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CelebraTing herOes amazing hOnOring peOple
Our sTudenTs aCrOss The COunTry share Their appreCiaTiOn FOr Our Teams
On National Associate Appreciation Day, we recognized and thanked all our hardworking associates. Our teams do more than serve thoughtfully crafted food—they also make our dining locations a home away from home for our students. Their kindness, devotion and passion keep us at the forefront of the industry and make a difference for students, even years after graduation.
Awarding Our People University of North Alabama
At the University of North Alabama, the Kappa Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha celebrated our wonderful Catering Director, Ms. Denise Seagraves. Ms. Seagraves received the Humanitarian Award as a student favorite on campus for more than 30 years. All the students know about her dedication to community service and her catering talent.
International Impact
SUNY Plattsburgh
Trudy from SUNY Plattsburgh reminds us how important it is to be kind. Trudy, who is 89, makes a point to connect with our international students. Trudy recently received a note from a student who is back home in Germany and shared how she will never forget Trudy’s kindness.

glObal ambassadOrs
Influential Associates
Oklahoma City University
Recently, the Oklahoma City University Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion awarded Yolanda Chukwu with the Influential Woman Award. This award was chosen based off a student submission who wrote a wonderful testament to the type of person Yolanda is - this special team member is known for her kind heart and putting smiles on the faces of students and associates alike.