Portfolio_CharlesGibault (English)

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P O R T F O L I O charles gibault architecte DE

“one cannot make architecture without studying the condition of life in the city� Aldo Rossi

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Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecure de la Ville et des Territoires DSA: Lille. Quality of everyday public space, towards a metropolitan identity DSA: Névian, an urban village. When risk designs the city.

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Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecure de Paris-Belleville PFE: Museum of urban transports and formation center, Paris Porte d’Italie



IGLOO Architectures / Paris


TVK / Paris


Rehabilitation project of a private hotel (In progress)

Winning project, Competition“Garonne-Eiffel”, OIN Bordeaux-Euratlantique



Europan 12, “the adaptable city” / Pays-Bas / Assen



Espoirs de l’architecture 2011, BNP Real estate, “Imagining tomorrow’s housing”






Position: Junior Architect-Urbanist Duration: 7 months

Born: 03 / 14 / 1988 Age: 26 3, rue Monsieur 75007 Paris Nationality: French Tel: +33669418514 gibaultcharles@gmail.com Drivers licence B

AREAS OF EXPERTISE COMPUTER 2D: Autocad, Rhino MODELING: Rhino, Sketch Up RENDERING: Keyshot 3, Artlantis, Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign) SIG: MapInfo TEXT: Suite Microsoft Office

LANGUAGES FRENCH: mother tongue ENGLISH: Fluent 107/120 TOEFL IBT 990/990 TOEIC SPANISH: working knowledge

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CHARLES GIBAULT EDUCATION 2013_2014 ENSA DE LA VILLE ET DES TERRITOIRES DE MARNE LA VALLEE / URBANISM MASTER - M2 : Quality of everyday public space, Agence d’urbanisme de Lille-Métropole - M1 : Containing the suburban sprawl using the risk, DDT de l’Aude, Mairie de Névian 2012_2013 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D’ARCHITECTURE DE PARIS BELLEVILLE / DEGREE - Architectural degree supervised by Bernard Leroy and Solenn Guevel 2010_2012 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D’ARCHITECTURE DE PARIS BELLEVILLE / MASTER - DISSERTATION : supervised by David Elalouf, Jean Michel Léger and Valérie Dufoix «Housing as a module; prefabricating the individual to build the collective» 2008_2010 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D’ARCHITECTURE DE PARIS BELLEVILLE / BACHELOR - B3 : Erasmus, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona 2007 UNIVERSITE PANTHEON - ASSAS / PARIS - Law and political sciences 2006 LYCEE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD / PARIS - High school diploma, economical section, spécialiation mathematics, Honors

WORK EXPERIENCE 2012_2013 IGLOO ARCHITECTURES / PARIS - Freelancer, Rehabilitation of a private hotel in Paris 2011 AGENCE TVK / PARIS - Intern, All stages of the international competition « Garonne Eiffel » by l’Etablissement Public d’Aménagement Bordeaux Euratlantique : Winning project 2010 SCOTT FRANCISCO ARCHITECT / NEW YORK - Intern, Construction of a boathouse in muskoka, Canada 2010 PILOT PROJECTS LLC / NEW YORK - Intern, Smart urban intervention at the street scale 2009 SPIE SCGPM / HINES PROMOTION / BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT - Construction work on the «Tour Horizon» by Atelier Jean Nouvel 2008 IGLOO ARCHITECTURES / PARIS - Graphic design

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Acting (7 years), Theater, Cinema, Photography,Tennis Travels: United States, United Kingdom, China, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Bulgaria, Egypt, Russia Curriculum Vitae


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Towards a metropolitan identity The degree of specialization and deepening (DSA) in architecture and urbanism allows young professionals to develop their skills in the field of urbanism beyond the architect’s degree. This study is financed by the urbanism agency of Lille’s metropolitan area.

This contextual approach means that everysite needs a singular answer. This work has to be realized at the street level, but also at the district and the city scale.

We’ve been given 15 various sites by the agency. We suggest a new classification based on the comparative Unlike singular, unique developments, history of different growth models as daily public space isn’t the object of well as permanences. Thus the proprojects by architects, planners, or land- ject is directly linked to the dynamic scapers. Their poduction is ensured by of the street’s constitution. A strategy the technical services of the city. This is determined everytime to intervene production is in crisis, because of a re- in the most accurate and economical sisting fordian division of the tasks be- way possible tween the different services. Outside of the governance system, we suggest Three families: a new look at public space. Through a 2014 _ ENSAVT Teachers : F. Bonnet, C. Delmar, E. Alon- conceptual and graphic work we try - Homogeneous streets to show it in its entirety, taking into ac- - Heterogeneous streets zo, O. Clos In collaboration with C. Bouscasse, E. count, the road, but also architecture, - Triviums (three way crossing) landscape and uses. Brossard, S. Mahiou

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15 contextualized sites

15 sites inside a metropolitan system

dsa architecture urbanism


A homogeneous street: Rue des postes in Lille Length: 1.24km Sequence: 1 Traffic: 6000/13000 vhl/day Strategy: Intervene first on the main crossings

Return to a shared leveled public space where pedestrians and soft modes of transportation are preferred

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A heterogeneous suburbian street: Rue du faubourg de BĂŠthune Ă Loos Length: 1.5km Sequences: 6 Traffic: 13000/30000 vhl/day Strategy: focus on the depth of the sequence between the station and the park.

Asymetrical intervention according to the sun orientation. Revealing a side road for pedestrians parallel to the street

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A multipolar heterogenous street: Rue de Menin / Rue nationale Ă Marcq en baroeul Length: 2.3km Sequences: 8 Traffic: 13000/30000 vhl/jour Strategy: reconsider the relation to the canaled waterway Lamarque.

Facilitate access to the bank. Financing public space by private developments

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Potential - 60 axis: 100 linear kilometers - 366 triviums = 35ha

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When risk designs the city The degree of specialization and deepening (DSA) in architecture and urbanism allows young professionals to develop their skills in the field of urbanism beyond the architect’s degree. The first semesters study focuses on the village of Névian. There are two sponsors, the municipality and the services of state (DDTM de l’Aude). Névian is a village of 1350 inhabitants in the close suburbs of Narbonne in the Aude departement. The mayor fears the unplanned urbanization of the village’s periphery whilst the city center is in decay. Paradoxically Névian wishes to accomodate the new inhabitants in a 7ha development between the railway and the rich scrubland. We 2014 _ ENSAVT Teachers F. Bonnet, C. Delmar, E. Alon- try to make them understand that this extension logic is dangerous for the vilzo In collaboration with E. Brossard, N. lage, economicaly, socially as well as for its identity. The DDTM questions us on Bouaynaya, C. Lamellière

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the constraints related to water and its hazards. We base our strategy for the village’s development on the flood risk, at the North with PPRI and at the South with the run-off waters. We suggest that Nevian densifies whitin its limits, especially since we found enough land to accomodate population growth. Each of the three urban fabrics that constitutes the village, the center, the outskirts and the suburban, is an opportunity for a project. Three strategies are to be implemented in parallel. We focus our work on the historical center wich requires the most attention. Approaches financed by the state, such as ORI, are to be considered by the municipality and the DDTM.

extension project suggested by the mayor

suggested densification project

3 urban fabrics - 3 strategies

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Demolition / Rehabilitation Some districts in the old city center are congested and do not procide an adequate quality of life for housing. Demolishing a building, we had value to those around it. The municipality has played its pre-emptive right to demolish the building.

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Construction / Rehabilitation The restored barn house will be used by associations as a meeting place. It plays a strong role in the social life of NĂŠvian. Behind it we esuggest building housing for the elderly close to the center.

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Working class fabric

Barns: Multiple barns are abandonned less than 400 meters from the village center. Their renovation would allow farmers to diversify their activities (gites) and younger generations to stay.

Hollow teeth: The land potential in the working class fabric of the city could allow new construction. These lenghtly plots are used to build new housing close to the center, especially social housing.

Suburban fabric

Private developments that present a risk: Many of the houses in the north of the village are in the red zone of the flood ridk plan. For those homes that are only one story high, we imagine an extra stroy as a refuge solution.

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rethink the urban limit with the landscape

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Requalification from the poterne des peupliers to the porte d’Ivry Porte d’Italie is a territory in mutation at the crossroads of various types of infrastructures, from the A6, the beltway and the N7. Its development is of major importane in the opening of Paris toward it’s peripheral area. To better understand the challenges of such a site we decided to undertake a prospective studi of work done on the Greater Paris, as well as the Port d’Italie, by agencies like TVK, ARUP and AREP. In our research we are working on three scales, the metropolitan scale, the intercommunal scale and the local scale. Each responds to specific urban concerns, but it appears that it is nec2013 _ ENSAPB essary not to consider them linearly Buildings & Pre-existent but as the result of an interleaving. The Teachers: B. Leroy, S. Guevel guide plan provides guides for the inIn collaboration with T. Badia Berger, Y. tervention that will follow at the archiLegouis et F. Grousset tectural level.

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The mulitmodal hub, the equipment and the logistical pole and the housing units will be developed whereas other programs will only be suggested, so that the plan can adapt in time, to economic or politic changes. The coherence of the whole gives a social, economic and urban legitimacy to the works that will follow. Right: Paris on Paris Territory wise, we create a perimeter of governance that allows projects such as a green belt on the A86, or a territorial development scheme, such as the south beam in which the Porte d’Italie sector is. The goal is to move from a logic of concentric development to a rhizomic logic. In which case the different gates if Paris will become opportunities for new, well connected, centralities.

Development logics


From a concentric logic of development to a rhizomic logic of development



The greater Paris area

Inversion of the limits. Towards a “peripheral centrality�

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Above: Metropolitan centrality. Still at the metropolitan scale, but centered on the south of Paris, the stakes of our area of studies is better perceived. Porte d’Italie is located at the crossroads of three major pulses, the Saclay cluster, the Orly-Rungis service cluster and finally the cluster Seine-Aval. The futur route of the METEOR subway system and the railway that goes from orly to the boulevards marĂŠchaux comfort the importance of the site in the greater Paris area. Peripheral centrality: At the inter-district scale, we notice the importance of the Bièvre Valley and its optical landscape device, as well as the development of activities alont radials such as the N7 and the D5. These linear intensity perimeters are discontinuous at the beltway level, because of the massive mono-fonctionnal land estates. The remeshing of the network and the breakdown of the enclaves have to be put in place so that it can be a pleasant place to live.

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Project: Metropolitain centrality

Project: Interdistric remeshing

Project: Landscaped strip

Activation of groundfloors

Continuity of historical housing


Pedestrian strip

Visual porosity


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Programmatic and spatial transformation of an industrial enclave

RATP workshops (1930), preexisting the peripheral beltway, are forming a monofunctional enclave that strenghtens the discontinuity between the intramural and extramural of Paris. The RATP wishes for a mutation of its plot whilst keeping the activity linked to the maintenance of the metro line 7. A road is created by removing two frames of the south hall, to link the Porte d’Italie to the Porte de Choisy. In a second time, the activity in the covered hall is moved in a new building in the continuity to the North Hall.

2013 _ ENSAPB Buildings & Pre-existent Teachers: B. Leroy, S. Guevel

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industrial heritage, especially heritage of urban traansportation. There is a collection (AMTUIR) that exists today but is not open to the public, for a lack of structure to welcome it. Despite the current tren of decentralization of museums, the strong urban gesture and connection to a multimodal hub of territorial importance justifies the location of the selected site.

We suggest a mixed program, which can regenerate a place in decline or not activated such as the RATP plot. The hybrid space is dedicated to the Transforming a place of business rela- museum (18000m²) as well as the learted to urban transport, in a context ning center for the metro (2100m²). where the tramway was an opportu- While the maintenance activity withnity for the redevelopment of the area, draws, the program is reinvested, supjustifies the creation of an ‘‘activated’’ ported by the ‘‘transfer of knowledge’’ place of memory around these acti- generation contract. The challenge of vities. It’s not been long since France this new type of museum is composing was actually interested in keeping its fairly with the heritage.

Groundfloor plan

Longitudinal section of the time gallery and the entrance

Weaving with the existing: The museum consists of three galleries which correpond to three positions relative to the preexisting situation. Above: The gallery of time overlaps the maintenance unit of the line 7, diconnected from the ground, it allows the visitors to explore the development of public transportation, from the hypomobile to electric traction Under: In order to maintain a strong link between the “green� areas of the beltway the gallery of innovation and the temporary gallery are buried. The different spaces are punctuated by courtyards, linking levels. Inside: The large spans of the rehabilitated hall can accomodate the entire collection of vehicles. The galleries form three dimensional journey in the existing, with which we reconstruct as accurately as possible. pfe architecture 29

Time gallery

Engine room

Gallery of innovation

Axonometry of the three dimensional course

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Landscape and public space intentions

Structure et Landscape: The cantileverd gallery offers the most interesting structure.The lobby and the training center are made of prestressed concrete. While the upper part a an hybrid beam mesh. It is between a virendelle which is expensive but allows spatial flexibility, and a conventional truss, more economical but that offers little felxibility in plan. The strong bias at the lanscape scale was to shorten the existing hall to clear the office building by Y. Lion. It was decided to revive the idea of the “idefferent crossing of the infrastructure”, but make it possible through public space. The new facade accompagnies and facilitate the crossing of the beltway. Activities will vary over time in the public space with a system of programmatic adaptable stripes. Parallel to the beltway, a pedestrian mall follows the new road from Porte d’Italie to Porte de Choisy. Ancient columns are kept and remodelled as public lighting for the park.

West elevation. Superposition of materials

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Exploded axonometry of the cantilevered building

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View from the beltway

View from the new street

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Heritage query on the remodeling of an “hotel pariculier”

The rehabilitation of a Parisian private hotel raises the question of the preservation and transformation of a composite building in the city and particularly in a neighborhood in which the preserving and the enhancement of the architectural heritage is essential. Indeed the classical PLU desn’t apply in this protected area of Paris.The consultation of plans of preservation (PSMV) is necessary before doing any rehabilitation works.

2012 _ AGENCY First phase IGLOO Achitectures 6B rue des Galvants 92140 Clamart www.iglooarchitectures.com

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An extension is made in the twentieth century. The hotel was extended by three bays north asymmetrically. A similar perpendicular buiilding of the same height is added, as well as two floor above the old stables. A sloped zinc roof covers the added building.

The client wishes to work on the unsightly roof of the twentieth century to restore unity to the original private hotel. It must not, however, call into question the volume that the building The private hotel consists of two parts, reached through sedimentation. build at two different times. The original building dates from the eighteenth At this date the project must be subcentury. It is symetrcial to the axis of mitted to “l’architecte des bâtiments the curved porch and has four floors de France”. of which the secon is the “noble floor”. The roof framing is a collar beam, sheltering attics. The covered porch leads to a courtyard separating the main building from the stables.

Existing state, from the street

Projected state, from the street

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In between infrastructure and nature

L’OIN Bordeaux-Euratlantique created un 2009, is one of the largest urban developments in France. In december of 2011n the multidisciplinary team led by TVK signed a framework agreement for the implentation of the ruban project Garone Eiffel, over a period of 9 years.

2011 _ AGENCY winning project Trevelo et Viger-Kohler architectes 23 rue Olivier Métra 75020 Paris www.tvk.fr

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In Bordeaux, the right bank is the convergence between the Garonne on the one hand and major national infrastructures on the other (LGV TourBordeaux 2017).The major river crossing is on the site, it is made of the Saint Jean bridge, the railway bridge and the Eiffel bridge. It brings together all types of mobility (train, car, bicycle and pedestrian). Even beyond this crossing, it is the whole site which is caracterized by the theme of infrastructure and nature. The right bank, between the river and the hill, is now marked by its in-

dustrial past. The conservation of this heritage is also central to our thinking. The projects tries to creat a synthesis between nature and infrastructure to provide a strong identity. Facing the “stone city” will be the “nature city”. To make this possible, we designed a strategy through five associations:

1 Nature + Infrastructure (concept and context) 2 Modernity + Preservation (environment and identity) 3 Networks + Districts (mobility and urban fabric) 4 Daily + Exceptional (uses and sociability) 5 Strategy + Tactics (time and process)

Guide plan

Section and axonometry, quartier Souys Richelieu

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Section and axonometry, quartier Eiffel

Section and axonometry, quartier Souys Combes

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Section and axonometry, quartier Deschamps

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Redevelopment strategy of an industrial area through public space

2012 _ COMPETITION Europan 12 “The adaptable city� In collaboration with T. Badia Berger, B. Manet et E. Pujo

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Europan12 offers a reflection around the adaptable city, the site chosen by our team is in Assen, Netherlands. We were asked to rethink the urban development of a formerly industrialized district as well as two exemplary new architectural constructions.

2. Buil and innovate. The construction of two innovative architectural construction by the public sector will be a lever to initiate the private investments.

Since 2008, the municiplaity of Assen cannot assume on its own the cost of the initial urban project to restructure Havenkwartier. As a response, we suggest a new phasing in 3 sequences for the urban renewal.

The proposal at the architectural scale consists of two hybird housing buildings along the canal to initiate the transformation of the neighborhood. Each building answers the question of adaptability in a different way. The load bearing facade of the squared building allows it to have a flexible plan, while for the linear units, the empty gaps between the built volumes allox the residents / traders to vary their lifestyles or activities

1. Reveal what is already there.The waterway must be reconnected to the city center so that the inhabitatants can renew their relationship to the landscape as of today.

3. Mastering the void. Controling the making of the public space will allow the urban project to evolve over time.

Phasing the project in time with a strategy of “hubs and spokes�

The void (park) articulates the project at the architectural scale and the rest of the development in Havenkwartier

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Groundfloor during summer

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Groundfloor during winter

groundfloor plan of the project along the canal

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Urban hive; a praise to flexibility

Today, facing the acceleration phenomena, the world and time dematerialize. In order to “imagine the housing for tomorrow” we need to put time in the heart of the architectural and urban process.

2011 _ COMPETITION finalist project “Les logements de demain” In collaboration with C. de Zuterre and T. Badia Berger

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The challenge for us is to invest in the periphery of the “consolidated” city. We start by identifying the abandoned urban spaces of the suburbia, so we can design an evolutive and flexible building that plugs on the existing fabric. By creating the city over the city (or infrastructure), we desify and activate territories in lack of intensity. The crane-building is made of a structural core around which prefabricated modules assemble. Thus housing can change over time and adapt to the everchanging ways of living and different family models

«Speed is the old age of the world [...] taken away by the violence we go nowhere, we content ourselves in going and divesting from the living towards the emptiness of speed. After having meant for a long time, the suppression of distances or the negation of space, speed now equals the annihilation of time: it’s the state of emergency. In fact the race comes from history as sublimation of hunting, its acceleration becomes destiny and destination. Hunter, farmer, sailor, pirate and knight, tank driver, motorist, we are all the unknown soldier in the dictatorship of movement...»

Paul Virilio

Dromologie, 1977

Time as the fourth dimension in architecture

Guides: Density, Verticality et flexbility

Revitalization of abandoned urban spaces at the distrcit scale

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A flexible groundfloor for multiple use

2.5 x 3 x3m; an adaptable module

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Quality shared spaces

An evolving housing

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