Charlotte Latin Gratitude Report 2023-24 Digital Version

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Because of you, we can illuminate the world.

From the Head of School and Board Chair

Dear Latin Community,

Charlotte Latin School has always agreed that it’s better to light a candle than rage against the darkness. Over the past 54 years, we have lit as many candles as possible, fostering our students’ love of learning and their Core Values. Every day, we illuminate topics and skills that seemed inscrutable to our students only hours before, kindling their own radiance. Our motto, Inlustrate Orbem, means “Enlighten the World”: in practice, that means not only that we explicate human knowledge to our students, but that we hope they will ultimately be beacons of light themselves.

This Gratitude Report contains updates on some of the ways the members of the Latin community shine light on each other and the world around us: in classrooms, in the digital landscapes of virtual reality, in the red Carolina soil. While student-teacher relationships are at the core of our community, Charlotte Latin would be in the dark if not for the work of selfless donors and volunteers, parent organizations, and devoted alumni.

We appreciate your essential financial support and your tireless volunteer work — but we equally value how you celebrate our students and lift them up, whether that means cheering them on at Patten Stadium, applauding their performances in Thies Auditorium, or discussing the lessons of the school day at the dinner table.

Your generosity and your commitment to the future of our school has ensured that for everyone who is part of the Latin community, the light of understanding will continue to shine brightly.

Forever grateful,

Chuck Baldecchi P ’21 ’23 ’25 Head

Mike Freno P ’23 ’25 ’28 2022–24 Chair, Board of Trustees

2023–24 Board of Trustees

Mike Freno, Board Chair

Rael Gorelick, Vice Chair

Phil Colaco, Treasurer

Dave Shuford, Secretary Trustees

Mackenzie Alpert

Irm Bellavia

John Comly

Mary Katherine DuBose

Don Gately

Stacy Gee

Karim Lokas

John McCoy

Ed McMahan ’93

Kristin Middendorf

Katie Morgan

Uma O’Brien

Christian Robinson

Paige (Ford) Schwartzbauer ’06

Charles Thies ’90

Michelle Thornhill

We are grateful for the $5,999,358 RAISED BY THE LATIN COMMUNITY in 2023–2024.

OF PHILANTHROPY at Charlotte Latin School


Total 2023–24 budget funded

76% CURRENT PARENTS gave to the Latin Fund

349 Leadership Donors in the LATIN SOCIETY

1,980 DONORS to the Latin Fund

295 People made their FIRST GIFT

$159,289 Raised by our NEWEST FAMILIES

835 ALUMNI flew high for the LATIN FUND

A Letter from Chief Financial and Operations Officer Rob McArthur

Your philanthropic support is essential to Charlotte Latin’s financial health and future. This school year, tuition generated 83% of our income. The Latin Fund, endowment, and auxiliary program revenues support balancing our annual budget.

Your gifts to the Latin Fund and our endowment bridge the budget gap. As costs rise across every category of our budget, your investment sustains the caliber of the Latin experience. You are essential to keeping Latin special: thank you.

In the following pages, you will see many examples of the remarkable investments you’ve made possible for our students and faculty. Because of you, we can say “yes” to these projects, whether they are part of our annual planning cycle or they address immediate needs that arise during the year.

As Latin’s endowment grows, so does our ability to invest more dollars in our academic and extracurricular programs, our employees, and most importantly, our students.

Charlotte Latin is in the midst of a master planning process for our school and our campus. Our community’s input has been invaluable in determining how we will responsibly and effectively meet the school’s needs and plan for future growth. In the coming year, I look forward to sharing more with you about the recommendations of this process and our plans for Latin’s future.

Your generous philanthropic support allows us to imagine this future with confidence. As Latin’s leadership plans for the school’s continued success, we are profoundly grateful for your trust and partnership.

Fiscal Year 2023–24


$50,300,000 $50,500,000

$53,000,000 ENDOWMENT

As of June 30, 2024


Celebrating the Latin community’s impact on our students, faculty, and staff

Illuminating TECHNOLOGY Infrastructure

Julia Walthall-Eisman, Manatees, and Virtual Reality at Charlotte Latin

In an office with polka-dot walls, Julia WalthallEisman, Grade 8 science teacher and Middle School Educational Technologist, is surrounded by Harry Potter memorabilia and tech gear. She’s been teaching science for 21 years, but she arrived at Latin as the role of Educational Technologist was changing: “It had been more of a fix-it person who did a little tech teaching,” she explains, “but now it’s more of a pedagogical partner.”

In other words, she makes sure that when Latin spends money on new technologies — like the cart of virtual reality (VR) headsets sitting in a corner of her office — that it not only complements the existing curriculum, but that it strengthens it. As Walthall-Eisman discusses how technology expands the horizons of Latin’s students, the words flow unstoppably out of her like computer software with a buffer overflow: her passion for her work is obvious and infectious.

What’s your philosophy as an educational technologist?

As a teacher, I’m a very progressive educator. But as an ed tech, I’m fairly conservative. I don’t like to do things just because they’re flashy. So in

conversations about technology at Latin, I start with two areas. The first is “Are we using technology as more than a replacement for a piece of paper?”

Because to be honest, there are times when paper is better for students, so maybe we shouldn’t be replacing a handwritten document with a Google Doc.

When I’m having conversations with faculty, I ask, “What part of your curriculum feels like it needs an infusion of excitement or engagement? What part feels frustrating or cumbersome, and what part feels like the students aren’t learning as much as they could?” The technology should be a tool: it shouldn’t be the focus.

What are some ways technology has improved Middle School classrooms?

The ability to bring in experts from anywhere into the classroom. Emily Hinshaw [’16] did a Google Meet with our Grade 8 science class from Zurich, Switzerland, where she is pursuing a PhD in Geology. After Grade 6 did their Silk Road evening, they had a musician who plays with Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble come in through Google Meet.

Technology changes the feedback loop. Students can get feedback on their knowledge very quickly to then make changes in their academic behavior.

At other schools, I used to do a weekly quiz: I would collect them all, score them all, and the feedback loop was longer — that reduced the amount of deep conversation I could have with my students about their understanding.

What made you want to incorporate virtual reality into Middle School classrooms?

I was studying the research behind immersive learning; the data shows that retention of information is much longer-lasting than in a traditional environment. Parents’ Council was kind enough to pay for 24 VR headsets. I started with a faculty learning group: four sessions with 10 teachers. The first session, I had them in headsets, walking with elephants and swimming with sea animals of their choice, like manatees,

just to see what it feels like. That gave me a core group of teachers who I could ask, “Hey would you be willing to try this in your own classes?”

In sixth grade, we did an app-based experience in science class where they could disarticulate a skeleton. They could blow it up and go into the knee joint, or manipulate the bones in a ball-and-socket joint. I worked with a Grade 8 Spanish class to review language related to the environment: weather, but also landmarks, trees, mountains.

unit in Grade 8 science classes, students traveled to the International Space Station. I wheeled the headset cart over to Tom Dubick for his Fab Academy students and introduced them to a 3D drawing app called Gravity Sketch. I asked, “Can you draw something and then get your 3D printers to print it?” I didn’t know how to do it, but they figured it out and wrote up a protocol.

What did that look like?

I created a virtual experience where kids walked into a warehouse full of what looked like snow globes, and each of these globes was a Spanish-speaking location, like a famous plaza in Madrid or Machu Picchu in Peru. Then we had one student in a headset and one not in a headset: the student in the headset had to respond in the target language to questions about the environment where they were. The pairing of students in the headset and out of the headset has been really fruitful for us. The biggest misconception about VR and education is that you put kids in headsets and they’re in there for the whole period. That’s not at all been what we’ve done: so far, no child has been in a headset for longer than 15 minutes at a time. I think of the headset as being the experience that you process outside of the headset, like doing a lab in a science class.

So what’s the status of VR at Latin?

We did eight total VR experiences this year. Our Grade 8 history classes took a virtual tour of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. During a space

I’d like to get up to 15 or 16 VR experiences next year. I just did the purchasing for next year and projected which applications we’re going to use. The onus is on me to show the faculty how it can connect with what they’re doing and how it can deepen the learning for teachers and students alike.

2,090 iPads and Apple TVs on campus


Apple Computers in use by faculty and students


Hostile Tech Incursions foiled each week by Latin’s cybersecurity team

Donors Sow the Seeds for Lower School’s First-Ever CAPSTONE PROJECT

The Student Leadership Development program launched the first-ever Lower School capstone project: a new community garden that’s bursting with potential for experiential education and cross-divisional collaboration.

“The ‘why’ gets me excited,” admitted Leads With Honor teacher Alex Beck, whose face lights up whenever he describes the opportunities that will take root. “The new garden is a resource that’s going to enhance curriculum interactions and collaborations. Students will be able to learn about worms and other decomposers, identify parts of a plant, compare germination rates of seeds, observe pollinators, create art installations, and so much more.”

Fifth graders dove into the project last fall, under the direction of Mr. Beck and their teachers, with input from Director of Facilities Stephen Starner ’98 on sustainable resources— first working as architects to redesign the existing garden located outside of Carol Hall. Through the winter and spring months, students rolled up their sleeves to level the land, assemble and fill the new raised beds, and spread stone on the pathways.

“This garden is built for purpose and with purpose,” emphasized Dr. David-Aaron Roth, Director of Student Leadership Development. “We had the necessary seed funding because of donors who believe in the importance of building a caring community through service and leadership development. This type of project is the bedrock of Bob Chapman, whose inspiring philanthropy catalyzed the growth of our leadership program.”

The new living laboratory will serve as a nexus for cross-divisional work, where students of different grades can collaborate, learn, and grow together. The possibilities for leadership development and community engagement are vast: the garden’s yield can support local organizations, whether through donations or entrepreneurial projects such as selling dried herbs.

Now rising to Middle School, the proud creators of this space say they look forward to returning in future years to see the fruits of their labor. One student summed up the sentiment beautifully:

“Being able to come back someday and say, ‘I did that,’ that’s my favorite part of this garden.”


Latin faculty and staff keep up with the latest developments in their fields through a wide array of programs, ranging from the Texas Instruments T3 International Conference to the Day of Dyslexia symposium to the Applied Data Science Program on Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making at MIT.

However, some of the professional development at Latin spans years rather than days: for example, Stacy Mercer, Upper School math teacher, recently received her master’s degree in education from the University of Virginia with a focus on educational technology.

I looked around at all these amazing people I work with and thought, “Man, I want to contribute to the number of people that we have on staff with master’s degrees.” I absolutely love learning, which is probably why I work at a school.

I took many advanced math courses in college — just from a curiosity standpoint, I would love to take more. But I decided that pursuing a master’s degree in education would be more beneficial: it would have tools for the classroom and I would learn about the cognitive development of students.

I teach calculus, which can be intimidating. Even for students who have been really good at math, calculus is a whole new way of thinking. In one of my grad school classes, I learned about neuroplasticity and how the brain creates new pathways. Being able to talk to students about how their brains work has been really powerful: I tell them that if they trust me, we can do hard things. They don’t always get as excited as I do, but I think it’s fun for them.

I took one class on designing digital learning where the culminating project required me to design instructional material. It made me pause and think: “Why am I presenting it this way? What problems might my students encounter?” It was so different than the standard “I’m going to stand in front of the room, write an equation on the board, and talk about it.” There’s absolutely a time and a place for that, but now my supplemental lessons are much more engaging because I was forced to make them that way.

Unveiling the Martha Owen Lower School Faculty Fund Endowment

“Martha loved this faculty. They were all so close and meant so much to Martha. In celebration of her 45 years of service and her selfless commitment to enriching the lives of others, the Martha Owen Lower School Faculty Fund Endowment has been established. With initial funding provided by Susan Bliss and Stan Archibald, this endowment provides support in perpetuity to benefit Lower School teachers through morale-building initiatives, priorities that enhance education and teaching experience, and caring for them and their families in time of need.”

Mark Tayloe, Head of Lower School

Left: Current and retired faculty members gathered to celebrate Martha Owen, including Marsha Ashcraft, Libby Cathcart, and Claudette Hall.
Right: Stan Archibald and Susan Bliss established the Owen endowment in honor of Alison’s beloved Lower School teacher and her lasting impact on her students and fellow educators.

A Letter from the 2023-24 Latin Fund Chairs Ruth (Van Dyke) ’02 and John Wyatt P ’33 ’35 ’38

Our first gift to Latin came from pure gratitude for the exceptional education it provided: a $5 pledge in May 2003, just one year after Ruth graduated in 2002. Now, 21 years later, as our family’s bond with Latin and our commitment to philanthropy have both deepened, we’ve found joy in sharing our passion for the Latin Fund with others.

As the 2023-24 Latin Fund Chairs, we have front-row seats to our community’s remarkable generosity. We are humbled and inspired by your support, which collectively raised $2,407,520 for the 2023-24 Latin Fund. Thank you!

It is a privilege to hear from alumni who give in gratitude for the education they received and the ways in which Latin changed their lives for the better. It’s equally inspiring to speak with parents who give to support the incredible faculty and staff who see, know, and love our children. And as you’ll see in this year’s recognition lists, Hawks of all kinds — faculty, staff, grandparents, parents of alumni, and friends — give to ensure Latin’s continued excellence.

We must also extend our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated Latin Fund volunteers who joined us in the 2023-24 school year. By championing the Latin Fund and sharing their own stories, they inspired hundreds of families to join them in investing in Latin.

We’ve seen firsthand how well Latin prepares students to take their next steps — both at school and in life. Thanks to your generosity, the Latin Fund has prepared our school to soar into the new year.

Thank you for your support, your dedication, and your love for Latin. Go Hawks!

2023–24 Latin Fund Volunteers

Ruth (Van Dyke) ’02 and John Wyatt, Chairs

Rebekah and Mackenzie Alpert

Susan Bliss and Stan Archibald

Nicole Backerman

Margaret and Waldo Bradley

Anna Stavreska and Nate Brinkley

Meredith and Will ’01 Chapman

Ken Cheng and Xiaoying Meng

Jamie and Stuart Christhilf

Stewart and Jeff ’02 Cincotta

Lauren and Turner Dayton

Courtney and JC Fain

Sally and Curt Fochtmann

Jen and Michael Fulenwider

Marjorie and Zach ’02 Guy

Rachel and Justin ’01 Hannon

Binaifer and Homiar Hathiram

Lina Rodriguez and Simon Heaton

Veronica and Steve Henley

Kate and Frank Henry

Katie and Karl Hermann

Dawn and Ben Holland

Katherine (Porter) ’00 and Lang Hunter

Katie (Miller) ’01 and Travis Iams

Kristen Schneider and C.J. Kearney IV

Stephanie and Eugene Kim

Caroline and Eric Langerman

Kate (Vandiver) ’00 and Josh Leary ’00

Morgan and Welch Liles

Lauren (Bowman) ’98 and Jeff Llamas

Callie and Will ’00 Lloyd

Lindsay and Dave Mathews

Kristin and Marty Middendorf

Elizabeth and Brad Morgan

Vibha Gauba and Sarfraz Nawaz

Lillian and Nate Negrin

Johanna and Randy Newman

2023–24 Latin Fund Employee Co-Chairs

Tim Creamer

Richard Fletcher ’85

Joey Prestidge

Avery Teichman

Julia Walthall-Eisman

Molly and Thomas Nielsen

Kersten Stannard and Jeffrey Panzo

Jen and Christian Saarbach

Kim and Matt Salsbury

Stephanie and Beau ’02 Schwab

Shea and Chris Seaman

Martha and Jeff Seaman

Jackie and Mike ’87 Selle

Kindra and Vipul Shah

Cat and Brian Shaw

Catinna and Harry Sideris

Hope (Davis) ’08 and Spyros Skouras

Cheryl and Adam Smith

Kristen and Mike Wiggers

Sarah and Patrick Wilde

Halcyon and Ryan Worrell

Jacki and Andy Wright

Kathy Wang and Jim Zhang


FLY DAY is Latin’s annual festive and fun day of giving. Hawks near and far — parents, alumni, grandparents, parents of alumni, faculty, and staff — join together to celebrate and support the school we know and love.

This year’s FLY DAY 007 mission: 1,600 donors. FLY DAY 007 was [MISSION COMPLETE] with 1,640 secret agent donors raising $353,490 for the Latin Fund.

New this year: 2,000+ top-secret notes were transmitted across campus, letting donors share why they made a gift in honor of a teacher, coach, bus driver, facilities team member, or somebody else special at Latin.
New this year: Faculty and staff enjoyed prizes – doughnuts, beverages, and coffee truck service – as milestones were reached throughout the day.

Grades 1, 7, and 10 were the G.O.A.T.s of FLY DAY, thanks to families stepping up for the Parent Participation Challenge. 364 spy kids were treated to a snuggly visit from baby goats on the lawn between Founders’ Hall and the Knight-Dickson Library.

FLY DAY 007 would not have been possible without the 102 volunteers at Hawk Intelligence Agency who helped recruit parent and alumni donors, delivered top-secret notes, and wrote thank you postcards.


821 parents

741 alumni

192 faculty and staff

… and grandparents, parents of alumni, and friends of Latin joined this year’s mission.


Parent Participation Challenge Update

These grades were the G.O.A.T.s of their divisions.

Grade 1 for Lower School with 92.78% participation

Grade 7 for Middle School with 81.82% participation

Grade 10 for Upper School with 65.07% participation

Alumni Agent Recruitment Update

These classes were unstoppable.

Class of 2002 44 donors

Class of 2000 39 donors

Class of 2005 33 donors

Thank you to all of our secret agents for their missions accomplished on FLY DAY 007.

A Very Charlotte Latin Family Tree

This May, one of Charlotte Latin’s first third–generation families gathered on the Lower School playground to dedicate this magical haven for our youngest Hawks, the Francis Family Lower School Playground.

Betty and David Francis

Beth (Francis) ’77 and Chuck Hood

Elise (Davis) ’05 and Mark Houston

Hope (Davis) ’08 and Spyros Skouras

Marti (Francis) ’80 and Steven Alexander

Eric ’16 and Audrey (Beaussart) ’15 Davis

Mary Stuart (Wannamaker) ’10

Omary and Omary Abdallah

Sarah (Francis) ’83 and Jesse Samples

Ashley (Wannamaker) ’12 and Brandon Jordi ’12

Jesse Samples ’20A

Nancy ’33

Sterling ’36

(Fun CLS fact: Tom Dubick, Chair of the Innovation and Design Department, is Audrey’s stepfather)

Evie ’34

Francis Jane ’37

Raising the Curtain on the NEXT ACT OF THIES AUDITORIUM

Since 1986 — spanning 37 years, 5,600+ events, and nearly 2,000,000 attendees — Thies Auditorium has been the heart of Charlotte Latin School. A central spot on Latin’s campus, Thies has hosted big moments for every Latin family. With care and attention, the 715 iconic red seats lasted almost twice as long as expected — and in the summer of 2024, the whole space got a much-needed overhaul.

Thanks to the generosity of donors to the Thies Campaign — and the leadership of Thies Campaign Chairs and champions of the arts at Latin, Gina and Tom Lawrence — the floors in the lobby were replaced, the control booth was modernized, accessibility was improved, and 715 new seats upholstered in Latin blue were installed. In addition, the Lillie Cowan Endowment for the Arts was established, honoring a beloved member of the Latin community while providing perpetual support to Latin’s incredible performing and visual arts programs.

“Thies has been the place where generations of Latin students and their families have recognized achievements, celebrated milestones, and enjoyed the sights and sounds of all that our talented students and faculty have to offer.

Whether it is celebrations of moving up and moving on, concerts, Hawkspys, Convocation, Mosaic Night, parent meetings, admissions events, or opening nights, everyone in the Latin community has experiences tied to this special space. We are excited to see it brought into a new era of excellence and are ready for many more years of welcoming the Latin community.”

Gina and Tom Lawrence P ’24 ’26 Thies Campaign Chairs


The Class of 2024 crowded into the Downer Lobby of the Horne Performing Arts Center on May 17 for the dedication of a plaque to Lillie Cowan, their classmate who died in 2021. The ceremony marked the inauguration of the Lillie Cowan Endowment for the Arts, dedicated to funding the performing and visual arts programs at Latin, where Lillie thrived during her life. Also in attendance were a broad array of Latin staff and faculty, Lillie’s sisters Isabelle ’22 and Susannah, her grandfather Brendan McInerney, and her parents Jo and Will Cowan, all celebrating the life of an extraordinary young woman.

From the remarks of Jo Cowan:

We considered funding some sort of graduation prize or scholarship, but that wasn’t a good fit because Lillie wasn’t the kind of child who won prizes. She was just too… Lillie. She obeyed the rules as long as she felt they applied, but she didn’t care about being the winner if she didn’t value the contest. Whenever I tried to convince the girls to play the Quiet Game she would brightly declare “I lose” rather than suffer being silent. While she was fiercely competitive about some important things (like beating her sisters at Mario Kart and winning family poker night), she wasn’t about her art. She just loved creating things. It didn’t make sense to honor just one annual winner, the best at something, because that wasn’t what Lillie cared about.

The arts bring us together in a way nothing else does. In a world often divided by differences, they foster empathy and understanding, uniting us in our common humanity. The Lillie Cowan Endowment helps fund the arts for everyone at Latin.

From the first major project — restoring Thies Auditorium — it will continue to provide funding for fine arts, visual arts, performing arts, and all the things that Lillie loved. It will benefit the entire community, now and for years to come. There’s no single winner here; we all benefit from the arts, from the most talented seniors to the youngest students sculpting their first work in clay, to parents, alumni, faculty and administration. It’s a wonderful way to give back to everyone here and to remember Lillie for who she was: a determined young girl with a passion for the arts and a deep desire to make the world a better place for everyone in it. Her life was tragically cut short, but I hope that her legacy will be that the continued funding of the arts at Latin will continue to bring us together, fostering unity and community in this remarkable school.

A Legacy of GIVING

Dr. Kenneth Collins, 1944–2024

In 2011, Dr. Ken Collins was joined by his wife, Mary Beth, as he met with the Charlotte Latin Philanthropy team to share his vision for the Collins Lower School Scholarship Fund. An Upper School math teacher, swim coach, chess player, and icon for Latin’s alumni, Dr. Collins wanted to do everything he could to increase student diversity at Charlotte Latin, beginning in the formative Lower School years.

With the Collins Lower School Scholarship Fund, Dr. Collins hoped to inspire others to give generously in support of his vision for Latin’s future, which has – so far – supported the Latin journey for three Collins Scholars.

“Doc Collins saw a need and responded in a way that has truly changed lives. By allocating a scholarship for a Lower School student, he understood that some families either couldn’t afford Latin ‘yet’ or were intimidated and deterred by the long road ahead. Even though he taught the oldest and most mathematically adept students at Latin, he valued the foundation Latin provided and knew that early access could lead to even greater academic success. He wanted every child to experience the magical years of beginning school. I have seen, firsthand, these success stories play out. I love that his greatest formula was one of the heart.”

“You could hear the air leave Thies Auditorium when Doc Collins announced that he and Mary Beth were going to donate $500,000 to start several Lower School scholarships so that the cost of attendance was not going to be a burden.”

“The Collins Scholarship will forever be remembered in our family as we know that without it, our family would not have been financially able to provide such an enriched learning foundation for our child. It is our hope and prayer that the donors are keenly aware how the act of giving has allowed another student to share the pride and strong appreciation for learning that resonates in the Charlotte Latin community.”

The family of the first Collins Scholarship recipient

Since 1970, community has been the heart and soul of Charlotte Latin. Teachers, parents, volunteers, founders, mentors, donors, coaches, students, alumni: they’ve all shaped the school’s spirit and built something larger than any one individual could. The school doesn’t exist without the Latin community, its core values, and its commitment to academic excellence. That generosity with knowledge, time, and philanthropy ensures Latin’s lasting legacy of whole-child education for generations of students.

Some of our generous donors have chosen to include the school in their long-term gift planning, a testament to their lifelong commitment to and gratitude for the Latin experience. Previously known as the Capital Society, this year our legacy giving society was updated to more accurately reflect the role they play in the school’s success: Pillars of Latin.

Dr. Kenneth Collins, beloved Upper School math teacher for 50 years starting in 1971, gave generously to Latin during his lifetime with his exuberant spirit, his hours spent educating and nurturing generations of teenagers, and not least, his dollars — with gifts given both during his lifetime and after, through an annuity.

Dr. Collins was the exemplar of a Pillar of Latin, upholding what has made Latin a special place for more than 50 years, while illuminating a bright future for Hawks yet to come. Charlotte Latin School thanks all Pillars of Latin for carrying forward Latin’s legacy of excellence and community.


Celebrating the Latin community’s leaders – those who generously give their time, expertise, and philanthropic dollars

Illuminating the IMPACT of the Alumni Endowment

When a Latin graduate makes a gift to the Latin Fund, 25% is allocated to the Alumni Endowment. Established in 1990 and currently valued at $2.5 million, Latin’s Alumni Endowment traditionally supported three main initiatives each school year: the Inlustrate Orbem Awards, the Distinguished Faculty Chairs, and Learning to Fly Scholarships.

Recognizing our alumni’s desire to expand their impact on school life today, the Alumni Governing Board (AGB) unanimously approved new initiatives this year. These include the introduction of an Inlustrate Orbem Cross-Divisional Award, the creation of the Alumni Service Award, annual commitments to the Plus Fund, and a one-time gift to the Collins Lower School Scholarship Fund.

Megan Butt, Walden Becker ’22, Alan Becker, Soraya Toosi, Camille Becker ’25, E.C. Myers ’16, and Bilal Butt celebrate Alan Becker’s and Bilal Butt’s well-deserved Inlustrate Orbem awards.

Inlustrate Orbem Awards: Introducing the Cross-Divisional Award

The Inlustrate Orbem Awards recognize and reward exceptional faculty members who have made significant contributions to the life of our school. Each recipient is honored with a $5,000 award in acknowledgment of their service and commitment to excellence. Throughout our school’s evolution, faculty and staff across our three divisions have profoundly affected the lives of Latin students. In recognition and gratitude of the individuals whose impact transcends the school’s divisional structure, the Alumni Governing Board unanimously agreed to establish a fourth Inlustrate Orbem award: the Inlustrate Orbem Cross-Divisional award.

In May 2024, Jill Flynn (Lower School), Suzanne Little Robards ’82 (Middle School), and Alan Becker (Upper School) all received Inlustrate Orbem Awards. Bilal Butt (Middle and Upper School Speech and Debate) was recognized as the inaugural Cross-Divisional recipient.

The Collins Lower School Scholarship Fund

In memory of our beloved mathematician, coach, and philanthropist, Dr. Ken Collins, a one-time gift of $15,000 was contributed to the Collins Lower School Scholarship Fund. Dr. Collins was a steadfast supporter of our alumni community, and his legacy of generosity and dedication to Charlotte Latin continues to inspire all alumni.

Learning to Fly Scholarships

Established in the 2020-21 school year, the Learning to Fly Scholarship is awarded to three Lower School students to assist in meeting a variety of financial aid needs. Priority is given to alumni children with the hope that more alumni families will consider Latin as an option for their children.

The Plus Fund

Families on substantial financial aid often do not have the resources to pay for items beyond tuition, such as lunch, books, rentals, sports fees, travel experiences, or learning resources. The Plus Fund provides funds above tuition assistance to finance these additional and/or unexpected costs, ensuring a student admitted to Charlotte Latin will have similar access to all experiences.

The Alumni Service Award: Recognizing Sally Gray Smith ’82

The Alumni Service Award recognizes an alumnus or alumna who has consistently demonstrated exemplary service to Charlotte Latin, significantly contributing to its mission, success, stature, and well-being. Honorees demonstrate a strong loyalty to Latin, exceptional contributions of time and effort, and a personal commitment to the advancement of the school’s mission. The awardee is empowered to direct a one-time gift of $5,000 from the Alumni Endowment to a cause within the Latin community that holds personal significance.

At the Alumni Governing Board

Past President’s lunch this spring, Sally Gray Smith ’82 was the first-ever recipient of the Alumni Service Award. Sally served as the Director of Alumni Relations and Giving for 17 years, and was celebrated for her unwavering dedication and commitment to Charlotte Latin and the alumni community. In honor of her former math teacher, Dr. Collins, she directed her $5,000 gift to the Collins Lower Scholarship Fund.

Distinguished Faculty Chairs

Two Distinguished Faculty Chairs are selected to exemplify leadership, instruction, and mentorship for the entire Latin community. Current Distinguished Faculty Chairs are Mike Weiss and Richard Fletcher ’85. Each Faculty Chair receives a substantial monetary commitment during their tenure.

Alumni giving DOES make a difference.

Alumni Governing Board

The mission of the Alumni Governing Board (AGB) is to advance the values of Charlotte Latin School’s mission statement. This includes strengthening ties with alumni, honoring the school’s faculty, and enriching the broader school community. The AGB includes focus committees that collaborate with the Office of Alumni Relations to identify specific needs and devise corresponding strategies to fulfill them.

2023–24 Highlights

• Opened alumni governing committees to all alumni, resulting in over 35 participants, including both local and remote alumni, actively supporting various initiatives.

• Reviewed current funded allocations and identified additional initiatives to maximize the impact of the Alumni Endowment.

• Revitalized Hawks on Tap, bringing together over 40 local Hawks spanning class years from 1977 to 2020 at Charlotte-area events.

• Partnered with the College Counseling office to host the College-Aged Alumni Luncheon and introduced a new alumni panel discussion for seniors.

• Formalized the Regional Lead role, pivotal in organizing Out of the Blue regional events in Washington, D.C., New York, and the Research Triangle Park area (Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh).

• Hosted the inaugural True Blue Giving Society State of the School event with Head of School Chuck Baldecchi and Director of Student Leadership Dr. David-Aaron Roth.

• Participated in Latin’s inaugural Community Day, volunteering alongside faculty, staff, and students to build birdhouses and paint doormats.

• Achieved 741 alumni donors on FLY DAY. With the year-end Collins Cup challenge we achieved a 20% alumni participation rate with 835 total alumni donors.

Charlotte Latin School Alumni Governing Board 2023–2024

James McLelland ’17, Chair

Doug Ausbon ’75

Chase Carbone ’10

Sydnor Gammon ’07

Tyler Henry ’16

Joey Holder ’93

Jamie Esposito Hubbard ’06

Ryan Kearney ’04

Conor Keeley ’11

Jonathan Kirkland ’02

Jarrett Lewis ’03

Ken Leonczyk ’96

Elli Morrison McAdams ’13

Marcus Mills ’01

E.C. Myers ’16

Sebastian Nabatoff ’15

Ashley Moody Sigmon ’01

Gray Smith ’15

Paul Taylor ’09

“This school year’s theme of interconnectedness proved integral to the growth of the Charlotte Latin Alumni Association in forging meaningful relationships across the expansive uniquities of our alumni community via decade and geography. Together, we committed to growing as one community that continues to Enlighten the World.”

James McLelland ’17,

True Blue Giving Society

The True Blue Giving Society celebrates the philanthropic leadership of our Charlotte Latin alumni.

Alumni can join True Blue with these gifts:

Classes of Amount

2019–23 $25+

2014–18 $250+

2009–13 $500+

1974–08 $1,000+

Benefits include:

Recognition in Gratitude Report. Holiday cocktails with current and retired faculty, and an invitation to a State of the School with Head of School.

Elizabeth (Barnhardt) ’04 and Jonathan ’02 Kirkland, along with J.P. ’01 and Stephanie Tsahakis, attended our inaugural True Blue State of the School event, where Head of School Chuck Baldecchi and Director of Student Leadership David-Aaron Roth shared insights into the Latin Leads Strategic Plan and the Portrait of the Latin Leader.

Over Thanksgiving, Hawks from near and far gathered at the home of Ruth (Van Dyke) ’02 and John Wyatt for our True Blue Celebration, thanking donors for their leadership, volunteerism, and unwavering support of Latin.

“My 17 years at Latin felt more like a way of life than a job for me. As a student and then as a colleague, Dr. Collins was always my chief supporter and my number one volunteer. He modeled what it meant to cherish the relationships built and connections made at Charlotte Latin. Directing my Alumni Service Award gift to his scholarship was an easy decision to honor his mission of providing assistance for our youngest Hawks.”

– Sally Gray Smith ’82

Past Alumni Governing Board presidents celebrate Sally Gray Smith ’82, recipient of the Alumni Service Award.

IMPACT of Our Volunteers

The volunteer community at Latin is second to none. Our volunteers go beyond simply giving of their time. They bring infinite enthusiasm, varied experience, and immeasurable creativity. Above all, our volunteers bring their genuine love for Latin and abiding commitment to sustaining the excellent experience our students, faculty, and staff deserve.

You’ll see here some of the many ways in which volunteers impact life at Latin — examples that only touch on the breadth of contributions they make each year. Here’s to the hand-raisers, the time-givers, the community-builders.

Thank you for making Latin home.

Parents’ Council

Charlotte Latin’s Parents’ Council supports the Board of Trustees and Administration by employing the unique talents of our parent community in the areas of communication, fellowship, fundraising, and service.

• Through the care and leadership of 17 grade level liaisons, welcomed new families to Latin at back-to-school orientations and new family events.

• Celebrated the return to school at the annual Touchdown Tailgate, greeting new and returning families at a fun-filled dinner before the Latin and Carver High School varsity football game.

• United the Charlotte Latin community under one Quail Hollow Club roof for Celebrate Latin 2024 It was a night of fellowship, celebration, reverie, and fundraising success with more than $667,000 raised for Parents’ Council.

• In collaboration with school administration, the Parent Education committee hosted Devorah Heitner, author of Growing Up In Public: Coming of Age in a Digital World for presentations to students, parents, faculty, and staff.

• Hosted the annual Lower School Book Fair, including Donuts with Grown Ups where more than 600 pastries were served to children and parents. In addition, hosted a book discussion with Meredith Ritchie, local author of Poster Girls, at our Visiting Author Luncheon attended by parents, faculty, and staff.

• The Global Partners program immersed our youngest Hawks in all things Germany, bringing parents into the classroom to teach Lower School students about our global interconnectedness.

• On Faculty and Staff Appreciation Days, served over 650 mini pastries and treats from Virtuoso Breadworks and 270 Rico’s Acai Bowls, 360 Nothing Bundt Cakes, and coffee. Parents’ Council also supported multiple luncheons for Latin’s faculty and staff throughout the year.

• May Day Play Day brought the force on May 4, bringing together families of all ages for the spring carnival. This tradition is possible only because of the support of more than 300 student, parent, faculty, and staff event volunteers.

• The Together Latin Cares committee served 28 meals to families in the Latin community throughout the year.

• The Service Recognition and Retirement Luncheon closed out the 2023-24 school year by honoring more than 350 members of our faculty and staff.

• Parents’ Council appropriated $153,440 to the Latin Fund, to the endowment, and to many requested needs of Latin’s administration, faculty, and staff across all divisions.

2023–24 Parents’ Council Executive Board

Deborah Hullinger, President

Kimber Morgan, First Vice President Lauran Godwin, Second Vice President

Karen Cotchett, Treasurer

Chrys Riley, Assistant Treasurer Ivy Babcock, Secretary

With the help and dedication of so many committed volunteers, this year’s Parents’ Council brought together new friends, entertained original ideas, and worked with one another alongside our incredible faculty, staff, and students.

Charlotte Latin is an interconnected community of families, and throughout the school year, our Parents’ Council was able to serve the school we all cherish.”

Deborah Hullinger P ’22 ’25

Booster Club

The Charlotte Latin Booster Club supports the school’s Athletic Department, including student-athletes, coaches, trainers, and administrators. The Booster Club board manages concessions, creates the seasonal Latin athletics magazine and senior keepsake, helps plan and staff special events, and offers assistance with strategic projects, NCISAA ticketing, and spirit initiatives.

2023–24 Booster Club Executive Board

2023–24 Highlights

Jen Dauska, President

Steve Hitzemann, President Elect

Jane Hunter, Past President Alexa Cutter, Treasurer

Kimber Morgan, Secretary

• Partnered with Spirit Club to host the inaugural Powder Puff Football Tournament during Homecoming. It was well attended by many Upper School students and parents, and promises to be an exciting annual event for our school community.

• Hosted a special Lower School Spirit Night for our youngest Hawks. Our basketball, dance, and cheer squads generated enthusiasm with morning carpool greetings and tours of the Lower School in advance of big Friday night basketball showdowns. The children loved the autograph table, sign-making, basketball games, and, of course, the chicken dance.

• Kicked off the winter sports season with the Winter Sports Showcase, highlighting the many talents of our swim, basketball, and wrestling teams.

• Produced the 2024 Hawkspy Awards, an unforgettable night for our seniors, state champions, and coaches. The “Sneakers and Sequins” celebration recognized our four state championship teams while honoring our coaches and senior athletes.

• Provided “Home of a State Champion” signs to our four state championship teams, as well as pennants for senior athletes. The Booster Club also created thousands of spirit buttons for parents to wear proudly in support of their student-athletes.

• Successfully managed multiple concessions stands for all visitors and Latin sports fans. The concessions team welcomed and trained volunteers for home football games and Latin sporting events all year long.

• Produced the 2024 Latin Sports Magazine for our senior families, along with three seasonal digital magazines. These publications highlighted our athletes in action and the collective achievements of all of our Latin teams.

Latin athletics had so much to celebrate this year. Congratulations to all of our athletes, coaches, and families, and many thanks to the amazing Booster Club Board and its volunteers for their incredible support.

Go Hawks!

Latin Arts Association

Latin Arts Association is the umbrella organization that supports, enhances, and promotes the arts community at Latin, including choral and instrumental music, creative writing, theater arts, visual arts, and speech and debate.

2023–24 Latin Arts Association Executive Board

Abbe McCracken, President

Jen Wouters, First Vice President

Gina Lawrence, Second Vice President

Maria Hurden, Treasurer

Anna Davis, Secretary

2023–24 Highlights

• Hosted the first-ever Behind the Curtain: On the Runway fashion show, bringing together budding fashion designers, hair and make-up artists, and models from Grades 6–12 onto Durrett Stage in Thies Auditorium.

• Kicked off Charlotte Latin and LAA’s partnership with Charlotte Mecklenburg Animal Care and Control (ACC). Faculty, students, and LAA volunteers handpainted a social media mural for ACC, with plans to paint a branded ACC mural in the fall of 2024.

• Demonstrated philanthropic leadership with an early gift to the Thies Campaign and creation of the Lillie Cowan Endowment for the Arts.

• Brought together singers of all skill levels from the Latin community for the third annual Community Chorale during the holiday season. Students, parents, faculty, alumni, and more rang in the holidays together in Anne’s Black Box Theater.

• Ahead of the opening night performance, LAA hosted the Behind the Curtain VIP preview of Mean Girls, featuring dinner and a directors’ talk and Q&A with Matt Cosper, Ryan Maloney, Ryan Harrison, and Emily Hunter.

Thriving is the first word that comes to mind when I think about the arts at Latin. Everyone who steps on campus can see that the arts have a deep impact on the culture of our school. We are a community that embraces creativity — from the amazing open-air sculptures to the incredible student art lining the walls — and celebrates collaboration among students, faculty, administration, and volunteers. I’m so proud of the amazing collaborations, parent group partnerships, and community-forward events LAA championed this year.”

• Featured the Senior Art Show in the Downer Lobby of the Horne Performing Arts Center throughout the month of February. Kicked off this special art gallery with an event attended by more than 200 friends, faculty, and family members supporting our talented senior artists.

• Hosted Dr. Bryan Vescio, Cormac McCarthy Scholar and English Department Chair at High Point University, for a lunch and learn session, as well as classroom instruction for AP English students.

• For March’s Youth Art Month, partnered with the Mint Museum Uptown to host an art show featuring Kindergarten to Grade 5 student work from Charlotte-area independent schools.

• Supported the field trip for all Grade 7 students to visit the Gantt, McColl, and VAPA Centers, in addition to the Mint Museum, where students were able to celebrate those peers with works in the Scholastic Art & Writing Show.

• Celebrated the launch of the 2023-24 Blue Review magazine with a gathering of more than 100 students, friends, and family members presenting some of the visual and creative writing pieces selected for the award-winning literary magazine.

• Hosted the Speech and Debate Spring Showcase, Senior Film Premiere and Celebration, and Winter & Spring Music Concert Receptions to celebrate our talented and multifaceted students in these award-winning programs.

Abbe McCracken P ’22 ’25

CELEBRATING The Latin Society

The Latin Society gratefully recognizes our philanthropic leaders who make annual leadership gifts of $2,500 or more to the Latin Fund. We celebrate this generous community at signature events throughout the school year, connecting current parents, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, and others in celebration of Charlotte Latin.

Soar Circle Celebration

The Latin Society Soar Circle honors donors who support the Latin Fund with annual gifts of $10,000 or more.

Our Soar Circle donors were invited to the Soar Circle Celebration at Carmel Country Club, where the evening was hosted by Head of School Chuck Baldecchi and incoming Board Chair Rael Gorelick.


1. Ryan Kearney ’04, Chuck Baldecchi
2. Mackenzie Alpert, Uma and James O’Brien, Rebekah Alpert
3. Rael Gorelick, Jeff and Lauren (Bowman) ’98 Llamas, Eric and Virginia Flynn
4. John and Ruth (Van Dyke) ’02 Wyatt, Kristen Schneider and C.J. Kearney, Jackie (Roche) ’04 and Steve Ryder
Mark Tayloe, Julie and Dwayne Blanton
6. Zach ’02 and Marjorie Guy, Margie and Tyler ’04 Gately
7. Wizzie Irvin, Peggy (Kane) ’96 Thies, Kim Salsbury
8. Chris Douglas, Jack Ross, Todd Ballaban

1970 Circle Cocktail Party

The Latin Society 1970 Circle honors donors who support the Latin Fund with annual gifts of $5,000 to $9,999.

This spring, our 1970 Circle donors were invited to a poolside cocktail party at Kristen Cone’s home.







1. Erin and Chuck Baldecchi, Kristen Cone
2. Erica Moore, Ryan Worrell, Nate Brinkley
3. Danielle Casson and PJ Martin, Kelly Katterhagen and Larry Nabatoff, Joanne Beam
Katie Cumbus, Jeff and Martha Seaman, Kevin Cumbus
Christian and Barbara Robinson
Tom Dubick, Steve Beam, Kim and Mark Calloway
Kristen Cone, Katherine Costello, Amy and Evan Kerr, Edward Costello
Stephanie and Mark Rindner
Jay Thomas ’89, Jackie and Mike ’87 Selle, Aimee Thomas
10. Brian Shaw, Matthew Simmons, Cat Shaw, Jessica Simmons


The Latin Society Leadership Evening celebrates all Latin Society donors, including Soar Circle, 1970 Circle, and Hawks Circle ($2,500–$4,999) levels, at the signature fall event.

In September, we hosted this cocktail party in the Horne Performing Arts Center, bringing together philanthropic leaders from our faculty and staff, alumni, current parents, parents of alumni, grandparents, and more.

1. Simon Heaton, Phillipe Greenberg

2. Jen and Michael Fulenwider, Ben and Wendy Gilman

3. Christian Robinson, John Wyatt

4. James McLelland ’17, Marty and Kristin Middendorf, Paige (Ford) ’06 and Nathan Schwartzbauer

5. Alicia Long, Ryan Maloney, Sally Roper

6. Nance and Heather Hendley, Matt and Tara Livingston, Deborah and Jerry Hullinger, Mary Griesser

7. Reed Kracke, Turner Dayton, Jefferson Rives, Michael Baker

8. Randy and Johanna Newman, Courtney and Rich Goettke

9. Jamie ’82 and Elizabeth Kiser, Kristi and Jerry Walters

10. Lindsay Taylor, Elizabeth Baker, Blair Scheuer, Lindsay Griffin

11. Neil and Chrissy McConaughy, Jeff and Susan (Brown) ’98 Wolfe

12. Fritz Porter, Chuck Baldecchi, Mary Margaret Porter

13. Betty and Jeff Lee, David and Susannah Lund

From the Director of Philanthropy

Joanne O’Brien Beam P ’22

When I’m walking across the Charlotte Latin campus and I can steal a few minutes, I like to linger outside a classroom. If I look through a glass window, I can’t hear the subject of a lesson, but I can almost always see a familiar tableau: a teacher passionately explaining a new concept and students whose faces are lighting up with understanding. It happens hundreds of times a day every day at Latin, but I never take a moment of epiphany for granted.

Each one is a daily miracle that represents the values and the promise of Latin: we will never be content with “good enough.” The Latin community is full of people — students, teachers, parents, administrators, staff, alumni — finding ways to go beyond what is expected, making deep connections, excelling at six things at once.

I also see those values manifested in the generosity of our community with both time and money. The Latin Fund is our flagship method for giving to the school — and its robust success is a tribute to Latin’s philanthropic tradition. Through endowments and special campaigns, however, the Latin community donates money to improve life on campus, like the Thies Auditorium renovation. We look forward to the next forty-plus years of student activities in this iconic space. This year, new endowments were established to support the Athletics Department and Strategic Plan initiatives; they ensure that Latin will be able to serve its students and faculty for generations to come.

I know these aren’t just numbers on a spreadsheet: every single donation reflects the bond between a teacher and a student, a family and the school, a young life and a mentor. They don’t just make those daily epiphanies possible — they turn them into realities.


Celebrating our Philanthropic Leaders

Every year, we invite each member of the Latin community to support our school with a gift that is meaningful to their family. We see many types of philanthropic leadership: the recent graduate who gives back to Latin while kick-starting a new career. The family that makes a significant gift above and beyond tuition. The faculty member who honors the school that invests in them. These are just a few examples of leadership in action; we are incredibly proud and grateful for every single one.

The Latin Society

The Latin Society honors donors who support the Latin Fund with total annual giving of $2,500 or more.

Mary and Bruce Anderson

Susan Bliss and Stan Archibald *

Julie and Dwayne Blanton

Margaret and Waldo Bradley

Nancy and Hy Bunn

Beth and Michael Clifton

Ginny and John Comly

Kristen Cone

Janet Cone

Lauren and Turner Dayton

Lee Ann and Steve DeCarlo

Sarah and Chris Douglas

Anonymous (3)

Rebekah and Mackenzie Alpert

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alpert

Kinsey and Billy ‘02 Fennebresque

Virginia and Eric Flynn

Amanda and Grady Frank

Jenn and Mike Freno *

Gabi and Rael Gorelick

Marjorie and Zach ‘02 Guy *

Rachel and Justin ‘01 Hannon

Jennie and Greg Harper

Katie and Karl Hermann

Kathryn and Eddie Holland

Wizzie and Dan Irvin

Kristen Schneider and C.J. Kearney

Susan and Chris Kearney

Mary Kate and Ryan ‘04 Kearney

Vanessa and Kevin Kearney

Nola and Ron Linker

Lauren (Bowman) ‘98 and Jeff Llamas *

Sehnaz and Gene Lowe

Christina and Warren McDonald

Kristin and Marty Middendorf *

Patricia and Frank Middendorf

Deepthi Pavuluri and Ravi Modukuri

Katie and Kevin Morgan *

Uma and James O’Brien

Bill and Susan Porter/ The Paul and Margaret Porter Foundation

Kasey and Thomas ‘01 Porter

Jenny and Brian Purcell

Neely and Jack Purcell

Mary Elizabeth and Jefferson Rives

Jackie (Roche) ‘04 and Steve Ryder *

Jen and Christian Saarbach

Katherine and Mitchell Schorr

Mardell and Dan Schuster

Liz and Dave Shuford

Emily and Blair ‘02 Shwedo *

Melissa and Daniel Siever

Peggy (Kane) ‘96 and Charles ‘90 Thies *

Blair and Andrew Tucker

Leslie and Mitchell ‘87 Wickham *

Kristen and Mike Wiggers

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years ♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years

$5,000 – $9,999

Anonymous (3)

Heath and Grant Alexander

Xian Wang and Feng Bai

Erin and Chuck Baldecchi

Joanne and Steve Beam *

Irm and Ross Bellavia *

Kara and Andy ‘07 Benjamin

Nancy and Nathan Bourne

Will Bowman ‘02

Sabina and Nathan Bragg

Anna Stavreska and Nate Brinkley

Christina and Keith ‘93 Brunnemer

Erin and Brad Buser

Stacey and Steven Cady

Kim and Mark Calloway ♦

Jenny Campbell

Hawks Circle

$2,500 – $4,999

Anonymous (9)

Laura and David Archibald

Elizabeth and Michael Baker

Amy and Todd Ballaban

Jean Ann and Barry Banker

Laura and Tim Casey

Meredith and Will ‘01 Chapman *

Jamie and Stuart Christhilf *

Woody and Jerry Clark

Amy and Phil Colaco

Hollie and William Collins-Dean

Katherine and Edward Costello

Katie and Kevin Cumbus

Jen and Jeffrey Danesis

Sherilyn and Tyler Degenhardt *

Tracy and John Denning

Katie and David Deterding

Peggy and Don Dimperio

Susan and Jonathan Dion

Mary Katherine and Dana DuBose *

Kristen and Jonathan Dugan

Teresa Liu and Honglei Fan

Holland and Ian Ferguson

Cassell and John FitzHugh

Sally and Curt Fochtmann

Mark Fuller ‘77

Lanny and Aaron Gillespie

Courtney and Rich Goettke

Lindsay and Tripp Griffin *

Laurie and Barry Guy

John Hackney

Betsy and Patrick Hartman

Sarah and Taylor Hayden

Lina Rodriguez and Simon Heaton

Wendy and Gary Hecimovich *

Lynn and Charley Hodges

Joe and Jenna Hollmeyer

Whitney and Justin Holofchak

Kara and Graham Hunt

Katherine (Porter) ‘00 and Lang Hunter *

Kate and Robert Kadijevic

Yan Yu and Jack Kang

Camille and Robert Kanofsky *

Kelly Katterhagen and Larry Nabatoff *

Joy and Chris Kenefick *

Amy and Evan Kerr

Missy and William Kutner

Kelley and Greg Laughton

Gina and Tom Lawrence

Julie and Howard ‘77 Levine *

Amanda and Scott Linch

Tara and Matt Livingston *

Callie and Will ‘00 Lloyd

McCay and Kevin Manwaring

Katie and Erik Martenson

Danielle Casson and PJ Martin

Natalie and Todd May

Emily and Max McEwen ‘99

Tamara and Tino McFarland

Laura and Matt McGirt *

Anna (Simpson) ‘94 and Ed ‘93 McMahan

Joy and Michael Misocky

Caton and Charlie Morris

Lillian and Nate Negrin

Johanna and Randy Newman

Denny (Smith) ‘90 and Brian O’Leary *

Eydie and Blake Okland *

Tanya Whitner and Alan Oliver

Rachel and Steve Pangalos

Kersten Stannard and Jeffrey Panzo

Cara and Luke Peters

Erin Walsh and Jon Philpot ‘99

Mary Margaret and Fritz Porter *

Karen and Ward Pritchett

Enid and Steve Randall *

Molly and David Reed

Emily and Brian Richards ‘96

Stephanie and Mark Rindner

Barbara and Christian Robinson

Peggy and Kevin Roche

Emily and Luke Rosser

Rita and Hal Rosser

Leslie and Wade Sample

Eddie Sams

Simpson and Allan Schmitt

Paige (Ford) ‘06 and Nathan Schwartzbauer

Martha and Jeff Seaman

Jackie and Mike ‘87 Selle

Cat and Brian Shaw

Catinna and Harry Sideris

Margaret and Carter Siegel *

Jessica and Matthew Simmons

Hope (Davis) ‘08 and Spyros Skouras

Cheryl and Adam Smith

Kristi and Eric Speckman

Maxine and Mark Starner ♦

Carolyn and Dan Stone

Erika and John Templeton

Aimee and Jay ‘89 Thomas

Allie Lin and Joseph Thomas

Whitney and Andrew Tindel

Kristina and Paul Tucker

Michelle and Austin Vanassa

Karen and Rob Vaughn

Iris Dou and Derek Wang

Cameron and Thomas White

Jean and Walter Wilkinson

Gracy and Scott Wooster *

Jacki and Andy Wright

Ruth (Van Dyke) ‘02 and John Wyatt *

Kitty and Kiran Yalavarthy

Allison and Michael York

Maureen and Ronald Young

Amy and John Bezanson

Haley and James ‘05 Bishop

Mary Helen and Bill Bowman

Katie Huo and Simon Cai

Yanyan Wu and Yang Cao

Liezl and Chris Cary

Allison and Frank Chatman

Xiaoying Meng and Yuan Cheng

Stewart and Jeff ‘02 Cincotta

Lauri and Andy ‘87 Clark *

Annie and Charlie ‘01 Clarke

Ginny and John Collett ♦

Mary Beth and Ken Collins ♦

Lora and Mike Connor *

Karen and Jim Cotchett ♦

Hillary and Burrell Crittendon

Linda and Tim Cropper ♦

Mary Ann and Oliver Cross

Frances (Turner) ‘02 and Daniel Deller

Christina and Neal Desai

Mary and Brooke Dickson

Jennifer and Nick Dimovski

Zelle and John Dunn

Melinda and Brannen Edge

Ashley and Ben Ellis

Chris Fahrney

Laura Fahrney

Courtney and JC Fain

Elizabeth (Moore) Filpi ‘96 and Matt Filpi

Scott Fitzgerald ‘88

Kathryn and Adam Ford

Carrie and Jay Galloway

Lia Spina and Michael Gaslin

Kathy and Don Gately ♦

Stacy and Roderick Gee

Abby Shen and John Geng

Ashley and Brian Gift

Anna (Stiegel) ‘01 and Scott Glass *

Kristin and Fletcher ‘04 Gregory

Jessica and Bill Griesser

Lydia and David Hanna *

Heather and Dana Hanson

Emily and David Harry

Cathie and Bob Hartness

Binaifer and Homiar Hathiram

Heather and Nance Hendley *

Kate and Frank Henry

Mandy and Tim Hicks

Philomena and Jason Hilton

Joey Holder ‘93

Mary and Jonathan Holland

Pender and John Hollmeyer

Nancy Holt

Kexin Zhao and Xuetao Thomas Hu

Lauren and Nathan Hull

Sally and Watts Humphrey

Jane and Tommy Hunter ‘86 *

Danielle and Ryan Hutcheson

Tori Irvine

Anu and Jensen Jacob

Nikki (Papadopulos) ‘06 and Page Jacobson

Diep Nguyen and Taylor Jarrell

Kendall and Carroll Jones *

Catherine and Scott Kiefer

Stephanie and Eugene Kim *

Elizabeth and Jamie ‘82 Kiser

Ginny and Brad Knight

Kristin and Reed Kracke

Christy and Brian Krasnigor

Caroline and Eric Langerman

Laurie and Kevin Larsh

Maggie and Mike Leffke

Louise and Ken ‘96 Leonczyk

Ghazal and Karim Lokas

Chrissy (Hunter) ‘04 and Andy Lucas

Susannah and David Lund

Amber and Phil Lynch *

Jennifer and Rollin Lynn

Wandra and George Mackie

Gail and Frank Madara

Tanya and John Marco

Amy and Ryan Marsh

Lori and Andrew Martin

Lindsay and Dave Mathews

Catherine and Eric Matthews

Robert and Lynda McArthur

Ellen and Jordan McCarley

Abbe and Ryan McCracken

Catherine and Hunter ‘03 Miller *

Patterson (Maker) ‘07 and Graham ‘07 Miller

Laura and Coy Monk *

Elizabeth and Brad Morgan

Jorj and George Morgan

Jenny and Billy Morton

Read and Terrie Morton

Jane and Justin Mosbo

Niyati Nathwani and Abhijeet Nadkarni *

Vibha Gauba and Sarfraz Nawaz

Suzanne and Bill Nichols

Missy and Heath Norman

Trudi and Gray Norris

Mary Yorke (Robison) ‘83 and David Oates ♦

Meagan and Harris ‘12 Oates

Harriet and Rick Ollman

Susie and John Papadopulos

Ann Stewart and Pearson Pendergrass

Meredith and Geordie Pierson

Laura and Will ‘03 Potts

Krista (Gasbarro) ‘98 and Mason ‘98 Rankin *

Jyoti and Santosh ‘94 Rao

Beth (Goode) ‘76 and Ernie Reigel

Kate and Anthony Ring

Aline and Keith Robelen

Lindsey and Stephen Rook

Robyn and Todd Rosenthal

Aparna and Rabindra Sagunarthy

Laura and David Sammons

Grace and John Saydlowski

Shelley and Greg ‘08 Schuster

Stephanie and Beau ‘02 Schwab

Jarrell and Graham Seagraves

Shea and Chris Seaman

Amy and Dave Shaffer

Kindra and Vipul Shah


Aubree and Trevor Slaven

Sarah and Greg Slayton

Kristin and Andrew Stinson

Jessica and Brett Stoner

Christine and Jason Strife

Jennifer and Josh Surowitz

Kim and Mark Tayloe *

Sonja and Christopher Taylor

Mary and Edward Taylor

Kathylee and Ken Thompson

Tina He and Yingming Tian

Sandra Troni and Rodrigo Troni Pena *

Whitney and Brad Vineyard

Jessica and Craig Walker

Lawrence Wall ♦

Ashley and John Patrick Walsh

Kristi and Jerry Walters

Michelle Xu and Xizhen Wang

Jeff Warren

Xining Zhang and Chaojie Wei

Sara and Ryan Weiers

Erin and Bryan White

Marlo Wilson-Alston

Halcyon and Ryan Worrell

Leigh and Ryan Young

Kathy Wang and Jim Zhang

Sophia Yue and Stephen Zhou

Hellen Cao and Wanxin Zhou

New Family Leadership Circle




We are grateful to the new families who chose to make the Latin Fund a philanthropic priority in their first year, and honor those who joined the New Family Leadership Circle with a gift of $5,000 or more.

Heath and Grant Alexander

Kara and Andy ‘07 Benjamin

Hollie and William Collins-Dean

Katherine and Edward Costello

Jen and Jeffrey Danesis

Kristen and Jonathan Dugan

Kinsey and Billy ‘02 Fennebresque

Cassell and John FitzHugh

Katie and Erik Martenson

Danielle Casson and PJ Martin

Faculty and Staff Leadership

Invitation to the Latin Society Leadership Evening 1970 CIRCLE

Leslie and Wade Sample

Jessica and Matthew Simmons

Erika and John Templeton

Aimee and Jay ‘89 Thomas

Allie Lin and Joseph Thomas

Our faculty and staff demonstrate Latin’s commitment to excellence each day in and outside of the classroom. We are grateful for those who support the Latin Fund with a leadership gift.

Paul Alt *

Nancy Atwell *

Lilla Austin

Chuck Baldecchi

Todd Ballaban

Amy Ballaban

Joanne Beam *

Jennifer Coble

Kurt Coleman

Nidhie Dhiman

Heather Dixon

Eric Dottarar

Spencer Dowd

Chris Downing ♦

Lea Fitzpatrick

David Gatoux *

Topher Gee *

Mary (Dickson) Gorman ‘00 *

Kaila Gottschling

Dale Greene *

Jim Huffaker

Tanya Kellar

Heather Knull *

Jeff Knull *

Beth Lucas *

Ryan Maloney

Robert McArthur

Chrissy McConaughy *

Neil McConaughy *

Patterson (Maker) Miller ‘07

Barbara Morrow *

Matt Morrow *

Jenny Morton

Meredith (Kempert) Nunn ‘98

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ‘83 ♦

Carolyn Richardson ♦

Kelley (Gately) Ripp ‘98 *

James Robards

Invitation to the Latin Society Leadership Evening

Invitation to the 1970 Circle Celebration



Invitation to the Latin Society Leadership Evening

Invitation to the Soar Circle

Michelle and Austin Vanassa

Kitty and Kiran Yalavarthy

Dinner with the Head of School

The Schuster Family HAWK CHALLENGE

No matter where you are in your Latin journey, The Schuster Family Hawk Challenge aims to inspire every Hawk to give back to the school that has given us so much.

When the Schuster Family Hawk Challenge launched in 2022, Dan and Mardell Schuster P ’06 ’08 ’10 GP ’35 ’36 hoped to inspire the Latin community to give back to the school that gives us so much.

This year, every new or increased Latin Society gift will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $150,000.

Suzanne (Little) Robards ‘82 *

David-Aaron Roth

Jessie Sellner *

Katie Sutton

Mark Tayloe *

Sonja Taylor

Lawrence Wall ♦

Sara Weiers

Jeff Wolfe


Our community’s response was so enthusiastic that the Schusters generously returned with an even greater challenge: a $300,000 commitment to match Latin Fund gifts throughout the 2023-24 school year. That money matched new and increased leadership gifts, all True Blue alumni gifts, all gifts from parents of alumni in November and December, gifts from Latin grandparents in conjunction with Grandparents’ Day, and some crucial giving on FLY DAY.

Make your first Latin Society gift of $2,500+ OR Increase the level of your current Latin Society support

The Schusters inspired even greater generosity from other members of the Latin community: parents, alumni, parents of alumni, and grandparents all joined them in giving back in support of Latin’s incredible faculty and staff.

The result? $2,407,520 raised to support the 2023-24 Latin Fund.

True Blue Giving Society

The True Blue Giving Society honors Latin’s most generous and loyal alumni donors. The True Blue Giving Society celebrates and recognizes the philanthropic leadership of our alumni, whose participation empowers Latin’s leadership to plan for our bright future and sets us apart from our peers.


Olivia Aldridge ‘20

Jimmie Anderson ‘19

Will Anderson ‘19

Ben Anderson ‘22

Bella Baldecchi ‘21

Alex Baldecchi ‘23

Ryan Beam ‘22

John Beecy ‘19

Ellie Chai ‘23

Aven Cutter ‘22

Camille Darwich ‘23

Andrew DeWeese ‘20

Colman Freno ‘23

McRae Gage ‘19

Mary Gale Godwin ‘21

Jacob Halperin ‘19

Olivia Halperin ‘22

Emily Harris ‘20

Tripp Hughes ‘19

Ana Kenefick ‘20

Sara Kenefick ‘20

Lauren Langley ‘20

Jakob Lucas ‘20

Matthew Mackey ‘20

Ryan Manuel ‘23

Kate McCracken ‘22

Brock Middendorf ‘21

Kayla Middendorf ‘23

Smith O’Leary ‘19

Christopher O’Leary ‘22

Alex Roberts ‘23

Nyela Rucker ‘23

Lane Tayloe ‘20

Edward Yang ‘23


Mac Craig ‘17

Andrew Fish ‘16

Ashley Foley ‘18

Ryan Gardner ‘15

Daniel Jones ‘15

Andrew Maxwell ‘16

James McLelland ‘17

E.C. Myers ‘16

Sebastian Nabatoff ‘15

Gray Smith ‘15

Margot Sprow ‘14 *

Nick Verderame ‘15


Thomas Armstrong ‘11

Lindsey (Benfield) Armstrong ‘11

Davis Austin ‘10 *

Chase Carbone ‘10

William Gardner ‘12

Eliza Karp ‘11

Ann Louise (Seaton) Keeley ‘11

Conor Keeley ‘11

Elli (Morrison) McAdams ‘13

Murrill Oakes ‘09 *

Harris Oates ‘12

Drew Papadopulos ‘12

Kameron Phelan ‘11

Roddey Player ‘09

Jalen Ross ‘11

Paul Taylor ‘09


Doug Ausbon ‘75 *

Katie (Browne) Beam ‘93

Andy Benjamin ‘07

James Bishop ‘05

Logan Blough ‘08

Bill Bowen ‘82 *

Will Bowman ‘02

Keith Brunnemer ‘93

Byron Burns ‘94 *

Jeff Case ‘95

Will Chapman ‘01

Jeff Cincotta ‘02

Andy Clark ‘87

Charlie Clarke ‘01

Eli Collins ‘97 *

Jason Cowley ‘97

Regan (White) Craig ‘99 *

Frances (Turner) Deller ‘02

Jan Scott (Swetenburg) Farmer ‘00 *

Billy Fennebresque ‘02

Elizabeth (Moore) Filpi ‘96

Janet (Brown) Fisher ‘87 *

Scott Fitzgerald ‘88

Patrick Fitzpatrick ‘05 *

Mark Fuller ‘77

Sydnor Gammon ‘07 *

Anna (Stiegel) Glass ‘01 *

Mary (Dickson) Gorman ‘00 *

Fletcher Gregory ‘04

Zach Guy ‘02 *

Frances (Fennebresque) Hankins ‘97 *

Justin Hannon ‘01

Shannon (Kehl) Hilton ‘05

Greg Hinrichs ‘89 ♦

Joey Holder ‘93

Drew Hubbard ‘05

Jamie (Esposito) Hubbard ‘06

Tommy Hunter ‘86 *

Katherine (Porter) Hunter ‘00 *

Katie (Miller) Iams ‘01

Nikki (Papadopulos) Jacobson ‘06

Ryan Kearney ‘04

Stacey (Thompson) King ‘05

Jonathan Kirkland ‘02

Elizabeth (Barnhardt) Kirkland ‘04

Stephanie (Wisinski) Ladley ‘00 *

Josh Leary ‘00 *

Kate (Vandiver) Leary ‘00 *

Ken Leonczyk ‘96

Howard Levine ‘77 *

Jarrett Lewis ‘03

Lauren (Bowman) Llamas ‘98 *

Will Lloyd ‘00

Doug Lowry ‘93

Chrissy (Hunter) Lucas ‘04

Eric Madara ‘01 *

Max McEwen ‘99

Matt McGirt *

Anna (Simpson) McMahan ‘94

Ed McMahan ‘93

Graham Miller ‘07

Hunter Miller ‘03 *

Patterson (Maker) Miller ‘07

Pender Murphy ‘77

Ryan Newth ‘98

Daniel Nunn ‘97

Meredith (Kempert) Nunn ‘98

Denny (Smith) O’Leary ‘90 *

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ‘83 ♦

Jon Philpot ‘99

Thomas Porter ‘01

Will Potts ‘03

Krista (Gasbarro) Rankin ‘98 *

Mason Rankin ‘98 *

Santosh Rao ‘94

Beth (Goode) Reigel ‘76

Brian Richards ‘96

Kelley (Gately) Ripp ‘98 *

Suzanne (Little) Robards ‘82

Drew Rutherford ‘94 *

Jackie (Roche) Ryder ‘04 *

Greg Schuster ‘08

Beau Schwab ‘02

Paige (Ford) Schwartzbauer ‘06

Mike Selle ‘87

Bobbie (Ewing) Sharrett ‘88 *

Thad Sharrett ‘89 *

Blair Shwedo ‘02 *

Ashley (Sigmon) Moody ‘01 *

Lee Sigmon ‘01 *

Hope (Davis) Skouras ‘08

Alec Smith ‘02

Mike Stein ‘01

Kim (Limentani) Strickland ‘03

Virginia (Barnhardt) Sutton ‘03

Charles Thies ‘90 *

Peggy (Kane) Thies ‘96 *

Jay Thomas ‘89

Kenny Thompson ‘03

Scotty Thompson ‘08

Chris Totherow ‘99

J.P. Tsahakis ‘01

Cameron (Hall) Wagner ‘90

Tom Westbrook ‘81

Mitchell Wickham ‘87 *

Nancy (Lea) Williams ‘80 ♦

Susan (Brown) Wolfe ‘98

Ruth (Van Dyke) ‘02 *

Court (McBryde) Young ‘92

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years

♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years

Celebrating Your PARTICIPATION

We are one Latin community — and every gift to the Latin Fund matters. To all who joined in supporting the 2023–24 Latin Fund, thank you. Your support is an act of gratitude, philanthropy, and investment, and you are essential to our school’s success.

Board of Trustees 2023—24

Latin’s Board of Trustees invest their time, talent, and treasure into our school each school year. We are grateful for their service, their 100% Latin Fund participation, and for their vision and leadership.

Mackenzie Alpert

Irm Bellavia *

Phil Colaco

John Comly

Mary Katherine DuBose *

Mike Freno *

Don Gately ♦

Stacy Gee *

Rael Gorelick

Karim Lokas

John T. McCoy *

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years

♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years

Ed McMahan ‘93

Kristin Middendorf *

Katie Morgan *

Uma O’Brien

Christian Robinson

Paige (Ford) Schwartzbauer ‘06

Dave Shuford

Charles Thies ‘90 *

Michelle Thornhill *

Faculty and Staff

We are incredibly proud of Latin’s faculty and staff who participated in the Latin Fund.

Christine Adams *

Lilian Aguilar

Ephraim Akihola

Kim Alexander

Tamara Alito

Paul Alt *

Juliana Angel-Alexander

Mary-Forbes Arkwright

Marsha Ashcraft *

Jean Asinger *

Nancy Atwell *

Lilla Austin

Fabian Baez

Laura Balabushka

Chuck Baldecchi

Amy Ballaban

Todd Ballaban

Brittany Banda

Melissa Barger

Shane Barthram *

Joanne Beam *

Alex Beck

Alan Becker *

Chris Berger ‘89 *

Debi Berry

Sara Best

Hutch Bibby

Zan Biedenharn

Andrea Boada

Michael Bocian

Curtis Bowers

Amber Brown

Kelly Brown

Mark Brunton

Tammey Bryant

Zack Budzichowski

Monica Bullock

Bilal Butt

Megan Butt

Sallie (Dickson) Caddell ‘97

Anne Cammer *

Riti Canton

Hugo Caraballo

Jillian Caskey

Natalie Childers

Karla Claytor *

Anna Clifford

Jennifer Coble

Kurt Coleman

Shirley (Anderson) Cook ‘93 *

Daniel Cooke

Patrick Cooney

Tasha Cooper

Matt Cosper *

Rebecca Courter

Tim Creamer

Haley Cripps

Abigail Cudabac ♦

Caroline Cuellar

David D’Orio

Liza Daniel

Liz Dannemann *

Drew Dayton

Nidhie Dhiman

Dawn DiRoma

Heather Dixon

Pat Dorcy

Eric Dottarar

Spencer Dowd

Chris Downing ♦

Tom Dubick *

Beth Dunn

Whitney Duquette

Adam Durrett

Beth Eastridge *

Chuck Edwards ‘94 *

Gavin Edwards

Teresa Edwards

Andre Elam

Raquel Elam

Marina Elliott

Virginia (Smith) Ellison ‘79 *

Chris Esposito

Katherine Evatt

Mary Fabian

Amita Farmah

Jennifer Fauser

Alex Felizzola

Laurie Fischer

Anne Fisher

Doreen Fitzpatrick *

Lea Fitzpatrick

Richard Fletcher ‘85 *

Tiffany Fletcher *

Jaime Flett *

Jill Flynn *

Tiffany Ford

Mary Beth (Fay) Foster ‘99

Gretchan Frederick *

Katie Freeman

Starr French

Kelly Fuller *

Donay Fullwood

Yiannis Galanos

Stephanie Gardner

David Gatoux *

Topher Gee *

Renee Gerden

Flekeda Gilliam *

Mary Ann Gladziszewski

Michelle Godfrey *

Mary (Dickson) Gorman ‘00 *

Kaila Gottschling

Jorashae Graddick

Jenny Greathouse

Dale Greene *

Susan Grogan

John Grosse

David Hall ‘87

Freya Hamilton *

Andrew Hammitt *

Lin Hansbrough

Cory Hardman

Alyssa Harrigan

Richard Harris

Ryan Harrison

Clark Hawgood

Daniel Hayes

Nadege Head

Lynn Hellmuth *

John Herrick

Laurie Hidell

Elise (Davis) Houston ‘05

Sabrina Howard *

Jim Huffaker

Dawn Hull *

Rick Hutchins

Roderick Hyatt

Colin Imwalle

Luke Ivey *

Jake Jacobs

Melody Jacobs

Jody Jennings

Michael Johnson

Jason Keefer

Jen Keith

Tanya Kellar

Tim Kelly *

Sarah Kilby *

Katie Kilroy

Julie Klingman

Heather Knull *

Jeff Knull *

Aaron Koch

Laura Korkowski

Sara Lahmann

Jennifer Landry

Melvin Leak

Stacey Little

Alicia Long *

Emily Long

Beth Lucas *

Greg Lucas *

Fay Lucas *

Colleen Luckie

Giovanni Mack

Dianne Mackey *

Shelly Magno

Ryan Maloney

Julie Marx

Lisa Massardo

Liz Matrejek

Amy Maxwell

Ginger McAdams *

Rob McArthur

Meredith McCarter

Chrissy McConaughy *

Neil McConaughy *

Edie McGlone *

Karen McQuaid *

Chris McRae *

Aneudy Melendez

Oscar Mendez

Brittany Mercado

Stacy Mercer

Ashley Merritt *

Patterson (Maker) Miller ‘07

Janis (Watts) Mishoe ‘96 *

Donnie Moore *

Erica Moore

Thea Moore *

Lisa Moreland *

Amy Morris

Annette Morris

Barbara Morrow *

Matt Morrow *

Jenny Morton

Scott Moulton

Hunter Murphy *

Colin Murray

Megan (Lew) Myers ‘96

Rode Norman

Cathy Norred

Meredith (Kempert) Nunn ‘98

Nora O’Connor

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ‘83 ♦

Sara Onstad *

Elizabeth (Murphy) Owen ‘01

Powell Paguibitan

David Paige

Amy Paridy

Jason Parker

Sally Parsley *

Maureen Paschal *

Bob Patten *

Caitlin Peters

Emily Porter

Tanya Powell

Cheri Pratt *

Joey Prestidge

Laura Pruitt

Lauren Putman

Lori Quattlebaum

Andria Quintero

Pegah Rahmani

Ellen Rayburn

Millie Rayburn *

Carolyn Richardson ♦

Annie Riddick

Brian Rigo

Kay Rigo

Meghan Rinehart *

Kelley (Gately) Ripp ‘98 *

Suzanne (Little) Robards ‘82 *

James Robards *

Allison Roberts

Matilde Rodriguez *

Tammi Rogers *

Sally Roper

Tanya Rosario

Sandy Rosenberg

David-Aaron Roth

Emily Round

Vernette Rucker *

Susan Russell

Virginia Schneidt

Mike Schriffen

Marcy Schwindt *

Jay Scott *

Tim Scott

Kyle Searles

Lisa Seaton *

Camille Seeley

Alex Segura

Jessie Sellner *

Maggie Shamblin *

Rob Sharpe

Katie Shaughnessy

Heather (Massengale) Shaw ‘95

Jessica Shoup

Robin Siczek

Betsy Simerville *

Jenna Sinclair

Richard Smalls

Katie (Ivanoff) Smith ‘93 *

Eric Smith

Lucy Smith *

Marianna Spero

Wendy Staffieri

Stephen Starner ‘98 *

Mel Stier

Isa Stokes

William Strickland

Craig Summerville ‘79 ♦

Pete Sung

Vivian Sung

Katie Sutton

Pam Sweer

Sam Tavino

Sintayehu Taye

Mark Tayloe *

David Taylor *

Sonja Taylor

Joe Teets

Avery Teichman *

Susan Tenkin *

Laura Thomsen *

Erika Thurman

Monty Todd

Angel Trimble

Mike Turner

Yvonne Turner

Sonja Turpin

Jenny (Austen) Urbain ‘95

“I give to the Latin Fund in gratitude. It is my way of thanking the people that help shape my own children while I do my best to love, support, and and develop my students.”
Avery Teichman Kindergarten Assistant Teacher

Tracey Vanneste *

Mindy Vergakis

Megan Vespa

Laura Walker

Lawrence Wall ♦

Julia Walthall-Eisman

Beth Weaver

Rives Wedding

Sara Weiers

Mike Weiss *

Rachel Wells

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years

♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years

Crystal Westbrook

Kate Wheeler

Mary White

Maggie Whittington

Kim Wilkinson

Catherine Williams *

Nikki Williams

Kelly Willis *

Kari Wimbish

Spencer Wims

Jeff Wolfe

Patti Yakubinis

Michelle Yon

Amy Zinn *

Kathy Zuck


Latin’s parent community is second to none. We are all Hawks; proving the point, Latin parents helped make the Latin Fund a success with 76% participation. Thank you to our parent community for their generosity and enthusiastic participation.

Anonymous (14)

Carla and Stephan Ackels

Christine and David Adams *

Tracey and Josh Adams

Tara (Huber) ‘00 and Drew Adams *

Katherine and Scott Addison

Heath and Grant Alexander

Pegah Rahmani and Wael Aljishi

Rita Allen

Rebekah and Mackenzie Alpert

Emily and Paul Alt *

Becky Ragard and David Anderson

Anna and Bradley Anglemyer

Marcela Pipitone Rodrigues and Carlos Angrisano

Laura and David Archibald

Susan Bliss and Stan Archibald *

Andrea and Javier Arevalo

Ericka and Steve Arnold

Molly and Bernard Arthur

Vasiliki and Michael Athanas

The Ayinala Family

Ivy and Brian Babcock ‘95

Amber and Justin Babcock ‘97

Bo Backerman

Nicole Backerman

Xian Wang and Feng Bai

Amy and Charlie Baker

Elizabeth and Michael Baker

Laura and Nick Balabushka

Amy and Todd Ballaban

Margaret and Rick Bange

Jillian and Telly Banks

Jasmin and PJ Barnes

Kristin and Hunter Barron

Elizabeth and Jemison Bartlett

Katie (Browne) ‘93 and John Beam

Jenn and Philip Bearden *

Sallie and Gary Beason

Emily and Ryan Beaver

Soraya Toosi and Alan Becker *

Irm and Ross Bellavia *

Kara and Andy ‘07 Benjamin

Beth and Jim Benonis

Melissa Berens

Larry and Miranda Berkovich

Alexis and David Berman

Leslie and Amilcar Bernal

Sara Best and Wes Strickland

Keisha Betton

Amy and John Bezanson

Arti Patel and Anish Bhakta

Susan and David Black

Vicky and Justin Blackhall

Julie and Dwayne Blanton

Darci and John Bly

Aileen and Mark Boltz

Nicole and Tom Booms

Nancy and Nathan Bourne

Will Bowman ‘02

Amy and Kirk Bradley *

Margaret and Waldo Bradley

Sabina and Nathan Bragg

Tahren Brandon

Sarah and Drew Branham

Marcela Cortes and Julian Bravo

Lauren and Wil Brawley *

Katie and Mitch Brigulio

Anna Stavreska and Nate Brinkley

Amber and Andrew Brown

Sarah and Duncan Brown

Grey (Timberlake) ‘89 and Robbie ‘90 Brownlow *

Christina and Keith ‘93 Brunnemer

Liz and Brick Bryant ‘01

Georgia and Trey Buck

Zack Budzichowski

Courtney and Scott Burbank

Victoria Gouletas and Troy Burk

Lesley Burke

Amy (Fennebresque) ‘92 and Baker Burleson

Elizabeth and Byron ‘94 Burns *

Janel and Charles Burrell

Erin and Brad Buser

Collins and Fred Byers

Sallie (Dickson) ‘97 and Matthew Caddell

Stacey and Steven Cady

Katie Huo and Simon Cai

Kim and Mark Calloway ♦

Yanyan Wu and Yang Cao

Missy (Erwin) Highsmith Carey ‘96

Evan and Kay Carroll

Suzanne and Adam Carson

Liezl and Chris Cary

Laura and Tim Casey

Jillian and Brandon Caskey

Stephanie and John ‘93 Cattie

Casey Celli

Alison and Gavin Chafin

Christina and Jeff Chandler

Tiffany Mitchell and Sam Chaney

Allan and Dallas Chapman

Jenny Chapman *

Matt Chapman ‘99 *

Meredith and Will ‘01 Chapman *

Allison and Frank Chatman

Sahar Ghazale and Terry Chebaro

Kakie and Colin Cheek

Haley and John Cheek

Antoinette Tan and Ken Chen *

Xiaoying Meng and Yuan Cheng

Lakshmi Nadig and Nilesh Choudhary

Jamie and Stuart Christhilf *

Jordan and Michael ‘88 Cigler *

Stewart and Jeff ‘02 Cincotta

Corey and Taylor Clamp

Lauri and Andy ‘87 Clark *

Christa (Holt) ‘06 and Andrew Clark

Laura (Austin) ‘87 and Murphy Clark *

Annie and Charlie ‘01 Clarke

Jennifer and Ryan Clayton

Anna and Pat Clifford

Beth and Michael Clifton

Jennifer and Ryan Clutter

Jaime and Kenny Coble

Jennifer and Jason Coble

Amy and Phil Colaco

Kelly and Andrew Coleman

Laura and Kurt Coleman

Dawn Collier

Michelle and Grayson Collins

Hollie and William Collins-Dean

Ginny and John Comly

Kristen Cone

Lora and Mike Connor *

Jenny (Atlas) ‘02 and Aaron Cook

Shirley (Anderson) ‘93 and Norm Cook *

Angela and Daniel Cooke

Meredith Quimby and Kevin Coppage *

Katherine and Edward Costello

Karen and Jim Cotchett ♦

Tricia Cotham

Gina and Eric Craig

Stacy and Tim Creamer

Haley and Ben Cripps

Hillary and Burrell Crittendon

Mary Ann and Oliver Cross

Portia Guerrero and Franklin Cruz

Katie and Kevin Cumbus

Pollyanna and Christian Cunningham

Bryan and Jill Curb

Jon and Katie Curran

Seth Curtis

Mapela and George Custodio

Alexa and Ernie Cutter

Lisa and Zavion Da Costa

Jen and Jeffrey Danesis

Jen and Bill Dauska *

Lauren (Guy) ‘01 and Rob Davenport

Anna and Mike Davis

Laura and Drew Dayton

Lauren and Turner Dayton

Mary and Brendon de Jonge

Leigh-Ervin and Will Dedmon

Sherilyn and Tyler Degenhardt *

Frances (Turner) ‘02 and Daniel Deller

Audra and Brad Dellinger

Carrie and AJ DeLuca

Tracy and John Denning

Christina and Neal Desai

Katie and David Deterding

Shalinee Jha and Pramesh Dhakal

Nidhie and Parshant Dhiman

Kim and Felipe Diaz

Jennifer and Nick Dimovski

Susan and Jonathan Dion

Dawn and Bryan DiRoma

Paula and Bill DiSciullo

Nelia and Will Dolan

Michelle and Bob Donnelly

Sarah and Chris Douglas

Sandra and Scott Downey

Jennifer and Jamie Doyle *

Brittany and David DuBose

Mary Katherine and Dana DuBose *

Alex and Mike Duffy

Kristen and Jonathan Dugan

Beth and Nathan Dunn

Zelle and John Dunn

Laurie McWilliams and Jeff Dunnigan

Whitney and David Duquette

Lisa and Swandip Dutt

Melinda and Brannen Edge

Caroline and Chuck ‘94 Edwards *

Sherri and Steve Ehrenberg

Amy and Matt Eirich

Linda and Andre Elam

Raquel Elam

Ashley and Ben Ellis

Kate and Walker Ellis

Kim and Ernest Ellison

Jenna and Blake Enoch

Meredith and Charlie Everett

Elizabeth and John Fagg

Chris Fahrney

Laura Fahrney

Courtney and JC Fain

Ashley and John Faison

Teresa Liu and Honglei Fan

Monica and Nagib Farah

Amita and Munesh Farmah

Jan Scott (Swetenburg) ‘00 and Luke Farmer *

Mary and Kevin Farmer

Holland and Ian Ferguson

Melissa and Joe Filanowicz

Rachel and Jeff Filer

Elizabeth (Moore) Filpi ‘96 and Matt Filpi

Jessica and Brian Finn

Gail and Tim Fischer

Scott Fitzgerald ‘88

Cassell and John FitzHugh

Lea and Doug Fitzpatrick

Ashley and Eric Fleischer

Tiffany and Richard ‘85 Fletcher *

Amy and Sid Fletcher *

Jaime and Adam Flett *

Carol and Chris Floyd

Virginia and Eric Flynn

Jill and Alan Flynn *

Sally and Curt Fochtmann

Kathryn and Adam Ford

Mary Beth (Fay) ‘99 and Joshua Foster

Amanda and Grady Frank

Katherine Freeman

Jenn and Mike Freno *

Dorian and Kevin Fritze

Kristen and Alex ‘07 Fuller

Marshall (Long) ‘00 and Dustin Fuzzell

Saritha Ambati and Bala Gaddam

Melisa and Adam Gail

Carrie and Jay Galloway

Ally Yusuf Ali and Pedro Garces Tamayo

Mandy and Richard Garratt

Adriana Rosado-Jimenez and Eduardo Garrido-Goico

Casey and David Gaskin

Leah and Reed ‘01 Gaskin

Lia Spina and Michael Gaslin

Margie and Tyler ‘04 Gately

Topher Gee and Kathleen Holtzman *

Abby Shen and John Geng

Ashley and Brian Gift

Lanny and Aaron Gillespie

Flekeda and James Gilliam *

Wendy and Ben Gilman

Lainey Gilmer

Mikelle and Charles Girard

Anna (Stiegel) ‘01 and Scott Glass *

Laura and Dave Glasscock

Patti and Adam Glassner

Michelle and Bob Godfrey *

Monica and John Godshall

Lauran and Jeremy Godwin *

Shilpi Chandra and Anuj Goel

Courtney and Rich Goettke

Brooke and Mike Goldman

Jori and Joshua ‘03 Goodman

Gabi and Rael Gorelick

Mary (Dickson) ‘00 and Ryan Gorman *

Heather and Kevin Gottehrer

Kaila and Mark Gottschling

Holly (Ivanoff) ‘96 and Matthew Graham *

Jenny Greathouse

Tara Bradley and Phil Greenberg

Gerda and Dan Gregerson

Nicole and John Grenier

Mary Griesser *

Jessica and Bill Griesser

Lindsay and Tripp Griffin *

Mary Holland (Rankin) Griffin ‘03 *

Tripp Griffin

Michelle Griggs

Rick Griggs

Susan and Bill Grogan

Berry Bolt and Mike Guggenheimer

Tanu and Sanjeev Gulati

Sheeka and Alekh Gupta

Melissa and Trent Gustafson *

Marjorie and Zach ‘02 Guy *

Amy and Marcos Haase

John Hackney

Maureen and Dan Haggstrom

Beth and Ryan Hahn

Carolyn (Sijthoff) ‘98 and John Hallett *

Freya and Keith Hamilton *

Melissa and Grant Hamilton

Minji Kim and Paul Han

Janeka and Connell Handford

Frances (Fennebresque) ‘97 and John Hankins *

Deanie (Albright) ‘83 and Ed Hanley *

Lydia and David Hanna *

Rachel and Justin ‘01 Hannon

Heather and Dana Hanson

Jennie and Greg Harper

Anna (Dings) ‘96 and Johno ‘97 Harris

Cassandra and Jamie ‘92 Harris

Kary and William Harris

Emily and David Harry

Julia and Matthew Hartley

Betsy and Patrick Hartman

Binaifer and Homiar Hathiram

Grace and Eric Hauth

Gen and Clark Hawgood

Sarah and Taylor Hayden

Lina Rodriguez and Simon Heaton

Wendy and Gary Hecimovich *

Laura and Chris Helsabeck

Heather and Nance Hendley *

Kristin and Mike Hennessy

Bronie and Mark Henry *

Kate and Frank Henry

Lindsey and Andy ‘98 Henson *

Katie and Karl Hermann

Mandy and Tim Hicks

Nikki Hill

Philomena and Jason Hilton

Stacey and Steve Hitzemann

Katie and William ‘05 Hodges

Jill and Bryan Hoffman

Christine and Trevor Hoke

Joey Holder ‘93

Dawn and Ben Holland

Kathryn and Eddie Holland

Mary and Jonathan Holland

Pender and John Hollmeyer

Joe and Jenna Hollmeyer

Whitney and Justin Holofchak

Rebecca and Michael Holt

Greta and Rob Hord

Julie and James Horiuchi

Elizabeth (DuBose) ‘93 and Brad House *

Elise (Davis) ‘05 and Mark Houston

Steph and Rob ‘95 Howard

Sabrina and Barry Howard *

Cathy and Bob Howell

Kexin Zhao and Xuetao Thomas Hu

Jenna and Mac Hughes

Stephanie (Atlas) ‘04 and Ryan Hukill

Dawn Hull *

Lauren and Nathan Hull

Emily and Zach Hull

Deborah and Jerry Hullinger

Robin and Mitchell Hume

Leigh and Watts Humphrey

Kara and Graham Hunt

Katherine (Porter) ‘00 and Lang Hunter *

Jane and Tommy Hunter ‘86 *

Maria and Martin Hurden

Danielle and Ryan Hutcheson

Courtney and Bill Hyder *

Katie (Miller) ‘01 and Travis Iams *

Ashley (Mott) ‘02 and Sean Ilharramendy

Wizzie and Dan Irvin

Tori Irvine

Nicole and Titus Ivory

Beth (Cropper) ‘02 and Mike ‘02 Jackson

Anu and Jensen Jacob

Nikki (Papadopulos) ‘06 and Page Jacobson

Laura and Jeffrey Jansen

Deepika Ramamoorthi and Saideep Janyavula

Diep Nguyen and Taylor Jarrell

Erika Jefferson

Courtney and Tyson Jeffus

Grace Ge and Henry Jiang

Danyu Sun and Cheng Jin

Wen Zhang and Wei Jin

Carin and Donnie Johnson

George Johnson

Jennifer and Lance Johnson

Kate and Steve Johnson

Kendall and Carroll Jones *

Chandra Jones

Becky and C.T. Jones

Elizabeth and Daniel Jones

Kate and Robert Kadijevic

Yan Yu and Jack Kang

Camille and Robert Kanofsky *

Margaux and Adam Karagosian

Sonia Chopra and Vivek Kashyap

Kristen Schneider and C.J. Kearney

Mary Kate and Ryan ‘04 Kearney

Jason and Amy Keefer

Tanya and Greg Kellar

Catherine Ruth and Alex Kelly

Katy and Tim Kelly *

Amy and Evan Kerr

Catherine and Scott Kiefer

Eunice and Do Kim

Stephanie and Eugene Kim *

Elizabeth (Barnhardt) ‘04 and Jonathan ‘02 Kirkland

Elizabeth and Jamie ‘82 Kiser

Julie Klingman

Kellie and Aaron Koch

Elizabeth and Paul Kochupura

Laura and Erik Korkowski

Kristin and Reed Kracke

Christy and Brian Krasnigor

Missy and William Kutner

Stephanie (Wisinski) ‘00 and Sean Ladley *

Tu Hoang and Michael Lam

Erica Lane

Caroline and Eric Langerman

Catherine and Larry Langley

Beth and John ‘96 Langston *

Jenny and Ben Lanzillotta

Laurie and Kevin Larsh

Kim and Tony Lashley

Jen and Chris Latta

Marion and Dave Laubach

Kelley and Greg Laughton

Gina and Tom Lawrence

Justin and Meghan Lay

Anne and Thomas ‘86 Layton

Kate (Vandiver) ‘00 and Josh ‘00 Leary *

Valerie Delby and Stacey Lee

Maggie and Mike Leffke

Elyse and Robert Lesley *

Ashleigh and John Levesque

Sharon and Chris Levy

Kelly and Charley ‘94 Lew

Kristin and Allen Lewis *

Iris Lan and Nan Li

Erica Li

Morgan and Welch Liles

Kelly and Matt Lilly

Amanda and Scott Linch

Tara and Matt Livingston *

Lauren (Bowman) ‘98 and Jeff Llamas *

Callie and Will ‘00 Lloyd

Teresa and Calvin Lockhart

Holly and Mike Loeffler

Lourdes and Thomas Logan

Ghazal and Karim Lokas

Alicia Long *

David Long *

Sehnaz and Gene Lowe

Brooke and Doug ‘93 Lowry

Brooks Lucas ‘98 *

Charlotte Lucas

Chrissy (Hunter) ‘04 and Andy Lucas

Beth and Charlie Lucas *

Susannah and David Lund

Brittany and Derek Luther

Amber and Phil Lynch *

Jennifer and Rollin Lynn

Sarah and Coleman Lyons

Susan and Steve Lyons *

Christine and Howard Mackie

Jennifer and Eric ‘01 Madara *

Shelly and Alex Magno

McCay and Kevin Manwaring

Tanya and John Marco

Adriana den Blanken and Mitch Marcus

Leslie and Stefan Marinov

Ellen (Kane) ‘03 and Caylor Mark

Paula and Adam Markin

Amy and Ryan Marsh

Katie and Erik Martenson

Danielle Casson and PJ Martin

Lori and Andrew Martin

Jenny and Paul Martineck

Shauna and Dan Martinie

Julie and David Marx

Lindsay and Dave Mathews

Catherine and Eric Matthews

Natalie and Todd May

Sloane and Bill Mayberry

Ginger and Judson McAdams *

Catherine and BJ McAndrews

Ellen and Jordan McCarley

Meredith and Craig McCarter

Chrissy and Neil McConaughy *

Anna and John McCoy *

Cristiane Fernandes Lopes and Alexandre Lopes

Alexandra and Tyler McCoy

Abbe and Ryan McCracken

Christina and Warren McDonald

Emily and Max McEwen ‘99

Tamara and Tino McFarland

Laura and Matt McGirt *

Anna (Simpson) ‘94 and Ed ‘93 McMahan

Allison and Kevin McMahon

Connie and John McNichols

Susan and Chris McRae *

Stacy and Jason Mercer

Ellen and Michael ‘83 Meyer *

Jill and Rob Miles

Catherine and Hunter ‘03 Miller *

Keva and Reco Miller

Ali and Todd Milligan

Janis (Watts) ‘96 and Doug Mishoe *

Joy and Michael Misocky

Krista (Latham) ‘98 and Reed Mockaitis

Deepthi Pavuluri and Ravi Modukuri

Laura and Coy Monk *

Sarah and Eric Moody *

Kelly Crawford and John Moore

Lisa and Ted Moreland *

Elizabeth and Brad Morgan

Katie and Kevin Morgan *

Andi and Craig Morgan

Kimber and Trey Morgan

Jen and Bruce ‘86 Morrill

Caton and Charlie Morris

Morgan Morris

Jenny and Billy Morton

Jane and Justin Mosbo

Laura Mosman

Michelle and Scott Moulton

Lauren and Steve Mullett

Lauren and Dan Mulligan

Keller (Barnhardt) ‘98 and Jim Mulligan

Megan (Lew) Myers ‘96

Amanda and Jeff Nadeau *

Niyati Nathwani and Abhijeet Nadkarni *

Julie and John Nale

Vibha Gauba and Sarfraz Nawaz

Lillian and Nate Negrin

Allison and Rudy Nemeth

Rebecca and Andrew ‘95 Nesbitt

Johanna and Randy Newman

Devon (Chandler) ‘00 and Sean Newton

Dao and Thang Nguyen

Katrina Burton-Nichols and Matt Nichols

Molly and Thomas Nielsen

Amy and Dave Niles

Missy and Heath Norman

Trudi and Gray Norris

Meredith (Kempert) ‘98 and Daniel ‘97 Nunn

Uma and James O’Brien

Kelley and Michael O’Callaghan

Kristy and Sean O’Connell

Rita Osei-Obeng and Francis Obeng

Eydie and Blake Okland *

Tanya Whitner and Alan Oliver

Harriet and Rick Ollman

Sara and Preston Onstad *

Sarah and Matt Orlousky

Kate and Drew Orsinger

Elizabeth (Murphy) ‘01 and Brett Owen

Daisy and David Paige

Rachel and Steve Pangalos

Kersten Stannard and Jeffrey Panzo

Chelsea and Hyon Park

Christy and Jason Parker

Ann Patterson

Christine and Jay Patti *

Beth (Anderson) ‘89 and Steve Pence

Ann Stewart and Pearson Pendergrass

Cara and Luke Peters

Amber and Chris Phelps

Melanie and Dana Piasecki

Dalila and Torsten Pieper

Meredith and Geordie Pierson

Maria and Nick Pirro

Joanna Lindenbaum and Jon Polsky

Foli and Rich Pontillo

Rebecca Jane (Reigel) ‘04

and Rob Ponton

India Pope

Brian Pope

Theckla and Beale Pope

“Thank you for your help so that we can get a great education. My favorite part of Charlotte Latin is the library, because I love to read.”

Grade 3 student

Allison and Ryan Popp

Leigh and Philip Porcher

Mary Margaret and Fritz Porter *

Laura and Will ‘03 Potts

Andre and Tanya Powell

Hashini and Brad Precht

Kasey and Stuart ‘93 Proffitt

Jennifer and Matt Provencher

Dawn and Tomas Puky

Jenny and Brian Purcell

Neely and Jack Purcell

Kathryn and Hunter Purdom

Sajeev and Lori Anne Puri

Lauren and Dan Putman

Camille Walters and Tim Puyleart

Agnes and Thomas Ragsdale

Cathy and Justin Ramey

Enid and Steve Randall *

Krista (Gasbarro) ‘98 and Mason ‘98 Rankin *

Beth and Matthew ‘01 Rankin

Jyoti and Santosh ‘94 Rao

Millie and McCord ‘02 Rayburn *

Amy and Stephen Redmond

Molly and David Reed

Emily Reichs

Emily and Brian Richards ‘96

Chrys and Ches Riley

Stephanie and Mark Rindner

Kate and Anthony Ring

Kelley (Gately) ‘98 and Daniel Ripp *

Mary Elizabeth and Jefferson Rives

Aline and Keith Robelen

Brenda and Chris Roberts

Laura and Jake Roberts

April and Tim Robertson

Barbara and Christian Robinson

Janet (Miller) ‘84 and Todd Rogers

Rina Roginsky

Heather and David Romero

Lindsey and Stephen Rook

Sally and Matthew Roper

Robyn and Todd Rosenthal

Jennifer and Jack Ross

Emily and Luke Rosser

Jen and Hector Ruiz de Vinaspre

Lauren and TJ Russell

Erin and Drew ‘94 Rutherford *

Jackie (Roche) ‘04 and Steve Ryder *

Jen and Christian Saarbach

Aparna and Rabindra Sagunarthy

Kim and Matt Salsbury

Lori and Nader Samii

Laura and David Sammons

Leslie and Wade Sample

Grace and John Saydlowski

Blair and Luke Scheuer

Simpson and Allan Schmitt

Katherine and Mitchell Schorr

Amanda and David Schrum

Ina and Andy Schuner

Shelley and Greg ‘08 Schuster

Stephanie and Beau ‘02 Schwab

Marcy and Peter Schwindt *

Kathleen and Anthony Sciacca

Jarrell and Graham Seagraves

Shea and Chris Seaman

Martha and Jeff Seaman

Whitney and Daniel Seeburg

Jackie and Mike ‘87 Selle

Jessie and Daniel Sellner *

Amy and Dave Shaffer

Priya and Kunal Shah

Kindra and Vipul Shah

Maggie and Casey Shamblin *

Tracy Li and Pezhman Shams

Winnie Hua and Tony Shan

Veena and Shan Shanmuganathan

Cat and Brian Shaw

Heather (Massengale) ‘95 and Ashley Shaw

Jenna and Jake Shaw

Hobby and John Sherman

Sherry Gong and Jeff Shi

Jolie and Brian Short *

Derek and Jessica Shoup

Jing Tang and Jiang Shu

Liz and Dave Shuford

Emily and Blair ‘02 Shwedo *

Catinna and Harry Sideris

Nicole and Eric Sidman

Margaret and Carter Siegel *

Melissa and Daniel Siever

Ashley (Moody) ‘01 and Lee ‘01 Sigmon *

Betsy and Bill ‘84 Simerville *

Jessica and Matthew Simmons

Hope (Davis) ‘08 and Spyros Skouras

Aubree and Trevor Slaven

Natalie and Doug Smith

Katie (Ivanoff) ‘93 and Eric Smith *

Arlene Chiemprabha and John Smith

Lucy and Tony Smith *

Erin and Michael Smith *

Cheryl and Adam Smith

Tim Snead

Kate and Jeff Snoots *

Brooke (Shantz-White) ‘97 and Josh Spangler

Kristi and Eric Speckman

Anita Wu and James Spicer *

Karen and Jason Spiegler

Ambika and Jeffrey Spinazzola

Melissa and Mark Spinner

Wendy and David Staffieri

Eleanor (Nichols) ‘98 and Stephen ‘98 Starner *

Lori Sternola

Kristin and Andrew Stinson

Carolyn and Dan Stone

Kim (Limentani) ‘03 and Adam Strickland

Christine and Jason Strife

Erin and John Stubbs

Mary Katherine and Taylor Stukes

Chantel and Eric Styles

Michele and Paul Sullivan

Nicole and Kevin Sunday

Vivian and Pete Sung

Jennifer and Josh Surowitz

Virginia (Barnhardt) ‘03 and Lane Sutton

Holly and Brian Swartz

Jamie and Brian Tallent *

Liz and Jeff Tarumianz

Samantha Tavino

Caroline and Josh Tayloe

Bri Agatep and David Taylor *

Mary and Edward Taylor

Lindsay and Evan ‘04 Taylor

Cyrita and Karif Taylor

Wendy and Ben Teal

Emily and John Teddy

Avery and Will Teichman *

Erika and John Templeton

Sofanit Nerie and Netsanet Tessema

Peggy (Kane) ‘96 and Charles ‘90 Thies *

Aimee and Jay ‘89 Thomas

Allie Lin and Joseph Thomas

Siri (Smith) ‘99 and Grimes ‘99 Thomas

Lisa and David Thompson

Alessia and Richard Thompson

Brooke (LoFaso) ‘00 and Scott Thorne

Michelle and Wayne Thornhill *

Kalyani Pulleti and Veera Thota

Tama and Warren Thune

Tina He and Yingming Tian

Whitney and Andrew Tindel

Stephanie and Stephen Tonkin

Adele Deaton and Kevin Trogdon

Sandra Troni and Rodrigo Troni Pena *

Stephanie and J.P. Tsahakis ‘01

Blair and Andrew Tucker

Kristina and Paul Tucker

Jane and Trey Tune

Meredith and John Tye *

Lauren and Brian Ulrey

Scott Upton

Jenny (Austen) ‘95 and Henry Urbain

Marnelle and Jaco Uys

Jessica and Brandon Valentine

Michelle and Austin Vanassa

Ashley and Derek VanHoose

Karen and Rob Vaughn

Claudia Rojas and Juan Velasco

Whitney and Brad Vineyard

Jessica and Craig Walker

Laura and Nathan Walker

Ashley and John Patrick Walsh

Kristi and Jerry Walters

Meg and Matt Walters

Julia Walthall-Eisman and Tom Eisman

Iris Dou and Derek Wang

Michelle Xu and Xizhen Wang

Cristina and Will Warlick

Sarah and Richard Warmath

Alexa and Scott Warner

Jeff Warren

Julie Warren

Adri and Will Warrick *

Wendy and Chris Wasko

LaKeisha Watson

Beth and Brian Weaver

Danielle and Daniel Webb

Xining Zhang and Chaojie Wei

Sara and Ryan Weiers

Allison and Al Welch

Rachel and Wrenn Wells

Kate Wheeler and David Knowles

Ashleigh and Kevin White *

Benjamin and Taylor White

Erin and Bryan White

Cameron and Thomas White

Leslie and Mitchell ‘87 Wickham *

Kristen and Mike Wiggers

Sarah and Patrick Wilde

Jessica and Laurens ‘00 Willard

Tanya and Glenn Willett

Katie and Drew Williams

Crystal and Joseph Williams

Lindsey and Ted Williams

Kelly and Cory Willis *

Marlo Wilson-Alston

Kari Wimbish and Dan Huang

Susan (Brown) ‘98 and Jeff Wolfe

Mary and Kent Wolff

Janet and James Woodward

Danae and Russell Woodward

Gracy and Scott Wooster *

Halcyon and Ryan Worrell

Jen and Lee Wouters

Jacki and Andy Wright

Xiuli He and Jianghui Wu

Ruth (Van Dyke) ‘02 and John Wyatt *

Marshall and Bryan Wyker

Kitty and Kiran Yalavarthy

Jing Ai and Gang Yang

Xiaomei Chen and Limin Yang

Quyen Chu and Tom Yee

Michelle and Greg Yin

Allison and Michael York

Court (McBryde) ‘92 and Andy Young

Leigh and Ryan Young

Chanjuan Lu and Li Yu

Jen and Will Yu

Lisa Su and Ryan Zhang

Shiying Chen and Steven Zhang

Kathy Wang and Jim Zhang

Cindy Dong and David Zheng

Nicole Zhu and Kevin Zhou

Sophia Yue and Stephen Zhou

Hellen Cao and Wanxin Zhou

Yan Zhu

Amy Zinn and James McKinney *

Rae and Jeremy Zupp

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years

♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years


Hawks fly high when we fly together, and this year, 20% of Latin’s alumni participated in the Latin Fund with their generous support.

We are grateful for a vibrant alumni community that chooses to show its one blue love each year for Latin.


5.4% Participation

Gary Anderson ♦

Doug Ausbon *


19.5% Participation

Miriam Andrews

Kaki (Johnson) Behr *

Alice (Workman) Canterbury

Elaine (Summerville) Kelley *

John McAlister

Beth (Goode) Reigel

Lorri (Reid) Tomlin

Jody Vitale


18.8% Participation

Linda (Dulin) Cagley *

Carol (Lomax) Fortenberry

Mark Fuller

Beth (Francis) Hood

Harold Latta

Howard Levine *

Pender Murphy

Paul Rutter ♦

Susan (Fitzgibbon) Shumaker


17.3% Participation

Fred Griffith

Robin (Waters) Griffith *

Jeannie (Moore) Hern

Katherine (Medearis) LaBadie

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years

♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years

Bob Lucas

Alex McAlister

Beth Poole *

Trey Thies

Garland Waller


9.0% Participation

Carter (Fox) Eagle

Virginia (Smith) Ellison *

Brad Hood

Dennis Kokenes *

Bob Suddreth

Craig Summerville ♦


13.3% Participation

Ed Fox

Mark McAlister

Elizabeth (Medearis) Myers

Sarah (Finklea) Pennacchia

Ashley (Evans) Stewart

Nancy (Lea) Williams ♦


10.2% Participation

Jef Cox

Dan Litaker

Ann (Thompson) Brock Prater *

Boyce Thies

Tom Westbrook


15.9% Participation

Bill Bowen *

Kathy (Evans) Dockery

Kelly (Beck) Haseley *

Emily (Calhoun) Hensley

Jamie Kiser

Tasse (Alexander) Little

Suzanne (Little) Robards *

Sally (Gray) Smith ♦

David Snider

Chipper Stanley

Allen Tate

Ray Workman

Melissa (Beard) Workman


14.5% Participation

Ann Megan (Young) Douglass

Deanie (Albright) Hanley *

Paul Link

Michael Meyer *

Mark Nesbit

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ♦

John Patten ♦

Don Walker


6.2% Participation

Bob Boyd

Jennifer (Keown) Mirgorod

Janet (Miller) Rogers

Bill Simerville *


9.8% Participation

Blair (Carriker) Donald

Richard Fletcher *

Paisley Gordon ♦

Libby (Tate) Gordon ♦

Kenna (Cloninger) Jordan *

Cliff Sweet *


13.6% Participation

Michael Hinshaw

Tommy Hunter

Thomas Layton

J.B. Meanor ♦

Nicole (Ewing) Meanor ♦

Bruce Morrill

Mary (Rogers) Shumate

Sam Shumate


15.3% Participation

Andy Clark

Laura (Austin) Clark *

Elliott Crutchfield *

Janet (Brown) Fisher *

Winn Fuller

David Hall

Syd (Geissinger) Lubkin

Tommy Marshall

Julie (Barnes) Nofsinger

Mike Selle

Mitchell Wickham *


9.1% Participation

Michael Cigler *

Scott Fitzgerald

Debbie (McMahan) Frail ♦

Derek Painter

Bobbie (Ewing) Sharrett *

Randy Snyder

Rich Vinroot


14.3% Participation

Chris Berger *

Heidi (Layton) Berger *

Grey (Timberlake) Brownlow *

John Fennebresque

Kim (Couch) Hanson *

Greg Hinrichs ♦

Steven Hinshaw

Eric Nichols

Beth (Anderson) Pence

Thad Sharrett *

Jay Thomas


11.8% Participation

Robbie Brownlow *

Dave Johnson

Denny (Smith) O’Leary *

Charles Thies *

Cameron (Hall) Wagner

Robyn Withrow


5.5% Participation

Amy (Sproull) Brittain

Justin Brittain

Alexa (Klimas) Corcoran

Mark Davis


8.5% Participation

Amy (Fennebresque) Burleson

Robert Durden *

Jamie Harris

Boyd Holland

Court (McBryde) Young


25.8% Participation

Katie (Browne) Beam

Keith Brunnemer

John Cattie

Shirley (Anderson) Cook *

Currie Gilbert

Bobby Green

Joey Holder

Jennifer Holloway

Elizabeth (DuBose) House *

Brad Huffstetler

Doug Lowry

Bryan McLean

Ed McMahan

Stuart Proffitt

Katie (Ivanoff) Smith *

Sidney (Povall) Uderani

McNeill Wester


26.1% Participation

Catherine (Kendrick) Allen

Amber (Ankers) Almond *

Byron Burns *

Laura (Roberts) Callari

Jennifer Coots

Mark Crockett

Katherine (Dickson) Crockett

Wendy (Docherty) McAulliffe

Chuck Edwards *

Jason Green

Brooks (Holland) Haislip

Charley Lew

Matt McGirt *

Anna (Simpson) McMahan

Santosh Rao

Drew Rutherford *

Hayes Swinney

Forest Wester


18.7% Participation

Brian Babcock

Marshall Brenizer

Kendall (Booe) Burgess

Jeff Case

Lowell (Rayburn) Combs

Sam Dengler

Rob Howard

Mac McBryde

Megan (Kempert) Morrow

Andrew Nesbitt

Andi (Lonon) O’Bryan

Douglas O’Bryan

Heather (Massengale) Shaw

Jenny (Austen) Urbain


21.2% Participation

Clarke Browne

Missy (Erwin) Highsmith Carey

David Chanon

Elizabeth (Moore) Filpi

Holly (Ivanoff) Graham *

Anna (Dings) Harris

John Langston *

Ken Leonczyk

Janis (Watts) Mishoe *

Megan (Lew) Myers

Brian Richards

Josh Smith

Peggy (Kane) Thies *

Eileen (Conway) Turner


27.0% Participation

Rachael (Lewis) Anna

Justin Babcock

Liz (Fahl) Benz

Sallie (Dickson) Caddell

Eli Collins ‘97 *

Jason Cowley

Barrett Gilmer

Frances (Fennebresque) Hankins *

Bridgette (Martin) Hard

Patrick Hard

Johno Harris

Jennie (Owen) Livingstone

Daniel Nunn

Tonya Phifer

Dave Powell

Carter Robinson

Ann (Burns) Schwartz

Meghan (Booe) Solomon

Brooke (Shantz-White) Spangler

Robbie Turner


41.0% Participation

Meg (Stokes) Alden

Beverly (Chin) Andrews

Hunter (Willard) Arton *

Will Clegg

Talia (Caligiuri) Fann *

Carolyn (Sijthoff) Hallett *

Davis Hankins

Jonte Harrell

Pearce Hayes

Andy Henson *

Lauren (Kempert) Jenkins

Liz (Breyer) Johnson

Kevin Kennelly

J.J. King

Lauren (Bowman) Llamas *

Katie (Scruggs) Logan

Brooks Lucas *

Christy Marrs

Lauren (Sealey) Medsker

Krista (Latham) Mockaitis

Keller (Barnhardt) Mulligan

Ryan Newth

Meredith (Kempert) Nunn

Mason Rankin *

Krista (Gasbarro) Rankin *

Trey Rayburn

Kelley (Gately) Ripp *

Eleanor (Nichols) Starner *

Stephen Starner *

Matthew Stiegel

Brian Storm

John Swinney

Martin Wilkins

Susan (Brown) Wolfe


21.8% Participation

Matt Chapman *

Regan (White) Craig *

Rebecca Davenport

Sarah Dockery

Brooke (Smith) Dubiel

Charlie Earp

Mary Beth (Fay) Foster

George Greenoe

Max McEwen

Charlie Morton

Jon Philpot

Laura (Van Dyke) Pitale

Brad Porterfield

Kate Scanlon

Siri (Smith) Thomas

Grimes Thomas

Chris Totherow

Chris Turner

Amy Voci


52.6% Participation

Tara (Huber) Adams *

Lindsey Austen

Lisa (Moore) Baden

Michelle Breyer *

Matt Cloud

Zac Corbin

Michael Cropper

Sarah (Wrenn) Donelan

Jan Scott (Swetenburg) Farmer *

Carlton Fleming

Marshall (Long) Fuzzell

Mary (Dickson) Gorman *

Jaime (Uva) Holt

Will Holt

Katherine (Porter) Hunter *

Guido Jaramillo

Reagan Kenwell *

Owen Koch

Stephanie (Wisinski) Ladley *

Josh Leary *

Kate (Vandiver) Leary *

Skip Livingston

Will Lloyd

Paul Manos

Leona (Carlson) Mizer

Lindsay (Sanders) Murthy

Devon (Chandler) Newton

Gladden Pappin *

Anne (Hanley) Puckett

Neel Shah

Brian Smith

Selin Soyak

Jonathan Stout

Nichelle (Wynn) Sublett

Angie (Jones) Sweeney

Emily (Whalen) Thomas

Brooke (LoFaso) Thorne

Zack Whittington *

Carl Wilk

Laurens Willard

Kyle Worthy


37.7% Participation

Charlie Anderson

Blair Beddow

Brick Bryant

Will Chapman *

Charlie Clarke

Dave Clegg

Erin (Hickey) Clegg

Lauren (Guy) Davenport

Brandon DeCurtins

Peyton Gallagher

Reed Gaskin

Anna (Stiegel) Glass *

Justin Hannon

Stephanie (Hannon) Stauning

Katie (Miller) Iams *

Eric Madara *

Marcus Mills

Marie Morgann

Julia (Gilbert) Murray

Amy Nicholson

David Nunn

Elizabeth (Murphy) Owen

Thomas Porter

Matthew Rankin

Andrew Schaeffer

Ashley (Moody) Sigmon *

Lee Sigmon *

Mike Stein

J.P. Tsahakis


52.8% Participation

Cameron (Savage) Ammann

Ryan Ammann

Natalie Antonov

Martha (Dunlap) Bader

Meg (Rutledge) Beal

Adam Beedenbender

Evan Bos

Will Bowman

Zach Butler

Brandon Chin

Jeff Cincotta

Robbie Clarke

Tripp Cockerham

Jenny (Atlas) Cook

Meredith (Parnell) Daniels

Jimmy Dashner

Frances (Turner) Deller

Audrey (Brown) Dickison

Reid Duff

Nicki Engel

Billy Fennebresque

Zach Guy *

Jordan Harris

Katie Hunter

Ashley (Mott) Ilharramendy

Beth (Cropper) Jackson

Mike Jackson

Jen (Riggi) Kajan

Jessica (Hegele) Kettler

Jonathan Kirkland

Deena Kuruvilla

Jennifer (Andresen) Lamba

Ashley (Henry) Monk

Eric Pedersen

McCord Rayburn *

Patrick Rivenbark *

Beau Schwab

Blair Shwedo *

Jonathan Simmons

Alec Smith

Biniam Tekola

Justin Thigpen

Sterling Thomas

Kevin Troxell

Jessica (Bell) van der Wal

Katie (Frucella) Wall

Ruth (Van Dyke) Wyatt *


35.2% Participation

Julie (Brown) Anderson

Erin (Beatty) Baker

Brooke Baragona

Elizabeth (Tomlinson) Boone

Lindsey (James) Buglewicz

Mickey Cloud

Kristen (Brown) Ducey

Pat Finn *

Joshua Goodman

Mary Holland (Rankin) Griffin *

Charles Hodges

Steve Kaliski

Keri (White) Kuperman

Katherine (Zuger) Ladd

Manoj Lamba

Caitlin Lapeyre *

Jarrett Lewis

Ellen (Kane) Mark

Sterling Masters-Deeney

Scott McAdams

Matt McAdams

Hunter Miller *

Katie Moody *

Will Potts

Anna Katherine (Whelchel) Pratt

Clay Sealey

Ben Steenrod

Kim (Limentani) Strickland

Matt Strotz

Virginia (Barnhardt) Sutton

Kenny Thompson

Matt Yagey


34.1% Participation

Michael Anderson

Cristina Atencio

Emily Baker

Theresa Campobasso

Ashley (Butler) Conner

Charlie Deason

Stephanie (Player) Dillon

Tim Ducey

Sarah Ewald

The Collins Cup is awarded each year to the class with the highest participation to the Latin Fund.

Tyler Gately In our closest race yet, the Class of 2002 takes hold of the Collins Cup with 52.8% of the class making a gift to the Latin Fund.

Ashley Gill

Lizz (Clegg) Gregg *

Fletcher Gregory

Lizzie Hibberd

Elizabeth (Doughton) Hodges

Stephanie (Atlas) Hukill

Kevin Jarzmik

Ryan Kearney

Connor Kilkenny

Elizabeth (Barnhardt) Kirkland

Chrissy (Hunter) Lucas

Mac Mackie

Palmer McArthur

William McEachern *

Michael Nunn

Rebecca Jane (Reigel) Ponton

Jay Register

Jackie (Roche) Ryder *

Mary (Griffin) Schaeffer

Evan Taylor


39.3% Participation

Natasha Adlakha

Kate Anderson

Lindsay Anderson

Callan (Blough) Bahr

Anna (Leary) Beedenbender

Jeff Benjamin

James Bishop

Patrick Boruta

Whitney (Player) Brunett

Caroline (Buchan) Dalton

Eddie Dalton

Patrick Fitzpatrick *

James Gallagher

Bobby Gibson

Shannon (Kehl) Hilton

William Hodges

Elise (Davis) Houston

Drew Hubbard

Reid Hubbard

Stacey (Thompson) King

Tyler (Kirkland) Malek

Ashley (Sassano) McEachern *

Mark Paschal

Cayt (Register) Penso

David Pharr

Eric Ramirez

Meredith (Trusty) Riggins

Teddy Schwab

Russ Shoemaker

Brad Starbuck

Lauren (Gabosch) Starbuck

Paul Stroup

Peter Tanneberger

Dewey Teden

Tally Sharma Venjohn


26.2% Participation

Laura (Hallett) Anderson

Mitchell Anderson

Brandon Beck

Allison Blake

Tricia (Bates) Boyle

Ashley (Sigmon) Brown

Christa (Holt) Clark

Lindsey (Metzger) Conrad

Jenna DeCarlo *

Wills Denton

Jennifer (Majors) Ethridge

Madison (McDermott) Frank

Van Gambrell

Kathryn (Van Dyke) Handy

Blake Hankins

Lindsey Hills

Jamie (Esposito) Hubbard

Nikki (Papadopulos) Jacobson

Mary Scott Kennedy

Rome Perlman *

Iris Redwood-Sawyerr

Lauren (Simonini) Richardson

Brian Schuster

Paige (Ford) Schwartzbauer

Chase Slappey

Evan Stiegel

Lauren Summerville

“It’s no secret that I’m all in at Latin. I’m a proud alumnus, teacher, and parent. Supporting the Latin Fund is a great way to show that I believe in what we are doing as a school. I believe that the work we do every day is important, I believe the impact we have on our students is amazing, and I believe the community we have created is special.”
Richard Fletcher ’85 Visual Arts Teacher, Distinguished Faculty Chair


35.6% Participation

Ryan Almquist

Tracy (Snell) Bajan

Mark Barber

Andy Benjamin

Maddie (Durrett) Bonsignore

Tommy Dubick

Harriet (Barnhardt) Folsom

Alex Fuller

Brent (Price) Gallagher

Graham Gallagher

Sydnor Gammon *

Sean Kerrigan

Stuart Kessler

Thomas Lankford

Randall Masters

Graham Miller

Patterson (Maker) Miller

Julie (Webster) Mon

Bradley Moody

Michael Parks *

David Paschal *

Caroline (Hawkins) Pfister

Cowden Rayburn

Scot Robison

James Roche

Molly (McCrory) Schultz *

Annelise Shelton *

Kari Smith

Becca (McAdams) Smith

Owen Swetenburg

Sam Teden


28.4% Participation

Louise Hindal Acer *

Ben Ashcraft

Cameron Ball

Bella Bellitto

Jasmine (Isley) Betts

Logan Blough

Lisa (Atlas) Candon

Bonnie Efird

Larsen Jones

Betsy Klein

Rachel (Wexler) Lewis

Meredith (McKay) Luckett

David Malton

Rob McAlister *

Peter McDowell

Noah Menaker

Malai (Walker) Moorman

Claire (Litaker) Patterson

James Proffitt

Will Reigel

Jenna (Branner) Rude

Jaime (Todd) Satterfield

Greg Schuster

Hope (Davis) Skouras

Amy (Masters) Summers

Scotty Thompson

Sara Whelchel

Austin Willard

Trevor Wynn


27.2% Participation

Annie Booke

Collin Breeney

Meggie (Trusty) Breeney

Blair (Williams) Bruckmann

Emily Bryant

Denise (Dubick) Clark *

Andrew Gibson

John Grantham

Sarah (Wojcik) Grantham

Emily (Zuehlke) Heuser *

Laura Hicks

Kevin Jamison

Morgan (Holt) Johnson

Catharine (Ellerbe) Knight

Jenny (Roche) Madigan

Nellie Mark

Liza (Price) McNair

Murrill Oakes

David Pearson

Roddey Player

Ali Portaro

Anita (Griffin) Postal

Paul Taylor

Catie (Faison) Van Loon

Alex (Skipper) White


29.6% Participation

Maggie Achey

Thomas Ashcraft

Davis Austin *

Chase Carbone

Blair Carson

Reid DeCarlo

Sarah Ellison

Effe (Ghartey-Tagoe) Gibson *

Becky (Green) High

Robert Jones *

Lacy (McAlister) King

Rachel Kokenes *

McKay (Kirkland) Mansmann

Caroline McEachern

Will McGinnis

Will O’Brien

Paul Paschal

Caroline Rand

Nick Sella

Ian Shorkey

Cameron (Johnson) Strubinger

Mary Kate (McAlister) Sykes

Marshall Sykes

Michael Tomlin

Bess (Asimos) Whitmore

Brooks Whitmore

Katherine Williams

Alex Wilson

McCallie (Jones) Winstead


30.3% Participation

Thomas Armstrong

Lindsey (Benfield) Armstrong

Elizabeth Carlson

Mary Alice Creasy

Delaney Dalton

Amanda Domitrovich

Tucker Fogg

Maggie Gardner *

Noland Griffith

Ashley Hall

Leslie Hamilton

Mary Padgett Hawkins

Caroline Hicks *

Eliza Karp

Ann Louise (Seaton) Keeley

Conor Keeley

Alex Kern

Zach Kern

Tommy Litaker

Charlotte Magee

Lea McBryde

Scott McGinnis

Robert Miller

Morgan (Henry) Moore

Kameron (Spence) Phelan

Annie Powers

Jalen Ross

Claire (Gibson) Sterling

Andrew Taylor

Anda Totoreanu


20.8% Participation

Garland (Austin) Almquist

Will Almquist

Ann Baynard

David Belk

Roman Berens

Kathryn (Watts) Burlingame

Marshall Burlingame

Ryan Carter

Kirsten Dyer

Ryan Fine

William Gardner

Aseda Ghartey-Tagoe *

Chris Jones *

Ashley (Wannamaker) Jordi

Brandon Jordi

Brian Mittl

John O’Keefe

Harris Oates

Amma Okwara

Drew Papadopulos

Isabel Steen

Liza (Robinson) Williams


19.7% Participation

Mitchell Adams

Katie (Grad) Berger

Eve Davis

Will Donohue

Natalie Gaines

Johnathon Garwood

Sarah (Tomlin) Harrell

Emily Johnson

Chandler (Dalton) Kasay

Steven Kasay

Rory Keeley

Mary Lewis

Elli (Morrison) McAdams

Jacob Nabatoff *

Chris Paschal

Emma Price

Garrett Robards *

Cape Rowan

Ellie Sheild

Allen Tate

James Thorp

Sam Traxler

Andrew Zuehlke *


20.7% Participation

Carter Anderson *

Caroline Atwell *

Elizabeth Aucamp

Elizabeth Beecy

Alison Bonner

Casey Bowen

Liz (Kingsley) Dixon

Hank Ellison

Elizabeth Feld

Tricia (Belk) Foster

Gracie Ghartey-Tagoe

Drew Hanff

Caroline Henley

Chapman Hughes

Lea Kokenes

Mason LeDonne

Christian Mackey

John McGinnis

West Osborn

Rusty Reigel

Griffin Smith *

Margot Sprow *

Caroline (Seaton) Watts *

Christian White

Jack Zollicoffer


17.7% Participation

Scott Chappell

Bentley Dalton

Audrey (Beaussart) Davis

Leila Evans

Ryan Gardner

Daniel Jones

Nancy Jones

Austin Lancaster

Carrie Mittl

Sebastian Nabatoff

John Oates

Dannie (Litaker) Pendergrast

Cydne Pennington

John Reilly

Catherine (Crigler) Sheridan

Gray Smith

Caroline (Peters) Szczecinski

Marcus Tayloe

Parents of Alumni

Nick Verderame

Timothy Vorhoff

Adam Watts

Anna Williams


11.6% Participation

James Atwell

Lena Brewer

Eric Davis

Brendan Downing

Andrew Fish

Duncan Keeley

Caroline Klein

Rachel Mackey

Andrew Maxwell

E.C. Myers

Addie Robards

Hunter Sheridan

Raymon Wang


11.8% Participation

Jake Ahearn

Grant Balogh

Jack Balogh

David Baynard

Ann Bernhardt

Mac Craig

Will Gardner

Hayden Hunley

Elizabeth Lancaster

James McLelland

Michael Smith

Bella White

Thomas Williams


17.5% Participation

Caroline Balogh

Eliza Cotchett

Chase Crews

Liza Crutchfield

Claudia Dickey

Connor Downing

Ashley Foley

Julia Gass

Darby Glenn

Joshua Manuel

Dominique Martin

Catie Meanor

Cecelia Monnin

Eloise Monnin

Wyatt Nabatoff

Annabelle Oates

Mary (Griggs) Reilly

Shaw Sullivan

Will Troutman

Molly Wilkinson

Jazz Zeng


7.0% Participation

Jimmie Anderson

Will Anderson

John Beecy

McRae Gage

Jacob Halperin

Anna Catherine Henley

Tripp Hughes

Smith O’Leary

Elle Trejo


9.5% Participation

Olivia Aldridge

Elizabeth Cobb-Curtis

Andrew DeWeese

Samantha Gitlin

Emily Harris

Taylor Henry

Ana Kenefick

Sara Kenefick

Lauren Langley

Jakob Lucas

Matthew Mackey

Lane Tayloe


4.2% Participation

Bella Baldecchi

Mary Gale Godwin

Brock Middendorf

Sarah Catharine Pappas

Buchanan Perrigo


5.8% Participation

Ben Anderson

Ryan Beam

Aven Cutter

Olivia Halperin

Harrison Klingman

Kate McCracken

Christopher O’Leary

Kyleigh Panther


10.0% Participation

Alex Baldecchi

Ellie Chai

Camille Darwich

Samantha DeWeese

Crawford Fisher

Colman Freno

Ryan Manuel

Wyatt Mayberry

Kayla Middendorf

Alex Roberts

Nyela Rucker

Lea Troutman

Edward Yang

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years

♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years

Our parents of alumni help to ensure that today’s Hawks receive the same exceptional experience their children did during their time at Latin.

We are grateful for this special community of parents.

Shannon and Mike Acks *

Kelly and Darius Adamczyk

Tracey and Josh Adams

Katherine and Scott Addison

Martha Alexander *

Gary Anderson ‘75 ♦

Betty and Perrin Anderson

Lucy and David Anderson

Marsha and Mark Ashcraft *

Jean and John Asinger *

Nancy and Alan Atwell *

Lilla and Wade Austin

Erin and Chuck Baldecchi

Eleanor and Alan Barnhardt

Elsie and Will Barnhardt

Joanne and Steve Beam *

Katie (Browne) ‘93 and John Beam

Soraya Toosi and Alan Becker *

Beth Goode and Carl Belk ‘78

Irm and Ross Bellavia *

Shirley Benfield

Melissa Berens

Heidi (Layton) ‘89 and Chris ‘89 Berger *

Ellen and Jim Bickett

Nancy and David Blough

Beth and Bill ‘82 Bowen *

Mary Helen and Bill Bowman

Brandon Boyd

Maurya and Bob ‘84 Boyd

Lauren and Wil Brawley *

Charlie and Shelly Brown

Grey (Timberlake) ‘89 and Robbie ‘90 Brownlow *

Holly and Harry Bryant

Courtney and Scott Burbank

Amy (Fennebresque) ‘92 and

Baker Burleson

Janel and Charles Burrell

Kim and Mark Calloway ♦

Susan and Bob Calton

Michael and Mimi Carbone

Janie and Jean Chai

Janice and Scott Chappell *

Antoinette Tan and Ken Chen *

Jamie and Stuart Christhilf *

Lauri and Andy ‘87 Clark *

Woody and Jerry Clark

Laura (Austin) ‘87 and Murphy Clark *

Nan and Hal Clarke

Karla and Justin Claytor *

Jack and Kim Cobb

Amy and Phil Colaco

Ginny and John Collett ♦

Mary Beth and Ken Collins ♦

Tasha and Doug Cooper

Meredith Quimby and Kevin Coppage *

Jenny Coston

Karen and Jim Cotchett ♦

Katharine and Mike Cowan *

Jo and William Cowan

Stacy and Tim Creamer

Linda and Tim Cropper ♦

Lynn and Elliott ‘87 Crutchfield *

Susie and John Culp

Leeda Currin

Alexa and Ernie Cutter

Michele and Paolo Dal Cin

Liz and Brian Dannemann *

Brenda and C.P. Davis *

Jean Davis and Bob Metzger *

Lee Ann and Steve DeCarlo

Alex and Christa Dickey

Mary and Brooke Dickson

Nelia and Will Dolan

Blair Donald ‘85

Chris and Wilma Downing ♦

Sandy and Tom Dubick *

Roger W. Durrett ♦

Beth and Jade Eastridge *

Chuck and Mary Edwards

Teresa Edwards

Virginia (Smith) ‘79 and Doug Ellison *

Teresa Liu and Honglei Fan

Monica and Nagib Farah

Linda and Neil Fay

Heather and Tom Finke *

Diane and Jack Fish

Janet (Brown) ‘87 and Andrew Fisher *

Amy and Sid Fletcher *

Carol and Chris Floyd

Dorlisa and Peter Flur

Jill and Alan Flynn *

Kathy Ford

Carol (Lomax) ‘77 and Mark Fortenberry

Ed Fox ‘80

Debbie (McMahan) ‘88 and Scott Frail ♦

Betty and David Francis

Jenn and Mike Freno *

Kelly and Jocquin Fuller *

Mark Fuller ‘77

Donay Fullwood

The Gardner Family

Donna and Mike Gardner

Tara Garrity

Kathy and Don Gately ♦

Topher Gee and Kathleen Holtzman*

Stacy and Roderick Gee *

Renee Gerden

Mary and Brian ‘78 Gibson

Flekeda and James Gilliam *

Lauran and Jeremy Godwin *

Brooke and Mike Goldman

Mary and Fletcher Gregory ♦

Mary Griesser *

Jessica and Bill Griesser

Paula and Fred ‘78 Griffith

Robin (Waters) Griffith ‘78 *

Michelle Griggs

Rick Griggs

Laurie and Barry Guy

Heidi Hall

Claudette and Jim Hall

Kim (Couch) ‘89 and Greg Hanson *

Jennie and Greg Harper

Mary Beth Harris

Kary and William Harris

Kelly (Beck) ‘82 and Allan Haseley *

Mary Janet (Thies) ‘79 and George Hawkins

Sally and Joe Helweg *

Heather and Nance Hendley *

Veronica and Steve Henley

Beth and Scott Henry *

Katie and Stuart Hicks

David and Laurie Hidell

Kathleen and Greg ‘89 Hinrichs ♦

Allison and Michael ‘86 Hinshaw

Linda and Jack Hinson

Lynn and Charley Hodges

Leigh Holt

Beth (Francis) ‘77 and Chuck Hood

Kathy (Ibach) ‘78 and Steve Horvath

Elizabeth (DuBose) ‘93 and Brad House *

Dan Huang and Kari Wimbish

Colleen and Frank Huber

Page and Martin Hull *

Deborah and Jerry Hullinger

Lynda Sydnor Hunley ‘83

Jane and Tommy Hunter ‘86 *

Maria and Martin Hurden

Rick Hutchins

Brenda and Nick Ivanoff *

David and Margaret Jackson

Kendall and Carroll Jones *

Becky and C.T. Jones

Elizabeth Jones

Kenna (Cloninger) ‘85 and Phillip Jordan *

Hanna and Dick Kane

Camille and Robert Kanofsky *

Kelly Katterhagen and Larry Nabatoff *

Susan and Chris Kearney

Joy and Chris Kenefick *

Judy and Dick Kennedy

Catherine and Scott Kiefer

Carolyn and Larry Killingsworth

Stephanie and Eugene Kim *

Susanne and David Kirkland

Elizabeth and Jamie ‘82 Kiser

Nancy Kiser

Maria Klein ♦

Kathy and John Klimas

Julie Klingman

Ginny and Brad Knight

Heather and Jeff Knull *

Kabee and Dennis ‘79 Kokenes *

Katharine LaBadie ‘78

Billy and Debbie Lamm

Jennifer Woodhull Landry

Catherine and Larry Langley

Manetta and Dave Latham

Jen and Chris Latta

Alice and Harold Latta

Anne and Thomas ‘86 Layton

Megan and Doug Lebda

Nancy and Russ LeDonne

Kristin and Allen Lewis *

Nola and Ron Linker

Link and Dan ‘81 Litaker

Stacey and Chris Little

Tara and Matt Livingston *

Bernardo Llerenas and Larissa Soto

Holly and Mike Loeffler

Lourdes and Thomas Logan

Alicia Long *

David Long *

Amy and Rob Lovett

Liz and Bill Lowry *

Louise and Ed Lucas

Whitney and Patrick Lucas

Perry* and Bob ‘78 Lucas *

Amber and Phil Lynch *

Dianne and Carl Mackey *

Wandra and George Mackie

Gail and Frank Madara

Hope and Tim Manuel

Adriana den Blanken and Mitch Marcus

Karen Marsh *

Kee and Jim Marshall ♦

Lori and Andrew Martin

Robin and John Maxwell *

Sloane and Bill Mayberry

Judd and Lynne McAdams

Susan and Alex ‘78 McAlister

Lib and Mark McAlister

Kelli and John ‘76 McAlister

Peggy and Neill McBryde

Raechel and Rob McClellan *

Chrissy and Neil McConaughy *

Abbe and Ryan McCracken

Page and Pete McEachern ♦

Edie and John McGlone *

Anna (Simpson) ‘94 and Ed ‘93 McMahan

Suzy and Ed McMahan *

Susan and Chris McRae *

Nicole (Ewing) ‘86 and J.B. ‘86 Meanor ♦

Kristin and Marty Middendorf *

Rosalynn and Les Miller

Keva and Reco Miller

Melanie Mills

Val and Bob Mittl

Sarah and Tim Monnin

Jean and Bert Moody

Lisa and Ted Moreland *

Katie and Kevin Morgan *

Jen and Bruce ‘86 Morrill

Barbara and Matt Morrow *

Charlotte Mott

Lauren and Dan Mulligan

Linde and Bill Mullis

Hunter and John Murphy *

Patti and Pender ‘77 Murphy

Elizabeth Myers ‘80 *

Barbara Nesbitt

Catherine and Compie ‘78 Newman

Katrina Burton-Nichols and Matt Nichols

Suzanne and Bill Nichols

Amy and Dave Nielsen

Aggie and Gary Niess

Trudi and Gray Norris

Susan and Dan Nunn

Suzy and John Nurkin

Denny (Smith) ‘90 and Brian O’Leary *

Mary Yorke (Robison) ‘83 and David Oates ♦

Rita Osei-Obeng and Francis Obeng

Eydie and Blake Okland *

Tiffany and Ken Orndorff

Martha Owen *

Susie and John Papadopulos

Jeanne and Doug Paschal

Maureen and Jon Paschal *

Ellen and Bob Patten *

Ann Patterson

Beth (Anderson) ‘89 and Steve Pence

Sarah (Finklea) ‘80 and Joe Pennacchia

Cara and Luke Peters

Connell and Dank Pinckney

Haley and Scott Poole

Bill and Susan Porter

Alicia and Jay Powers ♦

Ann (Thompson) Brock Prater ‘81 *

Jennifer and Matt Provencher

Michael Rankin ♦

Yvonne and Rick Rayburn ♦

Lanny and Bob Reid

Beth (Goode) ‘76 and Ernie Reigel

Meredith Dasher and Harrison Rhee

Suzanne (Little) ‘82 and James Robards *

Aline and Keith Robelen

Brenda and Chris Roberts

Joanna and Tom Roberts

Barbara Robinson ♦

Peggy and Kevin Roche

Janet (Miller) ‘84 and Todd Rogers

Kathleen Ronek

Robyn and Todd Rosenthal

Vernette and Reggie Rucker *

Lori and Nader Samii

Jesse and Sarah Samples

Martha Schmitt

Virginia and Carl Schneidt

Mardell and Dan Schuster

George and Julie Schwab

Kathleen and Anthony Sciacca

Lisa and Greg Seaton *

Bobbie (Ewing) ‘88 and Thad ‘89 Sharrett *

Elizabeth English and Jim Sheedy *

Mary (Rogers) ‘86 and Sam ‘86 Shumate

Laura and Blair Shwedo

Margaret Sigmon and John Ellis

Betsy and Bill ‘84 Simerville *

Sarah and Dick Sipperly *

Sarah and Greg Slayton *

Sally (Gray) ‘82 and Eric Smith ♦

Amy and Barry Sobel

Missy and Garry Spence

Anita Wu and James Spicer *

Maxine and Mark Starner ♦

Lori Sternola

Marsha and Mark Stiegel *

Michele and Paul Sullivan

Kathy and Craig ‘79 Summerville ♦

Holly and Brian Swartz

Kendria and Cliff ‘85 Sweet *

Jan and Ray Swetenburg

Sha and Allen ‘82 Tate

Kim and Mark Tayloe *

Janet Taylor

Sally and Michael Teden

Birkiti Teklemariam

and Okobe Hagos

Parkie and Bo Thomas *

Lanier and Will Thomason

Kathylee and Ken Thompson

Katy Thompson and John Carlson

Laura and Jeff Thomsen *

Michelle and Wayne Thornhill *

Susan (Johnson) ‘79 and Bill Tome ♦

Diane and Ken Totherow

Sandra Troni and Rodrigo Troni Pena *

Stephanie and Chris Troutman

Jane and Trey Tune

Ceci and Mike Turner

Loretta and Perry Tuttle *

Meredith and John Tye *

Scott Upton

Ann and Mike Van Dyke

Noelle and Jeff Vandiver ♦

Melissa and Tom Vandiver

Karen and Rob Vaughn

Jody Vitale ‘76

Sarah and Richard Warmath

Alexa and Scott Warner

Adri and Will Warrick *

Rives and Matt Wedding

John Wester ♦

Michele and Geoff White

Faye and Peter White

Meg and John Wilkinson *

Jean and Walter Wilkinson

Vicky and Tim Wilkison

Libbie and Laurens Willard

Tanya and Glenn Willett

Catherine and Keith Williams *

Crystal and Joseph Williams

Nancy (Lea) ‘80 and Richard Williams ♦

Gracy and Scott Wooster *

Adair Woronoff

Jing Ai and Gang Yang

Quyen Chu and Tom Yee

Jim and Sophia Yule

Lynn Pei and Sean Zhang

Yilei Zhang and David Mauer

Kathy Wang and Jim Zhang

Cindy Dong and David Zheng

Anna Cheng and Shanggang Zhou

Heidi Zod

Nadya Klinetob and Mike Zottoli

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years

♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years


We are grateful for those friends in our Latin community who generously supported the Latin Fund.


Herb Amey

Gus Andrews

Ann M. Baldwin

Leigh Boice *

Sonja Bye

Libby Cathcart

Justin Converse

Kathy Dang

Teresa Devore

Jasmine Dhaliwal

Anne and Bob Dooley

Paul and Rita DuPont *

Richard Fleischauer

Andrew Friend

Denise Georges

Eva Haeberle

Chris Harrell

Thomas B. Henson

Ann and Howe Lagarde

Catherine C. Long

Toni and Paul Lowrance

Sheila M. McGrail

Ellen and Garrett Moseley

Bruce and Julie Nofsinger

Susan Oleson

Peter Pappas

Penny and Billy Peebles

Amy Roberts

Kathleen Rucker

William Siegfried

Susan and David Spicer

Lisa Sposato

C.W. and Leslie Stacks

Jessica and Brett Stoner

Janet and Steve Sutton

David Syfert

Ann Tabor

Tricia Tam

Seph Ternes

Sai C. Wong

Lisa Zullig

Board of Visitors

We thank our Board of Visitors for their engagement and leadership in the school community.

Martha Alexander *

Gary Anderson ‘75 ♦

Lucy Anderson

Nancy Atwell *

Will Barnhardt

Joanne Beam *

Carl Belk ‘78

Bill Bowen ‘82 *

Bob Calton

Lowell (Rayburn) Combs ‘95

Katharine Cowan

Lynn Crutchfield *

Jean Davis *

Mary Edwards

John Fennebresque ‘89

Heather Finke *

Debbie (McMahan) Frail ‘88 ♦

Tara Garrity

Don Gately ♦

Kathy Gately ♦

Effe (Ghartey-Tagoe) Gibson ‘10 *

Lauran Godwin *

Kelly Graves

Claudette Hall

Frances (Fennebresque) Hankins ‘97 *

Steven Hinshaw ‘89

Boyd Holland ‘92

Tommy Hunter ‘86 *

Courtney Hyder *

Katie (Miller) Iams ‘01 *

Hanna Kane

Kelly Katterhagen *

Joy Kenefick *

Carolyn Killingsworth

Tara Livingston *

Chrissy (Hunter) Lucas ‘04

Louise Lucas

George Mackie

Wandra Mackie

Eric Madara ‘01 *

Robin Maxwell

Neill McBryde

Patterson (Maker) Miller ‘07

Coy Monk *

Linde Mullis

Compie Newman ‘78

Aggie Niess

Denny (Smith) O’Leary ‘90 *

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ‘83 ♦

Tiffany Orndorff

John Papadopulos

Michael Parks ‘07 *

David Pharr ‘05

Michael Rankin ♦

Ernie Reigel

Patrick Rivenbark ‘02 *

Peggy Roche

Martha Schmitt

Bobbie (Ewing) Sharrett ‘88 *

Thad Sharrett ‘89 *

Margaret Sigmon

Bill Simerville ‘84 *

Jan Swetenburg

Ray Swetenburg

Charles Thies ‘90 *

Parkie Thomas *

Ken Thompson

Susan Johnson Tome ‘79 ♦

Melissa Vandiver

Mitchell Wickham ‘87 *

Jean Wilkinson

Laurens Willard

Nancy (Lea) Williams ‘80 ♦

Ruth (Van Dyke) Wyatt ‘02 *


Thank you to our grandparent community and to those who choose to invest in the school community of their grandchildren. We are grateful for their continued support and active involvement in the lives of so many past and current Latin students.

Martha Alexander *

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alpert

Mary and Bruce Anderson

Betty and Perrin Anderson

Lucy and David Anderson

Jean Ann and Barry Banker

Harriet Barnhardt

Eleanor and Alan Barnhardt

Elsie and Will Barnhardt

Ann and Jim Baynard

Georgia Bell

Shirley Benfield

Suzanne Brogan and David Bliden

Mary Helen and Bill Bowman

Brandon Boyd

Holly and Harry Bryant

Nancy and Hy Bunn

Melissa Bynum

Louise and Marvin Calloway

Jenny Campbell

Bonnie Cheek

Woody and Jerry Clark

Joan Kilby and Michael Clark

Donald Clark

Nan and Hal Clarke

Norvin Clontz

Janet Cone

Kathy and John Connor

Gena and Stephen Conrad

June and Norm Cook

Linda and Tim Cropper ♦

Leeda Currin

Sandra and Tom Curtis

Margaret and Brent Curtis

Mary Jo and Don Dailey

Catherine and Guido DeMaere

Mary and Brooke Dickson

Peggy and Don Dimperio

Jackie and Fred Dunlop

Chuck and Mary Edwards

Douglas Edwards

John Fagg

Sally and Ronnie Farmer

Linda and Neil Fay

Carl Ferland

Betty and David Francis

Mark Fuller ‘77

The Gardner Family

Kathy and Don Gately ♦

Linda and Michael Gilman

Susan and Charles Griffin

Laurie and Barry Guy

Claudette and Jim Hall

Mary Beth Harris

Brucie and Low Harry

Cathie and Bob Hartness

Nancy and Grant Hawgood

Bevie Hemby

Sabrina and John Higgins

Odis Hill

Lynn and Charley Hodges

Gil Hodges

Jere Hollmeyer

Leigh Holt

Nancy Holt

Beth (Francis) ‘77 and Chuck Hood

Mary and Robert Hosea

Colleen and Frank Huber

Sally and Watts Humphrey

Brenda and Nick Ivanoff *

Judy and Rick Jacobs

Kathryn and Tim Johnson

Hanna and Dick Kane

Susan and Chris Kearney

Harriet and Steven Kessler

Susanne and David Kirkland

Nancy Kiser

Marie and Ken Klaer

Linda and Bill Kutner

Manetta and Dave Latham

Carole and Glenn Lesley

Sue and Garry Lewis

Nola and Ron Linker

Liz and Bill Lowry

Louise and Ed Lucas

Gail and Frank Madara

Katherine and Philip Maher

Lil and Ron Martenson

Judd and Lynne McAdams

Peggy and Neill McBryde

Florence and John McCabe

Brendan McInerney

Suzy and Ed McMahan

Lee Meadows

Patricia and Frank Middendorf

Rosalynn and Les Miller

Jean and Bert Moody

Jorj and George Morgan

Margaret and John Morrison

Read and Terrie Morton

Charlotte Mott

Hunter and John Murphy *

Barbara Nesbitt

Suzanne and Bill Nichols

Susan and Dan Nunn

Joyce and Stuart O’Connor

Susie and John Papadopulos

Anne Parker

Trish and John Patti

Leverette Pope

Bill and Susan Porter

Karen and Ward Pritchett

Lee and James Pyle

Patti Quicksilver

Michael Rankin ♦

Yvonne and Rick Rayburn ♦

Nancy and Thomas Reams

Clark Rechkemmer

Lanny and Bob Reid

Beth (Goode) ‘76 and Ernie Reigel

Patty and Steve Rhyne

Virginia and Joseph Ripp

Joanna and Tom Roberts

Elizabeth and Al Robertson

Peggy and Kevin Roche

Rita and Hal Rosser

Betsy and Carver Rudolph

Susie Sale

Eddie Sams

Martha Schmitt

Mardell and Dan Schuster

George and Julie Schwab

Patty Scotten

Sonja and Charlie Shamblin

Laura and Blair Shwedo

Margaret Sigmon and John Ellis

Mindy Wexler and Kenneth Small

Nancy and Mike Smith

Maxine and Mark Starner ♦

Theckla Sterrett

Jo and Jack Stewart

Marsha and Mark Stiegel *

Jan and Ray Swetenburg

Marilyn and Ronald Tankiewicz

Sissy and Lex Tarumianz

Deborah C. Tayloe

Susan and William Taylor

Ellen Ternes

Robert Ternes

Katy Thompson and John Carlson

Wilhelmina Thorgeson

Judy and Terry Tindel

Debra and Wayne Trogdon

Nancy and Gene Tucker

Ann and Mike Van Dyke

Melissa and Tom Vandiver

Evelyn and Gilbert Wachsman

Barbara and Bruce Wallick

Liz and Wick Warrick *

Anita Webb *

Terri and Mike Wetherbee

Faye and Peter White

Zelda White

Gwen Whitner

Libbie and Laurens Willard

Robin and Andy Williams

Betty and Buster Wright

Carla and Randy Wyatt

Maureen and Ronald Young

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years ♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years

Pillars of Latin

Thies Campaign

Thank you to the generous donors whose love of the arts at Latin inspired their support of Thies Auditorium’s full renovation and the establishment of the Lillie Cowan Endowment for the Arts.

Katherine and Scott Addison

Rebekah and Mackenzie Alpert

Kate Anderson ‘05

Lindsay Anderson ‘05

Ivy and Brian ‘95 Babcock

Leah and Brad Bailey

Erin and Chuck Baldecchi

Leah and William Barnhardt ‘05

Joanne and Steve Beam *

Kara and Andy ‘07 Benjamin

Aileen and Mark Boltz

Kim and Jack ‘81 Cobb

Amy and Phil Colaco

Meredith Quimby and Kevin Coppage *

Jo and William Cowan

Pollyanna and Christian


Anna and Mike Davis

Julie DeVore ‘05

Nelia and Will Dolan

Roger W. Durrett ♦

Virginia (Smith) ‘79 and Doug Ellison *

Elizabeth and John Fagg

Andrew Fish ‘16

Lea and Doug Fitzpatrick

Dorlisa and Peter Flur

Virginia and Eric Flynn

Harriet (Barnhardt) ‘07 and James Folsom

The Gardner Family

Ryan Gardner ‘15

Lauran and Jeremy Godwin

Mary Griesser *

Jessica and Bill Griesser

Catherine and Noland ‘11 Griffith

Melissa and Grant Hamilton

Mary Janet (Thies) ‘79 and George Hawkins

Renee and Chris Hobart

Jane and Tommy Hunter ‘86 *

Maria and Martin Hurden

Elizabeth (Barnhardt) ‘04 and Jonathan ‘02 Kirkland

Latin Arts Association

Gina and Tom Lawrence

Adriana den Blanken and Mitch Marcus

Anna and John McCoy *

Abbe and Ryan McCracken

Brendan McInerney

Madeline and James ‘17 McLelland

Ann and Lee Meadows

Julie (Webster) ‘07 and Dyfrig Mon

Elizabeth and Brad Morgan

Charlotte Mott

Keller (Barnhardt) ‘98 and Jim Mulligan

Tanya Whitner and Alan Oliver

Rachel and Steve Pangalos

Danielle Pardue ‘05

Amber and Chris Phelps

Mary Margaret and Fritz Porter *

Chrys and Ches Riley

Sally and Matthew Roper

Lori and Nader Samii

Kathleen and Anthony Sciacca

Kindra and Vipul Shah

Liz and Dave Shuford

Melissa and Daniel Siever

Anita Wu and James Spicer *

Carolyn and Dan Stone

Paul Stroup ‘05

Erin and John Stubbs

Virginia (Barnhardt) ‘03 and Lane Sutton

Avery and Will Teichman *

Peggy (Kane) ‘96 and Charles ‘90 Thies *

Trey Thies ‘78

Boyce Thies ‘81

Lawton Thies ‘84 *

Susan (Johnson) ‘79 and Bill Tome ♦

Will Tome ‘10

Evelyn and Gilbert Wachsman

The Warmath Family

Wendy and Chris Wasko

Leslie and Mitchell ‘87 Wickham *

Mary and Kent Wolff

Jen and Lee Wouters

Nadya Klinetob and Mike Zottoli

We are deeply grateful to our Pillars of Latin for carrying forward Latin’s legacy of excellence and community. Thank you to the following families who have included Charlotte Latin in their longterm financial and estate plans.

Richard C. Bainbridge Jr.

Elsie and Will Barnhardt

Estate of William M. Barnhardt

Anne and John Barry

Elizabeth and Mike ‘75 Blair

Julie and Dwayne Blanton

Katie and Mitch Brigulio

Robert Joseph Butler ‘88

Allan and Dallas Chapman

Mary Beth and Ken Collins ♦

Ginny and John Comly

Martha Groblewski and Harry Creemers

Lynn and Elliott ‘87 Crutchfield *

Christa and Alex Dickey

Roger W. Durrett ♦

Frances and John Fennebresque

Estate of Maurice Robert


Estate of Dr. Edward J. Fox Jr.

Estate of Robert H. and Charlotte Hale Gammon

Tara Garrity

Mary Lou and Norman Garrity

Shari and David Grams

Meredith and Kelly Graves

Mary and Fletcher Gregory ♦

Cornelia Harris

Tina and Kevin Henry

Ivan Hinrichs

Hannalore and Wolfgang Jansen

Page and Todd Johnson

Bonnie and Mark Johnson

Mindy (White) Jones ‘78 and Bob Jones

Judy and Dick Kennedy

Chris (Skinner) ‘77 and John Kirkland

Estate of Robert V. Knight Jr.

Elizabeth and Eric Lloyd

Wandra and George Mackie

Madeline and James ‘17 McLelland

Estate of Elma R. Proffitt

Estate of Richard C. Ranson

Paige (Ford) ‘06 and Nathan Schwartzbauer

Barb and Dave Singer

H. Kevin Levine ‘86 and Louis Sinkoe

Sally (Gray) ‘82 and Eric Smith ♦

Leslie and C.W. Stacks

Patty and Preston Stone

Sha and Allen ‘82 Tate

Estate of Doc Jones

Thurston III ‘82*

Estate of Stella and Doc Thurston

Sarah and Tim Turner

Estate of Elizabeth Price

Van Every*

Ann and Spiro Vetas

Jean and Walter Wilkinson

Sally and Andy ‘79 Zoutewelle

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years

♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years

Endowment Donors

The strength of Latin’s endowment provides for the educational needs of both current and future students — and enhances the school’s financial position.


Martha Alexander *

Alumni Governing Board

Herb Amey

Mary and Bruce Anderson

Gary Anderson ‘75 ♦

Betty and Perrin Anderson

Gus Andrews

Erin and Chuck Baldecchi

Ann M. Baldwin

Elsie and Will Barnhardt

Joanne and Steve Beam *

Katie (Browne) ‘93 and John Beam

Beth Goode and Carl Belk ‘78

Shirley Benfield

Nancy and David Blough

Charlie and Shelly Brown

Sonja Bye

Kristen and Chris ‘03 Cannon

Carmel Presbyterian Church

Nan and Hal Clarke

Alison Wong and Eli Collins ‘97 *

Mary Beth and Ken Collins ♦

Justin Converse

Linda and Tim Cropper ♦

Teresa Devore

Anne and Bob Dooley

Mary Katherine and Dana DuBose *

Richard Fleischauer

Carol (Lomax) ‘77 and Mark Fortenberry

Betty and David Francis

Jenn and Mike Freno *

Brooke and Mike Goldman

William and Patricia Gorelick Family Foundation

Gabi and Rael Gorelick

Mary and Fletcher Gregory ♦

Eva Haeberle

Anna (Dings) ‘96 and Johno ‘97 Harris

Leigh and Watts Humphrey

Jane and Tommy Hunter ‘86 *

Hanna and Dick Kane

Joy and Chris Kenefick *

Kristen Schneider and C.J. Kearney

Matching Gift Companies

Susan and Chris Kearney

Mary Kate and Ryan ‘04 Kearney

Vanessa and Kevin Kearney

Kathy and John Klimas

Heather and Jeff Knull *

Ann and Howe Lagarde

Billy and Debbie Lamm

Megan and Doug Lebda

Meg and Sandy Lee

Julie and Howard ‘77 Levine *

Mary Beth and Sandy ‘75 Lourie

Toni and Paul Lowrance

Brooke and Doug ‘93 Lowry

Frances and Joe Luter

Wandra and George Mackie

Ben and Erin (Crabtree) ‘93 Martin

Chrissy and Neil McConaughy *

Anna and John McCoy *

Page and Pete McEachern ♦

Sheila McGrail

Anna (Simpson) ‘94 and Ed ‘93 McMahan

Kristin and Marty Middendorf *

Beth (Schofield) ‘77 and Mark Miller

Laura and Coy Monk *

Linde and Bill Mullis

Kelly Katterhagen and Larry Nabatoff *

Aggie and Gary Niess

Meagan and Harris ‘12 Oates

Mary Yorke (Robison) ‘83 and David Oates ♦

Susan Oleson

Peter Pappas

Pat Rogers Foundation

Ellen and Bob Patten *

Penny and Billy Peebles


Kemilou (Kennedy) ‘74 and James Pomplun

Yvonne and Rick Rayburn ♦

Beth (Goode) ‘76 and Ernie Reigel

Emily and Brian Richards ‘96

Barbara Robinson ♦

Kathleen Rucker

Susan (Culp) ‘81 and James Sanders

Jarrell and Graham Seagraves

Liz and Dave Shuford

William Siegfried

Margaret Sigmon and John Ellis

Sally (Gray) ‘82 and Eric Smith ♦

Lisa Sposato

Ben Steenrod ‘03

David Syfert

Ann Tabor

Peggy (Kane) ‘96 and Charles ‘90 Thies *

Lawton Thies ‘84 *

Susan (Johnson) ‘79 and Bill Tome ♦

Carolyne and Chris Totherow ‘99

Diane and Ken Totherow

Sidney (Povall) ‘93 and Pradeep Uderani

Wendy ’85 and Stewart Warne

Amy Hawfield Watson ‘92

Sai C. Wong

Lisa Zullig

We are tremendously grateful for our donors who took advantage of the matching gift opportunity offered by their employers to increase their impact at Latin.

3M Alliance for Automotive Innovation

Ally Ameriprise Financial


Amgen, Inc.

Antares Capital

Apple Matching Gifts Program

Baird Foundation, Inc.

Bank of America


Barings Asset Management

BASF Corporation

BlackRock, Inc.

Boston Consulting Group

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation


Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation

Charities Aid Foundation of America

Citizens Financial GroupRBS Americas


Crescent Communities

Duke Energy Corporation PAC

Duke Energy Foundation

Fidelity Investments

First Eagle Investment Management

Foundation For The Carolinas

FTI Consulting, Inc.

Gap Foundation Giving Program

Gilead Sciences

Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Grainger Industrial Supply

Hearst Communications, Inc

IBM Matching Grants Program

J.P. Morgan Chase Charitable

Johnson & Johnson

Jones Lang Lasalle


LPL Financial

Microsoft Corporation

Milliken & Company

Morgan Stanley Co., Inc.

Movement Mortgage


National Life Group


Mutual Life Foundation

Pamlico Capital

Piper Sandler Companies

Raytheon Technologies

Regions Bank

Russell Investments


SPX Corporation

Sumitomo Mitsui

Banking Corporation

The Duke Endowment

The Home Depot Matching Gifts


Truist Financial Corporation

U.S. Bank Foundation

Gifts Were Made in Honor Of

Ephraim Akihola

Melissa Barger

Ryan Beam ‘22

Georgia Bell

Andrea Boada

Louisa Bourne ‘36

William Bradley ‘32

Jack Bradley ‘34

Helen Bradley ‘35

Zack Budzichowski

Bilal and Megan Butt

Riti Canton

Michael Chadwick ‘13

Trey Chapman ‘29

Ellie Rose Chapman ‘32

Ashby Lee Chapman ‘32

Emmie Chapman ‘25

Lindley Cheek ‘35

Emerson Cheek ‘32

John Cheek ‘30

Harrison Clifford ‘31

Betsy Clifford ‘33

William Cobb-Curtis ‘28

Katherine Comly ‘30

Robert Comly ‘28

Lila Connor ‘25

Greyson Connor ‘28

Isabelle Cowan ‘22

Heather Dixon

Ellison Dolan ’24

Tom Dubick *

Adam Durrett

Alex Felizzola

Tiffany and Richard ‘85 Fletcher *

Mr. And Mrs. William J. Flynn

Gretchan Frederick *

Kelly Fuller *

Mary and Fletcher Gregory ♦

Lizzy Griesser ‘22

Kate Griesser ‘25

Lindsay and Tripp Griffin *

Laine Hannon ‘34

Cora Hannon ‘32

Grant Hannon ‘36

Deborah and Johnny Harris

Daniel Hayes

Tee Henson ‘33

Jackson Henson ‘31

Gifts Were Made in Memory Of

Corwin D. Alston

Ngaio F. Carlisle

Adam Carter

Dr. Ken Collins

Lillie Cowan

Pamela C. Franklin

Aileen S. Hill

Edwin David Holt

Sunny (Harris) Hutchinson ‘93

Barbara C. Kane

Anna Elizabeth Kennedy ‘93

Robert V. Knight Jr.

Mary Ann (McKeener) Little

Calvin McFarland Sr.

Raymond E. McGill II

Evangeline H. McMahan

Arthur Thomas Mott

Edward Wright Nesbitt ‘89

Lucy Hoke ‘29

George Hoke ‘31

George Hollmeyer ‘35

Hill Hollmeyer ‘31

Harris Hollmeyer ‘28

Jack Hollmeyer ‘26

Sabrina Howard *

Luke Ivey *

Catch Jacobs ‘30

Hill Jacobs ‘33

Jason Keefer

Maria D. Klein

Aaron Koch

Trissy Lomax

Sam Lyons ‘27

Dianne Mackey *

Pippin Manwaring ‘30

Lily Martenson ‘37

Andrew Maxwell ‘16

Chrissy McConaughy *

Edie McGlone *

Brittany Mercado

Thea Moore *

Suzanne Nesbitt ‘30

Mary Salem (Gregory) Paramore ‘06

Alvin Thomas Sale

Frank Ramsay Thies Jr.

Janet R. Thies

Charles L. Wickham Jr.

Jennifer N. Young

* Consecutive donors of 10+ years

♦ Consecutive donors of 20+ years

Miller Nielsen ‘35

Anna Jennings Nielsen ‘33

Meredith (Kempert) Nunn ‘98

Martha Owen *

Haden Pangalos

Lucas Pangalos

Ford Pendergrass ‘35

Liza Pendergrass ‘32

Ellen Rayburn

Annie Rayburn ‘30

Tanner Rayburn ‘32

Millie Rayburn *

McLean Rayburn ‘34

Will Rechkemmer ‘30

Allison Roberts

Mason Schwartz

Mary and Tim Scott

Katie Shaughnessy

Henry Sigmon

Walker Sigmon

Katie and Smitty Smith

Taylor Spangler ‘27

Bryce Spangler ‘25

Rosemary Spence ‘33

Operating Donors


Darci and John Bly

Gari and Wade Cowan

Jenn and Mike Freno *

Freya and Keith Hamilton *

Thomas B. Henson

Kristen Schneider and C.J. Kearney

Susan and Chris Kearney

Zach Spicer

Adam Stone ‘25

Avi Stone ‘29

Day Sturge ‘35

Smith Sturge ‘33

Arden Sunday ‘29

Ryan Sunday ‘31

Ella Tarumianz ‘27

David Taylor

Will Thomason

Angel Trimble

Baker Vitale ‘06

Robyn Walters ‘30

Laci Wargo

Chase Warrick ‘27

Anna Wasko

Carol Webb-Gargagliano

Mike Weiss *

Kate Wheeler

Catherine Williams

Mary Kate and Ryan ‘04 Kearney

Vanessa and Kevin Kearney

Judy and Dick Kennedy

Bob Knight Jr.

Catherine C. Long

Anna (Simpson) ‘94 and Ed ‘93 McMahan

Ellen and Garrett Moseley

Parkie and Bo Thomas *

Betty and Buster Wright

Yes I Can Basketball Inc

The 2023-24 Gratitude Report is published by Charlotte Latin School’s Office of Philanthropy and Alumni Relations and Marketing and Communications Department to acknowledge gifts made to Charlotte Latin between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. Every effort has been made to include all donors; if your name has been omitted or rendered incorrectly, we offer our deepest apologies and would appreciate notification. Please contact Joanne Beam at 704-846-1100.

Our Administration and Advancement Teams collaborate to support the Mission and Core Values of the school through enrollment, community relations, philanthropy, and marketing. We can do none of this without the incredible support of the Latin community.


Chuck Baldecchi P ’21 ’23 ’25

Head of School

Sonja Taylor

Associate Head of School

Todd Ballaban P ’32

Head of Middle School

Joanne O’Brien Beam P ’22

Director of Philanthropy

David Gatoux P ’31

Director of Athletics

Jim Huffaker

Chief Technology Officer

Beth Lucas P ’35

Director of Human Resources

Robert McArthur

Chief Financial and Operations Officer

Erica Moore

Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ’83

P ’12 ’15 ’18

Director of Enrollment Management


Joanne O’Brien Beam P ’22

Director of Philanthropy

Kurt Coleman P ’30 ’33 ’36

Stewardship and Scholarship Administrator

Gavin Edwards P ’27

Editorial Director

Lea Fitzpatrick P ’31 ’37

Director of Giving

Mary (Dickson) Gorman ’00 P ’36

Director of Stewardship

Parent Organization Liaison

Nadege Head

Admissions Operations Support

Alex Kern ’11

Alumni Relations Manager

Patterson (Maker) Miller ’07

Admissions Office Manager

Janis (Watts) Mishoe ’95 P ’35

Applications Coordinator

Jenny Morton P ’27 ’29 ’31

Database Manager

Hunter Murphy P ’01

GP ’34 ’37

Front Receptionist

Meredith (Kempert) Nunn ’98 P ’31 ’33

Director of Alumni Relations and Giving

Mary Yorke (Robison) Oates ’83 P ’12 ’15 ’18 Director of Enrollment Management

Tanya Powell P ’33

Admissions Operations Support

Kelley (Gately) Ripp ’98

P ’30 ’32 ’33

Kindergarten and Middle School Counselor

Lisa Seaton P ’11 ’14

Assistant Director of Admissions

Kindergarten and Lower School Counselor

Katie Sutton

Director of the Latin Fund

Kristin Paxton-Shaw Director of Marketing and Communications

Mark Tayloe P ’15 ’20 Head of Lower School

Lawrence Wall Head of Upper School

Sintayehu Taye

Kindergarten and Upper School Counselor

Monty Todd

Graphic Designer

Sara Weiers P ’25 ’27

Philanthropy Assistant

Mary White P ’29 ’31

Director of Philanthropy Services

Nikki Williams

Advancement Software Specialist and Webmaster


The light of Charlotte Latin School shines brighter because of you. Your generosity means that we can better illuminate the world for our students. Your investment in the school helps us create an environment where our entire community can see each other more clearly, grow together, and thrive.

Because of your love for Charlotte Latin School, our teachers, coaches, and staff can perform at the highest level — and our students grow into the best versions of themselves. Your belief in Charlotte Latin helps us be a beacon of illumination.

Thank you.

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