The SPCA Annual Report 2023

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SINCE 1914





Animal Services/Animal Welfare



Advance the compassionate treatment of animals by providing sheltering, medical care, and behavioral services for dogs and cats; promoting permanent, caring homes; and furthering education and outreach.

To provide a safe and nurturing environment for the lost, abandoned and homeless animals of the City of Charlottesville and the county of Albemarle. The organization also provides subsidized and free veterinary services for those in the community and surrounding communities.

VISION Healthy animals in caring homes.


Lives Impacted In 2023

1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome Letter from Libby Jones………….......………….........….…02 Success Story: Pocky Prevails………...............................................03 About Us………………………………………...……........…................04 Our Guiding Philosophies……………………………………............…06 Services and Outreach…………………………………………….....…08 Success Story: Eddie’s Road to Recovery ………….........................11 Metrics and Results ………………………………..……......................12 Success Story: From Shelter Stress to Farm Bliss…..…...............…14 Community Cat Program……………………...............................……15 The SPCA Rummage Store………………………………....................16 Success Story: Cosmo’s Journey to Breathing Easy…....……..…....19 Volunteer and Foster Programs………………..............................…..20 Meet the SPCA Staff……………………………………………….........24 The Power of Play…………………………………………………....….26 Veterinary Care………………………………………………....….....….28 Vet Save Stories………………………………………………............…30 Bow-WOW-walk and Other Events………………………….........…...32 2023 Financials……………………………………………..…………….34 Philanthropy…………………………………………………..……….….35 Thank You to Our 2023 Donors……………………………..............…36

A Welcome Letter from Libby Jones, Executive Director

As we reflect on the past year, I am delighted to present our annual report for 2023. It has been a year of challenges, growth, and unwavering dedication from our staff, volunteers, and supporters alike. Despite the unprecedented difficulties faced early in 2023, our organization remained steadfast in its commitment to our community and its animals. We adapted to new circumstances, pivoted our strategies, and continued to serve our community with resilience and determination.

I am pleased to share that in 2023, the SPCA team provided care to 3,051 new animals brought to our shelter, and achieved successful outcomes for 3,109 animals. Notably, our shelter team accomplished a 5% decrease in the average length of stay for dogs and a 13% decrease for cats. A testament to these efforts is the story of

Roscone, a diabetic cat from the City of Charlottesville, was entrusted to us due to a change in his owner’s living situation. Diabetic cats typically experience longer stays at the shelter, given their special needs. By placing Roscone into a nurturing foster home, his stress and diabetes were effectively managed. This not only improved his health but also led to a heartwarming conclusion: Roscone endeared himself to his foster family and became a permanent cherished member of their home.

With your support, we can create more success stories like Roscone’s and reshape traditional sheltering practices while also tackling the most urgent issues impacting animals and our dedicated community.

With Gratitude, Libby Jones

Despite national trends showing a decrease in adoptions and return to guardians when compared to 2022, our team accomplished what many strive for: more animals left the SPCA’s shelter in 2023 than entered.


POCKY Prevails

Pocky’s amazing journey!

In September 2022, Pocky arrived at our shelter after being found running alone in Albemarle County. While he unfortunately remained unredeemed, Pocky quickly won the hearts of SPCA staff and volunteers with his gentle giant demeanor.

During his examination in our clinic, our team discovered discomfort in Pocky’s rear legs. After consulting a specialist, it was determined that he required tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) surgeries on both legs. Our community generously contributed to cover the necessary funds for Pocky’s surgeries, enabling him to live pain-free. Following successful procedures, Pocky underwent extensive physical therapy with our clinic team, significantly improving his comfort and mobility.

With restored mobility and comfort, Pocky only lacked one thing—a loving forever home. While awaiting his perfect match, he thrived on tasty treats, head scratches from his favorite people, and playful romps with his canine companions during playgroup sessions.

In December 2023, the Guillen family met Pocky at the shelter and fell in love. Though initially nervous in his new environment, Pocky quickly flourished in his new home. The Guillens remarked, ‘As the days passed, and we continued to shower him with love, he grew more secure in himself and his new home, revealing even more of his beautiful, loving personality! It’s amazing to see how all he needed was love, patience, and the assurance of a forever home to let his silliness and sweet personality shine even brighter! Witnessing his growth has been immensely rewarding for us, and while he may feel fortunate to have found a home, we are truly the blessed ones to have him!’

Though Pocky’s journey was lengthy, we are confident that he has found his rightful place.

Pocky Prevails 3

About the SPCA

Established in 1914, the Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA has a rich history of community service and animal welfare advocacy. From its humble beginnings with a handful of dedicated members operating out of basements and garages, the organization took a significant step forward in 1955 with the establishment of its standalone building, affectionately known as the “chicken coop.” In 2004, we proudly unveiled our current 32,000-square-foot facility, providing a safe haven and compassionate care for animals in need.

Throughout the years, the SPCA has remained steadfast in its mission to save lives and promote responsible pet ownership. Our range of services has expanded and currently includes spay/neuter and wellness care, return-to-owner services, owner-to-owner rehoming, affordable veterinary care, TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return), lifesaving transportation, adoption, and mentorship. We place our

trust in pet guardians and shelter partners to make informed decisions for the animals in their care, while providing unwavering support every step of the way.

Our approaches and resources have been refocused to better serve the needs of both animals and their owners, such as the pet food pantry and lowcost Compassionate Care Clinics. Both focus not only on providing a safe and healthy environment for the animals in our community but also serve members of our community in need and providing them the opportunity to keep their beloved pets – which are an extended member of our family for many of us – in their lives.

The SPCA’s overarching goal is to reduce the time pets spend in shelters and minimize companion animal entries into shelters across Virginia. Our reach enables us to redefine conventional sheltering practices and confront the most pressing concerns affecting animals and their devoted caregivers. Together, we stand united in our commitment to provide a voice for the voiceless and create a more compassionate world for all creatures, great and small.

About the SPCA 4

Our Guiding Philosophies

Refuge for Animals

The SPCA is dedicated to providing crucial animal welfare services to residents of Charlottesville, Albemarle County, and surrounding areas. Our commitment is rooted in safe, socially conscious principles to ensure public safety and health. We strive to place all healthy, behaviorally sound animals into homes and actively support partners in achieving their life-saving initiatives. We prioritize partnerships with our community, local shelters, and rescue organizations, aiming to maximize our impact, not only locally, but within the broader animal welfare community.

The SPCA serves as a refuge for animals in our community who are lost, sick, injured, and in danger as a result of abuse or neglect. It’s essential to recognize that animal shelters, the SPCA included, are designed as temporary refuges and have physical and resource limitations in providing extended sanctuary to behaviorally compromised animals. We maintain a commitment to the safety of people and other animals by not reintroducing animals with aggressive behaviors into our community.

Sheltering Philosophy

The SPCA has adopted a judgment-free approach to surrender, returns, and adoptions as outlined in HSUS’s Adopter’s Welcome. It’s crucial to emphasize that we refrain from criticizing or shaming individuals for prioritizing the safety of their pets, themselves, and their loved ones over the life of

Our Guidin G Phil O s OP hies 6

a shelter pet. The SPCA wants what’s best for the animal and the people involved and recognizes the inherent difficulty in such decisions. We understand that not everyone in the community will fully understand the extent of our efforts, but we strongly believe it is our duty to prioritize the safety of the public, our staff, and our volunteers. Ensuring a safe environment, both physically and psychologically, for our staff is paramount, and our management team is dedicated to minimizing risks wherever possible.

Community Access and Equity

The SPCA is dedicated to breaking down barriers and enhancing accessibility to services, resources, and information for pet owners. Our unwavering commitment extends to actively pursuing racial equity within the realm of animal welfare. Acknowledging historical and systemic disparities, we strive to rectify inequities that impact both animals and the communities we serve. Our pledge is to guarantee equal access to our services, resources, and educational opportunities for all community members, dismantling barriers to pet ownership and promoting access to pet care universally. Recognizing the ongoing nature

of addressing racial inequities, we are committed to self-reflection and continuous improvement. Regular assessments of our practices, policies, and programs will identify and rectify any unintended biases or disparities. We express gratitude for your unwavering support and partnership in fostering a community where every individual, regardless of their background, is embraced, empowered, and uplifted.

Compassionate Approach and Team Well-being

The SPCA refrains from shaming owners, victims, or euthanasia decision-makers. Our staff is entitled to a physically and psychologically safe workplace. It’s important to recognize the emotional toll these decisions take on our team. They weigh heavily, and your understanding and compassion are crucial. The industry faces severe consequences when condemnation is visceral, affecting professionals’ mental health and, at times, leading to depression and suicide. Your understanding and support can contribute significantly to maintaining a positive work environment and encouraging the team to persevere in the face of challenging circumstances.

Our Guidin G Phil O s OP hies 7
Service S and Outreach 8

Our Services and Outreach


Spaying and neutering your pet significantly lowers the risk of certain diseases, mitigates behavioral issues, and combats the growing pet overpopulation crisis. Preventing unplanned litters is crucial to ending euthanasia as a result of overcrowded shelters.


Preventing pets from contracting this fatal disease and reuniting pets with their owners is a large part of our mission. Clinics are held on the first Mondays of every month, from noon to 4 PM.


Clinics provide a wellness exams, pet care education, rabies vaccinations, and routine wellness care at reduced fees. Clinics are held on select weekdays every month by appointment only.


Pet guardians in need can visit the shelter to pick up dog or cat food and basic supplies. Additionally, our pet pantry collaborates with human food banks to provide pet food at their locations.


Pet parents often face the difficult decision of giving up their pet. Our admissions team offers resources and guidance to help facilitate private rehoming whenever possible.


Our community cat team offers resources to address local cat overpopulation. We provide free spay and neuter services for feral cats from Charlottesville and Albemarle County, and offer these services to feral cats from outside the county for a nominal fee.


Reclaim a lost pet if it has strayed and found its way to us. Please call us as soon as you realize your pet is missing so you can file a lost animal report.


With compassionate hearts, the staff at the SPCA will take your deceased companion and treat your pet with the utmost respect.

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Service S and Outreach 10

Eddie’s Road to Recovery

Eddie was brought into our care in April of 2023. Our team jumped into action when it was discovered that Eddie was suffering from severe dermatitis and open wounds on his body. Itchy and hairless, this poor boy was clearly very uncomfortable.

While our clinic staff worked to get to the root of Eddie’s skin issues, Eddie was sent to rest and recover in the comfort of a loving foster home. It was here that he was affectionately nicknamed Eddie Spaghetti! His already curious and talkative nature flourished, and he was happy to show off his nightly zoomies to anyone who would watch. As time passed, Eddie’s skin allergies began to clear up. His coat grew back in, and his confidence followed!

Eddie’s patience finally paid off at the end of 2023 when his perfect family walked through the shelter doors. Nowadays, Eddie passes the time making biscuits and snuggling on his adopters’ laps before undertaking his daily zoomies. His family says he is the sweetest cat they’ve ever

met! Support from every corner makes it possible to provide our animals with the love and care they so richly deserve. We’re so profoundly thankful for the teamwork that made Eddie’s transformation possible. Congratulations to Eddie on finding his new beginning!

2023 Results and Stats

3,037 Pets Altered

96% Live Release Rate

432 Pets Reunited With Owners

2,377 Animals Entered Into Foster Care

3,106 Successful Pet Placements

7,154 Lives Impacted 2,658 Adoptions

4.92 Million Users Reach on Social Media

3,051 Animals Taken In

18,956 Pounds of Pet Food Given Out to Those In Need

74 ¢ of Every Dollar Raised Goes Directly To Animal Care

Eddi E ’s Road to R E cov ER y 12

50,000+ Adoptions

92,000+ Spay/Neuter Surgeries

7,900+ Pets Reunited With Owners

Over the Past 20 Years: Metrics and r esults 13 Over the Past 20 Years: Metrics and Results

Dude Sir arrived at our shelter as a stray in November of 2022. As with many of our new arrivals, the shelter was a very overwhelming place for Dude Sir. The loud barking of his neighbors, accompanied by his unfamiliar surroundings, made him very anxious, resulting in excessive licking and weight loss.

Dude Sir’s life changed when he was taken in by a loving foster family. As soon as he walked into the house, he made his way onto the resident dog’s bed and slept all day long! By the very next night, Dude Sir was sleeping in bed with his foster, determined to share her pillow.

In this quiet and comfortable environment, Dude Sir began to flourish. We quickly learned that he would make a perfect family dog — quiet, nondestructive, house-trained, and even friendly with his four-legged foster siblings. All Dude Sir needed was a lifelong cuddle buddy.

This vacant position was finally filled in May of 2023 when Dude Sir found the Griffins.

“Dude Sir is now named Frankie, and he is doing great! We split our time between our home in Charlottesville and our farm in Nelson County, and Frankie loves to be with us wherever we go. At the farm, he’s made friends with our goats and ducks and loves to ride tractors and ATVs. He even passed his obedience training (barely - he can be stubborn!). He’s a huge cuddlebug - we love him!”

A Journey from Shelter Stress to Farm Bliss Congratulations,DudeSir!

A Journey from Shelter Stre SS to fA rm Bli SS 14

Community Cat Program

Back in 2011, the SPCA, in collaboration with the city of Charlottesville and Albemarle county, initiated the Community Cat Program, designed to address the issue of unwanted kitten births in the area. Operating in regions with community (free-roaming) cat populations, our team collaborates with caretakers to trap outdoor cats and kittens. Through trap-neuter-return initiatives, we administer necessary vaccinations and health assessments to these felines before sterilizing them and releasing them back to their habitats. This service is provided free of charge, and we work closely with the public to effectively manage the community cat population.

The primary objective of the Community Cat Program is to decrease the number of unattended felines by ensuring all owned cats are spayed or neutered, while free-roaming cats are trapped, sterilized, and returned to their caretakers’ care. During the past year, the SPCA performed sterilization surgeries and provided veterinary care for 487 community cats and kittens. Since the inception of the Community Cat Program in 2011, there has been a 46% reduction in feline stray in take, enabling us to enhance feline transport efforts and save more lives!

The SPCA Rummage Store

The SPCA Rummage Store has been an integral part of generating revenue for the SPCA, in 2023 contributing 9% of the organization’s overall income.

The SPCA Rummage Store has a rich history that began in 1940 with its first event, which lasted for six weeks. Since then, it has evolved into a permanent establishment, opening its doors as a store in 2007.

Throughout its history, the SPCA Rummage Store has been supported by a dedicated team of staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to sort and organize roughly $25,000 worth of donations received each month. Their efforts have made the rummage store a staple in Charlottesville.

The SPCA Rummage Store goes beyond being

The SPCA Rumm A ge S T o R e 16

just a store. It envisions a community that embraces giving back, allowing people to shop with a sense of purpose, knowing their purchases positively impact the lives of animals. By fostering a culture of compassion, sustainability, and education, the store strives to make a meaningful difference in the lives of animals and the community as a whole.

New items are always arriving, and prices drop on older items, ensuring that there’s always a reason to stop by the SPCA Rummage Store and support the shelter! The SPCA Rummage Store is located at 364 Hillsdale Drive, Charlottesville, Virginia.

The SPCA Rumm A ge S T o R e 17
“ He is the perfect gentleman, and I am so glad I picked him to be that second heartbeat in my apartment! ”
- Leslie Stewart, Volunteer and Adopter

Cosmo’s Journey to Breathing Easy

We met Cosmo (formerly known as “Snakes”) in June of 2023. He was brought to the shelter after being found roaming the parking lot of an apartment complex. Cosmo was looking worse for wear, presenting to our clinic with loud, wet breathing and discharge around his eyes and nose.

Concerned by his chronic congestion, compounded by his FIV+ status, our clinic team decided to send Cosmo to our partners at Virginia Veterinary Specialists. There, he was diagnosed with chronic rhinitis, an inflammation of the nose. This meant that Cosmo would likely be a bit congested for the rest of his life.

But Cosmo didn’t let his sneeziness get him down. While receiving treatment, he spent time in a wonderful foster home. Here, he lived with kids and dogs of all sizes, acting as sweet as can be with everyone he encountered. After finally being cleared for adoption, Cosmo returned to the shelter for some adoption exposure. Little did we know that his perfect adopter would be there waiting for him!

Shortly after walking in for her feline volunteering shift, Leslie spotted Cosmo in the cat rows. For her, it was love at first sight. Cosmo now spends his days puttering around her home, patiently waiting by his bowl for food and ice cubes. Leslie says, “He is the perfect gentleman, and I am so glad I picked him to be that second heartbeat in my apartment!”

We’re so grateful for the entire team of people who loved and cared for Cosmo while on his journey to his forever home.

Cosmo’s Journey to Breathing e asy 19


The SPCA’s volunteers are the cornerstone of our organization, embodying compassion and service in everything they do. Their steadfast commitment and selfless dedication have been instrumental in fulfilling our mission and ensuring the welfare of the animals under our care. In 2023, we had nearly 20,000 volunteer hours logged–a truly tremendous achievement!

“I’m a volunteer receptionist at the front desk. I love greeting the public and making everyone feel welcome and comfortable so that they can experience the animals at the shelter in that same way. Seeing an animal leave with an adopter and knowing they have found their forever home brings everyone at SPCA so much happiness and joy. I feel very grateful to be a part of that.”

“I’ve been dog-walking at the SPCA for two years. I love helping to make a naturally stressful situation a little better for the shelter pups. I can’t take them all home, but I can give them some exercise and attention, and maybe even help some of them to be more adoptable. It warms my heart to see a shy or scared dog come out of their shell. I definitely get more out of it than I give—it’s the best part of my day!”

Cosmo’s Journey to Breathing e asy 20

Thank you to all our volunteers, whether pictured or not.

Thank You T o o ur Volun T eers! 21 Thank You to Our


Our foster caregivers are essential to our organization, graciously providing temporary homes and care for animals in need. Their generosity and compassion greatly contribute to our mission of ensuring the well-being and happiness of every animal under our care. By opening their homes, they offer safe places for animals to heal, grow, and prepare for adoption. With love, patience, and dedication, our foster families demonstrate genuine altruism that extends far beyond the animals they care for. Each fostered animal’s journey is filled with hope, from their timid beginnings to finding loving forever homes. To all who have joined the SPCA on a fostering journey, your kindness is evident in the joy and comfort you bring to the animals you’ve helped. Fosters’ support not only enables the SPCA’s mission, but also makes a meaningful difference in their lives.


1,012 animals who spent time in foster homes in 2023

active foster families in 2023

Fosters 22

“We feel fortunate to have the space, time, and knowledge to take care of diabetic and medically needy animals. They give our daily lives more of a purpose and it takes us out of routines and into the present moment with these furry fantastic beings.”

- The Knight Family, Fosters

“Fostering can be hard on your heart, as far as getting attached and having to let them go, but you just have to remind yourself that you are giving these dogs the best chance at a new life and that’s what I think is the most important part of fostering.”

- Carter Richardson, Foster

Learn more about our Volunteer and Foster programs at or email or

Fosters 23
Scan me

SPCA Staff

We are deeply appreciative of our dedicated team of over 60 employees, whose diverse talents and shared commitment to animal welfare drive our organization forward. Across more than 40 positions, they unite in pursuit of our core mission: to improve the lives of animals. Whether providing compassionate care or spearheading fundraising initiatives, each member plays a vital role in our collective success.

In our commitment to excellence, we prioritize ongoing staff training, ensuring that our team remains equipped with the latest knowledge and skills. Additionally, we place great emphasis on fostering a safe and nurturing work environment while attending to the overall emotional well-being of our staff. Though the field of animal welfare presents its challenges, such as demanding hours and emotional intensity, the satisfaction of saving lives and witnessing animals find loving homes fuels our unwavering dedication.

Fosters 24
Fosters 25

The Power of Play

A Spotlight on bringing back the Play Groups Program in 2023, led by our Canine Enrichment Specialist, Abby Savage.

In September 2023, we enlisted the expertise of shelter consultant Ashley Niels to enhance our staff’s skills. Specializing in canine behavior and large dog playgroups, Ashley spent a week with our operations team, offering hands-on training in canine body language and playgroup dynamics. Our objective was to reintroduce regular multi-dog playgroups for our residents, and the training proved to be a tremendous success. Since then, playgroups have been held 4-5 times per week, expertly led by our Canine Enrichment Specialist, Abby Savage. We recently caught up with Abby to delve into the program’s outcomes.

“ Seeing dogs who are totally shut down on intake open up and show us their true selves during playgroup is incredibly rewarding. ”

What was your biggest takeaway from training with Ashley?

My biggest takeaway was learning how to let dogs be dogs. Dogs can only communicate with body language and limited vocalizations; as humans, it’s easy to misinterpret their interactions and become tense, potentially disrupting natural interactions. Training with Ashley helped me become more confident in recognizing when to intervene and when to allow dogs to communicate their needs and boundaries to each other without interference.

How have these play groups impacted our dogs’ quality of life and length of stay here at the shelter?

Reinstating the playgroup program has led to significant improvements in both areas. While human interaction is beneficial, nothing quite compares to the energy release and socialization dogs experience during playgroup sessions with their peers. This release helps them settle more easily in their kennels, improves behaviors like barrier reactivity, and allows dogs to showcase their true personalities to potential adopters. Additionally, it enhances our matchmaking abilities, as we can

The Power of Play 26

accurately inform potential adopters about each dog’s play style and compatibility with other pets. Playgroups have also contributed to many residents achieving and maintaining a healthy weight during their shelter stay.

What is your favorite part of leading playgroups?

Witnessing the transformation of dogs from being shut down upon intake to fully expressing themselves during playgroup is incredibly gratifying. It’s also rewarding to see dogs we initially thought would do better in single-dog homes thrive in the playgroup environment. Names like Cullen, Dreeka, and Baby Son come to mind as examples. Playgroup not only benefits the dogs but also enhances the adoption experience for potential adopters. I take pride in facilitating this life-saving program.


$55 a day to care for just one animal at our shelter

$100 exam and treatment per animal


Cats $70 | Dogs $135

Veterinary Care 28
Veterinary Care
Veterinary Care 29

Vet Save Stories

In 2023, the SPCA performed 895 lifesaving surgeries.



Pepper, a young Pomeranian, exhibited significant difficulty walking upon arrival at the shelter. Our veterinarian diagnosed severe medial patella luxation in both of her stifle joints, with visible arthritic changes on radiographs.


Pepper underwent MPL stabilization surgeries on both hind legs at Virginia Veterinary Specialists. Following surgery, she recovered in a foster home before being made available for adoption.




Tomate was diagnosed with eyelid agenesis, a condition in which a cat’s upper eyelid is not fully formed, leaving both eyes vulnerable to injury. Upon arrival as a stray at just two months old, both of Tomate’s eyes were severely damaged.


Tomate underwent surgery at Animal Eye Care of Richmond to remove her non-visual left eye and treat her right eyelid. The procedure aimed to alleviate discomfort and preserve her vision.


Following surgery, Tomate made a full recovery and was adopted into a loving home. Despite her congenital condition, she can see from her right eye and enjoys a pain-free life.

Pepper found her forever home with her foster family, who fell in love with her during her recovery. She now enjoys running and playing pain-free, like any other young dog. VET COST: $5,068.80

COST: $1,659.25

Vet SaV e Storie S 30



Pudding is a senior kitty who was brought to the shelter with multiple conditions needing attention: severe dental disease, an upper respiratory infection, and multiple masses in both of his ear canals that caused inflammation, discomfort and persistent ear infections.


Pudding received extensive dental extractions to address the dental disease, which had been causing significant pain. Additionally, he underwent bilateral total ear canal ablation surgeries at the SPCA clinic to relieve him from constant ear infections and discomfort. The procedures were successful, freeing Pudding from both dental and aural pain.


Pudding was adopted into a loving and quiet home in the country where he can live out his golden years in peace and comfort.

Ghost Casper


Ghost Casper arrived at the shelter with severe generalized skin disease. He was underweight, and incredibly itchy. During his intake exam, he was noted to be missing most of his hair, and his skin and both ears were infected and covered in extensive crusting and scabbing.


Our clinic got right to work on helping Ghost Casper find relief: he was given oral antibiotics and medicated baths to treat his infections, and oral and injectable immunotherapy medications for his underlying allergies. An allergy panel revealed environmental allergies to mites and mold. After several months of diligent care, Ghost Casper healed, regrew his hair, and became the beautiful dog he is today!


With his allergies under control, Ghost Casper became available for adoption and quickly found his perfect match! He loves his new human siblings, and while he’s much less itchy now, he still enjoys a good head scratch and belly rub. VET

Vet SaV e Storie S 31
COST: $1,970.25

bow-WOW-walk and Other Events


In 2023, the SPCA hosted our signature events alongside various adoption and fundraising initiatives. These events engaged our community and generated vital funds for our shelter and the animals under our care. Moreover, they served as opportunities for raising awareness and fostering goodwill within the communities we serve.

Our Tenth Annual bow-WOW-walk, held at the scenic Boar’s Head Resort, drew hundreds of participants and their furry companions, showcasing their support for the SPCA’s life saving efforts. Attendees enjoyed a picturesque walk, exciting

canine competitions, and delightful treats. Thanks to our generous sponsors, the event raised nearly $50,000 for the animals at the SPCA!

bow- wow -walk and o ur events 32

In 2023, we hosted over 50 dynamic events centered on adoptions, education, awareness, and community building. These gatherings were instrumental in engaging our community, raising awareness about our mission, and connecting potential adopters and fosters with our animals.

Here are some events from 2023:

Impurrfect Pet Portraits

Thanks to our amazing volunteer artists, we held Facebook “impurrfect” pet portrait fundraisers in June and December.

Kendra Scott

In partnership with Kendra Scott, we hosted a series of giveback events at their local Stonefield store. A portion of the sales made during the event was donated to our shelter, allowing us to continue providing essential care for animals in need.

Together, these events not only helped us raise much-needed funds for our shelter but also strengthened our connections within the community. We look forward to continuing these partnerships and introducing new events in the coming year to further support our mission.

Winter Wander

Boar’s Head Resort invited SPCA to join them for the first weekend of their annual Winter Wander for their pet-friendly weekend.

bow- wow -walk and o ur events 33

2023 Financials

2023 Financials 34
Revenue – $4.4 million Expenses – $5.6 million 74% Program Services 16% Management & General 10% Fundraising 31% 23% 12% 11% 9% 7% 7% $1,370,621 Donations & Public Support $288,749 Investment Income $316,093 Grants and Other Income $1,030,586 City and County Support $508,792 Products and Services $501,918 Rummage Store $375,329 Bequests


In 2023, our organization received support from 4,383 generous donors, whose contributions were essential for acquiring necessary equipment, hiring skilled staff, and delivering crucial programs and services to the community. We are immensely grateful for the diverse ways our community members give back, whether it’s through donating to our Rummage Store, making a monthly recurring gift, honoring a loved one, or providing general contributions. Your support, regardless of its form, greatly impacts the lives of the many animals assisted by the SPCA every day.

Legacy Giving

Legacy giving continues to be one of the most impactful forms of support for our organization. These planned donations, which incur no immediate cost to donors, provide crucial long-term support to the SPCA and our programs. In 2023, legacy gifts made up 5% of our total donations and played a vital role in ensuring the highest standard of care for thousands of animals in need. There are numerous avenues for leaving a

lasting legacy at the SPCA, whether it’s through naming us in your will, donating stocks, bonds, or property, or arranging a gift annuity or trust. Your contribution will help secure the future of animal welfare in our community and make a meaningful impact for years to come. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about these giving opportunities and how you can support our mission.

For further information about making a planned gift, please contact us at development@caspca. org or 434-964-3320.

Philanthro P y 35

Thank you for your support!

Estates and Bequests

Albin C Coleman Estate

Broadcast Music, Inc.

Estate of Isabelle Edwards

Estate of Joan Barry

Estate of Robert Kuemmerling

Estate of Ruth Snyder

The Lucy Byrd Pegau Revocable Trust

$25,000 & Up

Tessa G. Ader


August Heid Trust

Best Friends Animal Society

Jennifer & Brian Corbey

Wendy Ferguson

Connie & Jason Kapp

Beth Marcus

Shelia McCarthy

Petco Love

Susan D. Wells Sargeant

$24,999 to $10,000


Banfield Foundation

Becky Barlow

Benevity Community Impact Fund

Parke & Coran Capshaw

Vicky Castegren

Mary & Michael Chinn


Roger Genderon

Hewitt Family Fund

Jen & Keith Morris

Morris & Wells Wealth Management

Robin L. Munn

Marion & David Szwedo

Angela M. Taylor

The Grey Muzzle Organization

The Hickerson Foundation

Thomas C. & Mary Ann Hays Family

Charitable Trust

Carol Ann Tomlinson

Vesta Lee Gordon Fund

Virginia National Bank

$9,999 to $5,000

Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews


Carol Bauer

Virginia & Ronnie Bayes

Boar’s Head Resort

Janet & Gene Bolla

Charitable Adult Rides & services, Inc.

Julie Coiner


Cynthia Tremblay Foundation, Inc.

Sue Dickler

Carla Drozdowicz & Maria Webb

Catherine Haigney

John Jumper

Oak Hill Fund

Oakwood Foundation

Perry Foundation, Inc.

R.K. Mellon Family Foundation

Susan Sidd

Subaru of America Inc.

James Lewis Trueheart & Carmen S.


Christopher & Marilyn Weiss

Rachael Wenger

The Whitney & Anne Stone Foundation

Blair K. Williamson

$4,999 to $2,500 ASPCA

AmazonSmile Org Central

Bissell Pet Foundation

Faye M. Brown

Combined Federal Campaign

County of Albemarle

Kay Cross

Reza & Katie Daugherty

Carole & Keith Frazee

Dick & Mary Howard

Debby Klosko


Jack Brown’s Beer & Burger Joint

Jacqueline Lebeau

Logan III Charitable Fund

Julie Matheson

Jenny Mead

Courtney Modecki

Kathy Murphy

Nancy H. & William J. Gordon Charita -

ble Foundation

Jessica W. Nagle

John G. Nunley

Laura O’Neill

Jeff Strider

VCA Charities

Virginia Veterinary Specialists

$2,499 to $1,000

Graham & Sharon Adelman

Kevin Allen

Brendan Anders

Michaela Anderson

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Angle

James & Patricia Atkinson


Jan H. Baker and H. Richard Holt

Ruthe Battestin

Myra Beal

Kim & John Beard

Christopher Bell

Ben & Helga Bennett

Carmen & Alan Bewley

Nelson E. & Mary S. Bickers

Lettie Bien & David Schmitt

Judy D. Blair & William W. Cameron

Reynolds Blankenship

Peter Boatner

Maria Borga

Bernard T. Bress

Kathi Ann Brown

Jennifer Brown

Anne Bugarin

Ellen & Gene Bumgardner

Caplin Foundation

Robert Cathcart

Ross & Nancy Caton

Charities Aid Foundation of America

Chicago Community Foundation

Thank you for your suppor T ! 36

Community Foundation for a Greater


Lori Connolly

Charles Craver

Rodney Crowe

Sandra & Alfonso Damico

Patricia & Brandon Deane

Ellie Ellison

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Tom Fitch

Emily Fletcher

Mason Fogg

Sean Forbes

Kathryn Michelle & Hans Foss

Frank and Margaret Quayle Fund

Pamela Bliss French

Susan Friedman

J. Gale

Brian J. Gallagher

Douglas Gernert

Anne Golladay

Terry E. Grant

Jane & Bruce Greyson

Susan Gross

Andrea Gruber

Stephen and Julia Guiffre

Amorette Gwynn

Bonnie Hagerman

Alyssa Hart

Thomas & Rita Hassall

Charles Heiner

Huffman Family Fund-Short Term

A. Cherie & L. Peyton Humphrey

Caryol Hunter

Elizabeth Hyatt

Winfrey Johnson

Elizabeth Johnston

Julia & Bob Jones

Lori M. Kaufman

Kendra Scott

Barbara T. Kennedy

Deborah & Robert Kozura

Douglas Lake

Louis Landry

Anna Lane

Bartlett Layton

L.E.A.W. Family Foundation, Inc

Chris Ledvina

Melanie Lepper

Susan & Thomas Likowski

Michael London

Eric Lund

Kelley MacDougall & Michael Pausic

Madwoman Project

Harkirat Mann

Rachel McFarland

Francis Meyer

Ed and Janet Miller

Tanya & Charlie Monk

Suzanne Moomaw

Lisa Ross & Robert Moorefield

Elizabeth & Gregory Morris

Scott Morton

Nationwide Foundation

Anthony and Karen Nikischer

North Shore Animal League America

Nunley-Satira Family Fund

Wallace & Donna Nunley

Renee & David O’Leary

Carl Olsson

One Williams Center

Orange Tree Foundation

Chris & Gary Owens

Kay & Davis Parker

Jenette Parker & Bill Sammons

Judy & Charles Perkins, III

PayPal Giving Fund

Erin Perry

Brock & Cindy Petrie

Pledgeling Foundation

Raising Canes Chicken Fingers

Red Rock Partners

Renaissance Charitable

Foundation, Inc.

Rick & Susan Goings Foundation

Joyce Roberts

Ronald E. Gareis Charitable Fund

Meredith Roof

Demi Runkle

Jeni Sandberg

Valery Schneider

Carla K. Scouten

Renee M. Severin

Vanessa Shami

Sheehan Family Giving Fund

Rebecca Silverman

Judith & Ken Simmons

Cynthia & David Simpson

S. L. Williamson Company, Inc.

Whitney Smith

Kimberly Snyder

Irene & James Soderquist

Bobbie Spellman

Carole Springer

Richard T. Spurzem

Standish Family Foundation Fund

Julie Stanton

Jodie Stevens

Frank & Elizabeth Stoner, IV

Barbara Suever

T&N Printing


Elizabeth & Harrison Taylor

The Ashland Foundation

The Harrell Family Fund

Susan J. Thomas

Claire M. Tieder

Ting Internet

George & Martha Truxel

Lynda & Michael Tubridy

Us Charitable Gift Trust

Lynda Velanovich

Vitreus Foundation

Holly Vradenburgh

Cynthia Wall

Arden B. Walters

Wegmans Food Markets Inc.

Whitewoods Charitable Foundation

Nancy Whitman & Robert Campbell

WillowTree Apps

William Wilson

Jill Winger

Wrightson Ramsing Foundation

Deakin Wooten

Marigail Wynne

Omar Yeste

Curtis D. Yohe

$999 to $500

America’s Charities

Amy Albert

Chris & Rebecca Allison


Patricia & William Apperson, Jr.

Applied Video Imaging, LLC

Aramark Global Business Services

Wendy Augustus

Rhea & John Baldino

Bank of America Employee Giving


Darlene Barber

Mary Barrick

Thank you for your suppor T ! 37

Michael Baudhuin

Ronnie Bayes

Elmer Beach

David Becker

Rosemary & John Beckett

Erik Billings

Richard Billmire

Carol Bloom

Julie Bowersett

Bright Funds Foundation

Robyn & Michael Bristow

Allison Brock

Robin Brodie

Michael Brown

Greg Brown

Rita Bunch

Nichole Burkholder

Craig & Tracy Burpee

Stephanie Burton

Penny Cabaniss

Andre Cadieux

Edward Campbell

Carol & Jack Weber Fund

John Carney

William & Sara Chambers

Children’s Clinic, LLC

Joy Claibourn & Paul Martin

S. Joy Joy Claibourn

Emily & Kenneth Clancy

Jenny Strauss Clay

Thomas Cobb

Cynthia & William Cooke

Karen Craig

Denise Crosson

Debra & Spencer Crowder

Crozet Baptist Church

Shannon Daily

Dammann Fund, Inc.

Dana & Peter Harris Charitable Giving Fund

Trish Darby

Philip Deemer

DEPT Charlottesville

Bill Detmer & Jessica Detmer Lillard

Rosetta and Dan Dickerson

Leslie Durr & Mark Fletcher

Earlysville VFW

Heather Einreinhof

Elizabeth Johnston Charitable Fund

Brett Elmore

Judith & Michael Ely

Kimberly & Robert Emery

Richard & Ann Ergler

Anne Marie Farrar

Jeffrey B. Ferrill

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC

Blake Fischer

Christine Fleckles & Edwin Rushia

Pam Flynn & Andy Traynor

Ann Foley

Shannon Foreman

Tom & Marilynn Gale

Nancie C. Garth

Agnes Garver

Joan Gore

Leanne M. Grove

David & Carolyn Grow

Kim Guenther & Ellen Braun

Kevin Haag

Gabrielle Hall

David Harless

Paula Harlow

Ethel Harris

Dr. & Mrs. James W. Hayes

Heather Hayes

Virginia Hayes

Melissa Hayes

Rosemary Hill-Erdman

Phillip & Susanne Hubrig

Molly Hughes

Danielle Ivanova

Jay & Pam Jessup

Journey Group

Sydna & William Julian

Taylor Kelley

Mrs. J.A. Kessler, Jr.

Cristina Khuly

Tania Kitchen

Jill Klinger

Cathy & Chris Kramer

McCrea & David Kudravetz

Drs. Prakash & Mahmooda Kulkarni

Kay Langston

Beatrice Kirtley

Allyson C. Louthan

Jeffrey Lovold

Kim Lytle

Joyce MacDonald

Maddie’s Fund

Raymond & Mary Ann Mancini

Tom Markham

Keith Marston

Michael Mason

Louise McConnell

Susie & Jim McCormick

McGriff Insurance Services

Rich Meeker

Sandra & Hunter Melton, Jr.

Brian Paul Menard

Sarah & Larry Merck

Erica & Jim Millner

Mincer’s University of VA Imprinted


Joyce Moore

Walter Morgan

Elizabeth Mosolgo-Clark & Robert


Mosquito Squad of Charlottesville

Cynthia Neff

Allison Niles

Roberta & William Nixon

Chris Noland

Angie & Daniel Oakey

Robert O’Connell

Nancy Ortiz

Bert Page

Shelley & George Payne

Henry Perritt

Jesse Phillips

Deborah Kozura Photography

Prince Charitable Giving Fund

Kari & Steve Rappaport

Charlotte Rea

Kevin Reed

Chris Reffett

Relay Active

Julia Reynolds

Karen & William Rheuban

Christine & Jeffrey Riley

Sally S. Rogers

Trudy Rohm

Kyle & Meredith Rose

Ana Rosefsky

Carolyn & John Rosenblum

Candace Rowland

Allie Rudolph

Janet & George Sakell

Share The Air

Patrick & Margaret Sheehan

Signature Medical Spa

Nancy Sheffield & Jeff Steck

Aislinn Short

Nancy & Richard Smith

Thank you for your suppor T ! 38

Martha Smythe

David Speedie

Stanley Martin Homes LLC

Viktoria & Douglas Steel

Brenda C. Stevens

Don Sundgren

Patricia Swain

Chungyui Tai

Lauren Teel

The Charles Fund, Inc.

The Sharon Flint Herbert Fund

James Thomas

Robert M. Thompson

Ken & Joy Tilley

Jacqueline J. Tirrell

Anne & Jay Townsend

Uhler & Company

Kai Van Horn

Darlene & Harry VanEvery

Veterinary Rehabilitation Services of Virginia LLC

Rolin Wade

Traci Walker

Mac Walker

Anne Wallace

Cynthia Wallace

Sandra Wang

Christina Washington

Fredric Weinberg

Marvin Welborn

Sharon Whitbeck

Dave White

Frances White

Andrea Williams

Caroline S. Wilson

Martin Wolfe

Catherine Wray

Connie & Christopher Zazakos, Jr.

Rebecca Ziemkowsky

Thank you for your suppor T !

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