Whiskers and Tales 2022

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Live release rate, number of adoptions and more | p. 1

One Toe Wonder & Beau | p. 4 & p. 8

Donations made in honor or in memory of people and pets | p. 14

In 2021, we saw a spike in infectious diseases such as distemper and parvovirus in dogs and panleukopenia in cats. Our veterinary team and clinic staff worked tirelessly to not only care for these sick animals, but prevent the diseases from spreading to other animals in our care. I’m extremely proud of our efforts to save many of these animals and place them into loving homes once they recovered. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jenn Corbey, President Mike Derdeyn, Vice President Connie Kapp, Secretary Elizabeth Morris, Treasurer Gina Bayes Kay Cross Tom Fitch Angie Gunter Measi Kober Sarah Krenn Beth Marcus Suzanne Moomaw Frank Squillace Blair Williamson

MAIN FACILITY 3355 Berkmar Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 P: (434) 973-5959 F: (434) 973-5271 Open for Adoptions: NOON-6PM DAILY SPCA RUMMAGE 364 Hillsdale Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 (434) 293-8475 Shop: Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-6PM Donate: Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-5PM CASPCA.ORG

Dear Friends, You have been with us on every step of the adventure that was 2021. Your support has impacted thousands of animals, and I’m proud of what we have accomplished together. Our dedicated staff did an incredible job of increasing our lifesaving capabilities through adoption, foster, transport and clinic services. Without the support of our fosters, volunteers and community, our success in 2021 would not have been possible. Our staff is our most valuable resource, and to improve their lives and our community, we increased starting pay in 2021. In August, we began paying our hourly employees at least $15 an hour. Our involvement in the Living Wage Initiative is part of our efforts to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. Over 60 employees were immediately impacted by this change. It also helped with retention and increased the quality of care for our animals. In 2021, we placed 3,267 animals into loving homes and were able to save more lives by performing nearly double the amount of lifesaving surgeries in 2021 compared to 2020. We were also able to maintain our highest save rate on record for the Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA.

We faced unexpected challenges this year. We weren’t able to transport as many animals into our shelter from other areas due to the higher disease rate in our population. We also saw a large increase in strays and owner surrenders. Despite these challenges, we were able to complete 144 lifesaving transport trips and reunite 494 lost pets with their owners this year. That’s an 11% increase in reunited pets from 2020. The year 2021 was challenging for many families in our community. We increased our efforts to keep healthy pets in happy homes by providing low-cost, highquality care to pets in need. We did this through our Compassionate Care Clinics, which served 213 families. That’s the highest on record for the SPCA. We increased the number of Compassionate Care Clinics from seven in 2020 to 24 in 2021, and this year we’ll be offering 36 clinics. We also started administering free vaccines from Petco Love at these clinics. We are committed to providing even more affordable care options to our community in 2022. Thank you for wholeheartedly joining the SPCA in strengthening the relationships between people and pets. We are looking forward to saving more animal lives in 2022! With gratitude,

Chief Executive Officer Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA











lives impacted







IS THE CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE SPCA AFFILIATED WITH ANY NATIONAL ANIMAL WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS? No. Like most local animal shelters, the Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA receives no ongoing funding from the ASPCA or the Humane Society of the United States.


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Thank you to all of our 2021 supporters! S OR














WHAT IS THE LIVE RELEASE RATE? The Annual Live Release Rate is the percentage of live outcomes for all animals who leave our care. We have had an average live release rate of 96% since 2013. Our live release rate for 2021 is the highest on record for the SPCA.











Compassionate Care Clinics Compassionate Care Clinics are a vital part of our pet retention work in our community. In 2021, in order to meet the demand we were seeing, the Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA increased the number of clinics per year from seven to 24. These clinics provide a wellness exam, pet-care education, rabies and other vaccinations, and routine wellness care at a very reduced fee for clients showing proof of public assistance.

We were able to provide services for 302 pets and 213 families through Compassionate Care Clinics in 2021. Our hope when we provide this service to our community is that all owners are able to have access to veterinary care for their beloved pets. “Unable to afford pet” is one of the most common reasons an animal is surrendered to our shelter, with medical issues being the main expense.

caspca.org/ services/microchipping/ caspca.org/services/ compassionate-care-clinics/


Compassionate Care Clinics can help reduce the sense of financial insecurity that results in loved pets being surrendered to our shelter. In 2021, even with the increase in the number of clinics held, Compassionate Care Clinics had a wait list months out. In order to try to meet the needs of our community in 2022, Compassionate Care Clinics will be offered 36 times. Clinics will be held by appointment only on the second, third and fourth Sunday of every month. The second and fourth Sundays will be our routine Compassionate Care Clinics while the third Sunday will be reserved for surgical procedures.

Shop and Help Homeless Pets When you shop at the SPCA Rummage Store and SPCA Retail Store, you’ll feel good knowing that all proceeds from both locations benefit the homeless animals at the Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA.

SPCA Rummage Store Do you live for finding deals on fabulous items? Then you’ll love shopping at the SPCA Rummage Store! Inventory is always changing, so every time you visit you’ll find unique treasures, home goods, clothing and more. You can also donate clean, like-new or gently used items to the SPCA Rummage Store.

The SPCA Rummage Store is located at 364 Hillsdale Drive, in the Seminole Square Shopping Center in Charlottesville.

SPCA RUMMAGE HOURS Shop: Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-6PM Donate: Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-5PM

SPCA Retail Store Find great items for your pets at the SPCA Retail Store. We carry a variety of pet supplies, including name brands Nature’s Miracle, Max & Neo and more! We also offer custom dog tags along with Fido Field Trip shirts and magnets!

The SPCA Retail Store is located at 3355 Berkmar Drive, Charlottesville, and is open the same hours as the shelter.


One Toe Wonder

One Toe Wonder came to the SPCA in November of 2020 with a congenital defect. She had only one toe on her right front paw. For the most part, it didn’t affect her ability to move. It was, however, quite endearing for our community, and many people were interested in adopting her. Unfortunately, she was terrified of people. We don’t know what trauma she had experienced, but we knew she needed a lot of love and support before she could be adopted. One Toe Wonder went into an amazing foster home with humans who understood her boundaries and let her come out of her shell on her own time. They gave her some great hiding spaces, but also made sure the rest of the house felt cozy and inviting. The other dogs gave her the confidence she needed to be out when everyone was watching TV or playing in the yard.


While her foster parents were able to see incredible progress, most adopters wanted a more social dog and passed on this sweet girl. It took five months for her to meet the perfect family, one with three other dogs and the patience to work with her. We created a step-bystep program for John and Tricia, who emailed us daily with her progress. To no one’s surprise, One Toe Wonder, now Willow, made significant progress in the first week they had her. She went from hiding in her crate to seeking out other dogs and playing in the living room.

John and Tricia adopted Willow in March of 2021, ecstatic to add a fourth dog to their pack. “While she is still working on getting comfortable with people, she has fit right in with our pack and seems very at home here. Willow absolutely adores her big brother Poncho and is always trying to get the other dogs to play with her. When they are not interested, I take a turn chasing her around the yard. I am a poor substitute for a dog, but she’s ok with it. I think she likes it as I have no chance of catching her.” Congratulations to Willow and a huge thanks to Carolyn, her foster mom, and to John and Tricia, who opened their hearts and their home to a pet in need.


Ways to Give Donating to the SPCA is easy! Here are some of the ways you can help: Make a donation online through our website via credit card or PayPal

Sponsor one of our kennels

Set up a monthly recurring gift

Create a Facebook fundraiser

Submit a donation in memory or in honor of a pet or person

Purchase a memorial brick for our Sally Mead Memorial Courtyard

Sponsor one of our cats or dogs

Shop at the SPCA Rummage Store or SPCA Retail Store

Make us your charity of choice for smile.amazon.com and the Kroger Community Rewards Program

Make a legacy gift

Legacy Giving One of the most crucial gifts we receive is a legacy gift — a planned gift that costs nothing now but will provide essential support to the SPCA and ensure the future of our organization, allowing us to continue to care for the animals that will need us most. There are many ways you can ensure your legacy at the SPCA and continue to care for animals in the future. By choosing to give through your estate, in the form of stocks, bonds or property, or through a gift annuity a trust or through the transfer of unneeded life insurance, your legacy will help us continue to fulfill our mission and provide lifesaving programs for years to come. Interested in creating your legacy today? Visit caspca.org/give/legacy-gifts/ to learn more.

Your gifts in action


$250 = Heartworm treatment for one dog $100 = Spay or neuter surgery for two cats $50 = Four bags of kitten food $15 = Internal and external parasite prevention for a pet

Compassionate Care-A-Van The Compassionate Care-A-Van is a state-of-the-art mobile unit that allows the SPCA to expand our lifesaving work beyond our physical shelter. The Compassionate Care-A-Van is made possible by community support and a matching grant from the Perry Foundation. You’ll see the Compassionate Care-A-Van on the road heading to another shelter to pick up animals, parked outside a business for an adoption event or set up for an event in communities in need of support.

Rescued 1,173 animals in 2021

Made 144 transport trips in 2021.

We have traveled over 71,154 miles saving lives since July 2017.



On a chilly October night, someone spotted a tiny little orange ball of fluff all alone at a construction site. Little Beau was brought to us the next morning in poor condition. He was just a kitten, estimated around six months old, when he was brought in as a stray. Since Beau was brought in as a stray, he had to be held on a “stray hold” to make sure he didn’t have owners looking for him. During his stray hold period, Beau was prescribed neo-polybac to treat a bacterial infection in his eyes. As the days passed, Beau continued to decline and was given a course of doxycycline and scheduled for an enucleation surgery. Given Beau’s age, it’s not uncommon to see this type of case with kittens who are left outside at an early age or are born outside. If an upper respiratory infection goes untreated in a kitten, it can spread to the eyes and cause irreversible damage.



This is a common and preventable problem our shelter sees often. One way to prevent this from happening is to have your feline spayed or neutered. In the case that they do get out, they will not reproduce and have vulnerable kittens who are susceptible to upper respiratory infections that can cause permanent damage. Beau was able to have an enucleation surgery in our clinic, where one eye was removed in order to prevent further impairment. We are lucky to have the surgical suite and talented veterinarians for this. After Beau’s surgery, he was able to recover in a loving foster home. Sarah, Beau’s mom, thinks he’s the most beautiful kitten in the world. Sarah renamed him “Joey,” as he loves being in pockets. She reports that he is the happiest kitten and is doing really well. We are grateful to have talented staff and the proper facilities to take on cases like Beau so they can have a chance at a happy life.


Saving Lives by Stopping the Spread

The pandemic in 2020 created a lack of resources for pet care and vaccinations. As a result, 2021 became the year we started to see cases of canine distemper, canine parvovirus and feline panleukopenia coming into our shelter. In 2020, our shelter saw zero cases of canine distemper; in 2021, we saw 23. Despite the high number of cases, our staff worked tirelessly to care for all of the animals in our shelter. Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease that is spread through respiratory inhalation. Canine distemper has a wide range of symptoms that vary from a runny nose, bloody stool and dehydration to seizures and death. With this type of disease, it is imperative that we work as quickly and as carefully as we can to ensure a full recovery. Out of the 23 cases that we had come through our shelter, 15 survived because of our staff’s swift care and dedication to our animals. According to Cornell University, canine distemper has a mortality rate of 50% in adult dogs and 80% in puppies, which means our survival rate was 15% higher than the average. We are proud that our shelter was successful in controlling the disease and caring for the puppies so they could survive. Cyclops, now Jax, and Petra, now Phoebe, came to the shelter with their littermates; all were infected with distemper. They were puppies when they arrived, with a 50% chance of survival.

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Petra - Now Phoebe

Petra not only had canine distemper, but was also infected with canine parvovirus, and both puppies tested positive for Giardia. To prevent the diseases from spreading to our population in the shelter, all of the littermates were put into a “puppy isolation area” where our staff continued to care for them and monitor their progress. Our staff went above and beyond to care for the puppies that came into our shelter infected with disease while keeping the rest of the shelter population safe. Not only did our shelter have a successful survival rate, but we prevented further spread of the disease. Here’s what Phoebe's owner, Mitchell, has to say about her:

Cyclops - Now Jax

“She loves kisses, naps with dad, and eating anything she sees (this has its ups and downs.) She has plenty of toys, her favorite ones involve a challenge like trying to get a treat out of the ball. She’s not very coordinated, and getting up on the couch and hanging onto her ball is tough. She is very good at sitting and recently learned ‘lay down.’ We think she is going to love playing fetch, although the distance is limited in which she likes to participate. She’s a clumsy little doofus but we love her for that.” Jax’s owner reports that he is “living his best life.” With hard work, dedication and the efforts of talented veterinary staff, our shelter was able to help change the outcome for these canines. Instead of leaving these puppies to the grim reality that most experience, our staff was able to ensure they had a bright future in a loving home.


Services Offered Compassion is just one of the many services we provide at the Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA. We are proud to offer our knowledge and skills to the greater community. All of our services are in an effort to advance the compassionate treatment of animals, promote permanent homes, further education and outreach, and provide low-cost services to our community.



Reuniting lost pets with their owners is an important part of our mission. Clinics are held on the first Sunday of every month.

Pet owners in need of help feeding their pets can pick up cat and dog food at the shelter or at off-site pet food pantries.



Reclaim a lost pet if it has strayed and found its way to us. Please call us as soon as you realize your pet is missing and file a lost animal report.

Spaying or neutering your pets helps prevent additional unwanted litters in our community. Schedule your animal for this service today.



We offer free spay/neuter services for community cats living in Albemarle County and Charlottesville.


Before surrendering your pet, explore every other alternative. Pets are a lifetime commitment.

Clinics provide a wellness exam, pet care education, rabies vaccinations and routine wellness care at reduced fees.

CREMATION SERVICES With compassionate hearts, the staff at the SPCA will take your deceased companion and treat him or her with the utmost respect.

RABIES VACCINATIONS Prevent your pet from contracting this fatal disease. Clinics are held on the first Sunday of every month from Noon to 4 PM.


To learn more about any of these services, visit us online at caspca.org or call our main number at (434) 973-5959.

THANK YOU for turning Hope into Reality


Tribute Wall

Tribute gifts are also listed online at caspca.org. We sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions. Please call (434) 964-3320 or email development@caspca.org with any corrections or questions. Gifts are listed from A to Z.

Frank & Carolyn Beverly Margaret & Monte Parsons Mary Bickel Alycia Yowell-Many Deanna Katko Patty Boden Anonymous Lorraine Bohleke Laura O'Neill Sally Booker Catherine Wray & Timothy Snider Lori McCarty Brannock George Brannock Grace Brecht's College Graduation Michelle Brown Rick Brown Linda Blair Donna Buchanan Barbara Crawford

Donna Barnd Heddy Moskaluk

In Honor of People

Ric Barrick Cecilia Kelly

Carolyn Cameron Kelsey Butterworth Grace Carpenter Margaret & Monte Parsons

Dr. Crimaldi & Staff Rae Cook

Louise Fulghum Jennifer Greene

Kay Cross Cathy Boyd Billy Sowers

Tina Gaines Jenni Vanos

Crozet Animal Wellness Center Mac Walker Jan Cubbage Beth Marcus Mike & Jan Cubbage Helen P. Overstreet Mr. & Mrs. James Cuozzo William H. Saulle Anne Dagner Dean-McKinney Family Linda Daniel Barbara Antonik Darcy Carolyn Voldrich Craig Daugherty Nathan Daugherty David and kitties Lila & Chester Polly Sager Bill Davis The Lloyd Family

Virginia Gardner Jessica Moore Linda Girvin Kristi Davison Margaret Gossweiler Robert & Anne Gossweiler Burke & Maria Graham Victor Wright Kim Guenther & Ellen Braun The Counterpoint Foundation Martha Haertig Catherine Wray & Timothy Snider Pat & Drew Haines Marilyn Requena Jim & Carol Hallett Charles & Jackie Cottrell Sarah Hamfeldt Krista Farrell Sam & Bob Hammell's Wedding Elizabeth Marshall

Linda Batten Pete & Florence Bruce

Kathy Carpenter The St. Anne's-Belfield Pre-School Team

Billie Anne Akacki Radhika Freeland

Brett & Bonnie Beckner Loretta & Mike Beckner

Leone Ciporin Pamela Strong

TJ Akacki Elisabeth Oravec

Richard Bednar Michael Bednar

CJ & the Staff at Castle Hill Cidery Carter Levinson

Jenny Dimasi Carol D. Herrick

Lance Hardcastle Jennifer W. Rittelmeyer & Family

Carey Alford's birthday Linda Blair

Andrew, Richard & Rebecca Belsaas Erika Belsaas

Samson Clakeley Thena Edick

Megan Dye Christine Utter

Archie Hawkins Garnett McDonald

Joanna Berger Alison & Steve Stokes

Timothy & Karen Coffield Janet Britland

Dr. Melissa Egan Delnavaz Sanjana

Dr. Bill Hay John Berry

Erika Fennell Dean-McKinney Family

Patrick Hayes Karen Ryan

Aaron, Austin & Adam Shirley & Arthur Pearson

Rosemary Allen Rosemary Allen Dr. John Anderson Carolyn Nolen Phyllis Arena Elizabeth F. Morgan Stacy Arsenis Shelley Matthews

Dr. Marty Betts Linda Girvin Betty & Roland Michael & Paulette Thomas

Aram Bae Joshua Greene

William G. & William W. Beutler Joshua Greene

Sally Nan Barber Mary Anne Harkins

Ashira Beutler-Greene Lisa Long


Laura Conklin Ellen English

Nathan & Samantha Day & Toet Dan & Carol Mairiaux The Deal Family Alexandra Martella

Holly Connell Jeff, Kim, & Ava

Bennie Finn Emery Mayo

Maddie Corona Stephanie Cassidy

Tom Fitch Jane-Ashley & Peter Skinner

Courtney & Veronica Lauren O'Neill

Ann Fowler Joanne McAleer

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanks, Jr. John Hanks

Hippie Wing Trivia Group Donna Shaunesey Jordan Hoffman Jessica Simons Daniel M. & Wilma T. Horner Radhika Freeland Lani Hoza Janice Kaltenbach Floyd Hurt Jill Saperstein Nina Jackson Jeanne Weaver Jen & Greg Sherrie Miller Chardon Jenks John Norwood Claudia Jessup & Jon Richards Jay & Pam Jessup Elizabeth Jessup Jay & Pam Jessup Mr. & Mrs. H. Price Jessup Jay & Pam Jessup Liz Jessup Pam & Jay Jessup Jennifer John Amanda Palazzola Michael Johns Tiger Fuel Company Emilie K. Johnson & Derek T. Wheeler George Johnson Janet Kaltenbach Ryan MacPherson Janice Kaltenbach Lani Hoza Kim Kennedy James E. Craig, Jr.

Jeff Heatwole Heatwole Giving Fund

Andrew Killian's Birthday Jennifer Smith

Chris & Sarah Heid Carole & Leonard Lohman

Emily & John Kinser Carahsoft Technology Corp.

Lucas & Patti Henger for excellent care John A. Jackson

Bryson Kirby Helen P. Overstreet

Sylvia Craig Linda A. Skove

Bonnie Kliamovich David Ronka

Ginny Craven Anonymous

Elizabeth & Andy Kline Melissa Ingram

Eva Knight Elizabeth & Wayne Beddow Measi Kober Luanne Chamberlain Dave Krovetz Tina Krovetz Tuck & Sandra Landry Megan Shifflett Kim Langford & Paul Freedman Frances Freedman Kim A. Langford Frances Freedman Robert Lazo Bob Lazo Mary Ann Leeper Ducie & Henry Minich

Leigh Middleditch Virginia Stokes

Dr. Janice Raab Linda & Jeff Sobel

Dawn Snyder Rae Cook

Dr. Jennifer Miller DVM Maggie & Richard Gangloff

Ellen Ramsey Wesley Bennett

Keith Sohr Ellen Provost

Lorraine Rantz Ann Boyce

SPCA - all the great work that you do! Wenche L. Wilkins

Pat Millman Penny Walton Dean Miner Nancy J. Miner Steve Molter - Luck Stone Epiroc Joyce & Douglas Moore Jessica Moore Bonnie Morgan William Gray

Larry & Joan Legallo Jennifer Cruz

My Mother, Marjorie Barbara & James Moore

Lisa & Boen John Norwood

Milena Murphy Deron, Xenia & Sophie

Andy Lynn & Melissa Whitney John Norwood Sydney MacCreery Mary Andrews Chris Macko Kristin & Joseph Szakos

Pat Nabers Jeffrey Darnell Coyle Neal Martin & June Andrews Kathy Nepote Carol & Rodney Rullman

Brooks Magee's 7th Birthday Morgan Gibbs

Meghan O'Donohur John Nance

Derrick Many Deanna Katko

Emily T. Olson Michael Thompson

Beth Marcus Kathi Berrang & Mike Gaffay

John Omwake Elizabeth O. Stubblefield

Helen Marshall Helen P. Overstreet

Mr. & Mrs. Jun Ortega Barbara Pierson

The Masone Family & Thomas Masone Candice Michalik

Jim & Jane Pendry Martin Clark

Sue Massey Ann L. Grasty Taylor Matousek Donna McGuire Jeffrey Matriccino Samantha Preston University of Virginia Library Harriet & Douglas McDaniel Gordon Yager Rita McGowan Kenneth & Gay Loftin Meridith McLauglin John Norwood

Ava Richards Jennifer Alluisi Claudia & Jon Richards Pam & Jay Jessup Amelie Rives Lynne Brubaker Lizzie Rives Lynne Brubaker Dick Roberts Jacqueline Brownfield Kyle Rose Eileen Gilmer Lisa Rowe & Patrick Bird Shanda Horner Saint Anne's Belfield Dragonfly Class Teachers Chester Schultz Walter Salley Kathy & Mark Eastham Richard Samuels Grandma Samuels Chuck Sawyer Stephanie Polackwich

Jeanee Stanborough Paul Scott Steven Stearns William B. Downer Margaret McFadden Virginia Stokes Irby Cauthen Harrison & Terry Townes Joan T. Jay Dr. Struble & Staff Rae Cook David Tate Emily Tate Carol Taylor Martin Clark Rosemary Teitelbaum's 5th Birthday Beatrix Arendt

@AmazingLinus Kristina Smither Alex Mimi Ensminger All Your Residents Dorothy Richards April Hector Santamaria Avon Jonathan Hooe Bailey now known as Scooter William A. H. Sammons Barley Kaitlin Fenyes Barney, Sam, Sophie & Emma Jamie L. Covell Baxter Jeff White Baxter Vicki J. Vallastro

Casper Dorothy M. Thomas Charcoal Linda Munday Chauncery Court Susan E. Bagato Chazzy Juanita Wilson Chella Melissa Volpe Chloe Skip Brown CHO-A-15472 James Larner & Roxane Tyndall Clancy Patricia & Thomas Cross Collie (Roja) Ellie Ellison Cooper Elizabeth Mizell Daisy Linda A. Skove

Bear Patricia Dudley

Dexter (formerly Deckard) & Yadi (formerly Peluchin) Candace Rowland

Bernice Hummer Lily Hummer

Dolly & Ollie Polly L. Sibert

Reese Schultz Mary Anne Deane

John True & Joan Clark Maggie Bruno

Bertha Sally Boyd

Emma Debbie White & Roy Cadoff

Paul & Carolyn Scott Kenneth & Gay Loftin

VETTS Hunter Walker

Betsy & Winston Melissa Berry

Gary & Ann Sheppard Martin Clark

Virginia Veterinary Specialists Margaret McFadden

Biggs & Nelson Shannon Foreman

Eliana Phung Dan & Dela Alexander

Jennifer A. Sikes Martha Lee Sikes

Kayla Phung Dan & Dela Alexander

Ann & Mike Skinner Brooke & Patrick

Preeta Pola Shweta Kumar

Kathryn Skinner, Patricia Baily, Shirley Wilson Kenneth & Gay Loftin

Dave Pyle & Staff Rae Cook

The Staff Wenche L. Wilkins

In Honor of Animals

Cami Beagle Booker Sally Cary Booker

Nancy Townsend Anne & Jay Townsend

Phoebe Perry Erin Perry

Puff & Harper Ike Presson

St. Francis Catherine Maino

Blair Williamson Mary Bickel

Cally Roger & Carol Cornell

The Schroeder Family Charles & Jackie Cottrell

Kathleen Shiflett Kathi Berrang & Mike Gaffay

Lee Politis Dahne & Chip Morgan

Rachel Spraker Ramona Martinez

Caroline Cooper Wilhelm & her family Christopher Cooper

Emmie Hugh & Debbie Hawkins

Billy Joann M. Simpson

Floyd - Your Favorite Cat Marietta McCarty

Bingo Garth Kemper

Gigi & Her People Jenny & Gregg

Grayson Walker Anita Weidinger

Bleu Anonymous

Gracie "Candle" Gray Nancy Auth

Peyton Webster Nana & Papa

Bleu Gayla Harris, Ken Bielak, Kendall Bielak

Granddogs Zeus & Lily Carol & David Hogg

Heather & Chuck Walker Elizabeth O. Stubblefield

Madison Weidinger Catherine Mosley

Carolyn A. Smith Weldon Showalter

WestWind Foundation Tara Wood

Martha & Cody Smythe Becky Mady

Douglas Wheeler & Tiny Ashely Hurteau

Blue Robert Spencer

Henry Amanda Palazzola

Boots & Callie Edgar & Mary Keyton Bruno Gui In de Betouw


Hobbs Yates Anne B. Yates Holly & Zoe Kirsten Hoffmeister Honey nut Jane Hearne Hopper Harlow Courtney Stalnaker Hunter from Houston Mary Campbell Hyundai Daniel Pratte Indy Wendy Mitchem Jack Debby & Jeff Smith Jane Phil Akre Janet Bridget McNamee Jazz, formerly Alana Alice McKenna Jemma Clare & Robert Rannigan Jules Paulette A. Willard Juno John & Brooke Tobben Jupiter (formerly Pierre) Meghan Cooper & Eric Davis Kat Ballon & Bonita Nancy Holland & Victor Lee

Max Donald & Florence Buchholz Maya & Nikki Stuart and Kay Watterson Mickey Nancy & Richard Smith Milo Ellie Bilodeau Mimi T. E. Gregory & Arthur Flowers Mimie Pamela Margaux & Claude Thibaut Minnie Pearl Anonymous Missy (now named Simba) Clare Wang Monty Carla Drozdowicz & Maria Webb Monty aka Motor Susan Shaw Mr. Hon & Mario Pamela Friedman & Ronald Bailey Murphy Alice & Walter Hoyt Murphy Gina Lascano Murphy Bunch Andy C. Bunch MD Nora Lily Hummer

Katrina, Henri & Tori Michele & Kenneth Kellermann

Oliver Constance Morhard

Katybaby Betty Thompson

Oreck & Dyson Julie Schlais

Kenzie Carolyn & Ronnie Neal

Otis Gui In de Betouw

Koda Karen E. Brill Lena Lisa Amols Leo Sam Jones Lily Betty & Dale Crutchfield Lucky Elaine Richardson Lycka Foussekis George & Laura Foussekis Manny & Zoey Sharon Lee Hostler


Padji Jennings Jacqueline S. Jennings Patches Patricia Dudley Pearl & Greg Alexi Garrett A Pet Barbara J. Turner Petunia, now known as Birdie Jim Collins Pia & Alex Dr. Kenneth & Carol Rasmussen

Pumpkin Bobby & Linda Carefoot Quin my SPCA cat Barbara Page Ribbon Patricia Hanson

Tia Beekeepers/Specials Team Tiki & Mano Rene Bond Tucker Susan & John Roehmer

River Sharon & Michael Parker

Tules & Jessica Elyse M. Thierry

Rocky Barbara & Charles Patterson

Twinkle & Honey The Kittlesen/Edelen Family

Rosie & Co. Alena Herklotz

Wildcat Susan Hartless & Joe Sutherland

Ruby Tim Sprinkle Rudy Jeanne & Albert Huber Rusty William J. Kehoe Sam, Dex, & Peanut Karen & C.C. Ballard Sammi Mimi Ensminger Scooter Thomas Shaw Shyla McKenna Wright

Winny Sharon Janney Winston Margaret M. Gravens Winston Vicki S. Shiflett Wrinkles Terri & Rudy Tucker Yogi Marvin & Brenda Gose Zeus & Lilly Carol & David Hogg

Dianne Bailey Barbara Grulke

Francis Lee Campbell Woodard Properties

Kit Baney Robert Baney

Bob Carroll Patricia Hernon

Virginia Banton Tom Banton

Bernie Cason Anonymous

Ruth Barclay Mary Cooper Gilliam

John Centofanti Lisa Centofanti

Joan Barker Maritza Saavedra

Johnny Chittum James Ewing

Ric Barrick David Fissel Julie Palais

Kenneth Coleman Demi Runkle

Carroll M. Bates Courtney Bates Frank & Doris Beddow Delores & David Brush Bertha Laura Smith Beverly Bradley Braut Mickey Bickers Grace Bull Shelby T. Clements Robin Bohls Sarah Dubova Boo Richard A. Skwarlo

Stella Taylor Bezerra

Zeus's 15th Birthday Robert & Kathy Allen Anonymous Gryphon Gymnastics Jennifer Lunsford Kristen Patz Melissa Sabol

Sterling & Jessie Jean Gillet

Zoey the Cat Sheila Katz

Irving Brownfield Jacqueline Brownfield

In Memory of People

Peter H. Browning, Jr. Bonnie & Daniel Kliamovich

Snoopy Elizabeth Mizell

A Stray Cat Sonja Jahrsdoerfer A Stray Pitbull Dog Carol Williams Suki Taylor & Johnson Sweet Pickles Galdencio, esq Vincent DeRobertis Taco Christina Gilliam Taffy & Baby Hebb Helen & Sim Stidham Teddy Bear Maria & Daniel Hemmings Teddy Bunch Andy C. Bunch MD The Penny Rebecca Taylor Thompson Ann-Rodes & Clayton Savage

Harriet Adams Kenneth & Gay Loftin Lola Allen Anonymous Jason Allen Laura Axford Lore Amlinger Carole Rock Marilyn H. Arndy Bonnie & Daniel Kliamovich June Marie August Julia & Simona Holloway Debra Hurt Edwin & Dale Reynolds Elmer & Joyce Roberts Great Terms Insurance Agency Patty J. Scites Andrew Baber Domino's Pizza

Sandy Brannock Lucille Oliver Sims Mike Brooks Rosey & Steve Taylor

Drew Bunn The Bunn Family William Byers, Jr. Mary Byers David S. Callaghan, Sr. Melody S. Bianchetto Tory Blackford Susan & Candler Brooks Chase Investment Counsel Corporation Janice Creasy Robert R. Eksteen Betty M. Lee Courtney Sargeant David Sloan Carol & Robert Tanner Louise & Dickie D. Tayloe, II Hantzmon Wiebel, LLP Michael & Margaret Wills Sarah & Robert Wise Robert R. Eksteen Jeri Campbell Joyce Page Brandt

Judith Shifflett Coleman Bernice & Andrew Dracopoli Lynda L. Dunn Kathy Foley Eleanor Holthaus David Conant Kelly M. Deichert Gene Conley Hayes & Jessica Humphreys Arlene Conner Nancy Fisher & Ledford Carpenter Carter Conrad Joyce Fogleman Fox Memorial Baptist Church Piedmont Veterinary Service Lelia & Edward Pitts Cindy Conte Wick & Carter McNeely Shelley Cook Linda Cook Allen Cook Lucy Spencer Andrew Cooley David, Sally, Evy & Ashley Carroll Martha W. Cox Petee Barnes Matthew J. Crawford John & Denise Woodson Bob Creasy Annette Creasy Hamilton E. Creasy Janice Creasy Madge Conis Creasy Janice Creasy Cassie Creighton Faye Creighton Billy Critzer Constance Critzer

John D. Dalgliesh ("Jay") George W. Logan Gauss Demas Carly Campbell Norma Dennison Becky Hyre Danielle Devereux Marjorie G. Adam Russell Boyer Al Broaddus & Pat Cusano Linda Gill Jennifer James Melinda Nielsen Robert Triglia Annie & Thomas Tromey Ann Donovan Anonymous Bruce & Sarah Engstler Beth & Wendell Lee Jim & Ann Donovan & Molly Sherri Roberto Malcolm Wayne Dunn Kathryn Crockett Groves Hardware Bruce Edmonds Bruce & Lynn Koplin Ben Edwards Joyce Moore My Family and Friends, 2 legged and 4 legged who have passed on over the Rainbow Bridge and are watching over me until it is my turn Cecilia J. Kimata Pete Fiddner Gay & Scott Baker Jane Durrer Lisa & Dan Heuchert Julia Nunley

Chance Glattfelder Paula & George Stone

Brian Heath Susanne Sachs

Britt Gore Chris Gore

Richard Heath Brenda & Richard Busofsky Keith & Laurie Curtin George A. Fortune A. Cherie & L. Peyton Humphrey Anna M. Maynard Gary & Carolyn McGee Hope & Martin Pietrzyk Pledgeling Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Waff III Hantzmon Wiebel, LLP Susan & John Williamson

Luther Gore Carol & Robert Brown Jay Greenberg Marsha Bishop & Jerry Block Virginia Greene Ann & David Normansell Sarah & Don StevensRayburn Betty C. & John Scott Jacqueline Groiss Melinda Bynum Jorg Lippuner & Lisa Cetroni Roy W. Guillemin Carole A. Guillemin Barbara Haden Alyce Bassoff Donna Bennett Maureen K Conklin The Crites Family Ron & Ardee Dimberg Kay F. Dolan James Fagan W. H. Gentry Jillian Hartman Susan Healy Peggy Higgins Karen S. Kaufman Ann Lynch Rick & Karen Moore Betty Gentry-Metzler Jane Roberts Susan & John Roehmer Cathy Schmader Bickie Tindall (Martin) Sarah Haj-Hariri Roy & Shelby Clements, Jr. Robert L. Halterman Marianne F. Halterman

Robert Finelsen Libbi Finelsen

George Hamrick Mary A. Hamrick

Ron Fischer Margie & David Swanson

Fran Hardey Laura Arnold Shelby T. Clements Haviland Womens Club Norma Miller Thomas & Karen Wilson, II

Ernest A. Flynn Wendy Waldner Flynn Linda K. Ford Hantzmon Wiebel, LLP Pat Francis Sue Corey

Connie Harkins Allied Concrete Co. Eagle Corporation Susie C. Payne

Frederick Theodore Heblich & Mariflo Stephens Heblich Pamela & Lucius Bracey, Jr. Daedalus Used Book Shop A. J. Furfero Tom & Marilynn Gale Mariflo Stephens Heblich Daniel Hassell & Rachel Horsley Thurmon & Alice Henry Joyce A. Morris Joanna Herring Mary & Jim Wynne Mary Hill Caperton Jenny Mead Roger Hirschland Sharon Hirschland Sara Hoehn Ann & Murray Getman Mary Hoehn Mitch Hofecker Mike & Judy Dalton Carlene Howell The Bowen Family Tricia Clark Francesca & Eduard de Lange Susan Riddle Jon Hukari Karen Hukari Thomas F. Inge, Jr. Melinda Baumann & Margie Garmey Lillian Inge Jean Schulz

Pearl Garrett-Skelley Lauren Haumesser

Carrie Harper Maria Applewood

Joseph & Virginia Jarvis Viki & Anthony Lynch

Michael Scott Gibson Joselyn Whitsett-Bell Kim Pioneer Bank

Don Harper Janet G. Harper

H. Price Jessup Jay & Pam Jessup

Karen Hartman Giorgio & Beth Carta Karen Read & Family

Marshall Johnson Addielayne Patterson

Ronnie Gibson Susan A. Walton

Carol Johnson Barbara & Eddie Chapman

Jean LaViolette Adria LaViolette and Jeff Hantman

Joyce & Ginny Snickers & Ginger

Paul LaViolette Adria LaViolette and Jeff Hantman

Bradley Joyce Mrs. Julie Joyce John & Darlene Kaufman Lori M. Kaufman Debb, Mary & Bobby Kay Polly Kay Jim Kelly Aileen Kelly Robert Ruffin King Weston Andress Ann Black Alice & Thomas Buchanan Lynn Divers Arthur & Debbie Finn Keebe Fitch Richard Garrard Robyn Gavin Michelle & Joe Jennings & family Scotty Knight Merritt Lane Julie Lischer Larry & Kitty Pettit Frank & Elizabeth Stoner, IV Bettina Test Laura Thomas Ann K. Windham Kay Kitchen Amanda Morgan Sarah & Kenneth Neathery, Jr. Julia V. Rhondeau D.E. & J.M. Sours

Brian Lee Mary Ann Lee Judy Lee Susie Gushue Joyce Lilly Wanda & Robert Pool Alice Lucan Annie Groeber Visiting Angels Charlottesville, VA Mama Michael & Donna Marshall

Elissa Lauer Alex Lieb Malec-Verity Family & Bobcat Nicole Prysby & Will Nugent

Angie R. Morrisard Anonymous James E. Morrisard Anonymous

Alice Neff Lucan Judith Clements

El Martin Richard B. Roberts

Annabelle Lee Negovan Christina L. Porter

Casey McCarty Susan Hale Mckibbin Terry & Gerry Yemen Jane McCauley Michael & Donna Marshall Sandra & Terry Tucker Lavelle McCauley Mona W. Beard Carolyn McCoy Susan K. Sears

Sally Mead Jenny Mead

Peter M. Larsen Sky Larsen

Jean Morris Staci & Richard Morris Shirley Payne

Birch Martin Julia Owen Rea

Leo Krasner Ernetta & Robert Van Orden

Charlie LaPrade Cindy Hersman

Julie Lynn Morris Lyman & Shirley Morris

Junie Myers Marie & Diana Souder, Katie Moore

Nathan Mckibbin Susan Hale Mckibbin

Charlie Lankenau Eugene R. Schutt

Anne & Scott Morrill Ginny Pollard

Yvonne Marshall Samuel & Judith Tomlin

Dr. John Knight Vibha Prasad

Leslie "Buddy" & Carolyn Lafon Camille Vermess

Kathleen Irwin Morel Jim & Betsy Fernald The Geo. D. Warthen Bank Dean & Gail Gilbert Sam Smith Standish Family Foundation Fund

Bethany Mextorf Thomas Mextorf Ellen Mikkelsen Ina & John Mikkelsen April Montgomery Douglas Montgomery Ned Moomaw Suzanne Moomaw Lena Moon Karen Boone Donna Jennings Robin Ouellette Janice Radcliffe Patricia M. Whitesell Gloria & George Wood

Peg Nelson Roy & Pat Engen Linda Nivens Judith Lynch Margaret Norford Wendy O'Neil Jack North H Bruschwein Sarah Martin Rishabh Singh Jerry Northcut Joy Crompton Ellen English Susan & Kent Flury Angelina Oliver Lucille Oliver Sims Mary J. Osborne Crutchfield Penni Fassett Zachary William Palmer Timothy Carr My Parents Barbara Branham Mary Ellen Parr William Parr Wilson Piopel Eric & Sandra Maslen Theodore Porter Christina L. Porter


Bernard L. Powell, Sr. Anne & Carter Conrad Pat & Nellie Pugh Renee Clements Hugh Ragsdale Michael Ragsdale Richard Reid Sarah & Drew Lloyd Carma Rice Debra Rice Charles Riker Candice Goss Thomas & Elizabeth Pitt Tamara Rogers Deborah A. Stewart Sally Rinehart Virginia Stokes Fernando Rival Claudia Rival in memorium Fernando Rival Virginia "Ginny" P. Roach Jean Chang Mary J. Pudhorodsky Barbara & Donald Selby Pat Rohm Patricia Swain Walter B. Ross & his Pet Peave John Lanham Frances & Henrik Schutz Philip D. Rowan Janice R. Huebner Bill Ruiz E. Jana Briedis-Ruiz Fortune Sadak & Freddy Yvette Menase Marion Samuels Gail & Dick Samuels Ben Sargeant Sally Sargeant Kay Sclater Bonnie & John Tyler

Richard Sergi Penny Cabaniss Malcolm Donley Daljit Gabri Vicki Stuart-Hawes Janet Herman & Jeffrey Sitler Jessica Humphreys Melanie Knick Molly McElhaney Molly Shifflett UVA Department of Student Health & Wellness UVA Facilities Management (CC&R) Robert Waite Brian Williams Lester Wolfrey

Ursula C. Strider & Amy B. Brown David & Vreni Collier

James A. Shannon, Jr. Anonymous Peggy Baber Sylvia & James Barnes Tory Blackford Liz Bordogna Bowman Family, Oehring Family, VanWynen Family, Box Family Susan & Candler Brooks Jacob Cole Nancy Conlon Diane M. Curling Samuel F. Curling Cynthia & Keith Earley & Marjorie Fitzgerald Freedom Aviation, Inc. Ned Martin & Nancy Spangler Kathy Murphy Joanne Shackelford Elizabeth Shannon Rachel Skadron Megan Stafford Nancy Turner VA811 Jessica Weaver Kathy & Mike Wesson Rachael Wenger Leslie & Harvey Wilcox

Jane Tolleson Rosemary Hill-Erdman

Jane Shields Bonnie & Dick Brewer Wanda K. Shifflett & Delores Van Lynda Faye Shifflett Bruce Shifflett Teresa B. Wimmer Joey Shulman Bobbie Spellman Jeanne Smiley Gregory Levitan James Matz William A. Stanton Tom & Janet Eichenberg Richard A. Oliva & Sons Edward C. Stephens John Houghton & Patricia Dart William & Connie Hudson Brenda C. Stevens Joyce Page Brandt


Margie Sunflower & Maggie Angela Daniel Malcolm Taylor Ginny & Allan Kanter Mac Taylor Larry & Kitty Pettit Lorena Tharpe Anonymous Sherry Lynn Thomas Rob & Joyce Cooke

Alvin Toms Ann Toms James Tsao Virginia Bayliss Vicky Valenti Elizabeth Blankenship Barbara E. Null Margaret Ann Voneski Caitlin Allard Rick Wells Linda J. Wells Richard "Richie" John Wendel Janet van der Linde Craig van der Linde Rick Wilhoites Louise & Dickie D. Tayloe, II Joanna Wilkins Gilbert Anderson Mary L. Barker Marilyn D. Hocking Maritza Saavedra UVA Specialty Pharmacy Christine L. Willard Katherine & Fred Willard

Sean Yemen Susan Hale Mckibbin Terry & Gerry Yemen Phyllis Zizulka Barbara Bond

In Memory of Pets "Bo" Jay Margaret M. Grove Jenny Mead & Christine Shaw Virginia Stokes Sara & Ziggy Abby David & Carolyn Grow Abby Olivia Branch Addy Sarah Bridenhagen Agnes Donna & Michael Bruggeman Aischa June Tate All My Pets Pamela J. Newness All Our Kitties Donna & Dick Vinal All Our Pets Richard & Beth Davis

Bailey Weikel Bonumose Inc Family Barbara Lamb Bandit Michael & Donna Marshall Bandit & Panda Michael & Donna Marshall Barley Cheryl C. & Norman Pearson Basil & Abby Jane & Tommy Tirrell, III Beamer Kathleen M. Smith Beau Starke Ashley & Debbie Starke Beaumont Diane M. Bradshaw

Belly Joan E. Rudel Bill Jacqueline Delany Biscuit Teresa Yelton Bitty Theresa Quillen BK Ivana Petrovic Blue Family & Friends of Elliot Spengler & Blue Blue Cindy L. Smith Blue Justin Kirkland Blue Kristin Johnson Blue Boyce Jan Beemer Catherine Cook Bo Donna, Gail, & Stevi Bo Team Picu Bon Jovi Michael Moyles

Bella Laura Fraser

Boodles Wendy Brown

All SPCA Animals Pam, Randy & Jennie Thomas

Bella Lisa & Jackie GayMilliken

Boogie Patricia & Douglas Valentine

All the Dogs We've Raised and Loved Carl & Katheryn Saunders

Bella Marian & Bob Ziemba

Boogie Patricia A. Locke

Bella Bradley Braut

Boots & Norman Evelene M. Jackson

Bella Gwynn Adrienne & Ron Granitz

Brandi Joyce H. Morris

Bella Krenn Roxanne Woodhouse

Brandy June Tate

Bella Mayer Deborah & Joseph Strzepek

Brendan Dr. John & Karen Rowlingson

Bella Sophie William Gordon

Brodie Blaine Stockton

Ash Dr. John & Karen Rowlingson

Bellaluz Lucille Belle & Chuck Elliot

Brodie Everett Margaret & Monte Parsons

Asterix Suzanne & Todd Sturman

Belle James Carnes & R. Clark Hantzmon

All Our Pets Who Have Crossed the Rainbow Bridge Thomas Shaw

Allister Susan Towe

Agnes Wingfield Teresa Yelton

Angus Michael B. Tusing Gallery

Brenda Gail Wyant Pete & Florence Bruce

Bailey Anonymous

Belle, Ness & Winn Caroline Janney & Spencer Lucas

Bella Jacquie & John Pickering

Amelia Roddy Butts

Thomas Woodhouse Anonymous Karen Wax

Badjie Jacqueline S. Jennings

Bailey Cindy L. Smith

Thomas W. Willett II Vicki S. Shiflett

Harrison Daniel Wood, Jr. Patricia & Michael Bryant Susie C. Payne

Bacchus Olivia Branch

Arthur Lynette F. Menchero

Bruce Soots Melinda Baumann & Margie Garmey

Brynne Paula Grazzini

Chewie Harvey Anonymous

Daisy Mae Marie Janet Rib

Ellie, Paxton & Caesar Eleanor Butner

Genovese Elinor G. McCain

Bud William D. Vining

Chili Melinda Baumann & Margie Garmey

Dakota Miller Becky & Chad Bassett

Eloise Alan & Helen Staley

George The Smith Family

Danielle David Propst & Jennifer Fowler Propst

Emily Millie & Randy Shenk

Georgie Bonnie & Daniel Kliamovich

Isabelle & Sasha Susan Ordway Pfaltz

Gigi Debo & Donny Triant

Itchy Kim Sirridge

Gigi Jennifer B. Magill

Izzy Jeanel Little

Gio Callahan Emmie & Jon Wright

Jack Hilliard Management

Gizmo Dennis Darbaker

Jack Dog Clean Virginia Team

Gizmo & Toffee Jeffrey Hayward

Jackson Thomas The Moses/Dietrich Family Shannon Thomas Shel & Linda Thomas

Buddy Henry Browne Buddy Betsy Fechteler

Chloe Heather & Matthew Schilling

Burke-Burke Jennifer B. Magill

Chloe P. Kevin Sushka & Anna Hammarskjold

Burren Keith & Laurie Curtin

Chris' cat Ann L. Grasty

Butter Karen, Dan & Sonya Inkelas

Cisco Peter & Peggy Scherman

Buttons June Tate

Cleo Nancy & Michael Horne

Caddie Bridget Donovan Callie & Mr. Snugglesworth Martha & Scott Stinson Cashew Jennifer B. Magill Cecelia David Newkirk

Clove Ramakrishnan Nikhil Chelliah CoCo Janet Dix CoCo Page R. Flannery Coco Robin & David Mellen

Davey Marga Reed & James Murphy Davey Sarah & Thomas Donnelly Deannie Osborne Kristina Niedringhaus Denali Kristin Hornung Desi Greene Thena Edick Dexter David W. Dienner Dixie Cynthia Hertzler Dolly Virginia S. Payne Doogi Hines-German Linda Daniel Janet & George Sakell

Charley Boy Kite Adam & Anne

Colbie Racer Your Crutchfield Marketing Family

Charley McIntyre Ann Boyce

Comfort Carol L. Chandross

Charlie Adrienne & Ron Granitz

Connor Susan & Benjamin Bates

Duke Brian Cropp

Charlie Christine and Will McNeely

Copper (now Walter) Gregory Levitan

Duncan Shirley & Bob Elliott

Cosmo Lucy Millinder

Dunkin Genie Talbott

Crazy Cat Tedi Wright

Eddie Edward Campbell

Croes Jess Croes & Laila & Zack Arzouni D. Claudia Kitty Ariana Maki

Edmond Charles M. Winkler

Daisy Linda & Jeff Sobel

Elephant the Cat Anonymous

Daisy Shirley & Bob Elliott

Ella Anonymous

Daisy Cindy Kent

Ella Nancy A. Butters

Daisy D. Deborah Dereberry

Ellie Dann Bruce Jones

Daisy Mae Lori Hanger & Donna Morris

Ellie Paulette Crutchfield Jonathan Paulette Christy Tromey

Charlie John & Kim Kennedy Charlie Susan Forster Charlie Austin Rosamond Vaughan Charlotte Jenny Mead Charlotte Martha Ruggles Charlotte Sara Thompson Chase Norman Brenbridge Cheeks Charles Crenshaw Cheep Feaver Samantha Freed

Duke Grace & Theo Giras Duke Aderonke Lawal

Edward Ginny & Allan Kanter

Emma Olivia Branch Emma Renate Voris Emma Lou Becky & Chad Bassett Emmie Lawrence & Vicky Eicher Emory Arthur, Chris & Christina Enzo Elaine De Banico Epic Ginny & Rick Zeller Ernest & Ursula James R. Sofka Fenway Susan & Benjamin Bates Fifi Kenny Ball Design Finn The Nixons Fiona Edgar & Mary Keyton Fiona Patricia Stulting Frances Wendy Amato Frankie Nancy Fischer Frankie Sue Ellis Dyar Franklin Ginger Meislahn Freddie John & Betty Elliton Frida, Buddy & Socrates Marian C. Styles Frisky Schleifer Sara L. Courson Gaia Peterson Becky & Chad Bassett Garbanzo Bean Jessica Schmitt

Gloria Lynette F. Menchero Gordy Jennifer Lambka Grace Leslie Pow Gracie Loretta Spittle Gracie Olivia Branch Gracie Susan Towe Gracie the One-Eyed Pirate Queen Cat Erika Castillo Gus Lee & Catherine Briscoe Hannah's Pup Karly Ball Harry Elizabeth Cutler Harvey Auntie Gret Heathcliff Sharman Brown Henri Gary & Carolyn McGee Henry Morgan & Marlene Whiteley, Jr. Hobo Gui In de Betouw Honey Rana Ihsan

Indy Lynette, Izzy & Sumner Menchero Isaac Olivia Branch

Jake Andrew & Linda Martof Jammu & Kashmir Sumner Gerard Foundation Jan Van Spook John W. Courtney, III Jasmine Anita Shelburne Jay Cynthia Hertzler Jennie Bauman Rick & Susan Goings Foundation Jinks Sandra & Terry Tucker Jinks, Rocky & Taffy Sandra & Terry Tucker Jocie Elinor G. McCain Joey Linda Leake Joey Sakell Janet & George Sakell Johnny Janice Kaltenbach Johnny Matt Jackson Joplin Murielle & Stephan De Wekker Joshua Sarah Ackerman

Hurlie Kelley Walton & Damon Dabney


Josie Jean Gillet

Leo Katherine O'Dowd

Marley George Hatzigeorgio

Morgan Linda & Jeff Sobel

Otis Steve Deupree

Piggy & Gillian Marsha & Ivan Login

Josie Ann Bent

Leroy & Ms. May Lynette Menchero

Marylebone Maggie & Richard Gangloff

Motica, Smokey, Izzy Nell Pallotta

Otis Ponton Lorna Haycraft & Donald Query

Pippin George & Susan Overstreet

Juke Levingston W Plumb, Jr

Lia Diane A. Bensinger

Our Many Beloved 4 Legged Best Friends The Trueheart Fund

Pippin Marilyn Comfort

Marylebone Karen Musilek

Libby Nancy & Jeff Thompson

Max Helen & Robert Landel

Libby Corley Raileanu

Max & Bella Patricia A. Crabtree

Lila Buffay Olivia Branch

May, a Good Cat Ruth Douglas

Katie Lou Jessica Wenger

Lily Meredith & Larry Richards

Mia (Little Cat) Kathy Gross

Kegler Donna & Michael Bruggeman

Linus Dean-McKinney Family

Kaiser Elsie Barnd Kate Cindy Snyder & A.T. Stevens Katie Kate Mason

Kelly Murielle & Stephan De Wekker

Little Al Bonnie & Daniel Kliamovich

Kelly & Joplin Murielle & Stephan De Wekker

Little Bit Laurel Howard

Kenzie Carolyn & Ronnie Neal

Lizzie Pam Flynn & Andy Traynor

Kevin Madeline Stewart

Lola Jack Leon Pack

Kish Mish Joyce & Frank Butros

Lola Small Shawnee Small

Koda Janice Creasy

Lou Pimmy Liss Sandy Liss

Kodie David Hannah & Laurie McDade Koufax Margo Smith & Tom Cogill Krissi Joyce & Frank Butros Kubla Khan Laurel Howard Lamb Chop Helen P. Overstreet Larry & Joan's Dog Helen P. Overstreet Lemke Simkins Joyce & Frank Butros Leo Marianne Jackson Leo Ren & Susan Stimart Leo Richard & Jane Lacasse

Louie Sallie V.P. Feild Lucius Kendall Giler Lucy Stokes James & Helen Cauthen Petie & Ernie Ern Margaret M. Grove Virginia Stokes Luna the Dog Julie Campbell Mack Marianne F. Halterman Maggie Elizabeth F. Morgan Maggie Danielle Peacock Maisie June Tate Maize & Chuck Phyllis & John Savides Malcolm Karin Huntington


Mickey Albert & Sharon Yoder Midnight Audrey & Lewis Kardos Adam's sweet dog Miles Kelly Chisholm Millie Jennifer & Brian Corbey Millie, Chloe, & Ellie Carmen Fischer Milton Anne Megibow Mimi Xiaoti Guo

Mr. Cody Bear Martha Smythe Mrs. Meeperton Alice Rubenstein Ms. Marion Trevillian, Jazz, Blue and Tyler Nationwide Foundation

Our Rescue Beagles Rowdy & Bessie Our Sweet Kitties Donna & Dick Vinal

Munch Freitas Lorri Freitas

Our Sweet Kitty The Drapers

Murph Mary F. Conlon

Our Sweet Kitty Anonymous

Murphy Ann Black

Paco Kathy Fontenot

Murphy Jennifer B. Magill

Padget Elizabeth F. Morgan

Murphy Alexandra de Guzman

Panda Michael & Donna Marshall

Mutchkoo Rebecca Muller My Beloved Pets Rebecca T. Marshall My Beloved Puppy Dogs Rebecca T. Marshall My Fur Babies No Longer with Me Donna & Joe Smith

Patches Linda Leshowitz & Tim Brazill Patrick Hercules Courtney Bates Patriot & Nala Lucia Kaestner Paul Pat Burba

Minus Catherine Wray & Timothy Snider

Nala Sheridan Rivers

Paul Leilani Monahan

Miss Isabel Pru Jennifer B. Magill

Naomi Allison Gray

Missy Anonymous

Naomi Charles Gray

Paul Terry Frank and Sharon Leech

Misty Libby Palmer Mossman

Napoleon Joyce & Frank Butros

Misty Susan Bender

Noodles The Kirkpatrick Family

Miyagi John & Mary Miller

Nusu Jane & Martin Davis

Miyagi Jon & Mary Mikalson

Olaf Inge Clausen

Mo Olivia Branch Mocha & Sugar Anonymous Molly Hatchet Ren & Susan Stimart Mommy, Big Boy, Cinders, Zelda, Baba, Bez, Diana, Lupe-Lu, Buffy, & Marmee Kevin Haag

Oliver Ariana & Dave Oliver Sithy DeSilva Olivia, Juno & Minus Karen L. Salmonson Ollie Marshall James Hildenberger Oscar Anonymous Oscar Eric Halperin

Pippin Rose & Rob Capon Pippin Ann Novak Pippin Wood Cheryl D. Renaghan Pokey John & Marjorie Frazier Polly "Prissypants" Etten Becky & Chad Bassett Portia Tieder Claire M. Tieder Posey Jayne & Thomas Martinsen Posey Moriarty Janet & George Sakell Posie Regan Jeanne Zechmeister Precious Amy Doss President Biden's dog Champ Terri & Rudy Tucker Prince Charming Sandra & Hunter Melton, Jr. Prince, Bess, & Kit Gregory Wichelns

Peakie & Bay Yvette L. Graham

Pudge, Bentley, Jack & JCat Susie & Jim McCormick

Pearl Kate Mason

Quiche Ann Lugar

Pearlie Elizabeth E. Friberg

Ramona Gary & Carolyn McGee

Penny Francesca & Eduard de Lange

Ramona Jess Gabbay

Pepper Ilma Deane A Pet Anonymous A Pet Calvin Stinnie Phobe Virginia Rybolt Phoebe Carol L. Chandross Pickles Helen & Robert Landel

Ranger Elliott Brooke & Joseph Fields Redgie Kathy Fontenot Redgie & Paco Kathy Fontenot Reese Kim & Mac Vanderploeg Remi Michael B. Tusing Gallery Ricky Bobby Sakell Janet & George Sakell Rifka The Madara Family

Riggins Francie Hewitt Riley Amy O'Leary & Liz Good Riley Kathie L. Hullfish & Laura Kuhn Riley Rebecca & Bruce Lanahan Ripley Lisa Crofton Rita Christina Seale

Sadie Bell Sandridge Elizabeth F. Morgan Aynsley Sandridge Sage Patricia A. Cook Sam Bela Giese Sam Pam Flynn & Andy Traynor Sam Rosemary Hill-Erdman Sandy & Thai Anna Jane Hayes

River Yuxin Liu

Sandy, Jackie, Ben & Hunter Sue & Charles Stoke

Robert (Boxer) Karen R. Harrison

Sasha Eileen Kowalski

Rocky Amy Bartoszewicz

Sasha Joyce MacDonald

Rocky Sandra & Terry Tucker

Savannah William & Denise Horbaly

Rocky Suzanne W. Jones Rosie Fitch Vickie Yates Rue Allie Rudolph Rugby Joseph & Christine Melnik Russ John Berry Rusty William J. Kehoe Rusty Throo Claire Blumenson Melissa Harclerode Cecilia Stephens Christina Weisner Ryan Claire Cronmiller Sadie Christine H. Charters Sadie Donna & Michael Adams Sadie Elizabeth & Harrison Taylor

Schatzie Mary Lou & Tom Boyd Scoonie Penn Suzanne Gigante

Snowball Shirley & David Bishop Socks James & Sharon Kelley Spanky Helen P. Overstreet Speck & Pinkerton Hamilton Davis & Julie Hansen Spencer Anne Carter Somerville Spike William T. Bickley Spike Hutton Kathryn Jarvis & Gregory Propp Spirit Roger & Cindi Burket Spock & McCoy Vicki M. Andreae Spooky Holly A. Johnson Stella Penny Cabaniss Stella Aaron Mungy Sugar Dek & Connie Bowen

Scruffy Barbara & Charles Patterson

Sunshine Alan & Helen Staley

Seamus Alexandra de Guzman

Taffy Sandra & Terry Tucker

Shadow Susan Reed

Taos Alfred Koerner

Shelby Dog Kaye Poff Rasmussen

Tashi Kevin & Oksana Osborne

Simba Your friends in Merchandising

Teal Anonymous

Skeeter Kendall Giler

Teal Sara W. Arneson

Skeeter LaDonna Winegar

Teal Alexandra de Guzman

Smokey L.F. & Frances G. Ponton

Tess Weeks Ron & Weez

Smokey - granddog George & Rosalie Havenner

Sadie Virginia Ewing

Snape Melinda Baumann & Margie Garmey

Sadie & Maggie Donna & Michael Adams

Snickers Jim & Anna Madigan

Tessa Richard & Beth Davis The Marzano's Dog Dot Marsh Lynetta Preddy Theodore "Teddy" Winston Maira Wassimi

Thumper Charlotte, Eric, Charlie & Duke Pluta Theodore "Teddy" Winston Maira Wassimi Thumper Charlotte, Eric, Charlie & Duke Pluta Tibby Linda Daniel Tibby Amanda Goldstein Tico Brian Paul Menard Tico Betsy Fechteler Tiggy Nancy & Michael Horne Tilli Kat Kaye Poff Rasmussen

Wishbone Jean Morgan Woody Norman Brenbridge Yak Melinda Baumann & Margie Garmey Yogi Marvin & Brenda Gose Yukon Sharon Darby Zack, Truman, & Jasmine Kay S. Ruffner Zelda Cross A Former Neighbor Zellie Nancy & Michael Horne Zev (Garth the Plott) Lauren Marziani

Tina's Pup Barbara Perry

Zima David Hannah & Laurie McDade

Tira Gertrude & Jan Romer

Zimbawe Ferguson Kay Ferguson

Tojo Jenny Dimasi

Zoe Lena Braatz

Tojo Sandra & Alfonso Damico

Zoey Amy & Tom O'Leary

Tojo Helen P. Overstreet Tre WhalenWichelecki The Bonumose Family Trigger The Tramazzo Family Trixie Jesse W. Gammon Trooper Tammy Wilt Tucker Margery C. Henneman

Zoey Ann Black Zoey Susan & Robert Hodous Zoey John Nance Zoey Natalie Feaver Zoey Boberski Rosamond Vaughan Zooie Anonymous

Tuna Tammy Wilt Tyke Rebecca Muller Uncle Dave Sarah Gorman White Kitty Kim Hargett Willow Lisa Jamison


3355 Berkmar Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 (434) 973-5959 OPEN DAILY NOON-6PM caspca.org


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