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Monday, February 2, 2009 VOL 2, NO 270 dailyxpress.net


Even a farmer’s son can get a doctorate By Somjitr Jongjorhor Beijing Olympic gold medallist


FA HICCUP Football fans who have missed out on the matches so far may be able to see the rest of the world’s oldest tournament. >PAGE 27

’m just a farmer’s son, but will be conferred the honorary doctorate of Philosophy degree from Ramkhamhaeng University. I’m very proud for this great chance. To get a degree from the varsity is not that easy. You have to be patient, well-qualified and highly responsible.

Have some fun Put some colour and style in your clothes and synchronise patterns with your date on Valentine’s Day this year... >PAGES 6

Go for a touch of steel Bored with all the mass-designed fibreboard furniture. Try some vibrant and colourful steel. >PAGE 8


Monday, February 2, 2009



The percentage of HIV/AID patients in Thailand who are government officers or totals at 10,278 people

Plastic bags containing garbage and leftover foods in Nam Nao National Park in Phetchabun province are dug up and eaten by elephants and animals.

Nod for a museum in Suphan Buri



An elephant has died of unknown causes near a plantation not far from Nam Nao National Park in Phetchabun province. Found in last September, the body of the male pachyderm, thought to be about 10 years old, bore no wounds and showed no other signs which could have led to its death. Veterinarians are wondering whether eating plastic bags may have led to its death.

PARKS REEL UNDER GARBAGE Lack of incinerators and poor disposal methods endanger animals Sanom Bunjanthuek, Mayuree Akkharabal D A I LY X P R E S S


am Nao National Park in Phetchabun province has been deteriorating due to tourist overcrowding in the current high season. Garbage is littered in most park areas due to the lack of sufficient disposal efficiency to cope with the excessive numbers of around up to 70,000 visDAILY


itors over the past weekend, up from a regular limit of 5,000 visitors each day. Wild animals tend to dig up buried garbage to eat leftover food, prompting concerns about hazard to their health. Park director Kamthorn Seriwallop admitted that garbage had been buried in violation of health regulations instead of being incinerated due to the lack of budget to build incinerators. Tourists are being asked to pay for whatever containers they have left in the park in an effort to reduce garbage from outside. Their deposit money is deducted if they leave the park with fewer items than they take

in. He admitted that elephants dug up buried garbage to eat leftover foods but he said the practice was seen in a brief period and should be over by now. However, an animal expert said eating plastic mixed with leftover food would have little effect on elephants, but consuming plastic could be fatal to deers and other antelopes. There are up to 100 wild elephants in the Nam Nao National Park, which covers 600,000 rai. It is located next to the Khao Kheo wildlife sanctuary and the Tard Mork national park in neighbouring Chaiyaphum. Phu Kradueng National Park


in Leoi province is also counting the number of items carried by tourists when they go in. Very few tourists have their deposit money deducted, said volunteer ranger Phatthareephorn Kamolrat. She said tourists would be given certificates for each kilo of garbage they carry back on their return trip. Both projects have helped reduce the garbage volume left over in Phu Kradueng National Park. A daily garbage volume of up to 3,000 tonnes is disposed of effectively, with most of them incinerated and collected daily, and weekly, by volunteer park rangers like her.

The Fine Arts Department is preparing to take some parts of surrounding structures of the place where the funeral rites of Her Royal Highness Princess Galyani Vadhana were performed,to build a museum at Nong Ratchawat archaeological site in Suphan Buri. Department deputy director-general Khemachat Thepachai said the department had earlier sent a letter to the Office of His Majesty's Principal Private Secretary to ask for permission to do so,and the office later allowed the department to take those parts.They included the steel structure of Songtham Pavilion and bricks to build the site museum that covers seven-rai area at Nong Ratchawat archaeological site where antiques and skeletons aged 4,000 years old have been found. “The steel structure is being removed and is about to be finished.We have already informed Nong Ratchawat Tambon Administrative Organisation that we are going to move the structure to the archaeological site this month,”said Khemachat. Architects from the Office of Archaeology will be responsible for designing the site museum that will cover the excavation site on a seven-rai area. Wisit Wattanacheewanopakorn,the administration’s chief said there were only canvas tents used to protect the site from rain and sunlight. He would inform the province’s governor about the given structure and other parts to help build the museum.

Editor: Tulsathit Taptim / Managing Editor: Thanong Khanthong / Deputy Managing Editors: Kumar Krishnan, Jintana Panyaarvudh / Design Editor: Leroy A Sylk Web Co-editors: Marisa Chimprabha, Paisal Chuenprasaeng / The City Editor: Chularat Saengpassa / The Fun Editor: Veena Thoopkrajae / Sport Editor: Preechachan Wiriyanupappong / Group Editor in Chief: Suthichai Yoon

>>DAILY XPRESS is edited by Tulsathit Taptim and published by NMG News Co Ltd, at 1854, Bang Na-Trat Road, Bangkok 10260, and printed by FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING,PLEASE CALL (02) 338 3000 # 1 WPS (Thailand) Co Ltd, Tel (02) 338 3000, Fax (02) 338 3334. EDITORIAL: Tel (02) 338 3333. ON THE WEB: DAILYXPRESS.NET >>DAILY XPRESS is a supplement to subscriber copies of THE NATION with bonus distribution in selected areas of Bangkok and its environs every Monday to Saturday. The Sunday edition of DAILY XPRESS incorporates THE NATION. Subscription rates: one year Bt4,900 within regular delivery areas; please contact Customer Service on (02) 338 3000. For bulk copy subscription rates please call (02) 338 3532.

Monday, February 2, 2009





Employment situation worries aspirants amid economic gloom Wannapa Phetdee D A I LY X P R E S S


mid high expenditure and lower income in these tough economic times, working-age people are trying hard to find suitable jobs. “I’ve tried to find a job in Bangkok for six or seven months after I moved from Narathiwat province to live with my husband here in Bangkok,” said Nittaya Da-o, a 32-year-old housewife. Nittaya was among over 3,000 of people heading to the Labour Ministry, where a job fair was held on January 24, to look for a job. She has submitted her application to several companies, but none of them has contacted her so far. “I’m very serious [about finding a job] now because only my husband earns and it pays for our family expenditure. It’s quite hard for him. The money situation is so tight. I want to help ease my husband’s burden, but it is so hard to find a job,” she said despairingly. Nittaya said she wanted the ministry to invite more employers to join the fair. P a t s a p o n g Chawengkulpiwat, 28, who has an independent career, also pounded the streets at the job fair after his current e-commerce business of selling second-hand cars ate into his capital due to the economic downturn.



Kunwadee Todam

A woman notes down vacancies from a board placed in the Labour Ministry’s job fair. He had applied for jobs in four companies on the Internet before he went to the job fair to knock the Nittaya doors of two other companies. Besides finding a new job, Patsapong has many plans to earn money. “I’m not sure Patsapong if I will get a job. If I can’t makemy career with any company, I plan to join a garage mechanic or air-conditioner technician training school as I will probably open a used-car

shop or become an air-conditioner technician,” he said. He added that if he can sell his used car, which is the main cause of capital loss, he will use the amount of money to invest in opening a mini-mart or a shop. Somporn Chaiyapan, 31, a photocopy shop employee was also among people trying to find a stable job with good benefits to take care of her child. “I’ve sent my application to seven or eight companies and am still waiting to hear from them. As my child grows up, I’ll need more money. I have to seek a better job,” Somporn said. She went to the fair not only to apply for a trainee manager

but also to get information about franchises. Kunwadee Todam, a 22year-old senior student Somporn and also a trainee who is about to get her bachelor’s degree, said she had decided to apply for a job before her grad- Kunwadee uation as the current high unemployment makes her worried. “I have to tap as many opportunities as I can to get a job. I update myself on new vacan-

cies on the Internet every day. However, I’m worried about my lack of experience,” Kunwadee said. She said private enterprises should meet university students to offer them a chance to work and recommend universities whose qualifications they need. The ministry will hold the job fair every Saturday until March 28. It kicked off on January 17. Staff at the fair warned participants to beware of other companies infiltrating the fair though the ministry had not invited them. They said they did not want participants to apply with such companies, as they are afraid that participants may be deceived. They urged people to register only with the staff at the fair directly. More than 7,500 people joined the fair held for two weeks, 2,984 of them have registered with the ministry to apply for jobs, whereas 384 were expected to get a job right after they were interviewed the same day.



Monday, February 2, 2009



1,637M Depth of world’s deepest fresh water lake, Baikal, in southern Siberia

Alaska Volcano Observatory shows the Redoubt Volcano on Friday, near Anchorage, Alaska. Scientists with the observatory flew close to Drift Glacier and saw vigorous steaming emitted from a football-size area on the north side of the mountain. By Saturday, they had confirmed the area was a fumarole, an opening in the earth that emits gases and steam, and that it had doubled overnight.


PROPHETS OF DOOM Thought things were bad? Well, US survivalists believe it’ll be much worse A F P , New York


ick of worrying about the future? Then spare a thought for Jim Rawles. Rawles, 48, is one of a growing number of “survivalists” – Americans hunkering down for what they predict will be a nightmare of economic failure, mass terrorism, pandemics and social chaos. “The movement’s definitely growing,” Rawles, manager of the site survivalblog.com, said by telephone from what he described as a survival-ready ranch “somewhere west of the Rocky Mountains”. Survivalists have a long history in the United States. But

what used to be the preserve of anti-establishment loners, cultists and gun nuts has gone mainstream. Government agencies are encouraging citizens to prepare evacuation plans and food supplies in case of myriad disasters. Firearms, gold pieces, and long-storage food are reportedly flying off the shelves, and the Internet is flooded with sites like survivalblog.com, where the like-minded exchange tips on everything from marksmanship to cheese making. “We’re seeing three times the number of readers we had just nine months ago,” Rawles said. “The cross section of the

readership is changing too. Before, most of my readership was conservative Christians. We’re seeing a lot more left of centre.” Experts say sparks for this phenomenon include the 9/11 attacks of 2001, government incompetence during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and now recession – people are more afraid and less trusting in government. The more radical survivalists are getting ready for what they call EOTWAA, the End-OfT h e -Wo r l d -A r m a g e d d o n Apocalypse, or the niftier SHTF, as in Shit Hits The Fan. Some literally expect the world to end. They have a date: December 21, 2012, which is based on the expiry of an ancient Mayan calendar and predictions of rare astronomical

activity. Others are readying for economic and social breakdown, the kind of anarchic existence depicted in the “Mad Max” films, or, more recently, in Cormac McCarthy’s poetic, terrifying novel “The Road.” A survivalist who agreed to answer e-mailed questions, but gave only his first name – Jon – said he has a farm and is moving into “a bigger, stronger, castle-type structure... in the immediate near future”. The survivalist, who said he is currently with the US military in Iraq, is stocking “arms, ammo, food, livestock, equipment, etc. “SHTF could be a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, something which again would cause panic and rioting, lawlessness, and thus, put my family at risk.”

China faults pollution for rising birth defects Every 30 seconds a baby is born with physical defects in China, partly due to the country’s deteriorating environment, media said, citing a family planning official. The figure, reported by the China Daily in its weekend edition, adds up to almost 1.1 million in a year, or about seven per cent of all births in the world’s most populous nation. “The number of newborns with birth defects is constantly increasing in both urban and rural areas,” said Jiang Fan, vice-minister of the National Population and Family Planning Commission. Hu Yali, a professor, said research suggested 10 per cent of birth defects were caused by environmental pollution. AFP

Monday, February 2, 2009

Japanese whalers ‘on the run’ A F P , Sydney

Japan’s whaling fleet is once more on the run in Antarctic waters after being tracked down by ship-borne environmental activists, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society said yesterday. The group’s ship the “Steve Irwin” found the whalers after searching through fog and rough weather for nearly a week after a break to refuel in the southern Australian port of Hobart, captain Paul Watson said. “We are seven miles from the fleet and approaching. We see the Nisshin Maru and two harpoon vessels the Yushin Maru 1 and the Yushin Maru 2,” Watson said on the group’s website. “The Steve Irwin is now in close pursuit of the Japanese whaling fleet.” This is the fifth year Sea Shepherd activists have trailed the whalers and attempted to impede their hunt.






lumdog Millionaire” continued its rags-to-riches march through Hollywood’s awards season as its film-maker, Danny Boyle, won the top honour on Saturday from the Directors Guild of America. The win puts Boyle on the inside track for the same prize at the Academy Awards on February 22, since the guild recipient almost always goes on to win the directing Oscar. While “Slumdog Millionaire” started as an underdog that nearly went straight to DVD, it has emerged as a potential Oscar favourite. Audiences have embraced Boyle’s tale of a poor boy rising to fame and fortune from the streets of Mumbai, and the film triumphed at the Golden Globes and Producers Guild of America Awards, while taking the prize for best ensemble cast

Danny Boyle poses with the award for ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ at the Directors Guild of America Awards on Saturday. from the Screen Actors Guild. Ari Folman’s “Waltz With Bashir” won the documentary award. The film, nominated for best foreign-language film at

the Academy Awards, is an animated study of a soldier struggling to recall suppressed memories of his involvement in the war with Lebanon.

1.8m years old tools found in Malaysia Malaysian archaeologists have announced the discovery of stone tools they believe are more than 1.8 million years old and the earliest evidence of human ancestors in Southeast Asia. The stone hand-axes were discovered last year in the historical site of Lenggong in northern Perak state, embedded in a type of rock formed by meteorites which was sent to a Japanese lab to be dated. “We received news from Japan two weeks ago which said it is 1.83 million years old, so this find shows the existence of human beings there 1.83 million years ago,” archaeology team leader Mokhtar Saidin said. “This is the earliest evidence of Paleolithic culture in the Southeast Asian region,” said Mokhtar from Malaysia’s University of Science, who said he believed the hand-axes were used by homo erectus. AFP


Monday, February 2, 2009



JET LI, ON HIS ONE FOUNDATION AT THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM IN DAVOS, SWITZERLAND. “I am not here to ask you for your money. I am here for your hearts. Even if the economy is down, you still have one yuan a month.”


CUPID ON A DATE Short of doing something daft like tying a ribbon around you and your sweetheart, there are great ways to match up for Valentine’s By Lisnaree Vichitsorasatra D A I LY X P R E S S



ouples who make sure their clothes complement each other will not be found bickering on Valentine’s Day, top Thai Daily designers promise Xpress. Disaya Sorakraikitikul, she of the label Disaya, says you and your sweetie ought to synchronise patterns and colours – not too much of any one colour, though. Brown goes great with orange and cream tones, she points out, but if one of you is insisting on red for Valentine’s Day it could be trouble: It’s usually “too strong”. Disaya likes to match her accessories to those of her husband Danai, like the same leather-strap key ring or the same chain necklace. It makes couples look cute without going overboard. Saruda Nimpipakpong of Kunitar says men have it easiest when it comes to couple coordination.

Fluke and Pang, above, coordi-

nate in red. Better is a peach gown worn by Eva Longoria Parker, below left, complemented by her husband Tony’s pastel tie.



Black and white

Prem Busarakamwong matches the models in light pink.

“They can stick with a white shirt and a black blazer,” she says, and that will go with any of her dresses, no matter what colour she picks. To boost the intimacy quotient, though, she suggests the bloke wearing a pink bow tie and his lady a pink dress. Saksit Pisalsupongs of Tube Gallery likes playing with patterns.

“The guy could wear a striped red-and-white shirt and the girl could wear a skirt with the same pattern,” he says, or perhaps a red necktie to go with the lady’s red hat. Should lovers be doing this every day of the year? Nope, says Saksit. “Your style is a reflection of who you are, so if you’re together you must like each other’s taste already.”


Angelina Jolie goes for

lighter grey, Brad Pitt a little darker. M AT I N G R I T U A L S >> Don’t go overboard with one colour. Guys should cover their red shirt with a black or brown jacket if their girl is in a red dress. >> Contrasting isn’t cute: Pink and blue may match, but you’ll look like candies. >> Don’t wear matching teddy-bear T-shirts. That’s just silly.

Monday, February 2, 2009





MILLION was paid for a collection of original illustrations of Winniethe-Pooh by EH Shepard at an auction in London.

Volks’ cabinets and retro designs brighten the home. > Page 8





Historical images and memorabilia from the past 75 years of British Airways were recently displayed at the British Ambassador’s residence in Bangkok. Among the photos was this one from December 18, 1933, of BA’s first flight to Thailand. The Armstrong Whitworth AW 15 Atlanta, operated by Imperial Airways, flew from London Croydon, with 18 stopovers. It landed in Bangkok after eight days before concluding its journey in Singapore. Also featured were a collection of vintage crew uniforms from the British Airways Museum in London, brought to Bangkok for the first time.

Lip-smacking Sri Lanka PUBILIS, the celebrity head chef from Colombo’s Mount Lavinia Hotel, is coming to Bangkok to give gourmands a taste of what Sri Lankan cuisine has to offer. He’ll be at the Dusit Thani from Wednesday to Saturday, cooking up a feast for “The Taste of Sri Lanka” food festival at the Pavilion Restaurant. The lunch buffet is Bt860 per person and dinner is Bt1,090.

Ekachai in love in Singapore DIRECTOR Ekachai Uekrongtham claimed No 1 spot at the Singapore box office during last week’s three-day Chinese New Year holiday with his romantic comedy “The Wedding Game”. Co-written by Ekachai, whose credits include “Beautiful Boxer”, “Pleasure Factory” and “The Coffin”, the Mandarin film, his first comedy, outgrossed the Hollywood fantasy “Inkheart” and the Hong Kong comedy “All’s Well Ends Well 2009”. “The Wedding Game” stars Singaporean real-life celebrity couple Fann Wong and Christopher Lee, who will also be getting married off screen later this year. Singapore’s Channel NewsAsia describes the movie as “funny but with heart”. adding that it “it isn’t all about the laughs, beneath it all lays a heart-warming story”.


Best of Bangkok ‘BK’ shares the capital’s favourite tastes in the magazine’s seventh annual readers’ choice awards D A I LY X P R E S S


ong Table, Bed Supperclub and Q Bar are the favourite places to eat for the readers of BK magazine, according to its seventh annual readers’ choice awards. And Abhisit Vejjajiva’s their most popular politician of 2008. New winners in the poll this year include Kinokuniya as favourite bookstore, CentralWorld as top mall and 70s Bar as the best gay hangout. Long Table on Sukhumvit Soi 16 was voted best new restaurant – but also most overrated restaurant. BK, a free weekly, asked its readers – whom it calls the city’s most active, affluent and well-educated young professionals – who they like, love and hate and where they shop and eat. The survey consisted of 90 questions on restaurants,


A failure at multitasking Don’t be surprised if you

can’t find the Nattarika shop at the Crystal mall anymore, or any sign of its owner, Nattarika Nattarika “Namphueng” Thamapreedanan. And no, it’s not another casualty of the dud economy. On the contrary, it signals a boom in the life of its owner. Too busy with her acting career, Nattarika recently sold her share to her partner and best friend, and the store’s now called Gypsy. She’s completedly abandoned her retail dreams. Though she planned to open a furniture store in a new mall opposite the current one, she is now looking for a buyer for that space as well.

Really milking it Scarlett Johansson has

>> Live music: Saxophone

joined the list of people stretching back into prehistory who wonder why men have nipJohansson ples. “What is their function?” asks the star of “He’s Just Not that Into You”. “I thought we decided that men are just big, hairy apes!”

>> Happy hour: Coyote on Convent

He’s clever too

THUMBS-UP >> Sunday brunch: Four Seasons >> Outdoor dining: Vertigo >> Italian food: Zanotti >> Buffet: Oishi Grand >> Drinking: Q Bar >> Chilling: Nest

>> Spa: Health Land >> Resort: Let’s Sea >> Respondents qualified for prizes. The winners are named in the current issue. See www.BKMagazine.com.

bars, spas, resorts, electronic goods, politics, festivals, neighbourhoods and public services.

Our own hairless ape, Abhisit Vejjajiva, is going to share his smarts next Sunday. He’ll speak at a British Council seminar on “Education for Future Global Citizens and Leaders”. Catch the articulate prime minister at 1.30pm.

Contact Soopsip at veenxpress@gmail.com.



Monday, February 2, 2009




Hue gotta love it Brighten up your home with some sexy steel furniture

By Sirinia D A I LY X P R E S S


f you’re bored with mass designed MDF (mediumdensity fibreboard) furniture, why not opt for vibrant, colourful steel? Created by Woraseth

Jensiriwanich in 2000, Volks offers steel cabinets, lockers and bookshelves along with plastic stools and ceramic lamps in bright red, yellow, blue and white. You can buy them as a set or mix and match the colours and func-

A selection of the steel furniture in everything from rich reds to warm oranges, plus classic black and white.

tions as the fancy grabs you. Woraseth’s customers vary from design-oriented newlyweds willing to pay for quality and uniqueness to 50-somethings who miss the pop art of their youth. If the colourful collections are just too bright, you can opt for cooler tones like classic black and white, sexy red and white, or attractive yellow and white, depending on the room and the style. The functional furniture appeals to Woraseth, who’s a fan of all things from the 1960s and 1970s. He collects vinyl records and wanted somewhere practical to store them, so designed a steel cabinet with glass doors. That same cabinet has since been turned into storage for a customer’s collection of Blythe dolls, another client’s cameras and a friend’s figurines. Earlier pieces of furniture were made low to fit easily into the low-ceiling houses of Japanese customers. For Thai clients, cabinets are slim, tall and easy to lift, making cleaning a breeze. And while steel may seem a

This colourful set offers plenty of ideas for adding life to your own cosy corner.

strange choice for a tropical and humid country like Thailand, Woraseth guarantees there’ll be no problems, provided the furniture is not in direct contact with water. His own steel furniture is almost 10 years old and still as good as new. His only warning is to avoid scratches, as rust appears as a result of oxidation. A new coat of paint won’t cure it either, though lacquer or a sticker may help prevent possible oxidation.

Woraseth Jensiriwanich sits among his steel designs in the corner of his Soi Pradipat 13 showroom that he’s turned into a living area.

XTRA MOVE RIGHT IN >> Volks is at 40/12+1 Pradipat Soi 13. >> Call (081) 808 9875.

Monday, February 2, 2009



WHAT’S UP see it! Meet the turtles From Wednesday, youngsters can

learn all about the turtle’s life cycle with a new educational showcase being organised by the JW Marriott Phuket Resort and Spa and the Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation. “Turtle Corner” offers 30 minutes of activities to teach kids about the lives of these creatures and the role they can play in helping them not to become extinct. Visit www.JWMarriott Phuket.com/MaiKhaoTurtle Foundation.

A little love song Popular ’80s band Pink Panther returns to the stage on February 14 for “Pink Panther... Pleng Rak Kham Wela” at the Thailand Cultural Centre. Led by singer Wichai Punyayan, the band will be joined by Setha Sirchaya, Charas Fuanga-rom and Suchart Chawangkoon in a nostalgic set that includes rearrangements of old hits, as well as a feast of love songs. The show starts at 3. Tickets are Bt500 to Bt2,000 (including a CD) are at Thaiticketmajor.

Big screen shuffle Until Febru ary 10, catc h a mo two ti

ckets an vie at M counts on a d you’ll receive a coup ajor Cineplex, EGV, Pa ragon Cinep dmission to on for the lu lex or Espla ka ck more by vis na iting www.M raoke and bowling, iP y draw. Among the g oodies to b de and you could win od Shuffles, ajorCinep e won are H prizes. Buy lex.com. California W one ow membe rship and a ymoon Seats, disFord Escap e. Find out

Strawber ry fair All this mo n

th Princess Ho , the Pathumwan tel’s Studio Bar offers a selection o f st aromatic fr rawberry cocktails. Th uit e liqueurs an is blended with swee t d spirits, m aking the d refreshing ye rinks t are also ava strong. Virgin cocktails ilable for n on-alcohol drinkers. Th eb 11am to 1am ar is open daily from . Call (0

2) 216 370 extension 0 20133 or v isit www.PPri ncess.com .

Sculpted from silk Polish sculptor Xawery Wolski has recent works on view in “Into an Empty Sky” at the Jim Thompson Art Centre until April 5. As well as pieces created in Mexico and New York, Wolski will debut new sculptures made in Thailand using Jim Thompson silk. The centre is on Soi Kasemsan 2, opposite the National Stadium on Rama I Road. It’s open daily from 9 to 5. Call (02) 216 7368 or visit www.JimThompsonHouse. com.

Chinese style The Chinese New Year celebrations continue through next Monday at CentralWorld with shows from seven Chinese regions. A 200strong cast performs music, masked shows, martial arts, and acrobatics. Admission is free. Call (02) 255 9500 or visit www.CentralSWorld.co.th.

Romantic retreat

Entice your loved one w ith a specia course mea l th l by the bea ch at Hua H reeMarriott Re in sort and Sp a. F get roasted capsicum so or Bt1,700++ you’ll up, Canadia thermidor, cre n lobster champagn me brulee for dessert e, plus a co a nd mplimenta quet. Dinne ry rose bou r is served o n romantic se a private b e tting, perfe ct for popp ach in a question. R ing the eservations are a must (032) 511 . Call 881 or e-m

ail concierge _hmrs@m inornet.co m.

Loving spoonfuls On February 14, Bangkok Marriott Resort and Spa celebrates Valentine’s Day with a set menu priced at Bt4,999++ per couple at Trader’s Vic as well as a delicious dinner at the newly opened Italian restaurant Brio for Bt3,999++ per couple. For those who’d prefer to fete their feelings on the river, Manohra Cruises offers a Thai set menu for Bt5,999++ per couple to be enjoyed as the converted rice barge sails sedately along the Chao Phya. Call (02) 476 0022.



Monday, February 2, 2009


Tiny, perfect memory keeper You don’t have to worry about memory with the Sony DSC-T700 Cyber-shot digital camera. It comes with four gigabytes of internal memory, which lets you capture up to 950 high-resolution pictures. At 95x58.4x16.4mm and 135 grams, it fits into your shirt pocket. The camera has 10.1-megapixel resolution and 3.5-inch touch screen LCD.

buy it!

The suggested retail price is Bt13,990, and that includes a leather case and 1GB Memory Stick PRO Duo Media.

There are things we can’t do without, and some of them are here.


love scope BY EUGENIA LAST

February 2 to 7, 2009

ARIES March 21-April 19

You will be fickle as well as attract flirts but the fun you have in the process will be worth it. Your confidence will grow and you will begin to attract a higher calibre of partner who will enhance your life and complement your lifestyle. TAURUS April 20-May 20

You are far better off enjoying the moment and finding out what makes you tick than wasting time trying to please someone who isn’t going to budge or make your life any easier. Sometimes it's best to move on in order to move up.

So go ahead and take your pick!

GEMINI May 21-June 20

You’ll be emotionally high, looking for love and open to suggestions. Take the lead and instigate any meeting that you want to have with someone you are attracted to. You have nothing to lose and a lifetime of happiness to gain. CANCER June 21-July 22

Word up for the whirlybird Japanese firm Taiyo will have a voicecontrolled helicopter on sale in late March for about Bt2,000. It

responds to five commands in either Japanese or English from the user, who wears a headset: “start engine”, “up”, “hold”, “down” and “stop”. The battery-charged toy, which also comes with a conventional remote control, is 18 centimetres long and can fly as far as 10 metres from the operator. – AFP

LEO July 23-Aug 22

You can do no wrong when it comes to love unless, of course, you take advantage of your good fortune and you date too many of your suitors all at once. You must pick and choose if you want to find true love, not spread yourself around. VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22

Talk, interact and have fun but don’t put too much emphasis on being with one person or getting too serious. Time is on your side and you need to test the waters and find out what’s available before you settle for someone short of perfect. LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22

Love can be taken to new levels if you are open about your feelings and your intentions. An opportunity to share special moments with someone who complements you will lead to a commitment that will bring great joy and happiness. SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 21

You must be honest about what you need and want in a relationship before you give your heart to someone. Ulterior motives may be involved and deception is apparent, especially if you are indulgent, are trying to fill a void or are lonely.

Sony keeps on walkin’

This phone sings

The Sony Walkman never died – it just laughs at cassettes these days. Here’s the NWZ-X1000, with an MP3 player, a cord-free, wearable design, and a threeinch Organic Light Emitting Diode touch-screen. It loves Wi-Fi and YouTube and has its own Web browser.

The Samsung M3510 is a phone for music lovers. It’s equipped with motion sensor that helps in controlling the music playing. It uses a Digital Natural Sound engine – DNSe technology – to provide more natural sound quality. The M3510 is equipped with a two-megapixel camera and 30 megabytes internal memory, which can be expanded with a microSD card. It’s

Decide between 16GB or 32GB of storage, and then stand by for the price, because it’s not in the shops yet.

You’ll be your own worst enemy when it comes to love. If you let jealousy or possessiveness rule your world, you will push away the very person you are trying to get closer to. You have to be mysterious and aloof to turn the tables.

109x46x9.9mm and weighs 68 grams. Expect to pay around Bt6,250.


Personal life goals will come into play with the reminder of someone you once cared for. It's up to you to make the first move. Waiting for him or her to come to you will be a waste of time. If an apology is required, make one. CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 19

Don’t let passion and chemistry fool you into thinking you've found your perfect match. You have to be more in tune with your goals in order to choose the person best suited to share your life with. Consider the pros and cons. AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18

Open your eyes and invite someone into your life and your home who makes you happy. It's a matter of letting your true feelings be known and the rest will be history. Love is in the stars and the right person is sitting on your doorstep. PISCES Feb 19-March 20

Don’t try so hard. You are who you are and trying to be what someone else wants you to be should tell you that you are trying to be with the wrong person. Don’t get involved out of fear of loneliness. Love is just around the corner.

Monday, February 2, 2009



TO SEE on dvd REGION 1

Red Cliff 2

Step Brothers Following the success of “Talladega Nights”, Will Ferrell and John C Reilly team up again as two slackers who end up living in the same house as step-brothers after their parents remarry. Critic Stephen Hunter says that despite its flimsy plot and a reliance on producer Judd Aptow’s comedy trademarks – an overuse of profanity – the movie “works in spades”. Extras include extended and alternate scenes, a music video and a gag reel. – WASHINGTON POST

on tv

In the secon d in “Three Kingd stalment of John Woo’s oms”, armie s led by stra epic based on Leung Chiu tegists Zhou Wai) and Zh Yu (Tony u ge vastly outnu mbered by th Liang (Takeshi Kanesh iro) are e forces of w (Zhang Fen gyi). In Man arlord Cao C darin with a o tles at som En e cinemas.


glish and T hai subti-

The Baader Meinhof Complex

sharks, herding dolphins and diving gannets in an epic underwater struggle for survival. At

Radicals fight a violent war against American imperialism in 1970s West Germany. In

Krungsri IMAX.

German with English and Thai subtitles at House. ★★★

Before Valentine Four couples try and sort out their feelings in the weeks leading up to Valentine's Day. With English subtitles at some cinemas.

Wild Ocean This 3-D documentary captures breaching whales, frenzied

High School Musical 3: Senior Year Basketball team captain Troy (Zac Efron) and brainy beauty Gabriella (Vanessa Anne Hudgens) face the prospect of being separated as they head off to college. ★★★

Defiance Three Polish-Jewish brothers (Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber and Jamie Bell) join the resistance against the Nazis. ★★★


hter -year-old daug aser) and his 12 Fr n an he nd w re e lif (B rt to s Mo Folcha from book rs te ac ar ch g ar in br k figure rives, (Eliza Bennett) time a storyboo ch ea t of Bu . ud lo into the pages they read out orld disappears w al re e th m someone fro fantasy. ★★★


Tokyo Sonata

Poppy, a 30-year-old Londoner (Golden Globe-winner Sally Hawkins), has an irrepressibly bright outlook on life. At the

A family falls into further dysfuntion after the father loses his job and attempts to keep it a secret from his wife. With Thai

Siam and House. ★★★★

and English subtitles at House. ★★★★

Yes Man Jim Carrey stars as a negative guy whose boring life is turned around after he meets a selfhelp guru. ★★★

Kitaro 2 The half-human, half-demon Kitaro investigates the disappearances of villagers. In Japanese with English and Thai subtitles at the Lido.

Snakes and Earrings A young woman embarks on a self-destructive path of tattoos and body modification. In Japanese with English and Thai subtitles at House.

Hode Nha Hiaw An ex-con gangster has revenge on his mind. With English subtitles at some cinemas.

Apex Lido: (02) 252 6498 Siam: (02) 251 3508 Scala: (02) 251 2861

Century – The Movie Plaza (02) 247 9940

A-tit Ching Duang

House (02) 641 5913-4

Lost daughter Rangrong turns to the rich family to claim her property and avenge her dead mother. Stars Piyada Arkaraseranee Nat Thephatsadin and Sinjai Plengpanich.

Major Cineplex/EGV Bangkok: (02) 515 5555

Major Hollywood Bangkok: (02) 718 7999

Channel 5, 8.30pm

Paragon Cineplex Bangkok: (02) 129 4635 IMAX: (02) 129 4631

Channel links www.NationChannel.com Channel 3 – www.ThaiTV3.com Channel 5 – www.TV5.co.th Channel 7 – www.CH7.com Modernine – www.MCOT.net NBT – TV11.prd.go.th Thai PBS – www.ThaiPBS.or.th True – www.TrueVisionsTV.com

SF Cinemas

Tarchon A recently released convict (Preeti “Bank” Barameeanan) finds that his twin brother has been badly injured in an violent underground basketball game, so he joins the Fireball team to unearth the truth. Boxer 9 Million Sam also stars. With English subtitles in some cinemas. ★★★

Bangkok: (02) 268 8888 Phuket: (076) 209 000

Vista Chiang Mai: (053) 894 415


Close to Home By John McPherson


Pooch Cafe

The Buckets


Calvin and Hobbes

By Brian Basset

By Paul Gilligan

By Scott Stantis

By Bryan Basset

By Bill Watterson

Monday, February 2, 2009


Red and Rover


Monday, February 2, 2009



Games&YourStars SUDOKU

The last word in


Saturday’s Puzzle Answer

By Eugenia Last

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

Today’s Birthday: Don’t take life so seriously and things will flow better for you this year. There will be support and help from those who care about you and want to see you do well. Relax and refuse to get wrapped up in the melodrama. Bide your time, listen to good advice and work on the relationships that are worth keeping. ARIES *** March 21-April 19 You will be taken advantage of if you do too much for others. Listen but do not meddle. Your best efforts will come from working for your own benefit, taking care of unfinished projects. TAURUS *** April 20-May 20 Don’t give your true feelings away with your reactions. You can expect someone to try to take credit for something you did. Don’t get angry but do set the record straight.


GEMINI *** May 21-June 20 Someone will go behind your back if he or she thinks it will give them an edge. There is money to be made but learning a new skill may be required. Someone you least expect will help you. CANCER **** June 21-July 22 Use your ingenuity and you will come up with some good ideas for budgeting or bringing in more money. Making alterations or sizing down can help ease financial stress. LEO ** July 23-Aug. 22 Don’t be fooled by what someone is telling you, especially if it has to do with finances or legal issues. You have to question everything and everyone if you intend to get what you want. VIRGO ***** Aug. 23-Sept. 22 You need a vacation. The experience will lead you in a whole new direction - one of exhilaration and prosperity for your future. Love is in the stars and commitment is within your reach.


LIBRA *** Sept. 23-Oct. 22 It’s experience coupled with your ability to socialise that will get you where you want to go. Networking will pay off but don’t let it cost you too much. An idea you have will be well received. SCORPIO *** Oct. 23-Nov. 21 You’ll be tempted by someone who isn’t telling you the whole truth. Back up and rethink your priorities. You cannot give money to someone else when you have your own projects to pay for. SAGITTARIUS *** Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Additional responsibilities will be a lot to handle but are essential to your own wellbeing and future. Someone questioning your loyalty may be guilty of exactly what he or she is accusing you of doing. Shakira

Actress Elaine Stritch is 84. Actor Robert Mandan is 77. Comedian Tom Smothers is 72. Singer Graham Nash is 67. Actor Bo Hopkins is 67. Actress Farrah Fawcett is 62. Model Christie Brinkley is 55. Actor Michael Talbott is 54. Bassist Robert DeLeo of Stone Temple Pilots is 43. Actress Jennifer Westfeldt is 39. Drummer Ben Mize of Counting Crows is 38. Actress Marissa Jaret Winokur is 36. Singer Shakira is 32.

CAPRICORN ***** Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Consider what you can do to increase the value of your home or lower your overhead. There is money to be made if you are calculating and quick to make a move. Deal with emotional issues. AQUARIUS ** Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Don’t jump to conclusions or make a hasty decision. Be sure before you make a move that will alter your lifestyle or confine you in any way. Rely on past experience to make the right decisions. PISCES **** Feb. 19-March 20 You may be swindled if you let your emotions get involved in a moneymaking decision. Research a job or company change that will affect your position. Uncertainty will cause grief.


The Road to Success with OCEAN The Ocean Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

is now anticipating rapid growth and would like to expand our business. We are embarking on an exciting new journey of transformation, innovation and unprecedented challenges. If you share our quest for excellence and are a results-oriented individual who thrives in an environment of productive energy and rapid change, then we invite you to take this journey with us. Go with a Winner, Modern Life Planner, Develop & Save Thai Socialization Sustainable Development. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package.

Management Trainee

20 Positions

Responsibilities: Management Trainees as a fast-track career development for high-achieving graduates. Our Programme is designed to show you how the insurance business works. We provide you with a chance to gain the technical skills and experience you need to develop a fast-track insurance career leading to senior management. You will be involved in various projects and assignments which will provide you with real work experience in key business areas such as Actuarial, Product Development, Operation & Services, Sales & Client Services and Underwriting, among others. Each project or assignment is determined first and foremost by the demands of the business, but we will also take your development needs into account. After finishing the program, you will have an opportunity to select and request for a placement in a position that best suits your competency skills and interests. Qualifications: ● Male or Female, not over 30 years old ● Master's Degree in Finance, Economics, Accounting, Marketing, Business Administration or related fields from recognized university with GPA above 3.33 and Bachelor's Degree with GPA above 3.00 ● Good analytical ability and problem solving skills, creative thinking skill ● Excellent interpersonal skill, and a team player ● Proficiency in spoken and written English (an additional Japanese language will be a definite advantage) ● Good computer and presentation skills

Risk Management Officer

1 Position

Responsibilities: Responsible to evaluate, coordinate the monitoring of and providing advice and recommendations to Risk Management Committee (RMC). Develop Quantitative credit risk models study. Develop, and implement risk management tools. Research and apply risk methodologies and approaches. Identify appropriate internal and external data sources, and gather information to support risk analysis. Qualifications: ● Preferably with Master's degree in Finance, Economics or related fields ● At least 5 years experience in risk management, operations audit, internal audit, internal control, or compliance in a financial institution ● Good knowledge of economics, finance and risk management, especially credit and treasury ● Technical skills in financial operation and other business functions ● Planning and organizing skills, analytical skills ● Presentation skills, and interpersonal skills

Marketing Communication (Manager / Executive)

4 Positions

Responsibilities: ● Assist in developing marketing communication and promotion strategy for use in above the line and below the line communications in accordance with business policy and marketing plan ● Coordinate and work with advertising agency or outsource for managing corporate advertising campaign and implementation ● Coordinate with marketing line manager to support communication materials for marketing activities and campaigns ● Manage of marketing communication budget ● Represent company in building up the corporate image ● Manage and control marketing communication program to a lign with each customer segmentation as planned, and in line with overall brand positioning of organization Qualifications: ● Bachelor's Degree or higher in Marketing, Business Administration or Communications is preferred ● At least 2 years experience in marketing communication within professional services environment or insurance business ● Strong leadership and consensus building skills, marketing management and strategic planning experience, a proven track record in development and administering a marketing communication program ● Must be a self-starter, highly organized and able to work well with others at all levels in the organization ● Excellent communication, presentation, interpersonal and facilitation skills ● Good command of spoken and written English ● Able to travel upcountry periodically

Executive Assistant

1 Position

Responsibilities: ● Day-to-day office management practice to support President i.e. scheduling appointments, receiving messages, greeting visitors, liaison with drivers, etc. ● Documents preparation to assist President in preparing presentations & reports ● Administrative support for President e.g. travel arrangement, hotel reservation, expense re-imbursement, etc. ● Meeting & conference arrangements and other necessary preparations ● Collaboration with internal & external contacts ● Management of document filing system ● Meeting & hospitality coordination for overseas visitors

Qualifications: ● Female, age not over 30 years old ● Master's degree in Business Administration or other related fields ● Proficiency in spoken and written English (an additional Japanese language will be a definite advantage) ● Proficient computer literacy in Ms Office applications ● Good personality , interpersonal skills, co-ordination skills and excellent presentation skills ● High degree of self-confidence & maturity - ability to deal with Management ● Ability to relate well with people on all levels ● High level of organizational skills & attention to details ● Flexibility to cope with a wide range of duties & ability to work under pressure within a limited time frame ● Total confidentiality on all matters dealt with President ● Experience in the life insurance business will be an advantage

Assistant Manager President Office

1 Position

Qualifications: ● Female, age not over 35 years old ● Bachelor's degree in any field of studies ● Proficient computer literacy in Ms Office applications ● Good personality, interpersonal skills, coordination skills and excellent presentation skills ● Ability to relate well with people on all levels ● Ability to manage of document & filing system ● High level of organizational skills & attention to details ● Flexibility to cope with a wide range of duties & ability to work under pressure within a limited time frame ● Experience in the life insurance business will be an advantage

IT Audit Specialist

1 Position

Responsibilities: Working within the Co-operative Accounting Services audit function you will provide specialist IS audit services to a wide variety of business areas. As an expert in IS/IT risk management and control you will advise the business on good practice techniques and ensure excellent quality of work across the department. In addition to possessing extensive experience within IS/IT audit and IS strategy and security you will hold a recognized industry qualification. Benefits are excellent as are the opportunities for further training and personal development. The successful candidate will be required to carry out a variety of audit assignments, including setting up audit programs, making risk assessment, finding vulnerability, coordinating and following up according to audit plans, recommending areas for improvement Qualifications: ● Male or Female, age not over 30 years old, GPA. at least 2.75 ● Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Applied Statistics and Computer Engineering or related fields ● A minimum 3 years' experience in IT Audit, IT general control, system design & development or Network security ● Excellent in English communication skills (both spoken and written English) ● Proficient computer literacy involving MS Office applications, system design and Network ● Abilities of internal audit approach initiation and risk assessment of internal control will be a plus ● Good interpersonal skills, communication skills, consulting skill, conceptual and analytical skills

Worksite Agent

26 Positions

Qualifications: ● Female, age not over 25 years ● Bachelor's degree in any field of studies ● Possess pleasant personality ● Strong interpersonal skills and communication skills can work under pressure ● Must be self driven to meet and exceed sales target ● Highly competent in Sales, active, honest and looking for development opportunities ● Good talent and service mind ● Able to work out of working hours

HR Officer

1 Position

Qualifications: ● Male or Female, age 20-30 years, GPA. at least 2.75 ● Bachelor's or higher in Human Resource Management, Political Science, Business Administration, Industrial & Organization Psychology, or other related fields ● Proficient computer literacy in MS Office applications ● Good personality , interpersonal skills , innovative thinking, co-ordination skills and excellent presentation skills

Actuarial Officer

2 Positions

Responsibilities: Prepare actuarial related reports and documents. Identify and gather relevant information for product analysis, including company financial statements in support of pricing, reinsurance administration, experience study and complying. Qualifications: ● Master's degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science or related fields ● Age over 25 years old ● Good command of English and computer Skill-MS Office is preferable ● Good human relation, communication, quick ability to learn, cautious and work follow up

Credit Officer

2 Positions

Responsibilities: Perform credit control work to be accurate and meet the company objectives, company structure, government and statutory. Qualifications: ● Age not over 30 years old ● Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Financial, Marketing, Business Administration, Economics or related fields ● At least 1-2 years' experience, preferably in insurance industry (but not mandatory) ● Knowledge and experience in credit and financial analysis will be an advantage ● Good command of English and computer skill-MS Office is preferable ● Good personality, honest and diligence


5 Positions

Responsibilities: Perform for making sure that the company accepts only life insurance applicants whose actual mortality rates do not exceed the mortality rates assumed when the premium rates for a particular product were calculated. Prepare regular underwriting reports, and other jobs as assigned in order to achieve company goals. Qualifications: ● Age not over 30 years old ● Bachelor's degree in Insurance, Business Administration, Economics or related fields ● Good command of English and computer skill-MS Office is preferable ● Good personality, honesty and diligence ● Good communication, quick ability to learn, cautious and work follow up

Representative of Group Life Insurance 3 Positions Responsibilities: Perform and support in sales & marketing activities in responsible area or channel in order to achieve the quota in categories of product. Create confidence by after sale service. Qualifications: ● Age not over 30 years old ● Bachelor's degree in any fields of studies ● Highly competent in Sales, active, honest and looking for development opportunities ● Good interpersonal skills with an ability to collaborate with various organization partners ● Able to work upcountry (permanent or temporary) ● Good talent, service minded ● Able to work out of working hours

Bancassurance Officer

1 Position

Major Areas of Responsibilities: ● Responsible for Bancassurance such as developing and securing quality new business partners ● Market to and maintain relationship with intermediaries and independent agents by advising them on ways in which to build their consumer life insurance markets Qualifications: ● Male, age 25-35 years ● Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Marketing or related fields ● A minimum 2 years' experience in bancassurance ● Highly competent in Sales, active, honest and looking for development opportunities ● Good interpersonal skills, communication skills, consulting skill, passion to learn & share

IT Project Manager

1 Position

Major Areas of Responsibilities: Responsible for lead and to be part of the team member in IT Project Team to initiate and review business units to identify improvement opportunities & support the implementation of business improvement recommendations in order to enhance work efficiency for customers, agencies, and back office staff throughout the organization. Qualifications:● Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Computer Science or other related fields together with some IT Management ● At least 3-5 years of work experience in project management experience ● Excellent communication & interpersonal skills ● Excellent analytical skills with problem solving, decision making, planning and management skills ● Excellent knowledge in formulating corrective action plans ● Project planning & management expertise ● Excellent command of English ● Good PC literacy (including MS Project)

Network and System Administrator

1 Position

Major Areas of Responsibilities: ● Lead and manage all IT infrastructure of system, security and network team

Develop and implement an IT operating procedure, relevant operational flow and documents for the operations and maintenance of a 24x7 Data Center ● Set up and supervise the management of high availability IP-networking LAN, WAN and server systems such as MSWindows Server, AD, Exchange, AS/400 and/or UNIX ● Implement server/network monitoring system in the Network Operation Center ● Responsible for implementing security solutions and enforcing data center network security policies ● Perform design for collection of server and networking performance data such as system availability, system logs for the server and network capacity planning ● Establish system management criteria and policies ● Plan and manage the disaster recovery plan for the entire server and network systems ● Required standby after office hours and public holiday Qualifications:● At least 5-years hands-on experience in data center man agement ● Degree in Computer, Electrical, Electronics or Telecommunication Engineering, or Network-related fields ● Experience implementation and operations of WAN routing protocols ● Working knowledge in installing and maintaining hardware, software and network such as structured cabling, IP layer 3-switch, router, firewall, etc. and experience in UNIX services or MS-Windows Server, DNS, FTP, DHCP, Web Service, SMTP, POP, etc. ● Understand the principles of VPN, Remote computer on-line, LAN/WAN, TCP/IP,ISDN and any related functions ● In-depth experience in large-scale system and network security ● Skill in implementation and operation of backup/restore solutions, AS400, Unix-based systems, system load balancing, and internet content management, Strong customer service orientation ●


5 Positions

Major Areas of Responsibilities: Provide system support including application assistance, problem solving and training. Help to create and consistently promote programming standards and development procedures. Train end users or technical support staff to use programs. Qualifications: ● Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or other related fields. ● At least 1 year of work experience in programming ● Excellent communication & interpersonal skills ● Excellent analytical, problem solving and decision making skills

Hire Purchase Marketing officer 2 Positions Provide recommendations and services to customers in the area of new and used cars hire purchase. Build up and maintain the good relationship with dealers. Qualifications: ● Male, age not over 30 years old,Bachelor's degree in any field of studies ● At least 1 year of work experience in hire purchase business ● Excellent communication and coordination skills ● Able to work under pressure

Sales Manager, Senior Sales Executive 1, 4 Positions Assist in developing marketing strategy for use in above the line and below the line in accordance with business policy and marketing plan. Survey and sell real estate. Prepare and assist in developing sales tools and reports, and other jobs as assigned in order to achieve company goals. Qualifications: ● Bachelor's degree in any fields of studies,Highly competent in Sales, active, honest and looking for development opportunities ● Good interpersonal skills with an ability to collaborate with various organization partners ● Excellent analytical skills with problem solving, decision making, planning and management skills ● Able to work up-country (permanent or temporary) ● Good talent, service minded ● Able to work out of working hours, good PC literacy

We are looking for successful people, and if you are, don't miss this opportunity to call for an interview and we are sure that you can get some added value after meeting with us. Interested applicants are invited to apply in person or send application with full resume indicating qualifications and experience, transcript, expected salary and a recent photo to the address or e-mail address below:

Contact Name: Ms. Parichart Rattanasareechai Address: 170/74-83, Ocean Tower 1 BLDG., Rachadapisek Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok, 10110 Telephone: 02-261-2300 ext. 440 Fax: 02-204-0099 E-mail: hrm@ocean.co.th or hrservice@ocean.co.th

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π„®µ‘¥µàÕ: §ÿ≥ ÿ«√√≥“ ·ºπ°∫ÿ§§≈ ‚∑√ 0-2225-0088 µàÕ 113 ·ø°´å 0-2225-0066

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for Rent ¢“¬∑’Ë¥‘π‡°“– ¡ÿ¬ ¡Õ߇ÀÁπ∑–‡≈ House 4 B/R /w swimming pool next door. ∑—»π’¬¿“æ «¬ß“¡ ‡ÀÁπ∑–‡≈ ∑’Ë¥‘π‡™‘ß‡¢“ ¢π“¥ 8.2 ‰√à ¡’‚©π¥ ‰øøÑ“ ∂ππ “∏“√≥– ¢“¬√“§“摇»… !

‚∑√: 086-334-2853 ‡®â“¢Õߢ“¬‡Õß

245 Rojana Lane, opp. Rutnin Eye Hospital, Asoke Rd., Sukhumvit 21, adjoining NIST indoor stadium /w special walk path.

Rent fl 80,000/M (ONO) Pimpa 081-634-9995 Vivan 081-408-8888

Warehouse for Rent

Soi Chokechai Ruammitr 3 accessible ways: RatchadaLadprao-Viphavadee Rd. Area 2568 sq.m. Please contact

02-944-3840-43, 089-205-5899

TAT License No. 11/1822

π—ßË √∂‰ø‡∑’¬ Ë « «‘ 9 «—π §√∫∑ÿ°‡¡◊Õß «¬ ß°√“πµå 10-18 ‡¡.¬. EY 94,500 ™¡∑‘«∑—»πå «¬Ê ∑’Ë ‚≈´“π / ≈Ÿ°“‚πà /≈àÕ߇√◊Õ∑’Ë ≈Ÿ‡´‘√åπ/ Õ‘π‡∑Õ√å≈“‡°Áπ ¢÷π È ‡¢“®ÿ߇ø√“ ‡ âπ∑“ß “¬‚√·¡πµ‘° àŸ ‡´Õ√å·¡∑ ·≈– ´“‡øÉ —¡º— °“√‡¥‘π∑“ßÕ‘ √–§√∫∑ÿ°√Ÿª·∫∫ π—ßË √∂‰ø √∂√“ß °√–‡™â“ √∂ª√–®”∑“ß ≈àÕ߇√◊Õ πÿ° ‰¡à‡Àπ◊Õ Ë ¬ ‰¡àµÕ â ߬⓬∑’æ Ë ° — ∑ÿ°§◊π

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Monday, February 2, 2009



IT’S KILLING HIM Nadal floors tearful Federer to clinch Aust Open

India’s Sania Mirza, left, and Mahesh Bhupathi hold the trophy.

AFP, Melbourne

Indian pair gives tennis a boost

afael Nadal reduced Roger Federer to tears as he won a classic Australian Open final to secure his first hard-court Grand Slam title and stop the Swiss equalling the all-time Majors record yesterday. Nadal, the world number one, miraculously recovered from Friday’s five-hour semi-final to take the gripping five-setter 7-5 3-6 7-6 (7/3) 3-6 6-2 in four hours and 23 minutes. Federer was left speechless by the defeat and he broke down sobbing as he tried to address the crowd. “God, it’s killing me,” said the Swiss, who was consoled by Australian great Rod Laver, Federer’s hero. “Sorry for today,” Nadal told Federer. “I know how you’re feeling right now. It’s really tough. “But remember you are a great champion, you are one of the best in history and you’re going to improve the 14 of Sampras.” Federer remains on 13 Grand Slams, one behind Pete Sampras, and with an enduring mental block against Nadal who has now beaten him in their last three Grand Slam finals. Nadal moves to six Grand Slams, increasing his lead at the top of the rankings and earning a shot at sweeping the season’s majors. It was an incredible effort from the left-hander, 22, who played nearly 10 hours of tennis in three days to become the tournament’s first Spanish winner.




Rafael Nadal, right, consoles vanquished Roger Federer after the men’s singles final in Melbourne yesterday. Federer had looked back to his best in the quarters or semis but he sprayed errors in a nervous start and double-faulted on break point before handing over the first set. The Swiss continued to look uncomfortable in the second and he skied a forehand to go a break down, but then broke back and converted the fifth break point in a marathon eighth game. Nadal saved six break points in the third with some nerveless tennis and he played the perfect tie-break, intercepting a backhand pass with a superb volley to set up three set points. A switch in tactics brought immediate dividends as Federer


swept through the fourth set but he tightened up in a tense decider and went a break down in the fourth game.Federer

saved two championship points at 5-2 and there was drama when a fan called “out” during a rally, causing the Swiss to stop playing and set up a third. His complaints to the chair umpire were to no avail and Federer then drove a forehand long on the final point as Nadal collapsed to the floor in delight. The two were meeting for the first time since last year’s epic Wimbledon final, when Nadal ended Federer’s five-year hold on the trophy before deposing him as world number one. They have now contested seven Grand Slam finals with Nadal holding a 5-2 edge in the meetings and 13-6 overall.

Mahesh Bhupathi and Sania Mirza say their historic Australian Open mixed doubles success yesterday will give the sport a huge boost back home in cricket-obsessed India. Bhupathi and Mirza became the first Indian pair to win a Grand Slam mixed doubles title when they crushed Andy Ram of Israel and Frenchwoman Nathalie Dechy 6-3 6-1. It rounded off a successful tournament for India after 16-year-old Yuki Bhambri won the boys’ junior championship on Saturday, while Bhupathi also made the final of the men’s doubles alongside Mark Knowles of the Bahamas. “You know, it’s great, I don’t remember the last time when we had so many – I mean, he [Bhupathi] played the finals, we won today, Yuki won. It’s been a great two weeks,” Mirza said.“Let’s hope a lot more people play, and tennis grows. It’s been growing – it might take it to another level.” Bhupathi said the fact that Mirza, India’s most popular sportswoman, had won added to the impact.

McIlroy wobbles but wins Classic AFP, Dubai



Rory Mcilroy after making his putt yesterday.

eenage Irish prodigy Rory McIlroy won the Dubai Desert Classic yesterday leading the tournament from wire to wire to lift his first title as a professional. It was a breakthrough triumph for the 19-year-old Ulsterman, but it was one he so nearly let slip away after seeming to be home and dry six strokes clear with six to play.

In the end he needed to sink a tough four-footer on the 18th to clinch the win and hold off a late charge from England’s Justin Rose. McIlroy closed with a twounder par 70 for a total of 19-under-par 269 one stroke clear of the 2007 European Tour Order of Merit winner who had a 67 for second place. The 2007 champion here Henrik Stenson of Sweden was

third two strokes back from McIlroy after a closing 67 with a three-way tie for fourth between Robert Karlsson of Sweden (65), Martin Kaymer of Germany (67) and Paul Casey of England (68). It was McIlroy’s first win in 46 attempts since turning pro in 2007 and he became the youngest winner on the European Tour since Sergio Garcia at the 1999 German

Masters. The win in the Gulf region’s premier tournament underlines his status as one of the most exciting prospects in world golf and sets him up for a first tilt at the Masters in April. Leading by two strokes after he completed his delayed third round in 67 earlier in the day, McIlroy opened his final round in sensational style with three straight birdies to get to 20-under.

Monday, February 2, 2009




FOR THE TWISTS AFP, Manchester, England


anchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson said he expected there to be tricky moments between now and the end of the season after seeing his side extend their Premier League lead. United’s 1-0 win over Everton at Old Trafford on Saturday left then five points clear at the top of the table with 15 league games remaining and ideally placed to claim a third successive Premier League title. But Ferguson refused to get carried away after Cristiano Ronaldo’s first-half penalty earned his side a seventh straight league win.

Cagliari dent Juve hopes Serie A’s in-form team Cagliari stunned Juventus 32 at Turin’s Stadio Olimpico to put a huge dent in the Italian giants’ title hopes on Saturday. Goals from Momo Sissoko and Pavel Nedved gave Juve the lead at half-time following Davide Biondini’s opener, but Brazilian Jeda and Alessandro Matri struck after the break to record a famous victory for the Sardinians. It means second-placed Juventus, who lost their second game in a row, could fall to nine points behind leaders Inter Milan if the champions win at home to Torino. Juve coach Claudio Ranieri was magnanimous in defeat but admitted he didn’t know what was wrong with his team. – A F P

“The important thing is we keep the form going,” said Ferguson. “We have a difficult game away to West Ham next week. All teams drop points in the run-in. We just hope we don’t drop as many as the rest,” the Scot added. “It’s an advantage [being top]. It’s not a great advantage because there are still 15 games left. But it’s always better to be top of the league than anywhere else.” Having started January third in the table, United ended the month with a significant advantage over closest challengers Liverpool and Chelsea and a game in hand. Michael Carrick, sent tumbling by Mikel Arteta in the 44th minute for the spotkick which allowed Ronaldo to notch his 13th goal of the season, said: “Who know how decisive our five-point advantage can be?


Manchester United’s Michael Carrick, centre, is fouled by Everton’s Tony Hibbert leading to a penalty.


“We’ve done our bit this weekend,” added Carrick. We’re happy with 1-0, we’ve got another clean sheet and we had chances to score a few more.” And the England midfielder was adamant that United had yet to hit top form. “We can be satisfied with the three points, but there’s still more to come from us.” United’s latest victory saw their Dutch goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar set an all-time English record for the most number of minutes without conceding a league goal. His latest top-flight, shut-out meant van der Sar had not conceded a goal in 18 hours and 42 minutes of action in the top tier.

Frenchman Samir Nasri was the last player to beat the 38year-old in the Premier League during Arsenal’s 2-1 home win over United on November 8. Since then van der Sar has gone 12 league games without letting in a goal, an achievement not lost on his manager. “The composure he brings, the experience he brings. . .Edwin has been outstanding for us,” said Ferguson. “I couldn’t believe it when I read that the last goal we conceded in the league was at Arsenal back in November. It’s incredible. Edwin brings a calm and an assurance to the players in front of him. You really have to pay credit to Edwin,”he said.

Redknapp hits back at Rafa over Keane AFP, Bolton, England


arry Redknapp defended himself against accusations made by Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez as the war of words regarding the future of Robbie Keane intensified. Liverpool are ready to make an official complaint to the Premier League with their claim that the Tottenham manager airing his admiration for the Republic of Ireland striker in public amounted to an illegal approach. Redknapp is adamant he has done nothing wrong, and was simply answering press conference questions posed to him about Keane, who has struggled to make an impact following his £20 million pre-season move from White Hart Lane to Anfield.


Fergie says difficult games ahead as van der Sar sets English record



Bolton Wanderers’ Sebastien Puygrenier, third right, scores the opening goal against Tottenham. Bolton won the match 3-2. After watching Tottenham’s relegation fears increase following their dramatic 3-2 defeat away to Bolton, Redknapp insisted: “It was never a goer and I don’t know what it was

all about really. We didn’t make a bid for him as far as I know. The chairman asks me who I like, I tell him and sometimes he makes inquiries for players,” said Redknapp.

“The comments I made, there was certainly nothing wrong with any of them,” the former Portsmouth boss added. “I don’t know why the manager of Liverpool gets so upset about everything, it’s strange. “Have you seen what I said? Have you heard what I said? What did I say? Some young lady said to me ‘do you wish you still had Robbie Keane?’ “I said Robbie Keane is a terrific player but he belongs to Liverpool so it’s not a possibility. I didn’t say I’m trying to get Robbie Keane.” Redknapp played down fears that £15.7 million forward Jermain Defoe will be out for the rest of the season with an injury after the England international missed the match.



Monday, February 2, 2009




Thai canters to victory DAILY XPRESS

Real captain equals Di Stefano’s scoring record in league AFP, Madrid

eal Madrid’s captain marvel Raul joined Alfredo di Stefano as the club’s all-time leading scorer with 307 goals on Saturday as he helped his team cut Barcelona’s lead to nine points. Raul, 31, scored his historic goal in the 48th minute of the 20 win at Numancia following in after Gonzalo Higuain’s shot had been parried. Dutch winger Arjen Robben scored a great individual goal on 56 minutes to clinch Real’s sixth successive league win. Barcelona were at Racing Santander yesterday aiming to stretch their 19-game unbeaten league run. Raul has spent 14 years in the Real first team and after becoming the youngest player to reach 500 league games for the club in January, the number seven



Real Madrid’s Raul Gonzalez, centre, Gonzalo Higuain, right, and Wesley Sneijder celebrate Raul’s goal against Numancia. reached another personal landmark on Saturday. He also has every club medal to his name with three Champions League crowns (1998, 2000 and 2002) and six Spanish championships (1995, 1997, 2001, 2003, 2007 and 2008). Raul is also the leading scorer

in the history of the Champions League with 66 goals. Numancia had already beaten Barcelona at home this season and were looking for a famous double over the two biggest teams in Spain. Real had conceded just once in their last five league matches but Numancia went close twice

with Javier del Pino heading against the post before Gorka Brit shot wide from an acute angle. Real soaked up the pressure and were transformed in the second half as Raul grabbed his history-making goal. Robben then twisted the Numancia defence inside out before applying a class finish and thereafter there was only going to be one winner even when Real midfielder Fernando Gago was sent off for a second caution late on. Athletic Bilbao followed up their midweek Kings Cup heroics with an inspirational 3-2 comeback win over high-flying Malaga on Saturday. Bilbao reached the semi-finals of the cup on Wednesday with a 2-1 victory over Sporting Gijon and rounded off a memorable week by ending Malaga’s six-match unbeaten run in the league. “This team has an inner belief that they can come back when they are behind,” said coach Joaquin Caparros.


hammanoon Sriroj sealed a wire-to-wire win at the Bt2 million Singha Masters at the Santiburi Country Club in Chiang Rai yesterday. The former champion fired a 68 yesterday for an amazing 23-under par 265 to win by nine strokes and take home the prize money of Bt300,000. However he failed to surpass his own record of 29-under when he first won here in 2001. Pornsakon Thipsanit had to settle for second with 14under par 274. He hit the lowest score of 66 in the round and went home Bt181,00 richer. Japan’s Mukai Motoharu, who entered the tournament on invitation, fired a twoover par 72 to sign off with a 275 and take the third place. A stroke further were Udorn Duangdecha and Somkiat Srisa-nga who were tied fourth. Thaworn Wiratchant shared the sixth spot with a total of 277.

Monday, February 2, 2009




THERE’S GLIMMER OF HOPE Truevisions ready to negotiate with English FA Kitinan Sanguansak DAILY XPRESS

hen soccer fans lost all hopes of watching the FA Cup, the world’s oldest knockout competition, on television, the news that a cable operator is ready to chip in came as a whiff of fresh air. For many years people have been fortunate to follow the fortunes of their favourite club either on cable or free television channels. This year was an exception: there was no telecast of any match much to the chagrin of Thais and also the expat community in the country. There is a huge public outcry over the issue. The online community has been very vocal, voicing their indignation on several websites, including the popular pantip.com. Some suspect that the rela-



The FA Cup is the world’s oldest competition. tionship between Truevisions and ESPN Star Sports, which was believed to be strained ever since the cable television operator won the broadcasting rights of English Premier League matches, is the root cause of the problem. Not surprisingly, many held negative feelings towards Truevisions. In fact, what happened was simply a case of a failed busi-

ness. In 2007, a relatively unknown Adamas earned the rights from the Football Association to broadcast the Cup in the Kingdom for four years starting this season. The multi-million deal also included the Community Shield game and England team’s friendlies at home as well as its home fixtures in the 2010 World Cup and 2012

European Championship qualifiers. With English football in high demand in this soccer-mad country, the company firmly believed it would be a profitable investment. However, things did not go as it had expected. The firm struggled to find a client. It was understood that Truevisions found it uncomfortable to make a deal with Adamas as the cable broadcaster deemed it as an unnecessary expense considering that they normally televise the Cup games via ESPN and Star Sports for which they pay huge amount of money each year. Channel 7, dubbed as the Cup station, was also reluctant to meet the price Adamas had asked as they were not sure whether they could get enough commercials to break even during this gloomy economic times. With the competition already halfway, the prospect of watching the Cup matches looked in-

creasingly grim.However, there were fresh hopes following reports that the contract between FA and Adamas was cancelled and FA were ready to negotiate with both cable and terrestrial broadcasters. Nattawut Pratuangsilpa, Truevisions’ supervisor of marketing, said the company is ready to negotiate. “Of course, we’re keen to secure the contract as we want to bring top sporting events to the living rooms of the fans. However, the price should be reasonable given that the competition is already in the middle stages. “I don’t think we could watch the fifth round matches, scheduled for February 14 and 15, as there are no games involving big teams. However, it is likely that we will cover the event from the next round where there will be some intriguing match-ups,” said Nattawut. Daily Xpress tried to contact Adamas for clarification but the company was not ready to talk on the subject.


Monday, February 2, 2009




SERENAIS THE LEADER Serena Williams took her earnings to US$23 million, deposing Annika Sorenstam as the all-time prize money leader among women.


Rafael Nadal held off Roger Federer in another momentum-swinging five-set final to win the Australian Open yesterday, keeping the Grand Slam singles record safe for now. After coming through the longest match in the tournament’s history to reach the championship match, topranked Nadal needed 4 hours, 23 minutes to win it 75 3-6 7-6 (3) 3-6 6-2. The 27-year-old Swiss couldn’t hold back tears at the presentation. “Maybe I’ll try later. God, it’s killing me,” Federer said, sobbing. He returned to congratulate Nadal within minutes, saying: “You deserved it. You played a fantastic final.” Nadal put his arm around Federer and said,“Roger, sorry for today. I really know how you feel right now,” Nadal said. “Remember, you’re a great champion, you’re one of the best in history.” – AP



>PAGE 24



Ronaldo fires Reds to victory

McIlroy is Desert Master

Cristiano Ronaldo’s 14th goal of the season gave Manchester United a 1-0 victory over Everton and a five-point lead atop the Premier League. Edwin van der Sar set a new English league goalkeeping record of 1,122 minutes without conceding a goal, surpassing the previous record of 1,103 minutes set by Reading’s Steve Death. >PAGE 25

Northern Ireland’s Rory McIlroy won the Dubai Desert Classic yesterday, but it took a brave four-footer at the last to win it after he had led by six strokes with six to play. He closed with a two-under par 70 for a total of 19-under-par 269 one stroke clear of England’s Justin Rose, who closed with a 67 for second place. >PAGE 24

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