Senior Spectrum June 2014 Issue

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Editor’s Desk

Commission on Aging Accepts Report on Tobacco Settlement Priorities for Funding The Nevada Commission on Aging accepted a subcommittee’s report May 19, recommending spending priorities for the upcoming fiscal year regarding Tobacco Settlement funds. Tobacco Settlement funds have been critically important to the Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division programs as they are grant funded to nonprofit organizations through Independent Living Grants. ILG funding enables elders to live independently and avoid costly institutionalization. Tobacco Settlement revenue has been declining in recent years, and the funding was used to fill gaps in the general fund during the recent recession. With the passage of SB 421 a few sessions ago, ADSD is now required to prioritize and report how the funds are spent. What is worthy of discussion is that report priorities were determined in statewide survey’s collected in almost all counties of the state. Hundreds said transportation, case management and home care is needed to live independently. Transportation is used to access services that include work, medical appointments, social services, meals, adult day care, shopping and socializa-

tion; yet it is expensive and difficult to achieve. In most communities, transportation partners are working with the larger Regional Transportation Commission to develop a coordinated transit plan. Clark County is ahead of most counties in working with nonprofit organizations to provide transportation to low-income and disabled riders, and more recently disabled veterans, yet the demand still outweighs resources available as it does in all 17 counties. The other priorities gathered from respondents came within points of each other. Consumer’s and providers said that case management and home care were needed to enable elders to live in their home. Case management is a process by which individual needs are identified, and services to meet those needs are located, coordinated, and monitored. Home care provides services that can include housekeeping, grocery shopping, advocacy, and non-medical in-home care assistance. It should be noted that many other services were also mentioned by respondents such as nutrition and respite.

Senior Spectrum Newspaper P.O. Box 7124 • Reno, NV 89510

(775) 348-0717

e-mai l : S eni orspectrumnv@aol . com S eni orspectrumnewspaper. com

Publishers: Chris & Connie McMullen Senior Spectrum is a monthly publication dedicated to inform, serve, and entertain. Publication of advertising contained does not constitute endorsement. Signed columns are the opinion of the writers, and not necessarily the opinion of the publishers. Copyrighted publication. All rights reserved.

2014 Contents page 3 - Older Americans page 4 - Opinion: Sen. Heller page 5 -Opinion: Sen. Reid page 13 - Alzheimer’s Conference 2014 page 16 -Stone Valley Alzheimer’s Care Center page 18 -Senior Medicare Patrol Helps Beneficiaries page 19 -Washoe Legal Services Providing Services in Rural Counties page 26 - The Bungalows at Sky Vista in North Valley’s page 33 - Foster Grandparent/Senior Companion Recognition page 35 - Seniors Outreach Service Remembrance page 36 - SHIP/SMP Volunteer Recognition page 46 - Dance Inferno

Every Issue page 6 - Your Family, Your Legacy, Your Community page 27 & 28 - Calendar

page page page page page page page

29 31 34 37 39 40 44


Biggest Little City Eydie’s Excerpts Resources this ‘n that Crossword Tinseltown Talks Seniors4Travel

Health page 10 - Center for Healthy Aging Elder Needs & Legislative Issues for Nevada Dr. Lawrence J. Weiss, Ph.D., Center for Healthy Aging page 14 - CMS: How Medicare Covers Hospice David Sayen, Region 9 page 20 - Ophthalmology: Dr. Michael Fischer, M.D. page 22 - AARP: Roadway Fundamentals Refresher

Financial page 7 - Common Estate Planning Terms to Know Bradley B. Anderson, Ltd. June • 2014 • 3


First Annual Nevada Silver Awards U.S. Senator Dean Heller

Each May, since 1963, our nation celebrates Older Americans Month to recognize older Americans for their contributions and provide them with information to help them stay healthy and active. This year’s theme, Safe Today. Healthy Tomorrow, focused on injury prevention. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services chose this as the theme because older adults are at a much higher risk of unintentional injury and event death than the rest of the population. After launching the First Annual Nevada Silver Awards, it’s clear Nevadans care about the health and safety of their neighbors, family, and friends. Last month, I received many submissions, which included a

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myriad of safety tips from various seniors who promote healthy and active lifestyles. To every Nevadan who contributed to this year’s awards, and to the education of older adults in our Great State, please accept my sincere gratitude. By understanding how unintentional injuries can happen, seniors are able to take control of their safety, live longer, and lead healthier lives. With eleven percent of Nevada’s population over the age of 65, we had a lot to celebrate in May. As a member of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, I will continue advocating on behalf of seniors in Nevada and throughout the United States. I am committed to working hard to help enact policies that will help seniors in the Silver State thrive.

Opinion U.S. Sen. Harry Reid

Recognizing Contributions of Older Americans

Since 1963, America has celebrated its senior citizen population with a month that honors older Americans. This Sen. Harry Reid past May, we celebrated the 51st anniversary of Older Americans Month. Whether they are our grandparents, tribal elders, community patriarchs and matriarchs, or the like, Americans in their golden years deserve our praise and support. I have always remained committed to ensuring our seniors have the benefits they have earned and deserve. From protecting Social Security from drastic cuts or privatization, to ensuring that the Medicare ‘Donut Hole’ was completely closed in the Affordable Care Act, you can be sure I will remain com-

mitted to defending what Nevada’s seniors depend on. I believe it is helpful for all retired Nevadans to know about the federal government programs and benefits to which they are entitled. This is why my office has created a Retiree Benefits and Assistance Resource Guide, which provides Nevada’s seniors with key information about important federal, state, and community-based programs. While this Guide may not answer all of their questions, it should serve as a directory to further assistance. I also encourage all Nevadans to reach out to either of my offices should they have problems with government benefits, or receiving assistance from federal government agencies. My staff is the

most qualified to assist with making inquiries to agencies such as the Social Security Administration, Internal Revenue Service, and the Department of Veterans Affairs should one of my constituents require such services. Older Americans Month is a time to celebrate and recognize the contributions of older generations who helped shape our communities. I hope all senior citizens in Nevada were able to enjoy this month with family and friends. To receive a free copy of this guide or for assistance with other government agencies any time of the year, please contact either of my offices at (702) 388-5020 in Las Vegas or (775) 686-5750 in Reno and the rest of Northern Nevada.

June • 2014 • 5

Your Family, Your Legacy, Your Community Chris Askin, President and CEO Community Foundation of Western Nevada

“None of us is getting out of this alive.” I love that expression because it is so true, Chris Askin so simply stated, and also funny. But the amazing thing about philanthropy is that it is something each of us can afford to do that will last forever. Most of us spend a significant amount of time managing our money. Many people live beyond their means and others live well below their means. Fulfillment in life is really tied to one’s perception of their wealth. At the Community Foundation we’ve worked with clients who earn very little; but because they are happy living a simple life and are realistic about what they can afford to spend, they contact us to devise a strategy for increasing their charitable impact. They enjoy having assets they can use to express their charitable passions. We don’t meet the

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people who live beyond their means because they don’t have anything to give away. The need to have a good understanding of sound financial and estate planning is clear, but the opportunities to learn are few. In recognition of this the Community Foundation, in partnership with several local charities and a few dozen smart and generous professional advisors, offers a twice-yearly series of classes on these subjects. The classes are free and about 1,000 people have attended them locally in the last four years. One series focuses on current

financial planning, and another focuses on estate planning. If you’d like to learn the next workshop schedule please provide the Community Foundation of Western Nevada with your email; we’ll send you a notice in advance. I promise we won’t send any other marketing materials or add you to any “lists.” The happiest people I see are not those who have the most money or who have inherited wealth. The happiest people are those who have a good handle on their finances, budget well for their daily living expenses, save for retire(Legacy page 12 )

Common Estate Planning Terms You’ll Want To Know Brought to you by Brad Anderson

Bradley B. Anderson Anderson, Dorn, & Rader, Ltd.

Although considering the event of one’s own death can be uncomfortable, it’s imperative to start planning ahead and set up an estate plan that will guarantee security for your loved ones. Meeting with a qualified estate planning attorney will ensure you’re informed about the choices available to you, and help relieve some stress knowing your affairs will be in order after your death. For some, this could be the

The American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys •

first time you’re meeting with an attorney. Even if it’s not, many people might still feel slightly intimidated by the prospect of dealing with legal terminology they’re not acquainted with. While a good attorney will make sure you’re comfortable discussing your options, you can prepare yourself prior to your consultation by reviewing this list of common terms: Beneficiary A person or organization

that receives a benefit from an estate, trust or asset. Death Probate The legal process used by the court to administer an estate with no will or to determine a Will’s validity, assemble and transfer a decedent’s assets to the intended beneficiaries, and settle any outstanding debts. Decedent A person who has passed away.

Donee A person or organization who receives a gifted asset. Donor A person or organization who gifts an asset to another person or entity. Agent Under a Durable Power of Attorney The person authorized to manage one’s financial and legal affairs according to instructions and limits provided within the power of (Terms page 8)

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Terms / page 7 attorney document. Estate All the assets owned by a decedent when he or she passes. Executor The person named in a will

who is responsible for settling a decedent’s estate. Most states today now refer to this person as a personal representative.

name of your Trust.

Funding The process that entails transferring assets you own as an individual into the

Guardian of the Person A person appointed by the court to care for a minor or incompetent person’s physical well-being.

Grantor A person who transfers an asset to a Trust.

Guardian of the Estate A person appointed by the court to care for a minor or incompetent person’s financial well-being. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Authorization Allows access to your confidential health information by your health care agent, loved ones, and anyone else whom you have designated. Living Will A document containing directions for life-sustaining treatment should you become unable to communicate your wishes and are terminally ill. Medicaid Trust An irrevocable Trust often used in Medicaid pre-planning as a way to qualify for Medicaid benefits and protect assets in the event of a nursing home stay. Testator The creator of a Will. Living Trust A legal document through which a Trustee holds property under a set of instructions given by the grantor. It can provide probate protection after death and many other benefits. 8 • 2014 • June

Trustee The person or entity in charge of the assets in a Trust. While you are alive, you may act as Trustee. A successor Trustee is in charge of Trust assets at the death or disability of the Trustor. Trustor The person who creates a Trust. Will A legal document used in a death probate to transfer assets owned by the decedent upon a decedent’s death Although considering the event of one’s own death can be uncomfortable, it’s imperative to start planning ahead and set up an estate plan that will guarantee security for your loved ones. Meeting with a qualified estate planning attorney will ensure you’re informed about the choices available to you, and help relieve some stress knowing your affairs will be in order after your death. The Law Firm of Anderson, Dorn & Rader is devoted exclusively to estate planning. We are members of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys and offer guidance and advice to our clients in every area of estate planning. We offer comprehensive and personalized estate planning consultations. For more information or to attend an upcoming seminar, please contact us at (775) 823-9455 or visit us online at

June • 2014 • 9

Adding Life to Years

Major Elder Needs and Legislative Issues for Nevada Dr. Larry Weiss • Center for Healthy Aging

My article this month pulls from work that several aging expert professionals throughout the state have put together for consideration with the Nevada State Legislature. These issues and service needs for elders are not new, but drastically need attention. These elder issues are also not unique to Nevada or just the state level. If you find these relevant to your situation or to someone you know, please let our politicians know so we can change the quality of life for our elders and “add life to years”. Elder issues impact everyone. We should not pit our elders with the services and resources they need with our youth or animals. Unfortunately this is what happens. Very few businesses and corporations give to elder programs, whereas children and animal program and services receive the bulk of philanthropic gifts. Many times our elders are perceived as “greedy old geezers”. In reality this is rarely the case. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Nevada’s estimated 2013 population is 2,790,136, of which 13.1 percent (approximately 366,000) are over the age of 65. The number of people living below the poverty rate in Nevada is 16.4 percent, which means that approximately 60,000 people over the age of 65 are living on Larry Weiss

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$11,490 or less per year if single and $15,510 or less per year if there are 2 people in the household. According to economic figures from the 2009 Elders Count publication, that I put together when I was at UNR’s Sanford Center for Aging, there are many more elders living on a lot less than what the U.S. Census Bureau is reporting. In 2007, 20 percent of our elders lived on $5,094 per year, 20 percent lived on $11,670, and 20 percent lived on $19,339, indicating there are a lot more elders in poverty than the “official” figures indicate, even though these are dated figures. Given these obvious economic needs, let me present what our Nevada professional experts have determined

to be the eight top elder needs within the state and will be advocating with our legislators. BEHAVIORAL AND COGNITIVE HEALTH: Currently, there are few services in Nevada for people requiring assistance due to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia, or who have mental health or behavioral issues. This lack of services result in many people being placed in facilities in other states or going without needed care. Legislation is needed to provide for implementation of the state plan to address Alzheimer’s disease, other dementias, and mental health illness. There is a need to increase services and

facilities throughout the state for treatment of brain-related and mental health illnesses. BUDGET ISSUES: Increase Medicaid waiver slots for elders and disabled and increase resources for the long-term care Ombudsmen. These services are designed to help elders and disabled to stay safe and functional in the community. We also need to create permanent state funding for services now funded with tobacco settlement funds which will end soon. CAREGIVERS: There are 532,000 Nevadans providing care to loved ones and friends every year. This saves Nevada taxpayers an (Elder Needs page 11)

estimated $4 billion a year by avoiding publicly paid care giving programs. Laws are needed that will help these volunteer caregivers to remain in the workplace while maintaining or increasing their ability to perform these valuable services, such as respite care. LEGAL RIGHTS: In order to protect the legal rights of older persons, the legislature can do many things including revise elder abuse laws to better protect victims and to make prosecuting the crimes more effective, regulate private, for-profit guardians, and increase the number of professionals who are mandatory reporters. MEDICAID: Expand Medicaid services to include services that are provided in other states but not in Nevada, e.g. bed-holds at long-term care facilities, dental care, case management and medication management. Prioritize home and community based waivered services over institutionalization to keep elders in their homes. NUTRITION: Older people must be included in state planning for food security. In Nevada, 18.8 percent of seniors are deemed marginally food-insecure. Many depend on congregate or home-delivered meals as their only reliable nutrition. These programs are primarily federally-funded, and the funding is diminishing as the need grows. We need to increase the resources for getting food to our seniors. TRANSPORTATION: Transportation is the number one need in the rural communities and urban

areas. The legislature can evaluate Nevada Department Of Transportation funding and regulations for local and intercity transportation in rural communities and increase the resources. Also, a Medicaid “non-medical” transportation waiver can be included in the Medicaid State Plan and increase the availability. WORKFORCE: Nevada lacks sufficient numbers of trained health care professionals in geriatrics. Many states have programs that help students repay their student loans if they agree to enter public sector employment for a certain amount of time. Funding and incentives for medical, health, and social service workers who work in geriatrics in the private and public sector would encourage people to enter the field. Additional funding to gerontology programs in higher education would increase the amount of care available to older people, help to attract businesses to Northern Nevada, and alleviate some unemployment. These are important and critical areas that you can support in improving the lives of our elders and disabled throughout the state and maintaining their quality of health – adding life to years. Advocate for these issues with your associates and politicians. We cannot be silent. Lawrence J. Weiss, Ph.D. is Founder and CEO of the Center for Healthy Aging. Dr. Weiss welcomes your comments on this column. Write to him at or c/o Center for Healthy Aging, 11 Fillmore Way, Reno, NV 89519.

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Legacy / page 6

ment (if they’re not yet retired), and include charitable giving as one of their high-priority expenses. I recommend combining volunteering with giving because it is most satisfying to be deeply connected with one or more of the charities you support. It is also important to understand the real and true need the charity has for your financial support. The other day one of our fund holders said, “The Community Foundation is the Consumer Reports of Charitable Giving.” I love that term because every donor should be certain that their gifts are needed and being well used by the charities privileged to receive their support. In addition to the joy that philanthropy brings to your life, it sets an important example for others. We’ve all heard the term, “Do as I say, not as I do,” and we likely also understand that it doesn’t work that way. People, including those closest and most important to us, learn from and often do what we do, not

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what we say. When you demonstrate that caring for others is one of your core values, you teach perhaps the most important lesson in life. It may be important for the twoyear-old to get everything for “me, me me,” but that certainly isn’t the attitude we want for ourselves once we grow up, or that we want for our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Whether you are making a gift to help preserve a beautiful landscape, giving a life-changing experience to a child, or funding an endowment to meet the needs of the community in the future, you are doing something that will exist long after you are gone. If you’re like me… an optimist about the

future of our country and our people, leaving a life legacy filled with examples of philanthropy is a way to help future generations lead our community and country. When we give generously we inspire ourselves as well as others, now and forever. I say that is a bargain we can’t afford to pass up.

Alzheimer's Conference Sheds Light on Treatment, Research, and Care by Connie McMullen Over 225 people attended the 2014 Alzheimer's Conference: Living Well With Dementia, held May 9, at the Atlantis in Reno. The annual conference is for caregivers, family, students and professionals learning about Alzheimer’s and other dementia’s, the resources available, new treatments, early intervention, and research. Over five million people are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) nationwide; 29,000 have been diagnosed with AD in the state with 10,000 living in Northern Nevada.

course of the disease… We think of them as the “disease”…they lose their personhood. We need to focus on the person, their humanity, not the disease they have.” Dr. Reed said caregivers, family, and professionals can engage the person living with AD as partners in their own experience, making sure they are supported in having a high quality of life as a functioning human-being using concepts of person-centered care; the practice of basing key long-term care decisions, such as how meals are served or how bathing is offered, on individual needs, preferences, and expectations. “We don’t have to be stuck in the tragedy narrative of AD,” Association Regional Director Jacob Harmon added. “It is devastating, but it doesn’t have to be. With proper support, education and attitude we can live well with the disease.”

Presenter, Elizabeth Edgerly, Ph.D., Chief Program Officer, Alzheimer's Association Northern California and Northern Nevada.

Hosted by the Alzheimer’s Association of Northern Nevada, conference cosponsor, Sanford Center for Aging, Director Dr. Peter Reed offered concepts. “We are stuck in the tragedy dis-

the disease.

Among the presenters, Elizabeth Edgerly, Ph.D., Chief Program Officer, Alzheimer's Association Northern California and Northern Nevada, provided an update on Alzheimer's Science and Care. Edgerly said the most important thing to happen for the person newly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s would be to slow down progression of

Research indicates Amyloid (Plaque) and Tau (Tangles) in the brain is what causes Alzheimer’s. Edgerly said if

Dementia Worldwide 2010 – 36 million 2030 – 66 million 2050 – 115 million researchers could find a way to stop tangling of Tau, than all other symptoms that lead to Alzheimer's would cease. Tau is the “tangle” protein; once Tau starts twisting into tangles, “then all the other symptoms happen.” “Diagnosis almost always comes late in the disease and it costs more as a result,” explained Michael Splaine, CEO, Cognitive Solutions. Early identification tests are available that include genetic testing, brain scans (PET & MRI), Cerebral Spinal Fluid ABeta, and biomarkers. A Dementia Evaluation includes medical history, mental status testing, physical and neurological exam, blood tests and brain imaging. Prevention and risk reduction can begin with exercise and health care, brain stimulation and education, nutrition, social and emotional wellbeing. Exercise everyday 10-40 minutes is effective in age-related atrophy. To learn more about AD and other dementia’s visit,, The Alzheimer’s Association of Northern Nevada is located at 1301 Cordone Ave., Reno, NV 89502. It can be reached by calling (775) 786-8061. ______________________________ Reno/Sparks Walk to End Alzheimerʼs is September 27, 8 a.m., Sparks Marina, 300 Howard Dr., Sparks, NV 89434

June • 2014 • 13

How Medicare Covers Hospice Care David Sayen Regional Administrator, Medicare Region 9

Coping with terminal illness can be very difficult, for the patient as well as his or her loved ones. That’s why I want to pass along some information about Medicare’s coverage of hospice care. David Sayen

Hospice is a program of care and support for people who are terminally ill. The focus is on comfort, not on curing illness. Hospice is intended to help people who are terminally ill live comfortably. If you qualify for Medicare’s hospice benefit, you’ll have a specially trained team and support staff to help you and your family deal with your illness. You and your family members are the most important part of the team. Your team

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may also include doctors, nurses, counselors, social workers, physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, hospice aides, and homemakers. The hospice team provides care for the whole person. That includes his or her physical, emotional, and social needs. Hospice services are generally provided in the home and may include physical care, counseling, drugs, and medical equipment and supplies for the terminal illness plus any related conditions. Your regular doctor or a nurse practitioner can also be part of your team, to supervise your care. Who’s eligible for Medicare-covered hospice services? You have to meet sev-

eral conditions. For one, you must be eligible for Medicare Part A, which is hospital insurance. Also, your doctor and the hospice medical director must certify that you’re terminally ill and have six months or less to live, if your illness runs its normal course.

You have to sign a statement choosing hospice care instead of other Medicarecovered benefits to treat your terminal illness. (Medicare will still pay for covered benefits for any health problems that aren’t related to your terminal illness.) And you must get care from a Medicare-approved hospice program. If you qualify, your doctor and the hospice team will work with you and your family to set up a care plan that meets your needs. A hospice doctor and nurse will be on call 24-hours a day, seven days a week to give you and your family support and care when you need it. Medicare’s hospice benefit allows you and your family to stay together in the comfort of your home unless you need care in an inpatient facility. You do have the right to stop hospice care at any time. Medicare will pay for a one-time-only consultation with a hospice medical director or hospice doctor to discuss your care options and how to manage your pain and symptoms. After that, Medicare covers doctor and nurse services; equipment such as wheelchairs or walkers; supplies such as bandages and catheters; drugs to control pain or other symptoms; hospice aide and homemaker services; physical

and occupational therapy; and social worker services. Medicare also covers dietary counseling; grief and loss counseling for you and your family; shortterm inpatient care for pain and symptom management; and short-term respite care. Respite care is designed to help the caregiver for a terminally ill person. Often a spouse or other family member becomes the caregiver, and at some point they may need a rest. You can get respite care in a Medicareapproved hospice inpatient facility, hospital, or nursing home if your caregiver needs a rest. You can stay up to five days each time. You can get respite care more than once, but it can only be provided on an occasional basis. How much do you pay for hospice under Medicare? There’s no deductible.

You’ll pay no more than $5 for each prescription drug and similar products for pain relief and symptom control. If you get inpatient respite care, you pay five percent of the Medicare-approved amount. For example, if Medicare pays $100 per day for inpatient respite care, you’ll pay $5 per day. David Sayen is Medicare’s regional administrator for Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii, and the Pacific Territories. You can get answers to your Medicare questions by calling 1-800MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

June • 2014 • 15

Stone Valley Alzheimer’s Special Care Center

by Connie McMullen


Stone Valley Alzheimerʼs Special Care Center to open this summer.

tone Valley Alzheimer’s Special Care Center is opening later this summer to provide Alzheimer’s and dementia care in Northwest Reno. Building from the ground up just off of Robb Drive, Stone Valley Alzheimer’s Special Care Center is a family owned company that has deep roots in memory care. Jerry Erwin, President and CEO, is founder of JEA Senior Living. He has developed, owned and managed nursing homes, retirement facilities, assisted living and Alzheimer’s special centers for over 30 years. His interest and dedication in memory care stems from personal experience with his own mother, Margaret, who developed and lived with Alzheimer’s disease over 7 years before she died. 16 • 2014 • June

Erwin realized there was a tremendous need for specialized dementia care and worked to develop better solutions to meet those unique needs. In 1993, Erwin and his extended family built his first dedicated memory care community in Tumwater, WA. Since then, he has developed over 50 specialized care centers across the country. “Jerry Erwin watched his mother 30-years-ago and created a program that he wanted for her,” said Stone Valley Administrator, Wendy Knorr. Erwin’s son Cody is now COO of the family company. The family vision is seen in every community built. Buildings are well thought out long before the project comes to fruition. The layout of Stone Valley is designed

Jerry Erwin, President and CEO, of JEA Senior Living, a family owned company.

“Our Philosophy of Care is a simple one: To care for each Resident with dignity and respect and join you in honoring them.” residents and their families to experience something special here.”

while encouraging independence. Residents will have access to scheduled social events with family involvement. There will also be supervised outings to nearby points of interest. Stone Valley Alzheimer’s Special Care Center will have a Grand Opening in September. Knorr says they will start talking to families interested in learning about the community in July. There will also be a respite program offered to families, and a series of workgroups and educational programs on Alzheimer’s disease. Knorr says the community will likely open with a low censes of 15-20 residents as they continue to hire staff. Stone Valley is starting new from the ground up.

Stone Valley is a free standing buildMargaret as a Teacher with her First Grade Class (Cottage Grove, OR). ing and like a “P”, with the courtyard being the does not include an assisted or indecenter of activity. “Activity rooms are pendent living program although the small for smaller groups with special Erwin family does operate those faciliinterests,” Knorr explained. “This is ties in other states. Stone Valley is a what drew me to this company, the phi- secured facility that will provide care for losophy and design of the building, it 66 people, in both private and a shared supports the concepts. We can do a lot room. Residents will be served three Stone Valley Alzheimer’s Special for everybody in the room.” nutritious meals daily, with snacks avail- Care Center: 6155 Stone Valley Drive Exclusive to JEA Senior Living is the able throughout the day. Reno, NV 89523 Meaningful Moments® Program specifiSpecially trained staff will be availTel: (775) 746-2200 cally designed to meet the needs of resi- able to assist with all aspects of care Fax: (775) 746-2205 dents with memory loss by focusing on their psychological, social and spiritual needs. “Our goal is to know the person’s life before dementia. Their personal history is a living document.” Knorr says staff will keep that information and incorporate it into the residents daily routine to include their likes and dislikes, what foods they like, special dishes they ate as a child. Residents will also be drawn to things they want to do like garden, play checkers, have access to tools. “We want The main nurses station remains under construction.

June • 2014 • 17

Senior Medicare Program helps Beneficiaries, Prevent, Detect and Report Health Care Fraud Ginny Paulson, SMP Resource Center Director


edicare loses billions each year due to fraud, error, and abuse. This not only compromises the Medicare Trust Fund, but individual beneficiaries’ future benefits and health are placed at risk. The problem is being addressed at many levels of government, including the nationwide Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) program that is working at the grass roots level in all 50 states. The SMP mission is to empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education. SMPs caution all beneficiaries to: • Treat your Medicare card and number

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like you would a credit card. Medicare cards and numbers contain Social Security numbers, making them valuable to thieves interested in both medical identity theft and financial identity theft. • Only share Medicare and other health care identification cards and numbers with trusted sources, such as your health care providers. • Rely on your doctors for medical advice and prescriptions, not advice or offers of medical services from unknown persons who call, visit, or approach you in public. • Keep records of your health care visits, services or equipment received, test results, etc. The SMP Personal Health Care Journal is a good health care

record keeping tool. • Save your Medicare Summary Notices (MSNs) and Explanations of Benefits (EOBs) and review them for accuracy. • Ask questions of your provider, Medicare plan, or 1-800-Medicare when: o You don’t understand the charges billed; o You don’t think you received the service; o You feel the service was unnecessary; o You were charged for the same Medicare-covered product or service twice. Nevada SMP can be reached at 1888-838-7305; or visit:

Washoe Legal Services Provides Representation to Children, Seniors in Rural Counties, District Court Washoe Legal Services (WLS) is providing legal assistance in rural counties where legal services are badly needed for children and seniors. WLS Executive Director Paul Elcano said a lawyer is currently working in Lyon, Pershing and Humboldt Counties. WLS is currently in the process of hiring another in Elko. Assistance includes abuse and neglect, consumer issues, domestic violence, immigration if the person is here lawfully, land and tenant issues. “The issues vary by the county they are in,” he said. WLS is also trying to educate people that legal assistance is now available in the rural communities. “Many seniors are not aware because there hasn’t been legal help for the disadvantaged in a

longtime. Many do not realize that they have legal issues.” Attorneys will screen and evaluate people for serious matters that include asset protection in the guardianship process. Guardianship is a huge legal imposition on folks he says. In Washoe County, WLS has been appointed by the County District Court to represent wards that need council. “Many times seniors are not convinced they need help. We’ve been successful and less intrusive in the way we handle things and it saves money but,” he added, “issues are tough around finances.” Since January 2013, two attorneys have represented 203 seniors in Washoe County. There have been 103 adult guardianship cases followed by docu-

ment assistance (47 cases), wills and estates (24 cases). Other assistance involved elder abuse, foreclosure/tenant issues, long-term care in a health facility, and more. “The numbers reflect approximately 1,000 hours of attorney time devoted entirely to serving Washoe County’s senior population.” Elcano says finding ways to provide guardianship representation is difficult. “There is a large community need. If there is no funding, you find ways to raise it.” Northern Nevada Senior Legal Services, a nonprofit division of WLS, provides free senior legal services to seniors age 60. Hours are MondayFriday, 8-5 p.m., 299 S. Arlington Av., Reno, NV 89501. Tel: (775) 329-2727

June • 2014 • 19


Child Obesity-Related Blindness Risk Michael J. Fischer, M.D. Eye Physician & Surgeon

Overweight and obese children are at Michael Fischer increased risk for a brain condition that can cause blindness. An analysis of data involving 900,000 children aged 2 to 19 years shows a 16-times risk of idiopathic intracranial

20 • 2014 • June

hypertension (IIH) among extremely obese children. This condition, which causes symptoms of headache, blurred vision, nausea, and eye movement abnormalities, can lead to blindness in up to ten percent of patients, especially if IIH is not diagnosed and treated promptly. The risk of IIH is six times higher

in moderately obese children and 3.5 times higher in overweight children. Eighty-five percent of the children with the condition were girls aged 11 to 19 and nearly half were Caucasian. It should be noted because ophthalmologists can get a glimpse inside the body through the eye’s trans-

parent window, they can often make diagnoses on the basis of visual observation alone. If you would like further information on today’s topic, please call my office at (775) 882-2988. We are located at 3839 N. Carson Street, in Carson City. Hours: 8-5 p.m., Mon. - Fri. by appointment.

June • 2014 • 21

Back to Basics: Roadway Fundamentals Refresher

by Julie E. Lee

When’s the last time you refreshed your knowledge of the rules of the road? If you’re like most older Americans, it’s probably been decades since you took a driver’s education course and got your first driver’s license. But even the most Julie E. Lee experienced drivers can benefit from a tune-up. That’s what new research by AARP and the Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, found. Using a driving simulator, the study aimed to uncover areas where older drivers could use additional training, and learned that—when it comes to driving—many adults could benefit from going back to basics. Are you in need of a quick refresher? If so, read on, and stay smart with these basic driving practices. 1. Wear your seat belt. This

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may seem like a no-brainer, but 14 percent of motorists still choose not to buckle up. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), properly worn seat belts are proven to reduce the risk of fatal injury to front-seat passenger occupants by 45 percent. It is critical that you wear your seat belt at all times—even when traveling short distances or at low speeds. Make sure that it is in the proper position: secure against your body with the lower lap part placed low, across your hip bones. Never place the shoulder belt part behind your back or under your arm. 2. Understand pavement markings. Do you know the difference between a double solid-yellow line and a double brokenyellow line? Pavement markings are used to guide drivers and control the flow of traffic in an orderly way. Most pavement markings are either white or yellow. They indicate which part of the road to use, provide information about conditions ahead, and indicate when passing is allowed. White markings separate lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction, or shoulder boundaries. Yellow lane markings are used to identify lanes of traffic traveling in the

opposite direction. Crossing a single, solid white line is discouraged and crossing double white lines is prohibited. Broken yellow lines mean that you are permitted to change lanes or pass when it is safe to do so. Crossing a double solid-yellow line is prohibited. You can learn more about pavement markings on AARP’s Driving Resource Center. 3. Use your turn signals. Turn signals or blinkers are used to alert drivers behind you that you will be switching lanes, attempting to merge, or turning left or right. Using them is not only courteous to the drivers around you, but in many states, it’s illegal not to use them. Don’t wait until the last second to use your turn signal. Instead, use your turn signal at least 100 feet before your turning point. Your signal should be on for at least five seconds before changing lanes. It’s also a good practice to use a signal when pulling into a parking space. 4. Come to a complete, three-second stop at stop signs. When traveling in familiar areas, some drivers develop the bad habit of

“rolling” through stop signs. But the sign means come to a complete stop, and then proceed with caution; do not just slow down. By law, a “stop” is when all tires on a car have stopped moving. You should come to a complete stop for at least three seconds before proceeding. As a general rule of thumb, in an intersection or junction where a stop sign is present, the driver who stops at the stop sign first has the right to proceed first. If two or more cars stop at the same time at a stop sign, the car to the right side of the driver has the right-of-way. Never assume other drivers will obey these rules, so always proceed with caution. 5. Obey the speed limit. While this too may seem like common sense, speed-related crashes cause more than 10,000 deaths a year, which is nearly a third of all crashrelated fatalities in this country. One simple way to avoid a crash is to abide by the posted speed limit. With many obstacles on the road like other cars, bicyclists and pedestrians, you never know when you will need to brake suddenly to avoid a crash. Driving at a speed higher than what is safe leaves you

with less reaction time and braking distance than you may need to avoid a crash. Speeding also increases the risk of serious injury in a crash. The AARP and Eastern Virginia Medical School research helped shape the content of the new AARP Smart Driver Course, which launched nationwide in 2014. For more tips on how to stay safe, consider taking the course— AARP Driver Safety’s flagship offering and the nation’s first and largest refresher course designed specifically for older drivers. The AARP Smart Driver Course is available in a classroom and online, in both English and Spanish. In some states, you may even be eligible for a multi-year insurance discount upon completion of the course.* For more information, visit or call 1-888AARP-NOW (1-888-227-7669).

June • 2014 • 23

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June • 2014 • 25

The Bungalows at Sky Vista

$40 Million Housing Project Opens in North Valleys by Connie McMullen


he Bungalows at Sky Vista is the largest For Rent Housing Community to come to the North Valley’s area. Developers say its innovative design and lifestyle appeal offer qualities that cannot be found anywhere in the marketplace. Located minutes from Reno, the 600 acre master-planned community offers a new one-of-a-kind housing option unique to Northern Nevada. Silverwing Development, LLC., will hold an Open House and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony June 6, to showcase the Clubhouse and

Above - Construction work in progress on the Bungalows. Left - An artist rendering of the completed project.

the numerous amenities built into the Sky Vista project. A Grand Opening will be held June 7th.

garage has a remote garage door to make coming and going easy for residents.

“Everyone is so used to the hype of advertising it is refreshing when something that is truly unique comes along that meets or exceeds expectations,” said J Carter Witt, III, President, Silverwing Development.

Homes also feature 12 foot vaulted ceilings, noise barriers between units, a private front entry with porch, marble and granite countertops, and a full size washer and dryer. Homes range from over 824 sq. feet to 1,109 sq. feet. Appliances are low energy and use hydronic heating to keep utility bills low. Security cameras have been installed on entrance and common area buildings for peace of mind.

The Bungalows at Sky Vista is a single story community that provides open space views and 7-miles of paved trails for walking, running and taking the dog on a stroll. There is a dedicated Dog Park and future Community Gardens planned for phase 2 of the development. Homes feature private oversized patio’s, and a full size garage with direct and safe access into the home. Each 26 • 2014 • June

The Bungalows is providing an economic stimulus to the community. Witt says 200-300 people have been working on the job site throughout the past 20months of construction doing maintenance, landscaping, installing rocks,

turf, and soil. When completed over 800 trees and 4000 shrubs will have been planted. There are no overhead power lines to obstruct views and skies, and homes are located close to the new North Valleys Park where a Splash Park has recently opened for children. The Bungalows has a resort style lap pool for swimming and a full spa. A large gym with a variety of exercise equipment is open 24-hours a day with access via a electronic card. The Clubhouse has a convenient coffee/tea bar and business center where residents can work on computers with Wi-Fi access. The Bungalows is located at 9755 Silver Sky Parkway, Reno, NV 89509. More information about the community can be seen at or by calling (775) 870-1588. The Open House and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held June 6, 10 – 12 p.m. To RSVP call Christy Muniz at (775) 8255300, ex. 208.


June, July - 2014 Spring Rally, downtown Reno, call for events, (775) 329­7469 or www.road­ June 9 ­ 13 ­ Get Ready for Golf, Incline Village Golf

Courts, 5 Sessions, $125, robyn at (775) 832­1339 or June 10 ­ Health Wellness & You, Teglia’s Paradise Park, (Cont. page 28)

July 12 ­ Tahoe Treasures Tour with Tea and Tapas, 11 ­ 4 p.m., Castle on Lake Tahoe, $35, call (775) 843­0775 or June 2 ­3 ­ Farm and Tourism Workshop, Clark County Cooperative Extension, 8950 Paradise Rd., Ste. 100, Las Vegas, call (435) 797­0444, https://farmfoodtourismlv.ev June 5 ­ Reno Parks & Rec. Brunch and a Movie,

June 6 ­ Basic Computer Class, 10 ­ 11:30 a.m., Sierra View library, (775) 827­3232. June 7 ­ Farmers Market, Reno Village Center, Sat., California & Booth, 8 ­ 1 p.m., (775) 746­5024, www.shirleysfarmersmar­

Farm and Food Tourism workshop 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., June 2-3, Las Vegas

Eldorado Buffet and Century Riverside 12 Theaters, $20, call for location pickup, (775) 689­8484. June 6 ­ Arteitalia presents Dr. Eike Schmidt on Florentine Sculpture, 6 p.m., 442 Flint St.,Reno.

June 7 ­ Farmers Market, Carson City, 3rd. & Curry St., 8:30 ­ 1 p.m. June 7 ­ E­book Cafe, 11 ­ noon, Sierra View Library, (775) 827­3232. June 6 ­ 8 ­ Street Vibrations

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Calendar / page 27

Orthopedic Surgeon Rowlin L. Lichter, MD, knees, noon ­ 2 p.m., $.50 drop­in fee, (775) 356­3175. June 12, 19, 26 ­ Truckee Thursdays, Downtown Street Festival, Farmers Market, music, arts and crafts, 5 p.m. ­ 9 p.m., (530) 214­0734. June 14 ­ Summer Health Clinic, School of Medicine, 8 ­ 3 p.m., free student outreach, Family Medicine Center, UNR campus. June 15 ­ Nevada City Bicycle Classic, Nevada City, 54th anniversary, 2nd old­ est race in the nation, (530) 265­2692, or June 17 ­ Farmers Market Coupons, 9 ­ 12 p.m., first come, first serve, Neil Rd. Rec. Center, Teglia’s Paradise Park Activity Center, Evelyn Mount NE Community Center, 60­years­old, proof

of residency and income, (775) 334­2262. June 17, 24 ­ Casual Canasta, 12:30 ­ 3:30 p.m., $.25 drop­in fee; also Thursday, 12:30 ­ 3:30 p.m., Carson City Senior Center. June 18, 25 ­ Bridge, 1 ­ 4 p.m., Carson City Senior Center, $.50.

Reno Rodeo, Washoe County Fairgrounds,, June 19 - 28.

June 28 ­ AARP Driving Program, 9:30 ­ 2 p.m., Neil Rd. Rec. Center, $15 (AARP members), $20 non­members, call (775) 786­3509. June 30 ­ 2015 Aging in America Call for

Proposals deadline for March 23­27, 2015 Conference in Chicago. July 2 ­ Colin Ross presents a Western Concert, 6:30 ­ 8 p.m., Neil Rd. Rec. Center, $5, (775) 689­8484. July 7 ­ Barton Summer Reading Program, Incline Elementary School, need 10 volunteers to tutor summer reading program, contact Karen Schildge at kschildge@washoeschools. net/ July 10 ­ Ship’s Ahoy Mates, City of Reno, depart Neil Rd. Rec. Center, 11:30 a.m., registrater by June 25, Tahoe Queen, $60, call for departure locations, (775) 689­8484. July 13 ­ Oct. 3 ­ Sparks Adult Summer Softball League, 6:30 ­ 10 p.m., Mon.­ Fri., Golden Eagle Regional Park and Shadow Mountain Sports Complexes, call (775) 353­2385. July 18 ­ 19 ­ V.A. Ballet Theatre Presents the Rock Ballet Vortex, Robert Z. Hawkins Amphitheater at Bartley Ranch, 8:30 p.m., (775) 762­5165. July 19 ­ Summer Health Clinic, School of Medicine, 8 ­ 3 p.m., free student outreach, Family Medicine Center, UNR campus. July 26 ­ Terry Fator, 8 p.m.Silver Legacy, comedian, downtown, Reno.

28 • 2014 • June

BIGGEST little City

by Harry Spencer

Time Travel in Reno


eno’s illustrious Good Old Days (GOD) Club has been called the only vehicle extant capable of time travel. Members and visitors alike have been transported on varied trips to the past by a wide range of speakers over the past quarter-century. Pater familias of the GOD Club is media personality

Bob Carroll

Bob Carroll, who conceived the idea in a conversation with the late Don Dondero, the premier photog in this area. Bob’s idea was to gather up prominent newspapermen, media guys and PR Men from the Northern Nevada area to meet once a month and tell ‘off the

record’ stories that never saw the light of print. The original group was comprised of about 18 all-male individuals. Sessions were quite lively and there was a preponderance of salty language. This prevailed for a short period of time until word got out about the club and media personality, Betty Stoddard, was the first to break the gender line. Many others of the distaff side soon joined Betty at the monthly gatherings. I recall on one occasion, when our speaker, Joe Morrey showed up and said, “I didn’t know ladies would be present, so I can’t give the speech that I had planned for a bunch of guys”. I told him not to worry, that there was little or nothing that the women present had not heard. He said OK and gave one of the most rousing talks we ever received. At one point in time, the late attorney, Pete Echeverria, who was a regular attendee, noted the spicy stories that were delivered were too good (Biggest page 30)

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Biggest / page 29

not to be captured on tape. He offered to supply the equipment and pay all the costs involved. His idea was

put forth to the membership and was voted down because it was felt it would inhibit the speakers’ telling the more sensational bits of history.

Over the years there have many famous and entertaining people at the podium,

Howard Rosenberg


but none better than the speaker for this year’s May meeting at the Tamarack Junction Casino. His name is Howard Rosenberg, and he’s an Arts professor at UNR who specializes in motion picture studies. For his appearance last month, his subject was “Sophie Tucker, the last of the Red Hot Mamas”. The reason he had chosen her was the little-known fact that Sophie was his aunt. He regaled his audience with many hilarious stories of his travels and adventures with Sophie. One of the most interesting was his recounting of a trip to Las Vegas when he was a mere youngster from Boston.

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He arrived on campus at Nevada in 1966 and it was intriguing as to how he got here. He had been offered a teaching position at Harvard University as well as Nevada and he was interested in the tiny Reno facility because

they had advertised for a ‘radical professor’. To him, this seemed to be most intriguing but he was torn between that and his love of the East coast and his home town. Taking his dilemma to his father, who quickly solved it by flipping a coin and saying, “You better pack your bags”, Harvard’s loss was Nevada’s gain. It did not take Howard long to become one of the most respected film critics in the country. His expertise at communicating landed him a TV program, Trips to Hollywood, to preview pictures and show intimate interviews with many of Hollywood’s superstars. Two of those superstars who most influenced his career were Debbie Reynolds and Sophia Loren. In Reynolds’ case, she not only granted him many interviews during her live appearances here, but helped him understand the ins and outs of film-making and at one point made an appearance in his university class. As for Sophia, he had the opportunity to interview her in Hollywood, along with many other critics. And when it came his turn to go one-on-one, for the first time in his life he was rendered speechless. The GOD Club meets every third Friday at the Tamarack and the meetings are open to the public. June’s speaker is local basketball personality Ethan O’Bryant, former University star and of late a member of the fabulous Globe Trotters Team.

Eydie’s Excerpts

Tragedy on Ocean View Drive by Eydie & David Scher


June birthday announces its arrival. Sure, I’ll greet it. It’s been a tough couple on months for this writer. The story right now is ongoing. Look for updates as my health improves. Thanks for hanging along with me. A sad story lingers over my neighborhood. I’m just filling in some details and letting you know about the loss we encountered and

a very cohesive block. We are the party people or as the neighbor’s say, (Excerpts page 32)

Coleen and Gerry

how much she’ll be missed. The gawkers have stopped circling our cull du sac. The house sits empty and lonely in the tail of March sunshine. It was big news a couple of weeks ago. I’m pretty sure most of you heard about it since the media were represented for days on end. I don’t want to sensationalize what happened. I really don’t understand it. This is the saddest story I’ve ever written but these friends involved were wonderful people and I keep thinking about little things that made them so special to us, especially Colleen. All the facts may not be out yet. I'm just relating what I know. It’s seven years now that we’ve been living on Ocean View Drive. Many of our neighbors moved in around the same time we did. It’s

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the glue that keeps this neighborhood together. A few weeks ago, we had our annual Super Bowl Party and the entire neighborhood came. She brought fudge. When I met her sister, she said it was her recipe. He brought home made beer and home made root beer especially for me since I don’t drink beer. We met them about 1½ years ago when they bought the house 2 doors up from ours. It is the same model. The carpeting was removed throughout the house and replaced by beautiful tile. Now that was a good idea. He was in the military. She did not work right after moving but I do remember her often wearing a phone in her ear. It was a second marriage but 15 years together is a longtime. Her black silky hair was always so shiny. I had to ask what she does? It’s simple. She rinsed her hair with cold water so I tried it and it worked. His daughter lived with them. She used to attend West Point. Our neighbor, Casey, got her a waitress job and she enrolled in UNR. This is a hugging zone so every time we saw each other, we hugged. Colleen knew I didn’t always wear my hearing aids so she would ask if I was before jolting into a conversation. She was always volunteering to help us with anything and gave me recipes for our new crock-pot. She was one of the first to visit after David had his heart attack. Her smile lit up the neighborhood. Then there was Gerry. He liked being outside working on some project or other. He was a whiz at making his 32 • 2014 • June

own furniture. Our puppy Bella would rush to him whenever she saw him. Immediately she rolled over and enjoyed him scratching her tummy. He was like her best friend or close to it. Other people she would jump on but not Gerry. It was weird how she just rolled over when she saw him. Colleen loved Bella too. She used to refer to her as the neighbor’s puppy that came over and piddled on her driveway from being so excited to see her. We had to decline the first invite but not this one. A lazy Sunday morning led to the delicious scent of homemade waffles. Gerry was clearly good at this. The toppings alone enhanced the perfection. Homemade whipped cream, strawberries and other assorted toppings lay before us. This was a wow, moment. He served us but didn’t sit to join us. How fortunate we were that these remarkable people became our neighbors. I’m setting the scene for a warm wonderful and quiet neighborhood with no animosity among us. We’d all do anything for our block of friends without hesitation. This made the shock even greater. It was a Sunday in early March. Why were all those police cars parked out in front of Gerry and Colleen’s house? We hadn’t seen Colleen and Gerry for a few weeks and thought they must have been away. There was the flower delivery a few days

Police cars line our once quiet neighborhood in March.

earlier and that was odd. I wanted to ring the doorbell to see if they were okay but David dissuaded me. In the pitch darkness of a Monday morning, helicopters shined their lights on the enormous field across from our houses where we walked our dogs. Daybreak brought scores of police cars and news vans. It’s ironic that our neighbors, who were walking their dog, discovered Gerry. He had killed himself. Events were filtering out. Colleen had not been seen for weeks. None of could even imagine the worst scenario. Searches took place in the field of tumbleweeds and in their backyard. David and I heard rocks being moved behind their fence. David remarked that he must be doing a huge backyard project. Our next-door neighbor, also felt something unusual was going on next door. It was a Wednesday. Police vans lined the street even past our house. The police found Colleen buried in their backyard in an elaborate grave. Tears flooded the once serene neighborhood.

To us, they were both very friendly and nice but you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors and gates. We met the grieving family. How sad to meet such wonderful people on such an occasion. She will forever be in our collective memories. It’s appropriate to end June on a happy note. I call it Hats off to Horses and literally hats were competing with horses at the Kentucky Derby. Our son Eric and his wife Heidi had the extraordinary experience of being at this year’s Derby in person. Eric said to look for Heidi’s hat, a large pink polka dot one. Yeah, right! How many of those must be dotting the TV screen? Dressed in period attire on a picture perfect May day, they chose the winner, a California horse of course. In a flash, the race was over but the festivities lingered, beginning on the day before and lasting well in the evening of Race Day. Heidi grew up around horses so this was an especially delicious moment for her. Did you watch the Derby?

Recognition of Special Volunteers: Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion Program by Connie McMullen


pecial volunteers were honored for their service during the annual Seniors in Service Volunteer of the Year Recognition Luncheon held May 15, in Reno. Mary McGalliard and Ken Nielsen were awarded for their years of service to the Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion Program (FG/SCP) of Northern Nevada. McGalliard, an 86-year-old greatgrandmother, has being volunteering in the Foster Grandparent program for 25 years. Foster Grandparent, Coordinator, Sheri Brown said that whenever new volunteers enter the program “Mary takes them under her wings. They job shadow with her.” Brown said McGalliard touches more than children in the class. McGalliard volunteers at the Bernice Martin Mathews School, where she works with third graders. She loves her work and brightens up talking about it. “I love the kids,” she explained. “And they love her,” echoed sister Betty Munley. “It’s a plus, plus for everyone,” McGalliard said with a smile. McGalliard was given a pin and Volunteer of the Year award for her work as a Foster Grandparent. She is one of 120 grandparent volunteers working in the school district and other locations. Foster Grandparents volunteering in the schools do oneon-one tutoring and mentoring, read with groups of kids, help struggling high school students understand Algebra, and teach skills in playing games like chess. Foster Grandparents make special contributions in the lives of young children who may not have their own grandparent to share intergenerational experiences.

Muller said Nielsen, a young age 90, rides the bus to visit his clients. A retired Army paratrooper in the Pacific during WWII. Nielsen is also an accomplished artist who has taught art classes. He was awarded a plaque for being Volunteer Senior Companion of the Year.

Sheri Brown, Foster Grandparent Coordinator, gives Mary McGalliard a trophy and pin for 25 years of service.

Nielsen is one of 65 companion volunteers who work with 325 seniors, helping them remain independent. The average age of Senior Companions is 72, many contributing 30-40 hours of service per week. They “provide basic support to seniors over the age of 60 who live alone (or are in need of respite care), have limited access to outside resources, and who will benefit most from social support such as visiting, playing games, assisting with accessing supportive resources.”

To find out more about Seniors in Service programs, formerly the Elvirita Lewis Forum, call Mary Muller at Senior Companion Coordinator, Mary Muller awards Ken Nielsen, a (775) 358-2322 or visit plaque for Volunteer of the Year. 1380 Greg Street, Ste. 212, Sparks, NV 89431, www.seniorsinSenior Companion Ken Nielsen joined the program in 1996, volunteering 18 years in helping other seniors in need. Senior Companion Coordinator Mary June • 2014 • 33

RESOURCES • NEVADA INFORMATION.....................211 • Aging and Disability Services ........................................................688-2964 • ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION 1301 Cordone Ave, Suite 180, Reno........786-8061 • CARE CHEST 7910 N. Virginia Street, Reno.....................829-2273 • COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY, 1090 East 8th, Reno.........................................786-6023 • ELDER PROTECTIVE SERVICES ADSD.…................................................................688-2964 • FOOD BANK (TRUCK)....................331-3663 • FOSTER GRANDPARENt........358-2768 • HAWC CLINIC, 1055 S. Wells, Reno........................................................................329-6300 • MEDICATION MANAGEMENt, Sanford Center for Aging.............................784-1612 • NV STATE WELFARE.....................684-7200 • CENTER FOR INDEPendent LIVING, 999 Pyramid Way, Sparks......353-3599 • RTC ACCESS TRANSPORTATION Information.........................................................348-0477 • RENOWN MED. LOW INCOME CLINIC, 21 Locust, Reno..........................982-5270 • RSVP, Reno...................................................784-1807 • RSVP, Rural Counties Carson City..........................................................687-4680 • SANFORD CENTER FOR AGING, UNR........................................................................784-4774 • SENIOR COMPANION.................358-2322 • SENIOR Community Services Employment, AARP, 1135 Terminal Way, Reno........................................................................323-2243 Job Connect, Reno...........................................284-9600 Sparks....................................................................284-9520

34 • 2014 • June

• SENIOR LAW PROJECT....334-3050 • SENIOR OUTREACH SERVICES .........................................................................784-7506 • SENIOR SAMPLER (Assist. League) 1701 Vassar St., Reno...........................324-2003 • SHIP (State Health Ins. Adv. PGM) ...............................................................800-307-4444 • SilVER COLLEGE, 5270 Neil Rd., Reno…….....................................................829-9010 • Social Security 1170 Harvard Way, Reno..........888-808-5481 • Veteran’s REsource Center, 419 Plumb, Reno...........284-8387 • Veteran’s Benefits 5460 Corporate Drive, Reno....688-1653, X1

Seniors Outreach Service Remembrance Luncheon

Recognizes Volunteers and Extraordinary Service to Seniors


he Senior Outreach Services (SOS) program held its annual Volunteer Remembrance Luncheon on May 7, to acknowledge volunteers and extraordinary service in the community. Over 150 volunteers and community leaders attended the luncheon to celebrate and remember SOS volunteers who passed away during the previous year, and to celebrate the SOS volunteers who selflessly continue to support vulnerable elders in the community. Sina Ward, Director of the SOS Program said over 266 clients received service from 140 volunteers. SOS volunteers help frail elderly in the community age independently by providing companionship, trips to doctor’s offices, assistance with grocery shopping, and pharmacies. “SOS volunteers have provided over $539,000 in service to the frail. They’ve made a positive impact to the lives of seniors,” Ward said. Four volunteers were also recognized for their longevity in giving to the community. They were Robert Pollock, 93; Jean Lawson, 92; LaVerne Rice, 90; and Arlene Kelly, age 90. A Special Recognition Award was given to Julie Stage-Rosenberg, RDH, MPH, professor of the Dental Hygiene Program

at Truckee Meadows Community College. Rosenberg partnered with the Adopt a Vet Dental Program to service area veterans. Adopt a Vet Dental Program founders, Linda and Wayne Haigh, were given the

Extraordinary Service to Seniors Award for connecting lowincome veterans to free dental services and funding to offset (Service page 36)

LaVerne Rice presented commendations from Katie Pace, Sen. Heller, and Mary Skau, Sen. Reid, for service at 90.

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Service / page 35

emergency dental care. Since 2010, 210 dentist and specialist have provided $1 million worth of dental services to 385 veterans. Services provided ranged from infections to abscesses. “Many eat alone…they didn’t want to go out or have people see them,” Haigh said.

“Infection can go to the blood stream and create heart attack and stroke.” The Adopt a Vet Dental Program recently merged with the Community Health Alliance to meet more needs in the community. Sanford Center for Aging Director Sanford Center for Aging Director Peter Reed gives the Special Recognition Peter Reed Award to Julie Stage-Rosenberg, RDH, MPH, professor of the Dental Hygiene said the Program at Truckee Meadows Community College. luncheon, community. It is a positive event.” “Enhances the lives of seniors in our

State Health Insurance Assistance Program & Senior Medicare Patrol Recognition Luncheon

36 • 2014 • June

Volunteers of the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) were recognized April 15, in Reno for their service to the community. SHIP provides free, unbiased Medicare information and counseling through oneon-one assistance. The program can assist with Medicare Part D information and enrollment, appeals, and grievances. Since 2007, SHIP has helped over 16,000 in Northern Nevada. SMP educates seniors to protect their personal information, and detect and report health care fraud. Since 2012, SMP programs nationwide have recovered $10 million. SMP has served over 5,000 since partnering with Access to Healthcare.

this ‘n that

by Anne Vargas


ne of the best parts about traveling the way we do is the people we meet. Understandably, many of those encounters are short­ term “shipboard” relation­ ships but others continue due to the ease of email and some have cemented to the point of seeing one another again. A recent weekend trip to the Bay Area gave us the chance to visit some especially nice new friends, “the Silver” in that song. We spent a night in Los Gatos with a couple we met on our last cruise who insisted we visit. They have a unique and fascinating life they had been very modest about (I felt like Alice in Wonderland who fell through the Rabbit Hole to another world) but they made us feel very welcome in their enchanting home. From there we went to Carmel to visit a couple we met on another cruise nine years ago. We have estab­ lished a close relationship since then and see them several times a year, some­ thing we look forward to because they feel like old friends now. But the third night was special…a reunion with two couples who really are dear friends of old, and most assuredly “the Gold”.

We were all newlyweds when the six of us met in 1962, three young couples navigating together the newness of married life. There were fun­to­remem­ ber days of Tuna Casserole and Jello salad meals, of pooling food before payday and serving popcorn while we learned to play bridge for affordable entertain­ ment. There were other couples there too, and occa­ sionally someone would splurge and host a “Between the Sheets” party which is some sort of out­ landish drink that none of us remember how to make and can’t believe we drank but we felt very adult about it at the time. During those initial two years together the first (of the eventual seven between us) children were born and we support­ ed one another through childbirth, colic and Dr. Spock. Our husbands were all in the Army, two of them there for a brief two years while the third (mine) opted for a 30­year military career. While we were sub­ sequently wandering the world as military nomads, the other two men joined the corporate world, one on the east coast, one on the west. Despite the fact that (this ‘n that page 38) June • 2014 • 37

this ‘n that / page 37 our worlds were very differ­ ent and the friendships were geographically challenged, we managed to keep the flame alive. By the time we retired, both of the other couples were in the Bay Area so for many years after we moved to Reno we were able to easily & frequently get together and new tradi­ tions were established; the 4th of July house party at our house, ski weekends, New Year’s Eve. Those first babies and their mutual siblings grew up. We attended all the wed­ dings, rejoiced at the arrival of the grandchildren and shared the distress of a child’s divorce. Then one of the couples decided to move south, not across the coun­ try but too far away for din­ ner dates. We visited them, the other couple visited them, but the six of us had­ n’t been together for five years. Until last Saturday. Where had 52­years gone? So many memories, so much history, so much to catch up on. Each of the men has a life enriching hobby they are passionate about and we were all genuinely interest­ ed in hearing the details. Those seven children have endowed the group with thirteen grandchil­ dren so there was abundant bragging along with photos to see and stories to hear. Politics, of course, had to be covered but we are still pretty much on the same sheet of music. 38 • 2014 • June

Instead of eating tuna casse­ role, we had an exquisite meal prepared by Rich (our host) with fine wine and lots of laughter about the cur­ rent significant issues in our lives, our “maturing” bodies. And why not? We had sup­ ported one another through all sorts of “stuff” in other chapters of life, now we are supporting one another through the vagaries of arthritis, artificial limbs, slipped disks, hearing aides and cataracts. Opinions were voiced on the safest, most effective forms of exercise, the best walking shoes for aching backs, rec­ ommended doctors and which medications to take or avoid. What a great night. We unquestionably made anoth­ er memory to cherish along with the others, but with a few adjustments. Back in 1962, we would be at a disco around eleven p.m. and Rich would be winning the Limbo contest. Again. (Hard to realize any of us ever attempted to beat him!) At eleven p.m. last Saturday we were heading up the stairs to bed, agree­ ing that “Between the Sheets” now has a new, dif­ ferent, very welcome mean­ ing and we could hardly wait to get there.

June • 2014 • 39

Tinseltown talks By Nick Thomas

Norman Lloyd Still on the Ball

Photo: Turner Entertainment

Norman Lloyd admits he’s taking things a bit easy these days. This year, he currently has only one film waiting for release and he now plays just two tennis matches a week. Still, that’s not bad, considering the veteran actor, producer, and director (Cont. page 42) turns 100, later this year!

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Behind the scenes of Saboteur with Hitchcock and stars Priscilla Lane and Norman Lloyd.

“People are always asking me for the secret of long life,” said Mr. Lloyd from his home in Los Angeles. “Well, I have no secret and I suspect it’s partly luck. But I do know one thing. You’ve got to stay active as you get older. And tennis is a great way to do that. It helps to take away all the aches and pains.” One of Lloyd’s memorable singles opponents, whom he first met in the 1940s, was a

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childhood idol. “Charlie Chaplin loved tennis and I was invited to his home by a friend to play,” recalled Lloyd. “We became good friends, played regularly, and after would sit on his sun porch and drink a Scotch Old-Fashioned.” Off the courts, Lloyd appeared in some 40 films and numerous TV shows but was equally comfortable behind the camera as director or in the front office producing. “Alfred Hitchcock hired me to direct many of his weekly mystery shows,” said Lloyd, who also produced more than 200 episodes between 1957-1965. “I’ve been directing and producing since my early days in theater.” Lloyd and Hitchcock were no strangers on a train. The pair had worked previously on two films, “Spellbound” (1945) and “Saboteur” (1942). As a villain in “Saboteur,” Lloyd helped create a memorable Hitchcock sequence, staged from the lofty heights of the Statue of Liberty. “Hitchcock recreated the arm of the Statue from the elbow up to the torch at full scale, on a Universal Studios stage,” said Lloyd.

“The closest I got to the real Statue during filming was the base.” In a scene with Bob Cummings atop of the Statue’s torch platform, Cummings lunges at Lloyd with a gun. “Then I fall over the rail,” explained Lloyd. “Hitchcock was a master of ‘writing with the camera’ from his silent film days and wanted the scene in one take. So instead of cutting to a stuntman, he asked if I would do it. I was an accomplished tennis player at the time and quite athletic – not to mention being young and foolhardy – so I agreed to do a backflip over the rail!” Out of camera view, Lloyd says a platform had been constructed to catch him, but the stunt was still risky. “The platform was about 14’ high and covered with mattresses and a man was there to catch me and prevent me from rolling off. But in the scene, after I go over the rail, I grab onto a ledge and Bob tries to pull me up by my jacket, but the stitches begin to break and I fall. Hitchcock didn’t use any music in the scene, just the sound of wind which was

brilliantly effective.” On TV, Lloyd is best remembered as a regular in the groundbreaking 80s medical series “St. Elsewhere.” He played Dr. Daniel Auschlander in over 130 episodes during the show’s six year run. In addition to his accomplishments in entertainment and on the tennis court, Lloyd can claim one of the longest marriages in show business history – to stage actress Peggy Lloyd, who passed away in 2011. “A couple of days before Cast of St. Elsehere, Norman Lloyd, front row right. she died, she asked how long we had been married,” recalled to have a big tournament on my 100th Lloyd. “I told her 75-years and she said birthday,” he said. “Perhaps at that age ‘It should last!’ I thought that was they may forgive me if I cheat a little.” charming.” Nick Thomas ( teachAs his milestone birthday approaches at Auburn University at Montgomery, es in November, Lloyd knows exactly Ala., and has written features, columns, how Peggy would want him to celeand interviews for over 400 magazines and brate. “My tennis friends and I are going newspapers.

June • 2014 • 43


Robert Boyd & Carolyn Prusa

Old Crocker Inn, Cloverdale, CA


esponding on a whim to an email deal listed by a well-known travel company, we booked an extended Mother’s Day Weekend at the Old Crocker Inn B&B near Cloverdale, California. Our advice, don’t try to find it for the first time after dark. It is a few miles out of town off a narrow country road – one with more than its share of potholes - that hugs the mountain on one side and vineyards on the other. After about four miles, it’s another mile up the mountain to the B&B. The drive is very scenic but the ruts in the road will play havoc with the car if you don’t see them

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coming. The property has a history that goes back to the 1870s when Charles Crocker built it as a hunting lodge and retreat for his friends and business associates. Who was Charles Crocker, we wondered? A bit of research (via the internet) revealed Crocker (1822 –1888) as an American railroad tycoon who founded the Central Pacific Railroad - the company that constructed the westernmost portion of the first transcontinental railroad. And in that regard, we also discovered a local connection to Charles Crocker. As the story goes, in 1868 when the Central Pacific Railroad

reached the Truckee River at site of what is now Verdi, Nevada, Crocker pulled a slip of paper from a hat and read the name of Giuseppe Verdi. So, the town was named after the Italian opera composer. But we digress. After several different ownership changes, today the Crocker property is run as a B&B by Marcia and Tony Babb. Old Crocker Inn offers 5 lodge rooms and five cottage rooms or suites, each with private bath, gas fireplace, air-conditioning, cable television with DVD, and free wireless Internet throughout the inn. A full gourmet breakfast, cooked by Marcie, is included in the room rate. We stayed in the Asianthemed Canton Cottage. Although the lodge was fully booked, our stay was tranquil. Wild life is abundant on the lush mountain top. We were visited in the cool of the morning and again at dusk by deer. Most notably, the last evening of our stay a doe and two young fawns graced us with their presence. We were in awe of what we thought might be eagles soaring overhead, but were later identified as turkey vultures. The consummate scavenger, they are welcomed to the mountain, cleaning up the countryside one bite at a time. Our stay included side trips to nearby Cloverdale and to Guerneville where son Steve lives. The three of us enjoyed a drive along the meandering Russian River and tree-studded hills to Jenner where the river flows into the Pacific Ocean. Without a doubt, northern Sonoma County deserves high marks for its natural beauty.

Not to be missed is the Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve at Guerneville. We walked along the nature trail among the stately Sequoia sempervirens, otherwise known as the coast redwoods magnificent trees that live to be 500-1,000-years-old, grow to a diameter of 12-16 feet, and stand from 200-250 feet tall. The reserve includes a visitor center, amphitheater, nature trails, and picnic facilities. Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve 17000 Armstrong Woods Road Guerneville, CA 95446 Tel. 707-869-2015 Fax 707-869-5629. The Railroad Station Bar and Grill Speaking of restaurants, we had a tasty meal at Cloverdale’s locally owned Railroad Station Bar and Grill. As is the trend these days, the eatery takes pride in using ingredients grown locally and preparing their dishes from scratch. The restaurant has a respectable wine list and full bar. The Railroad Station Bar and Grill 236 S Cloverdale Blvd. Cloverdale, CA 95425 707-894-4779 Should you decide to visit The Old Crocker Inn B&B, we hope you enjoy your stay as much as we did. The Old Crocker Inn B&B, 1126 Old Crocker Inn Rd, Cloverdale, CA 95425 707-894-4000; 800-716-2007

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by Harry Spencer


t is always a pleasure to review a floorshow at the Eldorado Showroom in downtown Reno. Part of that pleasure comes from the unique retro construction of the room itself. The gently sloping configuration ensures there is not a bad seat in the house. In addition to the resemblance to the theatres of the past, the Eldorado room features state of the art acoustics and special effects lighting. Sort of like the perfect setting you select for the diamond of your choice, and that diamond is what appears on the stage itself. In the present case the show is called "Dance Inferno". This production transports the viewer to the exciting and electrifying Disco Era of the '70s and 80s. For me it was a nostalgic experience because during that time the Mapes Skyroom was transmogrified into a true Disco room. Egg crates covered the floor to ceiling windows and were painted in various shades of fluorescent colors. Two cages were placed, one on each side of the stage, that contained a scantily clad Disco dancer. The room was equipped with black lighting and strobes along with 46 • 2014 • June

the still iconic Disco ball. Getting back to the present, this non stop party at the Eldorado features a dynamic cast of 20 talented singers

and dancers decked out in glittering costumes, performing dazzling choreography to 25 chart toppers. They include ABBA's biggest hits, as well as classics from the BeeGees, Stevie Wonder, Whitney Houston, Gloria Estefan, Village People and more. Some of the most memorable songs are Dancing Queen, Stayin' Alive, Celebration, I Will Survive, Car Wash, Disco Inferno, YMCA and Macho Man. Feel the heat of "Dance Inferno" in the Eldorado Showroom through August 10th. Tickets start at $24.95 with dinner and show packages available from $38.95. Performances are Tuesday through Sunday at 7 p.m. with an additional 9:30 p.m. showing on Saturday nights. For more information on show times and tickets call 800-648-5966 or visit

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