Volunteer Resource Guide 2023-24

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Welcome to the 2023–2024 school year! The volunteer community at Charlotte Latin is second to none. Our volunteers go beyond simply giving of their time. They bring infinite enthusiasm, varied experience, and immeasurable creativity and wisdom. Above all, our volunteers bring their genuine love for Latin and abiding commitment to providing the excellent experience our students, faculty, and staff deserve.

In this Volunteer Resource Guide, you’ll discover the many volunteer opportunities available at Charlotte Latin through Parents’ Council, Booster Club, Latin Arts Association, and more. You will find brief descriptions for each opportunity and contact information for those leading up these efforts. We encourage you to reach out, plug in, and get involved. We need you.

Still not sure where to get started? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Christine Strife and Meghan Lay, our Volunteer Resource Coordinators for this year.

Thank you for making Latin home. Go Hawks!

Deborah Hullinger

Parents’ Council President 2023–2024

Jen Dauska

Booster Club President 2023–2024

Abbe McCracken

Latin Arts Association President 2023–2024

Parent Groups .........................................................................4 Parents’ Council 4 Booster Club ....................................................................... 8 Latin Arts Association ................................................................ 11 Parents’ Council Volunteer Opportunities ................................................ 12 Admissions ........................................................................ 10 Book Fair .......................................................................... 10 Celebrate Latin 13 Faculty and Staff Appreciation Committee .............................................. 13 Back to School Night Conference Meals US Luncheon Holiday Meals Quarterly Treats Spring Luncheon Grade Level Liaisons and Room Parents ................................................ 14 May Day Play Day ................................................................... 15 Parent Education ................................................................... 16 Service Recognition and Retirement ................................................... 16 Together Latin Cares 16 Touchdown Tailgate ................................................................ 17 Visiting Author Luncheon ............................................................ 17 Volunteer Coordination .............................................................. 17 Booster Club Volunteer Opportunities ................................................... 18 Latin Arts Association Volunteer Opportunities............................................ 19 School-wide Volunteer Opportunities 20 Hawk Shop ....................................................................... 20 Knight–Dickson Library ............................................................. 20 Lower School Welcome Desk ........................................................ 20 Middle School Welcome Desk ........................................................ 21 Office of Philanthropy and Alumni Relations ............................................. 21 Latin Fund Fly Day Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ........................................................ 21 FOR Students ..................................................................... 22 Students FOR Students LAUNCH NEXT Global Partners ................................................................... 23 Friends of Global Studies ........................................................... 23 Innovation and Design Department ................................................... 24


Charlotte Latin’s parent volunteers helm three boards that help support the school’s administration, parent community, and athletics and arts programming throughout the school year. This includes the Parents’ Council, Booster Club, and Latin Arts Association. We encourage you to not wait until your Kindergartner joins the JV Football team before you volunteer at the concessions stand, and to not wait until your sixth grader finds their voice in the Upper School musical before you volunteer to usher a performance in Thies Auditorium. We hope you’ll take advantage of the many areas of school life that you can jump into as a parent and a Latin family.

Below you will find contact information for the parents currently serving on these boards. In the pages that follow you will find detailed information on the volunteer opportunities at Latin this year.


EXECUTIVE BOARD President Deborah Hullinger deborahhullinger@gmail.com 704-957-4127 First Vice President Kimber Morgan kimberfox36@aol.com 704-996-3651 Second Vice President Lauran Godwin laurangodwin@carolina.rr.com 704-998-7714 Treasurer Nicole Sunday nicsunday@gmail.com 704-779-4064 Assistant Treasurer Chrys Riley chrysriley1@gmail.com 704-907-1123 Secretary Ivy Babcock ivyvine76@gmail.com 704-906-1092
5 PARENTS’ COUNCIL COMMITTEES Admissions Janeka Handford janeka.handford@gmail.com 678-637-2370 Lindsay Mathews mathews1517@gmail.com 704-575-4143 Book Fair Jenny Chapman jenny.chapman09@gmail.com 919-306-0906 Jessica Valentine jrvalentine76@gmail.com 704-242-1016 Erin McClure elmcclure1@gmail.com 704-651-7220 Jennie Wrenn boomie1711@aol.com 913-707-7085 Celebrate Latin Mandy Hicks mandymhicks@yahoo.com 205-799-9252 Kelly Lilly kellyann.lilly@gmail.com 704-808-9496 Faculty and Staff Appreciation Gina Lawrence glaw0310@gmail.com 704-968-5234 Kakie Cheek kakiecheek@gmail.com 704-749-4722 Jordan Whitesides jordan.mackie@gmail.com 704-807-4056 Global Partners Gail Fischer gail.j.fischer@gmail.com 704-438-6688 Sheeka Gupta sheeka@gmail.com 865-405-8358 Lower School Room Parent Coordinators Anna Glass anna.stiegel.glass@gmail.com 704-907-5150 Katie Deterding katiedeterding@yahoo.com 704-706-4108 Sejal Patel sejal.patel.dds@gmail.com 704-488-3911 May Day Play Day Catherine Matthews catherinematthews5@gmail.com 334-467-3241 Missy Norman maybeverlynorman@gmail.com 704-617-2771 Jessica Walker jessica.jowers@gmail.com 215-901-9015 Parent Education Barbara Robinson mcdria@gmail.com 706-338-8578 Emily Beaver beaverec@gmail.com 336-655-1433 Service Recognition & Retirement Renee Hobart reneehobart@hotmail.com 704-240-0107 Laurie Larsh laurieclarsh@gmail.com 860-839-9177 Carrie Query carriequery@gmail.com 704-953-3247


Latin Cares Amy Burleson amyburleson@me.com 704-607-3296 Julia Cheatwood juliacheatwood@hotmail.com 704-582-9888 Touchdown Tailgate Amanda Frank amanda.ortel@gmail.com 704-341-0940 Elizabeth Fagg elizabeth.fagg@hotmail.com 704-930-8791 Visiting Author Luncheon Lindsay Griffin lindsaygriffin@mac.com 704-307-3233 Christy Krasnigor christy_hayes@hotmail.com 704-641-0588 Volunteer Coordinators Meghan Lay megmoritzlay@gmail.com 704-953-1355 Christine Strife cmstrife@gmail.com 704-817-9450
COUNCIL LIAISONS Booster Club Jen Dauska jenniferdauska@bellsouth.net 312-933-9632 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Erica Moore erica.moore@charlottelatin.org 704-815-2435 Global Studies Callie Lloyd callie.a.lloyd@gmail.com 434-298-1150 Latin Arts Association Abbe McCracken abbelogan@hotmail.com 404-550-0812 Marketing & Communications Ginny Comly gcomly@gmail.com 704-651-2909 Library: Lower School Stephanie Rindner steph495@gmail.com 917-860-5695 Library: Middle/Upper School Christine Strife cmstrife@gmail.com 704-817-9450 Philanthropy Mary Gorman mary.gorman@charlottelatin.org 704-846-7208
Lower School Meghan Lay megmoritzlay@gmail.com 704-953-1355 Middle School Amy Burleson amyburleson@me.com 704-607-3296 Upper School Elizabeth House edhouse1975@gmail.com 704-607-4238 GRADE LEVEL LIAISONS Grade 6 Kristi Speckman kristi.speckman@ymail.com 704-661-7729 Laura Sammons lauragsammons@gmail.com 704-975-4465 Grade 7 Holly Graham hollyigraham@gmail.com 704-868-2366 Katherine Schorr katschorr@gmail.com 917-806-5937 Grade 8 Chandra Jones chandra.e.jones@gmail.com 980-781-6085 Kristin Hennessy kristin.hennessy1@gmail.com 704-577-4412 Grade 9 Yorda Tewolde yorda.kidane@gmail.com 702-429-9829 Gabi Gorelick gabigorelick@gmail.com 704-651-1826 Grade 10 Karen Vaughn khvaughn4@gmail.com 704-904-4867 Sloane Mayberry sloanefm@gmail.com 704-351-7719 Grade 11 Aline Robelen amrobelen@bellsouth.net 704-576-1539 Karen Cotchett cotchett@mac.com 704-287-2538 Grade 12 Winn Elliott chriselliott@bellsouth.net 704-621-6602 Kristen Lewis kristennlewis@me.com 704-236-4494


EXECUTIVE BOARD President Jen Dauska jenniferdauska@bellsouth.net 312-933-9632 President-Elect Steve Hitzemann steve.hitzemann@gmail.com 704-277-9975 Secretary Kimber Morgan kimberfox36@aol.com 704-996-3651 Treasurer Alexa Cutter clsboostertreasurer@gmail.com 704-877-0043 Past President Jane Hunter janehunter@gmail.com 704-252-1148
CLUB COMMITTEES Booster Club Communication, Team Parent Communication & Buttons Kimber & Trey Morgan kimberfox36@aol.com 704-996-3651 Eydie & Blake Okland elokland@gmail.com 704-519-7660 Amanda & Neil Salvage amandamsalvage@yahoo.com 404-819-3700 neilsalvage@yahoo.com Katie & Johnson Wagner katie.wagner@att.net 804-512-6888 johnson.wagner@att.net Bigger Mission Steve Hitzemann steve.hitzemann@gmail.com 704-277-9975 Beth & Steve Pence beth@penceholdings.com 704-906-4154 Concessions Management Jen & Bill Dauska jenniferdauska@bellsouth.net 312-933-9632 Alexa & Ernie Cutter alexacutter@yahoo.com 704-877-0043 Concessions, Buying & Facilities Lead Robin & Mitchell Hume humer@bellsouth.net 704-756-5552 Concessions, Fall (non-football) Berry Bolt & Mike Guggenheimer berry.bolt@gmail.com 864-325-4342 Erin & Rob Gannett egannett@helenadamsrealty.com 704-402-7689 rgannett@gmail.com
9 Concessions, Fall Football Catherine & Scott Kiefer sckiefer4@gmail.com 704-301-1675 kiefersm@corning.com 980-328-4760 Jill & Rob Miles jillmiles@outlook.com 704-516-2526 ramiles999@mac.com 704-650-2460 Concessions, Winter Lindsay & Tripp Griffin lindsaygriffin@mac.com 704-307-3233 tripp.griffin@psc.com Jen & Chris Latta jenlatta@me.com 704-576-1487 Concessions, Spring
Carrie & Carl Fisher carriesfisher@att.net 704-907-1703 Concessions, Spring Lacrosse Susan Bliss & Stan Archibald sarchibald@carolina.rr.com 704-562-4860 Wendy & Gary Hecimovich wendy.hecimovich@mac.com 704-408-6322 ghecimovich@mac.com Gates & Tickets Adrie & Will Warrick adriwarrick@gmail.com 704-502-8664 will.warrick@gmail.com Halcyon & Ryan Worrell mrs_hworrell1@hotmail.com 917-676-4009 mr_rworrell@hotmail.com Hawkspys Jennifer & Ryan Clutter jclutter@me.com 704-877-9190 rclutter@me.com Gabi & Rael Gorelick gabigorelick@gmail.com 704-651-1826 Stacey Hitzemann staceyhitzemann@gmail.com 704-968-6379 Christy & Brian Krasnigor christy_hayes@hotmail.com 704-641-0588 bkrasnigor@gmail.com Lower School Spirit Night Sarah & Eric Moody sarahamoody@aol.com 704-995-3915 eric.moody@rbc.com Jane & Trey Tune janetune@me.com 704-910-4582 treytune@me.com 704-626-0525
10 Magazine Ivy & Brian Babcock ivyvine76@gmail.com 704-906-1092 brian@carolinagolfcars.com Katie & Kevin Cumbus katie.cumbus@yahoo.com 704-654-1104 kevin@tusk-partners.com Kate & Jeff Snoots katesnoots@gmail.com 704-497-6893 jsnoots13@gmail.com Signage Team Courtney & Bill Hyder courtneyhyder74@gmail.com 704-578-7487 Diane & Rob McLaughlin dimcl44@yahoo.com 704-451-5465 rmcl1973@yahoo.com 704-707-6752 Special Events (Mission34) Jane & Tommy Hunter janewhunter@gmail.com 704-252-1148 Halcyon & Ryan Worrell mrs_hworrell1@hotmail.com 917-676-4009 mr_rworrell@hotmail.com Photography Kim & Tony Lashley lashleync@me.com 704-898-4441 Kate & Jeff Lee katelee1@gmail.com 704-607-8855 jeffleejr1@gmail.com 704-609-5668 Winter Sports Showcase Greta & Rob Hord ghord29@gmail.com 704-968-4677 rob@redpart.com 704-575-9178 Kendall & Carroll Jones kendallbjones@me.com 704-996-9165 carrolljones3@gmail.com Kate & Jeff Lee katelee1@gmail.com 704-607-8855 jeffleejr1@gmail.com 704-609-5668



President Abbe McCracken abbelogan@hotmail.com

First Vice President Jen Wouters thewoutersfamily@gmail.com

Second Vice President Gina Lawrence glaw0310@gmail.com

Treasurer Maria Hurden mahurden@gmail.com

Secretary Anna Davis annadavis07@gmail.com

Co-Publicity Aileen Boltz aileenevans@yahoo.com

Co-Publicity Ivy Babcock ivyvine76@gmail.com


Friends of Creative Writing: Gina Lawrence law0310@gmail.com

Friends of Music: Amy Bradley amyjbradley@gmail.com

Friends of Speech and Debate: Tanya Willett gpw111@aol.com

Friends of Theater: Carolyn Stone carolynfayestone@gmail.com

Friends of Visual Arts: Lori Samii lorisamii@yahoo.com


Upper School: Sally Roper monkeysal@sky.com

Wendy Wasko wwasko75@aol.com

Middle School: Adele Deaton adeledeaton@me.com

Stephanie Kim stephanie.c.kim@gmail.com

Lower School: Renee Hobart reneehobart@hotmail.com

Chrys Riley chrysriley1@gmail.com



The stated mission of Parents’ Council is to support the Charlotte Latin Board of Trustees and Administration by using the unique talents of our parent community in four ways: communication, fellowship, fundraising, and service. All Charlotte Latin parents are members of the Parents’ Council— there are no dues nor membership requirements—and involvement with the Parents’ Council is a great way to connect to the school in a meaningful way. Please consider attending the Parents’ Council meetings, details of which can be found on the Parents’ Council page on MyLatin.


The Admissions Office needs volunteers all year and has opportunities on campus and off campus. We need parent ambassadors at all of our events: Open Houses, Kindergarten Visit Days, virtual Q&A sessions, parent panels, Invite-Back receptions, on-campus coffees for newly-enrolled parents, and our New Family Kickoff Picnic.

For more information please contact:

Janeka Handford


Lindsay Matthews matthews1517@gmail.com




Charlotte Latin’s annual Lower School Book Fair has volunteer opportunities throughout the week of November 6–9, which includes setting up the book fair, helping students shop for and purchase their books, restocking inventory, and breaking down the Book Fair.

Within the LS Book Fair week, there are two other related events:

• Donuts with Grown-Ups: Donuts and Coffee are provided early (before school) on the library loggia, followed by shopping the book fair with the LS student and their grown-up.

• Promising Pages Book Drive: Service event where Charlotte Latin students bring their gentlyused books to school for donation to Promising Pages, the leading distributor of upcycled children’s books in the Charlotte area.

For more information, please contact:

Jenny Chapman


Jessica Valentine jrvalentine76@gmail.com

Jennie Wrenn boomie1711@aol.com

Erin McClure








Celebrate Latin brings together parents, faculty, and staff from all divisions for a fun-filled evening. This fabulous night features music, dinner, live and silent auctions, and a raffle. Celebrate Latin is Parents’ Council’s largest fundraiser, which takes place once every two years. The next event is January 20, 2024, at Quail Hollow Club. An event of this magnitude requires many volunteers with a range of skills and talents. Helping with Celebrate Latin is a wonderful way to meet other parents, faculty, and staff.

For more information, please contact:

Mandy Hicks


Kelly Lilly kellyann.lilly@gmail.com




The Faculty and Staff Appreciation Committee plans and hosts events throughout the school year. The committee provides a reception table at Back-to-School nights, decorates the Charlotte Latin campus for the holidays, and organizes functions to support Charlotte Latin faculty and staff.

For more information, please contact:

Gina Lawrence glaw0310@gmail.com

Kakie Cheek kakiecheek@gmail.com

Jordan Whitesides jordan.mackie@gmail.com

Back to School Nights:




During each Division’s Back-to-School Night, the Faculty and Staff Appreciation Committee hosts a reception table. Parents and teachers have the opportunity to snack before and after the event. Volunteers are needed to staff these tables.

Conference Meals:

Lower and Middle School Conferences take place over a two-day period. Lunch is provided for faculty each day. This is a treat for the faculty during a busy time of the year. Volunteers are needed to help with coordination of catered meals, delivery, set-up, and clean-up.

US Luncheon:

This luncheon is held in Founders’ Hall to support Upper School faculty and staff during a busy time of year. Volunteers are needed to help with invitations, set-up, service, and clean-up.

Holiday Decorating:

This committee is responsible for decorating the Charlotte Latin campus. Volunteers are needed before Thanksgiving and immediately after returning to school from the holiday break to setup and take down decorations. All decorations are provided.


Holiday Social:

The Holiday Social is a highly-anticipated annual event for the Charlotte Latin faculty and staff in appreciation of their work. It is held in the Horne Performing Arts Center Lobby from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Volunteer leads coordinates the meal and menu with FLIK along with raffle prize selections. Volunteer leads also needed to create decorative table arrangements for the sit-down meal. Many volunteers are needed to help set-up and break-down the event and greet faculty and staff. Help is needed immediately after the event to deliver raffle prizes and decorative table arrangements to faculty and staff.

Holiday Staff Gift:

During the Holiday Social, each faculty and staff member is given a holiday gift. Prior to the event, many volunteers are needed to help package the gifts and wrap the silverware for the event. Helping is a great way to connect with other Charlotte Latin parents.

Quarterly Appreciation Treats:

Four times during the year, faculty and staff look forward to an assortment of goodies placed at different stations around campus. This is a large production for Parents’ Council to show our teachers and staff how much they are appreciated. Many volunteers are needed to assemble and help distribute the treats on campus.

Spring Luncheon:

The Spring Luncheon is a Charlotte Latin tradition, designed to thank all Charlotte Latin faculty and staff at the end of the year. Volunteer leads coordinate the meal and menu with FLIK along with raffle prize selections. Many volunteers are needed to help set-up and break-down the event and greet faculty and staff. Help is needed immediately after the lunch to deliver raffle prizes to faculty and staff.


Middle and Upper School Grade Level Parent Liaisons and Lower School Room Parents serve as conduits between the school and parents. They are a resource for parents, as well as provide communication for school administration and events. In addition, they are instrumental in welcoming new families over the summer, at orientations, and at Admissions onboarding events in the fall.

Lower School Room Parent Coordinators collaborate with administration to identify and appoint parents who are willing to serve in the room parent capacity for his/her child’s class. Parents may express interest in the role by completing the Room Parent Volunteer form found in the various backto-school communications or reach out directly to the LS Room Parent Coordinators by August 15 for 2023–24 school year. Please note that signing up does not guarantee selection. *This is a one-time ask in August as room parents need to be in place soon after the start of school.


Grade Level Parent Liaisons, found in Grade 6–12, are appointed by Parents’ Council’s 2nd Vice President in the spring as part of the Parents’ Council Board nominations process.

If you’re interested in learning more about being a Grade Level Liaison for the 2024–25 school year, contact Lauran Godwin at laurangodwin@carolina.rr.com. If you’re interested in learning more about being a room parent, contact our 2023 Lower School Parent Coordinators:

Anna Glass


Katie Deterding katiedeterding@yahoo.com

Sejal Patel






May Day Play Day (MDPD) is one of Charlotte Latin’s oldest and largest school-wide events. This annual fair—focusing on families, friends, and fellowship—fills south campus with rides, games, arts, crafts, and food, all made possible by the time and talents of parent and student volunteers. MDPD offers two different types of volunteer opportunities: membership on the MDPD committee throughout the year or volunteering for a one-hour shift on the day of the event.

The MDPD committee divides the responsibilities into subcommittees of 2–5 people; the entire group meets monthly throughout the winter and spring, making it a great opportunity to get to know other committee members.

Parent volunteers on the day of the event are crucial to making MDPD such a great day for our students. All Lower School families are encouraged to fill a one-hour volunteer shift during the MDPD event. It is an easy and fun way to volunteer at Latin on a Saturday!

For more information, please contact:

Jessica Walker jessica.jowers@gmail.com

Missy Norman maybeverlynorman@gmail.com



Catherine Matthew catherinematthews5@gmail.com 334-467-3241



The mission of the Parent Education committee is to address and to enhance the TK–12 student experience and environment, to support parents, and to strengthen the parent-school partnership. The committee plans and hosts educational opportunities including but not limited to speakers, small group sessions, and workshops. Volunteers are needed to assist and update webpage content and to serve in a hosting capacity by checking in guests and setting up for events. Please reach out to the chairs if you have suggestions regarding future programming or MyLatin content.

For more information, please contact:

Barbara Robinson


Emily Beaver beaverec@gmail.com




The annual event honors Charlotte Latin faculty and staff, commemorating their years of service in five-year increments with special gifts for each landmark, as well as retiring faculty and staff–celebrating their contributions and sharing memories of their time with Charlotte Latin School. Held on campus after the school year is over, the event is a large and meaningful “thank you” to close the year. Service Recognition/Retirement parent and student volunteers are needed to help set-up, greet and usher honorees, serve lunch, and clean up.

For more information, please contact:

Laura Larsh


Renee Hobart reneehobart@hotmail.com

Carrie Query carriequery@gmail.com





The TLC Committee supplies meals to Charlotte Latin families and faculty/staff during difficult times (e.g., a death in the family, major surgery, or treatment). Volunteers provide meals and deliver them to families in need of support. The committee also furnishes meals kept in a freezer on campus to be used as needed. To submit a TLC meal request, vist: www.charlottelatin.org/tlcrequest

All information is kept private and confidential. Only the committee chairs and the volunteer delivering the meal receive details regarding the request.

For more information, please contact:

Julia Cheatwood juliacheatwood@hotmail.com

Amy Burleson






Touchdown Tailgate is Charlotte Latin’s annual fall gathering for all families, faculty, and staff. It is held in the evening prior to a home football game on the Middle School field. Join old and new friends for dinner and spirit activities. Volunteers are needed to help with event set-up, check-in, food service, supervision of spirit activities, and clean-up.

For more information, please contact:

Amanda Frank amanda.ortel@gmail.com

Elizabeth Fagg





The Visiting Author Luncheon is an annual event held in the Horne Performing Arts Center. The luncheon will feature a local author and is held in conjunction with the Book Fair. Volunteers are needed to help with set-up, service, and book sales.

For more information, please contact:

Lindsay Griffin lindsaygriffin@mac.com

Christy Krasnigor christy_hayes@hotmail.com




The Volunteer Coordination team would like to hear from you and place you with the perfect volunteer opportunity at Latin. This team updates and maintains the Volunteer Resource Guide and the form used to collect volunteer interest. If your special talent is coordination, then consider joining the Volunteer Coordination Team.

For more information, please contact:

Meghan Lay megmoritzlay@gmail.com

Christine Strife cmstrife@gmail.com





The Booster Club assists and supports student-athletes and the Charlotte Latin Athletics program. The Booster Club is guided by the Booster Club Board; however, all Charlotte Latin families and alumni are invited to serve as resources and volunteers. The Charlotte Latin Booster Club supports athletics in many ways including concession and ticket management, spirit and sign initiatives, creating special events like the Hawkspys, producing the CLS Booster Club magazine, and more.


The Booster Club manages Charlotte Latin’s concessions operations and is looking for many volunteers for the school year. This is an easy and enjoyable opportunity to support Latin athletics and is open to all CLS community members (regardless of sports participation). Concession volunteers may help with as little as one game and no prior experience is necessary.


The Booster Club organizes volunteers to collect admission fees at select games and at designated athletic events. The team supports the North Carolina Independent Schools Athletic Association (NCISAA) with collecting state fees for tournament games. The Booster Club often needs help with home football games and many state tournament competitions. This opportunity is appropriate for both parents and Upper School students.


The Booster Club coordinates photography at sporting events to be used for the Booster Club magazine, Hawkspys, and other athletic department needs. The Booster Club is looking for sports photographers to assist in these efforts.

Special Events

Volunteers are needed to support Booster Club sponsored special events like the Winter Sports Showcase, Hawkspys, and Lower School Spirit Night. Special events may include catered meals, face painting, and other special activities to highlight the event and enhance the experiences.



The Latin Arts Association (LAA) is the umbrella organization that supports, enhances, and promotes the arts community at Charlotte Latin School. We are delighted to support our talented faculty and students, as well as help provide extraordinary and innovative art experiences for our community.

We provide volunteer and financial assistance for arts programs across all divisions of Charlotte Latin, including:

• Choral and Instrumental Music

• Creative Writing

• Speech and Debate

• Theater Arts

• Visual Arts

Latin Arts Association welcomes volunteers for our committees. Please join us to support the arts, give back to Latin, and forge great friendships. Volunteer opportunities include:

• Helping coordinate the Senior Visual Art Show.

• Producing the Blue Review launch party that celebrates Latin’s student-produced literary magazine.

• Serving as parent coordinators for theater productions to helping with publicity, tickets, refreshments, and parent communication.

• Serving as a parent coordinator for music department events, such as regional and state competitions, on-campus concerts, and other music department needs.

• Volunteering as a judge or a campus guide for speech and debate tournaments.

For more information about membership or to volunteer, please contact the committee chair:

Overall LAA support

Friends of Creative Writing

Friends of Music

Friends of Theater Arts

Friends of Visual Arts

Friends of Speech & Debate

Abbe McCracken abbelogan@hotmail.com

Gina Lawrence glaw0310@gmail.com

Amy Bradley amyjbradley@gmail.com

Carolyn Stone carolynfayestone@gmail.com

Lori Samii lorisamii@yahoo.com

Tanya Willett gpw111@aol.com




The Hawk Shop is CLS’s spirit store located in Founders’ Hall. The store is open from 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (when school is in session), and for special campus events. Volunteers are needed to provide daily lunch coverage for the store and to assist during peak times and special events. Duties include running the store register, assisting with stock and merchandise, and customer support. Scheduling is flexible via Sign-Up Genius, and training is provided. Additional assistance is needed with PE Uniform packaging in August and during orientation.

For more information, please contact:

Emily Porter emily.porter@charlottelatin.org


Looking for a quiet, inspirational, and fun place to volunteer? Come join us in the heart of the school— the Knight-Dickson Library. Shelve books, work on special projects, provide general support to the library staff, and much more. Volunteers commit to a few hours every other week. LS has a three hour shift midday while the MS/US has a one hour shift for lunchtime support. The library is another classroom for your students, so it is a great way to interact with both students and faculty.

For more information, please contact:

LS, Stephanie Rindner steph495@gmail.com

MS/US, Christine Strife cmstrife@gmail.com




Lower School Welcome Desk volunteers assist with visitor welcome and registration, student transportation changes, teacher workroom requests, and the Lower School office. Daily shifts are 2.25-hours long, starting at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 2:45 p.m. during the school year. Each volunteer may sign up for one or more shifts per month.

For more information, please contact:

Allison Chatman allison.f.chatman@gmail.com

Leigh-Ervin Dedmon leighervin.dedmon@gmail.com





Middle School Welcome Desk volunteers assist the Middle School office with visitor welcome and registration and student transportation changes. The daily shift is 1.5-hours long, starting at 11:15 a.m. and ending at 12:45 p.m. during the school year. Each volunteer may sign up for one shift per month.

For more information, please contact:

Mandy Hicks

Chrys Riley






The Office of Philanthropy and Alumni Relations works with parent volunteers throughout the year to advance Latin’s culture of philanthropy, build community, and support the school’s Mission and Core Values.

Latin Fund

Latin Fund volunteers help share the impact and importance of the Latin Fund with our school community, and they are essential to our fundraising success. Each year, with the support of the Latin Fund chairs and Head of school, volunteers solicit Latin Fund gifts and thank donors for their support.


Latin’s 24-hour giving day takes place in May and supports the Latin Fund. FLY DAY is a day for the entire community, and we rely on parent and alumni volunteers to join our text-a-thon, deliver surprises to faculty and staff, and write and address thank-you notes to donors.

For more information, please contact:

Mary Gorman

Katie Sutton






As a community of learners, Charlotte Latin School is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment that accepts and honors everyone. We respect individual differences, including, but not limited to, ethnicity, gender identity, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. Under the guidance of the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the DEI Office focuses on initiatives that help to attract and support families from diverse backgrounds, plan special activities to raise awareness, educate, and develop a deeper appreciation for the different identities represented in our school community.


From the moment you become a part of the Latin family, your talents, perspectives, and engagement are welcomed and expected. We embrace the creativity that arises from diverse points of view, honor our students’ rich cultural experiences, and aspire to foster a sense of belonging for every school community member. We encourage parents to become active volunteers and attend quarterly parent meetings hosted by the DEI Office.

For more information, please contact:




FOR Students, a non-profit organization, has created programs three signature programs—Students FOR Students, LAUNCH, and NEXT—to help students feel better prepared for their future and provide them with the tools and the support they need to bounce back when tough things happen.

Students FOR Students is a peer-led program consisting of small groups: eleventh and twelfth graders trained to facilitate groups with ninth and tenth graders. Students FOR Students meets at least twice monthly during the school day: during lunch, an activity period or another time. These small groups offer a space students can count on to be known and heard and have authentic conversations with their peers on topics students want to talk about.

LAUNCH is an engaging, year-long series of events for the entire senior class that brings in mental health professionals to talk with students to better equip them with the tools they need to manage their mental health in a constantly changing world. Topics include: knowing yourself/temperament, healthy relationships, stress management, anxiety, guardrails around substance use and abuse, and suicide prevention training. LAUNCH also hosts pop-up events for seniors throughout the school year, which are fun surprises to give students a few minutes to relax and be in community with one another, as well as provide an opportunity for the FOR Students team and parent volunteers to get to know the students better and vice versa.

NEXT is a two-day conference at the end of the school year, where students celebrate the conclusion of high school and practice the skills they have learned throughout the year in the LAUNCH program. Students come together with other high school seniors to hear from our best main-stage mental health communicators. Students also choose from a list of breakout sessions, such as: Finding the Balance with Time and Money, Healthy Eating, Self-Defense, LGBTQ+, Greek Life, Life of a College Athlete, Healthy Relationships, and How to Find Your People in College. Students also meet in small groups for facilitated discussions. Music, food, fun, and surprises keep the students engaged.


FOR Students volunteer opportunities include helping with events and programs throughout the school year. Many hands are needed with event set-up, hype, food, and tear down.

For more information, please contact :

Jane Tune



The mission of Global Partners is to promote awareness and deepen the knowledge of other cultures and countries for our Lower School students. Each school year, Global Partners coordinates with Latin’s Global Studies program in the selection of a country. For the 2023–2024 school year, our country is Germany.

Parent volunteers for Global Partners have the opportunity to be a part of a 3–4 person team and present a prepared enrichment program for the team to each class in their assigned grade. The presentations take approximately half a day and occur once a month over a three-month period in the spring. A training session will be held before the first classroom presentation.

For more information, please contact:

Gail Fischer


Sheeka Gupta sheeka@gmail.com




Global Studies programming at Charlotte Latin seeks to develop globally competent students who will be aware, curious, and interested in learning about the world. Charlotte Latin families at all grade levels are invited to participate in opportunities that encourage students to develop these skills.

Volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to:

• Participating in our Lower School Global Partners program.

• Sharing your global experience, perspectives, and/or other important aspects of your culture with TK—Grade 12 students as a guest speaker. Whether sharing with Middle School students about a festival, reading a book to Lower Schoolers, or talking about a historical or cultural moment which impacted your family’s story, our students benefit from hearing about a broad range of cultures and experiences. Even if you aren’t sure how/what you’d like to share, we encourage you to send us a note letting us know what cultural backgrounds and perspectives your family brings to our community.


• Serving as a host family for an Upper School exchange student from our CLS Sister Schools in Germany, Italy, France, Argentina, and/or South Africa. Exchanges typically last two to six weeks depending on the program. Your child does not need to be in Upper School to host.

• Helping to coordinate and/or participate in activities with our visiting Sister School exchange students and teachers. Some examples may include hosting Welcome or Farewell parties, guiding a walking tour of Uptown Charlotte, or even tagging along for a day at the USNWC.

Regardless of the activity you choose, becoming involved in the Global Studies program at any level is an unforgettable experience that broadens horizons and helps forge life-long friendships.

For more information, please contact:


Melding engineering and computer science, Latin’s Innovation and Design program offers handson learning, promoting computational thinking and project-based solutions. Featuring a unique Fab Lab, we foster digital fabrication while connecting students globally for knowledge exchange and collaboration. Originating at MIT, our Fab Lab surpasses conventional maker spaces with its unique capabilities, including a 21st-century woodshop, electronics fabrication, a 3-D printer farm, industrial laser cutters, assorted milling machines, and MIT–trained staff. Students have the opportunity to make and program nearly anything.

We are actively seeking volunteers who enjoy working with students, sharing their expertise, and supporting our mission. No experience is necessary, just a desire to help our young people.

Sharing Expertise

Volunteers with backgrounds in engineering, computer science, or related fields can conduct workshops, mentor students, and provide guidance on project-based work. They can offer unique insights from their experiences, fostering a more profound understanding and inspiring innovative thinking.

Supporting 21st Century Woodshop

Individuals with carpentry or craftsmanship skills can help students in their woodworking projects.

Assisting in the Fab Lab

Volunteers can help maintain and manage the equipment, ensure safety guidelines are followed or assist in training students to use tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters, and milling machines.

Callie Lloyd callie.a.lloyd@gmail.com 434-298-1150

Contribution to the Digital Network

Volunteers can assist in managing the global knowledge exchange, coordinating collaborations, and ensuring smooth communication within the international network.

Programming and Software Assistance

Those with programming skills can help students understand and apply coding principles in their projects, particularly in relation to electronics fabrication and 3D printing.

Event Organization

Volunteers could organize showcases, competitions, or events that celebrate student innovation and promote the program to a wider audience.

For more information, please contact:

Tom Dubick

David Taylor





Charlotte Latin School 9502 Providence Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28277

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