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Freshnew Openings
These Three TasTy new OpTiOns keep sTudenTs COming baCk FOr mOre
Three Cheers for TBeaux’s Creole Café TBeaux’s Creole Café Debuts at Louisiana State University
We’re proud to partner with many minority-owned businesses that are just as passionate as we are about serving authentic, delicious multicultural cuisine. Recently, we teamed up with Louisiana State University’s Auxiliary Services to add a new Blackowned restaurant, TBeaux’s Creole Café, to campus.
TBeaux’s Creole Café is Louisiana Certified Creole, a certification that is only offered to restaurants and concepts of Creole descent that are sourced, manufactured and packaged locally. The café
Crave Lands at NYU
was created by Melissa Anderson from the LSU AgCenter Food Incubator, which supports startup restaurants by offering expert support and resources from LSU’s Food Science Department. TBeaux’s Creole Cafe will offer students a taste of authentic Creole dishes, like gumbo, po’boys and seafood bisque.
We’re proud to be part of the TBeaux’s success story and are so excited to welcome Melissa Anderson to the LSU campus!
The virtual food hall takes over the John A. Paulson Center New York University is elevating its dining program with the launch of a virtual food hall that creates sustainably prepared and on-trend meals for the NYU community.
Imagine walking into one location and having the option to choose between five distinct cuisines, including: plant-based bowls and sandwiches from Veg 23, Vietnamese-inspired sandwiches and bowls from BONMi, Latin American-inspired bowls from Eso Latin, customizable mac and cheese bowls from City of
Mac and hand-smashed burgers from True Burger.
Crave NYU is a collaboration with SVK Kitchen, a virtual food hall that specializes in fast-casual food cooked in the sous vide technique, which results in deliciously tender and flavorful food.
Crave NYU is just one way we constantly innovate to meet our students’ desires and find ways to bring new, modern dining concepts and technologies to campus.