Charlotte Latin magazine - October 2016

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The Leadership Issue • Fall 2016


2016–2017 SCHOOL LEADERSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jean E. Davis, Chair Joycelyn C. Lavelle, Secretary John G. Norman, Treasurer William C. Adams Gary J. Anderson ’75 Joanne O’Brien Beam William A. Bowen, Jr. ’82 Robert G. Calton III Lynn G. Crutchfield Heather S. Finke Mike D. Freno Kodwo Ghartey-Tagoe Courtney P. Hyder Edward P. Imbrogno Kelly L. Katterhagen Joy M. Kenefick Eric J. Lloyd A. Coy Monk IV Denny Smith O’Leary ’90 Robert A. Schleusner III Thad M. Sharrett ’89 Walker C. Simmons R. Mitchell Wickham III ’87 EX-OFFICIO Arch N. McIntosh, Jr., Headmaster Fletcher H. Gregory III, Associate Headmaster and Director of Finance Tiffany R. Orndorff, Parents’ Council President Charles R. Thies ’90, Alumni Governing Board President ALUMNI GOVERNING BOARD OFFICERS Charles R. Thies ’90, President Patrick N. Rivenbark ’02, Past-President PARENTS’ COUNCIL OFFICERS Tiffany Orndorff, President Catherine Armstrong, First Vice President Kimbrel Morris, Second Vice President Leslie Wickham, Treasurer Alexa Cutter, Assistant Treasurer Beth Pence, Secretary

ADMINISTRATION Arch N. McIntosh, Jr. Headmaster Guy Ben-Eliyahu Interim Director of Technology


Michael Bocian Director of Plant Operations Susan Carpenter Director of Marketing and Communications D. Rodney Chamberlain Associate Headmaster for Academic Affairs Linda Cropper Assistant Head of Lower School David Gatoux Director of Athletics Fletcher H. Gregory III Associate Headmaster and Director of Finance Jeffrey D. Knull Assistant Head of Upper School Deborah C. Lamm Head of Middle School Beth Cox Lucas Director of Human Resources Mary Jane Masonis Director of Development Matt Morrow Assistant Head of Middle School Hunter B. Murphy Dean of Students Mary Yorke Robison Oates ’83 Director of Admissions Marcus H. Tayloe Head of Lower School Lawrence E. Wall Head of Upper School

BOOSTER CLUB BOARD OFFICERS Kristin Smith, President Mary Martha Beecy, Vice President Amy Nielsen, Treasurer Noelle Vandiver, Secretary LATIN ARTS ASSOCIATION BOARD Kelly Gardner, President Patty Lambert, Vice President Lisa Hill, Secretary Shannon Acks, Treasurer Dawn Whitmore, Publicity Nancy Stenersen, Membership Kelly Mattei, Friends of Music Dorie de Armas, Friends of Theater Arts Melissa Witzel, Friends of Theater Arts Jaime Nashbar Callicutt, Friends of Visual Arts Vivi Bechtler-Smith, Friends of Creative Writing

CLS MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to encourage individual development and civility in our students by inspiring them to learn, by encouraging them to serve others, and by offering them many growth-promoting opportunities. Charlotte Latin School is an independent, non-sectarian, coeducational, college-preparatory day school for students in transitional kindergarten through twelfth grade. Charlotte Latin School does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or national origin in the administration of its educational programs, admissions policies, financial aid policies, employment practices, or other school-administered programs.

EDITOR Courtney Oates Director of Integrated Media ASSOCIATE EDITOR Susan Carpenter Director of Marketing and Communications CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Arch N. McIntosh, Jr. Headmaster CONTRIBUTORS Katie Brown Director of the Latin Fund Mary Yorke Oates ’83 Director of Admissions Sally Gray Smith ’82 Associate Director of Development and Alumni Relations DESIGNERS April Baker Director of Design Services Molly Green ’17 Contributing Designer

Published Fall 2016 by Charlotte Latin School for students, alumni, parents, grandparents, employees and friends of the School. Please send address corrections to: Development Office Charlotte Latin School 9502 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28277 Or by email to Send Class Notes information to: Sally Gray Smith ’82 at 704.846.7253

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what’s inside

Charlotte Latin Magazine






Headmaster’s Corner

30 Admissions


Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor


Latin Fund


Leadership in Action


Alumni News


Fabrication to the Next Level


Athletic Hall of Fame


Presenting: Concordia


Class Notes


New in 2016


Parting Shots


From the Editor: The following address was delivered by Headmaster Arch McIntosh to the senior class at the School’s annual Convocation Exercises in September 2001. The world altered dramatically a mere four days later, on September 11, 2001. Why would the School reprint this message a decade and a half later? Because this issue examines leadership and the importance we place on teaching our students how to be leaders through our unique, intentional curriculum. When reading this address, it is clear that although the world, yes, has changed, the values upon which our country and our School were founded have not. Mr. McIntosh’s charge to students is as timely now as ever before.


Leadership Excerpts from an Address to the Class of 2002 Convocation Exercises, Charlotte Latin School, September 7, 2001 by Arch N. McIntosh, Jr.

Leadership is only courage and wisdom, and a great carelessness of self. – John Buchan, A Prince of Activity Students, unquestionably each one of you will occupy a leadership role at some point during your lifetime; so my message today has application for every member of our senior class as well as other members of our student body, whether you think of yourself as a leader or not. Leadership is not optional; it is essential. It is essential for motivation and direction. It is essential for evaluation and accomplishment. It is the one ingredient essential for the success of any organization. Of the many contemporary definitions on the subject of leadership, my favorite and the one of greatest brevity, comes from author and seminary president, Chuck Swindoll, who sums up leadership in just two words: “inspiring influence.” Those who are most successful as leaders use their influence to inspire others to follow. Elusive though it may be, such inspiring influence generates incredible results. When a team finds leadership in a coach, it is 2

Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016

remarkable how the players will strive for and achieve almost impossible feats to win. When a teacher possesses leadership abilities, the cooperation and accomplishments of the class border on the astounding. People today, from all walks of life, hunger for authentic, moral leadership. We can define it, describe it and observe it, but it remains a commodity in short supply. Leadership is a calling, not a title or position. For some of us, it is also a job. Leading is hard work; it is also rewarding work. If you are willing to lead other people, be prepared for great joy and disappointment. Investing your life to advance the lives of others requires dedication, resolve and, frequently, great sacrifice. If people are willing to follow you, you are a leader. Leaders place people first and seek to serve others. In his book on the leadership skills of Robert E. Lee, author H.W. Crocker states that a leader’s primary responsibility is to think of others first: what Lee referred to as the “great duty of life is the promotion of the happiness and welfare of our fellow men.”


In his classical work on servant leadership, Robert Greenleaf states that, “the servant leader views any problem in the world as inside oneself, not ‘out there.’ And if the flaw is to be remedied, the process of change starts…in the servant, not in the world.” Concerning the future of our society, Greenleaf says that, “No amount of restructuring or changing the system or tearing it down in the hope that something better will grow will change this. But whatever it is, if the people to lead it well are not there, a better system will not produce a better society.” A leader’s attitude determines his or her destiny. I recently came across the following words by Chuck Swindoll about the importance of attitude, “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company…a church…a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. We cannot change our past; we cannot change the fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you…we are in charge of our attitudes.” Leaders embody integrity above all other virtues. Charlotte Latin’s Honor System was established to serve as a moral compass, a beacon of integrity, not as a punitive measuring stick, as some may believe. The practice of behaving honorably is not a high school thing; it is a lifetime thing. Author Max DePree says of integrity in his book, Leadership Jazz, “Followers can’t afford leaders who make casual promises; no leader has the luxury of making a promise in a vacuum. A leader who backs away from promises under duress irreparably damages the organization and plants the seeds of suspicion among his or her followers. The best leaders promise only what is worth defending.” Character does matter. President Teddy Roosevelt was correct when he said, “To train a child in intellect and not in character is to raise a menace to society.” Leaders admit their mistakes and learn from failure. History records that the greatest leaders who ever lived from all civilizations made many, and often, horrendous mistakes. If you are to lead, you will stumble and fail. It is inevitable. The only question is, how will you respond? You will also face personal attack. No leader of any consequence ever attempted a great work who was not confronted with opposition and temporary setbacks. Sometimes our failures are very public affairs. What

we learn from those moments of crises when we fall flat on our faces will ultimately determine our success or failure as leaders. The most authentic leaders are willing to be vulnerable to their followers. They instinctively know that true leadership involves risk. Accept risk as part of your leadership mantle. Stand tall. Speak the truth. Face your mistakes squarely, courageously. Most followers will accept your mistakes. They will, however, reject petty excuses or, worse, any level of arrogance which may deny mistakes were ever made. Successful leaders work interdependently. Americans love our independence. But we come into this world the most helpless, dependent creatures on the planet. Our goal as a School, then, is to help prepare students to become independent learners by the time they enter college. There is an even higher ideal for the leaders among you than mere dependence or even independence. And that challenge is to harness and channel the special gifts and talents of those you lead, whether in your club, organization, sorority, fraternity or even, someday, your own Fortune 500 company. Remember, while there is a degree of risk involved in any leadership role, the most high risk leader is the one who works alone. Leaders cast a vision and embrace change. Author Stephen Covey states in his best selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, that leaders must “begin with the end in mind.” If you want to make an impact or change the future, you must plan for it. Like the plans for constructing a new home, leaders develop blueprints for their organizations. Planning strategically necessitates that leaders and others in the organization embrace change. Leaders count the cost of leadership and expect to be criticized. Skeptics will always exist and they will criticize your efforts, yet they do not have the courage themselves to enter the arena. Ignore them as much as possible and do your best wherever you are called to serve and whatever you are called to do. These words by Abraham Lincoln spoken in 1863 concerning the cost of leadership still ring true today, “If I were to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I know how, the very best I can, and I mean to do so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, then angels swearing I was right would make no difference.”

I believe in my heart, if those who are called to lead our School in the future will do so in the manner I’ve just described – if they will lead selflessly, responsibly, courageously, and morally – the best years of Charlotte Latin School are ahead of us.

Fall 2016

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Charlotte Latin

Leads with Honor “I teach the importance of learning to fail gracefully,” said Ann Brock ’81, Acting Director of Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor, our leadership development program, “and becoming comfortable within one’s discomfort.” The program creates opportunities for all stakeholders (students, faculty and staff, parents, alumni) to practice and develop everyday leadership skills. “This is a program that is all about the people, the participants. While it is an intentional program, it is not a prescribed program,” says Brock. What that means, she explains, is that while a leadership initiative may include sticks, a tarp and some string, it is the people participating who define the leadership experience – not the materials or the activity itself – which leads to highly dynamic, unique learning for participants. Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor is not an add-on program. Instead, it brings together the existing leadership teaching and development throughout the School, enhancing what is already in place and providing support for leveraging our successes. An initial goal is to create and instill leadership language for use when teaching, modeling, encouraging and supporting leadership. Examples of leadership language include vocabulary that is inclusive rather than exclusive and is easily understood and recognized by everyone.

Fall 2016

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Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor seeks to engage everyone in the Latin community. Being people-based, the program works optimally when there is collaboration – between students, teachers, parents, alumni and the larger community. Working together builds connections and collective learning experiences where all participants learn and grow together. Community building and trust are key components of the program. How do we define leadership at Latin? Brock says, “Ask 300 people what leadership is and you’ll get 300 different answers.” Given that, how do we go about defining a leadership program? Can you write a plan, put it in black and white, for such an endeavor that will guide the program? The answer is yes. Headmaster Arch McIntosh and Brock, along with a team including teachers, parents, trustees, administrators, alumni and the North Carolina-based Center for Creative Leadership, produced a document outlining a multi-disciplinary leadership vision and approach at Latin and created a functional framework for the program. This framework serves as the map for the program moving forward, articulating the timeline, priorities, budget, infrastructure, goals, as well as program tracking and measurement.

Working together builds connections and collective learning experiences where all participants learn and grow together. Leadership was an important component of our Founders’ vision for Charlotte Latin – it was a non-negotiable – and it remains part of our Core Values today. We will continue telling the story of Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor over the next several years through video, photos, social media, conversations and this magazine. Its multi-faceted nature means that we will be sharing diverse stories with you that show Latin leadership development in action. We’re sure you have questions about Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor. We’ve included FAQs here, but encourage you to join us later this year for a discussion with Ann Brock about the program.

What is “Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor”? It is the name of our Leadership Development program at Latin that was presented at the start of the school year. “It’s important to note,” said Brock, “that this is not an add-on program that requires training in order to participate.” It is a well-articulated framework that pulls the myriad leadership exercises, conversations, and topics together that span the School, from kindergarten to grade 12, and creates a cohesive, intentional program. Within the framework are four focus areas: Honoring Self, Honoring Others, Honoring Learning and Honoring Leading. Are there guiding principles for Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor? The framework is designed to: • Include all students • Span the entire School • Involve all key stakeholders (students, teachers, staff, parents, alumni, trustees) • Operate from a clear, consistent common language and framework • Be guided by a set of long-term objectives Who had input into the framework? Headmaster Arch McIntosh and Ann Brock worked with a team of people including teachers, parents, trustees, administrators, and alumni, along with the Center for Creative Leadership to: • Review existing programs • Evaluate CLS offerings vis-à-vis peer institutions and best practices • Develop an intentional, explicit and unified approach • Build on the Founders’ vision for the School • Provide a framework for the program • Build on existing successes • Integrate leadership development into the broader educational experience Can leadership really be taught? Yes. It can be taught and learned. Like any skill, practice is important. Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor provides opportunities to practice leadership and gives a common language that we can use to talk about and reinforce leadership development. It also gives us tools that we can employ in our classrooms, on the athletic fields and within the cultural arts to exercise leadership skills every day. We will teach leadership through a variety of means that include activities as well as creating inspirational spaces that ignite discussion and support collaboration and exploration.


Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016


When does Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor start? We have five pilots during the 2016-17 school year: 1. Faculty: Teachers in the Upper School History Department will practice leadership language in the classroom by integrating leadership themes into the curriculum. They will continue to reinforce and exercise leadership skills through peer-to-peer departmental work and conversations. 2. SALT (Student-Athlete Leadership Team): a group of junior and senior representatives from each varsity sport meet monthly to learn from each other about how they can best serve as leaders to their respective teams and fellow students. 3. StuCo (Student Council): Students will develop their leadership capacity to become more independent leaders and enhance clarity around their StuCo roles and the value of their organization. 4. Grade 8 P.E. Leadership Rotation: Small groups of students work in teams with assigned roles to create a common project. The experience includes learning about competition, production, teamwork and time management. 5. Hawks Quest in Grade 4: Classroom and mobile experiential learning where students exercise skills including courage, trust, teamwork and tenacity. How does Hawks Quest fit into Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor? Hawks Quest is the name of the experiential learning program at Latin. It is a vehicle that will be used, in some cases, to teach leadership development. It is one of our existing programs that will be utilized. How does the challenge course fit into Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor? Our challenge course is one tool in the Hawks Quest toolbox that is used in our experiential learning program. As noted above, the Hawks Quest program will be used, in some cases, to teach leadership.

Charlotte Latin Leads with Honor was designed in partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership.

The fourth grade is one of the Latin Leads with Honor pilots. Through Hawks Quest as one of its “specials,” students build skills like courage, trust, teamwork and tenacity. Fall 2016

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Is there a Leadership Development Center included in the new campus plan? Yes. We feel strongly that a dedicated physical space is a key part of the leadership development initiative. The Student and Leadership Development Center will be a retrofit of the 100/200 building and is planned to be a space that: • Inspires students, teachers, parents, and alumni – everyone in the CLS community • Facilitates and encourages collaboration and engagement • Allows leadership development training to occur • Brings about the non-studying aspects of fellowship • Creates a space that ignites conversations Our goal is to create an active, inclusive space, centrally located on the campus, that draws people in – every day. We are designing the space with inclusion in mind. To address this, we are creating entrance points that will be welcoming for everyone, with access close to the Lower School for our youngest community members. This is one example of the inclusive design concepts under discussion. Existing student groups may be included in the Center including Diversity, Global Studies, Speech and Debate and Hawks Quest. We are exploring the idea of a wellness component to address issues like stress management and establishing healthy sleep schedules, adding an area for healthy food, like smoothies, and a possible outdoor grilling area designed for community building and conversation. We are exploring movable modular furniture with built-in charging stations, sofas with canopies that connect with one another to create open “rooms” for collaborative conversation, easily moved sitting pods and tuffets, iPad tables for group work, and tables that tilt and have a lip to hold paper and electronic devices that allow for display to multiple viewers. We are looking at holographic and 3D displays for sharing ideas visually. Every element of the Leadership Development Center will be chosen for its ability to facilitate, foster and support creative collaboration and fellowship. The need for adult supervision is being incorporated into the design of the Center. There will be classrooms, training rooms, offices, along with open, flexible spaces.

Eighth grade students are in the completion phase of their fort build, a part of the Leadership Development rotation in P.E.


Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016

The Leadership Development Center is intended to be a space that will ignite the mind, foster creativity and bring members of our community together. As Brock says, “It’s not intended to be a quiet space. It is a space to make creative noise!”


DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP LANGUAGE IN LOWER SCHOOL Ask any fourth grade student about the “Five Finger Contract” and you’ll likely get a passionate response that includes a verbal and physical explanation detailing each finger’s meaning. These “contracts” are actually a way we are developing leadership language in our students, which give us a common way to refer to parameters, expectations, guidelines and behavior. These students have embraced the “Five Finger Contract” as a self-policing mechanism and use it daily to guide behavior. We have tracked its use in a longitudinal study that shows that its use has benefited learning by decreasing issues in the classroom, allowing for increased instruction time. We continue to evaluate the efficacy of creating a common leadership language and employ other success metrics to determine its impact on student learning. Students are taught that the Five Finger Contract is always with them and is a tool they can always use. They hold up one hand, spread their fingers apart, and touch each finger to go through: Thumb: Barometer This is a check-in. How are you feeling? How is your group feeling? This can be asked at any time before, during, and after an activity. Index Finger: Responsibility Usually when used by itself, it is to point out or blame. Students are taught that when doing this, three fingers on the hand point back to the pointer. Responsibility comes in many forms. They learn to be responsible to themselves, their group and the task. Middle Finger: Respect Students agree to no put-downs, judgments, negative language or teasing (of themselves or others). It reminds students to be open to the ideas of others and to be good listeners.

Fourth Finger: Commitment This finger represents a commitment to themselves, others, and the tasks they work on. It commits them to put forth their best effort, share their ideas, and participate as both leaders and followers. Pinky: Safety We teach students that the weakest fingers of the hand are conceptually the most important -- physical safety for themselves and others. This extends to emotional (or friendship) safety, which is caring for the feelings of others. Students learn that the pinky depends upon the other fingers for its strength. Fist: Working Together The fist is taught as the power of the group when it uses the Five Finger Contract as its guide. The group derives its strength from the sum of its parts.

Students are asked to open their palms to “seal the deal with a virtual signature,” followed by a high-five with others to signify agreement with the contract.

Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN


LEADERSHIP CUBES The Leads with Honor framework articulates how our school community Honors Self, Honors Others, Honors Learning, and Honors Leading. These foundational elements are brought directly to students through Leadership Cubes, which are physical cubes with each side representing and listing one of the framework components. These are used to start discussions about the elements. Look for Leadership Cubes in use through the campus.


At Latin, we Honor Self by demonstrating self-respect, consistently seeking to do our best, and acting in accordance with our core values. Through self-awareness, we make time for personal reflection and wellness. Self-Aware: Articulates personal needs and preferences, adapts behavior appropriately; demonstrates self-motivation; manages time in order to achieve personal goals. Courageous: Takes healthy, calculated risks after weighing possible outcomes; accepts potential failure or embarrassment for the sake of the greater good. Ethical: Adheres to personal core values; demonstrates integrity; upholds community’s principles. Balanced: Makes time for personal care and reflection; balances life-school commitments; pursues authentic interests; engages in a variety of activities that promote personal well-being. Resilient: Demonstrates grit and persistence in the face of adversity; works diligently regardless of circumstances; refuses to quit despite failure. Humble: Places the needs of others above self; recognizes that leadership is a team-oriented dynamic. 10

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Fall 2016


HONORS OTHERS: At Latin, we Honor Others by respecting opinions and ideas different from our own and by seeking to understand before seeking to be understood. We place the needs of others above our own (servant leadership), while exercising compassion and empathy in our relationships.

Culturally Competent: Understands personal cultural identity; appreciates other cultures’ norms and experiences; manages crosscultural interaction with sensitivity respect. Empathetic: Possesses the emotional capacity to understand the feelings, needs, and challenges of others and respond with care and compassion. Responsive: Understands the dynamic nature of all written and oral communication; listens attentively and speaks reasonably to enhance understanding. Respectful: Demonstrates civility in personal interactions; exhibits respect, grace, and a desire to understand the views of others; builds and sustains healthy, enduring relationships. Collaborative: Works well with others, welcoming their input and valuing their talents, time and effort.

HONORS LEARNING: At Latin, we Honor Learning through a healthy balance of assessment, challenge, and support. We

surround our students with a community of educators who believe that blending rigorous academic studies and experiential learning will inspire each individual to new levels of mastery. Learning is a shared experience at Latin; all members of the school community are encouraged take intellectual risks and grow from the learning, insights, and opinions of others. Our learning journey is life-long, and we believe resilience is the path to achievement. Each growth opportunity we encounter, whether it results in success or failure, will shape and reinforce our learning habits. Pursues Intellectual Experiences: Possesses intellectual curiosity; exhibits a self-directed thirst for knowledge gained both inside and outside of the classroom. Thinks Critically: Analyzes challenges from multiple perspectives; objectively evaluates information in order to reach a conclusion or decide on a course of action. Grows through Developing Others: Recognized the reciprocal nature of learning; fosters and shares in the intellectual development of others, enhancing personal learning for each. Meets Needs through Design Thinking: Acts as a user-centered problem solver; creates imaginative solutions based on analysis, synthesis and assessment of strengths, weaknesses, emotional environment, and desired outcome of complex systems. Finds Solutions: Uses reasoning and/or intuition to identify problems, discern their root causes and determine and implement solutions. Innovates: Possesses an entrepreneurial spirit that recognizes possibilities, welcomes the creative input of others, and identifies out-of-the-box approaches.

HONORS LEADING: At Latin, we Honor Leading by modeling effective leadership, engaging in leadership opportunities, cultivating our skills through feedback, and exercising the tenets of servant leadership in our daily interactions with others. We are “everyday leaders”. Each person has the opportunity and responsibility to enhance the life and welfare of our school community. Acts with Integrity: Follows through on commitments; behaves in a manner consistent with personal and School values. Empowers Others: Encourages and supports the opportunity for others to lead by stepping aside, when appropriate, and by respecting their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Accepts Responsibility: Holds self and others accountable in a respectful manner. Collaborates Effectively: Nurtures productive teamwork and models fair standards of group behavior; follows through on personal commitments; exhibits a willingness to go the extra mile. Acts Strategically: Sees the big picture; identifies possible outcomes and consequences; creates a proactive plan for achieving goals. Builds Networks/Alliances: Identifies and connects with those outside of current network who might serve as good resources; willingly helps others in their efforts. Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN



Growing Leaders in Lower School Good leaders must first become good servants.

–Robert Greenleaf

Each year, Lower School classes participate in a year-long grade-level service project. The team leader from each grade works with administration, colleagues and students to determine a project with a local organization that is age-appropriate. The Lower School therefore becomes a launching pad for servant leaders. Says Head of Lower School Mark Tayloe, “We lay a lot of groundwork with children through communication skills and collaboration that gives students responsibilities and accountability – leadership skills – while learning about service.” Lower School 2016-17 service projects are examples of learning-by-doing. They demonstrate, teach and reinforce valuable life skills. The projects are intentionally chosen and designed to engage our youngest students.

TK/Kindergarten The TK and Kindergarten classes participate in Project HALO (Helping Animals Live On). Founded in 1998, Project HALO is a small rescue animal shelter and sanctuary that houses up to 60 dogs and puppies within their main shelter. Over the years HALO has found homes for more than 10,000 animals. The TK/K project takes place in February, aligning with the class’ celebration of Valentine’s Day, when classes talk about feelings and kindness. Students make posters to promote the project and bring in dog biscuits and/or gently used towels to donate to the shelter. On the last day of the project, the children help pack cars to take the goods to the shelter.

Service projects demonstrate, teach and reinforce valuable life skills.

First Grade First grade service learning takes place in December. In small groups, first grade students make casseroles of baked ziti and meatballs for Strengthening Families, a family program run through the YMCA of Greater Charlotte. Parent volunteers help the children in the Lower School kitchen as they measure, mix, and bake these dishes. Before the cooking ever begins and before the aroma wafts through the Lower School hallways, Ms. Pilar Perez, a YMCA representative, comes to the first grade classrooms to share a bit about the program and how it benefits children and families. The act of preparing a meal for someone else is impactful to first graders and provides them an opportunity to practice empathy. Second Grade Latin’s second grade students visit the Crisis Assistance Ministries clothing donation center where they sort, hang, and label items in the store where the clothes are sold. Before the field trip, the classes read Extra Yarn, by Mac Barnett, a picture book that explains how a young girl has yarn left over after knitting a sweater. She has to decide what to do with the yarn and ends up


knitting sweaters for the whole town – even the trees. The book shows how small acts make a big difference. This year, second grade students will also donate a sweater before going to the warehouse. As a culminating reflection, classes will create yarn trees. Each student will write one word on a tag about his or her Crisis Assistance experience to hang from the yarn trees. Third Grade In October, third grade partners with the Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte. Students begin by taking a tour of Ronald McDonald House, learning its purpose and history. After this field trip, students create keynote presentations which they deliver in front of other Lower School classrooms, sharing what they have learned. Students collect “pop tabs,” and encourage other classes to do so. Recycling these tabs helps offset the cost of the rooms for the families. Finally, students write a reflection piece in their daybook about how it feels to put others first. The mission of the Ronald McDonald House is to provide a safe, affordable and caring “home-away-from-home” for families of children receiving treatment in Charlotte-area medical facilities. Fourth Grade Each year, Mary Catherine Black from Charlotte’s Urban Ministry Center (UMC) comes to talk to fourth grade students about the UMC’s history and the services it provides for the homeless in Charlotte. One of Urban Ministries’ former clients, Mr. Mark, also comes to share his personal story having been homeless – a powerful and poignant experience for the children. After the talk, students form small groups and make bologna and cheese sandwiches for UMC clients’ lunch that day – a perfect project for this age group because it is tangible and has immediate impact. Each student has a job in the preparation of the sandwiches, and there is a “manager” assigned who is responsible for keeping up with supplies and taking finished sandwiches to a central location. Afterwards, classes talk about Mr. Mark’s story and about the difference they made in the lives of the homeless that day and also about what is going to happen for those clients tomorrow. Thus, students see the greater, longterm need for volunteerism. Fifth Grade The fifth grade partners with Providence Day School for the annual Gil Murdock Turkey Trot. Prior to the race, each fifth grade class is assigned a suggested non-perishable food item to collect for a local food bank. The food collected is then donated in Coach Murdock’s name. Fifth grade students love the idea of donating to a food drive and helping those less fortunate. It is equally exciting to partner with another school in the Charlotte community and to incorporate fitness as a way to honor Murdock, whose wife, Linda, teaches Upper School history at Latin. Students reflect through class discussion, touching on the importance of giving to the community, how that makes them feel, and how giving makes a difference in others’ lives. Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN



Leadership in the Middle School Public speaking is a craft and an essential tool in a leader’s belt. Latin’s administration recognized more than a decade ago that if we are in the business of educating leaders, public speaking and the related capacity to capture an audience are critical objectives. One result of this vision is the Middle School’s Leadership through Public Speaking class, a semester-long elective which teaches leadership and public speaking skills to students in grades 7-8. The class enables students to improve communication, research, writing and listening proficiencies. Classwork includes projects which focus on thought-provoking, relevant, historical topics and leaders. “Ultimately, the course builds the students’ self-confidence,” says Chris Berger ’89. Berger has taught this class since its beginning. “We teach our students about all types of leaders throughout history. You are not born a leader; you must learn how to be a leader,” he says. “Leadership is a skill that can be obtained through education, practice and experience.” Some of the greats the class covers include Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Susan B. Anthony, Amelia Earhart, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi. Great leaders such as these have character, confidence, integrity and moral courage. Berger’s interest in public speaking dates back to his childhood. His father, Andrew, was a United States Secret Service Agent from 1960-1982, serving six presidents including Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan. The elder Berger

Chris Berger – Latin teacher, coach and alum – teaching middle school students about leadership through public speaking. 14

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Fall 2016

strongly encouraged his children to listen to famous speeches from such leaders as JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. “I may have been one of the only 10-year-olds who enjoyed watching the State of the Union address,” humors Berger. His father wanted them to read and learn as much as possible about successful people then “copy the greats.”

Ultimately, the course builds the students’ self-confidence “We want our students to go out into the world with the ability to stand on their own two feet, look people in the eye, give a firm hand shake, and exhibit strong interpersonal skills,” says Berger. Catherine Clover ’19 took the Leadership through Public Speaking course and says she learned to not be afraid to speak up about her opinions, “I learned to be confident in my knowledge and to just be comfortable doing what I know.” Required reading in this class (whose teacher just happens to also coach Varsity Boys Basketball) is The Essential Wooden by legendary UCLA basketball Coach John Wooden. “As a basketball coach, I’ve enjoyed learning about Coach Wooden, and I have taken much from his knowledge,” said Berger. The class also gleans much from Wooden’s Pyramid of Success. To quote Coach Wooden, “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.”

Wooden’s Pyramid of Success

“Success is a peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you

Competitive Greatness “Perform at your best when your best is required. Your best is required each day.”

made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.” –Coach John Wooden

Poise “Be yourself. Don’t be thrown off by events whether good or bad.”

Condition “Ability may get you to the top, but character keeps you there – mental, moral, and physical.”

Self-Control “Control of your organization begins with control of yourself. Be disciplined.”

Industriousness “Success travels in the company of very hard work. There is no trick, no easy way.”

Skill “What a leader learns after you’ve learned it all counts most of all.”

Alertness “Constantly be aware and observing. Always seek to improve yourself and the team.”

Friendship “Strive to build a team filled with camaraderie and respect: comrades-in-arms.”

Confidence “The strongest steel is well-founded self-belief. It is earned, not given.”

Team Spirit “The star of the team is the team. We supercedes me.”

Initiative “Make a decision! Failure to act is often the biggest failure of all.”

Loyalty “Be true to yourself. Be true to those you lead.”

Intentness “Stay the course. When thwarted try again; harder; smarter. Persevere relentlessly.”

Enthusiasm “Your energy and enjoyment, drive and dedication will stimulate and greatly inspire others.”

Cooperation “Have utmost concern for what’s right rather than who’s right.”

12 Lessons in Leadership 1. Good values attract good people 2. Love is the most powerful four-letter word 3. Call yourself a teacher 4. Emotion is your enemy

5. It takes 10 hands to make a basket 6. Little things make big things happen 7. Make each day your masterpiece 8. The carrot is mightier than a stick

9. Make greatness attainable by all 10. Seek significant change 11. Don’t look at the scoreboard 12. Adversity is your asset Fall 2016

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Leadership in the Upper School Observe and Serve Held the week of commencement each year, Charlotte Latin’s Observe and Serve Senior Project allows students to extend learning beyond the walls of the school and into the greater community. A requirement for graduation, Observe and Serve is a three-day unpaid internship during which seniors have the opportunity to explore a career area or to volunteer for a nonprofit organization. Observe and Serve is made possible through LatinWorks, a mission of the Alumni Association’s LatinRedde initiative, connecting alumni and students in the workplace. Through interaction, observation and conversation, students learn about various professions and fields of interest. They are required to write a blog post each day, detailing and reflecting upon their experiences.

How to choose a project? Seniors are encouraged to network – to talk to their advisors, parents, teachers, alumni or any other sources for job shadowing opportunities. Additionally, Latin’s Alumni Relations office creates a robust list of potential alumni and parent connections and past Observe and Serve sponsors. Many students use this opportunity to experience and take a closer look at a career related to their intended college major; others opt to explore and experiment with an area or occupation unrelated to their academic interests. The Internships Each sponsor’s role is to introduce his or her profession, industry and organization, while allowing the Latin senior to observe a daily routine. Sponsors may choose to schedule meetings or informational interviews between the student and other professionals in his or her workplace. They may also assign the senior with a project during the internship. The Class of 2016 Students must submit an online project proposal listing a description, the goals, anticipated outcome and list of expected activities. Once approved, the project takes place the first three days of the week of Commencement and requires a minimum of 15 hours. The Class of 2016 participated in an array of projects ranging from a veterinarian’s clinic to customer service to investment banking. Keep reading for some great experiences.

Hunter Willis • Octapharma, Judy Smith, parent “We headed directly to a Donor Claims Review meeting with the company’s lawyer and physician who work on lawsuits against the company. The medical aspects of some of the cases that involved physical injuries claiming to be related to the donation of plasma were truly amazing and I was quite proud to understand the majority of what the doctor described. That meeting was probably the coolest part of the day because it combined the science I want to go into and the real underbelly of a business.”


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Fall 2016


Kendall Phillips • Charlotte Crisis Ministry, Susan Neal “Today gave me a much greater appreciation for the things that I have. Charlotte Crisis Ministry meets with over 200 families per day, and provides help through financial aid, budget counseling, and basic goods, like from the Free Store. I recognize how lucky I am to not have to worry about those things, and I witnessed so much love and so many caring attitudes today that I was not necessarily expecting. Hopefully, tomorrow will be just as powerful.”

Raymon Wang • US Bank, Josh Leary ’00 “I’ve learned so much through just the past seven hours, and it’s really given me a ton of perspective on what goes on in the trading floor of a bank. When I first got there Mr. Leary went through some basics of customer trading such as the Credit Rating Scale in which he explained the amount of risk involved in different deals. In addition he went through some details on key industrial financial ratios as well as bond and issuer types to clarify what specific targets his department worked with. I observed a few of his trades with the California Resources Corp (CRC) bonds and the Comstock (CRK) bonds as well. Overall it was an incredibly fun day with a ton of stuff going on that I couldn’t really even wrap my head around all of it but it’s clear to say that I’m excited to go back tomorrow and explore more!”

Kara Chen • ScoopCharlotte, Susu Bear, parent “Mrs. Bear showed me how she edits the articles that her bloggers send in. I watched her organize the wording and format in accordance to what she believed would be the most eye-catching or convenient for her readers. I was even able to witness her working on an article that Neiman Marcus had asked her to write pertaining to beauty, skincare, haircare, and other products - specifically travel-sized products. I learned that timing is a major component that must be considered when compiling such articles. For example, many of the products had SPF, were convenient for traveling, and could all be incorporated into a summer routine. Mrs. Bear explained to me that this business is constantly changing because the demands for businesses or products are constantly changing. That is why the tagline of ScoopCharlotte is ‘What A Girl Needs To Know This Week.’”

Brad Beckert • Red Ventures, Carmen Schmitt Leyton ’03 “For my presentation, I was really in the presence of some important people. I began by comparing the companies’ desktop ads stating that I honestly thought Red Ventures’ were the best. When I moved on to the mobile ads, however, I thought the competitors’ were more solid and that Red Ventures needed to improve the intuitive navigation of a couple of their advertisements. After my presentation I was told that not only did I make good points, but also that the statistics supported my claim. Someone said that they should bring in high school students to analyze their webpages more often, so I think it’s safe to say that I’m some sort of prodigy.”

LatinWorks is a program sponsored by the Latin Alumni Association that connects students with alumni for internships, job shadowing and volunteer opportunities. Young alumni who need that first job or internship, and alumni who need interns or great candidates, can connect through LatinWorks. If you have questions, or if you would like to sponsor a senior in his or her project, please contact Sally Gray Smith ’82 at

Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN


Presenting: Concordia


Charlotte Latin School celebrates community. We celebrate people from near and far, whose inclusion in every aspect of this community affords us all a better understanding and celebration of our global connections. Acceptance fosters an appreciation and respect for our diverse world. It is only through the unique contributions of all parts of this community that we can truly be exceptional. In 2012-13, the Charlotte Latin Parents’ Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (PCDI) was formed. Under the direction of the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, this was the first-ever Latin parent group focused on diversity and inclusion. In only its second year, the committee began to explore creating an art piece to honor and celebrate our School’s global diversity. Latin parent and PCDI member, Vivi Bechtler-Smith, presented the idea of a flag display that would bring global awareness to CLS by recognizing its cultural differences. Marsha Song, parent and former Latin Arts Association (LAA) president, joined the committee and together they explored ideas on how best to incorporate Bechtler-Smith’s flag concept into an artistic piece which would also highlight Latin’s strengths in the visual arts. With data collected by Director of Global Studies, Derek Smith, former Director of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, Ayeola Elias, guided the project. The Latin Arts Association provided funding for the multi-year effort. Months of research and exploration included talks with parent volunteers, administrators, various professional artists, student artists, members of the Latin Arts Association and our visual arts faculty. During the 2015-16 school year, the committee invited Lower School art teacher, Joann McDaniel, to spearhead the implementation of this project. Her passion for art and global diversity, creativity and innovative ideas contributed greatly to its success. McDaniel took the directive and flew with it. She designed the overall mobile and enlisted 27 students, faculty and parents to create key components. Song and Bechtler-Smith guided McDaniel with the vision and statement of the piece, the idea of a mobile, along

with its eventual location. The vision was strong, but implementation and experimentation with various materials took time. McDaniel had to determine techniques and media that would meet all codes and jump installation hurdles. With the help of Jane Hunt, a guest artist and owner of Eight Legs Gallery in Waxhaw, McDaniel taught students the technique of glass slumping, which would become a key medium of the global mobile. Limited only by the colors of a country’s flag, students used the motif of a hawk, Charlotte Latin School’s mascot, to creatively represent countries with connections to the Latin community as well as the cultural demographics of greater Charlotte. Additional countries symbolizing geographic diversity, or places Latin aspires to build connections moving forward, are represented by flags. A sizable wire and beaded hawk’s nest, emblematic of Charlotte Latin School, is positioned at the center of the mobile along with a colorful glass globe. These elements make up the focal point of the piece. The hawks appear to fly to and from the nest, weaving through the flags in fluid motion, symbolizing the harmony of the Charlotte Latin community. McDaniel describes, “The nest embraces the earth, much like Charlotte Latin embraces all peoples of the world. When we take one into our CLS family, we provide a safe place to grow until she is ready to spread her wings and fly. As represented by the colorful glass hawks, once one begins to fly, she shines in the sun and reflects back the core values of our School such as honesty, leadership, integrity. And of course, everyone is always welcome to return to the nest, as it is woven with strong wire in harmony with the global community.” Now known as “Concordia,” the Latin term for “harmony,” or “with one heart,” this multi-faceted mobile greeted almost 600 Lower School students as they entered the 2016-17 school year. Concordia hangs in the entrance of the Claudette B. Hall Lower School in the atrium, an area which also serves as the Admissions Office entrance.

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NEW in 2016 20

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Fall 2016

“Change is the end result of all true learning.” Leo Buscaglia The school atmosphere is in a constant state of flux. At no time during the school year is this more obvious than after summer break and the start of a new school year. Students arrive to a new grade, teacher, classroom, they come back having grown four inches, or with a new haircut, braces off, braces on, to classrooms with new desks, new iPads, new pencils, new classmates – so much is NEW. At Charlotte Latin, we embrace change, and we know when not to be satisfied with the status quo. The following pages represent a snapshot of classroom innovations at Latin this fall: •

Math in Focus curriculum in the Lower School

Digital Portfolios in the Middle School

Additional Courses and Schedules in the Upper School

We invite you to read more about these cutting edge programs.

NEW IN 2016

Lower School

Math in Focus A new mathematics curriculum is in full force this fall in Lower School classrooms, but it has been years in the making. In 2014, a team of Lower School teachers, led by Beth Eastridge (Grade 5) and Neil McConaughy (Grade 4), began extensive research for the best math instructional model for Latin Lower School students that would prepare them for the next grade level and also align well with Middle School math curriculum.

Math in Focus moves beyond skills, drills and memorization. Its three-step approach balances conceptual understanding, visual learning and problem solving: • The first of the three steps is concrete – students learn while handling objects such as chips, dice or paper clips. • Students then transition to the pictorial step by drawing diagrams called “bar-models” to represent specific quantities of an object. This involves drawing a rectangular bar to represent a specific quantity.

For years, the Lower School taught Real Math, a curriculum that served the Lower School well with its emphasis on problemsolving. However, two years ago publishers opted to consolidate Real Math with another program, and it changed in such a way that did not meet the needs of our students. This prompted the search for a new curriculum. “Our Lower School math faculty team spent two full academic years studying a variety of programs, going to conferences, visiting schools and involving consultants. Math in Focus is the best fit for our students and our culture,” says Eastridge.

We see this as a transition from students as math doers to math thinkers

Math in Focus is a program based on the principles of Singapore Math, developed in the 1980s, which emphasizes the application of math skills to real-world situations to help children become formidable problem solvers in real life. The curriculum is research-based and focuses on classroom learning, discussion and practice – proven, effective approaches to mathematics teaching. Students learn to understand the “how” and the “why” so they can tackle both routine and non-routine problems. “The results are undeniable. Though this is a shift in our approach, it is one that will ensure that our students become fundamentally strong math students and problem solvers. We see this as a transition from students as math doers to math thinkers,” says Eastridge.

Several parent education sessions are planned for the school year, including a Lower School Math Night which was held in October, featuring Sarah Schaefer, a consultant from the team’s search process, to educate parents on the Math in Focus approach and to help them understand the philosophy and the research that supports the success of the program. Parent education continues later in the year with a visit from Greg Tang, Harvard-educated math guru, author and game designer whose teaching method has children solving math problems with common sense and creativity, rather than memorization. In addition to speaking with parents, he will spend time with students in an interactive assembly in January.

• Once students have learned to solve mathematical problems using bar modeling, they begin to solve mathematical problems with exclusively abstract tools: numbers and symbols.

If you have questions about this exciting curriculum, please reach out to Mrs. Eastridge or Mr. McConaughy. Watch MyLatin for information on Parent Education opportunities.


Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016

NEW IN 2016


Digital Portfolios Charlotte Latin’s Middle School is embarking on an innovative initiative, allowing students to record their work across multiple content areas using digital portfolios. These dynamic spaces enable students to both curate and share their work. Along with purposeful reflection over time, the portfolio becomes a technological cornerstone for fostering growth, confidence and self-awareness. In the 2015-16 school year, the digital portfolio program was piloted with the seventh grade, under the direction of history instructor Lauren Putman and engineering instructor David Taylor. Only a few years prior, this same age group was identified to pilot the School’s 1:1 iPad program, the success of which makes the digital portfolio possible. This grade serves as the perfect test set: they are more seasoned as middle schoolers than their sixth grade neighbors, but they have another year in Middle School and therefore additional time to bolster the program. By design, the experiences of the 2015-16 school year signaled necessary adjustments which are being implemented this fall. Instead of a broad reach across all classes, eighth grade students will include works in their portfolios from three subject areas (world languages, English and another subject of the student’s choosing). In this year’s seventh grade, however, the portfolio remains open to a broader range of classes guided by a team of instructors which has a year of experience under their belt. “It is important that students understand the purpose of having a digital portfolio,” explains Putman. “The portfolio should not be mistaken as a trophy case, nor should it be viewed as an add-on at the end of a project or assessment. We want the students to reflect on their work through purposeful and guided reflection.” Whether writing essay drafts, comparing

audio recordings in the world languages lab, or working with a design team on an engineering project, the digital portfolios allow “metacognition” – thinking about thinking – and a point of comparison. In other words, the goal is to develop students who find meaning in their learning. Portfolios benefit all parties involved in many ways: • As students upload an artifact, they make broader connections, and are increasingly aware of what they are learning. They are encouraged to reflect on the project at hand with questions like: What surprised you? What were the challenges? What brought you satisfaction? • Teachers benefit from the ability to access students’ work online for both formative and summative assessments. • Parents are afforded a lens through which to view their children’s academic day, and a means to become more engaged with their students’ learning process. “21st Century learning involves a skillset that needs to be celebrated and shared,” said Putman. What’s next? Sixth grade humanities classes will use digital portfolios to chart the progress of their International Festival projects. Current eighth grade students who flagshipped the program last year will continue to upload their works and are encouraged to add to them throughout their Upper School years, where individual classes such as engineering implement a digital portfolio as routine practice.

The digital portfolios allow “metacognition” – thinking about thinking

Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN


NEW IN 2016

UPPer School

Course Updates So that our students may identify the strongest possible class schedule in which they can thrive and be prepared for college, Latin’s Upper School administration and faculty regularly amend and enhance the vast list of course offerings in the Course Catalogue. The division is committed to presenting courses which will expand students’ academic reach, enrich their experience and increase participation at both the Honors and Advanced Placement levels across our curriculum. In the last two school years, many of the added AP and Honors courses have no prerequisites, opening the field to a broader range of student abilities and profiles.

Several more course offerings have been made available to Upper School students: • AP Economics (Micro and Macro) • AP Comparative Government • AP Computer Science (entry-level) • Honors offerings in Grade 12 grade English • Honors-level seminars in the History Department • Honors course in the Department of Classical and Modern Languages (all languages, third year level) • AP Spanish Literature and Culture

In addition to expanded course offerings, Upper School departments instituted a revised appeals process in 2015-16 that allows students to work with a committee to meet their desired class balance/mix. Student motivation is a strong indicator of classroom success. The appeals process lends itself to both student self-advocacy and discussion and, in the end, has proved highly successful not only in the registration process, but also in the classroom.

Upper School students have more than 25% additional class options (from 97 to 120 courses) today than five years ago. In terms of Advanced Placement opportunities, in May 2017, students will be able to take 23 AP exams. Of these 14 are in the humanities and nine are in STEAM fields. Since 2013 this is a 40% increase in our AP offerings.

In the last two years the Upper School has offered more than 20 new or substantially-revised humanities courses, including:

Student motivation is a strong indicator of classroom success.

• Honors American Studies • AP Psychology • The preparation support for the AP Language and Composition exam The math and science departments have enhanced opportunities beyond the realm of mathematics and the mathematicsdependent science courses by adding: • AP Environmental Science • New Computer Science and Engineering offerings • Entrepreneurship Course


Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016

Also new this year is our decision to take away the Upper School first semester exams. By doing this, we have added six additional days of classroom instruction and reduced students’ summer workloads significantly. Commenting on these changes, Head of Upper School Lawrence Wall notes, “The landscape for high school students is ever-changing. Latin’s administration and faculty are committed to providing an array of options that ensure each student’s success here and beyond.”


Take four teachers, six + months, 30-40 hours a week on top of a regular work/life load, 3D printers, CNC Milling, circuit production, laser cutters, engravers, precision milling, a vinyl plotter, an international virtual classroom, and a school which believes in investing in the future of our faculty and our students and what do you have…?

Fabric ation

to the Next Level

Large Format Creature Sculpture Visual Arts Chair Richard Fletcher’s final project is a large format colorful sculpture milled using the ShopBot, incorporating parts from almost every machine in the School’s Fab Lab. It features a working stepper motor that moves an Anglerfish type “lure” and LED displays on the lure and on the fins down the back, both controlled by a Fabduino (Fabable Arduino Compatible Board) with a sensor (when the room is dark, the lights light up!).


Charlotte Latin School’s state-of-the-art Fab Lab Beginning in January 2016, approximately 300 faculty participants – mostly from universities or research institutes from across the globe – began an intense six-month program to become Fab Academy trained. (Read more about the Fab Academy, the Fab Foundation and its genesis from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms at Of that number, only approximately 150 would complete the program; four of those instructors are our own science, art and engineering teachers – Ian Brauner (biology), Richard Fletcher (visual arts), Tom Dubick and David Taylor (both engineering). Strength in numbers Our team took on this challenge collectively, and they were aware along the way that there is strength in numbers. Each teacher brought certain strengths to the high-functioning team, and in the end they would forge a bond that they never saw coming. “We all agreed that if any of us had done this on our own, there was no way we would have finished,” said Brauner. “I constantly reference this experience in my classroom because it was formative and has made me a true believer in making teamwork a meaningful part of the curriculum in my class.”

You can learn so much by getting it wrong Cross Collaboration It was not unusual to find this team on campus after hours – VERY after hours. “We were here until 11:30 one night building a circuit board, only to see it literally melt before our eyes because of a short. We never could have continued without the team approach. Each of us brought complementary skills and the ability to pool our resources,” says Brauner. Dubick, with his engineering prowess, kept the team prepped and made sure they had the materials needed. Taylor was the “jack of all trades” and also commanded the call for detailed documentation, while Fletcher lent his mastery of Inkscape, and Brauner offered supreme soldering skills. Determination and grit Engineering teacher Tom Dubick talks often of the determination and grit this cohort of teachers had to have to make this endeavor work. “Failure was not an option,” Dubick admits. “We realized we had to simplify, and not try to do everything at once. You can learn so much by getting it wrong,” said Dubick.” With this tenacity, the teachers also all admit they gained empathy for their students who follow rigorous schedules and sustain heavy workloads. Fletcher shares, “This


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Fall 2016

class was extremely intensive, but I still had to carry on being a full-time teacher, coach, father and husband. It had been a long time since I was in that arena, and it was rigorous.”

This in many ways is how education will look in the near future – global in scale but local in implementation The workload Each week – for 24 weeks – the team had a project that required critical documentation, something these teachers now require of their students, and a final individual project and presentation with strict parameters and rubrics. The collaboration was not only among these four teachers, but their teacher/guru and other ‘students’ around the globe became a forum for fixing the inevitable problems that came with each project. Supportive administration Latin’s Fab Lab would not be possible without the support of the administration and Parents’ Council. The funding required just to train these four teachers speaks volumes for how strongly the administration believes in what it brings to the future of Charlotte Latin and its students. “It is remarkable what can and does happen when teachers are supported by a work environment that allows for time to collaborate,” says Head of Upper School Lawrence Wall. Latin students will be more prepared for the college classroom setting than their peers and what they will face in college will strongly resemble this experience. In that alone, the Fab Lab has provided our students an unparalleled edge. Division heads believed so much in this mission that they made sure classrooms could be covered when and if necessary and also made sure the team had access to industrial grade equipment (and the know-how to use it). What is next? This class in many ways is how education will look in the near future. It is global in scale but local in implementation. The knowledge and creativity is an open source methodology; students are free to use the creations of others and build upon their efforts as long as they cite the source. “It is important for Latin to be a part of this movement and to be in a leadership position in education,” said Fletcher. “Our students are crossing the classroom and curriculum boundaries exploring subjects in different formats.”


According to Brauner, “My class is more cutting edge because of our experience in the Fab Lab. If I had taught Bio-Engineering before, it would have been much more of a ‘lesson in a box.’ Because of the knowledge gained from our Fab Lab training and work – especially with CAD programs, we can now develop student-driven projects that allow students to truly think like scientists and engineers – experiences they otherwise would not have until college.”

we can now develop student-driven projects that allow students to truly think like scientists and engineers Any school with a 3D printer and soldering iron can call itself a MakerSpace. The training our faculty received is the final step in becoming an official Fab Lab, and holding these Fab Lab credentials opens up opportunities that were otherwise not available. When our students talk to colleges, they can say they were trained in a Fab Lab and it will lend much more meaning because people in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) recognize it as the gold standard in digital fabrication and process engineering. By its very nature, the digital fabrication movement is constantly evolving. If there is perhaps one overarching theme here, it is the goal to take technology that was out of reach to most individuals and make it broadly accessible. By being part of the international fab community, we are well-positioned to tap into the most cutting-edge developments in STEAM.

Read more about all four projects: International Space Station Tracking Bookcase Tom Dubick created this rocket bookcase to display live information in real-time about the International Space Station. Dubick created custom software and built an Arduino (an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software, intended for anyone making interactive projects) networked to a Raspberry Pi (a tiny and affordable computer that you can use to learn programming) running ISS-Above software. The bookcase itself was cut using a ShopBot. Note the LED Acrylic indicator, a “book” created to hide the electronics, and 3D printed bookstops.


Service Recognition June 7, 2016

45 Year Honoree: Ken Collins

30 Year Honorees: Wendy Perkins, Mary Cerbie, Gary Proctor, Linda Cropper

20 Year Honorees Will Thomason, Greg Everett, Louise Lucas; Not Pictured: Tim Scott

10 Year Honorees Freya Hamilton, Jim Bean, Lib McAlister, Michael Gutmann, Lynn Hellmuth, Mark Tayloe, Elizabeth Zuehlke, Chuck Edwards Not pictured: Paul DuPont, Craig Estep, Chrissy McConaughy, Sally Smith 28

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Fall 2016

25 Year Honorees: Richard Fletcher, Bob Patten, Fletcher Gregory

15 Year Honorees Arch McIntosh, Lisa Moreland, Brian Rigo, Chris McRae, Lou Ann Lambert, Cheri Pratt

5 Year Honorees Ellen Kazura, Kim Cousar, Craig Summerville, Lisa Cunnigan, Jill Flynn, Jennifer Keith, Mike Schriffen, Matilde Rodriguez, Matt Morrow, Starr Wilson, Avery Teichman, Jillian Caskey, Vernette Rucker, Mary Jane Masonis, Katie Rozycki; Not Pictured: Thea Moore


Thank You to Our 2016 Retirees!

Ngaio Carlisle 32 Years at Latin P.E. Teacher and Coach

Evaline Marshall 17 Years at Latin Learning Resources

Chip Martin 31 Years at Latin Upper School Art

Jackie Parks 26 Years at Latin Lower School

Jackie Misenheimer 32 Years at Latin Middle School Math and Assistant Head Fall 2016


Charlotte LATIN



Charlotte LATIN


Fall 2016


Robust Admissions! By Mary Yorke Oates, Director of Admissions Our Admissions staff extends a warm welcome to the 164 new students to our Charlotte Latin community. We were excited by the robust number of 2015-2016 applications as we continue to inch closer to the 600 mark confirming our School is held in high regard by those seeking a top-drawer academic institution where we devotedly work to strike a healthy balance of nurture and college prep. With more than 600 visitors to campus this year, our counselors were humbled and encouraged by the daily interest in all things Latin. We heard, again and again, that Latin is warm, inviting, and occupies an impressive presence in the marketplace. Our middle and high school applicants want relationships with faculty, enrichment opportunities and an open, tolerant community. Our kindergarten parents are interested in phonics, citizenship, faculty, and a deep desire for their children to grow up and be just like our current Latin students. It is no surprise that our Admissions philosophy of hosting our Open House visitors and one-on-one tours during the school day has paid dividends. We love to pull back the curtain and share the good works in real time. Our visitors are stunned by the relational, respectful community we share, and it is so much fun to show it off. Across the board, we are known for Honor Above All, and it is evident to see that in an era of lightning-speed technology and immediate access to the world, our time-honored traditions have more relevance than ever. We are excited to welcome applications for the 2017-2018 school year and thank all of you for being such wonderful ambassadors of the School!

“ an era of lightning-speed technology and immediate access to the world, our time-honored traditions have more relevance than ever.�

Fall 2016


Charlotte LATIN


The Importance of Showing Up by Mary Yorke Robison Oates ’83

One of the truly great by-products of being a member of the Charlotte Latin community has to be all the enriching programs and events where we stop and reflect, raise questions or simply celebrate the great moments. In a world that whizzes by, a school’s calendar can often feel like one of the culprits of too much to do and too little time to do it. Working hard is often scheduled as job number one, and at Latin, we work hard well. Our parents also work hard, behind the scenes, to help us stop and cherish all that we are and all that we have become with love and support. When I looked at my calendar’s first week of school, I admit I felt a little overwhelmed: Michael Thompson and Rob Evans, probably two of the most influential school psychologists in America today, were slated to be on campus mentoring our faculty, staff and Board of Trustees. Catherine Steiner-Adair, author of the acclaimed book The Big Disconnect, would be on campus to work with the faculty and staff and speak to the parents about the real-life pros and cons of screen time in the classroom and at home. Our Upper School gradelevel parent meeting agenda was filled with reports from the College Counseling office, the Upper School Counselors, the Headmaster, the Head of Upper School, the new Marketing Director and our new Associate Headmaster for Academic Affairs. I knew as a parent and an administrator that schools across the nation have important work to do in a time where


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Fall 2016

anxiety is mounting at younger ages, college placement feels daunting, and technology seems to be hijacking everyone’s good sense. I am always so grateful that I am not alone in my fears, and that all good research assures me that providing balance, rails, limits, non-GMO food products, concussion baseline protocols, test prep, ample sleep, and screen monitoring will mean that my child will graduate from high school and go to college. And, yes, I jest! Why wouldn’t we be scared to death? But we should not be scared. When I then think back to the resources and the efforts that so many fine people make to ensure Latin continues to operate from a healthy position of strength, it is staggering. While our modern fears seem significant, all parents have the same goals. We want our children to thrive. The parent education that Latin offers is second to none, and I know I am a better parent because of it. I remember having a cathartic moment the first time I heard Rob Evans and he said, “Do not prepare

the path for the child, rather prepare the child for the path.” Backpack, check! Hiking shoes, check! Bug spray, check! The opening week of school programs continues to reinforce so many of the School’s tradition of messages, and I am grateful (and have stowed my phone in the back of my car for cell phone-free drives into work) and encouraged and will continue to read and study what the school has put in my tool box. And then, I experienced yet another cathartic moment:


On Thursday, September 8, I was invited to attend Latin’s second Athletic Hall of Fame banquet. The event had special significance to me because my fondest memories of my days as a student were on the road field, in Belk Gym and around the track. I played sports and then did my homework, much to my mother’s dismay. I have coached since 1986, and I can’t ever get enough of the way it feels to gut through a tough game or overcome an unexpected obstacle. Sports, like so many have said, will always be one of the greatest metaphors for life. And, this year, my nephew, a far superior athlete than I ever was or ever will be or my children are or ever will be, was to be inducted into Latin’s second Athletic Hall of Fame class. I couldn’t wait to attend. This event was so up-my-alley because I am that person that still tears up throughout Brian’s Song, and every time I run up a flight of stairs, I hear the Rocky theme music in my head. I was pumped up! But, once there, something else happened. As each inductee spoke – and these folks were the real deal – “legit athletes,” as they say on ESPN, I was so overwhelmed by the cloud of witnesses, as is often mentioned at a funeral. It wasn’t macabre in any way, shape or form, but it was reverent, and so was I. These athletes spoke from the heart about the things that really mattered along the way: The people. The support. The community. Athletes that have competed on the world stage in front of 20,000 people said, “This is the

world are children known, from the time they are five, until the time they are 18, for being themselves? Where are children celebrated for their five-ness, their eleven-ness, their teenageness? For each of these athletes, it was a long, long journey. They all had many things in common. Yes, each one was a specimen and had truly innate God-given talent, but they

also embodied Latin’s Commitment to Excellence and understood the value of hard, hard work with no gimmicks, no end-arounds, and no shortcuts. Nobody propped them up along the way or helped them blaze their trail, and they each had a focus unlike most. They each had prepared for the path. But the essence of what set them apart and what made them champions and Hall of Famers was their humility and their heart.

whether I know you personally or not, each of you in this room did this for me because you love Latin.”

And then, my family and I travelled to Duke University to see one of our close family friends, Daniel Jones, take the field as the starting quarterback. To see Daniel on the Jumbotron, giving signals, making completions and at times getting sacked just to hop up quicker than he fell down, was surreal. And it made the whole CLS week even more surreal. After the game, we ate dinner together like we have in the past: an adult table and a kid’s table. This time, I got to sit at the adult table, and we talked about the journey. The late nights, the funny playground log stories, Doc C’s Honors Algebra II Trig class, and how tiring it all was and still is. Daniel’s dad said, “It just happened. There wasn’t a trick.” And my husband, the psychologist, said, “He just showed up. From the time he was 5.” With dedication, with humility and with heart.

Not a one of them mentioned a recruiting camp, a nutritionist, or a strength and conditioning coach. Their success wasn’t due to a transaction. It was something so simple and yet so often neglected today. It was time, love and support. Where in the

How lucky we are that Latin works so hard to make sure we show up. Children, Faculty, Staff, and Parents showing up, each and every day, to think, to stretch, to celebrate and at times to stumble, hopefully hopping up quicker than we fell, too.

most special moment of my career because Latin made me who I am today. You all made me who I am today. And

Design by Molly Green ’17

Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN


An Expression of Impact and Gratitude Charlotte Latin has benefited from five years of generosity and growth in the Latin Fund, which supports critical needs across all areas of school life. We are proud to share highlights from the last five years, and report the impact of the 2015-2016 Latin Fund.

Gifts and Pledges to the Latin Fund Year 5: $1,300,000

Cumulative dollars raised

$5,259,000 Over the past five years

Year 4: $1,200,000 Year 3: $1,100,000 Year 2: $908,000

Latin Fund donors since 2011

Year 1: $751,000



of the Latin Fund



three-year consecutive donors


four-year consecutive donors

FIRST–TIME DONORS 1,047 individuals were inspired to make their first gift to the School with the inception of the Latin Fund


Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016



Highest Participtation in 2015–16 AND over the past five years


five-year consecutive donors 78 of these gave at the leadership level of $1,970 or more


2015–2016 LATIN FUND


million dollars



leadership gifts from first-time Latin Fund donors

leadership donors

Your Generosity… Promotes Creativity. 1:1 iPads are now fully available in grades 3-12, empowering our students to become responsible digital citizens, while expressing their learning in a multitude of new ways. From animated shorts to multimedia presentations and interactive diagrams, the opportunities for students to creatively showcase their work are limitless. Champions Faculty Development. Latin faculty and staff members continue to benefit from the more than $300,000 set aside to support their growth and development, enriching the educational experience for each Latin student. Last year, more than 85 faculty and staff members participated in one or more professional development opportunities, ranging from certification and advanced degree programs, to curricular conferences and global studies. Protects Our Campus. The unique natural beauty of our 128 acres are protected through increased safety and security initiatives. Latin has expanded its access control program and installed a visitor management system in the Lower and Middle Schools, as well as in the Beck Student Activities Center. Encourages Collaboration. New transitional learning spaces are cropping up across divisions, including the recent renovation of the Middle School Computer Lab. The ‘Learning Lab’ is equipped with moveable furniture, whiteboard walls and flexible space, designed to promote increased collaboration and reflection.

To read the full 2015-2016 Impact Report, please visit

From the Director Dear Charlotte Latin Community, As a direct result of your generosity and continued investment, the Latin Fund has generated more than $5.25 million in gifts and pledges since its inception in 2011. It has supported safety initiatives, technology upgrades, faculty professional development, campus maintenance, transportation services, mentoring platforms and student instructional resources over this five year period. As the Director of the Latin Fund, I am honored to be part of this community’s strong tradition of giving and am grateful that your support enriches the lives of our students and faculty. This year, we launch the Latin Fund with a strong emphasis on being one cohesive community, centered on a simple goal:

Going ALL IN for Latin.

I hope that each of you will join us in meeting this important participation goal: that our entire community goes all in for Latin. More important than amount, full participation signals support, cohesion and community. This has been the hallmark of Charlotte Latin School since its founding in 1970, and one we remain committed to upholding for today’s students and generations of Hawks to come. With many thanks for your generosity and excitement for the year ahead,

Katherine (Katie) Brown, Director of the Latin Fund | 704.841.7464 Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN



Thank you, Alumni! It is with sincere gratitude that we thank the 607 Alumni Donors who made gifts to the 2015-16 Latin Fund. Your participation showcases the strength of our alumni community and your generosity supports Latin students and faculty in countless ways. Class of 1974


Mr. Lang MacBain Mrs. Beth Schofield Miller Mr. John Armistead Mitchener Mr. Robert Pender Murphy Dr. Paul Rutter III Mrs. Anne Marshall Sykes Mrs. Mariah Pitt Waltemyer Ms. Allison Copeland Williams

Dr. Harold Dowe Albright III Mrs. Betty Shull Butler Mrs. Betty Fleming Onsrud Mrs. Adeline Couch Talbot Mrs. Sherrie Hendrix West Class of 1975


Class of 1982

Mr. Gary James Anderson Mr. Douglas H. Ausbon, Jr. Mr. Michael Edward Blair Mrs. Jean Trice Deason Mrs. Barbara Baynard Finn Mrs. Leigh Patton Gillam Mr. Alexander Lourie Mr. Jon Frederick Michael Mr. Brevard Springs Myers, Jr. Mr. Jon A. Terrell Class of 1976

Class of 1978



Highest overall participation in 2015–2016 AND in the Latin Fund’s five-year history! Ms. Elen Try Bennett Mrs. Linda Dulin Cagley Mr. Thomas Yardley Cobb Mrs. Gari Sellers Cowan Mr. Paul Alexander Fellers Mr. David Bryan Ferebee Mrs. Carol Lomax Fortenberry Mr. William Mark Fuller Mrs. Ruth Knight Gammon Mr. Jeffrey Michael Goodman Mrs. Katherine Price Goodman Mr. Kenneth Bruce Gwynn Mr. Newton Park Hoey, Jr. Mr. Claude Lee Ives III Mrs. Chris Skinner Kirkland Dr. Harold Frank Latta III Mr. Howard Russell Levine 36

Charlotte LATIN


Mr. William Kelvin Anderson Mr. Carl Grotnes Belk Dr. F. Brian Gibson Ms. Robin Waters Griffith Mrs. Kathy Ibach Horvath Mrs. Mindy White Jones Mr. Robert Theodore Lucas III Ms. B. Elizabeth Poole Mr. Frank Ramsay Thies III

Mrs. Kaki Johnson Behr Mr. Charles Graham Biddix Mrs. Alice Workman Canterbury Mr. Cameron Faison, Jr. Ms. Elaine Summerville Jenkins Mr. John Worth McAlister Mrs. Beth Goode Reigel Mr. Jody B. Vitale Ms. Miriam Andrews Wilson Mr. Kemp Lewis Woollen Class of 1977

Mrs. Bonnie Beaty Griffin Mr. Forrest Leonard Ranson Mrs. Annie Gray Roberts Mr. John Shepard Robinson, Jr. Dr. Susan Culp Sanders Mr. Frederick Boyce Thies Mr. Charles Arthur Willis, Jr.

Class of 1979


Mr. William G. Baynard, Jr. Mr. William F. Bryant III Mr. Richard Wade Diffee Mrs. Carter Fox Eagle Mrs. Virginia Smith Ellison Dr. Langdon All Hartsock Mrs. Mary Janet Thies Hawkins Mr. Jeffrey Mark Kane Dr. Dennis Demosthenes Kokenes Mrs. Suzy Dunaway Riley Mr. Robert W. Suddreth Mr. Craig Lewis Summerville Mrs. Susan Johnson Tome Dr. Deryl Hart Warner Mr. Andrew Geoffrey Zoutewelle Class of 1980


Mrs. Anna Collawn Bowden Mrs. Suzy Davis Brown Mr. Edward Jordan Fox III Mr. Mark Dickerson McAlister Mr. Angus Murdoch McBryde III Ms. Elizabeth Medearis Myers Mrs. Sarah Finklea Pennacchia Mrs. Ashley Evans Stewart Mrs. Nancy Lea Williams Class of 1981


Mrs. Ann Thompson Brock Mr. John Howard Cobb Dr. John Foreman Cox III Fall 2016


Mr. William Augustus Bowen, Jr. Ms. Mariah Barnes Currin Mrs. Susan Michaux Dalton Mrs. Kathy Evans Dockery Mr. Richard Lee Harkey Mrs. Kelly Beck Haseley Mrs. Suzy Minor Johnson Dr. John Peter Rostan McBryde Mrs. Laura Briley Ridge Mrs. Suzanne Little Robards Mrs. Sally Gray Smith Mr. David Reitzel Snider Mr. Herman Aubrey Stone, Jr. Mrs. Read Carson Van de Water Mrs. Donna Roberson Willis Dr. Claude Raymond Workman Mrs. Melissa Beard Workman Class of 1983


Mr. John James Anderson Mrs. Ann Roddey Bernhardt Mrs. Deanie Albright Hanley Mrs. Lynda Sydnor Hunley Mrs. Connie Godwin McNichols Mr. Martin Drury Medearis Mr. Michael McCauley Meyer Mrs. Mary Yorke Robison Oates Mr. John Freeman Patten Mrs. Sarah Francis Samples Mrs. Lucy Blackwelder Stephens Class of 1984


Mr. Robert Todd Boyd Ms. Melissa Stewart Bridges Mr. Ernest H. Broome III Mr. Jesse Christopher Craven Mrs. Christy Carson Evans Mrs. Myra Cash Fisher Mr. Christopher A. Greenhoot Mrs. Elizabeth McNeill Grigg Mr. Britt Creighton McMaster Ms. Alice Forrester Michaux Mrs. Jennifer Keown Mirgorod

Mrs. Susan Cunningham Owen Mrs. Janet Miller Rogers Mr. William Daniel Simerville, Jr. Mr. Julius Lawton Thies Class of 1985


Mr. Jorn Friedrich Bleimann Mrs. Fiz Anderson Craig Mrs. Blair Carriker Donald Mr. Richard Maddox Fletcher Mr. Charles Paisley Gordon, Jr. Mrs. Libby Tate Gordon Mrs. Kenna Cloninger Jordan Mr. John Hargrave Lowe Mr. Robert Keith Stanley Mr. Charles Clifford Sweet Class of 1986


Mr. Thomas Franklin Beaty Mrs. Catriona Greig Carlisle Mrs. Winn Rollins Elliott Mrs. Dea Follmer Greenhoot Mr. Thomas A. Hunter IV Dr. Thomas Saunders Layton Mrs. Jane McColl Lockwood Mr. James Beatty Meanor II Mrs. Nicole Ewing Meanor Mr. John Bruce Morrill, Jr. Mrs. Leigh Luter Schell Mr. Gibson Locke Smith III Class of 1987


Mr. Andrew Mackey Clark Mrs. Laura Austin Clark Mr. Edward Elliott Crutchfield, Jr. Mrs. Janet Brown Fisher Mr. David Kemp Hall Mrs. Kristen Busby Roberts Mr. Robert Mitchell Wickham Class of 1988


Mr. William Brian Anderson Mr. Michael Cigler Mr. Charles Carlisle Dixon III Dr. Edward Carl Fisher, Jr. Mr. Staley Scott Fitzgerald Mrs. Debbie McMahan Frail Mrs. Bobbie Ewing Sharrett Mr. Randall Scott Snyder Ms. Tshneka Taiyana Tate

LATIN FUND Class of 1989


Mr. Christopher McCall Berger Mrs. Heidi Layton Berger Mrs. Grey Timberlake Brownlow Ms. Deb Locke Denny Mr. John Clark Fennebresque, Jr. Mr. Brian Clark Gribble Mrs. Kim Couch Hanson Mr. Gregory Ivan Hinrichs Mr. Steven Carr Hinshaw Dr. Robert Howard Kiser Mr. Eric Clark Nichols Mrs. Beth Anderson Pence Mr. Thad Marcus Sharrett Mr. Michael Diehl Smith Mr. David Dudley Yett

Mr. William Edwin McMahan, Jr. Mr. Cullen Vincent McNulty Mrs. Woody Chapman Oakey Mrs. Katherine Ivanoff Smith Class of 1994

Mrs. Amber Ankers Almond Mr. Joshua McNair Beaver Mr. Byron Bernard Burns III Mrs. Laura Roberts Callari Mr. Charles Hillman Edwards III Dr. Matthew Joseph McGirt Mrs. Anna Simpson McMahan Dr. Santosh Ravi Rao Mr. Andrew Pickens Rutherford Class of 1995

Class of 1990


Mr. Robert McDaniel Brownlow Mr. Charles Miller Carson, Jr. Ms. Adrienne Suzanne Dellinger Mrs. Julie Patton Evans Mr. Charles Elliott Gaddy, Jr. Dr. Kristin Beise Kiblinger Mr. William Paine Logan Mr. Jeffrey Terrence Massey Mr. Gary Tyler Niess Mrs. Denny Smith O’Leary Mrs. Denise Nasekos Pettus Mrs. Anna Litaker Reimers Mrs. Jenny Dinsmore Ryan Mr. Theodore Daniel Sheyda, Jr. Mr. Charles Rich Thies Mrs. Meredith McLeod Van Ryder Mr. Charles Malcolm Viser Mrs. Cameron Hall Wagner Mrs. Britt Boshamer Yett Class of 1991


Mr. Andrew Alan Boyd Mrs. Amy Sproull Brittain Mr. Justin Alexander Brittain Ms. Katherine Lynn Lambert Mrs. Elizabeth Thrift Newton Mrs. Kathryn Barnhardt Van Nort Class of 1992


Mrs. Amy Fennebresque Burleson Mr. Robert Welles Durden Mr. Boyden Talley Holland Mr. James Houston Roberts Mrs. Gray White Setaro Mr. Edward Derek Thompson Class of 1993


Mrs. Katie Browne Beam Mrs. Shirley Anderson Cook Mr. Carlisle William Evans IV Mrs. Elizabeth DuBose House Mrs. Sunny Harris Hutchinson Mr. John Raymond Linker Mr. William Douglas Lowry



Mr. David Marshall Brenizer Mr. Vance Hulme Carlisle Mr. Jefferson Matthew Case Dr. Lowell Rayburn Combs Mrs. Dana Everett Edwards Mrs. Erin Collins Fleischauer Mrs. Catherine Justice Luckadoo Mr. Neill Gregory McBryde, Jr. Mr. Andrew Lamberson Nesbitt Mrs. Heather Massengale Shaw Mrs. Jenny Austen Urbain Mr. Frederick Bryan Webb

Mr. Brooks Rodgers Lucas Mr. George Mason Rankin Dr. Krista Gasbarro Rankin Mr. Charles Richard Rayburn III Mrs. Kelley Gately Ripp Mrs. Eleanor Nichols Starner Mr. Stephen Matthew Starner Dr. Matthew Alexander Stiegel Mrs. Susan Brown Wolfe Class of 1999


Ms. Jennifer F. Bickett Mrs. Cary Dunlap Brege Ms. Mary Owen McDowell Calloway Mr. Jordan Miller Case Dr. Todd Masters Chapman Ms. Rebecca Elizabeth Davenport Ms. Lauren LeeAnne Gardner Mr. Andrew Warren Milne Mr. Bradford Colby Porterfield Ms. Katharine Vaughn Scanlon Mrs. Siri Smith Thomas Mr. William Grimes Thomas, Jr. Ms. Regan Michelle White Class of 2000


Mrs. Holly Ivanoff Graham Mrs. Missy Erwin Highsmith Mr. Bradley Currell Jones Mr. John Thomas Langston IV Mr. Mark Christopher Madara Mrs. Janis Watts Mishoe Mr. Sean P. Smith Mrs. Peggy Kane Thies Mrs. Eileen Conway Turner

Mrs. Tara Huber Adams Ms. Lindsey Eileen Austen Ms. Michelle Jennifer Breyer Dr. Kate Nautiyal Bulthuis Ms. Mary Rushton Dickson Mrs. Jan Scott Swetenburg Farmer Mr. James Carlton Fleming, Jr. Mrs. Katherine Porter Hunter Ms. Reagan Elizabeth Kenwell Mrs. Stephanie Wisinski Ladley Mr. Joseph C. Leary IV Mrs. Kate Vandiver Leary Dr. Gladden John Pappin Mr. Zachary Taylor Whittington

Class of 1997

Class of 2001

Class of 1996



Mrs. Meredith Nasekos Adams Mrs. Sallie Dickson Caddell Mr. Eli Daniel Collins Mrs. Frances Fennebresque Hankins Mrs. Laura Zuger Phillips Mrs. Brooke Shantz-White Spangler Mr. George Robert Turner IV Mr. Benjamin Holt Vandiver Mr. Ronald Holt Wrenn, Jr. Class of 1998


Mrs. Hunter Willard Arton Ms. Elizabeth Barbara Breyer Mr. Herbert William Clegg III Mr. Spencer Hamilton Edge Mrs. Talia Caligiuri Fann Mrs. Carolyn Sijthoff Hallett CPT. Jonte’ Kenyon Harrell Mr. Andrew Harding Henson Mrs. Lauren Bowman Llamas


Mr. Harry Miller Bryant III Mr. Willis Wolfe Chapman Mr. David Anthony Clegg Mrs. Erin Hickey Clegg Dr. Eimile Dalton-Fitzgerald Mr. Brandon Robert DeCurtins Mrs. Leighton Britton Fogan Mr. James Peyton Gallagher Mrs. Anna Stiegel Glass Dr. Stephanie Ann Theresa Hannon Mrs. Katie Miller Iams Mr. Kyle Hogan Jarzmik Mr. Eric Norman Madara Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy Owen Mr. Thomas Oliver Porter II Mrs. Ashley Moody Sigmon Dr. Lee Brinkley Sigmon Mr. Michael Jason Stein Mr. John Paul Tsahakis

Class of 2002


Mr. James Robertson Clarke Dr. Bobby Lee Cockerham III Mr. James Christopher Dashner Dr. Zachariah Michael DeFilipp Mrs. Audrey Brown Dickison Mr. Robert Ryan Gorman Mr. Zachary Marshall Guy Ms. Laura Antonia Hibberd Mr. Patrick McLean Horrigan Mrs. Ashley Mott Ilharramendy Ms. Hanako Kawabata Mrs. Casey Roche Proescher Mr. Ray Wallace McCord Rayburn Mr. Patrick Newton Rivenbark Mr. George Van Fossen Schwab III Mr. Blair Donald Shwedo, Jr. Mr. Sterling Gilliam Thomas Mrs. Ruth Van Dyke Wyatt Class of 2003


Winners of the 2016 March Madness Alumni Giving Challenge! Highest number of individual donors to the Latin Fund ! Mrs. Erin Monica Baker Ms. Alexandra Michelle Ball Ms. Brooke Lauren Baragona Mr. Lee Derrick Bauknight Mr. James Edward Broomfield Mr. Michael Montgomery Cloud Mrs. Lauren Fiume Derrenbacher Mrs. Erin Weston Donner Mrs. Kristen Brown Ducey Mr. Patrick Doherty Finn, Jr. Mr. Brandon William Gabosch Mrs. Mary Holland Rankin Griffin Mr. Charles Thomas Hodges, Jr. Mr. Stephen Henry Kaliski Mrs. Katherine Zuger Ladd Mr. Jarrett Ramos Lewis Mrs. Ellen Kane Mark Mr. Matthew Leighton McAdams Mr. Hunter Leslie Miller Ms. Katie Lauren Moody Mr. James Dixon Mormando Mr. Michael Blake Owens Mr. Brett M. Page Ms. Harriet McCall Pharr Mrs. Dowd Keith Simpson Mr. Matthew Scott Strotz Ms. Caitlin Elizabeth Taylor Mr. George Kennedy Thompson, Jr. Ms. KeriAnn White Class of 2004


Ms. Theresa Anne Campobasso Mr. Christopher Boyd Chapman Ms. Elizabeth Grace Cockerham Mr. Charles Richard Deason Mr. Timothy Joseph Ducey Mrs. Lizz Clegg Gregg Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN


LATIN FUND Mr. Fletcher Harrison Gregory IV Ms. Mary Miller Griffin Dr. Elizabeth Eve Hibberd Mrs. Elizabeth Doughton Hodges Dr. Stephanie Atlas Hukill Ms. Meara Christine Jernigan Mr. Barnwell Palmer McArthur III Dr. William Aubrey McEachern Mr. Shelton Douglas Metcalf Mrs. Kathleen McDowell Nowicke Mrs. Jackie Roche Ryder Ms. Catherine Emma Townell Class of 2005


Mr. James Nicholas Bishop Mrs. Caroline Buchan Dalton Mr. George Edward Dalton Mr. Samuel Joseph DeFilipp Mr. James Ward Fitzpatrick Mr. Johnathan Gene Gabbard Mr. James Allyn Buckley Gallagher Mr. William Henry Hodges Dr. Andrew Woodward Hubbard Dr. Christian Tyler Kirkland Mrs. Ashley Sassano McEachern Mr. Mark Richard Paschal Mr. David Harmon Pharr, Jr. Mr. Eric William Ramirez Mr. Stephen Barnes Robison, Jr. Ms. Margaret Moore Savage Mr. Russell James Shoemaker, Jr. Mr. Paul Archibald Stroup IV Ms. Statia Gelling Thompson Mr. Alan Mark Wojcik, Jr. Class of 2006

Class of 2007

Class of 2008

Mrs. Laura Hallett Anderson Mr. Mitchell Allan Anderson Mr. Mark Franklin Ashcraft, Jr. Mr. William Bryan Blair Mrs. Christa Holt Clark Ms. Jenna Kate DeCarlo Mr. James Van Cleave Gambrell Ms. Mary Salem Gregory Mrs. Kathryn Van Dyke Handy Mr. Blake T. Hankins Mrs. Jamie Esposito Hubbard Ms. Mary Scott Kennedy Ms. Lindsey Andrews Metzger Ms. Lisa Michelle Morales Mr. Rome Isaac Perlman Ms. Ashley Elizabeth Sigmon Ms. Lauren Kay Summerville Ms. Kelly Ann Taddonio Mr. Richard DeLamar Williams V


Ms. Margaret Alston Currie Ms. Helen Louise Hindal Mr. Larsen Rand Jones Ms. Mary Elizabeth Ashby Klein Mr. Philip Haywood Koonce IV Mr. Robert Vaughn McAlister II Mr. Gregory Stephen Mittl Ms. Kathleen Alicia Powers Mr. Ernest William Reigel, Jr. Mr. Robin Singh Ms. Jaime Victoria Todd Mr. Korde Arrington Tuttle Class of 2009



Mr. Mark Gillam Barber Mr. Levi Daniel DeFilipp Ms. Madison Durrett Mrs. Brent Price Gallagher Mr. Phillip Graham Gallagher Ms. Anne Sydnor Gammon Mr. Stuart Andrew Kessler Mr. Randall Dale Masters Ms. Mary Nicholson McCrory Mr. James Michael Parks Mr. David Douglas Paschal Mr. James Matthew Pearson Mr. Christopher Cowden Wardlaw Rayburn Mr. Douglas Scotland Robison Ms. Nancy Annelise Shelton Mr. Kenneth Owen Swetenburg Mr. Samuel Shull Teden


Ms. Anne Elizabeth Booke Ms. Crosby Caroline Cordell Ms. Miriam Eve DeFilipp Ms. Denise Taylor Dubick Ms. Catherine Carol Faison Mr. Andrew James Gibson Mr. Marshall Purdy Gregory Ms. Anita Hampton Griffin Ms. Laura Kathleen Hicks Ms. Murrill Irene Oakes Ms. Jennifer Leigh Roche Ms. Emily F. Zuehlke Class of 2010


Ms. Margaret Rose Achey Mr. Davis Wade Austin Mr. James Davis Benfield Mr. Benjamin Forrest Boylston Mr. Michael Reid DeCarlo Ms. Effe Shemaiah Ghartey-Tagoe Mr. Thomas Preston White Griffith

Ms. Cameron Lanier Johnson Ms. McCallie Page Jones Mr. Robert Arthur Jones, Jr. Ms. Lisa McKay Kirkland Ms. Rachel Constantina Kokenes Mr. Eli Patrick Langson Mr. Jeffrey Hobbs Maker Mr. Archibald Nock McIntosh III Mr. Samuel Banks Myers Ms. Caroline Norris Rand Mr. Marshall Aberson Rand Ms. Catherine Noell Schepp Mr. Ian Phillips Shorkey Mr. William Olmsted Tome III Ms. Mary Stuart Wannamaker Class of 2011


Ms. Lindsey Grace Benfield Mr. Steven Nicholas DeCarlo Ms. Mary Alexandra Gardner Mr. Michael Robert Grace, Jr. Ms. Ellen Gray Gregory Mr. David Benjamin Noland Griffith Miss Mary Padgett Hawkins Ms. Morgan Brooke Henry Ms. Caroline Anne Hicks Mr. William Grant Hurd Mr. William Marshall Chapman Jackson Mr. Conor Ross Keeley Miss Siân Ellen Lewis-Bevan Mr. Jeffrey Matthew McIntosh Mr. Simon Avi Menaker Mr. Jalen Joseph Bass Ross Mr. Alexander Edward Sanz Ms. Ann Louise Seaton Miss Alexandra Rose Taylor Ms. Sara Elizabeth Thomas Class of 2012


Mr. William Perry Almquist Miss Ann Cherry Baynard Miss Sarah Katherine Black Mr. John Marshall Burlingame, Jr. Mr. Ryan Alexander Carter Miss Caroline Kibort Chiaroni Miss Kirsten Wiley Dyer Miss Mary Cameron Faison Miss Meron Fessehaye Mr. William Bradford Gardner Miss Essie Aseda Ghartey-Tagoe Mr. Edwin William Holt Mr. Christopher Stephen Jones Mr. Wood Neblett Lay II Mr. Robert Theodore Lucas IV Mr. John Simms McMaster Miss Katharina Anna-Sophia Miles

Mr. Tyler Arthur Thomas Mott Mr. David Harris Oates Mr. John Casey O’Keefe Miss Claire Legrand Pace Mr. Andrew Paul Papadopulos Miss Elizabeth Woodward Robinson Mr. Matthew Parks Tome Miss Ashley Lord Wannamaker Miss Kathryn Sims Watts Mr. Hadley Huske Wilson Class of 2013


Miss Ashley Sutherland Finke Mr. Johnathon Wade Garwood Miss Erin Beck Haseley Miss Emily Ruth Johnson Miss Margaret Claire Lay Mr. Christopher Mark Paschal Miss Emma Houston Price Mr. James Garrett Robards Miss Elizabeth Houston Sheild Miss Barbara Anne Thomas Miss Jane Campbell Wester Mr. Andrew Kerney Zuehlke Class of 2014


Miss Carter Alexandra Anderson Miss Caroline Ann Atwell Mr. Joseph Rudd Baynard Mr. Zachary James Brouse Miss Michaela Grace Brown Miss Rachel Nicole Calloway Mr. Zachary Philip Carter Mr. Patrick Gaines Dyer Miss Anna Elizabeth Garwood Miss Hariklea Vasilike Kokenes Mr. Mason Foster LeDonne Mr. John Shepard Robinson Miss Caroline Ray Seaton Mr. Thurman Griffin Smith Miss Margot Elizabeth Sprow Miss Madeline Reed Stefan Miss Mary Page Welch Class of 2015


Mr. Scott Emory Chappell, Jr. Mr. Ryan Walker Gardner Miss Anna Susan Jones Mr. Austin Carruth Lancaster Miss Linda Daniel Litaker Mr. Sebastian Brant Nabatoff Mr. John Robison Oates Miss Caroline Elizabeth Okel Mr. Gray McCracken Smith Mr. Matthew Samuel Swimmer Mr. Kanyon Maxwell Tuttle

Charlotte Latin School’s Development Office has made every attempt to accurately honor our alumni donors by producing this list that reflects alumni gifts to the Latin Fund received from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. If you have questions, or if you find an error or omission, we hope you will let us know by contacting Director of Stewardship Carolyn Parsons at 704-846-7238 or Your gifts ensure Latin’s continued excellence. The School is grateful for them and to you.


Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016


Laura Hanff, Sarah Monnin and Mimi Kane

On Thursday, May 19, the Alumni Association hosted a Last Day Luau for the Class of 2016. Seniors enjoyed a chicken-mini breakfast and were entertained with music, inflatable games and a fun magician in the Student Activities Center. AGB President Patrick Rivenbark ’02 shared information about the Alumni Association and the importance of staying connected to Latin and fellow classmates.

On January 14, 2016, alumni and parents of alumni gathered at Myers Park Country Club for a book discussion on We Are Called to Rise. Led by Upper School English teacher Maria Klein, this event is always a favorite.

Lillian Chapman, Maria Klein and Bridgett Langson


Upper School History teacher Amy Zinn, E.C. Myers ’16 and Upper School English teacher Tracey Vanneste

CLS Class of 2016

Reaves Robinson Thompson ’79, Virginia Smith Ellison ’79 and Mary Janet Thies Hawkins ’79

Austin Acks ’16, James Atwell ’16 and James Hardy ’16

Genna Holz ’16, Emma Haseley ’16, Caroline Ficca ’16, Isabella Swic ’16, Anne Chandler Tune ’16, Audrey Davis ’16, Tatiana Krzesicki ’16 and Emily Hinshaw ’16 Fall 2016

Christina Glaser ’16 and Clayton Parnell ’16 •

Charlotte LATIN



Class of 1980 with former teachers Mark Starner, Bob Robinson and Chris Oates



1980 35

Ye a r


Charlotte Latin’s Class of 1980 gathered at the home of Ashley Evans Stewart ’80 for an oyster roast in celebration of their 35 year reunion.

Carter McAlister ’80 and Sarah Finklea Pennacchia ’80 40

Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016

Elizabeth Medearis Myers ’80 and David Keesler ‘80

John Blackmon ’80, Holly Herring ‘80, Angus McBryde ’80 and Ashley Evans Stewart ’80


ALUMNI HONORING FACULTY On Thursday, May 26, 2016, Alumni Governing Board member Blair Shwedo ’02 proudly presented three Inlustrate Orbem awards to a faculty member in each division of CLS. Funded by the Alumni Endowment, the prestigious awards went to Lower School P.E. teacher Mary Cerbie, Middle School History teacher Eric Smith and Upper School Science teacher Jessie Sellner. Headmaster Arch McIntosh, Eric Smith, Blair Shwedo ’02, Jessie Sellner and Mary Cerbie









1 16




8 19

11 12

27 18



17 24





5 2

21 22



Of the 114 graduates in the Class of 2016, sixteen of these were legacies. Congratulations to Kelvin Anderson ’78 (1) and his daughter, Elly (2); Bob Boyd ’84 (3) and his son, Will (4); Leigh Luter Schell ’86 (5) and her daughter, Lena Brewer; (6) Beth Francis Davis ’77 (7) and her son, Eric (8); Scott Ensor ’81 (9) and his son, Kyle (10); Kelly Beck Haseley ’82 (11) and her daughter, Emma (12); Greg Hinrichs ’89 (13) and his daughter, Abby (14); Michael Hinshaw ’86 (15) and his daughter, Emily (16); Kenna Cloninger Jordan ’85 (17) and her daughter, Sarah (18); Thomas Layton ’86 (19) and his son, James (20); Elizabeth Medearis Myers ’80 (21) and her daughter, E.C. (22); Compie Newman ’78 (23) and his son, John (24); Jason Ratterree ’80 (25) and his son, Jack (26); Suzanne Little Robards ’82 (27) and her daughter, Addie (28); Eric Sheridan ’80 (29) and his son, Hunter (30); and Donna Roberson Willis ’82 (31) and Chuck Willis ’81 (32) and their daughter, Hunter (33).

Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN



Associate Director of Development and Alumni Relations Sally Gray Smith ’82 took to the road in June 2016 and visited with alumni in Charleston and Atlanta. Upper School History teacher Chris Downing entertained alumni in Denver, Colorado, while there for a conference.


Front row from the Class of 1982: Sally Gray Smith, Mark Lea and Sallie Vee Wooten. Back row from the Class of 2016: Owen Armstrong, Alex Massardo, Adam Watts, Scott Chappell, Alex Demas, Julia Wiles, Carrie Mittl, Gray Smith and Ryan Gardner

Freeman Barber ’88 and Pat Whalen ’99


Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016

Elizabeth Barnhardt Kirkland ’04, Jonathan Kirkland ’02, Katherine Zuger Ladd ’03 and Stephanie Gabosh



Claire Pace ’12 and Jennifer Keown Mirgorod ’84

Charlie Deason ’04 and Tommy Marshall ’87

Sydnor Gammon ’07 and Tommy Cobb ’77

David Pharr ’05, Caroline Roberts and Sam Dengler ’95


Former teacher Bob Currie, Meg Currie ’08, Jamie Green Nichols ’98, Cynthia Rubio-Festa ’07, Katy Chapman Kelsey ‘94, Bobby Green ’93 and Upper School history teacher Chris Downing Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN



ALUMNI SOCCER GAMES Coach Horton, along with Vance Carlisle ’95 and Lowell Rayburn Combs ’95, hosted Latin soccer alumni on Saturday, August 13, for a day of games, fellowship and food. For the first time, our Lady Hawks alumnae participated in the fun, which included coed games, Varsity vs. alumni games and alumni vs. alumni games. More than forty alumni joined in the fun!

Charlotte Latin Soccer alumni


Coach Mitch Sanford, Caroline Peters ’16, Abbe McCarter ’16, Avery Horvath ’16, Carrie Mittl ’16 and Kristin Horton ’10

Coach Horton, Laura McLeod ’96, Kathleen Coyle Falasca ’95, Vance Carlisle ’95, Scott Nurkin ’95 and Lowell Rayburn Combs ‘95

Cowden Rayburn ’07 and Lindsey Metzger ’06

Coed play

Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016


The Charlotte Latin Community Celebrates the Life of


Bill Pitt ’86, Mr. Howard Pitt and Mariah Pitt Waltemyer ’77 Mr. William Howard Pitt, Jr. passed away on Wednesday, June 29, 2016. With his passing, the Charlotte Latin community lost a family man, a figure of great influence, and a member of Charlotte Latin’s founding board of trustees. Mr. Pitt graduated from Virginia Episcopal School in Lynchburg, Virginia, in 1950. In 1954 he graduated from Duke University, and while there, he captained the 1953-1954 football team. His senior year he was selected to the All-American team for exceptional playing. He served his country as a captain in the United States Marine Corps and in the reserves as a Major. Mr. Pitt moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1956 to join James J. Harris Insurance Agency in 1956, and later was a founding principle in the Lambeth-Pitt-Crump Insurance Agency where he served as President until it was acquired by Sedgwick of the Carolinas. He worked until his last day at the Lowry Insurance Agency. He was a past vestry member of St. John’s Episcopal Church and a founding trustee of Charlotte Latin School. In September 2014, Mr. Pitt was honored for his early vision for an athletic program at Latin when he was inducted into the inaugural class of the Charlotte Latin School Athletic Hall of Fame. “When we started Latin School, we chose to enlist leaders who were specialists in particular fields. Frank Thies and I knew that in addition to a banker, a merchant, an attorney, a housewife… we needed someone on the board who brought athletic prowess to the fold. Howard had been the captain of his Duke football team – it was clear he offered athletic strength and guidance,” said fellow Founding Trustee and close friend Bob Knight. Pitt was preceded in death by his wife of 60 years, Anna Redding Pitt. He is survived by his children, Susan Pitt Herring, Mariah Pitt Waltemyer ’77 and her husband Mike, Mary Howard Pitt Lassiter ’79 and her husband Jack and William Howard Pitt III ’86, six grandchildren and one great granddaughter. “Howard Pitt was a strong leader in the early days of the School. Mr. Pitt is primarily responsible for the beginning of Latin athletics as well as the Booster Club. We have his passion and vision to thank for the very active athletic participation and following we now enjoy in 2016. His loss is deeply felt by the School and by all those who knew Howard personally,” said Headmaster Arch McIntosh. Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN



Athletic Hall of Fame Class of 2016 Inductees


athletic HALLof FAME

Charlotte Latin School’s legacy of athletic excellence was celebrated on Thursday, September 8, 2016, at the 2016 Athletic Hall of Fame induction dinner sponsored by the Athletic Department and Office of Alumni Relations. Alumni and staff representing each decade of the School gathered at Myers Park Country Club to share memories and recognize the achievements of some of Latin’s best ambassadors. The six inductees were introduced through video segments featuring interviews with family members, coaches, friends and teachers who ‘knew them when,’ followed by a live introduction that included personal anecdotes and details of their achievements.

Each of the acceptance speeches was unique, but a common theme ran throughout: gratitude. The four athlete inductees thanked their coaches, their teammates, their families and former teachers. The two coach inductees thanked their athletes, their colleagues, their families and friends. All of them said that their success would not have been possible without the contributions of others and the support of the Latin community. The 2016 Hall of Fame plaque was unveiled by Headmaster Arch McIntosh prior to the varsity football game on Friday, September 9, and inductees were also recognized in a special halftime celebration.

The 2016 Hall of Fame plaque was unveiled prior to the September 9 football game 46

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Fall 2016

Associate Headmaster and Director of Finance Fletcher Gregory, Headmaster Arch McIntosh and Athletic Director David Gatoux recognize inductees at halftime


Elizabeth Kerr Barnhardt ’91, Athlete Elizabeth Barnhardt and her twin sister Kathryn Barnhardt Van Nort joined the Middle School swim team at Charlotte Latin as sixth-graders and continued through their senior year. Under the coaching of Steve Howard, the Charlotte Latin girls’ swim team won the state title all four years of the Barnhardt twins’ varsity swimming career (1988-1991). Both girls were recognized as All-Americans for their individual and relays swims. The Charlotte Latin swim team attended the prestigious and highly competitive Eastern Interscholastic Swimming and Diving Championships at La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA. Elizabeth qualified for finals all four years in the 100 butterfly and placed second during her senior year. In 1990, Coach Steve Howard and Elizabeth Barnhardt ’91 she swam the 100 butterfly in 56:17, which continues to be the School record for that event, 26 years later. In 1991, Elizabeth was named North Carolina High School Female Athlete of the Year and was honored in a presentation by then Governor Jim Martin. Elizabeth was offered a full scholarship to swim for the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and qualified for the NCAA Championships and the U.S. Olympic Trials in 1992. In 1993, Elizabeth transferred to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she was a two-time letterman on the Tarheel swim team.

Jimmy Broadway, Athletic Director James “Jimmy” Broadway, a Raleigh native, joined CLS in 1986 as the Physical Plant Director and Middle School boys’ basketball coach. He influenced much of Latin’s campus by initiating construction of the main entrance, the south campus road, six Lower School classrooms, the Bob Knight External Affairs Building, the E. J. Fox, Jr. Middle School building, the Media Center and the Beck Student Activities Center.

Barbara Robinson, Jimmy Broadway and Sarah Sipperly

Jimmy became Athletic Director in 1993 and coached middle school basketball, Varsity softball, JV football, and Varsity girls’ basketball. Jimmy’s middle school basketball team held a streak of 69 winning games. During Jimmy’s 19-year tenure as AD, Latin won 10 Wells Fargo (Wachovia) Cups, was runner-up three times, and won 65 State Championships. “I hired people smarter than me. I hired good, caring coaches. I got out of their way and let them coach. I only stepped in when needed, which was not often!” Jimmy says of this success.

Jimmy served as Vice President of the NCISAA and President of the CISAA. He was awarded the coveted Lifetime Achievement Award by the NC Athletic Directors Association in 2010 and was inducted into the NCISAA Hall of Fame in 2013.

Coach Steve Howard, Coach Coach Howard began his career at Charlotte Latin School in 1974. As the Varsity Swim Coach through 2007, he amassed 33 conference titles and 19 state titles with an overall record of 665–147–4. A masterful coach, his program produced 63 state champion swimmers and 27 high school All-American swimmers. Coach Howard was named Mecklenburg County Swim Coach of the Year five times, and in 2008, was honored with Latin’s Hawkspys Lifetime Athletic Achievement award. In 2004, the Bobby Cockerham, Sr. family established an endowment that funds the Steve Howard Excellence in Coaching award. This award annually recognizes excellence in coaching as personified, modeled and practiced by Coach Howard. The Latin swim team also gives a Coach Howard Heart of Swimming award each year. In addition to being the swim coach, Coach Howard was a Lower School physical education teacher for 37 years and a beloved bus driver for many of those. For 24 years during the summer months, he enjoyed coaching summer club swimming at Myers Park Country Club, where he won 18 league championships. Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN



Jon F. Michael ’75, Athlete In 1971, Jon Michael began ninth grade at Charlotte Latin. He joined the School’s first track team in the spring of 1972 under the direction of Coach Wayne Bowman, a decorated hurdler also from Charlotte. As a sophomore, Jon won the Regional Junior Olympic mile run held and qualified for nationals. As a senior, Jon won the Independent School Cross Country title and finished twentyeighth nationally at the AAU Junior Olympic Cross Country Championship. In the winter, Jon competed in Williamsburg, VA, and Greenville, SC, in open mile competition and won both races. Jon remained undefeated in the mile, two-mile, Doug Ausbon ’75, Jon Michael ’75 and Scott Lee ’75 and half-mile in the Independent School Championship held at CLS. He was also the anchor leg on the Distance Medley team and won at Florida Relays in Gainesville, FL, with teammates Doug Ausbon, Scott White and Scott Lee. Jon graduated as valedictorian of the CLS Class of 1975. He attended The College of William and Mary where he ran cross country and was named All-Southern Conference his freshman year and competed at the NCAA Division I Cross Country Championship. Jon finished his running career earning All-ACC and All-State honors while running for North Carolina State University. John logged more than 10,000 miles and graduated with a degree in electrical engineering with honors.

Scot Robison ’07, Athlete Scot was a standout swimmer at Latin, being named CISAA All-Conference and NCISAA All-State for four years. Latin’s varsity swim team won two state titles during Scot’s tenure. Individually, Scot was a state champion and School record-holder in freestyle, butterfly, backstroke and relay events throughout his CLS career. He served as a captain of his Latin team during his senior year and received the Class of 2007 Headmaster’s Quest for Character Award for Personal Responsibility. Post-Latin, Scot earned 21 Division I All-America honors Scot Robison ’07 and grandfather Sonny Dunaway and won 17 ACC titles at the University of Virginia. His Cavalier teams, which he captained his junior and senior years, won ACC team titles each of his four years. UVA also finished among the NCAA’s top 10 teams in each of Scot’s final three years. At graduation, he held seven ACC records. Scot enjoyed being involved in the student-athlete community at UVA and received numerous awards as a scholar-athlete and leader. Scot was also a member of the USA Swimming National Team. Traveling to China, Mexico and Serbia, he competed in the FINA World Championships, the Pan American Games, and the World University Games. He won seven international medals for Team USA. In addition, Scot was the first alternate for the 2012 Olympic Team.

To see other photos and videos from the induction ceremony, please visit Please submit online nominations for the 2018 Athletic Hall of Fame online:


Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016


Virginia Edwards Wood ’91, Athlete Virginia (Jenny) was a three-sport athlete at Latin, playing field hockey, basketball and soccer. As a senior, Jenny was instrumental in pushing the Lady Hawks basketball to a victory over Providence Day in the state championship game. In the final two games of that tournament, she scored a combined 60 points. Jenny was named All-Conference and All-State her junior and senior years and first team Observer All-County her senior year. In field hockey, she was first-team All-State her sophomore and junior years. According to Coach Lee Horton, Jenny (a forward) helped lead the girls’ soccer team to back-to-back state championships in 1989 and 1990. She scored 85 goals, had 35 assists in her Latin career, and was a two-time All-State player.

C.W. Stacks and Jenny Edwards Wood ’91

Upon graduation from Latin, Jenny attended Dartmouth College, where she was recruited to play womens’ soccer. After being a part of that team her freshman and sophomore years, she walked on to the Dartmouth Womens’ Lacrosse team as a sophomore – having never played the sport. As a lacrosse defensive midfielder, Jenny was named both first team All-Ivy and first team All-American during her senior year at Dartmouth. The Dartmouth Women’s team finished third in the NCAA tournament in 1995.

Eligibility and Requirements Athlete • A graduate of Charlotte Latin School for at least five years • Demonstrated extraordinary athletic achievement that distinguishes the athlete from other high-performing athletes at Latin, which may be defined by, but not limited to, earning local, state, and national recognition while a Hawks student athlete • Represents the highest values of our School and athletic program; is a person of character, leadership, and dedication and has enhanced the reputation of Latin • Accomplishments in athletics while at Latin are the primary criteria, but post-graduate athletic achievements and post-graduate participation at CLS may also be considered John Oates ’15, Stephen Robison ’05 and Harris Oates ’12

Coach • Made a significant contribution to Hawks athletics through his or her leadership, inspiration, and service • Served Latin for a minimum of five years • Must be a former and/or retired coach from Latin and be in good standing Contributor • Rendered extraordinary service to the athletic program at Latin other than participation on or coaching of Hawks teams • If the contributor was an employee of CLS, he or she should be a former coach and/or retired and in good standing Athletic Team

Hall of Fame Chair Mike McGarry, Lower School Librarian B. Lee McGarry and Lower School P.E. Teacher Mary Cerbie

• Must have achieved accomplishments that distinguishes the team over and above other high-achieving teams • Eligible a minimum of five years after the season for which the team is being honored • Must have exemplified high standards of sportsmanship

Fall 2016

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Class Notes 74 75 76

If you are interested in being the Class of 1974 Class Agent, please contact Sally in the Alumni Office:

Jean Trice Deason

If you are interested in being the Class of 1976 Class Agent, please contact Sally in the Alumni Office:

40 YEAR REUNION October 15, 2016

Congratulations are also extended to COMPIE NEWMAN whose son, John, graduated from Latin in May and is attending Clemson University. JOHN WELFARE was recently awarded a world record for a golden trout, which he caught deep in the Wyoming Rockies. He spent more than 25 years on 14 individual backpacking expeditions in order to achieve this goal. John stated: “It was quite a relief to get this monkey off my back after all that time; however, it would have been worth it even if I never broke the record, given the beauty of the remote wilderness.” The fish was released unharmed after weight and measurement were taken.

Home of Lil Harris Swindell


Carol Lomax Fortenberry

Congratulations to KELVIN ANDERSON whose daughter, Elly, graduated with the CLS Class of 2016. Elly is attending Wake Forest University.


Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016

Two members of the Class of 1980 had 2016 Latin graduates. Congratulations to ELIZABETH MEDEARIS MYERS whose daughter, E.C., is attending Washington & Lee University, and to JASON RATTERREE whose son, Jack, is attending Georgetown University.


Annie Gray Roberts

October 15, 2016 Home of Eric Sheridan

Congratulations to BETH FRANCIS DAVIS, whose son Eric graduated with Latin’s Class of 2016 and is a freshman at Wake Forest University.



Angus McBryde


Elen Try Bennett

Robin Waters Griffith


Craig Summerville

John Welfare ’78 caught a world record golden trout in Wyoming.

IN MEMORIAM John Brevard Lyday ’80 March 27, 2016

Congratulations to SCOTT ENSOR whose son, Kyle, graduated with Latin’s Class of 2016 and attends University of Tennessee - Knoxville and to CHUCK WILLIS whose daughter, Hunter, graduated with Latin’s Class of 2016 and attends Clemson University. ERIC SHERIDAN’s son, Hunter, is also a 2016 Charlotte Latin graduate and is a red-shirt freshman playing defensive end at UNC-Chapel Hill. Eric’s other son, Carter ’14, is a junior at UNC.


Mary and Eric Sheridan ’81 have two sons, Carter ’14 and Hunter ’16.


If you are interested in being the Class of 1982 Class Agent, please contact Sally in the Alumni Office:

Three ’82 alumnae had daughters graduating with CLS Class of 2016. Congratulations to KELLY BECK HASELEY and her daughter, Emma, a freshman at George Washington University; to SUZANNE LITTLE ROBARDS and her daughter, Addie, a freshman at Furman University; and to DONNA ROBERSON WILLIS and her daughter, Hunter, attending Clemson University.

Sally Gray Smith ’82 and her son, Gray ’15, visited Wyoming with Kathy Evans Dockery ’82 and her son, James.

KATHY EVANS DOCKERY and SALLY GRAY SMITH enjoyed a Memorial Day trip to Jackson, Wyoming. They went to visit their boys, Gray Smith ’15 and James Dockery, both sophomores at UNC, who had internships there this summer. SUSAN MICHAUX DALTON and her husband, Charles, moved to Telluride, Colorado. Susan’s son, Reid is a junior in high school and her son, J.J., is a freshman at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Suzanne Little Robards ’82, Donna Roberson Willis ’82 and Kelly Beck Haseley ’82 with their CLS Class of 2016 daughters.

Patrick Hensley, the son of EMILY CALHOUN HENSLEY, graduated from Cuthbertson High School in June, 2016. He is a freshman at Johns Hopkins University where he is a wide receiver on the football team.

Emily Calhoun Hensley’s ’82 son, Patrick, plays football for Johns Hopkins University.


Deanie Albright Hanley


Janet Miller Rogers Sky Broome

Congratulations to BOB BOYD whose son, Will, graduated with Latin’s Class of 2016. Will has followed in the footsteps of many family members (his father, brother and mom) and is a freshman at Davidson College.


Libby Tate Gordon Jorn Bleimann

IN MEMORIAM Theodore James Demas ’85 June 19, 2016 IN MEMORIAM Kimberly Georgius Ballenger ’85 June 22, 2016

Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN




Tom Beaty

Home of Laurie’s Parents

hour north of Chapel Hill. My family has lived here for more than 20 years. My husband has a start-up in the health care sector, and I run the farm as a wedding venue/vacation spot. We have two children, Price, 13, and Wilson, 11. SARAH FABER CAMERON and I have lived in the same neighborhood for 15 years!”

Three members of the Class of 1986 had children who graduated with the CLS Class of 2016. Congratulations to MICHAEL HINSHAW, whose daughter Emily is a freshman at the College of William and Mary; to LEIGH LUTER SCHELL whose daughter, Lena Brewer, is attending University of Vermont, and to THOMAS LAYTON whose son James is a freshman at University of Virginia.

Lt. Commander RICHARD A. VINROOT, JR. returned from Kandahar in southern Afghanistan last December, where he served as a trauma team physician with the U.S. Navy Medical Corps. He has redeployed and is serving as Director of Emergency Services with the U.S. Navy Expeditionary Medical Corps at Camp Lemonnier, a counter-terrorism base located in Djibouti in the Horn of Africa.

Laurie Barreau Williams

30 YEAR REUNION October 15, 2016

BART NOONAN writes, “BRIAN GRIBBLE and I have been friends since seventh grade. We have lived life together since then. We share many of the same likes, one is our love for The Grateful Dead and now Dead and Co.”

Brian Gribble ’89 and Bart Noonan ’89 enjoyed June’s Dead and Co. concert in Charlotte.


Anna Litaker Reimers Denny Smith O’Leary Denise Nasekos Pettus

Michael Hinshaw ’86 and brother, Steven ’89, celebration the Latin graduation of Michael’s daughter, Emily ’16.


Andy Clark


Debbie McMahan Frail Derek Painter

ERIN HOWELL FURR writes, “I’m the property manager of an old tobacco farm, Tunstall Farm at Kerr Lake (, which is about an 52

Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016

Lt. Commander Richard A. Vinroot, Jr. ’88 serves with the U.S. Navy.

IN MEMORIAM Matthew Stewart Hollowell ’88 January 25, 2016


Tino Bleimann Beth Anderson Pence

Congratulations to GREG HINRICHS whose daughter, Abby, graduated with Latin’s Class of 2016 and is attending Washington & Lee University.

Congratulations to CHARLES THIES and his wife, Peggy Kane ’96, whose daughter, Frances Ellen, was born on August 4, 2016. The Thies family, including big brother Powers, 2, lives in Charlotte. Charles is serving as President of the CLS Alumni Governing Board this year. DENNY SMITH O’LEARY, KIM THOMPSON JORDON, ANNA LITAKERS REIMERS and CAMERON HALL WAGNER enjoyed a mini-1990 summer reunion, which included their nine kids ranging in age from 2-15!


Children of Denny Smith O’Leary ’90, Kim Thompson Jordon ’90, Anna Litaker Reimers ’90 and Cameron Hall Wagner ’90.


Kathryn Barnhardt Van Nort Sally Gallagher Lindsay

25 YEAR REUNION October 15, 2016 10 Park Lanes

92 93 94 95

DANA EVERETT EDWARDS writes, “I qualified for and competed in the Boston Marathon in April. While getting ready for the race, I bumped into a Latin parent, Eric Hein.” Both Dana and Eric had great races and qualified for Boston 2017. Dana lives in Charlotte where she works as Head of Sales for IMS Health and as mom of third-grade triplets.

Powers and Frances are the children of Peggy Kane Thies ’96 and her husband, Charles ’90.

Congratulations to PEGGY KANE THIES and her husband, Charles, who welcomed daughter Frances Ellen on August 4, 2016. Frances joins big brother, Powers, 2.

Kess Connelly Clark

Ed McMahan emcmahan@

Katherine Dickson Crockett katherinecrockett12@ If you are interested in being the Class of 1995 Class Agent, please contact Sally in the Alumni Office:

Dana Everett Edwards ’95 met CLS parent Eric Hein at the 2016 Boston Marathon.


Peggy Kane Thies Holly Ivanoff Graham


Janis Watts Mishoe ’96 and her husband, Doug, welcomed daughter Jordan on July 15, 2016.

Congratulations to JANIS WATTS MISHOE and her husband, Doug, on the arrival of their daughter, Jordan Kay, on July 15, 2016. Janis works at Latin as the Admissions Applications Coordinator.

October 15, 2016 Olde Mecklenburg Brewery Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN



fellowship in Breast Surgical Oncology at The John Wayne Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, CA. Amy is proud to be joining the Surgical Oncology Team at The Levine Cancer Institute of Carolinas Healthcare System. She met her husband, Evan, while they were both in residency at the University of South Carolina. They were married in October 2014 in Charlotte. Evan is excited to be joining the Dental Practice of Dr. Jim Herron and Dr. Mike Catanese located in the Myers Park Area.

Cousins and children of Meredith Nasekos Adams ’97 and Denise Nasekos Pettus ’90 enjoy vacationing at the beach.


Ben Vandiver

Sisters MEREDITH NASEKOS ADAMS and Denise Naskos Pettus ’90 enjoyed an early summer vacation with their families on the coast of North Carolina. Rev. Dr. CARTER ROBINSON received his Doctor of Ministry degree from the Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in May, 2016. C.W. Stacks, Ellen Bickett and Heidi Carpenter celebrated the occasion with Carter, his wife, Kristen, and his parents, Mary and Bob Robinson.

98 54

Talia Caligiuri Lauren Bowman Llamas lauren.llamas@

Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016


Karen Ubell Regan White

After six years in Washington, DC, at the U.S. Securities & Exchange commission, KAREN UBELL relocated to San Francisco, California. She joined the Palo Alto office of Cooley LLP, and works with emerging growth and public companies in Silicon Valley. Per Karen, there have been “lots of changes so far in 2016, but all is great, and I’m enjoying exploring the Bay Area.” Dr. AMY VOCI and her husband, Dr. Evan Smith, are excited to be back in the Charlotte area. Amy completed her general surgery residency at The University of South Carolina, Palmetto Health Richland in Columbia, SC, a research fellowship in breast oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NY, NY and most recently a

Amy Voci ’99 and her husband, Evan Smith, are practicing medicine and dentistry in Charlotte.

EMILY COBBLE STONE and her husband welcomed Carter Forrest on May 3, 2016. Big sisters Ellie (6) and Cate (4) were great helpers while Daddy was away playing in the World Ultimate Games in London six weeks later. They enjoy wearing his gold medal! JEREMY HOFFMAN and his wife, Laurie, welcomed their first son, Miles Jacob, on May 23, 2016. The family of three resides in Charlotte where Miles counts down the days until he can become a Charlotte Latin Hawk.



PAT WHALEN is owner and operator of cont’d 5Church, with locations in Charlotte, Charleston and Atlanta, and Nan & Byron’s in Charlotte. He was recently named one of FSR (Full-Service Restaurants) magazine’s 40 rising stars under the age of 40.

Pat Whalen opened Charleston’s 5Church in November 2015.

Ellie, Cate and Carter are the children of Emily Cobble Stone.

TENAE WILKINS DOWNING and her husband, Earl, welcomed their fourth child, Alexander Preston, into the world on December 16, 2015. The couple and their family live in Charlotte where Tenae works at Charlotte Latin as an assistant Middle School track coach. She recently sang the National Anthem at a Charlotte Knights baseball game.


TAYLOR COOKE and his wife, Katie, welcomed daughter, Eliza Jane, in April 2015.

Jan Scott Swetenburg Farmer Mary Dickson

Jeremy Hoffman ’99 welcomed his first child, Miles, on May 23, 2016.

Alexander Preston Downing is the fourth child of Tenae Wilkins Downing ’99.

Isabel Grace Cloud arrived on June 29, 2016, much to the joy of her parents, Alyssa and MATT CLOUD. She has proven herself to be extremely adventurous, silly and lovable.

Eliza Jane Cooke, daughter of Taylor Cooke ’00, is one year old.

Matt Cloud ’00 is the proud father of Isabel Grace. Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN




Congratulations to STEPHANIE WISINSKI LADLEY con’t and her husband, Sean, whose third son, Charles Patrick, was born on Saturday, April 9, 2016. Big brothers Oliver and William are excited to have a new little brother!


Stephanie Hannon stephanie.hannon29@

15 YEAR REUNION October 15, 2016 Napa On Providence

Congratulations to ANNA STEIGEL GLASS and her husband, Scott, who welcomed Robert McCoy on Friday, May 13, 2016. McCoy joins big brother Scott.


Mary Holland Rankin Hunter Miller Katie Moody

Oliver, William and Charlie are the sons of Stephanie Wisinski Ladley ’00.

MARY DICKSON and Ryan Gorman were married on March 12, 2016 at the New Orleans Country Club in New Orleans, Louisiana. The couple honeymooned in Belize, and they now live in Charlotte. Mary’s wedding party included Katherine Dickson Crockett ’94, Sallie Dickson Caddell ’97 and LEONA CARLSON MIZER. BRIAN SMITH was a reader. Other Hawks attending were ZACK WHITTINGTON, KATE VANDIVER LEARY, JOSH LEARY, JAIME UVA HOLT, WILL HOLT, BROOKE LOFASO THORNE and DEVON CHANDLER NEWTON.

Cleo Valentine Hays, daughter of Mia Sable Hays, was born on August 2, 2016.

Congratulations to JULIE BROWN ANDERSON and her husband, Michael ’04, who welcomed their first son, James Thomas, on March 24, 2016. The family lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, where Michael practices law as an Assistant United States Attorney, and Julie works as a Senior Analyst for a genetic testing company.

Anna Steigel Glass ’01 and her family welcomed McCoy on May 13, 2016.


Tripp Cockerham Patrick Rivenbark

MIA SABLE HAYS and her husband, David, are overjoyed to announce the arrival of their daughter, Cleo Valentine, who was born on August 2, 2016 in Marina Del Rey, California.

Mary Dickson ’00 married Ryan Gorman on March 12, 2016. 56

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Julie Brown ’03 and Michael Anderson ’04 with their son, James Thomas.



Lizz Clegg Shelton Metcalf

JACKIE ROCHE RYDER and her husband, Steve, welcomed their son Thomas Wilson on March 27, 2016, in Miami, Florida, where the family resides. He is doted on by his big sister, Catherine, who is two years old.

Congratulations to TAYLOR MATHIS and his wife, Sara, who are the proud parents of twins, John William and Evelyn Elizabeth, who were born on April 15, 2016.

John and Evie Mathis are the twin children of Sara and Taylor Mathis ’04.

Patrick Fitzpatrick

In August of 2015 KATE ANDERSON was a contestant on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” with host, Chris Harrison (of the Bachelor!). She chose to bring her father as her “plus one” lifeline, and luckily he helped her get the right answer to the $5,000 question. Kate used all three lifelines, but then had a lucky streak and walked away with $30,000. The episode aired in May of 2016. Kate is also working as a lyricist on a musical with producer Daryl Roth and NY Times best-selling author Jodi Picoult, as well as a project with Disney Animation. She and sister LINDSAY are also creating a two-woman comedy show about being twins.

CHRISSY HUNTER LUCAS and her husband, Andy, welcomed their little girl, Annabelle Louise into the world on July 11, 2016. Chrissy and Andy live in Charlotte where Chrissy works for PwC as an HR Manager, and Andy works in commercial real estate with Beauxwright. They are thoroughly enjoying life as a family of four (including their dog, Chili)!

Chrissy Hunter Lucas ’04 and her husband, Andy, live in Charlotte with daughter Annabelle and dog, Chili.


William Hodges

Jackie Roche Ryder ’04 and her family live in Miami, Florida.

Congratulations to CAILEN KERRIGAN and Jeb Molony who were married on April 2, 2016, in Sea Island, Georgia. Classmates KATIE MOORE and STEPHANIE PLAYER DILLON were in attendance. The couple lives with their dog in Charleston, South Carolina, where Cailen recently opened Anson Paper Company, a customized stationery and paper products company. PALMER MCARTHUR and his wife, Brynn, welcomed the birth of their son, Wells, on February 2, 2016, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Kate Anderson ’05 was a contestant on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” with host Chris Harrison.

ASHLEY SASSANO MCEACHERN and her husband, William ’04 welcomed their first child, William (Wills) Dalton, into the world on June 8. Wills weighed 5 lbs., 11 oz. at birth. Just as she did at Latin, Ashley reports that she asks many insightful questions to which her so-called pediatrician husband often does not know the answer. Ashley, William, and Wills live in Nashville, TN, where William continued Fall 2016

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is in his second year of pediatric residency at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. Prior to giving birth, Ashley worked as a coordinator for the Sudden Death in the Young program in the state’s Division of Family Health and Wellness. She has now transitioned to being a stay-at-home mom.

George Sella ’06 married Paige Allen in July, 2015.

Wills McEachern, son of Ashley ’05 and William McEachern ’04, was born on June 8, 2016.


LAUREN SUMMERVILLE married Jeff Dickinson on February 11, 2016. Jeff is the brother of Matthew Dickinson ’10. Lauren’s parents, Kathy and Craig Summerville ’79, served as their witnesses. Jeff is enlisted in the Army, and while the couple is currently living in Texas, they look forward to seeing where Jeff will be stationed next.

Mary Salem Gregory marysalem.gregory@ Ashley Sigmon Mark Ashcraft SAVE THE DATE

10 YEAR REUNION December 23, 2016

Congratulations to GEORGE SELLA who married Paige Allen on July 18, 2015. Nicholas Sella ’10 was his brother’s best man, and MARK ASHCRAFT and CHASE SLAPPEY served as groomsmen at the wedding in Los Angeles, California. The Sellas now reside in Atlanta, Georgia. 58

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Fall 2016

Lauren Summerville ’06 married Jeff Dickinson in February 2016.


Brent Price Gallagher Maddie Durrett Stuart Kessler

ELIZABETH ROWAN is in her sixth year teaching first grade at Smithfield Elementary in Charlotte. She writes, “I hosted another Observe and Serve senior in May, Nicole DeGeorge ’16. She was wonderful! In June, I began graduate school through Winthrop University’s Leaders for Tomorrow program. I will graduate with a degree in Educational Leadership, and eventually become a principal sometime down the road!” Congratulations to STUART KESSLER and Allie Howell who were married in Tampa, Florida, on May 28, 2016. The wedding party included COWDEN RAYBURN, GRAHAM MILLER, JACK HINSON, THOMAS LANKFORD, SCOT ROBISON, BILL STAFFORD, BRADLEY MOODY and SAM TEDEN – with plenty of other Hawks in attendance.


Alumna Reflection on Leadership Barry Compares Her Career to Her Latin Days

Alumna Elizabeth Barry ’06 loves people and adventure. She is employed by Backroads, an active travel company based in Berkeley, California, that offers biking, hiking and multisport adventure tours in over 45 countries worldwide. Her Backroads days began in June of 2007, where she spent the summer pitching tents, washing dishes and preparing meals as a Camp Assistant on their Deluxe Camping trips in Bryce, Zion and Grand Canyon; Glacier National Park; and Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Once eligible, Elizabeth was hired in 2010 as a seasonal Trip Leader – a job which carries with it extensive training and weighty responsibilities. After several years of unprecedented growth, she was recruited in 2013 to join the Berkeley team, where she currently works full-time as Yield Manager. Barry draws many parallels between her Backroads job as a Trip Leader and her leadership and relationship experiences at Latin. A graduate of Wake Forest University, Barry went through the extensive two-week Backroads leadership training program which focuses on the essential skills required to be a successful trip leader: service, problem solving, bike mechanics, public speaking, food preparation, driving, trailer maneuvering, internal systems, and more. The training goes beyond these basics to teach new leaders what it means to provide and facilitate the Backroads travel experience for tens of thousands of guests every year. “The intense but rewarding two weeks were a powerful time for personal and professional growth,” describes Barry. Being the face of Charlotte Latin through the Admissions Ambassador Program One of my favorite things to do when I was in Upper School was to serve as an Admissions Ambassador. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to prospective parents and students and showing them our campus. This experience gave me a great sense of pride. I loved being able to share a place that I loved and that shaped me in many ways. Similarly, once I had successfully completed trip leader training with Backroads, I found myself as an ambassador for

places like the US National Parks and Costa Rica. There is no greater feeling than watching families marvel at the natural wonders of Yellowstone – like Old Faithful and the Grand Canyon as they reconnect with one another and other families on a camping trip. Wearing the many hats of Student Council When I served on StuCo, I learned to wear a variety of leadership hats. I was class president in grades 9-11 and Student Body Vice-President my senior year. In these positions, I had many roles: • Event Planner • Advocator • Negotiator/Peace Keeper • Logistics Coordinator • Public Speaker While we had teacher oversight and guidance, StuCo members were also granted a great deal of independence. If we wanted to affect something, we were encouraged to do so and supported by teachers, peers and the administration. Similarly, my Trip Leader job at Backroads involved many vital responsibilities: • Trail guide • Van Driver • Naturalist • Guest Coordinator • Chef • Bike Mechanic A large component of the Backroads culture is autonomy – both in the field and in the office. We are given tools and are trained to make decisions on the fly while leading trips when we come across weather-related issues, problem guests, closed restaurants, or trails and road closures. These are among the countless ways that my Latin education and related experiences prepared me for my career as a Backroads Trip Leader and now as Yield Manager. I love being able to apply my leadership and relationship skills in a job that is connected to travel, and particularly active travel. I invite you to read more about Backroads at And fellow alumni, keep in mind, Backroads is hiring Trip Leaders beginning in November:


Stuart Kessler ’07 married Allie Howell on May 28, 2016.


Obi Okwara Rachel Barkley

After working in Corporate Immigration for Moore & Van Allen in Charlotte, ELIZABETH WEISNER is now attending Georgetown Law. Davidson College assistant men’s basketball coach WILL REIGEL was named to the National Basketball Coaches Association 2016 Under Armour 30-Under-30 team. After graduating from UNC-Chapel Hill, NOAH MENAKER worked for Teach For America in Phoenix AZ, for two years teaching seventh and eighth grade science. He received his masters degree in education at Arizona State University and is currently a second year student at UNC School of Dentistry. This past summer, Noah traveled to Jagna, Bohol, with the UNC Philippines project. UNC partners with Philos Health ( and the dentists of Jagna to provide dental treatment and oral hygiene education to various schools throughout rural regions, reaching thousands of children and teachers. 60

Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016

Noah Menaker ’08 is a second year dental student at UNC.

Congratulations to CAMERON BURDICK who married Andrew Hutchinson on June 26, 2016, at Windwood Equestrian in Birmingham, Alabama. The couple met while students at University of Alabama. They now live in Tuscaloosa where Cameron works for Learfield Sports as the Director of Operations at Crimson Tide Sports Marketing. Andrew is the Production Manager for Special Events.

SAVE THE DATE Alumni Art Showcase and Workshops January 20 & 21, 2017

Cameron Burdick ’08 married Andrew Hutchinson on June 26, 2016.


Catie Faison Meggie Trusty

NICK COMA enjoys living in Chicago, Illinois, where he works as a digital designer at Undertone, a marketing and advertising firm. In December 2015, FREDDIE SHERRILL and CAMERON FOSTER visited with ROSS COCKRELL at the Denver Broncos vs Pittsburgh Steelers game. Cam lives in Washington, DC, where he works with Axiom Strategies and Freddie lives in Houston, Texas, and works in Engineering Sales.

Freddie Sherrill ’09 and Cameron Foster ’09 enjoyed a visit with Ross Cockrell ’09 at the Broncos Steelers game.



Congratulations to ROSS COCKRELL cont’d who married Nakia King on July 2, 2016, in Charlotte. Kia graduated from Duke University with Ross, who is a cornerback for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Ross Cockrell ’09 married Nakia King on July 2, 2016.


Effe Ghartey-Tagoe Rachel Kokenes Will Tome

After graduating from CLS, MARY STUART WANNAMAKER attended Wake Forest University for two years, and then transferred to St. Louis University Madrid. She writes, “After May 2015 graduation from Madrid, I have been pursuing my dream to work in international relations and human rights in Bolivia, South America. In summer 2015, I began working as an Operations Manager for a peace education program expanding worldwide, NewGen Peacebuilders (a program of an international nonprofit, Mothering Across Continents, that partners largely with Rotary

International). Since moving to La Paz, Bolivia, I have taken on a second job as a Volunteer Coordinator for a local non-profit, UpClose Bolivia, that takes in volunteers from around the world who travel for an authentic experience and cause within local communities, supporting local programs for development in a rural neighborhood in the outskirts of La Paz known as Jupapina. In the fall of 2016, I plan to move on to my next learning experience as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco. As a young professional eager to specialize in Western and Arabic relations, learning both Arabic and French will be my focus as I connect with the Moroccan community and grow within the culture as a ¨Youth Asset Builder.¨ I also plan to complete a Masters of Law in International Law and Diplomacy form Lancaster University over a two-year, distancelearning program. Following my time in Morocco, I hope to continue work within the MENA and Western regions and support refugees. It was an insightful experience to recently visit the refugee camps in Calais, France, over the 2015-2016 holiday season as well. I am very thankful to Charlotte Latin, which molded me into a person aware of others and with strong ambitions, as well as the benefits of both service and personal growth.”


Michael Grace Noland Griffith Mary Padgett Hawkins Daniel Hoilett Jalen Ross Ann Louise Seaton SAVE THE DATE

5 YEAR REUNION December 23, 2016

SIMON MENAKER is a first-year medical student at the University of Miami.


Ryan Carter Aseda Ghartey-Tagoe essie.a.ghartey-tagoe@ Chris Jones Kathryn Watts kathrynwatts2016@

Congratulations to STEPHANIE COMA who graduated from Rhodes College with a degree in Business Commerce and Economics. She lives in Memphis, Tennessee, working as a financial analyst for Servicemaster.

Mary Stuart Wannamaker ’10 works with the Peace Corps in Morocco.

Congratulations to AMMA OKWARA who graduated from MIT on June 3, 2016, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering. Fall 2016

Charlotte LATIN




Ashley Finke Jacob Nabatoff Chris Paschal Ellie Sheild

The Okwara family celebrates Amma’s ’12 graduation from MIT.


Congratulations to MERON FESSEHAYE cont’d who graduated magna cum laude from Davidson College with a B.A. in African Studies. Meron lives in Baltimore, Maryland, where she works in the Managed Care Division at Cigna Health-Spring. Congratulations to KATIE DOMITROVICH who graduated magna cum laude from the University of Richmond with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and a minor in Mathematics. She currently attends Notre Dame Law School on a merit scholarship.

Congratulations to AMMA OKWARA who graduated from MIT on June 3, 2016, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering.

Congratulations to PATTON McCLELLAND, a senior at Carleton College, who was recognized as an Intercollegiate Tennis Association Scholar-Athlete. RORY KEELEY, a senior at Hollins University, spent her summer in New York City as a market research intern for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. JANE WESTER, a senior at UNCChapel Hill, is the 2016–2017 editor-in-chief of The Daily Tar Heel.

Katie Domitrovich ’12 and her sister, Amanda ’11, at the University of Richmond.


Mason Ledonne Griffin Smith Mary Page Welch


Anna Jones Matthew Swimmer Gray Smith 62

Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016


The Nest

Children and teachers from the Butterfly and Preschool classes in The Nest planted fall flowers, herbs and vegetables in the three garden beds on their playground. Middle School “buddies� helped out with the project.






Thank you to our 2016

May Day Play Day Sponsors!


Middle School Field Sponsor Sellers Orthodontics Raffle Sponsor Quimby & Collins Orthodontics Winners Circle Hendrick Motorsports Hobart Financial Group Morgan Property Group Grandstand Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center Consolidated Claims Group Hull and Coleman Orthodontics Wristband Sponsor Your Event Source



Infield Arcadia Custom Homes and Renovations Balfour Beatty Construction Carolinas Center for Oral and Facial Surgery CLT Air Freight Gallant Properties Hickory Tavern Laxer Long and Savage Layton Dentistry Lincoln Harris Little Architectural Consulting O’Leary Group Waste Systems Spangler Restoration In-Kind Contributors Cheerwine CocaCola Bottling Latin Arts Association NASCAR Racing Experience Newton Family OrthoCarolina Richard Petty Motorsports

Please share your time and talents, and even your purchases, to support Charlotte Latin! HARRIS TEETER, TOGETHER IN EDUCATION Relink your Harris Teeter VIC card 1806. You must relink every year. This year, let’s spread the generosity of the Latin community by also linking your VIC card to Lansdowne Elementary 1764, where many of our students volunteer.


Charlotte LATIN

Fall 2016

AMAZON SMILE Sign up for Amazon Smile! 0.5% of all eligible purchases is returned to the School, when purchases are made on the Amazon Smile site as opposed to the main Amazon site.


Put it on the Calendar! November 23 – 25

Thanksgiving Break

December 1

Wind Ensemble Concert Grades 6-12

December 2

Community Holiday Concert Grades 7-8

December 5

Orchestra Concert Grades 6-12

December 7

Holiday Choral Concert Grades 6-12

December 9

Holiday Program for Grade 4 Parents

December 15

January 3

January 16

Holiday Break Classes Resume MLK Day – No School

“Honor Above All” Charlotte Latin embraces the development of personal honor as a lifelong pursuit in the building of character. What is right and honorable is valued above all else. Adherence to the Honor Code is required from all members of the School community. We honor one another and our personal gifts and accomplishments. Commitment to Excellence The quest for excellence that has characterized Charlotte Latin since its founding extends to all aspects of School life and is viewed as the effort to do one’s best and to seek to improve continually. This quest embodies the boundless spirit that characterizes our School community, and it is grounded in our commitment to create an exceptional environment for teaching and learning. Leadership Charlotte Latin encourages the development of leadership as a lifelong characteristic of our students and adheres to the concept of service to others (servant leadership) as the ideal model that best meets the needs of our School community, our nation and the world. Respect for Oneself and Others Charlotte Latin holds that mutual respect is the foundation of our School community and that our respect for others leads us to serve them and to embrace diverse peoples and cultures.

February 17 – 20

Winter Break

March 20 – 24

Spring Break

March 27

April 1 – 2

April 14 – 17

April 22

Junior / Senior Prom

April 24

Spring Choral Concert Grades 6-12

April 26

US Orchestra / Wind Ensemble Concert

May 10

Grades 7-8 Orchestra / Wind Ensemble Concert

May 13

May Day Play Day

May 15

Grade 6 Orchestra / Wind Ensemble Concert

May 19

Middle School Dance

May 21


May 23

Hawkspy Dinner and Awards Presentation

Parents are an active and important part of the life of the School.

May 26


All students will act in a manner consistent with the customs and courtesies of the School and the School Community.

May 29

Memorial Day – No School

The School continues to review and update its programs in all areas.

June 1

Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony and Reception

June 2

Grade 8 Moving Up Ceremony

June 2

Classes Resume One Acts Festival Easter Break

Dismissal of Grades 1-7 at 12:30 p.m. (TK & K at 11:45 a.m.)

Personal Responsibility Charlotte Latin requires each person to be accountable for his or her actions. We all share responsibility for the welfare of the greater School community. Moral Courage Charlotte Latin leads by example and our members are willing to do what is right and true through the courage of their convictions in spite of possible consequences or the opinions of others. Morally courageous people are willing to admit their mistakes, to address injustice and to uphold the principle of “Honor Above All.”

CLS BELIEFS Everyone can learn and is encouraged to learn through as many opportunities as the School can provide. Honor is one of the most fundamental values, and upholding the Honor Code is a valued tradition. All students have unique talents and capabilities and have something to give to the community. Faculty and staff are always encouraged to continue their studies and their professional growth with the aid of staff development funds.

Teachers interact with students in a way that develops healthy relationships in a professional manner. The general campus – through its gardens, its statuary, and its buildings – promotes an atmosphere of peace and harmony. The leadership of the School shall be carried out in an atmosphere that encourages and supports these beliefs.



9502 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28277-8695 704.846.1100

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LatIN for

t h e l at i n f u n d 2016 - 2017

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