jones-Castellano JJones-Castellano@dvc.edu 925.969.2195

Diablo Valley College | Pleasant Hill, CA

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