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Tuesday, February 10, 2009 VOL 2, NO 275 dailyxpress.net

Veteran STAR

Ladda Tammy Duckworth, nominated as assistant secretary of veterans’ affairs by US President Obama, has a life story that reads like Hollywood drama... >PAGE 2


Consumers, beware By Saree Ongsomwang Foundation for Consumers manager


he government announced an independent agency for consumers in Parliament on February 18, 2007. Though it was supposed to come into being within one year, here we are 12 months later and there’s no sign of any such agency. The reason Thais still don’t have adequate consumer protection is because the agency was assigned to be supervised by the Consumer Protection Board, which is not independent, and therefore unacceptable.

TUNE IN Check out what went down at the prestigious Grammy Awards, what the stars wore and more >PAGES 6&8


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


14 million THE NUMBER OF Internet users in Thailand

Heroine with a THAI HEART

briefly Floating a new market The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration will open a new floating market on the Saensaeb Canal in Min Buri district in three months time, a deputy BMA governor said yesterday. Thaya Teepsuwan said Bt5 million would be used to restore an old pier at a deserted mill and improve the canal’s water quality to provide a new tourist attraction. The eight district offices of Min Buri, Nong Chok, Khan Nayao, Bang Kapi, Bueng Kum, Saphan Sung, Klong Samwa, and Lat Krabang will cooperate in running the Min Buri floating market.

After featuring in Obama’s campaign, Ladda Tammy Duckworth has been nominated to office D A I LY X P R E S S


Plugging Thai dykes


I got lost in Bangkok because I don’t know the streets anymore – nothing looks the same. This could be the capital of any developed nation and I’m very impressed with that. More people can go to universities, more people speak English, more people are very international. THE NATION

adda Tammy Duckworth may not be a wellknown name here but the Thai-American war veteran and politician’s profile is rising in the US. President Barack Obama last week nominated Tammy as assistant secretary of veterans’ affairs in his new administration. Fears that she’s just another luk khrueng who has lost touch with Thailand in the same way as superstar golfer Tiger Woods can be dismissed straightaway. Born in Bangkok to a Thai mother, Tammy Duckworth bears the Thai name Ladda and speaks fluent Thai. Ladda’s life story reads like a Hollywood drama. In 2006, she was honoured as one of the Women of the Year by Glamour magazine. This came two years after she lost the lower part of both legs while serving in Iraq. The injuries were sustained when the Black Hawk helicopter she was co-piloting was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade.

How did the injury change your life?

The following is taken from The Nation’s interview with Ladda Tammy Duckworth during her last trip to Bangkok, in June, 2007. Do you identify yourself with Thailand?

Well, I definitely identify with Thai culture. I spoke Thai before I spoke English. My dad used to call me a “khao pad American” [laughs]. At home by myself, I’ll eat rice rather than hamburgers. This is your first visit in 22 years. Has Thailand changed much? DAILY



I feel like I was given a new life. Life isn’t about buying more things, getting more stuff. You know, you don’t need three cars, you don’t need five televisions. My life now is much more about doing things that really matter.

Above: Duckworth speaks to disabled students at Chiang Mai’s Sri Sanwal School during her trip to Thailand in 2007.

Do you have any message for Thais?

I would encourage Thais to participate in the country’s democracy. If you don’t like your laws, then do something about it. You can’t just wait for someone else to do things for you, you need to speak up and participate.

Top: US President Barack Obama with Duckworth in November 2008.

Bangkok Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra yesterday toured the Bang Khunthien coast with the Dutch ambassador ahead of seeking advice on how to stop the coastal erosion from Dutch experts. Sukhumbhand boarded a police helicopter along with the Dutch Ambassador to Thailand Tjaco Theo Van Den Hout to inspect the kilometre of coast he said has already been eroded by tides. The Dutch ambassador promised to have experts from Holland inspect the area as soon as possible to help draft plans to prevent further inroads by the tide. The plan is expected to be in place in two to three years. – Daily Xpress

Editor: Tulsathit Taptim / Managing Editor: Thanong Khanthong / Deputy Managing Editors: Kumar Krishnan, Jintana Panyaarvudh / Design Editor: Leroy A Sylk Web Co-editors: Marisa Chimprabha, Paisal Chuenprasaeng / The City Editor: Chularat Saengpassa / The Fun Editor: Veena Thoopkrajae / Sport Editor: Preechachan Wiriyanupappong / Group Editor in Chief: Suthichai Yoon

>>DAILY XPRESS is edited by Tulsathit Taptim and published by NMG News Co Ltd, at 1854, Bang Na-Trat Road, Bangkok 10260, and printed by FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING,PLEASE CALL (02) 338 3000 # 1 WPS (Thailand) Co Ltd, Tel (02) 338 3000, Fax (02) 338 3334. EDITORIAL: Tel (02) 338 3333. ON THE WEB: DAILYXPRESS.NET >>DAILY XPRESS is a supplement to subscriber copies of THE NATION with bonus distribution in selected areas of Bangkok and its environs every Monday to Friday. Subscription rates for THE NATION: one year Bt4,900 within regular delivery areas; please contact Customer Service on (02) 338 3000. For bulk copy subscription rates please call (02) 338 3532.



Tuesday, February 10, 2009



17million The number of people in Beijing who are likely to face water shortage as a severe drought grips the city



Ice man was killed by arrow


Makha Bucha Cambodian dancers lead a march during Makha Bucha Day at Udong mountain in Kandal, Cambodia, yesterday. Makha Bucha is one of the most important Buddhist celebrations which falls on the full moon day of the third lunar month.

The famous Alpine ice man, whose 5,000-year-old mummified body was discovered in a melting glacier, was bludgeoned and then finished off with an arrow by prehistoric assailants, according to a team of German researchers. Adding new clues to the Stone Age riddle, the paleoforensic scientists at Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich say they can now prove that the Oetz Valley Glacier man, dubbed Oetzi, did not die of exposure after having suffered a non-lethal blow with a blunt object, possibly a stone from a slingshot. Instead, his attackers shot him with a flinttipped arrow to make sure he was a goner. – DPA

Record viewing

Football-sized tumour removed from woman’s jaw An Indian woman has had a tumour as big as a football removed from the side of her face, 25 years after it first developed. Doctors who performed the operation believe 67-year-old Lakhmani Devi’s parotid gland tumour, which weighed nearly two kilograms, may have been the biggest ever removed from a human. “It was made of solid tissue and was the largest I have come across in all the medical books,” said KK Handa, the operating surgeon at New Delhi’s All India Institute of Medical Sciences. “The patient was told by doctors in her village that she would die if it was removed so she coped with it for decades. But she is now eating well and should make a full recovery.” Her son Lallan Singh said the operation would give his mother a new lease of life. “The tumour kept increasing,” he said. “She felt uncomfortable and embarrassed and stopped going out.” – A F P

PILOT: BIRD HIT WAS SHOCKING The impact of geese sounded like ‘the worst thunderstorm’ he’d ever heard before he guided his engine-less jetliner onto the Hudson River A G E N C I E S , New York


he pilot who ditched his jetliner in the Hudson River and saved the lives of everyone on board said he had a “sickening” feeling when a flock of birds disabled both engines with violent thuds, crippling the plane at 1,000 metres over the nation’s most populous city. In his first major broadcast interview on the January 15 accident, “miracle” pilot Chesley Sullenberger told CBS that the sound of the geese hitting the plane and the smell of burning poultry entering the cabin was “shocking”. But he focused on landing

and did not think about the passengers. “Not specifically ... I mean, knew I had to Sullenberger solve this problem. I knew I had to find a way out of this box I found myself in,” he said.

‘The worst feeling’ The US Airways Airbus A-320 was hit by a flock of the large birds as it took off from LaGuardia Airport. He described the experience of losing both engines as “the worst sickening, pit-of-yourstomach, falling-through-the-

floor feeling I’ve ever felt in my life”. Sullenberger said that on impact, the birds “filled the entire windscreen, from top to bottom, left to right ... You could hear them ... loud thumps. It felt like the airplane being pelted by heavy rain or hail. “It sounded like the worst thunderstorm I’d ever heard.” Asked if he was thinking “how are we going to get ourselves out of this?” the pilot told CBS: “No. My initial reaction was one of disbelief.” But then, with insufficient time to make it to an airport, he brought the jet down, skimming onto the Hudson. All 150 passengers climbed out onto the wings of the sinking jet and were quickly rescued by New York ferry boats.

Suresh Joachim has broken his own Guinness world record for non-stop broadcast-television watching, clocking 72 hours. “I feel fine, I drank between 25 and 30 cups of coffee,” Joachim said on Sunday. Joachim, a Sri Lanka native who lives in Toronto, watched three seasons of the drama series “24”. His previous record was 69 hours, 48 minutes, set in 2005.

5-star temple loo A Taoist temple in southern Taiwan has put profits from a successful foray into the banking business toward an unusual building project – a public bathroom shaped like a pair of bamboo shoots. Last year, the Tzenan Temple loaned 450,000 people NT$600 (Bt630) each without registering a single default. It put the interest on the loans toward construction of a restroom complex to serve worshippers. The NT$40-million complex is described by temple staff as a “five-star” toilet. – AP

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009



ROBERT PLANT, FORMER LED ZEPPELIN SINGER, ON WINNING FIVE GRAMMY AWARDS FOR HIS BLUEGRASS DUET WITH ALISON KRAUSS. “In the old days we would have called this selling out, but it’s a good way to spend a Sunday.”


ARRESTING GRAMMYS Plant and Krauss are the top winners in a show rocked by scandal

Rapper MIA performs her song ‘Paper Planes’ at the Grammy Awards on Sunday night in Los Angeles. She was due to give birth that night.

A G E N C I E S , Los Angeles

he unlikely duo of hardrocker Robert Plant and bluegrass queen Alison Krauss won five Grammys on Sunday night, including Album of the Year for their collaboration “Raising Sand”. The duo also won Record of the Year for their haunting single “Please Read This Letter”. But the biggest night in music was marred when police announced that Chris Brown, himself a double nominee and scheduled performer, was being investigated for an assault on an unidentified woman. Brown turned himself in and was briefly held before posting bail. Brown and long-time girlfriend Rihanna, also nominated, were both slated to perform, but dropped out at the last minute. The victim of Brown’s alleged assault wasn’t identified, and it wasn’t immediately clear whether Rihanna’s absence was related to Brown’s. The couple’s place in the performance roster was taken by a hastily assembled grouping of Justin Timberlake, Al Green, Boyz II Men and Keith Urban who all sang Green’s hit, “Let’s Stay Together”.

XTRA MORE WINNERS >> Pop Vocal Album: “Rockferry,” Duffy. >> Pop Instrumental Performance: “I Dreamed There Was No War”, Eagles, from “Long Road Out of Eden”. >> Alternative Music Album: “In Rainbows”, Radiohead. >> Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals: “Sex on Fire”, Kings of Leon. >> Hard Rock Performance: “Wax Simulacra”, the Mars Volta.

Emotional moments

>> Metal Performance: “My Apocalypse”, Metallica, from “Death Magnetic”. >> Rock Instrumental Performance: “Peaches En Regalia”, Dweezil Zappa. >> Lifetime Achievement Award: The Four Tops.


>> On the Web: www.Grammy.com.

Fashion at the Grammys >PAGE 8

Another notable performer was Jennifer Hudson, whose mother, brother and nephew were killed last year by her sister’s estranged husband. She fought back tears as she accepted her prize for Best R&B Album, and later performed “You Pulled Me Through”, a dramatic song about overcoming deep despair. As she sang the last note, she looked directly into the camera and dissolved into tears once again.



Jennifer Hudson fights back tears as she sings “You Pulled Me Through”. British singer Adele won Best New Artist, ahead of favourites the Jonas Brothers, Lady Antebellum, Jazmine Sullivan and Duffy. She also won Best Female Pop Vocal for “Chasing Pavements”. John Mayer won the Best Male Vocal Performance for “Say”. Coldplay won four awards, including Song of the Year for “Viva La Vida”. Rapper Lil Wayne picked up three awards, including Best Rap Album for “Tha Carter III”. The show was filled with spectacular performances, notably a rare TV appearance for Radiohead, who performed with a marching band. Paul McCartney sang “I Saw Her Standing There” with the Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl on drums. But the most amazing performance of all came from MIA, who performed “Paper Planes” on the very night she was due to give birth to her first child.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009




KATE WINSLET won a BAFTA for best actress for “The Reader”. She was also nominated for “Revolutionary Road”. Mickey Rourke was named best actor for “The Wrestler” at Britain’s film and television awards on Sunday.

BAFTA AWARDS were won by “Slumdog Millionaire”, including best film and best director for Danny Boyle.

Does this




Will Smith clowns with Rosario Dawson and Italian director Gabriele Muccino at a press conference yesterday in Tokyo for their movie, “Seven Pounds”. It opens in Japan on February 21 and is coming to Thai cinemas on March 12.


Sun, sand and cinema The Pha-ngan Film Festival is back for a second edition, focusing on spiritual and environmental themes D A I LY X P R E S S


Bangkok-based American actor’s odyssey into Thai culture will be the closer of the Pha-ngan Film Festival, which unspools 18 films from February 20 to 22. Erich Fleshman, who’s acted in Thai soaps and movies, will show his 46-

minute “Desolation Angel”, in which he goes to the countryside during Thai New Year in search of the true meaning of Songkran. Offering a mix of short and feature-length independent documentaries on spiritual and environmental themes, the second edi-

tion of the festival opens with “Ribbon of Sand”, which looks at the Outer Banks islands of North Carolina. Another highlight is “Flow: For Love of Water”, a hard-hitting documentary on the Earth’s imperilled freshwater supply. There’s also “Temples in the Clouds”, about a pair of paragliders who attempt to reach an ancient, remote temple in the Himalayas.

XTRA ISLAND VIEWING >> The Pha-ngan Film Festival will be held at Holiday Beach Resort. >> Screenings start at 7:30pm. Tickets cost 300 baht per evening or 700 for a festival pass. >> On the Web: Phangan FilmFestival.com.

For Tata,it’s Mor the merrier Tata Young’s ex-squeeze

Prem Busarakamwong has big plans for Valentine’s Day – he’s going to hang out with buddies who are also unattached. No, it’s not a “loser’s club” – it’s a singles club, Prem says. None of the members Tata and Prem has a girlfriend. Sounds like a gay old time. Who else is on the team? Some are old friends of Prem’s and others are from Five Star Production, the studio that made his first film, “Before Valentine”. And Tata? No flies on her – she’s already seeing someone else. “He’s not a new guy,” she says. “We used to be good friends a decade ago. His nickname is Mor, but he’s not a doctor.” She doesn’t need a doctor: Cupid’s arrows don’t hurt when they hit – only when you have to pull them out.

Gets confusing Now that society has accepted David Beckham

as a metrosexual, his wife says she’s a wannabe homosexual. Victoria, the Posh one in the couple, loves her girlfriends, but she’s got a soft spot for gay blokes. “I love gay men. I’ve always said, ‘Inside me there’s a gay man who wants to come out!’”

Contact Soopsip at veenxpress@gmail.com.



Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Roll over, Givenchy These days the rockers at the Grammys look dressed for the opera By Monica Corcoran LOS ANGELES TIMES


Miley Cyrus

ack in the good old days, a bare navel was the musthave accessory at the Grammy Awards. Nearly everyone since Sinead O’Connor in a sports bra in 1989 has exposed enough midriff to scare censors. It was often tacky. It was always terrific. And we, as viewers, rejoiced. But for musicians, a funny thing happened on the way to becoming a brand – one that might lead to a beauty endorsement deal or a shot at designing denim. They stopped dressing like rock stars, and the Grammys got glutted with tasteful gowns. On Sunday night many of the female nominees could have been en route to a pre-

miere of “Aida”. There was a lot of black and plenty of dresses that wouldn’t make a pastor flinch. Miley Cyrus, 16, and Taylor Swift, 19, looked more like thirty-something Park Avenue socialites than teen pop divas in sophisticated black gowns on the red carpet. During the pre-show Welsh chanteuse Duffy revealed that she had opted for a subdued black velvet Alberta Ferretti cocktail dress over her initial, more risque choice. “I got in the car, and you could see way more than you would want to see.” Thankfully, Katy Perry – known for her 1940s pinup style – didn’t disappoint in a cot-

ton-candy satin gown with a giant corsage at the waist, by Lebanese designer Basil Soda, and matching lipstick she called “porn pink”. And kudos to Estelle, whose architectural silver lame sheath and matching booties seemed like a nod to David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust days. On to the boys. Clearly, the Jonas Brothers aren’t taking any chances with their clean image. The two older siblings went with James Bond-worthy traditional tuxedos, while the youngest Jonas opted for a Johnny Cash look in all black. Would it have

Paris Hilton

killed one of them to don a boa? How fun was it to see Paul McCartney, almost a half-century older than the Jonas clan, in a Beatles T-shirt? (John Lennon wore a velvet suit, an Elvis button and a beret to the Grammys in 1975.) Coldplay stuck with their touring uniforms of Sgt Pepper-inspired military getups, which must make getting ready a snap. Then there was MIA. The very pregnant British rapper was due to give birth that night, and obviously she chose a dress – a vivid, blue pup tent with lots of frills – that would allow for a delivery in the back of a limo. She looked like a rock ’n’ roll mother-to-be instead of a mother-of-the-bride. And we rejoiced.

Such a tease

It’s Queen of Burlesque Dita Von Teese – buh ba-ba buh, ba-ba buh By Claire Rosemberg AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE


ita Von Teese, the onetime blonde from smalltown USA who morphed into the black-haired global superstar of striptease, credits her celebrity status to a love of exaggerated femininity. In Paris for a run of shows at the Crazy Horse cabaret, the diva of glam sex recounts how a teenage passion for underwear propelled her rise to celebrity, both as strippeddown “Queen of Burlesque” and dressed-up fashion icon. “Lingerie is my first love,”

says the 36-year-old, a tiny Snow White-like figure, demurely though elegantly turned out in a calf-length dark green dress and incredibly high high heels. “I started wanting to learn about the history of lingerie, and that’s how I came across pictures of pin-up girls, and when I found pin-up girls I found burlesque stars.” Von Teese, a familiar face at top fashion houses such as Dior, Jean Paul Gaultier and Elie Saab, and consistently rated one of the world’s Best Dressed women, recently out-

ed her own lingerie for Wonderbra. “She earns a living peeling off her clothes but is celebrated for what she wears,” says Crazy Horse manager Andree Deissenberg. A one-time fetish model formerly married to gothic rock star Marilyn Manson, Von Teese grew up with a passion for ’30s and ’40s Hollywood glam. She did her first strip as a teenager – creating a vintageinspired outfit with elbowlength gloves and seamed stockings that piqued the

clientele. “I like things that exaggerate the feminine form,” she says. “Extremely high heels, waist-crunching corsets and long red nails and makeup that’s very feminine.” Fetishism, she says, is more than whips and chains. “It’s also about worshipping femininity and extremes.” “When people think of being beautiful or sexy, it’s important to remember that those things are different for everyone.”

Enjoying her run at the Crazy Horse, Von Teese says Paris still appreciates burlesque. While the US invented the art of striptease, “unfortunately it seems that now in America they’ve lost all sense of what burlesque really is. It’s just something very racy for them.”

Tuesday, February 10, 2009



WHAT’S UP Love is bli nd

Siam Centr e ce love with m lebrates young usic on Satu rday and Sund ay with tw o mini-con certs. “Vale nti has pop gro ne’s Blind Date” up BOY, alo ng Kawi “Beam ” Tanjarara with k and TV stars Atich at Choomn anon and Chanapon Sattaya on sta Saturday fr om 5. On S ge unday, it’s the turn of Ko entertain. U rean band 2AM to nti shoppers ca l February 28, n check ou t “Loving You Always ”, a gifts from K n exhibition of orean supe rstars like SS501, Tei, Smash and Battles. Admission is free. Call (02) 100 0 extensio n 220.

See Saw S een The GU7 art collect

ive led by Raksak Chan-in, Nit ichai Chai-saen, Wo Laokwan, P rawit ha Rinkam an dungpon d Sudaporn Poomsuko nporn, show case their latest wo City’s Grand rks at River Ha February 18 ll from to March 1 . The exhibit ion feature s more than 100 paintin gs various me dia. The sh in opping comple x Krung Soi 2 is on Charoen 4 and is op en daily fro m 11 to


do it! Valentine’s buffet Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a candlelit dinner at Grand Mercure Fortune’s One Rachada World restaurant. On offer is a delicious buffet featuring steak, lamb, seafood and desserts for just Bt590 per person. Call (02) 641 1500 extension 1048.

Star-crossed Life Theatre is screening Bhanbhassa Dhubthien’s movie “Water Time” from February 17 to March 1 at Crescent Moon Space of Pridi Bhanomyong Institute. Starring Shogo Tanikawa, Sasithon Panichnok and Apirak Chaipanha, the film is set in New York and tells the story of a Japanese writer who falls in love with a Thai actress. Tickets cost Bt300 and Bt150 for students. Call (082) 558 6163 or e-mail lifetheatrebkk@ gmail.com.


Romance by the poo The Conrad Bangkok off l ers three ch on Saturda oic y.

per couple, Lovers can smooch ove es for romantic pools ide dining a four-cours r the “Gard e e pair up wit h pals for “C feast with two glasse n of Eden” at Bt2,600 s urtain of Co Island” (Bt5 coon” (Bt4 of sparkling wine, or ,0 ,000 per co The Chinese 00), both of which co uple) or “Lo me with a b re ve ott while Drink staurant Liu serves a ing Tea Eati special Vale le of sparkling wine. ng Rice off n special sake ti n e ’s Set ers teppan cocktail fro and kaisek for Bt2,600 m Bt3,500 i sets with . Call (02) a 690 99 99.



Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Digitally in love

buy it!

Heart warming gifts for your Valentine


or this Valentine’s Day, why not allow your love to indulge in selections further than the usual classics of flowers, chocolates, dolls or cards? What about the more practical gifts or the latest digital gadgets which, thanks to the new technology, will surely impress, intrigue and also melt away the hearts of your lovers? And if you happen to be just bamboozled with the choices, here are some of the best that we select that will surely dazzle your beloved on this special occasion of love.

Samsung F480

First off, let’s check out the ultra stylish Samsung F480 clad in the appropriate metallic pink. Proven to be the number one choice for true fashionistas, the F480 exudes sophistication from its simple yet chic minimalist style. The credit card-sized compact phone is mere 11.6-mm thick and on Samsung's special TouchWiz UI touch-screen, your lover will enjoy the complete range of functions on the flicks of her fingertips. The phone comes complete with multimedia platforms and a five-megapixel camera with autofocus, CMOS VDO lens, an MP3 player and a built-in FM radio. The price tag for this model is Bt14,900. Samsung Omnia White - i900 is the perfect gift to


reflect a pure love. The TouchWiz UI touch phone runs on Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional and is the first Windows Mobile phone that is compatible with DivX VDO files delivering DVD picture quality on its wide 3.2-inch screen. With a five-megapixel CMOS digital flash camera, the phone can store up to 16GB memory in its built-in slot yet extendable for another 16GB through the extendable. And have we mentioned the built-in GPS and Geotagging systems, MP3 player and built-in FM radio? The price is Bt25,900. And if your love

just love taking snapshots, a cool digital camera presents itself as a perfectly wonderful gift. The brightly


There are things we can’t do without, and some of them are here. Q210 Pink

red Samsung NV100HD is a new smart digital camera running on Smart Touch technology that makes using it super easy. With the ultra crisp and clear image resolution of 14.7 megapixel, the camera comes complete with an extra wide 28mm lens and 3.6 times optical zoom for the best quality images of the memories in all situations. The price is Bt13,900. Another sweet idea for those looking for a professional notebook computer. The Samsung Q210 Pink Notebook running on Intel? Centrino? 2 Processor can easily tackle all kinds of professional works. The notebook is available in the stylish Crystal Black and Glossy Pink with a 12.1-inch widescreen monitor delivering the clearest resolution. Also installed include a 1.3-mega pixel webcam and Silver Nano-coated keyboards to protect the user from germs and bacteria – just a little more caring detail for your lover. And for those lovers who use their home for a digital entertainment love cave, what would be better than a Samsung Series 8 Slim Crystal Design LCD television – the masterpiece television for a true Full HD experience. With just 44.4-mm thickness – half the size of normal LCDs - this television set delivers a Full HD entertainment experience with 1080 pixel and Dynamic Contrast Ratio at 70,000:1, with built-in Auto Motion Plus 100 MHZ and Samsung’s own Ultra Clear Panel that delivers correct resolutions and natural colours of all images, including all shades of darkness. Also, its Content Library contains comprehensive built-in selections of entertain-

ment programs and galleries including games, images, cooking instructions, yoga classes and children programs. Available in 52 inches and 46 inches, the television is Bt199,990 and Bt149,990 respectively. Hi-tech family can now enjoy Samsung’s new kitchen innovations that create the mood for love with the soft, sweet tones of kitchen appliances. Samsung twodoor Big Plus (RT22SCPP_P3) is brightly RT22SCPP amicable in pink, yet the fridge is spacious with enough capacity to retain the freshness of all your delicious items. The price is Bt9,200. And jazz up your beloved housewife with the red hot Samsung Sweep (SC4350) vacuum cleaner with ‘Twin Chamber’ for easy empty of dust and Samsung’s special HEPA filter technology that effectively protects and remove airborne germs and bacteria. Price is Bt4,490.

So go ahead and take your pick!

Last but not least is Samsung MW83Z-E microwave oven that screams love, love, love with the bright red menu bar created especially to exude just. This oven will make cooking even more pleasurable for you with its Triple Distribution System or three-way wave distribution that effectively and thoroughly cook your meal. The oven comes with the automatic rapid defrost menu and six power levels for your cooking versatility. Price is Bt3,290. No matter what colour your love is, from red, pink and blue, if the gift you give comes from the heart plus the fact that it is practical in daily life, it will surely nurture your love for this Valentine's and all the days to come in this and the next years.


Media contact: Pornchanan Mongkolkul (Gift) (02) 204 822 or (081) 755 1105.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009



TO SEE on dvd REGION 1

Fred Claus Vince Vaughn doesn’t quite cut it as Fred, the glum older brother of Santa (Paul Giamatti), says critic Stephen Hunter. “Vaughn’s con-man jive doesn’t get much play in this one; he spends most of his time as a bitter creep, and the writing isn’t sharp enough to make the hipster-at-theNorth-Pole theme pay off in any meaningful way.” Extras include director commentary and about 25 minutes of additional scenes. – WASHINGTON POST

on tv

tine Before Valen chool puppy lovers to a pair of

Revolutio nary Road Sa

m Mendes d irects Leona this adapta tion of Richa rdo DiCaprio and Kate W rd Yates’ inci inslet in American m sive novel a arriage in th bout e 1950s. Mic stars. ★★★ h ael Shannon ★ also

Inkheart Mo Folchart (Brendan Fraser) and his 12-year-old daughter (Eliza Bennett) bring characters from books to life when they read out loud. But each time a storybook figure arrives, someone from the real world disappears into the pages. ★★★

Tarchon An ex-convict (Preeti “Bank” Barameeanan) finds that his twin brother has been left comatose after playing in an violent underground basketball game. So he joins the Fireball team to take revenge. With English subtitles in some cinemas. ★★★

from high-s nships in the Four couples – with their relatio al de – s se ou cast includes embittered sp ntine’s Day. The le Va to up ithchawit, g in weeks lead “Wan AF” Phan rit ak an Th t, acha okjok and Prem Thanchart Tuly karn, Jaturong M les at some cinemas. na ta jin ng Jo a Dian subtit g. With English Busarakamwon

The Baader Meinhof Complex

Hudgens) face the prospect of being separated as they head off to college. ★★★

Radicals fight a violent war against American imperialism in 1970s West Germany. In


German with English and Thai subtitles at House. ★★★

Wild Ocean This 3-D documentary captures an epic underwater struggle for survival off the coast of Africa.

Three Polish-Jewish brothers (Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber and Jamie Bell) join the resistance against the Nazis. ★★★

Red Cliff 2

High School Musical 3: Senior Year

Strategists Zhou Yu (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) and Zhuge Liang (Takeshi Kaneshiro) and their vastly outnumbered armies of face warlord Cao Cao (Zhang Fengyi). In Mandarin with

The jock (Zac Efron) and the brainy beauty (Vanessa Anne

English and Thai subtitles at some cinemas. ★★★★

At Krungsri IMAX.

Happy-Go-Lucky Poppy, a 30-year-old Londoner (Golden Globe-winner Sally Hawkins), has an irrepressibly bright outlook on life. At Apex and House. ★★★★

Hode Nha Hiaw The leader of a bumbling gang of criminals has revenge on his mind as he’s released from prison. With English subtitles at some cinemas.

Yes Man Jim Carrey stars as a negative guy whose boring life is turned around after he meets a selfhelp guru. ★★★

Apex Lido: (02) 252 6498 Siam: (02) 251 3508 Scala: (02) 251 2861

Century – The Movie Plaza (02) 247 9940


The Notorious Bettie Page

(02) 641 5913-4

Gretchen Mol stars in this look at the traumatic life of the iconic pin-up goddess Bettie Page.

Bangkok: (02) 515 5555

Major Cineplex/EGV Major Hollywood Bangkok: (02) 718 7999

HBO (TrueVisions), 8pm

Paragon Cineplex Bangkok: (02) 129 4635 IMAX: (02) 129 4631

Channel links www.NationChannel.com Channel 3 – www.ThaiTV3.com Channel 5 – www.TV5.co.th Channel 7 – www.CH7.com Modernine – www.MCOT.net NBT – TV11.prd.go.th Thai PBS – www.ThaiPBS.or.th True – www.TrueVisionsTV.com

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans The third instalment in the vampire franchise enters prequel territory, going back to ancient times when the first Lycan (Michael Sheen) fell in love with a vampire princess (Rhona Mitra), daughter of the vampire King Viktor (Bill Nighy).

SF Cinemas Bangkok: (02) 268 8888 Phuket: (076) 209 000

Vista Chiang Mai: (053) 894 415


Close to Home By John McPherson


Pooch Cafe

The Buckets


Calvin and Hobbes

By Brian Basset

By Paul Gilligan

By Scott Stantis

By Bryan Basset

By Bill Watterson

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Red and Rover


Tuesday, February 10, 2009



Games&YourStars SUDOKU

The last word in


Yesterday’s Puzzle Answer

By Eugenia Last

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

Today’s Birthday: Someone from your past may be the perfect fit now if you can find a way to reconnect. Uncertainty should be your teacher and your reason for looking back before you move forward. A serious attitude will help to reinforce your need to accomplish something. ARIES *** March 21-April 19 Be careful not to give someone a chance to back you into a corner. A change in your work can be expected but don’t worry - whatever you lose, you will gain back through new connections. TAURUS ***** April 20-May 20 You can get a lot done if you put your mind to it. Someone may be trying to pull a fast one on you. Don’t get involved helping an organisation you know little about. Deception is apparent.


GEMINI ** May 21-June 20 Don’t let your emotions influence your decisions. Do what will work best for you. Uncertainty regarding someone you are close to will leave you questioning your relationships with everyone. CANCER **** June 21-July 22 Make some new rules at home to help you and your loved ones get along better. Plan to spend more quality time together. Serious talks will lead to change, making your life easier. LEO *** July 23-Aug. 22 You can talk your way up the ladder and into a good position by sharing your ideas. A partnership being offered may not mean a higher income. Put greater value on what you have to offer. VIRGO *** Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Get out and enjoy the company of friends. You need some down time to sort through all your options. A new beginning is in sight that will lead to bigger and better personal and professional things.


LIBRA *** Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Someone may be keeping a secret from you that might alter the way you think about a job or a career change. Look within and ask yourself what it is you really want. Follow your heart. SCORPIO **** Oct. 23-Nov. 21 You are up for change and it is going to lead to some negatives as well as positives. Make adjustments and you will be far better positioned to take advantage of new opportunities. SAGITTARIUS ** Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Not everyone will be on the same page as you. Follow through on your own and, in the end, everyone will jump on board to help. A closer relationship will help you get ahead. CAPRICORN ***** Dec. 22-Jan. 19 You can settle a matter if you don’t let someone play on your emotions. An old lover may do more harm than good if you allow him or her to meddle. Keep your plans a secret for now. Choi Si Won Actor Robert Wagner is 79. Singer Roberta Flack is 72. Actor Harold Sylvester is 60. Actress Laura Dern is 42. Actress Elizabeth Banks is 35. Actress Keeley Hawes is 33. Singer Natasha St-Pier is 28. Singer Choi Si Won (Super Junior) is 22.

AQUARIUS *** Jan. 20-Feb. 18 You have so many ideas so consider what you can and can’t do at this time. Don’t be suckered into letting someone from your past back into your life. Emotional deception is apparent. PISCES *** Feb. 19-March 20 You’ll be torn between what you want and what you can have. Don’t let your emotions lead you in the wrong direction. Focus on work, not personal relationships.


The Road to Success with OCEAN The Ocean Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

is now anticipating rapid growth and would like to expand our business. We are embarking on an exciting new journey of transformation, innovation and unprecedented challenges. If you share our quest for excellence and are a results-oriented individual who thrives in an environment of productive energy and rapid change, then we invite you to take this journey with us. Go with a Winner, Modern Life Planner, Develop & Save Thai Socialization Sustainable Development. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package.

Management Trainee

20 Positions

Responsibilities: Management Trainees as a fast-track career development for high-achieving graduates. Our Programme is designed to show you how the insurance business works. We provide you with a chance to gain the technical skills and experience you need to develop a fast-track insurance career leading to senior management. You will be involved in various projects and assignments which will provide you with real work experience in key business areas such as Actuarial, Product Development, Operation & Services, Sales & Client Services and Underwriting, among others. Each project or assignment is determined first and foremost by the demands of the business, but we will also take your development needs into account. After finishing the program, you will have an opportunity to select and request for a placement in a position that best suits your competency skills and interests. Qualifications: ● Male or Female, not over 30 years old ● Master's Degree in Finance, Economics, Accounting, Marketing, Business Administration or related fields from recognized university with GPA above 3.33 and Bachelor's Degree with GPA above 3.00 ● Good analytical ability and problem solving skills, creative thinking skill ● Excellent interpersonal skill, and a team player ● Proficiency in spoken and written English (an additional Japanese language will be a definite advantage) ● Good computer and presentation skills

Risk Management Officer

1 Position

Responsibilities: Responsible to evaluate, coordinate the monitoring of and providing advice and recommendations to Risk Management Committee (RMC). Develop Quantitative credit risk models study. Develop, and implement risk management tools. Research and apply risk methodologies and approaches. Identify appropriate internal and external data sources, and gather information to support risk analysis. Qualifications: ● Preferably with Master's degree in Finance, Economics or related fields ● At least 5 years experience in risk management, operations audit, internal audit, internal control, or compliance in a financial institution ● Good knowledge of economics, finance and risk management, especially credit and treasury ● Technical skills in financial operation and other business functions ● Planning and organizing skills, analytical skills ● Presentation skills, and interpersonal skills

Marketing Communication (Manager / Executive)

4 Positions

Responsibilities: ● Assist in developing marketing communication and promotion strategy for use in above the line and below the line communications in accordance with business policy and marketing plan ● Coordinate and work with advertising agency or outsource for managing corporate advertising campaign and implementation ● Coordinate with marketing line manager to support communication materials for marketing activities and campaigns ● Manage of marketing communication budget ● Represent company in building up the corporate image ● Manage and control marketing communication program to a lign with each customer segmentation as planned, and in line with overall brand positioning of organization Qualifications: ● Bachelor's Degree or higher in Marketing, Business Administration or Communications is preferred ● At least 2 years experience in marketing communication within professional services environment or insurance business ● Strong leadership and consensus building skills, marketing management and strategic planning experience, a proven track record in development and administering a marketing communication program ● Must be a self-starter, highly organized and able to work well with others at all levels in the organization ● Excellent communication, presentation, interpersonal and facilitation skills ● Good command of spoken and written English ● Able to travel upcountry periodically

Executive Assistant

1 Position

Responsibilities: ● Day-to-day office management practice to support President i.e. scheduling appointments, receiving messages, greeting visitors, liaison with drivers, etc. ● Documents preparation to assist President in preparing presentations & reports ● Administrative support for President e.g. travel arrangement, hotel reservation, expense re-imbursement, etc. ● Meeting & conference arrangements and other necessary preparations ● Collaboration with internal & external contacts ● Management of document filing system ● Meeting & hospitality coordination for overseas visitors

Qualifications: ● Female, age not over 30 years old ● Master's degree in Business Administration or other related fields ● Proficiency in spoken and written English (an additional Japanese language will be a definite advantage) ● Proficient computer literacy in Ms Office applications ● Good personality , interpersonal skills, co-ordination skills and excellent presentation skills ● High degree of self-confidence & maturity - ability to deal with Management ● Ability to relate well with people on all levels ● High level of organizational skills & attention to details ● Flexibility to cope with a wide range of duties & ability to work under pressure within a limited time frame ● Total confidentiality on all matters dealt with President ● Experience in the life insurance business will be an advantage

Assistant Manager President Office

1 Position

Qualifications: ● Female, age not over 35 years old ● Bachelor's degree in any field of studies ● Proficient computer literacy in Ms Office applications ● Good personality, interpersonal skills, coordination skills and excellent presentation skills ● Ability to relate well with people on all levels ● Ability to manage of document & filing system ● High level of organizational skills & attention to details ● Flexibility to cope with a wide range of duties & ability to work under pressure within a limited time frame ● Experience in the life insurance business will be an advantage

IT Audit Specialist

1 Position

Responsibilities: Working within the Co-operative Accounting Services audit function you will provide specialist IS audit services to a wide variety of business areas. As an expert in IS/IT risk management and control you will advise the business on good practice techniques and ensure excellent quality of work across the department. In addition to possessing extensive experience within IS/IT audit and IS strategy and security you will hold a recognized industry qualification. Benefits are excellent as are the opportunities for further training and personal development. The successful candidate will be required to carry out a variety of audit assignments, including setting up audit programs, making risk assessment, finding vulnerability, coordinating and following up according to audit plans, recommending areas for improvement Qualifications: ● Male or Female, age not over 30 years old, GPA. at least 2.75 ● Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Applied Statistics and Computer Engineering or related fields ● A minimum 3 years' experience in IT Audit, IT general control, system design & development or Network security ● Excellent in English communication skills (both spoken and written English) ● Proficient computer literacy involving MS Office applications, system design and Network ● Abilities of internal audit approach initiation and risk assessment of internal control will be a plus ● Good interpersonal skills, communication skills, consulting skill, conceptual and analytical skills

Worksite Agent

26 Positions

Qualifications: ● Female, age not over 25 years ● Bachelor's degree in any field of studies ● Possess pleasant personality ● Strong interpersonal skills and communication skills can work under pressure ● Must be self driven to meet and exceed sales target ● Highly competent in Sales, active, honest and looking for development opportunities ● Good talent and service mind ● Able to work out of working hours

HR Officer

1 Position

Qualifications: ● Male or Female, age 20-30 years, GPA. at least 2.75 ● Bachelor's or higher in Human Resource Management, Political Science, Business Administration, Industrial & Organization Psychology, or other related fields ● Proficient computer literacy in MS Office applications ● Good personality , interpersonal skills , innovative thinking, co-ordination skills and excellent presentation skills

Actuarial Officer

2 Positions

Responsibilities: Prepare actuarial related reports and documents. Identify and gather relevant information for product analysis, including company financial statements in support of pricing, reinsurance administration, experience study and complying. Qualifications: ● Master's degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science or related fields ● Age over 25 years old ● Good command of English and computer Skill-MS Office is preferable ● Good human relation, communication, quick ability to learn, cautious and work follow up

Credit Officer

2 Positions

Responsibilities: Perform credit control work to be accurate and meet the company objectives, company structure, government and statutory. Qualifications: ● Age not over 30 years old ● Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Financial, Marketing, Business Administration, Economics or related fields ● At least 1-2 years' experience, preferably in insurance industry (but not mandatory) ● Knowledge and experience in credit and financial analysis will be an advantage ● Good command of English and computer skill-MS Office is preferable ● Good personality, honest and diligence


5 Positions

Responsibilities: Perform for making sure that the company accepts only life insurance applicants whose actual mortality rates do not exceed the mortality rates assumed when the premium rates for a particular product were calculated. Prepare regular underwriting reports, and other jobs as assigned in order to achieve company goals. Qualifications: ● Age not over 30 years old ● Bachelor's degree in Insurance, Business Administration, Economics or related fields ● Good command of English and computer skill-MS Office is preferable ● Good personality, honesty and diligence ● Good communication, quick ability to learn, cautious and work follow up

Representative of Group Life Insurance 3 Positions Responsibilities: Perform and support in sales & marketing activities in responsible area or channel in order to achieve the quota in categories of product. Create confidence by after sale service. Qualifications: ● Age not over 30 years old ● Bachelor's degree in any fields of studies ● Highly competent in Sales, active, honest and looking for development opportunities ● Good interpersonal skills with an ability to collaborate with various organization partners ● Able to work upcountry (permanent or temporary) ● Good talent, service minded ● Able to work out of working hours

Bancassurance Officer

1 Position

Major Areas of Responsibilities: ● Responsible for Bancassurance such as developing and securing quality new business partners ● Market to and maintain relationship with intermediaries and independent agents by advising them on ways in which to build their consumer life insurance markets Qualifications: ● Male, age 25-35 years ● Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Marketing or related fields ● A minimum 2 years' experience in bancassurance ● Highly competent in Sales, active, honest and looking for development opportunities ● Good interpersonal skills, communication skills, consulting skill, passion to learn & share

IT Project Manager

1 Position

Major Areas of Responsibilities: Responsible for lead and to be part of the team member in IT Project Team to initiate and review business units to identify improvement opportunities & support the implementation of business improvement recommendations in order to enhance work efficiency for customers, agencies, and back office staff throughout the organization. Qualifications:● Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Computer Science or other related fields together with some IT Management ● At least 3-5 years of work experience in project management experience ● Excellent communication & interpersonal skills ● Excellent analytical skills with problem solving, decision making, planning and management skills ● Excellent knowledge in formulating corrective action plans ● Project planning & management expertise ● Excellent command of English ● Good PC literacy (including MS Project)

Network and System Administrator

1 Position

Major Areas of Responsibilities: ● Lead and manage all IT infrastructure of system, security and network team

Develop and implement an IT operating procedure, relevant operational flow and documents for the operations and maintenance of a 24x7 Data Center ● Set up and supervise the management of high availability IP-networking LAN, WAN and server systems such as MSWindows Server, AD, Exchange, AS/400 and/or UNIX ● Implement server/network monitoring system in the Network Operation Center ● Responsible for implementing security solutions and enforcing data center network security policies ● Perform design for collection of server and networking performance data such as system availability, system logs for the server and network capacity planning ● Establish system management criteria and policies ● Plan and manage the disaster recovery plan for the entire server and network systems ● Required standby after office hours and public holiday Qualifications:● At least 5-years hands-on experience in data center man agement ● Degree in Computer, Electrical, Electronics or Telecommunication Engineering, or Network-related fields ● Experience implementation and operations of WAN routing protocols ● Working knowledge in installing and maintaining hardware, software and network such as structured cabling, IP layer 3-switch, router, firewall, etc. and experience in UNIX services or MS-Windows Server, DNS, FTP, DHCP, Web Service, SMTP, POP, etc. ● Understand the principles of VPN, Remote computer on-line, LAN/WAN, TCP/IP,ISDN and any related functions ● In-depth experience in large-scale system and network security ● Skill in implementation and operation of backup/restore solutions, AS400, Unix-based systems, system load balancing, and internet content management, Strong customer service orientation ●


5 Positions

Major Areas of Responsibilities: Provide system support including application assistance, problem solving and training. Help to create and consistently promote programming standards and development procedures. Train end users or technical support staff to use programs. Qualifications: ● Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or other related fields. ● At least 1 year of work experience in programming ● Excellent communication & interpersonal skills ● Excellent analytical, problem solving and decision making skills

Hire Purchase Marketing officer 2 Positions Provide recommendations and services to customers in the area of new and used cars hire purchase. Build up and maintain the good relationship with dealers. Qualifications: ● Male, age not over 30 years old,Bachelor's degree in any field of studies ● At least 1 year of work experience in hire purchase business ● Excellent communication and coordination skills ● Able to work under pressure

Sales Manager, Senior Sales Executive 1, 4 Positions Assist in developing marketing strategy for use in above the line and below the line in accordance with business policy and marketing plan. Survey and sell real estate. Prepare and assist in developing sales tools and reports, and other jobs as assigned in order to achieve company goals. Qualifications: ● Bachelor's degree in any fields of studies,Highly competent in Sales, active, honest and looking for development opportunities ● Good interpersonal skills with an ability to collaborate with various organization partners ● Excellent analytical skills with problem solving, decision making, planning and management skills ● Able to work up-country (permanent or temporary) ● Good talent, service minded ● Able to work out of working hours, good PC literacy

We are looking for successful people, and if you are, don't miss this opportunity to call for an interview and we are sure that you can get some added value after meeting with us. Interested applicants are invited to apply in person or send application with full resume indicating qualifications and experience, transcript, expected salary and a recent photo to the address or e-mail address below:

Contact Name: Ms. Parichart Rattanasareechai Address: 170/74-83, Ocean Tower 1 BLDG., Rachadapisek Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok, 10110 Telephone: 02-261-2300 ext. 440 Fax: 02-204-0099 E-mail: hrm@ocean.co.th or hrservice@ocean.co.th

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009



21 Samuel Eto’o took his tally to 21 as Barcelona beat Sporting Gijon 3-1 to lead the Spanish League by 12 points.


Manchester United winger Ryan Giggs, left, gets a pat from teammate Cristiano Ronaldo after scoring.




ir Alex Ferguson warned his Manchester United stars not to rest on their laurels after Ryan Giggs sent the champions back to the top of the Premier League. Giggs’ second-half strike at West Ham on Sunday clinched a 1-0 win that lifted United two points clear of second placed Liverpool with a game in hand. A victory over Fulham in that additional game on February 18 would open up a five-point lead and, with Chelsea way off the

pace after their weekend draw with Hull, give United the look of champions again. But Ferguson knows from bitter experience that even substantial advantages can be overturned in the final stages of a title run-in as nerves take hold and he has no intention of letting his players take it easy now. “Mistakes can be made. We had an 11-point lead over Arsenal in 1998 and lost the league, so we are not counting our chickens,” Ferguson said. “We shouldn’t either because


Welshman scores wonder goal but United manager Ferguson warns title is still a long way off

Man U keeper Edwin Van der Sar set a record for clean sheets. this game can come and bite you. This is a fantastic result and performance. It is time to kick on.” United’s victory at Upton Park may not carry the obvious significance of a win over

Chelsea, Liverpool or Arsenal. But the result was still infused with meaning for Ferguson, who was encouraged by the way his team ground out yet another ruthless three points. This was United’s 12th 1-0 win in all competitions this season and the team once regarded as cavalier thrill seekers are now more than happy to let their defensive qualities shine through. United haven’t conceded a goal since Samir Nasri scored against them for Arsenal in November and Edwin van der Sar set a new British record at Upton Park in reaching 1,212 minutes without conceding. Yet Ferguson insists his team’s remarkable solidity

won’t come at a cost to their attacking principles. “I always felt one goal would be enough. Edwin has everyone jumping out of their skin at the moment because of the record,” Ferguson said. “When you have that foundation, you are always hoping one of your skilful players can win the game for you, Cristiano Ronaldo or Dimitar Berbatov. This time it was Ryan. “Ryan truly is a credit to the game. If anyone wants an example of how to dedicate themselves to football, you could have no greater example than Ryan Giggs,” he said. Giggs has now scored in each of his 17 league campaigns with United.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009




ADAMS IS AXED Manager gets chop as Portsmouth spiral towards relegation zone AP, London


ony Adams yesterday became the latest England captain to flop as a topflight club manager when Premier League side Portsmouth announced he had been fired after four months in charge. The 42-year-old former Arsenal defender, who took over after Harry Redknapp moved to Tottenham, follows in the long line of England stars who failed to succeed as managers. Bobby Moore, Bobby Charlton, Bryan Robson and, more recently, Blackburn’s Paul Ince were among those who struggled as managers. Ince was sacked in December, and Adams became the seventh Premier League manager to leave this season. Former Chelsea manager Avram Grant, who had a spell as technical director at Portsmouth, was named in the media as a leading contender to replace Adams at Fratton Park, but the bookmakers made former Charlton and West Ham manager Alan Curbishley the favorite. Adams guided Pompey to only two points from a possible 27 in their last nine Premier League games. The club has also been knocked out of all cup competitions, including the Uefa Cup. “The owner and the board feel they have been as supportive as they can during a period where results have been poor,” the club said in a state-


Tony Adams has left Portsmouth after the club took just two points from nine Premier League matches. ment on its website. “The team has played well but too many points have been dropped from winning positions.” Assistant Johnny Metgod was also fired. The club’s director of youth operations, former Nottingham Forest boss Paul Hart, will serve as caretaker manager until a replacement is found. Portsmouth are 16th in the league standings, one point above the relegation zone after losing 3-2 at home to Liverpool on Saturday. Adams, who was Redknapp’s assistant and helped take Portsmouth to an FA Cup final triumph last season and 10th


place in the Premier League, won only two out of 16 league games after taking over in October on a 2-1/2 year contract at Fratton Park. “This has been a very difficult decision and Tony has worked tirelessly to arrest the slump in form,” Portsmouth said. “He is rightfully highly-respected within the football world and played a major role in our FA Cup triumph last season. “The priority is for Portsmouth Football Club to remain in the top flight and we feel the appointment of a new manager will give us the best opportunity to enable us to do this.”

Wenger gives ref a red card Arsene Wenger refused to concede ground in his Arsenal side’s bid to claim a Champions League place despite their failure to beat rivals Tottenham Hotspur in a controversial North London derby at White Hart Lane. But despite playing the majority of the game with ten-men following Emmanuel Eboue’s 37th minute dismissal after the midfielder kicked out at Luca Modric to earn a second yellow card, Wenger was adamant his side should have claimed all three points. And he claims they were denied only by the decision of referee Mike Dean to disallow a 13th minute effort by Eboue who was adjudged to have pushed Spurs defender Jonathan Woodgate immediately before placing the ball in the home side’s net. “I believe we had a resilient, committed attitude, but it’s two points dropped,” Wenger said. “We had the best chances, we scored a regular goal that was cancelled out by an illusionary foul seen only by the referee. “I’ve seen it two times and I still do not know why it was disallowed. He saw a push from Eboue, but it is Woodgate who pushes him and stumbles over and falls down. It’s nothing. It’s not acceptable in games like that.” He added: “I cannot say I’m against the referee, but he got a big decision wrong.” – AFP



Tuesday, February 10, 2009


CAKEWALK FOR PENG Chinese gets a walkover from Italian Santangelo By Lerpong Amsa-ngiam DAILY XPRESS

ifth seed Peng Shuai advanced to the second round of the US$220,000 PTT Pattaya Open after her opponent Mara Santangelo of Italy retired through injury during their first-round match yesterday. The 35th ranked Chinese lost the opening set after being bombarded with the Italian’s flat groundstrokes but was handed the match unexpectedly when her 129th ranked rival called it a day at 3-6 5-2. “I started a bit nervously and was tight. I was broken once and it cost me the first set. In the second set, I was a bit more relaxed after talking to my coach,’’ said the 23-year-old Peng, who lost the Australian Open third round to Serena Williams.



Peng Shuai hits a shot during her match against Mara Santangelo. At 1-2, Santangelo twisted her left ankle in a fall while attempting a backhand. After treatment by a trainer, the former top-30 player limped back on to court. Four games later, she threw in the towel. “I didn’t notice that there was something wrong with her, as she hit the ball well,” Peng said.

“All of a sudden she retired,’’ In other first-round action, junior Australian Open champion Ksenia Pervak of Russia stuck to the baseline and eliminated Tomoko Yonemura of Japan 6-1 6-1 in one hour and 12 minutes. Thailand’s world junior No 1 Noppawan Lertcheewakarn,

who arrived from Perth after the Fed Cup yesterday, will play her match against Shahar Peer of Israel today. The teenager is a clear underdog against the 2006 champion. “Unlike the junior Australian Open [where she was top seed], my ranking is lower than almost everyone here. But I want to get a first-round win under my belt after losing early the last two years,’’ said Noppawan who watched the Israeli play last year at the US Open. “Her backhand is stronger than the forehand. I just have to be aggressive,’’ said the local hope. In the last qualifying round, Vitalia Diatchenko of Russia beat Astrid Besser of Italy 6-1 57 7-6 (7-4), Ivana Lisjak of Croatia trounced Magali Delattre of Portugal 6-1 6-0, top seed Sesil Karatantcheva of Kazakhstan crushed seventh seed Ryoko Fuda of Japan 6-2 62 and third seed Yuliya Beygelzimer of Ukraine beat eighth seed Shiho Hisamatsu of Japan 6-2 6-2.


Ratiwatana twins get US invite DAILY XPRESS


onchat and Sanchai Ratiwatana will play “the tie of the twins” against world No 1 Bob and Mike Bryan in the US$436,000 Sap Open in San Jose, US, this week. The Thai twins, who reached the semi-final of the tournament last year, have been awarded a wildcard and are pitted against the Americans in the first round. On Sunday, Sonchat and Sanchai celebrated their second trophy of the year in the US$125,000 KGHM Dialog Indoors in Wroclaw, Poland. The twins, who won in Salinas, Ecuador, last month, edged German Benedikt Dorsch and American Sam Warburg 6-4 3-6 10-8 in the final. Meanwhile, top-seeded Fernando Gonzalez of Chile defeated Argentina’s Jose Acasuso 6-1 6-3 to claim his fourth Movistar Open title.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009




NICK OF TIME AT PINES Watney rallies from 5 behind to win Buick AP, San Diego

ick Watney made two birdies over the final three holes to take advantage of a late collapse by John Rollins and win the Buick Invitational on Sunday. Watney knocked in a 40-foot birdie putt from the fringe on the par-3 16th, then completed his five-shot rally with a twoputt birdie on the 18th hole. He closed with a 4-under 68 for his second career victory. “I knew it wasn’t over,” Watney said. Rollins let this one get away. He had a three-shot lead with five holes to play until making a bogey with a poor chip on the 14th, another bogey from a plugged lie in the bunker on the 16th, and failing to hit the green on the par-5 18th, leading to a par. He shot a 74. Watney finished at 11-under 277 – the same total Ryuji Imada



Nick Watney with the trophy at Torrey Pines. had last year when he was runner-up by eight shots to Tiger Woods, who has not played since knee surgery after winning the US Open last June at Torrey Pines. Lucas Glover and Camilo Villegas also had their chances. Gloverbirdied the last hole for a 68 and tied for third, two shots behind. Villegas closed with a 72.

Watney was five shots behind going into the final round and was an afterthought most of the day, never getting closer than two shots until the tournament swung in his favour on the 16th. Rollins’ tee shot found the left bunker, and the ball resembled a fried egg. The lie was so severe that the best he could do was blast out across the green and into the rough, 25 feet away.

He chipped to 2 feet for a bogey. Watney was 40 feet away on the fringe, facing a putt that broke sharply to the left. But the pace was perfect, the ball caught the left edge and dropped, and Watney widened his eyes and pumped his fist. That gave him a tie for the lead, and after they exchanged pars on the 17th, he came up with the shot that mattered on the 18th, finding the top shelf of the green and coaxing his long eagle putt a few feet away. Watney hit a hybrid from 235 yards, knowing it was enough to clear the pond. “In a tournament like this, when it’s tight down the stretch, you’ve got to grab it,” he said. Rollins pulled his hybrid into the left bunker, and the best he could do from a tricky lie was blast out 12 feet past the cup. His birdie attempt that would have forced a play-off didn’t have a chance. Matt Jones of Australia matched the low round of the week on the South Course with a 64 and finished alone in fifth.

Woods’ wife gives birth to a son AP, San Diego


iger Woods’ wife Elin has reportedly given birth to the couple’s first son. The San Diego UnionTribune, citing an unidentified person with ties to the Woods family, reported late Sunday that Elin Woods gave birth for the second time. They had a daughter, Sam Alexis, in June 2007 on the day after the US Open. World No 1 golfer Woods did not have an announcement about the birth on his website, where he reports his news. Neither his agent nor his spokesman immediately returned messages seeking comment. The 33-year-old Woods won the US Open last summer for his 14th career Major. That was the last tournament he has played because of knee surgery a week later that ended his 2008 season. He is expected to return before the Masters.

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