2 minute read
Fueling up yOur hearT and mind
Omega 3s
an inTerview wiTh a regisTered dieTiTian On The impOrTanCe OF Omega-3s during naTiOnal nuTriTiOn mOnTh
To learn more about omega-3s and celebrate National Nutrition Month, we sat down for an in-depth interview with Taylor Guskind, our registered dietitian at American University. Hear what she has to say about the latest seafood trends and the benefits of omega-3s.
whaT FOOd is Trending righT nOw?
Tinned seafood is trending, and for good reason. It is a simple, shelf-stable way to increase omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.
Seafood in itself provides omega-3s in the form of EPA and DHA, which are essential, meaning the body cannot make them. So, we need to eat foods that have them!
Shellfish, like fresh mussels, aren’t the easiest to prepare, so going with the tinned version cuts down on cooking time while packing a ton of protein and micronutrients like zinc and iron. Zinc supports cell function and iron plays a role in oxygen transport through the blood.
Canned seafood allows individuals to enjoy the delicious flavors and nutrients without the price that comes with fresh seafood.
ameriCan universiTy
is Trending Tinned seaFOOd
dOes eaTing seaFOOd regularly help suppOrT brain healTh?
We know that seafood provides benefits to heart health, but there is emerging evidence of potential brain-boosting benefits.
Consuming omega-3 fatty acids, like in some tinned seafood, is especially critical during pregnancy and early childhood for brain and eye development. These fatty acids keep our brains running efficiently by protecting cell membranes and reducing inflammation.
spreading The wOrd abOuT Omega-3s
Our Tabling Event Taught Students About Brain-Boosting and Heart-Healthy Omega-3s.
Our associates at the University of Memphis took it upon themselves to educate students about the benefits of omega-3s. They set up a Feel Good Foods tabling event inside Tiger Den Eatery, which included a quiz and several recipe cards for foods rich in omega-3s, such as chia seed pudding and honey garlic salmon.

Students could test their knowledge in a quiz about which foods contained the most omega-3s: salmon, chia seeds, or avocado. The answer was salmon, with a whopping 2,150 mg of omega-3s per serving.

Some studies suggest that a deficiency in DHA is related to an increase in dementia and Alzheimer’s. Others have found that consuming DHA long-term is linked to decreased cognitive decline.
The verdict is still out on how omega-3 fatty acids specifically impact brain health, but due to all the benefits seafood offers, I’ll continue to add it to my plate often!
Omega-3s Feel gOOd FOOds
The beneFiTs Try
Omega-3s can lower heart disease risk by reducing inflammation, triglycerides, blood pressure, blood clotting, and irregular heartbeat and can also boost mood. Include salmon, chia seeds, tuna and olive oil in your diet regularly. Can you include 3 of these ingredients this week?
We hope to encourage better eating habits among Olive Oil